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996 F.

2d 1346
36 ERC 2054, 62 USLW 2064, 23 Envtl.
L. Rep. 21,282,
Prod.Liab.Rep. (CCH) P 13,646

Ernest L. KING, Sr., et al., Plaintiffs, Appellants,

Defendants, Appellees.
No. 92-2381.

United States Court of Appeals,

First Circuit.
Heard April 8, 1993.
Decided July 7, 1993.

James F. Freeley, III with whom James F. Freeley, Jr. and Freeley &
Freeley, Boston, MA, were on brief, for plaintiffs, appellants.
George S. Isaacson with whom Peter D. Lowe, Brann & Isaacson,
Lewiston, ME, Charles A. Harvey, Jr., Christopher D. Byrne, Verrill &
Dana, Peter J. Rubin, Diane S. Lukac, and Bernstein, Shur, Sawyer &
Nelson, Portland, ME, were on brief, for defendants, appellees.
Before BREYER, Chief Judge, FRIEDMAN, * Senior Circuit Judge, and
STAHL, Circuit Judge.
FRIEDMAN, Senior Circuit Judge.

The issue in this case, on appeal from the United States District Court for the
District of Maine, 806 F.Supp. 1030 (D.Me.1992), is whether the Federal
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), 7 U.S.C. 136-136y
(1988), preempts state tort law claims based upon the alleged failure of the
manufacturers of herbicides to provide adequate warning language on the
products' labels, which the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved
in accordance with FIFRA's requirements. The district court held that FIFRA
preempts those state law claims. We affirm.

* The plaintiffs, King and Higgins (and their wives) filed this diversity tort
damage suit against four manufacturers of chemical herbicides. Their second
amended complaint alleged that, as part of their duties as employees of the State
of Maine, King and Higgins were engaged in the "seasonal spraying of
chemical herbicides"; that "[d]uring the chemical spraying operations [they]
performed," King and Higgins "were exposed to significant amounts" of
specified "chemical products" manufactured by the defendants; and that, "as
the direct result of their exposure to the herbicides," King and Higgins have
suffered various ailments.

The complaint contained two counts. Count I charged the defendants with
negligence because they "failed to warn the Plaintiffs ... of the harm and danger
of exposure to the chemical products listed above, failed to advise them how to
safely use the products and failed to warn them of the long term, permanent
physical injuries which would follow said exposure." Count II alleged strict
liability and tort theories, based upon the defendants having "placed into the
stream of commerce unreasonably dangerous and defective chemical products,
rendered unreasonably dangerous by the absence of an adequate warning to the
ultimate consumers and users thereof of the short term and long term permanent
physical injuries resulting from exposure thereto." At oral argument, the
plaintiffs admitted that the sole basis of their complaint was the defendants'
failure to provide adequate warnings.

The parties stipulated that the labels on all the herbicides involved had been
submitted to and approved by the EPA, as FIFRA required.

The district court granted the defendants' motion for summary judgment,
holding that FIFRA preempted the plaintiffs' claims. 806 F.Supp. at 1037. The
court, following the preemption standards the Supreme Court applied in
Cipollone v. Liggett Group, Inc., --- U.S. ----, ----, 112 S.Ct. 2608, 2617, 120
L.Ed.2d 407 (1992), held:

the language of FIFRA mandates the preemption of the establishment or
enforcement or any common law duty that would impose a labeling requirement
inconsistent with those established by the Act, or the EPA's regulations, Plaintiffs'
common law failure to warn claims are preempted as a matter of law.

806 F.Supp. at 1037.


A. FIFRA provides a detailed scheme for regulating the content of an

herbicide's label. All herbicides sold in the United States must be registered for
use by the EPA. 7 U.S.C. 136a(a). The EPA has promulgated comprehensive
labeling requirements governing the scope, content, wording and format of
herbicide labeling. 40 C.F.R. 156 (1992). The manufacturer itself designs and
formulates the content of the label, and must file with the EPA a statement
which includes "the name of the pesticide," "a complete copy of the labeling of
the pesticide, a statement of all claims to be made for it and any directions for
its use," and "a full description of the tests made and the results thereof upon
which the claims are based." 7 U.S.C. 136a(c)(1)(B)-(D).
Section 136v provides in pertinent part:

9 In general. A State may regulate the sale or use of any federally registered
pesticide or device in the State, but only if and to the extent the regulation does not
permit any sale or use prohibited by this subchapter.
10 Uniformity. Such State shall not impose or continue in effect any requirements
for labeling or packaging in addition to or different from those required under this

Id. 136v.


