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Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service F-6414

Planting Trees and Shrubs

David Hillock
Extension Consumer Horticulturist Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Fact Sheets
are also available on our website at:
Mike Schnelle
Extension Ornamental Horticulturist

Trees and shrubs normally increase the value of real Potted plants are bare-root plants that have been grown
estate. A combination of trees and shrubs can lower energy in the field, but they are put in a soil mix in papier mâché pots
consumption as well. Trees have the greatest impact on the for ease of handling. This does not provide the same quality
living environment, thus it is best to select adapted, pest-free plant as a plant grown in a container. Roses, for example,
trees and plant them properly. are commonly marketed this way.
Planting begins with the selection of species adapted to Regardless of container material, papier mâché, ridged
the site and climate. For example, pin oak and sweetgum will plastic, polyethylene, etc., remove it at the time of planting.
develop chlorosis in alkaline soils. This is due to their inability
to take up/utilize certain micronutrients when growing in near
neutral to alkaline soils. Yet sweetgum will tolerate poorly
Planting Times
drained, clay soils that would kill an oak. While an oak has Planting time varies from fall to spring by plant type and
some drought tolerance, sweetgum has none. The time to method of growing. Research suggests that early fall planting is
decide on the species is long before you go to the nursery to best for container-grown and B&B shade and ornamental trees
select the tree or shrub. For more information, contact your and pines, but spring is best for planting bare-root plants and
county Extension educator, local nursery personnel, park or broadleaf evergreens, such as holly and Southern magnolia.
arboretum manager, or study areas of your city that have Plants planted in the fall have more time for the root system
mature trees. to become established before the onset of summer heat.
To ensure successful tree establishment, the following Plants installed during the growing season are susceptible
planting techniques and methods should be used. to high transpiration rates leading to drying of plant tissues.
However, many containerized plants can be planted any time
if handled properly.
Plant Types Most bare-root or packaged plants should be planted
Today several types of plant production techniques are between mid-February and mid-April or up to the end of the
used to grow plants offering the consumer several options. frost period. Other than seedling-sized evergreens, only de-
Each has advantages and disadvantages, which are discussed ciduous plants can be transplanted with bare roots, and then
below and will dictate the manner in which they are handled only when dormant or leafless.
and planted. No matter which plant type is chosen, it is always
important to choose a quality grown plant.
Bare-root or packaged plants should be dormant (not
showing new growth). The bare-root plant is often prepack-
aged in a colorful bag. Open the bag immediately and dampen
the roots until planting. At planting remove all bags, strings,
or wires (Figure 1a)
Balled and burlapped (B&B) plants are dug with roots and
soil intact and covered with burlap (Figure 1b). Still, 90 percent
or more of the roots have been lost. Evergreens and large
trees are often sold B&B. These plants will be more expensive
than bare-root plants because of labor costs both in digging
and handling as well as increased shipping expenses. With
B&B plants, burlap should be tight around root balls, and the
ball should move with the plant as it is tilted.
Container growing is a common method of producing
high quality plants with costs similar to B&B. Less loss from
transplanting container-grown plants occurs since few to no
roots are lost if the plant was grown in the container. Roots
Figure 1a. Figure 1b. Figure 1c.
should not be growing out of container drain holes nor circling
“Bare-Root” plants. “B&B” plants. “Container” or
around the inside of the pot (Figure 1c).
“Potted” plants.

Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources • Oklahoma State University

