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Platform Payments 101

Your service connects buyers and sellers, and you want to learn
more about payments. WePay's Platform Payments 101 will help
you discover the realities of facilitating payments on a platform.

Table of Contents
1. Payment Facilitation!...........................................................................2
2. Regulatory Challenges!.......................................................................5
3. Card Network Compliance!................................................................11
4. Fraud and Loss!.................................................................................16
5. Minimizing Chargeback Risk!............................................................25
6. Technical Complexities!.....................................................................30

Chapter 1

Payment Facilitation
Our main character in the pages to follow is a platform with multiple users
looking to let those users accept payments. This hypothetical platform may not
have been active for a very long period of time it may have fewer than a
hundred users or so. Nevertheless, this platform has grand ambitions, and is
exploring infrastructure options that would allow its users to individually process
thousands of dollars, and collectively process tens of millions of dollars.

Flow of funds
When considering how to give its users the power to accept payments, the
platform needs to start with one question: at any point should we take ownership
of our users funds? The answer to this question is critical. It locks the platform
into one of two potential options.
The first (choosing to take control of user funds) is called aggregation. All funds
processed on behalf of the platforms users are collected into one central
account under the responsibility of the platform.
The second option involves processing funds directly to the end user. At no
point are these funds in an account managed by the platform.
If a platform chooses to aggregate the funds of their customers, they may be
defined alternately as a payment facilitator, a payment service provider, a master
merchant, or a third party payment aggregator. These terms are pretty

Subsequently, a payment facilitator may be subject to the different regulatory,

compliance, and operational challenges that are detailed in following chapters.
If the platform decides not to take control of customer funds at any point, they
will probably require a payment facilitator to perform this task for them.

The Payments Ecosystem

The online payments ecosystem is composed of the following actors. These
terms aren't necessarily industry-standard - other services may describe things
Buyer The cardholder. This individual gives permission to their (issuing)
bank to send money to the merchant/sellers acquiring bank by
purchasing a good or service with a credit card.
Merchant/Seller The intended recipient of a cardholders money. In the
following chapters, they are also an active user of a platform, and accept
their payment from the cardholder through the platform.
Platform A web business that connects customers (buyers) and users
Payment Facilitator An entity that takes legal responsibility for funds in
the process of directing them from buyers to sellers.
Payment Gateway A secure channel that moves data between payment
facilitators and higher-level financial institutions like banks or card
networks. They provide APIs for a payment facilitator to interact with.

Acquirer A bank that underwrites the payment facilitator. The acquirer

may store funds kept within that payment facilitators accounts. It also
(similar to a payment gateway) connects the payment facilitator to higherlevel financial institutions with APIs.
Card Association A private network that facilitates transactions and
settlement between issuing and acquiring banks of the parties involved in
a transaction. There are four major card associations in the US: Visa,
MasterCard, AmEx and Discover.
Platform Payments 101 is most concerned with the difference between an
ordinary platform or marketplace and one which chooses to become a payment
facilitator (chooses to take control of customer funds). Platforms should be
armed with the information they need in order to treat this choice as an
educated decision.

Chapter 2

Regulatory Challenges
Since the signing of The Electronic Fund Transfer Act by President Jimmy Carter
in 1978, the rights, liabilities, and responsibilities of consumers who make
electronic payments and the companies that offer it as a service have been
governed by a complex web of state and federal regulations.
The extent to which any electronic payment is subject to the various statutes
regulating financial services depends on the specific nature of the transaction
and the risk (financial and otherwise) associated with it. Payment facilitators are
doubly subject to regulation, since they sit in the middle of a decoupled
transaction. They are subject to one set of regulations when charging customers
and another when disbursing funds to merchants. The legal burden is even
heavier for companies that facilitate
payments to overseas merchants or for
regulated goods or services.
Due to the nature and complexity of the
model, payment facilitators often require
specialized staff responsible for ensuring

Payment facilitators are

doubly subject to regulation,
since they sit in the middle of
a decoupled transaction.

regulatory compliance. Outlining the

entire regulatory environment and
determining which statutes apply to which online platforms is a herculean task; it
is certainly outside the scope of this white paper. However, this section covers
some of the more potent regulatory issues facing payment facilitators today.

