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Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

July - August 2010

Crown Peggy & Bill Britt

Small actions can create big change in the world we live in. In Amway’s case, a handshake between
two friends in Grand Rapids, Michigan, turned into an incredible legacy, a global footprint of
empowered business owners and lives forever changed for the better.
We’re proud of that footprint, so it seems strange to say that we want to reduce it. But that’s exactly
what we’re going to do.
In 2010 and beyond, we want to make the Amway business one that you can be even more proud
to represent. So, we’ve set some aggressive goals related to reducing our impact on the
We’re already very proud – and we know you are, too – of the organic and sustainable practices used
on our Nutrilite farms. There, we take every opportunity to replenish the soil and maintain balance
with our natural surroundings.
It’s the right thing to do – for this generation and the next.
We’ll share our progress with you, and side by side, we’ll continue to make our mark. It’ll just be a
lighter one.

AMAGRAM • July - August 2010

Contents July - August 2010

Founders Council 05 BEAUTY
Crown 06 Artistry CTM Promo 02 INSERTS
Emerald 08 Attitude Face Wash & Masque 30 NHI Program
Sapphire 09 Artistry Pure White Essence Promo 37 Training Venues
Ruby 09
Platinum 10
Silver Producers 14 APSA 80 20 Amsure 17
Brand Identity 22
NUTRITION & WELLNESS Renewal 2011 28
Nutrilite - Color Your Diet PERSONAL CARE New Business Opportunity 32
Campaign 18 Get Set Go Travel Kit 21 Diamond Invitational 33
Nutrilite Heart Health 24 Persona Pure Coconut Oil 23 First Purchase Offer 35
Nutrilite Antioxidants 31 Persona Junior Toothbrush 26 AOF 38
Nutrilite Protein 34 Persona New Advanced ALS 2011 40
Nutrilite Kids Chewable 36 Family Toothbrush 27
Nutrilite Omega Promo 39 Great Value Products 29

Amagram is published bimonthly for all Amway Business Owners by Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., No. 5, DDA Local Shopping Centre, Okhla Commercial Complex,
Phase - II, New Delhi - 110 020 India. Fax No: +91-11-4229 5929 / 2638 8141. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner prohibited. Amway India Enterprises Pvt.
Ltd. is a member of Indian Direct Selling Association. Throughout this publication * indicates trademark of Alticor Inc., U.S.A.
Amway Founders Council
Meeting 2010: New York, USA
The Founders Council meeting at New York was thrilling and
exciting. It was like being in a fairy tale. We were delighted to
be amongst the “best of the best”. The wonderful part was
that Rich DeVos, Doug DeVos and Steve Van Andel were there
throughout the whole trip. It was also an honour to have Bill
and Rajneesh there all the time, which was a bonus and they
helped us in every possible way.
The best part was that both of us had our individual
interpreters, who were with us all the time, and helped
translate all the conversations. It really enhanced our
communication and understanding.
The farewell dinner was arranged at the museum, which was
booked only for Amway, and we were all escorted in individual
limousines. It was like a high profile wedding procession.
The interaction with Executive Vice President, Jim Payne was
quite amazing. It widened our vision and we promised that we
would have many more Founders Council members from India
in the near future.
The experience was like a new dream with a vision which will
help all our friends rise to the top. The message to the Indian
Diamonds is that with a desired level of commitment and
willingness to work towards your goals, you can also achieve
this significant milestone. Amway Business in India has a
huge untapped potential, and we are still at an early stage of
its realization.
The overall feeling was of utter excitement, thrill and most
humbling gratitude to the Universe that has guided us to this

05 AMAGRAM • July - August 2010


A Crown is qualified Platinum who has
“Bill looked at the Amway
Business plan, and what he
sponsored 18 legs, each of which was at
the 21% performance bonus level for at
least 6 months of the performance year or

saw was an opportunity to

is a Diamond bonus Recipient who has
achieved 22 FAA Points.

control his own destiny.”

& Bill Britt own schedules, and being rewarded according to
Authorised Representatives of their efforts… were reasons enough to take this
Bill & Peggy Britt Marketing India Pvt Ltd
seriously. As the realization of what they had their life, but went on to become so successful in Amway
Homemaker (W) & City Manager (H) | DOJ: 18/03/1998 | New Delhi
hands on took hold, “Everything changed very Business, that he is largely responsible for the
quickly,” smiles Peggy. development of a host of other successful business
owners. A born leader, Bill led all who would follow
When they began building their Amway Business, – right to the well! Thirty years later, Bill is still
Bill was completing a master’s degree in public sharing the dream – the dream of financial freedom
Bill grew up the oldest of eight children – and he Peggy or him. Bill knew he would need to diversify administration; serving as an officer in the national that has become a reality for him and for many
grew up fast. He saw no other choice, with his his efforts if they were ever going to have the guard; and working fulltime as a city manager! He others.
father’s alcohol problem resulting in lost jobs, lost financial security he had to have. certainly did not have time to do this, but he was
also absolutely unwilling to settle for anything less “In college, I was taught to get a job and work hard,”
homes, and chronic chaos for the entire family. Bill
With the impressive property, Bill Britt was a man than total control of his own life – his money and says Bill.
even worked for tips when he was too young to be
on a very serious mission. He and Peggy had his time. So, in Bill’s mind, he did not have the time
on anyone’s payroll. So much responsibility at such We take the knowledge we learned the hard way and
borrowed the money for the investment, and after to NOT do this. And now that he had a way to
a tender age could easily have caused bitterness and give it to others. We help them develop their
three years of working hard to pay it back, they were accomplish his goal of financial independence, there
regret. But, all Bill has to say about it is, “It made me business until they become our peers, and then they
still in debt. It was at this time that Bill and Peggy was no stopping him. Hard work and adversity were
tough.” pass their knowledge on to others, and that pattern
heard about a business that actually paid according old friends, so there was no fear of that. The only just keeps perpetuating itself.”
After serving in Korea, Bill earned an advanced to how hard you were willing to work! With each of fear – if there ever was one – was the fear of living a
degree in engineering, and spent the next 15 years as them already adhering to a phenomenal work ethic life of mediocrity – and that just wasn’t going to Of all that Bill and Peggy Britt have accomplished
a city manager in various North Carolina cities. His – this was a perfect match – just waiting to happen! happen to Bill Britt. during their stellar careers as business owners and
work ethic was impeccable – arriving before anyone business builders, they are probably best known and
Still seething from the investment crunch, Bill Sometimes, adversity encountered along the way,
else; working hard all day to accomplish more than loved for being the mentors to thousands of people
approached this “new business” very cautiously. He especially early in life, can have a debilitating effect
was expected; and usually the last to leave in the looking for the same type of personal freedom.
recalls, “The night I went to see Amway Business on one’s future performance.
plan for the first time, I left my wallet in my car so I
However, Bill soon discovered that the status of wouldn’t even be tempted.” Bill had learned to be For other people, however, it is that very adversity
having a professional, highly visible job in the more than just a little skeptical! that drives them to rise above that life – to
community simply did not make up for the fact overcome – not succumb!
Bill looked at the Amway Business plan, and what
that, no matter how hard Bill not only
he saw was an opportunity to control his own
he worked, the financial overcame the
destiny. A business that he could take and run with
compensation for his adversities of
as hard and as fast as he could, or simply work as a
job was not providing his young
sideline for some extra income. For Bill and Peggy,
a comfortable life for
the idea of owning their own business, setting their

06 AMAGRAM • July - August 2010 AMAGRAM • July - August 2010 07

RECOGNITION EMERALD An Emerald is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 3 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level for at
least 6 months of the performance year.

Sheela Florence Helen Nalini P C Raji Mithu Chattopadhyay

& G S Vishwanath & B Srinivasa Rao & Rekha Reji
Medical Microbiologist (W) HR Executive (W) PWD Contractor (H) Homemaker
& Chemical Engineer (H) & Software Engineer (H) & Executive (W)
DOJ: 01/04/1998 | CHENNAI DOJ: 31/03/2004 | CHENNAI DOJ: 29/11/2001 | NEDUMKANDAM DOJ: 06/05/1998 | KOLKATA

I am a Chemical Engineer and a Piping I was working as an HR Executive and my I am a PWD Contractor and my wife is an I am a homemaker and my husband, Ujjal, is in
Consultant by profession and my wife, Sheela, husband is a Software Professional, working for Executive. We are blessed with a daughter, a job as an Accounts Executive. We started
is a Medical Microbiologist and manages a a MNC. We are blessed with two beautiful Anakha. Amway business without knowing the
Health Centre in Chennai. We are blessed with daughters, Shreya and Sariha. potential of this great opportunity but we had
Amway opportunity came into our life as a unconditional faith in our sponsor. After joining
a daughter, Sharmada.
We were introduced to the Amway Business God’s gift. I came to know more about myself this business, we considered ourselves
We started this business for the single reason through our best friend. Initially, I was neither and started understanding my capabilities tremendously fortunate and blessed by
that it was shown to us by my sister and happy nor excited because I was not convinced better after I joined Amway. I am grateful to Almighty.
brother-in-law. Since we were doing well in and nothing attracted me about this business. my wonderful upline and downline for their
We want to touch “Millions of Hearts” with
our profession, we took this business to understanding and cooperation.
Thank God, there was a great turning point! My honesty, integrity and dignity, for which our
positively impact many lives and thereby
upline related many profiles of successful We have learnt to set goals in life and derived only son Sangbit, aged 6 years will not only be
create residual income. However, not only did
leaders, who were similar to our profession. So great satisfaction by watching our downlines financially secured, but also, he will carry the
we achieve our objective, we also are blessed values of this great opportunity and will be
we understood that, this is the world’s best growing and achieving success through this
with many invaluable friendships that we will able to be a “Good Samaritan” to the society.
opportunity. Today we are blessed with huge business. We welcome you to enjoy this unique
cherish for our lifetime and beyond. We are
and united organization. We dedicate our opportunity which is designed for each and We are thankful to our great uplines and
thankful to our entire line of sponsorship for
success to God, Amway, our parents, children every one of us. dedicated downlines for being our source of
guiding and mentoring us constantly.
and all our uplines and team mates. inspiration to move ahead in the business.
If you take pain in life, you are bound to gain
“No bird soars too high if it soars with its own
“Winners Don’t Quit” and “Quitters don’t win” the fruits of your efforts provided you have the Keep moving ahead with positive approach.
– Be a winner! potential to wait for it. Success is not far!
Authorised Representatives of Shamira Netlinks
Also qualified as Sapphire

Sasikala Y Vidhyagauri K Tarun Prasad Ritu Shahi

& Yuvaraj L & Kartik S Shah & Shakuntala & Ajeet Singh
Homemaker (W) Homeopathic Physician (Both) Chemical Engineer (H) Ex HR Consultant (W)
& Businessman (H) & Doctor (W) & Ex Software Programmer (H)
DOJ: 13/03/1999 | SALEM DOJ: 13/04/2001 | MUMBAI DOJ: 13/07/1999 | LUCKNOW DOJ: 24/10/1998 | LUCKNOW

