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780 F.

2d 166


Plaintiffs, Appellants,
Antone B. CRUZ, Jr., Paul Mathieu, Francis O. Quinn, Chester
L. Rymszewicz, and Normand Maranda, as they constitute the
New Bedford Housing Authority, Ralph E. Moore, as he is the
Superintendent of Buildings of the City of New Bedford, a
municipal corporation, and the United States of America
Department of Housing and Urban Development, Defendants,
Nos. 85-1388, 85-1480.

United States Court of Appeals,

First Circuit.
Argued Oct. 10, 1985.
Decided Jan. 2, 1986.

David L. Goodhue, Boston, Mass., for appellants.

Richard Welch, III, Boston, Mass., Philip N. Beauregard, Fairhaven,
Mass., John Letourneau, New Bedford, Mass., for appellees.
Before BREYER and TORRUELLA, Circuit Judges, and HILL,* District
TORRUELLA, Circuit Judge.

These appeals arise from the dismissal for lack of prosecution of a twelve year
old law suit. The appellant United States Investment and Development
Corporation ("USIDC") is a private developer who entered an agreement to
build a federally-funded housing project in New Bedford, Massachusetts. When
the city of New Bedford refused to issue the necessary building permit, USIDC
filed a suit in equity seeking declaratory and injunctive relief that would enable

it to continue with the project. The complaint, filed in May, 1973, named as
defendants Ralph Moore, Superintendent of Buildings of the City of New
Bedford ("Moore"); the City itself; the United States Department of Housing
and Urban Development ("HUD"); and individual members of the New
Bedford Housing Authority. The complaint did not specifically name as a
defendant the Housing Authority itself; however, USIDC's prayer sought
judgment against the Housing Authority.

In May 1975, the Bristol Superior Court dismissed from the suit the individual
members of the Housing Authority. Three years later in 1978, USIDC filed a
motion to amend the complaint. The amended complaint sought to add many
new facts as well as new causes of action for breach of contract and money
damages. Moreover, the motion to amend the complaint sought to rename as
defendants the Housing Authority's members. The motion was denied.

In October 1984, in its second motion to amend before the Bristol Superior
Court, USIDC for the first time attempted to add the Housing Authority itself as
a defendant. USIDC also repeated its 1974 tactic of attempting to add new facts
and new causes of action, both for breach of contract and sounding in tort. This
second motion to amend had not been adjudicated when the case was
subsequently removed to federal court at HUD's request. It was after such
removal that, on January 30, 1985, the federal district court denied the motion
to amend.

On March 27, 1985, a hearing was held on HUD's motions to dismiss and for
summary judgment, and also, on a motion by the Housing Authority for final
judgment.1 In a bench ruling, the court granted HUD's motion to dismiss on
dual grounds of failure to state a cause of action and failure to prosecute, and
granted the Housing Authority's motion for final judgment. On June 11, 1985,
the court granted the motions to dismiss the two remaining defendants, Moore
and the City of New Bedford, for failure to prosecute. USIDC seeks review of
these orders.

The appellant's first claim of error is that the district court abused its discretion
in denying USIDC's motion to amend filed in October of 1984. The district
court clearly has broad discretion in ruling on a motion to amend the pleadings.
Zenith Radio Corp. v. Hazeltine Research, Inc., 401 U.S. 321, 330, 91 S.Ct.
795, 802, 28 L.Ed.2d 77 (1971); Johnston v. Holiday Inns, Inc., 595 F.2d 890,
896 (1st Cir.1979). The federal rules specify that such discretion should be
exercised in favor of allowing amendment "when justice so requires."
Fed.R.Civ.P. 15(a).

The district court's order and memorandum of March 27, 1985, evinces due
consideration of the relevant factors in deciding whether justice would be
served by allowing amendment in this instance. The court noted that the
amended complaint added new causes of action in contract and tort, alleged
new facts, and requested monetary damages. It further noted that a similar
motion to amend had been denied six years earlier when the case was still in
state court.

