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Big Apple Softball League 2010 Playoff Schedules

Abbreviations: RI=Randall's Island, RH=Red Hook, PP=Prospect Park, HRP=Hudson River Park

Dima Playoff Bracket (Saturday, July 31, Randall's Island)

Seed 2 D1 7/31
Seed 3 RI #24 9:00 D2 7/31
Seed 1 RI #24 10:15
D4 7/31
RI #24 12:45
Loser-D1 D3 7/31 D5 7/31 Champion
Loser-D2 RI #24 11:30 RI #24 2:00
(If nec.)

Stonewall Playoff Bracket (Saturday/Sunday, August 7 at Randall's Island, August 8 at Red Hook)
Seed 1 St4 8/07
Seed 4 St1 8/07 RI #13 1:30
Seed 5 RI #13 12:00 St9 8/08
Seed 3 St2 8/07 RH #8 12:00
Seed 6 RI #13 10:30 St5 8/07
Seed 2 St3 8/07 RI #25 12:00
Seed 7 RI #25 10:30
St12 8/08
Loser-St2 St6 8/07 RH #8 3:00
Loser-St3 RI #25 1:30 St7 8/07 St13 8/08 Champion
Loser-St4 RI #14 3:00 RH #8 4:30
St10 8/08 (If nec.)
RH #8 10:30
Loser-St1 St8 8/07 St11 8/08
Loser-St5 RI #13 3:00 RH #8 1:30

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Big Apple Softball League 2010 Playoff Schedules
Abbreviations: RI=Randall's Island, RH=Red Hook, PP=Prospect Park, HRP=Hudson River Park

Fitzpatrick Playoff Bracket (Saturday/Sunday, July 31-August 1 at Randall's Island)

Seed 1 F4 7/31
Seed 4 F1 7/31 RI #13 1:30
Seed 5 RI #13 12:00 F9 7/31
Seed 3 F2 7/31 RI #13 4:30
Seed 6 RI #13 10:30 F5 7/31
Seed 2 F3 7/31 RI #25 12:00
Seed 7 RI #25 10:30
F12 8/01
Loser-F2 F6 7/31 RI #26 12:00
Loser-F3 RI #25 1:30 F7 7/31 F13 8/01 Champion
Loser-F4 RI #14 3:00 RI #26 1:30
F10 7/31 (If nec.)
RI #14 4:30
Loser-F1 F8 7/31 F11 8/01
Loser-F5 RI #13 3:00 RI #26 10:30

Rainbow Playoff Bracket (Saturdays, August 7 at Randall's Island and August 14 at Hudson River Park)
Seed 1 R1 8/07
Seed 8 RI #33 10:30 R5 8/07
Seed 4 R2 8/07 RI #33 1:30
Seed 5 RI #33 12:00 R11 8/14
Seed 3 R3 8/07 HRP#1 10:30
Seed 6 RI #34 10:30 R6 8/07
Seed 2 R4 8/07 RI #34 1:30
Seed 7 RI #34 12:00
R14 8/14
Loser-R1 R7 8/07 HRP#1 1:30
Loser-R2 RI #33 3:00 R9 8/07 R15 8/14 Champion
Loser-R6 RI #33 4:30 HRP#1 3:00
R12 8/14 (If nec.)
Loser-R3 R8 HRP#2 10:30
Loser-R4 RI #34 3:00 R10 8/07 R13 8/14
Loser-R5 RI #34 4:30 HRP#1 12:00

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Big Apple Softball League 2010 Playoff Schedules
Abbreviations: RI=Randall's Island, RH=Red Hook, PP=Prospect Park, HRP=Hudson River Park

Sachs Playoff Bracket (Saturday-Sunday, August 7 at Hudson River Park and August 8 at Prospect Park)
Seed 1 Sx3 8/07
Seed 4 Sx1 8/07 HRP#1 12:00
Seed 5 HRP#1 10:30 Sx7 8/07

Seed 3 Sx2 8/07 HRP#1 3:00

Seed 6 HRP#2 10:30 Sx4 8/07
Seed 2 HRP#2 12:00

Sx10 8/08
Loser-Sx2 Sx5 8/07 PP #4 2:30
Loser-Sx3 HRP#1 1:30 Sx11 8/08 Champion
Sx8 8/07 PP #4 4:00
HRP#2 3:00 (If nec.)
Loser-Sx1 Sx6 8/07 Sx9 8/08
Loser-Sx4 HRP#2 1:30 PP #4 1:00

Women Playoff Bracket (Saturday/Sunday, July 31 at Randall's Island, August 1 at Red Hook)
Seed 1 W2 7/31
Seed 8 W1 7/31 RI #33 12:00
Seed 9 RI #33 9:00 W8 7/31
RI #34 3:00
Seed 4 W3 7/31
Seed 5 RI #33 10:30 W13 8/01
Seed 3 W4 7/31 RH #8 12:00
Seed 6 RI #34 9:00 W9 7/31
Seed 2 W5 7/31 RI #34 1:30
Seed 7 RI #34 10:30
W16 8/01
Loser-W1 W6 7/31 RH #8 3:00
Loser-W3 RI #33 1:30 W10 7/31 W17 8/01 Champion
Loser-W2 RI #33 3:00 W11 7/31 RH #8 4:30
Loser-W9 RI #33 4:30 (If nec.)
W14 8/01
Loser-W4 W7 7/31 RH #8 10:30
Loser-W5 RI #34 12:00 W12 7/31 W15 8/01
Loser-W8 RI #34 4:30 RH #8 1:30

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