D. Federico Co., Inc. (Debtor) and U.S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co. v. New Bedford Redevelopment Authority, 723 F.2d 122, 1st Cir. (1983)

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723 F.

2d 122

D. FEDERICO CO., INC. (Debtor) and U.S. Fidelity and

Guaranty Co., Plaintiffs, Appellees,
Defendants, Appellants.
No. 83-1055.

United States Court of Appeals,

First Circuit.
Argued June 9, 1983.
Decided Nov. 10, 1983.

Raymond A. Letourneau, New Bedford, Mass., for defendants, appellants.

Edward Kutchin, Boston, Mass., with whom Kline & Gordon, Boston, Mass.,
was on brief, for plaintiffs, appellees.

Before CAMPBELL, Chief Judge, BOWNES, Circuit Judge, and

TORRUELLA,* District Judge.

TORRUELLA, District Judge.

This is a direct appeal by defendants New Bedford Redevelopment Authority

and the City of New Bedford (hereinafter "Authority") from findings of fact,
rulings of law and denial of a motion for a new trial made by the United States
Bankruptcy Court for the District of Massachusetts.1 At issue in this action is
the performance of Contract No. 5 of the South Terminal Urban Renewal
Project, a contract awarded by the Authority to plaintiff-appellee D. Federico
Company, Inc. (hereinafter "Federico" or "the Contractor") for the construction
of two earth-filled bulkhead piers known as Homer's Wharf and Leonard's

The controversy primarily arose from extensive, extra work made necessary by
an inadequate description of the material to be excavated in the preparation of
the work site. The Authority maintained that its notice was adequate and that it
advised the bidders to carefully examine the area for themselves in order to

determine the extent of the work to be done. Federico argued that since the
Authority had in its possession a detailed engineering report describing the
obstructions which were eventually encountered, it misled the contractors by its
failure to inform them of the existence of the report or to include in the
description information summarized from the report.

From this core controversy flowed thirteen issues in the complaint, various
counterclaims, and two2 well reasoned, carefully detailed and documented
opinions handed down by the bankruptcy court. The court found that the
contractor was less than prudent in his cursory examination of the work site and
that there was no breach of warranty or misrepresentation. It also found that the
Authority had important information which it did not convey to bidders, that
this information would have greatly assisted bidders in the preparation of their
bids and that its notification could have been easily accomplished. Under these
circumstances, the court held that the Authority should not expect to receive
the benefit of this substantial additional work without compensation to the
performing party merely because the contractor was less than conscientious in
discovering the undisclosed problem. Citing Bloomgarden v. Coyer, 479 F.2d
201 (D.C.Cir.1973), the Judge imposed compensation based on the theory of
unjust enrichment. Because of Federico's own imprudence, the Judge also held
that equity required the contractor to absorb all expenses that would have been
avoidable had it been conscientious in the inspection made prior to bidding on
the contract. These findings set the tone for the rest of the trial court's decision.

The Authority immediately contested the trial court's application of the

equitable theory of unjust enrichment to an action at law. Appellant cites
Spector v. Loreck, 342 Mass. 685, 175 N.E.2d 262, 264 (1961), among others,
to support its contention that where there is an adequate remedy at law, the
plaintiff and the court cannot resort to equity. Appellant points out in its brief
that the court found that the Authority did not breach any warranty or contract.
While it mentions the contractor's failure to perform an adequate on-site
investigation as required by the bid documents, the Authority neglects to
mention its own imprudence in failing to include important, relevant
information in said documents. When the government agency is in possession
of information pertinent to construction work to be performed under a contract,
there is a duty to fully disclose and furnish to the contractor the facts of which
the agency has knowledge. Wm. A. Smith Contracting Co. v. United States,
412 F.2d 1325, 1338, 188 Ct.Cl. 1062 (1969); Leal v. United States, 276 F.2d
378, 383, 149 Ct.Cl. 451 (1960). See also Hardeman-Monier-Hutcherson v.
United States, 458 F.2d 1364, 198 Ct.Cl. 472 (1972). Appellant possessed the
Goodkind & O'Dea Engineering Report which would have alerted Federico to
the probable presence of concrete piles and to the fact that this excavation was

