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Adobe PageMaker Tutorial


This tutorial is designed to give you a basic understanding of Adobe PageMaker. The handout is
designed for first-time users and will cover a few important basics. PageMaker is a desktop
publishing program. It is used to create documents with a complex layout of text and graphics,
such as brochures, pamphlets, newsletters, fliers, reports etc. It offers certain functionalities of a
graphics program, and is therefore more suited to organizing pages compared to a word
processing program (especially when including graphic images in the document).

This handout walks you through creating a report containing graphic images in PageMaker.

To open PageMaker in the Open Access Labs go to:

Start u Programs u Applications u Graphics u Adobe PageMaker

How to Create a New Document

Upon starting PageMaker you will see a screen offering you a variety of initial choices of
templates upon which to base your publication. In our case, we will start with a blank
presentation. Aft er becoming familiar with PageMaker we can always choose one of the
templates to create our publication. Close the templates-options screen by clicking on the Close
button located on the top right corner of the screen.

Go to: File u New. A dialogue box showing the Document Setup similar to Figure 1 will appear.
Here we can specify the page dimensions, orientation, margins, number of the pages etc. Set the
inside margin to “1”, all other margins to “.75” and the page size to “Letter”.

Figure 1

When done, click OK. We can return to this window by clicking on: File u Document Setup, and
change or modify any of the settings at a later stage. We now have a new document open in -1- Created by Charu Sharma

Last Updated: 02/11/03
Adobe PageMaker

PageMaker. The top and bottom boundaries of the page are indicated by pink lines and the left
and right boundaries of the page are indicated by blue lines. We must be careful to remain within
these boundaries at all times, i.e. we must place our graphics and text within these margins.

The Different Windows in PageMaker

A number of windows are open in the default PageMaker window. Figure 2 shows them with their
names. We will touch upon them briefly as all these windows provide us with important tools.

Figure 2

1. Tools Palette: this window displays tools that are used for drawing, entering and editing
text, selecting and dragging objects on the page and zooming in and out of the page. We
have to click on a particular tool icon to select that tool.
2. PageMaker Tools Window: this window can also appear as a shelf on the top of the
main PageMaker window as shown in Figure 2. It displays additional PageMaker tools as
convenient icons.
3. Control Palette: this window is used for making precise changes to text and graphics.
4. Styles and Colors Palette: this window displays the predefined paragraph styles and
5. Plug-in Palettes, e.g. Picture Palette: this window contains the links to readymade
graphic images that can be inserted into the document. -2- Created by Charu Sharma
Last Updated: 02/11/2003
Adobe PageMaker

We can minimize these windows at any time if the screen gets too cluttered. They can be
maximized selectively for a less cluttered screen and more efficient work.

How to Insert an Image into a PageMaker Document

Now that we have a new document open and are familiar with the different windows we will start
by making a cover page for the report, consisting of the title and a small logo. The logo can be
drawn using graphic elements like squares, circles and lines or can be an existing image. To
insert any image in a PageMaker document we have to “place” it in the document. For this, go to
File u Place. A dialogue box prompting you for the location of the image file to be inserted
appears (Figure 3).

Figure 3

1. Placing the image : Locate and open the image file you want to place in the document.
The pointer changes to a loaded graphic icon. Position the graphic icon where you want
the upper left corner of the graphic to appear and click on the page to place the image.
There are eight square graphic handles displayed at the corners and edges of the image
indicating the image is selected.
2. Resizing the image: The graphic handles at the corners and edges of the image make it
possible to resize the image horizontally, vertically or both. To resize the image select the
image, then select the pointer tool in the Tools Palette. Click on one of the corner handles
and drag towards the center of the image to reduce its size. We can drag the corner
handle anywhere on the page and the graphic will get resized accordingly. To scale the
image proportionately, hold down the Shift key and then drag the handle.
3. Moving the image: To move the image, with the pointer tool selected in the Tools
Palette, Click in the center of the image until the pointer changes to an arrowhead. With
the mouse button still held down, drag the image to any location on the page. For our
report we will place this logo near the bottom-right corner of the page. To move the image
horizontally or vertically in a straight line hold down the Shift key and then drag.

Now that we have an image placed on the cover page of our report (Figure 4) we will add
some text and graphic elements (squares, circles etc.) and complete the cover. -3- Created by Charu Sharma

Last Updated: 02/11/2003
Adobe PageMaker

Figure 4

How to Draw Graphic Elements

The logo can be completed by drawing graphic elements like squares, circles and lines. We will
make a circle and place it behind the image already on the cover.