As we have noted before, when "a considerable period of time has passed
between the filing of the complaint and the motion to amend, courts have
placed the burden upon the movant to show some valid reason for his neglect
and delay." Hayes v. New England Millwork Distributors, Inc., 602 F.2d 15,
19-20 (1st Cir.1979); Tiernan v. Blyth, Eastman, Dillon & Co., 719 F.2d 1, 4
(1st Cir.1983). It cannot be gainsaid that a "considerable period" of time has
elapsed here. The original complaint was filed in 1973. The first unsuccessful
motion to amend, naming the Housing Authority as a defendant, was filed in
1978. The second motion to amend, seeking essentially the same amendments
as the 1978 motion, was filed in 1984. After careful perusal of the appellant's
argument, we agree with the district court that the USIDC has failed to meet its
burden of showing some valid reason for its delay. Nor has USIDC convinced
us that we should reach a different result from that ordered by the state court
six years earlier on essentially the same motion. Accordingly, we see no error
in the district court's denial of USIDC's motion to amend its complaint.

We next consider the district court's dismissal for failure to prosecute the
claims against Moore, the City of New Bedford, and HUD. Despite the severity
of granting dismissal, the district court clearly has the authority to do so when
necessary to prevent unfair prejudice to the defendants in a suit and undue
delays in the disposition of other pending cases. See, e.g., Link v. Wabash
Railroad Co., 370 U.S. 626, 629, 82 S.Ct. 1386, 1388, 8 L.Ed.2d 734 (1962);
Colokathis v. Wentworth-Douglass Hospital, 693 F.2d 7 (1st Cir.1982), cert.
denied, 461 U.S. 915, 103 S.Ct. 1894, 77 L.Ed.2d 284 (1983); Medeiros v.
United States, 621 F.2d 468, 470 (1st Cir.1980); Fed.R.Civ.P. 41(b).

The difficulties that would result from requiring the appellees to defend against
USIDC's suit at this late date are obvious. Since the period during which the
disputed events occurred, the Housing Authority's membership has completely
changed and its then executive and assistant directors have died. The agreement
upon which USIDC seeks to impose liability on the City of New Bedford was
executed nearly two decades ago in 1966. Additionally, because the original
complaint sought only injunctive and declaratory relief, some of the evidence
on the issue of monetary damages was understandably not preserved by the

parties. We affirm the district court's ruling that the appellant's "clear record of
delay," compounded by the prejudice caused to the defendants, justified
dismissal for want of prosecution. See Asociacion de Empleados v. Rodriguez
Morales, 538 F.2d 915 (1st Cir.1976).

The district court dismissed the claim against HUD "on the dual grounds of
failure to state a claim against HUD and failure to prosecute." The appellant's
third claim of error therefore is that the complaint did state a cause of action
sufficient to withstand a motion to dismiss. Because we have already upheld the
dismissal for failure to prosecute, there is no need for us to consider this


Finally, USIDC argues that the court should not have granted final judgment
for the Housing Authority because only its individual members, and not the
Housing Authority itself, had been dismissed from the case by the state court in
1975. First, we note that the record raises a substantial doubt as to whether the
Housing Authority ever was a party. Second, even assuming the Housing
Authority was once a party, we are compelled to resolve any doubt that it
remained a party against such a conclusion. The appellant did not include the
Housing Authority in negotiating its stipulation of facts in 1983 as it did
regarding the other defendants. Nor did the Housing Authority receive any
other indication of a continuing claim against it. Moreover, we find that the
claim against the Housing Authority suffers from the same clear record of
procrastination by the appellant that warranted dismissal of USIDC's other
claims. Accordingly, we affirm the district court's judgments in all respects,
with double costs to the appellees.



Of the Central District of California, sitting by designation

While the Housing Authority was never a named defendant either in state or
federal court, the district court judge was apparently willing to give them
standing to make a motion for judgment and was willing to grant their motion
despite their not being a named defendant. The judge apparently was of the
view that since all members of the Housing Authority Board had been named
defendants in their official capacity, there was enough doubt as to whether the
naming of all Board members was in fact an action against the Housing
Authority, so that the judge was warranted in entertaining the Housing
Authority's motion

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