anomalous in comparison to others he had done in the area. It would have made
him aware of the need for a more careful inspection of the area.
9 the event of failure to disclose available information which has the effect of
misleading a government contractor with respect to conditions existing in the
construction area, the contractor is entitled to equitable adjustment under the
'changed conditions' clause of the construction contract." 3
(emphasis supplied).
Wm. Smith, supra, 412 F.2d at 1338.

Although Federico did not specifically plead the theory of unjust enrichment,
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 15(b), incorporated by reference into Rule 715
of the Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, provides that when issues not raised by
the pleadings are tried by express or implied consent of the parties, they shall
be treated in all respects as if they had been raised in the pleadings. Rule 15(b)
has rejected any concept that such amendments to conform with the evidence
are barred if they result in a change of the Plaintiff's cause of action. The fact
that it involves a change in the nature of the cause of action, or the legal theory
of the action, is immaterial so long as the opposing party has not been
prejudiced in presenting its case. See 3 Moore's Federal Practice Sec. 51.13 (2d
ed. 1976).


Likewise, Bankruptcy Rule 754 indicates that Fed.R.Civ.P. 54(c) applies in

related adversary proceedings and it permits the trial court to grant relief to
which a prevailing party is entitled even though unrequested in the pleadings.
United Roasters, Inc. v. Colgate-Palmolive Co., 649 F.2d 985 (4th Cir.1981),
cert. denied, 454 U.S. 1054, 102 S.Ct. 599, 70 L.Ed.2d 590. See also Consove
v. Cohen (In re Roco Corp.), 701 F.2d 978 (1st Cir.1983).


Of the fifteen remaining issues on appeal, many of them either turn upon facts
of the case or are based upon the argument that the evidence in the record is
insufficient to support the trial court's findings of fact. In reviewing the decision
of a court sitting without jury the test is not whether there can be found
"substantial evidence" supporting the conclusion. Burgess v. M/V Tamano, 564
F.2d 964, 976 (1st Cir.1977), cert. denied, 435 U.S. 941, 98 S.Ct. 1520, 55
L.Ed.2d 537; Case v. Morrisette, 475 F.2d 1300, 1307 n. 35 (D.C.Cir.1973).
Rather, the question is whether on the record as a whole the appellate court
views the conclusion as clearly erroneous, viz., "when although there is
evidence to support it, the reviewing court on the entire evidence is left with the
definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been committed." Burgess,

supra, at 977; United States v. United States Gypsum Co., 333 U.S. 364, 68
S.Ct. 525, 92 L.Ed. 746 (1948). Rule 16 of the First Circuit Rules Governing
Appeals from Bankruptcy Judges to District Courts, Appellate Panels and Court
of Appeals, (effective March 1, 1980), clearly supports this standard of review:
The appellate court shall accept the bankruptcy judge's findings of fact unless
they are clearly erroneous, and shall give due regard to the opportunity of the
bankruptcy judge to pass upon the credibility of witnesses.

In reviewing the lower court's findings, we must presume regularity and give
due regard to the trial judge's proximity to the situation. Berrios Rivera v.
British Ropes, Ltd., 575 F.2d 966, 969 (1st Cir.1978).


