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SERIES 2000: EARTHWORKS AND PAVEMENT LAYERS OF GRAVEL. OR CRUSHED STONE ‘SECTION 3300 : MASS EARTHWORKS ‘CONTENTS, 3201 SCOPE 3302 MATERIALS eos CLASSIGATION OF CUT AND BORROW EXCAVATION 20% CLASSIFICATION OF COMPACTION 205 TREATING THE ROADBED ‘3a06 CUT ANO BORROW 3a07 FILLS 3508 FINSHING THE SLOPES $209 PROTECTION OF ROAD PRISM AND STRUCTURES a1 CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES 3311. QUALITY OF MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP 3312 MEASUREMENT ANO PAYMENT soot SCOPE “This section covers all work in connection with the Construction of uls and fils, the removal to. spoll of coral unsuitable for use, the construction and ‘Compaction of fil with cut material rom the road prim or foro material from approved borrow pits, the Compaction ofthe roadhed and finishing off cuts and fils Spe the stage where fils ave ready for placing the pavement layers. ‘This section also covers the wiciening of existing cuttings. fil and readbecs. 802 MATERIALS, (o) Roadbed and out Roadbed and cut mateials which oeour along the route of {he iondway have been tested and the results ofthe tests Me shown on the drawings. The test results, read in ‘Conjunction with these specficaions, ghe a preliminary Tedbation a to the purpose for which he out material may (Housed as well as the eatment, any hich the roadbed Ehall receive, The engineer shall give final instructions ‘uring constuction regarding the use of cut material and the treatment of tre roadbed. oF Unions otherwise specified in he project specifications ti Patera shall conform tothe requirements speciied below: ) The material shalt not contain any rock fragments voy amaximum dimension exceeding 500 mm. except in The case of rook fils, when it may be 759 rm. ln the case of rook ile the material shall contain sufficient fines traotons 10 fil the voids in order to obtain the iret density. The engineer has the right 9 vel the Trauit by means of random trenching. if the rock il eererial fs eficient in fines, approved fines shall be added! to the rock fil and placed as specified in subciause 33070) ‘Tho adetiion of approved fines wil be pai for separately. fi) Where iis possible by vstue of the quality ofthe ‘Maltable material, the minimum CBR at the specitied tompaction shall be as fellows: Depth below final road surface Minimum CBR Less than 1.2m amat e0% of modified AASHTO density 12m-9m 3% at 100% of| modified AASHTO deneity ‘should the depth below the final road surface exceed 9m, crehould the materiabe notin accordance with the said fequirements, the material shall conform to the Tequirements ae 2et out in the project specifications or a= presoribed by the engineer. it provision is made for it in the project specifications, the tngineer may allow the use of material nat meeting hese fequirements i elay of clayey material with @ CBR fess: than 32a! 100% modified AASHTO density, subject 0 the requirements specified inthe project specifications. (i) Compaction requitements, minimum in sty ary ensity when the matarial is compacted to a percentage of modified AASHTO density, 90% or 93% (as required) sand which for the purpases of this requirement is Specified as non-plaste sand with not fess than 95% passing through the 4.78 mm sieve, butwith not more than Sor passing through the 0.075 mm sieve, shall be Compected 19 100% af modified AASHTO density. Should corre than 20% pase trough the 0.075 mim sieve, the sand ‘hall be compacted to 95% of mocilied AASHTO density, Where existing fits are ta be widened, of where new fils tre to be constructed adjacent to exiting fils, the material Ep placed shall be compacted to at least 93% of mocified GASHTO density inorder to minimise ciferential fettoment, For sand, the compaction shall be atteast 85% ‘or 100% of modified AASHTO density. a= specified Ge) A maximum swell as spectiad In the project specifications shall apply. 903 CLASSIFICATION OF CUT AND BORROW EXCAVATION (a) Classes of excavation ‘he excavation of mates from cut or borrow for fils including excavations in exiting roads where specified o+ Spreec) shal be clasied 2 folows for purposes of measurement and payment (Soft excavation Soft excavation shall be excavation in material which cen be effeienly removed of loaded by any of the Following plant without prior ripping: ‘Abulldozar with a mass of atleast 22tons,(nhich includes ‘the mass ofa slpper I ited) and an engine developing approximately 145 Ki atthe flywheel ‘Atractor-serapor uit with mass of at least 28 tons and fan engine developing approximatoly 245 KW at the ‘lywhee, pushed during loading by abuldczeras specified In subsublause 3303/2), ‘A track-type frontend loader with a mass of at least 22 tons and an engine developing approximately 140 kM at tho fywheel ~ (i) Intermesiate excavation Intermeciate excavation shall be excavation (excluding sol ‘excavation in material which ean be efficiently ripped by ‘2 bulldozer with a mass of at least 26 tone when fitted with @ single tine pper and an engine developing ‘epproximately 220 KW at the tyne (i) Hard excavation Hard excavation shall be excavation (excluding boulder excavation) in material which cannot be elfiaienty ripped by @ bulldozer with properties equivalent to those described in subelause 3303(a)(i). ‘This type of excavation generally Includes excavation in ‘material such as formations of unweatherad rock, which can be removed only ater blasting (i) Boulder excavation class A Boulder excavation class A shall be excavation in mate Containing in excess of 40% by volume of boulders between 0,03 m* and 20 m? in size, in a mati of softer material or smaller boulders, Excavation in dolomite formations other than. solid dolomite shall also be classed as class excavation