Anti-Money Laundering and Know Your

The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) of 1970 requires all financial institutions to detect
and prevent money laundering. Regulated companies must develop a BSA AntiMoney Laundering (AML) compliance program approved by each companys
board of directors.
The BSA has been amended several times over the past four decades, most
notably in 2001 with the signing of the USA PATRIOT Act by President Bush. The
PATRIOT Act was intended to help government agencies intercept and obstruct
terrorism, but it has far-reaching implications for financial institutions and other
regulated businesses. To detect and prevent terrorist financing, companies must
now verify the identities of individuals using their services to conduct financial
transactions. Upon request, these companies must provide information related
to potential terrorist activity to the U.S. government.
The PATRIOT ACT also requires businesses to develop Customer Identification
Programs (CIP) appropriate to the size and type of their business. A companys
CIP outlines its process for obtaining, retaining, and reporting information about
its customers. These requirements are often referred to as Know Your Customer
(KYC) requirements. KYC processes are employed by companies of all sizes to
ensure compliance with the BSA and to prevent identity theft, financial fraud,
money laundering, and terrorist financing.

Office of Foreign Assets Control

The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is an agency of the US Department

of the Treasury under the auspices of the Under Secretary of the Treasury for
Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.
Federal regulations require all companies to comply with OFAC rules, which
apply to all financial transactions between any two counterparties.
OFAC provides an updated list of all individuals and businesses (Specially
Designed Nationals), with whom U.S. persons and businesses may not do
business. To remain compliant, payment facilitators must develop and enforce
procedures that ensure their services are not being used by persons on the
OFAC list or to support sanctioned activities.

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network

All money services businesses (MSBs) are required to register with the US
Department of Treasury through the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
(FinCEN). FinCEN is a bureau of the US Department of the Treasury that
collects, analyzes, and coordinates the sharing of information about financial
transactions in order to combat financial crimes. Failure to register with FinCen
can result in criminal and/or civil penalties.
Once registered with FinCEN, companies are unequivocally subject to the BSA,
which - in addition to other obligations - requires companies to file Suspicious
Activity Reports (SARs) for activities that might signify money laundering, tax
evasion, or other financial crimes.
Companies may also be required to register as Money Services Businesses
(MSBs) with the individual states in which they operate. State regulators have

been known to monitor the public FinCEN list for newly-registered companies
that have failed to register at the state-level.

Money Transmission
MSBs include companies that provide money transmission services, or the
acceptance of currency, funds, or other value that substitutes for currency from
one person and the transmission of currency, funds, or other value that
substitutes for currency to another location or person by any means.
Virtually all states regulate money transmission through an agency or
department located in the consumer affairs or in the financial institutions bureau
of the states executive branch. In most
states, unlicensed money transmission

It is not uncommon for a

business to take 6 months
and spend over $500,000 to
obtain state licenses.

can lead to civil and/or criminal

sanctions. Individuals that help to
operate an unlicensed money
transmitting business may be fined and/
or imprisoned.
While the purpose and content of the
state laws may be quite similar, each

state has its own unique application and compliance requirements. These
requirements can be very expensive in terms of fees, legal costs, and time.
States often require lengthy and intrusive background checks and disclosure
from senior executives, directors, and investors in order to obtain a Money
Transmission License (MTL). It is not uncommon for a business to take 6 months
and spend over $500,000 to obtain state licenses. Creating nationwide
coverage of MTL licenses can easily take years. In addition, companies are

subject to bonding and net worth requirements which require large deposits of
cash or other assets. This can be a prohibitive roadblock for smaller, early-stage
Furthermore, obtaining full licensure involves continuing compliance-related
responsibilities and costs, including annual state MTL fees and assessments.
There are ongoing reporting, examination (with concomitant annual
assessments), bonding, minimum capital, qualified investment, and other
compliance requirements from multiple (and in some cases inconsistent)
Money transmitters must typically create and maintain compliance-related

Determining whether a business is a money transmitter is

a matter of locality and circumstances.
support and monitoring functions within the organization to fulfill each states
individual compliance-related requirements. This involves hiring compliance
staff and building IT-related infrastructure capable of supporting each states
specific compliance requirements.
Determining whether a business is a money transmitter is a matter of locality and
circumstances. Not all platforms that facilitate payments are money transmitters,
so platforms are highly motivated to design their payment infrastructure in such
a way as to minimize the likelihood of being classified as a money transmitter by
state or federal regulators.

Tax Reporting

In 2011, the IRS introduced the Form 1099-K to reduce the discrepancy
between the amount of income that people voluntarily report to the IRS and the
total amount of income that they should report. The Form 1099-K only reports
the movement of funds; individual merchants must decide whether these funds
represent taxable income.
The tax code requires payment facilitators to issue a Form 1099-K to every
merchant that processes over $20,000 and 200 payments in a calendar year
and to file a corresponding form with the IRS. If the company is required to file
over 250 forms in a given year, they must file electronically. The Form 1099-K
requires the merchants Tax ID, legal name, address, and total transactions for
the calendar year. If the company files inaccurate, incomplete, or tardy returns, it
may be fined hundreds of dollars per erroneous filing, with no maximum penalty.


