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We a!['·e:n,Ci't .aloru:l '"

Tb@a~b;onomers 8.DeWJ;Ofl.g. The:s,cier:.t.ists ollU::'eWJ;OD!gi •. They areb:er~1 built. we cannot see tb:~ beca.'U::;i,e t:hle.y hig€;!:.

Their •..•• ,in plla,in. si'9'h.t •

. ~~ ~~~ tltu;di.r s,ervant~ t we arethei:r sl.a,"lI'es, we are their

J;l\ropert::y •.• ~ ~weare theirs •.

:1 L.


In timsf ~h~ S~ar Being would aom~ to trust the s~x. By using ,illi sma.l1 c:ry~t:al to, 'C:'b'eaJ~e iITIages,t.h~ Visitor began to Clailllm~unicat~w;i,ththe you.lil91 men ..C-1:!:l.Hog t.he St.a,riIiJ.h:illgr, the youths :sat at the krnee of ttleir r·riend,p.e,xaminin.g a.:U iQ.f tn,!!! cr·yst.alHne ima9i~:~ w; care~ pleci]]·9toget..h.e~ the .:in.credlbl,e hf.5tory of Q1!JlL Sol~r syst'l2lti and Mankind jLt~el.f .•

sta~ E],dler ~ .:;';: I!iI·ess s.agl<!;l,wa.s s.1 mp 1 e.. Sta;r Eh~ i 1ilg'!O ha:vebee.1!L ner·e s inc eEar th W.OI sab.a..r l"e n. rock.. The'E:: when M!;;;l,!4 wa~ created ~nlidh .. i91'!!le be,en here ·t:hr·otlg'hourt. h:lLs evoltl.t.:il.·C1i'i.. In :!OomE! oCo'lI.s,e,s the.1 ri:l':n,i!ol!J~m'I!e:llt l:itas benevolent" i:n. some c·a!1les, 1t'l\l'a.:5 .no·t,.. Ma.n. Bl,i~u'il belen ,guided •.•• and be ha.$ IH~!en mis·-led. The star B¢ i filg.!i> have been ,our 'GOQ s ••• ~ fig Q1,J!.;{'[ie v.i Ls,

The·y ha v·ealll w·.a :ys been. hEH:':e, a:n,,;1 ·they a res 'lit: illlL liie·:re now. When pressed tOI .exp,l a in h i~ [pre sen'Ceo REa rr tJII , the 'Star E:lder ; :5 t lUI(L'I<!!d th~ $ i K. There 1i>1'<;1~ aW,<Ii l' in t Q@ $.k i <I:lS ~ bove I his ship bad been downed by enemy fcrces~


I [I

1 ,i1li1:lll call€lG! ! MOib"oinq Sky'il ••• R.offilert M.Qi!l:'ni~.gSky~

J~ly g.:t'~:ndf ather ll-!.a::5 Q·ne of 't:~e is h: young Indian .rescuers •.

When I 'Was 'you,ng r my '9ra:ncilfathe~told me tbe stollY about bi$ Star visitor. Be a~d-bis fri~nds ca~l~d him tSta~ Bld@r~. a .narne given oil:!:': ofit@!l;l,:p@,ct. But: a:!O tillll@ pas.sed,. his !lo1il!!i!le WliiS reveOll~d it.Q tn,!;: youths.. H'e ·WaJ~ ca,Uea ...• , .. 'I !!ek.'Ti i • l:S his :story •..• and min·~.

In the la.te sixties .• I W,OIS e.lli.rQ.n.ed. &ita. Un:iv@:r~:sity in a Re: H.g' i'Olil.~ IS t ucll Ill! S P:l"'o.g]i:'·am. Towa.rd 5 the enill olf my :s t udi.,e.s, I 5 tI.bllli t te,a a pa per It: ba It: b:r 1 e f.lL y summa r .1.:ll: te d t.n.e h.ili,:ry 0 t Ma 1':1 and ~i1lrth ~s told by :6ek!I'Ti. I till tled thr@p,!;, 1'l'.EfU'tA .. a H;i"ddenf[istory Q.fPlan~tEa,rtb'l ~ I was sur·e I had pr'e.sent.ed a \;,lle,ll resedilrcili:l@dand well docuffilen1ted ",,'ark.

It Wa.5 immediately lI.a.belled a. w.o.:I:'.k of cm,t.:rageous I. i.t· n,ot bla.$ph·~'Il1!ou.~, d.'i~tort.::i.,on 0.£ ,h, records an:O! not !of t,h.E:

C!aH:Der ofa s,e:t;'.:iou5studellt '<'I"fil:.~,,ligio:!,!.. 'Th!e 'Tfm"W!., PAPERS>!, tihe .5 to:t"y ·o.f Bek, IT'ji " nealt"ly 'got ®leli:hrowl'l. ou t .0.£ s·cho,ol.

:En. frust.rat.j,o,n., I a.pp'roached a UFO oXlgaini2:atio:nand some UFO' ~€i$,~:a~(:ber:s ,re,asonably conf1dentthat theywQuld b@, most ~.!lt~r~$t.ed 1.n :rnI:d¥ s.tory. 1'.0' my $ur;p~;il=ll~~. I was It;''ejected, offhand.. I w·a.::> advi!;;:e:d by one lI:ese~.rcher tha.t IlFO"swere oguite cle,a:r 1 ,!!'a pbe:f,!QJI'i~fi<li of ~. tecbno:i!oqy and NOT thewc,rks 0 fthe

"mythlca.l being:i:lot' plrimUd ve peop,les. I( Curlotlsl)l',. he l.:sn;o·w awel.l-t"espe~teti. triE'o·iilut.bor and A.;II,S reClentlYI!:'el~ased !!l! book Qnt.he E'!'lNative Americao cIQ:nn!ec,t.ioll •. '

iloT' t::hirtY'yiears.~.I ha.v@ aV'olided ·thest,cry,., The iinlt 1a 1 respon.S~ to muy eff,oil"t.swas, d i scolura,gln.g • ij·ut -J! h.aV'E!

:recently: belen pelr:s:uaded "to ·tr:y ,again,. -

Tbeh.l:storyo:f' Han and Ea:rtn p.resn~nted, lI,y :Bek.":W.i .;1,5 hath @~cl!1l;;,iill.9·!!ind f:ri9'.htenin.9'~The cr~a't.:tQ!f:i. of Man. 2ItD!d hi I!;> place in. th~: g.alaxy is made (ll.eal"'bllt in tbepirocIB!'3S h.lsnobillt·y·, ~n:d ~isp:ride...wil1 be ilil.jY:tt;''@;d... ''!rhe ,abd,U>ction p~ef.l:01lDenaand the ,.d::ten,d].i.n.g 'g·~e·y being5.are :rev'eal~d:t·o hav,e ,been .. :i.ntegra.l p:;;l!t't.~ o:fM~J~" IS hi.:~tQil"Y but aJ.:lre expl, ,aga.illlst t;bu f~·am@work. 'Of ·the pJJ.rpC):ses of 'th·e Sta.r Beings fe,r - Maillthi}d~






'["h.e 5c,urc:es of ,.tan" s :reilgions: ~lJJd tl),e or igios, c:f' l,egen.da ry :if i 9 UI'B slike Z e~1'll r 'i;:lie M i ae ta u.t" "Osi r i~~nd I:s i 5 ~' Qindat nurnber o,f ,other I ,F:iiJftnolo'9ic~JL ~i be..i~9g are ex.pla . .in.ed ,amd ;;l!l:;;l,a p~aced into the framework af the Hi~tory of 'lanet Earth.

AllH:J: t ,S,O tOO'j upC:(lrmin.gevl;!:nts can be iPredicte~ '. Notflbomlll any p~Y'ch:tc ab1.1,Hi'~:~ Ol:' 'ohii!r!!f!~ling, bll;llt r:riOimi pat t'eIo:sof i'iIn on-goimg ~ffort to di~.ct Planet Earth.

Man w:i.: llL :soon be sl!.urrounaJ,e.d""itn Jurnag'es: of asteroids and f-alling' H,ery co'mets. In~'ck pigswHl be~e'@fiI eve,:ry~h.l\lre OI.S wi 11 Ang,€!l f igu:L"'es '. Dino:S;·i1I!li.U"S ftti 11 beGQrn<e children'~ s hero'E!,S and violLenge w~ll be the foundatton of their play. New ~irbo,rne eli s,e~ $.~:s , immu rile, to' ext:s t i r!9t,r'e~ tme:fl't a , wi 11 !;!,u,r:f.!:li ee .' N~SA. wi. U b~r:e nderedweat and, irn.pat,en It: , if not: t,ermin<li te,d •

1!. ga~act±,c fJljiar of conq'u€lst :ra,g@soV'El.r 'ol;l,~ hea.ds. '. • Earth ..• and Man.~~is th~ prize.

--- ---

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T, ,is .!IliY s t:01rl!'' ~ •.•

This is my Grafldf;;!!.th.e.:r"s story., •.•

' •• ' ."MD •••





This i,5

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Tbe ·expl'o.siQti rocked. the .NQtbin.qne;ss of the Voi~. P:rimo"rd,ial "e;ss'e;n.e;;'e! W9,S th.rown vio,lently' outw'ard,. L.U::e ill primeval ocea.n" \iI'ave after wa've crashed ,out into tbe bla,ck pit of the Voi,g. :NIothlngnes,~ behe:ld Cl'ila,o:s,; Cha,o's poured 'Cl"Ilt i [J,te,Uoth i "'gn@s ~ '.

As: the p;rimeval. wa:t'e:rs s·'tre·;:lJ(1;~d Ql.\twlq;i.rds" rlve:t:s Q.t d'ark 'e:~,senc'e ~ $wir'JIL,ea -tog,etlile~1I' :for:m;:!ln.g ,hug@ wh1rl!P'Ools". AS, the: wht rl'PQ CI,ls, .splll:n. i:n.w.!I rds , the ~e s:se,n:c'e! I' condlens ea. .1 [I,to ,c'la~d5 of gas .• , S~p@l~liieat.ed from the coo:pres;sio:il fOl'ces in tb:e c'Ora, of thes~rj.r'1, r sp'cu,:ks 19m.! ted the volat,:ji.le cJ.c:nl(1,s, ~ Explosion. aftet' explLo5iiollil, fQ'rmeCli &r:).QIr.mOU5 halls, of f{E1e!, :supernOlY'ars ,of brilliant t"ed and d'Wlar:f stars o,t blaz.lng blil!ll!:.. islands in thewa·ters 'of tessenoe,' ,tbe 6tars fo·rmed :from the swirls 1'n the :5iPifininggal,a.x1.e5;,~ T,ime after time" t,hep.r~QeS,i5 was ~·epea.~ed :1nthe 'vota .... ,tll:!le a:fter time, ,a/'xy was borD ..

In t,lme, one ,of ;the.SiB ga.1a:xies WO'ulCi (lome ,to :be know:n as I'ERIDMR!I:S' ~ This is a,oiry' 'elf ,o:ne ,s:ma.ll pa:rt Qf maDANUS .••• and a t:t.nyworl,d known 't,CI Uf>, asJmRR.






In th,e, ~~w1t'lin'g IIPrlL:rnQltdl,al Iwate,r.$ 'r 'of JE:RIDIAHilJS, many o.r thestarsg:.!il!vebi~tn to. WQl!tld!s of their '~WA. From tl::ve gase.s ;;;inc dlll;~t tt1JJ.r'OWlI1 out irQ,mthe suns "l;;I'ive p1Laneti'i!1;;ed and cooled. E.b~mEH!lta:1LgH~'HH~S cQlrmbi!llli€iCli to .forum. IrI!lo,;isU,;rr¢, tbe fell to fQ,rrna,~ean.s. '':!'hund.erstQt'ms. r~9'ed"the oC'E:ans~os,se,di ana t!l,r:n.ed, c:r9l9hi:ng on the: shor@s of the s:uria,ce lands. In the mid,s't o,f the and fury I a .. S ingla ::lpar'kna5hed, crea'tin:g in. Cln.e micro-second a i5,l:n:gl~ c,eJLI, of' 1 i:fe.

Slngl'@J c'¢lled l,i:fe fOltflli:5 c'Qm~:d.liIe,~ to create '[!JIi;lJlH-ce.ll,~d cI'el~t!aJ,re.s, multi -C'elled~t"~at:,ur,e:s; be,c<lJ~e c1omple,x, wi til. bl1liQr!~' Q:fcel1s •• , .fb"hes, in.slects" birds., ~,!St pla.nts, a:nd mammals;. A,s malTY dlffe:t':(!'fl't creatures as th~r,ea:!:"e s,tars: 1n the galaxy ~ c,ame into e:xi.sltenc,e.

A.lld intima.. 'Huma.n'Clio.:s'i eVQlv,ed. F'islii hum.a·f.!o·ids,r bd:t"d

hU!ll~moi ds • rept. i Le hl;lma no i d~ "Dfi,Si rnma 1 hu'manoid is and h umano.i.d.s, ,of evelry l i nd,becanil'!1i!!t he con sis "t,ent out.come of '::::'\1'01 ut; i on ..•.

As Fl'lrno,rdi,al !:·RI1).Mi!fUS MAN dev.elCilpect bis cav,es 9'aV!!:l! way to hut: 5 ,f ga th.@1t L .ngs 0 fh u ts bec,a Ill'es,e'l;, t Jl,'em:en '1::5 " ~.~ t tlement s; b~C'aiTIle(:1 ties. Th.e trapping and huntIng ,of a Ii.:ll ma h; 9a"\lew~y tlof~:r t:![adfun9, fur ·trading· 9ave wa.y to .mark~t~. Go.'ltberlng 9i1li'''I'e bir'th to ,g.ardenifig" gardi@, yielded to farm.::Iillgl.. 'r.he ne,~,(Ls 0'£ ERI.DANUS HAN' b@ciul'le Q,esires •.••. de::;;·; bec:~rne 'greed ..• C'Olllip~.$sionaternien .be,(;"ul'I:e l.~.a.ders, !~~ders becaj'ii,e ~Orhl1i;J.e.ror's ,t ana a I! prlm.:1l. tive "~Qrld: be{::o;JjrmE': • e h1'"i 11 zed ~ • Di ff,e,ren~·e50f opinion became a rg'u!fie:n't s ,~ a.~gu.iTI!e:n tsbeQ arne wars. Clue i03it: y and :neeess i t.Jgave birth to t,echn.i(llogy.. Ea'l'ly ERlfiiANO$, ~ had conquered .i~ world.

And then ERI.iD.ANU;S, HAN looke'clil:!lp'lup into the skies. .And he saw hi:e: !Rogrli. He <;:reatedships to carry him sJi::l{ward., and his con,qlllest of the :moon :bega:n., As he st:OQdon the, moon" iil!~ he sU.:Jry,eyed the lunar c:i ti~~t be looked up C!.:nd :S:QiW' th>@: s,ta,rs ~bove biro.. See:kinq m.().re, he, mQv'IZ,d ~k:yw~rda.gaiil'!.~ T.histime D!€ighbor i :n:9 'W1!)l!;:.ld 5 we l!:'e di 5ccl've:ted • :ElU:o.uruS, .MAN c:onque:n"d th~ @l:'Jij'lir·Clnm:ent of 'th,e n.e:W wo,:a;l,d ,.arli!d 'the 'Cly'~l~ began ag,ain.,

And !!>O' it: was t.hat mU[]Iutls iI'UIllI !JIi@t h::l.,s :rel;a tives intlle


iREPT.I.t.E tm:H' :I!lJetERI:DAml,S IN·SflCT ifUIN ,and an BRID'ANUS RRP'lILE:

Kl!J!I gre'ete,d them .all.The iji;;i:ny evo]LV€l,a bein,gs ,of 'theworld:s of ER:mruWtS:giOi.'t.her,ed ,and tal~ed,. 'They trad:eCl~ they danc'ed, they sha::redE!!od theyj o:lned wq·ether ~ In time, ther lea;En~d fli"om each. ot,her ,~n(r they lived wg~ther~

And .. ~ .•. the::y we!n;t t>o War.

:PriJ!!ir::l'tiv.e £lUDAmiI'S MA:fi ha·d ibec;!ome ,i! I ci.viU.z,ed II ERIDAl:WiS fimN"p'rim:lt,ivE!wa.:!!:" gavewC!l;yt:o "tbe, Sc;:.ience of War; .. D~,~t.h in aU its hot':l"or' beaClim.e . .,..tool 'of 'l1'l'og.t'~:!;I!;i~ Galact,ic: kingiQQ,ms in !BRI:DMRrS ro!::l@~a, f'ell, ,ci'vl1t.'z.aitions, pl'QGpe:I)edan.dd;:i,ed~ 1 oont::l;fI:~! rse~ieS('.i.f wars en91l1:fedthe ent.ire '9'al.axy" NoO' sinsle Ern'P'it'~ E:nli3lu,r'ed f,or [email protected].. None ~aV1e on/e .• ~.,


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~ THE ~ 5,S,S' ilMPI RE

In the '9a,la.}l:y o,fERIDMUS" tb€: way of things b€lCam8W'jU: ,r v,iQlenc;:e and turbulan.ce. cSlIIrf,aei.og above, other races ,as the Supreme M~sters of WaE~ ~he 185S' ielags# (so-called b~cause of the hissin9' s,o,undthey, :mClld.El' as th,e:y 5,'poke)i of weatbel!red war and ,ch~!,iC)st,o S€i.ze and re'ta,;i".)'l a .sizablep'iJrrtlon of th€ Ni,ot:n g'ect,oI' of 'the '9alaxy. i''benight or191,nally :ruled oy'er by Kirl.g,5 ,o,'f :t',eput,e" i. t wa is uru;Jerthe ~ Ea;,S, I! Que,ens thart the Empire \!;la,s t;QI :reacb it!:> pinna,e le. Known .si;:S the II SSS~'F I I' tbe Q'lle,ens, and their tecJl:niqu!eso<f rule became the very ell!lbodiment of Ro)",aJIL power'. Th,!'! very Wla.m@ for a throne " , liST !' ,r would be Cl' ng 'r: ri.bute to the deadliness of th',t. ill ian '[email protected]!fH; .•

In a galaxy of cbaoe a,nd !,OI,ar " the .sSS beings h<;lta no peer or G(),mpe It ]_ t io,n • :R Ult h.le ~ :5. inC'Olt1l' .. and 'Il! f fie ,Le ne in,t,ne ir crueltY;i' th.e ;SSS~TOueen:s WlE!!:@ till:' 111 taut pol it]:,c ialliS and w:a.r st;.rateq i:;; ts t ll;U5,i t19 events '1;::0 advanta'gea:n.d fiilL;:u:liil,pula tilJ'l.9' w',ars to their a.o,vant,age a.nd gain.

Provid,i!'l9.' the' Royals with t'h@ ,power-t.o conquer and re:ign c'v@r the,ilr f,oes was a po,wert'u,l m;!,lita:ryfo:lLceil' un.m~'tchoed. and !!.IlI:lJ@>Cjinale,d by any oth€lli -. Com.plIb'.ised of t,all 1m,pos ing :f i:gul"'es, the SiSS Warriot"s were cold-b'lood~d warriors, with frigl:i,'teni.n.g draCJon-11ke fa,c'es., ThQ'Uigih evoluti,on had lOong' ,s,i,Q,ce - ~e:mor'IJ'ed their :~ca,le-11ke skinsl the: pl,at'es ,Q,ntne bod:y ,a.rmor goa?€: an ,1:mpre$,sion of fiel"Ic;,e .. dinos",iU.ilr beinq5~ Only ,a lonqridge of bone ris,illg fl'om the fOI~~:hi,ead ,an.d n.a .. ek .• and over the head re:mained.tQ 'hint at the:i~ reptj,li,an ,i:m,c,estry,. Known ,as the 'iM=K'1 ,or 'H=Gt" the appe~Ta.:I1ce -CO'f tJllie SSS 'Warri,o:;rs a..Jl'o,ne was e,noug'h ,tos,trike: fe·ar into an opponen:t's !he,art.

