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~. What Is a Symborn? .. "" " ...••• ,............ :5.

2. 'Yin/Yang SymboL .•...... " "'" ",.,, 10

3. The Circle , " 27

4. The 1'rlangle "" " "." ..3.1

5. Tbe Hexagram "." ,,,,, ,,.,," .......•........... 38

,6. The Pentagram "" " " """ .........•.... 42

7. he Dream Net. " , " " 57

8 .. Elemental is,, .• ,, •••• , •••••• "" ,." ••••••• " •••••••••••••••••••••••• 62-

'9 .. , Tarot and Pl.!!'ying Cards , 79

'] O.lln] Symbols ,., ,,, ,., ..........•...... , ,, ,"" ",87

]]. Aniraals, Birds, and Insects , " I 11

[2. Winged. Symbo .. s " 1,46

I 3., Organizatio:rnl1 Logo'S " , 1. 12

14. Hand Signals, " "" " " " " """ 22-4

15. A Medley of SymbQ]~ " ...........•..... ' " " 24, l

16. Zodiac Sigl1~ """ " ".27'5

] 7. Talismans ....•...... , "" "" " ".~284

lS. ffieVlre,li:y •.... , "",, ..•..••.••••••••..••••........ " .••... 293

19. Masoeicand Eastern Star Symbo1s.. .3 I l

20. The All-Seeull& Eye " , 35,6

2]. Symbols in lBricf , .. , " "" .380

Appendix ........•..•. , ..• , ..• , ,," "." 40J

Endnctes " ,., " 41.0<lphy ' ' " "." " •.•.•.. ; 477

Index .. " ,"" ' •... , " ."" "' , •.•.... 50:8

8at:aJ).1.stsaflid w~tcbeg love the pe'rtwgra_m) and we are lO.~ld~blilf the-pentagram ~sojle of the main symbols of witchcraft. and occultisrn, It' .h~lS always been used in r]tI,laim.agic and lsused for divmatiou, the cO'lljm·.~o~l of sp~riti'il and to StIJrl1UOn demnaiac help, Ln. the D.klionary oj Myslicisrn:, welearn that the pentagr,an~;

"is considered by ac~!;d!tists to. be the mog~ potent means of conjll!:ring spirits. Vilhen. a singlepoi:nt of the star points upward, it is: regarded as dIe srgn of tile good and a meaOSI::O conjure beoevolemspirus; when the SING.LE POINT f"01N'fS DOWN an.d. a pair ofl~O]nts are on top, His a SlGN OF THE EVlL (SATAN) andis uszn 1'0 'CON~ JUR.E POW.ERS OFEV[L.~')

"The PENTAGRAM is a. very importent symbo~ USED IN CALLING DEMONS andas an aid in fhe castin-gof spells. \Vheu


Book e:fftf,Cted A, wlr~ 's Bible. CQml2.!eat


pointedskyw"iI"d~[he star synll:boli:res the' power of witchcraft, Most W~ooans---(witch.e$lwarLocks) beHeve that tbeirpower cornea from such. elements as the: ~rthj sky and wind ."2

In fact, the PenlE3gram is called=The Great R~te') in wi.uehCl'aJ'ft.

Wl~ches Janet and S®ewafit Farrar repnrt;

"The eeuple en.adin.gthe ()re~l r{jLe~l'e offering themselves, with reveren.ce and j,oy, as expressians of Tihe God. and Oo"ddess aspects of the' mtlmSite Sonree .... They are .makinglben'u~e1:v'es l"olhe be::;;,t .Qftlleirr ablHty.d'la.:nne1s for that divine polarity on a.n ]eve:].~~ from physical to spiritus], That is wby it is celledthe Grear .lUte".,. "Ritual sexual irrtercourse,' says Doreen VaHe,]l~e. • isa very old idea mdeed-probabry as old e •• XheGrea.tRjte invocatiotTh spe-c:];aUy declares that tbehod:y of the woman. taking part 1S an altar, willi her womb and ge:llfe:rative orgens as i,ts :saCIiOO focus, andreveresit as sueh, ... The High Priestess, then la vsherself down towardsthe altar. and her arms and

