Flarrow Scenarios

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Slightly later than planned but here we go with the new missions from the Flash-Arrow book.

First up we look at the two missions designed to be played with the Gotham location rules
(see earlier post).

Ambush in Gotham
A patrol finds itself trapped in another gangs turf and must fight to escape with their lives.
Game Length: 6 rounds.
Special Deployment:
The two crews must be nominated Attacker (crew A) and Defender (crew B). Crew A will
always be the crew with the highest number of models. If both crews have the same number
of models, flip a coin or roll a die to decide which is which. The Attacker splits his crew into
two equal-sized groups, and deploys one in each of his deployment zones. The Defender then
places all of his models in the Defender Deployment Zone.
Crew B must place an objective marker in each of the enemys two deployment zones. All
other objectives are placed as normal.
Bonus VPs:
Bring me his head: 3 VPs to any player if their opponents Boss is KO or Casualty when the
game ends.
Hurry Up! Get over there!: If the Defender (Crew B) has their Boss in the runaway Zone
and not KO when the game ends, they gain 4 extra VPs. If not, the Attacker (Crew A) gains 3

Fight for Gotham

The criminals of Gotham are renowned for their savagery, and will fight anyone, at any time, if
it means they can further their goals.
Game Length: 6 rounds.
Objective markers are placed as normal.
Bonus VPs:
For every two enemy henchmen that you have made casualties, you gain 1 additional VP at
the end of the game.
For each enemy Free Agent or Sidekick you have made a casualty, you gain 1 additional VP at
the end of the game.
For each enemy Leader or Boss you have made a casualty, you gain 2 additional VPs at the
end of the game.

Star (or Starling) City missions.

Failed Exchange
Two crews meet to exchange a valuable package, but trigger fingers soon get twitchy, and
something goes wrong...

Game Length: 6 rounds.

All objectives must be placed in the opponents deployment zone, no closer than 10cm to a
board edge. This rule supercedes the usual rules for objective placement.
Bonus VPs:
Take it Quickly: The first player to control two of their own objectives wins 4 extra VPs. If
both players meet this criteria in the same round, they both gain 2 extra VPs.
Youll Pay for This: If, at the end of the game, your opponent has less than half their
starting number of models still in play, you gain 2 extra VPs.

Hard Fight
The crews have laid claim to valuable resources, carving out their own territory in the crimeridden streets of Star City. And neither will be moved without a fight...
Game Length: 6 rounds
Each player must place all of his objectives in their own objective zone (see map). This rule
supercedes the usual rules for objective placement.
Bonus VPs:

Were the Best: the first player to control one of their own objectives gains 2 extra VPs. If
both players achieve this goal in the same round, no extra VPs are gained.
Alpha Crew: At the end of the game, the player with the highest Reputation points worth of
model in their own Objective Zone gains 2 extra VPs.

Lian Yu missions.

A covert team infiltrates the island, determined to plant a vital GPS transponder in their
opponents base of operations.
Game Length: 6 rounds.
Objective markers are placed as normal.
Bonus VPs:
Each player places 2 GPS markers in the GPS zone (these markers should be about the size of
a standard 30mm base). A GPS marker can be picked up with a Manipulate action, and moved
by spending 1MC (like Loot). It can be dropped at any time as a free action, but must be able
to fit in the new location within 5cm. A character cannot pick up or move more than one GPS
marker at the same time.
If a model becomes KO or a Casualty, it automatically drops any GPS marker carried. The GPS
marker can also be stolen as the target of a Thief special attack instead of a weapon.

At the end of the game, each player is awarded 4 VPs for each GPS marker in their
opponents deployment zone.

Jungle Fight
Two rival factions fight over a bitterly contested part of the island. Control over this vital
strongpoint will mean control over supplies and resources for the foreseeable future.
Game Length: 6 rounds.
All objectives must be placed in the central zone. Movement within this central zone is
Bonus VPs:
The more the better!: 4 VPs are awarded to the first player to control two objectives at the
same time. If both players achieve this goal in the same round , then no VPs are awarded.
Behind enemy lines: At the end of the game, any player that has at least one character in
the opponents deployment zone gains 2 extra VPs.

Central City missions.

A faction has been disturbed in the middle of a heist or turf war, and must now fight its way
across the city to safety.
Game Length: 6 rounds.
Objective markers are placed as normal.
Bonus VPs:
This city will be mine: 2 extra VPs are awarded for making the opponents Boss a casualty.
In the end, I always win: The player who controls the most objectives at the end of the final
round gains 2 extra VPs.

Defend the Goods

A crew has been caught out while awaiting a valuable resupply of goods, and must fight to
protect its stash.
Game Length: 6 rounds.
Objective markers are placed as normal.
Special Deployment:
The two crews must be nominated Attacker (Crew A) and Defender (Crew B). Crew A will
always be the crew with the highest number of models. If both crews have the same number
of models, flip a coin or roll a dice to decide which is which. The Attacker splits his crew into
two equal-sized groups, and deploys one in each of his deployment zones. The Defender then
places all of their models in the central zone.
Bonus VPs:
You cant have that!: The first player to control an objective in a round in which the
opponent doesnt control any objectives gains 1 extra VP.
Its mine, all mine!: At the end of the game, if your opponent doesnt control any objectives
you gain 2 extra VPs.

And finally Gorilla City missions.

Fight for Technology.

Outsiders descend upon the fabled Gorilla City to rob it of its advanced technology. However,
they find the inhabitants of this mysterious land reluctant to give up their secrets.
Game Length: 6 rounds.
Objectives markers are placed as normal. In addition, each player takes it in turn to place 2
High Tech markers (approx 30mm round) in the High Tech Zone. These cannot be placed
within 10cm of each other, or of any objective.
High Tech markers are considered Small Obstacles and Objectives. They cannot be affected by
strategies or other character special rules.
Bonus VPs:
A model gains 2 bonus VPs when it controls a High Tech marker.

The Monkey Lab

The crews break into the legendary laboratories of Gorilla City in search of high tech loot.
They must use all their stealth and cunning to evade the advanced security of the labs.
Game length: 6 rounds.
All objectives must be placed in the Special Objective Zone.
Bonus VPs:
Hurry Up, take it all: 3 VPs to the first player to control one of their own objectives. If both
players control one of their own objectives in the same round, then each player receives 1 VP
Noise!: 1 VP to the first player to strike an enemy model.

There has been some discussion on the diagrams for some of these missions (especially the
deployment zone sizes of the Infiltration mission) but no official answer as yet. In the
meantime I would suggest that if you are going to play one of these missions that you and
your opponent agree to it before hand and set up the terrain accordingly so that it doesnt
reduce the already small zones to an unplayable level.
At present these missions are location specific and tied with their associated special rules,
however I dont see any reason you could combine the location rules with the different
missions (or the original ones from the main rulebook) if agreed with your opponent before
hand for example, Fight for Technology could be in Central City as a raid on Star Labs, or in
Star City raiding Palmer Tech of Kord Industries.

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