B. Cipollone recently summarized the standards governing preemption


The purpose of Congress is the ultimate touchstone of preemption analysis.


Congress' intent may be explicitly stated in the statute's language or implicitly

contained in its structure and purpose. In the absence of an express
congressional command, state law is pre-empted if that law actually conflicts
with federal law, or if federal law so thoroughly occupies a legislative field as to
make reasonable the inference that Congress left no room for the States to
supplement it.


Cipollone, --- U.S. at ----, 112 S.Ct. at 2617 (citations and internal quotations


Cipollone involved similar preemption provisions of the federal statutes

governing cigarette labelling and advertising. The suit concerned a woman who
died of lung cancer after smoking for many years. It was a state tort law
diversity suit against the cigarette manufacturers, charging them with

responsibility for her death because, among other things, "they failed to warn
consumers about the hazards of smoking." Id. at ----, 112 S.Ct. at 2613. The
defendants contended that the Federal Cigarette Labelling and Advertising Act
(1965 Act), Pub.L. No. 89-92, 79 Stat. 282 (1965) (codified as amended at 15
U.S.C. 1331-1340 (1988)), and its successor, the Public Health Cigarette
Smoking Act of 1969 (1969 Act), Pub.L. No. 91-222, 84 Stat. 87 (1969)
(codified as amended at 15 U.S.C. 1331-1340), preempted the claims. Those
Acts required health warnings on cigarette packaging, but barred the
requirement of such warnings in cigarette advertising.

Section 5 of the 1965 Act, captioned "Preemption," provided in relevant part:

18 No statement relating to smoking and health shall be required in the advertising

of any cigarettes the packages of which are labeled in conformity with the provisions
of this Act.

Federal Cigarette Labelling and Advertising Act, quoted in Cipollone, --- U.S.
at ----, 112 S.Ct. at 2616.


The Court held that this provision "only pre-empted state and federal
rulemaking bodies from mandating particular cautionary statements and did not
pre-empt state law damages actions." Cipollone, --- U.S. at ----, 112 S.Ct. at
2619 (footnote omitted).


This provision was changed by the 1969 Act to read:

22 No requirement or prohibition based on smoking and health shall be imposed

under State law with respect to the advertising or promotion of any cigarettes the
packages of which are labeled in conformity with the provisions of this Act.

Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act of 1969, quoted in Cipollone, --- U.S. at ---, 112 S.Ct. at 2616. See also 15 U.S.C. 1334(b) (1988).


The Court held that this provision preempted the plaintiff's state law tort claims
based on the defendants' failure to warn of the hazards of cigarette smoking.
The Court stated that "[t]he phrase '[n]o requirement or prohibition' sweeps
broadly and suggests no distinction between positive enactments and common
law; to the contrary, those words easily encompass obligations that take the
form of common law rules." Cipollone, --- U.S. at ----, 112 S.Ct. at 2620. It,
therefore, "reject[ed] petitioner's argument that the phrase 'requirement or
prohibition' limits the 1969 Act's pre-emptive scope to positive enactments by

legislatures and agencies." Id. The Court held that "insofar as claims under
either failure to warn theory require a showing that respondents' post-1969
advertising or promotions should have included additional, or more clearly
stated, warnings, those claims are pre-empted. The Act does not, however, preempt petitioner's claims that rely solely on respondents' testing or research
practices or other actions unrelated to advertising or promotion." Id. at ---- - ----,
112 S.Ct. at 2621-22.

Only four Justices joined in the portion of the opinion that held that the 1969
Act preempted the failure to warn tort claims. In his opinion concurring in the
judgment in part and dissenting in part (in which Justice Thomas joined),
however, Justice Scalia stated that he "agree[d]" with the following statements
in the plurality opinion: "that 'the language of the [1969] Act plainly reaches
beyond [positive] enactments,'; that the general tort-law duties petitioner
invokes against the cigarette companies can, as a general matter, impose
'requirement[s] or prohibition[s]' within the meaning of 5(b) of the 1969 Act;
and that the phrase 'State law' as used in that provision embraces state common
law." Id. at ----, 112 S.Ct. at 2634 (citations omitted). Justice Scalia also
referred to the plurality opinion's "correct disposition of petitioner's post-1969
failure to warn claims." Id. at ----, 112 S.Ct. at 2637. Justice Scalia's partial
disagreement with the plurality was that he would have held that the failure to
warn claims under the 1965 Act and all of the claims under the 1969 Act were
preempted. Id. at ----, 112 S.Ct. at 2632.


