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he distinctive roar of bolter fire and the
shrill screeches of dying Tyranids told
Brother Atreus that his reinforcements were
not too late to aid his brother Space Marines.

Brother-Sergeant Octavian, this is Squad

Atreus. Hold your position, we are moving to
Atreus climbed the ridge and gazed down
upon the battle below, seeing teeming hordes
of Termagants swarming around a pulsing hive
node that was partially obscured behind
smouldering wreckage. He knew that these
creatures had to be purged before they could
rendezvous with Squad Octavian, and he gave
the order to advance. All would perish.



Deploy Squad Atreus four Space Marines with boltguns and one with a missile launcher on one table
edge. Put a large piece of wreckage 18" away from the
Space Marines, with the Tyranid hive node directly
behind it. Place another four pieces of wreckage 12"
away from the hive node, and four to ten Termagants
(four plus an extra D6 worth of Termagants), touching
the node. The Ultramarines player goes first.

Ultramarines Win: Squad Atreus reach the

rendezvous point.
Tyranid Win: All Space Marines dead.
Draw: Any other result.

Squad Atreus

D6+4 Termagants


At least 6"

At least 6"


Rendezvous point
Hive node

Move: The Ultramarines squad can move up
to 6" a turn, but may not move within 1" of
Termagants unless assaulting them. If the Ultramarines
end their move within 6" of a group of Termagants, they
can assault.
Shoot: The entire squad of Ultramarines may shoot at
one unit of Termagants per turn. If the squad has not
moved, it may fire the missile launcher, and all of the
Space Marines with bolters may fire one shot at targets
up to 24" away, or rapid fire at targets within 12". If they
have moved, the missile launcher cannot fire and the
Space Marines with bolters may only rapid fire at targets
within 12".
The Space Marines with bolters hit the Termagants on a
roll of 3+. However, as these creatures are smaller and
weaker than Genestealers, they are wounded on a roll of
3+. Termagants touching wreckage or the hive node can
try to make a Saving throw on a roll of 5 or 6 against
each potential wound they take, representing them
ducking behind cover.
The Missile Launcher: The Space Marine with the
missile launcher can only shoot if the squad remains
stationary he has to steady his aim and brace himself.
The weapon gets one shot a turn, with whichever missile
type the player chooses, and shoots up to 48". It hits on
a roll of 3+ and fires two kinds of missile, one designed
to attack enemy troops and one used to destroy heavily
armoured targets.

over one of the target models. That model, and any

others whose bases are covered by the marker, are
wounded on a 3+. Any model whose base is touched by
the marker but not covered will be hit on a 4+, and if hit
may then also be wounded on a successive roll of 3+.
Krak Missile: A missile with a more concentrated blast,
designed for cracking the armour of tanks and bunkers.
It is also capable of damaging the hive node on a 3+.
The squad may not split its fire between the hive node
and Termagants all of the squad must choose the
same target. If the hive node is targeted, the other
Space Marines bolter fire need 3+ to hit and then a 6 to
wound, as their weapons lack the same destructive
punch as the missiles.
Assault: If the Ultramarines end their move within 6" of
a Termagant unit, and did not fire, they can charge into
close combat. Move each Space Marine up to 6" to
make base contact with the nearest Termagant. They
can spread out and attack different targets, so long as all
models from the unit are within 2" of another model from
the same unit. They cannot bypass unengaged models
or move through gaps narrower than their base width.
In close combat, each Space Marine rolls one dice to hit,
but gains an extra attack, and therefore rolls two dice, on
the turn they charge into assault. They need a 3+ to hit
and 3+ to wound the Termagants. If wounded,
Termagants may make an Armour Save on a D6 roll of
6, as their tough hides and bone plates protect them.
Any that fail their Armour Save are removed.

However, Termagants are as fast as the Space Marines,

and strike back at the same time even those that would
have been removed after being wounded (lay these
models down to remind you to remove them after they
have attacked). They roll one dice each
needing a 4+ to hit and 5+ to wound the Space
The frag missile hits the central Termagant, misses
Marines. Wounded Space Marines must roll
the upper one, and will hit the lower one on a 4+.
3+ for their Armour Save or be removed. Once
the Ultramarines are in close combat with a
Termagant unit, they may not move away until
all Termagants in the unit are dead.