Handling Trees and Shrubs Planting Bare Root Trees and Shrubs
Trees and shrubs should be planted at the same depth
before Planting at which they were growing in the container or field nursery.
Avoiding unnecessary damage and stress to plants prior There is a texture and color change between the trunk or stem
to planting will ensure better success. Keep the root ball moist. and the roots. The base of the plant should not be covered
Handle a plant by the container, not by the trunk or stems. with more than about one inch of soil. Planting too deep is a
Roots of mail order plants (when bare-root) should be placed major cause of plant failure, especially in poorly drained clay
in water immediately upon receipt or lined out in the flower soil.
bed or garden by digging a shallow trench, placing roots in Holes for bare-root plants should be dug large enough
the trench and covering with soil or other material such as to accommodate the roots without crowding or twisting. The
straw, until permanent planting can be done. hole should be no deeper than the original root depth and at
It is critical to keep the roots of all plants damp or moist least twice the spread of roots. Broken and badly damaged
until the moment of planting. Be careful when planting not roots should be removed. A mound or cone may be made in
to break the ball of roots. Breaking the root ball is often fatal the center of the hole to accommodate the spread of roots
to young trees and shrubs, especially pines. Strings used to and allow the tree or shrub to rest at the proper depth while
secure the burlap to the base of the tree and the burlap itself backfilling the hole (Figure 2).
should be removed from the root ball after placing the root Work the soil under and around the roots to remove air
ball in the hole. Be especially careful to remove strings from pockets. Firm the soil while filling until the hole is three-quar-
around the trunk. When planting potted plants, tear the sides ters full, and then fill the hole with water. This will settle soil
off the pot and handle carefully. around the roots. After the water has soaked in, finish filling
the hole with soil and water again. If the soil around the plant
Planting Sizes settles, bring it back up to grade with additional soil.
The optimum tree planting size for most homeowners Thoroughly water B&B, container, and bare-root plants
that ensures transplanting success and is more cost effective before planting. A dry root ball may not get thoroughly wet
is a five-gallon container. Five-gallon-sized container-grown at planting. Never leave roots exposed to air. Very fine root
shrubs or 24- to 30-inch bare-root shrubs are preferable over hairs, which are not visible to the naked eye, are responsible
smaller seedlings. However, this is merely a rule of thumb for moisture and nutrient uptake and are killed when exposed
as success can be realized with various sized plants when to dry air for even a very short period. Keep the roots damp
attention to detail is employed. and covered while preparing the planting hole to protect the
fine root hairs.

Planting Methods and Techniques Balled and Burlapped, Container-Grown,

and Potted Plants
Preparing the Hole B&B, container, and potted plants should be planted in
Preparing the planting area properly before planting is a similar manner as bare-root plants, except eliminate the
very important. Beyond climatic adaptation, soil drainage or mound (Figure 3). The hole should be no deeper than the
percolation is the greatest limitation to successful transplants
in urban soils. A poorly drained clay soil is either too wet or
too dry for all but the most durable trees and shrubs.
Most urban soils are abused during construction pro-
cesses. Loamy soils often have been removed or compacted
during construction. The foundation of a building is also a
convenient burial ground for construction debris! Probe the
bed 12 to 18 inches deep for building debris and remove it. Soil
drainage, compaction, and building debris problems must be
resolved before planting is done. Do not apply amendments
to the backfill, and do not line crushed stone or gravel on
the bottom of the hole. Neither of these methods improves
The easiest way to help a young tree or shrub survive
is to dig the planting hole much wider than is normally done.
In fact, it is much better to dig an entire bed area for shrubs,
rather than individual holes. When preparing individual holes,
dig the planting hole two to three times the diameter of the
tree or shrub’s root ball and no deeper than the root ball itself.
Since most Oklahoma soils are clay, plant trees and shrubs
one to two inches above grade. Planting above grade leaves
roots susceptible to desiccation; therefore, it’s imperative to
immediately mulch above ground plantings. Plant trees and
Figure 2. Planting bare root plants. Make hole two to three
shrubs at original grade in sandy soils. When backfilling, be
times wider than the root system. A mound may be needed to
sure to bring soil up to the top edge of the root ball so that
rest the plant on. Add soil, press, but do not stomp to firm the
roots are not left exposed. The sizes of the holes discussed
soil around the roots. Fill the hole with water and let it drain.
in this fact sheet are considered minimum standards.
Fill the hole with soil to the planting line on trunk and water
again. Do not pack the soil again.

as their soilless mixes can dry or shed water while the bed
or surrounding soil remains damp. If you have several young
trees and shrubs, a trickle irrigation system would be wise.
Be cautious not to overwater or the amount of oxygen in
the soil will be lowered to a level that will damage roots. Make
certain the timing and patterns of lawn watering systems are
not overlapping into plant beds and too much water is being

