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973 F.

2d 403
19 UCC Rep.Serv.2d 322


Capacity as Liquidator of First State Bank
Pflugerville, Plaintiff-Appellee,
Jerry S. PAYNE, Defendant-Appellant.
No. 91-8422.

United States Court of Appeals,

Fifth Circuit.
Sept. 25, 1992.

Robert C. Shaddox, Payne & Associates, Houston, Tex., for defendantappellant.

Gregory E. Gore, Counsel, William E. Minkley, F.D.I.C., Washington,
D.C., for plaintiff-appellee.
Appeals from the United States District Court for the Western District of
Before JONES and WIENER, Circuit Judges, and LITTLE, District
WIENER, Circuit Judge:

Defendant-Appellant Jerry S. Payne, a lawyer proceeding pro se as the

guarantor of a promissory note, appeals the district court's grant of summary
judgment in favor of Defendant-Appellee the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC). That summary judgment was granted on the grounds that
Payne's defense of fraud in the inducement is barred by the D'Oench, Duhme
doctrine and that his defenses of lack of notice of the sale of collateral and
failure to dispose of collateral in a commercially reasonable manner are barred
by the federal holder in due course doctrine. Agreeing that Payne's fraudulent

inducement defense is thus barred but finding that the federal holder in due
course doctrine does not apply to bar Payne's defenses on his guaranty and that
the district court erred in holding that Payne had waived notice of the sale of
collateral and was not entitled to rely on the FDIC's failure to plead commercial
reasonableness, we reverse and render summary judgment in favor of Payne.

In October 1986, First State Bank Pflugerville (the Bank) owned a note
executed by Payne & Potter, Inc. in the amount of $300,000 (the corporate
note). Payne & Potter, Inc. was a Texas corporation that had ceased doing
business and had few assets. Payne, owner of less than a majority of stock in
the corporation, had signed the corporate note on behalf of Payne & Potter,
Inc., but had no personal liability on that debt.

When the corporate note fell into default, Payne and the Bank attempted to find
a buyer for the real property that was encumbered to secure the corporate note.
On October 10, 1986, Larry Tarrington purchased the real property for the
benefit of Dr. William Bryce. On that day, Dr. Bryce executed a promissory
note in the principal amount of $382,500 (the Bryce note), payable to the Bank.
The Bryce note was secured by (1) a vendor's lien on the same real property;
(2) a $20,000 certificate of deposit drawn on the Bank in the name of Payne
and Potter, Inc.; and (3) a security interest in a 9.25 carat diamond ring. Also on
that day, Payne executed a personal guaranty for payment of $342,000 of the
Bryce note.

In December of 1987, after Dr. Bryce had defaulted on the Bryce note, the
Bank sold the diamond ring to pay property taxes on the real estate. Payne
received no prior notice of that sale. In January 1988, Dr. Bryce and the Bank
entered into a modification agreement, but Dr. Bryce again failed to make
payments on the note. The Bank brought suit against Dr. Bryce and Payne in
Texas state court, after which that court granted a default judgment against Dr.
Bryce. Subsequently, the Bank's board of directors closed the Bank, and the
State Banking Commissioner declared the Bank insolvent and appointed the
FDIC as receiver. After the assets of the Bank were purchased by the FDIC in
its corporate capacity, it removed the litigation to federal district court.

Both Payne and the FDIC moved separately for summary judgment. Payne's
motion for summary judgment asserted several defenses to his liability under
the guaranty. On March 21, 1991, the district court entered a final judgment

granting the FDIC's motion and denying Payne's. On April 4, 1991, Payne filed
a motion for new trial and his second motion for summary judgment. The
district court denied those on May 28, 1991. On June 28, 1991, Payne filed a
second motion for new trial and a third for summary judgment. The district
court denied those on July 3, 1991. Payne filed a third motion for new trial and
his fourth for summary judgment on July 22, 1991. The district court denied
those motions and imposed sanctions against Payne. He filed notices of appeal
from the district court's final judgment, the orders denying his three motions for
new trial and four for summary judgment, and the order imposing sanctions.
6A. The D'Oench, Duhme Doctrine and 12 U.S.C. 1823(e).

