Esol 5

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5 Health

■ Who are the people?

■ Where are they?

■ What are they doing?

This unit is about health.

You will learn how to:

Listening and speaking

■ Give personal information about yourself Sc/E1.3a, 4b; Lr/E1.4b

■ Understand questions and explain when you are ill Sc/E1.3b, 4a; Lr/E1.1c, 2b

■ Make an appointment with the doctor and dentist Sc/E2.2a, 3d; Sd/E1.1b; Lr/E1.2e, 5c

■ Ask for medicines at the chemist’s Sc/E1.2a; Sd/E1.1b; Lr/E1.1c, 2e, 3a, 5c

Reading and writing

■ Read and write information at the doctor’s Rt/E1.1b; Rw/E1.1b, 2a, 3a; Wt/E1.1a

■ Know words for parts of the body Rw/E1.1a; Ww/E1.1a, 1b, 1c

■ Write appointments in a diary Wt/E1.1a

■ Read instructions on medicines Rt/E1.1b

E1 ESOL Unit 5 Page 1

Registering with a doctor
Filiz and her family are new to Birmingham. She goes to register with a
doctor near her house.

Activity A ● At the doctor’s

1 Who are the people in the picture?

2 The receptionist asks Filiz for information. Put the information in order.
Listen. Write a number in the box.

First name

Date of birth

Family name 1
Telephone number



3 Your teacher will give you some cards. Match the words on the cards
with the receptionist’s questions.

4 Listen again and check your answers.

Activity B ● Giving personal information
● When you give the information,
Work in pairs. Your teacher will give you a form. say names and numbers slowly
Ask questions to complete it. and clearly.

Page 2 Unit 5 E1 ESOL Sc/E1.4a, 4b; Lr/E1.4b

A doctor’s surgery
Activity A ● Reading about a surgery
This is the leaflet about the Ashlea Surgery in Birmingham.

Ashlea Surgery
Services How to find us:
■ Well Man Clinic Ashlea Surgery
■ Well Woman Clinic

■ Diabetic Clinic
■ Asthma Clinic

The team at the surgery

Receptionist: Annie Butler
GPs: Dr Leila Green,
Dr Joseph Golden, SURGERY HOURS
Dr Solym Ahmed Monday 8:00–4:00
Nurse: Sheila Thomas Tuesday 8:00–4:00
Wednesday 8:00–6:30
Number for appointments: Thursday 8:00–6:30

0121 987765 Friday 8:00–6:30

Saturday 9:00–11:30
Sunday Closed
0121 987764

Work in pairs. Read the leaflet. Answer these questions.

a How many GPs are there at the surgery? 3


b What is the nurse’s name? ...........................................................................

c Which street is the surgery in? ...........................................................................

d Which day is the surgery closed? .................................................

e What time does the surgery close on Wednesdays? .........................

f What time is the first appointment on Saturdays? .........................

g What is the number for appointments? ..........................................................................

Rt/E1.1b; Rw/E1.1a E1 ESOL Unit 5 Page 3

The body
Activity A ● Words for parts of the body
1 Match the words and the parts of the body.









2 Write the plurals for these parts of the body.

ear ................................
hand hands
leg ................................

foot ................................

ear ears
arm ................................

finger ................................

eye eyes

foot feet

Page 4 Unit 5 E1 ESOL Rw/E1.1a; Ww/E1.1a

My health
Activity A ● What’s the matter?
1 What’s the matter with Gulay?

I can’t go to school today, Mum.

I’ve got a sore throat.

2 Look at these five people. What’s the

matter with them? Listen. Write the
number of the conversation in the box.

Patrick Tom Florida

Harry 1 Jackie

3 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Remember!

Ask about the people. ● When we speak we say:

I’ve got a headache = I have got

What’s the matter with …….…?
She’s got backache = She has got
He’s got toothache = He has got
He’s got …….… .

Sc/E1.4a; Lr/E1.2b E1 ESOL Unit 5 Page 5

Activity A ● Making an appointment
Filiz’s daughter, Gulay, is ill. Filiz phones to make an
appointment for Gulay.

