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ISBN 978-0-626-23463-8

SANS 517:2009
Edition 1


Light steel frame building

Published by SABS Standards Division

1 Dr Lategan Road Groenkloof Private Bag X191 Pretoria 0001
Tel: +27 12 428 7911 Fax: +27 12 344 1568

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table of changes
Change No.



This South African standard was approved by National Committee SABS SC 59F, Construction
standards Steel and aluminium structures, in accordance with procedures of the SABS Standards
Division, in compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement.
This document was published in November 2009.
Reference is made in 4.1 and 6.1 to the "relevant national legislation". In South Africa this means
the National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act, 1977 (Act No. 103 of 1977).
Reference is made in 5.12.2 to the relevant national legislation. In South Africa this means the
Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993).
Reference is made in 8.2.1 to the relevant national body. In South Africa this means the
Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), or the South African Council for National Scientific
Professions (SACNASP).
Annexes A, B and C are for information only.

The Southern African Light Steel Frame Building Association (SASFA) was formed as a division of
the SA Institute of Steel Construction by a group of interested companies to coordinate the
systematic development of this new industry and to ensure quality throughout the value chain. One
of the major tasks identified was to establish this standard for light steel frame building.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................

2 Normative references ..........................................................................................................

3 Definitions and symbols. ......................................................................................................

3.1 Definitions ...................................................................................................................
3.2 Symbols ......................................................................................................................


4 Materials ..............................................................................................................................
4.1 General .......................................................................................................................
4.2 Steel . ..........................................................................................................................
4.3 Fasteners ...................................................................................................................
4.4 Interior lining of walls and ceilings .............................................................................
4.5 Exterior cladding of walls (excluding masonry) ..........................................................
4.6 Masonry for exterior cladding of walls and foundation walls ......................................
4.7 Thermal and acoustic insulation ................................................................................
4.8 Damp proof courses ...................................................................................................
4.9 Wall ties and fixings ...................................................................................................
4.10 Sheathing to prevent racking .....................................................................................
4.11 Vapour permeable membranes .................................................................................
4.12 Reinforced concrete ...................................................................................................
4.13 Holding down devices ................................................................................................
4.14 Floors .........................................................................................................................


5 Steel structure .....................................................................................................................

5.1 Basis for design ..........................................................................................................
5.2 Resistances of structural elements and connections .................................................
5.3 Design actions ............................................................................................................
5.4 Design criteria ............................................................................................................
5.5 Methods of assessment of resistances ......................................................................
5.6 Roof members ............................................................................................................
5.7 Wall elements .............................................................................................................
5.8 Floor members ...........................................................................................................
5.9 Connections ...............................................................................................................
5.10 Bracing .......................................................................................................................
5.11 Testing ........................................................................................................................
5.12 Construction of the steel frame ..................................................................................
5.13 Tolerances .................................................................................................................
5.14 Durability and corrosion .............................................................................................
5.15 Support of wall cupboards and fittings .......................................................................
5.16 Earthing ......................................................................................................................


6 Walls, roofs and suspended floors ......................................................................................

6.1 Scope .........................................................................................................................
6.2 General Requirements ...............................................................................................
6.3 Exterior walls ..............................................................................................................
6.4 Internal walls ..............................................................................................................
6.5 Roofs and ceilings.......................................................................................................
6.6 Suspended floors ........................................................................................................


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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

7 Installation of services .........................................................................................................
7.1 Positioning of services in concrete floor slabs ...........................................................
7.2 Holes in members ......................................................................................................
7.3 Plumbing pipework and fittings ...................................................................................
7.4 Electrical cables and fittings .......................................................................................


8 Foundations ........................................................................................................................
8.1 General .......................................................................................................................
8.2 Site investigation ........................................................................................................
8.3 Selection of foundation type .......................................................................................
8.4 Standard designs .......................................................................................................
8.5 Design by engineering principles ...............................................................................
8.6 Site preparation and filling ..........................................................................................
8.7 Additional precautions ................................................................................................


Annex A (informative) Guide for determination of self-weights ............................................


Annex B (informative) System effect ....................................................................................


Annex C (informative) Classification of damage ..................................................................


Bibliography ...........................................................................................................................


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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Light steel frame building

1 Scope
This standard establishes rules and requirements for the design, fabrication and construction of
buildings with light steel frames, clad and insulated with appropriate materials, including the walls,
roofs, floors, and foundations of such buildings.
This standard applies to buildings which do not exceed the geometric limitations given in figure 1.
This standard does not cover doors, windows, services, finishes or other elements of buildings that
are either not peculiar to light steel frame buildings or do not have a direct interface with the steel
Dimensions in metres




Figure 1 Geometric limitations

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

2 Normative references
2.1 Standards
The following referenced documents are relevant for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies. Information on currently valid national
and international standards can be obtained from the SABS Standards Division.
AS 2870.1, Residential slabs and footings Construction.
ASTM D 7033, Standard practice for establishing design capacities for oriented strand board (OSB)
wood-based structural-use panels.
ASTM E 1677, Standard specification for an air retarder (AR) material or system for low-rise framed
building walls.
ISO 11997-2, Paints and varnishes Determination of resistance to cyclic corrosion conditions
Part 2: Wet (salt fog)/dry/humidity/UV light.
SANS 204-2, Energy efficiency in buildings Part 2: The application of the energy efficiency
requirements for buildings with natural environmental control.
SANS 227, Burnt clay masonry units.
SANS 248, Bituminous damp-proof courses.
SANS 266, Gypsum plasterboard.
SANS 457-2, Wooden poles, droppers, guardrail posts and spacer blocks Part 2: Softwood
SANS 457-3 (SABS 457-3), Wooden poles, droppers, guardrail posts and spacer blocks Part 3:
Hardwood species.
SANS 675, Zinc-coated fencing wire.
SANS 803, Fibre-cement boards.
SANS 952 (SABS 952), Polyolefin film for damp-proofing and waterproofing in buildings.
SANS 1200 DM, Standardized specification for civil engineering construction Section DM:
Earthworks (roads, subgrade).
SANS 1200 M, Standardized specification for civil engineering construction Section M: Roads
SANS 1273 (SABS 1273), Fastness for roof and wall coverings in the form of sheeting.
SANS 1381-1, Materials for thermal insulation of buildings Part 1: Fibre thermal insulation mats.
SANS 1381-4, Materials for thermal insulation of buildings Part 4: Reflective foil laminates (rolls,
sheets and sections).
SANS 1381-6 (SABS 1381-6), Materials for thermal insulation of buildings Part 6: Cellulose loose
fill thermal insulation material.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
SANS 1383, Rigid urethane and isocyanurate foams for use in thermal insulation.
SANS 1700 (all parts), Fasteners.
SANS 3575/ISO 3575, Continuous hot-dip zinc-coated carbon steel sheet of commercial and
drawing qualities.
SANS 4998/ISO 4998, Continuous hot-dip zinc-coated carbon steel sheet of structural quality.
SANS 7253/ISO 7253, Paints and varnishes Determination of resistance to neutral spray (fog).
SANS 9364 /ISO 9364, Continuous hot-dip aluminium/zinc-coated steel sheet of commercial,
drawing and structural qualities.
SANS 10005, The preservative treatment of timber.
SANS 10043, The installation of wood laminate flooring.
SANS 10100-1 (SABS 0100-1), The structural use of concrete Part 1: Design.
SANS 10100-2 (SABS 0100-2), The structural use of concrete Part 2: Materials and execution of
SANS 10124, The application of soil insecticides for the protection of buildings.
SANS 10142-1, The wiring of premises Part 1: Low-voltage installations.
SANS 10106, The installation, maintenance, repairs and replacement of domestic solar water
heating systems.
SANS 10160 (SABS 0160), The general procedures and loadings to be adopted in the design of
SANS 10161 (SABS 0161), The design of foundations for buildings.
SANS 10162-1, The structural use of steel Part 1: Limit-state design of hot-rolled steelwork.
SANS 10162-2 (SABS 0162-2), The structural use of steel Part 2: Limit-states design of coldformed steelwork.
SANS 10177-2, Fire testing of materials, components and elements used in buildings Part 2: Fire
resistance test for building elements.
SANS 10249, Masonry walling.
SANS 10252-1, Water supply and drainage for buildings Part 1: Water supply installations for
SANS 10252-2 (SABS 0252-2), Water supply and drainage for buildings Part 2: Drainage
installations for buildings.
SANS 10254, The installation, maintenance, replacement and repair of fixed electric storage water
heating systems.
SANS 10400 (SABS 0400), The application of the National Building Regulations.
TRH 14, Guidelines for road construction materials.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
2.2 Other publications
NHBRC (National Home Builders Registration Council, RSA), Home Building Manual, Parts 1 3.
Agrment Board of South Africa, Booklet B1, Performance criteria and minimum requirements for
the assessment of innovative methods of construction.

3 Definitions and symbols

For the purposes of this document, the following definitions and symbols apply.

3.1 Definitions
acceptable to the authority administering this standard, or to the parties concluding the purchase
contract, as relevant
acoustic insulation
insulation material installed to reduce the transmittance of sound from one side of the insulation to
the other
air infiltration
air movement through a material, component or an assembly into a building
external areas, at least one metre above ground level
horizontal structural member that supports vertical loads and is subject to flexural stresses
sub-floor beam supporting the floor joists (see figures 2 and 7)
bottom wall plate
bottom plate
member running along the bottom of a wall frame and resting directly on a foundation wall,
foundation beam or floor slab (see figures 2 and 4)
diagonal members, or diaphragms, that resist lateral movement of members or racking forces (or
both), (see figures 2, 9 and 10)
member fixed to roof trusses or rafters to support the ceiling (see figure 3), and which does not
apply to suspended ceilings

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
brick veneer
single leaf non-load-bearing brick wall serving as exterior cladding
building envelope
exterior skin of a building, consisting of the floor, external walls, ceiling under roof overhangs, and
roof cladding
bulk insulation
mineral or synthetic fibre wool in rolls which are available in different densities and thicknesses
NOTE Referred to as bats when cut to length.

category 1 building
building which
a) is designated as being a class A3, A4, F2, G1, H2, H3 and H4 occupancy (see SANS 10400),
b) has no basements,
c) has a maximum length between intersecting walls or members providing lateral support of 6,0 m,

d) has a floor area not exceeding 80 m

top (rafter) or bottom member of a truss (see figures 2 and 3)
competent person
person who is qualified, by virtue of his education, training, experience and contextual knowledge,
to make a determination regarding the performance of a building or part thereof in relation to a
functional regulation
crawl space
gap between a suspended ground floor and the underlying ground, to allow for inspection and
maintenance of structural members supporting the floor
domestic dwelling
building used for residential purposes, consisting of one or more dwelling units
energy efficiency
measure of the minimisation of the need to use energy for heating and cooling of buildings
expansion joint
discontinuation between elements, such as wall panels, to allow for relative movement between
adjoining elements and to prevent stresses arising in the elements from such differential

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
exterior wall
wall forming part of the building envelope, and which is normally load-bearing
external wall cladding
weather resistant external skin of a building, fixed to the light steel frame
NOTE External wall cladding may consist of a single leaf of brickwork (veneer), weather resistant boards or
reinforced plaster.

fibre cement board
composite material made of cement, sand and cellulose or synthetic fibres (or both)
fire rating
shortest period for which a building element or building component will comply with the
requirements for stability, integrity and insulation (see 4.1)
fire resistance
ability of a composite floor, wall or ceiling assembly to remain stable when exposed to heat
generated by fire
floor joist
beam that directly supports the flooring (see figures 2 and 7)
glass wool
material made from glass, spun into fibre-like structure
NOTE Available in different densities (kilogram per cubic metre) for use as insulation.

gypsum board
board with a gypsum plaster core with an envelope of two layers of paper
NOTE Gypsum board can be specified to be fire resistant or water resistant.

building fabric installed in wall and roof cavities, or attached to steel framing elements or cladding
materials, to provide resistance against heat or sound transfer (or both), between rooms or
NOTE The insulation specified for category 1 buildings does not comply with the insulation requirement of
SANS 204-2. It was included to allow for low cost buildings.

internal lining
cladding of an internal wall, the inner face of an external wall or a ceiling that provides a neat finish,
fire resistance to the light steel structure and part of the insulation
jack stud
vertical member in a wall frame below or above a window or door opening (see figure 2)

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
jamb stud
stud located beside an opening in a wall frame such as a window or door opening (see figures 2, 5
and 6)
light steel frame building
buildings in which the load-bearing structure, comprising the wall framing, columns, beams, trusses,
panels or any combination of these, consists of assemblies of thin-walled cold-formed steel sections
horizontal member in a wall frame spanning over an opening (see figures 2, 5 and 6)
horizontal restraining member fixed between studs in a wall frame (see figures 2 and 4)
non-load-bearing walls
wall that is not required to carry gravity or wind loads (see figure 8)
localised removal of material from a steel element that involves cutting away a flange of the element
or a portion thereof
open web joist
parallel-chord truss that supports concentrated or distributed loads, such as floor joists, rafters in a
roof and lintels (see figures 5 and 6)
member fixed to roof trusses or rafters to support roof sheeting (see figure 3)
in-plane distortion of a framing module such as a wall or a roof, involving movement of the top
relative to the bottom, in the plane of the module
reflective insulation
material with a reflective surface such as a reflective foil laminate capable of reducing radiant heat
flow due to its high reflectivity and low emissivity
roof batten
member fixed to roof trusses or rafters to support roof tiles (see figure 3)
measure of resistance to heat flow of a material or composite element, including the effects of any
air spaces or reflective surfaces (or both)
NOTE The higher the R-value, the better the ability of the material or composite element to resist the flow of
heat through it. R-values are expressed using the units, m2K/W.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
rigid board fastened directly to the wall studs to provide support for exterior cladding material, to
lend structural support to the light steel frame members or to enhance the insulation of exterior
sheet insulation
insulation materials in (rigid) sheet form
NOTE Sheet insulation is available in different densities and thicknesses, with or without reflective surfaces.

sound insulation
measures taken to reduce the transfer of sound through a composite wall or floor assembly
(see 3.1.2)
unless otherwise specified, the centre-to-centre distance between studs, joists, bearers, trusses,
battens, purlins or other elements
unless otherwise specified, the centre-to-centre distance between the supports of a beam, truss,
joist, purlin, batten, rafter or roof
stone wool
material made from stone or slag, spun into fibre-like structure
NOTE Available in different densities (expressed using the units, kg/m3) for use as insulation.

structural steel
all steel which forms part of the structure, including the roof construction, wall frame construction,
floor and ceiling supports
vertical members of the light steel wall frame
NOTE Studs could be load-bearing, or not (see figures 2 and 4).

lower layer of timber, concrete or fibre cement flooring to which the bottom wall plate and wearing
surface is attached
suspended floor
floor supported by beams or columns
tenancy-separating wall/floor
wall or floor that separates one residential unit from another

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
thermal break
air gap or layer of insulating material between two building components to reduce the transfer of
heat by conduction
3.1 55
thermal efficiency
ability of a composite building component or assembly (floor, wall, ceiling or roof) to resist heat
top wall plate
member running along the top of a wall frame (see figures 2 and 4)
technical recommendations for highways
latticed frame supporting the roof and ceiling over the full width of the domestic dwelling (see
figures 2 and 3)
uncontrolled air flow
unintended movement of air into or through a room or a building
vapour permeable membrane
membrane installed to prevent or minimise the ingress of moisture and uncontrolled air flow, and
allow the passage of vapour
wall tie
bracket or wire connecting brick veneer cladding to the steel frame
measures taken to prevent the ingress of moisture and to minimise uncontrolled air flow
web member
element of a truss or open web joist other than the top and bottom chord (see figures 2 and 3)

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Figure 2 Typical framing

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

a) Typical roof truss assembly

b) Typical panel roof assembly

Figure 3 Typical roof assemblies

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Upper or single storey

Stud height

Floor joist

Stud height

Upper or single
storey common stud

Upper or single
Storey top plate

Lower storey

Rafter / Truss


Upper or single
storey bottom plate
Lower storey
top plate
Lower storey
common stud

Stud spacing
Lower storey
bottom plate

Figure 4 Components of a typical wall assembly

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Figure 5 Single or upper storey lintel

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Floor joist

Jamb stud

Sill trimmer


Figure 6 Lower storey lintel

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Figure 7 Components of typical floor frame

Load-bearing or
non-load-bearing wall
parallel to floor joist

Load-bearing or
non-load-bearing wall
perpendicular to
floor joist


Figure 8 Typical wall arrangement

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Roof bracing


Figure 9 Typical roof bracing

Double diagonal
metal strap brace
Sheet brace
(FC sheet,
hardboard, plywood
or steel)

'K' brace


Figure 10 Typical wall bracing systems

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
3.2 Symbols

summed area supported by a structural member


resultant coefficient for internal and external wind pressure


coefficient for external wind pressure


coefficient for internal wind pressure


terrain roughness factor

distance between points

permanent load (own weight of building)


span or length


uniformly distributed imposed load


concentrated imposed load


peak wind pressure

spacing of elements


basic wind speed

wind pressure

wind load


wind load on roof


wind load on wall


downward-acting wind load


upward-acting wind load

roof slope


air density

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

4 Materials
4.1 General
Materials that have been proven to meet the requirements of the relevant national legislation (see
foreword), if used appropriately in combination with other materials, and installed to an acceptable
quality of workmanship, are listed as being acceptable in this section. Other materials and
combinations of materials may be used if information derived from authoritative sources can be
provided to demonstrate that the requirements of the relevant national legislation (see foreword) are
met in all respects.
A building element or building component shall comply with the requirements for stability, integrity
and insulation when tested in accordance with the relevant provisions of SANS 10177-2.