Payne contends that the Bank fraudulently induced him into executing the
guaranty for the Bryce note. Before executing the guaranty, Payne informed
the president of the Bank that he was suspicious of Tarrington, Dr. Bryce's
agent. The president agreed to investigate Dr. Bryce's financial condition.
Payne asserts that the Bank's loan committee subsequently informed him that
the Bank had investigated Dr. Bryce and had determined that he was a qualified
buyer in good financial condition. The Bank's investigation actually revealed
that Dr. Bryce was (1) under investigation by California medical authorities, (2)
insolvent, and (3) not a qualified buyer of the real estate. Payne contends that
he executed the guaranty in reliance on the Bank's false representations.
Approximately one month after Payne executed the guaranty, he discovered
that the information on which he had relied was false, and demanded the return
of his guaranty--but to no avail.

The district court held that Payne's defense of fraudulent inducement was
precluded by the D'Oench, Duhme doctrine and 12 U.S.C. 1823(e). The
D'Oench, Duhme doctrine is a common law rule of estoppel that precludes a
borrower from asserting against the FDIC defenses based on secret or
unrecorded "agreements" that alter the terms of the obligation.1 The
codification of that doctrine in FIRREA, 12 U.S.C. 1823(e), provides:

9 agreement which tends to defeat the interest of the [FDIC] in any asset acquired
by it under this section ... either as security for a loan or by purchase or as receiver of
any insured depository institution, shall be valid against the [FDIC] unless such
agreement--(1) is in writing, (2) was executed by the depository institution and any
person claiming an adverse interest thereunder, including the obligor,
contemporaneously with the acquisition of the asset by the depository institution, (3)

was approved by the board of directors of the depository institution or its loan
committee, which approval shall be reflected in the minutes of said board or
committee, and (4) has been, continuously, from the time of its execution, an official
record of the depository institution.

In Langley v. Federal Deposit Ins. Corp.,2 the makers of a promissory note and
personal guaranties proffered misrepresentation by the lender as a defense to
the FDIC's claim for payment of the note. The makers asserted that the lender
had procured the notes by misrepresentations regarding property conveyed in a
related land purchase. The makers argued that "agreement" for purposes of
Section 1823(e) encompassed only an express promise to perform an act in the
future, and did not encompass the kinds of material terms or warranties of the
lender relied on by the makers in their affirmative defenses. The Supreme Court
rejected that argument, finding that the truthfulness of the lender's warranties
was a condition to performance of the makers' obligation to repay the loan, and
thus constituted a main component of an "agreement" for purposes of Section
1823(e).3 The Court held that as the representations alleged by the makers did
not meet the writing, approval, and filing requirements of Section 1823(e), the
makers could not assert misrepresentation as a defense.4


Although Langley involved the applicability of Section 1823(e) to the maker of

a promissory note, Section 1823(e) is equally applicable to the maker of a
guaranty. In Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. v. Cardinal Oil Well Servicing Co.,5 the
guarantors asserted that bank officials had misrepresented that the guaranty
commitments would apply only to a single transaction involving the interim
financing of oil field servicing equipment and would not extend to the
promissory note that was the subject of the lawsuit. We held that Section
1823(e) barred the guarantors from asserting that defense against the FDIC. We
reasoned that, as the guarantors were attempting to assert an oral side
agreement by the bank not to enforce the guaranty agreements according to
their express terms, that non-written agreement could not meet the requirements
of Section 1823(e).6


The Tenth Circuit case of Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. v. Galloway7 is even more
directly on point. In that case, before executing guaranty agreements, the
guarantors asked the bank's president if the maker of the promissory note was a
good credit risk. The bank president orally assured the guarantors that the
maker had paid an earlier note, knowing that the maker had not done so. The
maker subsequently defaulted, and the FDIC brought suit against the maker and
the guarantors. The guarantors asserted fraud in the inducement as a defense to
their liability. The Tenth Circuit held that the reasoning behind Langley 's
holding applied equally to guarantors, and that Section 1823(e) prevented the