1 Which doctor does Filiz ask for?

Dr Green ■ Dr Golden ■ Dr Ahmed ■

2 When is the appointment? Tick the day and the time.


Monday 17

Tuesday 18

Wednesday 19

Thursday 20

Friday 21

Saturday 22

3 Filiz is making an appointment for her husband at the dentist’s. Listen to

the conversation.

Receptionist Filiz
Hello. West Street Dental Practice. Hello. Can I make an appointment
for my husband to see the dentist,
Yes, what’s the name, please?
Ali Akpinar.
Can you spell that, please?
Yes, it’s A-K-P-I-N-A-R. Ali Akpinar.
We’ve got an appointment on
Friday evening.
On Friday evening. At what time?
It’s at 6:30. Is that OK?
Yes, that’s fine.

4 Work in pairs. Practise the conversation.

Page 6 Unit 5 E1 ESOL Sc/E1.2a, 3d; Sd/E1.1b; Lr/E1.2e, 5c; Wt/E1.1a

Activity B ● Writing appointments in a diary
Write the appointments for Gulay and Ali in Filiz’s diary.


Mon 17
Al i Ho m e O ff ic e 12 .3 0

Tue 18

Wed 19
Pa re nt s’ ev en in g G ul ay ’s
sc ho ol 7: 30

Thu 20

Fri 21

Sat 22

Sun 23 30
Ya sa r fo ot ba ll tr ai ni ng 9:

E1 ESOL Unit 5 Page 7

At the chemist’s
Activity A ● Things you can buy at the chemist’s
1 What are these things? Write the words under the pictures.

bottle capsules ointment packet plasters tablets tube

a b c d

............................................... ............................................... ............................................... ...............................................

............................................... ............................................... ............................................... ...............................................

2 Filiz’s son, Yasar, is ill.

She goes to the chemist’s.
Listen. What does she buy?

3 Listen again and circle the correct words.

a My son has got a cold / flu.

b He’s got earache / a temperature.

c How much is it / are they?

d Can I have a small / large bottle, please?

Activity B ● Asking for things

Work in pairs. Role play conversations at the chemist’s.
Your teacher will give you some cards.

Page 8 Unit 5 E1 ESOL Sc/E1.2a; Sd/E1.1b; Lr/E1.1c, 2e, 5c; Rw/E1.1a

Medicine instructions
Activity A ● Reading instructions for taking medicine
1 Read the instructions for a medicine called Betterquick. What is the
medicine for?

Take BETTERQUICK for flu and colds

How to take:
1 2 3 4

How many to take: Adults and children 12 and over: 1 sachet

every 4 hours


2 Match the instructions and the pictures.

a Stir well. 3
b If you want, add sugar or honey to taste.

c Open sachet of powder and pour it into mug.

d Fill mug with hot water.

3 Can a six-year-old child take Betterquick?

Activity B ● Taking medicines

1 Listen to three people asking about medicines. Tick the correct answer.

a 2 tablets 2 times a day ■ 3 tablets 2 times a day ■

b 2 spoonfuls 3 times a day ■ 2 spoonfuls 4 times a day ■
c after meals ■ before meals ■
2 Listen again and practise the questions.

3 Work in pairs. Role play conversations at the chemist’s.

Sc/E1.3b, 4a; Sd/E1.1b; Lr/E1.3a; Rt/E1.1b; Rs/E1.1a E1 ESOL Unit 5 Page 9

Phone call to a college
Filiz is an ESOL student at Birmingham City College.
Today she is ill. She can’t go to college.

Activity A ● Phoning to say you’re ill

1 Filiz telephones her college. Listen. What’s the
matter with her? Tick the box.

headache ■
toothache ■
backache ■
2 Listen again. Match the questions and the answers.

Hello. Birmingham City Yes, it’s W40356.
College. Can I help you?

Sorry, can you spell Yes. My name’s Filiz Akpinar. I’ve
your surname? got bad backache and I can’t
come to class this afternoon.