1. To draw the circle go to the Tools Palette and click on the circle tool (or the ellipse tool).
The pointer changes to a crosshair icon.
2. We can make the circle by clicking on the page and holding down the Shift key as we
drag. Clicking on the circle displays the graphic handles around it, indicating it is
3. To scale the circle up or down drag the graphic handles on the page.
4. To move the circle around the page, select the circle, click anywhere within the
boundaries of its eight handles and drag it around the page.
5. To change the color of the circle, go to the Colors Palette and choose the desired color.
Here we have chosen yellow as the circle’s color.
6. To bring to circle on top of the image already placed on the page, drag it on top of the
image with the left mouse button.
7. To make the circle go behind the image go to Element u Arrange u Send to back.
Now the circle lies behind the image (Figure 6).

Figure 5 Figure 6 -4- Created by Charu Sharma

Last Updated: 02/11/2003
Adobe PageMaker

8. To align the image and the circle in a certain manner with respect to each other select
both the circle and the image and go to Element u Align Objects. A window similar to
Figure 7 will appear. The red, green and blue rectangles shown in the white box in this
window shows a preview of how the chosen objects are currently placed with respect to
each other. We can choose from the various Align and Distribute buttons to get the
result you want.

Figure 7

9. After getting the right alignment click OK. We now have the circle perfectly centered
behind the image as shown in Figure 8. This was done using the horizontal and vertical

Figure 8 -5- Created by Charu Sharma

Last Updated: 02/11/2003
Adobe PageMaker

Similarly we can draw the other basic geometric shapes given as options in the Tools Palette. By
default the shapes drawn are filled. If we want the shapes to be simple outlines we can go to
Element u Fill u Paper. Going to Element u Fill u Solid creates a filled solid once again.
Select the shape and try out the other options listed under Element u Fill and Element u
Stroke for interesting effects.

How to Work with Text

Text can be inserted into PageMaker documents in numerous ways. One way is typing it directly
in the document. Other ways include inserting text created in other word-processing applications
such as Word, Word-Perfect etc. or copying and pasting text from other sources on the computer.
For creating the caption of our report we will type it directly in PageMaker instead of importing it
from elsewhere.

1. Select the Text tool from the Tools Palette and click it anywhere on the page to establish
an insertion point. A blinking cursor appears and we can now type in the caption. The
typed text may appear too big or too small for the cover page depending on the text
settings. We can change the size, face, spacing and style etc. of the font by changing the
options in the Control Palette.
2. We can also change the font by going to Type u Font.
3. We can change the font size by going to Type u Size.
4. We can change the font style by going to Type u Type Style. Check out all the other
options available under Type for playing around with the look of the text and getting the
desired look.
5. To change the color of the text, select the text and click on the color of your choice in the
Colors Window. We can have the text in different tints of the chosen color, too. To do
this, select the part of the text you want in a different tint and go to the drop-down box
that says Tint in the Colors Palette. Choose a tint of, say, 40% of the original color. We
will notice the tint of the chosen text lightens considerably. In Figure 9, the text has two
different colors and two different tints for the blue color.

Figure 9 -6- Created by Charu Sharma
Last Updated: 02/11/2003
Adobe PageMaker

How to Insert More Pages in the Report

Now that we are done with the cover page of the report we will add more pages and content to it.

1. To add more pages go to Layout u Insert Pages. A dialogue box similar to Figure 10
will appear. Here we can specify the number of pages we want to add to the report. If we
are not sure of the final number of pages we will have in the report we can always repeat
this process to add more pages. We will add 2 more pages to the report after the current
page. We have the option of adding pages before or after the current page, as shown in
Figure 10.

Figure 10 Figure 11

Now the number of pages has increased to 3 and this is indicated at the bottom bar in the
PageMaker window (Figure 11).

2. By right clicking on any page selected in this bar and clicking on “Remove Pages” we can
remove the page. The remaining pages get renumbered automatically.

How to Work with Columns

Now that the cover page is done, we will make two columns in the following page and insert text
and graphics into it.

1. Go to Layout u Column Guides. A window similar to Figure 12 will pop up. Here we
can specify the number of columns and the spacing we want between the columns.

