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Prototype Course Syllabus

Course Title: Analysis of Urine and Other Body Fluids

Course Description:

The course deals with the study of the gross, chemical and microscopic analyses of the different body fluids other than blood. It includes the importance of these body fluids to
body processes; the principles of the analytical procedures; interpretation of results and clinical significance of the physiologically important substances found in these body fluids. Quality
Assurance and Laboratory Safety are also given emphasis.

Course Credit: 3 units (2 units lecture, 1 unit laboratory)

Contact Hours: 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory per week (36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory per semester)

Prerequisites: Biochemistry, Human Anatomy and Physiology

Placement: Third Year, 2 Semester

Terminal Competencies: At the end of this course, the student is able to:
1. understand the principles and mechanisms involved in the formation, composition and general characteristics of different body fluids and secretions
2. perform the routine and special laboratory analyses of body fluids
3. recognize the importance of accurate and precise laboratory findings as aid to the diagnosis and treatment of disease
4. recognize normal test results and correlate abnormal findings with pathologic conditions
5. manifest medical technologist’s personal, social and professional responsibilities in helping restore or maintain the health of men with high moral and ethical standards.

1. Brunzel N.A. Fundamentals of Urine and Body Fluids Analysis. Pennsylvania: Saunders, 2004.
2. McClatchey, Kenneth. Clinical Laboratory Medicine 2 ed. USA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2002.
3. Mcpherson, Richard A. and Matthew R. Pincus. Henry’s Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods 21 ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Inc., 2007.
4. Sacher, Ronald and Richard McPherson. Widmann’s Clinical Interpretation of Laboratory Tests 11 ed. Thailand: F.A. Davis, 2000.
5. Schumann G.B. and Friendman S.K. Wet Urinalysis: Interpretations, Correlations and Implications. Chicago: ASCP Press, 2003.
6. Scott M., A. Gronowski and C. Eby. Tietz’s Applied Laboratory Medicine 2 ed. USA: Wiley-Liss, 2007.
7. Strasinger S.K. and Di Lorenzo M.S, Urinalysis and Body Fluids 5 ed. USA: F.A. Davis Company, 2008.

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8. U.S. Army Medical Department. Urinalysis Guide: Testing and Screening. USA: Quality Information Publishers Inc., 2001.

Electronic References:

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Learning Objectives / T.A. Teaching Strategies Skills Values Evaluation/Assessment
Intermediate Competencies Content
Lecture Laboratory
At the end of this unit, the student is I. Examination of Urine Large Group Demonstration Communication Honesty Written exam
able to: Lecture: 10 Discussion skills Commitment Oral examination
1. Rationalize the Importance of 1. Importance of urinalysis hrs Performance Responsibility Performance checklist
urine examination 2. QA/QC and Laboratory Safety Case analysis of Tests Problem- solving Accountability Practical examination
2. Discuss the competency 3. Competencies & Responsibilities of Medical skills Adherence to Return demonstration
requirements & responsibilities of Technologists in the Clinical Microscopy Assignments Output rules
a Medical Technologist in the section Presentation Technical skills Cooperation
Clinical Microscopy section 4. Definition of terms Teamwork
3. Define terms related to urinalysis Laboratory Concern for
5. Anatomy & Physiology of Kidney
and study of body fluids Safety others and the
4. Review of the anatomy &
6. Process of Urine Formation environment
6.1. Filtration
physiology of the kidney Identification Prudence in the
6.2. Reabsorption
5. Discuss the process of urine skills use of reagents &
6.3. Excretion
formation materials
6. Discuss patient preparation, 7. Patient preparation, specimen collection,
proper specimen collection, transport , handling, and disposal
transport, handling, preservation 8. Methods of urine preservation
and disposal 9. Types of urine sample and test/s performed
7. Correlate the different types of on each
urine sample with tests 10. Criteria in accepting urine sample
performed. 11. Physical/ Macroscopic Examination of
8. Characterize an acceptable urine Urine
sample 11.1. Color
9. Perform the physical/macroscopic 11.2. Transparency
urine examination 11.3. Volume
10. Correlate abnormal macroscopic 11.4. Specific Gravity
test results with pathologic 12. Microscopic Examination of Urine
conditions 12.1. Organized & Unorganized Sediments
11. Perform the microscopic urine 12.2. Parasites
examination 13. Chemical Examination
12. Describe the microscopic 13.1. Routine
structures seen in normal and 13.2. Special
abnormal urine samples 14. Renal Function Tests
13. Correlate microscopic test results 14.1. Creatinine Clearance Tests
with pathologic conditions 15. Renal Calculi
14. Discuss the principle involved in
16. Aminoacidurias
each of the chemical tests
15. Perform routine and special
17. Reference Values
chemical examination of urine 18. Clinical Significance
16. Discuss the physical and 19. Reporting of Test Results
chemical examination of renal
calculi Laboratory: 18
17. Correlate test results with 1. Review and Demonstration of Laboratory hrs
pathologic conditions Safety Guidelines and Procedures

