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NEBB Comprehensive Candidate HandbookPage 2

Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................. 3
Section 1: Certification Overview .................. 5

Cleanroom Performance Testing

Certified Professional: CPT CP ...... Appendix D

Section 2: Steps to Certification .................... 6

Cleanroom Performance Testing

Certified Technician: CPT CT ......... Appendix E

Section 3: Code of Conduct &

Arbitration Agreement .................................. 9

Fume Hood Performance Testing

Certified Professional: FHT CP ...... Appendix F

Section 4: Exam Preparation ....................... 12

Retro-Commissioning for
Existing Buildings Certified
Professional: RCx-EB CP ................ Appendix G

Section 5: Taking the Exams ........................ 13

Section 6: After the Exams .......................... 16
Section 7: Compliance ................................. 17
Section 8: Maintaining Certification........... 20
Section 9: Certification Board Policies ........ 22
Section 10: Forms ........................................ 24
Kryterion Test Centers................ Addendum 1
Paper Based Testing ................. Addendum 2
Building Enclosure Testing Certified
Professional: BET CP ..................... Appendix A
Building Systems Commissioning
Certified Professional: BSC CP ...... Appendix B
Building Systems Commissioning
Certified Technician: CxCT............ Appendix C

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

Sound Measurement Certified

Professional: SM CP ...................... Appendix H
Sound Measurement Certified
Technician: SM CT ......................... Appendix I
Testing, Adjusting & Balancing
of Environmental Systems
Certified Professional: TAB CP ....... Appendix J
Testing, Adjusting & Balancing
of Environmental Systems
Certified Technician: TAB CT ........ Appendix K
Vibration Measurement Certified
Professional: VM CP5 ....................Appendix L
Vibration Measurement Certified
Technician: VM CT ....................... Appendix M

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate HandbookPage 3

Established in 1971, NEBB is the premier international association of Certified Firms and Certified
Professionals and Technicians that perform Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing, Building Systems
Commissioning, Building Envelope Testing, Cleanroom Performance Testing, Fume Hood Testing,
Retro-Commissioning, Sound Measurement, Vibration Measurement of HVAC systems.
NEBB Personnel Certifications are designed to recognize individuals who have demonstrated the
experience, knowledge, and skills necessary to provide competent testing and tuning of building
systems as defined for each discipline. Certified Professionals understand the standards and
specifications for work in their discipline, are qualified in the proper methods and procedures for
their discipline, and understand how to use properly calibrated equipment to establish, accurately
measure, and verify building systems performance. Certified Professionals represent their firms in
matters related to their discipline to provide accurate and reliable reporting. Certified Technicians,
working with Certified Professionals, provide another quality level of professionalism on the HVAC

NEBB Certifications

Certified Professionals (CPs) in the various disciplines represent their firm on a wide variety of building
performance matters. NEBB Certificants:
Develop and plan the work
Handle report preparation
Recommend corrective action
Set the overall safety plan
Maintain instruments and calibration program,
Have experience with control strategies, sequences of operation, control systems, equipment
and software
Review, check, and sign the final report.
NEBB Certificants whether the Certified Professional (CP) or the Certified Technician (CT) - meet a
combination of education and/or experience requirements and demonstrate their knowledge within
their specific certification by passing the appropriate examination.
NEBB represents professionals who seek to augment their qualifications by seeking certification in
any number of NEBB certifications, which include:
1. Building Enclosure Testing Certified Professional (BET CP): Appendix A
2. Building Systems Technical Commissioning Certified Professional (BSC CP): Appendix B
3. Building Systems Commissioning Certified Technician (CxCT): Appendix C
4. Cleanroom Performance Testing Certified Professional (CPT CP): Appendix D
5. Cleanroom Performance Testing Certified Technician (CPT CT): Appendix E
6. Commissioning Process Professional (CxPP): Separate Handbook available online at
7. Fume Hood Performance Testing Certified Professional (FHT CP): Appendix F
8. Retro-Commissioning of Existing Buildings Certified Professional (RCx-EB CP): Appendix G
9. Sound Measurement Certified Professional (SM CP): Appendix H

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10. Sound Measurement Certified Technician (SM CT): Appendix I

11. Testing, Adjusting & Balancing Certified Professional (TAB CP): Appendix J
12. Testing, Adjusting & Balancing Certified Technician (TAB CT): Appendix K
13. Vibration Measurement Certified Professional (VM CP): Appendix L
14. Vibration Measurement Certified Technician (VM CT): Appendix M

NEBB Certification Board

The NEBB Certification Board (CB) independently oversees all NEBB Personnel certification programs
and is responsible for essential decisions related to certification standards, policies, and procedures.
The CB is committed to the development, delivery and implementation of certification policies and
programs that are applied consistently and are fair, impartial, and hold all individuals to the same
NEBB and its Certification Board are committed to ensuring that all certification activities are
conducted with impartiality, independent of any undue influence or conflict of interest. NEBB
certification programs are developed and administered following Best Practices as defined by the
International Standard ANSI/ISO/IEC 17042 Conformity assessment General requirements for bodies
operating certification of persons.

Using the NEBB Comprehensive Certification Candidate Handbook

This Certification Candidate Handbook is designed to give the Applicant a broad overview of NEBBs
certification process, combined with specific details pertaining to the various procedures and
guidelines within the process of achieving individual certifications.
To obtain the most from the information provided, Applicants are encouraged to read through the
entire comprehensive Certification Candidate Handbook first and then reference specific certification
Appendices which are located in alphabetical order at the back.
The pathway to NEBB certification is a richly rewarding experience which requires advance planning
and sequencing of time. Applicants should begin the application process as soon as possible and
allow time for processing of applications, verification of pre-requisite requirements and other details.
If at any time during the process an Applicant has questions, they should contact the Certification
Department at [email protected].
The NEBB Certification Board and the NEBB Board of Directors wishes the best to each Applicant who
decides to pursue NEBB certification a continuing standard of excellence within the industry.

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Section 1: Certification Overview

What is Certification?

NEBB certification programs are designed to recognize

individuals who have demonstrated the experience,
knowledge, and skills necessary to provide competent
testing and tuning of building systems.

Meet Education and Experience Requirements

Submit Application for Candidacy
Prepare for Exam(s)

Benefits of Certification

NEBB personnel certification provides contractors

building owners, architects, and engineers a reliable
basis for acquiring building systems services.
Certification promotes proper execution of projects and
compliance with NEBB Standards and Procedures and
demonstrates technical and practical working
knowledge and proficiency.

Eligibility Criteria

Register for Exam(s)

Pass the Exam(s)
Submit Certification Application and Fees
Receive NEBB Certificates of Certification
Maintain Recertification Requirements

Those who apply for any NEBB certification program are considered Applicants and must meet the
specific pre-requisite requirements of that certification program, be it education and/or professional
experience, and submit documentation which verifies eligibility. Applicants meeting all eligibility
requirements are granted Candidate status. Candidates are required to pass all necessary exams,
adhere to a Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct as part of earning certification.
For specific details pertaining to each NEBB
certification, please refer to the appropriate
Appendix located at the back of this Certification
Candidate Handbook.

Education and Training

Education and training within a specific discipline

helps to broaden the scope of the Candidates
knowledge, skills and abilities. However, training
provided by NEBB is not a requirement for

NEBB Affiliation

Affiliation with NEBB, or membership in any other

organization, is not a requirement for NEBB

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Section 2: Steps To Certification

Step 1: How to Apply

Once an Applicant has obtained the required pre-requisite education and training for a specific
certification, they may obtain the appropriate Application for Candidacy, by visiting,
or emailing [email protected].
The first step of the certification process is to complete and submit the Application for Candidacy
form which can be obtained online or by emailing [email protected]. Application processing
takes time; Applicants are encouraged to start the process as soon as possible.

Step 2: Application Processing From Applicant to Candidate

Information provided in the Application for Candidacy and supporting documentation will be used to
determine the Applicants compliance with the established pre-requisite eligibility requirements.
The Application for Candidacy form, all supporting documentation, and a non-refundable application
fee must be submitted in accordance with the Application instructions available on the form.
Applicants are required to sign the NEBB Code of Conduct and NEBB Agreement to Arbitrate
and acknowledge having read and be bound by NEBBs current Bylaws, Operational Procedures and
Procedural Standards. Applicants can email their completed packet to [email protected] to mail
to NEBB c/o Certification Department, 8575 Grovemont Circle, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. Please retain
a copy of all submitted materials.
Applicants will receive a confirmation email when the application has been received. After initial
review of the application and materials, Applicants will be notified that either their application is:
1. Complete and approved or
2. Incomplete and requires additional information or documentation, or
3. The application fee payment is required for the Application to be considered complete, or
4. Declined due to ineligibility.
Once the Application for Candidacy is approved, Applicants are considered Candidates and will
receive an email confirmation along with instructions for registering and scheduling their specific
exam. The email will include authorization to take the exam along with specific information about
the date, time and location of the exam, be it online taken at a Kryterion Test Center or as a paperbased exam at a specific NEBB event.
Confirmations, notifications, examination scheduling instructions and other important notifications
will be sent to the email address indicated on the application form.
NEBB reserves the right to verify any information submitted with an application and to request
further information or documentation from the Applicant as needed.

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Eligibility Appeals

Applicants who have submitted a completed Application for Candidacy and who are notified that they
do not meet the eligibility requirements may appeal this decision by sending a written notice of the
appeal to the Certification Director at [email protected] within 30 days of the adverse eligibility
Appeals that cannot be resolved to the Applicants satisfaction will be forwarded by the Certification
Director to the Certification Board for review along with any relevant information from the initial
review of the application.
Written notice of the final decision will be sent to the Applicant within 30 days of receipt by the
Certification Board. The decision of the Certification Board is final.

Step 3: Study and Prepare

Candidates are encouraged to prepare for their exams through a combination of self-study,
attendance at industry training events or participating in study groups that will enhance their area
of knowledge and expertise. A wide variety of publications are available at More
information can be found in Section 3 and in the appropriate certification Appendices located at the
back of this Certification Candidate Handbook.

Step 4: Scheduling Exams: Written & Practical

Each NEBB certification requires an exam, be it computer-based or paper-based, and in some cases
is combined with a practical written exam or a practical hands-on exam.
1. Computer-based Written Exams may be taken at Kryterion test centers located worldwide.
2. Paper-based Written Exams are offered at specific NEBB events held throughout the year.
3. Practical Hands-on Exams may be taken at a designated test center.
4. Practical Written Exams may be scheduled at a national test center OR at a specific NEBB
Computer-based exams are offered on demand at more than 350 test centers within the United
States and more than 700 test centers worldwide. Specific, computer based, exams locations are
listed on Kryterions website:
Paper-based exams are also made available periodically in conjunction with NEBB events, such as
specific discipline seminars or the NEBB Annual Conference.
Many of NEBBs certification programs require a practical exam in addition to a standard written
exam. Practical exams can be administered in two forms:
1. Written Practical or
2. Hands-on Practical
Written Practical Exams can be scheduled through NEBB at Kryterion Test Centers or at select
locations throughout the U.S. Contact the NEBB office or [email protected] for more
Hands-On Practical Exams can be scheduled through the Candidates local Chapter or through a NEBB
Chapter closest in proximity.
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Exam Cancellations, Rescheduling & Refunds

Paper-based Exams: Cancellation of a paper-based examination must be done directly through the
NEBB office prior to the NEBB event. No refunds will be made for examinations at NEBB events
cancelled after the NEBB event registration deadline, or failing to appear as instructed.
Requests to withdraw an application or to cancel a paper-based exam must be received in writing no
later than 72 hours prior to the scheduled examination at a NEBB event.
Computer-based online exams: To reschedule a computer-based exam, Candidates should log into
their profile, and reschedule the exam according to the instructions provided. Computer-based
exams may be rescheduled by the candidate up to 72 hours before the scheduled exam. Under 72
hours, please call the NEBB office to reschedule. No refunds will be made for cancelled computer
based exams.
Exam type
*Practical or Hands On

Reschedule policy
Go online, change date, no
change fee if > 72 hours, $ fee if
< 72 hours.
Call NEBB office at least 72
hours before, no change fee
Email [email protected]

Cancellation policy
Cancel online. No refund
Call NEBB office. No refund
Email [email protected]

*Practical Exams: In addition to the traditional written exam, select NEBB certifications require what
is termed a practical exam. These unique and content-specific exams can either be a Practical
Written Exam, a Practical Hands-On Exam or a combination of both. For a more detailed
explanation of practical exams, please consult the appropriate Certification Appendices located at
the back of this Certification Candidate Handbook.

Exam Fees

A current exam fee schedule may be requested through NEBB by contacting [email protected].

Step 5: Awarding of Certification

Upon successful completion of all the pre-requisite requirements and passing the certification
exam(s), Candidates will receive notification about their new certification status. Sections 6, 7 and 8
cover the final aspects of awarding the certification, such as compliance and re-certification
Upon receiving formal notice of certification, Candidates are now known as Certificants and join
the ranks of those who raise the level of professionalism with the HVAC and related fields.

Deadlines for Completion of Personnel Certification

Candidates have three (3) years from their initial exam date to pass all of the certifications written
and/or practical exams. After this time period expires, Candidates must wait one (1) year from the
last examination attempt before reapplying for Personnel Certification.

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After successful completion of the examination, Candidates have one (1) year to apply for their
Personnel Certification and pay all related fees. If Candidates do not apply for Personnel
Certification within one (1) year, Candidates will be responsible for paying a Certification Reapplication Fee before being awarded Certification.

Section 3: Code of Conduct &

Arbitration Agreement
All Applicants agree to the Code of Conduct (Code) and Arbitration Agreement as a condition of their
Application for Candidacy which affirms their commitment to uphold the highest standards of
personal and professional behavior. Violation of any portion of the Code may result in disciplinary
action as outlined in the Disciplinary Policy.


The Code of Conduct establishes the basic ethical standards for the professional behavior of
certificants. The Code is designed to provide both appropriate ethical practice guidelines and
enforceable standards of conduct for all certificants.

Code of Conduct

A. NEBB Certified Individuals shall:

1. When working for a Certified Firm, perform work in accordance with the NEBB
Procedural Standards.
2. Perform work in accordance with NEBB Bylaws, and policies.
3. Prepare detailed reports, which are accurate and reliable in accordance with the
appropriate NEBB Procedural Standards.
4. Report all equipment and system deficiencies, which prevent them from completing their
work and preparing a final report, specifically and expressly noting in any preliminary
report that it is preliminary and not final and not sealing any such report.
5. Report and address problems if encountered, and when a problem exists, notify
appropriate project personnel by providing input as to the cause of the problem and
recommend possible solutions.
6. Perform their services professionally and with respect for the client's property and
7. Not make misleading, deceptive, or confusing statements regarding their Personnel
Certification status.
8. Not falsifying data or reports.

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B. Confidentiality

No person who is a local chapter or national official, officer or committee member shall use
confidential information gained in that capacity for any purpose other than performing the
responsibilities of that persons position. Use of such information for any other purpose is grounds
for suspension or termination of any NEBB certification held by that person.

C. Adherence to Legal Requirements

1. Adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, policies, and ethical standards.

2. Refrain from discrimination in professional activities, including relationships with employees,

employers, and other professionals.

D. Adherence to NEBB Policies & Requirements

1. Follow all Personnel Certification program policies, procedures, requirements and rules. This
includes the obligation to be aware of and understand the Personnel Certification program
policies and requirements.

2. Provide accurate and complete information to NEBB concerning certification and

3. Keep confidential all NEBB examination information; including preventing unauthorized
disclosures of exam information.
4. Cooperate with NEBB and the Certification Board regarding matters related to the Code
of Ethics, Code of Conduct and complaint and/or disciplinary investigations.
5. Accept responsibility for maintaining the credential through recertification and
continuously uphold the Code of Conduct and Ethics.

E. Professional Performance

1. Recognize the limitations of ones professional ability (based on education, knowledge,

skills, experience, etc.) and provide services only when qualified to do so.
2. Properly use professional titles, degrees and all credentials and provide accurate and
truthful information regarding education, experience, qualifications, and the performance
of services.

3. Disclose any conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest and avoid conduct that
could cause a conflict of interest.

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NEBB Comprehensive Candidate HandbookPage 11


Applicant to become a Certified Professional / Certified Technician shall read and

agree to the Arbitration Agreement stated below
Agrees that, if the Applicant Certified Professional / Technician fails to attain certification or, if certified,
certification is subsequently suspended or terminated, all claims, controversies or disputes of any kind
whatsoever arising from such failure, suspension or termination shall be resolved and settled by arbitration
administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Commercial Arbitration Rules, including its Rules for
Emergency Measures of Protection (to the extent that such Commercial and Emergency Rules are not amended or
superseded by this provision).
The Applicant Certified Professional / Technician further agrees that an interim or final order or judgement on any
order or award rendered pursuant to those Rules may be entered in any court having jurisdiction to do so (FOR
MARYLAND). The arbitration shall be conducted and decided by a single arbitrator. The locale of the arbitration
shall be in Washington, D.C. or its metropolitan area. Any judicial proceeding that the firm or NEBB institutes, in aid
of arbitration or otherwise, shall be instituted in the United States District Court for the District of Maryland or the
Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland.
The Applicant Certified Professional / Technician further agrees that all claims, controversies or disputes shall be
submitted to arbitration as provided for herein no later than thirty (30) days after the firm has been notified of said
failure, suspension or termination (which such notification shall be deemed to have been made as of the date on
which it was delivered to the Applicant Certified Professional by certified U.S. mail, email or facsimile transmission).
If the Applicant Certified Professional / Technician does not submit any claim, controversy or dispute that this
provision covers to arbitration within said thirty (30) days, the firm hereby acknowledges that is HAS IRREVOBALY

Authorized Signature

Print Name/Position


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Section 4: Exam Preparation

How NEBB Exams Were Developed

NEBB certification exams are designed to assess the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for
certification. The Certification Board selects qualified Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to participate in
exam development activities. SMEs are selected based on their demonstrated expertise and
participate throughout the exam development process.
Periodic job analysis studies are conducted to identify and validate the knowledge and skills
measured by the exam on an ongoing basis. For each certification, a national job analysis study will
be conducted periodically to ensure that the exams Body of Knowledge specific to each certification
remains relevant and current.
Exam questions are reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis and are linked to the each
certifications Body of Knowledge. Questions are developed and reviewed by trained SMEs. Each
exam question undergoes multiple rounds of review prior to being used on the exam. The
Certification Board oversees a continual process of question writing, review, and evaluation to ensure
that exam content remains up-to-date, accurate, and consistent with the content outline.

