Ems System For Ip Dslam

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User Manual

Document #: ST-208004003 Issue3.0

Date: May 6, 2010

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

Copyright@2009 by Shanghai Sino-Telecom Communication Technology Co. Ltd.

All Rights Reserved

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior
written consent of Shanghai Sino-Telecom Communication Technology Co., Ltd.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................3

1. EMS System Installation.................................................................................................................5


Prerequisite Information.......................................................................................................5
Installing EMS......................................................................................................................5
Un-installation of EMS ........................................................................................................9

2. EMS Introduction..........................................................................................................................10

EMS Server ........................................................................................................................10

2.1.1 Enter/Exit EMS Server Interface .............................................................................10
2.1.2 Run/Stop EMS Server.............................................................................................. 11
2.1.3 Initialize EMS Server...............................................................................................13
2.1.4 Minimum/Maximum EMS server window..............................................................13
2.2 EMS Client .........................................................................................................................13
2.2.1 Login EMS Client ....................................................................................................13
2.2.2 Concepts in configuring EMS Client.......................................................................15
2.2.3 Node/Map/Root Settings..........................................................................................15
2.2.4 User Management ....................................................................................................21
2.2.5 ADSL Profile Settings .............................................................................................25
2.2.6 Alarm Profile Settings..............................................................................................26
2.2.7 Alarm Records .........................................................................................................27

3. Element Configuration & Management........................................................................................29


Introduction to DSLAM5008/5016/5024 Chassis View ....................................................29
3.2.1 Port Management .....................................................................................................30
3.2.2 System Management................................................................................................31
3.3 Introduction to DSLAM5048 Chassis View.......................................
3.3.1 Add SNMP for DSLAM5048 ..................................................................................38
3.3.2 Introduction to DSLAM5048 Chassis View ............................................................38
3.4 DSL Configuration .............................................................................................................39
3.4.1 Refresh/Open/Close ADSL port...............................................................................39
3.4.2 ADSL Status Inquiring.............................................................................................39
3.4.3 ADSL Port configuration .........................................................................................40
3.4.4 ADSL Alarm Configuration.....................................................................................41
3.4.5 ADSL Bridge (EOA) ...............................................................................................41
3.4.6 Ethernet Port Configuration.....................................................................................44
3.4.7 VLAN ......................................................................................................................45
3.4.8 Batch Config ............................................................................................................47

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

3.4.9 System Information..................................................................................................48

3.4.10 MAC forwarding table (FDB) .................................................................................49
3.4.11 Subscriber Information ............................................................................................49

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

1. EMS System Installation

This chapter describes how to install/Uninstall EMS suite.


Prerequisite Information
This section describes the recommended hardware configuration required to enable EMS
server and client applications on various size networks.
Table 1-1 outlines the minimum recommended client hardware configuration
Hardware Description
Hard-disk Space 150MB and above
256MB and above
Operation System Windows 2000, Windows XP ,Windows Vista etc.
1024768 pixels


Installing EMS
1) Open EMS installation Suite and double click EMS2.1_en_Setup.exe file to start the
EMS installation process. When the welcome window of EMS appears as shown in
Figure 1-1, click Next to continue.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

2) When the Destination Location window appears as shown in Figure 1-2, click Browse
button to change the installation destination directory or simply use the default setting
c:\program files\EMS. Then click Next to continue.

3) When the start menu folder window appears as shown in Figure 1-3, please click
Browse to change the start menu folder, or click Next to continue.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

4) When the additional tasks window appears as shown in Figure 1-4, click create a
desktop icon to create a short cutting on the desktop, or click Next to continue.

5) When the ready to install window appears as shown in Figure 1-5, you can confirm
your current settings, if you are satisfied with the settings, click Install to start setup.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

6) When Installing Process Status window appears as shown in Figure 1-6, the
installation process is now in progress. This window displays a bar indicating the
percentage of completion for the current installation. In addition, the names of the
files being installed appear above the bar until the installation is complete.

7) At the end of installing process, the Finish windows appears as shown in Figure 1-7,
simply click Finish to complete the EMS Setup. Now the installation of EMS
software is completed.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM



Un-installation of EMS
To uninstall EMS system, you should do:
1) Start uninstall wizard in the following path:
Start> Program Files>STEMS>Uninstall STEMS.
2) Click Yes to uninstall EMS as shown in Figure 1-1.
3) Once you uninstall EMS system, most of setup files are removed automatically, while a
couple of files must be deleted manually.