guarantors from raising fraud in the inducement as a defense against the FDIC.8

Section 1823(e) bars Payne from asserting the Bank board's fraudulent
inducement as an affirmative defense to the FDIC's suit on Payne's guaranty
agreement. Payne argues, however, that he falls under an exception to Section
1823(e) and the D'Oench, Duhme doctrine, known as the "wholly innocent
borrower" rule. He relies on Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. v. Meo,9 a 1974 Ninth
Circuit case. In that case, Meo executed a promissory note to acquire shares of
the lender bank's common stock. The bank improperly directed its brokers to
issue and transmit voting trust certificates in Meo's name instead of common
stock. Meo's note remained an asset of the bank until it was closed and the
FDIC assumed control of its assets. The FDIC filed suit against Meo when he
refused to pay the note. Meo did not learn of the bank's improper handling of
his common stock order until after the FDIC filed suit. Meo asserted failure of
consideration as a defense. The Ninth Circuit held that D'Oench, Duhme did not
apply to bar Meo's defense because (1) Meo was a bona fide purchaserborrower; (2) he did not enter into any scheme or secret agreement whereby the
assets of the bank would be overstated; (3) he was innocent of the wrongful
action of the bank; (4) he was not negligent in failing to discover the bank's
wrongdoing; and (5) he had no knowledge of the failure of consideration until
after the FDIC brought suit.10


Payne argues to us that he was a "wholly innocent borrower" because he (1)

was not part of the fraudulent scheme by the Bank; (2) was not negligent; and
(3) demanded the return of the guaranty contract when he learned of the Bank's
misrepresentations. The district court rejected Payne's argument, noting that
Payne had testified in an affidavit that he investigated the financial background
of Larry Tarrington, Bryce's agent, and believed that Tarrington was a "conartist" before executing the guaranty. The district court concluded that the
results of Payne's own investigation precludes his being "wholly innocent."


We need not consider Payne's innocence. Even if Payne's reliance on Meo

might have been well placed at one time, it is misplaced today and has been
since Langley was decided in 1987. In Langley, the makers of the note were
"wholly innocent" in that they relied on false representations by the bank in
executing the note. Yet the Supreme Court held that the makers could not assert
their defense. In so doing the Langley Court destroyed the "wholly innocent
borrower" exception to the D'Oench, Duhme doctrine. Irrespective of the basis
of its decision, the district court's holding that Payne could not assert fraudulent
inducement as a defense, even under the former "wholly innocent borrower"
exception, is not reversible error.

B. Federal Holder in Due Course Doctrine.


The district court, after holding that the D'Oench, Duhme doctrine and Section
1823(e) barred Payne's defenses, held that Payne's defenses were "equally
forestalled" by the federal holder in due course doctrine. The district court
relied on Federal Sav. and Loan Ins. Corp. v. Murray11 and Campbell Leasing,
Inc. v. Federal Deposit Ins. Corp.12 In Murray, the FSLIC acquired a
promissory note through a purchase and assumption transaction after the lender
institution became insolvent. We held that, although the FSLIC did not meet
the technical requirements of a holder in due course because it acquired the
note through a purchase and assumption transaction rather than in the normal
course of business, the FSLIC nonetheless had the status of a holder in due
course as a matter of federal common law.13


In Campbell Leasing, the FDIC acquired a note through a bulk transaction

which, under Texas law, prevents a holder from enjoying holder in due course
status. We held that, as in Murray, the FDIC was a holder in due course under
federal common law even though it did not meet the technical requirements of a
holder in due course under state law.14


Relying on Sunbelt Sav., FSB Dallas, Texas v. Montross,15 Payne argues that as
his guaranty was not a negotiable instrument the FDIC could not be a holder in
due course, even under federal common law. In Montross, a maker executed a
variable interest promissory note (at that time, a non-negotiable instrument
under Texas law)16 in favor of Sunbelt Savings, but subsequently defaulted.
After filing suit against the maker, Sunbelt Savings failed. The FDIC assumed
control and established Sunbelt Savings FSB, which acquired the note among
those assets of the failed thrift transferred by the FDIC. The district court
granted summary judgment in favor of Sunbelt Savings FSB, holding that the
federal holder in due course doctrine barred all of the maker's defenses. On
appeal, we addressed whether the federal holder in due course doctrine protects
the FDIC from personal defenses to the enforcement of non-negotiable