i the formations contains in excess of 40% by volume of lumps Of hard dolomite between 0,03 m” and 20 m? in size, In a ‘matrix of softer matarial or emalle lumps of hard dolomite Exeavetion of solid boulders of lumps of hard dolor ‘each in excess of 20 min size shal be classed as hard ‘excavation. Excavation of fissured or fractured rock shall not be assed as boulder excavation but as hard or intermediate excavation according to the natura of the materia, () Boulder excavation clase 8 ‘Where material contains 40% a less by volume of boulders ‘oF lumps of hard dolomite ranging ftom 0,03 m? to 20m? In size, in a matix of sft material or emailer boulders or Jumps of hard dolomite, then those boulders or lumps of hard dolomite between 0,08 m? and 20 mi size shall be classed as class 8 boulder excavation. ‘The excavation of the rest of tho material shall be classed 8 sof or intermeciate excavation according to the nature of the materi, Al the equipment specified in subctauses() ane (i) above 33002 shall be in a good mechanical order. The expressions ‘aficlemly ripped, ‘etficionty removed" or “ffclenty foaded" a: used in this eubelause shal in this context ‘mean ripped, removed or loaded (as the ease may be) in 2 manner which can reasonably be expected trom the equipment In question, with regard to the production achieved, (©) Method of casstying ‘The contractor shall be at bert to use any method he wishes to use for excavating any olass of material, but the method of excavating the materish shall nct dictate the classification of the excavation. ‘The engineer shall decide under which one of the above classes any excavation shall be olaszified for purposes of payment. In the fet instance the classification shall be based on an inspection of the material o be excavated, ich classification shall be agreed on before excavation may be started. In the event of a disagreement between, the contractor and the enginoor, the contractor shall, if equited, make avallable ouch mechanical plant ‘es specified in subelauses 2900(a)() and (i) at his ewn cost, in order to determine whetner or not the material can ‘reasonably be removed, The decision of the engineer es to the classification shall thereattor bo final and binding, subject to the provtions of clause 2 of the general conditions of contract. The contractor shall immediately inform the engineer i and when the nature ofthe material being excavated changes to the extent that a now elassfoation for further excavation ‘s warranted, Failure onthe part ofthe contractor to advise the engineer thereot in good time shall ene tha engineer to classify, at his discretion, such excavation as may have ‘been executed in material ofa diferent nature, (2) Classes of excavation for excavations in existing roads ‘The system for classifying exoavatlons in existing roads depends on the cicurnstances in each case, and therefore fn the construction methods which may be applied. Unless otherwise spacitid, and prir to any excavations ‘being made in existing roada, the contractor and the ‘engineer shall agree as to which classification system vill ‘be used and also es to the classification of the materials themselves. The two systems of classification aro sty In ‘accordance with clause 3803, and secondly In accordance ‘wih subclausee 9303(a) and fo) and the considerations for determining the classification system are as follows: © Giassification in accordance with eiause 3803 ‘This method of classification shall apply where the ‘excavation is subject to tho provisions of clauses 3804 and 2605, thats, where the excavation equites stit control so that underlying layers wil not be damaged, or so that only ‘material trom a specified layer will be removed without being contaminated with material from other layers, and ‘also where only part of e layer requires to be removed. (2) Classification in accordance with subelauses -3303(2) and fo) ‘This method of classification shall apply where excavations ‘are nat subject tothe restictions of section 3800, but only hr to those of setion 3300. Where excavations ean therefore be made in the normal manner as in new constuction, even in @ restioted area, the classfoation of suboiause '3203(a) shall apply. For excavations in borraw pits, ‘substause 3203) shal always epply. whore extra over items of payment are provided for txcavations in various classes ct material, only those extra ‘ver items relating to the appropriate classification system fa deterined above shall apply. 3904 CLASSIFICATION OF COMPACTION ‘the method of processing and the compaction of fil material shall be classified as desciibed below for ‘purposes of measurement and payment. The engineer will Secide In advanco as to which classiiation f compaction Shall be employed and the classification of material for purposes of excavation shall notin any way be taken into Eonsideration in tespest of the classification of the ‘compaction of material {@) Compaction to a minimum percentage of modified AASHTO density wherever a density requirement in respect of 2 fil or ‘pavement layer Is specified in these specifications, an the ‘Srawings or Inthe project specifications aris prescribed by the engineer io terms ofa percentage of modified AASHTO dnsity, the contractor shall be at liberty to employ any type of compaction equipment he may choose so as to ohleve such density ever the fll spectied depth of the layer, provided always that he cor lis In all espocts with the genaral requirements of these specifications and that the equipment employed Is adequate and suitable for the purpose and will not in any way be detrimental to any part Of the already completed works. (©) Gott roller passes compaction ‘Where the degree of compaction cannot be satisfactory controlled by way of testing the in stu