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MEDITATION ON TWIN HEARTS isan advanced ‘meditation technique aimed at achieving ilumination or universal Consciousness, itis also an instrument of world and commu- nity service that eventually harmo: ‘izes the earth by blessing it wit loving-kindness, peace, joy and ‘goodwill. Mectation on Twin Hearts i a noble too! that raises ‘one's vibrations toward higher States of awareness and expanded levels of conscious Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, an internationally known author, teacher and lecturer and th ‘modem founder of Pranic Healing and Arhatc Yoga introduced Mexitaion on Twin Hears tothe public forthe first tie inthe 1980. Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, a spintual teacher and spin tual inspiration to milions of people worldwide introduced this meditation as a powertl too for ‘pinitual development. Presently being practiced globally by tons of thousands of peope of diferent religions and backgrounds, the Meditation on Twin Hearts is extraordinary ints simplicity with amazing ‘and dramatic results. This exceptional mecitaion is based on an ancient fealed to advanced spiral aspirants. Grand Master Choa ‘itlerent advanced medtational techniques and synthe ‘ized it into one simple yet powerful meditation, Meditation on Twin Hearts is based on the principle that some ofthe major energy centers of the body or chakras are enty points or gateways to certain levels or horizons of consciousness. The Twin Hearts pertain to the heart and crown energy centers. The hart chakra is an energy Center in tront of a person's chest. is the energy counterpart othe ‘physical heart. The heart chakras the center for compassion oy atte: tion, consideration, mercy, and other higher celined emotions, ‘The crown ‘energy center (ais called the spirtual heart) located ontop of the head is ‘the entry point o higher spintual consciousness, To achieve ilmination ‘or cosmic consciousness, itis necessary to sufficiently activate the crown Chakra. This can be done only when the heart chakras sufficiently act ‘ated. Only by developing the higher refined emotions ean one possibly ‘experience divine love. When the crown center is highly developed, one ‘experiences Divine Love and Oneness with Al ‘The heart chakras a replica, or twin ofthe crown chakra. When you lock atthe heart chakra, ithas twelve petals, similar to the ‘twelve petals that form the inner care ofthe ‘crown chakra. The crown chakra. on the ‘ther hand, isthe center of ilumination, or divine lve, or oneness. tis situated on top ‘of a person's head, providing energy forthe brain and the glands therein. When the crown chakras sufficiently activated, ts inner core of twelve petals unfur, open and turn upward ikea golden cup, golden ‘own, golden lotus, or golden lower, to receive spiritual energy whichis cistibuted to other parts ofthe body. Blessing the earth with loving-kindness, peace and goody through the Meditation on Twin Hearts can also be done as a group. The effecive- ness ofthe blessings is magnified many times more when done as a ‘group rather than as an individual ‘When a person practices Mediation on Twin Hearts, divine energy flows {down tothe practioner filing him with Divine Light, Love and Power. The practitioner Becomes a channel of his Divine energy. ‘Spiritual aspirants who have practiced this meditation for quite sometime ‘may experience being enveloped by dazzling, sometimes blinding High. In daiton, practitioners may experience divine ecstasy and bliss, and a feeling of oneness wih all creation. This has been @ common experience ‘among advanced yoois, spiritual disciples and saints of al religions, and ean be verted through their holy scriptures. ‘This brillant lights known as heaven kin Taoist yoga, or the pila of ight In ancient Jewish Kaballah traditions. To the indian yogis and saints, they call his pilar of ight, antakharana or spintual bridge of ight. The CCristians refer oi as the descent ofthe holy spr, symbolized by a pitar ight witha descending white dove, The white dove represents the coming down of dvine energy. The descent ofthe divine energy causes the temporary expansion of the practione's major chakras and inner ‘ura. When mediation is practiced on a regular bass, the expansion may become permanent When people practice the Meditation on Twin Hears daly of regularly, thalr major chakras and auras will increase in size, making thel energy bodies more dynamic and stronger. With bigger chakras and inner aura, thay can become more powerful healers and can heal most minor ail ments very quickly and almost instantaneously. Having a powerul and ‘dynamic energy body not only enhances one's healing powers but also increases one's effectivity and productivity at work. People who have ‘magnetic personalities or great char'sma usually have bigger chakras and inner auras than ordinary people, and they tend to have a stronger infi- ‘ence over most people. Furthermore, a person who regularly medtates becomes more intuitive and inteligent, wien faced wth a problem, he will have the increased ably to see drecily through the problem and find the Fight or proper solutions. Those who intend te practice Meditation on Twin Hearts regularly, however, should practice selt-purtications or character building through daly retlection so their postive characteristics wil be magniied, “The Meditation on Twin Hearts sa form of world service. By blessing the ‘earth with loving-kindness, you fil the wold with positive spintual ener- ‘ies. The blessings can be directed to organizations, spect towns, ‘tes, countries, or group of nations. When practiced bya large number of people, the meditation miraculously heals the earth, thereby making more harmonious and peaceful. -GJM “Meditation on Twin Hearts is one of the mos powerful tools for spiritual development. It is a true gift from the Great Ones.” - Grand Master Choa Kok Sui ‘The experience of bliss, power, love and oneness that come to those who practice Meditation on Twin Hears uimately awakens other felings {deep gratitude and profound awe forthe spintual teacher who inroduced this mighty meditation tothe public. That teacher is Grand Master Choa. Kok Sul. Not a guru inthe style ofan isolated holy man on a mountaintop, but an accessibie modern lecturer wha brings the higher mysteries rectly to students allowing them the priceless git of contact wih a physical teacher. ‘Master Choa began studying esoteric sciences when just a teenager growing up inthe Philippines. Following a ‘Jegree in chemical engineering, success as a private businessman, and the ralsing ofa family, Master Choa began dedicating hime ful ime to spreading the Great Work. Fourteen books, a dozen mediation audio record- ings. and countless seminars and workshops taught in dozens of countries later, Master Choa now stands as an ‘embodiment and example of what happens when ane serves. With charisma, that comes ftom constant contact ‘nth the divin, love and patience fr his “cholas, “and an astonishing physical stamina that permis him to travel ‘ost weeks ofthe year, Master Choa has taught tens of thousands of students around the globe the principles of Pranic Healing and the advanced messtaion techniques of Arhatic Yoga. Pranic Healing, an ancient frm of tenergy medicine, that Master Choa re-discovered and developed further, s a way every person can take a ro tcive ‘olen his or her own’ prsical health and welt-being. Aratic Yoga - of which Meditation on Twin Hearts is @ Comerstone - sa synthesis of varlous arcane techniques fo accelerate spiritual growth. Within Arhatic Yoga there is an emphasis not only on meditation but on “charactor bung,” which teaches students how to fashion a ie welived, Much ofthe spiritual technology Master Choa teaches has heretofore remained hidden and reserved for just a ‘Select few. But Master Coa believes the world is ready for the teachings and he is commited to help the Higher Beings usher in a new age. - Jennifer Sabi BENEFITS OF MEDITATION ON TWIN HEARTS PHYSIOLOGICAL BENEFITS > Mecitation on Twin Hearts showed measurable changes on the pattern of electrical activity through the brain by lectroencepnalograph (EEG). Comparing EEG studies before and after meditation, there was a dramatic transition from beta waves to ‘alpha waves and delatheta waves in 14 meditators and non- rmasitators. > There was an observable increase in brain synchrony (alpha-delta- thata waves) between the