Chapter 3

Card Network
The Card Associations (e.g. Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover)
publish and regularly update their operating regulations and card-acceptance
policies and procedures. American Express, for example, updates its twohundred page Merchant Regulations at least twice a year. All merchants are
required to follow these rules in order to accept card payments.
Not only must payment facilitators adhere to the operating regulations, they must
force their users to adhere as well. This section outlines a few of the most salient
issues that payment facilitators face.

Payment Aggregation
Some platforms, particularly online marketplaces, charge customers on behalf
of individual merchants. Amazon, for example, only charges a customer once
upon checkout, even though funds are often routed to a diverse group of small
sellers. In this scenario, the platform (not the merchant providing the good or
service) is the merchant of record. These platforms are considered aggregators.
Aggregation introduces additional risk because the payment facilitator is
responsible for accepting and disbursing payments to third-parties, even though
it has little control over the quality or delivery of the good or service these thirdparties provide.


Aggregators are required to register with

the Card Associations, who generally
discourage aggregation given the
inherent risk of the model. Failure to
register is tantamount to factoring (the
expressly prohibited practice of
processing payments for a purpose

Platforms caught factoring

face serious penalties,
including the termination of
their merchant account, and/
or hefty fines.

other than that for which the business

was approved). Platforms caught
factoring face serious penalties, including the termination of their merchant
account, and/or hefty fines.
Registering as an aggregator requires sponsorship from an acquirer. Acquirers
are the banks or financial institutions that accept card payments on behalf of
merchants. Not surprisingly, most acquirers are unwilling to underwrite
aggregators, given the additional regulatory and financial risk associated with
them. Acquirers willing to underwrite these businesses establish approval
processes significantly more rigorous than those for less risky business models.
Once approved, aggregators face additional regulations and requirements from
the Card Associations. These rules dictate:

The types of merchants for whom they may process payments.

The agreement they must execute with each merchant.

The information they must collect and the checks they must perform for
each merchant.

The merchant information and processing data they must report to the
Card Associations.


The policies and procedures they must develop and submit to the Card
Associations for approval.

The information they must disclose to cardholders and merchants.

The customer service they (or their sub-merchants) must provide.

The operating regulations they must enforce.

These additional rules protect the Card Associations from irresponsible

aggregators damaging the card network brands.

Payment Card Industry Data Security

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of
requirements designed to ensure that all companies that process, store, or
transmit credit card information adequately protect cardholder data. The PCI
DSS is administered and managed by the Payment Card Industry Security
Standards Council (PCI SSC), a non-governmental regulatory body established
by the Card Associations.
While all merchants must be PCI DSS compliant, payment facilitators undergo
additional scrutiny. Any platform that stores, processes, or transmits cardholder
data for any third party must register with the Card Associations as a Level 1 PCI
DSS-Compliant Service Provider, which requires an annual independent security
audit and regular network vulnerability scans by an Approved Scanning Vendor
(ASV), amongst other equally stringent requirements.


Payment facilitators must also ensure

It is not uncommon for a

business to take 6 months
and spend over $500,000 to
obtain state licenses.

the compliance of individual merchants

operating on their platforms. These
merchants are not exempt from PCI
compliance, even if their payments are
administered by a payment facilitator;
though it may reduce the risk of
exposure and thus the effort required to
validate compliance.

Failure to comply with the PCI DSS may result in fines, higher transaction fees,
and/or termination of the relationship between the Card Associations and
delinquent payment facilitator or merchant. Furthermore, platforms that suspect
or confirm the unauthorized access, use, theft, or misappropriation of cardholder
information incur additional obligations, including the responsibility to notify the
relevant authorities and conduct a thorough forensic investigation, potentially by
a reputable third-party forensic investigator. The vast majority of individual states
have also passed laws that require companies to report data breaches to the
affected parties.

Convenience fees
The Card Associations have developed strict rules for how and when merchants
can charge transaction fees, which are often an important source of revenue for
platforms that facilitate payments between merchants and their customers.
The Card Associations prohibit merchants from prioritizing one payment method
over another or applying surcharges that dissuade cardholders from using a
payment card. They do, however, permit merchants and payment facilitators to


charge convenience fees for the privilege of paying for a product or service
using an alternative payment channel.
Unfortunately, the policies that determine what constitutes a compliant
convenience fee vary by Card Association (and also by applicable state laws).
According to Visa, certain criteria must be met in order for a merchant to charge
a convenience fee. For example, the fee must be disclosed prior to payment,
presented as a flat fee (i.e. not a percentage of the sale), and applied to all
means of payment accepted in that channel.