Ccn;mt.les,::;, wars oVier billions ofy@ars nadt.!)ught t'hEi: ,SSS, 'Queetl.~ a vi t,al :lesso,n, a.,n ie.t1.'E!'ffiY 'or t"€Ihel.l1.Qus subJect iserV'i1!S n,Q purp~,se if ,execu:ted., But.i fthebrain was re-,p'!c(I,grallllme,d, ):es,ist,ance wa.s @11mina.t'ed and an able body ~a:s; a,aloea to th,!!';: laboI' f'o:rc:e~ IM,ina control was th,e 8;$,9-,'1" SCiene,eof' c:ho,ice.,

R~ferr@d to, by o,tber ra'C'es ,~sthe "ARl: I' or I,Ma:s,'tersl i' in time 'tlu::!:1 would b,e'e,om.e known: ~S' 'It'be • ARI I, o,f 'AN' (He,aV'en:~ # o,r the ~ AR,[-M1• Toda.y it is known ,a.s a.RION~

BiU t t.'houg,'~ i thad be,cO'Ple 'tbe epi t,ome, 'of powe:r ,a.n,d mig-h. t r a symbol of brutal It''''ule:rsblp, a:nid unrelenlt.1nq a.grq~e:s:s,;i.Qn, t Ute ,fab-as would p,la:y' a c'U-E"iIOl\ls, tl",t,c:k on ,ARI ... AN ~IIIl ~!biei:r ,quoese £,o,:r '9ial,actllc~ pawe,r I th.e s;s:s-,~ Wal'ri,Ol"'5 had 'loot-ed. ·the, "Pal,a,ce, tre,asUI,rie.s of their victim:h;eaw'Orlds.. TbE!!ClultuI'"al ri,c'n.e:5 ,o·f~Qn,qu:@l'Ie,dJ worlds 'were placed on ,di.s,p.lay' in 'the mus,eu~WI:I', of ARI ... ANi m~k.:i.Ilq ,the: Em,p:li.t'e tble 'c,enterof'Nlntlh Se,c1t'or eu,liturre. and. wisG!iQQI... MJ~M becdls tA:e s,h.ow'case 'world far Poet.~y a.n,a Mus.! Co ,I' A.l:'t a'l'l'iiDaa!c,e~ I:t w,as, a ste:p., h,o,wever unk:nowing't, for

the eY'olut,iO'fI: ·of t:empe:ran'i;:'le in the SSS'-'W' :psyct.u~.. -

._ ._ .. -.~,.~~---


LJ . ,' .. -~ :._ - ~


.Mi.- K IM-iG

The fo,llolWing al"'~ Ancient E'sn~p'tian wcn:-ds

H' K _ Wameef a croc,odi.·le MAG or

Mek - PEot@ctor, protection M~kh M'Q - To slaYJ back int~ piece~

,In A.ncient E:-:-~ ,t,tl':u~ su:ftix -0 indic s ilOna ,a,f'l .......

fTn"IJsw' f1-K-U '" 'Of_M""K ~:nd ,-0;=(1 '" '-Of M~G i_:J.

M'Ka- EJ,ravet bold M,"]{halO" To str.ik-e, ft9ht.

£1 i Khai'u - Fi'9ih ters t fO@SH, il Kha,1,,!i - An ~nill1ia.l

M'Ki. _, Toprot~.ct, protector M,~Kiu.- Protee-t.ot"$

l'l,ek i - Protect.or .M,ega ,_ Crocodile

M i GA, - C'rQcod i 1 e .M II Ga ... Comma ,t " CIIHe:f

HI GA - To command", i.nstruct .Mqi - Bra,ve.rry

Mekbi - To beat, stE~ke, fight

The iolLlo\\:l'ing ar@ va:rio,uiS ""ords - of l'f-K/M,-G origin:: l'Sagba - Mighty r Great Qf)El UUndu)

Mat ~ Grel;!lt I ~npel:r'iQ,r (SlJIm.eria,)

Ma.c tu'~ ,- Glo,r i fi ed (La t 1. n )

Mactabalis - Deadly (Latin,

Mac·to - Slay, ,smite" pun,.ish .. affU,ct(Lalt.i:l"!.)' Magi.s,ter' - Mas:ter., Cbi .. ef (:lLatin)

Ma,9pU~ ~ G:re~t, larg'i'El" :m.ighty.w !p'ow~rful (Latin) Magus - Ma9iici,iUt (Lati.n)

The fo_llQwinS are Eng11sh wo,rds: of M;-K./M~'G: or.iqin~ .

. Ha.k.e "" TO fOl;c,e Amok .. Cha.'Q!1I,turmQi.l

Maj '~r ,-lih19'e. qr'ea' M'ega. - Hug'e" ,eno,rmous

lMaj es:ty, Maj est.ic - Rioya.l,. re.g'~J ..

Hag·.~,~ :;.. Illusion (Re,-p:r09r,11i!.~ln·9 th.'EIi b:r,~in) Ima,!3IG - ill u;s ion (Re=pl:'Qg'E'il:unillq th'El br.ain J

1l1Ia.', ... Cre!at.1:n.q IJUlI!1Ei.iaf} U~.e-pro9rarnin9ltbe b!ra,in.~ MJ-'12 fMajesti.,('i: '12) _, 'IFO' In-Y'e!S,t.ig-,a'ti~ns 9~OllPI

,( Re:-:proqr.,am.i ngtbe bra 1n'~

,M • G - CroGodi l'El' ,Fight" to fi'9h'~.

AR:I ... M amd the S'SS!

!Fhe :fo,l.lo/wi.le are various, word~, r:-AN and ,B,SS 'Qri 11n.:=

Aryan - 'The 5:upI8r-~aiCe o,r,A-a, - SlitTer tARl: ... AtlU

ss ~ 'The ,el,! to! milLitary' Q·f ,AI -:ph BI'tler ,('BaS,l' A~ i - ~:a ~ f;;e~ , Kieepe:r ( E'9Yt;l'tl a.n )

AI." i.~. Terr.1:bl e One I( H,eb:r'ew ,}I

Ji.1.",es- 'God o.f Wi!lr(Lat1n)

u U U


t, U'


T' Ut@ r€i'g~!1 of !the 5,SS-T Queen;s on the N1.:nt~ Sec::tor was s~ldom c:h.alle.ngea", of q~,e:,at <:;{ to 'the ,AnI-AN Que@ns welrE: . th~ mo'V'efilref.!:'i;:s am1'R:5, of yet:: an.otherraC!B called. ":mm:'., ~\I'oll!'llI'ed f,roll'l vic'io'llls; :rn!~;~mali,a,npretlartoilt':Sj th!,e I'RltR I 'W!~re sti.ll in the flioatr'ly st~'ge$of' deve!opmelJt, tne.l.,r thir:;:;i'l::. f o:t' exp,a.n.s; 10ill i ;5,rnuni'lu rde,fIi~(J, by the sof t'ani nrg th~ t con. ti nua 1

'warsa:Acl ti~e b~'o'Ught: on. - .

FO,l" t.he :lUm ::t"oa,ce, wq:r was theenti~et¥ ,of @xi:1iit.,e,Re'@J,a.ll elste wa.s me,a.n.i!l9l1ess., Lif~ its,@lf Ilii'eant obeC:liiene:,e aflJd tot~l Gomm:iilt: rcI;enttQ th'eRRR Kl.ngs,anyt:h inq l,e 5 s :rotean t death.. SQ quickly d1dt.bey cr'eate thel:r ElIl:pire" ~,Q ruth,les§~ere t.heir techniques tbat til':le llmR would beC'g~e kn'ownas "ASA,'! or Ove,jr:~ :tor,d~,.· lI::n the Nlnth Sector, the 'Worlds ·of the rum would .be !i;;nown a,s; ~ ASA-RRR' •

Led. b, 'thefears;offi@ !.IKU I W,U"'lriOES" a. b.u::'~arie ,army w.ii .. th. a f .le,@it (I f d;~adl y :Ii tars.h i p~c<f·· ,o'V'e.rwne l.m i n9fi t'e~ pct!!\le.r"the Kilings o:f A.SA~mmwreated bavQc on thei wo:rldJs surrounc3Jing 'the tNt n th:Pa~; ~,agewa.y •. The,...,l ibe j'IKU' .For,rl:;loi!! 5 dies cie:nc.e d ont-heir UF<L$ll.specting ta1!;get:l!l, wlth~tUtl,er'cci,ftll a.rnd lJ.H'l!I"@l@fi:tlnog attack I clearing: th€l ,skyw!a'Ys ,of a.Ii1Y iP'otentia,11"'es1star.l!cean,d tQt.~.lly ,!le' t i:ng l:':Uld ~ bea s~d s troin9,-no,1 ds: .. !Ii .itl:d .. [l moment is " ~Ni!1 ~~i,or Gr.Qu~dll1'orce5,~ I BEB"~, moV'ed. .in to annlh11atea!:'l!Y .u:I:d.all liUd •. lil\;:.a:lt'yf.or,ee$..,o,~nedfQt'· the,irpractlce of c1,evQut";Lngtheflesn ·of th.ei::r ~nemi,e~:~. the IRlJJand DO be,came kl'l!orwn as -t:;.he 'I D'-I ~ (lor ~ 'Fi._I:! ,the !i Teeth I' 'o,f t.beRRR.~


'Il !I!''!!l.,




:j ....




Ii!,~ •


a. ~~~~~""




A'I)grres:s;lV'e: and rai!ii'en~.s" 1Il'~,el.:@int;.1n9 :111;. tnei:r expi}:f1I.&iOD!I' the RRR. Oonqu.eroif: E:iRgl'S bEigantll.e 5,1..OW, m1;lthodllcal t.akE!i~QveE' oftbJe • PBSB .... tmTEH I' (".loth .• as sa,gew,ay) " .", cruiCJ.8!lS'tal' Lane,~ S,eiz;i~gthe pa.:5s:eg'€:iway 'Would '9I:ive tlile .&SA-:rutR Eln.g:1!i lC'O!liI!'trol 'o,ft~i1Iivel, :into gnd Ollil.t !of the AJa~,AN Empire, 8nd that po!ssl",t:y; Q![iI'E;! the S:SS;~T' (lue.eill,s ,could, Dot pelbmi t .. 0'

. •• ;; !Ii

-, ..



,+ '

'The D'AR ,or 'PAX

T'hg_ .fo'lI!.lowin cu::,e l\:ncien.t g- l.,!'ord~Q·t_ D/'';F' ... J{ 'Ql_r i .. in ::

''i'',!iI a - 'Fo dest:.roy .i1lIka - -To destr'cry

Ta. iq - To de!;l.tro:y Tegt.eq .. To ,atta,ck., dest::lC'o'Y

T'eklies - 'f'o slay~ to kill Te~ ~ To cut., to s:lay

'l"e,k:a.s To piercel; cut 1nb.') 'l'eqes - To eu·t, to ~tab

Teg'es - .Sla:ug:hterhouse Tej.i:hi=t - Slaughter

[email protected] .. Html.anvic'ti m Tek·ennu - Huma.n. v.:lic;:ti~

Tekh - To .beat.,. QVELt"·throw 'Te,kh.~.:r; - 'l'err.:iblel' fighte.nin.g

T·e·qen - 'TQru .l!"e # ,go'vern ':re·~e::t ~~'Q be s; tt"'O.l'!!g ,mi 9'h t y

'Tekh - Re.guliili.t.ion -·O'f j lIlS;tiCN=' Tekha.R - To prQt'ect:

Teklfil!.l!- D.rawers of ,~wo\r[is 1'1e,kku - ,HarallJlo'e.r.t· inv~,dler Tlo' In!v.8 .. cJ..e ~ekk. ",. 1"0 attaci'::, t.Q inva(!c:

''!'ekt,ek - IDe< invade, attack ''i:e'9g8 - "fo ~un ~Us,e:the Foot)'

TJeg,. Teqteg". Tegt,eg1 .. '1"'0 'walk" li'ilarch,.invade (iUs,e the FQ~,tJI T<e.ka, 'l'e.g',,;;.iit. ._ T.o see. ([Js:e!)

T,e·9, -r,@9'a.,,'I',eqa.~t, Tegg - To, l'OQ~ Ii! 'to see n~sethe Eyed ~'egl'a~.. 'I"he 'ISe 8'.r I (User of Ey,e}

Tbel £011,0' iln- are Anclent S·,;ul.!:;:k t ~~',ds of D/T-Kori·· in:

A!:irta~~ ...- 'Of Jle,a fh - =-- 't.aka ._ Tl:!!orn ..t·o,o·t.:h

,ThefolliC,wifiligar.e:s:pCl:nisb w,ords of[lilT~JI: Qri'$!in.;

J)·e,ca,er - [hi! c'ay Degoll <iI.t' ~ 'Cl:rt thetlh r'Q,a t

Dec'ano - :De;~con. .Dictad.Ql' ~ Dic:t,a,tor

:De'caplta.~ ... D@,eap.;i,"ta'te Du,eado ,Duke

Degollad~ro -Sliul'i] Tb~f'o 11o!"'in~ o:;I!.re wcu'ds

Deooquo' - To, ,degtr,O',Y by bea.t. ,De~'I;I:,f'sUS - Attack, cbarge Di,';!,cu.s: - 'Q'Oill,O'1" , 910·1:Y

Oeger,Q' _. T,D' car~y of'f

Di,oo ,_ ,De'v:ot:e to 'the Gods Duct:or ...Le~der., C:o.mandet: 'lI'ego ... 'X'o Pl"ot6:ct

'I''ecbml ~ ,A ·t;:r1IQk,

En 11sb. wOirdls of D/!1'!-K o~i. in:,

D~co:l!.lol ... ".rcl, behead.

DeC'u:mo ~. T'o de,c1mate ·tr.oops ,Det;;u,rt,atu.5 - Mu:t1 .. la.t:ed Daduco ... To tatke ,~w,a:y Dic.1o...Pcwer., aUl'thor i;ty IIllJct-o _, To llead, 'cne:at.

D!ilix '~Leade:r, 'Oommaftder Tag-ax: .. ''l:o ~teal. f'Ci,11qw1,D;

De!1'Qon ,De,capit,at.;e:

De!;a:y A:ttack Tact . .ics: *'rax

D1,c't!l~(lr - Dog.

IULctum, ,DQgma,

Doele I(~ cut,. Dar,k

I\IQctJ; hke

T'ak,e TectQnle

1'-ec'.hn ician. 'Ilek


0- III
, . .~ ...
. , ,~.
t. ~
. ,. ~ I
..... , But theASA-RRR King:5 WIU€l, a formidab18 ;poW'e.r.. ~rhe 1I/ays c,f w,~~ had been th,e d:dvi,ng for,ce of ttl,eir ,ev(llu'ti,on. Ev,er,l" Ring bad demanded :rn.tlC'h of 'thE,1r m.i,litalt'y f'o"rc'es '. Th.e Sta,!:'= ship 'pilots, the TKU; POI$s@sdsed. 11gli,t beams, 'Wh.,:I;,cn couLd m.e,lt targe:,ts, cut tbem to piece's or dis1n.te,grate them. The ~.Ute GXCHuldForces, t,he BED, u.sed '!W\e~.PQiIls which ~'o1,il(t emil:. sounds that s·t.ur!1'!e~th€! '@fY~IiJy, d.fusint,egrated s,ol id obj ec'ts ,or c1cuJ.d be, u,seidlto, tr'ansport am Clibject iroI!]J 'one pl,a,ce to !luw,ther.

,All in all, the DAK f'orces b,a.d in a sbort time be'C'o,rn8 an a:rm y of d.$v.a.s 'ta t i nq pow'e:t'". Th@ ASiA,-.RRRS e i ence Q,fWa,r 'W'a sa ''i'ee:l'.l:rlo] 0091)" of i:)e,a. t if:! c~ lled I, AT i. And f r011ll U1.i.$ n,ew sc i enc@ ~ tn,e ul tim,liIIt,I;!, WarshipwClSi spawned., ,A p,lanet-si zed! 9 lobe wi t.h the ar;maments ,o:f all ,other: S,t, •• and more, ttl€! Warship was (h,ibtled 'the ~'RR~ or 'I Mil '. A. rniniatuI'"ew-olrld ,capable of a. (h~st)!."l!.l!'ctionne"V'l'!:r se,en Ln the 'N'iRth. Sac't'or,the All: .of DAK :f cn:ce,s ma~ e the E'filp.i rea, .f ez-e etc, be t'eckon·edlw'i t b .'E'h e ray,s ,of tne :5UR 911i:st,en.i:n.g of:f ·ttl'!!. $u.l'f,ace o:f th@ D·~ath~sh1p tilfl~: .AR shin.e I.ike ,<I bright stC!!Jr in t,he ski'es. Tbou;gil::i a DriUia:nt star was oft.en .;!, pcn:·t:ent. of ""'O'nd€i'~'atl.:5; t~ings, this still' bro,ug·ht. death and dest.ruct.,iQn .•


As, the ASA-RRRiKin,g's ,[email protected] ,expandth<ei:r:: -hc,lding:s " the SSS-T' Q'1llIeens made a car'Bf1ll1 gestu.lII:'e ot peace, taward~ th,e con.qu6J;'in.g Kings: 1nthe hope$ o<f' r,esoving It,h!i;! dilemma before W,~r b@~,aQle n~c;:e$,sary. The billions Q,f years 'of ·c,on.flic't had tau'ght ·tbe S:SS:-Tan 1t1rvaluable l@ss,cm~ 'w'a.r bri:ngs de,athto a w.1nner as well as ,a l,os·@;i:., The,re were ' ways tillwif.! the confli'ct. V!ctor,yw,as" in SO'.tl!i'e ,cases,!, gai.nedhy ta:k..iIl'9 the l;iile:myintQ one i' is own. fold$., "he OAK could be won ove,I: in a more ,clev,eu:' and ·devlo.'lls way ~

!'he Q'llee'f1!s ,of ARI-.AN c:al.l,ed for' a. ml!l:et1n.go.;f' R,o'yals~ I.f the Kifi.Ig'S of ASA~,RRII: pl,@dged. their IOj"al ty to the SSS-T H.iqih 'Tht:one and :5ubrnltt,e:d t:h,e;rn~ellve~ to theservjc€!J of the Thr,one thent:::bey wO!J,.l~ be qran.ted c,crnt:r'ol of 't,he outer of the Ninth Sector..~eali:zinq the magrnitud@ clf' power in the offer' extended, the AS'A.~mm KiI:!!q:s quickly aql:'@'€i(\ th.e' Allian(:"B. TbB DAR f,or'C€l's and. mi'ght.yAR Death Planet W€l;t"e placed. in, th~ oServie,e ,of th.e ,SS5-~ Oue1eDs.r ~he 'Q,u'l;~r Ninth Sect'or w,a.s, ma;ae part 0'£ the AS,A-RRiR 0, Catapa'u1 ted to a, place@] as; S1!Iper powe,r by the Alliance, tbe ,Stars lo,f ASiA,-RRR becam,e known as

~ the :empire Q:f ~SSS: ... i" .• ,ImR~SS.S.-'T~, "Empire" born ,of the iSBa-W, ji ,ClyJ1.[!l9 f'arthe; S:SS~T~.,. or 'I ,S:S-D.~SS:· (S,lrlus).

Wi,t:h the ARE-AN J.lli,ailice i;o,lill.C:kthelllc th,e ASA-_Ki.ngs began ye't ,a iIJ:reat:er e ffo\l:'t 'to ,eonQ'l.Hu· a.nd sief ze new sys.tems i fiew 'worlds til, ,ad'G b:lI 't!h,'el.l" .Empire. SolUUfylng 'their powe:r, ll,@!vying bea "/Y' 'tJ0115, and, E!,mha:r;gl'oes ,ant::r's,vellEir s on Ute, ll,an~ s' lof the 61:n:thP,assageway', the ,S;S,-M-iSS: Emp'l.~e haa, S'OO'H beQome

''l!he .QI~JlR Queens: wa tJcbed wl'tll a 'Wl.1!ry ey,e, 'the .aiOIlien't, Q.f bet:raJ.ya/l mus t be: care:full:y' planned.~

And, SIC' fora tim'e,,' a ten!!il!Quspeaoe c'a:me to exl;;rtbeib,e,eo "thetwQ, Thro,nes., All· W,ilS we:lLl, l;lJutil the era 0" tb~ MQnaEich .kn;Qwn ~s the Gre·a'c AN-AN'" ,the Elder :Kifig 'of A:SA.;ooRRR~

" .

