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A Day in the Life of Alex Sander:

Driving in the Fast Lane at Landon Care Products

Submitted By:
Group: 4, Section: C
Nikhil Kr. Beriwal 2010133
Nishith Agrawal 2010139
Pallavi Agarwal 2010142
Pankaj Bhutoria 2010144
Raman Yadav 2010152
Alex Sander is a Product Manager at Landon Care
Product Inc. He is self-driven, confident, committed,
quick learner, multi-tasker and hard-worker.
360˚ feedback- Newly introduced performance review
at Landon Care Product.
This feedback is provided by peers, customers, direct
reports and supervisors.
Personality Type Of Alex Sander
Myers Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI)

Extrovert- outgoing, sociable, assertive.

Sensing- practical, meticulous.
Thinking- logical thinker, not concerned with feelings
of others.
Judging- likes to have control, decisive.
ESTJ- realistic, logical, decisive and likes to organize
and run activities.
Personality Traits

 Low on Emotional Stability- Short

tempered Doesn’t care about the feelings
of Co-workers

 High on Machiavellianism-
Interested in results not on the means
Pragmatic, Aggressive
Maintains emotional distance
Likes to control things

Personality Traits
Narcissism- Self-centered

He is not a good team player as he undermines his

direct reports and takes decision by himself
without consulting anyone thus causing distress to
his peers and direct reports.

Personality Traits
Proactive Personality

He is quick to identify an opportunity, show initiative and

take action to get the new opportunity.
He is always on a lookout to do new things and can adjust
easily to the new work and the environment.
He is high on risk taking as he likes to plan new strategy and
implement them effectively and successfully.
He is innovative and creative and comes with the new ideas
and is quick on decision making when the situation requires.
Personality Traits
Though, he is effective and efficient he creates an
environment which is not conducive for others to work in.
He is successful but not an effective leader as he doesn’t
motivates his juniors and is often very dominating.
He doesn’t trust anyone and underestimates his co-
worker’s ability and prefers to do everything by himself.
His style of work creates work-life imbalance as he
expects everyone to work round the clock like him.
 Sam Glass, Alex’s supervisor needs to make sure that he reads and
studies feedback given to him.
 Alex have disregard for the review but he can be made to analyze it by
telling that this review would help him to evaluate his strength and
weakness and prepare him for the next level.
 Alex has to improve his interpersonal skills so that he can have healthy
relation with his co-workers and his colleagues and this would even
help him motivate them.
 The leadership training would help him to better understand his co-
workers and realize their problems to create a positive work
 The training would also help him to trust others and delegate work
which in turn would help his co-workers to perform to the best of their
Along with technical skills, interpersonal skills should
be given equal importance for the managers to be
Feedback and assessment should be given importance
by the managers as it helps them to analyze and know
where to improve.
Team should be included in the decision making
instead of managers taking every decision on its own.

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