We distinguished Murray and Campbell Leasing by noting that Murray 's

holding was expressly limited to negotiable instruments acquired by purchase
and assumption and that Campbell Leasing did not deal with negotiability at
all.17 We stated that the policy behind Murray, Campbell Leasing, and the
D'Oench, Duhme doctrine--preventing the FDIC from being disadvantaged by
"secret" oral or unrecorded agreements when it is forced to assume control of a
troubled financial institution--does not apply to non-negotiable instruments.18
We further stated that negotiability is the foundation underlying holder in due

course status and that non-negotiable instruments are merely contractual

obligations, which do not enjoy holder in due course protection.19 We noted
that the makers of non-negotiable instruments have no expectation that the
holder in due course doctrine will apply to defeat their defenses. We thus held
that the FDIC did not have holder in due course status with respect to nonnegotiable instruments and that, "when the FDIC assumes control of an
institution, the assets are what they are--negotiable instruments, contracts, real
property, and so on."20

The FDIC relies on the Sixth Circuit case of Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. v.
Morrison 21 in arguing that the non-negotiability of the guaranty does not
prevent the FDIC from being a holder in due course. In Morrison, the Sixth
Circuit held that the federal common law D'Oench, Duhme doctrine nullified
the guarantors' defense that the lender bank had materially altered their
guaranty because the guarantors had " 'lent' themselves to the execution of an
instrument which resulted in misleading the FDIC in valuing the assets of the
failed bank."22 The guarantors argued that, because the guaranty did not qualify
as a negotiable instrument, federal common law should not govern the rights of
the FDIC. The Sixth Circuit rejected that argument, stating that:

by their nature, exist for the purpose of providing additional assurance
that debts to which they relate are collectible.... Such guarantees enhance the value
of the Bank's commercial paper and, as a result, any acts by the maker of a guaranty
which are likely to deceive the FDIC as to the value of the assets it purchases are
indistinguishable in effect from those of the makers of the Bank's negotiable
instruments. Therefore, it is appropriate to apply the same policies to makers of
guarantees in favor of a Bank as to makers of promissory notes.23

Montross resolves this issue in Payne's favor. We held that assets acquired by
the FDIC by purchase and assumption retain the same characteristics in the
hands of the FDIC as they had in the hands of the insolvent bank. Payne's
guaranty was merely a contract between Payne and the Bank. The FDIC is no
alchemist and thus has no philosopher's stone with which to transform Payne's
non-negotiable contract of guaranty into a negotiable instrument. Consequently,
the FDIC cannot have holder in due course status with respect to the guaranty
and therefore is not immune to Payne's defenses.

C. Available defenses.

1. Right to receive notice of the sale of collateral


Payne contends that he is not liable on the guaranty for any deficiency because

the Bank disposed of the diamond ring that was being held as collateral for the
Bryce note without giving Payne prior notice of the sale. The FDIC concedes
that Payne received no prior notice, but relies on the express waiver of notice
contained in the guaranty. The district court agreed, rejecting Payne's lack of
notice argument because the guaranty expressly waived the right to receive
notice. The district court held the waiver to be effective.

Payne does not contest the existence of the waiver language in the guaranty; he
argues instead that under Texas law he could not effectively waive his right to
receive notice of the sale unless he executed the waiver after Dr. Bryce's default
on the note. Payne insists that, as he executed the waiver before Dr. Bryce
defaulted, and as he did not receive notice of the sale of the diamond ring, the
FDIC cannot sue Payne for a deficiency.


Payne's argument has merit. TEX.BUS. & COM.CODE ANN. 9.504(c)

provides in part:

collateral is perishable or threatens to decline speedily in value or is of a type
customarily sold on a recognized market, reasonable notification of the time and
place of any public sale or reasonable notification of the time after which any private
sale or other intended disposition is to be made shall be sent by the secured party to
the debtor, if he has not signed after default a statement renouncing or modifying his
right to notification of sale. 24

Texas courts have consistently held that the term "debtor" in Section 9.504
includes guarantors of secured transactions and that a guarantor may not waive
his right to notice of sale or disposition of collateral prior to a default on the
debt guaranteed.25 Thus, under Texas law, Payne did not effectively waive his
right to receive prior notice of the disposition of the diamond ring.