I was working in a Spinning Mill and also Both of us are Homeopathic Physicians and I am from Chemical Engineering background Pursuing my 1st year of Bachelors in Computer
simultaneously ran a cable TV business, while build Amway business part-time. What we saw and my wife is a Medical Doctor. Recently we Science, I started this business. Amway has
my wife is a homemaker. We are blessed with in this business is financial security and an extra were blessed with a beautiful child, Shaurya. provided me the right platform and
two lovely children, Kamalini and Karishma. income to fulfill our dreams. atmosphere along with legal and ethical values
When I was in my last semester of Engineering to groom myself and realize my true potential.
We come from a middle-class family and had
We are thankful to God, our family and Amway. College, one of my college mates showed this With the help of this business, I not only
strong ethics instilled in us. This is one reason
We are products of wisdom of our awesome opportunity to me. It was a God’s blessing. I attained my financial goals but also helped
why we were immediately attracted to the
uplines, our submission to them and an understood the potential of this great business others to achieve theirs.
Amway business after learning about its
exploding, unstoppable team of loyal & united immediately and started to build it.
values. I was joined by Ritu after our marriage; she
dreamers. We always believe that hardwork, soon became backbone of my business by
The Amway business is God’s gift to us and the determination and persistence can help to
Besides having visited nine foreign countries being instrumental in scripting our success
credit of our success goes to our uplines and achieve anything in life. We achieve success in story to new heights. Today we are full time
through Amway Leadership Seminars, we also
strong team. I also want to thank my wife from this business because we are committed and parents to our 2yr old baby, Avishi.
experience peace of mind that comes from
the depth of my heart for her support that willing to do whatever it takes to fulfil our
financial security and from assisting others in From scooter to Honda-City Zx, we have
helped me become successful. She was dream. We thank God, our parents, uplines and
their own journey of success. changed three four-wheelers and equal
constantly by my side and inspired me to think downline for this success.
higher. We have just started our journey number of two-wheelers. Indeed, it has been
If Christopher Columbus had returned halfway
We aspire to get time, financial freedom, an exciting journey where we helped my father
towards achieving our dreams. without discovering America. Nobody would with my sister’s wedding and my younger
have complained. However, nobody would rewards, peace of mind and above all,
The power of the prayers, power of the spoken recognition in the society through prestigious siblings’ education. Our dream has now
have known them too!! become to inspire others to achieve glory.
word and power of visualizing is the secret of Amway business.
success. Keep walking till you finish the journey! God has made this business for honest people.
Also qualified as Sapphire

08 AMAGRAM • July - August 2010

RECOGNITION SAPPHIRE A Sapphire is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 2 domestic 21% legs in the same month, for 6 months in a performance
year, whilst maintaining 4000 Personal Group PV or has a third 21% leg in the absence of 4000 GPV in any month.

Shivadutta Sharma Ram Swaroop R V Chendhil Kamakshi Viswanathan

& Radhamani Devi Brahmacharimayum & Har Devi & C V Vidhya
Electrical Engineer (H) & Businesswoman (W) Medical Practitioner (H) & Homemaker (W) Conventional Business Owner (Both) Insurance Agent (W)
DOJ: 12/05/2004 | IMPHAL DOJ: 14/02/2001| BAYANA DOJ: 10/04/2003 | ERODE DOJ: 16/04/1998 | CHENNAI

I am an Electrical Engineer and my wife is a I am a Medical Practitioner and my wife is a Two very senior doctors introduced us to the I am an Insurance Agent and my husband is an
Businesswoman. We are blessed with three homemaker. We are blessed with three children Amway business and we thank them every day for Area Manager in FMCG organization. We are
daughters, Geetarani, Nigeeta, Deepee and a son, Neeraj, Deshraj and Satyabeer. We belong to a the positive impact this business has made in our thankful to God for blessing us with the wonderful
Lembisana. We came into Amway through my middle class family. God blessed us with great lives. As we move to higher levels in the business, Amway business opportunity, which has changed
we have understood that this is a God sent mission
brother and we really got impressed with the Amway business opportunity to fulfil all our our life financially.
to create healthier and happier families.
concept of financial freedom, security and time. dreams. We are thankful to our visionary mentor
Our children are our greatest motivators and we We are sincerely thankful to our mentors, entire
for their tremendous support and guidance in
By God’s grace and parents blessing, we have are excited about the legacy that we would leave team, who are also building a strong Amway
making us reach this level and also to our
everything today we dreamt of. We are thankful to for them through this awesome opportunity. business and also our daughter and son for their
downlines for their dedication and consistent
our uplines and downlines for their kind support. continuous support.
work. Do your best and success is yours.
Go for it, your future is here. Life gives you opportunities. Make use of them. Always look ahead in life. Success would be yours!

G Shanmugam A Josephine Amala B Sarulatha P Prabusankar

& S Vijaya & R Celestine Rajan & L Senthil Kumar & P Subashini
Ex - Private Employee (H) & Homemaker (W) Agricultural Scientist (W) & Mechanical Engineer (H) Homemaker (W) & Businessman (H) Student (H) & Ex - Librarian (W)
DOJ: 11/01/2000 | KOMARAPALAYAM DOJ: 09/09/1999 | CHENNAI DOJ: 25/11/1998 | ERODE DOJ: 08/12/2000 | TRICHY

We are thankful to God for blessing us with this I am an Industrialist very successful in I am a businessman and my wife is a homemaker. When I was pursuing my Post Graduation, I came
wonderful business opportunity. I am a Conventional Business. My wife is an Agricultural We joined Amway because we could not say no to to know about Amway business and took it up as a
homemaker my husband was an Employee in a Scientist. We are blessed with a son, Ejeo Danny. our family friend who introduced us to Amway career. My wife was a Librarian. Now she is
private firm. We are blessed with two lovely business. We believe hardwork is like staircase and completely free only because of this great business
We accidentally got into the Amway business and
children, Naveena and Tharun. Our message is – luck is like life. Lift may sometimes fail but opportunity, which has showered us with
adored world class products offered by Amway.
decide your goal, make your action plan, use your staircase always takes you to the top. Be ready to everything we could not have even dreamt of. We
Our beloved uplines helped us understand that
common sense and success would be all yours! work hard with passion and you will achieve the realized that this business can provide us a big
Amway is the only vehicle that can take us to
success. The credit of our success goes to God, lovable family, a wonderful lifestyle, optimum
We are grateful to our great uplines and dedicated financial and time freedom. We just followed our
Amway, our great uplines, most united downlines health, enormous wealth and enough time to
downlines for helping us reach this level. uplines so that we could become a better human
and our parents. enjoy all these benefits.
being and help others in the similar manner.
The secret of success in this business is, “If you
Keep moving ahead. Success will be yours! The secret of success is to learn more. Don’t be
don’t quit you will win”.
afraid to be different.

RECOGNITION RUBY A Ruby is a qualified Platinum who has attained at least 20,000 personal group PV in any one month during the performance year

Vaibhav Balchandra Amalendu Rackkiappan C M Vijaya Rani B Usha

& Sayali Sumant & Swapna Kar & Radhamani M & P Samin & E M Yuvaraj
IT Professional (H) & Nutritionist (W) Electronic Service Engineer (H) & Homemaker (W) Ex - Sales Manager (H) & Lecturer (W) Teacher (W) & Service Industry (H) Homemaker (W) & Businessman (H)
DOJ: 29/09/2003 | PUNE DOJ: 25/05/2001 | SILCHAR DOJ: 22/05/1999 | ERODE DOJ: 12/09/2002 | CHENNAI DOJ: 16/02/2000 | CHENNAI

AMAGRAM • July - August 2010 09

RECOGNITION RUBY A Ruby is a qualified Platinum who has attained at least 20,000 personal group PV in any one month during the performance year

Santhakumari P K Narasimha Rao Atashi Maiti Kulandai Velu R Shabir Ahmad Bhat
& Sajin P M & Rama Devi Kovur & Kavitha K S & Raja Bano
ABO (S) & Homemaker (M) Ex - Lecturer (H) & Ex - Banker (W) Homemaker Bank Staff (Both) Businessman (H) & Homemaker (W)
DOJ: 28/09/2000 | KODUNGALLUR DOJ: 12/06/1998 | HYDERABAD DOJ: 17/07/1999 | HOWRAH DOJ: 08/09/1999 | SATHYAMANGALAM DOJ: 13/05/2000 | BENINA

RECOGNITION PLATINUM A Platinum has attained 6 qualifying months at Silver Producer level as defined in the Amway Business Manual, at least 3 of
which are consecutive.

Dr Narender Kumar Sharma Ajesh Erian Tajender Kumar Dr Shyam Bihari Prem Prakash
& Dr Nupur Gupta & Nanu V V & Komal Mutneja & Manjusha Gautam & Usha Sharma
Authorised Representatives of THCL Corporation

Laproscopic Surgeon (H) & Consultant Radiologist (W) Marketing Executive (S) & Farmer (F) Businessman (H) & Businesswoman (W) Business Owner (H) & Ayurvedic Consultant (W) Civil Engineer (H) & Homemaker (W)
DOJ: 21/04/2007 | REWARI DOJ: 30/07/2003 | THALASSERY DOJ: 26/06/2006 | DELHI DOJ: 08/02/2007 | INDORE DOJ: 28/05/2001 | THANE

Jyoti Prasad Bhomesh Kumar Sharma Amitava Reshmi S Aswartha Narayana G

& Junmoni Baruah & Upasna & Shyamoli Das & Sreelal S V & Usha Lakshmi B
Businessman (H) & Homemaker (W) Software Engineer (H) & Doctor (W) Ex - Banker (H) & Homemaker (W) Homemaker (W) & Executive (H) Engineer (H) & Homemaker (W)
DOJ: 30/08/2000 | NAZIRA DOJ: 17/01/2006 | BANGALORE DOJ: 04/03/2000 | ASANSOL DOJ: 29/09/2003 | PORT BLAIR DOJ: 24/01/2003 | NELLORE

Mehrun Nisha Navaneethan K Savitha B A Shakilabegam L K Edison Elango

& Maharani N & T S Liyakathali
Homemaker (W) Businessman (H) & Businesswoman (W) Advocate (W) Homemaker (W) & Driver (H) Software Engineer
DOJ: 22/12/2005 | ROHTAK DOJ: 17/03/2007 | BODINAYAKANUR DOJ: 06/07/2005 | ERODE DOJ: 16/06/2003 | TIRUCHENGODE DOJ: 30/04/2002 | ERODE

Rajakala P Jaganathan D Devaki Samananda Maibam Rajakannu

& Pathmanaban M & Mownasundari P & Muruganandham M & Amusana Longjam & Rajendran S
Homemaker (W) & Businessman (H) Employee (H) & Homemaker (W) Homemaker (W) & Businessman (H) Businessman (H) & Nurse (W) Dietician (W) & Retd General Manager (H)
DOJ: 19/05/2007 | GOBICHETTIPALAYAM DOJ: 04/05/2000 | HOSUR DOJ: 10/12/2007 | ERODE DOJ: 31/08/2003 | KAKCHING DOJ: 07/10/2005 | CHENNAI

Margaret Divya E & Emmanuel J Manisha G Kalaimanidevi Shanthi Anandan Rani

& Sunil Chavan & C Govindasamy & Biju Thomas
Student (D) & Sr Bank Officer (F) Homemaker (W) & Businessman (H) Homemaker (W) & Agriculturist (H) Orthodontist Teacher (Both)
DOJ: 22/12/2004 | CHENNAI DOJ: 04/10/2001 | MUMBAI DOJ: 30/06/2002 | KARAIKAL DOJ: 04/01/2002 | CHENNAI DOJ: 23/06/2001 | RANNY

10 AMAGRAM • July - August 2010

RECOGNITION PLATINUM A Platinum has attained 6 qualifying months at Silver Producer level as defined in the Amway Business Manual, at least 3 of
which are consecutive.