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18. Recognize normal test results in 1.1. Barrier precautions
urine examination 1.2. Disinfection process
19. Apply quality assurance in urine 1.3. Proper handling, labeling of urine
examination samples and waste disposal
20. Report correct test results using 1.4. Cleaning of glasswares
standard format of reporting 1.5. Referral System
2. Routine Urinalysis
2.1. Macroscopic Exam
2.1.1. Color
2.1.2. Transparency
2.1.3. Specific gravity Urinometer Refractometer
2.1.4. pH
2.2. Microscopic Exam
2.2.1. Cells Normal Abnormal
2.2.2. Casts
2.2.3. Crystals
2.2.4. Parasites
2.3. Chemical Examination
2.3.1. Routine & Special Tube Method Use of strips Protein Sugar Bilirubin Occult
blood/Hemoglobin Urobilinogen Urobilin Nitrites Leukocyte
esterase Others
2.4. Creatinine Clearance Test
2.5. Screening Tests for Aminoacidurias
At the end of this unit, the student is II. Pregnancy Test Large Group Demonstration Communication Honesty Written exam
able to: Lecture: 2 hrs Discussion skills Commitment Oral examination
1. Define terms related to pregnancy 1. Definition of Terms Performance Responsibility Performance checklist
test 2. Purpose of Pregnancy Test Case analysis of Tests Problem- solving Accountability Practical examination
2. State the purpose of pregnancy 3. Patient Preparation skills Adherence to Return demonstration
test 4. Specimen collection, processing and Assignments Output rules
3. Determine acceptability of urine preservation Presentation Technical skills Cooperation
sample for pregnancy test 5. Acceptable urine Teamwork
4. State the principle of the different 6. Different pregnancy tests Laboratory Concern for

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pregnancy tests 7. Quantitative pregnancy test Safety others and the
5. Discuss quantitative pregnancy 8. Interpretation of test results environment
test 9. Sources of error Identification Prudence in the
6. Correlate test results 10. Quality assurance/quality control skills use of reagents &
7. Identify sources of errors and 11. Reporting of test results materials
corrective measures
8. Apply concepts of quality Laboratory: 6 hrs
assurance and quality control 1 Pregnancy Test
9. Correctly report test results using 1.1 Biologic
the standard format 1.2 Immunologic
1.3 Others
2 Laboratory Safety
At the end of this unit, the student is III. Examination of Feces Large Group Demonstration Communication Honesty Written exam
able to: Lecture: 4 hrs Discussion skills Commitment Oral examination
1. Define terms 1. Definition of Terms Performance Responsibility Performance checklist
2. Discuss patient preparation 2. Patient Preparation Case analysis of Tests Problem- solving Accountability Practical examination
3. Describe methods of collection, 3. Specimen Collection, processing, skills Adherence to Return demonstration
proper transport, preservation, preservation, handling and disposal Assignments Output rules
handling and disposal 4. Acceptable stool specimen & prepared Presentation Technical skills Cooperation
4. Characterize acceptable stool smear Teamwork
specimen for routine examination 5. Macroscopic Exam Laboratory Concern for
5. Perform routine stool examination 5.1. Color Safety others and the
6. Describe the microscopic 5.2. Consistency environment
structures seen in normal and 5.3. Adult Worm Identification Prudence in the
pathologic stool 5.4. Blood/Mucus/Proglottids skills use of reagents &
7. Describe an acceptable smear for 6. Microscopic Exam materials
microscopic examination 6.1. Cells
8. Perform routine and special 6.2. Ova or Parasites
chemical examination 6.3. Yeast/fungi
9. Discuss chemical constituents of 6.4. Crystals
stool according to source: clinical 7. Purpose of the Exam
significance, methods used for 8. Normal Stool
analysis and principle involved of 9. Chemical Examination: Routine & Special
each test 10. Clinical Significance
10. Correlate test results with 11. Sources of error
pathologic conditions 12. Quality assurance/quality control
11. Discuss variables that affect test 13. Reporting of test results
12. Apply concepts of quality Laboratory: 6 hrs
assurance Routine Stool Examination
13. Report correct test results using 1. Macroscopic Exam
the standard format 1.1. Color
1.2. Consistency
1.3. Gross blood
1.4. Adult Worm, proglottids, etc.
2. Microscopic
2.1. Cells