4.2 Steel
Steel, either hot rolled or cold formed, used for the structures of light steel frame buildings, shall
comply with the requirements of an internationally recognised standard and shall have a coating at
least equivalent in corrosion resistance and robustness to 200 g/m2 galvanising (Z200) or a
150 g/m2 aluminium-zinc coating (AZ150).
Light structural steel members shall be manufactured using the prescribed steel strength grade (for
example, 300 MPa or 550 MPa minimum yield strength) in accordance with the design specification.
The material shall comply with the requirements of SANS 3575 or SANS 4998 (or both), or
SANS 9364.
All steel used shall have sufficient formability to allow the cold forming of profiles without any
cracking of the steel substrate.
Steel elements shall comply with the dimensional and straightness tolerances given in 5.13.1.

4.3 Fasteners
Fasteners, connectors and fixing methods for the steel structure shall comply with
a) SANS 1700 (all parts) for bolts, nuts and screws (self drilling or self tapping (or both)), as
b) the manufacturers recommendations, supported by international standards,
c) specifications for clinching or other mechanical means of fastening as recommended by the
manufacturer, supported by international standards or specifications.
Carbon steel fasteners shall be coated with a zinc or inorganic coating (or both) to provide corrosion
protection similar, under the prevailing conditions, to the metallic coated steel sheet used for the
light steel cold-formed sections (for example coating designation Z275). (See 5.14.)

4.4 Interior lining of walls and ceilings

The materials shall comply with
a) SANS 266 for gypsum plasterboard, and
b) SANS 803 for fibre cement board (subject to fire rating requirements).

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
4.5 Exterior cladding of walls (excluding masonry)
The materials shall comply with
a) SANS 803 for fibre cement board, and
b) SANS 3575 or SANS 4998 for galvanised steel sheet.

4.6 Masonry for exterior cladding of walls and foundation walls

The materials shall comply with
a) SANS 227 for clay bricks, and
b) SANS 10249 for cement blocks.

4.7 Thermal and acoustic insulation

The materials shall comply with
a) SANS 1381-1 for fibre thermal insulation mats,
b) SANS 1381-6 for loose fill thermal insulation,
c) SANS 1381-4 for reflective foil laminates,
d) acceptable flame retardant grade expanded or extruded polystyrene, and
e) SANS 1383 for rigid polyurethane foam and poly-isocyanurate.

4.8 Damp proof courses

The materials shall comply with
a) SANS 248 for bituminous damp-proof courses, and
b) SANS 952 for polyolefin film.

4.9 Wall ties and fixings

The materials shall comply with
a) SANS 675 for galvanised wire, and
b) SANS 4998, SANS 3575 or SANS 9364 for zinc or aluminium-zinc coated steel strap.

4.10 Sheathing to prevent racking

The material shall comply with ASTM D 7033 for orientated strand board (OSB).

4.11 Vapour permeable membranes

The material shall comply with ASTM E 677 for air retarder material or system for framed building

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
4.12 Reinforced concrete
The material shall comply with SANS 10100-2 for reinforced concrete.

4.13 Holding down devices

The materials shall comply with
a) SANS 3575 for brackets and washers made from galvanised steel sheet, with minimum coating
designation Z200, and
b) SANS 9364 for brackets and washers made from aluminium-zinc coated material, with minimum
coating designation AZ150.

4.14 Floors
The materials shall comply with
a) SANS 803 for fibre cement boards,
b) ASTM D 7033 for OSB board (structural), and
c) SANS 10100-2 for structural concrete.

5 Steel structure
5.1 Basis for design
5.1.1 General
The structure shall resist all the loads the building will be subjected to, including loads deriving from
its own mass. However, the lateral support provided to steel elements by the non-structural
elements of the building, such as the wall or roof cladding or the ceilings, may be taken into account
in the design of these elements, provided that it can be demonstrated that the non-structural
elements have adequate strength for lending such support, and that the steel structure will not be
subjected to loads its elements cannot resist without such lateral support while the non-structural
elements are, for whatever reason, not in position.
A clear path shall be discernable for every force, from where the force acts to the foundations, and
all members and connections along this path shall have adequate strength and stiffness to resist
the forces generated in them without failure, or deflections that exceed the maximum deflections
specified in this standard.
The system effect as described in annex B may be taken into account in the design of systems of
beams or other bending elements with crossing members that can distribute load between the

5.1.2 Durability
The design criteria are based on the assumption that the materials used and their installation and
maintenance will ensure that components fulfil their intended structural function for the intended life
of the structure. (See 5.14.)

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
5.2 Resistances of structural elements and connections
5.2.1 Design standard
Cold-formed steel components shall be designed to meet the requirements of SANS 10162-2,
except where expressly specified differently in this standard. Hot-rolled steelwork shall be designed
to comply with the requirements of SANS 10162-1.

5.2.2 Design properties

The yield stress and ultimate strength of the steel shall, except for steel with a minimum yield stress
of 550 MPa, be taken as the listed yield stress and ultimate tensile strength for that grade of steel in
the applicable standard (see 4.2). The yield stress and ultimate strength of any steel for which the
mechanical properties cannot be proved by means of a mill test certificate shall not be taken as
higher than 200 MPa and 365 MPa, respectively.
Steel with a minimum yield stress of 550 MPa and of elongation less than 8 % may not be used in
base metal thicknesses exceeding 0,90 mm. For such steel in base metal thicknesses of not less
than 0,60 mm, the yield stress and tensile strength shall both be taken as 495 MPa, while for base
metal thicknesses less than 0,60 mm the yield stress and tensile strength shall both be taken as
410 MPa. The properties of the steel may be determined as described in SANS 10162-2.
It is customary in South Africa to refer to the coated thickness of galvanised steel sheet as the
thickness of the sheet. As the coating does not add to the strength of the material, designers shall
work with the base metal thickness as the thickness, determined as follows:
Bt = Ct 0,04 mm
Bt is the base metal thickness, expressed in millimetres;
Ct is the coated metal thickness expressed in millimetres.
The dimensions of a steel section shall be taken as the specified dimensions, which shall be used
to derive the section properties.
Due allowance shall be made for holes, cutaways and other ways in which the strength of an
element may be impaired, including holes made during or after erection in the structure to
accommodate services, in accordance with 5.7.1 and and 7.2.

5.3 Design actions

5.3.1 General
Structural design actions and combinations of actions, in general, shall be in accordance with
SANS 10160. The simplified actions described in 5.3.2 to 5.3.4 (inclusive), may be used where
Construction loads may become critical on some components of an unfinished building and in such
cases shall be accounted for in the design.
Where loads other than those specified in 5.3 (such as snow loads, seismic loads, or load
combination(s) containing such loads) are applicable, they shall be accounted for in the design.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
5.3.2 Imposed loads for domestic dwellings
For the design of domestic dwellings as defined in 3.1.17, the following characteristic imposed loads
may be used, with the uniformly distributed load and the concentrated load not necessarily
occurring simultaneously:
a) For roofs, not accessible except for normal maintenance:
Uniformly distributed load (qk): 0,5 kPa for contributory areas < 3 m2;
0,25 kPa for contributory areas >15 m2; interpolate in-between;
Concentrated load (Qk): 1,0 kN applied anywhere.
b) For general floor areas:
Uniformly distributed load (qk): 1,5 kPa, but if the area A supported by a single column, wall,
beam or girder exceeds 20 m2;


qk = 0,3 +
1,5 0,75 kPa

Concentrated load (Qk): 1,5 kN.

c) Balconies and roofs used for floor type activities 1,0 m or more above ground:
Uniformly distributed load (qk): 4,0 kPa;
Concentrated load (Qk): 3,0 kN.
d) Lateral horizontal loads applied to balustrades on balconies:
Uniformly distributed load: 0,5 kN/m applied at the top of the balustrade;
Concentrated load: 1,0 kN applied at the top of the balustrade.

5.3.3 Wind loads General

The wind loads used in the design of buildings meeting the geometric limitations of figure 1 may be
calculated in accordance with and Peak wind speed pressure

The peak wind speed pressure qp, expressed in kilopascals shall be determined using equation (1).

2 000

. (1, 4 cr v b,0 )

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

is the air density, expressed in kilograms per cubic metre;

NOTE The recommended values of density as a function of altitude above sea level are given
in table 1.

is the terrain roughness factor and should be taken as follows:

cr =

0,71 for a structure within a built-up suburb which does not rise significantly above
the structures and objects on all sides of it;

cr =

0,98 for a structure in a more exposed situation;

cr =

1,09 for an exposed structure located less than 3 km from the coastline;

vb,0 is the fundamental value of the basic wind speed corresponding to the specific
geographical location, which shall be taken from figure 11.
Table 1 Air density as a function of site altitude

Site altitude above

sea level

Air density p





1 000


1 500


2 000


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Latitude Degrees

SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Longitude Degrees
Figure 11 Geographic regions related to wind speeds

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1 Wind pressure on surfaces General

Wind load on structures and structural elements shall be determined taking into account the
simultaneous action of external and internal wind pressures.
The net pressure on a wall, roof or other element is the difference between the pressures on the
opposite surfaces taking due account of their signs. Pressure directed towards the surface is taken
as positive, and suction, directed away from the surface, is taken as negative. Internal wind pressure

For a building without a wall with a dominant opening, the internal pressure coefficient cpi shall be
taken as +0,2 or 0,3, whichever causes the more severe loading in combination with the
appropriate external wind pressure.
For a building with a dominant opening in the windward wall, the internal pressure coefficient cpi
shall be taken as +0,75. If this dominant opening can be assumed to be closed during storm
conditions, the internal pressure coefficient cpi may be taken as +0,6.
A wall shall be regarded as containing a dominant opening if the area of its openings is at least
twice the sum of the area of openings and leakages in the remaining exterior walls of the building.
The wind pressure, w (expressed in kilopascals), on walls and ceilings in the building shall be
determined using equation (2) and the appropriate internal pressure coefficient cpi, as defined
w = qpcpi


qp is the peak wind speed pressure, in accordance with;
cpi is the pressure coefficient for the internal pressure. External wind pressure on walls

The external pressure coefficients cpe for buildings and parts of buildings depend on the size of the
loaded area A, which is the tributary area of the structure that produces the wind action effect in the
structural component to be calculated. The external pressure coefficients are given for loaded areas
of 1 m2 and 10 m2 in the tables for the appropriate building configurations as cpe,1, for local
coefficients, and cpe,10, for overall coefficients, respectively.
Values for cpe,1 are intended for the design of small elements and fixings with an area per element
of 1 m2 or less, such as cladding or roofing elements. Values for cpe,10 may be used for the design of
the overall load bearing structure of buildings.
The external pressure coefficients cpe for the walls of a building with a rectangular plan shall be
obtained from figure 12. The definition of the zones on the walls of the building is given in figure 12.
The external wind pressure we (measured in kilopascal) on the vertical walls of the building shall be
determined using equation (3) and the appropriate external pressure coefficients as defined in
figure 12.
we = qpcpe


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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1


is the peak wind speed pressure;

cpe is the pressure coefficient for the external pressure.



plan dimension of the building perpendicular to the wind direction

plan dimension of the building along the wind direction
0,2 or 0,4h, whichever is the smaller
eaves height of the building

Plan view of rectangular building



Values of external pressure coefficient











Figure 12 Key for vertical walls of rectangular plan buildings Resultant wind pressure

The resultant wind pressure w on walls or roofs is the sum of the internal and external wind
pressures, and shall be calculated using equation (4) and the appropriate internal and external
pressure coefficients as defined figure 12.
W = qp (Cpe + Cpi)
where qp, cpi and cpe are as defined for equations (2) and (3).

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1 Wind pressure on roof overhangs

The pressure on the underside of the roof overhang is equal to the pressure for the zone of the
vertical wall directly connected to the overhang; the pressure at the top side of the roof overhang is
equal to the pressure of the zone, defined for the roof (see figure 13).

Figure 13 Illustration of relevant pressures for roof overhangs External wind pressure on mono-pitch roofs

The roof, including protruding parts, shall be divided into zones as shown in figure 14, with b always
the across wind plan dimension of the building.



Side view

Side view

Plan view for wind = 0 and = 180

Plan view for wind = 90

plan dimension of the building perpendicular to the wind direction

plan dimension of the building along the wind direction
0,1b or 0,2h, whichever is smaller
eaves height of the building

Figure 14 Key for mono-pitched roofs

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
The external wind pressure coefficient for mono-pitched roofs shall be obtained from table 2.
The wind pressure, w (expressed in kilopascals), on the mono-pitched roof of the building shall be
determined using equation (4) and the appropriate external and internal pressure coefficients as
defined in table 2.
Table 2 External pressure coefficient cpe for mono-pitched roofs

Local coefficient

Overall coefficient

Roof pitch

Wind direction

0 or 180


0 or 180



E (edge)

G (edge)

E (edge)

G (edge)












































At wind direction of = 0 the pressure changes rapidly between positive and negative
values around a pitch angle of , accordingly both positive and negative values are
given. For such roofs, two cases should be considered: one with all positive values, and
one with all negative values. Positive and negative values cannot act in combination on
the same face. External wind pressure on duo-pitched roofs

The roof, including protruding parts, shall be divided into zones as shown in figure 15.
The external wind pressure coefficients for the duo-pitched roofs shall be obtained from table 3.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1



plan dimension of the building perpendicular to the wind direction

plan dimension of the building along the wind direction
0,1h or 0,2h, whichever is the smaller
eaves height of the building

Figure 15 Key for duo-pitched roofs

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 3 External pressure coefficients cpe for duo-pitched roofs


Local coefficient

Overall coefficient



Roof pitch


Wind direction
0 or 180


0 or 180
































G (edge)

K (edge)


G (edge)

























K (edge)









For the across wind situation the pressure changes rapidly between positive and negative values on
the windward face depending on the roof pitch , accordingly both positive and negative values are
given. For such roofs, four loading cases shall be considered, where the largest or smallest values of
all areas G and H are combined with the largest or smallest value in area J. Positive and negative
values cannot act in combination on the same face.

The wind pressure w (expressed in kilopascals), on the duo-pitched roof building shall be
determined using equation (4) in and the appropriate external and internal pressure
coefficients as defined in and Local wind pressure at corners of roofs

The local external pressure coefficient for the square extending for 2 m in both directions
horizontally from the corners of a roof shall be taken as 2,9. This pressure coefficient shall be used
in conjunction with the pressure on the underside of the roof for the design of purlins, battens and
sheeting and their fixings in this area.

5.3.4 Actions during construction

Critical loads and combinations of loads during construction may be different from those for the
complete structure. These include:
a) Imposed load arising from the stacking of construction materials.
b) Imposed load arising from people working on the incomplete frame.
c) The wind load during construction may be based on a design wind speed with a mean return
period of 10 years. The wind load effects on the incomplete structure may be different from that
on the complete structure, for example, supported walls may become free standing walls during
construction, or roof sheeting in the internal zone of a roof could become edge sheeting, and
therefore need temporary bracing.
d) Unbalanced loads arising during construction.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
e) Loads on roofs during construction:
uniformly distributed load (qk): 0,50 kPa for contributory areas < 3,0 m2, or 0,25 kPa for
contributory areas > 15 m2, with linear interpolation in-between;
Concentrated load (Qk): 1,0 kN.

5.4 Design criteria

5.4.1 Strength and stability
The building as a whole, and its parts, shall be designed to prevent overturning, uplift, sliding or
excessive settlement, as well as failure of either the steel elements or the non-structural materials
by collapse, tearing, unacceptable cracking or local deformations.
The design load for the ultimate limit state shall be that combination of (factored) loads which
produce the most adverse effect on the building. For domestic dwellings as defined in
clause 3.1.17, the design loads may be determined from, but not limited to, the loads and load
combinations given in 5.6 to 5.8 (inclusive).
NOTE Only combinations of actions usually deemed as potentially critical have been included in the design
criteria in sections 5.6 to 5.8 (inclusive). SANS 10160 provides further information for other situations.

5.4.2 Serviceability
The design criteria for serviceability shall be taken from, but not limited to, the criteria given in
sections 5.6 to 5.8 (inclusive).
NOTE The design criteria have been determined on the basis of experience. The serviceability limits are
intended to provide satisfactory service for typical situations. SANS 10160 provides further guidelines for other

5.5 Methods of assessment of resistances

5.5.1 General
The assessment of the resistance to loads of a structural element or structural assembly shall be
carried out by one of the following methods:
a) calculation;
b) testing; or
c) combination of calculation and testing.

5.5.2 Calculations
Calculations shall be based on appropriate structural models for the ultimate or serviceability limit
states under consideration. The method of structural analysis shall take into account equilibrium,
stability and geometric compatibility. The combinations of loads shall include all appropriate
combinations outlined in this document. The design properties for steel shall be in accordance
with 5.2.2. The design capacities of steel elements shall be determined in accordance with
SANS 10162-1 or SANS 10162-2.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
5.5.3 Testing
Only prototype testing of full size members or sub-assemblies in accordance with section 5.11 shall
be used in assessment.