The Authority argues that Federico failed to follow the contract provisions as
they pertain to extra work, and is, therefore, precluded from recovery. The
Authority bases this alleged error on the incorrect assumption that the Trial
Court found Federico had failed to adhere to the contractual or statutory
procedures. No such finding was made in either of the opinions. Section 110 of
the contract and Mass.Gen.Laws ch. 30, Sec. 39N require that the contractor
give notice in writing as soon as possible after the discovery of subsurface
physical conditions substantially or materially different from those in the


The record shows that the underwater obstructions were encountered at

Homer's Wharf in September 1975, at which time the contractor notified the
engineers employed by the Authority. From that time until June, 1976, both
parties were in constant communication in an effort to determine the exact
identity, location, and character of the obstructions. Minutes of Authority
meetings during this period admitted as evidence reflect its awareness of the
problem and its involvement in discussions on the subject. As soon as Federico
determined the exact character of the obstructions, it filed a written notice that
the problem was beyond the scope of anticipated conditions and further
requested instructions on how to proceed. Federico's notice to the Authority
cannot be characterized as inadequate, so recovery is not precluded on this


According to the Appellant, the Court erred in finding substantial completion.

Under Mass.Gen.Laws ch. 30, Sec. 39G, substantial completion shall mean
"either that the work required by the contract has been completed except for
work having a contract price of less than one per cent of the then adjusted total
contract price, or substantially all of the work has been completed and open to
public use except for minor incomplete or unsatisfactory work items that do not
materially impair the usefulness of the work required by the contract."


Testimony received from the Authority's own engineers verified that Federico
completed its work on the project by December, 1978. The Authority's own
project report dated December 4, 1978 revealed that the project would be 100%
complete pending removal of material in front of an outfall sewer. Of four
items asserted by the Authority as remaining to be performed as of December
12, 1978, one was withdrawn by counsel at trial. Testimony reveals that another
item was in fact performed and that the third item actually concerned an
insurance claim covered by the contract. Only one item, coating of bolts with
epoxy, remained to be done, according to the testimony of the Authority's
engineer, Mr. Noyer. The court found the value of this work to be $13,039.69.
On a contract of over $3,700,715.00, the amount originally bid before the
unexpected costs were adjusted, the value of the work outstanding is much less
than 1% of the total cost. With the value of the completed work at over 99% of
the contract price, by the statutory definition, the Court's finding of substantial
completion was not in error.


The Authority contests that the evidence in the record is insufficient to support
the trial court's finding that Federico is entitled to be paid the contract price for
the maintenance and protection of pedestrian and vehicular traffic ("MTP")
during the reconstruction of the piers. Appellant's brief would have us believe
that this line item of work, No. 34, for which $140,000 was bid, was agreed to
be done gratuitously. Closely enmeshed with this issue is a challenge to the
finding by the Court, in footnote 6 of the opinion on liability, that the price of
steel exceeded the original bid price for foreign steel by more than $140,000.
Testimony in the record reveals the following:


Although Federico's total bid for the contract was the lowest, it still greatly
exceeded the price anticipated by the Authority. Before the contract was finally
signed, Federico, the Authority and its designers discussed possible ways of
reducing the cost of the project.


One way decided upon to reduce costs was to use domestic steel which at that
moment was less expensive than the foreign steel price quoted by Federico in
his bid. The price of the domestic steel, which was not guaranteed, plus the cost
of transporting it to the work site would be $140,000 less than the guaranteed
price of the foreign steel. In order to avoid following the procedure required to
amend the contract, and to simultaneously protect Federico from having to bear
the risk of future price increases in domestic steel, the parties reached an oral
agreement: Federico would buy its steel from U.S. Steel and the savings
realized would cover the cost of MTP. If the price of U.S. Steel did not
increase, payment for the MTP line item would be waived.4


The trial court judge concluded that both parties entered this "understanding"
and chose to ignore the proper procedure because otherwise these substantial
changes would have required a new bid under state statute. Citing Datatrol, Inc.
v. State Purchasing Agent, 379 Mass. 679, 400 N.E.2d 1218, 1228 (1980), and
a line of cases that discuss the importance of strict and undeviating compliance
with public competitive bidding statutes, the court held that the contract as it
relates to these two areas should be enforced as written. The line of reasoning
proposed by the judge indicates that this decision was based on the invalidity of
the oral waiver, the product of an improper shortcut. We, therefore, believe the
trial court's finding as to the price of steel is dicta. While it indicates to the
parties that the outcome relative to the oral agreement would have been the
same had the court enforced it, it is not necessary to, nor considered in, the
judge's decision. At most, it is a harmless error.


