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Republic of the Philippines

A. Francisco Gold Condominium II, EDSA cor. Mapagmahal St.
Diliman, Quezon City

October 22, 2008

Memorandum Circular No. 2008-156





Section 106 of the Local Government Code of 1991 mandates each local government unit to prepare
a comprehensive multi-sectoral development plan to be initiated by its local development council and
approved by its sanggunian. Pursuant thereto, the Department of the Interior and Local Government
Unit (DILG) has developed the Guide to Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) for the Local
Government Unit.

The CDP Guides puts into operation the concepts and processes enunciated in the rationalized local
planning system and JMC No. 001, S. 2007 on harmonization of local planning, investment
programming, budgeting and revenue administration. As a reference, the CDP Guide offers
procedures tools and techniques along each step of the comprehensive development planning
process and is presented in four major parts with corresponding chapters detailing each part:

Part I – Organizing and Mobilizing the Planning Structure

Part II – Preparing the CDP
Part III - Implementing the CDP
Part IV – Plan monitoring and Evaluation

Moreover, the CDP Guide provides the mechanism for the synchronization and harmonization of the
core LGU operations from the planning to budgeting with thematic and cross- sectoral concerns that
various national government agencies pursue and seek to address at the LGU levels.

Being the agency mandated to formulate the operational guides on local development planning, all
DILD Field Officers, therefore, are directed to use the CDP Guide in providing the technical assistance
to the Local Development Council, the Sectoral Committee, the Local Finance Committee and the
executive and legislative bodies in the performance of their planning functions. Likewise, local
government units are enjoyed to use this Guide in the preparation of their CDP and the Local
Development Investment Program (LDIP).

The CDP Guide can be downloaded in our website at

For proper guidance.

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The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) is mandated to establish
plans, policies and programs that will strengthen the technical, fiscal and administrative
capabilities of local governments, as well as formulate the operational guidelines of the local
development planning process.

With this mandate, the DILG developed the Rationalized local planning System (RPS) as our
guiding principle in local planning. To operationalize the RPS, we also formulated the Guide
to Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) for LGUs. As a reference, the CDP Guide offers
procedure, tools and techniques that are designed to respond to varying capabilities of local

The completion of this Guide became even more urgent to fulfill our commitment under the
Joint Memorandum Circular No.1, S.2007 which we signed with NEDA, DBM and DOF on
March 8, 2008 in order to synchronize and harmonize planning, investment, programming,
revenue administration, and budgeting and expenditure management at the local level.

Even as it focuses on local planning, the Guide also takes into consideration the other
special and cross- sectoral concerns of various national government agencies that seek
fulfillment at the local government level.

It is the hope of DILG that this Guide will further simplify the comprehensive development
planning process at the local level.

Undersecretary for Local Government
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The Bureau of Local Government Development-Department of the Interior and Local Government
(BLGD_DILG) would like to acknowledge the assistance of the following in the preparation of the
Guide for their active participation in the various consultations conducted nationwide:

 DILG Regional Directors during the consultations and orientation briefings on the
Rationalized Local Planning System, Joint Memo Circular No. 001, S, 2007 and the Guide to
CDP Preparation;

 DILG Regional and Provincial Development Planning Specialists for their diligent
participation during the series of CDP validation workshops conducted staring in 2007;

 Local Government Unit, particular the Provincial/City/Municipal Planning and Development

Coordinators (P/C/MPDCs) and concerned Provincial/City Budget Officers, Treasurer and

 National Government Agencies that participated in the consultation-workshops on

mainstreaming sectoral/thematic plans into the CDP, particularly the NAPOLCOM, NYC,
NCIP, National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC), National Council for the Welfare of
Disabled Persons (NCEDP), National Nutrition Council (NNC), Council for the Welfare of
Children (CWC), Presidential Assistant for Peace Process (OPAPP), Housing and Land Use
Regulatory Board (HLURB), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD),
Commission on Population (POPCOM), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department
of Heath (DOH), Office of Civil Defense (OCD), National Commission on the Role of the
Filipino Women (NCRFW), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR),
Department of Agriculture (DA), National Economic Development of Finance (DOF),
Department of Tourism (DOT), National Commission for Cultural and the Arts (NCCA).

 Other stakeholders concerned from the Academe, Private Sector, Civil Society
Organization, Donor Agencies and Professional Organizations.

BLGD is likewise grateful to Prof. Ernesto M. Serote for his technical inputs, comments and
suggestions to enhance this Guide; and to our consultant, Ms. Liza Marie Pulumbarit-Elum for her
persistence and for enduring with us through the long and sometimes tedious process of
preparing this Guide. We are really deeply grateful for their perseverance and dedication in
helping the DILG fulfill its commitment to effect the applicable provisions of JMC No.001, S2007
and to put into practice the concept and principles enunciated in the Rationalized Local Planning
System through this Guide.

The Bureau would like to express its gratitude to the Asia Development Bank-Technical
Assistance (ADB-TA 7019), particularly the TAs project leader, Mr. Raymund Fabre and ADB-
Public Sector Management Specialist, Mr, Tariq Niazi for the technical inputs and financial
support during the preparation of this Guide and the subsequence training to DILG field officers
on how to use the Guide.

Finally, we also convey our sincere appreciation to those whose names and organization may not
appear in the list but have contributes unselfishly in the completion of this Guidebook.


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AIP Annual Investment Program

BESF Budget of Expenditure and Sources of Financing
BFAR Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
BOMB Budget Operations Manual for Barangays
BOT Build-Operate-Transfer
BSWM Bureau of Soils and Water Management
CAPDEV Capacity Development
CBMS Community-Based Monitoring System
CDP Comprehensive Development Program
CENRO Community Environment and Natural Resources Officer
CIDA Canadian International Development Agency
CLPI Core Local Poverty Indicator
CLUP Comprehensive Land Use Program
CO Capital Outlay
CPDO City Planning and Development Office
CSO Civil Society Organizations
DBM Department of Budget and Management
DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DILG Department of Interior and Local Government
DOF Department of Finance
DRM Disaster Risk Management
DTI Department of Trade and Industry
ELA Executive and Legislative Agenda
EP Ecological Profile
GAM Goal Achievement Matrix
GSIS Government Service Insurance System
HLURB Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
HRD Human Resource Development
HRDO Human Resource Development Office
IRA Internal Revenue Allotment
IRR Implementing Rules and Regulations
JMC Joint Memorandum Circular
LA Legislative Agenda
LCE Local Chief Executive
LDC Local Development Council
LDI Local Development Indicator
LDIP Local Development Investment Program
LDIS Local Development Indicator System
LEP Local Expenditure Program
LFC Local Finance Committee
LGC Local Government Code
LG-ENRO Local Government Environment and Natural Resources Officer
LGOO Local Government Operations Officer
LGPMS Local Governance Performance Management System
LGSP Local Government Support Program
LGU Local Government Unit
LMB Land Management Bureau
LPDC Local Planning and Development Coordinator
LPDO Local Planning and Development Office
LQ Location Quotient
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
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MDG Millennium Development Goals

MGB Mines and Geosciences Bureau
MHO Municipal Health Office
MOOE Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
MPDO Municipal Planning and Development Office
MTPDP Medium-term Philippine Development Plan
NAMRIA National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
NEDA National Economic and Development Authority
NGA National Government Agency
NGO Non-government Organizations
NIPAS National Integrated Protected Areas System
NPFP National Physical Framework Plan
NSO National Statistics Office
ODA Official Development Assistance
OFW Overseas Filipino Worker
OPW Orientation – Planning - Workshop
OTW Orientation – Training – Workshop
PA 21 Philippine Agenda 21
PAWB Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau
PCUP Philippine Commission on the Urban Poor
PDP Provincial Development Plan
PDPFP Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan
PENRO Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer
PESO Public Employment Services Office
PHILVOCS Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
PLUC Provincial Land Use Committee
PMC Project Monitoring Committee
PO People’s Organizations
POSO Public Order and Safety Office
PPA Program/Project/Activity
PPDC Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator
PPDO Provincial Planning and Development Office
PPFP Provincial Physical Framework Plan
PS Personal Services
PTA Parent-Teacher Association
RA Republic Act
RDP Regional Development Plan
RHU Rural Health Unit
RLA Regional Line Agency
RPFP Regional Physical Framework Plan
RPS Rationalized Local Planning System
RPT Real Property Tax
SB/P Sangguniang Bayan/ Panlungsod
SCALOG System on Competency Assessment for Local Governments
SEP Socio-Economic Profile
SEPP Socio-Economic and Physical Profile
SLGR State of Local Governance Report
SSS Social Security System
SWDO Social Welfare and Development Office
TWG Technical Working Group
UBOM Updated Budget Operations Manual for Local Government Units
UNDP United National Development program
ZO Zoning Ordinance
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About the Guide

The Guide to Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) Preparation is a derivative of the
Rationalized Local Planning System Sourcebook which was launched by DILG. The
Sourcebook was developed to assist readers in understanding the “why’s” and “how’s” of
implementing the full implications of the Local Government Code of 1991 (Republic Act
7160) pertaining to local planning. This Guide may be viewed as the translation of the RPS
Sourcebook into a question-and-answer reference document to simplify the preparation of
the Comprehensive Development Plan by local government units in accordance with the
tenets articulated in the Sourcebook and the Code.

This Guide consists of four (4) parts:

Chapter I – Getting Started

This section sets the stage for the Plan Formulation Proper – from the organization to
training of the Planning Team, and the subsequent orientation for the local chief executive
and members of the Sanggunian. It also contains selection criteria for planning team
members, definition of roles and functions of key actors in the plan formulation process,
including those of national government agencies and civil society organizations in order to
make the plan formulation process truly inclusive and participatory.

Chapter II – Preparing the Plan

This part consists not only of the “how’s” of every step of the sectoral planning process. It
also provides answers to questions like “what is it?”, “why is it important?” and “who is
responsible?” This emphasizes the need to re-focus attention from merely producing the
plan document alone to making planning as an integral part of governance by making the
LGUs understand why they ought to plan and who should be involved. The easy-to-use-and-
follow tools and techniques are presented in a way that makes them more user-friendly and
their “technical” or “technocratic” character are tamed without diminishing their value and
effectiveness as instructional devices, especially for those who are not technically trained.

Chapter III – Implementing the Plan

This provides the basic elements of the three principal instruments in implementing the CDP,
namely, the Local Development Investment Program (LDIP), the Legislative Agenda (LA),
and the Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA). Just like in Part I, this section of the Guide
not only offers the procedural steps for yielding these outputs, but also the concept inputs to
allow the users to have a better appreciation of what, why and who are responsible for the

Chapter IV – Plan Monitoring and Evaluation

This section highlights the importance of Plan Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) as the link
between two planning cycles and thereby reinforces the cyclical nature of the planning
process. It suggests the periods when and who may conduct what type of M & E.

It must be emphasized that the tools, techniques, strategies and methodologies suggested in
this Guide are not prescriptive. Rather, they can complement or supplement those that have
already been developed or being offered by other agencies to facilitate the preparation of
local comprehensive development plans.
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FOREWORD …………………………………………………………………………………...…… ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………………………………… iii

ACRONYMS ……………………………………………………………………………................... iv

ABOUT THE GUIDE ………………………………………………………………………………... vi

INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………………………. 1

 General Planning and Development Model ……………………………………………………….. 1

 The Relationship among the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP the Comprehensive
Development Plan (CDP) and the Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA)…………………… 1
 Integrating NGA Requirements and Cross-Sectoral Concerns in the CDP................................. 5
 Synchronization and Harmonization of Planning, Investment Programming, Revenue
Administration, Budgeting and Expenditure Management at the Local Level …………………. 8
 The Relationship between the Province and its Component Local Government Units in the
Planning Process …………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
 Interface between National Government Agencies and Local Government Units in Local
Planning ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
 The Synchronized Local Planning and Budgeting Calendar ……………………………………. 10
 Cross-Referencing of Guidebooks and Manuals …………………………………………………. 11
 Approaches to CDP Preparation ……………………………………………………………………. 11
 Scope of the Guide …………………………………………………………………………………… 12
o Sectoral ……………………………………………………………………………………... 12
o Planning Period ……………………………………………………………………………. 14
 Contents of the CDP …………………………………………………………………………………. 14

CHAPTER I – GETTING STARTED ……………………………………………………………… 17

 Organizing and Mobilizing the Planning Structure ………….…………………………………... 17

CHAPTER II – PREPARING THE PLAN ………………………………………………………… 40

 Step 1 – Setting the Vision …………………………………………………………………………. 40

 Step 2 – Determining Current Reality in the LGU …………………………………………………. 46
 Step 3 – Determining the Vision – Reality Gap …………………………………………………….. 70
 Step 4 – Setting Sectoral Goals, Objectives and Targets ……………..………………………… 73
 Step 5 – Transforming Goals into Actions ………………………….……………………………... 82


 Local Development Investment Programming ……………………………………………………. 88
 Preparing a Capacity Development Program ……………………………………………………... 118
 Determining Legislative Requirements …..………………………………………………………….. 123
 The Executive and Legislative Agenda ……………………………………………………………… 126


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Figure No.

1 Local Planning and Development Model

2 Simplified Planning Process
3 CLUP – CDP Process Flow
4 Inter-sectoral Consultations
5 Organization of a Planning Team
6 Status of Existing CLUP and ZO
7 Status of Existing CDP (1)
8 Status of Existing CDP (2)
9 Suggested Training Session Flow
10 Time Relationship between a Birth and Future Service Requirements
11 Myrdal’s Concept of Cumulative Causation: An Example of Industrial Expansion in the Area
12 Scenarios When There is Net Storage
13 Fishbone Analysis
14 Problem-Finding and Solution-Finding Analyses
15 Sample Problem Tree Transformed into a Policy Tree
16 Gaps to Goals: Logical Framework
17 Issue-Driven Sectoral Planning Process
18 Hierarchy of Actions
19 Upgrading a “Non-Project” into a Project
20 Sample Objective Tree
21 Local Funds for Development Investment
22 LDIP Process as a Link between Development Planning and Budgeting
23 Financial Growth Scenarios
24 1 Round Matching of Funding Requirements and Funds Available
25 Financing Approaches
26 Financing Options
27 Link between CDP Legislative Requirements and the 3 – Year Legislative Agenda
28 Identifying Legislations
29 Relationship of the Executive and Legislative Agenda to the CLUP and CDP


Table No.

1 Sample Issues Common to Sectoral Plans

2 Sphere of Influence and Potential Contributions
3 Synchronized Local Planning and Budgeting Calendar
4 Indicative Schedule of Activities
5 Sample Vision Elements and Descriptors
6 Examples of Descriptors for the General Welfare Goals
7 Annual Food Requirements per Capita
8 Illustration of Area Income Growth
9 Ecosystems and Subsystems
10 Sample Output of Problem – Solution Finding Analysis
11 Current Reality Rating Scale
12 Sample Matrix: Vision – Reality Gap Analysis
13 Sample of Finding the Development Sector for Success Indicators
14 Advantages and Disadvantages of Methodologies for Participatory Goal Formulation Process
15 Distinguishing Projects from “Non-Projects” or Services
16 Distinguishing Projects from “Non-Projects” and Legislations: An Example
17 Sample Strategy, Programs/Projects, Services and Legislations
18 National Government Functions Devolved to LGUs Pursuant to Section 17 of the LGC
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19 Criteria for Determining Level of Urgency

20 Sample GAM Form 1
21 Sample GAM Form 1 with Inputs from One Societal Sector
22 Sample GAM Form 2 – Summary of Societal Sectors’ Scores
23 Example of Summary of Societal Sectors’ Ratings (Dagupan City)
24 Sample of Ranked List of Projects with Cost Estimates
25 AIP Summary Form
26 Sample Format of a Capacity Development Agenda
27 Sample Table of Legislative Requirements
28 The ELA Formulation Process vis-à-vis the CDP
29 Salient Features of Monitoring and Evaluation
30 Monitoring and Evaluation Points in a 3-Year Term of Office
31 Annual / End-of-Term Annual Report
32 Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy


Box No.

1 Suggested Composition of Sectoral Committees

2 Indicative Contents of the Orientation – Training - Workshop
3 Example of a Vision Statement Crafted Based on the Vision Elements and Descriptors
4 Money Flows in the Local Economy
5 Criteria for Assessing Existing Infrastructures
6 How to Undertake Problem Analysis
7 General Welfare Goals
8 Contents of a Project Brief
9 Computing Investment Financial Capacity of an LGU
10 Some Tips in Capacity Development Planning
11 Sample Sanggunian Resolution Adopting the Executive and Legislative Agenda
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General Planning and Development Model

In an ideal scenario, a particular local government unit (LGU) manages its own growth and
change through a body of plans with varying scope and time frame. The term “ideal”,
however, does not imply a utopian, unrealistic or unattainable dream. It simply means a
scenario that does not exist as yet. Nevertheless, it is the scenario that the Local
Government Code (LGC) of 1991 (RA 7160) wants every LGU to achieve. With the aid of
various plans, LGUs are expected to more effectively manage their own local development.
Section 20 of the LGC mandates LGUs to prepare a comprehensive land use plan (CLUP)
enacted through a zoning ordinance, while Sections 106 and 109 of the same Code
mandate the LGUs to prepare comprehensive multi-sectoral development plans (CDP) and
public investment programs.

It is clear from the above-cited provisions of the Code that LGUs are required to prepare two
plans: the CLUP and the CDP.

These plans influence public and private sector investments which have the cumulative
effects of making available goods and services of high quality, and making these more
accessible to the people, thereby raising the level of their well-being. Any change in the
level of welfare of the population, on one hand is expected to create corresponding changes
in the character and configuration of the land and other physical resources of the locality. On
the other hand, any improvement in the level of social and economic well-being of the local
population will almost always entail deterioration in the quality or quantity of the physical
environment. How to achieve development objectives without necessarily sacrificing the
environment poses a major challenge to local development planning and management.

As the LGU gains longer experience in managing its own growth and change, especially
when the Sanggunian is ever alert for possibilities to formulate regulatory policies and to
further support the implementation of plans, programs and projects with needed
development regulations, the LGU’s institutional capacity will be enhanced considerably.
Such changes are easily seen by tracking outputs on the short-term and outcomes on the
medium- to long-term. Lessons learned from these periodic monitoring and evaluation are
then used to inform the next cycle of planning. (See Figure 1 - A Local Planning and
Development Model)

The Relationship among the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP), the

Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA)

The Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and the CDP are distinct and separate. The
term “comprehensive” in the CLUP is understood in its geographical, territorial sense, while
the term “comprehensive” in the CDP has to be understood in the sense of “multi-sectoral”
development. Yet, the two plans are intimately related.

On one hand, the CLUP can well be regarded as the plan for the long-term management of
the local territory. As the skeletal-circulatory framework of the territory’s physical
development, it identifies areas where development can and cannot be located and directs
public and private investments accordingly. The CDP, on the other hand, is the action plan
utilized by every local administration to develop and implement priority sectoral and cross-
sectoral programs and projects in the proper locations to put flesh on the skeleton as it were,
gradually and incrementally, until the desired shape or form of development is eventually
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attained over the long term. This is consistent with the definition of planning as “public
control of the pattern of development”.



Settlements Protection Protection Infrastructure
Policies Policies Policies Policies

Zoning Other Regulatory

Ordinance Measures


Social Economic Environmental Infrastructure Institutional










Chart designed by Prof. Ernesto M. Serote

The Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA) is a planning document, covering a 3-year
period corresponding to the term of local elective officials that is mutually developed and
agreed upon by both the executive and legislative departments of an LGU. The ELA is not
meant to replace or duplicate existing planning systems in LGUs. Rather, it adds greater
value to the CLUP and the CDP by moving them forward to getting implemented and

A common concern often raised by local planners is how to keep the long-term plan from
being thrown away with every change in administration. The answer to this concern lies
precisely in having a separate CLUP from a CDP. The CLUP, once enacted into a zoning
ordinance (Sec. 20, c), becomes a law. It remains in effect even after the incumbent officials
have been replaced. Being a law, the CLUP-turned Zoning Ordinance cannot be simply
“thrown away” without going through the proper legislative procedures for repealing or
amending an ordinance. The truth of the matter is, the long-term CLUP, once in place, can
no longer be claimed by, nor attributed to a particular administration. Rather, the CLUP
belongs to the people. It is the “people’s plan”. It is the CDP or rather, the CDP-based
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Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA) that is associated with a particular administration
(underscoring supplied).

One thing that bolsters the interpretation that the CLUP and CDP are distinct and separate is
the fact that the responsibility for each plan is given to separate bodies in the LGU. The
CLUP is assigned to the Sanggunian as provided for in Sections 447, 458 and 468 (Powers,
Duties, Functions and Compensation of the Sangguniang Bayan, Panlungsod and
Panlalawigan, respectively) of the Local Government Code; whereas the CDP is the
responsibility of the LDC as provided for under Sections 106 (Local Development Councils)
and 109 (Functions of Local Development Councils) of the Code. The Code has correctly
assigned responsibility for the CLUP to the Sanggunian considering that most if not all of the
instruments for implementing the CLUP involve regulating the use of lands that are mainly
privately held and this requires the exercise of the political powers of the LGU through
legislative action by the Sanggunian.

With the CLUP separated from the CDP, the review process by the Provincial Land Use
Committee (PLUC) is also immensely simplified. The Code requires a review by the
provincial government of the CLUP, not the CDP, of component cities and municipalities
[See Sec. 468 (a) (2) (vii)].

It is highly desirable that the CLUP be completed ahead of the CDP. This is to ensure that
the location policies in the CLUP will guide the identification, screening, and prioritization of
programs and projects in the CDP (see Figure 2 - Simplified Planning Process). Considering
that some public investments, especially of the “hard project” type, have a powerful impact
on the long-term structuring of the built environment and on land use change in general,
such projects should be properly screened to ensure that they are in consonance with, if not
actually supportive of the preferred spatial strategy for the community.

Figure 2 - Simplified Planning Process




What can be • PROJE CTS
What it takes
ECOLOGICAL reasonably
to close • LEGIS LAT-
the gap IONS
MAP S In 3 years

Chart designed by Prof. Ernesto M. Serote

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The CLUP is in itself a rich source of programs, projects and ideas for legislation. The
programs and projects identified in the CLUP however, invariably take a long time to carry
out. On the other hand, the CDP has a relatively short timeframe. This, however, should not
be used as a reason for ignoring the long-term programs of the CLUP and implementing
instead other projects with shorter timeframes. Rather, the short time frame of the CDP
should be used to carry out the long-term CLUP programs in phases.

The CDP can be regarded as an action plan and an implementing instrument of the CLUP.
By having a CLUP which serves as a long-term guide for the physical development of the
locality and CDP that is multi-year and implements the CLUP in phases, there is an
assurance of continuity, rationality and stability of local development efforts.

The CLUP and the CDP may be prepared in an iterative way. For simplicity, the preparation
of the CLUP and CDP can be divided into four (4) modules consistent with the capability
building approach (Figure 3 - CLUP-CDP Process Flow).

Each module is described briefly as follows:

1. Module 1 – Generation of the planning database consisting of statistics and maps

and analytical tools and techniques to derive various indicators of development or
underdevelopment, of problems and constraints as well as opportunities and
challenges for development. The outputs of this module are as follows:

a. Updated ecological profile of the planning area

b. Matrix of Local Development Indicators (Statistical Compendium)
c. Accomplished “Problem – Solution Matrix”

2. Module 2 – Formulation of new goals or revalidating and/or revising the existing

vision statement. The outputs of this module are as follows:

a. Revalidated/ revised vision statement

b. Vision elements and their respective descriptors and success indicators
c. Vision – reality gap which will eventually be transformed into sectoral goals

Modules 1 and 2 may be undertaken simultaneously or interchangeably.

3. Module 3 – Formulation of the Provincial Comprehensive Land Use Plan (PCLUP) in

the case of the province and the CLUP in the case of cities and municipalities. This
involves undertaking the following activities:

a. Generation of alternative spatial strategies taking into account the higher level
spatial strategy and choosing the most desirable alternative for the province or
city/municipality, as the case may be.

b. Formulation of policies on production, infrastructure, settlements, and protection

areas consistent with the preferred strategy.

c. Formulation of implementation tools, e.g., zoning ordinance

The outputs of activities under this module are as follows:

a. Draft Provincial Comprehensive Land Use Plan and / or City/Municipal CLUP

b. Policy maps printed at suitable scale
c. Draft Zoning Ordinance in the case of cities and municipalities
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Figure 3- CLUP – CDP Process Flow








4. Module 4 – Preparation of the Multi-Year Provincial/City/Municipal CDP. The main

activities under this module are as follows:

a. Formulation of sectoral goals, objectives and targets

b. Prioritization of sectoral programs, projects and activities
c. Preparation of the Local Development Investment Program (LDIP)
d. Identification of new legislations needed to carry out the sectoral plans
e. Preparation of the capacity development program

Integrating NGA Requirements and Cross-Sectoral Concerns into the CDP

One dimension of rationalized planning is the reduction in the number of plans that LGUs
must prepare and the integration of cross-sectoral concerns in the planning process. This
implies that national government agencies (NGAs) advocating or requiring LGUs to prepare
certain sectoral, area, thematic or systems plan must integrate these requirements into
either the CLUP or the CDP, as the case may be, and allow the local planning structure and
processes to respond to these requirements.

There are over twenty (20) different plans required by NGAs of LGUs over and above the
two (2) Code-mandated plans – the CLUP and CDP. To rationalize the practice to the extent
of integrating NGA requirements substantively and procedurally into local planning, at least
two (2) pre-conditions must be satisfied:
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1. The local planning structure, that is, the Local Development Council (LDC) and its
sectoral and functional committees, are in place.

If the LDC is already existing and properly functioning,

there will always be a planning body that will respond to
any conceivable requirement of the national government.

NGAs need not go to the extent of creating a new planning body or structure to produce
their desired plan outputs. If the particular NGA has an existing office operating in the
LGU, its officers and staff should be invited to join the relevant sectoral or functional
committee and assist their local counterparts in preparing the desired outputs.

2. The local plans are truly comprehensive, meaning, the CLUP covers the entire LGU
territorial jurisdiction, both land and water; and the CDP embraces all development
sectors and sub-sectors, including the concerns of each.

In this connection, NGAs requiring LGUs to produce certain planning outputs ought to
learn to utilize the planning structures and processes that are already in place in the

If the CDP is truly comprehensive, then every possible subject of planning and development can be
subsumed under a particular sector or a combination of sectors in the CDP.

The NGA-mandated plans listed below need not be prepared by planning bodies created
outside of the LDC and/or its sectoral or functional committees. In fact these plans already
fall within the concerns of existing sectoral committees. In the case of area, thematic or
systems plan that involves several sectors, functional committees could be formed drawing
membership from the sectoral committees themselves. Examples of such thematic plans are
given below.

a. Action Plan for the Council for the Protection of Children

b. Annual Culture and Arts Plan
c. Agriculture and Fisheries Management Plan
d. Coconut Development Plan
e. Local Entrepreneurship Development Plan
f. Local Tourism Development Plan
g. Small and Medium Enterprise Development Plan

Some development issues can be confined within the conceptual boundaries of a particular
sector. Issues of this nature are better handled by specific sectors. Other issues however,
are common to two or more sectors and such issues can be addressed jointly by the sectors
concerned through inter-sectoral consultations, round-robin fashion (see Figure 4 - Inter-
sectoral Consultations and Table 1- Sample Issues Common to Sectoral Plans). Complex
development issues such as those of poverty, disaster risk management, gender and
development, to name a few, need to be addressed either by a multi-sectoral functional
committee or by the LDC acting as a committee of the whole.
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Figure 4 - Inter-sectoral Consultations


5 1


7 6
10 9
4 2


Some of the plans that require inter-sectoral functional committees are the following:

a. Disaster Management Plan

b. Local Poverty Reduction Plan
c. Gender and Development Plan
d. Sustainable Development Plan
e. Food Security Plan
f. Integrated Area Community Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan

Table 1 - Sample Issues Common to Sectoral Plans


Social - Economic  Household income and expenditure

 Labor force participation rate
 Employment, unemployment, underemployment
 Job-related health risks

Economic - Institutional  Private investment incentives and regulations (local ordinances)

 Budget allocation for economic development (% of total budget)
 Economic performance of public enterprises

Land Use/Infrastructure- Institutional  Land use planning and regulation

 Budget allocation for roads and bridges, drainage and sewerage, water and power supply
 Space and buildings for the administration of justice, police and fire stations, jails an detention
cells, etc.

Environmental – Land Use/Infrastructure  Infrastructure vulnerable to environmental hazards

 Infrastructure to mitigate or prevent environmental disasters
 Sustainability in land use patterns

Social – Environmental  Domestic waste generation disposal

 Air pollution by source
 Population to land ratio

Social - Institutional  Social development budget as percent of total budget for socialized housing, livelihood services,
health, welfare, education, protective services, etc.
 Mechanisms for promoting people participation in local governance
 Mechanisms to ensure accountability and transparency in public office
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Social – Land Use/Infrastructure  Infrastructure to ensure social access (public transport service area, access ramps for
disabled, traffic-related accident rate)
 Infrastructure to ensure public safety and convenience (pedestrian friendly street furniture); for
public recreation (outdoors and indoors)
 Impact of infrastructure on land use and population distribution

Economic - Environmental  Sustainability in resource use

 Economic activities vulnerable to environmental hazards
 Effluent generation and disposal

Environmental - Institutional  Local policy (regulation) on environmental regulation

 Local budget allocation as percent of total budget on environmental and natural resources
 Local programs on environmental rehabilitation

Economic – Land Use/ Infrastructure  Economic support infrastructure (appropriateness and adequacy)
 Land use pattern that promotes economic efficiency

It would certainly make a difference if the different sectoral and functional committees at the
city or municipal level were involved in the preparation of these thematic or systems plans.

The outputs of each sectoral plan or inter-sectoral consultation may be grouped into two
types: programs and projects and new policies, or new legislations. The first type of outputs
will serve as the source of inputs to the local development investment program. The second
type of outputs will be included in the legislative agenda of the Sanggunian.

Synchronization and Harmonization of Planning, Investment Programming, Revenue

Administration, Budgeting and Expenditure Management at the Local Level

On March 8, 2007, four national agencies, namely the DILG, National Economic
Development Authority (NEDA), Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and the
Department of Finance (DOF), collectively known as the Oversight Agencies (OAs),
approved and issued Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 001 series of 2007. The
fundamental intent of this JMC is to harmonize the guidebooks and manuals prepared by the
Oversight Agencies. The JMC defines the individual and joint roles and functions of the
Oversight Agencies in relation to planning, investment programming, revenue administration,
budgeting, and expenditure management. This is to facilitate the crafting by LGUs of a plan-
based budget, using tools and techniques and adopting strategies and approaches that
harness multi-stakeholder participation; establish and strengthen vertical and horizontal
linkages among the network of plans, investment programs and budgets at all levels of the
administrative hierarchy; and capitalize on the Local Government Code-mandated structure
– the Local Development Council (LDC) as the principal vehicle for planning and investment
programming activities.