Brand Rules
The Card Associations establish rules, which payment facilitators must enforce,
that restrict merchants from engaging in activities that harm or degrade the card
network brands.
Determining whether a merchant has followed the official guidelines for
displaying an Association logo is fairly straightforward, but ensuring that
merchants do not engage in illegal activity, fraudulent, deceptive, or unfair
business practices, or the sale of goods or services prohibited by the
Associations (e.g. adult digital content, loans, or gambling services) can be
quite difficult.
Payment facilitators must also ensure that individual merchants establish
policies (returns, refunds, customer service, disclosures, etc.) in accordance
with the operating regulations and that they convey these policies to


Chapter 4

Fraud and Loss

Most fraud prevention features are designed for card-present environments.
Visa, for example, has deployed a number of anti-fraud measures designed to
make card reproduction extremely difficult, including holograms and embossed
security characters on the face of the card. Moreover, the signature and
magnetic strip on the back of the card are designed to ensure that the person
using the card is the actual cardholder. Merchants are not liable for fraud when
card-present transactions are properly authenticated.
Online platforms, however, typically facilitate card-not-present transactions (card
payments made without physically swiping a card). On a website, buyers enter
credit card data into a form they do not hand their card to a cashier.
Unfortunately, card-not-present transactions are highly susceptible to fraud and
abuse, for which merchants and payment facilitators are held liable.

When a cardholder disputes a charge with their bank (the issuing bank), the
bank reverses the payment and refunds the cardholder. This is called a
Cardholders are protected from the financial liability of unauthorized credit card
transactions by Regulation Z of the Truth in Lending Act and unauthorized debit
card transactions by Regulation E of the Electronic Fund Transfer Act. Card
Associations have even broader rules with further added protections. When


fraudulent transactions do occur, a well-defined chain of liability determines who

is ultimately responsible for making restitution to the cardholder.

Payment facilitators must recover chargebacks from

merchants who generate them, or else write off the full
amount of the chargeback as a loss.
For chargebacks resulting from card-not-present transactions, the issuing bank
recovers the funds from the merchants bank (the acquiring bank), and the
acquiring bank recovers the funds from the merchant.
Since most chargebacks are received weeks or months after the original
payment, it is sometimes difficult to recover the funds from the merchant. This is
why acquirers are so conservative in their underwriting: an acquirer will typically
research the financial stability, creditworthiness, and underlying riskiness of a
business; it will implement special funding policies (such as reserves or
holdbacks) to mitigate loss; and it will require personal guarantees from
business owners, whom it will hold personally liable for the businesss financial
Depending on the specific contract it

Revenue accrues as tiny

percentages of transactions,
while losses occur as whole

has signed with its acquiring bank, a

payment facilitator (not its submerchants) may be held responsible for
chargebacks. The payment facilitator,
therefore, assumes responsibility for
recovering funds from the endmerchants and liability for funds that
cannot be recovered.


In other words, payment facilitators must recover chargebacks from merchants

who generate them, or else write off the full amount of the chargeback as a loss.
This is perhaps the most important fact of life for a payment facilitator: revenue
accrues as tiny percentages of transactions, while losses occur as whole
The distaste for aggregation amongst acquirers is not surprising given that the
risk assumed by payment facilitators is equal to the aggregate risk of its entire
network of sub-merchants. The acquirer must trust the facilitators policies,
processes, and procedures for determining and mitigating loss since it has no
insight into the risk profiles of individual sub-merchants.
Payment facilitators also interact with both merchants and their customers, so
they must understand the risk associated with both. The four categories of risk

Merchant Identity Fraud

In this scenario, a fraudster establishes a merchant account on behalf of a
seemingly legitimate business, charges a number of stolen credit cards, and
disappears with the proceeds before the cardholders discover and reverse the
unauthorized transactions. When the payment facilitator attempts to recover the
funds, the fraudster is long gone, and the payment facilitator is liable for both
the loss and any additional fees or assessments associated with the
This happens more often than you may think. Just recently, the Federal Trade
Commission uncovered a four year operation in which fraudsters established
more than one-hundred merchant accounts (using the Employer Identification


Numbers of real businesses) to bilk cardholders and acquirers of more than $10
Everyday, fraudsters are getting better at obtaining the information necessary to
assume false identities (e.g. birth certificates, government-issued IDs, credit
reports). It is impossible to definitively verify the identity of an online merchant,
since any information that legitimate users present to prove their identities can
be obtained by an imposter. The true identity of an online merchant simply
cannot be ascertained with total certainty.
In some cases, fraudsters use money
mules to obfuscate their illicit activities.
A typical scam involves the fraudster
charging stolen credit cards and settling
the proceeds to a mule. The mule keeps
a percentage of the money and transfers
the remainder to the scam operator,
typically located in another country.
Mules are often unaware that these
funds are the product of illicit activity.
They are usually hapless victims duped