Studying for the Exams

Each certification exam covers specific content domains within the disciplines Bodies of Knowledge.
Candidates are encouraged to review these areas listed in the specific Appendices in preparation for
their exam.
1. All NEBB written exams consist only of multiple choice questions
2. Exams are designed to test recall skills and the Candidates ability to apply knowledge,
interpret data, and solve problems.
3. Exams and certification program information documents are offered only in English.
4. Formulas and calculations are done in the Imperial Standard and are not yet available in

Exam Content Domains

Each NEBB certification exam is designed to be divided into content domains specific to the
disciplines requirements. Content Domains may include, but are not limited to:
NEBB Procedural Standards
Equipment and measuring devices
Functional and Pre-Functional Testing
Professional Development
Fundamental Knowledge and Theory
Terminology and Definitions
Program, Quality Control and Compliance
Analysis, Corrective Action, and Follow-up Phases
For a complete overview of each certifications content outline, please refer to the specific
Appendices located at the back of this Certification Candidate Handbook.

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Section 5: Taking the Exams

What to Expect on Exam Day

The NEBB Certification Board is committed to ensuring the exam process is fair and standardized for
all Candidates. Strict adherence to all policies and procedures related to exam administration and
security are a critical component of this process. Candidates are required to follow all exam site rules
at all times.

Taking the Exam

Candidates should arrive at the test site at least 15 minutes prior to their scheduled testing time. Late
arrivals will not be admitted.


1. Candidates are required to present their email authorization notice and two (2) valid forms
of identification at the testing site, one being a photo ID.
2. All identification must be valid and must be an original document.
3. Candidates will not be admitted to the examination without proper identification.
4. There will be no refund of the examination fee if Candidate is non-compliant.

Acceptable forms of primary identification (photograph and signature required) include:

Government-Issued Drivers License
Passport or Passport Card
Permanent Resident Visa
Military Issued Identification Card
Secondary forms of identification would be:
Credit Card
Bank Debit Card
Employee Identification Card
Unacceptable forms of identification:
Birth Certificates
Social Security Cards
Student and Employee Ids
Marriage Certificates
Candidates are required to sign a candidate log attesting that they have provided valid identification
and agree to keep the contents of the examination confidential.

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Exam Locations

There are two options for taking NEBB Written Exams:

Kryterion Test Centers: Examination locations are available worldwide and are listed at

NEBB events: Ex: NEBB annual conference and/or NEBB discipline-specific seminars.
The specific testing location for a Candidates exam will be included in the confirmation email from
[email protected] with the subject line Test Schedule for Test Taker (your name). If scheduled
at a NEBB event, the exam location will be part of your registration information.

What to Bring to the Exam?

Each certification exam has separate and specific guidelines on what can be brought into the test
center. Please review the specific certification Appendices for exact details concerning what is
allowed in the test center and was is not.

What is Provided by the Kryterion Test Center?

The Kryterion Test Center will provide three pieces of scratch paper and two pencils to use while in
the test session. The Proctor will initial each page of the scratch paper given, record the number of
pages given in the Kryterion Test Taker Tracking Log, and collect and shred the pages immediately
after the test session is completed.
Other testing aids as required for specific exams are listed in the Appendices.

Candidate Comments on the Exam

Candidates have the opportunity to give feedback on the exam, during the exam. Comments can be
related to a specific item or equation, the administration of the exam, or the test site conditions.
Comments can be made either on the paper-based exam booklet or in the box provided by each
question on the online exam.
Candidates will not receive specific responses to their comments; however, all comments are
reviewed by NEBB.

Special Accommodations

NEBB will provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations in accordance with the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) for individuals with documented disabilities who request and demonstrate
the need for accommodation.
Special accommodations may be requested by submitting the accommodations form found at the
end of this Handbook. Accommodations must be requested at least seven days in advance.
Reasonable examination accommodations will be made at no extra charge to individuals with
documented disabilities.
If an accommodation request is denied, the applicant may appeal the decision by submitting a written
statement to the NEBB Certification Director explaining the reasons for the request. The appeal will
be reviewed by the Certification Board within 30 days of receipt. The decision of the Certification
Board is final.

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Individuals suspected of cheating will be subject to the disciplinary policies and procedures. Any
incidents of suspected cheating, violation of any NEBB policies, disturbances, attempts to remove
test materials or notes from the testing room, or other exam-related irregularities will be reported
immediately. All reported incidents will be investigated.
Exam irregularities may result in termination of a candidates participation in the examination
administration or invalidation of exam scores. NEBB reserves the right to investigate any incident of
suspected misconduct or irregularity.

Copyright Information

All proprietary rights to NEBB certification exams, including copyright, are held by NEBB. To protect
the validity of the exams, Candidates must adhere to strict guidelines regarding proper conduct in
handling these copyrighted proprietary materials. The law strictly prohibits any attempt to reproduce
all or part of any NEBB exam. Such attempts may include, but are not limited to:

Removing materials from the testing room

Aiding others by any means in reconstructing any portion of the exam
Posting content on any discussion forum
Selling, distributing, receiving, or having unauthorized possession of any portion of the exam
or practice exams.

Alleged copyright violations will be investigated and, if warranted, prosecuted to the fullest extent of
the law.
Before being allowed to start the exam, Candidates will be required to agree to this statement:
NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT: By taking this exam, you agree to the conditions stated in the
following non-disclosure agreement. If you do not accept these conditions, your exam will be
terminated. All content contained in this exam is owned and copyrighted by NEBB. Any reproduction,
copying, or discussion of this exam is expressly prohibited. Violation of this non-disclosure agreement
will result in Disciplinary Action, which may include but is not limited to suspension or decertification,
in accordance with NEBB Operational Procedures, and/or legal action by NEBB.

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Section 6: After the Exams

Exam Results

1. Exam results for passing Candidates will include Pass or Fail status only.
2. Computer-based exams: results are communicated directly to Candidates immediately
following the exam.
3. Paper-based exams: results are provided directly and only to the Candidate and may take up
to two weeks for receipt of exam results.
4. Score reporting may be delayed in the case of implementation of new exams, such as betatesting. In those cases, score reports will be sent to candidates via email 4-6 weeks following
the examination.
5. For some exams, Candidates may be provided with diagnostic information for each of the
examination content domains.
a. The diagnostic information is intended to identify areas of relative strength and
weakness in the exam content areas.
b. This information is provided to assist candidates in identifying areas of study in
preparation for re-taking the exam.

Understanding Your Scores

A criterion-referenced standard setting process is used to establish the passing point for each exam.
This means that each Candidates performance on the exam is measured against a predetermined
standard. Candidates are not graded on a curve and do not complete against each other or against a
This passing point (or cut score) is established using a panel of Subject Matter Experts who carefully
review each exam question to determine the basic level of knowledge, skill or abilities expected. The
passing point for the exam is established to identify individuals with an acceptable level of knowledge
and skill.


Candidates who are unsuccessful on an exam must wait a minimum of ninety (90) days from the date
of their initial exam to schedule their retake. To retake the examination, Candidates:
1. Must still be eligible under current application requirements
2. Must pay all examination fees
3. Candidates may take the examination a maximum of ten times as long as they continue to
meet the published eligibility criteria.
After ten (10) unsuccessful attempts, the Candidates application must be updated, resubmitted and
approved by NEBB Certification Manager.

Exam Appeals

An appeal on an exam may be filed based on:

1. Examination procedures that fail to comply with the Certification Boards established
policies, or

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2. Alleged testing conditions severe enough to cause a major and significant disruption of the
examination process.
3. Appeals must be made in writing to the Certification Director within 30 days of the date on
the individuals score results.
4. Appeals not resolved by the Certification Director to the candidates satisfaction will be
forwarded to the Certification Board for review along with any other relevant information.
5. Written notice of the final decision will be sent to the applicant within 30 days of the review.
The Certification Board decision is final.

Awarding the Certification

Candidates who pass their specific exam will automatically receive an email from NEBBs
Certification Department with the appropriate Application for Certification and further instructions.
To facilitate a quick turnaround, Candidates are to complete and email the completed Application
for Certification with fees as soon as possible to [email protected]
Upon receipt of the completed Application for Certification and payment of certificate fees,
Candidate will be mailed his/her official certificate for his/her specific certification.
As a courtesy, a scanned copy of the Candidates official certification certificate will be emailed to
the email address on file.
Candidates may not claim certification until receipt of certificate.

Section 7: Compliance

In order to maintain and enhance the credibility of NEBBs Personnel Certification program, the
Certification Board has adopted the following procedures to allow individuals to bring complaints
concerning the conduct of individuals who are Certificants or Candidates for Personnel Certification
to the Certification Board.
In the event an individual violates the Code of Conduct, Personnel Certification rules, or Personnel
Certification program policies, the Certification Board may reprimand or suspend the individual or
may revoke Personnel Certification.
The grounds for sanctions under these procedures may include, but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Violation of the Code of Conduct.
2. Violation of established Personnel Certification policies, rules and requirements.
3. Conviction of a felony or other crime of moral turpitude under federal or state law.

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NEBB Comprehensive Candidate HandbookPage 18

4. Gross negligence, willful misconduct, or other unethical conduct in the performance of

services for which the individual has achieved Personnel Certification from NEBB.
5. Fraud or misrepresentation in an initial Personnel Certification application or Recertification
Information regarding the complaint process will be available to the public without request via the
NEBB web site and/or other published documents.
Actions taken under this policy do not constitute enforcement of the law, although referral to
appropriate federal, state, or local government agencies may be made about the conduct of the
Candidate or Certificant in appropriate situations. Individuals initially bringing complaints are not
entitled to any relief or damages by virtue of this process, although they will receive notice of the
actions taken.


Complaints may be submitted by any individual or entity. Complaints should be reported to the
Certification Director in writing and must include the name of the person submitting the complaint,
the name of the person the complaint is regarding along with other relevant identifying
information, a detailed description of factual allegations supporting the charges, and any relevant
supporting documentation. Information submitted during the complaint and investigation process
is considered confidential and will be handled in accordance with the Certification Boards
confidentiality policy.
A preliminary review to determine if the complaint is valid and actionable will be conducted within
30 calendar days of receipt of the complaint.
If a submission is deemed to be a valid and actionable complaint, written notice is provided to the
individual whose conduct has been called into question. The individual whose conduct is at issue
shall also be given the opportunity to respond to the complaint. NEBB shall ensure that the
individual submitting the complaint receives notice that the complaint is being reviewed by the
Certification Board.

Complaint Review

For each complaint deemed valid and actionable, the Certification Board will authorize an
investigation into its specific facts or circumstances to whatever extent is necessary in order to
clarify, expand, or corroborate the information provided by the submitter.
The complaint is referred to the Compliance Chairman who then forms a Review Committee to
investigate and make an appropriate determination with respect to each such valid and actionable
All investigations and deliberations of the Review Committee and the Certification Board are
conducted in confidence, with all written communications sealed and marked "Personal and
Confidential," and they are conducted objectively, without any indication of prejudgment.

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NEBB Comprehensive Candidate HandbookPage 19

Determination of Violation
Upon completion of an investigation, the Review Committee recommends whether the Certification
Board should make a determination that there has been a violation of NEBB Certification Board
policies and rules.
The Certification Board will review the recommendation of the Review Committee based upon the
record of the investigation. Further action will be taken based on the outcome of the


Any of the following sanctions may be imposed by the Certification Board upon a Candidate
/Certificant whom the Certification Board has determined to have violated the policies and rules of
its Personnel Certification program(s); the sanction applied must reasonably relate to the nature
and severity of the violation, focusing on reformation of the conduct of the member and deterrence
of similar conduct by others:

Written reprimand to the Candidate/Certificant;

Suspension of the Certificant for a designated period; or
Suspension of the Candidates application eligibility for a designated period; or
Termination of the Certificants Personnel Certification; or
Termination of the Candidates application eligibility for a designated period.

Certificants who have been terminated shall have their Personnel Certification revoked and shall
not be considered for Personnel Certification in the future. If Personnel Certification is revoked, any
and all certificates or other materials requested by the Certification Board must be returned
promptly to the Certification Board.


Within thirty (30) days from receipt of notice of a determination of the Certification Board that a
Candidate/ Certificant violated the Personnel Certification program policies and/or rules, the
affected Candidate/Certificant may submit to the Chairman of the Certification Board in writing a
request for an appeal. Any Candidate / Certificant receiving such adverse decision will receive a
copy of the Appeal Policy along with notification of the appeal period.
A full copy of NEBBs Appeal Policy is available by emailing [email protected].

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NEBB Comprehensive Candidate HandbookPage 20

Section 8: Maintaining Certification

Maintaining Certification

The Certification Board recognizes the importance of ongoing professional development and
education for all certificants. The recertification requirement is designed to ensure that certificants
maintain their knowledge, keep up to date with evolving technology and best practices, stay informed
of practice developments, broaden their perspective of the profession, and reinforcing learning.
Due to the pace at which information changes in the industry, certificants are required to renew their
certification every two years.

Recertification Requirements

Certified individuals, whether Professionals or Technicians, are required to attain a certain number
of continuing education hours within their two-year certification cycle. Continuing education assures
the public and related professionals that NEBB Certificants adhere to the highest standards of
ongoing professional development.
Certified Professionals, within their two-year recertification cycle, are required to complete twelve
(12) hours of continuing education.
Certified Technicians, within their two-year recertification cycle, are required to complete six (6)
hours of continuing education.
The CxPP (Commissioning Process Professional) has different CEC requirements to be maintained
within a two-year cycle. Please refer to the specific CxPP Candidate Handbook available online
Continuing education requirements may change periodically. The most updated CEC requirements
are posted online at Certified individuals are responsible for managing and
maintaining their CEC requirements and submitting them on a timely basis.

Recertification Process

Certification renewal is the responsibility of each Certificant and Certificants are required to:
Submit a completed Application for Recertification with appropriate CEC information
attached. The application is available online at
Pay all fees
NEBB will send a reminder notice to each Certified Individuals Email address(s) on file with NEBB.
1. If re-certification fees are not paid by January 1 of each year, NEBB will send a second notice
to each Individuals email address(s) and will try to contact the individual at the phone
number(s) on file with NEBB.
2. If the re-certification fee remains unpaid on March 31st of each year, NEBB will suspend the
individuals certification and send a third notice of payment due to the individuals contact
points. NEBB is not responsible for reminder notices that fail to reach Certificants.

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NEBB Comprehensive Candidate HandbookPage 21

3. NEBB recommends each Individual provide a primary and secondary email and phone
4. Failure to successfully pay the fees within 90 days after March 31st will result in forfeiture
of the individuals Personnel Certification status as described in section 5 below.
Continuing Education Credits (CECs)
1. Certificates showing successful completion of each continuing education activity must be
submitted with the application for Recertification.
2. Certificants are responsible for retaining appropriate records and documentation as
evidence of completing continuing education activities.
3. Certificants are responsible for submitting appropriate records and documentation as
evidence of completing continuing education activities.
4. Recertification applications will not be accepted from individuals whose certification has
been revoked or is in a state of suspension.

Continuing Education Requirements

All continuing education activities are subject to review and approval by the Certification Board.
Credit is only granted after an activity has been completed and documented. Continuing education
hours may be earned at:
NEBB events, including but not limited to:
1. The NEBB Annual Conference
2. Any NEBB Chapter sponsored Recertification or continuing education seminar
3. Any NEBB discipline education seminar
4. Any courses/training/events approved by the NEBB Certification Director
5. Other continuing education pre-approved by the NEBB Certification Board
NonNEBB Events:
Proof of attendance should be submitted along with the title, course length (hours), description of
the scope or content of the course, and certificate of completion or other proof of attendance. The
Certification Board will retain the right to review all recertification CE materials and NEBB or industry
seminars and provide the final decision on acceptance of the materials and/or seminars for CEs for
Chapters with members located outside of the continental United States may submit a request on
behalf of their members to the Executive Vice President for approval of continuing education hours
for any other industry education seminar or training. The Executive Vice President shall consult with
the appropriate technical committee for the continuing education hours being requested, based
upon the discipline(s) for which the Certified Professional is seeking alternative education. In all cases
of approved alternative education, a successful completion certificate shall be submitted with the
application for Recertification. The Certification Director will make the determination as to approval
or denial of Continuing Education from Non-NEBB resources that are not already on the Pre-approved
list on the NEBB Website.

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NEBB Comprehensive Candidate HandbookPage 22

Fees and Deadlines

Information regarding fees and submission deadlines is available through the NEBB Certification Staff
at [email protected].

Certification Expiration and Failure to Recertify

Failure to successfully recertify by the published deadline will result in forfeiture of the individuals
certification status. If certification has been expired for 90 days or less, an individual may reinstate
their certification by meeting all of the recertification requirements, submitting a complete
recertification application, and paying the recertification fee. If certification has been expired for
more than 90 days, an individual must reapply for certification, meet all eligibility requirements in
effect at the time of re-application, and pass the exam.

