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James C. McCarroll
Jordan W. Siev
Kurt F. Gwynne (pro hac vice pending)
599 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10022-7650
Telephone: (212) 521-5400
Facsimile: (212) 521-5450
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Proposed Counsel for the Debtor and Debtor in Possession
In re:

Chapter 11

National Bank of Anguilla (Private Banking

& Trust) Ltd.,

Case No.: 16-11806 (MG)

I, William Tacon, declare as follows:

By an Order dated February 22, 2016 (the First Administration Order), the

Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court in the High Court of Justice Anguilla Circuit (the High
Court) appointed me as the administrator (the Administrator") of National Bank of Anguilla
(Private Banking & Trust) Ltd. (the Debtor).

I have personal knowledge of the statements set forth in this Declaration or such

statements are based upon my review of the books and records of the Debtor, which books and
records were kept in the regular course of the Debtors business and relied upon by the Debtors
employees in conducting the Debtors banking business. Those books and records also included
data compiled in the ordinary course of the Debtors banking business.



I make this declaration pursuant to Rule 1007-2 of the Local Bankruptcy Rules

for the Southern District of New York.




The Debtor is a commercial bank incorporated and licensed in Anguilla.


The Debtors headquarters are located at the Conrad W Fleming Corporate

Building on St. Mary's Road in The Valley, Anguilla.


The National Bank of Anguilla Ltd. (NBA) is the sole shareholder of the

Debtor. NBA was incorporated pursuant to the laws of Anguilla as a privately-owned company.

The Debtor no longer has any employees. When input is required, it is provided

by employees of either NBA or National Commercial Bank of Anguilla Ltd. (NCBA), the
successor in interest to NBA, the parent of the Debtor.

Upon information and belief, (a) the Debtor has no secured creditors, and (b) the

Debtors only material creditors are its depositors. The Debtor has eight hundred nineteen (819)
known depositors.



Upstreaming of the Debtors Deposits


On August 12, 2013, the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (the ECCB), which

was the regulator of NBA, placed the affairs of NBA into conservatorship pursuant to the Eastern
Caribbean Central Bank Agreement Act.

As of August 12, 2013, the Debtors affairs were conducted in accordance with

instructions given by, and under the management control of, individuals appointed from time to
time by the ECCB as conservators of NBA (collectively, the Conservator Directors). The
Conservator Directors included Messrs. Martin Dinning, Hudson Carr, and Shawn Williams.



On or about August 15, 2013, the ECCB or Mr. Dinning, as Conservator Director

acting on behalf of NBA, dismissed the appointed directors of the Debtor. Thereafter, the Debtor
had no de jure directors and acted solely in accordance with the instructions of, and under the
management control of, the Conservator Directors acting from time to time.

From and after August 12, 2013, based upon my experience as a Chartered

Accountant and my review of the Debtors financial statements provided to me by the FSC and
those responsible for managing the business of the Debtor, I believe that the Debtor was
insolvent on a balance sheet test. Based upon my review of financial statements for NBA and
my understanding of its financial position, I also believe that NBA was balance sheet and cash
flow insolvent, dependent upon the Debtor for its liquidity (at least in part), and unable to settle
the large amount NBA owed to the Debtor.

The Conservator Directors (acting on behalf of the Debtor) procured or permitted

the transfer or payment to NBA of (i) all monies denominated in U.S. Dollars received by the
Debtor from depositors and (ii) the proceeds of all assets of the Debtor realized or collected, also
denominated in U.S. Dollars (together, the Funds).

The Conservator Directors paid or otherwise transferred to NBA funds equivalent

to approximately $175 million in U.S. dollars. Upon information and belief, the Funds were
deposited into an account in the United States at Bank of America and a portion of such funds
may still remain in such account.

On April 22, 2016, the ECCB appointed a receiver to NBA and, on that date (at

4:00 p.m. local time), NBA ceased banking operations in Anguilla. According to a press release
issued by the ECCB, NBAs banking operations were transferred on April 22, 2016, to a newly


established bank, NCBA, which is understood to be wholly-owned by the Government of


None of NBA, NCBA, the ECCB, and the Conservator Directors to whom I have

reached out for information and an explanation relating to the transfer of the Funds to NBA
(while it was insolvent) has been forthcoming with answers. In addition, despite repeated
requests, I have received no indication that NBA or NCBA will repay any of the Funds. My
enquiries indicate that no provision has been made for NCBA to make repayment and NBA is in
receivership and clearly recognized as being insolvent.