Figure 3. B&B and various container plants. Mulching

Keep a four to six foot, grass-free circle around young
root ball itself and should be at least 2 times wider than the trees and shrubs the first two to three years. Benefits of mulch-
root ball. Remember, when planting in clay or poorly drained ing to create a weed and turf-free area include reduced plant
soils, dig the hole less deep so that the top of the root ball is competition for water and nutrients and even soil temperature
one to two inches above grade. When backfilling, be sure to and moisture.
bring soil up to the top edge of the root ball so that roots are Keep the grass-free circle filled with two to four inches
not left exposed. of organic mulch, such as leaf mold, compost, bark, grass
clippings, or straw. DO NOT use plastic under the mulch to
prevent weeds. Roots are drawn to the surface and may
Backfilling the Planting Hole be damaged by summer heat and winter cold. Consult with
Studies have shown that in most cases it is not beneficial nursery or garden personnel for landscape fabrics that
to apply amendments to the backfill. In fact, it often delays “breathe” allowing for gaseous exchange. Do not use rock
establishment of the tree or shrub, and may result in further mulches that transfer heat directly to the roots or limestone
complications such as root rot. If soil amendments such as chat that releases calcium into the soil. Do not mound mulch
leaf mold or peat moss are needed to improve soil condi- up against the trunk of trees or shrubs. Keep the mulch two
tions, it is better to prepare an entire bed or area rather than to four inches away from the trunk; this is particularly helpful
individual holes. Do not put crushed stone or gravel in the in preventing rodent damage during winter months. Exces-
bottom of the hole! Gravel placed in the bottom of the whole sive mulch against a trunk may also result in an environment
will hinder water movement, thus creating soggy conditions favorable to disease and insect attack. For more information
in the bottom of the hole. The best backfill around a new tree on mulching, refer to OSU Extension Fact Sheet F-6005,
or shrub is native soil. Fortunately, many ornamental trees “Mulching Garden Soils.”
and shrubs grow well in a variety of soils.
Pruning the New Tree
Fertilizing Avoid overpruning new trees. Do not top or cut back
A new tree or shrub has a very limited capacity for utiliz- shade trees at planting. It does not benefit the plant and often
ing fertilizer until it becomes established, thus fertilization causes an undesirable fork in the main trunk. Do not prune
often is not recommended at the time of planting. Excessive top growth when planting in an attempt to compensate for root
fertilizer in the root zone can be damaging, so do not add loss for either trees or shrubs. Recent research has shown
fertilize to the backfill or dump it into the bottom of the hole. this practice to be of no value and perhaps even counter-
If fertilizer is used at planting or in the first growing season, productive. Excessive pruning at planting reduces leaf area,
consider a controlled-release or diluted liquid fertilizer on the which decreases the amount of plant energy generated that is
soil surface. needed to create a healthy root system. When transplanting
Ideally, young trees and shrubs may be fertilized from woody plants, the only necessary pruning is the removal of
March through July. For more information on fertilizing, refer broken or damaged branches.
to OSU Extension Fact Sheet F-6412, “Fertilizing Shade and Overpruning may also result in sunscald and inhibit tree
Ornamental Trees and Shrubs.” growth. Leave lower limbs intact if possible for the first few
seasons. Small lower limbs will provide shade to thin-barked
species thus protecting them from sunscald injury. Remove
Watering injured or diseased branches only.
Newly planted trees and shrubs should be watered well Pecan trees are the exception to this rule. Their survival
at the time of planting. Natural rainfall is usually not adequate is greatly increased if the trunk or branching is cut back to 50
to provide the moisture needs of recently installed landscape percent of its total length at planting. If young fruit trees are to
plants. be planted to double as yard trees, you may want to cut them
Generally, young plantings need an equivalent of one inch back to stimulate branching. However, avoid low branching as
or more of rain per week. Newly planted trees and shrubs may harvest comes but once a year; whereas mowing and other
need to be watered two or three times a week in extremely routine activities around and under the tree may be nearly
hot, dry, windy weather because their root systems cannot year round. Refer to OSU Extension Fact Sheet F-6409 for
take up the amount of water needed to replenish the water lost detailed information regarding tree pruning.
through leaves. Watch for signs of wilting as one indicator that
the plant needs water. But also be aware that some plants in
chronically wet sites may also wilt. Feeling or probing in the Staking
soil around the root ball is also another way to monitor soil Stake young trees sparingly and briefly when possible.
moisture. Apply water slowly at the base of newly installed In fact, prolonged staking can have detrimental effects on the
plants. This is especially important for container grown plants development of the tree. Too often, staking materials end up