... !!:~'~!.i!'.

7DE .Ml:

T.b!!l .follo:wing are ,iUH;'li,e_nt EYypti.a:n \\1'O.rd5 o,f AR ,origi.n: iIIE'Ri, 'a" ,- The "R" sound. is r,@[email protected] bY' a D'ls-I(:

l\!f -P!:lJpil of the E!I!"e" to ~e* ('To uSle the Eye)

11.1' - De'~ t.h ~ de st ruct iO!'lA,r - Tlo r'9iir10Ve t t ra.l!J.spo'rt

/I.r" ,t:r, Err, Ur I Uirlt ,_ Superio:1:' ,Aar ~ A kino. of biJ:d

~'1t. ~ar ~. To '90 ups tOlli:scemd Ar,aT - High, elxalted

Ara-'I'iO 90 up, embark in a boat 1I.araar - Hero

!r~:Ir" Til;) 'g'Q up, to a:s,ce:n,d H,ar ~'lI:'o oppress

He,I" " Rua'iI,u" - An a:nc1ent Sky God Her I H,ar-Mountain

Her ~''ill''o terri.fy" to i17ignten He.r - M,st,at pot

H:e,r - 'ID'o arrang.e" s:et in o:I',d,er HerbeI;' _, T'O demolish

ReI' Ara.- .' of G'od'Herr 11. mytholoq.ical bo~t

R@,r - TbB 'S,la,ck P1'gi 'Rera ~ Pig" :t.d,ppolpo,ta.mus R!@h'ren., RUl: U - T'o bur'nlJa,hr - ElQgi ( D'AF:: ),

Rera - Brac:e.l,e.t ("fhe a.ste,rol.d belt folt'rneo by t:he: C,rash

of 't.beAR .a.nd_ TIAM1l.T:~ Hu;t'h -, l"ro't,ec'l:.,!,,;,'i\Sit,ch over

Ua.~ Herr - A J[]ythologi,eal D'Oat Ur - Grea't, God

':Ii"hl!!! fp]lo"",,ing are Sllm,erian words o,f ARe,riqilH

ru- To x',iSle up, fJ!y .Ru -S1i';'o\!'l,e t, flies

TIl@ following ,a.:re Lat,in words OfAR ori,giru

Ji>:ra- Altar; pt'Qt.ect,i.'on Argu,5 - Gu,ardian ~ To plough. t,broill'gl1t.bEl ~Ie>~ Arma. - Wa:r I ~Qldi.e;rs

Ji!E!J:iu,s ~ Of 'th@ sky I! I,efty' Au.r.ili·9a - Ch •. u::io,t,eer'

Al"~ _ Fortre5,~, ci,tadel" he!qht~ he!ad.'quarters

Ere,~,do ~ To des:t.roy - Er:epil!.o .., TO' tear out

Bre:pti'Q -,'fo s;e!iz.e""t,a~!e by fQ:ceeE,ruptl0 - Attac'K

:Er'110 ,_ '1"0 ra.2E:,,' demolish lE::r,re'.r - _, De~e.p,t,iIOin

Erus ~ Master.i! o'W'.ner, lord :Ira - Wrath, an,qer,,. r,ilge

1~1s - Me5!iienger of the Gods IOr.bis - ,Gl,obe" ,disk.

O:lrbus - One:WBO depr,ives e,fpar,ents ,or c:ihildre:1l

().ElC' - 'rQ·persul!ill:le " - P~;Si\1:~(iI~~ O'~C\151: ~ Goa 0.£ :Death

Thj!: flol,lll,ow:iiXl, ,a,];,€I: En 11i:811 w·o;rds o,f A:R 01'1, Il:n:

Ael;iOI .; Pe'r' tlo the 51 'r A17~es t - Sei:z:e! ,B:tJQP'

,A"i.1r>o'ra ~. I S:tealtb I, pr.oqE'aJII War

Hb:r,roorr . WarriQti

Ifhe followin" 8l'e An(::f~nt £' :-d:ian words It)" AT Qr! c-.ill::

'UT - T'o ,eut, slash liS tab At, .:. Deat.h" : es t-iuct1,an

The f,olll;OIwingare, AII,c.ien.t Eg'¥pt1an words; 'Q.£' AI '0171q1n:

,A.m, - :lEye i !;ev i 1 I' Eye








I r 1-

In the erg oft;:b,e GI",eat Eldex King ,A~-AHf life on AS:A-rum wa,s90ccL Tbe luxu:!:"ies and, .!benefit!!> tha~ befitted a c,o:ru:;p.JJ@!:I;or racewa,st:heirs '1::0 'enjoy "u'lId ~'~r!Joe: 1 1n ..'T:h,e: - a 11 i.,.~ncew ith ,ttl e SS~-T~lIiIlP i re had made the KiIi'Ji'gs of' ,lI.SA-imlt, miO~'ePOW€l:f ftll than everr b~:fo,r'e an.dha,(1, perm,i.tted th~: pe1cpl@ ()f ASA,-RIm C!;n o:ppor-tiJffii ty b), ,e:njoya, ,ri chez ~ t Y le ()"fl i fe •

:Bu'tt,he powero,f the 'Throne a.lsorru;;ide the life of tbe King mo,re![pl",ecariol!]s. ''F'~e:ache':Yr lies and deceit sur~ounded the ~irug. Assassination plot~, mili,t,;;i:m;y c=oups ~uld a,lien invasians Tl'jIerethel ev,e,ry daY' :JlIla,tte1ts oifthe King~ The FrriniC,e 'was ~xpe,cted to -!plQtf'~1I: h.,fu,sfather is d~im.ise, ,dist:an,t. brQt:h,e:r~: and I lligltima tel childreli':l: p::r:~t,e,nded tA) 'th~T~Wfiie KlLrI'g's,hi,p. 'Kin'9' AN-lI.N 1i".1[!.i;;.cn.e<C3i thesk:ies for e-nemy 13!.ttacKs". ,illI.:ncl. pe' carefully over ha a s~ou.lder ~t lOelativles ~~dlfi~mber.50:f the .jtQlo'a.l ,cQuift,.. S1)Jcrn iW',a~ the life of a King of ASA~RRRrand .s~et:iWi'a.:;s 'the lifs: of t.!IiJJ,e Eldel!:'King AN-AI:.

Sea.ted .in the,Roy.a.lC\OlilI't of the G~,~at M'~,AN, sel':v.inqa~ RQy,al C'up-.Bear·e:rr ~a5; hi~ o:r'iO,ther:" 'the Gre,ad:. AL~SHAR,. Ass,istin'9 .in the !'ilover:nin,~o'f tbe :!EJmp i:r ~ ~ tJu~ Great AL-SHU ;5; e:i;VEl df~ i t.hfu.l,ly und,e 1':' hi :5 brother, thilii! G~,ea, tEl de r K i rig •

p.@~c,@ l;,atgl1.ed'f the,E!!Illt!JLr-e pro,s,p'et"ed ,runtil ,!1l:n ollt ... bre,ak 'oI: wa.:r Ln the Central :Star~,., 11. se~:i,es of !lha jo't" C'iO n f 1 i oet s ,knQw:na stbe 'G~, 1 ;jll"e t flO. Gre~ t ~a1r5 ~, ,dre:W' Qo:ir:.:til.l:h.,e, ARI-M'EmiP·,ire!l!~d t.hA~! E~p't.rle

of 1I.:l13,.l;-MJii: in.t.Q i.ts £"old=:;. ThB 'G:I"ea,:t,S:lder KingAl~.Al

W'aiS s,'i;J.ffirtilon.ed t.o th,~: Pa,ldA~'@ Qft:he SSS~"r to r,e;f.ldle~ services,a$ Commalld!e~o:f 'the co,nbin~gJ M~.K and ,Iil-K WaI':t"i-01:'s,,

G:[E1!at AL,~SHAR~ :acting 'om beha/lf 'QfKing AN'-,AN remai!!:le!.dbehindil:l:the.ASA ... RRRPaiac·@...8·eei:ll! Op'po.rtun,ityl;;o,~etray hi$ brotbe~ I~rin:c,e AI,-S:RAR: d,ecidedto

s,ei:z@ control ·e,f the Cent~,al, .ASA~~ FOirQ,es.. Tbe s,u·ccessful

coup c>Clmp."dled the :Prince t.ofu:~the:r actiotl~ He: Imm,ediptely d,hp~'bched a.n, elitetlt"o'op {)f ass,a~;dns to hunt do,w:rn a.nd. take

the 11f,e of the ,E'lder K1n.g,. Hi.stQrieal djQ(::ume:nt,s would 'tell

.of th~ de,ath in. battle Q.:fi- 't.lle ' ,lWi-AN', th'e :H:ero King! who

,gave his 1 i f ~wb i 1 e i ncomv!la,nd -0 f hi sarmle 5 ..iB'!(lIt: taos ill':! ~h:o

WEl:~!I"ii in 'the: Oo~)!;'t of A,S;A-.RJI!'{ kne~why th'E:l! Ki!1!gi :ha!d. died., ,and

who w~sr,e:!!!ponslble ..

Pr'i.:nce ,AlI:.- SiIlAR, Royal iCUp-Bea:rer ~ Wi;! 5: f<l,QW :iK:i O:g' AI.-lI.L,~

Lord Prince AR-SBAR" :::!~I~of the ,HeJ:O' K::iLfi9T AN-~ and l!i,e:i.r ~:p'pa:u;;en;t, J was c'a.'p,tured a,nd p,la.c::e(J, into ,e,x! ]!"Ei bit.~le ne'lOl' :Ki,n.gI of U:A,_UR "hi s c l.aim t,~, the tti;t"OIne sltr.1prped aw,ay fc:u:eve~ ~

'To .in,:;ure. his per.siC\nalsafety,tbe 'G'il':i@at,Kin:g ,A,L .. AL mad,€: :the 'gra,ndsQn Q:f the Great ,W ... A9 Qwn p,er5~nal· 'C~p~Bea~e:r .. De'PQ:s'ed, Pri.nce AH ... uwas both be,st;,ag,e ~:Bd s,ervantee.- hisl ICi~r9 ,and i[ff:!(;:le., Reve1l,giflwould bave tow-ait.

:F,or n~,~ ~\h~1 'wCHJil.d seJrve faitl1ifull'i~.,.blillth.e would lea,nl., Somled~y tbe: ThrlO'f:!e of A:SiA~Rrut~ou.ld !:;I'e ,hli.~, 'tn"i.:s; h.evow$d~


111 this I;.:llme~ j'etan.o,the17 sign~.f~c~f'!t event;w\Q1uld(:;H;cur I on@which WQul d 'cn ang,e f'D:t'oe~tet"~hef!lli.1t e C)·:ftbeN in tIl SectoJ!;" • 11, new ~ta.r 1,'q,a,i!j bIEH;Jinll,ing to, It~ lQUnqwnrlds cQQ,ling down to farm inha.tdt,i).ble 1?'1ane,t~. King AL .. AI., l;'ecogl!'li~in9' ~. potent,~~:!l :fo1" urnli;apped prec,l,QtlS ore:1i,and th,e pos,siibility of a. s:l:,rate.glc miH,ta:ry ,outpe'$t, i~JfI,~di~te!y se:D:!:; atru;sted ,and faithful Q;dmin.i~tJ!;QtOI' tl~ lay clai.m ,to ''Ie :i'i,ew so,lILa!t sjfst'Elm.

LOll;'d AL .... ,AL, ... rH, Mas.t,er of' Ge!1@sis Sc])',enc:,es ~ hada,1il iropo:::; i :ngt a:!:ik b@folre h 1m..!: o colon i. 1<': e, and ,(h~velop ,a pr i m1 't i ve pJi a,net,.'u·y 5Y,5 t,elrn ,',

The jlloung sun had or~'g.iil.~n·f;fQ~~,e:Q~,i th only twa in. 'oroi t a;!:ound it, on,etin.yinner t (:n;OIW' knQ,w'n as .Me.lIl:"cll!L"Y) and! Q'n,e"'g"~~ pll,lllne'!::" its

Al nam,~eo event,ually be ~'I"IAIMAT'n.,

-/. . In I::ime, , si:X!no~,e -wotrld,;s: wou,]l,,cJ fo~,E'I!II.. One pai,r of £n~er worlds (Yenus and Mar.Jw two ce~tral giants !r ,Jupit,e.r and. S'atllr'nt~ and a.p~ir of 'l:'Wi.i11 plan.ets, (.Neptlulea.nd. UramlL:l.£).

But: .:it was T:IAMAT.r the 1t::r,opical wOl'ld.r tha.'t WOIt.:!ltli b~ tftef';i:rs't :planet: oeve.l.Qped .by Lord AL-AL-lMi in. his a .. ss,ignm,e:n'l:. A1.[J!:'~ady inhabited by ~t;!lttlers 1O,f

nUm:le:r(I~~ qa,l~,etie s·1:.11I.r Sl;"s'E:e:rns. 'I''IAMAT' wa.s both a. par,adise and a :frontier wO!lC'.ld of d~nger ... . Tbe pj(e~'e.r!ice of a.:n. AS~-'i!mR m.Uj"tary c~o'ntJ,.ngen'crforce ,an.d a cU . .rect link to :King AJ.,~n an,dth~ EQlIP'i .. t"e of Am,:I~AN wa~ welc'omedJ by the colonists ~nd th~ir familiiit@S ~ ProtEc'tiOli'l: and ne.oessa.:lrysupplie.s would noli!,!' be availa.ble,. 'l'r.J:AMA'l" woulcl!beoDm~ a fu.l.l-fl,edged world.

Lord. AL'='AL-IM began to 1,!nmlleCl.]l.,i3i.t'E!,ly e;o;:ploil: t.h.e n@iW sQlar s:l:5. tem.. 'Th~ ,S~t.I wa 5, ea 11 ed ,1 Iliild II, 'wh e re :DEla:tbi ~ I • In the irnrn:eoii; a te ~'roxi m.1 '1:::Ii" Q<f the ylt;;lung su:n, wa is the t Jill i.e s tworl d, ch.t'isten,~d !MOM'-MU~, ·'first born, trav'eUe!t~ ~ Th~ ne:;(t WQ~JIl.d w(HJld b,rE!"co!l'lle·,ary ou.tPOil1lt. Thoug.h po:sses.,!:i>B,eiof 5uper~ hrQIt surfac:e·tempe.rartures, ft5b.lner ,cavern.s 9a.'l.tec,o~fo!rtiilb.le slielt:,er fQ.r th.e l:KU and8E'Hfor'ces.'rtti3 w!OEldJ wouldb~,come

f know~as I, D!AlK-.A-MU I ,,1 plac'E of ·the J[)JilJ(~ inside" '"

The Red Sands lP;l.anet" ne>;ti:n line" wasawQ,)t'ld, wlth.air andiw,a,ter. t.rees and an ,eli!!!'onme;f'JJ.I::,s~it,allle.f,er settl.@;r;'·s't.o inhab,1t.. . 11, qoodsite four. c~loni;ljj;tt:;'l it a.lsio p.rovideda much neE!id su.rf.:u;'e la,na fOll; ,<:I: c'e.ntr·a,.l .m,:iI"l,:l,'tary. fortr~5s.. 'Tht~ .... 'a:!! th@'i.lor id of ' VAX-Mil ~ ,'p,lace. 0:£ th.e: Il~K II •

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B@yond t.he red sands worl,a,..,$:s 'm'.JUUtAT" tl:iLecElnt,er of thE! 'c'olop i:.l: a t lllQ,n ,e ff,o rt S ·o,fL@t'd AL- AL,-nIL

The ,m,ar'gest aftne :3ys,tem I s'Oj'Q':r:lrlSW<lI.:5 a gigant1cp.l.a,ne:lt. ~o!ss,es.~inq 9raIilH::a'ti,on:alLfQ~I;;:'es th'1lt ma.d,e ,it ulrIsu.1 table faw habH!llIt:ionbut. excelle:n:t .fo:r the p:rQdi'l;I.cti,on. of super-metah. Under: stlJper' CClcI'tdlthll1l,strneita"l$ CQl!,I!ld !b@:fo:(9~d into COlll,llhlfliUO:nS impassible O'[lJ Clt.her "",Q,dos., 'I ,BAR~I!A!R~U i i twas (:.;!;Ued, ~~Clrld of M@tal ,M:~t~l$ ~.,

The s WQ;r: 1 d 1iiJ'a .s:the most, da[j,g€'itOU S .' T,n 'ter nail:

f orceSW'Sr'E: 11.i '\ill 1 y 11.111 st a,bl e. Pos,~,@ S.~ .i :11'9<1 eO'H s·tilln t cloud of dust and roc}:;:;!: circ.Hng arouDd !iU fl:J!riolll$,ly $pi!1[1it!9 (;::€nt~I" and wiith 'iJ;ravit,atiQrna.l for:·~es 'that pulled .!'!!~ny ship~ inbo ~n:

UI'lQoitr·e,etable spt:fI.,theg.i9i.rII.t 'would be known ,as ITAR-·GALL1J~' r the' Gre,;at De :!rt royer'. o £ alI t.he ~H ane t5 ~ 'tbe 'R:lingEi'ld One' ~oiuld prOVi~' 1t[l]'e IlitO$t da.nO;[email protected], .•

A distance pas.tT,AR-CALLIlJ was ,e: h~ge cold!:Owamp" poi .~Q1!1Q Y S 9 as e S .ill :it t.s 5);;.,1 Ie s • "SHtlNMlM,A' wou J. d be Q iff jL cyl, t to' co lo.n.i :it e but 'Wou 1. a. .be ideal f c,r Gene s~ se:x pe.r i rrnent.t$ •. The Ci1l!litermost.wOlrld r./,;;JilS ca'lled I! JICR-U'~, 3 nea:rt\ol'lllt.c, • SHAIliAHHA"

in siz,~. ,n!:~1]1 'Wi.!.S aW'!il!tery \!lor Idwi th amiL,sty !CQV'€riEl.g .•

l'ho'u'3lht.he ta:s;,k,wa5 di,:fficult, Lo'I'd Alo-,AL-IM would p~ove ~uc;:¢ess:ful.. Th.e extremely high gravity forces ,onBAR~:BAR,-U' simplified themanli,ifacd:uilL.e of ! be,avy! l'Uiet,als" tU:'Ista.ble .:i'n an ;._ env1,ro'llrnentwith lCiliW' gravit.y.. MHit~ryoutpo':s:ts on DAK-A-Mill

~ ,00liuj DAK-HU pro,ved secure a,nd strong.. E~pe, fa::!1.'!Il5: on ba'thSR.~I~ anoJUU!I 5:h:o'"",e,d 1;.r'o!~!di.5e. The :s,ettl,ement~ i;l'ir! t!4.e

~oonso::ERM-BAR-U and 'l'M-GALL:O We!!t'e ~iV"

B,Ut, "IAMA.T'iW,a~ the glory to theeff'orts of Lord .u.-AL-'I.M~ mith the :101iJp~;U~'J;t of hh Kill9 AL-AM. iba,ek home~t~,e:

ACimirlistrat'Cl.r w,as ,able. 't,a g,e'vel.op TI,liiJI\Uio,X inbc, a par,adisef·a:r beyond, ex:pe,ct.a;.t.tofl!.. Fo; t,Q ¢JI:;t:r~ctne'W'1~tdi5C\Oy,e:rled ores W'e:t"e constr~;!I~teid I A.tmo~pbe~i.c ConditiQning Cei~t€~~ 50011:1 began the tediou,si!;;asK of t;!S:f,orning thE! ~ki@L3. i~to, a rno)!';@! m(ll'e 5uita_ble en,virtCl:nm.ent., AsCIi SOtljI:iC:El: ofpreciou.s: o,re:6 and a. strai!::e.gic;::cQnt.l"Ql point oftra:f:fie a.n, 'tbe ,H1inth P'i1Ii55a:g1ew,ay star la~es ,the f:1J!ew: :system. t!l:r"iIt:h-eJ: .s:t.l"'eng'thened. 'the: ho,ld K !nq JL~lIL held ,ern the out€!;f Nir:!lth ,S·ec'to::t:~

As hls final pll"oj,ectl, .Lcrd Ali ... AL,..:IH Iconstrucbed, ane,arly per.:f'ect, d'Upl.icIQ.te Q.f' We P·alace: 'o'fthre AS&--1.tRR :f::ln.grs: ~ :ttncwD, as Ito' J ,It,s nal1le11ter,alLly meant I in tbe:tllen>8s:s ,or I' .. ?he: newsola,:t:" 5:rst:em Q:f BID haldbeen!CIO.~'liC':l!JJerea,~ In r-eoCltg.n,:[.'tiof,i of 'the eff·o,:tet:sofAL-U ... l::l",. t:h,e :system was 'c;:alle:d! ~,ARr-OU~;I. 'illlieH:asteredi.Placei. ~A~d' it:;;,LQi-d ·wlasAl1.!-AJ(.-IM, tbe EN-'G'J:" "Lord of the: WOlrld lnthe t'ikeneS:eii 'Of ,ASA.~mm,~., -



UnCl,er the premi:s:e of '~~@cutin9 cOl'l.t,r'ol of t.he star lane,s of th.e: Ni1nth Sec'to;r on beh.alf of ehe 5SS-T Queens,. lIJ..-.A.I. was able, ,to c'Q:rrd~~Q.l t,lle. travele:r~ who en,tered 'the g·' ' the Passa9@w'ay'. By r'efus.1ng t.z:avel em the star lan@s,f' King AL=ALcQ'ul,d prevent. potentia.I alliances the ARI ... AN from fcn:rrug[J~ N~goti.ations with o't~,er 'galaxies weres~:bj'~ct to' th~w.hims of Ki;n.g· A!;-AI., a.11 inton.erabl'~ s,1tua,tJ.o,nfcr the ,SSS-TQue,eD~. The ,1!.,S1I.-RRR ,ernpil'"ecould delay ( or undo" a.ll crucial ·S,SS-T polH:i,eal and econorni,e alliances,., King AL-AL, bad turn ARlI:>=DU into an isl,and cn:l'tpo:5,t of phenomena,l power',.