In the ambit of this JMC, local planning at the city and municipal level focuses on the
preparation of the comprehensive multi-sectoral development plan, which springs from a
process that, at a certain point also yields a CLUP as a separate and distinct document.

Among the significant features of the JMC involves the following:

1. providing opportunities for interface between national government agencies (NGAs)

and local government units (LGUs), and
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2. strengthening the complementation between provinces and their component cities

and municipalities.

The first is to emphasize the role of the local government units (LGUs) as partners of the
national government in national development and as collaborators and cooperators in local
development. The second is to establish the significant role of the province in formulating
development plans, policies and strategies that are built on the development concerns,
thrusts and programs of its component cities and municipalities, while ensuring that local
development goals and objectives are attuned with regional and national priorities.

The Relationship between the Province and its Component LGUs in the Plan
Formulation Process

In the entire gamut of establishing a rationalized local

planning system and the capability building activities that Being at the apex of the 3-tier local
it entails, the province is viewed as the most critical point government system, the province could
of entry of interventions. Sectoral planning experts found be the most effective channel for
or trained at the provincial level can serve as mentors to effecting the integration of plans and
their municipal counterparts. And since provincial planning processes at the local level.
assistance to component LGUs actually forms part of the
regular functions of provincial government officers, their extension services could be availed
of at any time. Establishing a pool of technical experts among provincial government
functionaries is a more cost-effective approach to technology transfer than engaging the
services of planning consultants to prepare plans for individual LGUs.

In terms of vertical integration of plans, the Provincial Governor serves as the vital link of
LGUs to the national government by virtue of his/her membership in the Regional
Development Council. At the lower level, the power of automatic review of all policies and
actions of component LGUs by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan can be utilized to effect
reconciliation and integration between the plans of component LGUs and those of the
provincial government. The provincial government can also utilize its review and oversight
powers to resolve issues between adjoining municipalities.

Interface between NGAs and LGUs in Local Planning

NGAs are enjoined to utilize the existing local planning

structure, the LDC, and avoid creating new ones in the Under the current devolution policy, LGUs
process of preparing sectoral, thematic or system plans. are no longer to be treated as
They are also encouraged to learn to integrate their subordinates to, but as partners of the
sectoral planning methodologies and analytical national government in the attainment
techniques into the regular local planning process. For of national goals (Sec. 2 ([a], RA 7160).
this purpose, all NGA officers operating in the LGU are
encouraged to join relevant sectoral and functional committees in the LDC.

NGAs can serve as coach or mentor on technical matters of their expertise in the following
planning tasks:

1. Building and maintaining the local planning database by generating sectoral data for the
updating of the ecological profile, processing of data to generate development indicators
for inclusion in the Local Development Indicators System, and assisting in the conduct of
impact monitoring and evaluation.
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2. Teaching and applying analytical and planning tools and techniques peculiar to the
sector to their local counterparts for the latter to be able to produce their own sectoral
plan. This sectoral plan may incorporate the particular thematic or system plan required
by the NGA.

3. Participating in public consultations to provide information on applicable national goals,

laws and policies and programs and to help reconcile local goals and policies with those
of the national.

4. Engaging in budget advocacy to encourage the LGU to give priority to local sectoral
programs and projects that will supplement or complement the effects of on-going or
proposed national programs.

The Synchronized Local Planning and Budgeting Calendar (SLPBC)

An important adjunct to the JMC is a Synchronized Local Planning and Budgeting Calendar
(SLPBC). The SLPBC provides a guide for participation by the key actors in the planning,
investment programming, revenue administration, budgeting, and expenditure management.

1. As an Instrument for Synchronization

The SLPBC lists down the deadlines and milestone dates for budgeting activities as
mandated by law. Then, planning and investment programming activities are “fitted’ into
or synchronized with the budget calendar to allow them to catch up with the budgeting
process. This is particularly important so that programs, projects and activities identified
to carry the LGU towards the attainment of its vision, goals and objectives are prioritized
in the 3-year local development investment program (LDIP), the annual investment
program (AIP), and in the local annual or supplemental budget. The calendar also
suggests the timelines during which the province and its component LGUs may conduct
activities jointly or independently but simultaneously, and the period when outputs of
such independently-conducted activities should be completed and consolidated at the
provincial level.

2. As an Instrument that Provides Opportunities for Complementation between the Province

and its Component Cities and Municipalities

The calendar suggests the periods when complementation between the province and its
component cities and/ or municipalities can take place. It sets the stage for:

a. Establishing proper coordination between the province and its component LGUs to
ensure that their vision, strategic directions, goals and objectives as embodied in
their respective development plans are consistent and supportive of one another;

b. Soliciting and consolidating support for programs, projects and activities are
facilitated to redound to the mutual and/or common benefit of all LGUs within the
territorial jurisdiction of the province; and

c. The higher LGU to take cognizance of the priorities and needs of the lower LGU, and
vice versa.

3. As an Instrument that Provides Opportunities for Interface between the National

Government Agencies and Local Government Units

The SLPBC provides avenues and suggests periods where and when NGAs and LGUs
can engage each other, especially in the matter of technical assistance, funding support,
inclusion of LGU priorities in NGA programs and projects and vice versa, as well as in
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the determination of legislative actions on the part of the LGU to support NGA programs
that will impact on the LGU.

Cross Referencing of Guidebooks and Manuals

The sets of manuals and guidebooks that the Oversight Agencies have developed to serve
as reference materials for local planning, investment programming, revenue administration,
and budgeting and expenditure management are intended to build the capacity of LGUs in
formulating their plans, investment programs, budgets and revenue administration
measures. The tools and techniques being offered in one manual or guidebook may also be
found in another. This may be construed as a reiteration of the desirability or applicability of
such tools and/or techniques for a particular phase or step in the planning, investment
programming, revenue administration, budgeting, and expenditure management process. To
some LGUs, going through all these manuals volume by volume, or chapter by chapter with
or without coaching assistance from the agency concerned may be an easy task. But to the
many others, such endeavor may prove to be tedious and daunting. To address this
concern, a cross-referencing guide has been developed. Part I of the guide lists down
various tools, techniques and methodologies that may be adopted in the various steps of the
planning, investment programming, budgeting and revenue administration process, and
indicating in what specific guidebook and manual these can be found; and Part II describes
or annotates each of these tools, techniques and methodologies.

This Guide is one of the suggested reference documents.

Approaches to CDP Preparation: Inclusive, Participatory, and Consultative

The LDC is one of the two more important components of the planning structure; the
Sanggunian being the other one. They are the bodies that lay down policy guidelines and
take decisions regarding the direction, character and objectives of local development.
Together with the Congressman’s representative, they comprise the political component of
the local planning structure.

The most ample avenue for multi-stakeholder participation in local planning and
development is the LDC where non-governmental organizations are allocated one-fourth of
the total membership. The Code explicitly directs LGUs to promote the establishment and
operation of people’s and non-governmental organizations (POs and NGOs) as active
partners in the pursuit of local autonomy (Section 34, RA 7160).

The technical component of the local planning structure is composed of non-elective officials
of the LGU, particularly the LPDO, LGU department heads, local special bodies, sectoral
and/or functional committees of the LDC, chiefs of national government agencies stationed
in the LGU and private sector representatives. It is in the sectoral of functional committees
and/or other local special bodies where other stakeholders who did not gain accreditation as
members of the LDC can get to participate in the planning process.

The steps in the planning process where multi-stakeholder participation can be harnessed
are listed below.

Stage 1: Generating the Planning Data Base

Technical inputs in the areas of data generation, analysis and presentation are mainly the
responsibility of the technical component of the planning structure. The interpretation of the
data and the explanations and implications of information derived from the data, however,
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should be undertaken through broad consultative and participatory processes involving both
political and technical components of the planning structure and the general public.

Stage 2: Vision and Goal Setting / Re-validation/Revision

This should be done with the political component and the general public. The technical
component only facilitates the proceedings.

Stage 3: Preparation of the Multi-Year Comprehensive Development Plan

This is the responsibility of the Local Development Council with inputs from its sectoral and
functional committees.

The approach to preparing the CDP and even the format in presenting the output may be
sectoral. The different components may be printed and bound separately so that they are
easier to handle and more convenient to use. The usual practice of presenting the CDP in
one thick volume appears to be intimidating and unattractive to untrained readers.

Stage 4: Preparation of the Local Development Investment Program

The Code also encourages LGUs to provide assistance, financial or otherwise, to POs and
NGOs that seek to undertake projects that are economic, socially-oriented, environmental or
cultural in character (Section 36, RA 7160).

Stage 5: Plan Implementation

Where POs and NGOs are able to marshal adequate resources of their own, LGUs are
enjoined to enter into joint ventures and similar cooperative arrangements with them. Such
joint undertakings may be for the delivery of basic services, capability building and livelihood
projects. These joint ventures may also include the development of local enterprises
designed to improve the productivity and incomes, diversify agriculture, spur rural
industrialization, promote ecological balance, and promote the economic and social well-
being of the people (Section 35, RA 7160).

Scope of the Guide


To be truly comprehensive, the CDP includes all the five (5) development sectors and sub –
sectors, namely:

1. Social

a. Education
b. Health and Nutrition
c. Social Welfare and Development
d. Shelter
e. Public Order and Safety
f. Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture

2. Economic

a. Primary
i. Agricultural Crops
P a g e | 13

ii. Livestock
iii. Fisheries (Inland, marine, brackish)
iv. Forestry

b. Secondary
i. Mining and quarrying
ii. Manufacturing
iii. Construction
iv. Electricity, water, gas, utilities

c. Tertiary
i. Wholesale and retail trade
ii. Transportation and communication
iii. Finance, insurance and related services

3. Infrastructure

a. Economic Support
i. Irrigation systems
ii. Power generation (mini-hydro)
iii. Roads, bridges, ports
iv. Flood control and drainage
v. Waterworks and sewerage systems
vi. Telecommunications

b. Social Support
i. Hospitals
ii. Schools
iii. Public socialized housing
iv. Facilities for the aged, infirm, disadvantaged sectors

c. Public Administrative Support

i. Government buildings
ii. Jails
iii. Freedom parks and Public assembly areas

4. Environment and Natural Resources

a. Lands
i. Lands of the Public domain
ii. Private and alienable and disposable lands
iii. Ancestral domain

b. Forest Lands
i. Protection forests
ii. Production forests

c. Mineral Lands
i. Metallic mineral lands
ii. Non-metallic mineral lands

d. Parks, wildlife and other reservations

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e. Water resources
i. Freshwater (ground, surface)
ii. Marine waters

f. Air Quality

g. Waste Management
i. Solid waste
ii. Liquid waste
iii. Toxic and hazardous

5. Institutional

a. Organization and Management

b. Fiscal Management
c. Legislative Output
d. LGU-Civil Society Organizations – Private Sector Linkages

Planning Period

The timeframe of the CDP may be multi-year – from a minimum of three years for the short-
term to six years for the medium-term. It could even cover a longer period, but preferably in
multiples of three (3) years. The short-term slice equivalent to three (3) years may be taken
out to coincide with the term of the elective local officials so that it can serve as the basis for
their Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA). Its timeframe is co- terminus with the term of
the elected officials so that after their term ends there is no need for the incoming officials to
“throw away” a plan that had expired. All that the new administration needs to do is formulate
its own 3-year ELA making sure that the successor plan is consistent with the CLUP policies
and will contribute to the realization of the multi-year development plan of the area as
embodied in the CDP.

Contents of the CDP

The formal and substantive elements of the Comprehensive Development Plan include, but
are not limited to the following:

1. Preliminary Pages

a. Resolution adopting the CDP

b. Foreword
c. Acknowledgement
d. Table of Contents
e. List of Tables
f. List of Figures
g. List of Boxes

2. Quick Facts about the LGU (Brief and preferably in bullet form only)

a. Brief Historical Background

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b. Geo-physical Characteristics
 Location and Total Land Area
 Topography
 Climate

c. Population and Demographic Profile

 Total population – male and female; urban – rural; school-age population by level, by sex;
dependent population, male and female; labor force, male and female
 Population density
 Ethnicity
 Religion
 Languages/dialects
 Poverty incidence

d. Social Services
 Number of schools, hospitals, daycare centers

e. Economy
 Major economic activities
 Number of business establishments by industry sectors

f. Infrastructure
 Transport and Utilities (major circulation network, sources of water and power supply and
communication facilities)
 Administrative infrastructures (number of national government offices situated and
operating in the LGU

g. Environment
 Solid waste management
 General air quality
 General water quality

h. Institutional Machinery
 Political subdivisions (Number of Districts, Barangays)
 Organizational Structure

3. Matrix of Local Development Indicators

4. Comprehensive Development Plan

a. Vision
b. Vision – Reality Gap Analysis
c. Cross-Sectoral / Special Issues and Concerns
d. Sectoral Development Plans

i. Social Development Plan – This is a compendium of proposed activities designed to

deal with the identified issues and concerns relative to improving the state of well-
being of the local population and upgrading the quality of social services such as
health, education, welfare, housing and the like. Questions of equity and social
justice and gender sensitivity are also addressed by this sectoral plan. Many
P a g e | 16

programs and projects in this sector are of the “soft” non-capital type but they are
as important as the capital investment or “hard” projects.

ii. Economic Development Plan – This embodies what the local government intends to
do to create a favorable climate for private investments through a combination of
policies and public investments to enable business and industry to flourish and,
ultimately, assure the residents of a steady supply of goods and services and of
jobs and household income. A very significant component of this sectoral plan is
the LGU’s support to agriculture and other food production activities and the
promotion of tourism programs.

iii. Infrastructure and Physical Development Plan – This deals with the infrastructure
building program and the land acquisition required as right-of-way or easements
of public facilities. The physical development plan may include proposals for the
redevelopment of old and declining sections of the locality, opening up new
settlement areas or development of new growth centers in conformity with the
chosen spatial strategy.

iv. Environmental Management Plan – This consolidates the environmental implications

of all development proposals within the municipality and provides mitigating and
preventive measures for their anticipated impacts. It embodies programs for
maintaining cleanliness of air, water and land resources and rehabilitating or
preserving the quality of natural resources to enable them to support the
requirements of economic development and ecological balance across
generations. A major component of this sectoral plan will also include measures
to minimize the vulnerability of the local residents to natural hazards and
v. Institutional Development Plan – This focuses on strengthening the capability of the
local government bureaucracy as well as elected officials to plan and manage the
development of the municipality. Manpower development, fiscal management and
program/project management are the vital components of this sectoral plan. This
sectoral plan likewise promotes the involvement of voluntary groups or civil
society organizations in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of the different sectoral programs, projects and activities.

The outputs of each sectoral plan will serve as an input to the local development
investment program and to the legislative agenda of the Sanggunian.

Each sectoral development plan contains the following:

a) Introduction
b) Goals
c) Objectives and Targets
d) Strategies
e) Programs and Projects
f) Proposed Legislations
g) Project Ideas of Project Briefs/Profiles

5. Local Development Investment Program

a. List of programs and projects with their corresponding costs to be funded from local
sources ranked by level or urgency
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b. List of programs and projects with their corresponding costs to be funded from other
sources, i.e., province, national government, private sector, foreign donors, grants,
loans, etc.

6. Glossary of Terms
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Organizing and Mobilizing the Planning Structure

The Local Development Council: The Local Government Code – mandated Planning

The Local Development Council (LDC) is the body

mandated by the Local Government Code of 1991 (LGC) to The LDC is considered the
prepare the multi – sectoral development plan of a local “mother of all planning bodies.”
government unit (LGU). It is therefore critical to ensure
that the LDC as well as its functional and sectoral committees, as providers of technical
support and assistance are constituted and activated.

Sectoral committee members are drawn from various sectors of the community – the
academe, religious, business, government, non-government organizations, people’s
organizations and other civil society organizations. The suggested composition of the
Sectoral Committees is shown in Box 1.

Functional committees should likewise be multi-sectoral. However, the life of functional

committees depends on the need for its continued existence.

Preparing the Planning Team

In preparing the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP), a planning team may be drawn
from the sectoral committees and organized as a functional committee for the duration of the
CDP formulation. Said functional committee should be de-mobilized or de-commissioned
once the CDP has been completed, endorsed by the LDC and approved by the Sanggunian
Bayan or Sangguniang Panlungsod (henceforth to be referred to as Sanggunian). It may,
however, be re – activated as a support machinery of the LDC for plan monitoring and
evaluation every year or after a 3 – year period.

1.1 What is the minimum composition of the planning team?

The Local Chief Executive (LCE) as Chair of the LDC is in the best position to
determine the size and composition of the planning team. The minimum composition
of the core technical working group is suggested below:

a. Local Chief Executive or Mayor as the Chairperson and the Vice – Mayor as Co -
b. Local Planning Development Coordinator (LPDC) or representative from the
Local Planning Development Office (LPDO)
c. Department Heads
d. Sanggunian Committee Chairpersons of major sectors
e. Representatives of the majority and minority blocs of the Sanggunian
f. Representatives of the private sector and civil society organizations (CSOs)
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Core Technical Expanded Technical Full-Blown Sectoral
Working Group Committee
Sectoral Committee Working Group
(“Nice to Have Around”) (“The More the Merrier”)
(“Must be There”)

1. SOCIAL  MPDO/CPDO Staff  Police Chief  Sports Organizations

DEVELOPMENT  SWDO  Fire Marshall  Religious Leaders
 MHO  Local Civil Registrar  Labor Groups
 POSO  Population Officer  Senior Citizens
 LDC Representative (Brgy.)  PCUP or its local counterpart  Media Representatives
 LDC Representatice (CSO)  Nutrition Officer  YMCA/YWCA
 District Supervisor  Housing Board Rep  Inner Wheel Club
 PTA Federation  NSO  School Principals
 Sanggunian Representative  Manager GSIS/SSS  Charitable Organizations

2. ECONOMIC  PESO  DTI Representative  Lions Club

DEVELOPMENT  Agriculturist  Chambers of Commerce &  Jaycees
 Tourism Officer Industry  Rotary Club
 Coop Devt Officer  Trade Unions  Academe
 MPDO Staff  Bank Managers  Other interested groups and
 LDC Representative (Brgy.)  Market Vendors individuals
 LDC Representative (CSO)  Sidewalk Vendors
 Sanggunian Representative  Cooperatives
 Transport Organizations

3. PHYSICAL / LAND  Municipal Engineer  Electric Coop Representative  Other interested groups and
USE  Zoning Officer  Water District Representative individuals
 MPDO Staff  Real Estate Developers
DEVELOPMENT  LDC Representative (Brgy.)  Professional organizations
 LDC Representative (CSO)  Telecommunications
 Sanggunian Representative companies
 Municipal Architect  Academe

4. ENVIRONMENTAL  MPDO Staff  Sanitary Inspector  Environmental Advocates

MANAGEMENT  LDC Representative (Brgy.)  CENRO  Other interested groups and
 LDC Representative (CSO)  PENRO individuals
 General Services Head  FARMC Representatives
 LG-ENRO  BFAR Representative
 Sanggunian Representative  Heads of private hospitals
 Academe

5. INSTITUTIONAL  MPDO Staff  HRDO  Religious groups

DEVELOPMENT  LDC Representative (Brgy.)  Treasurer  Good Governance advocates
 LDC Representative (CSO)  Budget Officer  Other interested groups and
 LGOO  Assessor individuals
 Local Administrator  Academe
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1.2 What are the factors for consideration in selecting planning team members?

The following criteria should be considered in the selection of the planning team

a. Membership in formal and legally recognized LGU structures for planning such as

i. LDC, which is the main body responsible for local development planning,
including its functional committees;

ii. Sanggunian, which has the mandate to approve local development plans
and budgets, including its sectoral committees;

iii. Key departments/ units within the LGU involved in program/project


iv. Local Government Operations Officer (LGOO) for technical assistance;


v. LPDO for secretariat support and overall coordination of all related

planning efforts of the LGU.

b. Equitable representation from various stakeholder groups external to the LGU,

and other civil society organizations.

c. Gender sensitivity – This will not only promote and ensure the understanding of
issues affecting women, men and other subgroups in the locality but also
manifest the LGU’s adherence to and support for Gender and Development
(GAD) mainstreaming efforts in the bureaucracy.

d. Commitment and sustainability of participation – Plan preparation can be tedious

and pressure laden. Consideration for the existing assignments of the
prospective member should be made to avoid conflict in workload and schedules
particularly in the light of the ELA timeframe.

This set of criteria can be looked upon as basic considerations for planning team
selection. LGUs can, of course, add or substitute other criteria as they deem fit
given their respective situations and priorities.

An additional tool for the selection of planning team members is a Sphere of

Influence and Potential Contribution Analysis (Table 2). Putting scores and
weights for eventual ranking will certainly help but is not necessary. What is
essential is that the results can be inputted to checking the preparedness of the
LGU to undertake the plan formulation activity.

1.3 What are the suggested qualities and qualifications of the planning team

To be able to effectively respond to the challenges and demands of the CDP

formulation process, the members of the team should possess:
P a g e | 21

a. knowledge of the following:

i. planning process; and

ii. development and governance concepts and principles

b. skills in:

i. planning,
ii. problem analysis,
iii. technical writing, and
iv. communications, and networking

c. knowledge, understanding of and sensitivity to critical development themes which

LGUs are mandated to incorporate in their local plans such as:

i. poverty,
ii. environment,
iii. gender, and
iv. peace

d. talent and proficiency in consultation processes; and

e. willingness to work with others


Prospective Planning Team Sphere of Influence Potential Contributions


Sphere of Influence - indicates the individuals, groups or sectors which a prospective planning team member
can influence or catalyze towards a productive or, even, an affirmative response to an issue or an undertaking.

Potential Contributions – the expertise or resources which prospective members can share towards the
completion, approval and adoption of the Plan.

1.4 How will the planning team be organized?

The planning team may be organized according to the structure as shown in Figure

1.5 Who will set directions for the planning team?

The LDC shall set the course for the planning team. The LCE as chair of the LDC
necessarily takes the lead and guide the plan formulation effort. He/she may
however, designate a focal person, like the LPDC, to act like an operations or
P a g e | 22

executive officer who can take charge of the team’s day-to-day operations until the
plan is completed and approved by the Sanggunian. The Sanggunian, for its part
may also designate a counterpart from among its own members or from its sectoral

Figure 5












1.6 What is the role and function of the Chair/ Co-Chair?

a. Set and clarify directions for planning, setting development thrusts, strategy
formulation, and programs and projects prioritization;
b. Approve the Work Plan and Budget;
c. Designate the members of the planning team and define their functions and
d. Monitor and oversee the conduct of team activities;
e. Resolve issues elevated by team;
f. Present the Draft CDP to the SB/P and to other stakeholders;
g. Ensure adherence to the work plan; and
h. Motivate the team.
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1.7 What are the role and functions of the Secretariat?

a. Prepare the materials in connection with the presentation of the Work Plan and
Budget to the LCE and the SB/P;
b. Monitor the implementation of the approved work plan and budget;
c. Provide the LCE/LDC Chairperson and Co-Chairperson recommendations
necessary for the effective management of the Planning Team and its activities;
d. Elevate to the Chair/Vice Chair the unresolved problems and issues encountered
by the Planning Team; and
e. Ensure the proper documentation and management of the Planning Team’s
activities, working papers and outputs.

1.8 What are the roles and functions of the other planning team members?

a. Prepare the Work Plan and Budget of their respective sectoral committees;
b. Gather and review available plans and other secondary data sources required in
the development of the CDP;
c. Plan, coordinate and facilitate the conduct of various multi-stakeholder
consultation/validation workshops;
d. Assist the LCE in public hearings and other consultation sessions with the various
LGU stakeholders and affected sectors like the LGU offices, LDC, Sanggunian
and other sectoral organizations;
e. Assist the LCE and the LDC in drafting and finalizing the CDP to include the 3-
Year LDIP, the current year AIP and the ELA;
f. Draft, package and finalize the CDP;
g. Prepare presentation materials for various audiences of the CDP;
h. Assist the LCE in his presentation of the Plan to various stakeholders;
i. Assist in organizing other planning sub-committees that may be required to carry
out other planning activities such as communicating/popularizing the Plan,
mobilizing resources, monitoring and evaluation; and
j. Perform such other functions as may be required by the LCE towards the
completion, adoption, popularizing, implementing and monitoring the CDP.

1.9 What is the Role of the Sanggunian in the plan formulation process?

The CDP embodies the policies of the LGU. As the highest policy - making body in
the LGU, the Sanggunian needs to be involved more substantially in the planning
process. The Sanggunian is also expected to:

a. Issue a resolution supporting the planning process;

b. Review and approve the CDP;
c. Identify and enact legislative measures to support and facilitate the
implementation of the plan.
d. Review, prioritize and approve budget allocation for plan-based PPAs.

Their involvement in the CDP will also result in the following benefits:

a. Firmer grasp of local development thrusts and priorities;

b. Better understanding of their role in steering the LGU into realizing its vision
through appropriate legislative actions;
b. Harmonization of executive and legislative actions towards a unified set of goals
and objectives for the LGU; and
c. Attainment of a shared responsibility and accountability for the CDP.
P a g e | 24

1.10 What is the role of civil society organizations (CSOs)?

CSOs have very strong potentials for supplementing or augmenting LGU efforts in
plan preparation process. They can:

a. bridge information gaps during plan preparation;

b. serve as monitors for CDP implementation and provide LGU decision – makers
unfiltered information;
c. assist the LGU efforts in communicating and disseminating information on the
d. rally support for CDP implementation especially on programs which are heavily
dependent on citizen participation and cooperation;
e. augment the various resources and expertise required in CDP preparation/
revision and implementation; and
f. link the CDP implementation with various resource organizations.

1.11 What is the role of the Local Government Operations Officer (LGOO)?

The LGOO of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) plays a
critical role. He shall:

a. Initiate the reconstitution of the LDC after every election.

b. Conduct a seminar on the functions of the LDC, particularly the political
component of the local planning structure. This means that the newly elected
members of the Sanggunian should be invited to this seminar. This is when
Sanggunian members choose the sectoral committees they wish to join.
c. Coordinate with other relevant national agencies in conducting a joint seminar -
workshop for the technical component of the local planning structure on the
functions and responsibilities of the sectoral committees.
d. Ensure that the sectoral committees and other bodies created by virtue of existing
national laws and administrative issuances shall be made standing committees of
the LDC.
e. Make certain that functional committees and other ad hoc bodies which may be
formed from time to time shall, to the extent possible, be drawn from the
membership of the sectoral committees.
d. Emphasize the important role of the executive departments in planning by
requiring each department head or any key officer thereof to join at least one
sectoral or functional committee.
e. Lead or organize a core team of workshop facilitators from the staff of the Human
Resource Development Office (HRDO), LPDO or from selected key departments
of the LGU to be trained on techniques and approaches to participatory planning
facilitation. This team shall take charge of conducting all future planning
f. Facilitate, when necessary, the formulation of the new Executive and Legislative
Agenda (ELA) in order to provide a venue for imbibing the concept of joint
responsibility for planning.

1.12 What is the role of national government agencies?

a. Relevant national government agencies shall teach their counterpart sectoral

committees on the sectoral planning process, including but not limited to:
P a g e | 25

i. general and analysis of sectoral data sets,

ii. sectoral plans required by law through the mediation of the NGA concerned,
iii. formulation of sectoral goals, objectives and targets,
iv. identification of appropriate sectoral strategies, programs and projects, and
v. monitoring and evaluation of plan, program and project implementation.

This hands–on capability building exercise should lead to the preparation of

sectoral/ sub-sectoral/ thematic/ systems plans which will eventually be integrated
into the CDP and the LDIP.

Planning Scenarios

When the LDC and its sectoral and functional committees shall
have been mobilized for the purpose of preparing or revising Where no CLUP exists
the LGU’s medium– or short–term Comprehensive in the LGU concerned
Development Plan (CDP), the next step is to determine the and for that matter the
status of current plan documents. Two sets of scenarios, one
CDP also, the proper
on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) preparation and
another on the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) action is to prepare these
formulation, indicate the current state of planning in individual plans in their entirety.
LGUs and suggest the range of possible interventions needed
to improve the situation.

If the plan exists, however, the intervention could be determined by whether the existing plan
is compliant in form and content. The appropriate interventions are indicated in Figures 6 to

Figure 6 – Status of Existing CLUP and Zoning Ordinance









P a g e | 26

Figure 7 - Status of Existing CDP (1)




M &E


Figure 8 - Status of Existing CDP (2)


W IT H E A / E L A




1.13 When is a CLUP and zoning ordinance deemed compliant?

A CLUP and ZO are deemed compliant when it covers the entire territorial
jurisdiction of the LGU, (emphasis supplied) including its waters. The Local
Government Code of 1991 (RA 7160) explicitly states that, “the local government
units shall, in conformity with existing laws, continue to prepare their respective land
use plans enacted through zoning ordinances (underscoring supplied) which shall be
the primary and dominant bases for the future use of land resources…” (Sec. 20 (c),
RA 7160). The zoning ordinance, therefore, shall cover not only the urban or
urbanizable area of an LGU but the CLUP in its entirety, shall likewise comprise a
part and parcel of the said zoning ordinance.
P a g e | 27

1.14 When is a CDP deemed compliant?

A CDP is deemed compliant if it includes all the development sectors – social,

economic, environment, physical and land use, and institutional.

1.15 What is the role of the LGOO under any of the planning scenarios?

a. As a facilitator of comprehensive planning, the LGOO in collaboration with the

LPDC shall assess the level of readiness of the planning structure and quality of
existing plans in the LGU.

b. In the assessment of the CLUP, the LGOO may coordinate with the Housing and
land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) in the case of highly urbanized cities and
LGUs within metro Manila; and with the provincial land use committee (PLUC) in
the case of component cities and municipalities.

In the assessment of the CDP and LDIP, the assistance of the League of Local
Planning and Development Coordinators and its regional and provincial chapters will
be indispensable.

Orienting the Local Chief Executive and the Sanggunian

Developing the CDP is a challenging task and this cannot be done without the support of
elective officials. The following steps are necessary to help ensure a more collaborative
effort between the executive and legislative departments in the LGU as well as provide
impetus for the active participation of different stakeholders in the LGU.