User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

2. EMS Introduction

This chapter introduces the functions and interfaces in EMS system and
help the users better understand EMS.
This chapter explains how to use object trees and create maps that provide a
graphical representation of nodes and maps in an EMS managed network.
You can also create maps between nodes on two different nodes.
When an EMS node, map, or root is added, the object is displayed using
graphical indicators. New and outstanding alarms are also shown through
graphical and color indicators.
A graphical view of an EMS node panel can also be displayed from a map.
With a panel displayed, you can find more details about cards in the device
and view and modify card-specific configurations.


EMS Server
The major function of EMS sever is to save database, inquire the status of remote network
elements, deal with faults and alarms, and represent as SNMP agent etc.
The operation process of EMS server is drawn in the following blocks.

2.1.1 Enter/Exit EMS Server Interface

Enter EMS server Interface

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

To enter EMS server interface, you should go this path:

Start> Program Files>EMS>EMS Server, or click directly on EMS Server icon on the
desktop. When start EMS server, you will see EMS server window as shown in Figure

There are four sections in EMS server window: Main Menu, Tools Bar, Status Bar and
Runtime Log Window.
In Main Menu, all commends can be found on File sub-menu.
In Tools bar, five icons are used for shortcutting. ( run, stop,
initalize ,
exit. )
In Status bar, it shows the current status of EMS server and the time it lasts.
In Runtime Log window, it displays the results and details when EMS server executes

Exit EMS server Interface

To close EMS server interface, you should do as the following:
1) Stop EMS server when the EMS server is in running status;
2) Click
Exit icon on Tools bar directly to exit EMS server;
3) Or click File>Exit on the Menu to exit EMS server;
4) Password is 123456.

2.1.2 Run/Stop EMS Server

Run EMS server
Click File>Start on Main Menu, or Click

button on Tools bar to setup EMS server.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

If its the first time to setup, then EMS server establishes a database and the Runtime log
window displays as shown in Figure 2-2.

If its not the first time to start EMS server, the logs window displays as Figure 2-3.

If EMS server is successfully started, then EMS server status on Status bar will change to

Running; otherwise, it shows Stop. EMS Server Uptime is referred to the

duration when the EMS server is successfully run.
When you want to stop EMS server, then the password of root is requested as shown in
Figure 2-4. The default value of the password is 123456.


User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

Stop EMS server

If you want to stop EMS server, click File>Shutdown on Main Menu, or Click
on Tools bar to stop EMS server.


2.1.3 Initialize EMS Server

If you want to delete or remove the current database, you need to initialize EMS server
as the following:
1) Stop EMS server;
2) Click File>Initialize EMS Server to start initializing as shown in Figure 2-5.
Note: Once you start initializing EMS server, all previous databases will be deleted and
can not be recovered.


2.1.4 Minimum/Maximum EMS server window

Once you click Minimum icon on EMS server window, then this window will be hidden
icon; if EMS server
automatically. If EMS server is running, then it will be shown as
is not running, then this icon will turn to be gray. To click this icon, EMS server window
will be maximized to the original display.


EMS Client

2.2.1 Login EMS Client

Before Login EMS Client Application, make sure EMS server is running properly.
1) Click Start>Program Files>EMS>EMS Application, or Click shortcut icon on

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

desktop, then EMS Client Application Login window prompt as shown in Figure 2-6.

2) Simply enter your user name and password respectively, and click Login to login
EMS system.
default user name
default password
default server IP address
3) After launching EMS and logging in with a valid username and password, the main
window, EMS Client Application prompts as shown in Figure 2-7.


There are four sections in EMS Client Interface: Menu bar, Tools bar, Node Tree and
Node workspace.
The definition of Tools bar is shown in Figure 2-8 .

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM


2.2.2 Concepts in configuring EMS Client

Node is the fundamental element of EMS system and belongs to roots or maps. Any
manageable equipment can be regarded as Node, for example DSLAM5048.

Map is the subset of Nodes and belongs to roots or maps. It can be created below root
and normally used for classification of regions or areas.

Root is the total system and can not be created by user. User can create Maps and
Nodes belong to Root directly.

