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THE NEW JEDI ORDER SOURCEBOOK uD WIKER wiTH STEVE MILLER THE NEW JEDI ORDER SOURCEBOOK 5 WiKER WITH STEVE MLLER nian CAMPBELL, CORY 1, HERNOON, AND ‘mine SeLinWeR o zi) m U ci i} imieeute vueHoUIGH anata are caenove neceron Senn etenn fick ncHBeRGER ‘TAR HOLHOWSHY, RICH ACHHEROER ‘BRIN DORRIES, SONA PERCIUAL fishieW wooo ‘inTHon WATERS, ASHLEY WOOD, COREY ‘MACOURBH, DAN BABRETON, J8PP CARLISE, LUERBEILM tTh., MARH SASSO, RA POST, SCOTT FISCHER BL StAUICSEH DavID Wie pnoveor wanacen q i oUGLAS STEUES = PRODUCTION MANAGER _ Te aeeae vewvnendaca eesti com Speci hanks wo Lucy Arey ikon and Howard Roman of vs. con enor eaue cas LcersingHeeer fhe loon Lela Cheeal he (SFR. a nc Wot he Con tn autrs and ats ho have conuted othe exanded Sar Morte on a Worsnivese and ose material we hae drawn komsand oy ar ae George tas. nr on at wana Based nthe Star Ws Rokeplying Game by Andy Cos, Bil saresesas Slavik and 1D Wik ising mechanics developed forthe al ‘new Dunceons & Daacons" game by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook Skip Willams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adison. ‘This Wizards of the Coast game produc contains no Open Game Content, No potion ofthis work may be reproduced in any fom vithout writen permission. To lear more about the Open ‘Gaming License and the d20 System License, please vst wun zards. com 20.

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