What class are you in? Yes. A-K-P-I-N-A-R.

What’s your Maria Kelly.
teacher’s name?

Do you know your ESOL 4.
student number? Remember!
● When we speak we use the
short form.
I’m ill = I am ill
Activity B ● Saying why you can’t come to class
He’s ill = He is ill
1 Practise the conversation in Activity A.
I’m not well = I am not well
2 Work in pairs. You are ill. Phone your college and She isn’t well = She is not well
explain why you can’t come to class.

Page 10 Unit 5 E1 ESOL Sc/E1.4a, 4b; Sd/E1.1b; Lr/E1.2b

✓ Check it
Activity A ● Health words
Look at the pictures and find the words.

s e a r a c h e v

x h t b c h s p m

n n u r s e k f h

y r b k s m w c p

q d e n t i s t y

r o v b m s n l p

n c w d b t x f f

m t c k t z l j e

t o o t h a c h e

b r n l p r f h t

c r t n f m s v n

Activity B ● At the doctor’s and the chemist’s

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

Can I have How many How much I’ve got Can I make

a Can I ma‡e
.................................. an appointment to see the doctor?

b ................................................. earache.

c ................................................. tablets do I take?

d ................................................. a packet of paracetamol?

e ................................................. are they?

E1 ESOL Unit 5 Page 11


Activity A ● Find a leaflet
Go to your local doctor’s surgery and ask for a leaflet about the services.

Activity B ● Your GP
Complete this information about your GP.




Activity C ● The dentist

What is the name and address of your local dentist?

• Name: ............................................................................. • Address: ..........................................................


• Telephone number: ........................................................................................................................................

How am I doing?
I can Yes I need more practice

Give personal information about myself ■ ■

Understand questions and explain when I am ill ■ ■
Make an appointment with the doctor and dentist ■ ■
Ask for medicines at the chemist’s ■ ■
Read and write information at the doctor’s ■ ■
Know words for parts of the body ■ ■
Write appointments in a diary ■ ■
Read instructions on medicines ■ ■

Page 12 Unit 5 E1 ESOL

More reading and writing

Filling in a form

Activity A ● Capital letters and small letters

Match the words.

a first name ADDRESS

b family name FIRST NAME

c address DATE OF BIRTH

d telephone AGE


f date of birth TELEPHONE

g nationality FAMILY NAME

2 Fill in the form with your details.

Green Oak Health Centre

Family name ........................................................

First name ........................................................


Date of birth ........................................................


Address ........................................................





Telephone number ........................................................


Nationality ........................................................

Male / Female (please circle)

Rw/E1.3a; Wt/E1.1a E1 ESOL Unit 5 Page 13

More reading and writing


Activity A ● Signs in a health centre

1 Read the signs.



2 Look at a picture of the health centre. Where do you find the signs?
Write the words on the picture.

a b

Page 14 Unit 5 E1 ESOL Rw/E1.1a

More reading and writing


Activity A ● Reading instructions

1 Look at the texts. Which ones are instructions? Tick the boxes.

rs: 1 or 2 tablets 3 times a day
■ Adults and children over 12 yea
times a day
■ Children under 12: 1 tablet 3

C Surgery hou TRE
Meadow Walk Dental Practice Monday – Fri
day: 8:00–7:30
Your next appointment 9:00–12:30
Mr Harris

4:30 Tuesday 2nd May

..................................................................................................... ■
...................................................................................................... DOSE D
■ Take every 4–6 hours
Adults and children over 12:
one 5 ml spoonful
Children 6–12:
E one 2.5 ml spoonful

Keep out of reach

Garland Dental Clinic of children
■ We care for your teeth ■
■ NHS treatment available
■ New patients and children we
evening appointments
■ Saturday morning and late

2 Work in pairs. Decide where you can find these different texts.

Rt/E1.1b, 2a E1 ESOL Unit 5 Page 15

More reading and writing


Activity A ● Word endings -ck, -ch or -che?