• - - •• J~ - • ..... _.- • •• - -- - _. - - •

legsoutstretcb.ed to form tbe' PE'NTi\.G.RAM.~'3

Laurie Cabot, a WITCII,. explains: '''Ttreally isu'tthat dif:l:lcult to distingaish the Craft feom Satanism.Wstches wear- the pentacle withthe point up, SA1'ANlS1'S REVERSE IT WITH THE FOINTDO\V'N.: ... ~)~

Wltrhes~' pen:tagram

It sbould be obvious by :nCiW that the eecultists, N ew Age:!'.s~ 111I3!b!!]cians" Sata.nists~ and w~.tthe:s aU claim. the pentagram 8.S one of THEIR symhols and hold it mhigilil regard. • 'Sy.m bols, n we .are rold,~ "are representative of cwnership,"? lnfact,. Fred. and JIU Buck:.


frOH!l the Magi Craftsmen, announce: "The Pentagram is OIThe~ of the: most powerful symbols for the NEW AGE.n6. A.w~tclIjCla:ft magazim.l was evenentitled Pentagram.1

As[sweU-kl1cl'~,"n~ the pentagrmn. (tlf five-.p:ointed s:l:;''il;t) can be drawn in two waYs-----'witho.nepoilli!faclug up or with two. P0lllFS facing up (Known as l~le mvertedcr Satanic pentagram). g!iWhen pointing dmm, as ml th, nOIJi( of tile Satarri:c Bible~t:he star S 19;1.dfies the Church of s.atan~ symboHc Qfpower oom HeB. j'lQ OClQultist and 33 Q Mfjjson,.~.DJy' 'Han •. admits; ~'hl symbalism, an iuver,tedfigure mJw~y:s i'dgfll.imes a pervertedpowicr. The averoge person does not even suspect the OC~1i!IU pmperties ofe111b1emat!c [umtadcs.~~~QA;s Cain be seen, tills sta[i' is a cl'lLlCia~.mgredient in the eecnh, WicC,l,~ (witcbcl'aift)~ and S~!t8im:lsm ijmd ·the fashion in which this stair is }dghly iHlunina.ting. F ormer Wttdl~M.asOIh Momu)n.~and Sata:rust,. BHl 'Sdmoebele,n~ "emphasized tl1_amTO THE RV:lA.G 1- CIAN,lHE INVERTED P'E.N'fAGRAM. HAS ON-::-E USE ONLY, and that is to CALL UPI'·,HE .. :POW.ER. OF SATAN and bring the :K.mgdm1ll of the Devil into manifestation on earlh/~~ !

,!, .' ,'> ~q de- ~I- e C·. .f e ~ .]- A· sscei 11"- ~ f(1)l ~,""'.'

fiJ.L a<rgaJUZ!i!iI;wn Ctli~.e .. ('jL ·_Oi!J.Il1_ n_a._ ssoe laiJOn '0 . satan s

Hope (CASH) ad.vertises :(hat ,a "'FOW',ERFUL SAT:ANIC PENTA.GRAMC'AN NOW BE YOURS A,BSOLUT.ELY FREE1"n [Emphasis inthe orl ~jnal'] It goes; on. foexpJaiu:

j, rouwillftnd lifE Smank PenlogtClm ihml.uable and indi~pfnsable .u yott atle~J'1pt to dr(lW prifU the infernal pewSI' fJ/ {l'ur lord Satan! This (Jxtremely pt!J"we.fjul amulet is the :slgn o/th.r!:.mj,(;,'!Ocosm and is the:.surnm:a/iol't QJail the occult fbYCesl In ,other wordY. there is IU) amule.t or talismtm mer« P<J\!wJ:.r!til o.r even close to as pow.e.rfid as the Satanic Perttll@'am.! ~ 'l ~ [Etnphasls in the originaJ]