5.5.4 Combination of calculation and testing

A combination of testing and calculation based on appropriate structural models can be used in

5.6 Roof members

5.6.1 General
All roof members including purlins or roof battens, roof trusses or rafters, ceiling brandering and
bracing (see figure 3) shall be designed to act together as a structural unit to transfer all the loads
imposed on the roof, including forces resulting from the fact that the roof provides lateral support to
the walls under the action of wind load (see, to appropriate supports.
All other roof members not specifically mentioned herein shall be designed in accordance with the
same principles as those mentioned herein.

5.6.2 Roof battens and purlins Design for strength

The combinations used for the determination of the design load effects for strength are:
1,2 Gk + 1,6 Qk
1,2 Gk + 1,6 qk
0,9 Gk + 1,3 Wk(up)
1,2 Gk + 1,3 Wk(down)

are the permanent loads including the weight of roofing, purlins or battens and


is the wind load derived from w in 5.3, taking both the external and internal wind
pressures into account;

Qk and qk

are the imposed load as in section 5.3. For inaccessible roofs, it may be assumed
that the concentrated load Qk is shared equally between two adjacent battens
provided their spacing does not exceed 400 mm.

NOTE Guidance on the determination of weights can be found in annex A. Design for serviceability

For satisfactory performance under each issue of concern, the calculated value of the serviceability
parameter under the nominated load(s), shall be kept within the limiting value of the response, as
shown in table 4.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 4 Serviceability response limits roof battens and purlins

Issue of



Limit of


Visual sagging

Mid-span deflection ()

Deflection under
imposed load

Mid-span deflection ()

1,1 Gk

Cantilever deflection ()


Cantilever deflection ()

1,0 Qk
or 1,0 qk

Deflection under
wind load

Mid-span deflection ()

0,6 Wk


= span of batten or purlin, expressed in millimetres

Cantilever deflection ()



Gk, Qk, qk and Wk = as in

NOTE For flat or near flat roofs (slope less than 3), the effects of ponding should be

5.6.3 Roof trusses or rafters Design for strength

The combinations used for the determination of the design load effects for strength are:
1,2 Gk + 1,6 qk
1,2 Gk + 1,6 Qk
0,9 Gk + 1,3 Wk(up)
1,2 Gk + 1,3 Wk(down)

are the permanent loads of the complete roofing system including the weight of
roofing, purlins or battens, insulation, ceilings, brandering, trusses or of services as


is the wind load derived from w in section 5.3.3, taking both the external and
internal wind pressures into account;

Qk and qk

are imposed loads as in section 5.3.3.

NOTE Guidance for the determination of weights can be found in annex A.

The concentrated load Qk need not be applied to the web members of trusses. Design for serviceability

For satisfactory performance under each issue of concern, the calculated value of each parameter
in table 5 shall be kept within the limiting value of the response, under the action of the appropriate

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 5 Serviceability response limits Trusses and rafters

Issue of concern



Limit of


Visual sagging

Mid-span deflection ()

1,1 Gk


Truss top chord or rafter

Cracking of ceiling

Mid-span deflection ()



Truss bottom chord or

ceiling joist

Deflection under
imposed load

Mid-span deflection ()

1,0 Qk or
1,0 qk

d/200 or

Truss or rafter

L/250, whichever
is less

Deflection under
wind load

Mid-span deflection ()

0,6 Wk


Truss or rafter

Undulation of roof

Differential mid-span
deflection ()

1,1 Gk

(< 4 mm)

Differential deflection
between adjacent
trusses or rafters

= distance between nodal points, expressed in millimetres

= spacing between trusses

= span of truss or rafter, expressed in millimetres

Gk, Qk, qk and Wk = as in

NOTE For cantilevers, the limit of response may be taken as twice that of the mid-span deflection where
L is the projection of the cantilever.

5.6.4 Ceiling brandering Design for strength

The load combinations used for the determination of the design load effects for strength are:
0,9 Gk + 1,3 Wk(up)
1,2 Gk + 1,3 Wk(down)

are the permanent loads of the brandering, ceiling and insulation;


is the wind load resulting from internal pressure, from 5.3.3.

NOTE Brandering need not be designed to resist imposed loads, on the assumption that nobody will be
allowed to stand on the brandering. Design for serviceability

For satisfactory performance under each issue of concern, the calculated value of the parameter
under the nominated load shall be kept within the limiting value of the response, as shown in
table 6.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 6 Serviceability response limits Brandering

Issue of concern


Factored load

Limit of


Sag or ripple

Mid-span deflection ()

1,1 Gk


All ceilings

Cracking of ceiling

Mid-span deflection ()

Gk + 0,6 Wk


Ceilings with plaster finish

= span of brandering, expressed in millimetres

Gk and Wk = as in

5.6.5 Roof connections and roof bracing

Connections in the roof structure shall be designed in accordance with 5.9. Roof bracing shall be
designed in accordance with 5.10.2.

5.7 Wall elements

5.7.1 General
All wall elements including load-bearing wall studs, wall plates, posts, lintels and bracing
(see figures 2 and 4) shall be designed to act together as a structural unit to transfer all the loads
imposed on the roof and walls to appropriate supports.
Noggings, if required to provide lateral supports for the studs, for fixing of external cladding or
internal lining, or for the support of items attached to the wall, shall be designed to suit their
intended purposes.
Wall studs may not be spaced more than 600 mm apart. Structural requirements, the strength of the
cladding materials, non-structural considerations and the dimensions of available cladding
materials, may necessitate closer spacing.
Flanges of studs may not be notched to accommodate services, unless expressly specified in the
design. The following rules shall be observed with respect to penetrations through stud webs, and
the design shall allow for such penetrations to be made:
a) A rectangular or oval hole or slot shall not exceed 40 % of the overall depth of the member. The
length of the hole shall not exceed three times the width of the hole.
b) The diameter of a circular hole shall not exceed 50 % of the depth of the member.
c) A hole of which any dimension exceeds 15 mm shall not be closer to an end of a stud than
2,5 times the overall depth of the stud.
d) Any two holes shall be spaced further apart than 2,5 times the largest dimension of either of the
two holes.
e) All holes shall be located along the centreline of the steel member.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
5.7.2 Load-bearing wall studs General

Load-bearing wall studs include

a) common studs that support the vertical loads applied to the top wall plate by rafters, trusses and
ceiling joists, and horizontal loads due to wind,
b) jamb studs that are provided on each side of an opening to support loads from the lintel over the
opening as well as the horizontal wind load across the width of the opening, and
c) studs supporting concentrated loads, which are installed in addition to common studs (or jamb
studs) to carry concentrated vertical loads arising from principal roof or floor supporting
Load-bearing wall studs shall be designed to carry the tension or compression loads from supported
floors or roofs, and also to carry horizontal wall loads, and to transfer these loads to the top and
bottom wall supports.
Wind load effects on studs include a combination of axial loads from wind pressure on roofs and
uniformly distributed lateral loads from wind pressure on walls. External load-bearing wall studs for a single storey or upper storey of a two storey
construction Design for strength

The load combinations for the determination of the design load effects for the strength of wall studs
1,2 Gk + 1,6 qk
1,2 Gk + 1,6 Qk
1,2 Gk + 1,3 (Wkw + Wkr(down))
0,9 Gk + 1,3 (Wkw + Wkr(up))

is the self weight of the roof, including roof structure, roof cladding, roof battens,
ceiling battens, ceiling, services and roof insulation if appropriate;

qk and Qk

are the imposed loads on the roof;


is the wind load normal to the wall;


is the wind load on the roof.

NOTE Wall studs may also be subject to additional axial forces if they are part of the bracing system
resisting racking forces.
NOTE Guidance for the determination of weights can be found in annex A.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1 Design for serviceability

For satisfactory performance under each issue of concern, the calculated value of the parameter
under the nominated load shall be kept within the limiting value of the response in table 7.
Table 7 Serviceability response limits External walls, single or upper storey

Issue of concern



Limit of


Discernable movement Mid-height deflection () 0,6 Wkw

(< 20 mm)

Face loading


(< 12 mm)

Soft body impact on wall


Mid-height deflection () Q

= wind load normal to wall

= 0,7 kN

= height of the stud, expressed in millimetres External load-bearing wall studs for the lower storey of a two storey construction Design for strength

The load combinations used for the determination of the design load effects for the strength of wall
studs are:
1,2 Gk + 1,6 Qk
1,2 Gk + 1,6 qk
1,2 Gk + 1,3 (Wkw + Wkr(down))
0,9 Gk + 1,3 (Wkw + Wkr(up))

is the self weight, of the roof, including the roof structure, roof cladding, roof
battens, ceiling battens, ceiling, upper storey walls, upper storey floor, services and
roof insulation, if appropriate;

qk and Qk

are the imposed loads on the roof and upper storey floor;


is the wind load normal to the wall;


is the wind load on the roof.

NOTE Guidance for the determination of weights can be found in annex A. Design for serviceability

For satisfactory performance under each issue of concern, the calculated value of the parameter
under the nominated load shall be kept within the limiting value of the response in table 8.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 8 Serviceability response limits External walls, lower of two storeys

Issue of concern



Limit of


Discernable movement Mid-height deflection ()


Mid-height deflection ()

= height of lower storey

= either Wkw or Wkr in

= 0,7 kN

0,6 W

(< 20 mm)

Face loading

(< 12 mm)

Soft body impact on wall

NOTE Jamb studs may warrant specific serviceability criteria to counteract the closing and slamming
of doors. Brittle lining materials, such as ceramic tiles, may require special consideration for
serviceability. Brick veneer should not be considered as a brittle cladding material under this definition. Internal load-bearing wall studs

Design criteria for internal load-bearing wall studs are similar in principle to external load-bearing
wall studs. Wind load normal to the wall is limited to differential pressure between the wall faces and
may be taken as 0,3 qp where qp is obtained from

5.7.3 Non load-bearing studs General

Non-load-bearing studs are defined here as wall studs that are not required to carry gravity loads,
other than their own self-weight. These studs are, however, expected to carry any lateral loads such
as wind loads, impact loads or internal pressures they may be subjected to and shall be designed
The top wall plate of a non load-bearing wall shall be laterally supported.
Joints shall be made in non-load-bearing walls where they cross movement joints in the main
Care shall be taken to ensure that non-load-bearing studs do not become load-bearing because of
deflection of a floor above it. This can be achieved by measures similar in concept to those depicted
in figure 16. The finishes shall be detailed so as not to be damaged by the resulting movements.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Channel fixed to
structure over top
wall plate
Top wall plate not
attached to channel


Figure 16 Measures to prevent loading of non load-bearing studs Design for strength

New load-bearing studs have to resist wind loads and shall be designed in the following way:
a) External non-load-bearing studs shall be designed for the full wind load normal to the wall.
b) Internal non-load-bearing studs shall be designed for the differential pressure between the sides
of the wall, which may be taken as 0,3 qp, where qp is obtained from Design for serviceability

The serviceability requirements for non-load-bearing studs are the same as those for load-bearing
studs (see 5.7.2).

5.7.4 Noggings
Noggings shall be designed to provide lateral and torsional restraints to the studs. In addition,
noggings shall be designed to support an imposed concentrated vertical gravity load of 1,0 kN
placed anywhere on its span to produce the maximum load effects during construction.
Noggings are not normally required for non-load-bearing walls, except where required for the fixing
of cladding in accordance with recommendations of the manufacturers of the cladding material.

5.7.5 Lintels and wall plates for load-bearing walls Wall plates

Load-bearing wall plates are designed to transfer vertical loads only. Wall plates are generally not
designed to transfer horizontal loads laterally to support walls, as ceiling and floor diaphragms are
designed to resist horizontal loads and give lateral support to walls.
Load-bearing wall plates shall be designed to resist the vertical loads exerted by the elements
resting on them, except where such loads are transferred directly into the supporting structural
elements below the wall plate, aligned with the supported elements.
Wall plates may also have to resist longitudinal forces resulting from wall bracing (see 5.10.3).

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1 Lintels

A lintel shall be provided to any opening in a load-bearing wall where one or more studs are cut or
displaced to form the opening. A lintel is not required where an opening falls between studs.
Lintels are designed to transfer the vertical loads applied over the opening, to the jamb studs on the
sides of the opening.
Lintels in single or upper storey walls are designed to support rafters, trusses or any other load
carrying members that are located over the opening (see figure 5).
Lintels in the lower storey walls of a two-storey construction are designed to support the loads from
the wall above including the roof loads and the floor loads from the storey above (see figure 6).
A lintel can be designed as part of a system that includes top wall plates and other structural
components located directly above an opening and connected to the lintel.
Elements at the level of the top wall plate are not normally designed to carry the wind load normal to
the wall arising from the opening. Elements at the level of a ledger (see figure 2) shall be able to
span horizontally between the jamb studs when the wall is subjected to wind loads. Design for strength

The load combinations for the determination of the design load effects for wall plates and lintels are:
a) Single or upper storey
1,2 Gk + 1,6 qk
1,2 Gk + 1,6 Qk
0,9 Gk + 1,3 Wkr(up)
1,2 Gk + 1,3 Wkr(down)
1,2 Gk + 1,3 (Wkw + Wkr(down))

is the weight of the complete roof and ceiling;

qk and Qk are the imposed loads on the roof;


is the wind load on the roof;


is the wind load normal to the wall.

b) Lower storey
1,2 Gk + 1,6 qk
1,2 Gk + 1,6 Qk
0,9 Gk + 1,3 Wkr(up)
1,2 Gk + 1,3 Wkr(down)
1,2 Gk + 1,3 (Wkw + Wkr(down))

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

is the weight of the complete roof, upper storey walls and floor, including the

qk and Qk are the imposed loads on the roof and upper storey floor;

is the wind load on the roof;


is the wind load normal to the wall.

NOTE Guidance on the determination of weights can be found in annex A. Design for serviceability

For satisfactory performance under each issue of concern, the calculated value of the parameter
under the nominated load shall be kept within the relevant limiting value of the response, as shown
in table 9.
Table 9 Serviceability response limits for wall plates and lintels

Issue of concern



Limit of


Wall plates
Sagging or wind uplift Mid-span deflection ()

0,9G + 0,6 Wkr(up)

(< 3 mm)



Relevant Gk for upper

storey and lower
storey top plates


Mid-span deflection ()

(< 10 mm)
Wind uplift

Mid-span deflection ()

0,9 Gk + 0,6 Wkr(up)

Relevant Gk for upper

storey lintel


5.7.6 Wall bracing

Wall bracing shall be designed in accordance with 5.10.3.

5.8 Floor members

5.8.1 General
All floor members including floor joists, bearers and flooring shall be designed to act together as a
structural unit to transfer all the loads imposed on the roof, walls and floors to appropriate supports.
In addition, the floor assembly is expected to act as a diaphragm to transmit the horizontal shear
action effects arising from wind actions.

5.8.2 Floor joists and bearers General

Floor joists are designed mainly to support floor loads. Floor bearers are designed to support the
floor joists (see figure 7).

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Floor joists or bearers may also be required to support ceilings (of the storey below), and loadbearing and non-load-bearing walls which may run either parallel or perpendicular to the direction of
the joists or bearers (see figure 8).
Floor joists or bearers shall be fixed to supporting wall plates and channel bearing stiffeners as
shown in figure 17. Alternatively, bridging as shown in figure 20, or similar elements, shall be
provided to prevent rolling.


Figure 17 Channel bearing stiffeners for joists or bearers

The flanges of joists or bearers may not be notched unless it is specified in the design.
Except where adequate strengthening is provided around a hole through the web of a joist or
bearer, the rules in 5.7.1 governing penetrations through studs shall also be observed for floor joists
and bearers.
Where joists overlap on a load-bearing intermediate wall as shown in figure 18, they should be fixed
together with bolts or screws situated near the ends of the overlapping parts to prevent the floor
decking being pushed up or the ceiling being cracked when the cantilevered parts of the joist move
upward. The length of the overlap shall be a minimum of 150 mm.
Flanges of joists or bearers may not be notched to accommodate services, unless expressly
specified in the design. The rules provided in 5.7.1(a) to 5.7.1(e) shall be observed with respect to
penetrations through webs, and the design shall allow for such penetrations to be made.

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Edition 1


Figure 18 Overlapping joists Design for strength

The combinations of loads used for the determination of the design load effects for floor joists or
bearers are:
1,2 Gk + 1,6 qk
1,2 Gk + 1,6 Qk

are the permanent combined loads supported by joists or bearers;

Qk and qk

are the imposed loads as in 5.3.2.

The load effects of concentrated loads shall be considered where appropriate.

NOTE Guidance on the determination of weights can be found in annex A.

Where a joist or bearer is subjected to a point load deriving from a stud standing on it, it shall be
designed to resist the load resulting from that combination of loading that causes the load to be a
maximum. Design for serviceability

For satisfactory performance under each issue of concern, the calculated value of each parameter
under the nominated load shall be kept within the appropriate limiting value of the response as
shown in table 10.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 10 Serviceability response limits Floors
Issue of
Noticeable sag

Mid-span deflection ()


Limit of response


Gk + qk

15 mm
Mid-span deflection ()
Gk + 0,2qk
5 mm

1,0 kN
Load shared among 2 to
3 joists for chipboard or
plywood floor, and 3 to
5 joists for concrete or
built-up acoustic floor
NOTE 1 Alternatively, a dynamic analysis can be performed with a loading of G + 0,2qk
response limit is that the frequency should exceed 8 Hz.
NOTE 2 Mid-span deflection refers to the total floor system deflection.
NOTE 3 Limit of response for a cantilever may be taken as half of the values given above.