Suresh K Nair Shiby K P Anita Mishra Kalaivani S Raman P

& Resmi Suresh & Jose P M & Sathishkumar V S & Vasantben Ramanbhai Vaddoria
Textile Engineer (H) & Insurance Sales Manager (W) Homemaker (W) & ABO (H) Banker Homemaker (W) & Businessman (H) Agriculture Ext Officer (H) & Homemaker (W)
DOJ: 30/05/2001 | ALAPPUZHA DOJ: 26/06/2007 | PERUMBAVOOR DOJ: 25/04/2005 | LUCKNOW DOJ: 10/10/2007 | ERODE DOJ: 28/10/2005 | VIDYANAGAR

Sangeeta Kuldeep Singh Bhavna Savjibhai Gangani Nabakumar Chandramani Singh

& Mohit Sippy & Bhuvaneshwari & Dr Jagdish Mohanbhai Vasani & Sabita Shamulailatpam
Corporate Communications (W) & Employee (H) Advocate (H) & Tourism Industry (W) Teacher (W) & Doctor (H) Executive (Both) Homemaker
DOJ: 08/10/1999 | NEW DELHI DOJ: 22/03/2002 | JODHPUR DOJ: 24/07/2007 | TANSA DOJ: 27/06/2003 | IMPHAL DOJ: 22/09/2000 | PATNA

Sandhyarani Sahoo Venkatesh P S Ulagambal Manimegalai R K Momo Singh Laishram

& Dr Winny Venkatesh & S Anantha Subramani & Radhakrishnan S V & Bidyarani Devi Thangjam
Businesswoman Operational Manager (H) & Dental Surgeon (W) Executive (W) & Consultant (H) Homemaker (W) & Businessman (H) Artist (Both)
DOJ: 12/04/2004 | CUTTACK DOJ: 11/02/2008 | COIMBATORE DOJ: 31/01/2002 | COIMBATORE DOJ: 07/02/2008 | TIRUPPUR DOJ: 30/11/2007 | IMPHAL

Jyoti Purohit Pritam Kumar Sanjay Rambhau Dilip Sarjerao

& Rekha Kumari & Kiran Dixit & Chhaya Tupe & Jayashree Dilip Bandal
Homemaker (W) Ex - Indian Force (H) & Homemaker (W) Doctor (Both) Serviceman (H) & Homemaker (W) Employee (H) & Homemaker (W)
DOJ: 11/08/1999 | INDORE DOJ: 26/02/2003 | DELHI DOJ: 30/05/2002 | JAIPUR DOJ: 03/08/2000 | NAVI MUMBAI DOJ: 30/05/2009 | PUNE

Anjani Kumar Vidya Gurudatta Sadhana Anita Aparna Mishra

& Madhu Devi & Gurudatta Baburao Kale & Vijay Jagdale & Surendra P Singh
PSU Executive (H) & Homemaker (W) Interior designer (W) & Executive (H) Electrical Engineer (W) & Automobile Engineer (H) Homemaker (W) & Railway Engineer (H) Student
DOJ: 30/06/2000 | NAGPUR DOJ: 03/06/2000 | SATARA DOJ: 04/02/2000 | PUNE DOJ: 24/10/2001| PUNE DOJ: 23/01/2000 | LUCKNOW

Omkar Vinayak Prakash Kumar Sajjan Kumar Minoti Arunkumar Singh Khangembam
& Neelambari O Kortikar & Neena Singh & Sita Rani & Raj Kishore Mahto & Manojana Devi Salam
Ayurvedic Physician (H) & Teacher (W) Insurance Advisor (H) & Pre School Teacher (W) Sales Representative (H) & Homemaker(W) Homemaker (W) & Draftsman (H) Teacher (Both)
DOJ: 29/05/2001 | SANGAMNER DOJ: 29/06/2005 | NEW DELHI DOJ: 30/09/2001 | TIJARA DOJ: 31/01/2004 | BOKARO DOJ: 30/09/2006 | IMPHAL

Lily Mallick Ningtha Anal Langhu V Madhusudhan Sandhya Dnyaneshwar Arti

& Deepashree V & Dnyaneshwar Bhagure & Dinesh Sarup
Homemaker Nurse (W) & Executive (H) Businessman (H) & Nutritionist (W) Homemaker (W) & Serviceman (H) Nutritional Research Consultant (W) & MNC Regional Head (H)
DOJ: 20/12/2004 | JAMSHEDPUR DOJ: 05/09/2007 | IMPHAL DOJ: 10/03/2000 | BELLARY DOJ: 13/03/2008 | NASIK DOJ: 04/01/2002 | DELHI

AMAGRAM • July - August 2010 11

RECOGNITION PLATINUM A Platinum has attained 6 qualifying months at Silver Producer level as defined in the Amway Business Manual, at least 3 of
which are consecutive.

Bhavana Babu Suprakash Priyanka Dasgupta Gobinda Jhoru Shibu B

& Babu Durlabh Sabhadia & Barnali Ghosh & Kalpana Fadikar & Ambilikumari T
Homemaker (W) & ABO (H) Ex Conv Businessman (H) & Homemaker (W) Homemaker Businessman (H) & Homemaker (W) Doctor (Both)
DOJ: 11/09/1998 | SURAT DOJ: 07/04/1999 | GURAP DOJ: 05/05/2003 | PANVEL DOJ: 12/01/2005 | MUMBAI DOJ: 11/03/2008 | KOLLAM

V Sairam Shivkanta Pandurang M S Saieram Ravikumar S C N Sunil

& S Suganya Lakshmi & Pandurang Kasale & Thenmozhi S & Hymavathi G & Bhattathiri C D Narayanan
Home Appliances Business (H) & Homemaker (W) Businessman (H) & Businesswoman (W) Civil Engineer (H) & Homemaker (W) Teacher (H) & Homemaker (W) Amway Business Owner (Both)
DOJ: 10/12/2004 | SALEM DOJ: 06/10/2001 | LATUR DOJ: 19/05/2005 | CHENNAI DOJ: 11/08/2007 | GUDUR DOJ: 07/04/2000 | ETTUMANUR

P N Ganeswaranpotty Abhishek Nithya T Anupam Kumari Pushpa

& Vaishali Siroya & Krishnamurthy B & Balwant Singh Negi
Amway Business Owner Choreographer (H) & Homemaker (W) Homemaker (W) & Conventional Businessman (H) Homemaker Entrepreneur (W) & Bank Officer (H)
DOJ: 07/04/2000 | ALAPPUZHA DOJ: 16/06/2007 | CHENNAI DOJ: 28/06/2005 | CHENNAI DOJ: 17/08/2004 | JAMSHEDPUR DOJ: 10/11/2001 | KATNI

K Kaveri N Ananthi Ganthi Murugesan K Hemalatha D R Nirmala

& K Tamil Selvi & C Ravichandran & G Vijayalakshmi & S Shanmugam & R Subulakshmi
Homemaker (W) & Employee (H) Homemaker (W) & Engineer (H) Businessman (H) & Homemaker (W) Homemaker (W) & Computer Engineer (H) Homemaker (W) & Postal Department (H)
DOJ: 09/06/2000 | DHARMAPURI DOJ: 27/03/2001 | METTUR DOJ: 28/09/2000 | NAMAKKAL DOJ: 19/07/2004 | SALEM DOJ: 09/10/2004 | KRISHNAGRI

P Selvi Viramouttou (A) M Ramesh B Shanthi Maria Susai Anto H Sri Rekha Kannan
& Mohanradjou K & P Balamurugan & M Veronica
Civil Engineer (H) & Architect (W) Businessman Teacher (W) & LIC Agent (H) Technician (H) & Homemaker (W) Homemaker
DOJ: 15/02/2002 | PONDICHERRY DOJ: 14/09/2000 | PONDICHERRY DOJ: 25/07/2001 | CHENNAI DOJ: 16/11/2006 | CHENNAI DOJ: 18/08/2004 | TRICHY

Sukhbir Kaur Yoshitkumar P Patel Sunit Tyagi Santosh Kumar Jayant Kumar
& Maya Mishra & Durgawati Devi
Architect Student Homemaker Forest Officer (H) & Homemaker (W) Executive (H) & Homemaker (W)
DOJ: 22/06/2000 | LUCKNOW DOJ: 04/08/2008 | AHMEDABAD DOJ: 12/02/2000 | DELHI DOJ: 27/04/2000 | KATNI DOJ: 06/08/2001 | AZAMGARH

Rosalind P Ahila Jayakrishnan T Saroj Chaudhary Shripat

& Clement Rajkumar & Dr S Mohan & Beena K Unnithan & Vaishali Pandve
Executive (Both) Ex - Lecturer (W) & Veterinary Doctor (H) Radiographer (H) & Homemaker (W) Homemaker (W) Executive (H) & Homemaker (W)
DOJ: 21/06/2008 | CHENNAI DOJ: 09/02/2005 | PAVOOR CHATRAM DOJ: 26/03/2007 | KARUNAGAPPALLY DOJ: 30/12/2006 | AJMER DOJ: 23/12/1999 | KOTA

12 AMAGRAM • July - August 2010

A Gold Producer has attained three qualifying months at the Silver Producer level as defined in the Amway Business Manual.