Frag Missile: An anti-personnel explosive round

designed to shower an area with razor sharp metal
fragments. If the shot hits, place the small Blast marker

Move: As Genestealers in previous missions.
Shoot: Termagants are different to Genestealers,
hunting their prey with bio-organic weapons called
fleshborers rather than tooth and claw. Termagants can
shoot up to 12". Each Termagant rolls one dice when
they shoot (whether they moved or not) hitting on a 4+
and wounding on a further roll of 4+. Wounded Space
Marines must roll 3+ for their Armour Save or be
removed. The Ultramarines player chooses which
models are lost.
If a Termagant unit doesnt shoot, it can scuttle to a new
position, moving an extra D6" (just make one roll for the
whole unit). This additional distance is not reduced by
moving through wreckage.
Assault: Termagants that end their move within 6" of the
Space Marines may assault. They may do this even if
they fired their fleshborers. They follow all the previous
rules for moving into base contact, and gain one extra
attack on the turn they charge into assault.
The Termagants and Space Marines will fight
simultaneously, as detailed in the Space Marine Assault

section. If there is a combat left from the Ultramarines

turn, fight again in the Tyranid turn. Once in close
combat with the Ultramarines, they may not move away
until all enemy models in the unit are dead.
The Hive Node: The node is a living entrance to an
underground organism busily creating more Tyranids. It
is incredibly tough it takes four wounds to completely
disable the node. When the hive node takes two of its
four wounds, it is damaged, and will be less effective at
creating replacement Tyranids.
If the hive node has taken less than two wounds, at the
end of the Tyranids turn any Termagants not in play are
placed touching the hive node. If the node is damaged
but not disabled, the Tyranid player may return just two
Termagants per turn. Whenever there are four or more
Termagants at the node, they form a new unit and may
move off. Until then, they can shoot but may not move.
Once disabled, the hive node stops reproducing Tyranid
replacements altogether.
Termagants are returned touching the hive node if
possible, but must always be more than 1" away from
any enemy models that may be close to the hive node.

Having played through the first five missions of Battle

For Macragge, you will have learned and hopefully
understood all of the basic rules you need in order to
play a small scale game of Warhammer 40,000. You
now know how to move your models, both as individual
characters and squads, how to shoot with various
weapons over different ranges, and how Assault moves
and hand-to-hand fighting work. Inflicting wounds,
Armour Saving throws and casualty removal all follow on
from these rules, and this covers all of the common rules
that appear in every Warhammer 40,000 game.

that is commonplace in Warhammer 40,000 battles. All

of the key rules can be found on the summary sheet at
the back of this book.

In Mission 6 you put all of these things together and play

a fully-fledged game of Warhammer 40,000. Two
separate squads of Space Marines pit themselves
against all of the Tyranid menace they have encountered
so far, and try to escape with their precious cargo. Both
sides have multiple objectives to achieve, and the
mission introduces the idea of major and minor victories.
Theres also a significant time pressure on the Space
Marines as the mission has a turn limit, something else

The addition of racial profiles, Leadership tests and

morale all give additional detail to these basic rules.
There are rules for vehicles, artillery and heavy fire
support, rules for the effects terrain has on movement
and line of sight the level of detail grows as your
understanding of the game advances and situations
arise that need further adjudication. Warhammer 40,000
is there for you to explore and enjoy, and once youve
finished Mission 6, youll be more than equipped to take
that next step.

After this mission your next steps are to play your own
variants of the missions in this book, download the
additional missions from the website, or move on to the
main rulebook included in this set. There you will find all
of the rules used in standard Warhammer 40,000
games, which are a simple step up from those youve
just learned.

Copyright Games Workshop Ltd. 2004. Permission is granted to print this page for personal use only to play a Games Workshop game; all further rights reserved.

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