Based on my investigations, including discussions with representatives of NBA

and NCBA, I believe that the Debtor did not receive reasonably equivalent value in exchange for
the transfer of the Funds and the Debtor was insolvent (or was rendered insolvent) by the transfer
of the Funds to NBA. I have commenced legal proceedings in Anguilla against NCBA for the
return of this money and sought leave of the court in Anguilla to commence an identical
proceeding against NBA.1

The Anguillian Proceeding


The Debtor was regulated by the Financial Services Commission in Anguilla

(FSC). The Debtor failed to provide the FSC on or before April 30, 2015 with audited
accounts of its banking business for the financial year ended October 31, 2014, thereby violating
section 30(2) of Trust Companies and Offshore Banking Act, R.S.A. c. T60.

Therefore, upon the application of the FSC, the High Court entered the First

Administration Order, thereby placing the operations of the Debtor (and another offshore bank,
the Caribbean Commercial Investment Bank Ltd.) under administration pursuant to section

Under the terms of the Banking Act 2015, such consent is required before proceedings can commence against


31(2)(b) of the Financial Services Commission Act, R.S.A. c. F28 (the FSC Act) and
appointing me as Administrator.

As the court-appointed Administrator of the Debtor, I have complete control of

the management of the Debtor pursuant to section 31(2)(b) of the FSC Act.

The High Court specifically authorized me, as an officer of the High Court,

to act in Anguilla or any foreign jurisdiction where [I] believe[] assets and property of the
Offshore Banks may be Situate . . . [to] commence [or] continue . . . without further Order of this
Honorable Court any proceeding or action . . . in a foreign jurisdiction for the purpose of
fulfilling [my] duties and obligations under this Order.

The High Court further authorized me to seek the assistance of any Court of a

foreign jurisdiction in the carrying out of the provisions of this Order . . ., including without
limitation, an order of examination of persons believed to be knowledgeable of the affairs, assets
and property of the Offshore Banks and to assist the Administrator in the recovery of the assets
and property of the Offshore Banks.

At the close of business on April 25, 2016, I determined that the Debtors

business operations should cease immediately. Accordingly, at that time and at my direction, the
Debtor ceased accepting new deposits.

By an Order dated May 19, 2016 (the Second Administration Order), the High

Court expressly conferred upon me the powers of a liquidator under the Companies Act, as
permitted by section 31(3) of the FSC Act.

In order to preserve the Debtors assets and maximize the amounts available to

pay its creditors, I have determined to commence proceedings under the Title 11 of the United
States Code (the Bankruptcy Code).



The Debtors Chapter 15 Case


On May 26, 2016, the foreign representative filed, inter alia, a Verified Chapter

15 Petition for Recognition of a Foreign Proceeding in the United States Bankruptcy Court for
the Southern District of New York for recognition of the Anguillian proceeding as a foreign
main proceeding, thereby commencing Chapter 15 Case #16-11529(MG).

By an Order Granting Verified Petition for Recognition of Foreign Proceeding

under Chapter 15 and Motion in Support of Verified Petition and for Related Relief (the
Recognition Order), the Bankruptcy Court recognized (a) the Anguillian proceeding as a
foreign main proceeding and (b) me as the Debtors foreign representative. See Recognition
Order, Case #16-11529(MG), ECF No. 17 at 3-4, p. 3.

The Recognition Order further provides, inter alia, that the Administrator is

entitled to conduct discovery, examine witnesses, seek and take evidence, and obtain information
concerning the Debtors assets, affairs, rights, obligations, or liabilities pursuant to section
1521(a)(4) of the Bankruptcy Code.

Based on the Recognition Order, I am authorized to file a Chapter 11 petition on

behalf of the Debtor. See 11 U.S.C. 1528.




On the date hereof (the Petition Date), the Debtor filed a voluntary petition for

relief under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. The Debtor is authorized to operate its business
and manage its affairs as debtor-in-possession pursuant to sections 1107(a) and 1108 of the
Bankruptcy Code. No trustee, examiner, or committee has been appointed in this Chapter 11

Contemporaneously with the filing of the petition, the Debtor is filing the

following motions and applications:




Motion for an Order Extending Time to File Schedules of Assets and

Liabilities and Statement of Financial Affairs;


Motion for Protective Order Regarding the Confidential Information of the

Debtors Depositors Pursuant to Sections 105 and 107 of the Bankruptcy
Code and Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure 1007(j) and 9037;


Motion for an Order Establishing Procedures for Interim Compensation

and Reimbursement of Expenses of Professionals;


Motion Pursuant to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure Authorizing

Rule 2004 Examination of the National Bank of Anguilla Ltd.;


Motion Pursuant to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure Authorizing

Rule 2004 Examination of the National Commercial Bank of Anguilla


Motion Pursuant to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure Authorizing

Rule 2004 Examination of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank; and


Motion Pursuant to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure Authorizing

Rule 2004 Examination of Bank of America.



