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M S Word

Class Test
I.1.1 As a Store Manager; write a letter to the Board of Director of your Company – “BIG 20
BAZAR” for getting permission for applying “New Year Offer” on different segment,
which was been applied last year also, as follows:

I. Apparel:
a. Men – 20%
b. Women – 20%
c. Kids – 35%

a. Personal Care - 15%
b. Other – 10%

III. Electronics – Up to 50%

IV. Home Care – 50%

1.1.2 All the data should be on a table format.

1.1.3 Heading should be underlined, Bold, with the font-style “Times New Roman”, with 16
point font size and Deep Blue Color.
1.1.4 Other should be with same font style but 14 font size with Light Green Color.
1.1.5 Mention the ending date what you are willing to be as 7th Jan on the letter.

1.2 Insert a Header and footer mentioning date and Page No (middle) respectively on that
letter along with your company name as watermark (as cross).

1.3 Insert a diagram (as PIE), showing last year offer percentage on every segment above
along with that show the percentage with that diagram (on / beside) respectively. 10

2. Assuming you has got the permission and now sends letter about the offer to your
friends (at least 7 friends). Show the 7 letter only with different name along with
different greetings (Mr. / Ms.) and E-mail IDs. These letters should be on mail merge
with auto context like greetings and mail ids.

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