And, th,ough. the Gr,aat n·-A!; haid! further !!I;t~eQ9",d.thJ'@. ,ASA-EmR Throf,u';i!" be luul alsoW1@akelled his, posit,:I.'C·Dwithinth.e S.sS~'T Ro,y,al ,Cou.r't of ARI-AN. ~hat ·I:.he G:t',ea.'t AL~AL c,culd 'not :fores,ee" wna,t be co,uld not suepect., \.T,a.:5, th,at hi.s Qwiil flJit:i,Jre. his: very' 5urvi ... a,1, w'as h.idden in the dhtanlt wO.rIds AL-U.~I:H nadtleve lo,p"@dfoI' bim.

:Lur.king b.ack in the R'oyO!l P~lace was AN-U, 'the cn'u~: t;,.i l:ilI'e P'l" i nee a tid h 1 9110. 1 y od i s'~'l"un Ii: .led gra [I d son Q f t.h'e G::reatAN-ANI waiting pati~fit1y fOll: ~ til'!'i~ .i..n wh.i,ch. ee mc,ve a9lai.n~t his Uncl'e. Choosing ,<1 day of HjL'gh. C,elei:lorat::!.o.n ,of UM victories in bat:'tl.,e, 'whenAL-AL "WQu.1,d not; be in '[email protected],I',l!, t,ne Princ'e ,act'lii,d. T'l'.i.e loyal fo..llow\E!!rs ot the Great AN-AN. still. a,n,gr', at U:'AL.' ~ betray·al" :0 oi.nea, wi t.h AN~U. ov,erwbelm1!1l'l] {'o,r'oe and .lightning ~!>peed .~;ssured the Prin.ce of an irnmed.1.,ate, suceeas , Kin9 AL-AL~ he,ariflg' of the war in the l?a.lace, chose not to figlht. the P'rince~ Fleei:n9" ;f,or his life" the Gr@at AL-AL descend'@Q to hi$ faZ'-,away .Pal,ace. in the ARI-DU s'yst'~ilill .• , Here".a lo'yal f@llo'win,g r'E!CeiVEd the deposed King with. the

enth.usiasm of th"a.n,kf'ul subje'cts. RJef'uqe wa~ i;"Qnnd i:n the i:s,la.nd 'outpost AL,-AL, h,aa. d.eveloped. • Here he w,oul,d be 3 ,K:1i.n9'~' s'till adQ.~ed an.cs:t.ill wei-c,omed.

i3a,c'k o.n lI.S:A-FmR, e h@ e x ~ P.r'i nee AiN-'iIJ t ,c:e,.l,ebrat: ed his lo'ng awaIted reven'9'e. ''!'h,e tl'i::ron,e was bis,. he W!iii~ lUng ,AN~U.

But. 'victo,ry 'w'.a.s f:lo-t 't,o,tally ,compl,e~tli!l. The, loya.l Wa:['r'ioI:" for,c'E!s of tIlel Gr'eat AL-AL neld fast to th~ Ilew s;olar sY!l·tem., 'I'be effort.s of ,AL~AL·-IM a:ndJt..he reSOI!l!:f',ces , iPY- AL~AL 'to, ,;a:nd e.xploi t1ng tb'e new outpost. wa,5 ,to ;return ,a, hand::::Q.!llJe rewa.r"dt:o theS.rea:t.At.-'AL in the enid,., COr!!s:1.s;'t,en,c], in theprodiuct1,on a"f he!llvymet,als Oin! BMl-.JDR.~U' an.d cO'f!!t1nual dts'cQv·e.:ry and Elxplo, iQ,f 'precio'U.s ore'S'1 pa.rticularly an a,blln.da;~c,e of gol,d" mad'E! ,t~'e. new so,l,al"' 5{ysb~1t1J .i:ndi s'pe'R sable ..

Th.e ~,t,~e:ngtlll, CiI,f AL-AL,~ s bo,ld on tbe :s:olar. &yst.e,m~' a v'ery st~Qngl'ly worded ,c.Qmrouniqu,e:.s.en:t b:y t'he ,sss-,!' 'Q~ee:ps 'asking' that ,a c,iv,ilwa:r be ,a.vQ~'d.,ed; ,aDd. the vi.'iI:,a,l reftl'llrc'e,s b,rQu"gbit in by the :D'e'W l!!'y,ste.m, all ~O:PlibJ..medibo .gIve 1:1:09 AL ... ,IL "",err powerful pas l t.10iD, ;fJ!'i(im 'wb.ichto f:i;~gQ'tia te ,ii, t,em.ota It.! vett;~.ce" and a, repi:"teve".

l~'!"th t:1l'e SSS:-T 'Olleens, looking over h;i,:s ;shoQlder ,AS"'~RRR I't,:I,,;ng AN~U r$l~i:;:tan:t:J!'y a.cce:pted th'6' aqre,eme:nt,;. for 'the, wh,£le ..

1 J



I I,



I, I





FOl"iiltimB~. Kiug AL-AI.. e.ontinued to pll:'ovlde a :;oteagy and abupd~At st:r.eam of preciQ1!J.s .ores and met.a.lsto ASA.-RRR. 'Fhe anqry AN-U ac,cepted t:.bes.h.1pi!Uent.s on behi3Jlf ·of tlle Emp.i~~ 'of' 11I;S:A.~·RJm: and the ARI-AN lElmpir.le. bllt:: .eentil'llued to· look f·@I' any si91iil ofweak~ess r <;I.ny troub:ile,· that: miil·ght give cause t<o bring h. i.~ DAK a.r.rnada down on JU.,·-.AL .•.

AN-IIJII placed Qw:n eU.teI:KU'Star~~dlolt:5!, tb~ I~ !KIKI".~ into orbit~ througbout the solar syst.m~ Any tran&gressioD, any miistake m~~d@· by .AL-A't, woul~ brinq dOl!;;!" the wrath of his H~qhness, King AR-U.

'Fo further s.e.eur.eUl€i :;r;;olal' :li!.ystem, J;:J.n.g AN-IIJ' :pla.c:ea. his.

QiWn ::;;;on~ l?riEl.c€i: AN-EH,li,!(!cbar9'e o::E ·t:h.e elit.eU:O Sta.rsh . .lLps .. ~ndl a spec.±a.l 9ftQ'Y~ ca.lled the' IKl!KJE! .rthe 'watchers·l• IUs

~ .t:.i tle wC).uld be, "E:N!-L!L!.t ~ [,oJ:·a o:f COilj!Un~u'l.d. ~ •. To sbip.-· m.E·n,t.s of czuc t a 1. :res.Qur(:e:;;;re~ITIait1ed .i:n.t.act and. on '1;;. i !It¢ .~ Ring AN-U~.pp~.ilJte,GI nt:s elde~t ~on.r LQlrQ P~i'n.ce EA. a.l.sCI a M.a.ster of Genesis S~ierLl;e:s"to. the p.os.:U:.ion C!,f E:N-G[~ the very sa.rm,e posiUo.n c'nce heJLd by AL~AL.~TM:.

Lord Pr.:i.nce IEN-·LXI. would be based on TI.1\MlI'l', <:lJ::s.would be, Ilisbrother I?rince!EliN~KI~ EH~:L.IL w.guJL.dtravel :th,e .sky-W<;i.l."s, EthKI' woultd d.e'i!l.~lopthe ;!;y~t:e:m 'worlds ".hill c·onduct c.ont111uinq experi.m.ents o.n the w'at~ry wrorld ·of SHAHMA. Mining" :production an.d met<".!lllLu:t"9ic:a1 op@.);;'t;!.tlO:Ul.swould also fall into t:be .realm (l·f P'rince· Ell. ~ is contro.l. Inth .. 1.5way" the King was assured his handwQuld e)!:te.nd ·over .M.~~~.$ 501<:1:r SJ:r.~tem.

And so it was for ~arry pe.r.tods.Fo~rn,e:rKil],g AL~ALwQuld !keep his word. procluc.ingtb@:!:'es.QuI:',c.e.sancl maintairlliing C)lrde;t' 1~ the l14i:nth P, ~ wbi Ie King AN~01 ili.'el uctantly .allowed .i!). oncehatea :foe to ;t'eij.'l'i1li:n. in pow@r .;intl:ie Ninth Pa .. 5Sagi€lWay. i8i1JtAtiI-~ wGul,d! :never,lE'ot'9€l't the 1n.l"u:I'Y he liIadslJJiEf'E:il,r·edurnder th.Ei han.dsoi hi:!il uF'·e AL-AL. When speaking of King AJ,~ALI.~ dUiPlicat.e p!'!.la.ce" the Great AN-·IU .Cilwaysref€i:Jrre.dto it. :tn. a.n Qi!:!l!g:ry <lind .dJtspar.aging ~ AO ~Im['e.p~lace I, ~·e caU.ed it r :hi.$ owopala·ce, ·on A~1!,·-:1mR wa.s th€l ! Plu:"e On~ ~.I t!ll·e ARE-I)]]! P·a.lace ~as th,~: "Da.rl':: One,".. T:[~'!l' it~,elf was ti..e "world of Darknes$. II r regardless of i t s ~i'cn.ilevE!ment~.

KiWl9 .AN-Uwould ['J!leJvell:: fOI"getthe torments his fath:e~ ha!d 'Fhe .ha tre·d. of' .~. lifet.ime w·elled his y·et'y beln'9' ~ :King }I.E-A,t 'Would live, but hew·ou.ld p.ayf,o:!;' 1l1$ sins ~9all:'i!s:tthe fa:mll y of MlHJ ~

But; .hJ.stot'y w'a,$ about. to repeat 1 t:5·elf ~ Fgt: in ·thev.ery b'l1l:iiU:t Q.f .ARI~DD" t.~·e graIlJI:1.sof:l of Ki.rtgAL-A1., AL~.U.-IGAR, belr ~PP"":t'E!!RttQ the Thron.e ~f ·the! 501a:r system, bad :bec:orne a filiI: .mnre ·powe1r:fu.l b.J tbiE! _ fo·l1Lo~er:s -o·t .King AL-AL ·thamthe the Kirii.q (llf ASA .... :ru.m.was .c~~Qr·ta,ble with.~

Bot'n t.o one of ~be J;l:mI pl11QI;:!Eit t:1f:I,e. Q!rbJi,tl~9 I!Wat,cb~5" cif .P~b" lIL...mrGAB: learned earlll tbe,w.a.y:s of · ;Stii!!:~ ... p!l(l!ts and 'th:e;j;r His ,,11Q·t1ng' sIk111~; developed qu1.ckly, and.i.n~ho.rt.tlmet'.ii!@ was g:ran ted the: sta; 101£ IImI ~ iMa.5 tti!::t I! ,0' H.e,~ lik,li!! :hisfathf!i'r~ Wal~ i::KI)'!

But ,.u.-AL~GAR had at plan ~ Aft8:r;" IiKU' tl!::'"a~' ning ,the P'rirnc@! went, t,o, the Hi9hPalace of his9ra.:n,dfathe:r, 'I AM:~BAOO II ~ ~T:he Gathering Place!. He w:oul,d make a j;l't.r,an'ge ,requ'@,$'1::... Ra ther than r e;s t on hi.s ! QlI,U':(i! 1 s , the P,ri:nc'ea,5k,ed to receive further tr~inlil9'" ern.!y this ti~ef in the military di$cipline of the elite B,Em ~'ar.r i,o,rSl ~ Di sci pH. na d g'round ,fore e.s t.h,a twell;~ 'equivalent to the D.:!!I.K~arricrs of the skyw,ays,r the BE." wet'e equally f'€i,alred in, t.hli!! ~inth g,e,ctor., ~.xhibitin:9 ex:e:mpl,a.ry skills I the Prince once a'g,al" eo'mpi€lted his t;,rai,ning' Ln ,siho.['tt;l,me'. Rising' w,ith, quickness 'thI"Otlg:it:I tb~ - ra:nks, .Lo~d Prin,e;'e AI.,-AI.-GAR WIl;)u!,d e,arnth.e ti·th~ I' IKD~MAR=Bm " • tIe is ,a, Gr,ea,'t One of ehe IKIK.I and ehe ,BEH". IU..I:tr AL ... AL""GAR .. an

l'mn,QJ:',ed Ma,s teE" ,o,f ho til Ha,rlt' i 0'1'" di.5 c:Ji pI i ,r:N~ SI; ,W',a,s to garner one mo,re title~,. ,H,e would ,re,cei'VE!: t.he titloe Q.f IZu:i'., 'One wb,o is Supn~me H,l!u.,ter'., a st,Cl'tU.S 9iv~n only to the, mQst elite: ,of W~r:4io,.rs" a very sel@c't handf'm.l IOf fi9hters;~

The' G..,eat ,U-U" .. rgs:wor,riea ~ A ,M:a.5'U~r of '~ar dwelled 'far a~ay intne IUJigG.Q:ffl 'of AL,-AL. '" ,. and. he was >ii!! P,rince! The wa.y in which. U::U-MAR-Il:flH nad p.yr~ue,d his m.iJ.itary'lil:!e~ 1,n such a ~:n,,'i@f time ~ev'@a.l..@d mucn to King AN-lij., He remembere~ "ib.Si.t AI.-AL ha,Q! don'!:! to him wh-en .he was ,Prine,a.. ,And Ii)Qw" th.e 9r~ng~on. ·of ,AL,-ALiI a Prtn.ce" bad ,s·uffered t:hev,~.:t'y same, fabe at the haods ,of King AN-Ol

AN-U was S,1IJi:'@, he ,knewtne young' Pt'inc'e i s ne'<lIJrt" H'e Ji(.l"!!ew

how a:ngry IlIrn' .. ,MAR-II·ER ml!.lstb@. - .iIC:i,:nq .AN,-U 'would, have to take im:med1at,f.! .::;t,eps to pr,event IKD-KAR~BE[j from z-i.Si1ng, to pCHJel:, and PQ,ssibly inciting the ARI-DU ,c~d.Qn.iLe5 t.o, .rebiiliil"

And Se' a worr:t€!IQ Kingl\N-(l'm,ov,edl, a.sbjls: Iiln,c·le h,aC! ~moved. ag,!!i,in.s't him 1.01'191 ~'9'o~ IKU~HAR~BIH '!;,HiS· :I:na,de Rio:yal :curplbe,are'lib_ ,Summon,edto, the' :PalaclB ot ASA-RRR;; I:KU-MAR-BEH- was: plae,ed in tb,eSea.t CI,f the eu:p-!lie:arer,a pOls,itlon. under Kin:g' AN~liJwhere he ,co1i,l.l.~ be c'cnstii!i,nt,ly w,at,cn.ea .•

11:'11 a.neffoI:'t 't:o ~ppea,seI.Jn;r-MAR-HH, ,AN-U bestowed great hOlmO,I:'S 'o,n tbe youl'I!9'Prifi~e, biuttono avail. Still 'I:.he R.i:09 could sense thE!: ha,tre:d of the Prin!C~.. King ,AN .. O knew nothing would::;.ucc'e'~d.,,!!'.Io'th1f.i.'9 wOllld ch,ange th.e' mind ,of I,KO-HAR-BE1[~ Pol" this~,ea:5.on, he would a.l'W,ay,:::; be on. g:uat"d.. King IWI .. Uhad no, cho.1·ee but, to be. dilig-en.t. in wa.t(:b.tnq the,

,i!,I;I:,t t,~e:t"'e 'weIr\e .lltQretrou'lbl,e;s, fo!:" t.!J'E! ,King in the :f,araWl8Y :solar :system" Lor,d Prince EN ... LXIiI, M-V,j,s sonr the ,a.ppoi,nted. Ove:rlc1rd of 't:be ne:w sys:toem, had pIiQte's:toedi ::hia:p,la(:le:m:ellt. in ,il .regi,o:n so far from 'toe ASA~RlUt Pa,lace" :Perh.a,p.s n.etoo would '9i've 'thio'U,g:b't 'to an ,art'tlempt tli:;i' O·V'Eu~·'t:tn,'\owh:i.:5 own fa,'t[, The BBH Warriors werlE! loyal" :but -tilley were al:s'l} a powerful force ,an,d c:oul!dn.ot, be ignore,d'4' .A, tfI,:reat. ICQuld arls'E!: f.l;''O!D! ,il· grrou:p, ()f ,t;cE!bels :w:itbJl.,g the :IIIJa.. !'hey we're ,1,oya,1 to ,Mli",U btr!lt 'liIil,l h,ad famil.1es .in th~ new fS'Ql.,ar .sys'temf and P~.~nC'e J:DJ'...;MJUl-:BP had (nl,~e !been eo.n,@! of them,., TiheYt 1:.0Q" could ,bee'Qrne ,;a 'threat to' .his ;E"ul,@ ~ Th.e, worr1,e5: Ln the K:t.ngdo'm ,of AL-AL were many'.








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AN'~1J had hoped thaJe; ,the presence of hi;ssons would, he:,lp, but U1IEl' feudJng be,tween thtilim 'had be:cQmewQ~s€l, wh,i,le: ,they hi;lc bee:n in ARI=Il)'U., 'I'hou,gh Qver.!iQrds Qf t::h,e,i1" v,et'y own d.,oma,in~sl neH:.he;r ,Pl;ince, "i",a~ ft.iii,PP,Y,. Each. had wantetli complet,e, c'o,ntr,ol" toti;ll dominion ,ove:r t'he@ntire AL~M. Kingdom olf ARI-,:D'UJI.