The FDIC argues that we should not follow TEX.BUS. & COM.CODE ANN.
9.504(c) on this issue. Instead, the FDIC urges, we should follow the model
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) version of Section 9.504(c) and cases
interpreting that statute. The FDIC relies on United States v. Unum, Inc.,26 in
which we stated:

32 are not constrained to follow any modifications to the model UCC made by a
forum state, nor are we bound by decisions of the forum state courts. We opt to
follow the model UCC and those cases which best supplement the UCC and further
its purposes and design.27

The FDIC has failed to demonstrate that this issue would be resolved differently

under the model UCC than under Texas law. The language of Section 9-504(3)
of the model UCC with regard to a debtor's right to receive notice of a sale of
collateral is identical to the language of TEX.BUS. & COM.CODE ANN.
9.504(c). Thus, only caselaw holding either that a guarantor is not a "debtor"
for purposes of Section 9-504(3) of the model UCC or that a guarantor may
waive his right to notice of the disposition of collateral prior to default could
persuade us that Payne effectively waived his right to such notice when he
signed the guaranty.

In attempting thus to persuade us, the FDIC cites United States v. H & S Realty
Co.28 for the proposition that a guarantor may waive his rights under Section 9504(3). In that case, the First Circuit held that a guarantor effectively waived
the requirement under Section 9-504(3) that every aspect of the disposition of
collateral be commercially reasonable.29 The instant case is easily
distinguishable from H & S Realty, however, because that case did not involve
a purported waiver of the right to receive prior notice of the sale of collateral.
The court in H & S Realty noted that it was addressing an issue on which
Section 9-504(3) is silent--the ability to waive the commercial reasonableness
requirement. The model UCC version of Section 9-504(3) is not silent on the
ability to waive the right to prior notice of the sale of collateral, however.


Both Section 9-504(3) of the model UCC and TEX.BUS. & COM.CODE
ANN. 9.504(c) provide that a debtor shall receive notice "if he has not signed
after default a statement renouncing or modifying his right to notification of
sale." The FDIC cites no cases holding that a debtor may effectively waive his
right to notice before default. In the absence of any contradictory authority, we
apply Texas law and hold that, as Payne executed the waiver on which the
FDIC relies before default, the district court erred in concluding that Payne
effectively waived his right to receive prior notice of the disposal of the
diamond ring. As Payne neither received the required notice nor effectively
waived his right to receive such notice, the FDIC could not sue Payne for a
deficiency on the Bryce note.30 The district court erred, therefore, in granting
the FDIC's motion for summary judgment and in denying Payne's motion on
this issue.
2. Pleading Requirements


Payne also contends that the FDIC failed to plead or prove an essential element
of its cause of action--that it sold the diamond ring in a commercially
reasonable manner. Until recently, the question of who bears the burden of
pleading commercial reasonableness or lack thereof was unsettled in Texas.
The Texas Supreme Court settled that question in Greathouse v. Charter Nat'l

Bank-Southwest.31 In Greathouse, the supreme court held that:

37 creditor in a deficiency suit must plead that disposition of the collateral was
commercially reasonable. This may be pleaded specifically or by averring generally
that all conditions precedent have been performed or have occurred. If pleaded
generally, the creditor is required to prove that the disposition of collateral was
commercially reasonable only if the debtor specifically denies it in his answer.
Should the creditor plead specifically, then it must, of course, prove the allegation in
order to obtain a favorable judgment.32

In the instant case, the FDIC neither specifically pleaded the commercial
reasonableness of the disposition of the diamond ring nor generally pleaded that
all requirements for the effective disposition of collateral had been met.


Greathouse and other Texas jurisprudence preceding it make clear that a

creditor who has disposed of collateral and who cannot defeat a debtor's
challenge to lack of notice or commercial reasonableness is barred from
obtaining a deficiency judgment, not merely subject to reduction of the amount
of the deficiency equal to the value of the collateral disposed of faultily. The
court in Greathouse stated:

40commercially reasonable disposition of collateral is in the nature of a condition to

a creditor's recovery in a deficiency suit. We suggested this in Tanenbaum v.
Economics Laboratory, Inc., 628 S.W.2d 769, 771 (Tex.1982), where we said: "The
only limits on the creditor's disposition of the collateral is that it must be
commercially reasonable, and must be made only after notification to the debtor if
required by section 9.504. Then and only then is he entitled to sue for a

As the FDIC should not have been allowed to maintain its cause of action
against Payne, the district court erred in rendering summary judgment for the
FDIC and in refusing to render summary judgment in favor of Payne.