1.16 Who will conduct the Orientation?

The orientation activity may be conducted jointly by the Local Government

Operations Officer (LGOO) and the Local Planning and Development Coordinator

1.17 What will the Orientation cover?

The orientation will cover the following:

a. Overview of the Rationalized Local Planning System, focusing on the Local

Planning Structure, the Local Planning Process, and the types of plans that LGUs
are mandated to prepare; and the Joint Memorandum Circular No. 001 series
2007 (Synchronization of Planning, Investment Programming, Revenue
Administration, Budgeting and Expenditure Management at the Local Level)

b. Preparedness Check to assist the LCE and the SB/P assess the LGU’s capacity
and capability in preparing the CDP in terms of the availability of the following:

i. manpower with appropriate skills;

ii. financial resources;
iii. time to be devoted to the exercise; and
iv. data and other reference documents.
P a g e | 28

1.18 How long will the Orientation take?

A maximum of four (4) hours should be enough to cover the salient points that the
LCE and the SB/P should know about the CDP formulation process.

1.19 When should the Orientation take place?

The CDP preparation or revision should be The Synchronized Local Planning and
anchored on the local budget cycle so that the Budgeting Calendar (SLPBC), which
programs, projects and activities (PPAs) that
is a significant feature of the JMC No.
are listed in the plan can be included in the
001, suggests planning activities to
Local Development Investment Plan (LDIP), the
be undertaken within the first
Annual Investment Program (AIP), the Local
Expenditure Program (LEP) and the Budget of semester of an election year.
Expenditures and Sources of Financing (BESF)
and eventually, into the Local Budget or Appropriations Ordinance (AO). This is also
consistent with the updated Local Budget Operations Manual recently issued by the
DBM that emphasizes the link between the plan and the budget. (See Table 3 -
Synchronized Local Planning and Budgeting Calendar)

The short – term or 3 – year CDP or ELA rides on the term of the LCE and
other elective local government officials. Therefore, the orientation on
the preparation or revision of the 3-Year CDP or ELA should take
place immediately after the LCE is sworn into office, preferably not
later than the third quarter of the year of his/her election. This is because planning
should be harmonized with the Local Budget Cycle, so that the budgetary
requirements for the implementation of the plan can be incorporated into the AIP and
the Appropriations Ordinance (AO).

Training the Planning Team

Whether the planning team members have had previous experience or not, training should
be undertaken prior to the start of plan preparation.

1.20 Why is there a need for training?

For an LGU which will be doing a CDP for the first time, the training will enable
the members to:

a. have an appreciation and clearer understanding of the simplified sectoral

planning process, as well as the requirements for and implications of the plan
preparation exercise; and

b. learn from some of the experiences in the past plan formulation exercises, so that
they can adopt the good practices and avoid the pitfalls that others experienced.

For an LGU which had previously undertaken the CDP, the training is an
opportunity for both old and new members to be introduced to the simplified sectoral
planning process.
P a g e | 29

There are two possible approaches in training the Planning Team, the choice of
which will depend on whether the team has undergone a previous CDP formulation
exercise or not. The session flow for a training program that incorporates said
approaches are contained in Figure 9.



1 Week of PPDC sets guidelines Guidelines for Data Provincial Planning
January for data gathering Gathering and Development
Coordinators (PPDCs)

January to Updating of planning Updated Planning, Local Planning and

March and budgeting Budgeting and Development
database Financial Database Coordinators (LPDCs),
(socioeconomic, Budget Officers,
physical resources, Treasurers,
time series revenue Department Heads,
and expenditure data, National Government
project profiles/status, Agencies (NGAs),
among others) Regional Line
Agencies (RLAs)

 Analysis of the Draft situational LPDCs, NGAs, RLAs

planning environment analysis and
for plan preparation/ assessment of plan
review/ updating implementation

April to May
 Updating of Indicative AIP (the 1 Local Development
appropriate Annual year of the LDIP in the Councils (LDCs),
Investment Plan (AIP) case of election year) LPDCs
in the Local
Investment Program
(LDIP) as input to

Preparation of the AIP AIP Summary Form LPDCs, Local Budget

using the AIP Summary Officers
Form (Annex A) for the
Budget year

Approval of the AIP AIP for the Budget Year Local Sanggunians
P a g e | 30




1 Week of July PREPARATION
during Election
Year Reconstitution of the Timetable and tasking Local Chief Executives
LDCs for plan preparation / (LCEs)

 Formulation of Vision, Goals, LDCs, LPDCs,

Whole month of development vision, Strategies, Department heads,
July goals, strategies, Objectives/Targets and NGAs, RLAs
objectives/targets and PPAs
identification of
Programs, Projects
and Activities (PPAs)

Whole month of  Harmonization and Harmonized vision, Jointly by the Province

July complementation of goals and strategic and its component local
development vision, direction government units
goals and strategic (LGUs)
direction between
and among province
and component
cities/ municipalities

 Approval of the PDPFP / CDP Sanggunians

Development and
Physical Framework
Plan (PDPFP) /
Development Plan


during Election

June 1 – July 31 Identification of areas Joint programs / Provinces and their

during Election for complementation projects component cities and
Year of PPAs between and municipalities
among provinces and
their component
cities/ municipalities
P a g e | 31




June 1 – July 31
during Election Prioritization of PPAs Prioritized PPAs LDCs, Local Finance
Year Committees (LFCs),

Matching of PPAs with LDIP, revenue LDCs, LFCs, NGAs/

available financing generation measures RLAs
resources and
determination of
additional revenue
sources to finance the

Approval of the LDIP Approved LDIP Sanggunian

June 16 – 30 or
1 Week of July BUDGET
during election PREPARATION

Issuance of Budget Budget Call LCEs of Provinces,

Call Cities and

Submission to LCE of Certified Statement of Local Treasurers

July 1 - 15 detailed 3 – year Income and (Provinces, Cities and
Statement of Income Expenditures Municipalities)
and Expenditures

July 16 – Conduct of budget Reviewed Budget Local Department

August 31 technical budget Proposals Heads
hearings on budget
proposals submitted by
Department Heads

Submission to the Certified Statement of Barangay Treasurer

On or before Punong Barangay of Income and
September 15 the Estimated Income Expenditure
and Expenditure for the
ensuing fiscal year

On or before Preparation and Budget proposals Local Department

September 15 submission of budget heads
P a g e | 32


September 16 - Consolidation of LEP and BESF LFCs

30 Budget proposal into
the Local Expenditure
Program (LEP) and
Preparation of the
Budget of Expenditures
and Sources of
Financing (BESF)

Not later than Preparation of the Budget Message and LCEs (Provinces, Cities
October 16 Budget Message and Executive Budget and Municipalities)
submission of
Executive Budget to
the Sanggunian

October 17 - Enactment of the Enacted Annual Budget Sanggunian

Onwards Annual Budget of the (Provinces, Cities,
ensuing fiscal year by Municipalities and
the Sanggunian Barangays)

Within three (3) Submission of the Annual or Secretary to the

days from the Annual or Supplemental Budget Sanggunian
approval of the Supplemental Budgets submitted for Review
LCE of the of provinces, Cities and
Annual or Municipalities to
Supplemental appropriate reviewing
budget authority

Within ten (10) Submission of the Annual or Sanngunian

days from the Annual or Supplemental Budget
approval by the Supplemental Budgets submitted for Review
Punng barangay submitted for review
of the Annual or
Budgets of

Within sixty (60) Review of the Annual Reviewed Annual or Sangguniang

days from the or Supplemental Supplemental Budgets Panglungsod,
receipt of the Budgets of Barangays of Barangays Sangguniang Bayan,
submitted City or Municipal
Annual or budget Officers
Budgets of
barangays for
P a g e | 33


Within ninety Review of the Annual or Reviewed Annual or Department of Budget

(90) days from Supplemental Budgets Supplemental Budgets and Management
the receipt of of provinces, Cities and of provinces, Cities and Regional Offices,
submitted Municipalities Municipalities Sangguniang
Annual or Panlalawigan
Budgets for
review of
provinces, cities

January 1 to Implementation / Supplemental Budgets LCEs of Provinces,

December 31 Execution of the Annual Cities, Municipalities
or Supplemental and Barangays

NOTE: Detailed activities will be provided through subsequent guidelines, including cross-referencing to the technical guides/ manuals such as
the Rationalized Planning System (RPS) – Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) / Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA),
Provincial/Local Planning and Expenditure Management (PLPEM), Updated Budget Operations Manual (UBOM) and Revenue

For first time users, the indicative content of the Orientation Training Workshop (OTW) for
the Planning Team is shown in Box 1.2. For subsequent exercises, the contents of the
modules will vary slightly, especially in the conduct of visioning and the determination of
current reality. This will be discussed in subsequent chapters.

Figure 9 - Suggested Training Session Flow







P a g e | 34

Box 2


The participants will be oriented on the CDP and the ELA formulation process and trained on how to
use various tools and instruments, as well as the methodology for each step of the process. The
training program will contain five modules, listed as follows:

Module 1: Introduction
Session 1: Surfacing and Leveling of Expectations
Session 2: The Rationalized Local Planning System
Session 3: Understanding the Planning Team’s Structure and Functions
Session 4: Revisiting Past Planning Experiences

Module 2: The Comprehensive Development Plan

Session 5: Overview of the CDP Process

Session 6: Setting the Vision
Session 7: Determining the Current Reality and the Vision – Current Reality Gap;
Session 8: Transforming Gaps into Goals and Objectives/ Targets
Session 9: From Goals to Actions: Identifying Solutions and Developing Strategies,
Programs, Projects and Activities
Session 10: Sifting of Projects (Projects versus “Non – Projects”; By Ownership) and
Determining Levels of Urgency

Module 3: Tools for Implementing the Plan

Session 11: The Local Development Investment Programming (LDIP)

Session 12: The Legislative Agenda
Session 13: The Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA)

Module 4: Plan Monitoring and Evaluation

The culminating activity of the training program is the conduct of an LCE – Sanggunian Hour where
major potential problems that may be encountered during the planning exercise not identified earlier
can be discussed and addressed.

Sample Work Plan

The entire CDP preparation is estimated to take at least four (4) months and two (2) weeks,
assuming that the planning process is targeted to also yield a CLUP. The timing of each
task is shown in Table 4 – Indicative Schedule of Activities. Should the LGU decide to focus on
the CDP formulation alone, this may be adjusted according to the pace of work of the
planning team and the sectoral committees.

A. Pre – Plan Formulation Phase

1. Mobilization

The Planning Team will start mobilizing the members and prepare them to begin
work within two weeks upon approval of the LCE to proceed with the plan formulation
process. During this period, the Consultant will start with kick-off meetings with the
various sectoral committees.
P a g e | 35

During the kick-off meetings, the Planning Team Leader will review the work plan,
address other issues that might surface at this stage, and introduce changes if
necessary. The composition of the Sectoral Committees will be firmed up and the
necessary office orders issued by the LCE.

The mobilization period will likewise be devoted to the setting up of the various
project support and coordinating systems, like venue for workshops and public
consultations, project finance accounting and procedures, counterpart financing from
the various departments, if available or previously agreed upon, additional staff
support, etc.

2. Preliminary Assessments

During this period, the Planning Team shall conduct a preliminary assessment of the
current database of the LGU. Data available in the LGU that are kept in national,
regional, and provincial level agencies including additional thematic maps will also be

B. Plan Formulation Proper (Assumes that this also involves the preparation of both the
CLUP and the CDP)

1. Orientation, Organization, and Tasking

This will be a one day affair. This activity shall be held to give the participants an
orientation on the planning process, concepts, and approaches, and the LGU’s
planning responsibilities as mandated by the LGC of 1991. This activity shall be a
venue in which the participants can seek clarifications on basic issues affecting their
LGU. This activity shall also orient the participants on updating their respective
databases. Assignment of tasks for project participants will be made in this

2. Preparation of Statistical Compendium and Thematic Maps

The database available in the municipality will be reviewed and updated if necessary
in order to come up with the Statistical Compendium or Local Development Indicators
Matrix. Thematic maps available shall be also evaluated and additional maps shall be
secured from relevant agencies as needed.

3. Module 1 – Seminar-Workshop

This 3-day activity involves the use of the Statistical Compendium or LDIs to make
meaningful observations about the condition of the LGU. The participants will be
introduced to the techniques of sectoral and inter- and intra-area analysis, and to
work out the Problem-Policy Matrix. This will enable the participants to know their
area more intensely and thoroughly.

4. Module 2 – Seminar-Workshop

This 3-day seminar workshop shall require the attendance of the widest range of
representation among the stakeholders in the municipality. The most important
output of this workshop will be a new or revised vision-statement of the municipality.
Associated outputs will include the sectoral goals and objectives derived from the
vision-reality gap analysis.
P a g e | 36

5. Module 3 – Seminar-Workshop (To be conducted if the plan formulation process

includes the preparation of the CLUP)

This activity shall be conducted to select the preferred spatial strategy; to detail and
refine the preferred spatial strategy; and to formulate policies and implementation
tools including the draft zoning ordinance. This will be a 3-day intensive activity.
Attendance of all members of the SB is a must.

6. Finalization of Draft CLUP and Draft Zoning Ordinance (To be conducted if the
plan formulation process includes the preparation of the CLUP)

The Consultant shall take full responsibility for the finalization of these documents
including writing, text editing, and organization and enrichment of the contents. The
final outputs will be prepared in hard copy and digital format (CD).

7. Module 4 – Comprehensive Development Planning and Local Development

Investment Programming

This module aims to enhance the capability of the Local Development Council and its
sectoral committees in preparing sectoral programs, projects, and activities that the
LGU will implement during the 6 – or 3 – year scope of the CDP. The participants will
be assisted in identifying project ideas from the CLUP and the CDP. The project
ideas will be presented in a standard project brief format. The project briefs are
collected, screened, prioritized, and cost. They will be use as inputs to the Local
Development Investment Program (LDIP).
The members of the Local Finance Committee (LFC) will also be required to conduct
and demonstrate the analysis of time-series financial statements. This will be the
basis for projecting funds available for development projects over the planned period.
A one-day workshop on prioritization of programs and projects and the matching of
investment funds available with fund requirements shall be conducted among the full
membership of the MDC and the LFC.

The LDIP will now be put in final form.

P a g e | 37



ACTIVITIES / TASKS Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


1. Orientation, organization and tasking

2. Preliminary Assessments


1. Module 1 Seminar workshop

2. Data collection, review and validation

3. Maps and graphics preparation

4. Inter- and intra- area analysis

a. Population, Settlements and Social Services

b. Area Economy

c. Infrastructure

d. Land Use and Environment

e. Institutional Capability
P a g e | 38


ACTIVITIES / TASKS Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

5. Module 2 Seminar – Workshop

6. Cross-sectoral integration

a. Summary of LGU potentials and problems

6. Public consultation No. 1


1. Vision Setting

2. Goal Formulation

3. Alternative Strategies Generation

4. Evaluation of Alternative Spatial Strategies

5. Public Consultation No. 2: Selection of Preferred Spatial Strategy

6. Detailing the Preferred Spatial Strategy

7. Preparation of the CLUP

8. Drafting of the Zoning Ordinance

9. Public Consultation No. 3: presentation of the CLUP and Zoning Ordinance

P a g e | 39


1. Social Development Plan

2. Economic Development Plan

3. Environmental Management Plan

4. Infrastructure and Physical Development Plan

5. Institutional Development Plan

6. Local Development Investment Programming

7. Public Consultation No. 4: Presentation of the CDP


1. Finalize CLUP

2. Finalize Zoning Ordinance

3. Finalize CDP

4. Finalize LDIP


1. Submission to LDC for Endorsement to Local Sanggunian

2. CDP and LDIP Approval by the Sanggunian

3. Submission of the CLUP to the Provincial Land Use Committee for Review

4. Approval of the CLUP by the PLUC

P a g e | 40



Step 1: Setting the Vision

1. What is a Vision?

A vision is a desired state or scenario of the LGU and its

A vision should be as vivid as
people. It is the stakeholders’ shared image of the LGU’s
future. It describes what the LGU wants to become or where possible, so that it can serve as
it wants to go; it serves as an inspiration and a guide to an inspiration as well as a
action; it keeps the LGU in its course despite changing challenge for all stakeholders.
demands of constituents and shifting political and economic

It answers the question: How do you see your LGU in the future?

2. What is the difference between “Vision” and “Goal”?

The terms “vision” and “goal” carry no substantial difference as both pertain to
the future. They differ only in form. A vision describes an end-state scenario
as though it were already attained. Hence, it is often stated in the present
tense or past participle. A goal, on the other hand, also specifies a desired
future state but does not assume that it is already attained. Hence, a goal is
normally stated in the form of an infinitive. Goal statements can be transformed
into a vision statement as in the example below.

General Goals of the Regional Physical Framework Plan

a. To achieve a rational distribution of the region’s population

b. To ensure access to economic opportunities and social services
c. To obtain optimum utilization of natural resources
d. To preserve and maintain the integrity of the environment

When transformed into a vision statement:

A place where the population are distributed rationally and have access to
economic opportunities and social services, where the resources are optimally
utilized, and where the integrity of the environment is preserved and

3. Why is it important for an LGU to have a vision?

It is important for an LGU to set its vision because its serves as:

a. an end toward which all future actions specified in the plan are directed;
b. criteria for evaluating alternative strategies, approaches and policies; and
c. standard against which success of each action is measured.
P a g e | 41

4. What is a good vision for an LGU?

A good LGU vision should not deviate from, but rather, be a local variation of the very
aspiration of the national government that LGUs, as political and territorial subdivisions,
attain their fullest development as self-reliant communities and become effective
partners in the attainment of national goals (Sec. 2, a. RA 7160)

A good LGU vision, therefore, must have two major components to reflect its dual
function as a political subdivision of the national government and as a corporate entity:

a. Desired role of the LGU or the best contribution it can make to the development of
the nation. This “outward-looking” component:

i. identifies the wider region to which the LGU relates or makes a unique or
substantial contribution; and

ii. defines the desired LGU’s role or roles the LGU will play in that region both at
present and in the future.

b. Desired state of the LGU as an environment for its inhabitants to live in and where
they can make a living. This “inward-looking” component defines the desired
conditions of the following:

i. Local population (social sector)

ii. Local economy (economic sector)
iii. Natural environment (environment sector)
iv. Built form (infrastructure sector)
v. Local leadership/ governance (institutional sector)

A good vision statement should possess the following characteristics:

a. Achievable. Though a vision is ambitious, it certainly must be achievable or well

grounded on reality.
b. Inspiring. It should encourage commitment and inspire enthusiasm. It should be
powerful and compelling so that the people concerned can relate to it and work hard
to achieve it. It should be a driving force even at trying times. It should capture the
imagination, engage the spirit and inspire performance.
c. Easily understood. It should be well articulated using simple language.
d. Distinctive. It should build on the distinct character or unique role of the LGU, i.e.,
Marikina City as a river city should highlight in its vision its river resource.
e. Complementarity. Neighboring LGUs should have complementary not competing
visions, i.e., municipalities along the same zone do not all have to serve as ports.

5. Who is responsible for setting the vision?

Everyone in the community has a stake in setting the vision. The visioning exercise
should be a highly participatory process because it entails determining the desired state
or condition of the place where the people live and make a living. The LDC and its
sectoral and functional committees shall be at the forefront of the visioning exercise. The
technical and administrative aspects of the activity, however, shall be the responsibility of
the LPDO.
P a g e | 42

6. When is a vision developed?

A vision must cover a fairly long time horizon. Therefore, the proper occasion for
drafting one is in connection with the preparation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan
(CLUP). The CDP and other short – term plans must NOT have another vision
statement. Short-term plans should simply adopt the vision in the CLUP and must
contribute towards its eventual realization.

But if the vision is crafted during the CDP preparation process, the Synchronized
Local Planning and Budgeting Calendar suggests that the LGU vision may be formulated
or re-visited within the month of July during an election year.

7. How is a vision developed?

There is no hard and fast rule in determining the process for developing a vision
statement. It may be done through one or a combination of the following:

a. household surveys,
b. barangay consultations,
c. seminar – workshops, and
d. interviews

If the city or municipality is crafting its vision for the first time, a series of
workshops or focus group discussions involving various stakeholders representing the
different development sectors and sub-sectors (social, economic, infrastructure,
environment and institutional), and as many societal sectors (women, indigenous
peoples, youth, business, academe, civil society organizations, religious, farmers, etc.)
as possible, may be conducted following the process suggested below:

a. Begin by explaining the meaning, importance and the characteristics of a good LGU

b. Elicit from the participants ideas on what they would like their city or municipality to
be say, 12 to 30 years from now by posing trigger questions, such as the following:

To capture the “outward – looking” component of the vision –

i. What role do you like your city/ municipality to perform in relation to the “outside
world”, i.e., the province, the region and/or the country in general?

TIP: A technical working group may prepare the groundwork for consensus taking by culling out from
existing higher – level plans, laws, administrative issuances and related documents what role or function
these “outsiders” have envisioned for the city / municipality to play in the wider region.

c. Assign to sectoral committees each of the elements which correspond to the five
development sectors.

d. Then, ask the participants to characterize the following “elements” of a vision by

using “descriptors” or adjectives to describe the desired:
P a g e | 43

i. Qualities of the people as society;

ii. Nature of the local economy
iii. State of the natural environment
iv. Condition of the built environment
v. Capacity and qualities of the local leadership

To capture the “inward – looking” component of the vision, the following trigger
questions may be asked:

i. What do you want your people to be? What are your aspirations as a people?
(Social Sector)
ii. What do you desire to be the state of your local economy? (Economic Sector)
iii. What do you dream to be the condition of your city’s/ municipality’s natural and
built environment? (Environment and Natural Resources and Infrastructure
iv. What do you desire from your local government? (Institutional Sector)

Box 3 – Example of a Vision Statement Crafted Based on the Vision Elements and Descriptors

“Outward – We envision Dagupan City as the premiere center

looking” of the north for education, information technology,
health, commerce and trade, aquaculture

with God-loving, well-informed, healthy, self-reliant, Qualities of the people as

empowered and vigilant citizenry individuals and as society

who live in a balanced, attractive and safe State of the natural &
“Inward – environment built environment
and a globally competitive, diversified and Nature of the local economy
environment-friendly economy

Capacity of local government

under a firm, decent and progressive leadership.”

e. Match the descriptors with the vision elements, as shown in the example below:

f. Assign success indicators corresponding to each descriptor of the vision elements.

The success indicators are the desired end-state scenarios about the development
of each sector and sub-sector.

Success indicators measure the extent of achievement of desired results. They are
needed for both goals and objectives and can be expressed either quantitatively or
qualitatively. Indicators define how performance will be measured qualitatively or
P a g e | 44

Table 5 – Sample Vision Elements and Descriptors


People as a Society and as Individuals o God – loving, well – informed, healthy, self-reliant,
empowered, vigilant

Local Economy o Competitive, diversified, environment - friendly

State of the Natural Environment o Clean, safe, restored

Condition of the Built Environment o Balanced, planned, attractive

Capacity and Quality of the Local Leadership/ o Firm, decent, progressive


g. Collate the outputs of the different workshop or brainstorming groups and

endorse to a style committee which will put the vision statement in its final draft
form. From the sectoral committee outputs, only the descriptors are collated to
be incorporated into the vision statement. To make the final vision statement
easier to read the style committee may reduce the number of descriptors further
to one or two or else select a word that encompasses the meaning of all the
descriptors generated by a particular sector. The success indicators are saved
for use in the vision-reality gap analysis

An Alternative Vision Statement: The General Welfare Goals

In the absence of a vision statement or pending the formulation of one, the LGU may
consider adopting the general welfare goals as embodied in Section 16 of the Local
Government Code. In a workshop or focus group discussion, the participants, considering
one goal at a time, are asked: “What do you want to see occurring or happening in your
city/town if this particular general welfare goal is already achieved or operational?”
The list of success indicators are shown in Table 6 is a summary of outputs of workshops
conducted in many LGUs throughout the country. This can serve as a take off point for any
LGU. They can add other descriptors or remove from the list as appropriate.

Table 6 – Examples of Success Indicators for the General Welfare Goals


1. Preservation and 1.1. Public library/museum and archives well maintained

enrichment of culture 1.2. Historical/heritage sites preserved
1.3. Adequate school facilities for pre-school, elementary and high school levels per
1.4. Public parks well patronized by the community
1.5. Local language and literature promoted
1.6. Local festivals observed
1.7. Citizens literate in at least one language other than their native tongue
1.8. Local and foreign tourism vigorously promoted
P a g e | 45

Table 6 – Examples of Success Indicators for the General Welfare Goals (Cont’d.)


2. Promotion of health and 2.1. Health center in every barangay

safety (Cont’d.) 2.2. RHU/puericulture center/general hospital in every municipality
2.3. Pedestrian sidewalks/crossings or traffic signals provided in busy streets
2.4. Well-lighted streets
2.5. Drugstores or pharmacies in every barangay
2.6. Fire station and fire-fighting equipment in every municipality
2.7. Flood control and drainage structures functional
2.8. Widest possible coverage of level III water supply
2.9. Facilities to rehabilitate the mentally ill and drug users available
2.10. Health insurance coverage for all
2.11. Institutional ability to respond to disasters
2.12 No users/pushers of dangerous drugs
2.13. Physical fitness exercises well attended
2.14. Low incidence of mental illness

3. Enhancement of people’s 3.1. Acceptable ratio of built form to open space

right to a balanced 3.2. Clean air monitoring and enforcement effective
ecology 3.3. Plenty of greeneries in public and private places
3.4. Acceptable waste management systems (liquid and solid) in place
3.5. Wildlife preservation areas well protected
3.6. Tree parks and green belts in abundance
3.7. Built up surfaces not completely impervious

4. Encouragement and 4.1. Technical/vocational schools established

support for appropriate 4.2. Complete coverage/adequate supply of electric power
self-reliant technology 4.3. Technology research and dissemination program for the use of indigenous
resources and the reuse of recovered waste materials consistently pursued
4.4. Research and development programs for new products and processes
4.5. Indigenous property rights protected
4.6. Native ingenuity recognized
4.7. Regulated use of biotechnology

5. Improvement of public 5.1. Churches and other religious organizations actively involved in community affairs
morals 5.2. Community reading centers well equipped and widely used
5.3. Freedom parks established
5.4. Bulletin/billboards in public places
5.5. Properly located and regulated gaming and amusement activities
5.6. Transparency in government transactions an established practice
5.7. Venues for airing complaints and grievances available
5.8. Public awareness of safe sex at a high level

6. Enhancement of 6.1. Adequate infrastructure support for production activities

economic prosperity and a. Irrigation systems
social justice b. Farm to market roads
c. Commercial/industrial zones
d. Agricultural supply stores
6.2. Adequate infrastructure support for distribution/consumption
a. Grain drying
b. Agricultural product processing plants
c. Public markets
6.3. Modern communication systems in place
6.4. Banks and other financial institutions available
P a g e | 46

Table 6 – Examples of Success Indicators for the General Welfare Goals (Cont’d.)

6. Enhancement of 6.5. Well distributed farm lands

economic prosperity and 6.6. Cooperativism widely accepted
social justice (Cont’d) 6.7. Rural industries proliferate
6.8. Reduced insurgency and labor militancy
6.9. Increased number of small entrepreneurs
6.10. Increased local government revenues and receipts
6.11. Full participation of the poor, the underprivileged, homeless, and landless citizens
in opportunities to better their lives and livelihood.

7. Promotion of full 7.1. Optimally utilized farm lands

employment 7.2. Fisherfolk given territorial use rights in municipal waters
7.3. Availability of non-farm jobs
7.4. Support facilities for informal businesses and small enterprises provided
7.5. Opportunities for self-employment assured
7.6. Investment information and job placement services available

8. Maintenance of peace 8.1. Adequate facilities for police services (police headquarters and police outposts)
and order 8.2. Well-appointed courts
8.3. Well-maintained jails and detention cells
8.4. Facilities to prevent drug abuse available
8.5. Rehabilitation centers for vagrants, beggars, street children, juvenile delinquents,
and victims of drug abuse in place
8.6. Legal assistance to paupers offered
8.7. Sports promotion and development consistently pursued

9. Preservation of comfort 9.1. Well provided access facilities for the handicapped and elderly in public places and
and convenience buildings
9.2. Clean functional public latrines
9.3. Public toilets well maintained
9.4. One-stop shops provided
9.5. Modern telecommunications systems available and accessible

Step 2: Determining Current Reality

The Ecological Profile is the primary reference document in determining the current reality in
the LGU.

1. Using Population Data

Population is the basis for determining whether the level of public services like schools,
health centers, recreational facilities, power and water supply, is adequate/inadequate or

The population can be regarded as subjects of development, i.e. they make things
happen, provide manpower, and accumulate knowledge, skills and know-how needed to
push civilization forward.
P a g e | 47

For planning purposes, however, focus will be on the sets of information that pertain to
population as objects of development, i.e. as representing demand for basic services
and facilities.

a. Population Growth is the effect of events that tend to add, or take away members
from the population such as births, deaths and migration.

i. Births and deaths cancel each other out. When the general state of health is
good and survival rates of infants and life expectancy at birth are high
because of advanced medical care available and accessible to the people,
the population is bound to achieve a net positive balance between births and
deaths resulting in net population increase.

ii. Migration is indicative of the relative attractiveness of an area as a place of

employment, and corollarily, as a residential area. A positive change is the
effect of in-migrants outnumbering out-migrants.

For a better appreciation of the behavior of the population of the LGU, its
growth trend must be shown and compared with those in other
cities/municipalities in the province or the region.

b. Population Growth Rate indicates how fast a population increases or decreases as a

result of the interplay of births, deaths, and migration during a given period of time.
Where the population is closed, meaning no migration, the population growth rate is
the same as the rate of natural increase, i.e., the difference between the number of
births and the number of deaths during a specified period of time.

c. Population projections – Estimates of the total size or of the components of the

population indicate the magnitude of demand for certain goods or services. They
are necessary when preparing sectoral development plans and programs. (See Box
4 – Examples of Goods and Services by Age Group)

d. Population distribution – One characteristic of the population that has great

implications on planning is pattern of its distribution over the municipal territory. A
very crude indicator of population distribution is gross population density, which is
expressed as the number of persons per unit of land area usually in hectares or
square kilometers.