two hemispheres of the brain after the ‘Messtation on Twin Hears, There was synchronization of brain ‘waves infally between the same hemisphere and folowed by Synchrony between the frontal, middle and rear portions of the brain > There was decrease in heart rate and respiratory rat after the Meditation on Twin Hearts. > A postive relationship of skin conductance withthe Meditation was ‘observed in all subjects. > The Meditation on Twin Hearts was found to show a dramatic muscle potential measurements through electromyogram (EMG) of the Sealane and extensor muscles ofthe arms. ‘> There was significant increase in plasma melatonin and serum serotonin folowing Meditation on Twin Hearts in a plot study of 17 subjects and a follow-up study of 35 subjects. PSYCHOLOGICAL BENEFITS > Meditation on Twin Hears is being usod as a mediation tool fr, stress rele in Stross Management Programs. > There is a noticeable relaxation ofthe body, calming ofthe emotions and stliness ofthe mind > Regular practice of Meditation on Twin Hearts include increasing Contentment, happiness, inner peace and joy init. & > There was improved and enhancement of relationships with spouses, lamly members and co-workers. > Complete cessation of drug abuse following the Meditation on Twin Hearts has been reported. > In-conjunetion with Pranic Healing, Meditation on Twin Hears has ‘also shown increased academic performance, athletic skis, behavioral tnctioning, improved memory and overall school and job performance, ‘SOCIOLOGICAL BENEFITS. > Some sociological benefits include improved sel-confidence, Teduced ansely, improved family ie, improved relationships at home and at work, Increased tolerance, improved job performance, and increased job satisfaction. PSYCHOSPIRITUAL BENEFITS: > Meditation on Twin Hearts opens the awareness to the infin reservoir of energy, creativiy, and intoligence tha les deep within ‘everyone, > The meditation relaxes the body, calms the emotions and sis the mind > Regular practitioners of Meditation on Twin Heart happiness, inner peace and fulillment 1» Meditation’ on Twin Hearts can achieve lumination and profound ‘expansion of consciousness > Spiritual aspirants who practice this mesktation regularly may ‘experience envelopment of dazziing, even blinding light. Practtioners may also experience divine ecstasy and bss, and fealing of oneness with all creation. > Regular practitioners of Meditation on Twin Hearts have increased sizes of chakras and auras making the energy body sironger and ‘more dynamic. '> ‘ter practicing Meditation on Twin Hearts, pranic healers were ‘noted to heal patents quicker than betore and with amazing resulls. As a result of practicing Meditation an Twin Hearts, one becomes ‘more inteligent and. develops increased intutve abilities. attain inner » 2) 2) a 5) STEPS IN MEDITATION ON TWIN HEARTS Cleansing Physical Exercise Cleanse the etheric body by doing pityscal exereee for about five to ten minutes. Prysial exercises have tobe done to minimize possible pranic congestion since this meditation generates a lot of subtle energies inthe etherc body Invocation for Divine Blessing “The Invocation is important for one's protection and guidance, \without Divine Blessings, the practice of any advanced mediation can be dangerous. ‘The folowing invocation can be used: To the Supreme God, | humbly invoke for dvne guidance, dvine love and iluminaton, divine oneness, divine Diss divine help, and vine protection. With thanks and in fl ath ‘Activating The Heart Chakra. ‘The heart chakra is activated by blessing the ent earth with loving kindness using the Prayer of St Francis of Assisi, Visualize people, ‘smiling and ited with oy faith, hope and peace. Visualize enemios reconeting, embracing and forgiving each other. One should also, personaly fel oy, happiness and peace illng your entire being ‘while blessing tne earth, ‘Activating The Crown Chakra ‘The crown chakra is activated by using the folowing bessing: From the conte ofthe heart of God, Let the entire earth be blessed with loving-kindness. Let the entre earth be blessed with great joy and happiness. From the centr ofthe heart of God, Lot he entre earth be biessed with Understanding, harmony, and alvine peace. Let the