Juba Arabic Verbs and Phrases

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Juba Arabic Verbs and Phrases

By Rombek Logworong

Akider Able/can
Ita bi akider ruwa You can go
Aanna akider ligo dukan de We were able to find the shop.
Jon bi akider saidu ita John can help you
Ana ma bi akider saidu ita I cannot help you
Amulu Do
Ita gi amulu sunu bukura? What are you doing tomorrow?
Itakun bi amulu sunu, hasa? Now, what will you do?
Mata amulu ayihaja le uwo. Do not do anything to him/her/it.
Ana bi amulu sunu? What can I do?
Ita bi amulu sunu le umon? What will you do to them?
Ana ma bi amulu iyihaja le ita? I won’t do anything to you.
Aanna amulu be dur We did it purposely
Asalu Ask
Aanna asalu umon ashan kede ja. We asked them to come.
Ana bi asalu uwo baadsuwiya. I will ask him after a
Jon asalu sunu min ita.? What did Peter ask from you?
Ana gi ruwa asalu umon ma kalam de. I am going to ask them about
Ana der asalu ita sual? I want to ask you a question
Ita gi ruwa asalu munu? Who are you going to ask
Asurubu Drink
Aanna asurubu leben We drank some milk
Ana gi asurubu moyo. I am drinking some water.
Uwo ma gi asurubu merisa. He does not drink alchohol.
Derisu Teach
Aanna bi derisu le umon deris We will teach them a lesson
Ita ma bi derisu ana You can’t teach me
Ana gi derisu riyadiyad. I am teaching/I teach
Ita gi derisu le umon adab shen You are teaching them a bad
Derisu aanna kef aanna bi guna. We were taught how to sing.
Gilibu Defeat
Aanna bi gilibu umon We will defeat them
Gilibu aanna ma umon umbari. We were defeated by them
Jibu Bring
Aanna bi jibu We will bring
Jibu le ana kutub dak. Bring those books to me.
Munu yau jibu hajat del hina? Who brought these things
Umon gi jibu le aanna compitaraat. They are bringing some
comuters to us.
Kasulu Wash
Aanna bi kasulu inden ta taanna We will wash our hands
Kasulu gumasaat del le ana, kan ita bi akider. Wash these clothes for
me, if you can.
Ana der kasulu arabiya tatai I want to wash my car

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