Another indicator of population distribution is the extent of urbanization.

i. Age – Sex distribution is very important especially in the planning of specific

social services and facilities, since they cater to specific segments of the
ii. Sex Composition affects the incidence of births, deaths and marriages. It can
be used as a basis for looking at its implications on the following:
iii. Spatial mobility; and
iv. Work participation and occupational structure

e. Age Composition: “Young” and “Old” population – The population is said to be:

i. Expansive – where large numbers of the population are in the younger ages;
ii. Constructive – where a smaller number are in the younger ages; or
iii. Stationary – where roughly equal numbers of people are found in all age
groups with slight tapering off in the older ages.
P a g e | 48

f. Age Dependency Ratio – This indicates the extent to which those who are too young
or too old to earn a living depend for support on those who work.

In the Philippines, those who are below 15 years old are considered too young, and
those 65 years old and above too old, too work.

Box 4 – Examples of Goods and Services by Age Group

i. Health care is important for individuals below 15 years old, women of childbearing
ages (15-49), and the elderly.

ii. Education demand is highest from age 5 to age 20 then declines thereafter.

iii. Food demand is highest among young age groups, especially teenagers.

iv. Employment demand is highest among the working age population (15-64).

v. Housing demand peaks at ages when people start living independently or start their
own families

vi. Labor Force (15 – 64) will have to be provided with jobs

g. Population density indicates the pattern of population distribution. It can serve as an

indicator of urbanization. It is assumed that the urban population is concentrated in a
relatively small area whereas the rural population is dispersed over a wide area.

2. Social Sector: Determining the Status of Well – being of the Population

The social development sector is concerned with changes in the area or community
relative to the following:

a. Social characteristics of the area population

This refers to any or all of the following aspects of an area’s population:

i. Demographic structure, e.g., population size, density, growth rate, age-sex

structure, etc. (Please refer to No. 1 above)
ii. Ethno-linguistic characteristics (population grouping according to race, tribe,
clan or language)
iii. Inheritance system, including land tenure status
iv. Religious beliefs and practices
v. Other cultural practices ( customs, ceremonies, taboos, prejudices)

b. Overall quality of life

Quality of life, status of well-being, and general welfare are synonymous terms. But
these concepts cannot be measured directly. In measuring the quality of life, the
usual practice is to use a composite of indicators covering specific sectors or
dimensions of welfare which more easily lend themselves to measurement. These
are embodied in the Local Development Indicators System.
P a g e | 49

One way of assessing the welfare status of the population is through the following

i. Take an inventory of the social support infrastructure, facilities and services.

ii. Apply the allocation standards developed and used by the agencies that
provide these services to determine whether the study area is adequately
served or whether backlog exists.
iii. Use output or outcome indicators, such as morbidity rates, malnutrition rates
rather than input indicators such as number of hospitals, number of schools in
the area. This is due to the fact that, the mere presence or absence of a
service is not a reliable indicator of the state of well-being of the people in the

Morbidity rates, malnutrition rates, maternal mortality rates and the like are
better indicators of health status rather than the number of hospital beds;
literacy rates, educational attainment, participation rate, rather than the
number of school houses, etc. are more meaningful measures of well – being.

The average household income is a good catch – all or proxy indicator of well – being because
its shows whether or not a family can afford the goods and services that the members need.

iv. Income / Poverty Line as a Measure of Well-being

One may also use individual and family income as a welfare indicator although
normally it is treated as an economic indicator. It is because income determines
the ability of the individual or the family to procure the goods and services
he/she/they need that are available in the market. This is also the reason behind
the use of the poverty line (a concept that has a very strong income connotation)
as a benchmark for measuring the level of well-being.

b. Availability and access to social services

The physical availability of social services does not automatically mean that the
citizens are well served. Some social services are not for free and therefore
access is determined by affordability. It is the concern of the social sector to
guarantee access to social services by the target population either by providing
adequate social services or by removing the different types of barriers to access
to these facilities and services.

It is therefore important to determine whether or not social welfare services and

facilities are physically available and are located not too far away from the target
clientele. And if they physically exist, ascertain if they tend to discriminate
wittingly or unwittingly against certain groups on account of their social status or

It is a fact that the need for certain goods and services does not occur uniformly
throughout the lifetime of individuals and certain groups of the population. At
certain stages in their lives people require more of certain types of services than
they do others. The graph as show in Figure 10 - Time Relationship between a Birth
and Future Service Requirements) illustrates this fact and should aid in formulating
appropriate sectoral policies and programs of intervention.
P a g e | 50

Figure 10- Time Relationship between a Birth and Future Service Requirements

Source: __________________________________________________

c. Social justice

The Constitution defines social justice as the “preferential treatment for the least
advantaged groups and areas”. Article XIII calls for the “enactment of measures
that protect and enhance the right of all the people to human dignity, reduce
social, economic, and political inequalities, and remove cultural inequities by
equitably diffusing wealth and political power…” (Sec. 1, Philippine Constitution).

The principle of social justice requires that the distribution of income, wealth, and
command over society’s resources should be such that the:

i. needs of the population within the territory are adequately met;

ii. inter-territorial multiplier effects are maximized; and
iii. extra resources are allocated to overcome special difficulties stemming
from the physical and social environment.

Similarly, the mechanisms for the allocation and distribution of society’s

resources (institutional, organizational, political and economic) must be such that
the opportunities of the least advantaged groups and areas are as great as they
possibly can. Find out if this is true in the LGU.

Thus, it is crucial to find out if the preferred priority laws and policies that need to
be enacted are those that:

i. recognize the right of labor to its just share in the fruits of production and
of enterprises to reasonable returns on investment (Sec. 3, Philippine
ii. encourage the just distribution of agricultural lands and at the same time
respect of the rights of small landowners (Sec. 4, Philippine Constitution);
iii. protect the rights of subsistence fisherfolk, landless farmers, and
indigenous people to preferential use of lands, waters and other natural
resources (Sections 5-7, Philippine Constitution);
P a g e | 51

iv. make available affordable decent housing and basic services to

underprivileged and homeless citizens (Sec. 9, Philippine Constitution);
v. give priority to the health needs of the underprivileged sick, disabled,
women, and children as well as free medical care to paupers (Sec. 11,
Philippine Constitution);
vi. protect working women (Sec. 14, Philippine Constitution); and
vii. respect the right of the people to free and independent association and
guarantee participation of people’s organizations at all levels of decision
making (Sec. 15 and16, Philippine Constitution).

3. The Condition of the Local Economy

Local government intervention in the economy serves to facilitate market transactions.

For the local government to effectively intervene in the market to accelerate local area
economic development, local planners must have a basic understanding of how the local
economy works and is structured (Please refer to 9.2 of the Guide to Ecological

Local planners must also be familiar with relevant and applicable techniques of analysis
that will aid them in identifying points of entry or areas of intervention by the local

a. General Welfare Goals that pertain to local economic development:

i. Development of self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities

The development of scientific know-how and technological capabilities among
the residents is a necessary condition to attaining higher levels and faster rate
of economic growth. But the LGU must first ask the following questions:

a) Are the constituents prepared in adopting new technologies?

b) For example, has the LGU switched to the use of computers? If so, is the
supply of electric power reliable, or is the use of the old manual typewriter
still more appropriate?
c) Does the LGU benefit from the optimum capacity of technology? Most
imported technology incorporates in their design programmed obsolescence
so that the user has to continually upgrade hardware and purchase new
software. For the sake of self-reliance, does the LGU still use homegrown
technologies and indigenous knowledge? If so, have they been discarded,
or have they been developed and improved?

ii. Enhancement of economic prosperity

Enhancement of economic prosperity is the principal concern of the economic

sector. But the other half of this goal is the promotion of social justice. This is to
ensure that the benefits of prosperity do not concentrate in the hands of the few
privileged sectors of society.

Examine if:

a) the benefits of prosperity are not concentrated in the hands of the few
privileged sectors of society;
P a g e | 52

b) there are programs, projects and legislative measures that seek to promote
full employment as the principal redistributive mechanism;
c) there are mechanisms available for direct transfer payments such as
unemployment insurance or substantial non-wage benefits like subsidized
health, education, housing and other social services.

iii. Promotion of full employment

a) Assess the desirability of the LGU as a good place to do business in. Is the
climate in the LGU hospitable to private investments? If not, why?
b) Determine if there are measures to indirectly create jobs by making the
locality an attractive place for private investments.
c) Are there incentives to private investors in the form of fiscal measures such
as tax breaks and exemptions from certain fees and charges?

b. Food self-sufficiency or security

The economic sector is also concerned with making available in sufficient quantities
the food requirements of the local residents. Taking off from the existing level of self-
sufficiency in various food commodities as determined in the profile, the economic
sector planners shall decide on what level of sufficiency will be targeted. This will in
turn determine how much will be produced locally and how much will be procured
from outside. The Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) provides the per
capita requirement per year of the following food commodities:



Grains (rice and corn) 0.11434

Sugar 0.021
Assorted vegetables and legumes 0.01265
Root crops 0.0073
Fish 0.03065
Meat & eggs 0.03313

c. Determining the relative size of each sector (Please refer to 9.2 (a) of the Guide to
Ecological Profile)

i. Determination level of urbanization using employment as a measuring unit –

A place may be considered urban or rural by simply taking the ratio of the
combined employment in secondary and tertiary sectors to total employment,
expressed in percent using the formula below.

E (Secondary) + E (Tertiary)
Level of = _____________________________ X 100
E (Primary + Secondary + Tertiary)

 A ratio below 50% indicates that the place is still predominantly rural;
 A ratio above 50% shows that the place is considered urban.
P a g e | 53

By comparing two ratios between two census years, the direction of change is
indicated, whether the area is:

 growing more or less urbanized, or

 in a steady state.

Decisions can then be taken whether to speed up, slow down or maintain the
pace of urbanization depending on the development vision of the local
leadership and the residents.

d. Determining Structural shift in the local economy – Structural shift in the local
economy is shown by changes in the relative share of each sector to the total
economy over time. (Please refer to Section 9.2 (d) of the Guide to Ecological

e. Determining the Town’s Specialization using Location Quotient

A simple measure of an area’s specialization is the location quotient (LQ). The LQ

is an indicator of the relative importance of an area in terms of selected industry
types or sectors. Any measurement unit or variable can be used as the
specialization variable and the reference variable. Specialization (Please refer to
Section 9.2 (e) of the Guide to Ecological Profiling)

The principal question that the LQ seeks to answer is: To what extent are certain activities or
characteristics of the area economy associated with other selected activities or characteristics; and
how does this association compare with those of the larger area as a whole?

 If the LQ is greater than 1.0, the town is more specialized than the
province as a whole in that type of economic activity.
 If the LQ is less than 1.0, the town is less specialized in that activity or
sector than the province as a whole.
 If the LQ is equal to 1.0, the activity is equally important in both the town
and the province.

Knowledge of the town’s specialization is a vital input to decision – making.

Depending on the LGU vision and objectives of local development, appropriate
policies can be developed. For example, policies to accelerate economic growth can
be formulated by reinforcing the town’s specialization in certain activities or sectors.

f. Identifying Linked Activities – The data on specialization can also be used to identify
other activities which might be promoted in the locality. This is to diversify the
economy by promoting businesses that have various forms of linkages with the

specialized activity. (Please refer to Section 9.2 (f) of the Guide to Ecological
P a g e | 54

Backward and forward linkages are known as production linkages. The others may
be referred to as distribution or as trade and services linkages.

Information gathered about production Too much specialization makes an

linkages may be used as basis for a more LGU very dependent on other areas.
detailed investigation into the feasibility of Concentrating on one product and
attracting new firms that have either a one market makes an area highly
backward or a forward linkage with the vulnerable to external market failures
local industry to locate in the area. and uncertainties.

The advantages of additional industries locating in the area over the short – term and
in the long run are described in the model shown in Figure 11 based on the theory of
cumulative causation or “spread effects” formulated by Gunnar Myrdal.

Figure 11 - Myrdal’s Concept of Cumulative Causation: An Example of Industrial Expansion in an Area


D evelopme nt of e xterna l
Expansion of local economies for for mer’s Prov ision of better
employment and population production infrastructure for population
and industr ial development –
roads, factory site s, public
utilities, health a nd
Deve lopment of ancilla ry educational services, e tc .
Increase in local pool of industry to support former
traine d indus trial labor with inputs, etc.

Attrac tion of ca pital and Expa nsion of local

enterprise to ex ploit government funds through
expanding demands for incr eased local tax yield
locally produced goods
and service s

Expa nsion of serv ice Expansion of general

industr ies and othe rs wealth of the c ommunity
servicing local market

g. Money Flow Theory – Another way of understanding the local economy is to assume
the following:

i. the geographical / territorial unit is a closed spatial system similar to a water

tank that has an inlet pipe and an outlet pipe;

ii. both inlet and outlet valves are open at the same time.
P a g e | 55

B ox 4
M o ney F lo ws in the L oc al Eco no m y
• IRA • Mun. share to P rov in ce
• S alaries of NGA • Outside purcha ses of
personn el in t he loc ality government & HHs
• OF W Remittances • School expenses of loc als
stud ying elsewhere
• E xp ort s ales of local
products • Pro fit s of inv estors
remitt ed elsewhere
• Receipts from tour ism /
services t o others • Imports o f loc al bu siness
• Inbound inv estments • Salaries paid to workers in
the loc ality who live
elsew here

Figure 12– Scenarios When There is Net Storage




• In cr e a se th e m a g n i tu d e & • E n c o u ra g e l o c a l sa v in g s
r a te o f i n flo w
P O S S I BL E • P ro m o te in v e s tm e n ts b y lo c a l
I NT E R V E NT IO N S • D e cr e a s e th e m a g n i tu d e & s a ve rs in th e a re a e i th e r in th e
r a te o f o u tflo w p r o d u ct io n o f g o o d s & s e r vi ce s , i n
d i str ib u tio n & fa ci li ta ti o n o f
• A d o p t b o th m e a s u re s a t
c o n s u m p tio n & e ve n i n fi n a n c ia l
th e sa m e ti m e
m a r ke ts .

* M on ey th at is “ s to re d” do es n ot gr ow . Fo r i t to gr ow , i t m us t
c i r c ul ate . M on ey ac q ui r es a dde d v a lu e e v er y ti m e i t c h an ges h an ds .

The amount of water that is stored in the tank at any time is the net of the
inflow and outflow. There is net storage when the inflow is greater than the
outflow; no storage is possible when the outflow is equal to or greater than
the inflow.

Similarly, there are transactions that lead to either an inflow of money into or
an outflow of money from the local economy.

a) Calculate the magnitude of each flow on a yearly basis and determine

whether there is net storage of money in the local area. At least one of
two scenarios will emerge:
P a g e | 56

 Scenario 1: There is hardly any storage

 Scenario 2: Storage is sizeable

Under Scenario 1, the direct implication is that there is no possibility for

the economy to grow. The intervention can be any one or a combination
of the following policies:

 Increase the rate and magnitude of inflow;

 Decrease the magnitude and rate of outflow; or
 Adopt both measures at the same time.

Under Scenario 2, a sizeable storage of money in the area is not a

guarantee that the local economy will grow. Money that is simply “stored”
does not grow. For it to grow, it must circulate. Money acquires added
value every time it changes hands.

The process of area income multiplication is illustrated in the example

shown in Table 8 from A. Bendavid-Val. It assumes an inflow of One
Hundred Pesos (Php 100.00) and a forty percent (40%) rate of leakage or
outflow. When circulated seven (7) times in the area economy, the
original inflow is multiplied two and a half times.




Initial Inflow Php 100.00

1ST Php 100.00 Php 40.00 Php 60.00

2ND Php 60.00 Php 24.00 Php 36.00
3RD Php 36.00 Php 14.00 Php 22.00
4TH Php 22.00 Php 9.00 Php 13.00
5TH Php 13.00 Php 5.00 Php 8.00
6TH Php 8.00 Php 3.00 Php 5.00
7TH Php 5.00 Php 2.00 Php 3.00
TOTAL Php 250.00 Php 100.00 Php 250.00

Public intervention is necessary in investment decisions of private owners of capital

lest they concentrate in areas where the perceived return is greatest, i.e., where the
“return period” is shortest… The role of the State to effect switches from one form of
investment to another is critical. This can be done by means of fiscal policies and
other facilitation measures.
P a g e | 57

4. The Physical and Spatial Base: Infrastructure Sector

4.1 Concerns of the Infrastructure Sector

The land use/infrastructure sector is concerned primarily with providing adequate

physical base for social and economic development.

Because almost all programs and projects that this sector will identify and
propose will impact strongly on the use of land and other natural resources, this
sector should:

a. be utilized as the organizing concept for locating infrastructure projects the

desired urban form or the preferred spatial strategy; and
b. see to it that land and water use zoning shall take into consideration not only
the social and economic functions of intended uses but also the potential
hazards posed by the environment upon future uses.

4.2 Considerations in identifying local infrastructure needs:

This sector should consider infrastructure support for, among other things:

a. The preferred spatial strategy or urban form. Ask the following questions:

i. Are the roads and circulation networks properly designed?

ii. Are there land development or redevelopment schemes?
iii. Is infrastructure development consistent with the preferred urban
iv. Is infrastructure development used to influence the location of future
population and economic activities in the desired locations?

b. The projected levels of food self-sufficiency and production targets.

i. Are there production support infrastructures such as irrigation systems

and farm to market roads, as well as post production support facilities
like grain drying, cold storage, and public market facilities to help
attain economic objectives?

c. Elimination of current backlogs in the provision of social services. Assess

existing school, health, welfare, police and fire protection, recreation, and
housing stocks against present demand to determine the shortfall in the
provision of these services. Perhaps the filling of these service gaps may be
given higher priority than the establishment of new facilities.

d. Upgrading the quality of services and facilities to desired standards. Another

dimension of shortfalls is the standard of quality of existing services and
facilities. Determine if existing roads are not only adequate in terms of total
length in relation to the total land area but also if the road surfacing is such
that certain sections are rendered impassable during the rainy season. In
they are not, there is a serious deficit indeed. Bringing up the quality of
existing facilities to desired, if not prescribed, standards is also a matter of
priority concern.
P a g e | 58

e. Reducing vulnerability of the local population to environmental risks and

disasters. Some environmental disasters are unpredictable but the severity of
their impact depends on the vulnerability of the affected population. Are there
ways to reduce vulnerability of the population to environmental risks, e.g.
structural measures? Are human settlements located in areas that are out of
harm’s way?

f. Maintaining the integrity of the environment.

g. Are civil works properly designed and located to minimize the adverse impact
and degradation and to help preserve the integrity of the environment? For
example, are there water impoundments, river bank stabilization and similar
structures to help modulate the fury of nature and protect it from itself?
Section 17 of the Local Government Code provides a comprehensive list of
infrastructure facilities that should be provided by barangays, municipal, city
and provincial LGUs. The infrastructure sector shall use this as a template to
ascertain the completeness of coverage of the sector and the
appropriateness of the programs and projects that they will propose.

4.2 Using Map Overlay Analysis in Analyzing the Physical and Spatial Base

Map overlay or sieve analysis is the process of putting two or more thematic
maps on top of each other. Use this to:

a. determine areas of convergence of certain features of land contributing to the

suitability of the area to a particular purpose, and
b. eliminate or screen out areas that are not suitable for that purpose.

Problem areas or “decision zones” can surface and they should be brought up for
resolution by the proper authorities either within the framework of the CLUP or
outside of it. This type of analysis can also determine the direction of growth of
the built up areas of the locality.

4.3 Measuring Area Coverage

The supply of land in terms of quantity and quality needs to be assessed because
this will indicate to what extent land and other natural resources are an opportunity
or a constraint to future development.

To measure land area, the dot grid or planimeter may be used, whichever is
available. The use of computers will be an advantage. If there are inconsistencies
in land areas, especially pertaining to territorial boundaries of the municipality and
the barangays, these should be noted by the political authorities of disputant
LGUs, with the aid of cadastral surveys or through inter – agency consultations.
Only political authorities and the courts have the power to settle boundary

4.4 Analysis of the Existing Infrastructure Support

P a g e | 59

a. Assess and evaluate existing systems in relation to the intended population to

be served to providing indicators to decision – makers about what alternative
actions to be taken with respect to a facility or service such as whether or not

i. Freeze the expansion of existing facilities

ii. Extend or expand the existing service
iii. Put up new needed facilities

Box 5

1. Appropriateness – This can be determined by matching the type of infrastructure available with
the level of settlement in which it is located and with the service area and population the facility
is intended to serve.

2. Adequacy – This has to do with the capacity and quality of the infrastructure in relation to
demand for its use.

3. Level of utility – This refers to the extent to which the facility is put to use.

4. Accessibility – This may be understood in either of these:

a. Physical terms – This refers to either distance or travel time, including travel cost from the
user’s point of origin

b. Design and quality of construction of the facility – Flashy and stylish designs and
sophisticated equipment are normally associated with high income and high social class
clientele and may screen off the low income groups from availing of such services and

5. The Environment Sector

5.1 Conduct an Environmental Assessment

When undertaking environmental
Environmental assessment follows the assessment, the ecosystem approach,
Pressure – State – Response (P-S-R) logic of rather than sectoral, is preferable.

a. Pressure pertains to the different demands by human society on a given

ecosystem for their survival and well – being.

b. State refers to the existing conditions of the ecosystem as a result of the

application of human pressures as well as threats, human and natural, to the
very survival of the ecosystem itself.

c. Response includes existing mitigation, rehabilitation, protection and

conservation measures that human society has so far devised to ensure the
sustainable use and serviceability of the ecosystem.

Shown in Table 9 are the different ecosystems adopted under the Philippine
Agenda for Sustainable Development in the 21st Century (PA 21).
P a g e | 60

The bulk of functions regarding the environment and natural resources

devolved to LGUs have to do with implementation and enforcement of
national policies and laws. The main concern of the environment sector
therefore is to ensure that the proper measures to safeguard and conserve
land, minerals, marine, forest and other resources are enacted by the
Sanggunian and enforced by the LCE.







For every issue identified in each ecosystem as surfaced in the environmental

assessment in connection with the preparation of the Ecological Profile or the
Local Development Indicators, there should be an assessment of existing
policies or legislations that had been developed to address the issue. The
fishbone analysis may be used for this purpose. (Figure 13)
P a g e | 61

Table 9 - Ecosystems and Subsystems


1. Protected Forest 1. Croplands 1. Built – up Areas 1. Surface waters 1. Mangroves 1. Metallic minerals 1. Wild flora
a. Primary growth, a. Cereals (food a. Residential a. Rivers 2. Marshes, swamps a. Base metals 2. Wild fauna
closed canopy, and feed crops) b. Commercial b. Lakes and wetlands b. Precious metals a. Endimicity
virgin b. Other food crops c. Industrial c. Reservoirs 3. Sand dunes 2. Non – metallic b. Rarity
b. Second growth with c. Industrial or d. Institutional d. Other 4. Seagrass beds minerals c. Threatened
<50% slope or cash crops e. Utilities and impoundments 5. Small islands, a. Sand and gravel d. Endangered
>1,000 elevation infrastructures atolls b. Rock quarry
6. Coral reefs c. Marble quarry
d. Coal mining
e. Guano

2. Production forest 2. Livestock 2. Urban Wastes 2. Groundwater

c. Residual dipterocarp a. Beef, cattle and a. Solid
d. Rangelands or dairy b. Liquid
grazing lands b. Poultry and c. Hazardous
e. Integrated forest piggery
management areas
f. Community – based 3. Air Pollution
forest management 3. Fisheries a. Mobile
areas a. Fishponds sources
g. Multiple use zones b. Fishpens b. Stationary
and buffer zones in c. Catch fisheries sources
NIPAS areas
P a g e | 62

5.2 Determine if the LGU:

a. Has existing measures that declare, prevent or abate any nuisance.

b. Requires that buildings and the premises thereof and any land within the LGU
territory be kept and maintained in sanitary condition.
c. Regulates the disposal of clinical and other wastes from hospitals, clinics and
other similar establishments.
d. Provides for the establishment, maintenance, protection and conservation of
communal forests and watersheds, tree parks, greenbelts, mangroves and
other forest development projects.
e. Regulates the consumption, use and wastage of water.
f. Regulates the construction, repair, and maintenance of public drains, sewers,
cesspools, tunnels and similar structures; construction and use of private
water closets, privies, and other similar structures in buildings and homes.
g. Provides for an efficient and effective system of solid waste and garbage
collection and disposal, and prohibit littering and the placing or throwing of
garbage, refuse and other filth and wastes. (Refer to Sections 447, 458 and
468, RA 7160.)

One more concern of the environment sector is to ensure adequate

representation of the LGU in the review of environmental impact assessments
of proposed projects to be sited in the locality. What are the mechanisms to
ensure that this is done?
Another question to ask is if the environmental sector committee able to field
the proper experts to sit on behalf of the LGU in the tripartite monitoring
teams organized to enforce the conditionalities of the environmental
compliance certificates (ECC) issued to environmentally critical projects
located in the LGU territory.

6. The Institutional Sector

6.1 Concerns of the Institutional Sector

The principal concern of the sector is to see that the local government officialdom
and bureaucracy are properly tooled up and primed up to manage local growth
and change. The Institutional Sector, like the calyx to the flower, coordinates,
integrates and supports the other sectors through various mechanisms and

The analysis focuses on the planning function as an important aspect of

governance. The result of this assessment should provide a basis for the
formulation of the Institutional Development component of the Comprehensive
Development Plan. This assessment will center on the following:

a. Structure and functions of the Local Development Council (LDC);

b. Technical capability of the Local Planning and Development Office (LPDO) to
carry out its mandated functions and responsibilities;
c. Fiscal management capability of the LGU;
d. Development orientation of the Sanggunian as evidenced by their legislative
e. Extent of representation and participation in local governance of non –
government sectors; and
f. Vertical and horizontal linkages of the LGU with other government agencies.
P a g e | 63

6.2 Guide Questions for Characterizing the Institutional Sector

a. On the Organizational Structure and Functions of the LDC

i. Is the organization of the LDC in accordance with the provisions of

Sections 106 – 108 of the Local Government Code (LGC)?
ii. Are the functions of the LDC being exercised by the Council as mandated
in Section 109 of the LGC?
iii. Is there an Executive Committee created according to Section 111?
iv. Are there Sectoral or Functional Committees as called for in Section 112?
v. Are all these bodies functioning properly?
vi. Are there any deviations from the mandated structure and functions?

b. On the Functions of the LPDO

i. Are the functions and responsibilities of the office clearly defined and
delineated so that overlaps with other offices are avoided or minimized?
ii. Are there other functions performed by the LPDO which are outside of its
iii. Whether mandated or not, are these functions consistent with the
traditional functions expected of a local planning office, vis-à-vis long –
and short – term planning, land use control and regulation, research and
planning data base management, project impact monitoring and public

c. On the Organizational Structure and Staffing of the LPDO

i. What is the position of the LPDO within the organizational framework of

the LGU? Does it reflect the value and importance of planning among
local government functions? Draw an organizational chart of the LGU.

ii. How accessible is the LPDO to the political authorities and the
iii. How large is the LPDO personnel complement according to the
plantilla? Does the size permit an internal structure with differentiated
iv. If there is already an organizational structure, what is the basis of
dividing the office into sub – units? Does the structure adequately cover
the functions of the office? Draw an organizational chart of the LPDO.
v. Are the plantilla positions filled with personnel with the appropriate
qualifications? If not, why? What critical vacancies exist?

d. On the LPDO’s Relationships

i. Does the LPDO enjoy the confidence of the mayor or administrator? If

not, what are the possible reasons?
ii. Is the LPDO able to provide technical support to the LCE in certain
aspects of decision – making?
iii. How effectively is the LPDO providing technical and secretariat support
to the LDC?
iv. In what ways does the LPDO provide support to the local legislative
v. How does the LPDO interact with the heads of line departments of the
P a g e | 64

vi. Describe the LGU’s relationship with non-government organizations, the

private sector, and other people’s organizations.

e. On the Fiscal Management Capability of the LGU

i. What is the fiscal balance of the LGU for the last three years? Is the
LGU operating on a balanced budget or on deficit spending?
ii. What is the level of self- reliance of the LGU? Does it show an upward
or downward trend for the last three years?
iii. What are the top sources of local revenues? Are these sources being
tapped optimally?
iv. What is the pattern of local expenditures? Does the LGU keep within
the limits prescribed by law?
v. What is the record of the LGU in terms of debt servicing? Does it incur
vi. What part of the budget goes into development investment?
vii. Is there a private investment incentive ordinance in the LGU?

f. On the Development Orientation of the Sanggunian

i. What is the total output of the Sanggunian since the start of its term? Of
this body of legislative output how many are ordinances and how many
are resolutions?
ii. Of these resolutions and ordinances, how many are (or what is the
proportion of) intended to maximize utilization of local resources? How
many are purely for “socializing” purposes? How many deal with
regulating certain activities and land use? A tabular presentation will be
iii. Does the Sanggunian consult the plan or the planning bodies when
crafting legislation? Do the Sanggunian members make an effort to join
sectoral and functional committees of the LDC?
iv. Are the Sanggunian sessions open to the public? Are the views of
ordinary citizens sought actively as inputs to the legislative process?

g. On Non-Government Sector Participation

i. Is the mandatory representation of non-government sectors in the LDC

properly complied with?
ii. Is there an effective accreditation process of NGOs/POs represented in
local special bodies?
iii. Are there opportunities for participation in local governance of non –
government sectors whether accredited or not, whether organized or
iv. Is there a working definition of the private sector, NGOs and Pos? Is the
definition accepted by all? Are the distinctions important?

h. On Inter-Government Relations

i. Are national agencies operating locally coordinating with the LGU in the
implementation of their programs and projects? Do they comply with
the Codal provision on mandatory consultation?
P a g e | 65

ii. Are the barangays effectively involved in all aspects of local

iii. Is there effective coordination by the LPDO of all sectors, LGU
departments, and national agencies in planning, programming,
budgeting, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation?