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2.2. Parasites: Different stages
2.3. Undigested materials
2.4. Crystals
2.5. Others
3. Chemical Examination
3.1. Occult Blood
3.2. Fecal Fat
3.3. Urobilinogen and Urobilin
3.4. Bilirubin
3.5. Others
4. Special Chemical Examination
4.1. Apt & Downey test
4.2. D’xylose test
4.3. Others
5. Laboratory Safety
At the end of this unit, the student is IV. Examination of Cerebrospinal Fluid Large Group Demonstration Communication Honesty Written exam
able to: Lecture: 5 hrs Discussion skills Commitment Oral examination
1. Define terms 1. Definition of Terms Performance Responsibility Performance checklist
2. Explain the process of CSF 2. Importance of Seminal Fluid analysis Case analysis of Tests Problem- solving Accountability Practical examination
formation 3. Process of formation & elimination skills Adherence to Return demonstration
3. Describe the collection, transport, 4. Methods and sites of collection & Assignments Output rules
handling, processing, preservation precautions involved Presentation Technical skills Cooperation
and disposal of sample 5. Transport, handling, processing, Teamwork
4. Describe an acceptable CSF preservation & disposal Laboratory Concern for
sample for routine examination 6. Acceptable CSF sample Safety others and the
5. Characterize a normal CSF 7. Characteristic of a normal CSF environment
6. Discuss the importance of CSF 8. Routine Examination Identification Prudence in the
analysis 8.1. Macroscopic skills use of reagents &
7. Perform routine CSF examination 8.2. Microscopic materials
8. Discuss principle involved of each 8.3. Chemical : Routine and Special
test performed on CSF 8.4. Gram stain and Culture
9. Classify bacterial, viral and fungal 8.5. Serologic Test (e.g. VDRL)
meningitis based on test results 9. Reference Values
10. Correlate abnormal test results 10. Referral of specimens
with pathologic findings 11. Clinical Significance: Bacterial, Viral, Fungal
11. Discuss variables that affect test 12. Sources of error
results 13. Quality Assurance/quality control
12. Apply concepts of quality 14. Reporting of test results
assurance and quality control
13. Report the test results based on Laboratory: 9 hrs
the standard format 1. Routine CSF exam
1.1. Macroscopic
1.1.1. Color
1.1.2. Transparency
1.1.3. Presence of clot
1.2. Microscopic
1.2.1. WBC count

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1.2.2. Differential count
1.2.3. Corrected WBC count
1.3. Chemical
1.3.1. Glucose
1.3.2. Protein
1.3.3. Albumin
1.3.4. Globulin
1.4. India ink stain
1.5. Gram stain
1.6. Culture
1.7. Serology – VDRL, etc.
2. Laboratory Safety
At the end of this unit, the student is V. Examination of Seminal Fluid Large Group Demonstration Communication Honesty Written exam
able to: Lecture: 5 hrs Discussion skills Commitment Oral examination
1. Define terms 1. Definition of terms Performance Responsibility Performance checklist
2. Discuss formation of seminal fluid 2. Formation of Seminal Fluid Case analysis of Tests Problem- solving Accountability Practical examination
3. Enumerate the patient 3. Patient preparation skills Adherence to Return demonstration
requirements 4. Specimen collection, handling, transport, Assignments Output rules
4. Discuss methods of collection, preservation & processing Presentation Technical skills Cooperation
transport, handling, processing, 5. Acceptable sample Teamwork
preservation and proper disposal 6. Routine Examination Laboratory Concern for
5. Characterize an acceptable 6.1. Macroscopic Safety others and the
specimen for routine testing 6.2. Liquefaction time environment
6. Describe a normal seminal fluid 6.3. Viability test Identification Prudence in the
7. Perform a routine semen analysis 6.4. Motility skills use of reagents &
8. Explain the significance of seminal 6.5. Cell count & differential count materials
fluid analysis 6.6. Chemical examination
9. Discuss principle involved in each 7. Special Examinations
test performed 8. Reference Values
10. Correlate test results with 9. Clinical Significance of Seminal fluid
pathologic conditions analysis: Infertility & Vasectomy
11. Discuss variables that affect test 10. Sources of error
results 11. Quality assurance/quality control
12. Apply concepts of quality 12. Reporting of test results
assurance and quality control
13. Report test results based on the Laboratory 9 hrs
standard format 1. Seminal Fluid Examination
1.1. Verbalize Instruction related to patient
1.2. Macroscopic
1.2.1. Color
1.2.2. Consistency
1.2.3. Volume
1.2.4. Liquidation Time
1.3. Microscopic
1.3.1. Motility
1.3.2. Sperm account