Across, the bettom of this ad ate the. words in Iarge le.ttieIs: ~'HAJL SATANr~'A

The pentagram also plays an. important role ill MASONRY ANn THE EASTERN STAR. Gramed many Masons and Eastern Star women are unaware of the connotation of tb~s star (especiaUy ~n thernanneria which it is drawn I, but many in the higher echelons of Masonry KNOW all.a;OOut the particular symbol.

Let's. tum to, a. few Masonic wr~ters to see WMt they tel[ us albout the meaning ef'tbe pentagram and. the position ill YIh:ich~t is drawn, We'U start with a quotation from Manly Hall, He points out that;

'~Th:e PENTAGRAM IS USED EXTENSIVELY IN BLACK MAGIC,. but when so used. its fann always differs in one of threeways; The star may be broken at one point by ]]01 pe.rmitting '[he converging 1 ines to touch; h. may be inverted b:y ba.ving one J)olint down and two up;.ar it :rnay be distorted byha.v:ingi:1u~ points o:f'llaryiing lengths. Whell used in .DLACK MAGIC, the pentagram is celled the 'sign of the cloven hoof,' or the FOOTPRINT OF mE DEVIL. The: stat with two points upward is also called the ~ Gl)ait of Mendes.' 'because the inverted star is the same shape as a gllat's.he:rui. Vlhen the uprIght star turns and the upper point faUs 'to the bottom. itsignifies thefall of the Morning Sta:f'~"n~



8. R.parchment~ illilis boukAneie'nt' Operative Masonry, states th~t:

'· .... .the ,PE".NTAGRAM, represents the Hbera:ted .spirit:. \Vhen thestar Is shown. point upwerd, it ~s oonside:red the

. -

:symbol~ of fhewhUe IIJJagk;]O'l.lll who lS able at win to leave

the body [au out oCtile body experience] by W.1y ofn~ehead~ WHEN DOWNWARD'l BLAC.K. .MA·G.IC. ~,~

One Mason ~c parnphJet.~o be read in tbe I .. oO'ges i ~ the Short Talk Ih4l(e#n. (Jlep'l·ill~ed. m 1982) entiUed "Sy,lribo.~i::iln. H It stases: 'The five-pointedstar-> point lIlP----'lS a very snciem symbol of man, and was' used by tbe oJd sageste designate tbe absolute sign of bum an. inteJi.'l"gence .. It refers to the spidtua,~ de:IJilCtiht pl'0doJ:lllnant inman, while the same figt1re ViIDili TWO :POINTS UP RHF.ERS TO TK! GOAT OF" MENDES-or that th~ beast is in the ascendant, ~'l;r

Henry L. Stillson and W] Hi am J" Hnghan, in Historyof F1'eemQlS()fI'1'Y and C oncordortt Order»; describe the pel1,tagram ,I ike thisc" .... when turned with one 'Pijin;t~OV\l"Il[t l'epresel'l.ts EVIL, all

. , ,

that is ,opposed to' the gomi,; pur:t, and. virtuo'WJ~; in 'fine, itrepreeenrs

the GOAT OF MENUBS."]~ [Eru~basis in the: ori,ginal]

'rM~ ~~r :represtm'S, CoD., <an ·tihtl[ i~ p~f~~ f)~'rtuoru, :and. gl).M, when Ire~l!e. ,~~l\It~ w~tbOJIf 'pl;lill1r Ilpward; b~J:t when 'l\1,mecl wkh ooe poi:nt dQWll it [lepre~nt~ Evn." ail ~rha:l LS QppQsed '[,0 the ,tumi,. jmn~ mlldvil'/!uJ!us,j it'! fin.f:: .• it repf~5ie'llt~ th~ GDi\!f: of ME.~DE5.