density on account ‘ofthe nature ofthe material, the engineer may instruct that the material be placed anc compacted by elght passes (for ‘every 200 mm of compacted layer thickness) by a Combination of various Neme af compaction equipment. ‘The engineer may also Instruct thatthe required number of passes be increases 0° decreased and that the payment be ‘adapted accordingly. ‘The contractor shall use a combination ofall or any ofthe folowing items of plant: grid rollers, sheep's-foot rollers, tamping. rollers, fatwhes! roller, vibratory rollers, oscillatory raliers or any other tem of plant deemed by the fenginesr to be sultable, The contactor shall base fis fendered rates on the inclusion of four passes by a vibratory roller of an osoliatory roller, two passes by a grid roller, and two passes by a tamping roller in every eight ‘passes by the combination of rollers. Equipment ‘Tho plant shall be of any size and type as may be deemed te be suitable by the engineer, except thatthe following tems of plant shall comply with the requirements stated below: @)— Vibratary rotor ‘The vibratory roller shall be capable of exering a ‘combined static and dynamic force of not less then 420 kNimetra.victh for every metre of loose layer thickness at an operating frequency not exceeding 25 Hz and shall, ‘move at a speed not exceeding 4 kmih. 9 Oscliatory roller The osciatory roller shall be capable of exerting a combined stalls and dynamic force of not less than 420 kNimete-wicth for every metreofloselayer thickness at an operating frequency not exceeding 50 Hz and shall ‘move at 2 speed not exceeding 4 km/h, fi) Grid rotor ‘The gid roller shall have @ mass of not less than 19,5 tons. when ballsted, shall be loaded to thls mass, and shall move at a speed of not less than 12 km/h (9) © Tamping roter ‘Tne tamping roler shall consist of a eylindtical drum fitted with specially designed tamping feet, anc shall have atotal, ‘mace of not less than 1335 tone, and shall be towed at @ speed of not less than 12 kmh, Tha feot shal bo rectangular in shape and shall have two or three ‘consecutive raling faces, and shall be designed so as not 4 loosen any material during the process of rling. © Rook mn When 20 directed by the engineer, the rock fi shall be constructed ae determined in subciause 32096}. 3805 TREATING THE ROADBED (@) Removing unsuitable material ‘Any roadbed material which Is considered by the engine to be of a qually that would be davimental to the performance of the completed road ahall be removed to uch wwidthe and depths as may be instructed by the engineer and shall be disposed of as prescribed, The excavated spaces shall then be backfiled with approved ported material campacted to the requited density “The engineer may also ordor that material whieh i fo wot to provide a stable platform for the construction of th fil be removed and replaced with sultable dry material, and the contractor shal be pa fr this work, provided thatthe fengincer is saafied that, despite adequate temporary Giainage Installed by the contractor and permanent Grainage that the contractor may have instaled on the tengineer's instructions, the wet condition is unikely to be femedied within a reasonable time and could not have been reasonably foreseen and avoided by proper advance planning for construction being dane duting a dy peri, ‘The removal of unsuitable material shall be pad for under item 3807. For payment a distinction shall fist be made in respect of the depth of the material removed and Seconaly fa respect ofthe stablity ofthe material and the Construction plant fo be used. For removing any stable material, payment willbe made under this item should 33003 see) the instruction to remove be given alter completion of the ‘excavations in accordance with the original instuetions should the thickness of the layer to be removed be lest than 200 mm. It not, payment wil ba made therefor under Item 3304 as for ordinary excavated material which ts taken to spoil For the purposes of this clause and of payment item 33.07. stable material shall be delined as matoial which can be removed effectively by means of normal roxc.constuction equipment such as bulldozers, road graders, scrapers machanical shovels, back hoes or excavator, whereas ‘unstable material shall be material which can be removed etectvely only by means of diagine scvapers of similar ‘equipment. (©) Three roller passes compaction ‘Any portion of the roadbed whieh, by reaton of its inadequate in stu density it shown on the drawings or is ‘specified oris prescribed by the engineer io be given three roller passes compaction, shall be avepared by shaping if necessary and then compacting with a pneumatc-yred roller with a load of at least 2.0t per wheel or a vibratory ‘oller which complies with the requirements specified in Ssubelause 3204(0), or with an impact roller ‘The impact roller shall be single mult-aced roler with a _maximur of five flat or neatly flat faces and a roller mass ‘of between 8 and 19 tons, The roller and towing mechanism, which shal bp of the freeall type. shall be 40 ‘designed that all the energy applied in litng the roller when the rlleris supported on the ridge between adjacent faces, wil be available for application an impact when the rail crops down again. The roller shall be towed st 3 ‘speed between 8 km and 12 kmh Except where ctherwise authorized by the engineer compaction shall comprise nat fess than three complete ‘coverages by the wheels ofthe roler. specitieg or orders, ‘over every portion of the area being compacted. Although itis not th intention that water be apaied tothe roadbed by the contractor under this class ot compaction and no figid contol of the moisture content will be exercises

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