Both Pri,nces made threatening, almost dange,rou$,,, lloi ses. ,iI{i:n:g' ,!N~g CQuld tak,e no ch.ances, in ARIDU. FOE"ced ,to aes,eena to the dis,tant: :farawaysQlar ~y,5tePl.' the Jin!g: WI'as detEl:t"mi:nBc, ,to p~t, t,h~,n,gs i!!1 order,. T,o pr,o'tect himsle:U f.roirn a coup by a 'Ile:n,seiu.lPrfunee :rKO-HAR-BEJJ~· King ,AN~U t.ook the Prlg,c,¢' ,along 'wi,th :h,i:m en hils journey.,

Fl@,e11ng' sec'1!.il':'€i, the Kin,!i3' AN-U PI~de hi sway bJ ,the woitlds of d i, scord .' BlI, t ,~, s they ,!;ll:'r i ve:d "f r i nee IKU,-,MAR~!lEH ,as,k@,C] oil. favor of theiKing ~ H~ny' of I.KU-NAR ... BEH IS, .fami.l,Y- and friends wit'hill, 'the I'lCIJi::lt had pla.nned a welcominq fo,r bim. the :[PJ;"ince asked to b@ allowed to visit with them.

[)'istraclted by th,€! pendin'9' ev~nt5, the Gr@,at King dOl1bJ!,ed the DAR: guards a:r'Cliu,nd t.he Y'I;lUi'ig1 Proince and ,ordi,ered the IK.IKI. shi p:l;i; be - carefully 'w'~l'tch,ed., P.erh~p5thi:s: would pl,;:u::at.'Eli Lord IKJU~MAR-eEH .f,er a time~ ,AS5U1"@id that the .si,tuatiQQ was well in. :ha.nd, King AN-U a9reed to t,be re'q!.le$t.

C'on't:inuing onto' tbe Palace, if:i TIAMA'l'., ,the King :hQped t.e be: qr'~et~d. ~ith ~, solution 't,o the battlll'E! between hi~; aone ,

BlIt t.he disput,e ,over domifllionof "i'I,AltAi', Throne W'orl,d c,t the siolar syst.em ,could Ho,t be set t.led., P'rimce fjME.-LIL, filla.dle ::I. t cl'e.a::rrt,o his father" if be was t"Q :!ii'tay in the distant and primitivle sola.:r syst,em . ., he wanted tore!$ide in the, p·alacce as t.he King of ARl:D'IJ., Prince: '1m ai!:?9ue:d th~rt s;ince he 'Wa:5 olde:r.: be was, lI1o:re (1eservi1]:g, and he, was, a Ge:n,es:is; Scientist I' a W,Oly 0:£ IHscipl, that was per,f'E!c,t t'Q:r Ki.n.9ship ,gver U1:DU.

Se:@i.f.lg' no r'es,oll1t,ion to, ,the dH,emma. Ki'ng M-U a.greed· b;;)1 the ch.oQsi~,g of ,1 Qt=;l' '1::0 IdJ,i'~:eide th,e, !fa't,e ,cf ARl::DU. By ehanee i!?'rj"oce EN-LIL ibeca:rm,e Lord of ARIDU"tbe 'w'orld, and AR:IDU' tbe :sy'stem ~ Pl"'i nee EA wou.lLdremailll the ,ENJ-GI and would C'Qot1nue to lor'gan,!z,e the d1evelopmellrt ,a:n.d r,e;cove:[email protected] ,t:bE'ough~ Q11,rt .ARIDU. While the decl,::;iQD made little 'diff'er@iIl,c,e in the: res'clut1,oo of dlff.icultie.~, but it gave tbe King r1espitefo,r a 5bort;l::ime: •..• ,; a,veI:',Y snortt:1me. -

Ki,ng .AN, .. U bO;lrde,dthe small ship wou1.d t:aJ~e him ,up to his wajl1till'9 Flaqshi,P, the Roya.l i AR'I., A,s MFU apP'I:'oac-ned. th,e OQ.(flIvet'ted. pl.a.n,et-s1:z'ed De:a.tbship'" !h.e, oD'II.ldno't :n,a.'ve be€:n, :mo:repfiiiOud,. 'll' ship 'wlast~ul.:'fa .Royal er,a,ft ..

But ,an unex:peQlted .8u:tprisi€l,a'w';1I,ite:d the;' IU,Dg ..

Orv'erwbe lmi:nq the rGUlEI,rds as si'gnea to wa:t;dl n im ~ t'k,el YOlln1ig I:m .. ,KAR,-BEH a,n,d.-his: l~yal 1:KII::I 'WarJ:io,rs, bad captured the AR ,!'la9'shl'pil' I:m'~:MI\R'-Bm would bavla bis l'leveing;e.. 11.5 AN-,g moved cl,oSeJ; " 'the! trap ·W'8,8 made; ready ..

But a ,c;::r:y we~'t CI'1l~" ,8, 'w~n,in,9 frQ!IJI it loyal. UI'-V 'ilarrl'o':!r.

Il;t thie la;s·t ttlQmen.'t.,jO M'-vtUirned to, f' sb;uc:k quickly, da:ma.9i'ingi' s:hl'p ·ofthe,g., T-nefol''ees o,l' .p .. U, ()utnl.lmb~J'eda'ndclyerwh€!llmed, is'truck bade.



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'The battle was f.1erce i.n int@ns,lty. sbort i.n diu,ration., The O!AK Eli·t,e Royal Gua.:rdhadJ U't.t-l~ chance -of V1t::::t,O:rYr' aU th.ey could only h'Gpe tOI dG' W'l1llS ,create suiflcierl't time t() allo'w the King tOI !§lseaJP,e., As- AN'-U fled int.ol the: 5;taJr5 on ,a,n, EH.'COI't 5,hip., a, .fin~l e.xpJlLo,si,o.n. and fire-ball !l1Ja.rk~d the .la$t, stand of h,is loyal ,DAK Ide,f, ~

I.o,ltd P',rine@ Il<:U-,IiAK-BBH m(l!'II'ad q~iC'.kly. With loyal Itt.IKE Wat'ri.ors in the skyways and. B,ER [Harriers on the ·pl<l!n,ets,. the ta,keove:r of the sOllar :sy,st,em wa.s ql!!J.ick an¢! d:ecis,1v,e,. Prince n::U-MAR-'l3E.fli found Ii t tl.eJ."@l,d s tance ~ Th,e: i,b 1't.,an t s c,l 'the AL-AI. Kin9Q,Qm g,'g,ppor·ted: bis reb@llion" th,@y op.poI5e,,a the rule of the ABA-DR empire. Smal,l pcc,ket,5 'of AN~U l.Qyali5'ts, we,re ~ capto,reQj ,and neutral:h:ed., Prirn.c;e :U:U~,~-BE.u' .had won,!.

And in. his vji.cto::ry" he ~ad cap,t;ulr@di the .mi.ght,y Aft", Flt,Gl.g'.ship Q.fth-e '!iiI,Ill" ,arma.da of" ASA~RRR:. 'T'he cries ,of cele:b'rat:.;ion wer@I t.umilillt.~o~!iH Lo,ll9' live the pd,flc,e! I;;OD'9i live .!Uqht:y ZIH

The p)E' i n,c"e wa 5 v 1(: t,or 1'10 11.$ • As: King '0 f rebe 1- k.i ngdolC!l:

he 'wo'ti.ld beclome known ,as K i f!.9 II zo- Zu I., or ' :21,UZ Ii ( z,e[lils.~ • 'The" li;:a.p,tUlJ['ei Qf the AR ~f AN'~U would ,e,a:rn Z:U~,Z;I' yet: anotfie:r :n~m~t

i AR- z,u i r I Su,pre,me LQrd () f' the cAR II. In b!OIIIor of bis v.1Ictorr,. the Palac1e ,Oit b is, graDtlf'a ther ,pJ:e:v1o~s,ly c,a.ll'ed. II At, AMBABU! 'Was ,renamed. lin ,AfiIBlWU :Z:U1' ,o.r ~IL~~~:ZO' '(Oly,m:pu5,), ":Pl,ace" Cllf 'Ga.ttlier1ng of ALa.nd SD'I.

'T'h.e 'gllory Q,f 'thl.'Joroe olf AR:IDU was his ~



.. 9!T"he. Bat:tl,eo:fM-UanQi KiUKARBI'i, an. anc;:,j"'~int ,le.gend ,fou:nd! on ,Ba.bylQni,an clay tabbJ'ts:, Id!eslcri.bes a 1:0:),,&1 batt-l,e 1m tne ~kie5 1:n wh1~ Ji'r.1:nce KtrMARBI f'lgft't6 w'ith and Idef·eat.s Kln:g ,Af'J-U" who. ,fle~',s; l:n:to .hiEla.vlein .. Befo!r(!: 'th.e .ba,ttle .is ·,QVel:', 'Jru~l', Ib:l,tes· A6-![J in the 'g-en1.tals, .burting him.

the stary really fj,aJYs tillMAUI I u,s:edi bi:1ii, ibe,etb I UllI.,K]1 Qn ANI~U'~s ~ba,l.l, of power~ (,The AR;.,




King' ZU'~:Zlll Uleus,) knew be 'would Iilo't be, abl,e t,;o, sav@'1:' his tr:ilumpb for 1 o,n'9 ~ A 1'lIew War was about t,o begin, a Wa.r which p,ittec h.ts young: s()lar sy~t,em and it5 Inha.b1tant,5 ,iSlg, ,an older stall;" :~Y3t'em that 'W,a,$ the n:cRLE!: 'o:f thei:r ance,~to,r,!iii.

:Ba(;x, Ln ASA-RJUh ,King- At:I'-,~ sl::,crm,edt:hr.oug:h his pa,l.i!;u::e. The ,specific event, h,e hadpl,a,nn,ed to, avof.d, a lrevo,lt l@d by Princ@ nm-MAR-B,EH, :had :no,t ,only :happened" but ibad fo,reed l!lJN-U hims'eH. 1:;'0 fl@,e 1:0 humH1ation" AN~'fJ las:hed ou:t in a,1iI a I mes t uneene rcll.m ,a:lll 'e :ra,g'e '. Re ard et'@(l his $,e ce,ncM D€!:a!'l:.i'Iship be, made immediately ready for' W.!!J1;! 'Th.e re,bel,liclus LOt'di Prin,e:e IKD-!NAR:-BEH woul.d :pay d@a~ly,~ Battl@ forces o,f e!lite 13:EU Wa l!:' r i~ r s we re loaded ;3,Dc;Q,rd the ,AR,. The:fi nes t l,iI«iI ,s ta r pilots 'we:r,e, :;lumrmon,ed, and th'e: AFt wa,;:; a)rlliJed. lil:scQl!rt.e,d by ~. s,tarfighte:I:S; and Wa..I'ship5~, tile ARa,r.ntatda pa!l;~ed. ov,el:' th@ sky ,a;bcv@ t.heKi:n'9 !lsP~laee. 'The sight lifted the s:piri't e"f the King r victo'ry WaH$! sure t.e b'B his!, plrinc::e n:U .. ,KAR-BRfIl ~ouJLd be punished for bis bla~pbem~us behaviGEI

But King lUli-:Z'Uw:as ready. The c!apit.ured, AR was also, mili,de :r'~~ oj' .1.Qrd :K ~ nq .AR-ZU { :z u- :gU , a nah 1. S I oya 1 IKU' pl a nned an un,~xp@ebe,dw,~!le'o!lfie for the coming m.nvasion :fo:r'c@'. Choo:si:n.g !lO't to await the arrival Of the a,rma.cla., AR.-'ZUa,nd his fO£CE!:5 planned t.o ambush. the Vea tnship oii AN-'1IJ1 wh,jUe it: was yet Oil1.t '0 f till,€! ,AR1:DU 5'ol,a:r is ys tern. ~

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11..5 the Star fl,@~,t from ASA ... RRR approach'ed, AR~:ZU 'wai'ted .. 'when he f.el't tlil,e :moment W'g,~ right .. the IKU ,and BER fo:r:'ee~ ~,f' the rebel EmplreClle;sc.end,ea. oll.the at"mada, s~d!Q;enJ1,y~nd a f'u,!'y bef'1t.tingl ag,alactl,c storm. The eseQrt sb.lps t'hatwe~E!: C,~I.!i.l,gM:. by stirp1l".1s,e - exploded in huge balls of fire:.!:

The ba!ttlLe, was elfi":N~)iI'ed,., fl,as.bes (if bm:illia:nt wh1t,eI;!Jnd g,reen liqh:t 'c~Jiss ... c'rDssed th:to,ugh t:he blac:JI;ne5si.

,AR.~:Z:Qwat:ched, the ~ogre&& ,af th·tiJ b~t'tle care.full.Y., Whe: '!JLoment fOlir unlea.shiw; his c;apt.u:red U bad ,t,o be 'precise. As ~i,s a,tt!!::ck, sbips :s,t:~uck 'wit:b die,ad!y aC'ClIlracy ~ ,ft sud,deA, hr,eak, a~!pea;re;d in the! format.lon!iof .AH-U1 s In'Y'O''ls,iol1ll forces. AR~ZU immed1!}te1ly sUmrIIQnedtbe Gaptur,ed ,8 h:!)ths:tdLp,.

:FQ~ ,one b:t'ie,f mQme.n.t, t'h<lil~e w>as Sil1'f.!i'i.¢e as, 't,he 'two; 'lB':rg,e Wiiu',I!i,hipsfaced eae-l\i. 'other'", As two ad..91hty bulls with loweiE'ed, t th.epause 'Gnlyp,~e,ced'ed! "t'h:e bead-lon'g'cha:rge... Cih~Q5, thund'er and U,'gb'tning f.111edth,e ,st,(u'wa,y;s '. - Tbe we,apon::s,-fh:"e w,a:s 'overwhelmln.q. LO.Ed kingr ,AR~,Zi(J ha.,dbo t'li!!t'n~wa<'Y fro:mtbe bU,nCl i D9' 1 i'gh!:: a.nd, ,the dea.fen'! ti:! fi'c'l~ ~ •


I [,
r Wherithe l.i'!J'ht flas·be;s: stopp,ed, AR~:Z,[I' lifte,d! up hh 'Il:!.501," af!!di s'traineCil bo see t:hrcmgb t.besmok,e. Fr,agrnents fle~ by h,is· sh.ip., As th IE!! ha<l:~ c 1 e al!;':~d ,AR-Zlil :r;~!Ii!. H 2: ed wh.a tt.hos e tinal 'e~plo$iQus had! been. They had eeme from hi::;: oiiliptured J.R DieNatbsJlip+ Tne 'e·I:tOl:mo'Y·~ e;:.;p.:losiQn bl;l:;r.'l~d p.jlje(lll;!~ >of ml;!tal. Inev,ery' directic'rI. Sha.rds of 'the AI, out,er skin bounceia Q,U .U.-z:u IS ()Iwon s.hip. Tn@ mig.bltyFlags;]lfp ,of .AN-O ha.ddefeated AR.,,·ZUi:5 Dea.t.h$n ip and 'Ciontirn,)i@d tiP ,move ste,acH .. ly f'iO,!;'"w,ard.

M-,ZU' w·atc'bed~;nhor,lLor GU. the dyin9i body of th'l':! W~r,~hip hurtll.lildflarning1 dO'W,nw,ard i:n.totbe OIIiCtl!!lting patnof the wQ,rld

., of .KAKnB, S,UANl!iJHMlt (U["anu:;:) " the lP]anet wflier'il!: expeI"i,ments cn pI ant; anc a.ntmal 1 if,@ we l',e be.ill ngoonlluc ted by P:lLi nee EJ. ~ .A.s. tbe small moon-5i~ed sh.ip ,of metal @ntEu,'fH'li the atrno:sp.he<1re" ,a!O!w~r Q,fspa:rks h,U[,ec: tbe :sk,ies. :BQH.~ Q.f bl!,lJ~ H',:Il,llg f1La:sbea'ite sh1!tJ, 'bo ,th.e .5HlC,face o:fthe p,lane.t,., To,e sky !(;),verKAKIKAB .s~fANAMMA was iIlc;hao;s ~ ... e:lfl ,befo,['e th.e m.:Ues;wide gl,oD@ ,of bl;u(,rIIing met·~] ccoll.i.ded with t:ll!,~ w'ow-Id. .St:ri~in9'~t [email protected]'e, tnestrickeil AR c<!I,reened ·rof.f the plo;l,,~ l$:k.i.d·di~,g" a no beu riC i:l19 ,t.hen c:a '1:.<;lJ pa.ruJl1. t iin 9 into the b Laek Vo:id ~ KAKKAE SHJUiI1l.HJl!Ui.. wastippeO!over 'On iUaxi5. Sl'm,dd.ers pulsed ,alol::l9 the inn'sr C~.V'@rr1l;g of ti),@ plat!l.@t., its quaJd.1l9 core: wa:ffi s:tll.aken and toppled. Once an upright world. H now lay on .its ,~Id:e.

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. '

iii '~~i~~" ,. r + ~ J .,~' II;

.Lord M-Z:U watc::bed helple . ..:;sly as h,is vallan,t pilots fell i:rl't:,oth@ '~ar~ VQ:i,d in the dying ,AR.. They h.<ll:d ;strIJi'I::k a. Qleath blQ'w toa good part. of the l:n,va.:siofi .f.c;,rce!; but had given the ul:tirnat;e sacr'ifiC,@j il1 dOing ;s;().

Tu:n;r.dt'!!9 awa.yfromsight t AIi:-21:UlrnaJlIu;evered ship i:nan arQ t(:!'Wial"a,stbe .st.l,11 .mev,:!.,;nq AR Death iSh i p o:f ,M~ H' ~ Im'PQ5:i:ng in its ;s,.ize i! th>e: .~wasl!::.ruly im.aJ9In,ifioen.t .if!; f'tt:;::;'l: .~.Qr~Qi;. As AR~:ZU o(ul.tin:~ed tlO,watch.,he !!lotiCl\@l!aJthat 1lihe AIR !moved in ~~ odd. :fa;5h.iQn, i t.s p\!l,tm"jase\:t'ratbli~ 'Fhe reaU,zatlo!Tl \S,udd@'nly stl:"uck AD-ZU.. The d.eStEucti.OiE1l. h.eamso,f'bis I:K:IK:l[pllcibii haa d~C!i,ge:d, De,e:th:s:h.lp.! 'The Qutoom.e· 'Of tbe ba.ttle: - W.;!I.S, still, ,unde.cided! !.ut-ZU 'GQ~.ld ~till win-a \'!'l(l·to~y.1

Wi'tih a ~-@;newed sense 10,;£ lH.l'pe, he Ol'deEe.d hi s~arGh,iplstQ de;s'~8~d on. t:he .0. Deathsh.:l.p ag.ili:n., wit:h IR .. ZO bimself 1n the lead.. Vs.i,ng St:.I!II;J:f1'ght:er.s to' OQc;:vpy the (Ili1:;ico.rtiiQ:r;'(;E!:s,All--,IU in his ownSt:~l7gh;iIP,· went;af~l!1;~the: ,t'll".:tppl,ed g..Wa,ve ·afte~ ~ave of St,aJ.r:sh;ll;pi:':!at'ta(;1.k~d ~hEl dailna qe.d. s:!f:!.ip again.andi ag.a.i.n~

as .it conrtinueidt:o ![!!Qve into AR-Z;l!Jls sola:r syste!llll ~ .

W.jl th J1,ts own arsenal of pO\Ol'e,rful death ,rays t 't:he War$h.i~ "fought i t~:Wi!Y pa:s,t. distant: TR:lJ (N,eptl1[[N3: )i3ind 1the :I)(IW fallen a~d ti.m,t.;ii.I:l,g w~.rld O'E KAiKKM!l, SHAN1IJMIMA ..

But the (:ons;tant fil:'·e barrage Qfru1:-ZI'J 1:5 Sta,rships bega.n to tak,e, its 'toU '.' As !the mighty !R moved lli,t;o the pr1o.x:imit.y

~ o,f ''iE':.\R-GJl.UU {.§aturrd'r tllet.reroendous gravity of the r1n9~d planet fYlfther pulled tJH~ shydd@);ohip awa.yfrofO, H::s direct,5 '1':IAiM1I:!'. ll.l!!1lo~t outQ! cQtl.t:r;ol" th.e .sh.ip str'a:i,ned to s,1tay its ~our5e.