Because we are upholding the trial court's treatment of the MTP price of steel
oral waiver, appellant urges that we void all other oral changes made by the
parties to the contract. The difficulty with this argument is that nowhere in the
record does there appear any reference to a controversy over other oral waivers
and/or deletions of line items. We will not ordinarily consider on appeal an
issue not urged upon or considered by the trial court. Furtado v. Bishop, 604
F.2d 80, 87 (1st Cir.1979), cert. denied, 444 U.S. 1035, 100 S.Ct. 710, 62
L.Ed.2d 672; Johnston v. Holiday Inns, Inc., 595 F.2d 890, 894 (1st Cir.1979);
Dobb v. Baker, 505 F.2d 1041, 1044 (1st Cir.1974). We see no reason for doing
so in this case.


The Appellant, in another issue, contests the court's calculation of 111 days of
excusable delay for Federico's having to remove 57,000 cubic yards more of
underwater material than was initially anticipated. The bid documents, at Line
item No. 47, estimated that 3,000 cubic yards of underwater material would be
removed. The evidence showed that the quantity ultimately removed was
61,398 cubic yards, more than 20 times what was originally anticipated. The
original contract completion date was extended from November 24, 1975 to
October 30, 1976. The Authority argues that because the record shows that by
this extended date 48,588 of the approximately 57,000 cubic yards in excess
had already been excavated, the most that can be allowed for excusable delay is
the time needed to excavate the remaining 8,412 cubic yards. Counsel's
reasoning is not logical, however. He has not considered in his calculation those
tasks entailed in the reconstruction which could not be done until the
excavation was completed. One must include this post excavation work which
was not accomplished by the October 30th deadline, due to the extensive
unanticipated excavation performed before that date. The trial court has
minutely detailed its calculation and carefully excluded as unexcusable that

delay which it determined to already be covered by the extension of the

deadline. We believe its findings are justified.

The Authority also challenges the court's allowance of 45 days of excusable

delay for problems encountered in the driving of steel sheeting. The contract
specification required that the contractor obtain the services of a diver to
inspect the area immediately prior to pile driving. Testimony by Federico's
witness, Mr. Capocefelo, attempts to justify its failure to do so on the grounds
that six years accumulation of silt would have rendered the obstructions
invisible. According to the opinion,5 Federico requested as much as six months
excusable delay for this work, but the court found this figure inadequately
supported by the evidence. Recognizing the difficulties caused by obstructions,
and taking into consideration extra time required for removing and redriving
the steel sheeting, the court allowed only 45 days. The record shows that the
decision to continue driving once the obstructions were discovered was made
jointly by Federico and the Authority's engineers. In light of this, we find that
the trial court's evaluation is reasonable.


The bankruptcy court further concluded that, as a matter of equity and in the
context of this case where each party had acted imprudently, the appropriate
measure of damages for removing the concrete piles and anything so entwined
as to have become a part of the piles,6 would be what a reasonable bidder would
have bid on this item. The Authority now objects to this method for awarding


In attempting to resolve this issue, Judge Lavien, as he states in his opinion,

first tried to use another standard. He found, however, that the bids solicited
from the parties to determine the damages "reflected an air of complete
unreality in either grandiose labor cadres or totally inadequate personnel. Each
side in its cross-examination effectively demonstrated the lack of reality
surrounding the estimates and the underlying concepts." He therefore chose to
use as a basis a term which could be more equitably determined, based upon the
ample evidence presented in the trial. Where parties to a contract have not
agreed to a term which is essential to the determination of their rights and
duties, a term which is reasonable in the circumstances will be supplied by the
court. Fay, Spofford & Thorndike, Inc. v. Massachusetts Port Authority, 7
Mass.App. 336, 387 N.E.2d 206, 210 (1979). Cf. Wes-Julian Construction
Corporation v. Commonwealth, 351 Mass. 588, 223 N.E.2d 72, 79 (1967). We
also point out that the Authority's counsel consented to the theory of a
reasonable bid on a separate line item, as finally used by the trial court.7