It is impossible to definitively
verify the identity of an online
merchant, since any
information that legitimate
users present to prove their
identities can be obtained by
an imposter.

by get-rich-quick schemes or promises

of legitimate employment. Unfortunately,
they are complicit in the scheme, and they risk both criminal and financial
penalties. When cardholders dispute the unauthorized transactions, the
payment facilitator attempts to recover the funds from the mules bank account.
In most cases, however, the mule has already transferred the funds to the scam


Merchant Credit Risk

In this scenario, a legitimate merchant defaults on its obligation to fund
chargebacks. Although payment facilitators do not issue loans, they do take
credit risk by settling funds within the chargeback window. The chargeback
window varies by card type, but it is usually at least 90 days, and payment
facilitators are ultimately liable for all payments settled to merchants within that
Merchant credit risk is greatest among younger, less-established, or riskier
businesses. Not surprisingly, these businesses often use payment facilitators
explicitly because traditional acquirers are unwilling to take their business.
Unfortunately, the hesitation to underwrite these businesses is not entirely
unjustified, given the higher likelihood of excessive chargebacks and
A website that connects homeowners with local service providers, for example,
has no control over the quality or delivery of the services provided. The platform
simply cannot guarantee that the service will be delivered on time and as
advertised. If, for whatever reason, the service is unacceptable and the
homeowner decides to charge back the payment, the facilitator must recover
the payment from the merchant or eat the cost itself.
Traditional acquirers mitigate this risk by analyzing a merchants processing
and/or credit history, but that involves a longer underwriting process and
assumes that merchants have a pre-existing processing history or credit score.
Crowdfunding platforms that allow entrepreneurs to take pre-orders are
particularly susceptible to credit risk. If the entrepreneur fails to deliver the
product on time or as advertised (e.g. manufacturing is more expensive or time

consuming than anticipated, etc.), customers will likely charge back their
The payment facilitator is liable for these chargebacks if they cannot recover the
funds from the entrepreneur. Even though the payment facilitator is not issuing
entrepreneurs a loan, per se, it is incurring risk based on the creditworthiness of
that entrepreneur or his business (presumably not that great, given the fact that
most companies raising money on crowdfunding platforms are startups).

Crowdfunding platforms that

allow entrepreneurs to take
pre-orders are particularly
susceptible to credit risk.

In July 2012, Pebble Technology raised

$10.27 on Kickstarter to develop and
manufacturing its signature smartwatch.
Fortunately, Pebble successfully
manufactured the product and fulfilled
the orders, but had they not, Pebble
would have received a flood of

chargebacks from customers that never received their orders. And if Pebble
could not make good on these chargebacks, the payment processor (Amazon in
this case), would have been liable for over $10 million.
Processors generally frown on young companies that accept pre-orders or
deposits long before they fulfill orders because the greater the amount of time
between payment and fulfillment, the greater the risk that merchants fail to
deliver and the larger the financial liability. It is therefore not surprising that some
payment processors are simply unwilling to support the use-case.

Buyer Identity Fraud


In this scenario, a fraudulent customer uses a stolen credit card (or a card
established with a stolen identity) to purchase a product from a legitimate
merchant. By the time the real cardholder discovers the fraudulent charges, the
fraudster already has possession of the goods.
While cardholders may not be liable for
unauthorized transactions, merchants
have no such protection. When the real
cardholder inevitably reverses the
payment, the merchant is out the cost of
fulfilling the order, the revenue of the sale,

While cardholders may not

be liable for unauthorized
transaction, merchants have
no such protection.

and the fees associated with receiving

the chargeback.
Payment facilitators must address merchant credit risk in this scenario, since
legitimate merchants may be unwilling or unable to refund payments for
valuable goods or services that have already been delivered.
Furthermore, merchants selling goods or services through online platforms
typically expect the platforms to protect them from fraudulent buyers - especially
platforms that play an active role in connecting buyers and sellers. Take an
auction site for example: a legitimate merchant lists a valuable collectible on the
site, promptly ships the item to the highest bidder, and never receives payment
because the buyer was a fraud.
Although platforms can hold merchants responsible for chargebacks resulting
from buyer fraud, it may not be worth it. Most online marketplaces are highly
motivated to protect the quality of their networks: the moment merchants doubt
the integrity of a marketplace, they will look for a safer venue in which to
conduct business.