injuring or girdling a tree. Stake when top-heavy or planted Protective wraps are available and may provide protection by
in windswept areas. modifying temperatures for thin-barked trees. Plastic wraps
If a tree needs to be staked, use no more stakes than may provide better protection than paper wraps against lawn
absolutely necessary. Leave the tree as much freedom to mower, weed-eater, and rodent damage. If misused, however,
move as possible. As the tree flexes or “exercises,” it develops damage may occur in the form of trunk girdling or constriction,
greater strength faster (trunk broadens faster when sway is insects, diseases, and excessive bark moisture.
allowed). Do not make the trunk rigid. Also, do not run wires Protective wraps may not be necessary at planting time.
or anything else around the trunk. Instead, use material that Use based on the type of protection needed. Normal application
is broad, smooth and somewhat elastic. Stakes should be of tree trunk wraps is October to March for the first two growing
placed into solid ground far enough away from the tree so seasons. Wraps should be removed each spring prior to spring
that the tree does not rub against it in the wind. Do not drive growth. During spring growth the trunk expands and increases
stakes into the root ball of the tree or damage to roots may in size. Wraps too tightly wrapped or left on during this time
occur (Figure 4). may result in constriction to the trunk. Tree wraps should be
Use straps of chair webbing made of plastic or cotton fiber applied loosely from base up to the first branch by overlapping
available commercially that already have grommets inserted for a shingle effect (Figure 5). Plastic wraps should fit loosely
through the ends. Then, put the wire through the grommet and and include holes or slits for good air movement. Periodically
tie it to a stake. This soft webbing material is less abrasive inspect the wraps for trunk damage and insects.
than the hose and wire method in common use. Seedling trees and shrubs or young plants may need a
Triple staking provides more protection against strong shelter from weather extremes during either the winter or sum-
wind. Support stakes and guy wires generally should be re- mer. Cheesecloth, burlap, or various other windbreaks can be
moved after one growing season. If staking is left in place for used. Unfortunately, antidesiccants generally do not relieve
more than two years, the tree’s ability to stand alone may be plant stress in Oklahoma in winter or summer (Figure 6).
reduced, and the chances of girdling injury are increased.
Trunk Protective Materials • Check soil drainage and correct problems found
Young, thin-barked trees such as ash, birch, linden, • Use no amendments in the backfill soil
maples and others often sunscald unless protected. The • Mulch with organic matter such as pine bark or straw
twigs that shade the trunk should be left, but cut back a few • Do not put plastic under mulch
inches so they become denser. A twiggy trunk is preferable • Keep a grass-free circle around young trees for two
to tree wraps, but not all trees have enough twigs, nor is it years
always practical or aesthetically pleasing to leave lower limbs. • Do not prune back the tops of trees except to remove
narrow “V” forks in the main trunks
• Fertilize trees and shrubs on the soil surface only if
necessary as determined by a soil test
• Stake only if necessary

Good trees, when properly planted, will reward the planter

and the next generation with luxuriant growth, shade, and

Figure 4. This method in no way damages the tree trunk, Figure 5. Wrapping Figure 6. Protect young plants
unless the webbing is too abrasive or if the wind bangs young trees. from wind and sun.
the tree against the stake.

Oklahoma State University, in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Americans
with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, disability, or status as a veteran in
any of its policies, practices, or procedures. This includes but is not limited to admissions, employment, financial aid, and educational services.

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Robert E. Whitson, Director of Cooperative Exten-
sion Service, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. This publication is printed and issued by Oklahoma State University as authorized by the Vice President, Dean, and Director of
the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and has been prepared and distributed at a cost of 20 cents per copy. 0402 RJ Revised.


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