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1. Define nurse practitoner. (Dec08,)

2. Discuss the expanded role of nurse practitoner and role related functions. (Dec08,
3. Explain the factors influencing expanded nursing roles. (Dec08,
4. List the differences between nurse clinician and nurse specialist. (Dec08,
5. State the meaning of Health for All. (Dec08,
6. Give diagrammatic representation of “ Development of concept of health for all (HFA)”. (Dec08,
7. Discuss the strategies and actions proposed by WHO-ICN at international level in support of
Health for All (HFA). (Dec08,
8. Write briefly about the determinants of health. (Dec08,
9. List any eight systems of nursing care. (Dec08,
10. Explain any two systems of nursing care in detail. (Dec08,
11. Define nursing process. (Dec08,
12. Explain the factors affecting nursing process. (Dec08,
13. List the phases of nursing process. (Dec08,
14. Write the nursing care plan for any patient suffering with pneumonia (based on nursing process).
15. Explain the challenges facing the health care delivery system in India. (Dec08,
16. Draw and explain the inter-relationship between subsystemsin Roy's model. (Dec08,
17. Role of nursing in Information, Education and Communication. (Dec08,
18. Role of nurse in dealing with locally' endemic diseases. (Dec08, Jun08
19. List the criteria of nursing as a profession. (Dec09,
20. Explain the scope in nursing profession. (Dec09,
21. Prepare tabular form showing the pattern of nursing education in India. (Dec09,
22. Explain the changing concept of health. (Dec09,
23. Discuss the expanded and extended role of a nurse with examples. (Dec09,
24. Explain the purposes of evaluation. (Dec09,
25. Discuss the elements of evaluation process. (Dec09,
26. Describe the steps of evaluation. (Dec09,
27. Define quality assurance and standards. (Dec09,
28. Explain the process of quality assurance. (Dec09,
29. Explain the types of standards. (Dec09,
30. Essential Characteristics of health care services. (Dec09,
31. Basic nursing concept. (Dec09,
32. Seven simple ideas to be healthy(Dec09,
33. Nurse's Role in issuing and controlling essential drugs. (Dec09,
34. Therapeutic technique of communication. (Dec09,
35. Describe the development of nursing education in your country. (Jun07
36. List the five factors influencing nursing education(Jun07
37. Discuss the role of nursing council in nursing education (Jun07
38. Define the normative and empirical standards. (Jun07
39. List any six purposes of standards in delivery of quality care. (Jun07
40. Describe the steps of developing quality assurance in hospitals. (Jun07
41. Explain the constituents of health manpower resources. (Jun07
42. Explain the approaches used in health education. (Jun07
43. State the advantages of preparing list of essential drugs. (Jun07
44. Discuss the objectives of ICN. (Jun07
45. Explain the role and functions of professional nurse. (Jun07
46. Role of nurse in improving interpersonal relationship(Jun07, Jun08
47. Mortality indicators(Jun07
48. Chemical disinfection of water, and prevention and control of viral hepatitis. (Jun07
49. Principles of communication to be kept in mind while giving nutrition education to mother. (Jun07
50. Progressive Patient Care (PPC) (Jun07
51. Principles of Primary health care –Community Participation and Appropriate Technology(Jun07
52. Explain the epidemiological triad theory of disease causation. (Jun08,
53. Describe the role of a nurse at various levels of prevention of diseases. (Jun08,
54. Explain "Standards as a Pre-requisite for Quality Care” (Jun08,
55. Discuss nursing audlt in detail as a tool for evaluating nursing care. (Jun08,
56. Define Primary Health Care. (Jun08,
57. Explain the principles of Primary Health Care. (Jun08,
58. Discuss the role of a nurse in promoting primary health care. (Jun08,
59. Principles of care during maternity cycle. (Jun08, Jun09
60. Management of domestic accidents at various levels of care. (Jun08,
61. Roy's Adaptation Model Theory(Jun08,
62. Health Indicators(Jun08,
63. Approaches for health education(Jun08,
64. Roles and functions of a professional nurse(Jun08,
65. Erikson's theory of psychosocial development(Jun08,
66. List the characteristics of Nursing Theories. (Jun09,
67. Describe Orem's Self Care Deficit Theory in detail. (Jun09,
68. Discuss application of Orem's theory with help of examples. (Jun09,
69. State the meaning of primary health care and list its essential elements. (Jun09,
70. Describe the categories of factors considered for development of health services(Jun09,
71. Discuss the role of nurse in promoting primary health care. (Jun09,
72. Role of a nurse in health education and propaganda. (Jun09,
73. Treatment of diarrhoeal diseases at community level. (Jun09,
74. Discuss the significance of studying ethics in nursing. (Jun09,
75. Describe International Council of Nursing (ICN) code for nurses - 1973. (Jun09,
76. Describe the team nursing under following headings: (Jun09,
(a) Features
(b) Issue and challenges
(c) Spectrum of nursing functions.
77. Changing concept of health. (Jun09,
78. Five dimensions of holistic health care. (Jun09,
79. Nursing audit. (Jun09,
80. Self concept and health. (Jun09,
81. Define the term quality assurance. (Dec07
82. Explain the process of quality assurance. (Dec07
83. List the beneficiaries of Quality Assurance Programme in health care. (Dec07
84. Describe any seven factors affecting quality assurance in health care. (Dec07
85. Define profession. (Dec07
86. State the criteria of nursing as a profession. (Dec07
87. Describe the role of professional nurse in relation to nursing process. (Dec07
88. Mother and child are considered as one unit for providing services in MCH clinics. Explain the
reasons for the same. (Dec07
89. Describe the role of nurse in Maternal and Child Health clinics. (Dec07
90. Explain the concept of health care and health care services. (Dec07
91. Describe the essential characteristics of health care services. (Dec07
92. Discuss the three levels of health care services. (Dec07
93. Pattern of nursing education in India. (Dec07
94. Factors influencing nursing education. (Dec07
95. Health belief model. (Dec07
96. King’s Goal Attainment theory.(Dec07
97. Describe the requisites of a professional nurse.Explain the role and functions of a professional
nurse. Jun06
98. Explain the meaning of evaluation of nursing care.Describe the principles of evaluation. List any
six patient care centred tools and techniques used for evaluating nursing care. Define nursing
audit. Jun06
99. Explain the meaning of nursing care system. List the systems of nursing care. Explain any one
nursing system which you think is the best. Give your reasons. Jun06
100.Differentiate between health education and propaganda. Discuss role of a nurse in family
planning. Jun06
101.Explain the concept of health care services. List the factors considered for health services
development. Discuss the role of a nurse in delivery of health care service. Jun06
102.Write short notes Jun06
(a) Principles of community participation in primary health care
(b) Role of a nurse in issuing and controlling of use of drugs
(c) Nursing Diagnosis
(d) Legal implications in Admission and Discharge
(e) Nurse Clinician
(f) Dimensions of Health
(g) Model of Stress

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