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DRUG STUDY: Paracetamol (Aeknil)

CI: Ma’am Valencia
Brand Name Dosage Mechanism of Action Indications Adverse Reaction Nursing Considerations
Pharmacology: Paracetamol p
• Aeknil • Adult & childn roduces analgesia by raising the • Pyrexia of • A paracetamol overdose is • Use liquid form for children
≥10 yr 2-3 mL, ≤10 threshold of the pain center in unknown particularly dangerous because the and patients who have
Generic Name: yr 1-2 mL. the brain and by obstructing origin. Fever & pai liver damage may not be obvious for difficulty swallowing.
• Paracetamol Depending on impulses at the pain-mediating n associated w/ four to six days after the drug has
severity of case, chemoreceptors. The drug common childhood been taken. Even if someone who has • In children, don’t exceed
Classification: dose may be produces antipyresis by an disorders, tonsilliti taken a paracetamol overdose seems five doses in 24 hours.
• Analgecsic (Opioid) repeated 4 hrly. In action on the hypothalamus; s, upper resp tract fine and doesn't have any symptoms,
severe cases, dose heat dissipation is increased as infections post- it's essential that they are taken to • Advise patient that drug is
may be a result of vasodilation and immunization hospital urgently. An overdose of only for short term use and
administered by IV increased peripheral blood flow. reactions, after paracetamol can be fatal. to consult the physician if
very slowly. tonsillectomy & giving to children for longer
Pharmacokinetics: Paracetam other conditions. • When taken at the recommended than 5 days or adults for
Form: ol is rapidly and almost Prevention of dose, side-effects of paracetamol are longer than 10 days.
IV completely absorbed from the febrile rare. Skin rashes, blood disorders and
gastrointestinal tract. Following convulsion.Heada a swollen pancreas have occasionally • Advise patient or caregiver
oral administration, peak plasma che, happened in people taking the drug on that many over the counter
levels are attained in 10 min to 1 cold, sinusitis, mus a regular basis for a long time. products contain
hr and the half-life is 75 min to 3 cle acetaminophen; be aware of
hrs. pain, arthritis & too this when calculating total
thache. dailydose.
Distribution of paracetamol to
most body tissues and fluids is • Warn patient that high
both rapid and uniform. doses or unsupervised long
term use can cause liver
Paracetamol is excreted in the
urine primarily as the
glucuronide and smaller
amounts as the sulfate,
mercapturate and unchanged
drug. Approximately 85% of a
dose of paracetamol is excreted
in the urine within 24 hrs after
DRUG STUDY: Metoclopramide (Plasil)
CI: Ma’am Valencia

Brand Name Dosage Mechanism of Action Indications Adverse Reaction Nursing Considerations

• Plasil • Tab Adult 1 tab Pharmacology: Metoclopramid • Disturbances of • Restlessness, drowsiness, fatigue & • Give 30 mins before meals
tid. Childn 5-14 e, a dopamine antagonist, GI motility lassitude. Extrapyramidal symptoms, and at bed time
Generic Name: yr 2.5-5 mg tid, 3-5 stimulates motility of the upper including GERD & insomnia, headache, dizziness,
• Metoclopramide yr 2 mg bid-tid, 1-3 gastrointestinal tract without diabetic nausea, galactorrhea, gynecomastia, • Assess mental status
yr 1 mg bid-tid, <1 stimulating gastric, biliary or gastroparesis. Nau rash including urticaria, bowel during treatment
Classification: yr 1 mg bid. Max: pancreatic secretions. Its mode sea &vomiting of disturbances. Increased prolactin
• GIT Regulators, 0.5 of action is unclear. It seems to central & levels; gastroparesis. • Tell patient to avoid driving
Antiflatulents, Anti- mg/kg/day. Syr Ad sensitize tissues to the action of peripheral origin & other hazardous activities
infammatories ult 10 mL acetylcholine. The effect of associated w/ for at least 2 hrs
tid. AmpIM/IV Adul metoclopramide on motility is surgery, metabolic
t 1 amp 8 not dependent on intact vagal diseases, • Advice pt. to avoid alcohol
hrly. Radiological innervation but it can be infectious and other CNS depressant
exam of GIT 1-2 abolished by anticholinergic diseases, migraine that enhance sedating
amp IM or IV 10 drugs. Metoclopramide headache or drugs properties of this drug
min before increases the tone and including cancer
procedure. Renal amplitude of gastric (especially chemotherapy.
Impairment (CrCl antral) contractions, relaxes the Facilitate small
<40 mL/min) ½ the pyloric sphincter and the bowel intubation &
recommended duodenum and jejunum, radiological
dose. resulting in accelerated gastric procedures of GIT.
emptying and intestinal transit. It
increases the resting tone of the
Form: lower esophageal sphincter.
IV Pharmacokinetics: Peak
TAB plasma levels are reached 30-
60 min following an oral dose.
Excretion is primarily in the
urine. The plasma half-life is
about 3 hrs. Metoclopramide
undergoes minimal hepatic
metabolism, except for simple
conjugation. Its safe use has
been described in patients with
advanced liver disease whose
renal function was normal.
DRUG STUDY: Cotrimoxazole susp. (Macromed)
CI: Ma’am Valencia

