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Lesson Plan

Department: Information Science and Engineering

Subject: Operating System Semester: V . B.E , ‘C’ Section

Subject Code: IS54 Preparation Date: 10-07-2010
Prepared by: D.Jagadeesh Sai Review Date:
Reviewed by: Term :16th Aug to Dec 2010
No. of Lecture Hours/Week : 04 Exam Hours: 03
Total No. of Lecture Hours : 52 (42+10) Exam Marks: 100
IA Marks: 50 Duration of Final Exam: 3 Hrs
Credits: 3:0:1

Objectives of operating system

1. To understand basic concepts of operating system.
2. To understand the services the operating system provides to the user.
3. To develop prototype for critical section problem.
4. Study techniques for efficient memory utilization and deadlock handling.
5. Learn the techniques supported by various operating systems through case study.

Scope/ Outcome of Operating System Students will

1. Understand the importance of operating system.
2. Analyze the performance of various CPU scheduling algorithms .
3. Develop mechanisms for handling process synchronization and deadlock problems.
4. Understand the various structures of file directories.
5. Become familiar with the working of various operating systems.

Lesson/ Topics Duration

Objective Objective of this unit is to learning common features of operating system
and understanding what an operating system does for the user.
Understanding the process concept and interprocess communication.
Learning different CPU scheduling algorithms and analyzing their

1 Batch Systems, Concepts of multi programming 1 Hr

2 Time-sharing, parallel, distributed and real - time systems. 1 Hr
3 Operating system components and services. System calls and 1 Hr
system programs.
4 Virtual machines. Process concept, process scheduling, 1 Hr
5 Cooperating processes, threads and intercrosses 1 Hr
6 CPU scheduling criteria, scheduling algorithms 1 Hr
7 Scheduling algorithms, Algorithm evaluation. 1 Hr
8 multiple- processor scheduling and real-time scheduling 1 Hr
Outcome At the end of this unit students will be familiar with operating system
concepts. They will know how to choose a particular scheduling algorithm
based on their application.

Objective Process synchronization and deadlock are the serious problems of
operating system. This unit discusses the various process synchronization
problems. Understand strategies for concurrency management using
semaphores and deadlock handling.

9 The critical section problem, synchronization hardware 1 Hr

10 semaphores, classical problems of synchronization, 1 Hr
11 critical regions and monitors 1 Hr
12 Dead locks - system model, characterization, 1 Hr
13 Deadlock prevention 1 Hr
14 Deadlock avoidance 1 Hr
15 Detection, Recovery from dead lock. 1 Hr
16 Recovery from dead lock contd ,Combined approach 1 Hr
Outcome Students will learn to design solutions for process synchronization
problems. Handling and prevention of deadlock for better resource
Objective The objective of this unit is to learn different memory management
techniques, strategies for implementing virtual memory concept and
understanding advantages of virtual memory in any system.
17 Memory management - logical and physical address space 1 Hr
18 swapping, contiguous allocation, 1 Hr
19 paging and segmentation 1 Hr
20 Segmentation with paging in MULTICS and Intel 386. 1 Hr
21 Virtual Memory - Demanding paging and its performance 1 Hr
22 Page replacement algorithms. 1 Hr
23 practice session on Page replacement algorithms 1 Hr
24 Allocation of frames. Thrashing 1 Hr
Outcome Students will realize the advantages of efficient utilization of memory.
They will also learn various storage management techniques and execution
of programs larger than memory size using demand paging concept.
Objective Objective of this unit is to uunderstanding file system structure, allocation
and access methods. Learning mass storage structures, backup and

25 File systems, Secondary Storage Structure 1 Hr

26 Protection and Security-File concept, access methods 1 Hr
27 Directory structure, protection and consistency semantics. 1 Hr
28 File system structure, allocation methods. 1 Hr
29 Free space management. Directory implementation 1 Hr
30 Disk structure, disk scheduling methods. 1 Hr
31 Disk management, Swap-space management. Disk reliability. 1 Hr
32 Swap-space management. Disk reliability contd 1 Hr
Outcome Students will know to choose the appropriate allocation methods and
directory structures in various applications. They will be become familiar
with techniques and need for free space management
Objective The objective of this unit is to understanding the need for protection in
operating system. Implementation of protection mechanisms in operating
system and case studies on different operating system.
33 Protection - Goals of protection, domain of protection 1 Hr
34 Access matrix and its implementation. 1 Hr
35 Access matrix implementation & Revocation of access 1 Hr
36 Linux history, Design principles; Kernel modules; 1 Hr
37 Process management, Scheduling 1 Hr
38 Memory management 1 Hr
39 File systems 1 Hr
40 Input and output 1 Hr
41 Inter-process communication 1 Hr
42 Discussion on question papers 1 Hr
Outcome Case studies will give an insight on the features supported by different
operating system.
Students will become aware of the system threats and program threats.
Objective The objective is to implement the various concepts of operating system to
know how the operating system works
43 write programs using the following system calls of UNIX 2hr
operating system: fork, exec, getpid, exit, wait, close, stat,
opendir, readidr.

44 Write programs to simulate UNIX commands ls, grep. 2hr

45 Implement the CPU scheduling algorithms for FCFS 2hr

Scheduling and SJF Scheduling.
46 Implement the CPU scheduling algorithms for priority 2hr
Scheduling and Round robin Scheduling.
47 Implement the Banker’s algorithm for deadlock-avoidance 2hr
48 Implement the FIFO and Optimal Page replacement algorithms 2hr
49 implement the FIFO and SCAN disk scheduling algorithms 2hr
50 Implement producer-consumer problem using semaphores 2hr
51 Implement readers-writers problem using semaphores 2hr
52 Implement paging using TLB 2hr
Outcome Students will become familiar with functionality of the operating system.

Internal Assessment Details

Internal Test1 Max Marks: 25
Internal Test2 Max Marks: 25
Internal Test3 Max Marks: 25

Final Marks: Average of best of two tests

Lab test Max Marks: 15

Surprise test Max Marks: 10


1. Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, “Operating System Concepts”, 7 edition, Addison-Wesley,


Reference Books:
1.Dhamdhere D. M., “Operating Systems – A Concept Based Approach”, 2 nd edition, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2006.
2.Tanenbaum A. S., “Modern Operating Systems”, 3rdedition, Pearson Education, 2008

TERM: Section Staff HOD

(Name & Signature with (Signature with Date)
August V semester Jagadeesh Sai
2010-Dec ‘C’
20109 Sections

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