1 Listen to the sentences. Mark the k sound.

a My back hurts.

b I’ve got toothache.

c He’s got problems with his stomach.

d I’m sick.

e She’s got a headache.

f Is your neck OK?

2 Make two lists of the words with the k sound.

– ck – ch/che

bac‡ toothache

3 Can you add other words to the list?

Activity B ● Remembering spellings toothac
Try these ways to help you remember spellings.
1 Choose a word in the list you want to learn to spell.
● Trace it with your finger. Is it short or long?
What is the shape?
● How many letters are there?
● What are the first and last letters? ache
● Say the word.

2 Close your book and try to write the word.

Page 16 Unit 5 E1 ESOL Ww/E1.1b, 1c

Audio scripts
Page 2 Registering with a doctor Four
Woman: Oh, know what, I feel terrible.
Activity A Man: Why? What’s the matter with you?
Receptionist: Hello. Can I help you? Woman: I’ve got terrible earache. It’s very painful.
Filiz: Oh, yes, hello. I’d like to register with Man: Bad earache! You need to go to the
the GP here. doctor.
Receptionist: OK. What’s your family name?
Filiz: Akpinar.
Woman: You look terrible. What’s the matter?
Receptionist: Can you spell that?
Man: I’ve got a really bad headache.
Filiz: Yes. A-K-P-I-N-A-R.
Woman: Take some paracetamol. It’s good for
Receptionist: And what’s your first name?
headaches. I think I’ve got some in my
Filiz: Filiz. F-I-L-I-Z.
Receptionist: OK. What’s your nationality?
Filiz: Turkish. Page 6 Appointments
Receptionist: And what’s your date of birth?
Filiz: 18 … 12 … 1969. Activity A1/2
Receptionist: Right. And where do you live? Receptionist: Hello. Ashlea Surgery.
Filiz: 21 New Street, Birmingham BR22 Filiz: Hello. Can I make an appointment for
9YH. my daughter to see Dr Green, please?
Receptionist: Sorry, what’s the postcode again? Receptionist: Yes. What’s the name?
Filiz: BR22 9YH. Filiz: Gulay Akpinar.
Receptionist: Do you have a telephone number? Receptionist: Can you spell her first name, please?
Filiz: Yes. It’s 0121 83652. Filiz: Yes. It’s G-U-L-A-Y. Gulay Akpinar.
Receptionist: OK. Dr Green’s next free appointment
Page 5 My health
is on Thursday morning.
Activity A Filiz: Thursday. OK.
One Receptionist: Right. Is 9:30 OK?
Filiz: Yes, that’s fine. Thank you very much.
Man 1: Are you OK?
Man 2: No. Not really! Activity A
Man 1: Why? What’s the matter?
Receptionist: Hello. West Street Dental Practice.
Man 2: I’ve got backache! It’s always bad when
Filiz: Hello. Can I make an appointment for
the weather gets cold.
my husband to see the dentist,
Two please?
Woman 1: Ow! Receptionist: Yes, what’s the name, please?
Woman 2: What’s the matter? Filiz: Ali Akpinar.
Woman 1: Oh, this tea’s too hot. I can’t drink very Receptionist: Can you spell that, please?
hot tea at the moment. I’ve got bad Filiz: Yes, It’s A-K-P-I-N-A-R. Ali Akpinar.
toothache. Receptionist: We’ve got an appointment on Friday
Three Filiz: On Friday evening. At what time?
Boy 1: You don’t look well. Receptionist: It’s at 6:30. Is that OK?
Boy 2: No, I think I’m going to ask Mr Filiz: Yes, that’s fine.
Mohammed if I can miss football this
Boy 1: What’s the matter?
Boy 2: I’ve got stomachache. I think I ate
something bad at lunchtime!