These buyer-fraudsters can be very savvy in the techniques they use to prey on
merchants. Imagine a scenario where a legitimate seller is trying to rent out his
apartment on Craigslist. Out of the blue, somebody calls him and says that
they'll send him the rental money via a payment facilitator like WePay. The seller
sets up a WePay account, and receives "the buyer's" credit card number for one
month's rent. The renter then "accidentally" overpays the seller or decides that
they don't want to live in the apartment anymore. They ask the seller to refund
them by sending a check or wiring the money (or by any other means other than
refunding the credit card). The seller sends them the refund, and a few weeks
later the real cardholder disputes his fraudulent charge. WePay is forced to
target the innocent apartment owner (who unknowingly charged the stolen

Friendly Fraud
Friendly fraud is similar to buyer identity fraud save for a few important
differences. In both cases, the merchant is the victim of a fraudulent buyer, but
with friendly fraud, the buyer is actually the cardholder. The cardholder duly
authorizes the payment, but reverses it once they have received the product or
service. The cardholder gets the goods for free, and the merchant gets stuck
holding the bag.
Friendly fraud is nearly impossible to detect because the payments themselves
are actually legitimate. Worse still, merchants accepting card-not-present
payments really have no way to prove that cardholders authorized the
payments, since they never swipe a physical card or receive a signature from
the cardholders.


The protections afforded to cardholders may play a role in promoting friendly

fraud. Since there is such a low barrier to disputing unauthorized card-notpresent transactions, cardholders can sometimes simply charge back a
purchase to avoid paying for it.
Like buyer identity fraud, the cost of friendly fraud is even greater than the
purchase price, since merchants also invest time and effort into finding the
customer, fulfilling the order, and fighting the chargeback. In fact, LexisNexis
reports that on average chargebacks cost merchants 2.33 times the amount of
the original purchase. The additional cost includes interest/fees paid to financial
institutions and replacing/redistributing merchandise.


Chapter 5

Chargeback Risk
For a payment facilitator, preventing losses is equivalent to preventing
chargebacks. This may seem like a relatively simple goal: reduce chargebacks
to an absolute minimum. Unfortunately, the means to achieving this goal is
incredibly complex.
As discussed in Chapter 4, many scenarios can result in chargebacks. The
process of preventing chargebacks is not as simple as detecting the use of
stolen credit card numbers. Each type of fraudulent or risky behavior
necessitates its own set of protections. This means that for a payment facilitator,
loss prevention is an inherently complex process.

Detecting Merchant ID Fraud

In order to prevent fraudsters from impersonating actual merchants, a payment
facilitator has to have a good system for verifying a users identity. To verify
identity in real-time (an important feature for most major platforms), a facilitator
must collect and analyze massive amounts of data. This often involves the use
of third-party technologies to validate a users provided credentials. With so
much overlapping data, identity verification is rarely a Boolean operation.
Payment facilitators are more often faced with users that fall somewhere along a
spectrum between verified and unverified.


Identity verification is rarely a Boolean operation. Payment

facilitators are more often faced with users that fall somewhere
along a spectrum between verified and unverified.

Once identity has been assigned a given probability, payment facilitators may
still face problems with false positives (a valid merchant marked as fraudulent)
and false negatives (a truly fraudulent merchant that is allowed to process
transactions). PayPal has been widely criticized for their decisions to freeze
accounts when theyve assumed false positives.
Because of their exposure to chargebacks, if a payment facilitator makes a false
negative and allows a fraudulent merchant to process transactions, they risk
having to write off all of those transactions as losses. Even more distressingly,
fraudulent behavior is rarely limited to one merchant. Fraudulent users often test
a systems weaknesses by working together in large, anonymous fraud rings
across multiple accounts. If these fraudsters are successful, a payment
facilitator will lose large amounts of money very quickly.
Unfortunately, any safeguards put in place to slow down fraudulent or risky
activity will also get in the way of good merchants that want to receive their
money as quickly as possible. There is a natural tradeoff between providing an
enjoyable user experience and building protections against fraud. Traditional
merchant accounts involve multi-page applications, credit checks, and waiting
periods before a merchant is allowed to accept payments. Because they are
required to maintain a good user experience, payment facilitators can rarely use
those same protections.


Assessing Merchant Credit Risk

Though verifying identity is a challenge, its actually much harder to identify
merchants who, while not exactly fraudulent, pose risk to the platform by the
simple act of failing to deliver their products or services on time or as advertised
to their customers. Unless youre running credit checks, verifying a bank
account balance, reviewing prior processing history, reviewing business
policies, or auditing financials, you have very little insight into the credit risk of
the business. Platforms can combat this by limiting the amount of funds an
individual merchant can process or withdraw, but this obviously decreases the
quality of the merchants experience.
In both cases (identity fraud and merchant credit risk), payment facilitators may
require merchants to post collateral (a reserve) to ensure that they can cover
any chargebacks they receive (this reduces the exposure of the payment
The reserve requirement for a particular merchant is determined by the payment
facilitator and its assessment of the merchants risk. Facilitators can also hold a
percentage of a merchants payments or delay settlement for days, weeks, or
months to minimize credit risk. Payment facilitators should establish reserve
requirements proportional to their own risk level and develop procedures for
updating and communicating those requirements to merchants whenever
However, even the most sophisticated techniques in the world cannot abolish
risk and fraud completely. Therefore, processors have to establish policies and
procedures for recovering funds from merchants, referring them to internal or
third-party collections, or pursuing legal recourse when necessary.