In these circumstances, the holding in the plurality opinion that the 1969 Act
preempted the plaintiff's failure-to-warn claim fairly can be said to constitute
the view of the Court because six members of the Court concurred in that
conclusion. See Shaw v. Dow Brands, Inc., 994 F.2d 364, 370 n. 4 (7th


The Supreme Court itself has indicated that Cipollone applies to FIFRA
preemption determinations. In the Papas v. Upjohn Co. and Arkansas-Platte
cases discussed below, the Court vacated two courts of appeals judgments that
FIFRA impliedly preempted state law failure-to-warn claims and remanded for
those courts to reconsider their decisions in light of Cipollone.


B. We hold that, in light of Cipollone, FIFRA preempts the plaintiffs' state law
tort claims based on the defendants' alleged failure to provide adequate
warnings about the health hazards of the herbicides they manufactured and


The warnings on the labels of the herbicides King and Higgins used in spraying


The warnings on the labels of the herbicides King and Higgins used in spraying
were approved by the EPA, as FIFRA required. If the plaintiffs could recover
on their state law claims that, despite this labeling, the defendants had failed to
provide adequate warning, those additional warnings necessarily would be "in
addition to or different from those required under this subchapter." 7 U.S.C.
136v(b). The question, therefore, is whether state law liability based upon such
defective warning would constitute the "impos[ition]" by the state of "any
requirements for labeling or packaging" under section 136v(b). Id.


Cipollone held that the words in the 1969 cigarette statute " '[n]o requirement
or prohibition' ... easily encompass[ed] obligations that take the form of
common law rules." Cipollone, --- U.S. at ----, 112 S.Ct. at 2620. The FIFRA
language prohibiting the states from "impos[ing] or continu[ing] in effect any
requirements," 7 U.S.C. 136v(b), is virtually indistinguishable from the stateimposed "requirement" language that Cipollone held preempted the state
common law tort claims based on inadequate warning. FIFRA's language, too,
preempts the state law lack-of-warning claims involved in this case.


The plaintiffs contend that the reference in section 136v(b) to "Such State"
means the state described in subsection (a), namely, a state that has "regulate[d]
the sale or use of any federally registered pesticide." From this, they conclude
that the prescription provision of subsection (b) covers only state regulation, but
not state common law claims. Subsection (a), however, is a grant of authority to
the states to regulate the "sale or use" of pesticides, not a limitation upon the
preemptive effect of subsection (b). The word "Such" in subsection (b) does not
limit to state regulation the state "requirements for labeling or packaging"
which that section preempts.


The legislative history of the 1972 amendments to FIFRA, which added section
136v to the statute, supports our conclusion. The Senate Committee Report on
the provision stated that section 136v(b) "preempts any State or local
government labeling or packaging requirements differing from such
requirements under the Act." S.Rep. No. 92-970, 92d Cong., 2d Sess. (1972),
reprinted in 1972 U.S.C.C.A.N. 3993, 4092, 4128. See also S.Rep. No. 92-838,
92d Cong., 2d Sess. 30 (1972), reprinted in 1972 U.S.C.C.A.N. 3993, 4021 (the
provision "preempts any State labeling or packaging requirements differing
from such requirements under the Act"). The House Committee Report stated: "
[i]n dividing the responsibility between the States and the Federal Government
for the management of an effective pesticide program, the Committee has
adopted language which is intended to completely preempt State authority in
regard to labeling and packaging." H.R.Rep. No. 92-511, 92d Cong., 2nd Sess.
16 (1971), U.S.Code Cong. & Admin.News 1972, p. 3993.