Normal floor
of floor

for which the

5.8.3 Floor and sub-floor bracing

Floor and sub-floor bracing and their connections shall be designed in accordance with

5.9 Connections
5.9.1 General
Connection elements include connection components (frame anchors, brackets, straps, plates,
parts of members to be connected) and connectors (welds, bolts, screws, rivets, clinches, nails,
structural adhesives).

5.9.2 Design criteria

Connection components and connectors shall be designed to satisfy the following:
a) Connection elements shall be capable of resisting design load effects arising in the connection
as the result of the design load effects in the connecting members and their supports.
b) Deformations at the connection shall be within the acceptable limits.
c) Appropriate allowance shall be made for any eccentricity at the connection.
d) Appropriate allowance shall be made for any local effects at the connections (for example, stress
concentration and local buckling).
e) The uplift forces due to wind load shall be assessed and adequate tie-down shall be provided to
resist these forces.
f) The strength and serviceability of the connection shall be assessed by computation using
SANS 10162-2, if applicable, or by prototype testing in accordance with 5.11, or by information
supplied by the manufacturer, provided that proof can be provided that such information is based
on a comprehensive testing programme.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
5.10 Bracing
5.10.1 General
This section describes the requirements for the design of bracing. These include roof bracing, wall
bracing, and floor and sub-floor bracing.
NOTE Temporary bracing may be required during construction.

5.10.2 Roof bracing General

All roof members including roof battens or purlins, roof trusses or rafters, brandering and bracing
shall be designed to act together as a structural unit to transfer all the loads imposed on the roof to
appropriate supports. For lateral restraints, it is generally assumed that the roof battens or purlins
will provide the lateral support for the top chords of the trusses and the ceiling brandering will
provide the lateral support for the bottom chords of the trusses. These assumptions require
additional actions to ensure their validity, including:
a) provision of additional bracing such as cross braces to ensure that the assumptions are valid;
b) computation to verify the adequacy of the roof battens or purlins, and ceiling battens and their
connections to the trusses to act as lateral restraint members.
The roof structure shall form a diaphragm to provide lateral support to the walls and to ensure that
the shape in plan of the building is maintained under all loading conditions. The roof structure,
including battens, purlins, ties and bracing shall be designed to ensure that it can perform this
function, and transmit the forces to the wall bracing system. A planar ceiling consisting of panels
that are screwed to brandering may be considered to form a diaphragm of adequate strength for
this purpose, provided that the ceiling is firmly attached to both external and internal walls through
the structure. Truss bracing Top chord bracing (see figure 9)

The requirement for a top chord bracing system is to transfer the forces generated in the top chord
restraints (usually by battens or purlins) back to the supporting structures. The loads to be
considered are those required to restrain the top chord against buckling, which may be taken as
equal to 0,02 times the maximum compressive force in the top chord, in addition to the wind load
perpendicular to the span of the trusses, including the wind load on walls supported at the top chord
level. For bracing intended to support more than one truss the value 0,02 shall be replaced by
0,02 + 0,01(n 1) 0,08
where n is the number of trusses supported.
Diagonal bracing shall be installed at an angle of between 30 and 60 to the truss top chord or
rafter, and it shall not sag more than 1/500 of the distance between supports. Where tension
devices are used to remove excessive sag, care shall be taken not to over-tension the braces. Bottom chord bracing

Bottom chord bracing is required to restrain bottom chords against lateral buckling under wind uplift.
It shall be fixed to each truss and to the wall in the same manner as for top chord bracing.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
The loads to be considered are those required to restrain the bottom chord against buckling, which
may be taken as equal to 0,02 times the maximum compressive force in the bottom chord, as well
as wind load on walls supported at the bottom chord level.
A planar ceiling consisting of panels screwed to brandering, which is in turn screwed to the bottom
chords of the trusses, may be regarded as providing adequate bracing to these chords. Web bracing

Where the truss design requires bracing of the web members, acceptable bracing, properly
supported and connected, shall be provided.

5.10.3 Wall bracing General

Wall bracing is required to transfer all horizontal forces from the roof, walls and floors to the
appropriate suspended floor diaphragms and to the foundations. Typical wall bracing is shown in
figure 10. Portal frames made of hot-rolled steel may also be used for bracing. Alternatively, the
building may be tied to a strong and rigid vertical structure such as a concrete wall.
Metal strap bracing shall be fixed to each stud it crosses, only after the structure has been squared
up and plumbed and the bracing has been finally tensioned. Design for strength

The design of the wall bracing shall conform to the following criteria:
a) The magnitudes of the forces shall be determined in accordance with 5.3 or SANS 10160.
b) Bracing shall be provided in two orthogonal directions and shall be distributed evenly so that no
torsional weakness is created (see figure 19).
c) If the strength of non-structural cladding is to be taken into account for the bracing of the building,
the design shall be based on full scale tests in accordance with 5.11 and the values in table 12,
and not more than 50 % of the bracing force may be assumed to be resisted by such cladding.
d) The angle of any metal strap bracing element shall be between 30 and 60 to the horizontal.
e) Sheet bracing elements shall not have an aspect ratio (height/width) greater than 3.
f) Appropriate anchoring of the braced panels shall be provided. Anchors in a concrete foundation
shall have a sufficient edge distance to ensure that the strength of the anchorage will be
adequate, and such anchors may only be installed into or attached to beams and slabs with
sufficient strength to resist the forces exerted by the anchors.
g) A combination of different systems for wall bracing may be used only if it can be established that
the systems have similar bracing stiffness or the performance is established by testing of a full
size prototype. Otherwise, the strength of the bracing shall be taken as that of only one of the
h) If a portal frame is used for bracing, the members and connections of the frame shall have
adequate strength to resist the moments and forces in the frame, and the lateral deflection of the
frame under full serviceability wind loads may not exceed h/200, where h is the height of the
portal frame.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
i) The racking strength of the system shall be established by either full size prototype testing or by
a rational analysis. Connection details shall be designed to resist the forces specified in 5.3 or
SANS 10160.
j) The braced panels shall be effectively attached to the roof and floor structures.

Figure 19 Typical distribution of bracing walls

5.10.4 Suspended floor bracing General

Suspended floors shall be designed to form a rigid plate that can provide lateral support to the walls
and ensure that the shape in the plan of the building is maintained under all loading conditions. If
the strength of the flooring is not adequate for resisting the forces acting on it and transmitting the
forces to the wall or sub-floor bracing, or the rigidity is not sufficient for resisting deformation,
bracing in the plane of the floor shall be provided. Floor joists or bearers

Floor joists rely on the floor decking to provide lateral restraint. Similarly, bearers rely on floor joists
to provide lateral restraint.
If the span of floor joists or bearers consisting of lipped channels or -shaped channels exceeds
4 m, the joists should be secured against rolling at points along their length not further than 3 m
apart by bridging as shown in figure 20, or by another effective method.
All joists and bearers shall be secured against toppling or rolling at all supports.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Figure 20 Bridging for preventing rolling of floor joists

5.11 Testing
5.11.1 General
Tests of steel and steel elements or assemblies shall be carried out as specified in SANS 10162-2.
The design resistance of an element, connection or assembly may alternatively be determined by
testing. Only full size prototypes of an element, connection or assembly shall be used in tests.

5.11.2 Coefficient of variation

The coefficient of variation of structural characteristics (ksc), refers to the variability of the total
population of the production units. This includes the total population variation due to fabrication (kf)
and material (km). It can be approximated as follows:
k sc =

k f + km

Unless a comprehensive test program used to establish ksc shows otherwise, the value of ksc shall
be not less than the following:
a) member strength:

10 %;

b) connection strength: 20 %;
c) assembly strength:

20 %;

d) member stiffness:

5 %;

e) assembly stiffness:

10 %.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
5.11.3 Establishment of design values for a specific product using prototype testing General

When the design resistance Rd, for a specific product is established by prototype testing of that
product the following conditions shall be satisfied:
a) the minimum number of tests shall be 3;
b) the design value Rd shall satisfy:
Rd (Rmin. /kt)
Rmin. is the minimum value of the test results;

is the sampling factor as given in table 11.

NOTE The condition of the product under test should be the same as the condition of the product in use.

Table 11 Sampling factor kt


Coefficient of variation of structural characteristics

Number of
test units


10 %

15 %

20 %

25 %

30 %
































1,00 Interpolation of values obtained by prototype testing

When prototype testing is conducted for a range of a specific parameter (for example span), to
establish design values for a specific product in accordance with, it is permissible to
interpolate the obtained results for that parameter provided that there is no change in structural
behaviour (for example no change in collapse mode) within the interpolating range.
No extrapolation of test values is permitted.

5.12 Construction of the steel frame

5.12.1 Introduction
Buildings can be highly vulnerable during construction. An incomplete building is still required to be
safe for the people on site. The actions that need to be taken depend on the method of

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
5.12.2 Factors to be considered during construction
The following factors shall be considered:
a) The partially complete structure may be subjected to a variety of loadings (see 5.3.4).
b) Regulatory safety requirements for workers in accordance with the relevant national legislation
(see foreword).
c) Provision of scaffolding and barriers, particularly those that rely on the building frame for support.
d) Temporary bracing and tie-down during the installation of permanent bracing and tie-down.
Particular care should be taken to provide adequate temporary bracing for the lower storey of
multi-storey construction where racking loads are significantly higher than those in single storey

5.13 Tolerances
5.13.1 Manufacturing and assembly tolerances Sections

The tolerances for cold-formed sections shall be determined such that the relevant actual sectional
properties differ by not more than 5 % from the design section properties. Length

The length of a component shall not deviate from its specified length by more than 2 mm. Straightness

A component that is specified to be straight, shall not deviate about any axis from a straight line
drawn between the end points by more than L/1000 or 6,0 mm, whichever is less. Assembly

Assembled wall panels shall each not deviate from the specified dimension by more than:
Length: +2, 4 mm;

2 mm.

The height of assembled roof trusses may not deviate by more than 10 mm from the specified

5.13.2 Installation tolerances Attachment to supporting structure

For load-bearing walls (including shear panels), gaps between the bottom plate and the concrete
slab greater than 3 mm shall be packed with load-bearing shims under each stud. For non-loadbearing walls, gaps greater than 3 mm shall be packed with load-bearing shims or grouted at jamb
studs and points where the bottom plate is fastened to the slab. Where the gap under the bottom
plate exceeds 10 mm the space between the bottom plate and the slab shall be filled with grout
after installation of the shims.
For the attachment of floor joists, bearers, trusses and rafters to walls, where the gap exceeds
3 mm, the gap shall be packed with load-bearing shims.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1 Walls General

The following tolerances are applicable to all vertical members including walls, posts, and stumps. Position

Walls shall be positioned within 5 mm from their specified position. Plumb

Walls and studs shall not deviate from the vertical by more than h/600 or 3 mm, whichever is
greater (see figure 21).

Figure 21 Plumb of walls Straightness

3,0 m

5 mm max.

Walls, specified as straight, shall not deviate from a straight line by more than 5 mm over a
3 m length as shown in figure 22. Where wall panels join to form a continuous wall, the critical face
or faces of the panel may not deviate by more than 2 mm at the joint.


Figure 22 Straightness of walls

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1 Flatness of walls for installation of linings

The flatness of an individual wall that is to be lined shall be such that when a 1,8 m long straight
edge is placed parallel to the wall face, the maximum deviation from the straight edge does not
exceed 3 mm over 90 % of the area, and does not exceed 4 mm over the remaining area. Trusses, rafters, ceiling joists and floor members Position

Trusses, rafters, ceiling joists and floor members shall be positioned within 20 mm from their
specified position. Straightness

Trusses, rafters, ceiling joists and floor members shall be installed so that they will not deviate from
a straight line by more than L/500 where L is the length of the member (see figure 23).
The difference in the level of points on adjacent members that are intended to be on the same level
shall not exceed 1/150 of the spacing of the members or 6 mm, whichever is less.

L =

length of member

Figure 23 Straightness of members Plumb

Out of plumb at any point along the length of the truss from top to bottom, shall not exceed h/100
unless the trusses are specifically designed to be installed out of plumb (see figure 24).

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Figure 24 Plumbness of trusses Floor surface

The flatness of the floor surface shall be within 10 mm over the entire room, but not exceeding
5 mm over any 3 m length, unless specifically designed with a slope. Abutting floors between
rooms shall be aligned, unless specifically designed otherwise. Vertical alignment of members

When members such as joists, rafter trusses and structural wall studs (above or below a wall plate)
are designed to be vertically aligned, the centre lines of the members shall not be more than 20 mm
apart, as shown in figure 25.

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Edition 1

Figure 25 Vertical alignment of members

5.14 Durability and corrosion

5.14.1 Steel structure

Steel covered by wall or roof cladding, or surrounded by sub-floor walling, and not within 500 m of
the sea, as well as steel that is not covered by cladding or surrounded by sub-floor walling, and not
within 10 km of the sea or within a heavy industrial area, shall be continuous hot-dip galvanised
sheeting with minimum coating class Z200, or a coating with corrosion resistance at least equivalent
to 100 g/m2 galvanising, per side. An appropriate higher level of corrosion protection is required for
steel structures located closer to the sea or within heavy industrially polluted areas.
Wherever galvanised steel has been welded or cut by flame, the affected areas shall be painted
with a zinc-rich paint having at least 85 % of zinc in the dry film.

5.14.2 Fasteners The minimum specification for corrosion protection of fasteners is supplied in table 12.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 12 Corrosion protection requirements for fasteners


Location in building

Ease of


Inside building envelope

Steel wall frames
Outside building envelope
Ventilated roof cavity
Unventilated roof cavity
Wall frame anchors

Inside building envelope

External cladding

Outside building envelope

Internal lining, ceilings

wet rooms'
all other rooms


Outside building envelope








































Internal Regular



Internal Dry









For inspection and maintenance.

Aggressive: Marine environment (500 m to 10 km from the sea), or industrially polluted

atmospheres. Inland: All other environments.

Coating class defines the corrosion resistance requirements. (See

Subject to requirements of SANS 1273. Test for compliance with coating class requirements: Screws shall be driven into a
galvanized sheet of at least 15 mm thickness, then removed and mounted on an inert material for
testing. The significant surface (i.e. head and un-driven shank) shall be evaluated. Salt fog tests
shall be made in accordance with SANS 7253, with an additional 240 hours of UV exposure before
this for fasteners with organic coatings. The UV requirements shall be in accordance with
ISO 11997-2, as follows:

a) Lamps and wavelength: UVB 313/280 nm

b) Cycle: 4 h UV/60 C, 4 h condensation/50 C
For C1 after exposure for 72 h, C2 after 240 h, and C3 after 1 000 h, no more than 5 % of the
significant exposed surface shall show red rust and there shall be no blistering of the coating. Fasteners of the coating types in table 13 comply with the test requirements for the
respective coating classes.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 13 Corrosion protection requirements for fasteners

Coating class

Coating type

Minimum coating


Electroplated zinc

Electroplated zinc


Mechanically plated zinc

Mechanically plated tin-zinc (20 % Sn, bal Zn)


Electroplated zinc

Mechanically plated zinc


Mechanically plated tin-zinc (20 % Sn, bal Zn)

Hot-dip galvanized



The porosity of mechanically plated coatings requires microscopic examination of a

cross section through the coating, at 500 magnification. It shall be carried out over a
suitable flat surface on the head of the fastener. No continuous through thickness
porosity shall be evident. Fasteners not inside the building envelope and not washed by rain (for example under
overhangs) in marine and industrial environments, require additional protection against corrosion,
such as organic coatings. Fasteners or the packaging (or both) should be acceptably marked to show compliance. Manufacturers of rivets should provide evidence that rivets, once installed, have durability
required by the design, i.e. life expectancy equivalent to that of the materials being connected and
compatibility with those materials.

5.15 Support of wall cupboards and fittings

Noggings or other structural elements of sufficient strength shall be provided as required to support
fittings such as kitchen cupboards or sanitary fittings and taps.

5.16 Earthing
The steel frame shall be properly electrically earthed to comply with SANS 10142-1.

6 Walls, roofs and suspended floors

6.1 Scope
The requirements of this section cover the cladding, insulation, waterproofing and other materials
attached to or installed between the elements of the steel frame. Windows, doors and other
installations for ventilation such as, natural lighting are excluded. Specific information is provided for
domestic dwellings. All buildings shall be designed to meet the requirements of the relevant national
legislation (see foreword) for such buildings, and any additional applicable requirements.

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Edition 1
6.2 General requirements
6.2.1 Damp and weatherproofing
Roofs, floors and external walls shall prevent the ingress of moisture from outside the building
envelope that can affect the health or comfort of occupants.