6.3 Other tools to characterize and analyze the Institutional Sector

a. The Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS)

i. Disaggregated data on poverty at individual and household levels – The

CBMS as a system has the ability to generate information on poverty at
smallest geopolitical unit. It can provide socio-economic information at the
individual and household levels that are disaggregated by barangay,
municipality and province. This can be useful in the comparative analysis
of data between one planning unit vis-à-vis another, i.e., municipality with
higher and/or lower level LGU, allowing an appreciation of the differences
between these areas with respect to certain indicators or attributes.

ii. Input to social clustering of population – The CBMS is useful in describing

the poverty situation at the individual and household level. The indicators
related to income for example can contribute to the clustering of the
population based on household income. The implication of such
clustering may be viewed as a potential cause of extreme polarization of
the local space and society if left unaddressed.

iii. Status of well-being of the population. The CBMS adopts either output or
outcome indicators such as child morbidity rates, malnutrition rates,
educational attainment and participation rate. These indicators can
provide a direct, more accurate and meaningful measure of well-being.
In addition, the household income has been added as a good catch-all
indicator of well-being because it shows whether or not a family can afford
the goods and services that the members need for sustaining a good
quality of life. The information generated and analysis derived using
CBMS does not only regard the community population as a whole, but
more importantly it can mirror the status of well being of its members.
CBMS-generated data can guide the LGUs in their decisions to address
poverty by developing specific interventions for identifiable target
beneficiaries in particular locations.

b. The Local Governance Performance Management System (LGPMS) – It

enables provincial, city and municipal governments to determine their
capabilities and limitations in the delivery of essential public services.
(LGPMS User’s Guide, p.1) The output of LGPMS is called the State of Local
Governance Report or SLGR. The SLGR, which is prepared annually, is a
narrative account of all the findings of the study based on the input and output
indicators identified in the five service areas considered, namely: Social
Services, Economic Services, Environmental Protection Services, Legislative
Services and Governance & Administrative Services.

The LGPMS has the ability to add qualitative dimension to statistical quantities generated in the system.
P a g e | 66

By using the Display Data Utility of the LGPMS Reports Generation Module,
the actual status of an LGU, as well as the level of its performance pertaining
to that indicator against national standards given a particular indicator, is
determined. The LGU may therefore use relevant LGPMS data to add
qualitative dimension to the statistical data in the ecological profile. As a direct
input to the LDI System, LGPMS-generated information also allows the
process of making further observations and exploring the implications of
these observations.

For example, under the Health and Nutrition service area of the Social
Services performance area one of the outcome indicators is the percentage
of malnourished children. This is defined as the “percentage of moderately or
severely underweight children aged 0-5”, represented by the formula:

 Number _ of _ ma ln ourished _ children _ aged _ 0  5 

 Total _ number _ of _ children _ aged _ 0  5  x100
 

Also, by using the Display Data utility of the LGPMS Reports generation
module, the raw data (number of malnourished children and total number of
children aged 0-5) and the result (actual percentage of malnourished
children) can be seen. In addition, though, LGPMS assigns the LGU a
performance level value based on the computed percentage vis-à-vis certain
defined standards, to wit: 5 (very high) – 0-1%; 4 (high) – 2-4%; 3 (medium) –
5-10%; 2 (low) – 11-15%; and 1 (very low) – 16-100%1.

Thus, the LGU is able to see not only the raw data and result for a given
indicator, but is able to gauge its level of performance pertaining to that
indicator as against national standards. For instance, while a five percent
malnutrition rate may seem acceptably good for some LGU planners and
policy-makers, the LGPMS performance level value associated with that
figure (3 or medium) would indicate that the said figure is still not that high by
national standards.

The LGU may also use an indicator’s performance level value to compare
itself with other LGUs (vis-à-vis the provincial or regional average, for
instance) to see its own relative standing.

The advantage of deriving issues from LGPMS results is that the issues
surfaced are based on largely verifiable data that relate to the general welfare
mandate of LGUs, rather than being mainly based on perceptions that may be
subjective and highly “political”.

c. The System for competency Assessment for Local Government

(SCALOG) – It is a self-assessment tool to promote continuous
improvements in local government units through the identification of
organizational strengths and areas for development that can be addressed
through capacity building efforts.(Manual of Administration of SCALOG, p.3) .

The LGPMS rating schemes for the different indicators can be found in the LGPMS technical notes.
P a g e | 67

The SCALOG Tool measures the organizational competencies of an LGU

using a 5-point rating scale of the various performance indicators of the
fourteen (14) service areas spread over the five (5) LGPMS performance
areas. (LGPMS Users Manual)

7. Analyzing the Development Sectors Using the Local Development Indicator


The LDIS, if properly constructed is most useful in the diagnosis of development issues.
This process is known as problem – finding analysis. The problem finding analysis
involves a 3 – step process:

a. Information Generation - This means making meaningful observations or making

sense out of the data displayed in the LDI table. It asks the question, “What do
the figures mean”? There are three useful clues to making observations:

i. Compare data indicators in two points or periods of time and note whether
there has been an increase, decrease or no change in the figures over time.

ii. Compare data/ indicators across two spatial or geographical units and note
whether the figure for one unit is higher, lower, or the same as the other.

iii. Compare the data/indicator for your study area with any known national
standard or with a selected benchmark.

b. Extracting Intelligence – This entails probing into the causes or explanations

behind the observed conditions. It asks the question, “Why?” This provides the
clue to finding more fundamental solutions by attacking the causes rather than
the symptoms of the problems.

c. Further exploration of the implications of the observed condition if no significant

intervention is exerted by anyone anywhere to change the situation. It asks the
question, “So what?”

Implications may be positive of negative.

 If negative implications predominate, then the observed condition can be
regarded as a problem.

 If positive implications predominate, then the observed condition may be

regarded as a potential.

The logic of the problem-finding and solution-finding analysis using the LDIS as
the basic source of information can be summarized in the scheme shown as
Table 10 (Sample Output of Problem – Solution Finding Analysis).

The analysis can be extended further into determining appropriate policy

interventions. This part of the analysis can be called simply the solution-finding
phase. Policy interventions need not be limited to targeting the negative
P a g e | 68

implications of observed conditions. Positive implications need to be maintained

and strengthened through policies that seek to sustain the beneficent effects.

The problem-finding and solution-finding analyses can be subjected to highly

participatory processes such as seminar – workshops and focused group



Observed Explanations Implications When Policy Options

Conditions (Causes) Unresolved

Land Classification  Over 84% of total  Small area devoted to  Work for release of
land area is agriculture & other some forestlands
 Area of alienable forestland with crops into A & D
& disposable (A & some areas  Small taxable areas
D) land is very probably (low income for the  Accelerate
small misclassified municipality) cadastral survey &
 Occupants of untitled titling of A & D
lands are considered lands
informal settlers &
have no security of
 Investors hesitate to
develop untitled lands
 Water is a  Absence of  Dangerous especially  Embark on massive
common means roads and during rough seas road and bridge
of transport bridges  Slow and poor mobility building
among Barangay
connecting to  Cannot be relied upon  Maintain a municipal-
far flung during emergencies government
residents barangays  Limited capacity for operated ferry
large volumes of service that is multi-
goods and products to purpose
be transported  Construct a pier for
safe, reliable docking

Problem analysis is a useful tool in further analyzing the issues and problems
that need to be addressed in the locality. It utilizes the information derived from
the database and the local development indicators (LDI) that have been aptly
organized for planning purposes. A list of issues and concerns are identified and
from these, key issues can be generated that are to be addressed in the CDP.
The output of the problem analysis provides the basis in determining relevant
programs, projects, policies or legislations that will respond to the identified key
issues and concerns. (see Figure 14)
P a g e | 69

Figure 14 - Problem-Finding and Solution-Finding Analyses



(Generati ng Inform ation)


CA US ATIVE F ACTOR S IS IN TRODU CED (F urther ex ploration of
(Extracting I ntell ig enc e) the observ ed conditi ons: So what?


Issues can be clustered according to sectors in the CDP namely social,

economic, physical infrastructure, environment and development administration.

As partners of the national government the LGUs are expected to address

poverty as a central concern and other cross-cutting concerns such as gender
and environment. (See Box 6 - How to Undertake Problem Analysis)

The Problem Tree is a visual representation of how problems are linked and
interrelated in a situation. It defines which appear to be causes and effects of an
identified core problem and the other problems that appear to result therefrom.
This, however, depends on the availability of data and information.

The series of “problem trees” summarizes the issues and concerns, problems
and constraints identified in the sectoral and inter-sectoral workshops. The
problems are organized into cause-effect relationships with the lower boxes
representing the causes (“roots”) and the boxes above are effects (“foliage”). All
problems and issues are presented from the perspective of the local government
(institutional sector) the easier for it to identify the appropriate intervention

8. Using LGPMS in Situational Analysis

In conducting a situational analysis, LGPMS offers techniques for identifying priority

performance and service areas and determining “areas for action”. The State of
Local Governance Report (SLGR), as a consolidation of LGPMS findings on the
performance of the LGU, for example, can serve as a useful reference for surfacing
P a g e | 70


STEP 1. Identify the problems

Using “metacards,” list all the problems. One card per problem. Formulate
each problem as a negative condition.

Example: Frequent flooding; Erosion of vast tracts of land

STEP 2. Establish the cause – effect relationship among the problems


From among the listed problems try and agree on which is the cause and
which is the effect. Differentiate between an immediate cause and a
remote cause.

Example: damaged crops is caused by deteriorating forest condition

STEP 3. Establish a convergence point (or points)

The convergence point for all the problems identified is referred to as the
“core problem” and becomes the over-riding concern that will have to be

STEP 4. Review the diagram as a whole.

Verify the cause and effect relationship and agree on the soundness and
completeness of the problem tree.

9. Using CBMS in Situational Analysis

The CBMS, backed up by disaggregated and geographically-defined data, on the other

hand provides tools for diagnosing and analyzing poverty-related issues. This is most
helpful in determining the gap between the vision and the actual situation (vision-reality
gap). CBMS not only depicts the extent of poverty in an area, but it also establishes the
causes of poverty.


1. What is the vision – reality gap?

A vision is usually an ideal situation described in superlative terms or maximum possible

values expressed as though it were already attained. It is highly desirable that this end-
state scenario is attained and it is very much probable that at the moment, a certain
degree of progress toward the desired end state has already been achieved. Hence,
P a g e | 71

there is a need to measure more or less accurately the difference between the end state
and the existing situation or the vision – reality gap.

The vision-reality gap is the “space” or “distance” between the desired state of the area
by sector, and the current situation of the sector/s. Gap analysis gives policy makers in
the LGU the information they need to make better informed decisions when identifying
priority areas for intervention.

2. How is a vision – reality gap determined?

A vision – reality gap is determined by conducting a vision – reality gap analysis. This
type of analysis shows:

a. how large the difference is between the vision or ideal state of the LGU and the
existing situation; or
b. how near the current situation in the city or municipality is to the vision as defined by
the constituents and the LGU.

It takes off from the results of the visioning exercise and the data generated in the
ecological profile and the Local Development Indicators.

From the vision descriptors and success indicators identified in the visioning exercise,
ratings can be assigned to describe the degree of attainment or non-attainment of a
particular vision element

a. Review the sectoral descriptors and their corresponding success indicators

generated in connection with the formulation of the vision statement. Check
indicators for the completeness of coverage. See that indicators are expressed in
terms of maximum values or superlative degree.
b. Review the relevant characterization of each sector in the Ecological Profile, LDI
Matrix, and other sources. The vision – reality gap may be expressed qualitatively or

i. If quantified values for both the success indicators and their equivalent indicators
in the accomplished LI Matrix are available, simply subtract the current reality
values in the LDI Matrix from the success indicator values. The difference is the
vision – reality gap.
ii. If the quantified values are not available, use the simple rating scale below to
indicate current reality. The rating should be determined through a consensus.
Then subtract the current reality rating from ten (10). The difference is the vision
– reality gap.

Table 11 - Current Reality Rating Scale

Rating Interpretation
0 Absolutely nothing has been done about the goal
2 Something is already being done to achieve the goal but the level of attainment is still on
3 the low side
P a g e | 72

5 The goal is half accomplished

8 Goal is more than half-fulfilled but still short of full attainment

10 The goal is completely attained

N No data available

For example:


Local Governance Decent  Competent and professional local officials and

 Effective and efficient bureaucracy
 Morally upright government workers

If sectoral studies on the Institutional Sector show that there is an inequitable distribution of
LGU manpower because some offices are overstaffed while others are understaffed; and
that graft and corrupt practices are still prevalent, a rating of “1” may be given for the
success indicator “Competent and professional local officials and personnel”.

Vision Element Descriptor Success Indicators Rating Gap

Local Governance Decent  Competent and

professional local officials
and personnel 1 9

It shows that the vision – reality gap is that wide – 9 points in a 10 – point scale. This means
that very little, if at all, has been achieved of the vision of a decent local bureaucracy.

A. Social Goals


Descriptor Success Indicator Rating Interpretation

P a g e | 73

Healthy Child mortality rate 0 Child mortality rate is increasing during a six year period

Maternal mortality rate 5 50% reduction in maternal mortality rate

Another way of determining the gap is to deduct the current rating from the desired rating.
For example, the LGU envisions a 100% reduction in malnutrition rate. If the current
situation shows that the malnutrition rate is, say, 40%, then the LGU still has to exert more
efforts to totally wipe out malnutrition.

Descriptor Success Indicator Current Rating Interpretation

Healthy 100% reduction in malnutrition 40% malnutrition rate The LGU still has to exert more efforts
citizenry rate to totally wipe out malnutrition.

B. Economic Goals

Descriptor Success Indicator Rating Interpretation

Vibrant Number of new investments 8 New investments have more than doubled



Goal formulation or the process of determining what the people want their city or municipality
to become is often considered the most important step in the planning process. A badly
conceived goal cannot lead to a good plan. Worse, without goals, any move that people
make is at best only an aimless rambling, a directionless locomotion.

1. What are goals?

Goals are the translation of an organization’s vision into more concrete and measurable
terms. They are simply clearer statements of visions that specify the actual
accomplishments that need to be achieved if the vision is to become a reality. They are
the end toward which design or action tends.

2. What are sectoral goals?

Sectoral goals are the desired end – results that are the same, or derived from, the
particular element of the vision statement that pertains to a specific sector. Such
consistency is necessary to ensure that every policy and action (programs, projects,
P a g e | 74

activities, legislative and other regulatory measures) formulated in the CDP will
contribute to the realization of the vision.


3. What is the importance of goals in planning?

Goals serve at least three (3) purposes in the planning process:

a. As an end toward which all future actions specified in the plan are directed.
b. As a set of criteria for evaluating alternative strategies and approaches
c. As a standard against which the success or failure of each action is measured.

4. What are the sources of development goals?

4.1 Universal concept of Public Interest - This is a broad concept that can be broken
down into smaller components such as the following:

i. Public health and safety – This can be promoted in at least two ways in the
a) Regulations, or prevention of conditions injurious or hazardous to the
physical well – being of the community;
b) Developmental measures or provision of services and facilities for the
promotion of improved health and safety by planning for and building them
into the physical environment.

ii. Convenience – This is a function of the circulatory system, i.e. the proper
positional arrangements and relationships between and among different land
uses, and varying intensities of land development so that the movement of
goods and people that they generate and attract is on the whole, efficient.

iii. Economy – This is related to convenience in the sense that while convenience
pertains to physical ease of movements, economy translates physical ease to
efficiency or the least costly way of carrying out one’s activities.

iv. Environmental amenity – This pertains to the pleasantness of the environment as a

place in which to live, work and to spend one’s leisure time. It refers to the perceptual
aspects of the surroundings, their aesthetic appeal to the eye and the other senses.
4.2 The General Welfare Goals – Section 16 of the Local Government Code (RA 7160)
mandates LGUs to promote the general welfare, which it defines in a manner that
represents an expanded version of the public interest. (See Box 7)

There is, however, no direct fit between the nine (9) general welfare goals and the
five development sectors. Success indicators for each general welfare goal can be
the concern of more than one development sector.

For example:
P a g e | 75

For General Welfare Goal No. 4 – “Encouragement and support of appropriate self
– reliant technology”, the success indicators identified can be distributed to the
different development sectors as shown in Table 13:

Box 7

1. Preservation and enrichment of culture

2. Promotion of health and safety
3. Enhancement of the right of the people to a balanced ecology
4. Encouraging and supporting the development of appropriate and self – reliant
scientific and technological capabilities
5. Improvement of public morals
6. Enhancement of economic prosperity and social justice
7. Promotion of full employment
8. Maintenance of peace and order
9. Preservation of comfort and convenience

General Welfare Goals Most Relevant to the Social Sector:

a. preservation and enrichment of culture,

b. promotion of health and safety, and
c. maintenance of peace and order.

Table 13- Sample of Finding the Development Sector for Success Indicators

Success Indicators Development Sector

a. Technical / vocational schools established Economic Support


b. Complete coverage /adequate supply of electric power Infrastructure – Urban Utilities

c. Technology research and dissemination program for the Economic and social sectors
use of indigenous resources and the reuse of recovered
waste materials consistently pursued.

d. Research and development programs for new products Economic Development

and processes
P a g e | 76

Success Indicators Development Sector

e. Indigenous property rights protected Social Development

f. Native ingenuity recognized Social Development

g. Regulated use of biotechnology Environmental Sector

h. Linkages between academe and industry established Economic Sector

General Welfare Goals Most Relevant to the Economic Sector:

a. encourage and support the development of appropriate and self-reliant scientific

and technological capabilities,
b. enhance economic prosperity, and
c. promote full employment among the local residents.

General Welfare Goal Most Relevant to the Environment Sector:

a. enhance the people’s right to a balanced ecology.

General Welfare Goal Most Relevant to the Land Use/ Infrastructure Sector,
include but not limited to:

a. Enhancement of economic prosperity

b. Promotion of health and safety
c. Preservation of comfort and convenience among the residents

4.3 Regional Physical Framework Plans (RPFP) – These are another source of long –
term goals. The general goal of each RPFP is to “achieve such a spatial
arrangement and location of land use activities that would:

a. effect rational distribution of the population;

b. guarantee access by the population to basic services;
c. ensure optimum sustainable utilization of resources, and
d. protect the integrity of the environment.”

These are very general and timeless goals that probably are acceptable to the
widest spectrum of society. But they should be restated in terms more appropriate
to the local area.

4.4 National Policies - The following NFPP goals or vision and principles may be
adopted by local areas but they must be rephrased to reflect the conditions and
circumstances at local levels.

i. NFPP (2001 – 2030) Vision: National development anchored on sustainable

development and growth with social equity.
P a g e | 77

ii. NFPP Principles

a) Food security. Provision of sufficient and affordable food products to all

Filipinos through local production and/or importation.
b) Environmental stability or ecological integrity. Observance of appropriate
standards in natural resource management and balancing the demands of
production with the need for preservation of ecosystems.
c) Rational urban development. Encouraging the sustainable growth of cities
and large towns and complementing the growth of rural areas by adopting
alternative urban development approaches.
d) Spatial integration. Linking consumption and production areas to achieve
physical and economic integration through appropriate infrastructure
e) Equitable access to physical and natural resources. Providing just
distribution of, and equal access to opportunities by all Filipinos in the use
and acquisition of land and other resources.
f) Public-private sector partnership. Encouraging shared responsibility
between government and the private sector in the development and
management of the country’s physical resources.
g) People empowerment. Establishing pragmatic, appropriate, flexible and
dynamic structures or mechanisms that involve the participation of key
h) Recognition of the rights of indigenous people. Ensuring the indigenous
people’s rights to develop, control and use lands within their ancestral
i) Market orientation. Adopting the interplay of market forces within the
framework of ecological and intergenerational factors as a basic
parameter in the allocation or use of land and physical resources.

4.5 Local Communities – The ultimate source of development goals for local
communities should be the local residents themselves. These goals are derived
by means of participatory processes. Although the final form in which these goals
will be stated is for planners to determine, planners should be careful not to
substitute their own values and perceptions for those articulated by the people.

5. When are goals formulated?

For all intents and purposes the formulation of sectoral goals starts with the visioning
workshop where the different groups (corresponding to the development sectors)
generated descriptors for their assigned vision element and success indicators for each
descriptor generated

6. How are goals formulated?

There are various approaches to goal formulation:

a. The planner’s or the technocrat’s goal technically derived proceeds from a thorough
analysis of the problems and issues using the following formula:

Problem = Goal + Impediments to achieve the Goal

Therefore: Goal = Problem – Impediments

P a g e | 78

This approach to goal formulation is often branded as “table planning”. In

application, it is similar to the practice of deciding to produce a certain product on the
basis of solely market trends and forecasts, without considering consumer taste and

b. Another form of technocrat’s goal follows the dictum that a “Goal is the inverse of a
problem”. It is uses the following formula:

GOAL = Problem

Looking back to the vision – reality gap, treat the gaps as problems. Then, invert or
negate the problems to become goals as illustrated in Figure 15.

c. Goal formulation may also be undertaken using the long method, where the Issue-
Driven Planning Process (Figures 16 and 17) is used as a framework following these

i. Determine the vision-reality gap. Consider the gaps as issues or “observed

ii. “Extract” intelligence
iii. Formulate policy options
iv. State policy options in the form of goal statements

7. How can other stakeholders participate in the goal formulation process?

There are various ways of eliciting people participation in the goal formulation process.
Each has its positive and negative points as shown in the Table 14.

8. What are objectives and targets?

Objectives and Targets are more specific statements of a short or medium-range

desired outcome or result. They are definite about the point to be reached or target to
be achieved given the constraints of resources and time.

Objectives and targets should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-
bound (S-M-A-R-T).

For example:

For the goal:

“To develop a competent and professional LGU officialdom and personnel as shown by
an effective and efficient bureaucracy and morally upright government workers…”

perhaps what can be done in the next 3 years is limited to reforming the bureaucracy to
increase its effectiveness and efficiency. In addition, recruitment of new staff may be
P a g e | 79

Figure 15 – Sample Problem Tree Transformed into Policy Tree

Squatting Some settlements still Children/ youth High dependence on paid Corruption Incidence of
continues to exposed to play in the streets indoor recreation prevalent drug abuse
exist environmental hazards

Low –level appreciation Loss of cultural

Ad hoc approach Indigent families No scholarships for for local culture & arts artifacts
to housing not adequately indigent students
concerns served

Absence of Existence of many Most pre-schools & all Limited space for Weak promotion of Weak moral
permanent private hospitals colleges are privately-owned public recreation culture & arts values
housing body


Squatting Settlements located Playgrounds provided for Reduced dependence on Corruption stopped Drug abuse
stopped in hazard-free areas children/youth paid indoor recreation or minimized eliminated

Housing concerns Indigent families Scholarships offered to Heightened appreciation for Cultural artifacts
addressed adequately served indigent students local culture & arts preserved

Permanent housing Existence of public Public & private pre-schools Ample space for Sustained promotion Strong
body created & private hospitals & colleges established public recreation of culture & arts moral values


Figure 16




P a g e | 80


Sectoral Goals
• Sectoral Profiles/ Studies

Sectoral Objectives/ Targets

Development Indicators

Policy Responses
Issues/ Observations (Creating
New Information)
Programs/ Non-Projects/ Legislations
Projects Services
Extracting Intelligence

National NGAS

Implications Explanations National Local

Local LDIP

Private LDC/
Strategy Options

Directed to Directed to Positive Directed to Negative

Cause Effects Effects

Sectoral Goals

Table 14- Advantages and Disadvantages of Methodologies for

Participatory Goal Formulation Process


Household survey Can reach people directly Requires more manpower and logistics to
undertake; can elicit narrow and parochial
concerns from respondents.

Barangay consultations More efficient because they involve only Can elicit narrow and parochial concerns from
representatives of people and sectoral groups; participants
few contiguous barangays can be batched
together; allow participants to join in
discussions of issues

Seminar - workshops More systematic and purposive; more Lack of direct participation of the community
selective in terms of participation; have better
quality of outputs

The goal of having morally upright elective officials however, cannot be achieved in 3
years because it entails not only electoral reforms but also social and moral reforms
among the electorate.

Using the illustration above, some of the examples of objectives/targets are listed below:

a. To conduct an organizational and management review of the entire local government

bureaucracy during the first year of the current administration.
P a g e | 81

b. To restructure the organization of key offices on the last quarter of the first year
based on the findings of the O&M study.
c. To improve the recruitment policy to put emphasis on the moral uprightness of
potential appointees during the first quarter of the second year.
d. To conduct moral recovery seminars among LGU employees at least once every

The sectoral objectives and targets, when properly formulated will themselves suggest
the appropriate programs and projects needed to carry them out.

9. What is the function of Community – Based Monitoring System (CBMS) in goal and
objective setting?

The analysis of CBMS results makes way for the identification of goals that are more
aligned with the general welfare provisions of the LGC, setting of more focused
objectives and sector-specific and spatially oriented targets.

10. What is the function of Local Governance Performance Monitoring System

(LGPMS) in goal and objective setting?

The LGPMS contains 107 indicators that correspond to the performance and service
areas. Classified into input, output and outcome indicators, they can serve as
convenient and practical ways of measuring the desired results based on the goals and
objectives set. The annual “movements” of these indicators can serve as an objective
basis for setting or adjusting annual targets to make them responsive and realistic.

The “rating schemes” under this system can also be used as a reference for defining
goals, objectives and setting targets. These are quite useful as it sets definitive
quantitative and qualitative parameters that relate to certain national standards, thereby
helping make targets more meaningful and relevant.
For example, the LGU may have pinpointed “poor infant and child health conditions” as
one of the priority issues/problems to be addressed in its CDP. Thus, one of the CDP
objectives under the Social Development sector would probably be “Improvement of
infant and child health conditions.” If the particular manifestations of the problem
situation include, for instance, high infant mortality rate, high malnutrition rate among 0-5
age group, and low child immunization rate, the targets for the objective would relate to
these specific concerns.

11. What other tool can be used in the development of goals and objectives?

A specific tool that can be used in the development of goals and objectives is the
objectives analysis. Objectives analysis is a tool in which the hierarchy of problems is
transformed into a hierarchy of objectives. It utilizes a diagram called objectives tree that
identifies means-ends relationships between and among the objectives. The objectives
tree describes the scenario after solving the problems. (See sample in Figure 18)
P a g e | 82

Figure 18- Sample Objective Tree of Deteriorating Forest Condition










STEP 5: Transforming Goals into Actions

Once the sectoral objective and targets are formulated, identifying policy responses or
transforming goals into actions will also be clear – cut and uncomplicated. This is the next
step in the planning process where the means by which the desired results are achieved will
be identified.

1. What are policies?

Policies are guide to actions to carry out the objectives or achieve the targets. Policies
can take the form of:

a. regulatory measures (legislation) or

b. programs, projects, activities and
c. services

Programs and projects, complemented by appropriate regulatory measures complete the

array of government interventions that effect or affect development in the LGU.

2. What are regulatory measures?

Regulatory measures may take the form of resolutions or ordinances enacted by the
Sanggunian or executive and administrative orders issued by the Local Chief Executive.
They should be taken in both their positive and negative dimension.
P a g e | 83

a. Positive regulation involves giving encouragement and rewards for acts that are
socially desirable and those that help promote the general welfare.


i. Private investments
ii. Taxation - positive to the general populace to whom the benefits of improved
services accrue

b. Negative regulation entails prohibiting and penalizing some acts deemed inimical to
public interest.


i. Taxation – negative to those whom the assessment falls due.

3. What are programs and projects?

A program is a cluster of projects. It comprises the operational components of a long-

term plan. It defines a particular clientele and their priority needs and breaks down the
strategic decisions in a plan into different components or projects which are tactical or
short-term in nature. (See Figure 11 - Hierarchy of Actions) sometimes synonymous with
project, it may cover a period of three (3) to six (6) years.

A project is a cluster of activities. It is a specific but complex effort consisting of

interrelated activities performed by various functional units and specialists. Sometimes
synonymous with program, a project has a well-defined objective, a definite schedule,
and a set budget. It may cover a period of one (1) to three (3) years.







An activity is a cluster of tasks. It is a very short-term effort performed by one or several

members of a project team or of an office or organization.
Some activities must be completed before the project can move on; other activities can
either be done simultaneously or lie in wait as other tasks go on.
P a g e | 84

An activity may last from one week to one year.

Programs and projects are the bases for determining the level of public investments
needed to be appropriated for in the LGU’s annual budget.

The outputs and outcomes of implemented programs and projects will:

a. Improve the quantity and quality of public services.

b. Increase the stock of physical infrastructures.
c. Directly or indirectly, attract or leverage desired private investments.

A task is a purposive combination of psychomotor actions or motions leading to the

accomplishment of an activity. A task may take a few minutes to a few months to

4. What is a service or “non-project”?

Services or “non – projects” are interventions that can be included among the regular
functions of a given office to be performed by the regular staff of that office using its
existing facilities and budget. These interventions need not be included in the LDIP but
are carried out through the maintenance and other operating expenditures (MOEE) of
the relevant offices or departments.

Table 15 shows the conceptual difference between programs/ projects and service/ ”non-




1. Specific life cycle. 1. Continuous life from year to year.
2. Definite start and completion points, with calendar 2. No specific event tied to calendar dates other than fiscal
dates. year budgets.
3. Can be abruptly terminated if goals are not met, always 3. Assurance of continued function, even in a major
terminated when program/ project is completed. reorganization.
4. Often unique, not done before, not repeated when 4. Usually involves performance of well-established functions
completed. and tasks are only slightly different from past efforts.
5. Total effort must be completed within fixed budget and 5. Maximum work is performed within the annual budget ceiling.
6. Prediction of ultimate time and cost is difficult. 6. Prediction of annual expenditures is relatively simple.
7. Involves multi-disciplinary skills from different 7. Involves one or a few closely-related skills and disciplines
departments or organizations which may change from within one well-defined and stable organization.
one life cycle to the next.
8. Rate and type of expenditures constantly changing. 8. Relatively constant rate and type of expenditure.
9. Basically dynamic in nature. 9. Basically steady-state in nature.
P a g e | 85

There are, however, possibilities under which a service or “non – project” may be
upgraded into a project as shown in Figure 19:

Figure 19 – Upgrading a Non-Project” into a Project

Is there a definite Is time of the essence Is the activity likely

output to be in producing the to be repeated in
produced? output? the next 3 years?




Break down into activities

Match with available office



An Example

Projects/Servi ces/Leg islation PROJEC T SERVICE L EGISLATION

001 1.1.1
1 00 10 Develop
1 01 0 gravity
110 1 irrigation
00 01 0 100 1 01 1

1.1.2 Install communal pump irrigation

1.1.3 Increase water yield of aquifer

1.1.4 Promot e use of certified seeds

1.2.1 Construct mechanical dryers

1.2.2 Regulate use of streets as solar dryers

1.2.3 Put up storage facilities

1.2.4 Encourage investments in processing plants

2.1.1 Encourage competition
2.1.2 Regulate prices

2.1.3 Improve market infrastructure

2.2.1 Install internet-based access to commodities

P a g e | 86

5. Where can programs/ projects, services and legislations be derived?

One good source of programs / projects/ services and legislation is an objective or policy
tree that had been transformed from a problem tree. (See Figure 20)

In this example, which addresses the Millennium Development Goal 1 (Eradicate

extreme poverty and hunger), it is obvious that once households, particularly farming
households, have adequate incomes, effects like higher educational attainment,
reduction in malnutrition, access to safe water and sanitation will be assured. But how to
increase household incomes is the subject of program / project intervention.