Recertification Appeals

Certificants who have submitted a completed recertification application and who are notified that
they do not meet the recertification requirements may appeal this decision by sending a written
notice of the appeal to the Certification Director within 45 days of the date of the adverse decision.
Any appeals that are not resolved to the satisfaction of the certificant by the Certification Director
will be up to the Certification Board for review, along with any relevant information from the review
of the recertification application. Written notice of the final decision will be sent to the certificant
within 30 days of the review. The decision of the Certification Board is final.
Written notice of the final decision will be sent to the Certificant within 30 days of the review.
The decision of the Certification Board will be final.

Section 9: Certification Board Policies

Statement of Impartiality

NEBB and the Certification Board adhere to principles of fairness and due process, and endorse the
principles of equal opportunity.
NEBB and the Certification Board do not discriminate against any applicant/candidate for certification on
the basis of race, color, creed, age, gender, national origin, religion, disability, marital status, parental
status, ancestry, sexual orientation, military discharge status or source of income, or any other status
protected by law. All candidates for certification will be judged solely on the criteria determined by the
NEBB Certification Board.


Information about applicants/candidates/certificants and their application status and their

examination results are considered confidential and may not be disclosed, divulged, or made
accessible. Exam Pass or Fail notices and/or other confidential information will be released only to
the individual candidate unless a signed release is provided, or as required by law. When required by
law to release confidential information, NEBB will notify the affected individual to the extent
permitted by law. Personal information submitted by applicants/candidates/certificants with an
Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate HandbookPage 23

application or recertification application is considered confidential. Personal information retained

within the candidate/certificant database will be kept confidential.

Confidentiality Agreements

Applicants for personnel certification will be required to read and acknowledge a confidentiality
statement as part of the Application for Candidacy process. (See Section 2 and specific Appendices.)

Use of Certification Mark / Stamp

After receiving notification of achieving the Candidates specific certification, the credential granted
may be used only as long as the individuals certification remains valid and in good standing.
Individuals may not use the credential(s) until they have received specific written notification that
they have successfully completed all requirements, including passing the required exam. Certificants
must comply with all recertification requirements to maintain use of the credential.
The use and/or display of the certifications acronyms or designation names, except as permitted by
this policy, is prohibited. Individuals who fail to maintain certification/recertify or whose certification
is suspended or revoked must immediately discontinue use of the certification mark(s) and are
prohibited from stating or implying that they hold the certification.

Acceptable Use

Individuals who have earned a NEBB certification credential may identify themselves as:
NEBB [Discipline] Certified Professional, or [DISCIPLINE ACRONYM]
NEBB [Discipline] Certified Technician, or [DISCIPLINE ACRONYM]
The name and acronym listed above may only be used in connection with a certified individual and
not with a firm, facility, department, or other group. Specific certification titles are located in the
appropriate Appendices located in the back of this Candidate Handbook.
NEBB Certified Professionals (CPs) do NOT have a right to receive a NEBB stamp. NEBB CPs who are
not affiliated with a NEBB Certified Firm are NOT authorized to stamp reports or make claims
regarding performing work in compliance with NEBB Procedural Standards. Work performed by NEBB
CPs who are not affiliated with a NEBB Certified Firm is not covered by the NEBB Quality Assurance
The name and acronym may be used only as long as the certification is valid and in good standing.
Certification is a non-transferable, revocable, limited, non-exclusive license to use the certification
designation and is subject to compliance with the policies and procedures of the Certification Board.
Certified individuals may not make misleading, deceptive, or confusing statements regarding their
certification status.

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NEBB Comprehensive Candidate HandbookPage 24

Section 10: Forms

Special Accommodations Request Form
If you have a disability covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), please complete this
form and the Documentation of Disability-Related Needs Form. The information you provide, and any
documentation regarding your disability and special accommodation, will be treated with strict
confidentiality and will not be shared with any source other than NEBBs test administration vendors,
without your express written permission.
Please submit the request and documentation forms to:
Certification Director
8575 Grovemont Circle
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
P: (301) 977-3698
[email protected]

First Name: ______________________________ MI: ____ Last Name: ____________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ State: ___________ Zip Code: _________
Phone: ________________________________Email: __________________________________
Please provide (check all that apply)

Accessible testing site

Screen Magnifier (Large Font)

Separate testing room

Reader Required for Learning Disability

Extended testing time

Reader Required for Visual Disability

Other special accommodation: _______________________________________________

Comments: ____________________________________________________________________

Applicants Signature: __________________________________ Date: ____________________

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NEBB Comprehensive Candidate HandbookPage 25

Documentation of Disability-Related Needs Form

Candidates for the certification examination who have a learning, psychological, or other disability
that requires accommodation during testing must provide a written disability report prepared by an
appropriately qualified, licensed health care professional (e.g. physician, nurse practitioner,
psychologist, psychiatrist).The information you provide, and any documentation regarding your
disability and special accommodation request, will be treated with strict confidentiality.

I have known ______________________________________ since _____/_____/____________

Test applicant

in my capacity as a ______________________________________________________________
Professional Title
Given the nature of the test to be taken by the above-named candidate, it is my opinion that he/she
should be accommodated by providing the following special arrangements:
Check all that apply:

Accessible testing site

Screen Magnifier (Large Font)

Separate testing room

Reader Required for Learning Disability

Extended testing time

Reader Required for Visual Disability

Other special accommodation: _______________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________ Date: __________________________

Title: ________________________________________ License _________________________

(if applicable)

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Addendum 1 Page 1

Addendum 1: Kryterion Test Centers

NEBB Certification Process

Review &
Approve for

If approved,
create Profile in



Application for

Schedule Exam

Take Exam



1. Application for Candidacy

To obtain an Application for Candidacy for a specific NEBB certification,
email [email protected].
Applicants will be emailed the Application for Candidacy and instructions; please read
Email your completed Application for Candidacy and related documents
to [email protected] along with the application fee.
o To pay by credit card (Visa/Master Card), call the NEBB office at 301-977-3698.
o To pay by check, send check with the completed paperwork to: NEBB
Certification Department, 8575 Grovemont Circle, Gaithersburg, MD 20877.
2. Application for Candidacy Review
Submitted Applications for Candidacy and related documents are reviewed for
compliance with pre-requisite qualifications per the specific certification and NEBB
certification requirements.
The approved Applicant is now termed a Candidate and will receive email instructions
to schedule the appropriate examination.
If not approved, Applicant will receive an email describing the areas not meeting
o Applicant may correct and resubmit Application for Candidacy and related

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Addendum 1Page 2

3. Create A Profile on Kryterion

Candidates will be emailed specific instructions on how to set up an account on
Go to
Kryterion will only allow a unique email address.
Use a personal and unique email address. Pass or Fail notices will be sent to this email
4. Scheduling the Exam
Go to and follow the instructions for examination
Log-in to your profile, pick a Kryterion Test Center, and schedule a date and time for the
Have payment method ready ahead of time so it is available during scheduling.
Candidate will receive confirmation emails from Kryterion including an email with a
test code which is required at the Kryterion Test Center the day of the exam.
5. Taking the Exam
Thoroughly read the instructions provided by Kryterion.
Report to the Test Center on the date and time specified (be there 15 minutes ahead of
Bring the email with the test code, two forms of the required proper identification and
any required publications, calculator, and tools (if required).
If there is a problem at the Kryterion Test Center, contact NEBB at 301-591-0483.
6. Pass or Fail Status
Candidates will receive a pass or fail notice on the computer monitor immediately upon
completion of the exam. Additionally, the Candidate will receive an email confirmation to
the email address listed on the account.
Passing Candidates: See below, Application for Certification.
Failing Candidates: There is a 90-day waiting period from the date of the Candidates
original exam; after that date, reschedule through the Candidates account as
There will be an additional test fee required.
7. Application for Certification
Passing Candidates: Candidates who pass their specific exam will automatically
receive an email from NEBBs Certification Department with the appropriate
Application for Certification and further instructions.
Complete and email the completed Application for Certification with fees
to [email protected].
Certification fees:
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NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Addendum 1 Page 3

i. To pay by credit card (Visa/Master Card), call the NEBB office at 301-9773698.
ii. If paying by check, send check with the completed paperwork to: NEBB
Certification Department, 8575 Grovemont Circle, Gaithersburg, MD 20877.
8. Awarding of Certification
Upon receipt of the completed Application for Certification and payment of certificate
fees, Candidate will be mailed his/her official certificate for his/her specific certification.
As a courtesy, a scanned copy of the Candidates official certification certificate will be
emailed to the email address on file.
Candidate may not claim certification until receive of certificate.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Addendum 2 Page 1

Addendum 2: Paper-Based Testing

NEBB Certification Process

Review &
Approve for



If approved,
create Profile in

Application for

Schedule Exam

Take Exam


1. Application for Candidacy

To obtain an Application for Candidacy for a specific NEBB certification,
email [email protected].
Applicants will be emailed the Application for Candidacy and instructions; please read
Email your completed Application for Candidacy and related documents
to [email protected] along with the application fee.
o To pay by credit card (Visa/Master Card), call the NEBB office at 301-977-3698.
o To pay by check, send check with the completed paperwork to: NEBB
Certification Department, 8575 Grovemont Circle, Gaithersburg, MD 20877.
2. Application for Candidacy Review
Submitted Applications for Candidacy and related documents are reviewed for
compliance with pre-requisite qualifications per the specific certification and NEBB
certification requirements.
If approved, the Applicant is now termed a Candidate and will receive an email with
instructions to schedule the appropriate examination.
If not approved, Applicant will receive an email describing the areas not meeting
o Applicant may correct and resubmit Application for Candidacy and related

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved


NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Addendum 2Page 2

3. Create A Profile on Kryterion

Candidates will be emailed specific instructions on how to set up an account on
Go to
Kryterion will only allow a unique email address.
Use a personal and unique email address. Pass or Fail notices will be sent to this email
4. Scheduling a Paper-Based Exam
Candidates have two location options for taking a certification exam: 1.) NEBB Annual
Conference on Exam Day or 2.) at the conclusion of NEBB Training Seminars
Exams are separate events with separate fees from the Annual Conference or Training
Applications for Candidacy must be approved prior to scheduling a paper-based exam.
To schedule a paper-based exam, email [email protected].
Payment is required at the time of scheduling.
o To pay by credit card (Visa/Master Card), call the NEBB office at 301-977-3698.
o To pay by check, send check with the completed paperwork to: NEBB
Certification Department, 8575 Grovemont Circle, Gaithersburg, MD 20877.
A confirmation email (which is required the day of the exam) will be sent to the
Candidate with details regarding the specific exam.
5. Taking the Exam
Report to the Exam Location on the date and time specified (be there 15 minutes ahead
of time).
Bring the email with the test information, two forms of the required proper
identification and any required publications, calculator, and tools (if required).
If there is a problem at the NEBB exam location, call NEBB at 301-591-0483.
6. Pass or Fail Status
Candidates will receive a pass or fail notice by email within two (2) weeks of the exam.
a. Passing Candidates: See below, Application for Certification.
b. Failing Candidates: There is a 90-day waiting period from the date of the Candidates
original exam; after that date, reschedule through the Candidates account as
c. There will be an additional test fee required.
7. Application for Certification
a. Passing Candidates: Candidates who pass their specific exam will automatically
receive an email from NEBBs Certification Department with the appropriate
Application for Certification and further instructions.

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NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Addendum 2 Page 3

b. Complete and email the completed Application for Certification with fees
to [email protected].
c. Certification fees:
i. To pay by credit card (Visa/Master Card), call the NEBB office at 301-9773698.
ii. If paying by check, send check with the completed paperwork to: NEBB
Certification Department, 8575 Grovemont Circle, Gaithersburg, MD 20877.
8. Awarding of Certification
Upon receipt of the completed Application for Certification and payment of certificate
fees, Candidate will be mailed his/her official certificate for his/her specific certification.
As a courtesy, a scanned copy of the Candidates official certification certificate will be
emailed to the email address on file.
Candidate may not claim certification until receive of certificate.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix APage 1

Appendix A
Building Enclosure Testing Certified Professional: BET CP

The BET CP is the lead professional in providing a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the amount of
leakage occurring within a buildings air barrier enclosure with the building, under a specified pressure
when using either blower door equipment or the buildings existing mechanical systems.

Building Enclosure Testing (BET)

Individuals certified in Building Enclosure Testing (BET) represent their firm on building enclosure testing
matters. BET Certified Professionals: develop and plan the work; handle report preparation; recommend
corrective action; set the overall safety plan; maintain instruments and calibration program; have experience
with control strategies, sequences of operation, control systems, equipment and software; and review,
check, and sign the final report.
BET CPs meet a combination of education and/or experience requirements and demonstrate their knowledge
of Building Enclosure Testing by meeting specific pre-requisite requirements, studying, passing the BET exam
and maintaining their certification with continuing education.

BET CP Eligibility Criteria

Those accepted in the BET Certification program must meet the following education and professional
experience requirements and pass the BET Written and Written Practical certification exams. All conditions
must be met in any one of the following categories:
Category A

Category B

Category C

Category D

Hold a Bachelor of Science

Degree in Engineering

Hold an Associates Degree

in Engineering Technology

Have at least four years of

Enclosure Testing

directly related to
Enclosure Testing



Have at least two years

supervisory experience in
Building Enclosure Testing

Have at least four years

supervisory experience in
Building Enclosure Testing


Have at least two years
supervisory experience in
Building Enclosure Testing

Have at least six years of

experience in Building Enclosure
Testing with at least four of
those years in a supervisory

BET CP Application for Candidacy

Please visit to download a copy of the BET CP Application for Candidacy which contains
specific information pertaining to the full application process, or email [email protected]. Review of
application and related documents may take up to two weeks.
Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and are accepted into the certification program are referred to
as Candidates.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix APage 2

Studying for the Exam

Candidates should have a working knowledge of the following and are encouraged to study and review these
items in preparation for the exam:
a. ASTM Standards: ASTM E 779, ASTM E 1827 and ASTM E 1186
b. NEBB Procedural Standards for Building Enclosure Testing
c. USACE Air Leakage Test Protocol for Building Envelopes, 2013
d. NEBB Procedural Standard for Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Environmental Systems
e. Thermal Imaging and camera operation
f. Various testing methods and procedures currently specified and their correct application.
g. Basic operation of the blower door equipment, software, respective applications and features

Recommended Readings

Candidates are encouraged to purchase and use the following reference material for their at-home studying
in preparation for the exam.
*ASTM Standards: ASTM E 779, ASTM E 1827 and ASTM E 1186
NEBB Procedural Standard for Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Environmental Systems
NEBB Procedural Standards for Building Enclosure Testing (available at
*USACE Air Leakage Test Protocol for Building Envelopes, 2013
*The ASTM Standards can be purchased directly from ASTM (American Society of Testing Methods). The USACE
Protocol is a free download PDF that can be obtained by searching the name of the document and downloading
for the Corp of Engineers website.

Suggested Training

Those pursuing this specific certification should consider attending a specialized seminar on this discipline.
The BET CP seminar is intended to augment the Candidates ongoing study of the discipline which will help
them comprehend and assess the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for this certification. For complete
details, visit

BET CP Exam Details

The BET CP certification process includes a two-exam process: the BET CP Written Exam and the BET CP
Practical Exam. These two exams can be taken in any order.
BET CP Written Paper-Based Exam Details:
1. Is an open book exam.
2. Consists of 100 multiple choice questions.
3. Takes up to three (3) hours to complete.
BET CP Practical Written Paper-Based Exam Details
1. Is an open book exam.
2. Consists of 30 questions.
3. Takes up to three (3) hours to complete.
If taking either of the BET CP Written or Practical Written Exams at a NEBB-sponsored event, the Candidate
is allowed to bring in and use their lap-top; however, no internet connection will be allowed.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix APage 3

BET CP Written Kryterion Online Exam Details:

1. Is an open book exam.
2. Consists of 100 multiple choice questions.
3. Takes up to three (3) hours to complete.
4. If taking this exam at a Kryterion test site, the Candidate is not allowed to bring in or use their
BET CP Practical Written Kryterion Online Exam Details
1. Is an open book exam.
2. Consists of 30 questions.
3. Takes up to three (3) hours to complete.
4. If taking this exam at a Kryterion test site, the Candidate is not allowed to bring in or use their laptop.
For Both Written and Online Exams
1. All questions are designed to test recall skills and the candidates ability to apply knowledge,
interpret data, and solve problems.
2. Exams and certification program information documents are developed based on practice in the
United States and are offered only in English.
3. Calculations and formulas are in the Imperial Standard and not available in Metric.
4. The Candidate is allowed to bring in and use the following:
1. Writing instruments to include pencils, mechanical pencils, pens, and erasers
2. Reference books, indexes, printed and/or hand-written reference notes.
3. A non-programmable calculator with limitations to the following models only:
i. Casio FX-115 series models or Texas Instruments TI-30X and TI-36X series models.
2. For the Online Exam:
1. The Kryterion Proctor will provide:
i. Three pieces of scratch paper and two pencils to use while in the test session
ii. Proctor will initial each page of the scratch paper given, record the number of pages
given in the Kryterion Test Taker Tracking Log.
iii. Proctor will collect and shred the pages after the exam is completed.
2. All items provided by the Test Center will be collected and shredded upon completion of the
i. These items may not be removed from the Test Center by the Applicant.

Scheduling the BET CP Exam

The BET CP exams are offered on demand at more than 350 test centers within the United States and
more than 700 test centers worldwide.
Specific examination locations are listed at
Upon arrival to the Kryterion Test Center, make sure to have your authorization letter and two
valid forms of identification.
The exam is also made available at various NEBB events, such as the NEBB Annual Conference or
specific discipline seminars.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix APage 4

Deadlines for Completion of Personnel Certification

Candidates have three (3) years from their initial exam date to pass all of the certifications
written and/or practical exams.
a. After this time period expires, Candidates must wait one (1) year from the last examination
attempt before reapplying for Personnel Certification.

After successful completion of the examination, Candidates have one (1) year to apply for their
Personnel Certification and pay all related fees.
a. If Candidates do not apply for Personnel Certification within one (1) year, Candidates will be
responsible for paying a Certification Re-application Fee before being awarded Certification.