enti earth be biessed with ‘good and the wil todo good. ‘Allow yourself o be a channel of divine loving-kindness, oy, happiness, understanding and peace and share these with he whole earth, Visualize people smiling, their hearts filed with joy and happiness, Visualize people or nations that are on the verge of fighting or are fighting reconeiing and lving in harmony with each ther. Visualize people puting down their arms, shaking hands and ‘embracing each other. Imagine peopte nat filed with good intentions, not only talking about doing something go0d, but also ‘actualy carrying out these good intentions. This isthe meaning of the "wil to do good." Blessing with the Heart And Crown Chakras. Concentrate simultaneously on the crown chakra andthe heart Chaka, and bless the entre earth. Ths wil align both chakras, ‘hereby making the Blessing more poten. You may use he folowing blessing From the center ofthe hear of Go, Let the entre earth, every person, every being be blessed with dvine love and kindness Let the entie earth, every person, and every being be blessed With divine sweetness, divine joy, wih warmness,caringness and tenderness. From the center ofthe hear of Go, Let the entre earth, every person, and every being bo blessed With inner Rea, inner beauty, vine Biss and, divine oneness. Imagine the small earth in front of you. Visualize a golden light from your hands going down tothe earth filing the whole earth with ight {nd love. Feel the divine love and Kindness and share these with the whole earth, every person and every being, Feel tho sweet, loving feeling and shar it with the whole earth. Feel the divine bliss land divine oneness, and share these wih every person and every being ® a 8) » {Achieving illumination. Meditation On The Light, On The Manta ‘OM And The Interval Between The Two OMS Gently imagine a brant white ight or golden ight on the crown. Look att gently and lovingly Fea! the quality ofthe energy emitted by he light Feel the inner peace stilness and bliss emanating from ‘the igh: Be aware ofthe ght the Inner silness and the Biss Gently and silently chant the marira OM or Amen. Continue mediating, Relax and ot go. Releasing Excess Energy. Alter mesitation, itis important o release all excess energy by blessing the earth untl you fel the body has normalized. Bless ‘pectic persons, your family and riends. Next gently be aware of the base ofthe spine. Project your consciousness down into the ‘arth and imagine ight descending into the earth three meters or 10, feet deep. “Thanks Giving ‘After the end ofthe meditation, always give thanks tothe Divine Providence and to your spinual ides for the dvine Blessing Further Releasing Of Excess Energy Through More Physica Exercises, ‘Practone of Mestaton on Twi Heats. SCIENTIFIC STUDIES ON AURA AROUND THE LITTLE FINGER MEDITATION ON TWIN HEARTS area rete peepee o os “The GDV images show the bloplasmic energy field around the finger of ‘SMP. before mediation, and after doing the Meditation on Twin Hearts. AURA AROUND ALL TEN FINGERTIPS Before Meditation _ After Meditation oOo o 0 09 oo 9° ‘The GDV images show the bioplasmic energy field around the fingertips ofa subject, before and ater the Meditation on Twin Hearts. From this fexperiment, we ean conclude tha the energy of a person increases. tremendously afer the doing the Mediation on Twin Hearts. The “Meditation on Twin Hearts has spitual, psychological and physical benefits, Melatonin, the principal hormone produced by the pineal gland, is significantly increased following Mediation on Twin Hearts. Research by Glenn Mendoza, M.D. and Supriya Ghorpadkar. The Center for Pranic Healing, New Jersey, USA. Bescartby Gem Monoss MD.and Suse Ghopasar'ecene - AURA AROUND THE ENTIRE BODY forPreic alg, Now Jory USA Before Meditation After Meditation show the bioplasmic energy feld around the whole 8 computer generated by the GOV camera) of SMP belore and ater doing the Meditation on Twin Hearts. Betaendorphins and Meditation on Twin Hearts. Research by Glenn Mendoza, M.D. and Supriya Ghorpadkar. The Genter for Pranic Healing, New Jersey, USA. (re GOV mages woe aan by eA sa Yoo Ve Pranc Hoang Foun Tt. "serch BC Sur and Oc Vin)

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