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Everyone deserve to have AJE(money) but not everybody will be rich (wealthy) .

AJE to sustain one life, family

and to do regular daily routine is AJE. We can't be all millionaire
He who say AJE is not essential in his or her life better not eat, wear no clothes, pay no bills etc and see how life
will be for him or her. Even the orisa's can not sustain without AJE and that is why all the ORISA has to be
supported by AJE. If you have your pot check if you will not see AJE in them it was only ORUNMILA who knows
how to appease her most end up to marry her because ifa gave AJE her own space in his domain. AJE worth not
to be worship but appeased. Anyone who worship AJE will be desperate,workaholic and always working like an
elephant and earn like an ant because of ignorance. AJE, I will received you rather than worship you.
If it comes your way or knock at your door please welcome her and learn how to appease her because once
opportunity lost may never the regain ever.
AJE n o Ke okiki re
AJE ni seru domo
AJE ni so mudia di doko doko
AJE ni so giripa di alaru Kiri aye
AJE n o ke okiki re
AJE I will pronounce your name
You are the one transform a servant to become master
You are also the one that made some woman to do prostitution to sustain
You are the reason why a capable man will be Hustling for daily bread
AJE, I adore you
Can you sing with me:
BI kosi AJE ORISA kogba
AJE laba bo
AJE ni sewe dagba o
Ewa wo OHUN owo se
Owo lafi nkole
Owo lafi jeun
Owo LAFI nraso
Owo Lafi nsegbe
Owo lafi ntefa
Owo lafi nrubo
Owo lafi ntomo
Owo lafi nfaya
Owo o iworo
Meaning :

If their is no AJE ORISA'S what can you buy to appease yourself talkless of your ORISA
So AJE worth to be appeased and adore
The pronouncement of your name Ajeeeeeeeeee is something
You make one name go extra miles with you at hand
You transform a young person to old person with less age
Come and see what money can do
We use money to buy clothes, buy food, pay rent, pay bills, raise children, take care of one wife, do initiation to ifa,
initiation to ORISA's and do Ebo and appeasement to ourself and to the orisa's
AJE yio file wa se ibudo o
May AJE chose our house to live

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