Achom, Roshan Kumar & Sorensangbam, Melory Imphal Mohanta, Labakishwar & Manjula Keonjhar
Agrawal, Pooja & Mohit Delhi Monsang, T S Nirmala & Moyon, N G Benganchung Imphal
Ahire, Krishna Sukdev & Jyoti Krishna Kharda Muralidharan, R & Radha, M Coimbatore
Ahuja, Charu & Girish Delhi N R, Jaimon & Jaimon, Sumi Adimali
Ajmera, Nipa Dhiren & Dhiiren Pravin Mumbai N, Rizwana Begum & A, Nazir Hussain Erode
Akhter, Parveen & Khan, Mohd Riasat Jammu Nair, Biju M & Biju, Rajitha Kottayam
B Sujatha & J Babu Tiruttani Namdeo, Bharat Lal & Poonam Rani Satna
B, Sivaprasad & P, Srilekha Chennai Nandru, Narasimharao Nunna
Babu Ramamurthi & Janardhan, Sonika Bangalore Narula, Sanjeev & Neeraj Yamuna Nagar
Balasubramani, Ravichandran & Ravichandran, Ushanandini Bangalore Nazir, N K & Bibi, Kulsum Port Blair
Barve, Sonabai Pandharinath & Sujata Mumbai Negi, Jaya & Krishn Kumar Lucknow
Bhattacharjee, Gauri & Kalipada Bongaigaon Ngangom, Deben Singh & Kamala Devi Bishnupur
Bhawani, Soma & Ajanta Kumar Santipur P C, Abraham Baby & A T, Jacintha Mysore
Biswas, Saraswati & Subhash Chandra Port Blair Pachauri, Rajni & Gaurav, Sunil Kumar Jaipur
C Manickavel & Kanahambara Pushpam Pattukkottai Pache, Atmaram Beniram & Radhan Vill-Jagantola
C, Sangeetha & T M, Chakravarthy Tiruvallur Palupanuri, Veera Reddy & Vara Laxmi Hyderabad
Chabbra, Rashmi & Kumar, Vinay Yamunanagar Paswan, Sunita Pune
Chauhan, Gayatri & Ramesh Koyali Patel, Supal Bhavin & Bhavin Ahmedabad
Choudhary, Rupa Bikaner Patil, Harshada S & Sandeep Nasik
Chungkham, Tombi Leima Devi & Hijam, Shanti Kumar Imphal Paul, Jayanta & Bishakha Birbhum
Chyrmang, Yatha & Lato, Orida Jowai Prasad, Prem Narayan & Devi, Shanti Kaimur
D Costa, Alwyn & Nazareth, Cynthia Janet Dakshin Kannada Prasad, Shyam Nandan & Shee, Deepa Rani Gaya
Dalela, Sumit & Poonam Bhopal Prasad, Sunil & Puja Ranchi
Das, Bikash & Sovha Rani Aberdeen Village R S, Abhimanyu Chennai
Devi, Rinkumoni & Nath, Jugabrat Mangaldai R Saravanan Kumbakonam
Devi, Satarupa & Acharyya, Krishna Kanta Guwahati R, Raghavendra & Penugonda, Kranthi Bangalore
Divedi, Dilip & Dwivedi, Mamta Jabalpur Ragunandhan G M & Yuvarani, K R Hosur
Diya, Mangilal & Laxmi Barnagar Rajagopal, R & Nagavalli, R Coimbatore
Ekka, Fabianus & Tirkey, Melani Ranchi Rajnod, Manish Ujjain
Fand, Surekha Subhash & Subhash Pune Rana, Baleswer & Devi, Sabeta Koderma
Firoz, Mohammad Kanpur Rani, Reeta & Singh, Ajaib Panipat
G, Bhanu Murthy & B S, Bhanusri Anantapur Ranjan, Rajeev & Prasad Yadav, Shatrughan Ranchi
Gautam, Munshilal & Abhay Balaghat Ravi Kiran, G & R, Parimala Bangalore
Gautam, Sunita & Sunil Kumar Dehradun Rawat, Virendra Singh & Usha Dehradun
Goyal, Manju & Hemchand Bharatpur Rukkumani E & Elayaperumal M Coimbatore
Goyal, Savitri & Bhupesh Kota S L, Devaraj & V, Padma Chennai
Gulati, Vineet Ludhiana S Mageswari & K Shanmugaraj Chennai
Gupta, Goverdhan Das & Nirmla Devi Allahabad S, Jayabal & Easwari Perambalur
Hemant Sutar & Ashwini Sutar Bangalore S, Jayanthi & M, Saravanan Chennai
Iyappan, A G & Jayamalathi, I Chidambaram S, Kuppusamy & K, Babusankar Krishnagri
J, Rajeshwari & V, Tamizvanan Chennai S, Mathiyazhakan & V, Girija Coimbatore
J, Satheesh & S, Bhagyalakshmi Chennai S, Mohana Sundari & K M, Sampath Kumar Salem
Jain, Sushil Kumar & Archana Devi Patna S, Ramalingam & G, Vimala Rosaline Salem
Jaiswal, Anjana & Naval Kishor Siswa Bazar S, Shanthi Meena & G, Saravanan Pollachi
Jaiswal, Prem Chand & Dharmawati Kaimur S, Suseela & R, Sadasivam Dharmapuri
Jha, Neelam Patna Saha, Dipak Kumar & Itu Rajarhat
Jose, Molly & Dominic, Jose Nedumkandam Saikhom, Ratanjit Singh Imphal
Joseph, Jaison & J, Mercy Mysore Saikia, Alakesh & Kakati, Binita Guwahati
K F Joseph & Leena Joseph Kodagu Saikia, Dr Kshirud & Reeta Barua Guwahati
K M, Rajalakshmi & T N, Marimanavalan Tuticorin Sain, Jyotsana & Singh, Kailash Rewari
K, Ekanathan & E, Udhayabanu Kumbakonam Saini, Suman & Shyam Singh Dehradun
Kangjam, Danny Singh & Netrabati Devi Bishnupur Sandeep Kumar Bangalore
Kaur, Kulwant & Saini, Jarnail Singh Una Sethi, Amit & Ruhi Sri Ganganagar
Kekare, Saee Ashish & Ashish M Mumbai Setia, Kanchan Bathinda
Kevadia, Mitul Arjanbhai & Payal M Surat Shah, Amita & Ashish Mumbai
Kh, Nongdrenkhomba & Tamphaibema Imphal Sharma, Sanjna & Naresh Solan
Khomdram, Deeneshwar & Chaoba Imphal Sharma, Sunita Panchkula
Kirve, Dinesh Arun & Kavita Pune Sharma, Vandana & Sunil Kumar Jaipur
Krishnakumar G & Usha B P Nagercoil Shirsangi, Basavaraj K Hubli
Kujur, Santosh & Dominik Ranchi Sinam, Kumarjit & Nancy Imphal
Kulkarni, Gururaj & Narmada Sindhanur Singh, Hansraj & Saroj Narsinghpur
Devi, Pushpa & Kumar, Amrendra Kaimur Singh, Madan Kumar & Devi, Sunita Ranchi
Kumar, Gyanesh Patna Singh, Navdeep & Kaur, Sumandeep Goniana Mandi
Kumar, Gyaneshwar & Naina Madded Singh, Pratima Aurangabad
Kumar, Pramod & Devi, Maya Kanpur Singh, Sanjay Kumar & Poonam Jamshedpur
Kumari, Poonam Patna Singh, Satinderpal & Kaur, Ravinder Moga
Kumari, Seema & Kumar, Rohit Lucknow Sinha, Rina & Binoy Guwahati
L, Sheeba & J, Nayeem Khan Chennai Sivakami E & Eswaramoorthy V Coimbatore
Lakshmi Pattabu Chennai Siwach, Mukesh & Vinod Kumar Jammu
Langhu, Ningtha Anal Imphal Sodhi, Gurdeep Singh & Gurcharan Ghaziabad
Leishangthem, Basanta & Leishangthem Ongbi, Kajal Devi Imphal Soni, Dr Rajshri & Dr Rajesh Kumar Hyderabad
Lepcha, Dorjee Wangdi & Winzamit Gangtok Srivastava, Shankernarayan & Vineeta Bangalore
Lepcha, Mika & Pema Lhamu Mangan Srivatsa, Sowmya S & Anand Mysore
M M, Sasikala & S A, Muruganantham Sankari Surana, Reetika & Gajendra Jaipur
M P Rajendran & R Megapushpum Chennai T Padma & V Tholkappian Chennai
M Raji Chennai T Punitha Tanjore
M Ravi & M Thenmozhi Vellore Thapa, Sagar Dehradun
M Vannamathy & P Ramamoorthy Pattukottai Thounaojam, Birdhaja & Premlata Imphal
M, Arul Venkatachalam & B, Kavitha Tiruchengode Thounaojam, Ibungochouba Singh & Yaima Devi Wangoi Bazar
Maibam, Shubol Singh & Shanti Devi Kakching Tiwari, J B & Jaya Haldwani
Malhotra, Himanshi & Navin Ujjain Tiwari, Rekha Rajesh & Rajesh Indore
Malhotra, Suresh Chander & Suman Moga Upasna & Sharma, Bhomesh Kumar Bangalore
Mallika, B S Bangalore V K, Subramanian & Subramanian, Suja Muvattupuzha
Mishra, Jai Shree & Sunil Hoshangabad V Venkataraman & V Rama Chennai
Mishra, Suman Gorakhpur V, Murugan & S, Manjula Hosur

AMAGRAM • July - August 2010 13

A Gold Producer has attained three qualifying months at the Silver Producer level as defined in the Amway Business Manual.