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1.3.3. Differential count, other
microscopic structure
1.4. ph
1.5. Viability Test
1.6. Other test: Fructose, etc.
2. Laboratory Safety
At the end of this unit, the student is VI. Examination of Sputum Large Group Demonstration Communication Honesty Written exam
able to: Lecture 2 hrs Discussion skills Commitment Oral examination
1. Define terms 1. Definition of terms Performance Responsibility Performance checklist
2. Discuss formation of sputum 2. Formation of sputum Case analysis of Tests Problem- solving Accountability Practical examination
3. Enumerate guidelines regarding 3. Patient requirements & preparation skills Adherence to Return demonstration
patients preparation 4. Acceptable sample Assignments Output rules
4. Discuss methods of collection, 5. Specimen collection, transport, handling, Presentation Technical skills Cooperation
transport, handling, processing, processing & disposal Teamwork
preservation & proper disposal 6. Routine examination Laboratory Concern for
5. Characterize an acceptable 6.1. Macroscopic exam Safety others and the
specimen for routine testing 6.2. Microscopic exam (cells, parasites, environment
6. Describe a normal sputum etc. Identification Prudence in the
7. Explain the significance of fluid 6.3. Gram stain skills use of reagents &
analyses 6.4. Acid fast stain materials
8. Discuss principle involved of each 7. Reference values
test performed 8. Clinical significance
9. Perform sputum examination. 9. Sources of error
10. Correlate test results with 10. Quality assurance/quality control
pathologic condition 11. Reporting of test results
11. Identify sources of error & effect
on test results Laboratory: 6 hrs
12. Apply concepts of quality 1. Examination of sputum
assurance and quality control 1.1. Macroscopic examination
13. Report test results based on the 1.1.1. Color
standard format 1.1.2. Consistency
1.1.3. Macroscopic Structures
1.2. Microscopic
1.2.1. Gram staining
1.2.2. Formed elements
1.2.3. Bacteria/Fungi
1.2.4. Cells and other microscopic
1.2.5. Parasites
1.3. Gram stain and Acid Fast stain
2. Laboratory Safety
At the end of this unit, the student is VII. Examination of Amniotic Fluid Large Group Communication Honesty Written exam
able to: Lecture: 2 hrs Discussion skills Commitment Oral examination
1. Define terms 1. Definition of Terms Responsibility Return demonstration
2. Discuss formation of amniotic fluid 2. Formation and composition of amniotic fluid Case analysis Problem- solving Accountability
3. Discuss guidelines regarding 3. Patient requirements & preparation skills Adherence to
patients preparation 4. Acceptable sample Assignments rules