Tree is the topological mapping of root, and it is the set of Maps and Nodes.

Workspace is the area for nodes management, such as node configuration, node
operation etc.

2.2.3 Node/Map/Root Settings AddNode
Move the prompt to map which you want to create belongs to;
Click Edit>add menu or click
icon on Tools bar;

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

The creation wizard pop out as shown in Figure 2-9;


If select Node and Click OK, then Create new node window prompts as shown in
Figure 2-10.
In Basic part, you can add IP address one by one, or add a batch of IP address by
inputting IP range. Node name can be renamed one by one (default value is IP
address); otherwise, IP address is the name by default.
Once you choose to add IP address in batch, please pay attention that the first 3
sections of IP address mask should be fixed, while the last section can be
automatically increased by 1. For example: if you input and, then four nodes (,,,and are added automatically.
In option part, you can modify the options related to SNMP protocol, and
change the Parent selection.
If you want to add some IP address that is not linked to EMS client, you can
choose Add even if the node is not reachable and add an IP address by force.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM


If you finish filling items to new node, click OK to make it effected. In Tree table,
you can see adding a new IP address to root (Figure 2-11).
If the new node is manageable, then its displayed as Green; otherwise, its
displayed as gray.

EMS server gets the status of nodes in the polling interval. Node Tree updates the
manageable status of nodes automatically. AddMap
Move the prompt to map which you want to create belongs to;
Click Edit>add on menu or click
icon on Tools bar;
The creation wizard pop out as shown in Figure 2-12;

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

Please select Map and Click OK, then Map Creation window is popped out as
Figure 2-13.
Fill in the Name for the new Map, and select the Parent root.

Figure213NamethenewMap DeleteNode/Map
Move the prompt to Node/Map you want to delete, then Click Edit>delete in the menu,
or Click

icon on Tools Bar.

Note: root can not be deleted.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM RenameNode/Map
Move the prompt to Node/Map you want to rename, then Click Edit>rename in the
menu, or click
icon on the tools bar, then Rename Window appears as shown in
Figure 2-14. Input a new name and click OK to finish renaming.

Figure214RenameWindow MoveNode
Move the prompt to Node/Map you want to move, then Click Edit>move in the menu,
or click
icon on the tools bar, or Right-click the mouse and select Move, Move
Window is popped out.
Input the destination name of map, and click OK. PropertiesofNode/Map
Move the prompt to Node/Map you want to change the properties, then Click
Edit>Properties in the menu or click
icon on the tools bar, or Right-click the mouse
and select Properties, Properties Window appears as shown in Figure 2-15. Simply
input the destination name of map, and click OK.
In the Properties window, you can modify Node Name, Parent Name, SNMP Properties
and Polling Interval, and click modify to save them.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

Figure215PropertiesWindow SearchNode/Map
If you want to find a Node/Map, please Click View>Find in the menu or click
on the tools bar, Find Window appears as shown in Figure 2-16. You can find a
node/map by name or by IP address, and after you click Find, the cursor will lock on
these right IP addresses.


User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

2.2.4 User Management ChangePassword
When you want to change password, Click Admin>Change Password in the menu, the
Change Password window appears as shown in Figure 2-17.
Fill in the new password and confirm it for the second time.

Figure217ChangePasswordWindow UsersManagement

Click Admin>Users and Groups on the menu or click

users and groups window is open as Figure 2-18.


icon on the tools bar, the

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

Notes: Only root is authorized to use this function, and open the privilege for other
users and groups, modify password, add/delete users & groups, and define the display
interface etc.

Add a new Group

Figure 2-19.

group icon, and choose Add, then Add new group window appears as

For example, if you want to add Normal as a new group, input Normal in the blank,
then Groups window is updated as shown in Figure 2-20.


Privilege Definition to Group

Click the icon of sub-group belonging to Groups, the corresponding information is
shown in the right window area (Figure 2-21).

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM


If you want to change the privileges of sub-group, please click Modify and choose the
privilege level which is listed below.
Privilege Level
Powerful User

Full access. Admin acts as Root manager
Full access except for adding/deleting User/Groups
Normal access. User can only inquire existing sources, can not
add, delete any sources including Node, Map and User/Group

Note: The privilege of Root can not be changed.