6.2.2 Durability
The building shall, with appropriate maintenance, be able to survive for its design life.

6.2.3 Energy efficiency General

The building shall facilitate, through its thermal performance, the efficient use of energy for artificial
heating or cooling, while providing an acceptable indoor environment for its occupants or the
processes conducted in the building.
A number of factors impact on the thermal efficiency of a building, such as roof colour, orientation of
the building, area and type of glazing, shading for windows, sealing against uncontrolled air flow
and insulation of walls, ceilings and floors (see SANS 204-2). Only the limitation of uncontrolled air
flow and insulation are addressed in this standard.
South Africa has been divided into six climate zones (see figure 26). The recommended R-values
below are based on the climatic conditions in each zone. External walls

In order to meet the requirement of, the external walls of a domestic dwelling shall meet the
thermal insulation requirements in table 14. Where a garage is attached to a domestic dwelling,
either the outer wall of the garage, or the wall separating the garage from the domestic dwelling,
shall meet the requirements in table 14.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Figure 26 Map of climate zones in South Africa

Table 14 Minimum required R-value (m2k/w)) of thermal
insulation for external walls of domestic dwellings

Climate zone

1, 4 or 6

2, 3 or 5

Required R-value

Category 1 buildings



All other buildings



NOTE The climate zones for South Africa are

defined in figure 26. Roofs and ceilings

The combination of roof and ceiling insulation of a domestic dwelling shall meet the thermal
insulation requirements in table 15.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 15 Minimum required R-value (m2K/W) of thermal
insulation for roofs and ceilings of domestic dwellings

Climate zone

Direction of heat flow


Upwards Upwards

Up- and

Upwards Downwards


Required R-value
m K/W

Category 1 buildings







Other buildings







NOTE 1 The climate zones for South Africa are defined in figure 26.
NOTE 2 The required R-values and the direction of heat flow assume that a domestic dwelling will
have a greater degree of occupancy during the night than during the day. Floors With the exception of climate zone 5, a concrete slab-on-ground shall have insulation
installed around the vertical edge of its perimeter which shall

a) have an R-value of not less than 1,0,

b) be water resistant in order to retain its thermal insulation properties,
c) be continuous from the adjacent finished ground level
1) to a depth of not less than 300 mm, and
2) for the full depth of the vertical edge of the concrete slab-on-ground,
d) with an in-slab heating system, shall be insulated underneath the slab with insulation having a
R-value of not less than 1,0. With the exception of climate zone 5, a suspended floor that is part of a buildings
envelope shall have insulation installed

a) for climate zones 1 and 2, with a partially or completely unenclosed exterior perimeter, which
shall achieve a R-value of 1,5,
b) for climate zones 3, 4 and 6, with a partially or completely unenclosed exterior perimeter, which
shall achieve a R-value of 1,0.
c) with an in-slab heating system, around the vertical edge of its perimeter and underneath the slab,
having a R-value of not less than 1,0.
d) The insulation shall be water resistant in order to retain its thermal insulation properties.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
6.2.4 Acoustic insulation
The acoustic insulation in a building shall ensure that its occupants can use it for its normal
purposes without being unduly disturbed by noise coming from adjacent rooms or from outside, or
being concerned that they may cause disturbance to people not in the same room.
The requirements for acoustic insulation for the walls of a domestic dwelling are contained in
table 16.
Table 16 Minimum acoustic insulation values for walls in domestic dwellings

Required sound insulation

Position of wall


Tenancy-separating wall between two adjacent

dwelling units

With discontinuous construction

Between two rooms within the same dwelling unit


Between a habitable room other than a kitchen and a

space containing water supply or sewage pipes
serving another dwelling unit


Between a kitchen and a space containing water

supply or sewage pipes serving another dwelling unit


NOTE Discontinuous construction means a wall with an uninterrupted gap of at least

20 mm between the leaves, or the frames supporting each leaf, on either side (see

The acoustic insulation for floors between habitable rooms in domestic dwellings shall meet the
requirements in table 17.
Table 17 Minimum acoustic insulation values for floors in domestic dwellings
Position of floor

Required sound insulation

Between two levels in the same residence


Tenancy-separating floor between two

domestic dwellings in the same building


6.2.5 Fire resistance

The required fire resistances of the elements of a domestic dwelling are given in table 18.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 18 Minimum required fire resistance of elements in domestic dwellings


Required fire

Load-bearing walls and tenancy-separating walls


Non-load-bearing walls


Wall between garage and dwelling


Suspended floor, other than a ground floor


Suspended floor over garage


6.2.6 Air infiltration

The uncontrolled movement of air through the shell of the building shall be minimized, to enhance
the acoustic and thermal performance and energy efficiency of the building. Openings in walls such
as for doors and windows, and abutments against ceilings and floors shall be sealed by caulking,
and the use of sealants, skirtings, architraves and cornices.

6.2.7 Robustness
The fabric of the building shall be robust enough to survive deliberate or accidental impact of a
magnitude that could reasonably be expected, caused by human agents, animals or the weather,
with no or minimal damage.

6.3 Exterior walls

6.3.1 General requirements Stud spacing shall not exceed 600 mm. A closer spacing may be prescribed by structural
requirements or the recommendations of the manufacturer of the cladding material. Cognisance
should be taken of the standard widths of cladding and lining panels.

The stud spacing may also be affected by the requirement to align with load-bearing members to be
supported by the studs. A strip of polyolefin or similar membrane with minimum thickness of 250 m shall be
installed underneath all bottom wall plates of exterior walls to prevent moisture from the slab from
getting in contact with the bottom wall plate. A vapour permeable membrane shall be applied on the outside of the steel studs to
minimize water penetration and uncontrolled air flow which reduces the effectiveness of thermal
insulation and may result in condensation on the steel structure inside the building envelope. It shall
however permit vapour inside the wall cavity to escape. Special measures shall be taken for insulation of buildings in the Southern Cape
condensation belt to minimize condensation within the wall cavity and on inside wall surfaces (see
6.3.5). All joints in exterior cladding shall be sealed against moisture ingress in accordance with
the manufacturers recommendations. Butt joints of cladding panels shall be made against steel
studs or noggings.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1 Expansion joints shall be allowed in exterior board cladding to allow for expansion and
contraction of the cladding material, in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. Such
joints shall be sealed with a durable elastic sealant. A thermal break between exterior cladding and wall studs shall be effected by installation of
suitable insulation material (see except in the case of brick veneer cladding, where an air
gap of at least 25 mm shall be maintained. External and interior cladding materials shall be able to withstand both the soft and hard
impact tests when fixed to the steel structure, as prescribed by the Agrment Board of South Africa
in Booklet B1.

6.3.2 Typical construction details General

The typical construction details in to (inclusive), are deemed to satisfy the
requirements of 6.2, however, proof of compliance should be supplied by the material
manufacturers. Other methods and materials may be used, subject to proof of compliance with the
requirements of 6.2. The table with each figure shows the additional insulation to be provided by
means of bulk insulation or additional material, including material with reflective surfaces (see
tables 19 to 21). See for the R-values of some commonly used insulation materials. Weatherboard (fibre cement or timber planks) external cladding

The R-value of basic elements of wall (excluding added insulation) is 0,47 m2K/W, (see figure 27).
The fire resistance exceeds 30 min.

NOTE For added insulation options see table 19.

Figure 27 Typical exterior wall components Weatherboard

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 19 Minimum required R-value (m2K/W) of added insulation


Climate zone

1, 4 or 6

2, 3 or 5

Required Rvalue
(m K/W)

Category 1 buildings



All other buildings



See figure 26. Fibre cement board external cladding

The R-value of basic elements of wall (excluding added insulation) is 0,41 m2K/W (see figure 28).
The fire resistance exceeds 30 min.

NOTE For added insulation options see table 20.

Figure 28 Typical exterior wall components Fibre cement cladding

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 20 Minimum required R-value (m2K/W) of added insulation


Climate zone

1, 4 or 6

2, 3 or5

Required Rvalue
(m K/W)

Category 1 buildings



All other buildings



See figure 26. Brick veneer external cladding

The R-value of basic elements of wall (excluding added insulation) is 0,55 m2K/W (see figure 29).
The fire resistance exceeds 30 min.

NOTE For added insulation options see table 21.

Figure 29 Typical wall components Brick veneer

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 21 Minimum required R-value (m2K/W) of added insulation


Climate zone

1, 4 or 6

2, 3 or5

Required Rvalue
(m K/W)

Category 1 buildings



All other buildings



See figure 26.

6.3.3 Added insulation in exterior walls Combined R-value

The Rvalues of commonly used materials for providing insulation to outer walls are given in
table 22. Where more than one insulating layer is used, the Rvalues of the layers may be added
together. The combined R-value so achieved may be added to the R-value of the basic elements of
the wall, and this sum shall be at least equal the required R-value in table 14 for the relevant
climatic zone.
Table 22 R-values of commonly-used insulation materials


R-value (m2K/W)/
100 mm thickness

Sheet insulation
Extruded polystyrene
15 kg/m3


20 kg/m3



30 kg/m

Bulk Insulation (fibrous insulation)

Polyester (10 kg/m3)


Glass wool (11 kg/m3)


Glass wool (18 kg/m3)


Glass wool (14 kg/m3 with membrane)


Stone wool (80 kg/m3)

2,56 Installation of insulation Insulation shall be installed so that it abuts or overlaps adjoining insulation, meets window
or door frames or elements of the steel structure without a gap, and forms a continuous barrier with
the insulation of the roof, ceiling, floors or other parts of the building envelope. Bulk insulation shall be installed so that it maintains its position and thickness, except
where it has to be compressed to accommodate services. Reflective insulation shall be installed so that it maintains its position and any specified
airspace (typically 25 mm) between the reflective side and the nearest panel.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1 Thermal break

If the external cladding consists of weatherboard, fibre cement sheeting or metal sheeting, a
thermal break with an R-value of at least 0,2 shall be installed between the steel frame and the
cladding. Expanded polystyrene of not less than 12 mm or timber of not less than 19 mm thickness
may be deemed to have an R-value of at least 0,2. Care shall be taken to ensure that the in-plane
shear strength of the wall panel assembly meets the design requirements.

6.3.4 Damp, weather and draft proofing A vapour permeable membrane shall be attached to the outside of the steel structure and
cover the entire surface of external walls, excluding doors, windows and other penetrations. Damp-proof courses shall be provided underneath bottom wall plates of all exterior walls. The sealing and flashings around doors, windows and other penetrations through walls
shall be such as to prevent uncontrolled air flow through the joints, and to cause any moisture to
drain to the outside of the building, for which weep holes shall be provided. (See figure 30.) The joints between the internal cladding and the ceiling or floor shall be sealed using elastic
sealant, caulking, cornices or skirting (or both), to minimize air leakage through these joints, and to
enhance the thermal and acoustic insulation properties of the wall assembly.

6.3.5 Prevention of condensation Condensation occurs when moist air comes into contact with a surface that is cooler than
the dew point temperature of the air. Condensation in a building or cavity can be minimized by the
restriction of airflow.

Buildings in the Southern Cape condensation belt are prone to condensation due to topographical
factors, as well as the fact that it lies in the winter rainfall area of South Africa (see figure 31). Especially in these areas, sufficient insulation shall be installed on the outside of the steel
structure to prevent the surface temperature of the light steel frame from dropping below the dew
point. In addition, condensation is prevalent in the coastal areas of KwaZulu-Natal during the
summer months due to the high humidity levels. As air conditioning of residential buildings in this
area is not uncommon it is recommended that a thermal break (R = 0,2) be installed on the inside of
the steel frame to prevent the steel temperature dropping below dew point.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Figure 30 Cross section through a typical light steel frame building

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Figure 31 Southern Cape condensation belt

6.3.6 Robustness
The external walls shall be able to perform satisfactorily under both the soft body and hard body
impact tests as prescribed by the Board of Agrment South Africa in Booklet B1.

6.3 Attachment of wall cladding to steel structure Cladding materials shall be fixed to the steel studs in accordance with the
recommendations of the manufacturer of the cladding material, in terms of fastener type, size and
spacing. Where brick veneer cladding is used, three wall ties shall be used per square metre to tie
the brick wall to the light steel frame. The ties should be installed to slant slightly upwards to the
steel structure, to prevent moisture leakage from reaching the steel frame. Fasteners and wall ties with suitable corrosion resistance shall be used (see 5.14.2).
Stainless steel fasteners are not recommended for use in marine environments.

6.3.8 Air spaces

All elements of an external wall shall be so installed and secured that any specified air spaces are
of the required width and free of any objects, and will remain so during the life of the building.

6.4 Internal walls

6.4.1 General requirements Stud spacing shall be a maximum of 600 mm. A closer spacing may be prescribed by
structural requirements in the case of internal load-bearing walls or the recommendations of the
manufacturer of the cladding material. Cognisance should be taken of standard widths of cladding
and lining panels. Moisture resistant lining boards shall be applied on the inside of bathroom and scullery
walls and special attention paid to waterproofing of the floors (see 6.6.1).

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
6.4.2 Typical construction details General

The typical construction details in to (inclusive) are deemed to satisfy the
requirements given in 6.2. Other methods and materials may be used, subject to proof of
compliance with the requirements of 6.2. Standard internal walls

The elements of a standard internal wall are shown in figure 32.


Acoustic insulation (Rw)

Fire rating


48 dB
30 min

Figure 32 Elements of a standard internal wall Tenancy-separating walls

Tenancy-separating walls have to extend to the underside of the roof cladding to prevent the spread
of fire, and to ensure the acoustic performance of the separation.
Electrical outlet boxes in tenancy-separating walls should not be installed back-to-back, as it will
impact negatively on the sound insulation of the wall. Sound insulation in the wall cavity shall extend
horizontally to meet the insulation of the external walls, to prevent noise transfer (referred to as
For tenancy-separating walls with staggered studs, see figure 33. For tenancy-separating walls with
double wall frames, see figure 34.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Acoustic insulation (Rw)

Fire rating


50 dB
60 min

Figure 33 Tenancy-separating wall with staggered studs

Acoustic insulation (Rw)

Fire rating


52 dB
60 min

Figure 34 Tenancy-separating wall with double wall frame

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1 Bathroom and scullery walls

The elements of bathroom and scullery walls are shown in figure 35.

Acoustic insulation (Rw)

Fire rating


48 dB
30 min

Figure 35 Bathroom and scullery walls

6.4.3 Air infiltration

The joints between walls, ceilings and floors shall be sealed with elastic sealant, caulking, skirting or
cornices (or both), to minimize the flow of air through these joints, and hence maintain the acoustic
insulation of the walls.

6.4.4 Robustness
When fixed to the steel structure cladding materials shall be able to withstand both the soft and hard
impact tests as prescribed by the Board of Agrment South Africa in Booklet B1.

6.5 Roofs and ceilings

NOTE The R-value of roofing insulation is obtained by adding the R-values of different insulation media

6.5.1 General requirements

In an aggressive industrial or marine (within 10 km from the sea) environment, exposed parts of
trusses and purlins under the eaves shall be coated with an acceptable paint coating to enhance
the corrosion resistance of the galvanized sheet.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
6.5.2 Deemed- to-satisfy thermal insulation requirements
Table 15 shows the minimum insulation requirements for roof-and-ceiling system for the various
climate zones in South Africa.
In regions 3 and 5 the required R-value of the thermal insulation may be reduced by 0,5 if the roof
surface is light in colour, i.e. ranging from dull grey (weathered galvanised sheet) to cream and

6.5.3 Added insulation

Required added insulation may be installed under the cladding or above the ceiling lining, (or both).
See table 22 for R-values of different insulation materials.
If reflective foil is used, an air gap of at least 25 mm shall be maintained between the heat source
and the foil.
The R-values of reflective foil used in different roof or ceiling applications are provided in table 23.
Table 23 R-values of reflective foil for different roofing applications

of added

heat flow

Pitched roof (slope 10o)

with horizontal ceiling
roof space

roof space

Flat roof
10 ) with

Pitched roof with ceilings

attached to underside of rafters
(cathedral ceilings)
22 slope 30 slope 45 slope

0,2 outer
0,05 inner








0,2 outer
0,05 inner








0,9 outer
0,05 inner








0,9 outer
0,05 inner








6.5.4 Typical construction details General

The typical construction details in to (inclusive), are deemed to satisfy the
requirements given in 6.2, however, proof of compliance should be supplied by the material
manufacturers. Other methods and materials may be used, subject to proof of compliance with the
requirements of 6.2.
NOTE The climate zones for South Africa are defined in figure 26. Ceiling linings

The R-value of roof and ceiling materials attached to the underside of rafters is as follows:
Metal cladding = 0,35 m2K/W;
Cement/clay tiles = 0,37 m2K/W.
The fire rating is 30 min.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
The ceiling lining attached to the underside of rafters is shown in figure 36, and the ceiling lining
attached to the underside of battens or purlins is shown in figure 37.

NOTE For added insulation options see table 24.

Figure 36 Ceiling lining attached to underside of rafters

NOTE For added insulation options see table 24.

Figure 37 Ceiling lining attached to underside of battens or purlins

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 24 Required R-value (m2K/W) of added insulation


Climate zone

1 and 4

3 and 5

Required R-value
(m K/W)

Category 1 buildings





All other buildings





NOTE The small differences between the R-values of the different

roofing materials are ignored.

See figure 26. Pitched roof and horizontal ceilings Ventilated roof spaces

The R-value of roofing materials for ventilated roof spaces (see figure 38) is as follows:
Cement/clay tiles = 0,22 m2K/W;
Steel roof cladding = 0,20 m2K/W;
The fire rating is 30 min.

NOTE For added insulation options see table 25.

Figure 38 Pitched roof and horizontal ceiling Ventilated roof space

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 25 Required R-value (m2K/W) of added insulation


Climate zone

1 and 4

3 and 5

Required R-value
(m K/W)

Category 1 buildings





All other buildings





See figure 26. Unventilated roof spaces

The R-value of roofing materials for unventilated roof spaces (see figure 39) is as follows:
Metal cladding = 0,38 m2K/W;
Clay/concrete tiles (with underlay) = 0,40 m2K/W.
The fire rating is 30 min.

NOTE For added insulation options see table 26.