Vadsariya, Najmuddin & Anita Secunderabad Nagle, Reshma Pravin & Pravin K Pune
Vasdev & Kushwah, Herpyari Rudawal Nayak, Subasini & Subrat Samar Bhubaneswar
Vekariya, Minaxi Rajeshkumar & Rajesh Surat Oinam, Khongnem Singh & Pakpi Devi Imphal
Venkatesh K Namakkal Patel, Rakesh Kumar Jabalpur
Verma, Nitish Jalandhar Patra, Ramesh Chandra & Patnaik, Aruna Kumari Bhubaneswar
S, Reshmi & S V, Sreelal Port Blair Pawar, Kalpana B & Dr Bhausaheb Kolhapur
Khera, Vipan Moga Pharswan, Tara Dehradun
Yonjan, Bidya & Bharati, Padam Darjeeling Ragupathy P & Pushpa Rani R Namakkal
B, Mathavan & M, Jayaprabha Cuddalore Raj Kumar, Ananda & Kongkham, Rojita Devi Imphal
Beuria, Snigdha R & Rupeshkumar Jeypore Ranjan, Randhir Hajipur
Bose Mathew & Mable Pappan Kottarakara Ranjan, Vijay Kumar Motihari
Chand, Nanak & Devi, Rita Shimla Rathore, Raghvendra P Udaipur
Chanda, Aroti & Nani Kumar Nongmynsong Roy, Kamal Kumar & Chhaya Asansol
Chandni Suresh & Suresh Kumar Ottapalam S Kamaraj & K Premadavi Chittode
Chaturvedi, Rakeshkumar & Manju Navi Mumbai S, Kiruthika Chennai
Chhatoi, Kajal Kanta Bhubaneswar Saha, Bikash & Biswas, Chhanda Guwahati
Chilwant, Arun Murlidhar & Sumatee Parbhani Saxena, Rajni & Sharad Kumar Sumerpur
Deepak Kumar Kayamkulam Shah, Anilkumar Kanaiyalal & Bela Anil Ahmedabad
Dubey, Jyoti & Ravi Prakash Allahabad Sharma, Anil Shimla
Dubey, Urmila & Navin Chandra Bilaspur Shirke, Sachin Maruti & Varsha Baramati
G Sureshkumar & S, Mallika Devi Tiruppur Singh, Anshu & Shatrughna Kanpur
Gupta, Radha & Sanjay Delhi Singh, Neelesh Bokaro
Guttala, Nirmala Visakhapatnam Sinha, Chandan Kumar & Bhagat, Soni Bhagalpur
Jain, Dr Rachana & Dr Rakesh Satna Soram, Rajendra Kumar & Manorama Devi Imphal
Koyalkar, Devender & Rajanna Jagtial Taware, Narendra Baramati
Kumar, Raj & Babbar, Neelam Ludhiana Thakur, Praveen Kumar & Nethra Praveen Mumbai
Madhumita Das Kolkata Thawre, Archana & Thaware, Prithviraj Rajnandgaon
Mohanty, B Kalyani & Biswabhusan Gadabaguda Tonia, Rekha & Motilal Gwalior
Morodia, Pushpa & Lalit Kumar Udaipur Vemu, Prameela & Sivakrishna Kanigiri
Mota, Arti Kanpur Zack, Zubin & Gulshan Mumbai


A Silver Producer has attained a qualifying month at 21% as defined in the Amway Business Manual

A Balaji & Balaji, Meenakshi Chennai Bhatt, Harish Chandra & Sweta Haldwani
A K, Abdul Samad & Samad S, Ameena Kollam Bhaumik, Susanta Madhusudan Midnapore
A Murugesan & C Kavitha Perundurai Bheda, Dr Jakir Daud & Dr Yasmin Upleta
A Pandiselvi & A Karthikeyan Chennai Bhoi, Sukanti & Ghashiram Balangir
A R, Kathirvel & N, Savitha Komarapalayam Bidve, Vimal Awadajee Pune
A S Krishna Kumar & Kasthuri Krishna Chengannur Bodhak, Debika & Provas Jamshedpur
A, Alphonsamary & S, Arokiyaraja Chennai Borse, Vijay Bhika & Kalpana Shirpur
A, Maragatham Madurai Borkar, Abhay Sudhakar & Annapurna Pune
A, Niveditha & P V, Harish Bangalore C Kannan & K Vijayapriya Chennai
A, Punitha & K, Anbuchezhian Kumbakonam C.Raja Kumar & C.Prabhavathy Ottapalam
A.A, Dinesh & Dinesh, Seema Varappetty Chanambam, Brojendro Singh & E, Tarubi Devi Imphal
Abubacker, Maheen & Beevi, Salma Thiruvananthapuram Chandarana, Bhavesh Raipur
Adhikary, Kanika & Talukdar, Amal Chandra Kokrajhar Chandna, Madan Lal Chhutmalpur
Agarwal, Ravi Mohan & Neeta Gwalior Chandrabati, Narlaka & Keshab Rao, Narlaka Rayagada
Agarwal, Shalini & Vinay Alwar Chatterjee, Pradip & Rinku Kolkata
Agrawal, Dr Rajendra & Dr Sangeeta Mumbai Chaudhary, Sunita & Ram Phal Delhi
Agrawal, Manju & Dinesh Nadbai Chavan, Rajendra Kashiram & Savitribai Pune
Agrawal, Manoj & Shyam Lal Deeg Ching, Manlian & Makunga, Morung Imphal
Aheibam, Dijendro Singh & Keisam, Shakhennu Devi Imphal Chirthangandla, Koteswararao Bangalore
Ahmed, Rahim & P K, Noorji Pathanamthitta Chopra, Anita & Sumeet Ludhiana
Akhter, Shamim & Ahmed, Mushtaq Deoli Choudhary, Neelam Una
Ali, Mrs Lily & Md Talib Imphal Chougale, Amar Prakash & Ashwini Pune
Anand, Rajni & Rajeev Shimla Chouhan, Pankaj & Nutan Sajjangarh
Anilkumar, S & Jayasree, P Thiruvalla Chowdhury, Anita Samastipur
Ansari, Afroz & Noorjaha Delhi Chyrmang, Patcha & Sutong, Kmenkima Jowai
Ansari, Jawed & Nesha, Kamroon Nesha Siwan D Nanjundan Ooty
Antony, P.V & Daisy Aluva D, Anbalagan & A, Chitra Chennai
Arora, Anju & Ajay Delhi D, Anjalai & Veerabadran Mamallapuram
Augastin, Sobi & Sony Thiruvananthapuram D, Poorna Chandran & Mohana Tindivanam
Aurora, Kaumudi & Moghe, Saroj Pune D, Prakash & A, Santhakumary Amma Kottarakara
Awasthi, Alka & Vishnu Jaipur Dar, Mohd Ayoub & Begum, Farida Doda
Azad, Abul Kalam & Sultana, Razia Darrang Dar, Taniya Sarfaraz & Sarfaraz Ahmad Srinagar
B Indirani & G Baskaran Chennai Dar, Zubair Ahmad Srinagar
B N, Prasad Reddy Kadapa Dariawalla, Naushina Nissarakbar & Kulsum N Mumbai
B Suguna Nandhini & Shantha, Bakthavatsalam Tanjore Das Gupta, Anju Moreh
B, Mallika & V S, Babu Chennai Das, Dr Jyotirmoy & Dr Lakshmi Guwahati
B, Mangala Gowramma Bangalore Das, Sankarsan Bhadrak
B, Sadasivam & S, Jothi Chennai Dave, Mahendra Kumar & Meenaxi Jodhpur
B, Shahul Hameed & S, Balkis Begam Coimbatore De, Rina & Deb, Sanjib K Coochbehar
Bag, Indubikash Pasupati Hooghly Debbarma, Ranjit & Tamalika Khowai
Bagari, Kamla Devi & Ram Naresh Satna Debnath, Bijesh & Pranati Karimpur
Bais, Shilpa J & Jayesh Surat Dengre, Anand Jhansi
Bajwa, Sikander Jeet Singh Barnala Desai, Dr Zarna & Dr Sanjeev Valsad
Bakshi, Vaijayanti R Pune Deshpande, Sulbha Sharad & Sharad Belgaum
Bal, Chittaranjan & Nayak, Pramodini Jajpur Road Dev, Keshav & Devi, Machhala Nadbai
Balakrishnan, Mahesh & Mahesh, Vardhini Bangalore Devi, Bimla & Singh, Dipnarayan Jamui
Bansal, Bhagwat & Sandhya Deeg Devi, Ganga & Singh, Dev Karan Mathura
Bansal, Shilpa & Vineet Moga Devi, Lalita & Prasad, Braj Kumar Siwan
Battula, Bhoomesh & Manjula Sirsilla Devi, Mala & Yadav, Dhananjay Delhi
Begum, Haseena & Khan, Rahmat Bhopal Devi, Narvada Lalganj
Begum, Raja Kupwara Devi, Nilima & Kumar Baruah, Sunil Guwahati
Behera, Sanjit Kumar & Suchitra Bhubaneswar Devi, Rinki Lucknow
Bej, Ajay Kumar Keonjhar Devi, Sangeeta Fatehpur
Bhale, Shashank & Rachana Indore Devi, Santosh & Saini, Radhey Shyam Nawalgarh
Bhandari, Rakesh Kumar & Gagan Yamuna Nagar Devi, Sashi & Sahu, Pranati Kumari Bhadrak
Bhanu, Chander Jammu Devi, Sima Bhagalpur
Bharadwaj, Kamla Patiala Devi, Urmila & Lal, Muni Teh Rampur
Bhatnagar, Mridul & Mandeep Dey, Amit & Minati Guwahati
Authorised representatives of M & M Worldwide Pune Dhillon, Rupinder Kaur & Navtej Singh Amritsar
Bhatnagar, Sameer & Shalini Dhiman, Gurbachan Singh Chandigarh
Authorised representatives of Excel International Pune Dibin P M Kodungallur

14 AMAGRAM • July - August 2010

A Silver Producer has attained a qualifying month at 21% as defined in the Amway Business Manual