Brand Name Dosage Mechanism of Action Indications Adverse Reaction Nursing Considerations

• Macromed • Cap Adult 1-2 cap • Blocks synthesis of • Uncomplicated Dermatologic: Rash, pruritus, • Assess allergic reactions
bid for 10-14 tetrahydrofolic UTIs caused by exfoliative dermatitis • Monitor I&O ratio
Generic Name: days. Susp Childn acid;combination blocks two susceptible • Monitor kidney function
• Cotrimoxazole 6-12 yr 1-2 tsp, 2-5 consecutive steps in strains of E. coli, GI: Epigastric distress, nausea, • Assess type of infection;
yr ½-1 tsp bid. bacterial synthesis of Proteus vomiting, glossitis obtain C&S before
Classification: essential nucleic acids, mirabilis, starting therapy
• Antibacterial Form: protein Klebsiella Hematologic: • Assess blood dyscrasias
Combinations SUSP pneumoniae, Thrombocytopenia, leukopenia,
CAP Enterobacter neutropenia, megaloblastic Precautions:
species, and anemia, methemoglobinemia, Pregnancy C, renal
coagulase- elevated serum transaminase and disease, eldery, G6PD
negative bilirubin, increased BUN and deficiency, impaired
Staphylococcus serum creatinine levels hepatic/renal disease,
species, possible folate
including Other: Fever deficiency, severe
Staphylococcus allergy, bronchial asthma

• Treatment of
acute otitis
media due to
strains of S.
and H. influenza
in children
DRUG STUDY: Pedialyte
CI: Ma’am Valencia

Brand Name Dosage Mechanism of Action Indications Adverse Reaction Nursing Considerations

• Pedialyte • Mix one pack • Pedialyte and Gatorade • To supplement • As sole therapy in severe • Assess allergic
with 8oz of water are advocated for the fluid & continuing diarrhea. Intractable reactions.
Generic Name: and drink. <1yr: treatment of dehydration in electrolyte loss vomiting. Adynamic ileus.
• Dextrose 5.7g, not viral gastroenteritis, but due to active Intestinal obstruction or • Monitor I&O ratio.
sodium 10.6Eq, recommended. there is limited evidence to play, prolonged perforated bowel. Anuria, oliguria,
potassium 4.7mEq, ≥1yr: Give every support their use. sun exposure, or impaired homeostatic • Note for the drugs,
chloride 8.3mEq, hot & humid mechanism. dosage, time,r oute,
1–4hrs; intake:
Calories 23; per environment. client.
pack; contains
• Note the side effects of
acesulfame; apple, Form: the drugs.
fruit punch, grape, or Liq (falvored)—
strawberry flavor. 1L
Liq (unflavored)
Classification: —2oz, 1L
• Electrolytes Singles—8oz
• A07CA - Oral Pwd (packets)—
rehydration salt 4, 8
formulations ; Used
in the treatment of

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