BCA 305 Web Site Development & Electronic Commerce Ecom Theory 60%

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BCA 305 Web Site Development & Electronic Commerce

      Ecom
Theory                                                                                                  60%
All topics and marks are as per syllabus
Case Study should be asked in option having maximum 5 marks
Case Study should be asked on following topics
1      Online Reservation (Train, Air, Multiplex, Hotel)
2      Online Auction
3      Online Shopping
Text Book:
Electronic commerce, 4th edition by Gary P Schneider, Thomson
It is decided to conduct practical examination instead of project work.
The project should be included as part of term work.
Text Book: ASP.NET 2.0 Black Book
          Syllabus
1)   Chapter 1,2                                                         5%
2)  Chapter 3 (Excluding HTTP Handler)                      5%
3)  Chapter 4,5,6 (Excluding Wizard Control) 5%
4) Chapter 7,8  10%
4)  Chapter 11,12 10%

5)  Chapter 16,22(Only theory, No Practical)   5%

ASP.NET        Sample Programs

1 Create login form- Validate user id and password from user table.
2 Create login form- validate it- create session and display well come
3 Using application state, count number of visitors
4 Program based on cookies, query string, session and application
5 Create registration page with all validations
6 Create registration page, insert in database
7 Login as admin, redirect to the page that allow user to view existing
members and to add one new member, modify member and  delete
8 Product and category- Insert, Update, Delete and search operation
9 Design search module so user can search for mobiles of different
company along with price. (Take two drop down box)
10 Demo of query string – well come message
11 Grid View Edit, Delete, ADD
12 Imagemap demos- Hot Spot Creation
13 Select order id and display all its detail (Using Parameterized
14 Select state and   display cities in second  page
15 Theme, Master Page demo
16 Create table user and find forget password
17 Redirect Depend on user name and password to specific page.
18 Panel/Place Holders
19 File upload control and its application
20 A-Z search
21 Photo galleries
22 Simple interest calculator using database
23 Poll using application and database
24 Events of Page
25 Calendar Control (Literal, Session)
26 Ad rotator control
27 Use of navigation control: Tree view, Menu, Site map

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