Dipankar, Anshumali Ghaziabad Kaur, Swinder Preet New Delhi

Diwedi, Kalandi Charan & Diwed, Janaki Bhadrak Keithellakpam, Shantikumar Singh & Keithellakpam Ongbi, Inao Devi Imphal
Dixit, Rajendra Kumar & Indu Bhilwara Khade, Babita & Subhash Dewaji Karad
Dohare, Rekha & Mahesh Ambikapur Khan, Amirullah & Khanam, Shaysta Mau
Dohare, Sushma & Kumar, Rajeev Lucknow Khan, Javed Ahmad & Shahina Bano Basti
Dubey, Sumit Raebareli Khanna, Kishore Narayain & Manju Agra
Ekka, Lalit Kumar & Tirkey, Teresa Ranchi Khant, Manish Vadodara
Enuguri, V Lakshmi Prasad & Sunita Anantapur Khoirom, Roben & Panthoi Imphal
Fotedar, Chander Mohan & Vijay Jammu Khundrakpam, Ramanando B & Sanasam, Jelly Bishnupur
G Balakamakshi & G Gurunathan Chennai Kochar, Mukesh Kumar Moga
G Sunilkumar & P K Dakshayani Kodungallur Konka, Dharmapuri Rajesham Nanded
G Thilagavathi & M Gopalan Palladam Konthoujam, Nabachandra Singh & Manimacha Devi Imphal
Gaba, Manoj & Noopur New Delhi Kotecha, Jagdish Manharlal & Chanda Mumbai
Gala, Harsha & Bhagyavant Mumbai Krishna, Snigdha & Gauraw, Kumar Ranchi
Ganagoni, Balakishan Goud & Sulochana Sirsilla Krishnan Nair, Chelamma Ernakulam
Ganesh R & Deepa G Kotagiri Ks, Navaneetha Raju & N, Bharathi Bangalore
Gangar, Hansha Dilip & Dilip Mumbai Kujur, Shanti & Minj, Vijay Ranchi
Ganju, Kedarnath & Devi, Parwati Ranchi Kulkarni, Arun Digambar & Anjali A Pune
Garg, Sapna Meerut Kulkarni, Supriya Uday & Uday Pune
Garg, Seema & M P Sonepat Kumar Jha, Rajiv & Devi, Prabha Dhanbad
Gaude, Shruti Shashikant Mardol Kumar, Abhimanyu Bhr Sharif
Geetha Murali Coimbatore Kumar, Anil & Madhumita Ernakulam
George, Babichen V Idukki Kumar, Arun & Niharika Arun Boisar
Ghosh, Sushanta Kumar & Kakuli Ranchi Kumar, Dheeraj & Singh, Smriti Chandpur
Ghuman, Komaldeep Kaur & Rachhpal Singh Gurdaspur Kumar, Mohan & Mohan, Rathi Mangalore
Girdhar, Ruchi & Deepak New Delhi Kumar, Niraj & Kumari, Sunita Dist.Supaul
Giri, Dr Chhaya Vilas & Vilas Chakan Kumar, Nishanth Panipat
Gobikrishnan, N & Umarani, G Tiruppur Kumar, Pramod & Devi, Maya Kanpur
Gomes, Linda Kolkata Kumar, Satyendra Patna
Gond, Shashi & Vishal Kolkata Kumar, Subhash & Devi, Archana Nalanda
Gote, Mansingnrao T & Manisha M Pune Kumar, Sushil Bettiah
Govindarajulu, Ranjini Devi Pondicherry Kumari, Mamta & Kumar, Hamendra Sewar
Goyal, Ajay & Shilpi Patna Kumari, Pinki Patna
Goyal, Ekta & Kumar, Susheel Jaipur Kumari, Rekha & Paswan, Sanjay Kumar Patna
Grover, Sanjeev Kumar & Rani, Veena Moga Kumari, Suman & Sharma, Bhoopendra Kaman
Gupta, Hosila Lucknow Kumari, Sunita Ahmedabad
Gupta, Pankaj & Archana Kumari, Sweta Patna
Authorised representatives of Arpan Worldwide & Associates Ghaziabad L Gopalram & G Kamala Devi Chennai
Gupta, Prem Narayan & Kusamawati Davi Maharajganj L, Sudhaparimala & G, Lakshminarayanan Coimbatore
Gupta, Rajeev & Monika Amritsar Laishram, Jiten Yairipok
Gupta, Sanju & Basant Kumar Agra Laishram, Nonini Devi Imphal
Gupta, Sarita & Santosh Deoria Lal, Munna & Mishra, Manju B Barabanki
Gupta, Shanti Swaroop & Sunita Padrauna Lathadevi, P & E Gani Chennai
H K, Yogeswara Gowda Bangalore Lawrence, Miranda & J A, Lawrence Chennai
Handique, Tridip & Minakshi Maidamia Lourembam, Karunakanta Singh & Henita Devi Imphal
Harris, Victoria & Trevellyn Jabalpur Lourembam, Nando & Radhapyari Imphal
Hasware, Asif Husen & Farzana Asif Mumbai M Bhuvaneswari & Vijaymahentran, K R Tiruttani
Hazra, Deepak Kumar M Midnapore M Murugavalli & K Muniyasamy Pudukkottai
Hegade, Nagarathna M & Mahabaleshwara Udupi M S Subramani & S Lakshmi Chennai
Hidangmayum Ongbi, Pushparani Devi & Hidangmayum, Priyokumar Sharma Imphal M Sulochana & N, Vijayarangan Chennai
Horanadu, Praveen C Mangalore M V Poovannan & P, Arunarani Panapakkam
Hundal, Sulakhan Singh & Nirmaljeet Kaur Moga M V, Suni & Suni, Jini Kothamangalam
I Salim & S Banu Madurai M, Abdullakutty & Mariyakkutty Tirur
J, Santhi & R, Jayakrishnan Salem M, Fathima Be & Md, Malik Pasha Kurnool
Jagtap, Dilip Baburao & Suvarna D Karad M, Gnana Soundari & Ananda Kumar Cuddalore
Jain, Daisy & Rajesh Agra M, Gnaneshwar & G, Arunthathy Chennai
Jain, Kiran & Vasant Mumbai M, Nandagopal & N, Alamelu Mamallapuram
Jain, Maina Udaipur M, Pandian Tiruvannamalai
Jain, Nalin & Pushpa Kota M, Subramaniam & S, Parimala Karur
Jain, Sanjay & Seema Indore Madan, Sudha & Susheel Alwar
Jaiswal, Vineeta Patna Madhei, Sanjay Kumar & Ranjita Kalahandi
Jammi, Padma Bhilai Madhukar Katkar, Revati & Katkar, Madhukar Mumbai
Jangir, Bhawani Shanker & Annu Bharti Chirawa Mahali, Anjulata & Sukadev Patnagarh
Jatav, Kusum & Suresh Singh Sunder Nagar Mahandiratta, Sunayana & Mehndiratta, Mohan Bikaner
Jayakumar, V & Ambili Kollam Mahantashettar, Anuradha V & Vishwanath Navi Mumbai
Jayalakshmi, G & Chockalingam, Dr P Nagapattinam Mahla, Narendra Singh & Singh, Pramila Jhunjhunu
Jena, Sitaram & Arati Kumari Ganjam Mahto, Kamal Kishore & Saraswati Chakradharpur
Jha, Madan Kumar & Runa Roorkee Mahto, Sahdev & Devi, Sarita Bokaro
Jha, Mamta Kumari Dhanbad Maimom, Bajanta Singh & Subita Imphal
Jindal, Hem Raj & Maddhu Rani Mansa Maimom, Devan & Landhoni Imphal
Jolly, Shashi & Sunil Delhi Maity, Shanti Swarup & Ketaki Mumbai
Jose, Thresiamma & K V, Jose Kattapana Majumder, Sangita & Satinath Birbhum
Joshi, Anilkumar & Sushma Kanba Makavana, Dasharathbhai H & Geetaben D Disa
Joshi, Ashutosh & Yamini Dungarpur Malik, Kamal Singh & Devi, Urmila Bijnor
Joshi, Sanjeev Kumar & Priyanka Patna Mall, Meena & Pradeep Kumar Gorakhpur
K A, Abhilash Chalakudy Mallhi, Satnam Singh & Kaur, Karamjit Rampura Phul
K A, Navaz & Navas, Rejeena Mundakayam Maneshwar, Niranjan & Gauri Balaghat
K Jeyalakshmi & C Kumaraveeran Muhavoor Manghera, Surinder Singh & Manjit Singh Amritsar
K Jothilakshmi & S Karthikeyan Chennai Manna, Arup Kolkata
K M, Siby & W, Sajitha Kollam Manohar V & S K, Mamatha Kolar
K M, Sinosh & K S, Mohandas Kottayam Mathew, Abhilash & C, Sophia Susan Kottarakara
K P Zakeer Haneef & Muneera Haneef K P Mangalore Mathew, Sunny & Elizabath Changanacherry
K P, Ananthan & P, Vasupratha Pollachi Mathur, Rajeshwari & Khushi Ram Faridkot
K P, Sasidharan & Sasidharan, Lilly Kannur Mathur, Veena & Anil Jaipur
K Vijayaraghavan & V Shanthi Chennai Maurya, Shalinee & Bhagwat Prasad Ganjdundwara
K, Pradeep Kumar & P, Rema Calicut Medhi, Sunil & Medhi Sonowal, Ranjumoni Maidamai
K, Vasantha Kumari Raipur Meena, Dayalal & Kalu Sabla
K, Veerammal Namakkal Meena, Hukum Bai & Braj Lal Gangapur City
Kadam, Prathamesh W & Pratiksha Thane Meena, Shankar Lal & Kali Devi Bassi
Kahlon, Harjinder Singh & Satinderjit Kaur Malerkotla Meena, Shashi & Jwansingh Bari
Kajavadra, Shambhu Ravjibhai & Gita Surat Meena, Vidhya & Udai Singh Banswara
Kalirawan, Balkesh Hansi Mehta, Amita Ranchi
Kalishwaran, N & Indirani, T Coimbatore Mehta, Vandana & Vinay Kumar Mumbai
Kanaujiya, Pushpa & Prasad, Lalit Kushinagar Melville Edwin, Rodrigues & Ramona, Rodrigues Mangalore
Kandoi, Jagdish & Saroj Jaipur Menaka, G & Senthilkumar, P Tanjore
Kanthaliya, Anita & Deepak Udaipur Menaria, Pushpa & Prakesh Udaipur
Kanthasamy, Srinivasan & Palanisamy, Saravanan Krishnagiri Menon, Rema Manoj & Manoj Pune
Kapoor, Ranjana Lucknow Mishal, Abhimanyu Rayagada
Karani, Sushila Bharat & Bharat Dombivali Mishra, Niharika & Dash, Sibabrata Bhubaneswar
Kasala, Chandbasha & Kandanoor, Bhagavanamma Kamalapuram Mishra, Rajendri & Tiwari, Alpana Kanpur
Kashyap, Ludar Son & Bodebai Jagdalpur Mishra, Rakesh & Manju Jaunpur
Kaur, Ajwinder & Singh, Kulwant Chandigarh Mishra, Rekha Ranchi
Kaur, Amarjit & Singh, Sukhwinder Amritsar Mishra, Richa & Kamla Lucknow
Kaur, Daljinder Morinda Mishra, Smita & Acharya, Debasis Cuttack
Kaur, Gurmeet Dehradun Mishra, Suratha & Anwesha Boudh
Kaur, Jatinder & Singh, Harpreet Tibbar Mishra, Yuddh Beer Gorakhpur
Kaur, Kirandeep Bathinda Mittal, Vishu Ludhiana
Kaur, Pradeep & Singh, Kuldeep Jaipur Mizo, Mati Moreh
Kaur, Satvinder New Delhi Mohamedi, Basit Anis & Sabah Mumbai
Kaur, Satvinder & Singh, Harcharan Bathinda Mohanta, Sushanta Kumar & Prabhati Sundergarh

AMAGRAM • July - August 2010 15

A Silver Producer has attained a qualifying month at 21% as defined in the Amway Business Manual