Figure 12 -7- Created by Charu Sharma

Last Updated: 02/11/2003
Adobe PageMaker

Specify the number of columns as 2 and the spacing between the columns as .25 inches.
The page layout changes and now looks like Figure 13. PageMaker will place text only
within the specified columns.

Figure 13

2. We can also place text into a PageMaker document from any other word processing
application. For instance, create a document in Microsoft Word and copy the text you
want in the report by selecting the text and pressing Ctrl + C. Now click anywhere within
the column bounds in the PageMaker document, and paste the text there by going to
Edit u Paste or by pressing Ctrl + V. The selected text gets pasted into the column and
now our page looks like Figure 14.
3. The text is not easily readable at small fonts, but what we are seeing on the PageMaker
screen is not the actual size of the text. To see how the text will actually look go to View
u Actual Size. Now the text looks like Figure 15. This is the actual text size and if we
want to change it we can do so by selecting the text tool in the Tools Palette, selecting
the text we want to resize and changing its size in the Control Palette.

Figure 14 Figure 15 -8- Created by Charu Sharma

Last Updated: 02/11/2003
Adobe PageMaker

4. Another way of inserting text into a PageMaker document is to “place” a text file in it. Go
to File u Place. A dialogue box that looks like Figure 16 will appear. We choose the text
file we want to put into the document and click Open.

Figure 16

The pointer changes to a loaded graphic icon. We position the graphic icon within the
bounds of the column where we want the text to begin and click on the page to place the
image. The “placed” text shows up as in Figure 17.
5. We will notice a small red triangle where the text box’s bottom window handle should be.
This indicates that there is more text in the block that has not been placed on the page or
pasteboard. To see this extra text we need to click on the red arrow and drag it down-
wards (or upwards if the red triangle is out of the column bounds). The extra text will
immediately appear in the column.
6. If we pull the red triangle to the bottom boundary of the column and it still remains red, it
indicates that there is still some more text to be placed. To place this text we click once
on the red triangle. The pointer changes to a loaded graphic icon again. Now we can
position this graphic icon at the top left corner of the next column. On clicking, the
remaining text gets placed there.
7. To place larger amounts of text in the PageMaker document, or to have text flow
automatically into the next column, we can activate the Autoflow option. For this go to
Layout u Autoflow. To turn Autoflow off go to Layout u Autoflow again.

Figure 17 -9- Created by Charu Sharma

Last Updated: 02/11/2003
Adobe PageMaker

How to Wrap Text Around an Image

One of the most useful features of PageMaker is wrapping text around graphics in various ways.

1. Insert a new page with one column in the PageMaker document (by default the number
of columns in an inserted page is 1). Paste some text on the top of the image and then
place any image on the page on top of the text. The image lies on top of the text, and
hides the text below it, as shown in Figure 18. We can send the image behind the text by
going to Element u Arrange u Send to back. Now the image is behind the text as
shown in Figure 19.

Figure 18 Figure 19

2. To get both the text and the image to show up and have the text wrap around the image,
click on the selection tool in the Tools Palette. Select the image and go to Element u
Text Wrap. A dialogue box similar to Figure 20 comes up. This Text Wrap dialogue box
lets us specify how we want the text to flow around the graphic boundary of the selected
object. It also gives us options for the Standoff i.e. the distance between the text and the
image after wrapping.

Figure 20 Figure 21 - 10 - Created by Charu Sharma

Last Updated: 02/11/2003
Adobe PageMaker

If we click on the second icon in this dialogue box (rectangular wrap) and click OK the
text flows around the image as shown in Figure 21.

We can similarly wrap text around any image or drawn graphic element.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does a red triangle in a text block’s bottom window-handle indicate? Indicates
that there is more text in the block that has not been placed on the page or pasteboard. To
see this extra text we need to click on the red arrow and drag it down-wards.
2. What is the difference between opening a normal publication and a template? When
you open a template, a new, untitled publication is created by default. This publication has a
default text and graphic setup, which you can follow and insert your own text and graphics
3. When dragging an object, how do you ensure that it moves in a straight line? By
holding down the Shift key as you drag.
4. How do you ensure that PageMaker fills all columns and creates new pages as needed
without manual intervention? By placing text with Autoflow on. To turn Autoflow on, go to
Layout u Autoflow. To turn it off, repeat the step.

For More Help

If you need more assistance, please feel free to ask the CIS Support Staff in any Open Access
Lab, or call Help Desk Central at (979) 845-8300. - 11 - Created by Charu Sharma

Last Updated: 02/11/2003

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