Pursuant to Local Rule 1007-2 (a)(1), a statement regarding the nature of the Debtors

businesses and the circumstances leading to the filing of their chapter 11 petitions is set forth above.


These cases were not originally commenced under chapter 7 or chapter 13 of the

Bankruptcy Code; accordingly, Local Rule 1007-2(a)(2) is inapplicable.


No committee was organized prior to the filing of these chapter 11 cases;

accordingly, Local Rule 1007-2(a)(3) is inapplicable.


Local Rule 1007-2(a)(4) provides that a declaration shall disclose list the holders of

the Debtors unsecured claims on consolidated basis, excluding the claims of insiders.


information set forth in Local Rule 1007-2(a)(4) is part of the information that the Debtor requests
authority to file under seal. Accordingly, the Debtor has not attached a schedule setting forth such


In accordance with Local Rule 1007-2(a)(5), the Debtor has no known secured




As required by Local Rule 1007-2(a)(6), based on the account of prior management,

the book value of the Debtors assets and liabilities (ignoring litigation assets or liabilities) as of the
Petition Date, are approximately as follows:
Total Assets: $35 million2
Total Liabilities: $37.0 million


Pursuant to Local Rule 1007-2(a)(7), the Debtor represents that it has no publicly-

traded stock. All of the Debtors equity is held by NBA.


In response to Local Rule 1007-2(a)(8), the Debtor discloses that the Funds are in

the possession, custody or control of NBA or NCBA. The Debtor believes that such Funds
belong to, and are held in trust for, the Debtor. The Administrator has commenced legal
proceedings in the High Court Anguilla against NCBA for the return of this money and sought
leave of the court in Anguilla to commence an identical proceeding against NBA.

In accordance with Local Rule 1007-2(a)(9), the Debtor leases the following

property: Conrad W Fleming Corporate Building on St. Mary's Road in The Valley, Anguilla.
The Debtor does not own any real property. The office of the Administrator is located at FTI

Consulting, Ritter House, P.O. Box 3486, Wickhams Cay II, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.

In accordance with Local Rule 1007-2(a)(10), the Debtor discloses the location of

the Debtors substantial assets, the location of its books and records, and the nature, location, and
value of any assets held by the Debtor outside the territorial limits of the United States, as

Location of Substantial Assets: Unearned portion of retainer (New York);

Claims against NBA, NCBA, and ECCB relating to up to $174,959,675.75

The total asset value listed above is as reported by prior management to the Administrator. $20 million was
represented to be on deposit with NBA. The Debtor and the Administrator make no representation regarding the
market value of the Debtors assets.


of funds deposited with Bank of America in an account in the name of

NBA (New York); Other assets (primarily in Anguilla);

Location of Books and Records: Most of the Debtors books and records
are maintained at the Administrators offices. Certain electronic data is
stored with a third party provider; and


Nature, Location, and Value of Any Assets Outside of U.S.: All assets
other than unearned portion retainer paid to Reed Smith, certain litigation
claims, and funds believed to be on deposit with Bank of America in an
account in the name of NBA, are located outside of the United States.


In response to Local Rule 1007-2(a)(11), to the best of my knowledge,

information, and belief, there are no actions or proceedings, pending or threatened against the
Debtor or its property where a judgment or a seizure of property is imminent.

In response to Local Rule 1007-2(a)(12), as Administrator, I am the authorized

management of the Debtor.

As indicated above, the High Court appointed me as the

Administrator on February 22, 2016. I am a Chartered Accountant and a Consultant with FTI
Consulting (BVI) Limited based in Tortola, British Virgin Islands in its Caribbean Corporate
Restructuring and Finance Department. I have over 35 years of experience in restructuring and
insolvency, including approximately 12 years in the Caribbean area. Previously, I was an
Insolvency and Restructuring Partner at Ernst & Young LLP in the United Kingdom until
September 2004, then Managing Partner of Zolfo Cooper (BVI) Limited from 2004 until 2012
and relocated back to England in July 2012. I have held appointments as liquidator of many
companies in the British Virgin Islands and throughout the Caribbean, including several other
cases in Anguilla.

I also have significant experience in cross-border insolvency matters


involving parties in the U.S., U.K., France, Switzerland, Russia, the Commonwealth of
Independent States, Hong Kong, Peoples Republic of China, and Singapore. Until recently, I
was a liquidator of two of the largest British Virgin Islands registered feeder funds into
Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC.

As the Debtor is not an operating entity, I understand that the additional

disclosures required by Local Rule 1007-2(b) do not apply.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on: June 22, 2016
_/s/ William Tacon_____________________
William Tacon

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