Lord AR-ZU as::iMi!rnblecl! .hjl.5 to,rce!!!l, ,for one last attack. in. o:ne fiQal de,cisi.v9: st,rJiR€!, I,o.rd AR ... llU and his Starsbip5g;:'lV@ t:if:L-eh: @ll against, tilt€: M. A$~aCn Starfig' d€iI~(;rElnded and unloaded hi~ ,ar~oe~~l. the .AR; ~;h(;){)k ,and ~~gQii;'J!~t"~d. Tbe <jfr03n and creak softlle i n.t,erna.l ,e,x p 1 OS ,i'Clnssotl.nded L ilk e 9 bCIl): 11 is b , d,emon i C !i cz ea m:$· • S~dden 1 y, the AR ex p] oded :it rJifLame ,. EV€i.rj" part o,fthe Death ~ho'ok viilol@F:!th. Smoke .ui!d flame,s !illt"Ii.liP'ted fromeve.ry~revi,~e~:f the ~hip. .Stream1.n:q clo:lil"li:;;, of blac<ki"il~~s t!:',ailea betJind the :staggering s.hip ,the .ARc! AN-u W<liS G1y.:tn.g:. AR-ZU' sa'!:. bac,k in :sJlifp.. H@ haa: 5tl,cces.i$ d~fe<ll t,ed th'e pd.d@ ·of the ASA-RlRR!Ple@L

But 5lLl1'dderdLy. be s~tfQ:r""~rd.,

"h~ val,:Ilant IKU pr,UQts ,of A~'~U'toQka1rn at t.h€l pla.n~tof TIMU.'F wil::.htbe only we:a:pon tl'iie1 ]:1aC! l@ft. tbe AR Deoii!!th:sh.,ip it.s·elf I Maneuver 1119 th!e - flami~'9 aflld. disint.e,gr,a tilngwarsh:i.p , .

• they 1:lii'lIJr 1 e,c:ID th€!ll!l$el'!iN~:s di~,ectlyat TlE1I.MA,T!

The Gr~'at P·alace! rOfAL~MBiliIHU~ZU'wGil.s thrOWl'linto ap,anic. 'Tine' ala:rifll !t.:l'a.S5en.t out.. Dea'tn wa:s abq~t t:Q (llr~~P! QQ'W'rl!t'Jr\Q/ffi the ,sky. .8ta.t":shiips ~ car'9Jo shj[psl .S~ii!::;hS: of E!V!@;l1:'ysolrt!" we.r,e clornmand@@I"'iO!:o for the :!'urpo,sesolE e'v,a·cuati.on. But it was too .:to: te ~~ot:n :inS! coul G: .b,~ c51011.~.~ The ,in hab:li. ta.n ts of 'TI:AMA T ha.d no chance ( t.hey G'Q!;!Ild :no,t. be res,eued ~ it.: wa~to'o ~

Lord U- z,u GQuld hea.r 'I:,h.escream;~ e,g hi i!> ~·[email protected] ... e.l!.'"th,e be,<lJlliS of CQ!MiIun.:i:.c!I.tion • Turnifighis :head ,1iI~w~y ~.A!R-ZU tu.rnecl of.f the aud.l0 1 itiJ.ka'g-~ .M- SU! S pJ1.10,t.s; veered hi.s ship away. t.Q\~d AR~zu ha.d to be ~av'ed.! 'Ehe co"U:is·:i,OI'l 'was :mlIloments .aft;'ay~


,~ .

A:fj; the ,dying ,0. Deathsbi.p' at.ruck theplan:et;th,@! ,sh:ip of :r.o.rrQ li:R~ZDi was ifiVel!o:ped;lln:b:11ndll.~g l.i,qbt~. :In' m.o:men't;5;,thel ,!jj.h(l,ck wave ~b:~.c;::k ahip',t· lH;n,lncing it ,at"(),~ll!d ,a.s!f ltw-ere a lea,f caught:, 1!!:p1~a 'tidalw'i! ''I'~mbllr.!' ,andtw.isting·,th:@ ship of' Lord AR.~ZUl wa,~ 'tnt;'o'l:01'1'!. in the di:rectlon ,o:f TU,GALI..Q" r!,at:rcOw'ly missing the IStoIlle ringiS.~: -


T:h.e S,l!u::;,cess of t.he Ge'ne,si,~ ,scientist,s lifted the King I s spirit.s. .Hei,mmedia:tel, o:r:d:e~ed th~ c.oll,struction, of a l!llrg'@: monumer.!t,a palLa.ce", ba commemorat,e thE! loyal. fallen Warlt'.i.oJ::'!:l' o.fARliDU,. It would a Lao be a mo:nume:nt to his fatber and his

~'9'randfather.. In the liall o.f AL~AI.-[J ~Valhalla~ o,n ·the world ~ec'onstructe,d, t.h.ey 'would be honored, nev'er to, be forgo,t::t,e:l'I.

Fe.;,!:" a time, 'rt~:N';i: des't:ruA::!'tioTi of th~ AR and it~ war ,esc'ort along with the . qu.i,ck s;e1zur-e o·fthe Ninth P,;;u;s,aqew'ay and ,its out.pos t s , he-ld ;the G;l"eat M-'O at bay. Th'~ str,e:ngth. o.f Z~l~Z[l' and hj~: br illi.a.,nt wart,~,H;:tic.s had Si!:I.rpr:tsedthe: .ASA-RRR Ki:og and his rnilit,arj' forces", It would take: t1m'9 to lre-ev,all!l~te ~ to plan for another attack.

The: 'T'helog'onY,f a Gt'e:ek tal,~ of old, ,n~J!.i3tes thetal,e of :&eI.15 (: ZU=Z'IJ) andt,he Olympus Gods (.AL-.AMI:e,AH~I!JI-ZUI '! 'who ba.ttl~ .a'g,a:iLn5tth~ Olden G'ods o,f Mount 'O"t,h.yres,. ~ ,(OSIRIS O~ SiRIUS)

• T:n.e Theo90ny -reveals th,a'l:. 'when :z,@u~ went t.o' 'W.cI.t" 'wi t.h the Olden. 'God:g r Typhon, a. great ,!!!ina :Ilidec:rus !moFlst,e:,r, was se:ot by the ·Old.en God~ to destroy ZEUS:

'" Wb@n :Zi@1ll:5 ''i,I''"Uliqi u.:i. sh et'i ,( Ty:~hQ~) ~ ( 'Ty pn'o.n ) Wa:5: in.n: l@d dOwl1 ~ cl"'llP'pled 'Wr-E!!ck. The huge ea.rt:h groaned. 1\, great p~,)['1: - ofh:ug,e ea~th w,a.s ~5i'i';lo,rch@Ci by t.he terri .. bll..e vapor, !II@lting as: tlln lti@lts .•••. In. the g:lowo,f jiI bla~in9 fire did the earth melt dOVfi.~

.•. .t_T!PFlOiN was; aJl'I:, ,of t,ne, An, cf AN'-tr •. ~

But Kin9 ZU-Z,u ]\{ this could not last fo,rever.

King .AN-U , .:5'1,lff~rEld mueh, l'I'e would notrEl-main, qui@t, not for .1,o.!' AN~U bad suU',ered [!:lersonallL ~nd injury, he :I' lo,st hi~ .... Flagship in ill ;couptake-ovier, ,and he bad .lo,s,tasecond Death planet .mn batU,o., ZU'~::'H], had ca,u'se,d much. damage ~!I'.I'd los,s ,to AN'-U, ,and be had tak~n away a t,ey el'eme:nt ,~f tbe Em,p::hre II I:j: hold. onth~ H'inth P,assa9'Bway ~ JW!·-U - wa.uld b@ un.ders't~iI' angry,. H,is Empilit,e: bad been .ch.allen'9'ecU

E!1l:Ii:D-lJ! had itlUle;h ~Ol",e at ,stake, the fUtU)I;6 ,o:fthe il'l!inth .Pas5age.way· was at r.isk, as was his· holdl 'on the UnQne:. Lo,ss of (l~nt4!;o'l 'olf 'the fII.illJitJ:li P,a,.i55a1gE!,wa.y. ,sYi5te;m rolghtg'lve toe Har Q' Qfrua ... ANreasQ~ to s.ide wi'th the Rebel ZQ~:ZU,. m.ining' of p,recioru;s OJ;;~S ,ana, the, p~Qdlletio'R! (),f heavy metals w,as mQ,s.'i:. ,cr.i Tbe Q~eeil15 'WO'iIIlld no'it t()!@t'·a.te:~his vi ta.l ilrrl,dustry 1nt'er;fe~ed wi'th ~ Clearly the K1n9' would havet,o ,a/ct qu.tdkly be.fore t:be AlII-AN 'Q~H!Je'~;::li ae:c!de:d te, ,allay Z:[J,- IU tiC. reme.,l ni 111 pewe,r ,a5tbey h~d per,mitted h.isg.ran,cUat.he:l:"AJ....n, .•

And 'tha.t wa,B not , ,oonce:r:n,ed ._,..IU. prblce Btl-:LIL, al:sof,orced to, flee ~'he UlDtJi ~'Y:fiitem" ha,(I ret,u:t".ned to sit i.n

Roya.lOo1!llr't ,of ASA .. RR:R.~ '-r:~iU;li pote'nt.1,"",1 thr,e,at be poaed eo'u.ld

Ho't .be i91101';'ed e:lther. Tbe f'.a,eedda.ng1e!l:" eve~'ywhe!re_

:Sut hefoil"e he coul~ ,ac!t .. the King re'ce,ii,ve,dwo-rd '!that the: ,22

II f
f ~~ :ha~~~,,,?,~"'l(.~e!1:~:et'd~~,....:tna~;-,~,e S',:g:S-T' QY,ee!l15 wanted: hi5IPre,se:nG~ in the ,ARI~ldf p,ala,ce_

wor.r i ed N't-.(Ii. Hale new-the Y'WI01!J 1 d dem,aJ,n.d an. aCCOlll,n.t, i :n·9 ., ,R h

(h:~f@·e£t a'tthe hands o,f 'the rebel LQrd. AR-Z,U needed t,g nav,e a X"esolutlion a.nd a, 1'",e, ,f'Qr' atllev12tio,n.

AN-U pres'ented, him,I,Hill£' ioef'ore the Qru.eens" a. I;),lan to'I: th,e count,e,r-a'ttack had been r~rQ.W1iY_1P by his D'AiK ComJm,1lind,ers. The' aJE"g'lI.Jlne,nt. for [email protected] actioill'll seemeCl. obvious 't,o h.hfl~

TI1I,e ARI-.AN Q'ue,ens lis,tened ,1.11 si.l€m.ce as AN-uspoke ,. In h,i:S;".rQO:P;·ds were hm s a~9rlulilents :for tile cont,i:nllance of assaul ts upon th,e rebellious; ~tar s:ys'tem., On, completion of his talk, AH-U felt cQnfldient he had mailiE[l his: poi.n,t. -

A-s h_@ sat, down. he 'turneoto s,ee th.e Cha:mber d,ooI"s open ,

To, nis (U sma.}", ,the· .rebel King :ZO~ZIlJ ente;r'edl the Crn_u:-t. AN-U

s'tood to pr.ote'st bU.t was c'c,mma..nd€d to sit quietly.,

As the upstartiRebel spok'~ t;;i;l the Queens" .AH'-U ,could :nct irri>lmain s,ea,ted.Leapi-ng'to hi s f@!et, he Wi3;s,c;I!9ai.n orde:.;edto 5 i t down ' •.

KiogZ'U--Su G!lade his po,s,it.ion cle:ar., !He """'<liS tnerightful King of A.BIDU andl:he people wa.nted '. The :;;yst'Ia'm had mJt bee.n a€!stroyed.1 prcducti.QIl ,of mehl~;(iJ!'ld the s-uplp-hr of vital. mln.erals ,cQ'uld cont.Lnue, The ('lqr,e'emeilt with his would tle fulfilled" AR-ZU wo'uld honor e,aTlh!lI'" p.romi,58~:~. ~but, WrrHOUT the 'pr·e,ser.U;;;'e 'of AN-O.

As hef!ni5~'e:dt Kin,9' ZU'-ZO sat down.

Th-e Qu,sens did Ii,at speak ill word. aut afte't: g moment"an E Ide:r Qu e·en stood up, Her wiords \i'"El'l"este,r-n. TQ e ,e i 'I/'i 1 wa,t:" .reg,ardl'e:iis of c:ause" had caused. the o@_strurC'tiofi of 'T:IAMAT',. !:i. world c:ruc',.tQ the ARIDU' ... ASA-mm, and, ARI""\AN Empir$$,. Th,a liveS of m.il11on.s, had be,en th.~,eatened, CQu:!ltle5S WilIl.".;r'ior.s, of

both sys-te_!il!s had. uled.. .

Tn,e 85:5",,'1' QU$:ens demandie,a the ,ces~ation ,o.f hostilities,! 'lirberew,g,uld: be n'o' fm:r'ther ,d'e!s,t:ru,ct1Q:n] The, ,aqit'El,emen.ts w.1th Ki.nq n .. AL, in the$ ·of K:i Dg! ZU- z:u, 'wc1u_i.d C"o'll!itinue I, 'The

wa,r was 'C'V'rer-,t ..

To the horror' 'of Kin:g' U-O,t.heREIbel 'w'Ou.ldbe permit.ted boU-V'E!,! Once ,a.gain, a. Ro<y'almembe:r ,of tbe H:ous,e of AL-AL-U had th,w'artel3, hl-m t-

KIng Aft-g- 'w:a,s :f'lIJrlous:. Tb~:s he would :nQt perm1't.~. ''fhe:re wul,(I. come a da.y, me v'owed"w_en th,e ~o,la;r- sJs~em,would be a:. pa.E"t. ,of th,e ASA.:".mm: ,empilre' a'g-ai:n.

An.a so ..... th~ GollLd.en Hera of zu-zu 'fooTo~l,d ,flolu·.ishiO' if only foil" a shor't 'time.



The tales oftheworJLd UrliJ!1'!ft'· th·e h.and Q·f Kin,] Z·D-'gllJ we:re :ma.ny ~ TnQIJ.9h iii $1';[!'viorco' hi~ pe.ople, he was still a King ••.• and subj e.ct ·lto arb1·tra..ry whims _ Still ·things W'e:~8 well.

But 'I::he fat.Es w·Quld once .again int·e:r.fere w.1th th€i future

of It.tie ARIDU sola.1." sys.tem~ -

:S:bar·tly after the ·confrontation .in 't:.he :SS.S-·'l' ]P·{:I.l~ce" ·the ARI-AN Que·e.n.~; w.QlJld .f ina. t.hem.selvef!> f.acln.g ·the ].oQil"lin,'3 spectre o,f w,~~ w.ith an a.g:es-,olld @flemy~,e,ly for ZIJ-ZIU, the ttu."e,at c'arne fr,op! .il. neig-hboring; starsy,st.em, nee far from his lLIlI'~U solar system ,.

Advised. o'f the threa· situa.t.1on., AN-U f"I!!:cQg-rii.iz.edl an o,pportuni ty to remo,ve the Rebel from power'. AiP'p:ro~ch.i .. n9 the NU-AN Queens,; King AN-U mad],e an CiU:"9ulrI'ent :fo1" ·the r·emoval of ·t.he young King' :3U~:Z,U.. The Ninth Pa.s:sageway W·iiI:!> vi'!:al to the .ARI ~ .• I!I"N EI'Il_P.i. re .• :$:I]I-:lU lin his j)l,mbi ti on 'l:o ex pa n;d h.i 5 .tEmpi r,e: I :rnlii'9"ht: be swaY@jd to; .,u:;c.e·pt .s.uppa.rt. from th.e ve~y ::;,.ii!!'!1e @'f:I@mies what: tir@a t'e]'! ~dtol ba. II: t: 1 e. .a.go at.i n s:jj; tho@! SSS -'TQue,ens •

If .ZU·-BtI' had rebelled aga1nst th.eA5A-Rl:m:. Em-p:li r'e W:Jr'l'HOiU':!:' a.ld .. wlhywould he not; .rebel' ag«i.1ns;tthe SS.S-']'I Qu·eeil.WI'T:H the slipper-'t 01 liRI-AN enemies?'

'The ART-AN Qu,ee.ns. paus@dj and: ·~9"reed. They wou.ldi51~sist tbe ASA-rum King in his return to the: Ninth Pa,5s,a·gEfw·aJysolar sysbenl b, subdue King 'z,U-.ZU.. L.Q,;r;a Kin9 A;N-IJ wa$e·.laced! .In this W;lnture., he would not fail.. This ·time,. the war ar.madas of bo,th th,e S.sS-T and th.e ASA·-RRR·es would join fo.r::ces·.! By mar.shaUi:n9 ·toget.tI,e.:r his St.arshi:ps and Warriors a.longside th@ for.c;~50f tl'i@ SSS-."l' 'Qu'eens., .1Il!I·~·U ha.di cu.~'em:ble(l <lin armad& $u~h as had nev~~ beeQ $een before.

Th,@ skiol)!!s of the SIRIAH W'orl,ds fillll~d '~ith Wa.r.s.hips and :s:t,arsh.ip:!S ,. ;'lhe' ASA-lU':Ut :p,eople" the .UA-a-Olll' C:~,eered. as ·the King' II s. ml..glillt:y arm., '~ade r,ead:y U:::.:s: departure, .•.

Victory was w'ri t:ten. i ill. the h,ea.vE!!Iii:5.~

Lo't'id King :Z:U-ZUwaa,at a diplomatlc ,o,n i t5. way' to hi.s· solar ~yatem Kin.qdom.... BytJle t.luu;::, hewils. to .l,ea~n Q·f the t.ri.ckiery.,. .1 t 'WQll;lIl,d. be: t.QOl.a~e", Cloaxeda:n.a in ail.enoe, the arpa·de ,of ·lI! a:rr1ved ,art th·e outer- edqe o!f the Ul:DU sy:st.·em bet'Qre they were dertected.. Th1a .. mis:take wCi'lilild. 'pr,ove W, to' the .KingaJ:!.d his y,QlUD', Empire ..



I "



-I -

The iQ''Wa5ion forces !poured into the s;gtar sy,st.,em. lie!!:! ollII:'U:i lJEH. fO~(>I!"s of AR-ZU wer,e overwhelm'ed iby 'the s:h"ee'r nu.mher CiI,f and ,MI-AN wa::r'ship;s,. In ,shert time, the invasi,on forces 511;!I::rc,und~dthe Wa.r Planet.. But. th,@ orders 'Clf .;;I.ttack, i:ssll'ed by King AN'-illI" did not al.low for p.rhone,r;s" .[)OAK-MU w'a.s to :s:uffer total annihilation ,. T'ne sta,'te:Jr.$ weJ::"e furiQu.s, in tl'll,eir decimatlon o,f everything on the surfa'ce of DAK-MU,. The firenal,ls created by th,e mis:si.le strikes: redllceil (!!v'e:rything'f in.cludinq stone building's, to dnc.'el:s and ash,. Final at.r H;,'@:s· wi ththe dastrucU lJe b€i.arns Cl·f l.ignta:n,gJthe sear.i:ng heat be'am:;! vaporh:@,d e've,ryth1n.g that 1"em,a.:tned. 'W'hat. 'was n'ot bJQwn apart " wa5 bu,rneCi. a.~Cl melted beyo.n.dr@,C!ognit10,.A.,

I ~ . _"".

'.~ .



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,~ ·:~f: .. .: , -.'M';~'li!~ '.:'.

Kin'gzu·~zu was , and subdued" IHOlntenc'ed to' return bo the SIIiJ:AN St!i1!r ,sy:s.;I:,e,1l'l f,oll"' pun!shm,ent. All ~>eoeJl warriQt" forces· of' ,3U=17,,0- W@l':'!!! s'Ummari lyex,e,cut:ed., as were loyal f ia1.t.hf'ul follow'e,~"s,.'l''he e.nti::l:IBty Q,f the .empir'e I s populatio:n would be brut-all.y and [email protected] punished. ~ _guilty' or oot.