Mohanty, Santanu & Sova Balasore R, Kathirvel & K, Mohanasundari Erode

Mohapatra, Jagabandhu Lanjigarh R, Mageswaran & M, Rama Chennai
Mohapatra, Swarnalata & Manoj Kumar Balasore R, Prema & B, Yuvaraj Tiruvannamalai
Mondal, Soma & Chandi Gorakhpur R, Rajasekar & K, Nithiya Chennai
More, Namrata Avinash & Avinash Mumbai R, Valarmathy & Susila Pudukkottai
Mothukuri, Sambaiah & Swarooparani Hyderabad Raghuwanshi, Jiyan Singh Chhindwara
Mudgal, Mukesh & Mahima Deeg Rahar, Krishna & Bhagirath Thane
Mundhra, Vijay Kumar & Raadhika Kolkata Rahman, Zaheda & Ansari, Dr Md.Matiur Rahman Aurangabad
N Jaishankar & Uma Jaishankar Trichy Rajachandran Nair, P K Kottayam
N, Bhuvaneswari & R, Natesan Trichy Rajak, Rajni & Rajkumar Lalitpur
N, Manisankar & R, Subathradevi Aruppukottai Rajesh, Maneesha Kannur
N, Rajeswari Namakkal Rajput, Deepa Bhanu & Bhanu Chandrasen Navi Mumbai
N, Sudhakaran & K T, Bindhumol Idukki Rajput, Mithlesh & Rakesh Babu Bareilly
N, Suseela & S, Jaganathan Coimbatore Ram, Kaku & Kumari, Babita Jammu
Nadagouda, Basavaraj & Latha Raichur Rambhia, Chetan Lalji & Preeti Mumbai
Nagar, Kamala & Ram Singh Baseri Ramesh & Jayanthi Coimbatore
Naik, Jharamani & Premananda Nuapada Ramesh, Renuka Bangalore
Naik, Kanchan D & Dattatray V Pune Ramteke, Kiran Shirish & Shirish Aurangabad
Naik, Sushma & Dr Ashit Kumar Raipur Rana, Randhir Yamuna Nagar
Nalawade, Sunita Satish & Satish Mumbai Ranjan, Rajeev & Prasad, Sadanand Giridih
Nameirakpam, Ranjit Imphal Rao, V Srinivas & V Anuradha Indore
Nanda, Patitapabana & Satpathy, Debasmita Cuttack Rath, Nilima & Pravat Kumar Bhubaneswar
Narayan, Shisham & Dhananjay Patna Rawat, Seema & Pradeep Dehradun
Natarajan, Prabhakaran & S, Sathya Chennai Renuka, S & Subramanian, K Coimbatore
Nath, Daneswar & Sewali Darrang Rhisheekesan, Dr K R & M P, Rama Kottayam
Navale, Priyanka P & Santhosh, Dr D S Davangere Riyaz, Mohammad Lucknow
Nayak, Bhramar Bar & Mohanty, Bijayalaxmi Cuttack Rout, Anita & Laxmidhar Bhubaneswar
Nayak, Gitanjali & Naik, Khirod Bhubaneswar Rout, Silu Bhubaneswar
Nayak, Kalpana & Roy, Rajendra Kumar Bhubaneswar Roy, Ajeet Kumar & Devi, Babita Banka
Nayak, Sulochana & Parmod Kumar New Delhi Rughani, Nirvisha Anil & Anil J. Porbandar
Neel, Buvana & T, Neelamuthu Bangalore S Jayam & D Sambath Kumar Chennai
Negi, Amita & N S New Delhi S Lalitha & B Srinivasan Chennai
Negi, Meenakshi & Ravinder Singh Shimla S P, Ashok & A, Ramyalakshmi Chennai
Nemu, Radhashyam & Aditi West Midnapore S Ramesh & Vani Ramesh Chennai
Netam, Arun Kumar Kanker Ho S, Balachandriga & P, Sureshkumar Namakkal
Newar, Dipali Chetry & Hem Lal Navi Mumbai S, Ganesamurthi & M, Sankaraeswari Pudukkottai
Nikam, Raviraj Nivrutti & Ashalata Pune S, Indirani & P, Subramanian Omalur
Nilina Jayadevan & N Jayadevan Neendoor S, Kalaperumal & D K, Perumal Pondicherry
Ningsen, Rockson & Keishing, Tamah Imphal S, Sahilabanu & Dr Abdulkasim Thucklay
Ningthoujam, Ranjit Meetei & Premlata Leima Imphal S, Sampathkumar & T, Geetha Coimbatore
Ojha, Soumyajit Durgapur S, Sumathi Neyveli
P Gurumoorthi & G Selvi Bhavani S, Uma Shanmuga Sundari & G, Ravi Thiruvidaimarudhur
P H, Shabu Kodakara S, Vasudevan & V, Geeth Mala Chengalpattu
P Nagarajan & N Sudha Tiruppur S, Venugopal & T A, Ananthavalli Trichy
P Parameswaran Tiruppur Sadangi, Sankar Prasad & Subash Chandra Nabarangpur
P V, Sesha Reddy Hyderabad Sagolshem, Bronson & Thoibi Thoubal
P, Arumugam & A, Rajeswari Chennai Sahay, Kiran & Kumar, Brajesh Patna
P, Kalaivani & A, Pandi Hosur Sahoo, Amari & Krishna Chandra Nayagarh
P, Kalpana & K, Gopinath Coimbatore Sahoo, Maheswar & Kumudini Keonjhar
P, Kavitha & N M, Palanisamy Pondicherry Sahoo, Saran Kumar & Sasmita Bhubaneswar
P, Nagaraj & Sumangala Sindhanur Sahu, Kumudini Bhubaneswar
P, Padmaja & P B, Anish Kumar Chennai Sahu, Prafulla & Biswajit Umarkot
P, Prema & A, Parthasarathy Villupuram Sahu, Tulsi & Salik Ram Kusmunda
P, Ravichandran Ottapalam Saini, Suman & Chhote Lal Nawalgarh
P, Selvi & R, Devandran Hosur Sakthivel T Sathyamangalam
P, Subramani & S, Vasudha Chennai Saluja, Daljeet Kaur & Amolak Singh Bilaspur
P, Thangavel Karur Samal, Asweeni Kumar Bangalore
P, Unnikrishnan & K, Sasikala Shoranur Samanta, Dilip Mumbai
P.Kore, Girish & G.Kore, Nirmala Bijapur Samanta, Sikha Howrah
Paikra, Sarojani Devi & Girja Shankar Chirimiri Sanasam, Manitomba Mangang & Keisham, Obita Devi Thoubal
Pal, Meena & Ram Sharan Bareilly Sandhu, Satvinder Singh Una
Panda, Ananta Kumar Rayagada Sankhyan, Sohan Lal & Devi, Sankuntla Bilaspur
Panda, Gayatri & Bijaya Kumar Rayagada Sarath M S Kodungallur
Panday, Abha Kant & Hira Lal Seohara Sarkar, Mira & Akkari Birbhum
Panday, Kamla & Lalit New Delhi Sarkar, Susanta Agartala
Pandey, Chandra Prakash & Archana Padrauna Saroj, Avinash Shankar & Devi, Sangita Lakhisarai
Pandey, Durga Prasad & Pandey Durgaprasad, Lalitha Secunderabad Saroj, Phoolwasi Mumbai
Pandey, Manoj Kumar & Simpal Lucknow Sebastian, Mercy Kannur
Panwar, Shashi Kant & Sohan Lal Solan Seema Sreekanth, A & Sreekanth S Ernakulam
Pardeshi, Madhuri Sanjay & Sanjay Satara Seema & Ram, Milkhi Shimla
Pardhi, Pusplata & Ramchandra Balaghat Sethi, Ravinder & Harjeet Singh New Delhi
Parmar, Amrit Devi & Ramchandra Dungarpur Shah, Alka Deven & Deven Koyali
Parmar, Ashok & Meera Bechiwara Shakshi, Shanti & Sheo Lal Kanker
Parmar, Mansukhlal & Reaka Damdi Shankar, Pradhan Vijay & Bibha Ranchi
Patel, Chandrawati Umaria Sharma, Aparna & Sunil Kumar Mumbai
Patel, Dr Ashok Kumar & Dr Aparna Raipur Sharma, Ashok Kumar & Mamtesh Chhutmalpur
Patel, Gajraj Singh & Preeti Narsinghpur Sharma, Babita & Ramesh Chand Bharatpur
Patel, Kamala & Basant Lal Dungarpur Sharma, Chhote Lal & Rajbala Deeg
Patel, Kushala Ram & Choudhary, Sava Devi Balotra Sharma, Jitendra Kumar Alwar
Patel, Natawarlal Premabhai & Daxa N Ukai Sharma, Kanishk Ghaziabad
Patel, Ramila Navinchandra Surat Sharma, Kaushal Kumar & Bala, Anju Chandigarh
Patel, Shanti & Harinath Varanasi Sharma, Kishu & Ajaypal Amritsar
Patel, Sonal Kamal & Kamal Mumbai Sharma, Laxmi Narayan & Vimla Churu
Patel, Vinaben Manubhai & Manubhai B Ahmedabad Sharma, Mamta & Ashok Kumar Secunderabad
Patel, Vinod & Ramila Simalwara Sharma, Palivi & Hari Krishan Jammu
Patidar, Lalit Kumar & Sangita Bilpank Sharma, Pooran Devi & Jaygovind Bari
Patil, Dr Sandesh T & Dr Smita S Pune Sharma, Sangeeta & Deepak Delhi
Patil, Kala Harishchandra Alibag Sharma, Saroj & Ashok Jammu
Patil, Rekha Nandkishor & Nandkishor A Dist-Thane Sharma, Saroj & Gaur, Ram Nath Khanpurmeena
Paul, Elizabeth Rani & T, Paulraj Chennai Sharma, Satya Vir & Seema Agra
Phool Wati Mumbai Sharma, Sharwan Kumar & Mukesh Rani New Delhi
Phukon, Bhaskar & Alaka Nemuguri Sharma, Sunita & Khajuria, Kanchan K Jammu
Pinto, Matilda & Joel Pinto Mangalore Sharma, Supriya Lucknow
Piplani, Ajay Kumar & Manju Lucknow Sharma, Tulika & Arvind Noida
Pol, Dipak Keshav & Pradnya Satara Sharma, Vijay Kumar & Shikha Agra
Poria, Rajkumar Badal & Madhumita Navi Mumbai Sharma, Vishnu & Neeta Agra
Prajapat, Narwdadevi & Prabhulal Simalwara Shelke, Balasaheb & Nirmala Shirur
Prajapati, Paras Lal & Sukhmen Devi Bishrampur Shetty, Vinodhara Vithal & Smita Mumbai
Prasad Singh, Lalit & Singh, Sanjit Kumar Patna Shrivastava, Seema & B N Katni
Prasad, Muna & Devi, Pushpa Gopalganj Shrivastava, Soma Yatindra & Yatindra Pune
Prasad, Neha & Pratibha Nagpur Sial, Maheswar & Susama Balasore
Prasad, Priyanka Patna Sibi Augastin & Dora Augastin Thiruvananthapuram
Prasad, Satyendra & Kumari, Anita Patna Sidhu, Amandeep Singh & Nirmaljeet Kaur Batala
Puri, Khushdev S & Nishi Nainital Singh, Anil Kumar & Kumari, Puspa Kaimur
Qayamuddin & Nazmeen Basti Singh, Anita & J.V. Chhata
R Jansirani & M Rajasekaran Dindigul Singh, Anju Bhubaneswar
R R, Cadiressane Pondicherry Singh, Baijayanti & Mritunjay Varanasi
R Saraswathy & V Rajendran Madurai Singh, Bhupendra Lucknow
R Senthilkumar Karur Singh, Chandra Shekhar & Pramila Chandauli
R, Karthik & Raja, Prabhu Kanchipuram Singh, Deo Muni & Thakur Lakhanpur