Managing Disputes
Not only should payment facilitators implement sufficient safeguards to prevent
fraud and recognize suspicious activity, they must also implement processes to
manage and resolve disputes between buyers and sellers.
As the merchant of record, payment facilitators receive chargeback notifications
from acquirers and must reconcile the chargeback to its original transaction. In
addition to recovering funds from merchants, payment facilitators are also
responsible for notifying merchants and providing a means by which merchants
can defend themselves against chargebacks.

There are hundreds of

chargeback reason codes
and they differ by each card
network, so understanding
the root cause of a
chargeback may not be easy.

The documentation needed to

successfully represent a chargeback
depends on the chargeback reason
code. There are hundreds of
chargeback reason codes and they
differ by each card network, so
understanding the root cause of a
chargeback may not be easy.
Furthermore, the documentation
required to fight a chargeback is often

split between the merchant, who fulfills the order, and the payment facilitator,
who authenticates and verifies the cardholder.
Some payment facilitators have productized the dispute-resolution process to
preempt formal chargebacks. In this scenario, buyers dispute payments through
the payment facilitator before filing a complaint with their issuing bank. The
payment facilitator then attempts to resolve the dispute between the buyer and
seller directly without involving the issuing bank or the acquirer. There is

significant operational overhead associated with this method, but it can

dramatically reduce chargebacks, especially in cases of accidental friendlyfraud (i.e. the cardholder authorized the payment but does not remember or
recognize the charge when it appears on their statement).


Chapter 6

Technical Complexities
Even before a platform or a payment facilitator has to worry about fraud, they
have to figure out how to process payments from a technical perspective.
For developers, the act of processing payments has been relatively simple for
quite some time. Payment-specific APIs have existed since before the advent of
PayPal, though theyve grown in sophistication and reliability over the past 15
years. Processing thousands of payments into one single merchant account isnt
very complicated. For a payment facilitator, it is routing thousands of payments
to a variety of merchant accounts that introduces the real challenge.

Coding the Payments Stack

Ideally, a payments facilitator would only have to interact with one API: that of
their payment gateway. Gateways exist specifically to reduce the number of
technical endpoints that a processor is
required to interact with. Instead of
making API calls to every card-issuing
bank, card association and ACH network,
a payment facilitator can simply
communicate with a gateway that will take
responsibility for routing information to the
appropriate institutions.
Almost all payment gateways, however,
are optimized to process credit cards into

If a payment facilitator is
interested in processing
payments directly to their end
merchants, a payment
gateways basic offerings
may not be sufficient.

a single account. If a payment facilitator is interested in processing payments

directly to their end merchants, a payment gateways basic offerings may not be
sufficient. Here, the payment facilitator may have to make sure that these
merchants can be uniquely identified within a higher-level financial network,
which may involve registering (boarding) them with an acquiring bank. This
would probably require integration with another API.
A good integration with these two APIs (payment gateway and acquiring bank)
should allow a platform to process transactions and onboard merchants
effectively. The question still remains, though how should these transactions be
redirected to the merchants themselves? For this problem, the platform will need
to interact with a third API for merchant settlement.
When a merchant/user requests their money be withdrawn to their own bank
account, the platform will need to send instructions to the bank where that
merchants money is being held. This on-behalf-of bank is not always the same
thing as the acquiring bank. A payment facilitator may aggregate its merchants
money in an account at a separate institution this is an operational decision.
Regardless, in order to withdraw on behalf of a merchant, the platform will need
to send instructions to their aggregating bank and monitor the status of the

Accounting and Reconciliation

These overlapping API integrations present a huge back-office/accounting
challenge to the payment facilitator. The key problem is one of reconciliation: at
any given point of time, how do debits and credits balance out?