The rule is well recognized that an objection must be made in the trial court to

reserve a question for review on appeal. A litigant may not, speculating on a

verdict without making an objection, keep silent while matters are transpiring
in the trial court and then put the trial judge in error by assigning error in the
appellate court in respect of them, except, of course, in a case, which this is not,
of plainly prejudicial error. Ford v. United Gas Corporation, 254 F.2d 817 (5th
Cir.1958), cert. denied, 358 U.S. 824, 79 S.Ct. 40, 3 L.Ed.2d 64 (1958). This
assignment of error is thus rejected.

Another error alleged by the Appellant attacks Count III of Federico's

complaint as being defective and precluding final payment. The Authority
complains that Federico claims substantial completion and not full
performance. The general rule is that a party who has substantially complied
with his contract is entitled to recover the contract price, with deductions for
any defects or incompletions. Stanley Consultants, Inc. v. H. Kalicak Const.
Co., 383 F.Supp. 315 (D.C.Mo.1974). We find that Rules 54(c) and 15(b), as
previously discussed, are also applicable here. In addition, the award of
$252,457.52 to Federico which the Authority would have us reverse was
stipulated by the parties.8


The Authority claims that the Court erred in denying its motion for new trial.
An order denying a motion for a new trial is not open to review on appeal
unless it appears that in denying the motion, the trial court abused its discretion.
Nimrod v. Sylvester, 369 F.2d 870, 873 (1st Cir.1966); Bunch v. United States,
680 F.2d 1271, 1282 (9th Cir.1982). Authority's counsel raises the issue of
"new information" found in the transcript of a pre-trial conference held on April
21, 1981, a conference at which he was present, as the basis for his motion.
Counsel still considered this evidence "new" enough to be brought in his
motion filed twenty months later. To constitute newly discovered evidence for
which a new trial may be granted under Rule 59, the evidence must not have
been known to the movant at the time of the trial; moreover, this lack of
knowledge must have been excusable. See 6A Moore's Federal Practice, Sec.
59.08 (2d ed. 1976). We do not believe that information presented at a
conference in which appellant's attorney was a participant can qualify as newly
discovered as previously defined. When counsel quotes himself as part of the
passage cited in support of his motion, it is difficult to understand how such
ignorance could be alleged to have been excusable. In denying a motion for a
new trial, the judge said that this matter has been raised and ruled upon at least
twice before; that matters in the transcript could hardly qualify as being newly
discovered--that nothing presented required a new trial. Our perusal of the
record leaves us with the same impression. We do not find an abuse of
discretion by the lower court judge in denying appellant's motion.


The Authority claims that the proper measure of damages recoverable against
the contractor for failure to install washers on bolts used in the steel sheeting of
the piers is the reasonable cost of obtaining full performance. The bankruptcy
court allowed damages for repairing the defective work. A review of the record
shows expert testimony about the ways in which the missing washers could be
placed on the bolts: Federico's witness recommended a permanent approach
which would retain the integrity of the pier, achieve the same effect as if the
washers had originally been installed, and could be performed at a reasonable
cost. The Authority insists that the only adequate remedy would be to reexcavate the area, remove the bolts and then put the washers in place. To
accomplish the task in the manner advanced by the Authority and, at the same
time, avoid damage to the entire structure is tantamount to asking that the pier
be re-excavated with a pick and shovel.


For defective or unfinished construction, appellant can get judgment for "...(1)
the reasonable cost of the construction and completion in accordance with the
contract, if this is possible and does not involve unreasonable economic waste."
Ficara v. Belleau, 331 Mass. 80, 117 N.E.2d 287 (1954) (emphasis supplied).
See also Louise Carolina Nursing Home, Inc. v. Dix Construction Corp., 362
Mass. 306, 285 N.E.2d 904 (1972).