Th~ War PlaOi1! tis ,5urfac,e was obIt tera.ted. AIJlL traces ·o.f life, linger :King zU'~zo were [email protected]~ Ci.tie:swere ,1Il .. eV'eled, fore:;l't!':O dest:.lO'oyed.. 'h@ beauty '!;lit the planet a.n·d i't:s cj['vilizatio'rIi was !lIO .more. A.lU .fo.rll1l~' of life wer,e: destroY€i:d..,wit.h :n.1O ,ijJ n ima 1 s o:r p Lan ts to f e,ed .i t.s a t mo$p.~elre , 'the: once 1.1v i nq and tlillr1.ving' planet died. OnJy' ttsred sand;!!> :remain,ed.'F'h.e blood it"ed d:us:t. bacame ,a, f'it:ting .m·i1!'mori,al too the bl,ood;s.hed ,of the Solar Sy~,te,m War 1n whicb bUliolnspe'~i5hed.

'Great Lord King ,AN'~U was ~'ellieved. 'Ebe ,Evil Ou,e .. re.bel ZiIJ-·Z,[fwa!1ivanqui5hed~ The Hand oftbe ,ASi.-,mm; wa.5 'Q:llce. ~gain ,rest,ol"(!d ·1::'0 the: Ninth Passageway, ana ·the r,ealm o.f tbe HI-AN SSSi-T 'Qu.een.;s 'w·as strengthe:ne.d. encs aqa.ln,.,




I: r

, 25


The Sta,rs,1l1p ,of E'iriru::e EA I'IlI,Qved slowly Cl!IVEl,r the land.

He examined the surface car@t~lly. EnQrmous glacial Ice sn,eiets blank~ted IIi:QSt of t:.heupp~r a,nd 10'II\I'"e'1" bemi$pl:ie:re5~,an eq:lllab::l,:t".ial ::;;,tlbipw'as the only ~:aI:'t left 1!.mtouched.

The Prinee ar;u3 hi,s crew h,a,dl a:nalyz,@d th.e d.ata care,fully, the lan,eUng giqiht had already been sele,c·ted. .As the P,r,in-ce emerqed and e.xarnin€ld tne area " tbe words 0'£ hi~ father I Ki,ng M4i-U, were c,lea;r.. :n'ebutld the deva~tatE!id: :syste!!IiI,r b~ordered

Princ'e .EA. -

The a1esl::ruction of thoe 'I..NJ.rld ,e;,f ZU'-ZU had: been. c:oml',]L.ete,. 'The Pl!1ule!t act ,R'E:.a. 's,a.:n,d.5, w'a5 :n;!'dYic@d t.c dlll:5,t ~uld rlL:lblbl,e" All trac'es: tlf I,Ue W'I~!Lir'e des.troY'ed., Witho'!,llt li Ee a!!:'!!d pl~,nt.,$ .th,e atm.os.phere died + I,ee SD.Bets focrrned fl"ol:1l t~.e pole,s; almost to th.eequ,ator, DAK-HiU was ft':o~en. in, i.ts death. An.d. its sis,teE' world I DAK ... ,A .. HU" na,d been tran.s,fc,r:me,d into ,il planet of arid. scorehed lan-as ,and deadl,y PQ.i~,onaiu:;jiQCea.ns. N:U:Du,the ·on,ce l:'~buiH. bom~ of t.he Rebel Im-Z'IJ" was also ,dev·astat@di. -Only IRlJ, TARGAL,LU, and ,BAR-,BAR~U r@main@d relat1'v'ely intii!l,ct.

The P~inc@ CQuld ii'lOt imagine wh~.t itmu,st .h.ave be'en lik'8 t,o he in the middl,e of it ali I i.'11 'the 'cent'e~ Q.f the :battl,e;,s. He, U.:ke his b,t"o,'th'er, had be,en forced. to :fle,e., Be 1,Cjok.ed '!!lIp :li.:n:l:,iO 'th e. heOli ",e'ns • ':rh,e Pl" i nelE! J;:::n~W' his bot' 0 t h,er wa s oV1@;ltJiI,<l:a.di ~·e" (lID an orb,! ting mi Li. taxy (::rrui:s,er, :he W.<l!S upabov,e f loo;k.~.:n9 den'/T! "on him. P'rinc,e EN",I.IL, 'w'as Lora ott:lu'll' 1I..irwa,Jts.,

RiEl-build,,. Prince EA was c:'ommam:led~ ':Fhe I"r;inc·e looked a~t the des,troyed world.. 'The ta>slil; would begr'eat" h@ ~'Quld make sure 'tQfnl:fi1.1 faither I'S orders,. He: would re ... build!l'and be woul,OJ establish a ,m1n.inq 'operation; e.xtractln:g vit.alc)]:,es an,d p1:e·cious miner,als.. Hew,oul,a. l:',e-Dui,ld the panuUs,e w,orld :f,rom tbe wa:r~tQ:rn polan'et •. ' ... ~.o(l! :perhaps " he 'would do a 1.1 ttle mo .. r,e • :EAre[v,~l €! d 1.n the tho,uqn t .. -

And sotl!!'@jf beg-an, Pr.inc1e EA and his vol'unt,e:e:r crew,; ·tbe MmUIR,Il!.KI: '.' T..h,e cbo's:en ,s,,i te for th.e in,i·t.ial ,compound bad lo'ts· of ",abe:r' a'I:iIiQfertile, ,5D~U.. St.~,a.l,e~ bad l:'IE!YlE!a,let1i dQ~s:its of p~e'ciQlgs!s i~be::lQw,., It 'w,a,1S 'tJii:e .]Log.1cal plLacle to, Dl!!gl ••

fl'a,c~, ,0,( ~he .members ,of 'the, Pri:nce, I sc'r,e.w .• ad be,en chosen bec'8,u6,e of hi.s olr her' spec' o:r abfllti.e:!!!. E![llc'h one had bee:n ,a.551gliled the rank 'of Lordi"each had been 'gr'autedi an amou,nt 0':£ p,t;\operty !in ArtIDU., and eadh, was given ,a f,ai~' s,llars '0'£ fuf::ure mon,e'tary ret:Uii:.".fUii: fl.'Qm 'the new col,on.i'i9s.

The r:ewa:rids w,ere ge:n,er,ons,t:bie ,dangers ,con:s1derilble, ..

. ' 'T.heiPr.Jlnce hilIId t.a:ken :his tim.e in a,electing hi,s; crew" the!s, were high... :But be was prou.(!!, tbe:l' were good.,


',fh."~t as::;;;;ignmeot wa.s thecon.5'truc;'tio,n o,i the ba.'5e Q,f Opera:tic!l1is _ TJi)j@ compound would be bllJil t in stOifl~ ,n§t~l"ai 11" durable and .readily aVCli.11.1ab];e. But as theANNUUAKI .be.gan to set. up the,gi 1.ili.9~t5ana.sour.ld ca~rier:5;1' t~he g'ene'li:'at,ol:s {::ea~ed to, o'Pe:ra't~. 'The n~ tlu;,·;;:d ener'9'Y grid of EHl,e:r;gyof common to all WQ~lds, were fluctuating ~11dl, an the planet. 'F:he !I Great 0011.1 S:1A:I.!l I', the, ,e'VE1.I:1It which bad cr.,~at@Ci the wor.iLd they ilil,tOQd Ofii~ ,h,a.d. r::aU!se~ 'th,e inn,er co:!:'E! t.o become url!stabl€:, 'thys c:aru,s.ii.n.g a c:clo$·t,@:nt waive~in.g of the en,e,rgy ,line:::;",

':FbPJtao uce ~. stable s upp 110 fpowEir ~ PI' i nee EA. loOc a t~-d a. pol. 1'1 twh€:r€! ,S: i );e:ne,rgy' 11 n a t~ r; all 1 y i ~ t,ers€ • H,e; r-e on tllB inte.r.s'ecti,on~ 'ttte'P"rince er,ected ~~ la.rqe [email protected] M'!i#uae~ a !Qcus:1Lng c8ntet' which 'i\liould ex'tract:. 5ufHclel:1it 'en.ergy te, run the ClonSf;::r'YGt:ii,on eqa.ipmient. PQ'we,r cr:y,5!::al~ I speci.,al,llly 'grown I'or ;JI ust aueh.e pitlrpose r w'e,re pl;;l!,G'@ in t.lil@ :!E::n.€!r9'Y Clil.amiber~.

The En,ell9Y HOU.~~ w'ouJLe: also, hold the Re~alli!!1:~,tion (':,ent,e<:r. ' it"$wal1~.Fat,~l1y injured teclilnjicians [t'JU5t be t,ak,en C<!I . .I'Ie: of :imr:m'eM~lJiately ~ P,r,$llu:::e lE'A CIQUJ.,O:r.I.Qt ,af.f,oJ:"d to lQse:e:v€H:I ene of his ca,refull y chosen crew.

I I~






1Is th,e: ,direadE!,(f D,-Kwere 'De:s;troye"rs of L1, f"ill' , ,f so' tbe' Ar4NiUfUU,I :were ,i;i .. ~ theiK-Ii)'r t.he: I GiV@I':l;i of L.i.i,e i


A.nof beca1!Js,e the irregula:dy ]:luI sat;..;i,ng-energyHnel'i!l made Star :5hii? irlJstruments unr,eliable., the En,er'gy :Uou,.se was built l¥ith four bighlyreflecUve tria.ngular $;,toies th,a.t al:l;owed an a.~i~l orientation far p11Q~5 hiq6 above.


SlbQwly the' poW'e.:f' pX!Qblerns, bggan t.o' be .resolved. But tOT :rn1!l(::b (It' thet ~Pl!e ~ PQW!e;!t,' ,~u1@ma:l!. i 'es lm,ade prog':£,le:55 (3,:1.:f f 10\:1.1 t ,i WI eV!I;'!;ry a s'pec''t e ft he :r:ili n i iil'9 di.n.d con!'li t:.ruc't ,tonproj e e t s .' F.i eld. technicians W€:J;€l' fQ1:c@d. to' pe.rfor;.m nn,expe~tled ph.ysical labo!l" to c'Qmp~n.5at@ fOIl: fail'et'i equipment ~ ''the ,AtmUH'AK!weref,@w~, tbelabors many'., The ANtnmHE carnp,la1n'ea,Pr1nc'e :mill. relayed tbewor:ds to Jiri£:llq .1U'f-Ill,b'l,lt tbe ]!ting i!;l1o\1h;J f.!IQthreQi~ Qt'l:;he1lr

probl~lms ~ p·:r;o al;l!c~.iLQnwould5:tillhave t,C! incl;!I;!,o;I"se ~

T!t:H~1UmtmU:I felt o'vE!rwQ;r;ked !:ilind il.q.Hoiredj they pE:'[email protected];,e!i!JI ~O!dthreate:ne,d. Ito oe,ase their labars ~ 'P.r.ince _ piJ:0\I1I.i5ed an ~net'ease .1n fut'u,I:@: ,rew,ar'!di.s ~ Glrllldgi.ll:gll 'JI', butwlth- addit iania 1 "Ee.ccmpe:r'JS€!: p~omi~e:a" theAiNNI!JH~I r~tu.~ne.dto tbeir l.",bot'~ ..

C-onst.ruct:icn 8J_tmd m.ining/rec!I)'l,l,ery (,l!rews :sw.itc,hedt.o l'owet'

'CCiIli:; c!!J,t't.l .lign:ts. and 'Sioillfidwav,e mover$:.. :Su.t :l.owe~

OO'l'UMI.:llIupt:i'cn ,meant. ,~'Q!ut..put.~ :P~og)u~tion was :51()~ed (i.Qwn"

iC"au:5.i.ngrKing AN-O CQiI'!li.C!er:Il1I,. . 'To t]!:Iis (!ifldi, PriJl!ee g beg~:Qtbe I!llse of bela.~ts Qf' tJiolu::defi to a:ss1:!i>t thelABmmIlRI. P, in the op$il!:"at.ion :5 l,ow~ b~t the:r'e: was pr,og:rIIIH':S.,






But 1~ tim~, th~ operation W~5 ab~e to begin 5ending tb~ gold sn1pmeot,s 'lOll ::~a:;hedu,l.e,. TJ!:'Gi,n,Sp,Qrt, ship~ landed G,n AiRIDU' a nO. dapQi:r t.ed 'wi 'th, it b.ei r vi tal Ca,l::9'Oe s .' Gold 'w~as immedi ate, 1 y s,ent back ,to ,A~lA-'Mt'R, o'therp:r'ee',ieu~ gre:s, we,re sent riglh:l: to th e BAR=B,AR- U and T,AllGAI.LU r,e fi,n,e:!:' i eli!!. Even, th.e, till t 1 :ngi' aDd @rratic spinning KAKKAB SHANAMMA be,gan t'Q ~,how' ;signs 01: life

on lt~ ~urf~ce. _-

Cons'truction cr,ew;~com~le'te.a UU3i sto,n,e s't"l"Uctu,t;,eS oil t,be ,compound, m:akingth,e ARID:l:f set tl'EiiIllU2!llt 100']';' more, like CiI (;1 ty, and nota 'I\'9 .camp. And in the cente~ QI the e,ompcH,md, ,CIi m1agrni.ficent Agricultur;a.l-Bto,log.ical e,enter w,~s ~@;st. bee,ominq the cen:texpie'ce of 't:h.e ~tQJie ci t,y.

'f'he ,Prince had done '\>lIeU!.., 'the Gr'eat AN-O w,as plea,sed., Pri.ruo:e lEA ~ S Oper,a, tiO'" ha.d allQ,wed ,AN~t1I to :rl~biiJi c,ontr,ol 'Clf the ,MIOU' s,ol~r 3'Y~,term and !ke'ep hi:'!> hold on tbe St.a:~l.a:o'e5i in the Pa:5sag-eway. EA ha.c succeeded be'YQndi 'the'expeetailt.ion,!!' of h Ls f~thl;!~,. fl!~s ta)ll'~Jilt5 as a G@filesis I'!l,aster had bee't1, put to the test and had exeeded the task.

TJ[AMA''iII' W~H' re-bo:rn ~

King A~~[JI Ji lllJ:liD@ciiat@ly s,ent a,ad s,patch. 10ld ARIDQi' " the

'Oongue:l:ed Pllac,e', was dead: 'ERIDO'",tlr.!e ~.En.:slav'ed Place'" w,~s ,,! ,~o O.l1,e would ,ever a'Club!:. 'the pow~r" the might and vel::l:g,a:nee 0·£ 'tl,Al1! ASA-RlRRKin'!ll aga,.i:n. ~ 'The n,ame of thli;lcolQ.n:y :would ser!ll,e as a reminder and ill. to anyone wbO' s,ough t,

t.o, ch.all@og@ or question t-he might. o.f the Gre,at ,AN-U~ -

The Hand of ,M-U wl~HJJld a,l'w,ay~ b~ ~pon ERIDU J

From, ERI ])Ucom,e l:h e wo'ros t (j,t" EARTH:: Erd@ (' Ger-man ) ; E~RDA (.old .Hi'gh German) ,; ,JQrdh '(Icelandic):- Alrtha J_G~t,h i c J _L J__or,Q_ ~ D;alli i 5h :!, c :Er't,~,e _ (Hi d d 1 €I Ens.l ,i. 5: h )

I'r.ince lEA wQiS ass1gnedl!h,@ tit:l~ .EiN-GJE, I'Lord of .ERIDUI• The de'va.statedworld wa~ a living ph!L'C'@ ,! Eli. car,@full'y rnaJli,pl[.lJl~.ted ~11Id €m'g,:tneer,ed. animal and p,]Lant life :itQ1C:mstnoa t eQuid ,endu~e in the harsh enviironmen:t, and,pcison,ll::l'us: n.;ii,trog'en air of the, plane.t.. .At~.{)~p.her'i,cco'nditiofi.~fi9'un1ts .began to millLke th.e ,air !breathable a,ud warmer _ Oft'en laboring fo"rmaoy tim,a, periods,!, th,el?r-1nce gave litU~' 'thought to r:,~st ...

B,ut the clcmti.muing @if'forts of P:r inc:e: EA \\,i'>i1i:re, not wi,thou:t, their If;'ewaro5. O!!leof h.,is amb,it.1.en,5~ the 'e;:st.abli!:i·hm,en~ 0,£ a Ce-n't;!er fo1:' L,if,e Scien(:,e;~, an ,ag-ricul tu::t'alt:b.l0,logieal eent,er, was, a~t'Ila..l1y ,a,chiieve:d .. , . ,1m a_bQ·ve g:ro'unCi 1,abo~a't:Q.t'y, the Life, • Cen:ter' prOO].lci@d and n:u~t'ured the .hyhf-i.d! .5:eedling.s; a~a hyhlr.ild creatures wh!,cn W'Qul,d be traosp.lanted al"QI(IDatbe globe.. The CenteE' becamB P::r1QQ!;) Blt,,',5 prj,de and jlc)"; ,II '·'Garden ,for :Life, •

.once: a.g'ain, the world, began 'tic ta:ke,OD the lOQ,k: aud f~e:l ,e,f ,a p'a.radis@ w'Ql"ld~ Q.rtce ,1I91ain, thel pla:net was ,aliv€I:,!_ B,ut tho1ugh BRIDD 'Was 6iHiee ,e;.ga1:n ~ :i\u!rhll119',ei'- 'ofl,::i.,f'e,th" pl~net:15 olf DM"':Jm ,~' M:aJis) am.diD'B ..... lIo,-D f Ve'm1~6~' 'wEiE'\efQ'E'b,1,.d\d.e.n. to have, life Ql'lCi'e ,agai:n. Oin 1t~~;u:rf,ace. The GJ'1ei'li.t AH'-Dde~ree.a tha,t lioth. worlds -wo!U.ld. :remai.n :ba.r:rern., they 'would ,serve as w,arnlnq to an,y- 'po'tential enall'enqe.r.. Th@ Wrath ,ef AN,-U w,a,:\i '91r,ea·U -


----------------~--------------------. ----~~--~



I •


Th.€!· Aqri,eult.ural <Cenli::er was ,a13,0 m.akilhli9 great:. Si,tJ!:"!de~tn G'Jr'!lS'a'ti.r.t!g- r.!'ew ana,uD.ique life forms capable of 5ur'v1"11tngr th'e ali:::moslPhe'r,e Q£ EiRIDU,. But 'th-e expe,t'iment:s 'occu.pied l?'rin'H~ EA much ot the time, 't,a.king him away from ad:!i'linistr,ati,en dutl,es ~o neces,saryto'a Lo,rd. 'Th.e ,Grea,t King AN'-U'w'as up,s:,fd:.,

The King of A,s,A-RRR. had put P:t"ince Hl! Ln cbarge of B!ltIDU DeCa\H:lfi! of his G~nesis ,abilities .,Prifu;;,e Jm~L:IL, his second son, W'iilS to t"e:mai,n :Ii..,ncharqe of theairwa.y~ andl l~,nes of' the ERTlltlisCkiLa"l:,' s,y,s:te,m. But Prillce :£N-:tIL w~s:onc,e again .maldnq' s'~l,uH3s of grea t, displeasure in bei,ng placed so fa.r ,away from the :Ro,yal Palace of ,ASA-RRR. This furtber up.set th,e King.,

Andi so he m;Ovea to resolv,e the proble'm,s.