Add Nodes to sub-group

You can add a couple of nodes to one sub-group by clicking Add button, therefore the
sub-group can only see the nodes which belong to.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

For example, for sub-group Normal, Click Add and Node Tree Dialog window is
displayed as Figure 2-22. If you select DSLAM5048 and click OK, then in sub-group
Normal, the user can only see DSLAM5048, but not DSLAM5024.

Figure 2-22 Add a Node to Sub-group

Add New Users

users icon, and click Add button to add a new user.
For example, if you want to add a new user NormalUser to Normal sub-group, you can
do as the following:
1) Click Add button, then Add new user window is popped out as shown in Figure 2-23.
Please input NormalUser as user name and click Ok.

Figure 2-23 Add a new user

2) Double-click NormalUser icon, then user window is popped out as Figure 2-24.
z Set the password of the current user
z Select the name of the sub-group, such as Normal
z Click Modify to confirm all changes.
z In Event area, all logs are shown when this user login or log out. The
user can delete a single log record by Delete button, or clear up all log
records by Clear button.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

Figure 2-24 Modify users information

2.2.5 ADSL Profile Settings

Click Profile>ADSL Config Profile on the menu, ADSL Config window is popped out
as Figure 2-25.
Add: Add a new ADSL config profile as shown in Figure 2-26;
Edit: Display all information of ADSL Config chosen or modify certain
settings as shown in Figure 2-27;
Delete: remove an ADSL config profile.


User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM



2.2.6 Alarm Profile Settings

Click Profile>ADSL Alarm Profile on the menu, ADSL Alarm Config window is
popped out as Figure 2-28.
Add: Add a new Alarm config profile as shown in Figure 2-29;
Edit: Display all information of Alarm Config chosen or modify certain
Delete: remove an Alarm config profile.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM



2.2.7 Alarm Records

Click View> Alarm on the menu or click
popped out as Figure 2-30.

icon on the tools bar, Alarm window is

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM


To confirm the alarm, please click

To delete the alarm, please click
To clear all alarms records, please click Edit>Clear;
To update the alarm records, please click
To search the alarm records, please click
button, and you can see Find
Alarm Window (Figure 2-31).


User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM


Element Configuration & Management

This chapter provides instructions to configure the DSLAM5008/5016/5024

and DSLM5048 using EMS client system.

3.1 Prerequisite
Please refer to Chapter Add a node, Add DSLAM5008/5016/5024/5048 to EMS

3.2 EMS for DSLAM5008/5016/5024

3.2.1 Introduction to DSLAM5008/5016/5024 Chassis View
After you add a new node of DSLAM5008/5016/5024, please move the cursor to node,
and click View>Chassis or click
button, then the Chassis View will be display in
Node Workspace like shown in Figure 3-1.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

On the top of the window, the faceplate of the equipment displays the real-time status of
the equipment. The user can recognize the signal status from the lighting:
Port LED is Gray
Port LED is Twinkling
Port LED is Lighting
Ethernet Indicator displays as yellow
Ethernet Indicator displays as green

Signal Status
Port is close.
Port is open and connecting with subscriber.
Port is well connected with subscriber.
The speed-rate is 10Mbps.
The speed-rate is 100Mbps.

Whenever you right-click the icons of LED, indicator and other parts of chassis, the
operation menu will display correspondingly.
On the bottom of the window, both the uplink rate (AturRate) and downlink rate
(AtucRate) are shown to each port.

3.2.2 Port Management

Right-click the port icon, you can see the port management menu, including Enable /
Disable/ Refresh/ Current Status/ Configuration/ Alarm Configuration/ Bridge Service.

Current Status
When you select Current Status, then the status information of chose port is shown as
Figure 3-2.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM


When you select Configuration, then the parameters of selected port is shown as Figure
3-2. You can modify parameter and click Modify for saving. If you choose Use Config
Profile, the configuration might become easier.


3.2.3 System Management

If you click the faceplate of the chassis, you can see system management menu,
including System/ Refresh/ VLAN Configuration/ Forwarding Database/ Subscriber/

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

Batch Config.
Note: If you are the first time to configure VLAN/PVC, or bridge parameters, the login
window may occur as shown in Figure 3-4.