Achieving BET CP Certification & Requirements

Candidates will receive specific written notification upon successfully completing all the certification
pre-requisite requirements, including passing the required exams.
Upon passing the exam, NEBB will contact the Candidate to complete the final stage of achieving the
certification, which is to complete the Application for Certification and pay all related fees.
Processing of final certification may take 30 days from receipt of form and payment.
Candidates may not use the credential(s) until they have received their official BET CP Certificate and
Certificant number.
After receiving notification of achieving the Building Enclosure Testing Certified Professional (BET CP)
certification, the credential granted may be used only as long as the individuals certification remains
valid and in good standing.
Certificants must comply with all recertification requirements to maintain use of the credential.
The use and/or display of the BET CP acronyms or designation names, except as permitted by the
policy, is prohibited. Individuals who fail to maintain certification/recertify or whose certification is
suspended or revoked must immediately discontinue use of the certification mark(s) and are
prohibited from stating or implying that they hold the certification.

Acceptable Use

Certificants who have earned the BET CP certification may identify themselves as:
NEBB Building Enclosure Testing Certified Professional or BET CP.
The name and acronym listed above may only be used in connection with a certified individual and not with
a firm, facility, department, or other group.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix BPage 1

Appendix B
Building Systems Commissioning Certified Professional: BSC CP

A BSC Certified Professional is capable of creating and managing the technical commissioning process,
assessing and evaluating building systems for the performance of technical commissioning.
The BSC CP acts as an Owners advocate to manage the commissioning process for new building systems.
Qualified to manage the commissioning process, they create all commissioning documents required to
implement the process and coordinate those activities with the owner, designers and contractors involved.
The BSC CP supervises all system commissioning testing and pursues correction of all found issues until full
resolution to the owners satisfaction. They provide a commissioning report that documents the process,
and creates system manuals which assist the owner with future operations of the facility.
BSC CPs meet a combination of education and/or experience requirements and demonstrate their knowledge
of Building Systems Technical Commissioning with specific pre-requisite requirements, self-directed studying,
passing the BSC exam, and maintaining certification with continuing education.

Eligibility Criteria

Those accepted into the BSC Certification program must meet the following education categories and
professional experience requirements in one of the following categories and must pass both the BSC
Procedural Standards and Technical certification examinations.
Category A

Category B

Hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in

Engineering from an accredited college or

Hold an Associates
Degree in Engineering
Technology from an
accredited institution



Have at least two years of supervisory

experience in building system design,
building system installation, building
system commissioning, building systems
testing, systems operations or TAB

Have at least four years

of experience in
performing building
systems design, building
systems installation, BSC,
systems testing, systems
operations or TAB

Have two years of
supervisory experience in
building systems design,
building systems
installation, building
systems commissioning,
building systems testing,
systems operations, or
Six years total

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

Category C

Category D

Have at least four years of

experience in performing
building systems design,
building systems installation,
BSC, systems testing,
systems operations or TAB

Have a minimum of four years of building

systems design, operations, or installation
related experience (which could include
accredited apprenticeship)



Have at least four years of

supervisory experience in
building systems design,
building systems installation,
BSC, systems testing, systems
operations or TAB

Eight years total

Have a minimum of two years of

experience in performing building
systems design, building systems
installation, building systems
commissioning, systems testing, systems
operations, or TAB


Have, in addition, a minimum of four

years of supervisory experience in;
building systems design, building systems
installation, BSC, systems testing, systems
operations, or TAB

Ten years total

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix BPage 2

BSC CP Application for Candidacy

Please visit to download a copy of the BSC CP Application for Candidacy which contains
specific information pertaining to the full application process, or email [email protected]. Review of
application and related documents may take up to two weeks.
Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and are accepted into the certification program are referred to
as Candidates.

Studying for the Exam

Applicants who are accepted as Candidates and approved to sit for the exam should have a working
knowledge of the following Content Domains and are encouraged to study and review these items in
preparation for the exam:
BSC Procedural Standards
Quality Conformance
Standards for Instrumentation
Standards for Reports
Technical Commissioning Process
Technical Commissioning: HVAC Systems
Technical Commissioning: Building Envelope
Commissioning: Electrical Systems
Commissioning: Special Electrical Systems
Commissioning: Plumbing Systems
Commissioning: Fire Projection Systems

BSC Technical
Fundamental Knowledge
Design Phase Commissioning
OPR Definition and Development
BOD Review
Design Review: DPC
Construction Phase Commissioning
Submittal review
Pre-functional Tests
HVAC & Controls Installation Verification Tests
Static Tests
HVAC Equipment Startup Tests
Testing, Adjusting, & Balancing Report Verification
Functional Performance Tests
Final Commissioning Report
Post Occupancy Phase Commissioning
Post Occupancy Performance Verification Testing
Update Final Report

Basic Control Principles: Components, Systems,

Control System Technology
Types of Control systems
Control Action PID
Tuning Control loops
Control Devices
HVAC Sequences
Standard HVAC System Operating Characteristics
Understanding Standard Control Sequences
Understanding Basic Control Programming
Interaction between Mechanical Systems
Creating Truth Tables / Points List
Understanding Points Lists
Understanding Reset Sequences & Interactions
Create Sequence Diagrams of System Reaction
Writing Functional Test System Plans
Troubleshooting Control Sequences
Commissioning of Control Systems
Control System: OPR & BOD
Control System Design Review
Control System Submittal Review
Control System Installation Review
Point-to-Point Verification
Graphic Verification
System Integration
Functional Performance Testing
Trend Development
Reading Trends
Troubleshooting Controls
Operator Training
Verification of system performance and

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix BPage 3

Recommended Readings
BSC CP Candidates are encouraged to prepare for the BSC CP exam by acquiring and doing at- home
study using the following source material. To obtain, please visit or call 301-977-3698.
NEBB Procedural Standard for Whole Building Systems Technical Commissioning, 4th Edition,
NEBB Procedural Standards for Retro-Commissioning of Existing Buildings, 1st Edition March
NEBB Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting & Balancing of Environmental Systems, 8th
Ed. 2015
NEBB Environmental Systems Technology Textbook, 2nd Edition, October 2007

Suggested Training

Those pursuing this specific certification should consider attending a specialized seminar on this
discipline. The BSC CP seminar is intended to augment the Candidates ongoing study of the discipline
which will help them comprehend and assess the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for this
certification. For complete details, visit

BSC CP Exam Details

Achieving the BSC CP certification requires the passing of two exams: the BSC CP Procedural
Standards Exam and the BSC CP Technical Exam. Exams can be taken in any order.
BSC CP Procedural Standards Exam
1. *Exam Details if taken online through Kryterion
a. Is an open book exam.
b. Can take up to two (2) hours to complete.
c. Consists of 80 multiple choice questions.
d. Utilizes the Split Screen technology in order the Candidate to view and scroll amd
search through NEBBs BSC Procedural Standards for Whole Building Systems
Technical Commissioning of New Construction, 2014, Fourth Edition
e. The exam software will allow the Candidate to view the exam on the left and the
Procedural Standard on the right side of the computer screen.
f. All questions are designed to test recall skills and the candidates ability to apply
knowledge, interpret data, and solve problems.
g. Exams and certification program information documents are developed based on
practice in the United States and are offered only in English.
h. Calculations and formulas are in the Imperial Standard and not available in Metric.
2. The Candidate is allowed to bring in and use the following:
a. Writing instruments to include pencils, mechanical pencils, pens, and erasers.
b. No other study material or aids are permitted.
3. The Kryterion Center Proctor will provide:
a. Three pieces of scratch paper and two pencils to use while in the test session
i. The Proctor will initial each page of the scratch paper given, record the
number of pages given in the Kryterion Test Taker Tracking Log.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix BPage 4

ii. The Proctor will collect and shred the pages immediately after the test session
is completed.
4. *Exam Details if taking as a paper-based exam
a. Same rules and guidelines apply as under Point 1, except that Candidate may bring
a clean, unmarked copy of the NEBB BSC Procedural Standards for Whole Building
Systems Technical Commissioning of New Construction, 2014, Fourth Edition to
reference during the exam.
BSC CP Technical Exam
1. Exam Details
a. Is an open book exam.
b. Can take up to four (4) hours to complete.
b. Consists of 100 multiple choice questions.
c. All questions are designed to test recall skills and the candidates ability to apply
knowledge, interpret data, and solve problems.
d. Exams and certification program information documents are developed based on
practice in the United States and are offered only in English.
e. Calculations and formulas are in the Imperial Standard and not available in Metric.
f. A 12-page Sequence of Operations and Formula/Psychrometric Charts Document
will be loaded on the Kryterion computer using split screen technology where the
Candidate can view the document for reference during the course of the exam.
i. The 12-page document will display on the right side of the screen during the
course of the exam, the exam questions will be displayed on the left.
ii. In the middle of the screen is a red bar that is movable for the Candidate.
2. The Candidate is allowed to bring in and use the following:
a. Any reference books, indexes, printed and/or hand-written reference notes.
b. A non-programmable calculator with limitations to the following models only:
i. Casio FX-115 series models or Texas Instruments TI-30X and TI-36X series
c. Pencils, mechanical pencils, pens, and erasers.
d. No other study material or aids are permitted.
3. The Kryterion Center Proctor will:
a. Provide three pieces of scratch paper and two pencils to use while in the test session
i. The Proctor will initial each page of the scratch paper given, record the
number of pages given in the Kryterion Test Taker Tracking Log.
ii. The Proctor will collect and shred the pages immediately after the test session
is completed.
b. Items provided by the Test Center will be collected and shredded upon exam
i. These items may not be removed from the Test Center by the Applicant.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix BPage 5

Scheduling the BSC CP Exam

BSC CP exams are offered on demand at over 350 Kryterion test centers within the United
States and more than 700 test centers worldwide.
Specific examination locations are listed at
Reminder: Upon arrival to the Kryterion Test Center, make sure to have your authorization
letter and two valid forms of identification.
The paper-based exam is made available at various NEBB events, seminars or NEBB Annual

Deadlines for Completion of Personnel Certification

Candidates have three (3) years from their initial exam date to pass all of the
certifications written and/or practical exams.
a. After this time period expires, Candidates must wait one (1) year from the last
examination attempt before reapplying for Personnel Certification.

After successful completion of the examination, Candidates have one (1) year to apply for
their Personnel Certification and pay all related fees.
a. If Candidates do not apply for Personnel Certification within one (1) year,
Candidates will be responsible for paying a Certification Re-application Fee before
being awarded Certification.

Achieving BSC CP Certification & Requirements

Candidates will receive specific written notification upon successfully completing all the
certification pre-requisite requirements, including passing the required exams.
Upon passing the exam, NEBB will contact the Candidate to complete the final stage of
achieving the certification, which is to complete the Application for Certification and pay all
related fees.
Processing of final certification may take 30 days from receipt of form and payment.
Candidates may not use the credential(s) until they have received their official BSC CP
Certificate and Certificant number.
After receiving notification of achieving the Building Systems Technical Commissioning
Certified Professional (BSC CP) certification, the credential granted may be used only as long
as the individuals certification remains valid and in good standing.
Certificants must comply with all recertification requirements to maintain use of the
The use and/or display of the BSC CP acronyms or designation names, except as permitted by
the policy, is prohibited. Individuals who fail to maintain certification/recertify or whose
certification is suspended or revoked must immediately discontinue use of the certification
mark(s) and are prohibited from stating or implying that they hold the certification.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix BPage 6

Acceptable Use

Certificants who have earned the BSC CP certification may identify themselves as:
NEBB Building Systems Technical Commissioning Certified Professional, or BSC CP.
The name and acronym listed above may only be used in connection with a certified individual and
not with a firm, facility, department, or other group.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix CPage 1

Appendix C
Building Systems Commissioning Certified Technician (CxCT)

A Commissioning Certified Technician (CxCT) is a professional who is capable of assessing, testing and
evaluating building systems for the performance of technical commissioning.
Individuals certified as Technicians in Building Systems Commissioning (BSC) work under the guidance of BSC
Certified Professionals, representing their firm on building commissioning matters. BSC CxCT Certificants:
have a fundamental knowledge of building systems commissioning; perform Pre-functional and Functional
tests; are adept and skilled at air and water system troubleshooting; handle report preparation; are part of
the team deciding upon corrective action; adhere to the overall safety plan; maintain instruments and
calibration program; and are experienced in evaluating HVAC and control systems, understanding testing,
balancing control systems.
BSC Commissioning Certified Technicians meet a combination of education and/or experience requirements
and demonstrate their knowledge of Building Systems Technical Commissioning by meeting specific prerequisite requirements, self-directed study, passing the CxCT exam and maintaining their certification with
continuing education.

Eligibility Criteria

Those accepted into the BSC CxCT Certification program must meet the following education categories and
professional experience requirements in one of the following categories (requirements cannot be conducted
concurrently) and must pass the BSC CxCT exam.
Category A
Have four (4) years or more experience in:
Building Systems Design
Building Systems Installation
Building Systems Commissioning
Building Systems Testing & Operations
Testing, Adjusting, Balancing (TAB) work
Plus high school diploma or equivalent

Category B
Have at least two (2) years or more of:
Building Systems Commissioning
Field Test experience
Plus high school diploma or equivalent

CxCT Application for Candidacy

Please visit to download a copy of the BSC CxCT Application for Candidacy which contains
specific information pertaining to the full application process, or email [email protected]. Review of
application and related documents may take up to two weeks.
Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and are accepted into the certification program are referred to
as Candidates.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix CPage 2

Studying for the Exam

Applicants who are accepted as Candidates and approved to sit for the exam should have a working
knowledge of the following Content Domains and are encouraged to study and review these items in
preparation for the exam:

Fundamental Knowledge
o Working knowledge for field TAB Verification
o Application of Basic HVAC functions
o Understanding of HVAC control systems
o Understand use of commissioning measurement instruments
o Jobsite safety and PPE
o Application of Professional Conduct
o Working knowledge of Procedural Standards
Pre-Functional Tests
o Understanding of how to utilize PFT check sheets
o Perform installation of Pre-Functional tests
o Perform HVAC control system Point-to-Point tests
o Perform Sensor Calibration
o Perform lighting control Point-to-Point tests
o Perform plumbing system tests
o Understand how to witness Duct Air Leakage (DALT)
o Witness TAB verification testing of air and water under the direction of a CP
Functional Tests
o Perform or observe HVAC control system functional tests under the direction of a CP
o Deploy and collect data loggers and set up trends
o Understand the correct order of commissioning and testing
o Record documentation of tests
o Understand trend reviews
System Troubleshooting
o Understand process
o Ability to test Airside / Troubleshooting
o Ability to test Water / Troubleshooting
o Ability to test Control System /Troubleshooting
o Operate a DDC control system to stroke valves, dampers, override set-points and calibrate
o Perform quick fixes
o Evaluate HVAC systems and equipment types
o Evaluate Control systems and equipment types
o Evaluate Lighting control systems and equipment types
o Test and record TAB readings for: duct traverse, static pressure profiles and as found readings
for voltage, current, temperature, pressures, flows, etc.
o Create assessment report from measurement records.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix CPage 3

Recommended Readings

Approved BSC CxCT Candidates are encouraged to prepare for the BSC CxCT exam by acquiring and studying
the following source material. To obtain, please visit or call 301-977-3698.
1. NEBB Procedural Standard for Whole Building Systems Technical Commissioning, 4th Edition, 2014
2. NEBB Procedural Standards for Retro-Commissioning of Existing Buildings, 1st Edition March 2009
3. NEBB Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting & Balancing of Environmental Systems, 8th Ed. 2015
4. NEBB CxCT Handbook, 1st Edition, October 2015
5. NEBB Environmental Systems Technology Textbook, 2nd Edition, October 2007

Suggested Training

Those pursuing the BSC CxCT may consider obtaining training in this discipline. The NEBB-ASHRAE
Commissioning Testing Technician Online Training can augment the Candidates ongoing study of the
discipline which will help them comprehend and assess the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for this
certification. For an outline of the training visit: For complete
details, call NEBB at 301-977-3698.

BSC CxCT Exam Details


1. Is an open book exam.
2. Can take up to three (3) hours to complete.
3. Consists of 100 multiple choice questions.
4. Calculations and formulas are in the Imperial Standard and not available in Metric.
5. Exams and certification program information documents are developed based on practice in the
United States and are offered only in English.
6. All questions are designed to test recall skills and the candidates ability to apply knowledge, interpret
data, and solve problems.
The Candidate is allowed to bring in and use the following:
1. Writing instruments to include pencils, mechanical pencils, pens, and erasers
2. Calculator: non-programmable with limitations to the following models only: Casio FX-115
series models or Texas Instruments TI-30x and TI-36X series models.
3. Reference material that may be brought into the exam:
i. Procedural Standards for Retro-Commissioning of Existing Buildings
ii. Procedural Standards for Whole Building Systems Technical Commissioning for New
iii. Procedural Standard for Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Environmental Systems.
iv. Commissioning Technician Handbook, 1st Edition, 2015
v. All publications must be a clean copy, with no writing, highlighting or tabbed
1. The Proctor will check the publications before you begin the exam and after
you complete the exam to ensure the copies are clean both going in and
vi. Aside from the above material, no other study material or aids are permitted.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix CPage 4

The Kryterion Center Proctor will provide Candidate with:

Three pieces of scratch paper and two pencils to use while in the exam session
o The Proctor will initial each page of the scratch paper given, record the number of pages given
in the Kryterion Test Taker Tracking Log, and collect and shred the pages immediately after
the test session is completed.
NEBB Formula Chart and Psychometric Chart
o These will be given to the Candidate upon being seated at the workstation.