The district court did not err in holding that Section 1823(e) barred Payne's
defense of fraudulent inducement. The district court did err, however, in
holding that the FDIC was a holder in due course of Payne's guaranty under
federal common law and thus was immune from all of Payne's personal
defenses. As the guaranty was not a negotiable instrument, under Montross the

FDIC could not have acquired holder in due course status with respect to that
contract between Payne and the Bank. As the FDIC was not a holder in due
course, Payne was entitled to assert his defense that he did not waive his right to
receive notice of the sale of collateral, and the district court erred in granting
summary judgment on that issue.

The district court also erred in holding that Payne waived his right to such
notice and thus erred in granting summary judgment in favor of the FDIC on
this issue as well as in denying Payne's summary judgment motion. It is well
settled in Texas that a guarantor may not effectively waive his right to receive
notice of the disposition of collateral before the obligation guaranteed is in
default. In addition, as the FDIC failed to meet the requirement to plead
commercial reasonableness, the district court erred in denying Payne's motion
for summary judgment.


For the foregoing reasons, we REVERSE the judgment of the district court and
RENDER summary judgment in favor of Payne, dismissing the FDIC's suit
against Payne for a deficiency on the Bryce note.

District Judge of the Western District of Louisiana, sitting by designation

Campbell Leasing, Inc. v. Federal Deposit Ins. Corp., 901 F.2d 1244, 1248 (5th

484 U.S. 86, 108 S.Ct. 396, 98 L.Ed.2d 340 (1987)

Id. at 91, 108 S.Ct. at 400-02, 98 L.Ed.2d at 346-47

Id. at 96, 108 S.Ct. at 403, 98 L.Ed.2d at 350

837 F.2d 1369 (5th Cir.1988)

Id. at 1372

856 F.2d 112 (10th Cir.1988)

Id. at 114-15

505 F.2d 790 (9th Cir.1974)


Id. at 792


853 F.2d 1251 (5th Cir.1988)


901 F.2d 1244 (5th Cir.1990)


Murray, 853 F.2d at 1256


Campbell Leasing, 901 F.2d at 1249


923 F.2d 353 (5th Cir.1991)


Subsequent to Montross, the Texas Supreme Court in Amberboy, et al. v.

Societe de Banque Privee, et al., 831 S.W.2d 793 (Tex.1992) held definitively
that "a promissory note requiring interest to be charged at a rate that can be
determined only by reference to a bank's published prime rate is a negotiable
instrument as defined by the Texas Uniform Commercial Code." Id. at 797.
Although Amberboy would change the specific result of Montross, it would not
affect its interpretation that Texas law applies in determining negotiability and
therefore controls the question of federal holder in due course and the
availability of personal defenses


Id. at 356






Id. at 357


816 F.2d 679 (6th Cir.1987) (table) (text in Westlaw)


Id. at page 4 of Westlaw text (1987 WL 37065)


Id. at page 5 of Westlaw text


TEX.BUS. & COM.CODE ANN. 9.504(c) (West 1991) (emphasis added)


Carroll v. General Electric Credit Corp., 734 S.W.2d 153, 154-55 (Tex.App.-Houston [1st Dist.] 1987, no writ); Hernandez v. Bexar County Nat'l Bank, 710
S.W.2d 684, 687 (Tex.App.--Corpus Christi 1986, writ ref'd n.r.e.); Peck v.
Mack Trucks, Inc., 704 S.W.2d 583, 585-86 (Tex.App.--Austin 1986, no writ)


658 F.2d 300 (5th Cir.1981)


Id. at 304 n. 2


837 F.2d 1 (1st Cir.1987)


Id. at 3


Carroll, 734 S.W.2d at 155


1992 WL 148109, 35 Tex.Sup.Ct.J. 1017 (July 1992)


Id. at 1020



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