The .SeekerS Handbook: states the fbUowing about the invede,cm IJeutag!l"OOlll :

~iI:nveH.'[ec:i~ it presents the abstract figure of a g031t'S head and is generajly taken to represent the ,ex.p].o.itation and glQr]n.cath:n] of the ,En\linl.<'I~ drives and erotic forces, as ,en,co'lJf,aged III SAI'i\NISM. "19 [Bmphasis ]]lr!1!t'l 'Qiri.gioal]

Obviously, the inverted pentagram ]S!lI sign fOF evil. It represented Satan and. Is used for invoking .evil spirits.

The peatagrem is known by several other names:

"Celtic priests called it the WI'fCH~S FOOT. It] the Middle Ages it becameknown in Britain and elsewhere ]]] Europe as the goNin's cross, DE·V1L'S SIGN~ and the WIZARD'S STAR .. Among: [he d:mkLs of Great Blitain~it W,(lIS the blasphemous sign of the OodheaiC!."llI

~~u i s a~w Solomon ~ s seal .. , .Inauoient times it was a mag~c charm amongst Uu;:pe.opl.c of Babylon. "'2 i

. ". -

~'~t was ene of the most important symbols of th.C' Pylhago]1e&ns,. rOll whom its mathematical pr:open]e5 were !110s:l significa!J.t as dle pentalpha .. but who also fashioned it kilO trinkets to be, used as wIJ1 smen to ward ·o:fr evilspirits, UI health, OJ misfortune. ThIs symbolism persisted througlicut the centuries of European history; in Germany, Jf:"ar exam.plej.]~ becaJ[]le the Druttenfw;s.<'I HEX SIGN to prevent witches and goblins from entering barns and cot1agJ;ls, "22

The. pentagram is also sometimes caned a p'eutac~e or pentacle ..

Websterjs Dietionary says that the pentacle (or pentagram) is a

'" . "" -

"5-poil1iled or sometimes 6-pointoo ;star used as a MAGICAL

symbol .. nWitehes Janet and Stewart F arear describe the pentagram ]ike this: ~~a five~poiIllited star, ,ODe of tile JMA1JlN SYl'VIBO LS OF 'WIT'CHeRAFT AND OCCULTISM in. gC!1eral.'·2J A book on

48M.t\:SONIC AND OCCULT SY~mOLSILLuSTRATED agre>e;s.that tile pentagranl~'is usoo,w numy rhoalistic cetemonies inciudilllg ldtchtra it. ~,~

'Witcncra.ft books efJ'tU'ied' WJf£i1cl'af:.r:: YM:mr:aaum:!.

IQdrn~ (mO Sec~(g Wi«tt:'s Colle.fJ

"The five-p:oil'llted staris one of the world ~.s eldest symbols andahasbeen used ill. many cultures since ancient times as al1am.u~d to bring good. fortune and ward off'ha:oi'l. Most WiCC.AN [witchcmftl.PRACl'.I1'IONERS ALSO WEAR 1'f today ,as Oil symbol ~)f their refigion .... In, th~ WJccan reUgion~ the five po.ints of tbePENTAGRAM REPRESENT mE FIVE ELE·]\IEN'fS o:fNatm-~Earth,

Air', F'i-Wrfl .. Ir·"'10·. ~ nl· ... ~ w;f~' th .. '~"'P point "'o·""'e .. p .... nd

11." .. '..iIIJ''''',. • _ ~:.r!.''''''' .. :" 1i'II.IL"': '"g,Y·UJI,Ii,-. .. iLl_b. _,IJJ""" I!.:Y'._ ~- 'I..!I ~I._:j, """"' - ~·IL,I '13 "UJL.II. ,'"