16 AMAGRAM • July - August 2010

A Silver Producer has attained a qualifying month at 21% as defined in the Amway Business Manual

Singh, Devendra & Sher Jaipur Tyagi, Sumit Dehradun

Singh, Harjeet & Kaur, Jasbeer Delhi Ugle, Pushpa Suresh & Suresh Latur
Singh, Harjit & Kaur, Paramjit New Delhi Ukirde, Shahaji V & Prabhavati Pune
Singh, Jay Prakash & Hemlata Ghaziabad V A, Shanavas & Shanavas, Reena Kanjirapally
Singh, Kamlesh & Devi, Pratibha Kaimur V C Govindaraju & G Ramaniraju Chennai
Singh, Lakhpat & Poonia, Sulekha Rudawal V Chandran & C Vasuki Chennai
Singh, Madhulika Lucknow V Syamala & Ravindra Vattem Bangalore
Singh, Praveen Kumar Lucknow V, Balasudarsanaguptha & B, Priya Coimbatore
Singh, Rajesh P & Shikha Unnao V, Dhanabagyam & K, Venkatesaperumal Chennai
Singh, Rajinder Karnal V, Renu Vellore
Singh, Ram Mehar Hansi V, Sathiyamurthy & S, Indira Karaikal
Singh, Saurabh Lucknow V, Sivakumar & S, Priya Namakkal
Singh, Seema & Rohina Ghaziabad V, Subramaniam Annur
Singh, Sunita Ahmedabad Vadakkadom, Jacob Varghese & Alexander, Suman Kottarakara
Singh, Vinod Kumar Gorakhpur Vaidya, Prakash Kumar & Maya Rajnandgaon
Sinha, Khumalashish Kumar & Swati Kailashahar Vasavada, Nirzari & Suketu Indore
Sinha, Priti Patna Verma, Dr Rajeev Haridwar
Sinha, Shilpi & Abhijit Ranchi Verma, Geeta Patna
Sinha, Suraj Kumar New Delhi Verma, Mohan Kumar Patna
Sodhi, Gurdeep Singh & Gurcharan Ghaziabad Verma, Narendra & Depa Haldwani
Sonegara, Vikram J Bangalore Verma, Priti Ranchi
Sougrakpam, Bira Singh & Shangbanabi Devi Thoubal Verma, Seema & Rajendra Prasad Lucknow
Srivastav, Kavita Lucknow Vidyajyoti & Vulise, Murali Mohan Rao Muzaffarpur
Srivastava, Anupam Gorakhpur Vijayakumar V S & Rajashekhar V S Bangalore
Srivastava, Ram Gopal & Preete Unnao Vijayalakshmi, R & Rajasekaran, A Chennai
Srivastava, Santosh Kumar & Rachna Lucknow Vikas & Chandolia, Neelam Jhunjhunu
Srivastava, Tirpti Lata & Rajesh Dhanbad Vimal, Yashwant Rao & Vishakha Rao New Delhi
Sukhdeve, Umakant & Kiran Kanker Vishnu Prasad P K & Vishnu, Ramya Manjeri
Suryawanshi, Dr Swapna & Dr Narayan Nagpur Vyas, Jagarati & Hemant Talwara
Swain, Hrudananda & Chakra, Bagmita Keonjhar W, Bemcha Devi Delhi
T Muralitharan & K Anbalagi Madurai W, Ushapati Devi Imphal
T N, Madhu & Madhu, Nitha Irinjalakuda Wakambam, Kuber Singh Imphal
T S, Muralitharan & M, Gowrisankari Tiruchengode Yadav, Aradhana & Dilbag Singh Dughera
T, Adhikesavan & A, Parimala Chennai Yadav, Dharm Veer Singh & Sunita Agra
Talesara, Deep Shikha Udaipur Yadav, Harikishor Basti
Tamhane, Suhas Narayan & Supriya Pune Yadav, Koushalya & Ramnarayan Bhatgaon Colliery
Tandon, Shweta & Viney New Delhi Yadav, Maha Singh Alwar
Thangjam, Dr Miren & Rajkumari, Ujjayani Imphal Yadav, Mewati & Ramlakhan Delhi
Thomas, Binny & Binny, Sibi Ernakulam Yadav, Pawan Kumar & Kumari, Rekha Tijara
Thomas, Kurian & Kurian, Thampu Chenganacherry Yadav, Pramod Kumar & Preeti Farah
Thoudam, Bindeswar Singh Imphal Yadav, Prathvi Singh & Savitri Tijara
Thoudam, Sunita Devi & Leitanthem, Bor Singh Bishnupur Yadav, Radhe Shyam & Anita Kanpur
Tingre, Shashikant Y & Monika Pune Yadav, Raj Kumari Burhar
Tirkey, Ajit & Kujur, Divya Goretti Ranchi Yadav, Rajesh Kumar & Suman Devi Mohindergarh
Titus, Magdalene Lucknow Yadav, Sarita & Sandeep Narnaul
Tiwari, Anupam & Samiksha Jabalpur Yadav, Shiv Kant Sultanpur
Tiwari, Kripa Shanker Maharajganj Yadev, Lakhan Singh & Chanda Devi Kaithal
Tiwary, Shrikant & Kumari, Kusumlata Arrah Yamung, Roto & Doging, Tamar Itanagar
Totla, Rahdeyshyam & Sitadevi Bhilwara Yumnam, Rajenkumar & Hemnalini Devi Imphal
Tripathi, Abhinav Dutt & Kumari, Raj Bettiah

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AMAGRAM • July - August 2010 17

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First Ever Diamond Invitational Family
trip in the history of Amway India
Gold Coast, Australia will go down in the history of Amway India as one of
the most memorable trips. It was the first ever Family Diamond Invitational
trip. It was a trip where each and every participant enjoyed irrespective of
their age.
All of the 189 participants had a very enjoyable week’s stay at Gold Coast.
The group stayed in Jupiters Hotel & Casino which is one of the best hotel
in Gold Coast. The itinerary was planned in such a way that the families
had something to do everyday, starting with a trip to Sea World (one of the
best theme parks on the planet). Visit to McLaren Island with exotic
Barbeque lunch and water sports. Also cherished was the trip to Amway
Australia and a trip to Dream World on the last day. Last but not the least
was the Farewell Dinner in the hotel. The highlight of the dinner was the
Magician showing his tricks to the children and the Indian DJ who made
sure that the group had a rocking time dancing to the tunes of Bollywood.
One of the key activity of the event was Business Session which was led
by Mr. Bill Pinckney and Mr. Rajneesh Chopra. They shared the company
plans with the Senior Leadership. Children had great fun playing cricket,
football, dancing, in the adjoining room while the parents were attending
their Business Session.
The excited & motivated happy families returned back to India with loads
of cherished memories.

33 AMAGRAM • July - August 2010

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Another month, another ambulance donated! This time, it was in Delhi, with none other than the
AOF Chairman, Bill Pinckney at hand to flag-off the ambulance, which was donated to Sunder Lal
Jain Hospital, Ashok Vihar, Delhi. This is the 9th ambulance van donated by AOF. The services of
this Ambulance would be provided round the clock for the patients of the Hospital and other
needy within Delhi NCR.
The flagging off ceremony was carried out in the presence of leading ABOs of National Capital
Region. The event was also graced by Mr. Hari Shankar Gupta, MLA, Ashok Vihar, Mr. Kapil Gupta,
President, Rotary Club of Delhi Ashoka and Dr. Chander Prakash, President, Sunder Lal Jain
Hospital. This ambulance will highlight Amway's commitment towards the society and don’t be
surprised to see the ambulance in your neighborhood one of these days!
In association with Worker's Union Manipur ( WUM) an NGO authorised by the Imphal
Municipality, AOF led a five-day cleaning drive programme in Imphal. The clean-up started at M.G.
Avenue as the accumulation of garbage was maximum there and subsequently spread to Paona
Bazar, Nagamapal, Khoyathong & Kangla road. The program went off very well and appreciated by
local residents of Imphal. We will explore replicating same exercise at other places as well.
May 5th has been designated AOF Day and had been duly celebrated at several locations this year
as well. In most locations, this was with the Sunrise partner, where AOF volunteers – Amway staff
as well as distributors, got together with the children of the Sunrise partner, and made it a special
day. We could not hold this event at all locations due to the holiday or the excess heat conditions
but will do so in the coming months.
As a part of our continuous support towards underprivileged children, AOF put together a musical
night to remember. This event was especially brought together to extend support towards the
children of Adhar Ashram, Nasik in the areas of health & education. The evening saw celebrated
personalities like Chaitanya and Saily Panse (Zee Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Finalists), Sandeep Ubale (Indian
Idol Contestant) and Sandeep Lokhande (Radio Jockey - 107.1 Rainbow FM & TV anchor) come
together for the musical evening to support the cause in their own special way. Under the Project
Sunrise, AOF will support education expenses & Health expenses of 40 children for a period of one
year to begin with. Chief Guest for the occasion was Mr. Harish Baijal, DCP, Anti Corruption
Talking about Project Sunrise, we added a few more locations this month at Adhar Ashram
(Nashik), Nand Gokula (Gulbarga). The painting competition - Nanchit – was held at 6 locations in
North and in West, a Musical Show with celebrity artists, was held to launch Sunrise at Nasik. With
this, we have signed up over 50 partners and should have the rest completed in one or two
months’ time. A lot of hard work has gone into this and we appreciate all those concerned.

38 AMAGRAM • July - August 2010

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Speci zerland
If variety is the spice of life, then Switzerland
certainly offers a colorful palate. Drawing the
best from their neighbors, it incorporates
cuisine of Italy, France and Germany into its
own Swiss specialties.

Before a meal begins, some Swiss wish each

other en Guete or bon appetit, while others say
buon appetito or bien appetit. In any of the four
national languages - Swiss-German, French,
Italian, Romansh - it all means the same:

The cuisine of Switzerland is popular all over

the world. The Swiss cuisine cooked with fresh
and raw items in the traditional way offers a
great culinary delight to the food lovers. You
can get to taste the lovely food specialties of
Switzerland as well as mouth watering Indian
dishes in any of the food outlets scattered
throughout Zürich. The restaurants of
Switzerland maintain best hygiene
and the foods are available at a
convenient price too.

Enjoy your meal!

En Guete!
Bon Appétit!
Buon Appetito!
Bun Appetit!

...a food paradise

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