Scheduling the BSC CxCT Exam

The CxCT exams are offered on demand at more than 350 Kryterion test centers within the United
States and more than 700 test centers worldwide.
Specific examination locations are listed at
Reminder: Upon arrival to the Kryterion Test Center, make sure to have your authorization letter and
two valid forms of identification.
The paper-based exam is also made available at various NEBB events, such as seminars or the NEBB
Annual Conference.

Deadlines for Completion of Personnel Certification

Candidates have three (3) years from their initial exam date to pass all of the certifications
written and/or practical exams.
a. After this time period expires, Candidates must wait one (1) year from the last examination
attempt before reapplying for Personnel Certification.

After successful completion of the examination, Candidates have one (1) year to apply for their
Personnel Certification and pay all related fees.
a. If Candidates do not apply for Personnel Certification within one (1) year, Candidates will be
responsible for paying a Certification Re-application Fee before being awarded Certification.

Achieving BSC CxCT Certification & Requirements

Candidates will receive specific written notification upon successfully completing all the certification
pre-requisite requirements, including passing the required exams.
Upon passing the exam, NEBB will contact the Candidate to complete the final stage of achieving the
certification, which is to complete the Application for Certification and pay all related fees.
Processing of final certification may take 30 days from receipt of form and payment.
Candidates may not use the credential(s) until they have received their official BSC CxCT Certificate
and Certificant number.
After receiving notification of achieving the Commissioning Certified Technician (CxCT)
certification, the credential granted may be used only as long as the individuals certification remains
valid and in good standing.
Certificants must comply with all recertification requirements to maintain use of the credential.
The use and/or display of the CxCT acronyms or designation names, except as permitted by the policy,
is prohibited. Individuals who fail to maintain certification/recertify or whose certification is
suspended or revoked must immediately discontinue use of the certification mark(s) and are
prohibited from stating or implying that they hold the certification.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix CPage 5

Acceptable Use

Certificants who have earned the CxCT certification may identify themselves as:
NEBB Building Systems Commissioning Certified Technician, or BSC CxCT.
The name and acronym listed above may only be used in connection with a certified individual and not with
a firm, facility, department, or other group.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix DPage 1

Appendix D
Cleanroom Performance Testing Certified Professional: CPT CP

The CPT Certified Professional certification program recognizes individuals who have demonstrated the
experience, knowledge, and skills necessary to provide competent testing of Cleanroom systems.

Cleanroom Performance Testing: CPT CP

Individuals certified in Cleanroom Performance Testing (CPT) work in management positions and represent
their firm on cleanroom performance testing matters. CPT CP Certificants: develop and plan the work;
handle report preparation; recommend corrective action; set the overall safety plan; maintain cleanroom
testing procedures, instruments and calibration programs; have experience with control strategies,
sequences of operation, control systems, equipment and software; and review, check, and sign the final
CPT Certified Professionals meet a combination of education and/or experience requirements and
demonstrate their knowledge of Cleanroom Performance Testing by meeting specific pre-requisite
requirements, self-directed stud, passing the CPT exam and maintaining their certification with continuing

Eligibility Criteria

Those accepted into the CPT Certification program must meet the following education categories and
professional experience requirements in one of the following categories and must pass the CPT CP Written
Exam and the CPT CP Report Preparation Exam.
Category A

Category B

Category C

Hold a Bachelor of Science Degree Have a High School Diploma (or Have a High School Diploma (or
in Engineering

Have three (3) years of
Have at least five (5) years of experience
combined Engineering education Performance Testing
and experience in Clean-room
Performance Testing with a
minimum of one (1) year actual Have passed a Cleanroom
Testing course approved by
Cleanroom Performance Testing.

Have two (2) years of experience as
a NEBB CPT Technician performing
at least 1000 hours per year of
Cleanroom Performance Testing

CPT CP Application for Candidacy

Please visit to download a copy of the CPT CP Application for Candidacy which contains
specific information pertaining to the full application process, or email [email protected]. Review of
application and related documents may take up to two weeks. Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria
and are accepted into the certification program are referred to as Candidates.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix DPage 2

Studying for the Exam

Applicants who are accepted as Candidates and are approved to sit for the exam should have a working
knowledge of the following CPT Content Domains and are encouraged to study and review these items in
preparation for the exam:
Good knowledge of cleanroom test procedures
Math skills including:
Square and square roots
Percentages and equations
Unit Conversions
Knowledge of Particle counter operational limits
Knowledge and experience working with Photometers used for Leak Testing
Knowledge and experience working with Particle Counters used for Leak Testing
Working knowledge of Laskin nozzle generators
Working knowledge of PSL generators
Knowledge and application of Air volume and velocity instrumentation
Understanding of the NEBB Procedural Standard for Certified Testing of Cleanrooms
Working knowledge of critical guides, standards and codes for Cleanroom testing
Experienced in Report writing and related calculations

Recommended Readings

Candidates are encouraged to purchased and use the following reference material for their at-home studying
in preparation for the exam. Publications can be purchased online at
NEBB Procedural Standard for Certified Testing of Cleanrooms
Cleanroom Performance Testing Home Study Course
CPT Seminar Presentation Handouts and Notes
ISO 14644-1
ISO 14644-2
ISO 14644-3
Aseptic Processing Guidance (FDA)
EU Guideline Annex 1
PICS Guideline l

CPT CP Exam Details

Those pursuing their CPT CP Exam are required to take and pass two exams: the CPT CP General Knowledge
Written Exam and the CPT CP Report Review Exam.
CPT CP General Knowledge Written Exam
1. Is an open book exam.
2. Consists of 50 multiple choice questions.
3. Can take up to two (2) hours to complete.
4. Exams and certification program information documents are developed based on practice in the
United States and are offered only in English.
Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix DPage 3

5. Calculations and formulas are in the Imperial Standard with Metric equivalents.
6. All questions are designed to test recall skills and the Candidates ability to apply knowledge, interpret
data, and solve problems.
CPT CP Report Completion Exam: (NOT Available at Kryterion Center)
1. Is considered the Practical Exam portion of the CPT certification process.
2. Candidate is given Raw Field Data, the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) used for testing and blank
report pages to complete. The results calculated from the Cleanroom Performance Testing are also
compared to the acceptance criteria and failures require explanations. The execution of the tests are
also evaluated against the provided SOP.
3. Can take up to five (5) hours to complete.
4. The Report Review Exam must be arranged through NEBB to be given by a NEBB paper-based Exam
5. Exams and certification program information documents are developed based on practice in the
United States and are offered only in English.
6. Currently this exam is only offered in Imperial units except Cleanliness Classification where metric
only is used.
7. All questions are designed to test recall skills and the Candidates ability to apply knowledge, interpret
data, and solve problems.
The Candidate is allowed to bring in and use the following:
Any reference books, indexes, printed and hand-written reference notes
i. NEBB CPT Procedural Standard
ii. Seminar Presentation Handouts and Notes
iii. IEST RP 034
iv. IEST RP 006
v. ISO 14644-1
vi. ISO 14644-2
vii. ISO 14644-3
viii. ISO 14644-4
ix. Aseptic Processing Guidance (FDA)
x. EU Guideline Annex 1
xi. PICS Guideline l
A calculator
A laptop (with no internet access)
Writing instruments to include pencils, mechanical pencils, pens, and erasers
No other study material or aids are permitted.
The Kryterion Center Proctor will provide Candidate with:
Three pieces of scratch paper and two pencils to use while in the exam session

The Proctor will initial each page of the scratch paper given, record the number of pages given in the
Kryterion Test Taker Tracking Log, and collect and shred the pages immediately after the test session
is completed.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix DPage 4

Scheduling the CPT CP Exam

The CPT CP exams are offered on demand at more than 350 Kryterion test centers within the United
States and more than 700 test centers worldwide.
Specific examination locations are listed at
Reminder: Upon arrival to the Kryterion Test Center, make sure to have your authorization letter and
two valid forms of identification.
The paper-based exam is also made available at various NEBB events, such as seminars or the NEBB
Annual Conference.

Deadlines for Completion of Personnel Certification

Candidates have three (3) years from their initial exam date to pass all of the certifications
written and/or practical exams.
a. After this time period expires, Candidates must wait one (1) year from the last examination
attempt before reapplying for Personnel Certification.

After successful completion of the examination, Candidates have one (1) year to apply for their
Personnel Certification and pay all related fees.
a. If Candidates do not apply for Personnel Certification within one (1) year, Candidates will be
responsible for paying a Certification Re-application Fee before being awarded Certification.

Achieving CPT CP Certification & Requirements

Candidates will receive specific written notification upon successfully completing all the certification
pre-requisite requirements, including passing the required exams.
Upon passing the exam, NEBB will contact the Candidate to complete the final stage of achieving the
certification, which is to complete the Application for Certification and pay all related fees.
Processing of final certification may take 30 days from receipt of form and payment.
Candidates may not use the credential(s) until they have received their official CPT CP Certificate and
Certificant number.
After receiving notification of achieving the Cleanroom Performance Testing Certified Professional
(CPT CP) certification, the credential granted may be used only as long as the individuals certification
remains valid and in good standing.
Certificants must comply with all recertification requirements to maintain use of the credential.
The use and/or display of the CPT CP acronyms or designation names, except as permitted by the
policy, is prohibited. Individuals who fail to maintain certification/recertify or whose certification is
suspended or revoked must immediately discontinue use of the certification mark(s) and are
prohibited from stating or implying that they hold the certification.

Acceptable Use

Certificants who have earned the CPT CP certification may identify themselves as:
NEBB Cleanroom Performance Testing Certified Professional, or CPT CP.
The name and acronym listed above may only be used in connection with a certified individual and not with
a firm, facility, department, or other group.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix EPage 1

Appendix E
Cleanroom Performance Testing Certified Technician: CPT CT

The Cleanroom Performance Testing Technician certification program recognizes individuals who have
demonstrated their ability to execute field testing accurately while following a reliable standard. They have the
working knowledge, and skills necessary to complete the testing of cleanroom systems.

Cleanroom Performance Testing CT

Individuals certified in Cleanroom Performance Testing work under management and have positions related
to acquiring field test data by executing various cleanroom tests. They add valuable assistance regarding
cleanroom performance testing matters. CPT CT Certificants: perform the work as directed by the CPT CP;
are knowledgeable regarding report forms; help identify problems; perform all work using common safety
practices; knowledgeable regarding the proper use and handling of instrumentation; basic knowledge of
cleanroom operations and protocol; Good understanding on the executing of cleanroom test methods.
CPT Certified Technicians meet a combination of education and/or experience requirements and
demonstrate their knowledge of Cleanroom Performance Testing by meeting specific pre-requisite
requirements, at-home and in-professional studying, passing the CPT exam and maintaining their
certification with continuing education.

Eligibility Criteria

Those accepted into the CPT Certified Technician program must meet all the conditions in any one of the
following education categories and pass the CPT CT Written Exam.
Have worked at least one (1) year (min of
Have at least two (2) years of experience with a Cleanroom
1,000 hours) as a Cleanroom Performance
Performance Testing Firm (min of 1,000 annually)


Successful completion of the NEBB Study

Have attended industry training related to Cleanroom
Course for Certified Testing of Cleanrooms or
Performance Testing
equivalent live seminar or course.

CPT CT Application for Candidacy

Please visit to download a copy of the CPT CT Application for Candidacy which contains
specific information pertaining to the full application process, or email [email protected]. Review of
application and related documents may take up to two weeks. Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria
and are accepted into the certification program are referred to as Candidates.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix EPage 2

Studying for the Exam

Applicants who are accepted as Candidates and are approved to sit for the exam should have a working
knowledge of the following CPT Content Domains and are encouraged to study and review these items in
preparation for the exam:
Candidates should have a
Basic knowledge of cleanroom test procedures
Math skills including:
o Square and square roots
o Percentages and equations
o Standard/Metric conversions
Operational knowledge of Photometers
Operational knowledge of Laskin nozzles
Operational knowledge of PSL generators
Experience with air volume and velocity instrumentation
Understanding the NEBB Procedural Standard for Certified Testing of Cleanrooms
Working knowledge of critical guides, standards and codes for Cleanroom testing

Recommended Reading

The Procedural Standard for Certified Testing of Cleanrooms, 3rd Edition, 2009 and the Cleanroom
Performance Testing Home Study Guide are available through and are recommended
readings for anyone doing cleanroom performance testing. In addition these documents are

Cleanroom Performance Testing Home Study Course

CPT Seminar Presentation Handouts and Notes
ISO 14644-1
ISO 14644-2
ISO 14644-3
Aseptic Processing Guidance (FDA)
EU Guideline Annex 1
PICS Guideline l

Suggested Training

Those pursuing this specific certification should consider attending a specialized seminar on this discipline.
The CPT Technician seminar is intended to augment the Candidates ongoing study of the discipline which
will help them comprehend and assess the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for this certification.
Attending the course will aid in the comprehension of the subject matter but is not a guarantee for passing
the exam. For complete details, visit

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NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix EPage 3

CPT CT Exam Details

1. CPT CT Written Exam:

a. Is an open book exam.
b. Consists of 100 multiple choice questions.
c. Can take up to four (4) hours to complete.
d. All questions are designed to test recall skills and the Candidates ability to apply knowledge,
interpret data, and solve problems.
e. Exams and certification program information documents are developed based on practice in
the United States and are offered only in English.
f. Calculations and formulas are in the Imperial Standard with Metric equivalents.

2. The Candidate is allowed to bring in and use the following:

a. Any reference books, indexes, printed and hand-written reference notes
b. A non-programmable calculator with limitations to the following models only:
i. Casio FX-115 series models or Texas Instruments TI-30X and TI-36X series models
c. Writing instruments to include pencils, mechanical pencils, pens, and erasers
d. No other study material or aids are permitted.
3. The Kryterion Center Proctor will provide Candidate with:
a. Three pieces of scratch paper and two pencils to use while in the exam session
i. The Proctor will initial each page of the scratch paper given, record the number of
pages given in the Kryterion Test Taker Tracking Log, and collect and shred the pages
immediately after the test session is completed.
b. A four-page Project Details packet used for exam items. The Proctor will collect all pages of
the download and shred each page at the completion of the exam.
c. All items provided by the Test Center will be collected and shredded upon completion of the
examination and may not be removed from the Test Center by the Applicant.

Scheduling the CPT CT Exam

The CPT CT exams are offered on demand at more than 350 Kryterion test centers within the United
States and more than 700 test centers worldwide.
Specific examination locations are listed at
Reminder: Upon arrival to the Kryterion Test Center, make sure to have your authorization letter
and two valid forms of identification.
The paper-based exam is also made available at various NEBB events, such as seminars or the NEBB
Annual Conference.

Deadlines for Completion of Personnel Certification

Candidates have three (3) years from their initial exam date to pass all of the certifications
written and/or practical exams.
a. After this time period expires, Candidates must wait one (1) year from the last examination
attempt before reapplying for Personnel Certification.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix EPage 4

After successful completion of the examination, Candidates have one (1) year to apply for their
Personnel Certification and pay all related fees.
a. If Candidates do not apply for Personnel Certification within one (1) year, Candidates will be
responsible for paying a Certification Re-application Fee before being awarded Certification.

Achieving CPT CT Certification & Requirements

Candidates receive written notification upon successfully completing all the certification prerequisite requirements, including passing the required exam.
Upon passing the exam, NEBB will contact the Candidate to complete the final stage of achieving the
certification, which is to complete the Application for Certification and pay all related fees.
Processing of final certification may take 30 days from receipt of form and payment.
Candidates may not use the credential(s) until they have received their official CPT CT Certificate and
Certificant number.
Processing of final certification may take 30 days from receipt of form and payment.
After receiving notification of achieving the Cleanroom Performance Testing Certified Technician (CPT
CT) certification, the credential granted may be used only as long as the individuals certification
remains valid and in good standing.
Certificants must comply with all recertification requirements to maintain use of the credential.
The use and/or display of the CPT CT acronyms or designation names, except as permitted by the
policy, is prohibited. Individuals who fail to maintain certification/recertify or whose certification is
suspended or revoked must immediately discontinue use of the certification mark(s) and are
prohibited from stating or implying that they hold the certification.

Acceptable Use

Certificants who have earned the CPT CT certification may identify themselves as:
NEBB Cleanroom Performance Testing Certified Technician, or CPT CT.
The name and acronym listed above may only be used in connection with a certified individual and not with
a firm, facility, department, or other group.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix FPage 1

Appendix F
Fume Hood Performance Testing Certified Professional: FHT CP

The Fume Hood Performance Testing Certified Professional certification program is designed to recognize
individuals who have demonstrated the experience, knowledge, and skills necessary to provide competent
testing and troubleshooting of laboratory fume hoods and laboratory air systems.
Individuals certified in Fume Hood Performance Testing represent their firm on fume hood performance
testing projects. FHT Certified Professionals: develop and plan the work; handle report preparation;
recommend corrective action; set the overall safety plan; maintain instruments and calibration program;
have experience with laboratory airflow systems and design, equipment and software; and review, check,
and sign the final report.
FHT CP certificants meet a combination of education and experience requirements and demonstrate their
knowledge of Fume Hood Performance Testing by meeting specific pre-requisite requirements, studying,
passing the FHT CP exam and maintaining their certification with continuing education.

Eligibility Criteria

Those accepted into the FHT CP Certification program must meet the following education categories and
professional experience requirements in one of the following categories (A or B) and must pass both the FHT
CP Written and FHT CP Practical certification exams.
Category A

Category B
Have a High School Diploma/GED

Have a minimum of five years combined

educational and supervisory experience in
Have two years field experience in fume hood testing
fume hood testing
Attended training directly related to fume hood

FHT CP Application for Candidacy

Please visit to download a copy of the FHT CP Application for Candidacy which contains
specific information pertaining to the full application process, or email [email protected]. Review of
application and related documents may take up to two weeks.
Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and are accepted into the certification program are referred to
as Candidates.