~ng to Spiri~ theULIJ;!:ryi:og eJement.".A Pentagram it'lisc:ribed on. a platter is caned a, Pentacle. Pentacles are nsed as eeremenial tools for the Element Earth 'alJ.dpl'aced above windowsllnd dQof'W'ilys ~ij ble!l~ alld pifotect a dw.el] i:llg,"15

Sybi~. Leek, a well-kncwn ·WITCH.~ declares the !~penCag~n[ll bas at.waysbe,en used Inritua( WGIC and in ti]e WlTClICRA.FTriteso:fb.ea]ing.>!~ New A,ger Dkk: Sutphen agreestnat the "pentacle .b.o ~.d.s an ~ mportant pl ace itlri~ua~ MA.GJC..~:l1 Anothe.r-book;oD. w]lc,b::or~:ft lne:m.inrts:


"The,ilie fiV'em]jQWiWd' contained mysti.c symbols-~u.~H;:d especially in DIVINATION and the CONWR__A TfON OF sruu.'fs. The pel1talp,h:a,. is! design fOffil'e'dby ]utedaeing five A's. was a~so ill s:imJilafuse. To SUMM.ON DEMONIA.C HELP" the pentagram wa~ fas:h~O:!1ed: a five-pointed geoJ.ll.elric figurc,,~>2~

lfilttemalioua.~ Imports produces an occult catalog, This, conJpal1yseHs altar covers with: pentagrams onthem-e-a ~~cil"c]ed pentagram for white magic o,ccultwork; INVERTE·D PENTAG.RAJ\f :rOIl.BLACK MlAGIC RITUALS. ,'J9 Elsewhere tbis catalog advertises occult jewelry willi, a pemagram. mt adds fila~ th.e pentagram is the, "mostpowerful of all.oceult taJiS:I1!U1JtS .... It [so alleged that it is morepowerful thantbe ()JlQSS ...... J(i Wealf:fl also told.tbat the 1NVERTED .PENTAGRAM IS "A SIGN ]FOR EVfL.~~~1 Gary Jennings, in hisbeok, 131ackMagic~WhiteMagic, reveals that:

., .. , the most powe.rful and respected ofallmagical symbols was tbepentagram-the figure. of IDVe- sidesend five a~gles .... The belief was that were drrawID with a single a:ngle ..... P'OINTING DOWN, 'fHE SIGN REPRESENTED SATAN and. thus was VSE.D FOR INVOKlllNG EV.IL SpmTTS .. "m

S [nee we havebeen in:fuwed severaltimes by Mas-ollie authors tha!lt tl"IJC inved~ (or Sf3j!tanic) pe.nt:agr:;sm refezs to fhe vOial of Mende,s" let'stake a. look at wlhat this goat repeesents, In A

, -

DicJiormry ofSj..' we notice tIm the he-goat IS associated w~th [Jr.l.edevl~. ~~Me·ndes waS'~n"EgY~,ltiaJn goo n::semb]il1g Pan; he was worshipped in the form. ofa goat."lJl


One witchcraft organizatien, Nuit UnlimitedImports, sells a Goat 'of Mendes T -shirt, They mentien that this goatis a~~mknovm as llapbomet 31 An occult :ca.talog Inention:s that Baphcmet isthe "trnd:iti onal symbol of Pag8ins~ witcbes, Satanists and mystics. "J{i T~lel)ictiC)nary of Mysticism a.dimits; ~'Bnph.omct:. ]noccultism, the Sabbaticgoa~. ~n whose faun. Satan was !!l.ald to be.worsbipped at. the Witches' Sah1t)ath.~~31 The OC~;Hl~t Empcrium's catalog sells Baphemet waH plaque s, Th.eybr.aJ,g tbat the plaque s are ~'in appropriate colors of each quaner, and the,a.pfil'Opfiate q~bba~ i~tic .De:m.",uic nam.eiu:ili.e circu:rn:fereIllce. Ome]~dly approved. by Rev. Yaj .N'lnmlllos~ Ch.l1t'dl ,O!:fSATAN.'~~l~ An. earlier ca:talog statedthat onepasticnlar B-aplitoD::u:rt was~~Wortl by-the Priest of Sata.I~ •••• ~'J()