E1 ESOL Unit 5 Page 17

Page 8 At the chemist’s Page 10 Phone call to a college
Activity A Activity A
Chemist: Can I help you? Receptionist: Hello. Birmingham City College. Can I
Filiz: Yes … my son has got flu and he’s got a help you?
temperature and a headache. Filiz: Yes. My name’s Filiz Akpinar. I’ve got
Chemist: How old’s your son? bad backache and I can’t come to
Filiz: Ten. class this afternoon.
Chemist: Well, we have this children’s Receptionist: Sorry, can you spell your surname?
paracetamol. It’s very good. Filiz: Yes. A-K-P-I-N-A-R.
Filiz: How much is it? Receptionist: OK. What class are you in?
Chemist: £3.25 for a large bottle or £2.50 for a Filiz: ESOL 4.
small bottle. Receptionist: OK. And what’s your teacher’s name?
Filiz: OK. Can I have a small bottle, please? Filiz: Maria Kelly.
Receptionist: Do you know your student number?
Page 9 Medicine instructions Filiz: Yes, it’s W40356.
Receptionist: OK. I’ve got all that. Thanks for
Activity B
Chemist: Here’s your prescription, Mr Davis. Page 16 Spelling
Customer: How many tablets do I take?
Activity A
Chemist: Take three tablets twice a day … and
make sure you finish the course. a My back hurts.
b I’ve got toothache.
b c He’s got problems with his stomach.
Chemist: This cough medicine’s very good. d I’m sick.
Customer: How much do I take? e She’s got a headache.
Chemist: Take two spoonfuls, three times a day. f Is your neck OK?
Chemist: Try these tablets. They’re very good for
stomach problems.
Customer: When do I take them?
Chemist: Take them before meals.

Page 18 Unit 5 E1 ESOL

A Answers
Page 2 Registering with a doctor Activity A2
Activity A1 ear – ears
leg – legs
Filiz and the receptionist at the surgery
foot – feet
Activity A2 arm – arms
finger – fingers
First name – 2
Date of birth – 4
Family name – 1 Page 5 My health
Telephone number – 6 Activity A1
Address – 5
She’s got a sore throat.
Nationality – 3
Activity A2
Page 3 A doctor’s surgery Patrick – 5
Activity A Tom – 3
Florida – 2
b Sheila Thomas
Harry – 1
c Park Street
Jackie – 4
d Sunday
e 6.30
f 9.00 Page 6 Appointments
g 0121 987765 Activity A1
Dr Green
Page 4 The body
Activity A2
Activity A1
Thursday, 9:30

Page 7 Filiz’s diary
Activity B
arm Suggested answers:
Thursday – 9:30 Gulay to doctor
Friday – 6:30 Ali to dentist

Page 8 At the chemist’s

Activity A1
knee b plasters, packet
hand c tablets, bottle
d ointment, tube
leg Activity A2
toe A small bottle of children’s paracetamol
Activity A3
b a temperature
c is it
d small

E1 ESOL Unit 5 Page 19

Page 9 Medicine instructions Activity B
Activity A1 b I’ve got
c How many
Flu and colds
d Can I have
Activity A2 e How much
b 4 c 1 d 2
Page 13 Filing in a form
Activity A3
Activity A1
b family name – FAMILY NAME
Activity B1 c address – ADDRESS
d telephone – TELEPHONE
a 3 tablets 2 times a day
e age – AGE
b 2 spoonfuls 3 times a day
f date of birth – DATE OF BIRTH
c before meals
g nationality – NATIONALITY

Page 10 Phone call to a college

Page 14 Signs
Activity A1
Activity A2
Activity A2 b TOILETS
b Yes. A-K-P-I-N-A-R. d Maria Kelly.
c ESOL 1. e Yes, it’s W40356.

Page 11 Check it
Page 15 Instructions
Activity A
Activity A1
A, D
s e a r a c h e v

x h t b c h s p m Page 16 Key words

n n u r s e k f h Activity A1/2
-ck: back, sick, neck
y r b k s m w c p -ch/-che: toothache, stomach, headache

q d e n t i s t y

r o v b m s n l p

n c w d b t x f f

m t c k t z l j e

t o o t h a c h e

b r n l p r f h t

c r t n f m s v n

Page 20 Unit 5 E1 ESOL

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