Studying for the FHT CP Exam

Candidates should have a working knowledge of the following Fume Hood Content Domains and are
encouraged to study and review these items in preparation for the FHT CP exams.
Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix FPage 2

The written and practical examinations test the knowledge, engineering application and field testing skills
required to properly test and evaluate the performance of fume hoods.
The Written & Practical Examination tests the Candidate in these areas, but are not limited to:
Knowledge of the NEBB FHT Procedural Standard testing requirements.
Knowledge of basic laboratory HVAC design.
Knowledge of the operation of fume hoods and other containment enclosures.
Knowledge of the engineering applications of fume hood testing.
Testing of basic HVAC fundamentals.
Airflow Velocity
Airflow Visualization
Tracer Gas Containment

Recommended Readings

Candidates are encouraged to purchase and use the following reference material for their at-home studying
in preparation for the exams. Publications can be purchased online at, or at the ASHRAE and
ANSI websites.
NEBB Procedural Standard for Fume Hoods Performance Testing

Suggested Training

Those pursuing the FHT certification should consider attending a specialized seminar on this discipline. The
NEBB FHT CP seminar is a review and is intended to augment the Candidates ongoing study of the discipline
which will help them comprehend and assess the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for this
certification. The course cannot and should not serve as the sole comprehensive training or study method for
the FHT CP exams. For complete details, visit

FHT CP Exam Details

Candidates are advised to schedule and take the FHT CP Written Exam first and when they have passed,
schedule their FHT Practical Exam. Alternatively, Candidates may choose to attend the Review Seminar which
is followed immediately with the Written and Practical exams.
1. The FHT CP Written Exam (Online & Paper-based)
a. Is an open book exam.
b. Can take up to three (3) hours to complete.
c. Consists of 100 multiple choice questions.
d. All questions are designed to test recall skills and the candidates ability to apply knowledge,
interpret data, and solve problems.
e. Exams and certification program information documents are developed based on practice in
the United States, Canada, and countries using the ASHRAE 110 Standard and are offered only
in English.
f. Calculations and formulas are in the Imperial Standard and not available in Metric.
Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix FPage 3

2. The FHT CP Practical Exam:

a. Is comprised of three sections:
i. Airflow Velocity Tests (1 hour)
ii. Airflow Visualization Tests ( hour)
iii. Tracer Gas Containment Tests (1 hour)
iv. Reporting: complete report with data accumulated and/or provided (2 hours)
b. The Practical Examination tests the Candidate in these areas:
i. Correct application, knowledge and proper use of the appropriate instrumentation
for each performance test.
ii. Knowledge of the procedural requirements of each performance test.
iii. Knowledge of the analysis of the measured data and reporting requirements of each
performance test.
c. The Candidate is allowed to bring in and use the following:
i. Pencils, mechanical pencils, pens, and erasers
ii. A non-programmable calculator with limitations to the following models only:
1. Casio FX-115 series models or Texas Instruments TI-30X and TI-36X series
iii. Computer with Excel or equivalent
iv. NEBB FHT Procedural Standard, ASHRAE-110, ANSI Z9.5, NEBB FHT Seminar
v. No other study material or aids are permitted
3. The Kryterion Center Proctor will provide:
a. Three pieces of scratch paper and two pencils to use while in the test session
i. The Proctor will initial each page of the scratch paper given, record the number of
pages given in the Kryterion Test Taker Tracking Log.
ii. The Proctor will collect and shred the pages immediately after the test session is
b. The Kryterion Proctor will download a NEBB Formula Sheet and give to the Candidate.
c. These items may not be removed from the Test Center by the Applicant.

Scheduling the FHT CP Written Exam

The FHT CP written exams are offered on demand at more than 350 Kryterion test centers within the
United States and more than 700 test centers worldwide.
Specific examination locations are listed at
Reminder: Upon arrival to the Kryterion Test Center, make sure to have your authorization letter and
two valid forms of identification.
The exam is also made available at various NEBB events, such as FHT seminars or the NEBB Annual

Scheduling the FHT CP Practical Exam

The FHT CP Practical Exam can be scheduled to be taken after the NEBB FHT Seminar.

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NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix FPage 4

Individual Practical Exams can be scheduled as required, and scheduling is based on the Test
Locations access to a lab setting and fume hood setting.
To schedule FHT CP Practical Exam, please email [email protected].

Deadlines for Completion of Personnel Certification

Candidates have three (3) years from their initial exam date to pass all of the certifications
written and/or practical exams.
a. After this time period expires, Candidates must wait one (1) year from the last examination
attempt before reapplying for Personnel Certification.

After successful completion of the examination, Candidates have one (1) year to apply for their
Personnel Certification and pay all related fees.
a. If Candidates do not apply for Personnel Certification within one (1) year, Candidates will be
responsible for paying a Certification Re-application Fee before being awarded Certification.

Achieving FHT CP Certification & Requirements

Candidates will receive specific written notification upon successfully completing all the certification
pre-requisite requirements, including passing the required exams.
Upon passing the exam, NEBB will email the Candidate to complete the final stage of achieving the
certification, which is to complete the Application for Certification and pay all related fees.
Processing of final certification may take 30 days from receipt of form and payment.
Candidates may not use the credential(s) until they have received their official FHT CP Certificate and
Certificant number.
After receiving notification of achieving the Fume Hood Performance Testing Certified Professional
(FHT CP) certification, the credential granted may be used only as long as the individuals certification
remains valid and in good standing.
Certificants must comply with all recertification requirements to maintain use of the credential.
The use and/or display of the FHT CP acronyms or designation names, except as permitted by the
policy, is prohibited. Individuals who fail to maintain certification/recertify or whose certification is
suspended or revoked must immediately discontinue use of the certification mark(s) and are
prohibited from stating or implying that they hold the certification.

Acceptable Use

Certificants who have earned the FHT CP certification may identify themselves as:
NEBB Fume Hood Performance Testing Certified Professional, or FHT CP.
The name and acronym listed above may only be used in connection with a certified individual and not with
a firm, facility, department, or other group.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix GPage 1

Appendix G
Retro-Commissioning for Existing Buildings Certified Professional: RCx-EB CP

The Retro-commissioning for Existing Buildings Certified Professional is a professional who is capable of
assessing, testing, evaluating and optimizing existing building systems for the performance of technical
Individuals certified in Retro-Commissioning for Existing Buildings (RCx-EB) work in management positions and
represent their firm on building commissioning matters. RCx-EB certificants: develop and plan the work; handle
report preparation; recommend corrective action; set the overall safety plan; maintain instruments and
calibration program; have experience with control strategies, sequences of operation, control systems, equipment
and software; and review, check, and sign the final report.
RCx-EB Certified Professionals (RCx-EB CP) meet a combination of education and/or experience requirements and
demonstrate their knowledge of Retro-Commissioning for Existing Buildings by meeting specific pre-requisite
requirements, individual and professional-based studying, passing the RCx-EB CP exam and maintaining their
certification with continuing education.

Eligibility Criteria

Those accepted into the RCx-EB Certification program must meet the following education categories and
professional experience requirements in one of the following categories and must successfully pass the RCx-EB
Procedural Standards Exam and the RCx-CB Technical Exam.
Category A

Category B

Category C

Category D

Hold a Bachelor of Science Degree

in Engineering

Hold an Associates Degree in

Engineering Technology

Have at least four years of

experience in performing
building systems design,
building systems installation,
BSC, systems testing,
systems operations, or TAB

Have a minimum of four

years of building systems
design or installation
related experience (which
could include accredited





Have at least two years of

supervisory experience in
building system design, building
system installation, building
system commissioning, building
systems testing, systems
operations or TAB

Have at least four years of

supervisory experience in
performing building systems
design, building systems
installation, BSC, systems
testing, systems operations or

Have at least four years of

supervisory experience in
building systems design,
building systems installation,
BSC, systems testing,
systems operations or TAB

Have a minimum of two

years of experience in
building systems design,
building systems
installation, building
systems commissioning,
systems testing, systems
operations or TAB



Have two years of supervisory

experience in building systems
design, building systems
installation, building systems
commissioning, building
systems testing, systems
operations or TAB

In addition, have a
minimum of four years of
supervisory experience in:
building systems design,
building systems
installation, BSC, systems
testing, systems operations
or TAB

Six years total.

Eight years total.

Ten years total.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix GPage 2

RCx-EB CP Application for Candidacy

Please visit to download a copy of the RCx CP Application for Candidacy which contains
specific information pertaining to the full application process, or email [email protected]. Review of
application and related documents may take up to two weeks. Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria
and are accepted into the certification program are referred to as Candidates.

Studying for the RCx-EB CP Exam

Candidates approved to sit for the exam must have a working knowledge of the following Content Domains
and are encouraged to study and review these in preparation for the exam:
Professional Commissioning Conduct
Establishes good relationships with other
commissioning team members, operators
and occupants
Represents company & conducts meetings
in a professional manner
Produces professional communication
Understands use of commissioning
measurement instruments
Maintains calibrated instruments
Demonstrates troubleshooting skills
Trained on job site safety & use of PPE
Knowledge of safe use of instruments
Technical Commissioning Process
Assists Owner in determining RCx Scope of
Manages the Retro-commissioning contract
Develops the technical commissioning plan
and performance verification process
Secures building documentation
Performs design review; Quick Fixes;
operator training; estimates and energy
savings calculations of recommended
Creates the CFR
Performs energy audit; system assessment;
interviews, site investigation, site testing

Recommended Readings

Field Assessment
Understands: building envelope systems &
component types
Understands HVAC, Control, Plumbing,
Electrical and Lighting systems &
corresponding equipment types
Record model and serial and equipment
data from building equipment
Test and record equipment operating
parameters, voltage, current, temperature,
pressures, flows, etc.
Perform lighting audit
Create Assessment report
Analyze equipment field assessment and
assign condition assessment
RcX Testing
Perform: system data logging and trending;
building envelope thermal intrusion tests;
HVAC control system point-to-point tests;
plumbing system tests, TAB testing and
electrical testing.
Functional Testing
Create functional test designs
Perform HVAC and lighting control system
functional tests
System Troubleshooting
Understand troubleshooting process
Implement troubleshooting using testing

Candidates are encouraged to purchase and use the following reference material for their at-home studying
in preparation for the exam. Publications can be purchased online at
NEBB Procedural Standards for Retro-Commissioning of Existing Buildings 2009

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix GPage 3

Suggested Training

Those pursuing this specific certification should consider attending a specialized seminar on this discipline.
The RCx-EB CP seminar is intended to augment the Candidates ongoing study of the discipline which will
help them comprehend and assess the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for this certification. The
course cannot and should not serve as the sole comprehensive training or study method for the RCx-EB CP
exams. For complete details, visit

RCx CP Exam Details

The RCx-EB CP Procedural Standard Exam Details

a. Is an open book exam.
b. Can take up to two (2) hours to complete.
c. Consists 80 multiple choice questions.
d. The online exam utilizes the Split Screen technology.
i. The online exam software has the ability to allow the Candidate to view the exam on
the left and the NEBB Procedural Standards for Retro-Commissioning of Existing
Buildings 2009 on the right side of the computer screen and is a scrollable and
searchable PDF.
e. * For the paper-based RCx-EB CP Procedural Standard Exam, Candidates may bring into the
exam site a clean, unmarked copy of the NEBB Procedural Standards for Retro-Commissioning
of Existing Buildings 2009.
The Candidate is allowed to bring in and use the following:
f. Writing instruments to include pencils, mechanical pencils, pens, and erasers.
g. No study materials or aids are permitted, other than what is detailed above.
The RCx-EB Technical Exam Details
a. Is an open book exam.
b. Consists of 100 multiple-choice questions.
c. Can take up to four (4) hours to complete.
1. The Candidate is allowed to bring in and use:
a. Any reference books, indexes, printed and/or hand-written reference notes.
b. A non-programmable calculator with limitations to the following models only:
i. Casio FX-115 series models or Texas Instruments TI-30X and TI-36X series models.
c. Writing instruments to include pencils, mechanical pencils, pens, and erasers.
d. No other study material or aids are permitted.
2. The Kryterion Center Proctor will provide:
a. Three pieces of scratch paper and two pencils to use while in the test session
i. Proctor will initial each page of the scratch paper given, record number of pages
given in the Kryterion Test Taker Tracking Log.
ii. Proctor will collect and shred the pages immediately after the exam is completed.
b. Proctor will download a Formula Sheet and give to the Candidate.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix GPage 4

1. All questions are designed to test recall skills and the candidates ability to apply knowledge, interpret
data, and solve problems.
2. Exams and certification program information documents are developed based on practice in the
United States and are offered only in English.
3. Calculations and formulas are in the Imperial Standard and not available in Metric.

Scheduling the RCx-EB CP Exam

The RCx-EB CP exams are offered on demand at more than 350 Kryterion test centers within the
United States and more than 700 test centers worldwide.
Specific examination locations are listed at
Reminder: Upon arrival to the Kryterion Test Center, make sure to have your authorization letter and
two valid forms of identification.
The exam is also made available at various NEBB events, such as seminars or the NEBB Annual

Deadlines for Completion of Personnel Certification

Candidates have three (3) years from their initial exam date to pass all of the certifications
written and/or practical exams.
a. After this time period expires, Candidates must wait one (1) year from the last examination
attempt before reapplying for Personnel Certification.

After successful completion of the examination, Candidates have one (1) year to apply for their
Personnel Certification and pay all related fees.
a. If Candidates do not apply for Personnel Certification within one (1) year, Candidates will be
responsible for paying a Certification Re-application Fee before being awarded Certification.

Achieving RCx-EB CP Certification & Requirements

Candidates will receive specific written notification upon successfully completing all the certification
pre-requisite requirements, including passing the required exams.
Upon passing the exam, the Candidate must contact NEBB to complete the final stage of achieving
the certification, which is to complete the Application for Certification and pay all related fees.
Processing of final certification may take 30 days from receipt of form and payment.
Candidates may not use the credential(s) until they have received their official RCx-EB CP Certificate
and Certificant number.
After receiving notification of achieving the Retro-Commissioning of Existing Buildings Certified
Professional (RCx-EB CP) certification, the credential granted may be used only as long as the
individuals certification remains valid and in good standing.
Certificants must comply with all recertification requirements to maintain use of the credential.
The use and/or display of the RCx-EB CP acronyms or designation names, except as permitted by the
policy, is prohibited. Individuals who fail to maintain certification/recertify or whose certification is
suspended or revoked must immediately discontinue use of the certification mark(s) and are
prohibited from stating or implying that they hold the certification.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix GPage 5

Acceptable Use

Certificants who have earned the RCx-EB CP certification may identify themselves as:
NEBB Retro-Commissioning of Existing Buildings Certified Professional, or RCx-EB CP.
The name and acronym listed above may only be used in connection with a certified individual and not with
a firm, facility, department, or other group.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix HPage 1

Appendix H
Sound Measurement Certified Professional: SM CP

The SM CP certification program is designed to recognize individuals who have demonstrated the
experience, knowledge, and skills necessary to provide competent testing and tuning of building systems.
Individuals certified in Sound Measurement (SM CP) work in management positions and represent their firm
on measurement of sound matters. SM CP certificants: develop and plan the work; handle report
preparation; recommend corrective action; set the overall safety plan; maintain instruments and calibration
program; have experience with control strategies, sequences of operation, control systems, equipment and
software; and review, check, and sign the final report.
SM Certified Professionals meet a combination of education and/or experience requirements and
demonstrate their knowledge of Measurement of Sound by meeting specific pre-requisite requirements,
studying, passing the SM CP exam and maintaining their certification with continuing education per NEBBs
continuing education credit (CEC) requirements.

Eligibility Criteria

Those accepted into the SM CP Certification program must meet the following education categories and
professional experience requirements in any one of the following categories (requirements cannot be
conducted concurrently) and must pass the SM CP written certification examination.
Category A

Category B

Category C

Hold a Bachelor of Science

Degree in Engineering

Hold an Associates
Degree in Engineering

Have a minimum of four years of HVAC related experience

(which could include accredited apprenticeship)



Have at least one years of

supervisory experience in
Sound Measurement

Have at least two years

experience in Sound

Attended approved training session directly related to
Sound Measurement
Have at least six years of experience in Sound
Measurement with at least four of those years in a
supervisory position

SM CP Application for Candidacy

Please visit to download a copy of the SM CP Application for Candidacy which contains
specific information pertaining to the full application process, or email [email protected]. Review of
application and related documents may take up to two weeks.
Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and are accepted into the certification program are referred to
as Candidates.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix HPage 2

Studying for the SM CP Exam

Applicants who are accepted as Candidates and are approved to sit for the exam should have a working
knowledge of the following Content Domains and are encouraged to study and review the following in
preparation for the SM CP exam:
NEBB Sound Procedural Standards
Equipment and measuring devices
Sound theory
Terminology and Definitions
RC Curves
NC Curves
NEBB Study Course for Measuring Sound & Vibration- 1996
NEBB Design and Analysis- 1994

Recommended Readings

Candidates are encouraged to purchase and use the following reference material for their at-home studying
in preparation for the exam. Publications can be purchased online at
NEBB Procedural Standard for Measurement of Sound & Vibration
NEBB Study Course for Measuring Sound & Vibration- 1996
NEBB Design and Analysis- 1994

Suggested Training

Those pursuing this specific certification should consider attending a specialized seminar on this discipline.
The Sound & Vibration CP seminar is intended to augment the Candidates ongoing study of the discipline
which will help them comprehend and assess the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for this
certification. The course cannot and should not serve as the sole comprehensive training or study method for
the Sound Measurement CP exams. For complete details, visit

SM CP Exam Details

1. The SM CP Written Exam:

1. Is an open book exam.
2. Can take up to two (2) hours to complete.
3. Consists of 50 multiple choice questions.
4. All questions are designed to test recall skills and the candidates ability to apply knowledge,
interpret data, and solve problems.
5. Exams and certification program information documents are developed based on practice in
the United States and are offered only in English.
6. Calculations and formulas are in the Imperial Standard and not available in Metric.