De:s.cribing Baphemer, Nuit Unlimited ~mp'(ll1s, says this:

..... artworkwas dra.VVJll by E]iJ,.hag.·L9vi" t11Le fb:re.tnost OCCULT .authority of the 19th ce'1.!tury, Symbols were included ~'¢la,ting djre~dy to "Ce'f'e.JJnon]al .MAGIoC and ide.~ti lied with Bapho\l1'l!ct Mll1cbof the same symbols c.any forw,ruxl, as O.nthc DEVIL CARD in 'the Thoth deck of CrifwJ.ey.


''The~ GOAT' OF' MENDES itself~s known as 'the, "GOD OF THE WITCDES' •.•• U40

Levi's drawing ofB:aphomet shows his emphasis" on. sex, for he made Bsphomet as an androgynous. (lneaningboth. male and. felll:ila,]e) '6 g.nre." I Satan, Uke .BaphOlUef~~i.s a,:ftenpictur,ed as a hermaphroditic deity. having a. male pbaIJlus and the breasts ofa women. !j~~ "The w~nged staff between, B:aphomet represents the phaUus ."41

TIle goat is one of the symbollcal animals of Hermeticmagic, says. Levi, and, [~ Is the "symbol of generation.?" lin a hook ou wi~chcl['afi, The Complete Book oj Witchcrafl.and Demonology; we 'find apic~uareofBapbomet TI1e caption states that he i.e! the "horned god of the witches, symbol of sex incamate.'!o<ts Tbis picture by the w,ay~ shows Baphomet maJdn.gthe' Devil's trwad with his l'igbthand.

S'tarha,wk"a. witch. boasts;

"The God of the Witches is sexlla~-1but sexuality is seen as sacred, not as obscene Dr blaspbemcus, Our Hod


wea:J'shOlll~--'butlhey ere the wax~n.g and w~n]:I1g crescents' of the Goddess MO(JJl~ and th~sy:tubol of enimal vi.ta1ity. In

so,m.e aspects, He is black, nD~becaJuse He is dreadful or fearful~but: because darkness and. the I.IjghtOO'~ limes of powe]'.·~, and part of the c.y.cles of tm:te." ..

~'The ODd of I:ll.e Witc-hes is the God of love. This love inc.~udes .sexna.Hty. whkb Is also wUe! and untamed as wen as gent!.e and t.e11d!t,r: .. HJs Bexn:~aHty is. f"!iI.Hyfelt" in a context in 'whJc:h sexwd desh'e is seered, not onlybecause h is the' means by which life is procreated but also because it lslh.e meens by Wh~·(:li OHr (IWn Iives aremost deeply and ecstaJ:icaJiy re:a.B.zed. In. Witcru::-l.1l:ft, sex is a .. sacrament, an outward s[gn of an inward grace. "..ol6. [Etl1_p.hQjS1S. in the or~gi.naJj

Hli:phas: Leviwrete,

UTile star Qf the microcosm. or tbe MAGIC fENTAGRA.M~ that star wherein the lu.un.[lnfi~rewas represented by Agrtppa. with the head ill the asoeilldin.g point ~ndllie fouil" members int.he [o'l"Ir od]e .. r points~the B STAll~W}I1CH1,WHEN INVERTED, ),8 TIlE mEROGLVP'HIC $.(GN OF THE GOAT OF' BLACK l'dA.G mC"wno1ie bead een sketched in tile star witn the 1"'1"10 klQ,rf!l.S above, the ears QIl! the :right and lefl',<uld tlte beard below. sign of antagcm.lsll1 and blind fat::liHty" the goat afle'I;Vdness, assault:ing beav~l1 with fig homs, iii SlW'l execrated even in the S~bbath by initiates ora gupedoJ:()rd~r.·>-t7