Figure34LoginWindow VLANManagement
If you choose VLAN Configuration, you will configure the VLAN properties.
When you successfully login the system, the VLAN table will be shown as Figure 3-5.
z To add a new VLAN, please click Add and input VLAN ID and VLAN
Name shown in Figure 3-6;
z To delete a VLAN, please click Delete. (Note: the default VLAN
DefaultFdb can not be deleted)
z To view the details of one VALN, please click Details and VLAN Detail
window is shown as Figure 3-7.


User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

Figure 3-6 Add a new VLAN

Figure 3-7 VLAN Detail Window

In VLAN Detail window (Figure 3-7), VLAN bridge information is also shown by
colors: Tagged Ports is marked in green, Untagged Ports is marked in blue, and Unused
Ports is marked in black.
Right-click the bridge port, you can modify the setting of bridge port; even by using
Ctrl and Shift button together, you can select a couple of bridge port and modify them at
one time. PVCConfiguration
If you choose PVC Configuration, you will configure the PVC properties.
When you successfully login the system, the PVC table will be shown as Figure 3-8.
To add a new PVC, please click Add and input some parameters as shown in
z Figure 3-9;
z To delete PVC, please click Delete.
z To view the details of a PVC, please click Details and PVC Detail
window is shown as Figure 3-10.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

Figure 3-8 PVC Frame Window

Figure 3-9 Add a new PVC

Figure 3-10 PVC Detail Window BridgeConfiguration
If you choose Bridge Configuration, you will configure the bridge properties.
When you successfully login the system, the Bridge table will be shown as Figure 3-8.
To add a new Bridge, please click Add and then Add Bridge window is shown as
Figure 3-12
z Figure 3-9;
z To delete Bridge, please click Delete.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

To view the details of a Bridge, please click Details and Bridge Detail
window is shown as Figure 3-13.

Figure 3-11 Bridge Frame Window

Figure 3-12 Add a Bridge Window

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

Figure 3-13 Bridge Details Window ConfigurationinBatch
If you choose Batch Configuration, you will configure the properties in batch.

Enable/Disable ADSL port

In Enable/Disable ADSL ports batch setting window (Figure 3-14), you can set ADSL
ports easier.

Figure 3-14 Enable/Disable ADSL ports

Profile setting of ADSL port

In Profile setting of ADSL ports in batch (Figure 3-15Figure 3-14), you can set ADSL
ports easier.

Figure 3-15 Profile Setting of ADSL ports

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM SystemConfiguration
If you choose System, you can view/modify system information, save system
configuration and reboot the system.

System View/modify
When you select System Information, the following window (Figure 3-16) will be
shown to give out the simple description of the system,such as system name/Concact
info/system location/system run-up time,ect.

Figure 3-16 System Information

System Save
To save the system information, please use System Save function.

System Reboot
To reboot the system, please use System Reboot function. SubscriberTable
If you choose Subscriber, you can input subscribers information in details (Figure
3-17), including Name, Address, Telephone number and others.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

Figure 3-17 Subscriber Information

3.3 EMS system for DLSAM5048

3.3.1 Add SNMP for DSLAM5048
Before adding DSLAM5048 as described in Chapter 2, you should configure some
parameters using either Telnet or CLI through RS232.
1. Community

create snmp comm community <community name> <rw/ro>

eg: create snmp comm. community public rw
2. EMS Server ip
create snmp host ip <ems server ip> community <community
eg: create snmp host ip community public
Detailed information of the commands refers to DLSAM5048 Operation Manual.
After you successfully add SNMP to DSLAM5048, then refer to Chapter Add a
node to add DSLAM5048 to EMS database.

3.3.2 Introduction to DSLAM5048 Chassis View

After you add a new node of DSLAM5048, please move the cursor to node, and click
View>Chassis or click
button, then the Chassis View will be displayed in Node
Workspace like shown in Figure 3-18.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

3-18 DSLAM5048 Chassis View

On the top of chassis panel, DSLAM5048 figure shows the real-time status.
In the middle of chassis panel, the major status bars are listed, including System status,
Ethernet status and ADSL status.
At the bottom of chassis panel, 48 DSL port are listed and their status are refreshed.
US refers t upstream, DS refers to downstream.