2. The Candidate is allowed to bring in and use the following:

1. Writing instruments to include pencils, mechanical pencils, pens, and erasers
2. A calculator
3. Any reference books, indexes, printed and/or hand-written reference notes.
4. No other study material or aids are permitted

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix HPage 3


No laptop, smartphone, tablet, or any item which allows use of internet or network access

3. The Kryterion Center Proctor will provide:

1. Three pieces of scratch paper and two pencils to use while in the test session
i. The Proctor will initial each page of the scratch paper given, record the number of
pages given in the Kryterion Test Taker Tracking Log.
ii. The Proctor will collect and shred the pages immediately after the test session is
2. Noise Criterion (NC) and Room Criterion (RC) charts- minimum of 5 of each type chart.

Scheduling the SM CP Written Exam

The SM CP written exams are offered on demand at more than 350 Kryterion test centers within the
United States and more than 700 test centers worldwide.
Specific examination locations are listed at
Reminder: Upon arrival to the Kryterion Test Center, make sure to have your authorization letter and
two valid forms of identification.
The exam is also made available at various NEBB events, such as seminars or the NEBB Annual

SM CP Practical Exam Details

In addition to the SM CP Written exam, Candidates are required to take the SM CP Practical Exam. The
following are details specific to scheduling a SM CP Practical Exam.
1. The SM CP Practical Exam can be taken at an Approved Local NEBB Chapter Facility after successfully
passing the SM CP Written Exam.
2. The Candidate must contact and schedule the time and place through his/her Local Chapter.
3. Other Options:
a. The SM CP Practical Exam may be taken at a NEBB National Meeting with prior arrangement
with NEBB National Office and the Sound & Vibration (S&V) Committee.
b. Candidates are required to bring their own instruments for the Practical Exam or make other
arrangements with the S&V Committee for alternatives.

Deadlines for Completion of Personnel Certification

Candidates have three (3) years from their initial exam date to pass all of the certifications
written and/or practical exams.
a. After this time period expires, Candidates must wait one (1) year from the last examination
attempt before reapplying for Personnel Certification.

After successful completion of the examination, Candidates have one (1) year to apply for their
Personnel Certification and pay all related fees.
a. If Candidates do not apply for Personnel Certification within one (1) year, Candidates will be
responsible for paying a Certification Re-application Fee before being awarded Certification.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix HPage 4

Achieving SM CP Certification & Requirements

Candidates will receive specific written notification upon successfully completing all the certification
pre-requisite requirements, including passing the required exams.
Upon passing the exam, the Candidate must contact NEBB to complete the final stage of achieving
the certification, which is to complete the Application for Certification and pay all related fees.
Processing of final certification may take 30 days from receipt of form and payment.
Candidates may not use the credential(s) until they have received their official SM CP Certificate and
Certificant number.
After receiving notification of achieving the Sound Measurement Certified Professional (SM CP)
certification, the credential granted may be used only as long as the individuals certification remains
valid and in good standing.
Certificants must comply with all recertification requirements to maintain use of the credential.
The use and/or display of the SM CP acronyms or designation names, except as permitted by the
policy, is prohibited. Individuals who fail to maintain certification/recertify or whose certification is
suspended or revoked must immediately discontinue use of the certification mark(s) and are
prohibited from stating or implying that they hold the certification.

Acceptable Use

Certificants who have earned the SM CP certification may identify themselves as:
NEBB Sound Measurement Certified Professional, or SM CP.
The name and acronym listed above may only be used in connection with a certified individual and not with
a firm, facility, department, or other group.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix IPage 1

Appendix I
Sound Measurement Certified Technician: SM CT

The SM CT certification program is designed to recognize individuals who have demonstrated the
experience, knowledge, and skills necessary to provide competent testing of building systems.
Individuals certified in Measurement of Sound (CT) work on measurement of sound matters. SM Certified
Technicians meet a combination of education and/or experience requirements and demonstrate their
knowledge of Measurement of Sound by meeting specific pre-requisite requirements, studying, passing the
SM CT exam and maintaining their certification with continuing education.

Eligibility Criteria

Those accepted into the SM CT Certification program must have a minimum of a high school education or
GED and professional experience in sound measurement and must pass the SM CT written certification
examination and the SM CT Practical Exam
Category A
Have at least two (2) years of experience with a Sound
Testing Firm and/or with a NEBB Certified Discipline Firm
Have attended industry training related to Sound
Measurement Testing

SM CT Application for Candidacy

Please visit to download a copy of the SM CT Application for Candidacy which contains
specific information pertaining to the full application process, or email [email protected]. Review of
application and related documents may take up to two weeks. Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria
and are accepted into the certification program are referred to as Candidates.

Studying for the SM CT Exam

Applicants who are accepted as Candidates and are approved to sit for the exam should have a working
knowledge of the following Content Domains and are encouraged to study and review the following in
preparation for the SM CT exam:
NEBB Measurement of Sound & Vibration Procedural Standards
Equipment and measuring devices
Sound theory
Terminology and Definitions
NEBB Sound & Vibration Certified Technician Home Study Course
RC Curves
NC Curves

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix IPage 2

Recommended Readings

Candidates are encouraged to purchase and use the following reference material for their at-home
studying in preparation for the exam. Publications can be purchased online at
NEBB Procedural Standard for Measurement of Sound & Vibration
NEBB Sound & Vibration Certified Technician Home Study Course

SM CT Written Exam Details

1. The SM CT Written Exam:

1. Is an open book exam.
2. Can take up to two (2) hours to complete.
3. Consists of 40 multiple choice questions.
4. All questions are designed to test recall skills and the candidates ability to apply
knowledge, interpret data, and solve problems.
5. Exams and certification program information documents are developed based on
practice in the United States and are offered only in English.
6. Calculations and formulas are in the Imperial Standard and not available in Metric.

2. The Candidate is allowed to bring in and use the following:

1. Pencils, mechanical pencils, pens, and erasers
2. A calculator
3. Any reference books, indexes, printed and/or hand-written reference notes.
4. No other study material or aids are permitted.
5. No laptop, smartphone, tablet, or any item which allows use of internet or network
3. The Kryterion Center Proctor will provide:
1. Three pieces of scratch paper and two pencils to use while in the test session
i. The Proctor will initial each page of the scratch paper given, record the
number of pages given in the Kryterion Test Taker Tracking Log.
ii. The Proctor will collect and shred the pages immediately after the test session
is completed.
2. Noise Criterion (NC) and Room Criterion (RC) charts- minimum of 5 of each type

Scheduling the SM CT Written Exam

The SM CT written exams are offered on demand at more than 350 Kryterion test centers
within the United States and more than 700 test centers worldwide.
Specific examination locations are listed at
Reminder: Upon arrival to the Kryterion Test Center, make sure to have your authorization
letter and two valid forms of identification.
The exam is also made available at various NEBB events, such as seminars or the NEBB Annual

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix IPage 3

SM CT Practical Exam Details

In addition to the SM CT Written exam, Candidates are required to take the SM CT Practical Exam.
The following are details specific to scheduling a SM CT Practical Exam.
1. The SM CT Practical Exam can be taken at an Approved Local Chapter Facility after
successfully passing the SM CT Written Exam
2. The Candidate must contact and schedule the time and place through his/her Local Chapter.
3. Other Options:
a. The SM CT Practical Exam may be taken at a NEBB National Meeting with prior
arrangement with NEBB National Office and the Sound & Vibration (S&V) Committee.
b. Candidates are required to bring their own instruments for the Practical Exam or make
other arrangements with the S&V Committee for alternatives.

Deadlines for Completion of Personnel Certification

Candidates have three (3) years from their initial exam date to pass all of the
certifications written and/or practical exams.
a. After this time period expires, Candidates must wait one (1) year from the last
examination attempt before reapplying for Personnel Certification.

After successful completion of the examination, Candidates have one (1) year to apply for
their Personnel Certification and pay all related fees.
a. If Candidates do not apply for Personnel Certification within one (1) year,
Candidates will be responsible for paying a Certification Re-application Fee before
being awarded Certification.

Achieving SM CT Certification & Requirements

Candidates will receive specific written notification upon successfully completing all the
certification pre-requisite requirements, including passing the required exams.
Upon passing the exam, NEBB will contact the Candidate to complete the final stage of
achieving the certification, which is to complete the Application for Certification and pay all
related fees.
Processing of final certification may take 30 days from receipt of form and payment.
Candidates may not use the credential(s) until they have received their official SM CT
Certificate and Certificant number.
After receiving notification of achieving the Sound Measurement Certified Technician (SM CT)
certification, the credential granted may be used only as long as the individuals certification
remains valid and in good standing.
Certificants must comply with all recertification requirements to maintain use of the
The use and/or display of the SM CT acronyms or designation names, except as permitted by
the policy, is prohibited. Individuals who fail to maintain certification/recertify or whose
certification is suspended or revoked must immediately discontinue use of the certification
mark(s) and are prohibited from stating or implying that they hold the certification.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix IPage 4

Acceptable Use

Certificants who have earned the SM CT certification may identify themselves as:
NEBB Sound Measurement Certified Technician, or SM CT.
The name and acronym listed above may only be used in connection with a certified individual and
not with a firm, facility, department, or other group.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix JPage 1

Appendix J
Testing, Adjusting & Balancing of Environmental Systems: TAB CP

The TAB CP certification program is designed to recognize individuals who have demonstrated the
experience, knowledge, and skills necessary to provide competent testing, adjusting and balancing of
building systems.
Individuals certified in Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Environmental Systems work in management
positions and represent their firm on contractual, scheduling, and overall TAB management. TAB CP
certificants: develop and plan the work; handle report preparation; recommend corrective action; set the
overall safety plan; maintain instruments and calibration program; have experience with control strategies,
sequences of operation, control systems, equipment and software; and review, check, and sign the final
TAB CP certificants meet a combination of education and/or experience requirements and demonstrate their
knowledge of Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Environmental Systems by meeting specific pre-requisite
requirements, studying, passing the TAB CP exam and maintaining their certification with continuing

Eligibility Criteria

Those accepted into the TAB CP Certification program must meet the following education categories and
professional experience requirements in one of the following categories (requirements cannot be conducted
concurrently) and must pass the TAB CP Written Exam and two TAB CP Online Practical Exams and the TAB
CP Practical Hands-on Exam.
Category A

Category B

Hold a Bachelor of Science

Degree in Engineering

Degree in


Have at least two years of

supervisory experience in
Testing, Adjusting and



Have at least four years of

supervisory experience in
Testing, Adjusting and

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

Category C

Category D

Adjusting and Balancing

Have at least four years of HVAC

system installation or Service


Have at least four years of

supervisory experience in
Testing, Adjusting and

Attended approved training
session directly related to
Have at least six years
experience in Testing, Adjusting
and Balancing with at least four
of those years in a supervisory

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix JPage 2

TAB CP Application for Candidacy

Please visit to download a copy of the TAB CP Application for Candidacy which contains
specific information pertaining to the full application process, or email [email protected]. Review of
application and related documents may take up to two weeks. Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria
and are accepted into the certification program are referred to as Candidates.

Studying for the Exams

Applicants who are accepted as Candidates and are approved to sit for the exams should have a working
knowledge of the following Content Domains and are encouraged to study and review these items in
preparation for the exams:
System Types and Arrangement
Procedural Standards
Problem Solving

Recommended Readings

Candidates are encouraged to purchase and use the following reference material for their at-home studying
in preparation for the exam. Publications can be purchased online at
NEBB Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Environmental Systems
Testing, Adjusting & Balancing Specifications (available for download at
TAB Technician Manual (TAB CP oversees this work by the Certified Technicians)
TAB Supervisor Home Study Course

Suggested Training

Those pursuing this specific certification should consider attending a specialized seminar on this discipline.
The Testing, Adjusting & Balancing CP seminar is intended to augment the Candidates ongoing study of the
discipline which will help them comprehend and assess the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for this
certification. The seminar cannot and should not serve as the sole comprehensive training or study method
for the TAB CP exams. For complete details, visit

TAB CP Exam Details

To achieve the TAB CP certification, there are 3 parts to complete:

Candidates are required to pass:
o A written exam, two on-line practical exams and conduct a practical hands-on exam.
o There is no special order to take the exams
Candidates can take the practical and on-line before taking the written.
o Details for all three exam processes are outlined below.

TAB CP Written Exam Details

1. The TAB CP Written Exam:

a. Is a closed book exam.
b. Can take up to five (5) hours to complete.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix JPage 3

c. Is comprised of 100 multiple-choice questions.

d. All questions are designed to test recall skills and the candidates ability to apply knowledge,
interpret data, and solve problems.
e. Exams and certification program information documents are developed based on practice in
the United States and are offered only in English.
f. Calculations and formulas are in the Imperial Standard and not available in Metric.
2. The Candidate is allowed to bring:
11" x 17" Psychrometric Chart - Sea Level (I-P)
o Note: The Proctor will collect and shred it at the end of the exam.
A non-programmable calculator with limitations to the following models only: Casio FX-115 series
models or Texas Instruments TI-30X and TI-36X series models.
Writing instruments to include pencils, mechanical pencils, pens, and erasers.
Ruler or straight edge.
No other aids are permitted.
3. The Kryterion Test Center Proctor will provide:
a. Three pieces of scratch paper and two pencils to use while in the test session.
i. The Proctor will initial each page of the scratch paper given, record the number of
pages given in the Kryterion Test Taker Tracking Log, and collect and shred the pages
immediately after the test session is completed.
b. NEBB Formula Charts.
i. The Proctor will collect all pages and shred each page at the end of the exam.
4. Scheduling the TAB CP Written Exam
a. The TAB CP exams are offered on demand at more than 350 Kryterion test centers within the
United States and more than 700 test centers worldwide.
b. Specific online examination locations are listed at
c. Reminder: Upon arrival to the Kryterion Test Center, make sure to have your authorization
letter and two valid forms of identification.
d. The exam is available at various NEBB seminars or the NEBB Annual Conference.

Practical Online Exam Details

1. TAB CP Practical Online Exam

a. Candidates are required to complete two (2) online practical exams that focus on Pre-Field
Reporting and Error Finding that are offered through a cooperative arrangement with Course descriptions can be obtained at the NEBB
2. Scheduling the TAB CP Practical Online Exam
a. Purchasing the two online exams can be done though the NEBB website
b. A separate course fee is paid directly to

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NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix JPage 4

Practical Hands-On Exam Details

1. TAB CP Practical Hands-On Exam Details

a. The TAB CP Practical Exam consists of two hands-on exams: air and hydronic, and takes up
to five hours to complete. This portion of the exam process is proctored by two Examiners
who will assess the Candidates hands-on abilities in testing, adjusting and balancing.
2. Scheduling the TAB CP Practical Hands-On Exam
a. To schedule the TAB CP Practical Hands-on Exam, Candidates must contact their local NEBB
Chapter to coordinate and schedule days and times or email [email protected].

Deadlines for Completion of Personnel Certification

Candidates have three (3) years from their initial exam date to pass all of the certifications
written and/or practical exams.
a. After this time period expires, Candidates must wait one (1) year from the last examination
attempt before reapplying for Personnel Certification.

After successful completion of the examination, Candidates have one (1) year to apply for their
Personnel Certification and pay all related fees.
a. If Candidates do not apply for Personnel Certification within one (1) year, Candidates will be
responsible for paying a Certification Re-application Fee before being awarded Certification.

Achieving TAB CP Certification & Requirements

Candidates will receive specific written notification upon successfully completing all the certification
pre-requisite requirements, including passing the required exams.
Upon passing the exam, NEBB will contact Candidate to complete the final stage of achieving the
certification, which is to complete the Application for Certification and pay all related fees.
Processing of final certification may take 30 days from receipt of form and payment.
Candidates may not use the credential(s) until they have received their official TAB CP Certificate and
Certificant number.
After receiving notification of achieving the Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Certified Professional
(TAB CP) certification, the credential granted may be used only as long as the individuals certification
remains valid and in good standing.
Certificants must comply with all recertification requirements to maintain use of the credential.
The use and/or display of the TAB CP acronyms or designation names, except as permitted by the
policy, is prohibited. Individuals who fail to maintain certification/recertify or whose certification is
suspended or revoked must immediately discontinue use of the certification mark(s) and are
prohibited from stating or implying that they hold the certification.

