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1- Hypothesis refers to
A. The outcome of an experiment
B. A conclusion drawn from an experiment
C. A form of bias in which the subject tries to outguess the experimenter
D. A tentative statement about the relationship

2- Statistics is used by researchers to

A. Analyze the empirical data collected in a study
B. Make their findings sound better
C. Operationally define their variables
D. Ensure the study comes out the way it was intended

3- A literature review requires

A. Planning
B. Good & clear writing
C. Lot of rewriting
D. All of the above

4- A literature review is based on the assumption that

A. Copy from the work of others
B. Knowledge accumulates and learns from the work of others
C. Knowledge disaccumulates
D. None of the above option

5- Which of the following statement is not true?

A. A research proposal is a document that presents a plan for a project
B. A research proposal shows that the researcher is capable of successfully conducting
the proposed research project
C. A research proposal is an unorganized and unplanned project
D. A research proposal is just like a research report and written before the research

6- Preliminary data collection is a part of the

A. Descriptive research
B. Exploratory research
C. Applied research


D. Explanatory research

7- Conducting surveys is the most common method of generating

A. Primary data
B. Secondary data
C. Qualitative data
D. None of the above

8- After identifying the important variables and establishing the logical reasoning in
theoretical framework, the next step in the research process is
A. To conduct surveys
B. To generate the hypothesis
C. To focus group discussions
D. To use experiments in an investigation

9- The appropriate analytical technique is determined by

A. The research design
B. Nature of the data collected
C. Nature of the hypothesis
D. Both A & B

10- Personal interviews conducted in shopping malls are known as:

a. Mall interviews
b. Mall intercept interviews
c. Brief interviews
d. None of the given options

11-A list of questions which is handed over to the respondent, who reads the questions
and records the answers himself is known as the:
a. Interview schedule
b. Questionnaire
c. Interview guide
d. All of the given options

12-One of the most critical stages in the survey research process is:
a. Research design
b. Questionnaire design
c. Interview design


d. Survey design

13-Question that consists of two or more questions joined together is called a:

a. Double barreled question
b. General question
c. Accurate question
d. Confusing question

14-The number of questionnaires returned or completed divided by the total number of

eligible people who were contacted or asked to participate in the survey is called the:
a. Response rate
b. Participation rate
c. Inflation rate
d. None of the given options

15-Field testing of the questionnaire shows that:

a. Respondents are willing to co-operate
b. Respondents are not willing to co-operate
c. Respondents do not like any participation
d. All of the given options

16- Service evaluation of hotels and restaurants can be done by the:

a. Self-administered questionnaires
b. Office assistant
c. Manager
d. None of the given options

17-Discrete variable is also called……….

A. Categorical variable
B. Discontinuous variable
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above

18-“Officers in my organization have higher than average level of commitment” Such a

hypothesis is an example of……….
A. Descriptive Hypothesis
B. Directional Hypothesis


C. Relational Hypothesis
D. All of the above

19-The theoretical framework discusses the interrelationships among the……….

A. Variables
B. Hypothesis
C. Concept
D. Theory

20-………research is based on naturalism.

A. Field research
B. Descriptive research
C. Basic research
D. Applied research

21-Research method is applicable in all of the following fields, EXCEPT;

A. Health care
B. Religion
C. Business
D. Government offices

22-If a researcher is studying the effect of using laptops in his classroom to ascertain their
merit and worth; he is likely conducting which of the following types of research?
A. Experimental
B. Applied
C. Basic
D. Evaluation

23- Exploratory research addresses which of the following types of question?

A. If
B. How
C. Why
D. What

24-“There is no relationship between higher motivation level and higher efficiency” is an

example of which type of hypothesis?
A. Alternative


B. Null
C. Co relational
D. Research

25-Hypothesis test may also be called as:

A. Informal test
B. Significance test
C. Moderating test
D. T-test

26- Which one of the following sets is the measure of central tendency?
a. Mean, standard deviation, mode
b. Mean, median, standard deviation
c. Arithmetic mean, median, mode
d. Standard deviation, internal validity, mode

27- How many times the students appear in the research class is the example of
a. Intensity
b. Space
c. Frequency
d. Direction

28- Departmental stores selected to test a new merchandising display system is

the example of .
a. Quota sampling
b. Convenience sampling
c. Judgmental sampling
d. Purposive sampling

29- The interview in which questions are already prepared is called ________.
1. Telephonic interview
2. Personal interview
3. Unstructured interview
4. Structured interview

30-The numerical description that describe sample may be expected to differ from those


that describe population because of random fluctuations inherent in sampling process.

1. Sampling design
2. Non-probability sampling
3. Sampling error
4. Probability sampling

31- In ______________ , each population element has a known and equal chance of
1. Purposive sampling
2. Quota sampling
3. Stratified sampling
4. Simple random sampling

32- A researcher is interested in studying why the “new math” of the 1960s failed. She
interviews several teachers who used the new math during the 1960s. These teachers are
considered as:
1. Primary sources
2. Secondary Sources
3. External critics
4. Internal critics

33- Which of the following is NOT true about stratified random sampling?
1. It involves a random selection process from identified subgroups
2. Proportions of groups in the sample must always match their population
3. Disproportional stratified random sampling is especially helpful for getting large
enough subgroup samples when subgroup comparisons are to be done
4. Proportional stratified random sampling yields a representative sample

34. What is the primary focus of establishment surveys in this case study?
A. Collect the data through past studies
B. Analyze the literature review
C. Using of quantitative techniques
D. Data collection through mail and Interview

35. Which of the following method of data collection is not discussed in the case study?
A. Questionnaires


B. Interviews
C. Mail survey
D. Observations

36. Which of the following sampling technique is used for Employee Turnover and Job
Openings survey?
A. Simple random sampling
B. Cluster sampling
C. Stratified sampling
D. Convenience sampling

37. Which one of the following is the limitation of establishment survey in this case
A. Cost
B. Limited data
C. Unskilled interviewer
D. Small sample size

38. Which of the following method of data collection is not used in the case study?
A. Questionnaires
B. Focus groups
C. Correlation method
D. Secondary data

39. Which of the following is the basic purpose of pretest interview in this case study?
A. To identified the potential problem
B. To know the sample size
C. To develop the questionnaire
D. To use agency representative

40. The sampling technique in which every element of the population has an equal, non-
zero probability of being selected in a sample, is called
i. Probability sampling
ii. Convenience sampling
iii. Purposive sampling
Quota sampling


41. Target population is also called

i. Population
ii. Survey population
iii. Population element
iv. Population frame

42: Which measure of dispersion is easiest to calculate?



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