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Why Have a Structure?

• All businesses have to organise

what they do

• A clear structure makes it easier to see which

part of the business does what

• There are many ways

to structure a business
Some Key Terms
• Flat or tall structure
• Span of control
• Chain of command
• Hierarchy
• Delegation
• Empowerment
Ways to Structure a Business
• By function: arranging the business according to
what each section
or department does

• By product or activity: organising according to

the different products made

• By area: geographical or regional structure

Ways to Structure a Business
• By customer: where different customer groups
have different needs

• By process: where products have to go through

stages as they are made

• What are the advantages/disadvantages of

different types of business structure?
Pros and Cons of Different
• This depends on the business type, size
and structure used
• Let’s look at a functional structure:
Chief Executive

Board of Directors

Production Marketing Accounts Personnel IT

Functional Structure

Advantages Disadvantages
• Specialisation – each • Closed communication
department focuses on could lead to lack
its own work of focus
• Departments can
• Accountability –
become resistant
someone is responsible to change
for the section • Coordination
• Clarity – know your and may take too long
others’ roles • Gap between top and
An Example of Organisation
by Product/Activity
Hewlett Packard

Imaging and Personal Enterprise HP Financial

HP Services
Printing Group Systems Group Systems Group Services
Organisation by
Advantages Disadvantages
• Clear focus on market • Duplication of functions
segment helps meet (e.g. different sales
customers’ needs
force for each division)
• Positive competition
• Negative effects of
between divisions
• Better control as each
division can act as • Lack of central control
separate profit centre over each separate
Organisation by Area
Hewlett-Packard’s Headquarters
Hewlett Packard

Americas Europe, Middle East, Africa Asia Pacific

Houston, Texas Geneva, Switzerland Hong Kong
Organisation by Area
Advantages Disadvantages

• Serve local needs better • Conflict between local

• Positive competition and central management
• More effective • Duplication of resources
communication between and functions
firm and local customers
Other Organisational
• By Customer:
Similar effects to structuring
by product

• By Process:
Similar to structuring by function

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