Healso said;


Sabbath" .. J.T IS TUEF1GURE OF A truMAN BOD¥ with the four members and a point representing the bead; a human figure HEAD DOWNWARD NATURALLY REPRESENTS THE DEMON" tbat is; intellectual subversion, disor-der and foHy; • ... 3

Ofcourse, one of the most sinisteraspects of this star ms Hs correlatlon whhthe god. Set.49 "Set was the aacient Egyptian, god. of evil. He was, also known. by the nam,as Seth and Sutekh, He was a wicked and powerful god who olDen used witchcraft to achieve

his aims, nSO .

Furthermore, the name SET (or Sut) is another name for SATAN!Proo,f of'tbis C8!ID be found by rumb'l~ to Masonic writer; Albert Churchward, in which he staut'es: "Set (If Sut, according to Plutarch, Is the Egyptian nameef 'fypb,ou-i.,e. Satan of 'the Christian Cult. "51 Jobn Yarkel.; another MaSOl.UC author agrees when.


he stated. that SE'fWAS ~A DEVll.identzcal\Vith TYphOJl"~~S2 Yet another beok, Free.masonry and the A.ncient Gods, l]uth:Of~dby

Mason J SMUk.pd:el""'", l-·''''~t s.· ""~ ~,,~ .. K.. '. . ..• .:1 'd,', '.' .... ,"] b .

. ,:.",'. '_' .• " • ~~<Y .~ l .• ·~.S Y.M ..... I~ ¥~,a$ l"e'gruue. as·eVi, ecaus(:;

he.represented darkness, jl'5l In The Adelphi Quarterly. a New Age magazine, we are .nod:fk~d:: wrhe w6:rd.''Sa'tan' eemes from the Egyptiau glod of tbe nnderworld~ Set or S e~h.. ~·.5~

Further proof ()fthe:retationship between Set and Satan call be· fouoo in The Satantr:; Bible. wr.itten by Anton LaV:fl1y~ the f01J!I::u:i,e'.f of tlile rurst Clnll"cll of Satan. Under the enume:rat[Q.ll,of"'Th.e Inf'et.n:al Na!ues •• [{)If Satan. ~s l.i·sted "Set, ~,~s Olll ano, page in this Satanic "bible," "Set" is descri bed as tbe ~<Egy:ptlan devi I. "56 In l,h.?Qsury of wttchct~ft is inchideda Jist~ng ·of athe't·ulc.ll1fJ}(es for Satan, one of whlch is S:et~7 An.other New Age: book (which praises l:l.IDci.fer) describes Set as '('the eady Egyp:tirm god ofdea:th.evj,]~ and .. heU:)S8 AdditiollaUy" 'Occultist. New Ager,; and Heren Petrovna BI.f!v.atsky.links Set and Satantogeliber wtJen she writes:

", .. Hermes, the goo: of wjoo(.liru~oaU~d ~Iso Thoth,:'[at, S.ctl'l.. Set and Sat-on; :md that he W3:~. ~furtl];ermDro. wih.ell viecweduode:r .bis b:il!daspect, 'lypl,'j)Ol';l~ th~ Egyptia:1l' Satan, who was. also S.e~ .• ,~. [Etnphasis In. the or.i.gillal]

In fact~ kn, the. aoominable background of 'Set)rut is :[[0 sheek to discover in "ancient EID'pt~. Set was worshiped with

obsceae.jsomosesual rituals, '1«1 We Wle told that therituals performed for Set, and Sirius were so borribl.e and debased "that later rulers of Egypt defaced the:~r temples and obel iBks and tr~ed~o did ve them. from the land. "'61 In mythology we find tlwt Set himself was involved In incest forhe marriedhis sister, N epil.thys. 61 Set was also involved In adulterous affairs [Of be had ,IN~ least two other consorts: Septet and Khekhsit, ~