Figure 39 Pitched roof and horizontal ceiling Unventilated roof space

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 26 Required R-value (m2K/W) of added insulation


Climate zone

1 and 4

3 and 5

Required R-value
(m K/W)

Category 1 buildings





All other buildings





See figure 26.

6.6 Suspended floors

6.6.1 General requirements Flooring shall be laid in accordance with the relevant provisions of SANS 10043 (timber
flooring), SANS 803 (fibre cement boards), and SANS 10100-1 and SANS 10100-2, for reinforced
concrete. When sheet materials are used, longitudinal joints shall only occur on joists, and transverse
joints in adjacent panels shall be staggered. In wet rooms such as bathrooms, laundries and kitchens where floors are subject to
splashing water or a lot of vapour, an impervious floor shall be used, being either a concrete floor or
a sheeted subfloor, tanked using an acceptable acrylic or bitumastic waterproofing system. The
waterproofing shall be continued to a minimum height of 100 mm up each wall face and sealed
against the wall cladding.

6.6.2 Typical construction details General

The following typical construction details are deemed to satisfy the requirements given in 6.2. Other
methods and materials may be used, subject to proof of compliance with the requirements of 6.2.
Tables 17 and 18, and provide the minimum required acoustic insulation and fire rating
values of each assembly, and where applicable the required R-value of the floor assembly as well
as the required R-value of additional insulation to be provided.
See table 22 for the R-values of some commonly used insulation materials. Suspended ground floor

A suspended ground floor with ventilated crawl space is shown in figure 40.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

R-value of floor materials = 0,7 m2K/W

R-value of required additional insulation (for unenclosed perimeter) (see =

0,8 m2K/W

Figure 40 Suspended ground floor with ventilated crawl space Suspended floor

A suspended floor between levels in the same dwelling is shown in figure 41.
13 mm to 22 mm chipboard (or
similar) to give 15 kg/m 2

100 mm bulk insulation

(10 kg/m3 to 30 kg/m3 )
between beams

Minimum 15 mm thickness fire

resistant gypsum board
Floor joist at 400 mm max.

Acoustic insulation (Rw)

Fire rating


45 dB
30 min

Figure 41 Suspended floor between levels in the same dwelling

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1 Suspended tenancy-separating floor

A suspended tenancy-separating floor is shown in figure 42.

18 mm chipboard, or similar
15 mm gypsum board on top of
15 mm chipboard (could be
separated by a resilient layer)
100 mm of unfaced bulk
insulation between joists

Brandering on 400 mm
maximum spacing
15 mm minimum thickness
fire resistant gypsum board


Acoustic insulation (Rw)

Fire rating


50 dB
30 min

Figure 42 Suspended tenancy-separating floor

7 Installation of services
7.1 Positioning of services in concrete floor slabs
Due to the accuracy of wall positioning characteristic of light steel frame building, care shall be
taken to accurately position water access and drainage pipes before casting the concrete floor.

7.2 Holes in members

Pipes, conduits and cables shall be run through pre-punched holes in the steelwork where such
holes are provided, or the holes have to be made in accordance with the specifications for the
specific project. Where such specifications do not exist, holes may be made through the steel
elements, provided that the following requirements are strictly adhered to:
a) Flanges of studs, joists, bearers or rafters may not be notched to accommodate services, unless
expressly specified in the design.
b) A rectangular or oval hole or slot shall not exceed 40 % of the overall depth of the member. The
length of the hole shall not exceed three times the width of the hole.
c) The diameter of a circular hole shall not exceed 50 % of the depth of the member.
d) A hole of which any dimension exceeds 15 mm shall not be closer to an end of a section than
2,5 times the overall depth of the section.
e) Any two holes shall be spaced further apart than 2,5 times the largest dimension of either of the
two holes.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
f) All holes shall be positioned along the centreline of the steel section.
If any of these requirements cannot be met, the responsible engineers advice and approval shall be

7.3 Plumbing pipework and fittings

Plumbing pipework and fittings shall comply with SANS 10106, SANS 10252-1, SANS 10252-2,
SANS 10254 and SANS 10400, and shall meet the following requirements:
a) When using masonry veneer construction, pipes may be located in the gap between the brick
wall and the steel frame, provided that they are attached to the frame with full pipe saddles and
screws, properly protected against corrosion.
b) Pipe grommets as shown in figure 43, or equivalent, shall be installed in all holes in steel
elements through which pipes pass, to prevent chafing of pipes due to thermal expansion or
contraction, as well as to prevent noise from being passed on to the light steel structure.
c) Pipes shall be prevented from being in contact with the steel frame, by means of an insulating
membrane, or by supporting the pipes with non-conductive pipe saddles. It is especially
important to prevent copper and brass pipes from contact with the galvanised steel frame, as it
could lead to corrosion.
d) Pipes shall be properly supported to prevent movement, resulting from water hammer.
e) Fittings such as taps, hand basins and toilet cisterns shall be supported by steel or timber
noggings, as shown in figure 44. An insulating material shall be inserted between brass or
copper fittings and steel noggings.

Copper or
plastic pipe



Figure 43 Insulating grommets

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Figure 44 Fixing of taps or water outlets to the steel frame

7.4 Electrical cables and fittings

Electrical cables and fittings shall meet the following requirements:
a) Electrical grommets as shown in figure 43, or equivalent, shall be installed in all holes in steel
elements through which cables pass.
b) Cables that are not adequately supported shall be attached with clips, stirrups or saddles.
c) Unless the switches or power points have been specifically made to be used with plasterboard,
noggings or backing plates attached to the steelwork shall be used to support them.
d) Special care shall be taken when installing switch or plug boxes, especially in tenancy-separating
walls, to prevent air leakage which could result in noise transmission between different units.

8 Foundations
8.1 General
The wall loads exerted by light steel frame buildings are generally significantly lower than those
exerted by conventional masonry structures. For structures with fibre cement cladding, the wall
loads vary from 20 %, of those exerted by a conventional brick structure for steel sheeted roofs, to
40 % for tiled roofs. These figures apply to both single and double storey structures and include the
imposed loads and the weight of the suspended floor where applicable. For single skin brick
cladding, the wall loads are approximately 50 % of the loads exerted by a conventional structure for
steel sheeted roofs and 70 % for cement tiled roofs.
Guidance on the design of foundations for buildings is given in SANS 10161, SANS 10400 and the
NHBRC Home Building Manual. The information contained in these documents is typically based on
the requirements for conventional brick structures. This section of the standard extends the
guidance given in the above documents for use in the design of light steel frame buildings.
All sites shall be classified in accordance with 8.2.3. Foundations shall either be designed in
accordance with engineering principles in accordance with 8.5 or typical foundation types may be
selected in accordance with 8.3, and constructed using the standard details given in 8.4. The ability
of the foundations to resist uplift due to wind loading shall, in all instances, be checked by
calculation in accordance with engineering principles.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

All foundations shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the provisions of SANS 10400
and SANS 10161, unless specified to the contrary in this standard.

8.2 Site investigation

8.2.1 General
The main purpose of a site investigation is to provide the geotechnical parameters required for the
rational design of foundations or to classify the site to allow the selection of appropriate foundation
types as described in 8.2.3. The site investigation shall be carried out by a suitably qualified,
professional geotechnical practitioner who is registered with the relevant national body (see

8.2.2 Site investigation requirements

The minimum requirements of the site investigation shall be
a) to provide a full description of the soil profile in accordance with SANS 10161, or equivalent
standard procedures,
b) to provide information on the ground water regime in areas where a shallow water table could
c) to identify the existence of problem soil types on the site including heaving clays, collapsible
sands, compressible soils, soft clays, dolomitic conditions or fill,
d) to estimate the likely movement of the foundations due to normal settlement, collapse settlement
or heave, or to provide the parameters required for the estimation of such movements,
e) to estimate the bearing capacity of the soil or provide the parameters required for the estimation
of the bearing capacity, and
f) to identify any other aspects of the site conditions that will affect the design of the foundations or
sub-structure of the building.
The depth and extent of the investigation shall be selected by the geotechnical practitioner based
on the site conditions. As a guide, a minimum of one test hole is recommended on the site of a
simple structure such as a single storey domestic dwelling where uniform conditions are present
and where no problem soils are encountered.
A minimum of three test holes is recommended where soil conditions are problematic or are known
to be variable. The minimum recommended depth of investigation is 1,5 m unless rock is
encountered at a shallower depth or, in the opinion of the geotechnical practitioner, further
investigation is not necessary for the purposes of site classification.
Deeper investigation shall be carried out as required where problem soil conditions are expected
below this depth.

8.2.3 Site classification The site of each individual structure shall be classified in accordance with table 27. For the
sake of compatibility, the same site class designations as those given in the NHBRC Home Building
Manual are used.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1 The classifications, C, H, R and S are not intended for dolomitic areas unless specific
investigations are carried out to assess the stability (risk of sinkholes and doline formation) of the
dolomites. Where the risk is found to be acceptable, the site shall be designated in accordance with
the provisions of the NHBRC Home Building Manual. Site classes are based on the assumption that differential movements, experienced by
single-storey residential structures, expressed as a percentage of the total soil movements are
approximately equal to 50 % for soils that exhibit expansive or compressive characteristics and
75 % for soils that exhibit both compressible and collapse characteristics. Where this assumption is
incorrect or inappropriate, the total soil movements shall be adjusted so that the resultant differential
movement implied by table 27 is equal to that which is expected in the field. In some instances, it may be more appropriate to use a composite description to describe a
site more fully for example, C1/H2 or S1 or H2 (or both). Composite site classes may lead to higher
differential movements and result in design solutions appropriate to a higher range of differential
movement for example, a class R/S1 may be described as a class S2 site. Alternatively, a further
site investigation may be necessary as the final design solution may depend on the location of the
housing unit on a particular site. Where it is not possible to provide a single site designation and a composite description is
inappropriate, sites may be given multiple descriptions to indicate the range of possible conditions,
for example, H-H1-H2 or C1-C2. Soft silts and clays usually exhibit high consolidation and low bearing characteristics.
Structures founded on these horizons may experience high settlements and such sites should be
designated as class S1 or S2, as relevant and appropriate. Sites containing contaminated soils include those associated with reclaimed mine land, land
down slope of mine tailings and old land fills. Where a site is classified as being P, full particulars relating to the founding conditions on
the site shall be provided. Where a site is designated as being P, the reason for such classification shall be placed in
brackets immediately after the suffix, i.e. P (contaminated soils). Under certain circumstances
composite description may be appropriate. Certain fills may contain contaminants, which present a health risk. The nature of such fills
should be evaluated and should be clearly demarcated as such.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 27 Site class designations (to NHBRC Home Building Manual)

Typical founding material

(soil type)

Characteristics of
founding material

Expected range
of total soil


Site class


< 7,5 mm
7,5 15 mm
15 30 mm
>30 mm

50 %
50 %
50 %
50 %


< 5 mm
5 10 mm
>10 mm

75 %
75 %
75 %


< 10 mm
10 20 mm
>20 mm

50 %
50 %
50 %


Rock (excluding mud rocks that may

exhibit swelling to some depth)


Fine grained soils with moderate to

very high plasticity (clays, silty clays,
clayey silts and sandy clays)

Heaving soils

Silty sands, sands, sandy and

gravelly soils

Compressible and
potentially collapsible

Fine grained soils (clayey silts and

Compressible soils
clayey sands of low plasticity), sands,
sandy and gravelly soils
Contaminated soils, controlled fill,
dolomitic areas, landslip, landfill,
marshy areas, undermined areas,
reclaimed areas, uncontrolled fill,
very soft soils



8.3 Selection of foundation type

8.3.1 Founding options
Typical foundation types that may be used for light steel frame buildings are described in table 28.
Alternative foundation types may be considered provided their suitability can be demonstrated by
rational design in accordance with engineering principles as set out in 8.5.

8.3.2 Foundation selection

Table 29 gives appropriate foundation types for various site class designations to be used as a
guide in the selection of foundation types. The final selection shall be in line with the
recommendations given in the site investigation report by the geotechnical practitioner or as
determined by the responsible engineer.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 28 Typical foundation types



Typical application

Strip footings

Site class


(see table 27)


Stable soils

R, H, C, S

Figure 45a

Modified normal

Slightly collapsible, compressible

or heaving soils

H1, C1, S1

Compacted strips below Compressible or collapsible soils


C1, S1

Figure 45a
Figure 48a

Soil raft

H1 H3, C1,
C2, S1, S2

Figure 45a
Figure 48b

Slab-on-ground Conventional
Modified normal

Stiffened raft

Compressible or collapsible soils

or heaving soils of limited depth
Stable soils

R, H, C, S

Figure 46

Slightly collapsible, compressible

or heaving soils

H1, C1, S1

Soil Raft

Compressible or collapsible soils

or heaving soils of limited depth

H1 H3, C1,
C2, S1, S2

Figure 46
Figure 48b

Conventional reinforced
concrete raft

Heaving, collapsible or
compressible soils

H2, C2, S2,


Figure 47a
Figure 47b

Waffle raft
Pad and pier

Brick piers
Timber or concrete

Stable soils or
soils of limited thickness

R, H, C, S,
H1 H3, C1,
C2, S1, S2

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Figure 45b


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Pad size in accordance with section 8.4.3

Figure 45 Spread footings, including spread footings and pads

width of concrete foundation (strip or pad)

thickness of concrete foundation
damp-proof course

b) Pad and pier footing Suspended light steel frame floor

Dimensions in millimetres

SANS 517:2009
Edition 1



damp-proof course

Figure 46 Slab on ground foundation

Dimensions in millimetres

SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

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Figure 47 Stiffened raft foundations

Depth D of raft = to be determined

DPC = damp-proof course

b) Waffle raft

a) Conversional reinforced concrete raft

Dimensions in millimetres

SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Dimensions in millimetres

a) Compacted strip below foundations

b) Soil raft for strip footing

c) Soil raft for slab on ground

B = width of the strip foundations

Figure 48 Soil improvement below foundation

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table 29 Appropriate foundation types for various site class designations

Site class and estimated

total movement

Foundation type

H (< 7,5 mm)
C (< 5 mm)
S (< 10 mm)

(see table 28)

Strip footings, slab-onground, or Pad and pier

Strip footings, slab-onground or pad and pier

H1 (7,5 mm to 15 mm)

C1 (5 mm to 10 mm)
S1 (10 mm to 20 mm)


(15 mm to 30 mm)
(> 10 mm)
(> 20 mm)
(> 30 mm)

Additional requirements

Normal construction

Modified normal construction

Strip footings or slab-on- Soil raft with normal construction. Soil raft should
remove sufficient expansive material to limit total
heave movements to < 7,5 mm
Deep pad and pier

Normal construction provided founding depth

sufficient to limit heave movements to < 7,5 mm

Strip footings, slab-onground or pad and pier

Modified normal construction. Bearing pressures

limited to 50 kPa

Strip footings or slab-on- Soil raft with normal construction. Light

reinforcement in footings and masonry veneer
Strip footings

Compacted strips below foundations with normal


Deep pad and pier or

deep strip footings

Normal construction provided founding depth

sufficient to limit movements to levels for C and S
site classes

Stiffened raft

Articulation of superstructure recommended to

reduce required raft stiffness

Soil raft

Soil raft with normal construction. On H2 and H3

sites, soil raft should replace sufficient of the
expansive soil horizon to limit heave movements to
< 7,5 mm

Deep pad and pier

Normal construction provided founding depth

sufficient to limit movements to levels for H, C and
S site classes

8.4 Standard designs

8.4.1 General
In the absence of a rational design by engineering principles, foundations shall be detailed and
constructed in accordance with the requirements given below. These requirements are intended to
limit damage of the structure to damage category 1 as defined in annex C.
The standard designs presented in this section apply to structures that conform to the geometric
limitations given in clause 1 and figure 1. These standard designs shall not be used and rational
design by engineering principles shall be undertaken under the following circumstances:
a) Where the dimensions of the building exceed the following maxima:
Roof span
Span of suspended ground floor

11 m;
4 m;

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Span of suspended first floor
Maximum height

6 m;
8,5 m.

b) Where the allowable bearing capacity of the in situ soil below foundations or load-bearing slabs
is less than 50 kPa. This situation could arise where the site is underlain by very loose granular
soils or by soft or very soft clays (see SANS 10161, for a definition of soil consistencies). Such
soils would generally lead to a C2 or S2 site classification.
c) Where there is a danger of subsidence due to dolomitic ground, undermining or landslip.
d) Where the site is underlain by fill material other than that placed under controlled conditions
during the course of construction.
e) Where the gradient is such that the maximum height of the foundation walls above surrounding
ground level exceeds 700 mm for a 220 mm brick wall or the overall depth of the edge beam for
a slab-on-ground foundation exceeds 750 mm.
These standard designs shall be used in conjunction with the precautions specified in 8.7.

