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From the desk of G.

John Richards
Prosecuting Attorney of Lincoln County

According to a report by G. John Richards, Prosecuting Attorney of Lincoln County, the

following case was heard in the Circuit Court of Lincoln County before the Honorable David
Ash, on August 02, 2010.


Chelmar Bates, 54, of Silex, entered a plea of guilty to the Class A Felony of assault in the first
degree and the Felony of armed criminal action. The defendant received a sentence of ten years
in the Missouri Department of Corrections for the Class A felony of assault and three years in the
Missouri Department of Corrections for the armed criminal action, to be served concurrent. This
sentence arose out of the events of October 10, 2009, in the County of Lincoln, State of
Missouri, the defendant attempted to cause serious physical injury to Kyle Mudd, by stabbing
him, and such conduct was a substantial step toward the commission of the crime of attempting
to cause serious physical injury to Kyle Mudd, and was done for the purpose of committing such
assault and in the course thereof inflicted serious physical injury on Kyle Mudd and the
defendant committed the felony of Assault in the First Degree charged in Count II, all allegations
of which are incorporated herein by reference, and the defendant committed the foregoing felony
of Assault in the First Degree by, with and through, the knowing use, assistance and aid of a
deadly weapon.

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