We find that since both experts agreed upon the purpose of the washers, and
since the process suggested by Federico's witness would be 99% as effective as
that proposed by the Authority, we must conclude that the trial court chose the
correct basis on which to determine the cost of installing the washers.


The appellant asks us to review the bankruptcy court's denial of damages in

Counts IV and VI through IX of its counterclaim. The court based its denial
primarily on the issue of timeliness. In citing the contractual provision of the
General Specifications, the court emphasized:


"...The Contractor shall promptly remedy any defects in the work and pay for
any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within a
period of 12 months from the date of final acceptance of the work. The Local
Public Agency will give notice of defective materials and work with reasonable


Finding that the alleged problems were discovered a minimum of two years
after the date of substantial completion,10 the court barred this part of the


Appellant argues that the guaranty clause binds Federico contractually to repair
any defects brought to his attention within the twelve month period; that it does
not say that the plaintiff is absolved from legal action during the six year
statute of limitations. We agree. However, the Authority did not notify Federico
of the existence of the defects within the twelve-month period. Having failed to
perform a final inspection that would have revealed the patent defects of which
they now complain, the Authority cannot maintain that it gave the contractor
the reasonable notice required by the Guaranty Clause. Cf. Point Adams
Packing Co. v. Astoria Marine Construction Co., 594 F.2d 763 (9th Cir.1979).
Likewise, having accidentally discovered further damage nearly two years
later, the Authority does not, as it cannot, allege that this damage specifically
occurred within the twelve-month warranty. Federico was not an unlimited
guarantor of all potential and future problems. All things must come to a
reasonable end and that is what is contemplated by Mass.Gen.Laws ch. 30, Sec.
39G. In Re D. Federico Co., 8 B.R. 888, 901 (Bkrtcy.D.Mass.1981).


Insofar as the counterclaims dealt with failure to perform, we believe that the
trial court has allowed the appropriate damages.


Issue is taken by the Appellant for the bankruptcy court's allowance of

recovery on the contract for MTP. Quoting out of context of the liability
opinion, the Authority's counsel emphasizes the phrase "would not have been
substantial", in an effort to rehash the already tired issue of substantial
completion versus full performance. In its context, we believe that the judge
was referring to the magnitude of MTP in light of the whole project, not to the
quantity of work yet to be performed on that item. As evidenced in the bid
documents, and pointed out in the opinion, this was a lump sum item. That is,
payment was not based on a price per unit performed. Rather, the price was
quoted as a whole, regardless of how much work and/or cost was finally
invested by the contractor in the performance of that item. That the original
MTP was performed is not challenged. The judge has included a 40% mark up
for indirect costs in calculating the damages for the various remedial tasks to be
done, e.g. placing patches over the bold holes and installing the four inch
square washers. Any additional cost for MTP during the remedial work has no
doubt been taken into account on that mark-up. We, therefore, agree with the
trial court that, having performed accordingly the MTP, Federico must be paid
the contract price for that item.


For more than two years the bankruptcy court has had an intimate working
knowledge of the complicated matters involved in this action. It has carefully
explained its reasoning and has provided substantial foundation for its findings

and rulings. We believe that its decisions accurately reflect the record as a
whole. They are, therefore, AFFIRMED.

