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The position of a pinewood derby car was observed at various times; the results are
summarized in the following table. Find the average velocity of the car for the following
time periods.

t (s) 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

x (m) 0 1.8 8.4 23.6 32.7 67.0

(a) during the first second
1 .8
1 m/s

(b) during the last 3 s

1 9 .5 3
2 m/s

(c) during the entire period of observation

1 3 .4 0
3 m/s

2. Find the instantaneous velocity of the particle described in the figure below at the following


(a) t = 1.2 s

1 m/s

(b) t = 2.5 s

2 m/s
(c) t = 4.1 s

3 m/s

(d) t = 7.1 s

4 m/s

3. A velocity-time graph for an object moving along the x axis is shown in the figure. Every

division along the vertical axis corresponds to 2.00 m/s and each division along the horizontal

axis corresponds to 1.50 s.

(a) Plot a graph of the acceleration versus time. (Do this on paper. Your instructor may ask you
to turn in this work.)

(b) Determine the average acceleration of the object in the following time intervals.

t = 7.50 s to t = 22.5 s 1

t = 0 to t = 30.0 s 2
4. The figure below shows a graph of vx versus t for the motion of a motorcyclist as he starts
from rest and moves along the road in a straight line.

(a) Find the average acceleration for the time interval t = 0 to t = 6.0 s.

1 m/s2

(b) Estimate the time at which the acceleration has its greatest positive value.

2 s
What is the value of the acceleration at that instant?

3 m/s2

(c) When is the acceleration zero?

Acceleration is zero when t = 4 s and when t > 5 s.

(d) Estimate the maximum negative value of the acceleration.

6 m/s2
At what time does it occur?

7 s
5. A truck covers 45.0 m in 9.00 s while smoothly slowing down to final speed 2.20 m/s.

(a) Find its original speed.

1 m/s

(b) Find its acceleration.

2 m/s2
6. The figure represents part of the performance data of a car owned by a proud physics

student. (The horizontal axis is marked in increments of 5 s and the vertical axis is marked in

increments of 5 m/s.)
(a) Calculate from the graph the total distance traveled.

1 m

(b) What distance does the car travel between the times t = 5 s and t = 20 s?

2 m

(c) Draw a graph of its acceleration versus time between t = 0 and t = 25 s.

(Do this on paper. Your instructor may ask you to turn in this work.)

(d) Write an equation for x as a function of time for each phase of the motion, as represented in
the graph by 0a, ab, and bc. For part (i), choose an equation that provides the final position of the
car at time tf in terms of the initial velocity and the acceleration. Use t within your equations as
necessary to represent the quantity Δt (i.e. " tf - ti ").

(i) 0a

xf = 3 m
(ii) ab

xf = 4 m
(iii) bc

xf = 5 m

(e) What is the average velocity of the car between t = 0 and t = 25 s?

6 m/s
7. At t = 0, one toy car is set rolling on a straight track with initial position 15.0 cm, initial

velocity -4.1 cm/s, and constant acceleration 2.40 cm/s2. At the same moment, another toy
car is set rolling on an adjacent track with initial position 11.0 cm, an initial velocity of 5.50

cm/s, and constant zero acceleration.

(a) At what time, if any, do the two cars have equal speeds?

t=1 s

(b) What are their speeds at that time?

v=2 cm/s

(c) At what time(s), if any, do the cars pass each other? (If there is only one time, enter NA in the
second blank. If there are two times, enter the smaller time first.)

t=3 s

t=4 s

(d) What are their locations at that time? (If there is only one position, enter NA in the second
blank. If there are two positions, enter the smaller position first.)

x=5 cm

x=6 cm

(e) Explain the difference between question (a) and question (c) as clearly as possible. Write for
a target audience of students who do not immediately understand the conditions are different.

8. Speedy Sue, driving at 32.0 m/s, enters a one-lane tunnel. She then observes a slow-

moving van 175 m ahead traveling with velocity 5.00 m/s. Sue applies her brakes but can
accelerate only at -2.00 m/s2 because the road is wet. Will there be a collision?


yes no

If yes, determine how far into the tunnel and at what time the collision occurs. If no,

determine the distance of closest approach between Sue's car and the van and enter zero for

the time.


2 m


3 s

9. A ball is thrown directly downward, with an initial speed of 7.50 m/s, from a

height of 29.2 m. After what time interval does the ball strike the ground?

1 s

10. The speed of a bullet as it travels down the barrel of a rifle toward the opening is given

by v = (-4.90 107) t 2 + (2.60 105) t, where v is in meters per second and t is in seconds. The

acceleration of the bullet just as it leaves the barrel is zero.

(a) Determine the acceleration and position of the bullet as a function of time when the bullet is
in the barrel. (Use t as necessary and round all numerical coefficients to exactly 3 significant

a =1

=2 m

(b) Determine the length of time the bullet is accelerated.

3 s

(c) Find the speed at which the bullet leaves the barrel.

4 m/s

(d) What is the length of the barrel?

5 m

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