Note that there are at least three approaches or strategies to increasing farming
household incomes:

a. increasing farm yields;

b. ensuring better prices of farm produce; and
c. providing alternative livelihood services.

Each strategy has its own set of program components and for each program any number
of project and services components can be identified. (See Table 7

Table 17 – Sample Strategy, Program/Projects, Services and Legislations

Strategy Program Projects/Services

1.1.1 Construct mechanical dryers
1. Increased farm yield 1.1 Put up post-harvest facilities 1.1.2 Install solar dryers
1.1.3 Put up storage facilities
1.1.4 Encourage investments in processing plants
1.2.1 Gravity irrigation
1.2 Install irrigation systems 1.2.2 Communal irrigation
1.2.3 Improve market infrastructure
2.1.1 Encourage competition
2. Better prices of 2.1 Competitive pricing by traders 2.1.2 Regulate prices
farm produce 2.1.3 Improve market infrastructure
3.1.1 Offer short courses on entrepreneurship
3. Alternative 3.1 Higher educational attainment 3.1.2 Skills training on non-farm trades and crafts
livelihood services 3.1.3 Adult education project
available 3.2.1 Encourage formation of cooperatives
3.2 Attract investors into the local area 3.2.2 Offer local tax breaks
3.2.3 Improve transport and communication facilities
Note: Items in italics are either services/non-projects or require regulatory measures.
P a g e | 87


Educational Malnutrition reduced Access to safe water HHs equipped with

attainment raised assured sanitary toilets


Increased farm yield Better prices of Alternative livelihood

produce services available

Post-harvest facilities Irrigation system Competitive pricing Higher educational Investors attracted
put up constructed of traders attainment of parents

6. What other tools can be used for identifying policies, programs and projects?

The CBMS and LGPMS-generated analysis of the community and LGU’s situation can
provide the bases for identifying programs, projects, policies and strategies for

CBMS-suggested tools in diagnosing and locating poverty may be used in identifying

appropriate interventions to address certain poverty issues in specific areas for specific
target beneficiaries.

The data generated from CBMS can also be used in developing evidence-based policy
and similar interventions. Programs and projects as well as legislative measures can
constitute a significant component of the CDP or the ELA of the LGU.

The LGPMS information are useful in guiding the incumbent elective local officials and
other stakeholders in the process of prioritizing programs and projects including
legislative measures, and in getting their commitment to support the implementation of
these priorities. The results from the latest cycle of the LGPMS, for example, can be
used as a point of reference in the prioritization of issues, formulation of objectives,
firming up of targets.
P a g e | 88


Local Development Investment Programming

The principal instrument for implementing the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) and
to some extent, certain aspects of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) is the Local
Development Investment Program (LDIP). The LDIP links the plan to the budget, thus
putting into effect the directive of the Code that “local budgets shall operationalize approved
local development plans (sec. 305, i, RA 7160). Like the CDP, the LDIP should have a time
frame of 3 years.

1. What is the Local Development Investment Program (LDIP) and the Annual
Investment Program (AIP)?

The Local Development Investment Program (LDIP) is a document that translates the
CDP into programs and projects and selects those that will be picked up by the LGU for
funding in the annual general fund budget or through special fund generation schemes.

As provided for under Joint memorandum Circular No. 001 series of 2007, issued by the
DILG, NEDA, DBM and DOF, the Annual Investment Program (AIP) is defined
according to purpose:

a. For planning and investment programming purposes, it is the annual slice of the
LDIP, referring to the indicative yearly expenditure requirements of the LGU’s
programs, projects and activities (PPAs) to be integrated into the annual budget.

b. For budgeting purposes, it constitutes the total resource requirements for the budget
year, including the detailed annual allocation for each PPA in the annual slice of the
LDIP and the regular operational budget items broken down into Personal Services
(PS), Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) and Capital Outlay (CO).

The LDIP should have a time frame of at least three (3) years.

2. What is meant by “local development”?

“Local Development” pertains to the mandates and responsibilities of local government

units as defined in Sections 16 and 17 of the Local Government Code (RA 7160). The
local development component of the LDIP therefore must consist of programs and
projects that are local, that is, those that are in pursuance of the LGU’s exercise of its
powers and in the discharge of its duties and functions necessary for effective
governance and essential for the promotion of the general welfare. These duties and
functions of the LGU also include those which are traditionally discharged by national
government agencies but which have since been devolved to the LGU under the Code.

Using Sec. 17 as template therefore it is possible to identify projects that are owned by
the LGU and only such projects should be included in the LDIP

3. What is meant by “investment program”?

Investment program in public finance is a program for utilizing the investible portion of
the local development fund.
P a g e | 89

The investible portion of the local development fund is that component of the
development fund which will be earmarked for financing the priority programs and
projects in the AIP; while the remaining portion will go into financing the costs of
functions and services of the different LGU offices and departments.

The local development fund is that portion of the local budget that is “plowed back” to
the people in the form of programs, projects and services. It consists of the following:

a. 20% of the IRA

b. Non-office maintenance and other operating expenses
c. Non-office capital outlay

The 20% of IRA share is NOT the only source of development funds. It is intended to be
the floor, not the ceiling, when it comes to determining the LGU’s development fund.

The local development fund DOES NOT INCLUDE that portion of the local budget which
is consumed by the local government machinery for salaries, wages and other personnel
costs, office maintenance and other operating expenditures, and office capital outlay.

The local development fund is conceptually illustrated in the following pie chart.




Non-Office CAPITAL


Available for
Not Ava ilable

4. What comprises “investment” in LGU finance?

Investment in LGU finance is what remains after deducting all expenses necessary to:

a. run government machinery

b. satisfy claims of creditors, and
c. comply with statutory reserves

It is a regular outlay that has to be funded whether or not excess over operations
(savings) is realized.
P a g e | 90

5. What is investment programming?

Investment programming in the context of the LGU’s planning and development function
involves generating the programs and projects derived from the detailed elaboration of
the CLUP and the CDP. Specifically, this form of public spending will modify, guide,
direct, control or otherwise elicited the desired private sector response in order to
accelerate local economic development, raise the level of socio-cultural well-being,
improve the standard of public services, utilities and infrastructures, and, on the whole,
attain the desired urban form in the CLUP and the general welfare goals of the CDP.

Investment programs must be spatially, rather than merely sectorally focused. The
projects must therefore be selected not only for their potential to satisfy sectoral
requirements but also for their impact on the direction and intensity of urban growth
geared toward the realization of the desired urban form. Some examples of investment
projects are listed below:

a. Investment projects that encourage growth

i. “anchor” facilities like a university, hospital, public market

ii. Interchanges, bus terminals, transit stops

b. Investment projects that discourage development in the vicinity

i. Waste disposal site

ii. Sewage treatment plan
iii. Prison or mental hospital

c. Investments that limit growth in the urban fringe

i. Land reservation or acquisition for conservation

ii. Utility extension limits
iii. Low-density institutional uses such as military camps, university campuses,
research/science parks
iv. Reservations for open space and outdoor recreation areas

6. How is the LDIP prepared?

6.1 Pre-LDIP Activities:

Before the actual preparation of the LDIP, certain activities have to be undertaken

Step 1: Using the suggested form (Form 1) below call for and compile project
ideas or proposals taken from any or all of the following sources:

a. CLUP or CDP
b. Sectoral and functional committees
c. LGU departments/offices
d. National government agencies
e. Private sector and civil society organizations
P a g e | 91



Step 2: Consolidate project ideas or proposals by sector. At the sectoral

committee level:

a. Distinguish projects from “non-projects” and legislations

b. Determine project “ownership”. Distinction is important to allow the

LGU to isolate those programs and projects for which it is solely
responsible based on Section 17 of the LGC (Please see Table 18
National Government Functions Devolved to LGUs Pursuant to Section 17
of the Local Government Code.) These local projects will become an
input to the LDIP. For other projects that are not the responsibility of
the LGU but which are deemed essential to local development, the
LGU can use all forms of persuasion and lobbying before concerned
national government agencies, the province, the LGU’s
representative in Congress and/or other officials and possible
bilateral/multi-lateral donors.

Step 3: Conduct initial screening of programs and projects by consolidating

repetitive or redundant proposals.

a. Go through all the files of the individual projects and check for
identical or similar project descriptions, objectives, intended
beneficiaries, location, etc.
b. Consolidate projects with identical or near-identical descriptions,
objectives, intended beneficiaries, location, etc. but retain the names
of the proponents.
c. Remove from the list project proposals that are obviously impractical
or undesirable, e.g., and international airport in a remote and rural
d. As a general rule, a project idea that is be considered “obviously
impractical or undesirable” should also be removed if there are
reasonable doubts on whether it really is.
e. Delete from the list proposed projects which are identical to, or are in
fact projects to be funded by other sources e.g. central or regional
offices of government line agencies.
P a g e | 92





AGRICULTURE  Agricultural  Extension & on-  Extension & on-  Same as those
support services, site research for site services & of provinces &
e.g. Planting agriculture, facilities including municipalities
materials fishery, livestock & control of pests &
distribution, farm poultry (mainly diseases
produce seed production &  Dairy farms,
collection, buying distribution) livestock markets,
station  Quality control of animal breeding &
copra artificial
 Improvement & insemination
development of centers
local distribution  Assistance to
channels, e.g. farmers &
cooperatives fishermen
 Inter-barangay organizations
irrigation  Transfer of
Systems appropriate
 Soil & water use technology
 Enforcement of
laws in municipal
 Conservation of

PUBLIC  Multi-purpose  Municipal  Provincial  Same as those of

BUILDINGS & hall, multi- buildings, building, freedom provinces &
OPEN SPACES purpose cultural centers, parks & similar municipalities
pavement, public parks, public assembly
sports center, playgrounds, areas
plaza, etc sports facilities
& equipment
 Public cemetery

TRANSPORT &  Inter-municipal  Adequate

COMMUNICATIONS telecommunicatio communication &
ns services transportation

HOUSING  Low cost & other  Same as those of

mass dwelling province

PUBLIC  Public markets,  Same as those

ENTERPRISES slaughterhouses of the
& other municipality
P a g e | 93




HEALTH  Maintenance of  Maternal & child  Hospitals & other  Same as those of
barangay care tertiary health provinces &
health center &  Control of services & municipalities
day care center communicable facilities
 Services & & non-
facilities communicable
on general hygiene diseases
& beautification  Access to
 Solid waste secondary &
collection tertiary health
 Purchase of
supplies &
 Solid waste
disposal system
 Services &
facilities related
to general
hygiene &

TOURISM  Tourism facilities  Tourism  Same as those

& other tourist development & of provinces &
attractions promotion program municipalities
acquisition of
 Regulation &
supervision of
 Security
services for
tourism facilities

INFRASTRUCTURES  Maintenance of  Municipal  Provincial roads  Same as those

barangay roads roads & & bridges of provinces &
& bridges & bridges  Inter-municipal municipalities
water supply  School waterworks,
system buildings & drainage,
facilities for sewerage, flood
elementary & control &
secondary irrigation projects
levels  Reclamation
 Clinics, health projects
centers, etc.
P a g e | 94




simple water
projects, etc.
 Fish ports
 Artesian wells,
rain water
systems, etc.
 Seawalls,
dikes, drainage
& sewerage &
flood control
 Traffic signals
& road signs

WELFARE  Program on  Welfare services  Same as those

child & youth for rebel returnees of provinces &
welfare, family and evacuees municipalities
& community  Relief operations
welfare,  Population
welfare of development
elderly & services
 Community
programs for
beggars, street
delinquents, &
victims of drug
 Livelihood &
other pro-poor
 Nutrition
 Family
P a g e | 95





JUSTICE &  Maintenance of  Sites for police & fire  Provincial jails  Same as those
PROTECTIVE Katarungang stations & substations of provinces &
SERVICES Pambarangay  Municipal jail municipalities

NATURAL  Community-based  Enforcement of  Same as those

RESOURCES & forestry projects community-based of provinces &
ENVIRONMENT  Management & control forestry laws, municipalities
of communal forest pollution control law,
 Establishment of tree small-scale mining
parks, greenbelts, etc. law & other laws on
 Environmental environmental
management system protection
 Establishment of
mini-hydro electric
projects for local
purposes only

INFORMATION  Information &  Maintenance of public  Upgrading &  Same as those

SERVICES reading centers library modernization of provinces &
 Information on of tax information & municipalities
investments & job collection services
placements  Industrial research
 Tax & marketing & development
information systems services &
technology transfer
 Investment support
services including
access to credit

The completion of this Step 3 results in an initial list of projects (See

Form 2, Column 3)

Step 4: Conduct screening for conflict, compatibility or complementarity of

projects. Remove or reformulate conflicting projects. For this step, a
Conflict – Compatibility – Complementarity Matrix is used (See Form 3).
This matrix shows projects that complement, are compatible, or are in
conflict with other projects. The relationship between projects is one of
conflict where the:

a. Expected benefits of the project tend to nullify each other, or

b. Implementation of one obstructs the implementation of another
c. If the list is short, this step may take place simultaneously with the
initial screening and then proceed to the next step.
d. The completion of the Conflict-Compatibility-Complementarity Matrix
(Form 3) results in a preliminary list (See Column 4, Form 2)
P a g e | 96

Step 5: Prioritize programs and projects according to level of urgency based on

the criteria set below in the Table 19 (Criteria for Determining Level of


(1) (2) (3) (4)


1. Column 1 – List the project file No. of all projects listed in Column 2
2. Column 2 – List all projects identified in Step 2, Stream 1.
3. Column 3 – List all projects passing the initial screening. Projects excluded from the list are those found to be repetitive or
redundant, obviously impractical or undesirable, and those that are already funded by other offices, agencies or
4. Column 4 – Indicate whether a project is included in the preliminary list resulting from the use of Conflict-Compatibility-
Complementarity Matrix (Form 3)




1. Indicate the relationships among the proposed projects.
a. If the relationship is one of conflict, mark the appropriate cell with “X”. The relationship is one of conflict where the
expected benefits of the projects tend to nullify each other, or when the implementation of one obstructs the
implementation of another.
b. If the relationship is one of complementarity, mark the appropriate cell with an “O”.
c. If the relationship is one of compatibility, or if it is neutral, leave the cell blank.
2. Remove from the initial list projects which conflict with many or most of the other projects.
3. Projects which conflict with some but are compatible or complementary with others may be reformulated to resolve the
P a g e | 97

Table 19
Criteria for Determining Level of Urgency



Urgent  Projects that cannot be reasonably postponed

 Projects that would remedy conditions dangerous to public health, safety and welfare
 Projects needed to maintain critically needed programs
 Projects needed to meet emergency situations

Essential  Projects required to complete or make usable a major public improvement

 Projects required to maintain standards as part of an on-going program
 Desirable self-liquidating projects
 Projects for which external funding is available

Necessary  Projects that should be carried out to meet clearly defined and anticipated needs
 Projects to replace obsolete or unsatisfactory facilities
 Repair or maintenance projects to prolong life of existing facilities

Desirable  Projects needed for expansion of current programs

 Projects designed to initiate new programs considered appropriate for a progressive community

Acceptable  Projects that can be postponed without detriment to present operations if budget cuts are necessary.

Deferrable  Projects recommended for postponement or elimination from immediate consideration in the current
 Projects that are questionable in terms of over-all needs, adequate planning, or proper timing

Step 6: Prepare project briefs Projects which are classified as “Urgent” should
be prepared in the format of a project brief and submitted to the LDC in
plenary. (See Box 8 - Contents of a Project Brief) A sample Project
Brief follows.


1. Name and type of project and activity components

2. Proponent of originator of the project idea
3. Justification for the project (derived from the CLUP or CDP)
4. Intended beneficiaries (population sectors or geographical areas)
5. Estimated cost or resource inputs by activity component
6. Target outputs or succeed indicators
7. Expected private sector response after this public investment is completed
8. Possible risks that may impede the success of the project.
P a g e | 98


Name of Program:
Socialized Housing and Resettlement Program

Brief Description: This program involves the development of 3 hectares of the 20-hectare
site in Bonuan Boquig into housing units for the homeless and the less

Program Phase 1
Components: 1. Land Acquisition 6 months
2. Plan Preparation 12 months
 Survey
 Documentation
 Detailed Architectural Engineering
 Community Organization
 Social Preparation
3. Program Implementation 18 months

Proponents: City Government -Task Force on Housing, CMO, CEO, CPDO, NHA in
partnership with the Private Sector

Justification: The less privileged, particularly men and women living in danger zones
such as river easements, railroad tracks, near open dump sites, etc.
shall have the opportunity to safe and decent housing.

Intended Landless Dagupeño men and women, legitimate squatters, and

Beneficiaries: government employees

Estimated Cost: Phase

Land Acquisition (10 hectares) Php 58 Million
Land Development /Plan Preparation 100 Million
Cost of Construction (1,000 units/ha) 600 Million

Program Term: Phase 1: 3 Years

Target Output/ 1. Increased number of families with housing

Success 2. Reduced number of squatters

Possible Risks: 1. Lack of funds

2. Opposition from affected stakeholders (i.e., landowners, squatters.
3. Lack of political will

Expected Private Their involvement is expected in program implementation

Sector Response:
P a g e | 99

6.2 LDIP Proper:

The process of preparing the LDIP consists of three (3) streams:

Stream 1 – This involves the preparation of a ranked list of programs and projects
with their individual and cumulative cost estimates.

Stream 2 – This has to do with determining available funds for investment; and

Stream 3 – This necessitates matching the fund requirements with projected

funds available and deciding on financing options should the funds
available are insufficient.

The process flow is illustrated in Figure 22


Chart designed by: Prof. Ernesto M. Serote
P a g e | 100

Stream 1: Preparing the ranked list of projects

The ranking of proposed projects included in the preliminary list resulting from the
pre-LDIP activities allows for social and political considerations to be inputted into the
project identification and prioritization process. It facilitates the trimming down and
modification of the project list in subsequent streams of the LDIP process. For these
purposes, a Goal Achievement Matrix (GAM) is utilized.

1. What is the Goal Achievement Matrix?

The Goal Achievement Matrix (GAM) is essentially a listing of the LGU’s social
and political goals, weighed according to the local administration’s priorities and
commitments and consensus – based sectoral goals set by the community. The
extent to which proposed projects contribute to the attainment of these goals is
then estimated.

The GAM method is highly participatory because it

Each LGU, trhough its
allows various sectors of the community to express LDC, should formulate its
their bias through the weighing of each goal own GAM according to its
according to their perception of its relative importance development goals.
to their sector.

2. How is GAM used for ranking projects?

The rating of each project according to its perceived contribution to the

achievement of each goal is quite simple.

Step 1: Call and organize a workshop with participants representing various

societal sectors in the LGU, e.g. business, academe, farmers and
fisherfolk, women, religious, government, indigenous peoples, youth,
elderly, etc.

Step 2: Select any ten (10) or more projects as may be determined by the LDC
from the preliminary list of projects submitted by the sectoral committees
which are classified as “Urgent”.

a. Make sure your projects are really projects, not services, not

b. Make sure your projects are LGU-owned, or co-owned with the

national government or private sectors.

Step 3: List the 10 or more projects corresponding to the numbers in the GAM
Form. (See Table 20 - Sample GAM Form 1 and Table 21 - Sample
GAM with Inputs from One Societal sector)

Step 4: Based on the perceived importance of each goal to the interests of the
sector a group represents, assign weights to each goal. The numerical
total of the weights should be 1 or 100%.

Step 5: Rate each proposed project using the following scale:

P a g e | 101

 3: Project contributes greatly to the fulfillment of the goal.

 2: Project contributes moderately to the fulfillment of the goal
 1: Project contributes slightly to the fulfillment of the goal.
 0: Project does not contribute to the fulfillment of the goal.
 -1: Project slightly inconsistent with the goal.
 -2: Project moderately inconsistent with the goal.
 -3: Project greatly contradicts the goal.

Step 6: Multiply the rating you gave by the corresponding weight of the goal and
enter the product (score) in the appropriate cell. Add the scores for each
project proposal. Then add all sectoral group scores as presented in the
summary of GAM scores. (See Sample GAM Form 2 and Table 23 -
Example of Summary of Societal Ratings)

Table 20 - SAMPLE GAM FORM 1

WEIGHT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Preservation & enrichment of culture
2. Promote health and safety
3. Enhance the right of the people to a
balanced ecology
4. Encourage & support the development of
appropriate & self-reliant scientific &
technological capabilities
5. Improve public morals
6. Enhance economic prosperity & social
7. Promote full employment among their
8. Maintain peace & order
9. Preserve the comfort & convenience of
the inhabitants
TOTAL (1) or 100

Step 7: Finally, arrange projects according to their total scores. The project with
the highest total score is ranked as number one, the next number two,
and so on. Two columns for estimated costs are displayed. One column
shows the individual cost of each project and the other reflects the
cumulative or running total.
P a g e | 102

WEIGHT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

1 0.12 0.24 0.12 0.24 0.00 0.36 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.12 0.36 0.24 0.12 0.36 0.24 0.00 0.36 0.12 0.12 0.36 0.24 0.24 0.12 0.24 0.24

2 0.12 0.24 0.36 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.36 0.24 0.12 0.36 0.24 0.24 0.36 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24

3 0.11 0.22 0.22 0.11 0.11 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.11 0.22 0.33 0.22 0.11 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.11 0.22 0.11 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.11

4 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.30 0.11 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.10

5 0.11 0.33 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.11 0.22 0.33 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.22 0.00 0.33 0.11 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.11 0.33 0.00 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.22

6 0.11 0.22 0.11 0.22 0.22 0.33 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.33 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.33 0.22 0.33 0.11 0.11 0.22 0.00 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.11 0.11 0.22

7 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.22 0.22 0.11 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.33 0.22 0.11 -0.11 0.00 0.11 0.11 0.22 0.11 0.22 0.11

8 0.12 0.12 0.00 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.22 0.24 0.36 0.24 0.12 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.12 0.12 0.24 0.12 0.24 0.24 0.12 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.12

9 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.10

Total 1.00 1.68 1.33 1.34 1.31 2 1.76 1.9 2.25 2 1.22 2.03 2.21 1.67 2.04 1.99 1.21 1.79 0.81 1.13 1.91 1.45 1.67 1.31 1.44 1.46

Step 8: Estimate project cost. The cost of each project must first be estimated
before the list of proposed projects can be matched with the estimated
available funds (Stream 2). For some projects, cost estimates may
already be available as may be shown in their project briefs. In this
case, the LPDO only needs to validate or refine the estimates. A ranked
list of proposed projects with cost estimates and other information may
be shown using Form 4.



The LDC, in close coordination with the LPDC, should undertake the required financial plan development for
consideration and approval of the Sanggunian.
P a g e | 103

Table 22 - SAMPLE GAM FORM 2

PROJECTS (Women) (Business) (Fisher- (Elderly) (Agriculture) (Government) SCORE
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Project 4
Project 5
Project n

1. List all sector scores for each project.
2. Sum the scores for each project and list the total score in the column provided.
3. List the rank of each project based on the total scores in the last column.
Interpretation: The resulting ranking represents the collective evaluation of the project proposals by the LDC.

Table 23 - Example of Summary of Societal Sectors’ Ratings (Dagupan City CDP)

Ratings by Societal Groups
No. PROJECT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Rank
Bulilit Ko Pan-Aralen Ko: A Pre-School Education
1 1.68 1.77 2.73 0.8 0.8 1.57 1.36 0.75 0.58 23
Access Program 12.04
2 Dagupan City Ecological Waste Management Plan 1.33 2.71 2.49 1.91 1.2 1.55 1.36 1.63 1.49 15.69 9
3 Upgrading of Water Transport Facilities 1.34 .15 2 1.51 1.62 1.72 1.09 1.96 1.13 12.37 20
4 Modern Slaughterhouse 1.31 1.31 1.65 1.13 1.03 1.48 1.66 1.01 1.46 11.98 22
Panangidaungay Bangus (Dagupan City Wholesale
5 2 1.42 2.49 1.22 1.51 1.69 1.74 1.83 1.3 12
Fish Trading Center) 15.2
Information and Education Campaign on the
6 1.76 1.66 1.8 2.3 1.56 1.38 1.24 2.22 1.36 13
CLUP/Zoning Ordinance 15.18
7 Redevelopment of Tondaligan People's Park 1.9 1.11 2.22 1.24 0.89 1.97 1.79 2.05 2.01 15.18 13
8 Droga Ed Pantal Agko Gabay 2.25 2.33 1.84 1.64 1.29 1.78 1.57 1.1 1.64 15.44 11
9 MIS for Zoning and Tax Mapping Project 2 1.17 1.53 1.31 1.27 0.96 1.38 0.44 0.93 10.76 25
Skills Training for Trading, Services and Livelihood
10 1.22 1.54 1.58 1.58 1.24 1.74 1.85 1.61 1.47 17
Opportunities 13.63
Malimgas Tan Marakep Ya Ilog (Pantal Riverside
11 2.03 1.86 2.44 2.28 1.33 1.66 1.5 1.65 1.49 7
Redevelopment) 16.24
Transportation and Traffic Management Plan for
12 2.21 2.36 2.48 1.88 1.43 1.44 2.37 2.19 1.73 5
Dagupan City 17.39
13 Market Expansion Project 1.67 1.21 1.81 1.48 1.13 1.2 1.98 1.53 1.11 13.12 19
14 merged with 15
15 Katipunan Kakasilan Na Too Ed Dagupan 2.04 2.96 2.62 2.22 0.85 3 1.56 2.15 1.71 19.11 2
16 Dagupan Bangus Processing Plant 1.99 1.77 3 1.68 1.35 2.2 2.2 1.8 1.5 17.49 3
Construction and Rehabilitation of Drainage System
17 1.21 1.16 3 1.23 0.43 1.28 1.39 1.07 1.46 21
along Don Jose Calimlim Street, Pogo Chico 12.23
Dagupan City Tourism Master Development Plan
18 1.79 2.07 2.58 1.4 1.37 2.36 1.87 1.88 2.12 4
and Promotion 17.44

19 merged with 10 0

Development of an Information System on

20 0.81 1 2.13 1.68 0.63 1.42 1.55 1.07 1.3 24
Establishments 11.59
P a g e | 104

Ratings by Societal Groups

No. PROJECT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Rank
21 CBD Sidewalk Recovery and Improvement 1.13 1.37 2.4 1.69 0.43 1.33 2.24 1.56 1.5 13.65 16

22 Moral Renewal & Capability Building Program 1.91 1.55 2.67 2.02 2.49 1.45 1.13 1.22 1.22 15.66 10

Comprehensive Urban Disaster Preparedness and

23 1.45 1.84 2.18 1.89 1.26 1.34 1.85 1.62 1.51 15
Management Plan 14.94

24 River Study Project 1.67 1.95 2.82 2.12 1.26 1.4 2 2.18 1.28 16.68 6

25 Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment 1.31 1.55 2.13 1.86 1.26 1.5 1.73 0.78 1.28 13.4 18

Urban Green Space Enhancement & Rehabilitation

26 1.44 2.12 2.42 2.55 1.26 1.66 1.66 1.28 1.41 8
of Dagupan City 15.8

Abong Ko Lusek Ko (My Home, My Pillar): A

27 1.46 2.96 1.95 2.19 0.85 1.59 2 0.84 1.23 14
Comprehensive Concrete Values Training Program 15.07

28 Socialized Housing and Resettlement Program 2 2.38 2 1.9 2.3 2.07 2 2.42 2.37 19.44 1

Table 24 - Example of Ranked List of Projects with Cost Estimates

Cost Estimate (Pesos)

Rank Project Title Type Sector
Individual Cumulative
1 Socialized Housing and Resettlement Program Hard Social 758,000,000 758,000,000
2 Katipunan Kakasilan Na Too Ed Dagupan Soft Social 5,900,000 763,900,000
3 Dagupan Bangus Processing Plant Hard Economic 150,000,000 913,900,000
Dagupan City Tourism Master Development Plan Soft Economic 4,000,000 917,900,000
and Promotion
Transportation and Traffic Management Plan Soft Land Use & 940,000 918,840,000
for Dagupan City Infrastructure
6 River Study Project Hard Environment 2,000,000 920,840,000
Malimgas Tan Marakep Ya Ilog (Pantal Riverside Hard Land Use & 8,606,000 929,446,000
Redevelopment) Infrastructure
Urban Green Space Enhancement & Hard Environment 5,300,000 934,746,000
Rehabilitation of Dagupan City
Dagupan City Ecological Waste Management Soft Environment 26,700,000 961,446,000
10 Moral Renewal and Capability Building Program Soft Institutional 1,620,000 963,066,000
11 Droga Ed Pantal Agko Gabay Soft Social 393,000 963,459,000
Panangidaungay Bangus (Dagupan City Hard Land Use & 104,580,000 1,068,039,000
Wholesale Fish Trading Center) Infrastructure

Stream 2: Determining Investible Funds

a. Who is in charge of determining investible funds?

The Local Finance Committee, composed of the LPDC, the Budget officer and
the Treasurer, is charged with the setting of the level of the annual expenditures
and the ceilings of spending for economic, social and general services based on
the approved local development plans. (Sec. 316 (c), RA 7160).
P a g e | 105

b. How is the level of investible funds determined?

The process of determining the level of investible funds must be done in a

transparent manner with all the assumptions and considerations clearly defined.

The number of public projects that an LGU can finance depends on the following:

i. Revenue level of the LGU

ii. Level of recurring local government operating expenditures
iii. Current public debt level
iv. Statutory debt ceiling
v. Potential sources of additional revenue available for investment project

Revenue is defined as any inflow of funds to the LGU regardless of

whether the source is repayable or not.

Step 1: Collect appropriate revenue data and determine historical trends

a. Collect data on revenue and expenditures for the past 3 – 5 years.

b. Analyze the historical trends in terms of the average annual growth

In more specific terms, historical analyses need to be done on the

following revenue items using the suggested forms.

a. Recurring Revenue Sources:

i. Real Property Taxes (Form 5: Sample RPT Data Collection and

Historical Growth Trend Analyses Table)
ii. Business Fees and Licenses (Form 6: Time Series Record of
Revenues Other Than Property Tax
iii. Other taxes (Form 6)
iv. Service and Operations Income (Form 6)
v. Internal Revenue Allotment (Form 6)

b. Non – recurring revenue sources (Form 6)

i. Grants – in – aid from local and foreign sources

ii. Special appropriations or transfers from Congress or other units
of government
iii. Inter – fund transfers
iv. Inter – local government transfers

Step 2: Collect appropriate operating expenditure data including existing debt service and
determine historical trends.
P a g e | 106


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

YEAR (a) (b) (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) LEVY (a) (b)
Amount % Change General SEF Total Amount % Change Amount % Change
(Note: The exercise will require 3 – 5 years of historical data to be used as the basis for a 3 – year projection)

1. Enter Assessed Valuation in Column 1a and the property tax Revenue Collected in column 5a.
2. Enter the Tax rates in Column 2a and 2b and enter the total in Column 2c.
3. Multiply the Assessed Valuation (Column 1a) by the Total Tax Rate (Column 2c)
4. Compute the Tax Collections as % of Levy (Column 4), by dividing the Total Property Tax Revenue (Column 5a) by the Tax
Levy (Column 3a).
5. Compute the % change over the preceding year and enter the results in the appropriate columns.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

E (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b)
A Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount %
R Change Change Change Change Change Change Change

(Note: The exercise will require 3 – 5 years of historical data to be used as the basis for a 3 – year projection.)