3.3.3 DSL Configuration

To open the ADSL configuration menu, right click on ADSL port icon.
This menu contains open/close/refresh ADSL port, status inquiring, port configuring,
port bridging etc. Refresh/Open/CloseADSLport
To refresh/open/close ADSL port, right-click ADSL port and select
Enable/Disable/Refresh on the menu. ADSLStatusInquiring
To inquire ADSL status, right click ADSL port and select Current Status on the menu

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

or double-click ADSL port as shown in

Refresh button can update the parameters on the status table.

Figure319ADSLportstatus ADSLPortconfiguration
To open ADSL port configuration window, right-click ADSL port as shown in Figure
To modify the parameters of ADSL port configuration, revise the value and click
Modify button.
User can select Use Config Profile to modify Profile.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

Figure320ModifyADSLconfiguration ADSLAlarmConfiguration

Figure321ADSLAlarmconfiguration ADSLBridge(EOA)
To open ADSL EOA window, right-click ADSL port and select Bridge Service as

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

shown Figure 3-22.


To look into the details, double-click AAL5 port and Bridge Information window
popup as shown in Figure 3-23.


There are two tabs in Bridge Information Window, Properties and Statistic.
z Properties: Show the major properties of AAL5 port. To add/delete/get MAC ACL

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

information of Bridge port, click Advanced button to popup the window shown in
Figure 3-24;
z Statistic: Give the statistics of the frame as shown in Figure 3-25.

Figure324 MACACLwindow


User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

3.3.4 Ethernet Port Configuration

To popup Ethernet port configuration, right-click Ethernet port. Ethernet Port

configuration includes port rate setting, operation mode, and bridge setting. Rate/ModeSettings
To set port rate and operation mode,
1) right-click Ethernet port, and select speed menu to set speed rate.
2) right-click Ethernet port, and select Duplex menu to set operation mode.
Note: If the Ethernet port is configured as Aggregated Mode, then the rate and
operation mode can not be configured. EthernetPortConfiguration
To set Ethernet Port Configuration,
1) right-click Ethernet port, and select configuration to inquire/Modify settings of
Ethernet port as shown in Figure 3-26
2) If Ethernet is configured as Aggregated Mode, you can only look into settings of
aggregated modes as shown in Figure 3-27.


User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

Figure327AggregatedPortConfiguration BridgeConfiguration:
To open Bridge Service menu, right-click Ethernet Port as shown in Figure 3-28.

If Ethernet port is configured as Aggregated Mode, you can choose any port to see the

3.3.5 VLAN
Right-click Chassis Panel to open VLAN Table window as shown in Figure 3-29.

User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

When click Detail button, the VLAN Detail window appears as shown in Figure 3-30.
In VLAN bridge port setting sub-window, all 48 ports are listed with legends (Red:
Untagged; Pink: Egress; Gray: Forbidden; Black: Unused.


User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

In VLAN Table window, VLAN can be modified.

In Bridge port area, the forwarding status for VLAN is marked by different colors.
Right-click the bridge port, you can change the forwarding status directly.
When you press CTRL or SHIFT button, you can select a couple of bridge ports and
change the forwarding properties by right-click menu.
Remove: click Remove button to delete the current VLAN. (the default VLAN can
not be deleted).
New: Create a new VLAN window.

3.3.6 Batch Config

Right-click Chassis Panel, and select batch config in the menu, you can configure
ADSL parameters by batch.
Currently, the following parameters can be batch configured.
ADSL Enabled: Open/Close ADSL ports (Figure 3-31):
ADSL ConfigProfile: Profile Setting (Figure 3-32)


User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM


3.3.7 System Information

To inquire/Modify system information, right-click chassis panel and select System
Information, the system Information Window appears as shown in Figure 3-33.

When you modify system information, please pay attention to Time Format (Month
should be input as abbreviation of Month).
To reboot/save system







User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM

3.3.8 MAC forwarding table (FDB)

To inquire MAC address forwarding table, right-click chassis panel and select FDB
menu as shown in Figure 3-34.


3.3.9 Subscriber Information

EMS can save the subscribers information of DSLAM.
Right-click chassis panel and select subscriber, the User/Customer Information
Window appears as shown in Figure 3-35.
All information including subscribers name, address and telephone etc, can be input or
modified. Click Apply button to save the subscribers information.


User Manual of EMS System for IP DSLAM


@Sino-Telecom 2009 All Rights Reserved

ST-208004003 Issue2.0

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