8.4.2 Strip footings Foundation trenches and founding depth

All foundations shall extend to the founding horizon or minimum founding depth given in the site
investigation. Unless a foundation is placed on solid rock, the bottom of the foundation shall be at
least 300 mm below the level of the surrounding ground in the case of C, H or S sites and 400 mm
for all other sites.
The base of all excavations in ground other than rock shall be horizontal or at a slope of not more
than 1:10. Where necessary, the foundation shall be stepped in accordance with one of the
methods shown in figure 49. Where a foundation is placed on solid rock, the bearing area shall be
cleaned and, where necessary, stepped or dowelled so as to prevent lateral movement of the
All loosened or disturbed material or soils that have softened due to flooding of the foundation
trenches shall be densified by compaction or removed from the base of the foundation trenches as
appropriate. Foundation dimensions

The minimum width and thickness of foundations shall be as given in table 30.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

D = thickness of the foundation

Figure 49 Acceptable methods of stepping strip foundations
Table 30 Minimum dimensions for strip footings



Ground floor

No. of

Maximum dimensions
(except on
wall load
(B D)
R,C,H or S sites)
mm mm


Brick veneer
or FC board

Suspended or
concrete surface

Single or

40 kN/m

250 125

All soils
soft clay
and very
loose sand

Fibre cement

surface bed

Single or

20 kN/m

400 150

2 Y10

Fibre cement



15 kN/m

400 150

2 Y10


25 kN/m

500 200

3 Y10

Brick veneer

surface bed


15 kN/m

400 150

2 Y10


35 kN/m

700 250

3 Y12

Brick veneer



20 kN/m

400 150

2 Y10

Brick veneer
or FC board

Suspended or
concrete surface

Soil Raft


40 kN/m

800 250

3 Y12

Single or

40 kN/m

400 150

2 Y10

NOTE 1 Table 30 is based on allowable bearing pressure of >200 kPa for rock, 100 kPa for soil raft
and 50 kPa for in situ soils.
NOTE 2 Minimum width of footing taken as 250 mm on rock and 400 mm for soil or soil raft.
NOTE 3 Table 30 is based on roof covering with a maximum self weight of 80 kg/m2.
NOTE 4 Exterior FC cladding taken as 9 mm fibre cement board. Brick veneer cladding comprises a
single skin of brickwork. Interior lining taken as 15 mm gypsum board.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1 Concrete and reinforcement

Grade 10 concrete shall be permitted in unreinforced footings provided it is adequately cured.

Grade 15 or grade 20 concrete in unreinforced footings need not be cured. A minimum of
grade 25 concrete shall be used in all reinforced concrete footings.
Longitudinal reinforcement shall be provided in all strip footings other than on R, C, S or H site
classes as indicated in table 30.
The reinforcement shall be placed at the bottom of the section with a minimum cover of 50 mm. Foundation walls

Foundation walls supporting load-bearing walls shall be at least 220 mm thick when constructed of
masonry or unreinforced concrete (min. 10 MPa) and at least 150 mm thick, when constructed of
reinforced concrete, provided that the foundation walls are designed in accordance with
SANS 10161.
Foundation walls shall be designed as retaining walls where the height difference in the ground or
fill (or both) elevations on opposite sides of the wall, exceeds 700 mm.
Foundations and foundation walls shall be designed to resist uplift due to wind in accordance
with 8.5.4.

8.4.3 Pad and pier foundations Layout

The layout of the supports (stumps or piers) shall be determined taking into consideration the
support required by floor joists, the structural strength of the joists, the spacing of the wall studs and
the deflection of the joists between supports. The spacing of supports under bearers parallel to
walls shall not exceed 1,8 m.
Where pad and pier foundations are installed on sites where the upper portions of the soil profile
are collapsible, compressible or expansive, the depth of the piers shall be such that the expected
movement of the foundations is compatible with the movement tolerance of the superstructure. Footings

The pad footings below the piers shall be designed for the maximum allowable bearing pressure
shown in table 31.
Table 31 Maximum allowable bearing pressures below pad footings
Site class

Allowable bearing pressure



C, H, H1 and S


C1, S1 and S2


NOTE Table 31 gives peak allowable pressure

under working loads, including imposed loads and
horizontal loads.

The minimum pad size shall exceed size of pier

by 50 mm on all sides for concrete fill and
100 mm for compacted soil fill.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1 Load

The lateral load capacity and uplift capacity of piers for resisting wind loading shall be determined
by rational design using engineering principles, (see 8.5.4). Masonry or concrete piers

The cross-sectional area of masonry or concrete piers for external walls and for post construction
and beam construction shall be at least 230 mm 230 mm, and for sleeper piers approximately
36 000 mm2 (190 mm 190 mm). No pier may extend above the ground level by more than four
times its smallest dimension. The design of the pier and the connections between the pier and the
footing below and the bearer above shall be capable of resisting the uplift and horizontal loads
exerted by the superstructure. Timber posts

Timber posts shall comply with SANS 457-2 or SANS 457-3, and shall have a cross-sectional area
of at least 9 500 mm2 (110 mm dia.) where they support a floor and load-bearing walls, and at least
7 500 mm2 (100 mm dia.) where they support a floor and non-load-bearing walls. The post shall be
designed as a column where the height above ground level of a post exceeds 1 m. The design of
the post and the connections between the post and the footing below and the bearer above shall be
capable of resisting the uplift and horizontal loads exerted by the superstructure.
The poles shall be pressure treated, or dip treated, against insect infestation, termites and fungal
attack in accordance with SANS 10005. The application of preservatives by brushing is not effective
and should not be practiced. Holes drilled for bolts shall also be treated, in this case by surface
The posts of timber foundations shall be cut to the exact length before use and freshly-cut surfaces
preservative treated. Under no circumstances shall an end of a pole on which notching or cutting
has been carried out, be put into the ground before it is brush treated with a preservative and
Care shall be taken when working with timber on site to ensure that material such as sawdust or
timber off-cuts, which could provide a source of nourishment for fungi, termites and borers, are not
left on the site or beneath suspended floors. Fibre-reinforced cement stub columns

Fibre-reinforced cement stub columns shall have a minimum diameter of 200 mm where they
support a floor and load-bearing walls. Where the height of a fibre-reinforced cement pipe exceeds
1,0 m above ground level, the pipe shall be designed as a column with suitable reinforcing and
concrete fill. The design of the stub column and the connections between the stub column and the
footing below and the bearer above shall be capable of resisting the uplift and horizontal loads
exerted by the superstructure.

8.4.4 Slab-on-ground foundations

The details shown in figure 46 may be used for single storey domestic dwellings on site classes C,
H and S and on soil rafts constructed in accordance with figure 48.
These details are suitable for wall loads of up to 16 kN/m. Slab details for wall loads higher than
16 kN/m or concentrated loads in excess of 20 kN shall be determined by rational design by
engineering principles.
The level tolerance on the finished surface of the slab shall be in accordance with 5.13.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
8.4.5 Stiffened raft foundations
Stiffened raft foundations shall be designed by engineering principles in accordance with 8.5.
The level tolerance on the finished surface of the raft shall be in accordance with 5.13.

8.5 Design by engineering principles

8.5.1 General
As an alternative to the standard designs given in 8.4, foundations may be designed in accordance
with rational design principles and acceptable design standards. Rational design by engineering
principles shall be carried out whenever the structure or the geometry of the structure or the loads
exerted by the structure falls outside the limitations given in 8.4.1 or elsewhere in 8.4.
The ability of the foundations to resist uplift due to wind loading shall, in all instances, be checked
by calculation in accordance with 8.5.4.
Rational design by engineering principles shall make use of the information given in the site
investigation report. Published data pertaining to the area around the site may be used with caution
in the absence of geotechnical test results.
A fully referenced design report shall be produced for all foundations designed in accordance with
engineering principles. All design details shall be shown on the drawings. Any design requirements
that affect the detailing of other portions of the structure including site drainage or articulation of the
superstructure, shall be clearly shown on the drawings and communicated to the engineer or
architect concerned.

8.5.2 Applicable standards

All design shall be carried out in accordance with the applicable national standard or an equivalent
and compatible international standard.
In addition, rational design by engineering principles may be based on
a) well documented case studies of structures and design procedures in similar, preferably local,
soil conditions,
b) rational design methods in accordance with recognised principles and codes of practice,
c) relevant, published research findings, or
d) accepted current local practice.

8.5.3 Design considerations

The design shall ensure that:
a) The bearing capacity of the soil can safely resist the load exerted by the foundations having due
regard to the softening of partially saturated soils on wetting.
b) Movement of the foundations including consolidation settlement, collapse settlement or heave
does not result in damage more severe than that permitted in 8.5.5.
c) All foundations are designed to resist uplift forces and horizontal loads due to wind. This applies
particularly to structures using light weight wall, floor and roof construction.
d) All foundations and sub-structure components shall be protected as required to ensure their
durability for the design life of the structure.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
8.5.4 Resistance to uplift and horizontal loads General

The foundations shall be designed to resist the horizontal loads and uplift forces due to wind or
other loading conditions causing horizontal or uplift loads. This is particularly important in the case
of light-weight wall and roof systems. Checks shall include uplift resistance, horizontal stability and
overturning both of the structure as a whole and of individual parts of the structure or foundations. Loading

The distribution of load on the foundations shall be determined by rational analysis taking into
account of the distribution of loads applied to the superstructure (see 5.3), the geometry of the
structure and the stiffness of the various load-bearing elements.
The foundations below all walls or other structural elements shall be capable of resisting the vertical
loads (both upwards and downwards) applied to such elements.
Foundations below shear walls shall be designed for the above loading plus the additional loads
induced by horizontal actions on the shear walls (push-pull effects and horizontal loading). Resistance of foundations

The resistance of the foundation to uplift forces shall be equal to the weight of the foundation wall,
the weight of the foundation itself and any fill above the foundation plus such proportion of the
weight of the floor as may be expected to resist upward movement of the foundation. Where the
floor is isolated from the foundations by a movement joint, the contribution of the floor shall be
ignored. Anchoring straps and holding-down bolts

All load-bearing elements of the structure shall be anchored to the substructure in a manner
capable of transmitting the loads from the superstructure to the foundations. In particular, the
adequacy of the anchoring of the structure shall be checked under uplift and shear loading.
In the case of strip footings, anchor straps shall pass through the foundation wall and be firmly
anchored in the concrete foundation below. For raft or slab-on-ground foundations, holding down
bolts should extend sufficiently far into the concrete to resist break-out under uplift forces. Holdingdown bolts shall not be anchored in masonry. Holding-down bolts shall be of sufficient length to be
anchored to the main pour of the concrete and not to the surface screed and shall be installed in
accordance with the manufacturers recommendations with respect to, for example, hole diameter,
edge distances and required torque.
Anchors straps shall be placed immediately adjacent to studs and shall be fixed to the stud with
fasteners capable of mobilising the required uplift resistance. Anchor straps shall be steel,
galvanized in accordance with SANS 3575 or SANS 4998. A galvanized strap of approximately a
50 mm portion, on either side of the point of emergence from the foundation masonry or concrete,
shall be coated with epoxy-tar paint.
Non-load-bearing elements shall be fastened to the substructure in a manner capable of resisting
displacement of the element.

8.5.5 Permissible damage and limiting deformations

The design of the foundations and the superstructure shall ensure that the damage to the structure
does not exceed damage category 1 as defined in annex C. For structures of minor importance or

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
of a temporary nature, damage category 2 may be accepted provided this is clearly indicated on the
drawings and unambiguously stated in the construction contract.
The permissible deformation of foundations to meet the above requirement shall be determined by
the designer but shall not exceed the values given in table 32.
Table 32 Maximum permissible differential movement of foundations

Type of construction

Maximum differential
movement as a function
of span

Maximum differential

Clad frame



Articulated brick veneer



Brick veneer




These limits may be increased by 50 % on C1, C2, S1 and S2 sites where movements are nonreversible provided provision is made for maintenance of the structure and damage category 2 is
acceptable before repair.
Overall tilt of the structure shall not exceed 1:200.

8.6 Site preparation and filling

8.6.1 Clearing and shaping
Before any structure is erected on the site and before any foundations are laid, the area to be
covered by the building shall be cleared of all vegetation (for example, stumps, roots or logs),
debris, refuse and any other foreign material over an area extending at least 1,5 m beyond the
perimeter of the domestic dwelling.
Excavations formed for the removal of stumps or removal of foreign material shall be backfilled with
controlled fill in accordance with
The following procedures shall be adopted where level terraces are to be created on a sloping site
by cutting and filling:
a) After clearing of the site as described above, compact the in situ material in areas where fill
material is to be placed in accordance with
b) Excavate material on cut side of terrace. Suitable material to be used as fill, and unsuitable
material to be used for landscaping or carted to spoil.
c) Place fill material from cut or from external source in horizontal layers in accordance with the
requirements of or Controlled fill (see may be used where the thickness
of fill is less than 400 mm and fill will be required to support non-load-bearing floor slabs only. Fill
in excess of 400 mm thick or below load-bearing sections of the structure (slabs or foundations)
shall be constructed as engineered fill (see
The extent of terraces on which foundations are to be placed shall be in accordance with figure 50.
The ground immediately adjacent to the structure should fall away from the structure by at least
75 mm over the first 1,5 m.

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Figure 50 Extent of terraces below foundations

b) Terrace for strip footing

a) Terrace for slab on ground

Dimensions in millimetres

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Edition 1

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
8.6.2 Storm water and ground water
Where storm water drains towards the building, provision shall be made for intercepting such run-off
by means of surface drains or catch pits leading to a buried stormwater drainage system and for
discharging this water on the down-slope side of the building in a responsible manner. The site shall
be shaped so that no water ponds within 1,5 m of the structure.
Subsoil drainage shall be provided in areas where the soil is waterlogged or the presence of an
impermeable layer at shallow depth creates the possibility of a perched water table developing in
the rainy season. The extent of such drainage, whether around the full perimeter of the domestic
dwelling, below the domestic dwelling itself or merely along the upslope side will depend on the
severity of the problem, the source of the water and the slope on the site. Advice should be sought
from a geotechnical practitioner where necessary. Decay of timber stumps below buildings can be
minimised if the moisture content is kept below 20 %.

8.6.3 Termite control

The site shall be thoroughly investigated for evidence of termite infestation and adequate measures
taken to eradicate any colonies found, for example, by excavation of a colony or by the use of toxic
smoke. This may be followed by the local application of a soil poison, in accordance with the
provisions of SANS 10124. Where toxic smoke applicators are not available, liquid fumigants such
as petrol, carbon disulfide and solvent naphtha may be used.
NOTE The above-mentioned liquid fumigants are in general not as effective as toxic smoke. Methods of
eradication such as removal of the queen, fumigation with calcium cyanide, the introduction of automobile
exhaust fumes and flooding the nest with water, are completely unreliable and should not be used.

Ground water can interfere with soil-poisoning operations. If the soil is very wet, the poison will not
be absorbed properly and will be carried away with the surface run-off water. The ground shall
always be sprayed when dry enough to absorb the chemical and the site should be kept well
drained. The surface shall not be disturbed once it has been treated.

8.6.4 Fill Controlled fill

Controlled fill is stable fill material that will provide adequate support for non-load-bearing slabs. The
thickness of controlled fill below structures shall not exceed 400 mm. Engineered fill (see
shall be used where the fill thickness exceeds 400 mm or the fill is required to support foundations.
In technical terms, controlled fill shall consist of a G10 or better material in accordance with TRH 14
(CBR at 90 % mod AASHTO > 3, CBR swell at 100 % mod AASHTO < 1,5 %). It shall be placed
and compacted in layers at a moisture content of between 2 % below to 2 % above optimum
moisture content to a density of 90 % mod AASHTO maximum dry density throughout the full
thickness of each layer. Layer thickness will vary from 75 mm to 200 mm depending on the type of
compaction equipment used. In the case of a sand as defined in SANS 1200 M, the material shall
be compacted to 100 % mod AASHTO maximum dry density.
On site, where the size of the project does not warrant laboratory testing and field control testing of
fill materials, the following guidelines may be used:
a) Material: Controlled fill material should consist predominantly of sandy soils or mixtures of sand,
silt and gravel. Materials containing gravels larger than two-thirds of the compacted layer
thickness or materials containing predominantly clay or silt should not be used.
b) Moisture content: The material should be moistened or dried to the point that the material is firm
and just sticks together when squeezed in the hand but shows no signs of free moisture. The
moisture should be evenly distributed through the layer.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
c) Compaction: Materials compacted with hand tampers or vibrating plate compactors should be
placed in layers of 75 mm uncompacted thickness. Where walk-behind vibratory rollers are used,
the layer thickness can be increased to 100 mm or 150 mm depending on the size of the roller.
Typically 6 to 8 passes of the compaction equipment will be required on a well graded fill at the
correct moisture content. Compaction can be checked by means of a hand-operated dynamic
cone penetrometer (see the NHBRC Home Building Manual) where a penetration consistently
less than 30 mm per blow is an indication of adequate compaction. Note that the dynamic cone
penetrometer may provide misleading results in materials containing gravel. Engineered fill

Engineered fill is selected fill material placed and compacted at a specified moisture content to a
defined density under the control of a competent person. Engineered fill shall be used where the
thickness of fill below structures exceeds 400 mm or where load-bearing elements of the structure
are to be founded on the fill.
Engineered fill shall consist of a G8 or better material in accordance with TRH 14 (CBR at 90 %
mod AASHTO > 10, CBR swell at 100 % mod AASHTO < 1,5 %). The material shall be placed in
layers not exceeding 200 mm compacted thickness at a moisture content ranging from 2 % below to
2 % above optimum moisture content and compacted to a density of 93 % mod AASHTO maximum
dry density. In the case of a sand as defined in SANS 1200 M, the material shall be compacted to
100 % mod AASHTO maximum dry density. The layer thickness shall be reduced where light
compaction equipment such as a walk-behind roller is used to ensure compaction throughout the
full thickness of each layer.
Verification of the quality of the fill material and compaction control shall be carried out in
accordance with the requirements of SANS 1200 DM. At least one set of classification tests
(grading, indicator, mod AASHTO maximum dry density and CBR) shall be undertaken on each
source of material used. In situ compaction

Compaction of the in situ material shall be carried out below all controlled or engineered fills. Before
commencement of compaction, the site shall be cleared as described in 8.6.1 and any unsuitable
material removed from site.
In the case of controlled fills, the in situ material should be moistened (where required) and
compacted by hand tamping or with four passes of a pedestrian roller or vibrating plate compactor.
In the case of engineered fills, the moisture content of the material over the upper 100 mm below
the ground surface shall be adjusted to within 2 % of the optimum moisture content and the material
compacted to 90 % mod AASHTO maximum dry density to a depth of at least 100 mm.

