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Document No: I1-ND-02 Approved by : Bahman Chobak

Rev : 02 ASNT Level III
Date : 27.10.2004 51933
Ervin Sanat Company

Subject :Qualification and Certification of NDT Personnel

Issue Date : Oct. 2004
Revision No. : 02
Approved By : Bahman Chobak, NDT Level III


This written practice establishes the minimum requirements for the control and
administration of training, examination, and certification of personnel conducting NDT
using Radiographic, Radiography Interpretation, Ultrasonic, Magnetic Particle , Liquid
penetrate and Eddy Current NDT methods in accordance with appropriate and
applicable codes, standards, specifications, procedures and acceptance criteria.


This written practice defines the minimum requirements for education, training,
experience, examination, and certification for personnel responsible for conducting
nondestructive tests while in the employment of Ervin Sanat Co. It applies to all
persons conducting nondestructive tests that meet the provisions of Recommended
Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, 1988 edition, in the following method(S) : Radiographic,
Radiography Interpretation , Ultrasonic , Magnetic Particle , Liquid Penetrate and Eddy
Current methods.


Certification: Written testimony of qualification .

Experience: Work activities accomplished in a specific NDT method under the
direction of qualified supervision including performing the NDT method and related
activities but not including time spent in organized training programs.

Qualification: Demonstrated skill and knowledge and documented training and

experience required for personnel too properly perform the duties of a specific job.

Outside agency: A company or individual who provides NDT Level III services and
whose qualifications to provide these services have been reviewed by Ervin Sanat Co.

Shall: A verb used to express the minimum requirements of this written practice .

Should: A verb used to express the desired requirements of this written practice.

Training: The organized program developed to impart the knowledge and skills
necessary for qualification.

Written Practice: written Practice is a written description of the requirements and

actions that apply specifically to personnel are involved in NDT. It is for control and
administration the training, examination and certification of NDT personnel. The
written practice describes the responsibilities of each level of certification to determine
the acceptability of materials or components in accordance with the applicable codes,
standards, specification and procedures. The written practice also describes the training,
experience and examination requirements for each level of certification.

All references are available from The American Society for Nondestructive Testing
(ASNT) .

Recommended practice No. SNT - TC - 1A, “Personnel Qualification and Certification

in Nondestructive Testing,” December 1988 edition.

SNT-TC-1A Method Supplements for Radiographic, Ultrasonic, Magnetic Particle and

Liquid Penetrate methods.

SNT-TC-1A Questions and Answer: Inquiries to and Responses from ASNT’s SNT-
TC-1A Interpretation Panel, current edition.

Qualification Levels

There are three basic levels of qualification used by NDT personnel at

Ervin Sanat Co. On occasion, these levels may be further subdivided for specific
situations where additional levels of skill and responsibility are deemed necessary. For
example, an individual may receive specific training to perform a specific task and be
certified as a level I/II “ limited ”, a Level I / II “ special ” or Level I / II “
supervisory ”. These subdivisions are to be addressed by revisions or addenda to this
procedure, if and when the need arises.
An individual in the process of becoming qualified and/or certified to NDT Level I is
considered a trainee. A trainee shall not conduct tests or interpret, evaluate, or report
test results independent of a certified staff member.
In some special cases, an NDT operator implements a special job in a specified
Project. This operator is just permitted to do this job in this Project, but not in
any other Project. In such cases, an Under Supervision Level I or Level II
Certificate should be issued for him/her. Under Supervision phrase and the name
of the Project must insert on his/her Certificate. He/she must do his/her job under
an NDT Level II person. Duration of this provisional certificate also is inserted on
the Certificate. After this period of time, his/her Supervisor should send a report
to NDT Level III Person in relation with the qualification of his/her skill. At this
stage, an unlimited Certificate could be issued for him/her according to NDT
Level III Person determination.
Each basic level has the following responsibilities:
Level I
1. perform calibrations, tests and evaluations for determining the acceptance or
rejection of tested items in accordance with specific written instructions.
2. Record test results but has no authority to sign reports for the purpose of
signifying satisfactory completion of NDT operations.
3. Receive instructions or supervision from a Level III or designee.
Level II
1.Be familiar with the scope and limitations of each method for
which the individual is certified .
2.Set up and calibrate equipment.
3.Interpret and evaluate results with respect to applicable codes, standards and
In RT method for interpretation Radiography Interpretation (RI) certificate is
4.Organize and report the results of nondestructive tests.
5.Train and guide Level I and trainee personnel as assigned,
when designated by a Level III certified in the applicable
method (s).

Level III

1. Be responsible for NDT operations to which assigned and for which

2. Establish methods and test techniques and authorize use of all NDT
procedures to be used on behalf of Ervin Sanat Co. by Level I and II
3. Interpret test results in terms of applicable codes, standards,
specifications and procedures.
4. Be sufficiently familiar with appropriate materials, product technology
and fabrications to establish techniques and assist in establishing
acceptance criteria where none are available.
5. Be generally familiar with those methods which he / she is not
6. Be responsible (in the methods for which certified) for the training,
examination and certification of NDT Level I and Level II personnel.

Education and Training Requirements

Basic Level I and II personnel initially certified to conduct NDT tests under this written
practice shall have or exceed the NDT class training hours shown in Table I, depending
upon each candidate’s formal educational background.

Table I : NDT Methods Training Hours

Basic Education Level I Level II

High School Diploma 40 40 12 4 40 40 40 8 8 40 40
or equivalent
B.Sc.Degree or Higher 30 30 8 4 30 35 40 4 4 40 40

This formal NDT training shall be conducted either by the Ervin Sanat Co. - certified
Level III individual(s) or by an outside agency or other certified individual selected by
Ervin Sanat Co. The training program shall follow the Recommended Training Course
Outline for each test method as shown in SNT-TC-1A. The training course outline may
be modified by

deleting or adding topics to meet the employer’s specific applications or for
limited certification. For example, in ultrasonic testing, the employer may use only the
thickness measurement method. The employer may deem it appropriate to revise the
outline and minimum hours stated. These revisions shall become a part of the written
Where a method does not exist, another method having a similar degree of technical
difficulty shall be used as a guide for developing the training outline. Procedures and
test techniques that individuals will encounter in their specific assignments, and the
applicable instructions, specifications, and codes used by Ervin Sanat Co., shall be
part of each candidate’s informal on-the-job training under the coordination of the level
III individual(S).


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