1. Enter the amount of revenue from each source in the appropriate column.
a. Operating and service income covers public markets, slaughterhouses and other LGU economic enterprises.
b. IRA refers to the Internal Revenue Allotment.
c. All others include Other Grants, and inter-government and inter-fund transfers.
2. Compute the % change over the preceding year and enter the results in the appropriate columns.

a. Operating expenditures include the following:

i. Personal Services, including social charges (PS)

ii. Maintenance and other operating expenses (MOOE), such as
office supplies, utilities (power, water, telecommunications),
office equipment and miscellaneous expenses.
P a g e | 107

Historical analyses need to be done on the following expenditure items

using the suggested form. (Form 7)

a. General Public Services

b. Social Services
c. Economic Services
d. All Others


(1) (2) (3) (4) (7)

(a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b)
Amount % Change Amount % Change Amount % Change Amount % Change Amount % Change

(Note: The exercise will require 3 – 5 years of historical data to be used as the basis for a 3 – year projection.)

INSTRUCTIONS: For each year,

1. Enter the amount of operating expenditure in the appropriate column.

a. Debt and capital expenditures are excluded.
b. Column headings should reflect the major operating expenditure categories in the LGU.
c. General Public Services include LGU administration, peace and order, etc.
d. Social Services include education, health, welfare, etc.

2. Compute the % change over the preceding year and enter the results in the appropriate columns.

The amount of debt service payments for existing and other anticipated
LGU obligations must be established and compared to the relevant, if any,
statutory debt service ceilings. The suggested form (Form 8) may be
used for this purpose.

In the case of expenditures, election years result I abnormally high

expenditure levels. Usually, such “abnormal” years need to be taken out
of the projection exercise.
P a g e | 108


(1) (2) (3)

(NOTE: This exhibit presents existing debt service requirements and, therefore, involves no projections.)


1. Simply compile the total debt service requirements for local general debt obligation for each of the 3 – year
projection period for all LGU obligations from existing accounting records.
2. Enter these amounts in the appropriate columns.


1. Distinguish between recurring revenue sources and non-recurring ones. The LDIP needs a stable source
of financial resources that depend on revenue sources which are assured of being collected every year.
2. Distinguish between the impact on revenue volume of the:
a. Changes in the tax base, such as increases in the number of taxable structures or business; and
b. Changes in tax rates
3. Take into consideration an unusually large increase in particular revenue source for a particular year which
may be attributed to:
a. Change in rates,
b. New system of billing and collection, or
c. Other procedural and systems improvements, e.g., granting of tax amnesty, enactment of new tax
laws and ordinances
Increases attributed to the above cannot be expected to continue in the future. Therefore, their impact
must be segregated in the analyses.

Step 3: Establish structural relationships of revenue and expenditure items to

population and economic development.

Among the key factors that must be considered in assessing structural

relationships between revenue and expenditure items are the following:

a. Overall national and regional economic picture, including development

b. trends;
c. Demographic shifts; and
d. Changes in the local market, particularly in the local labor market.

Step 4: Project future recurring revenue and operating expenditure levels. Future
recurring levels can be projected based on a careful assessment of all
probable factors that affect each revenue source.
P a g e | 109

a. RPT collection should be projected separately because of its large

contribution to LGU revenue sources; and because real properties will
be the main beneficiary of LGU investments in terms of increased
values. (See Form 9 for Sample Projection Form)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


1. Enter the Projected Assessed Valuation in Column 1 and the estimated Collection as % of Levy in Column 4.
2. Enter the tentatively Projected Tax Rates in Columns 2a and 2b and enter the total in Column 2c.
3. Multiply the Projected Assessed Valuation indicated under Column 1 by the Total Tax Rate Column in column 2c to obtain
the Total Tax Levy and enter the result in Column 3.
4. Multiply Column 3 by the Collection as % of Levy as shown in Column 4 and enter the result in the Total Property Tax
Revenue in Column 5.

Note: In developing this revenue base for preliminary testing, different assumptions may be used regarding the
projected tax rate. For example:

1. The current tax rate can be used for the entire projection period; or
2. Some change in the tax rate can be assumed over the projection period depending on the adopted LDIP financing package.

b. Business fees and licenses, other taxes, services and operations, and
all others can be projected using either the historical growth rates
(with or without adjustments) or using computed elasticities and
assumed per capita income growth rates. (See Form 10 for Sample
Projection form for these revenue items)

The IRA projections should already consider the increases provided

for in RA 7160

c. Future normal recurring expenses can be projected using either of the

following techniques:

i. the historical 3 to 5 – year annual average expenditure increase;

ii. the historical average expenditure per unit of output in the case of
LGU business enterprises. (See Form 11 for the Sample
Projection Table)

In using either of the two techniques, factor into the projections the
effects of political and organizational developments within the LGU on
the future growth of various departments.
P a g e | 110


YEAR (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (5)



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


1. Project business fees and licenses, other taxes, services and operations, and all others using either the
historical growth rates (with or without adjustments) or using computed elasticities and assumed per
capita income growth rates.
2. Get the RPT projection from Form 10.
3. Enter the sums of Columns 1 -4 and enter the result in Column 5.

Four alternative growth scenarios can be used by the LGU in coming

up with the required financial projects. (See Figure 23)

Step 5: Compute the financial surplus available for the financing of new

After determining the future revenue inflows and the corresponding revenue outflows, the
new investment financing capacity of an LGU can be established.
P a g e | 111

Figure 23 - Financial Growth Scenarios

GROWTH SCENARIOS • Assumes that the present level of financial variable will continue to
the foreseeable future.
• Uses a constant absolute amount based on a recent year or on the
NO CHANGE average over a certain number of years.
• May be used if the historical trend analysis indicates little or no
change, and if there is no reason to expect change in this pattern.
• May also be used to provide a conservative estimate on an uncertain
revenue source such as grants and aids.
CONSTANT • Assumes yearly changes based on constant amounts.

• Assumes yearly changes at a constant amounts based on the

CHANGE AT historical annual average percentage change estimate.
CONSTANT RATE • Percentage change estimate is multiplied by the current year value to
derive the amount that should be added to the current year value to
arrive at the next year’s value.
ECONOMIC • Assumes a constant relationship between the financial variable and a
VARIABLE demographic or economic variable.

The following computational procedure can be used to establish the new

investment financing capacity of the LGU. (See Form 12 for the Sample
Projection of New Investment Financing Potential Table)

Box 10

Projected Revenues

Less: Projected Operating Expenses

Less: Existing Debt Service Requirements

Equals: Amount available for new investment financing

P a g e | 112



1 Projected Revenue 1 2 3 4 5

2 Less: Projected Operating Expenditures

3 Sub – Total (Item 1 minus Item 2)

4 Less: Obligated Debt Service

5 New Investment Potential (Item 3 minus Item


1. Item No. is to be taken from Form 10.
2. Item No. 2 is to be taken from Form 11.
3. Item No. 4 is to be taken from Form 8.

Stream 3: Formulating the Financing Plan

A 3 – year planning horizon shall be adopted to coincide with the tenure of

local officials.

Step 1: 1st Round Matching – The purpose of this matching is to determine:

a. how many of the approved projects can be funded from regular

sources for the 3 – year period; and
b. how many may have to be financed from other sources.

The procedure in undertaking this exercise is illustrated in Figure 24:


Ta ke the cumul ative total o f pro ject

RANKED LIST costs from the top of the list
OF PROJECTS down wa rds.

Stop at the project that gi ves the

cumu lati ve total equal o r nearly
eq ual to the estimated availabl e
funds for the n ext 3 years..

Take the total cost of the remainin g

pro jects that cannot be funde d out
o f the re curring sources.

Tran smit to the LFC the total cost of

the re main ing proje cts th at ca nnot
be fund ed out of the recurring
sou rces.

1 st R ound Ma tching to De term ine P rojec ts tha t c an be Funde d from

R egular and Othe r Source s
P a g e | 113

Step 2: LDC approves the ranked list of projects - The LDC, through a vote
or resolution approves the ranked list of projects with their
individual and aggregate cost estimates.

Step 3: The LDC deliberates on and decides what financing approach to


Three financing approaches are available to LGUs (Figure 25.)

These include the following:

a. The Conservative Approach

b. The Developmental Approach
c. The Pragmatic Approach

If the LDC chooses the Conservative Approach, this will involve

the following actions:

a. The LDC further trims down the project list.

i. The trimming process starts with the grouping of projects

following the ranked list and taking a running total of the
ii. When the total cost equals or nearly equals the available
funds for the 1st year, the corresponding group of projects
comprises the 1st year capital investment program.
iii. The same procedure is repeated for the 2nd and 3rd year
investment programs.
iv. The LDC approves the final list of projects when a proper
match is attained between total project cost and available
funds on a year-by-year basis through a vote or

b. The final project list is to be formally adopted by the

Sanggunian through an appropriate resolution.
c. The LPDO prepares the investment program.

If the LDC chooses the Development Approach, the following

strategies may be investigated to determine their impact on
savings for the next two to three years.

a. Improve fiscal management by:

i. Increasing the collection efficiency;

ii. Curbing some expenditures which may not be absolutely
necessary e.g. freeze on hiring of new personnel, stopping
the allocation of district funds for Sanggunian members, or
reducing the number of official travels;
iii. Imposing betterment levy (Sections 240 – 245 of RA 7160);
iv. Imposing tax on idle lands (Sections 236 – 239, RA 7160).
v. Incurring public debt or financing using any of the following
modalities allowed by the Local Government Code:
P a g e | 114



O nly pro j ects tha t ca n T h e sh o rt li st of T hi s is a co mbin atio n
be fun d ed fro m reg ular p ro jec ts is taken as of the tw o o pti on s.
so urc es will be fin al an d irre du cible.
im plemen ted . T h e L GU w ill th en tap
all so ur ces po ss ib le to
raise the n eed ed fu nd s
to impleme nt the
p ro je ct p ack age .

b. Contracting for loans, credits and other forms of indebtedness

with any government or domestic private bank and similar
lending institutions (Sec. 297, RA 7160) - Title IV of the Local
Government Code provides the legal basis for the LGUs to
create indebtedness and avail of credit facilities with any
government or domestic private bank and other lending
institutions to finance infrastructure and other socio-economic
development projects in accordance with the approved local
development plan and public investment program.

i. Deferred payment and similar financial schemes for land

acquisition, among others (Sec. 298, Sec. RA 7160)
ii. Issuance of bonds, debentures, securities, collaterals,
notes and other obligations, to finance the LGU’s self-
liquidating, income producing development or livelihood
projects pursuant to the priorities established in the
approved local development plan and subject to the rules
and regulations set by the Central Bank and Securities and
Exchange Commission. (Sec. 299, RA 7160)
iii. Contracting for loans, credits and other obligations with
other LGUs (Sec. 300, RA 7160) - Concerned LGUs may
extend loans, grants or other subsidies to other LGUs
under such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon
by the contracting parties. These may be agreed upon by
provinces, cities and municipalities, upon the approval of
the majority of the local sanggunian concerned in amount
not exceeding their surplus funds.
P a g e | 115

A compilation of information on non-traditional sources of

funds may be found in the Resource Finder, a publication
of the DILG with assistance from the Local Government
Support Program (LGSP).
iv. Borrowing from the national government through its re-
lending institutions using funds secured from foreign
sources (Sec. 301, RA 7160).
v. Pre – financing by the private sector through the build –
operate – transfer (BOT) scheme (Sec. 302, RA 7160 and
RA 6957).
vi. Accessing Official Development Assistance - Official
development assistance (ODA) is defined as those flows to
developing countries which are provided by official
agencies, including state and local governments, or by their
executive agencies. It can be bilateral or multilateral
technical assistance and loans.

Bilateral transactions are those undertaken by a donor

country directly with an aid recipient. Multilateral
contributions are those made to a recipient institution
which is an international agency, institution or organisation
whose members are governments, or a fund managed
autonomously by such an agency.

The ODA is administered with the promotion of the

economic development and welfare of developing countries
as its main objective. ODA flows are either loan or grant.
ODA loans are concessional in character (low interest rate
if loans) and sometimes, contain a grant element of at least

After assessing the amount of project financing that could be

generated from each of the above modes the actions listed
below follow:

a) The LFC recommends one or two modes to the LCE;

b) The LCE endorses the LFC’s recommendation to the
c) The Sanggunian may, by resolution, authorize the office of
the LCE to enter into contracts for loans, credits and other
forms of indebtedness;
d) The LPDO prepares the 3 – year investment program and
submits the draft LDIP to the LCE;
e) The LCE endorses the draft LDIP for adoption;
f) The Sanggunian deliberates on the draft LDIP;
g) The Sanggunian, through a resolution adopts the 3 – year
investment program or LDIP.
P a g e | 116

Figure 26

LGU Financing Options


Internal Local Official

Borrowing/ Credit
Revenue Revenues Development Private Financing
Allotment through Taxes Assistance
(IRA) and User Fees (ODA)

Multilaterals Bond Public Private

MDF Bilateral BOT
Direct Loans Flotation

7. What is the role of the province in local development investment programming of

its component LGUs?

a. Identify areas for complementation of PPAs between and among provinces and their
component cities/municipalities
b. Exercise by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of its power of automatic review of all
policies and actions of the component LGUs d to effect reconciliation and integration
of programs, projects and activities.
c. Province may develop and undertake joint programs or augment the financial
resources of its component cities and municipalities in implementing programs and
projects that have significant impacts on the province as a whole; and
d. The province may enjoin component cities and municipalities to provide counterpart
resources to implement programs and projects initiated by the province that have
significant impacts on the entire province.

8. How can national government agencies participate in local development

investment programming?

a. Provide guides on making LDIP responsive to specific issues and concerns;

b. Influence LDIP by resources leveraging, lobbying and other techniques for pushing
their programs, concerns and advocacies;
c. Promote the participation of concerned sectoral groups in the preparation of AIP;
d. Pick-up relevant programs and projects for inclusion in NGA programs;
e. Offer definite resource inputs to augment LGU resources;
f. Lobby for the integration of NGA programs/projects/services addressing concerned
development / sectoral issues in the AIP; and
g. Urge LGUs to give priority to local projects identified by or addressing the needs of
marginalized and vulnerable groups and to those that are mandated by/ consistent
with national laws and/or that will reinforce the effects of particular national programs
P a g e | 117

9. How is an AIP prepared?

In accordance with the provisions of JMC No. 001 series of 2007, the “LDC shall cull out
the AIP from the current slice of the LDIP, which upon approval of the Sanggunian, shall
serve as the basis for preparing the Executive Budget. The LDC shall endorse the AIP
to the local budget officer for the budget preparation and in determining the annual
budgetary allocations for PPA vis-à-vis allocations for other purposes as indicated in the
AIP Summary Form. (See Table 25)
P a g e | 118

Table 25
CY ____ Annual Investment Program (AIP)
By Program/Project/Activity by Sector
As of ____________________


OFFICE/ DATE DATE (PS) other Operating
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

General Public
Instructions: this form shall be prepared by the Planning and Budget officers of the local government unit based on the approved Local Development Plan of the LGU as approved by the Sanggunian. The annual
components of the Capital Expenditure (Capex) shall be inputted by the planning Officer and shall be integrated by the Budget Officer together with the Personal Services (PS), Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
(MOOE) and other Capital Outlay (CO) into the total resource Annual Investment Program as the basis for the preparation of the Annual Budget.

Economic Services
(80) Column 1: Indicate the reference code for the sector/sub-sector as per UBOM in order to facilitate consolidation of requirements.

Column 2: Describe briefly the program/project/activity to be implemented and accomplished by the LGU (i.e. infrastructure projects, programs or activities)

Column 3: Identify the office/department that will implement the program/project/activity.

Columns 4 & 5: Specify the targeted starting and completion date.

Social Services

Prepared By: Attested by:

_________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Local Planning and Development Officer Budget Office Local Chief Executive
Date: _______________ Date: _____________________ Date: __________________________
P a g e | 119

Preparing a Capacity Development Program

The CDP, to be implemented effectively, requires a set of competencies and institutional

arrangements that should be present in the LGU. This set of competencies and institutional
arrangements comprise an organization’s capacity.

1. What is capacity?

The CIDA-LGSP defines capacity as “the abilities, skills, understandings, attitudes,

values, relationships, behaviors, motivations, resources and conditions that enable
individuals, organizations, networks/sectors and broader social systems to carry out
functions and achieve their development objectives over time2.”

This definition classifies capacity into three levels:

a. Individual capacity which refers to the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of
individual employees;

b. Institutional capacity which pertains to the organizational structure, systems and

processes, motivation system, leadership, technologies, physical facilities and other
organizational components that help make the system operate; and,

c. Systems/sector capacity which pertains to policies, societal values or attitudes,

development frameworks, institutional arrangements and other elements that affect
the enabling environment.

2. What is capacity development?

Further using CIDA definition, capacity development refers to “the approaches,

strategies and methodologies used to improve performance at the individual,
organizational, network/sector or broader system level.3” Among its key objectives are

a. enhance or more effectively utilize skills, abilities and resources;

b. strengthen understandings and relationships; and
c. address issues of values, attitudes, motivations and conditions in order to support
development goals.

3. What is a capacity development program (CapDev Program)?

A capacity development program is a document that seeks to rationalize and

strategically focus the capability building efforts of LGUs. It outlines the capability
building interventions or programs that need to be undertaken to address an identified
capability deficiency. The benefits derived from capacity development planning are not
only confined to Plan implementation but they can also last even beyond the plan period.

P a g e | 120

The CapDev Program outlines the capacity development strategies, programs and
initiatives that need to be undertaken to address identified organizational competency
gaps, indicating the target groups, specific approaches that are recommended,
resources required and the timeline. It requires that the implementation period of the
program also covers the 3-year term of the local chief executive that also coincides with
the term-based plan of the LGU, or the ELA, which should, in turn be the basis for setting
the annual priorities of the LGU as articulated in the annual investment plan.

4. What is the difference between a CapDev Program and a Human Resource

Development Plan?

If the capacity development plan focuses only on human resource development, then it is
referred to as Human Resource Development (HRD) Plan. The HRD plan is a
component of the broader CapDev Program, the latter encompassing other elements
comprising the organization.

At the individual level, or HRD, capability enhancement is not only confined to training.
There are other modes to enhance the skills and knowledge of people in an organization.
These include:

a. coaching,
b. mentoring,
c. exposure trips/exchange program, etc.

At the organizational level, capacity development interventions may include the following:

a. installation or mainstreaming of systems and structures,

b. improvement of work processes,
c. introduction of new technologies, and/ or
d. enforcement of rules.

5. What are the steps in formulating a capacity development plan?

There is no “one way” to capacity development planning. Nonetheless, following are

some suggested steps:

a. Establish the organizational and individual competencies that are needed to

implement the CDP.
i. What capacities should be present in the LGU to support the implementation of
priority programs and projects?

b. Examine existing capacity vis-à-vis desired competencies.

i. Does the LGU have adequate leadership, management, technical skills,
organization arrangement, motivation, technology and equipment, systems and
procedures, regulations, ordinances, and funds to accomplish the goals of the

c. Identify capacity gaps.

i. Where are gaps in capacities?
ii. Which capacity areas need to be prioritized?
P a g e | 121

Available local government performance management systems such as the Local

Governance Performance Monitoring System (LGPMS) should be able to provide
useful information on the organizational capacity of the LGU.

d. Identify priority strategies or actions that need to be taken to improve capacities.

i. What should be done to improve or develop capacities?

e. Prepare a capacity development plan and budget.

i. How much time, effort and budget would be required to make improvements in
the present capacity of the LGU and is it worth it?

f. Assign roles and responsibilities to achieve the goal and the capacity objectives.

g. Monitor the plan and make adjustments as required.

i. Should goals and objectives be adjusted given present capacity?

Box 10 - Some Tips in Capacity Development Planning

 Conduct a separate orientation on Capacity Development Planning - Proper

grounding of the Planning Team, and other LGU department heads who will be
closely involved in the activity on capacity development concepts and tools would
be useful in implementing the activity.

By its very nature, capacity assessment may appear threatening to some LGU staff
and constrain them from giving accurate information. It is therefore important
that LGU department heads are thoroughly oriented on and understand the process
as they are the key informants.

 Generating accurate information on the LGU’s administrative and operational

capacity – An LGU capacity profile is usually not readily available. It may require
substantial data gathering work, and therefore, take sometime. The Planning Team
may utilize a combination of techniques in generating the required information.

 If necessary, engage the servives of an external facilitator/advisor to assist the

Planning Team in assessing capacity and developing a Comprehensive Capacity
Development or HRD Plan.
P a g e | 122

Table 26
Sample Format of a Capacity Development Plan

Priority HRD/Capacity Target Office Staff Desired outcome Implementation Details

Sectoral Goal Development (timeframe, who are
Intervention involved)

Example 1: Computerization of real Treasurer’s Office, Revenue collection 1 year, treasury staff
Increased own- property tax Assessor’s Office from RPT increased
source revenue by ___%

Example 2: Training of rural health Rural health Upgraded knowledge 2 weeks, all rural health
Improve access of workers workers and skills of rural workers in the LGU
the poor to quality health workers on
primary health primary health care
care services

6. Is there a need to prepare a separate capacity development or human resource

development plan?

While the preparation of capacity development or human resource development program

may require a separate process, the activities and budget related to making capacity
improvements should be part of the goal and objectives under the Institutional Sector of
the CDP. Key interventions to develop the required capacities for Plan implementation
may either be integrated in the design and budget of sectoral programs and projects or
be all placed under the Institutional Development cluster.

If capacity improvement measures are integrated in the design and budget of sectoral
programs and projects, the budget and operational plan for capacity development, e.g.
training, should be part of the overall plan, annual budget and the three-year investment
plan for the particular program goal. This keeps all the program activities that need to
be carried out, as well as the budgets, together and makes implementation and
accountability clearer. This also reduces the vulnerability of capacity development or
HRD budget from being totally slashed should there be budgetary constraints within the

At the same time, there may be good reasons for wanting to see capacity improvement
interventions in one place. For example, many training interventions may be proposed,
and rather than having them scattered and uncoordinated, it may be more efficient to
bring them together under the responsibility of the HRD person or to integrate them into
the LGU’s HRD plan or Development Administration/Institutional Development section
of the CDP. This strategy however puts the plan at high risk of being the first to go, as
has been the practice of many LGUs as it is given the least priority.

7. What other tools can be used in preparing a Capacity Development Program?

a. LGPMS – LGPMS results for input indicators (structures, policies, administrative

systems, managerial and technical competencies, tools, facilities, equipment and
financial resources of the LGU) provide a relatively comprehensive picture of the
capacity level of LGUs. They can set a good starting point for gauging the capacity
level and identifying the capacity needs of the LGU. Further examination of the sub-
indicators assigned to particular indicator and the rating scheme can describe the
P a g e | 123

nature of a deficiency if such exists, and how it might be addressed. The strategies
and actions to address the deficiency/ies would form part of the LGU’s Capacity
Development Program.

b. SCALOG – The use of SCALOG takes off from a strategic plan of an LGU such as a
Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) or an Executive and Legislative Agenda
(ELA). It presupposes that any effort to improve LGU capacity should be geared
towards contributing to the attainment of development objectives and goals outlined
in these LGU plans. Using SCALOG as a tool is to ensure that the Capacity
Development Program will help define the necessary capacity requirements for
effective and efficient implementation of the

c. LGU’s priority programs and projects.

Determining Legislative Requirements

1. What are legislative requirements?

The legislative requirements of the CDP are the priority legislations that need to be
enacted by the Sanggunian to support development priorities of the LGU in the medium
– and long – term. These may include new legislation as well as amendments and
updates to existing legislation.

For example, if the LGU is undertaking an Investment Promotion Program, there may be
a need for a legislation to amend its existing Investment Code. An example of legislative
requirements to support the goals and objectives, as well as the programs and projects
are shown in Table 27 (Sample Table of Legislative Requirements).

Table 27 - Sample Table of Legislative Requirements

Sector Goal Objective Priority Programs Legislative Time Committee

and Projects Requirements Frame Responsible

Economic Improved local Increased Investment Promotion Amendment of 2007 Finance,

economy investments Program Investment Appropriation
Code s, Ways &

Institutional Improved Fiscal gap Revenue Updating the 2008

capacity of LGU reduced Enhancement Revenue Code

Environment Improved marine Mangrove 2008 Environment

environment Rehabilitation
P a g e | 124

2. What is a Legislative Agenda?

The needed legislative measures to support the implementation of programs and targets
aimed at achieving the goals, objectives and targets set for the 3 – year term of the LCE
and the Sanggunian members comprise the legislative agenda.

a. It is the primary tool of the Sanggunian in performing its role as the legislative body of
the LGU.
b. It serves as a roadmap to guide them in the formulation and enactment of
appropriate ordinances and resolutions during their term of office. Necessarily, the
LA should have a timeframe of three (3) years consistent with the term of office of the

This will be entered in the 3 – year CDP, or the Executive and Legislative Agenda

3. What is the link between legislative requirements and the legislative agenda?

Figure 27 shows the link between the CDP legislative requirements and the 3 – year
legislative agenda which bears part of the Executive and legislative Agenda (ELA). The
figure shows that only a portion of CDP legislative requirements can be picked-up by the
Sanggunian for their three - year LA which in turn forms part of the ELA priority
legislative requirements.

Figure 27

4. When are legislative requirements determined?

Legislative requirements are determined after sectoral objectives and targets shall have
been set, that is, during the development of policies, programs and projects that are
aimed towards the attainment of the desired results that will ultimately attain the sectoral
goals and objectives in the short – and medium term, and the LGU vision in the long
P a g e | 125

5. Who are responsible for determining legislative requirements?

The local sanggunian members, who are selected to be part of the planning team, are
mainly responsible for determining legislative requirements. This does not however
preclude other stakeholders to recommend legislations to support the development
thrusts of the CDP.

6. How are legislative requirements developed?

In generating regulatory measures, it is advisable to first check whether:

a. a new legislation is really needed;

b. the intended legislation is within the limits of the prescribed powers of the LGU;
c. the intended legislation is necessarily implied from the prescribed powers of the LGU;
d. the intended legislation is really necessary, appropriate, or incidental for the LGU’s
effective and effective governance;
e. the intended legislation is essential to the promotion of the general welfare.

To determine the appropriate action to take regarding local legislations, the fishbone
analysis as shown in Figure 28 may be helpful.






P a g e | 126

The Executive and Legislative Agenda

1. What is an Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA)?

The Executive-Legislative Agenda (ELA) was conceived to serve as a “powerful vehicle

for effective local governance”. It may be defined as:

a. a planning document, covering a 3-year period corresponding to the term of local

elective officials that is mutually developed and agreed upon by both the executive
and legislative departments of an LGU;
b. an integrated plan that contains the major development thrusts and priorities of both
the executive and legislative branches towards a common vision for the locality;
c. an instrument that will prioritize responses to multi-stakeholder needs, e.g.,
programs, projects, activities, legislations and capacity development programs, and
put into action local development plans.

2. What are the characteristics and uses of an ELA?

An ELA has the following important uses:

a. Leads the executive and the legislative branches towards a unified vision, mission,
goals and objectives;
b. Enables the executive and legislative branches to agree on priority problems and
c. Helps the LGU focus on a set of interventions towards the attainment of a common
set of objectives and goals;
d. Increases the chances for implementation of priority programs of the executive
department, if the legislative branch formulates ordinances in support of the LCE
program of government; and
e. Speeds up the implementation of priority projects.

As a planning and budgeting tool, an ELA:

a. provides a 3-year development roadmap for the LGU;

b. helps identify results that will contribute to the LGU’s long-term vision;
c. identifies priority programs and projects that will help accomplish these results within
the term of local elective officials; and
d. organizes and allocates local resources expected to be generated or mobilized within
the 3-year term of the LCE and Sanggunian in a rational and results-oriented

As a performance management tool, an ELA:

a. provides a basis for ensuring that 3-year LGU programs, projects and legislative
measures are implemented and are producing the desired impact; and
b. helps various departments of the LGU set performance targets for a 3-year period,
thus encouraging greater accountability for results.

As a communication tool, an ELA:

a. allows elected officials to present and articulate their political agenda;

b. encourages closer interface between the executive and the legislative officials; and
c. allows for elected officials to report back their accomplishments and achievements.
P a g e | 127

As a convergence tool, an ELA

a. encourages collaboration between the executive and legislative departments; and

b. provides avenues for consensus among diverse stakeholders in pursuing a set of
unified actions designed to bring about the desired changes in the local community
within the short-term.

3. What is the relationship of ELA with the CLUP and the CDP?

It is important to bear in mind that the ELA does not replace or supplant the existing
plans of the LGU (How to Formulate an Executive and Legislative Agenda for Local
Governance and Development, page 10). Rather, it builds on existing plans which LGUs are
mandated to prepare, i.e., the CLUP and the CDP. In fact, the ELA can be considered as
an implementing instrument of the CDP and for that matter, the CLUP, considering that
the CDP can also be considered as a tool for implementing the CLUP.

The relationship of the ELA with the CLUP and the CDP and with their respective
principal tools for implementation is illustrated in Figure 29:


Comprehensive Land Use
Zoning Ordinance Plan (CLUP)


Development Plan (CDP)

Local Development Capacit y Legislative

Investment Program Development Requirements
(LDIP) Program
Executive and Legislative
Annual Investment Agenda (ELA)
Program (AIP)

The CLUP is the plan for the long-term management of the local territory, which is a
function of an LGU as a political body and partner of the national government. As earlier
described, it is the skeletal-circulatory framework of the territory’s physical development
that identifies areas where development can and cannot be located and directs public
and private investments accordingly.