8.7 Additional precautions

8.7.1 General
Additional precautions may be required to modify the behaviour of the superstructure, to minimise
the risk of foundation movements or to ensure services can accommodate the expected movements
without damage. Some precautions may require design consideration, some may apply during
construction only and others may apply for the life of the structure.
The designer of the foundations shall communicate any precautions implicit in the design to the
engineer, the architect and the owner, as appropriate. All precautions implicit in the design shall be
shown on the construction drawings.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
8.7.2 Damp proofing
Polyolefin under-floor membranes with a minimum thickness of 250 m shall be provided below all
floor slabs laid on the ground, slab-on-ground foundations and raft foundations. The membrane may
be omitted in semi-arid or arid conditions where the likelihood of moisture ingress below the slab
from surrounding areas or due to capillary action is small. In the case of raft foundations or slab-onground foundations, the membrane should extend a minimum of 300 mm down the face of the
beam below the floor slab but need not be continuous below the remainder of the beam.
A damp-proof course (DPC) shall be provided at the level of the top of the floor slab below all
external and internal walls. The DPC below internal walls may be omitted where the waterproof
membrane below the slab is continuous. Where screeds are laid after the wall has been
constructed, a turn-up shall be provided between the wall and the screed.

8.7.3 Drainage precautions

Heave movements and collapse settlements are triggered by changes in the soil moisture. In order
to minimise such movements, the following precautions shall be taken on all sites classified as C1,
C2 and H1 to H3:
a) The site should be maintained so that no water ponds against the structure or within 1,5 m from
the external perimeter.
b) Gardens or lawns located around the perimeter of the domestic dwelling should not be watered
c) Leaks in plumbing and any associated damage shall be attended to without delay.
d) On H1 to H3 sites, consideration should be given to providing an impermeable apron around the
perimeter of the structure of between 1,2 m and 2,0 m wide depending on the severity of the
problem and the depth of the profile to minimise changes in the moisture content of the founding

8.7.4 Avoidance of damage due to trees

Foundations for light-weight structures as well as water bearing services shall not be positioned
closer to the centre of any tree, than stipulated in table 33.
Table 33 Minimum distance between foundations or services and tree trunks

Mature height of tree


Up to 8

8 to 15

Over 15

Minimum distance between foundations

or services and tree trunks
Single storey lightweight structures




Drains and other plumbing < 1 m deep




Drains and other plumbing > 1 m deep




On site classes H1 to H3, no trees shall be planted within the minimum distances shown in figure 51
from any foundation.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Figure 51 Minimum distance between trees and foundations on heaving soils

8.7.5 Articulation of structure Modified normal construction

The aim of modified normal construction is to enable the superstructure to deflect in sympathy with
foundation movements without undue distress.
Modified normal construction shall include:
a) Reinforcement of all footings as shown in table 30.
b) Brickforce in every third course of foundation walls and brick veneer and in each of the
uppermost three courses of foundation brickwork.
c) Light reinforcement of floor slabs (mesh ref 193 or ref 245 for structures > 125 m2).
d) Articulation joints at all external doors and internal doors in all straight walls longer than 6 m or
running the full width of length of the structure.
Foundations and foundation brickwork should be continuous below joints in the superstructure.
Brickforce should not pass through movement joints in the brick veneer.
NOTE These requirements fall short of those for split construction which include movement joints in wall
panels, movement joints at the intersection of internal and external walls and the strengthening of panels
between joints. Plumbing

All plumbing entering or leaving the structure should be capable of accommodating the expected
differential movements without suffering damage. Brittle pipes or pipe couplings and piping subject
to corrosion should not be used on expansive or collapsible soil profiles.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Annex A

Guide for determination of self-weights

A.1 Typical floor construction
The guide given in table A.1 can be used for load calculations for typical floor construction.
Table A.1 Guide for typical floor construction


Floor or ceiling type (or both)



Timber flooring up to 22 mm thick plus lightweight floor covering


Timber flooring up to 22 mm thick plus lightweight floor covering and ceilings



Timber flooring up to 22 mm thick plus ceramic or terracotta floor covering

Timber flooring up to 22 mm thick plus ceramic or terracotta floor covering and ceilings

Light weight floor covering = carpet + underlay.

Ceilings = 10 mm plasterboard (10 kg/m2).

Ceramic or terracotta floor covering = 20 kg/m2.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

A.2 Typical self-weights of floor components

The guide given in table A.2 can be used for load calculations for typical floor construction.
Table A.2 Guide for typical self-weights of floor components

Timber Strip flooring

Particleboard flooring

Plywood flooring

Fibre Cement Sheet


12 mm softwood


19 mm softwood


12 mm hardwood


19 mm hardwood


19 mm


22 mm


25 mm


15 mm


17 mm


19 mm


15 mm


18 mm


24 mm


Carpet and underlay

0,01 to 0,06

Ceramic or terracotta floor tiles

0,10 to 0,40

A.3 Typical roof construction

The guide in table A.3 can be used for load calculations for typical roof construction.
Table A.3 Guide for typical roof construction
Roof type



Steel sheet roofing 0,50 m thick and 0,58 mm thick roof battens at 900 mm spacing


Steel sheet roofing 0,50 mm thick, 0,58 mm thick steel roof battens at 900 mm spacing,
10 mm plaster ceiling and 0,58 mm thick steel ceiling battens at 450 mm spacing, sarking
and lightweight insulation


Concrete or terracotta roof tiles and 0,58 mm thick steel roof battens at 330 mm spacing,
sarking and lightweight insulation


Concrete or terracotta roof tiles and 0,58 mm thick steel roof battens at 330 mm spacing,
10 mm plaster ceiling and 0,58 mm thick steel ceiling battens at 450 mm spacing, sarking
and lightweight insulation


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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

A.4 Typical self-weights of roof components

The guide given in table A.4 can be used for load calculations for typical roof components.
Table A.4 Guide for typical self-weights of roof components









Steel sheet



Aluminium sheet



Terracotta tiles
Concrete tiles
Metal sheet tiles





Timber lining board













Lightweight insulation
plus sarking
Heavyweight insulation


0,05 to 0,15

Z or C section
100 mm 1,5 mm
Z or C section
150 mm 1,5 mm

1 200


1 200


Z or C section
200 mm 1,9 mm
Z or C section
250 mm 2,4 mm

1 500


1 500


Z or C section
300 mm 3,0 mm
Z or C section
350 mm 3,0 mm

1 800


1 800


Ceiling batten 0,55 mm



Roof batten 0,55 mm

330 (for tile roof)

900 (for sheet roof)


Roof batten 0,75 mm

Roof batten 0,9 mm

1 200
1 200






low density
high density

Fibre cement sheet

Battens or

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Annex B

System effect
B.1 Introduction
The interaction between structural elements and other elements of the construction system is
reflected in the design criteria. This is known as the system effect. Some of the elements of the
system effect can be established by calculation; others can be assessed by testing.
Once a particular system effect is quantified either by calculation or testing, it can be incorporated
into the design calculation. It is important to recognize that the system effect may change with
changes in materials and method of construction, especially if the effects have been established by
The system effect may be calculated as in B.2 or B.3, if applicable.

B.2 Load redistribution factor for concentrated loads

A beam in a grid system subjected to a concentrated load P may be designed to carry only a
proportion of P because the load will be shared with adjacent beams. The load effect on the beam
can be taken to be equal to that of an isolated beam loaded by a concentrated load Pe
Pe = ks P
where ks is the load redistribution factor.
ks can be established for any particular beam grid system by structural analysis of the grid, or may
be approximated by the following, if the concentrated load is applied in the middle half of the beam:
ks = 0,2 log10 (kb/n kc) + 0,95

(0,2 ks 1,0)


is the flexural rigidity of the member Eb Ib/L3;

is the number of crossing members;


is the flexural rigidity of each crossing member Ec Ic/s3;


are the modulus of elasticity of the member and the crossing members, respectively;

Ib, Ic

are the second moment of area of the member and a crossing member, respectively;

is the span of the beam;

is the spacing of the crossing members.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

B.3 Load redistribution factor for partial area loads

For a beam in a grid system subjected to a load of intensity, w distributed over a length b, the beam
may be designed to carry only a proportion of w because the load can be shared with adjacent
beams. The load effect on the beam may be taken to be equal to that of an isolated beam loaded by
a load of intensity we
we = ks w
where ks is the load redistribution factor.
ks can be established for any particular beam grid system by structural analysis of the grid or may
be approximated by the following:
ks = k1 log10 (kb/n kc) + k2 (0,2 ks 1,0)
k1 and k2 are taken from the table B.1;

is the flexural rigidity of the member Eb Ib/L3;

is the number of crossing members;


is the flexural rigidity of a crossing member = Ec Ic/s3;


are the modulus of elasticity of the member and the crossing members, respectively;

Ib, Ic

are the second moment of area of the member and a crossing member,

is the span of the beam;

is the spacing of the crossing members.

This ks value is valid only when the distributed loads lie within the middle half of the beam.
Table B.1 Key values





0 (concentrated over a very short part

of the beam)



s (applied over length equal to

spacing of crossing members)



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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

Annex C

Classification of damage
The classification of damage is given in tables C.1 to C.2.
Table C.1 Classification of damage with reference to walls
(NHBRC Home Builders Manual and AS 2870.1)
Description of damage in terms of ease of repair
and typical effects

Approximate maximum
crack width in walls

Category and degree
of expected damage

Minor damage Categories 0 to 2

Hairline cracks less than approximately 0,25 mm
width are classed as negligible.

< 0,25


Fine internal cracks, which can easily be treated

during normal decoration. Cracks rarely visible in
external masonry.

< 1 (isolated; localised)

Very slight



Cracks noticeable but easily filled. Redecoration

probably required. Recurrent cracks can be masked
by suitable linings. Cracks not necessarily visible
externally. Doors and windows may stick slightly.
Significant damage Categories 3 to 5

Cracks can be repaired and possibly a small amount

of masonry may have to be replaced. Articulation
joints may have to be replaced. Articulation joints may
5 to 15 (or a number of
have to be cut into some of the walls. Doors and
cracks (3 to 5) in one group)
windows sticking. Rigid service pipes may fracture.
Weather tightness often impaired. Up to 10 mm gap
between ceiling cornices and walls.


Extensive repair work which includes breaking out

and replacing sections of walls, especially over doors
and windows, cutting of articulation joints in walls and
the construction of moisture trenches and apron slabs
around the building, or the jacking of foundations
15 to 25 (depending also on
depending on the type of soil movement. Window and number of cracks in group)
door frames distorted, floor sloping noticeably, some
loss of bearing in beams. Service pipes probably
disrupted. Up to 20 mm gap between ceiling cornices
and walls.


Major repair work required, involving partial rebuilding

and the above mentioned repair techniques. Beams
loose bearing, walls tilt badly and require shoring.
Windows broken and distorted. Danger of instability.

Usually greater than 25

(depending also on number
of cracks in group)

Very severe

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table C.2 Classification of damage with reference to concrete floors
(NHBRC Home Builders Manual and AS 2870.1)
Description of typical damage

maximum crack
width in floor

Maximum deviation of
any joint from a 3 m Category and degree
straight edge
of expected damage



Hairline cracks, insignificant tilt of

floor or change in level.

< 0,3



Fine but noticeable cracks. Floor

reasonably level.

< 1,0


Very slight

< 10


Minor damage Categories 0 to 2

Distinct cracks. Floor noticeably

curved or changed in level.
Significant damage Categories 3 to 5
Wide cracks. Obvious curvature or
change in level local deviation of
slope from the horizontal may exceed

2 to 4

10 to 20


Gaps in floor. Disturbing curvature or

change in level.


> 20

4 to 5
Severe to very severe

NOTE 1 Crack width is only one factor in assessing damage and should not be used on its own as a direct
measure of damage. In assessing the degree of severity of damage, the location in the building where it
occurs, and also of the function of the building, will be relevant.
NOTE 2 This classification is based on the ease of repair which may be considered under three headings
representing a progression in difficulty of repair, namely, redecoration due to wear and tear, remedial work to
reinstate functional efficiency and structural repair. The former two categories relate to minor damage
(categories 0 to 2).
NOTE 3 Where cracking occurs in easily repairable plasterboard or similar clad-framed structures, the
crack width limits in each category may be increased by 50 %.
NOTE 4 In most instances, minor damage (categories 0 to 2) represent aesthetic damage as opposed to
serviceability damage (categories 3 and 4) and stability damage (category 5).
NOTE 5 Where cracks of less than 1 mm are widespread throughout the building, the damage may be
regarded as being category 2.
NOTE 6 The descriptions contained in column 1 relate to single storey construction. In multi-storey
construction, these descriptions will require modification for a particular category of expected damage.
NOTE 7 Local deviation of slope, from the horizontal or vertical, of more than 1/100 will normally be clearly
visible. Overall deviations in excess of 1/150 are undesirable.

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1
Table C.3 Classification of damage caused by ground floor slab settlement
(NHBRC Home Builders Manual)
Description of typical damage

crack width in




and degree
of expected

Minor damage Categories 0 to 2

Hairline cracks between floor and skirtings.

Up to 1


Settlement of the floor slab, either at a corner or along a

short wall, or possibly uniformly, such that a gap opens
up below skirting boards but which can be masked by
resetting skirting boards. No cracks in floor slabs,
although there may be negligible cracks in floor screed
and finish. Slab reasonably level.

Up to 5

Very slight

Up to 1

Up to 15


Significant gaps below skirting boards with some areas of

floor, especially at corners or ends, where local
settlements may have caused slight cracking of floor slab.
Sloping of floor in these areas is clearly visible (slope
approximately 1 in 150). Some disruption to drain,
plumbing or heating pipes may occur. Damage to internal
walls is more widespread with some crack filling or replastering of partitions being necessary. Doors may have
to be refitted. Inspection reveals some voids below slab
with poor or loosely compacted fill.

Up to 5

Up to 20


Large, localised gaps below skirting boards; possibly

some cracks in floor slab with sharp fall to edge of slab;
(slope approximately 1 in 100, or more). Inspection
reveals voids exceeding 50 mm below slab or poor or
loose fill (or both) likely to settle further. Local breakingout, part refilling and relaying of floor slab or grouting of
fill may be necessary; damage to internal partitions may
require replacement of some portions of masonry walling.

5 to 15

Up to 25


Either very large, overall floor settlement with large

movement of walls and damage at junctions extending up
into the first floor area, with possible damage to exterior
walls, or large differential settlements across floor slab.
Voids exceeding 75 mm below slab; or very poor or very
loose (or both) fill likely to settle further. Risk of instability.
Most or all of floor slab requires breaking out and relaying
or grouting of fill; internal partitions need replacement.

Usually greater
than 15 but
depends on the
number of

Greater than 25

Very severe

Larger gaps below skirting boards; some obvious but

limited local settlement leading to slight slope of floor
slab; gaps can be masked by resetting skirting boards
and some local re-screeding may be necessary. Fine
cracks appear in internal walls which may require some
redecoration; slight distortion in door frames which may
result in sticking of doors. No cracks in floor slab although
there may be very slight cracks in floor screed and finish.
Slab reasonably level.
Significant damage Categories 3 to 5

NOTE Gap refers to the space, usually between the skirting and finished floor, caused by settlement after
making appropriate allowance for discrepancy in, for example, building, shrinkage, and normal bedding

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SANS 517:2009
Edition 1

SANS 298, Mastic asphalt for damp-proof courses and tanking.
SANS 629 (SABS 629), Softwood flooring boards.
SANS 717-1/ISO 717-1, Acoustics Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building
elements Part 1: Airborne sound insulation.
SANS 717-2/ISO 717-2, Acoustics Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building
elements Part 2: Impact sound insulation.
SANS 929, Plywood and composite board.
SANS 1077, Sealing compounds for the building and construction industry, two-component,
SANS 1090, Aggregates from natural sources Fine aggregates for plaster and mortar.
SANS 1381-2, Materials for thermal insulation of buildings Part 2: Loose fill thermal insulation
SANS 1431, Weldable structural steels.
SANS 1508, Expanded polystyrene thermal insulation boards.
SANS 9933, Products in fibre-reinforced cement Long corrugated or asymmetrical section sheets
and fittings for roofing and cladding.
SANS 10021, The waterproofing of buildings (including damp-proofing and vapour barrier
SANS 10082, Timber frame buildings.
SANS 10109-1 Concrete floors Part 1: Bases to concrete floors.
SANS 10109-2, Concrete floors Part 2: Finishes to concrete floors.
SANS 10237 (SABS 0237), Roof and side cladding.
SANS 10244-2, Steel wire and wire products Non-ferrous metallic coatings on steel wire Part 2:
Zinc and zinc alloy coatings.


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