Acceptable Use

Certificants who have earned the TAB CP certification may identify themselves as:
NEBB Testing, Balancing and Adjusting of Environmental Systems Certified Professional, or TAB CP.
The name and acronym listed above may only be used in connection with a certified individual and not
with a firm, facility, department, or other group.
Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix KPage 1

Appendix K
Testing, Adjusting & Balancing of Environmental Systems: TAB CT

The TAB CT certification program is designed to recognize individuals who have demonstrated the
experience, knowledge, and skills necessary to provide competent testing, adjusting and balancing of
building systems, under the guidance of a TAB CP.
Individuals certified in Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Environmental Systems work under the direction
and oversight of the TAB CP. TAB CT certificants: execute the TAB procedures; measure and record field data;
follow the safety plan; maintain and use instruments appropriately; have experience with control strategies,
sequences of operation, control systems, equipment and software; and review all field work and data prior
to submitting to the TAB CP for final review and certification.
TAB CT certificants meet a combination of education and/or experience requirements and demonstrate their
knowledge of Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Environmental Systems by meeting specific pre-requisite
requirements, studying, passing the TAB CT exam and maintaining their certification with continuing

Eligibility Criteria

Those accepted into the TAB CT Certification program must meet the following education categories and
professional experience requirements in one of the following categories (requirements cannot be conducted
concurrently) and must pass the TAB CT Written Exam.
Category A

Category B
Category C
Have two years (1000 hours
Have two years (1000 hours minimum
minimum per year) or more of
per year) or more of TAB Fieldwork
TAB Fieldwork

Have four years (1000 hours

minimum per year) or more
of documented TAB fieldwork Have successfully completed the Have successfully completed a program
equivalent to NEBBs Technician
NEBB TAB Technician Course
Certification testing program. (Provide
(provide Certificate)

TAB CT Application for Candidacy

Please visit to download a copy of the TAB CT Application for Candidacy which contains
specific information pertaining to the full application process, or email [email protected]. Review of
application and related documents may take up to two weeks.
Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and are accepted into the certification program are referred to
as Candidates.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix KPage 2

Studying for the Exam

Applicants who are accepted as Candidates and are approved to sit for the exam should have a working
knowledge of the following Content Domains and are encouraged to study and review these items in
preparation for the exam:
Hydronics Procedures
Fundamentals of TAB
Preliminary TAB Procedures
Air Systems
Basic TAB Measurements
Air and Hydronic Systems TAB
Hydronic Systems
Completing TAB Forms and Reports
Proper use, application, and care of
instruments used for TAB work

Reading and interpreting prints and

TAB instruments
TAB measurements
Air Procedures
Identify deficiencies and other factors that prevent proper completion of TAB work

Recommended Readings

Candidates are encouraged to purchase and use the following reference material for their at-home
studying in preparation for the exam. Publications can be purchased online at
NEBB Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Environmental Systems
TAB Technician Manual
Testing, Adjusting & Balancing Specifications (available for download at
TAB CT Home Study Course (available only to those affiliated with NEBB Firms)

TAB CT Exam Details

1. The TAB CT Written Exam:

a. Is a closed-book exam.
b. Can take up to three (3) hours to complete.
c. Is comprised of 100 - 113 multiple-choice questions.
d. All questions are designed to test recall skills and the candidates ability to apply
knowledge, interpret data, and solve problems.
e. Exams and certification program information documents are developed based on
practice in the United States and are offered only in English.
f. Calculations and formulas are in the Imperial Standard and not available in Metric.

2. The Candidate is allowed to bring:

11" x 17" Psychrometric Chart - Sea Level (I-P)
o Note: The Proctor will collect and shred it at the end of the exam.
A non-programmable calculator with limitations to the following models only: Casio FX115 series models or Texas Instruments TI-30X and TI-36X series models.
Writing instruments to include pencils, mechanical pencils, pens, and erasers.
Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix KPage 3

Ruler or straight edge.

No other aids are permitted.

3. The Kryterion Test Center Proctor will provide:

a. Three pieces of scratch paper and two pencils to use while in the test session.
i. The Proctor will initial each page of the scratch paper given, record the number
of pages given in the Kryterion Test Taker Tracking Log, and collect and shred
the pages immediately after the test session is completed.
b. A NEBB Formula Chart.

Scheduling the TAB CT Exam

The TAB CT exams are offered on demand at more than 350 test centers within the United
States and more than 700 test centers worldwide.
Specific examination locations are listed at
Reminder: Upon arrival to the Kryterion Test Center, make sure to have your authorization
letter and two valid forms of identification.
The exam is also made available at various NEBB events, such as seminars or the NEBB Annual

Deadlines for Completion of Personnel Certification

Candidates have three (3) years from their initial exam date to pass all of the
certifications written and/or practical exams.
a. After this time period expires, Candidates must wait one (1) year from the last
examination attempt before reapplying for Personnel Certification.

After successful completion of the examination, Candidates have one (1) year to apply for
their Personnel Certification and pay all related fees.
a. If Candidates do not apply for Personnel Certification within one (1) year,
Candidates will be responsible for paying a Certification Re-application Fee before
being awarded Certification.

Achieving TAB CT Certification & Requirements

Candidates will receive specific written notification upon successfully completing all the
certification pre-requisite requirements, including passing the required exams.
Upon passing the exam, NEBB will contact the Candidate to complete the final stage of
achieving the certification, which is to complete the Application for Certification and pay all
related fees.
Processing of final certification may take 30 days from receipt of form and payment.
Candidates may not use the credential(s) until they have received their official TAB CT
Certificate and Certificant number.
After receiving notification of achieving the Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Certified
Technician (TAB CT) certification, the credential granted may be used only as long as the
individuals certification remains valid and in good standing.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix KPage 4

Certificants must comply with all recertification requirements to maintain use of the
The use and/or display of the TAB CT acronyms or designation names, except as permitted by
the policy, is prohibited. Individuals who fail to maintain certification/recertify or whose
certification is suspended or revoked must immediately discontinue use of the certification
mark(s) and are prohibited from stating or implying that they hold the certification.

Acceptable Use

Certificants who have earned the TAB CT certification may identify themselves as:
NEBB Testing, Balancing and Adjusting of Environmental Systems Certified Technician, or TAB
The name and acronym listed above may only be used in connection with a certified individual and
not with a firm, facility, department, or other group.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix LPage 1

Appendix L
Vibration Measurement Certified Professional: VM CP

The VM CP certification program is designed to recognize individuals who have demonstrated the
experience, knowledge, and skills necessary to provide competent vibration testing of building systems.
Individuals certified in Measurement of Vibration work in management positions and represent their firm on
measurement of vibration matters. VM CP certificants: develop and plan the work; handle report
preparation; recommend corrective action; set the overall safety plan; maintain instruments and calibration
program; equipment and software; and review, check, and sign the final report. VM CP certificants meet a
combination of education and/or experience requirements and demonstrate their knowledge of
measurement of vibration by passing the VM CP examinations.
VM Certified Professionals meet a combination of education and/or experience requirements and
demonstrate their knowledge of Measurement of Vibration by meeting specific pre-requisite requirements,
self-directed studying, passing the VM CP exams and maintaining their certification with continuing
education per NEBB continuing education credit requirements.

Eligibility Criteria

Those accepted into the VM CP Certification program must meet the following education categories and
professional experience requirements in any one of the following categories and must pass the VM CP
Written exam and a VM Written Practical exam.
Category A

Category B

Category C

Hold an Associates
Hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in
Have at least four years of HVAC system
Degree in Engineering
installation or Service experience



Attended approved training session

Have at least two years directly related to Vibration Measurement
supervisory AND/OR
Have at least one year of supervisory of
Vibration experience
Have at least six years of experience in
Vibration Measurement with at least four
of those years in a supervisory position

VM CP Application for Candidacy

Please visit to download a copy of the VM CP Application for Candidacy which contains
specific information pertaining to the full application process, or email [email protected]. Review of
application and related documents may take up to two weeks. Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria
and are accepted into the certification program are referred to as Candidates.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix LPage 2

Studying for the VM CP Written Exam

Applicants who are accepted as Candidates and are approved to sit for the exam should have a working
knowledge of the following Content Domains and are encouraged to study and review the following in
preparation for the VM CP Written exam:
NEBB Procedural Standard for Measurement of Sound & Vibration
Equipment and measuring devices
Vibration theory
Terminology and Definitions
NEBB Study Course for Measuring Sound and Vibration- 1996
NEBB Design and Analysis- 1994

Recommended Readings

Candidates are encouraged to purchase and use the following reference material for their at-home studying
in preparation for the exam. Publications can be purchased online at
NEBB Procedural Standard for Measurement of Sound & Vibration
NEBB Study Course for Measuring Sound and Vibration- 1996
NEBB Design and Analysis- 1994

Suggested Training

Those pursuing this specific certification should consider attending a specialized seminar on this discipline.
The Sound & Vibration CP seminar is intended to augment the Candidates ongoing study of the discipline
which will help them comprehend and assess the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for this
certification. The course cannot and should not serve as the sole comprehensive training or study method for
the Vibration Measurement CP exams. For complete details, visit

VM CP Written Exam Details

Those pursuing the Vibration Measurement CP certification must complete two exams: the VM CP Written
Exam and the VM CP Practical Exam.
1. The VM CP Written Exam:
1. Is an open book exam.
2. Can take up to two (2) hours to complete.
3. Consists of 50 multiple choice questions.
4. All questions are designed to test recall skills and the candidates ability to apply knowledge,
interpret data, and solve problems.
5. Exams and certification program information documents are developed based on practice in
the United States and are offered only in English.
6. Calculations and formulas are in the Imperial Standard and not available in Metric.
2. The Candidate is allowed to bring in and use the following:
1. Writing instruments to include pencils, mechanical pencils, pens, and erasers
2. A calculator
3. Any reference books, indexes, printed and/or hand-written reference notes.
Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix LPage 3

4. No other study material or aids are permitted

5. No laptop, smartphone, tablet, or any item which allows use of internet or network access
3. The Kryterion Center Proctor will provide:
1. A one-page NEBB Vibration Formulas Sheet.
i. This will be collected at the end of the examination and shredded by the Proctor.
2. Three pieces of scratch paper and two pencils to use while in the test session
i. The Proctor will initial each page of the scratch paper given, record the number of
pages given in the Kryterion Test Taker Tracking Log.
ii. The Proctor will collect and shred the pages immediately after the test session is

Scheduling the VM CP Written Exam

The VM CP written exams are offered on demand at more than 350 Kryterion test centers within the
United States and more than 700 test centers worldwide.
Specific examination locations are listed at
Reminder: Upon arrival to the Kryterion Test Center, make sure to have your authorization letter and
two valid forms of identification.
The exam is also made available at various NEBB events, such as seminars or the NEBB Annual

VM CP Practical Exam Details

After successfully passing the VM CP Written exam, Candidates are required to take the VM Practical Exam.
The following are details specific to scheduling a VM CP Practical Exam.
1. The VM CP Practical Exam can be taken at an Approved Local Chapter Facility which currently includes
two available locations: Ft. Lauderdale, FL and DC area.
2. The VM CP Practical Exam can be taken at an Approved Local Chapter Facility after successfully
passing the VM CP Written Exam
3. The Candidate must contact and schedule the time and place through his/her Local Chapter.
4. Other Options:
a. The VM Practical Exam may be taken at a NEBB National Meeting with prior arrangement
with NEBB National Office and the Sound & Vibration (S&V) Committee.
b. Candidates are required to bring their own instruments for the Practical Exam or make other
arrangements with the S&V Committee for alternatives.

Deadlines for Completion of Personnel Certification

Candidates have three (3) years from their initial exam date to pass all of the certifications
written and/or practical exams.
a. After this time period expires, Candidates must wait one (1) year from the last examination
attempt before reapplying for Personnel Certification.

After successful completion of the examination, Candidates have one (1) year to apply for their
Personnel Certification and pay all related fees.
a. If Candidates do not apply for Personnel Certification within one (1) year, Candidates will be
responsible for paying a Certification Re-application Fee before being awarded Certification.

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NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix LPage 4

Achieving VM CP Certification & Requirements

Candidates will receive specific written notification upon successfully completing all the certification
pre-requisite requirements, including passing the required exams.
Upon passing the exam, the Candidate must contact NEBB to complete the final stage of achieving
the certification, which is to complete the Application for Certification and pay all related fees.
Processing of final certification may take 30 days from receipt of form and payment.
Candidates may not use the credential(s) until they have received their official VM CP Certificate and
Certificant number.
After receiving notification of achieving the Vibration Measurement Certified Professional (VM CP)
certification, the credential granted may be used only as long as the individuals certification remains
valid and in good standing.
Certificants must comply with all recertification requirements to maintain use of the credential.
The use and/or display of the VM CP acronyms or designation names, except as permitted by the
policy, is prohibited. Individuals who fail to maintain certification/recertify or whose certification is
suspended or revoked must immediately discontinue use of the certification mark(s) and are
prohibited from stating or implying that they hold the certification.

Acceptable Use

Certificants who have earned the VM CP certification may identify themselves as:
NEBB Vibration Measurement Certified Professional, or VM CP.
The name and acronym listed above may only be used in connection with a certified individual and not with
a firm, facility, department, or other group.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix MPage 1

Appendix M
Vibration Measurement Certified Technician: VM CT

The VM CT certification program is designed to recognize individuals who have demonstrated the
experience, knowledge, and skills necessary to provide competent vibration testing of building systems.
Individuals certified in Vibration Measurement (VM CT) work on measurement of vibration. VM CT
certificants meet a combination of education and/or experience requirements and demonstrate their
knowledge of measurement of vibration by passing the VM CT examination and maintaining their
certification with continuing education.

Eligibility Criteria

Those accepted into the VM CT Certification program must have a minimum of a high school education or
GED and professional experience in vibration measurement and must pass the VM CT Written certification
examination and the VM CT Practical exam.
Category A
Have at least two (2) years of experience with a
Vibration Testing Firm
Have attended industry training related to
Vibration Measurement Testing

VM CT Application for Candidacy

Please visit to download a copy of the VM CT Application for Candidacy which contains
specific information pertaining to the full application process, or email [email protected].
Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and are accepted into the certification program are referred to
as Candidates.

Studying for the VM CT Written Exam

Applicants who are accepted as Candidates and are approved to sit for the exam should have a working
knowledge of the following Content Domains and are encouraged to study and review the following in
preparation for the VM CT Written exam:
NEBB Procedural Standard for Measurement of Sound & Vibration
Equipment and measuring devices
Vibration theory
Terminology and Definitions
NEBB Sound & Vibration CT Home Study Course

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix MPage 2

Recommended Readings

Candidates are encouraged to purchase and use the following reference material for their at-home
studying in preparation for the exam. Publications can be purchased online at
NEBB Procedural Standard for Measurement of Sound & Vibration
NEBB Sound & Vibration CT Home Study Course

Suggested Training

Those pursuing this specific certification should consider attending a specialized seminar on this
discipline. The Sound & Vibration seminar is intended to augment the Candidates ongoing study of
the discipline which will help them comprehend and assess the knowledge, skills and abilities
necessary for this certification. The course cannot and should not serve as the sole comprehensive
training or study method for the Vibration Measurement CT exams. For complete details,

VM CT Written Exam Details

1. The VM CT Written Exam:

1. Is an open book exam.
2. Can take up to two (2) hours to complete.
3. Consists of 40 multiple choice questions.
4. All questions are designed to test recall skills and the candidates ability to apply
knowledge, interpret data, and solve problems.
5. Exams and certification program information documents are developed based on
practice in the United States and are offered only in English.
6. Calculations and formulas are in the Imperial Standard and not available in Metric.

2. The Candidate is allowed to bring in and use the following:

1. Writing instruments to include pencils, mechanical pencils, pens, and erasers
2. A calculator
3. Any reference books, indexes, printed and/or hand-written reference notes.
4. No other study material or aids are permitted
5. No laptop, smartphone, tablet, or any item which allows use of internet or network
3. The Kryterion Center Proctor will provide:
1. A one-page NEBB Vibration Formula Sheet.
i. This will be collected at the end of the examination and shredded by the
2. Three pieces of scratch paper and two pencils to use while in the test session
i. The Proctor will initial each page of the scratch paper given, record the
number of pages given in the Kryterion Test Taker Tracking Log.
ii. The Proctor will collect and shred the pages immediately after the test session
is completed.

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NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix MPage 3

Scheduling the VM CT Written Exam

The VM CT written exams are offered on demand at more than 350 Kryterion test centers
within the United States and more than 700 test centers worldwide.
Specific examination locations are listed at
Reminder: Upon arrival to the Kryterion Test Center, make sure to have your authorization
letter and two valid forms of identification.
The exam is also made available at various NEBB events, such as seminars or the NEBB Annual

VM CT Practical Exam Details

Candidates are required to take the VM CT Practical Exam. To schedule a VM CT Practical Exam,
please review the following details.
After successfully passing the VM CT Written exam, Candidates are required to take the VM Practical
Exam. The following are details specific to scheduling a VM CT Practical Exam.
1. The VM CT Practical Exam can be taken at an Approved Local Chapter Facility which currently
includes two available locations: Ft. Lauderdale, FL and DC area.
2. The Candidate must contact and schedule the time and place through his/her Local Chapter.
3. Other Options:
a. The VM CT Practical Exam may be taken at a NEBB National Meeting with prior
arrangement with NEBB National and the Sound & Vibration (S&V) Committee.
b. Candidates are required to bring their own instruments for the Practical Exam or make
other arrangements with the S&V Committee for alternatives.

Deadlines for Completion of Personnel Certification

Candidates have three (3) years from their initial exam date to pass all of the
certifications written and/or practical exams.
a. After this time period expires, Candidates must wait one (1) year from the last
examination attempt before reapplying for Personnel Certification.

After successful completion of the examination, Candidates have one (1) year to apply for
their Personnel Certification and pay all related fees.
a. If Candidates do not apply for Personnel Certification within one (1) year,
Candidates will be responsible for paying a Certification Re-application Fee before
being awarded Certification.

Achieving VM CT Certification & Requirements

Candidates will receive specific written notification upon successfully completing all the
certification pre-requisite requirements, including passing the required exams.
Upon passing the exam, the Candidate must contact NEBB to complete the final stage of
achieving the certification, which is to complete the Application for Certification and pay all
related fees.
Processing of final certification may take 30 days from receipt of form and payment.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

NEBB Comprehensive Candidate Handbook Appendix MPage 4

Candidates may not use the credential(s) until they have received their official VM CT
Certificate and Certificant number.
After receiving notification of achieving the Vibration Measurement Certified Technician (VM
CT) certification, the credential granted may be used only as long as the individuals
certification remains valid and in good standing.
Certificants must comply with all recertification requirements to maintain use of the
The use and/or display of the VM CT acronyms or designation names, except as permitted by
the policy, is prohibited. Individuals who fail to maintain certification/recertify or whose
certification is suspended or revoked must immediately discontinue use of the certification
mark(s) and are prohibited from stating or implying that they hold the certification.

Acceptable Use

Certificants who have earned the VM CT certification may identify themselves as:
NEBB Vibration Measurement Certified Technician, or VM CT.
The name and acronym listed above may only be used in connection with a certified individual and
not with a firm, facility, department, or other group.

Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

National Environmental Balancing Bureau, Inc.

8575 Grovemont Circle
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877
PH. 301-977-3698 FAX 301-977-9589
Copyright 2016 NEBB All rights reserved

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