Our conclusion accords with the decisions of the three courts of appeals that,
since Cipollone, have decided the question.
In Papas v. Upjohn Co., 926 F.2d 1019 (11th Cir.1991), the court held that
FIFRA impliedly preempted state common law claims based upon inadequate
labeling. On petition for certiorari, the Supreme Court vacated the court of
appeals' judgment and remanded the case for further consideration in light of
Cipollone. Papas v. Zoecon Corp., --- U.S. ----, 112 S.Ct. 3020, 120 L.Ed.2d
892 (1992). On remand the court of appeals concluded that "FIFRA expressly
preempts state common law actions against manufacturers of EPA-registered
pesticides to the extent that such actions are predicated on claims of inadequate
labeling or packaging." Papas v. Upjohn Co., 985 F.2d 516, 520 (11th
Cir.1993). The court stated:

136v(b) pre-empts those of the Papases' state law claims which constitute
"requirements for labeling or packaging in addition to or different from" the
labelling and packaging requirements imposed under FIFRA. Cipollone convinces us
that the term "requirements" in section 136v(b) "sweeps broadly and suggests no
distinction between positive enactments and the common law." Cipollone [--- U.S.],
at ----, 112 S.Ct. at 2620. Common law damages awards are one form of state
regulation and, as such, are "requirements" within the meaning of section 136v. To
the extent that state law actions for damages depend upon a showing that a pesticide
manufacturer's "labeling or packaging" failed to meet a standard "in addition to or
different from" FIFRA requirements, section 136v preempts the claims.

Id. at 518 (citation omitted).


In Arkansas-Platte & Gulf Partnership v. Van Waters & Rogers, Inc., 959 F.2d
158 (10th Cir.1992), the court also held that "state tort actions based on
labeling and alleged failure to warn are impliedly preempted by FIFRA as a
matter of law." Id. at 164. On petition for certiorari the Supreme Court vacated
the judgment of the court of appeals and remanded for that court to reconsider
the case in light of Cipollone. Arkansas-Platte & Gulf Partnership v. Dow
Chemical Co., --- U.S. ----, 113 S.Ct. 314, 121 L.Ed.2d 235 (1992). On remand
the court "ADHERE[D] to the opinion previously announced." Arkansas-Platte
& Gulf Partnership v. Van Waters & Rogers, Inc., 981 F.2d 1177, 1179 (10th
Cir.1993), petition for cert. filed, 61 U.S.L.W. 3789 (U.S. May 10, 1993) (No.
92-1784). The Court stated:

38 common law duty is no less a "requirement" in the preemption scheme than a

state statute imposing the same burden.... [T]he common law duty to warn is
subjected to the same federal preemptive constraints as a state statute.... To the

extent that state tort claims in this case require a showing that defendants' labeling
and packaging should have included additional, different, or alternatively stated
warnings from those required under FIFRA, they would be expressly preempted.



In Shaw, 994 F.2d 364, the Seventh Circuit held that FIFRA preempted a state
law claim based on failure-to-warn of the dangers of a chemical stain remover.
The court stated:

41 order to succeed in the wake of Cipollone, then, Shaw would have to show that
FIFRA's preemption language is less sweeping than the language of the 1969
Cigarette Act. Yet we can discern no significant distinction at all--FIFRA says that "
[s]uch State shall not impose * * * any requirements for labeling or packaging in
addition to or different from those required * * *," while the cigarette law says "[n]o
requirement[s] or prohibition[s] * * * imposed under State law" shall be permitted.
Both seem equally emphatic: "[n]o requirements or prohibitions" is just another way
of saying a "[s]tate shall not impose * * * any requirements." Not even the most
dedicated hair-splitter could distinguish these statements. If common law actions
cannot survive under the 1969 cigarette law, then common law actions for labeling
and packaging defects cannot survive under FIFRA.

Id. at 371.


C. The plaintiffs rely on Ferebee v. Chevron Chemical Co., 736 F.2d 1529
(D.C.Cir.), cert. denied, 469 U.S. 1062, 105 S.Ct. 545, 83 L.Ed.2d 432 (1984).
There, the plaintiff became ill and died as a result of his exposure to an
herbicide he sprayed. In affirming a jury verdict for the plaintiff, the court held
that FIFRA did not preempt the plaintiff's state law tort claims based upon the
inadequacy of the warning labels on the herbicide. The court reasoned that
"Chevron can comply with both federal and state law by continuing to use the
EPA-approved label and by simultaneously paying damages to successful tort
plaintiffs such as Mr. Ferebee." Id. at 1541.


In deciding Ferebee, the District of Columbia Circuit did not have the benefit of
the Supreme Court's subsequent analysis and ruling in Cipollone. It is
impossible to predict whether, in light of Cipollone and the other courts of
appeals' decisions discussed above, the District of Columbia Circuit would
continue to follow Ferebee. In any event, for the reasons set forth in this
opinion, we do not find Ferebee persuasive.





Of the Federal Circuit, sitting by designation

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