The CDP, on the other hand, is the 6-year (medium – term) action plan utilized by every
local administration to develop and implement priority sectoral and cross-sectoral
programs and projects in the proper locations to put flesh on the skeleton as it were,
gradually and incrementally, until the desired shape or form of development is eventually
attained over the long term. The identification, screening, and prioritization of programs
and projects in the CDP will be guided by the location policies in the CLUP.
P a g e | 128

The Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA) is a 3-year program of action crafted based
on the priorities and thrusts of newly or re-elected LCEs and Sanggunian members in the
context of the vision, goals and objectives of the LGU. The preparation process adopts
mechanisms that facilitate convergent planning and decision-making processes between
the executive and legislative departments of the LGU with technical support and inputs
from the Local Development Council and its sectoral and functional committees.

The ELA is not meant to replace or duplicate existing planning systems in LGUs. Rather,
it adds greater value to the CLUP and the CDP by moving them forward to getting
implemented and monitored.

4. When is the ELA formulated?

It is highly desirable that ELA preparation commences within the first six (6) months from
the assumption into office of the re-elected or newly-elected local officials, i.e., Mayors,
Vice Mayors and members of the Sanggunian.

5. What are the considerations for preparing an ELA?

LGUs are advised to prepare an ELA even in the presence of a CDP or CLUP to guide
the Local Chief Executives and members of Sanggunian in developing their localities for
the duration of their three-year term of office. The preparation of the ELA will in fact be
greatly facilitated when a medium-term CDP is already in place for the following reasons:

a. planning targets for the 3-year term of the LCE can be extracted from CDP; and
b. strategies of the ELA can be based on 6-year CDP, particularly those that can be
realistically accomplished in three years.

In preparing the ELA LGUs are, however, enjoined to adhere to the following principles:

a. The planning process, which is participatory, consultative and inclusive,

as suggested in the CDP, be adopted.
b. The scope and elements of the ELA or the term-based agenda covers
ALL the development sectors.
c. That the elements of JMC No. 001 series of 2007, listed below among
others, be integrated in the 3-year CDP or ELA, namely:
i. Interface between the LGUs and NGAs;
ii. Complementation between the Province and its component LGUs;
iii. Synchronized Local Planning and Budgeting Calendar
iv. Annual Investment Program as enunciated under the JMC

6. What are the contents of the ELA?

The substantive elements of the ELA are suggested below:

1. Preliminaries

o Message of the Local Chief Executive

o Message of the Vice Mayor and Presiding Officer of the Sanggunian
o Sanggunian Resolution Adopting the ELA (Please see Box 11)
o Executive Summary
o Vision Statement derived from the CLUP or CDP
P a g e | 129

2. Sectoral Situationer

o Local Development Indicators

 Show a 3-dimentional matrix, i.e., sectoral, temporal (indicators for two
periods) and spatial (between an LGU and its components, i.e., barangays in
the case of a city or municipality and/or the higher LGU, i.e., province or
region to which it belongs)
 Derive inputs to the LDIs from the LGPMS and CBMS, where the latter is
available and from other NGA-based sources when not found in either the
LGPMS and the CBMS

o Issues and Concerns by Sector

 Review the immediate past ELA or CDP and results of a vision – reality gap

3. Sectoral Goals and Objectives/Targets

o Derived from problem – solution – finding analysis conducted and results of the
review of the immediate past ELA or CDP (Please refer to Chapters 3 and 4, Part II
of this Enhanced Guide to CDP Preparation)

4. 3 – Year Capacity Development Agenda

 May contain new or continuing capacity development programs

5. 3 – Year Legislative Agenda

 May contain newly – crafted, amended or unfinished legislative actions (Please
refer to Chapter 3, Part III of this Enhanced Guide to CDP Preparation)

6. Local Development Investment Program

7. What are the scenarios under which the ELA may be formulated?

The preparation of an ELA may be undertaken under one of the following scenarios
indicated below:

Scenario 1: The LGU has an updated and Code-compliant CDP and CLUP

a. Re-visit the long-term CLUP and/ or the medium-term CDP and review the extent to
which the LGU vision/ mission has been achieved.
b. Re-visit of the Vision, Goals and Objectives/Targets
c. If necessary, re-formulate policies, strategies, goals and objectives/ targets indicated
in the CDP to make them more responsive to the current reality and with due
consideration given to the priorities of the LCE and the Sanggunian.
d. Identify and prioritize programs and projects for implementation within the term of the
local elective officials and input to the Local Development Investment Program.
e. Review the immediate past 3-year Capacity Development (CapDev) Program.
Identify new, additional and/or revise CapDev Program to make it consistent with the
revised sectoral goals and objectives and thrusts and priorities of the LCE and the
f. Review the immediate past legislative agenda. Identify new, additional and/or revise
legislative requirements and actions to make them consistent with the revised
sectoral goals and objectives and thrusts and priorities of the LCE and the
P a g e | 130

g. Consolidate outputs of Steps “b” to “f” above and submit to LDC for approval. When
approved, LCE submits the same to the Sanggunian for adoption.
h. Package the ELA (Please refer to 4.5 of this Chapter).
i. Prepare the Annual Investment Program (AIP) based on the LDIP contained in the
ELA using AIP Summary Form provided under JMC No. 001 s. 2007.

Scenario 2: The LGU has a Code-compliant CDP but non-compliant CLUP

a. In the case of a non-compliant CLUP, coordinate with HLURB and enjoin the LGU to
prepare a Code-compliant CLUP.
b. Proceed to Steps “a” to “i” under Scenario 1.

Scenario 3: The LGU has a Code-compliant CLUP but non-compliant CDP

a. In the case of a non-compliant CDP, prepare the LDIP, Capacity Development

Program and Legislative Agenda following the suggested methodology in this
Enhanced Guide to CDP.
b. Prepare the ELA
c. Prepare the Annual Investment Program (AIP) based on the LDIP contained in the
ELA using AIP Summary Form provided under JMC No. 001 s. 2007.
d. Iterate the ELA in a Code-compliant CDP prepared following this Enhanced Guide to
CDP Preparation.
P a g e | 131

Box 11
RESOLUTION NO. ___, Series of ____*


WHEREAS, the Executive-Legislative Agenda (ELA) sets the local government’s strategic directions for the next three
years and provides an explicit expression of the present administration’s goals, objectives, strategic priorities and
programs that are consistent with the LGU vision and mission;

WHEREAS, the formulation of the ELA involved the participation of various stakeholders in the community in its
various stages, from needs identification to plan implementation, monitoring and evaluation;

WHEREAS, the ELA represents the collective aspiration, needs and priorities of the local community and therefore
enjoys broad-based support;

WHEREAS, the ELA is this administration’s sincere invitation to all its constituents and resource institutions to be its
pro-active partners in progress;

NOW THEREFORE, this body in session assembled,

RESOLVED, to adopt as it hereby adopts, the Executive-Legislative Agenda of the Municipality/ Province/City of



I hereby certify to the correctness of the foregoing resolution which was duly adopted by the Sanggunian
Bayan/Panlalawigan/Panglungsod during its Regular Session on _______.

Secretary to the SB

Presiding Officer

__________________ ____________________ _________________

Sanggunian Member Sanggunian Member Sanggunian Member

__________________ _____________________ _________________

Sanggunian Member Sanggunian Member Sanggunian Member


____________________________ _______________________
Mayor /Governor Secretary to the Sanggunian

* Adopted from the Manual on How to Prepare an Executive and Legislative Agenda
P a g e | 132

Scenario 4: The LGU has an ELA only – no CLUP OR CDP

a. This ELA may be used as a springboard for preparing a CDP.

b. Review and evaluate the current or latest ELA against actual implementation.
c. Using the results of the review and evaluation as well as the State of Local
Development Report, proceed to the formulation of the CDP following the
steps suggested in this Enhanced Guide to CDP Preparation.

8. How does the original 12 – step ELA formulation process fit into the process under
this Enhanced Guide to CDP Preparation?

The table below shows where each of the 12 steps in the ELA Formulation process fits in
the Enhanced Guide to CDP Preparation following the steps in the simplified sectoral
planning process.


12- STEP ELA Formulation Process Contents of the Enhanced Guide to CDP
(Manual on How to Formulate an Executive Preparation following the Simplified Sectoral
and Legislative Agenda) Planning Process

Step 1: Planning to Plan Getting Started (Chapter I)

Step 2: Prioritizing Issues Determining the Current Reality (Chapter III)

Step 3: Consulting with Stakeholders This is an integral part of each step in the CDP process
and not taken separately or independent of all the other

Step 4: Defining / Re-visiting the LGU Vision Setting the Vision (Chapter II)
and Mission

Step 5: Formulating Goals and Objectives Setting Sectoral Goals (Chapter II)

Step 6: Prioritizing Programs and Capacity o Transforming Goals into Actions (Chapter II)
Development Needs o Local Development Investment Programming
(Chapter III)
o Capacity Development Agenda (Chapter III)
Step 7: Determining Legislative Requirements o Legislative Agenda (Chapter III)

In the CDP Process, this is not taken as a separate

step. Commitment from the widest spectrum of
stakeholders is secured and firmly rooted at the
Step 8: Building Commitment outset of the plan preparation process – from the
mobilization and active involvement not only of the
Local Development Council and its sectoral and
functional committees, but also the mother province
of an LGU as well as NGA representatives operating
in the area, to plan implementation and up to plan
monitoring and evaluation. (From Getting Started
Chapter I) to Plan Monitoring and Evaluation
(Chapter IV).
P a g e | 133

Step 9: Securing endorsement and approval Chapter III

Step 10: Moving the ELA into Action Steps 6, 7 and 10 are consolidated as discussed in
Chapter III (Implementing the Plan) of the Enhanced

Just like Step 3, Step 11 is an integral part of each

Step 11: Popularizing the ELA step in the CDP process considering that it is
participatory, inclusive and consultative.
Establishing a sense of “ownership” of actions and
outputs under each step is therefore an approach to
“popularizing the ELA” not only as an end-product of
an exercise, but as a guide towards fulfilling the
goals and aspirations of all stakeholders as
articulated by stakeholders during the plan
formulation process.

Step 12: Managing and Sustaining ELA o Plan Monitoring and Evaluation (Chapter IV)

9. How long does it take to prepare an ELA?

The ELA preparation process may take three (3) to six (6) months depending on
availability of data and information for consideration and basis for crafting the document,
schedule and mutual acceptance of the LCE and Sanggunian of the draft ELA, as well as
the capacities of the LGU in terms of resources and technical readiness for Plan

10. Who is responsible for preparing the ELA?

The Local Development Council is the planning structure mandated to formulate plans
for the LGU, for approval of the Sanggunian. A functional committee under the LDC to
be known as the ELA Planning Team, however, may be created to assist the LDC in
preparing the ELA. To the extent possible, it should include not only heads or
representatives of the various LGU offices or departments but also members of the
standing committees of the Sanggunian and representatives from the private sector,
non-government organizations and national government agencies operating in the
P a g e | 134



Planning is regarded as a continuous or cyclical process. In the Philippines, however, it is

often considered a project which has “time start” and “time finish” elements. The prevalent
notion is that it is simply a process to produce a document.

For planning to be truly continuous, however, it must form part of the regular function of the
LDC. One major activity that the LDC is mandated to perform is to “coordinate, monitor,
evaluate the implementation of development programs and projects” (Section 109 (a) (5), RA

Plan monitoring and evaluation must serve as the link between two planning cycles.

1. What is monitoring?

Monitoring is a continuous process of data collection and analysis to check whether a

project is running according to plan and to make adjustments if required. It is an
evaluative study directed to the short term.

2. What is evaluation?

Evaluation is a systematic process of collecting and analyzing information about

activities and results of a project in order to determine the project’s relevance and/or to
make decisions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a project.

Table 29 shows the salient features differentiating monitoring from evaluation.

3. What is the importance of monitoring and evaluation (M & E) in the planning


M & E are essential tools for management. Properly utilized, they are mutually
reinforcing in that:

a. A well – functioning monitoring system can greatly reduce the need for in – depth
evaluation as problems are revealed and resolved in a timely manner.
b. Monitoring can also indicate the need for in – depth evaluation of problems and
c. In – depth evaluation may show the need for a new and improved monitoring system.

4. What is plan monitoring and evaluation?

Plan M & E is concerned not with mere project outputs per se, but with the:
P a g e | 135

a. effects of the utilization of the outputs produced (project outcomes);

b. contribution of the outputs to the realization of development goals (project impacts);
c. determination of impacts of public sector planning interventions (programs, projects,
services and regulatory measures); and
d. impacts of private sector investments on the local area and population.

Salient Features of Monitoring and Evaluation
Differentiating Factors
Between M & E Monitoring Evaluation

Meaning  Systematic observation and  In-depth analysis and comparison of

documentation of information on the planned versus actual achievements;
implementation of plan;
 Systematic measurement of
 Continuous tracking/measurement of performance at the level of
progress and performance against what development goals and objectives
was planned (time, outputs, resource (UNDP, 2002);
use, cost);
 Systematic analysis of the relevance,
efficiency, effectiveness, benefits,
impact and sustainability of the plan;

Focus Programs, projects and activities Overall relevance, impact and sustainability

Importance  Tracks progress (or lack thereof) of plan  Generates information and provides
implementation and determines whether lessons that would guide the LGU in
priority programs and projects outlined updating the Local Development Plan;
in the plan are actually implemented;
 Ensures informed decision-making
 Ensures that programs and projects are
implemented and managed efficiently and  Identifies the extent to which the
effectively; objectives of the Local Development
Plan are achieved or whether the Local
 Identifies problems in plan Development Plan addresses effectively
implementation in its early stage and the needs of the citizens; and
allows decision and policy makers to
address the problems or make  Ensures that resources are
appropriate adjustments; strategically managed and put to the
best possible use.
 Alerts managers to problems and
provides options for corrective actions;

 Provides recommendations for remedial

P a g e | 136

5. What is the importance of M & E in the cyclical planning process?

M & E serves as the link between one planning cycle to the next. The concerns of M & E
for cyclical planning, therefore, are much broader and deeper than those of project M &
E. Its critical important lies in the production of new information derived from the

a. assessment of impacts of plans, programs and projects as implemented;

b. effects of regulatory measures as enforced; and
c. outcomes of developments in the area that had not come under the control or
influence of the planning system.

M & E for cyclical comprehensive planning is concerned with determining the

changes attributed to planned and unplanned developments. These changes
manifest themselves in terms of a changed state of the following:

a. social and economic well – being of the inhabitants;

b. quantity and quality of the physical environment; and
c. institutional capabilities for local governance

The principal aim of M & E for cyclical planning is to build up the planning database for the successor plans.
Cyclical planning in which an M & E system in place makes possible need not involve the preparation of new
successor plans every time. Revision of certain features of the predecessor plan does not make the
process any less cyclical or continuous.

6. What is M & E vis-à-vis Long – term Planning?

New and feedback information should be clustered around the five development sectors
with specific responsibilities to describe and possibly measure changes in the area over
the long - term as follows:

a. Social Sector – changes in the following:

i. Demographic composition, growth behavior and spatial distribution of the area’s
ii. Changes in the level of welfare of individuals and households;
iii. Changes in the availability of and access to basic social goods and services; and
iv. Advances made by society in the promotion of equity and social justice.

b. Economic Sector changes in the following:

i. General individual income levels and average household incomes;
ii. Conditions in employment, unemployment and underemployment;
iii. Level of self – sufficiency in the different food commodities; and
iv. If possible, measurement of capital inflows (difference between inflows and
outflows) into the area and the manner this capital is circulated in the local

c. Environment Sector – changes in the following:

i. Stock and quality of various natural resources as a result of domestic utilization
and economic extraction;
ii. Size, direction and intensity of the built environment and corresponding
conversion of agricultural, forest or wetlands;
iii. Degree of success in the preservation of protected areas;
P a g e | 137

iv. Sustainability through judicious consumption and avoidance of waste of water

v. Overall quality of the environment resulting from waste management systems and
nuisance abatement mechanisms that had been put in place during the last
decade; and
vi. Degree of success in the enforcement of national laws and local ordinances on
the environment and natural resources.

d. Infrastructure Sector
i. Adequacy of social and physical capital build up to under gird economic
prosperity, public health, safety, comfort and convenience;
ii. Appropriateness of infrastructure to support the realization of the chosen spatial
iii. Status in the backlogs in the provision of basic social services;
iv. Changes in the quality of services and facilities resulting in changes in the
general welfare of the residents;
v. Changes in the level of vulnerability of the residents as a result of facilities to
rduce environmental risks and disasters; and
vi. Changes in the environmental quality owing to the integrity of the protective
structures and civil works

e. Institutional Sector
i. Institutionalization of local structures and processes for planning, program and
project development and management, and monitoring and evaluation of the
outputs, outcomes and impacts of plans, programs, services, regulatory
measures and other forms of public intervention;
ii. Efficiency and effectiveness with which the local government bureaucracy utilizes
resources to deliver services demanded by its various publics;
iii. Changes towards ensuring participation in governance processes, transparency
in LGU transactions and accountability of public officers; and
iv. Indication of responsiveness of successive administrators to the needs of their
constituents as can be inferred from the accumulated legislative output during the
last decade.

Using the new set of data – The new set of data derived from monitoring and
evaluating the status of development after a lapse of one decade may not be used to
prepare another plan altogether. It may well be that the long-term vision and goals are
still sound and valid. But the new characterization of the current reality might warrant a
revision of the current reality rating and a corresponding change in the vision-reality gap.
A new appreciation of the gap should result in new sectoral goals, objectives and targets
to recalibrate the indicators originally formulated which are not yet fully attained.

Another feature of the CLUP that needs reviewing at the onset of new M & E data is the
chosen spatial strategy or urban form. The new data might indicate variance in the
direction, intensity or size of the built environment from the chosen spatial form. This
may be due to unrealistic assumptions in making growth forecasts or to certain shortfalls
in the needed interventions. Either way the needed adjustment may not entail a complete
change of the plan.
P a g e | 138

7. What is M & E vis-à-vis the sectoral planning process?

In the simplified planning process, the role of M & E is to determine the changes in the
current reality after a lapse of time so as to make new estimate of the vision – reality gap
and thereby formulate new sectoral goals, objectives and targets, identify new programs,
projects or activities, etc.

This entails updating the database for planning, such as the ecological profile, but more
importantly, the LDIs.

8. What is M & E vis-à-vis the AIP / Budget cycle?

The shortest planning cycle where M & E finds useful application is the annual
investment programming as an integral part of the annual budgeting process. The
investment programming process takes place prior to the start of the budget preparation
to ensure that priority programs and projects get the proper budgetary allocation, and are
implemented in the ensuing fiscal year.

In making up the priority list in any the successor AIP, not only the LGU’s financial
performance in implementing the programs, projects and services but also feedback
information regarding the effects of the previous year’s programs and projects should be
used. The only practical feedback information from M & E that could be used in
preparing the succeeding year’s budget are the monitored outputs of the previous year’s
interventions and possibly the monitored financial performance in the implementation of
the current year’s budget up to the third quarter.

To inject rationality in the budgeting process and ensure transparency and accountability
in public expenditure management, the scope and purposes of the M & E should be
expanded to include an assessment of the following:

a. efficiency in utilization of inputs to realize outputs;

b. effectiveness of outputs in realizing desired outcomes; and
c. extent to which public expenditure contributed to the attainment of broader social and
economic goals.

9. What is M & E vis-à-vis the 3 – Year CDP or ELA?

The preparation of the successor CDP or ELA will require feedback information on
outcomes and impacts. This is because the effects of intervention do not manifest
themselves until after two or three years from the completion of the intervention.

10. Who should do the M & E?

a. Local Development Council (LDC) – Section 109 (a) (5) of the Local Government
Code “coordinate, monitor, evaluate the implementation of development programs
and projects”.
b. Sectoral and Functional Committees of the LDCs – M & E is a built – in function of
the sectoral or functional committees (Rule Xxiii, Art. 182, (g) (3) vi, IRR of RA 7160),
which directs them “to provide the LDC with data and information essential to the
formulation of plans, projects and activities”. These planning information are derived
from baseline surveys, in – depth studies, as well as from M & E.
c. Local Planning and Development Office(LPDO) – Through the sectoral committees,
the LPDO performs its M & E functions as provided for under the Sec. 476 (b) (4), RA
P a g e | 139

7160) stated as follows: “To monitor and evaluate the implementation of the different
programs, projects and activities in the local government unit concerned in
accordance with the approved development plan”.
d. Planning Information Management Division – The M & E function is embedded in this
division of a full – blown LPDO.
e. Functional Committee – In the case of lower – income LGUs the M & E function
could be devolved to a functional committee consisting of a representative of each of
the sectoral committees coordinated by the head of any staff of the LPDO.
f. Implementing office or agency – For short – term M & E or project implementation.
Project monitoring results may be discussed during executive meetings of the LGU.
g. The Project Monitoring Committee (PMC) – The Project Monitoring Committee
(PMC) at the provincial, city and municipal levels are tasked to monitor government
projects funded from foreign and national funds including development projects
funded from the IRA and projects funded from locally-generated resources (EO 93,

The composition of the PMC is left to the discretion of the LDC subject to the inclusion of
the following as mandatory members:

i. DILG representative or Local Government Operations Officer assigned in the area

ii. One representative of NGO/PO
iii. One representative of NGO members in the LDC
iv. Four PMC members appointed by the LCE from among the nominees of the LDC

The Chair of the PMC will be appointed by the LCE from among three nominees
nominated out of the seven PMC members.

h. The Legislative Oversight Committee – Legislative oversight is an integral part of the

legislative process. Legislative oversight refers to the legislature’s review and
evaluation of activities of the executive branch. The sanggunian has a duty to ensure
that plans, programs and projects are implemented and administered efficiently,
effectively and in a manner consistent with legislative intent. Oversight is the focus of
work of special committees but can be part of the hearings and work of standing
committees in the sanggunian.

During committee hearings and meetings, the sanggunian may invite their
counterparts in the executive department to brief its members on the status of a
particular program that it wants to evaluate. To illustrate, the Committee on Trade
and Industry may invite the members of the local tourism board to present a report on
the implementation of its tourism program. Meetings of this type can be scheduled on
a monthly or quarterly basis (Villaluz 2004).

11. How can other stakeholders be involved in M & E?

Participation of local constituents in monitoring should be encouraged. This can be

achieved by including a CSO/private sector representative in the monitoring team.
Another approach is to establish regular feedback mechanisms that can be either formal
or informal. Among the feedback mechanisms that are now being used by some LGUs
include the following:
P a g e | 140

a. Suggestion box
b. Sending short message service (SMS) or text to local officials
c. Report Card Survey

12. When is M & E conducted?

a. For the 3 – year CDP or ELA – The ideal time is during the usual hiatus following
the last elections. Results of this assessment will find their way into the successor
LDIP and ELA of the next administration. This ensures smooth transition and
conveys a sense of continuity and stability between succeeding local administrations.

i. In a 4-year scenario which shows the two change-over points after each
election, the following M & E schemes are recommended:

 2nd Quarter in the 6-week interval between the election and July 1 – M
& E to assess the impacts of the previous administration’s 3-year LDIP
or Executive-Legislative Agenda. This M & E will provide inputs to the
preparation of the new 3-year LDIP/ ELA of the succeeding

 4th Quarter of the second and third years of the incumbent leadership
– M & E to assess the outputs and financial performance to provide
inputs to the Year-end Report of the Local Chief Executive.

ii. M & E to assess the outcomes of the completed budgets and AIPs of the last
half year of the previous and the first year of the incumbent administration.

For clarity please refer to the scenario as shown in the following table.

Table 30 - M & E Points in a 3-Year Term of Office

YEAR Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


Year 1 o ELECTION YEAR End-of-Term Report

o M & E (Impact of Previous Inaugural of New Term
Administration’s LDIP/ELA)
Preparation of LDIP/ELA
Preparation of Yr 2 Budget and 1st AIP


Year 2
Preparation of Yr 3 Budget and 2nd AIP

o M & E (Outputs and

o End-of-Year Report
P a g e | 141


Year 3
M & E (Outcome of 1st AIP) Preparation of Yr 4 Budget and 3rd AIP

o M & E (Outputs
and Financial
o End-of-Year Report


Year 4
o ELECTION YEAR End-of-Term Report
o M & E (Impact of Outgoing Inaugural of New Term
Administration’s LDIP/ELA)

b. For Long – term Planning – The feedback information required for the revision or
reformulation of long – term plans such as the CLUP and the long – term CDP should be
collected after a lapse of 9 – 10 years. This should be synchronized with the national
census which has as interval of one decade. Data capture on socio-economic and
physical indicators of change when it is done in the same year that an actual population
count is held will allow analysts to relate actual growth with actual population change.
Every census year therefore should be marked out for conducting comprehensive data
collection to update ecological profiles, statistical compendiums, thematic maps, and
other forms of information systems.

13. What tools can be used for M & E?

Various tools are already being used to monitor and evaluate the achievement of results
at the local level. Some of these tools are discussed below:

a. Annual/End-of-Term Accomplishment Report - At the minimum, LCEs need to

prepare an annual as well as an end-of-term accomplishment report. A simple yet
informative form that shows accomplishments of the LGU vis-à-vis what was planned
is shown in Table 31. It also shows who the beneficiaries are, the area coverage as
well as the costs of the programs and projects implemented.

b. Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS) – The CBMS can be used in

monitoring and tracking progress of LGUs towards the attainment of their goals
including the MDGs. The Core Local Poverty Indicators (CLPIs) discussed in Chapter
2 contain indicators on human development and are recommended as the minimum
set that the LGUs should use for assessing the extent of socio-economic
development in their locality.

c. Local Governance Performance Management System (LGPMS) – The LGPMS is an

LGU self-assessment tool that enables provincial, city and municipal governments to
monitor and evaluate their performance at three levels of results: input, output and
outcome levels. It looks at local government in five performance areas and 17 service
areas using 107 indicators.
P a g e | 142

d. The M & E Strategy Template – One other tool that can be used is the M & E
Template. The purpose of the tool is to develop an approach to M & E that will yield
good information to be used in the next planning period and for other decision
making purposes

The development of the M & E strategy should be seen as an integral component of

the planning process and its development done during the planning phase.

The following are the key elements of an M & E Strategy:

i. Clear and expected results (goals, objectives, outputs);

ii. Explicit targets per result;
iii. Indicators to measure progress towards results;
iv. Data source to assess performance;
v. Collection methods;
vi. Frequency at which measurements will be made; and
vii. Roles and responsibilities

An M & E Strategy template has also been devised to aid the Monitoring Team in its
preparation (See Table 32).

5. CBMS – CBMS – generated data are most useful for impact evaluation purposes and
CBMS – monitored changes can be used as benchmarks for the next cycle of short-
and medium- term development plans. The use of CBMS can also extend to setting
and exacting standards of performance from concerned LGU offices or frontline
service providers.
6. LGPMS - As a LGU performance management mechanism or specifically as a
performance monitoring and management tool, LGPMS provides the process and
results that indicate LGU’s effectiveness and progress in promoting the general
welfare of its constituents along the 5 performance areas. Annually, the input and
output dimensions of LGPMS indicators provide information as to the LGU’s efficiency
in its utilization of inputs to realize the output, Corrective measures to address the
causes of unsatisfactory performance can result from this type of monitoring.
The effectiveness of outputs in realizing the desired outcomes can be ascertained as
LGPMS outcome indicators are reviewed and “rated” every three (3) years. By
combining the use of LGPMS outcome indicator results with other appropriate tools,
LGUs can meaningfully evaluate the extent to which public expenditures, through the
LDIP & AIP processes, contributed to the attainment of broader social and economic
goals that were identified in their respective CDP and ELA.
P a g e | 143

Table 31
Province/City/Municipality of ______________________________________

Programs and Projects per Output Indicators Target Accomplishment Beneficiary Area Covered Estimated Project Actual Disbursement
Sector Sector Cost (Php)

1. Social Sector

Nutri-Health Program  Number of All barangays 50% of barangays Women and 50 % of 2 Million
barangays covered Children barangays
by micro-nutrient
 Number of
barangays covered 20% of barangays Women and
by nutrition All barangays children 50 % of 1.2 Million
education barangays

Water Supply Project % of total number 5% of all 10% of all Urban Poor Barangay 5 Million
households covered households households Poblacion

2. Economic Sector

3. Infrastructure
P a g e | 144

Table 31
Province/City/Municipality of ______________________________________

Programs and Projects per Output Indicators Target Accomplishment Beneficiary Area Covered Estimated Project Actual Disbursement
Sector Sector Cost (Php)
4. Environment

5. Institutional
P a g e | 145

Table 32


INDICATORS INDICATORS (Individual beneficiaries,
groups of beneficiaries,
organizations, partners,
documents, etc)

Goal/Impact (Long term) Mortality Rate of children Reduce children under-five LGU Health Office Document review Every three years Monitoring Team
aged 1-5 (LGPMS mortality rate by two-thirds and at the end of
o Reduce infant mortality outcome indicator) by 2015 (MDG Target no. 4) nine years
(MDG no. 4)

Objective/ Outcome (Medium

term) Every three years Monitoring Team

Outputs/ Deliverables/
Products and Services Annual Monitoring Team
delivered (Short term)

Activities (Ongoing) Every executive Department Heads

committee meeting

Inputs (Ongoing) Every executive Department Heads

committee meeting
P a g e | 146


1. A Guidebook on Making Women Visible in Regional and Local Development Plans.

National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women.
2. Community-based Monitoring Survey Questionnaire. DILG
3. How to Formulate an Executive Agenda, A Facilitator’s Guide. Pabalan, Ma Concepcion,
Para, Julie Catherine, Caluan, Imelda, LGSP, Philippine-Canada Local Government
Support Program, DILG, NEDA and CIDA
4. How to Formulate an Executive and Legislative Agenda for Local Governance and
Development: A Facilitator’s Guide. Philippines-Canada Local Government Support
Program. Manila, Philippines: 2004
5. LGU Guide on Millennium Development Goals Localization. Bureau of Local
Government Development - DILG. January 2005.
6. Making LGUs Gender-Responsive. A Primer for Local Chief Executives. NCRF. 2002
7. Philippines. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board. Guidelines for the
Formulation/Revision of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Volumes I, II, III, IV, and VI,
Quezon City: HLURB, 1998
8. Rationalized Planning System. Quezon City: DILG, 2007
9. The Language of Environmental Planning in the Philippines. Endriga, Pulumbarit-Elum,
Yap and Alcalde. School of Urban and Regional Planning, University of the Philippines
and UP Planning and Development Research Foundation, Inc. Quezon City. 2004
10. Updated Budget Operations Manual. Department of Budget and Management. June

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