Set is Hkewws:e portrayed as the "Devil of Derkness, "M "~Pfince ofDarkness/'M and "the Lord. of the lJmderwo:dd:;&; It is stressed that the "Underworld' of which Set is in charge, is not Hades, but Tartarus, for "Tartarus is tile hell of the damned and .. wl was of thi s wortd that SeiU \V8_3 t.he Lord."~1 Set's sYn1bo~ is tile INVERT.ED PEN'fAGRAM!6S

Michael Aquino "has written that Set is the. oldest formulation of the being now called Satan, the embodiment of the. sense of ell ienat~o:l'lI and 1one.Hness. whic.h maa feels Horn the universe, no9 Aquino was a me~nbeli of Anton. LaVey 's Church of S.~tan .. "{1Jo After leaving LaVey '8 church, hestaeted his own organization. called tbe T; ofSet1! and his newslenerIs entitled The Scroll ofSef The ,spUt between LaVey and Aqui no was pafUaUy due to their individual ,o()in,eept:ion of Satatl. LaVey bel ievedlthat Sa~a-n was justa. syi, but Aquino' contended. that Salt=.iln. inthe e£o.t:m of Set, was an. absolute' reality.n


In spite of AquU101S beliefs and Ius status as a Satan worshipper" he was, abo a United Stales Army Lieutenent Co]onelwhooorved III Psy-Op operations," When Aquino appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, he described ;S,atarusm as 41very deoent.very lawabiding people [with] ... a very high i!l!e~ of persenelefhics., , [who have] nothing to do with evit"N Yet Aquino seems to contradict himself when he points ()uti~that the essence of S ~uM.~~ai)l Is an arrogant and hostile rebellion t'ligItmst. universal law .. l'is

N otlce thatAqaino uses a plain inverted pentagram (see picture on previous page). This symbol js ealled Baphomet with or wtUWl!Jt the goa.t~.s head drawn in it For example seethe advertisement for the two Baphomet pieces of jewelry, One has the goat's head and the other (me has a sneke wrapped about the pentagram hut BOTH oif,them are referredto ss BaIffi'homet.

GT-:! a ~'Jjnj. a fii.J!~ lr ~cull p.iI'~4 n.~~H\H::l1 of' ~ ~ri[Jlb~~l if- Ii 'G 1ta!¢.;.!1 t R1'It:i'I.:U, ... · e'.d '!;OJ""'. gill ~ ,il'I,'Y.'~ [' It,r-dl ,pe. n'i' iQ'!JI~D ,t;V'I'1 I il1 !eI ~ I •. ~ 1 e ~ $~~WA !I!JI1e;'" !lila", ~I~~. P.ll.h~d b.lght. ~/eb6~R.

5M-61 k~~ 9 ru]ly ~~vl~1~d ~.~p~n~ WifJ:"'!iIIl!! III th,!!' .;::..ft!,ifjh Dill''!! ~.("'Ii'''' ill r 'II'iii'd P'ifiP.1'i 1i'lfig f'iCOIn'ii In D cl~~!~~ ShDwn ~~1vuh ~j~~~

.. , ... '" h iIld;!.9, 1'1,:-.

So, the pentagram really has a very evil connotation 110 matter how it is drawn, WWII one poimlf.up it represents Lucifer ,6 and. with. two points up it depicts Satan.

The Bible tens us that the whole world lies in wickedness at the present time (J J 600, 5: 19)" hut there is coming a day when Satan willbe bound .. Revelation 20.:] - 3 staites:

,. And :t saw 00. angel came' down from heaven. having '[he key ofthe bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon. that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Setan, and bound him ataousand years. And cast hinlrnto the bottomless pit, and shut him 1IJ!l'" and set a seal upon him. fhathe shculd deceive the nations no JI1QI'e." .. "·

The final victor willbe J esus Christ

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