Of the District of Puerto Rico, sitting by designation

In light of the Supreme Court's decision in Northern Pipeline Construction Co.

v. Marathon Pipe Line Co., 458 U.S. 50, 102 S.Ct. 2858, 73 L.Ed.2d 598
(1982), the Authority has challenged the jurisdiction of the bankruptcy court to
hear this case. It suffices to say that final judgment herein was entered on
December 13, 1982, eleven days prior to the date on which the Marathon
decision became effective

By agreement, the trial was bifurcated. The court issued its opinion on liability
in December, 1981, 16 B.R. 282. Findings and Rulings on Damages were
handed down on November 23, 1982, 25 B.R. 822

The bid documents contain the following:

c. Any discrepancies which may be discovered between actual conditions and
those represented by the Drawings and Maps shall at once be reported...
d. If on the basis of the available evidence the Local Public Agency, determines
that an adjustment of the Contract price and/or Time is justified, the procedure
shall then be as provided in Section--CHANGES IN THE WORK under
Mass.Gen.Laws ch. 30 in its relevant part states:
"Sec. 39N. Construction contracts; equitable adjustment in contract price for
differing subsurface or latent physical conditions
Every contract ... shall contain the following paragraph in its entirety and an
awarding authority may adopt reasonable rules or regulations in conformity
with that paragraph concerning the filing, investigation and settlement of such
If, during the progress of the work, the contractor or the awarding authority
discovers that the actual subsurface or latent physical conditions encountered at
the site differ substantially or materially from those shown on the plans or
indicated in the contract documents either the contractor or the contracting
authority may request an equitable adjustment in the contract price of the

contract applying to work affected by the differing site conditions. A request

for such an adjustment shall be in writing and shall be delivered by the party
making such claim to the other party as soon as possible after such conditions
are discovered. Upon receipt of such a claim from a contractor, or upon its own
initiative, the contracting authority shall make an investigation of such physical
conditions, and, if they differ substantially or materially from those shown on
the plans or indicated in the contract documents or from those ordinarily
encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character
provided for in the plans and contract documents and are of such a nature as to
cause an increase or decrease in the cost of performance of the work or a
change in the construction methods required for the performance of the work
which results in an increase or decrease in the cost of the work, the contracting
authority shall make an equitable adjustment in the contract price and the
contract shall be modified in writing accordingly."

Appellant's counsel argues in his brief that payment of MTP (Line item # 34)
was waived, that there was no inter-relationship between that and the price of
steel. We refer him to the testimony at Tr. 1-62:
"U.S. Steel was not F.O.B. the job site. It was F.O.B. the mill. They did not
include delivered price... I told the Authority I would give them a $140,000
credit ... and the $140,000 credit that we carried in the item of traffic and
protection... So it was decided that rather than write a lengthy change order ...
we would eliminate this item ... we would perform it, but we would not get paid
for it because the savings in steel would be transferred into maintenance and
protection of traffic. (Emphasis supplied).

The record on appeal does not contain these excerpts from the transcript

It was the unanticipated discovery of these pilings, some weighing up to six

tons, among the underwater material that caused the core controversy and most
of the problems that followed. The bid specifications listed silt, mud, grave,
concrete, timber and miscellaneous as materials below the water line subject to

Transcript 14-111, lines 14-24, reveal:

"The Court:
Whatever, why isn't the simplest way of handling that problem that is fair to
both of you to, after all the evidence is in, have me decide what the fair value or
price or cost would be for removing the Raymond Concrete pile and/or

anything that was entangled with it, determine how many cubic yards of that I
felt were removed, and multiply one rate by the other, and that would be the
amount for that item?
Mr. LeTorneau:
I have no objections to that at all." (Emphasis supplied).

Transcript, at 10-4:
"Mr. Kutchin:
... So that the total of the amounts, ... just these items, $252,457.32. My brother
and I have agreed that these items were approved by the Authority and would
be awarded to the contractor, and are being withheld by the Authority."
(emphasis supplied).

Bid specifications Section 132


The record and appellant's brief show that in January, 1981, a diver doing other
work for the Authority noticed the defects and damages claimed


We support the trial court's use of the date of substantial completion as the date
from which the 12 month period begins to run. A public agency cannot thwart
the policy of Mass.Gen.Laws ch. 30, Sec. 39G by the simple expedient of
failing to obtain, or withholding, a stamp of approval. D. Federico Co. v. New
Bedford Redevelopment Authority, 9 Mass.App. 141, 399 N.E.2d 1103, 1106

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