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4. Discuss methods of collection, 5. Specimen collection, transport, handling, Technical skills Cooperation
transport, handling, processing & processing and disposal Teamwork
proper disposal 6. Macroscopic Exam Laboratory Concern for
5. Characterize an acceptable 7. Tests to determine fetal distress, fetal lung Safety others
specimen for routine testing maturity & HDN
6. Describe a normal amniotic fluid 8. Reference values Identification
7. Explain the significance of 9. Clinical Significance skills
amniotic fluid analysis 10. Sources of error
8. Discuss principle involved in each 11. Quality Assurance and control
test 12. Reporting of test results
9. Correlate test results with 13. Laboratory Safety
pathologic conditions
10. Discuss variables that affect test
11. Apply concepts of quality
assurance and quality control
12. Report the test results based on
the standard format
At the end of this unit, the student is VIII. Examination of Transudates and Exudates Large Group Communication Honesty Written exam
able to: Lecture: 2 hrs Discussion skills Commitment Oral examination
1. Define terms 1. Definition of terms Responsibility Return demonstration
2. Discuss formation of these fluids 2. Formation of these fluids Case analysis Problem- solving Accountability
3. Characterize transudates and 3. Patient requirements & preparation skills Adherence to
exudates 4. Acceptable sample Assignments rules
4. Enumerate the patient 5. Specimen collection, transport, handling, Technical skills Cooperation
requirements processing & disposal Teamwork
5. Discuss methods of collection, 6. Macroscopic exam Laboratory Concern for
transport, handling, processing 7. Microscopic exam Safety others
and proper disposal 8. Chemical Examination
6. Characterize an acceptable 9. Reference values Identification
specimen for routine testing 10. Clinical significance skills
7. Explain the significance of fluid 11. Sources of error
analyses 12. Quality assurance and control
8. Discuss principle involved of each 13. Reporting of test results
test performed 14. Laboratory Safety
9. Correlate test results with
pathologic conditions
10. Discuss variables that affect test
11. Apply concepts of quality
assurance and quality control
12. Report test results based on the
standard format
At the end of this unit, the student is IX. Examination of Synovial Fluid Large Group Communication Honesty Written exam
able to: Lecture: 2 hrs Discussion skills Commitment Oral examination
1. Define terms 1. Definition of terms Responsibility Return demonstration
2. Discuss formation of synovial fluid 2. Formation of synovial fluid Case analysis Problem- solving Accountability

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3. Enumerate the patient 3. Patient requirements & preparation skills Adherence to
requirements 4. Acceptable sample Assignments rules
4. Discuss methods of collection, 5. Specimen collection, transport, handling, Technical skills Cooperation
transport, handling, processing processing & disposal Teamwork
and proper disposal 6. Anticoagulants Laboratory Concern for
5. Characterize an acceptable 7. Macroscopic examination Safety others
specimen for routine testing 8. Microscopic examination
6. Describe a normal synovial fluid 9. Strings test Identification
7. Explain the significance of synovial 10. Chemical Tests skills
fluid analyses 11. Serological Tests
8. Discuss principle involved of each 12. Gram stain and culture
test performed 13. Reference values
9. Correlate test results with 14. Clinical significance
pathologic conditions 15. Sources of error
10. Discuss variables that affect test 16. Quality assurance/quality control
results 17. Reporting of test results
11. Apply concepts of quality 18. Laboratory Safety
assurance and quality control
12. Report the test results based on
the standard format
At the end of this unit, the student is X. Examination of Gastric Juice and Duodenal Large Group Communication Honesty Written exam
able to: Contents Discussion skills Commitment Oral examination
1. Define terms Lecture: 2 hrs Responsibility Return demonstration
2. Discuss formation of gastric juice 1. Definition of terms Case analysis Problem- solving Accountability
and other duodenal contents 2. Formation of these fluids skills Adherence to
3. Enumerate the patient 3. Patient requirements & preparation Assignments rules
requirements 4. Acceptable sample Technical skills Cooperation
4. Discuss methods of collection, 5. Specimen collection, transport, handling, Teamwork
transport, handling, processing & processing & disposal Laboratory Concern for
proper disposal 6. Macroscopic exam Safety others
5. Characterize an acceptable 7. Microscopic exam
specimen for routine testing 8. Test for Total Acidity, Free HACL etc. Identification
6. Describe normal gastric juice and 9. Reference values skills
duodenal contents 10. Clinical significance
7. Explain the significance of fluid 11. Sources of error
analyses 12. Quality assurance/quality control
8. Discuss principle involved of each 13. Reporting of test results
test performed 14. Laboratory Safety
9. Correlate test results with
pathologic conditions
10. Discuss variables that affect test
11. Apply concepts of quality
assurance and quality control
12. Report the test results based on
the standard format

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Technical Working Group for Prototype Course Syllabi Development

Zennie Aceron Frederick Llanera Anacleta Valdez

Petrona Benitez Carina Magbojos Rowen Yolo
Sergia Cacatian Gregorio Martin
Zenaida Cajucom Fe Martinez and other PASMETH members
Edwin Cancino Josephine Milan not cited in this page who in
Jacinta Cruz Ferdinand Mortel one way or another has
De Carlos Leon Magdalena Natividad contributed greatly to the
success of this endeavor…
Oliver Shane Dumaoal Rodolfo Rabor
Bernard Ebuen Ma. Teresa Rodriguez
Nini Lim Celia Roslin

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