Even though a payment facilitator only has to interact with a few APIs, money is
arriving into its accounts from a variety of financial institutions. American
Express, for example, operates its own network. When a platform charges an
AmEx card, AmEx sends the money directly to that platforms account via the
AmEx network. Other card networks may settle their transactions through the
payment facilitators acquiring bank. ACH payments may arrive through yet
another channel.
Payments that arrive in a payment facilitator's account will probably belong to a
various merchants. Small pieces of the payments, however, may belong to
parties that assisted in facilitating the transaction. Card networks, acquiring

The key problem is one of reconciliation: at any given point in

time, how do debits and credits balance out?
banks and payment facilitators themselves all take a small slice of transactions.
This practice is central to their business model. Standardizing how these small
slices are taken is a huge headache for the facilitator. Should the card network
net-out their fees before the transactions arrive? Or should they charge the
facilitator on a monthly basis?
When making this decision, a payment facilitator has to consider how they will
eventually calculate their overall costs. This task is complicated by the fact that
card networks and acquiring banks extract wildly different costs per payment. If
a customer makes a purchase with a rewards credit card, for example, that perpayment cost will be much higher then if they make the same purchase with a
simple debit card. The payment facilitator must keep track of these per payment
differences in fees, and they must make sure the fees are withdrawn from the
correct segment of their funds funds that are by definition constantly being
facilitated from payers to recipients.

Chargebacks once again make life difficult. As chargebacks and refunds are
forcibly withdrawn from a payment facilitators accounts, the facilitator must
choose how to fund those charges. In the process of fighting the chargeback, at
what point should it be considered a loss and written-off? How can this loss be
tracked effectively in order to better combat it? At a certain level, these
fundamental questions become accounting problems as well.

Timing and Payment Failures

Because a payment facilitator takes responsibility for so much of the payments
stack the technology layers separating buyers and sellers errors can arise
from all kinds of interactions outside of their control. Payments can fail in dozens
if not hundreds of different ways, including after a system has indicated one has
Traditional gateways do little, if anything, to insulate a facilitator from this
complexity. As a result, developing against a payment gateway means that
much of a payment facilitators code exists to handle different error scenarios,
rather than actually process payments. Building appropriate fail-safes takes
much iteration to get right, and constant monitoring to ensure nothing new has
come up.
Even the simplest credit card transaction involves three sets of API interactions:
authorization, capture, and settlement. Authorization and capture are often built
to fire simultaneously, but if a payment facilitator wants to analyze the
transaction with its own proprietary risk systems, authorization/capture can be
separated by a period of time. This means individual transactions are exposed
to failures at three separate times during their life cycle.


Since the payment facilitator and/or platform assumes responsibility for

communicating these failures to the user, it becomes a huge exercise in user
experience design to do so effectively.
This challenge is compounded by

Transactions are exposed to

failures at three separate
times during their life cycle.

additional questions how much of the

failure does the customer need to
understand, and how much information
would assist a malicious user? After all,
fraudsters stand to gain from any piece

of information that helps them design more effective attacks.

Ordinary Worries, Higher Stakes

Payment facilitators also have to worry about the same technological challenges
that plague most internet companies: data integrity and connectivity in
particular. When dealing with payments, however, the consequences of failures
are always financial losses. These possibilities require the most stringent
preventative measures.
Data integrity is particularly crucial to a payments facilitator because so many of
its core functionalities (payment processing, merchant onboarding, etc.) involve
reliance upon external APIs. This creates a data layering issue a facilitator
must track processes in both its proprietary data and also in data generated by
its partners.
When settling funds to merchants, for example, a facilitator must record a
withdrawal request within its own databases. Whether that request is ultimately
successful can only be determined by the facilitators partner bank, and this


request may take days to process. If it ultimately fails, this too must be recorded
and communicated.
For a single merchants withdrawal, three pieces of information might exist in the
payment facilitators database (initial withdrawal request, initial withdrawal

Reconciling proprietary data with externally generated data is

a constant headache.
authorization, eventual withdrawal failure). When looking at the partner banks
records, however, this line item may only appear once (withdrawal attempt
failed), or it may never appear at all. Reconciling proprietary data with externally
generated data is a constant headache.
As any developer knows, networked computers very frequently have
connectivity issues. Most modern browsers and applications do a good job
hiding this, but API integrations are low-level communication that don't get such
friendly abstraction layers. While no software solution can prevent these
connectivity issues, many older payment gateways only magnify problems of
idempotence (the idea that a function, or

Idempotence is a hugely
important concept in online
payment APIs because
multiple, unintentional
charges can destroy a
payment companys

API call in this case, can be fired many

times with only one eventual result).
Idempotence is a hugely important
concept in online payment APIs because
multiple, unintentional charges can
destroy a payment companys reputation.
When connectivity issues make it difficult
to see if a charge or withdrawal has gone
through, its up to the payment facilitator

to make a judgment call. These situations can be even more tricky than
communicating a high-level error message to a user, because the problem is
really the absence of information. Fail-safes and protections against these
problems are a hugely important piece of any payment facilitators payment
processing code.
Some modern payment gateways embrace new developments in hiding these
problems, and are better about, for example, not charging a card a second time
when re-submitting after a network error left the originating system unsure of
whether the payment was authorized.


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