:Prince m-JL,l'it was g'.iv'en, , ve cont:rol '(;l,r ERXli:m, the :$,olar 15: y.s t eom, the pla,ne t CIi.fjjd the (; i t:y ~ !loll t con trol over' 'I:~he de'veliopment and:exp,lo.:il t,ation of 'tn,e, :planets would. l"emain. with Pri.n,c$ BA~ 'ThusII' dominion over El.IDU r.;ioulld be shar'edl In 'tbi:$ w~y I! l(,1n'9 AN-U b'elieved be 'Gould con'tinue ,toO keep a.n ang-ry E.N'~I.:ZL aw·ay from the 'Cburt,· fulfill bis arobition~ as a Lord ·of P'o,w:er.. all,a. still utUi~e the abIlities 0'£ .Pri,nce E:li..

f'riru!le. E.lf' still EN-GI ",w'as ,s;h.a.tte!!:',@d and ,an9'ry ~ All of his elEf,er'ts a.nd SIlN::;ces:ses had been ignored" hi:!l!i piac';!$! in thel f,araway empire st.ripped away~ In ,anger, the Pr,ine,e Q,f :Life left ERTDIJ, :moving' to a disti:\nt r,e91,0" 1,n 'orde,l(' bo build! yet A9'rlculltu,ra.1.~Bi.o.lLo9'1cal (~'ent:er. m:J.,ere" eee , .h,e would d!E!veJlop' a 901d mi.n.1:!)!q ope1"o1i!.tion., but h€!l"e" be. w'oul,d :focus on hi i oS piaI.s:s ,i'iO,I:'li" ttl@ ,eng i.neer i ng '01f 1,.1 f'e ~ Ji'O'! iIl.e, jl S: S 1 ~ te~ .f' ii'~1n(;\e:ss liI:H-,tmR-SAG~ ,~J.s'Q Ol iGene·sl;s SCientist" ,both ,be9'an ,a re-D'ewe,a. e,ffor't 1ntille ,oreat.ion Q.f lif~ f'orm5 .fo'.r 'tbe plan,et of ,DIDIiJ.. And i,nthis e,ffor·t, P:rinc1e,:ss R:I6-liImt-SAG: would. be the, c:reato·r '0'£ ,a. iibyb~ld! j' c're~t1;llr-e;that wou.l,d fo,re:Vlerc,h,ang-e UIJed:es:1!::iny (.If DltDUa:ndl its U;&-1lUt Master:s.

In tbe: mea.n. ti:me II' Pd~.m.c::e EN'~'r;.I.L 'W'Olilld use 11.i 5 QWDs:k,il:15 't.Q' 5 tre,ilml ine: t:h,e Qpera'tlQR" l:Q.'c;r.e;as1~lgp'r'!odu~t :1.0D " ,call1n9' for a,ddltlQnal cargo , I ,and demanding 1nere.8i.sed l,abo'rs f:l"<~ the AltNDNAKJ:, P');ince EN-LJ:L pr'odu,ee:dg:reat:el" quant.1t.les of Of'S fo'x: l,es$ cost, and in snot"ter tl~e. TilL,s .p,l,ea,s,ed t.he, Grea,t AN-U' great,l!.y .• ,






'Ni"" ·H~-·-'·' 'S~a.- n .'·· .. ~~n ..... .. ur""'_'~'-;:J'





r I

I r 1-


iBut theaiemand for' higner p.:roauct.:io.n. stre'5s,ed tn,e worker ANNUNAKI to th.@ po.1nt. .Fule,led by ,t.b@ i$olation and cti:;t~.l'Jlc·e ,f.rolll lov~d one.$: ~,th@ ,anger of the ANNiUNAKI be,c.ame ,ra, wQrk .sto!p:pa.g'e, astri:ke~ 'When th:r'eat.ened. w,ith PUtlJi9,h.m,ent,. a. 9ro~p o,f- AHND:N1lfKI' ,a.U"l;Ic'kedi thepalO1lC'e of iEN-LI:LI~ i t$elf '. His lit',e, threa,t,en:ed,. Prince B.N·~LIE. i.unmedla.t, called. on AM-U to descend to tb'~l far,aw~y Kin9'dom •

. A.ngril~f the king respond'eo tOI the caU from BRID't]i. BoU! fi't'ince 'EN-LII.. and the, .ANrnmAKldeml:'llnd@d an audienc,e with the King~ Th@ ail':l.gry labd,re~~ ask,eel fo.~ the imrm,eCiiate r,emav,al of !.Prince EN~L,I,L'. E:ven the ,Pri.:n.ce himself a5k~dto be remcl'li"e,d,I' his d~5irle wa~to j[",eturn to 'tll'~ far a.way Royal Bligh C'ourt ,at ABA-HM. Quie.tiy' yet firmly,L,c:I",d Prince 9. ,adde,d ~is 'yo.i'c~ to the regues'ts fOoir the re-assignmento,_f his blro, Again .f'~Ged!wi·th a :!'!;,;i;!riOU5 51 t!!Jlliltion,. 'IU.H9' 111;FU was i'oreed to make his W<l.y to the troubled Qut(po,st ~


Al"ri.vitl9 in th@ f'· Q.f JE:EU,OU, A(\I'-U i.rnrnedii;iltely held d_ h@ar:in9' fo'r ·tliie pur:pose 'of :lrE!so,lu.ti,on. of t.n'e' situaUon. The vcllices were JI.,Qud and an'gory. Ev€,:t'yoone pres,e:n.t.e:d his, case for the return of .PriII'H:;e'E.N~I.IL to the Court. of AstA-RRR., NIO' on,er ask,ed r'C/.r h,is cQntiilllu'~d r u.Le, wl:len 'the voic·eswere' qlJ.1et~. the r.t . .ii~he$. of ~·v,e.r:y' membel': ·of tbe as.,s,emolywas ,cle,ar,r EN-lolL ,must go.

Ev'ery,cme 'tu.rn@d to t.tu~ King. He sat:: in silence, t!emade PO' mov'Ei'fliten t " H'e wa s,s,o'.re;l y trolibl ed ~ .be had nop,eCith a t ,Lo:rlJ! .PI"inc,eEN·~LI.L could s'ome'oow be k'e;pt in ERIDU'.. T'h.e G,rea't and Wis,e H'~U foundJ him;self 'wanting" n'~ea,ing" a sQlutio,n.,

Se,e.:ing h.i t,y" .I?rincle: }l'A. ste'ppedfcrwa..rd.. W'i tb ,Princess HIIN~HUR-SAG a.-t his :sicIe" tilil,e Pr.i.rnce prlo:po'se,d t·c, Poiilltber ~nd the AssEl'mbly'" a si.mple soluticm,. Within the E.ife Ce'n'te~s, be: and the Pllr.i n,ces. 5 bad e,n9ineered many byblrids fOIi." use in labo~ in tft~ fields~ By utili~lng genetic subs~a~ce~ frQmth,€ ASA-lRRR pe.ople [email protected],]!vi1isand t~e'- ge:netitc D2!ate.riaJ.5 .of ltRI,I)U beas ts i hybr1d c;t"e·a.tur@,s .o!f h.a.lf ASA~RRR b Lood 'were ,crea.ted~ Thi:;i creat,ut'as, J:;'eta,1nedtheilr st.r'enlgtbs but al!:;·o iJ,(ij·ined s,uffici·ent i.ntel.::U,9'enc'e to u:nder~:tandco.mJAanCl8.,

.' The ~:ar ]11 e.r S1!JC c,es S 0 f th.e ' Iil- N· ~ L:i. z ard hyb;r i d work'e::r in th'e tI,n.(lJerqround, mJ!l!1J1iEo;S pr,olVed the w'Orth e,.! 5ut(:'ha.n. ,e,xperiment ~

Oth~r fab.ric:·ated beaslts " successiful in .spe'!i::.ial..ized t.a,s.k.s only, ·wer.'e the • ,S~"r- [!IR ~ ~ a. iba 1 f ,tu;)[:&:' se , ha ,H - ASA ... RRR :hyb~1 d I capa,ble <l'f Ic,a.r.r:y1nq bu:rde;ns, long gJl~tan'ces ~ and, ~bepQ",..e'];'fu.l 'MDIlT,..QII, a half .hu.l!, naIf ASA-,RRR .be1nog \iI,ith a. ~.apC!J:t,l,;il,ity (If pbenome,nal f'eat.s Qf s;'t:li11 ~ ''!'he S~ICC.,SS ·of th'~ bY':brids bad ,encou:rili.g:ed. :Pri:nce. SA ,a.ndiiPJ."inoess; NIN·-BUlt..,SAiG to a.ttempt ye,t a,D,crf::herun tl"ied lCo:mb£:na;U.oil'l ,.QDe· wb ic:h '!liQuid ,resol vie t h,1!

dl.ffi,c;:ul-ty at haflld~ .

Ring AN'-([Isa.tforwar,d in,cne" Th.e :pol~~JLbl11ty ,of a .. hy'b:r'::Iid, ,beast. a=ti a solu,t:,ion to h15: pl"Qillems wa.s; 1nb::,ig'lIl.:tn.g ~ Pr'iftce Bl, see10rg tnQ In.tere5t of the .K1n.g, t:u~.e:d to an a,wa:ltin!g Princes.s; HIIFHUR-SA'G,.l!iIe motione,tJ to :ber, s:he :made a qesiture 1:ot)o' the ball way. The s'he/w' wa~ abou.ttQI be'gin."


"rO' the ,5~r:p.r1s,e ,of e~t'eJ:yone g'a·thered I a. bug,€: n.Q..i·.l'Y hl.8,'ck beast cam,e forward. It was the " APA.' ,J a b@8is,t Qf the jUIl.g"l,e, r,eknowned for its s;t~'engtb ,an.d f,eroe:ity.,

Cri@s: of pr,o,t-est. ~!'!!d f'ear w·en.t lllp :h:omt:.h.e a"ssem.blY'lthe b~ast 'w,as unchained ~ Bu.t, bero'r[e a[.nyo'.n,e could mQ''ile" P.rincess HIN~:HUJi:·-5AG! 'gaVE! the; beas;t a, command" which. the beast and Qbed.i~nt,ly f'ollowed. ,And i.n tlll.e "[ext few mC!me[!.ts t 'W:ta1.le everyone 'w'a:tc:t;,ed." the b~ast obey'e-d e,very 'command of tbe Lady

Gen@sis scientis~. .

W'hen. thE; Q,emonstt'ation was c,omplet:.ed., t.he "r i,nc'€! ex.plain.ed .his idea,to, t,:he King. 'Th@ creatur~;a beast of q:r,eat str, and limib@d ,inte!U'gence ";;:ou.l,,, be 9,enletically illtered to bec1om,@ a labor~r; in. the, taking the h.a.t"ds.bip~ away ft"'oITl th,e ANNUNAR.I ana, - freein.g th'€!:i"Ii fo,r the mo'r'EIi impcrta.Jil,t; tasks o,{ construeti,on.

The Gr.ea.tAN',-U' w'as: illTlpr,e5sed. Indeed, t:h,e by.brid pro'PQs.~d5eemed to b~ the solution. 'J"he Itll.l.rmu,!["s ·of ·the ANNUNUI .seemed to be appr[l)ving:, EA [',elt. th~1 sll!l'l.i1edl' sure h,e h~d s·1iJcce,ed~d in. r' hi;::! -_, (.'r f!!rom :iE'RIDD'.

t"P' King AN ... U Ist,ood up ~

P~ince EA [expectec ,good r.le,ws, BRIDU would be his nowir EN'-LIL w,ould SQQ:fl, be [gone. Th~ d,omi.,ni(:m of the s:ola,r ~rste,ml WQuld, finally b,a rigihtfu,U'y his.

Tbe K.i.:ng made his ipron.ou:ncem-e,nt..',e EA would

the .;immed1ii1!.t'e! g:e:n,etic changes need·ed 'to alta]:' the bea5"t:.~ All ANNUNAXl: 1,a:tiu:Jr,ers ~o,gld: re.turn to th.eir operati.[Ci'I1liS nnU 1 th.e .n@w creature was re~d.y for 'work in the fields ~

But t,o the' .horZ:'elx of"iI;'inee EA, the: Kj"IJ9' '~nded. bi~ words W'ith an §nnounC'.~ent, tbat. ,cut like a, lotio his being' .' •. ~ .B~LI~, WQul,d l"1!!m.ain in'9€! of £R:I:ODi! T,n'eB'aast of Prince EA. would alleV'iate the ~itlJiatiDn aod allo'W .-L;rr. to stay!.

Such werle t.he words 'o.f ,the 'King, SQ,j.'t would bed,

PI:'ince EA, wa::s stlat'tered~He b.,ad enee again :been ,de:niedJ tbe "l":l:i:rC1Q[e ,of :&RIDEH EN-,LIL, hj(s l.if,e-loin·9 adversary" wa,s .a once ag,a1:n ~!g' fro.1I1I, Palace.. Prl,lIQe EA V(II,wed. he wo'Uild never a'gain ,enter the .ERIDQI P'ala,ee' again until,t.he throne 'was, his ~ Thol!jlgh he :hi,ad b,een the, first .born son of King AN-U, he WQuld :never a.scend tQ tlil@ Tbr'of:l.e, ·of ,ASA-1mR beeau:sePE'i:nce .EH-LtL",

II.the. Y'Q!!!n"ir9'.~e[r ,s:.on,,, _bo,rn l:io[ .~tng: M .... O .. b~ :h,1~ balf-si!;;'t.ce.t;', a E'e'qu1re:ms(nt i.n, the ASAI"'.Rml BIIl.les, of S,ulcce=tsl,an.. And now 'the

T.hrone o!f ImIDUh,a:d.also takien a wa.y- fl:\Qim h.i:mi

T~e ,enmity berb:l'eiEin 'Ule tWiC' ,!h,a.,d -extended eveQ (:,00 the 'Vle:rl" p.uJ;[pose o,t life It:self~ EN-Ln, ,lla,d. bellel"ve,d tiile' :piUrpo<se ,of' 11f~ ~'!lS to gi'V1e ullldly.{.nqservlL,ce to. th.e !ti,Dg.S a.nd the 'l'.hrone 'i)f ABI.-DR .• , Bu.'f: 'tbe: 'Gene.sis ,Se.t'~floe,s badrevea:l,ed l!lIomething Ili.l,qhly different teO P~i.neEiI eA. L.!fe QQnt:ro,lledi wa:s not l,lie 'evolved, as bla.spbelQOiU!s8I.s :m1ght be .in A;SA ... 1UUt. Pri.nce BA. saw 11£[(; ,a.s a.n [oppc(,yfo.~ iI!(xpJILor,i;!(tion, of 5,e!f.. Born ;O,fth[e sameblQQd and wo'rld,. not:w,o,b['Q'th,ers QOQ,ld haVie been .furthe'.f: a.par.:I;·t 1:1::1. the,f,r ways ~









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) SQ t the word,s; of the 'G:re,a.'tAN~'fj added ,t'O the ,alre,a.dy r~.gir.ilq fe,ud Detweehthe two Princes. Pr,in.ce :liN'-LlL, 'would !be Lord 0,£ the, W·o,rd '(COImmand.) a:od CD'flItinue his irOR rule" while .P:rince EAwould r,e!maintheG'etl@$;is, Lord" de,vleloping ERIDlJ t,o the expectations'ot his father.

itlrin.ce: .~ lIl:es.;iqru;!;d;sel.f .t,(J his task ~ rEi-des 1.gning the be~~iI:: :hh: $,i!i; ma,d initiat~d to· 5.u.H the nEH!!!d.s of the. 'wo:r-k eomml:JJni ty of the ANtmNAKI.Wi ttl 5 ister be'sid.@ him" t!lle Pr:inc'€I' bagi!i!!ll the .intricate pr,oeedures.. But. the anger W'as, l.n hi5 h'ear,t; ~ a:nd wou.l.d .J!!ot leav,e bisthQg.g~t~~

Aru::'ll t:hust.he r,eivEHlIIge ,ofBA 'was born. An. though dirlected

to' use 'UI'e: ,celluJLa.r ,I'fllat,erial fr10m (i'IWe, o,f the HNUNAE:I Lo,t"d~ I 5pecificaLly ch()sen,by Pt'ince.BI'ilI-LIL ,P~ i.Rce EA. su.bsti tut.eQ! ce l Ls of h,i~, Qwn fo,r the eXp'erim€:n.t.. ''l''h,et::1mef,or tn,e un,coverin'9 of t!lle t.rue identity oEth@ beas't would .s·o,me= da}' come'" and h@" Prine,@ EA" 'wQuld have ttL);I~ last la.ngh ..

. Proto tlCfy pe a f Ite r pro,totype wa:s b," i,ed ,. :31,ow ly , th,e bea:; t,

\;Ia:::i: develQped ji u ::i..nte':l.iige:ncoe wi t:ho~t i:\'l,ac'r:li..f' stre:ngrth~,. ThrOlll9h expet'"im'€;ji_·on. in tn,e field., tbe p:rIO·dJu,et. w);ld@ its~ app,ear~nc'e* Rush@d into ,se .. t"vice. UIiI~ imrn,ediately ;prov,ed .it.s·elf. 'With s'l!ro,ng a~m~ ana b,a!ck" de.X't·elt".ity o.f hand and. :i n te 11 ,i ge nt enough to, f 011,0"'0{ i.Ji.s c t ,i on, the '(:re:a 1;:u re '! s versat,UH:y ~OQn cre,ated ,a, strong (lemaild by 'I:~he ANNUN1U([fOtt' ;;;I.dditio.l1IaJL beasts ~ Th.e .AP'A, hybrid" kno,1I!.IQ ,a:~ ! ADAPA j." w',asaD ,<:!!ble beast" read.}' to ~Hl!i!l:V@' hi~ mas'ters .•

Pri.nce ENI~,Ln .. w'as 'unh.appy with t:be b~ast ,f.rclm the fi~st .. :I:h:= did not trust eithe,r the 't,~m.peramen't ,of the cr,ea.tur'6, n"or 016 bt'ottH~r. The beCis·t was, da:ngerlous~ cQQli:rolli:1!I9 it wa,s an 'I.ulder'takfng be had n@wiJ.:sn to, do!. Tn,ere was a {o:rebQdin,911' a. sense of inEN'-LI.t.".3" ~e. co~l,d not ~~5t eas:y ..

But if orcedito us e t he be:l:u:;,t; byh i s f G! tber 11.5 'ill1'!~':ra" Prince' EN-LI.:r. d'eJc::i('!'eQ! to p,~tt::he beast. inl!.hemQst pe~i.l'Oy.5 ·of work sH::'Uation.s and i'n 'the 'mostha~5ben'V.ironment:s. Tb@ CTeature 'was anex:pe.rlment and 'therefore" eXlPendable~ tha't beast,:;; wbol .f'Bllfrourn 'thelr ]j_,aDors noct be ~eUe'vedJ' or t'e:ndeit1 flo ,thef;d.;nclli!: Wa!;i· t'~~p'l)n.s -, ibl.e: for the ,die!iil!tllls 'of imany Qftbe creatures,. Th.e·y were r aftel: all" o,nly beasts.,

Pri'lllce EA r,ece.i'V'led ·t,h,et:!,ew~with :ho,rro,r ~ The e:r'ea:tUr"E!5 ~ bi~ @x'perimellit,al ADAPA be,asts, welre !being; wOlrked to death b:y hls ,brcl'li: be::r Ij ,$ orde 1:05.. 'the Ict"'ea't,;$i we re :ne,t 1 Ci!"bQ~ hi'e lper,5 ~ they bald he,c;p:me & JlLa. ves ,) i fiCQn~equen.'t l,al ,d,i sPQsabl t!, " Slla'v,es ~

- P'rlnc~ EA hi'!i!d. nev,er fe.lit stui:inIU~~gei!:" be,f,olre.. EYlery·thln9'!I' all Q,f bis efforts .. were :beiDlg' sys,temat.1.:cally destroIY'@u:l, b15 reQl,alQ~j't1.Q'n Q,f ER_IDU •. the p,l;,:nel:,i :his 8u(:c;:e5:s.fQ.lbu,ildih'9 of muoo, t.he c!·ty; andtbe 'ci:-eat.:I .. o:n ,and. 'ell.g-iD,eel'ing of it be,ast. of .l.ab~tl';·. !'here Wo1l:!1i w:a:IfiI.b::n:i ~le8t.1:uC!'tl(i1,n. o:f e.v,er,ythifll,g Prin.Qel EAbad woliked 90' b<!l~'ClI, for., ':H::iLs; elltb:e life~ s· h.i:st.uxy· WIlS ,an on""'g·oil:t.I.g tale o·f s;u.bmiss,iontQ the, whims of b.1s bJ);''Qltiber ..

But-now' ,i,t would oome~ tlOICl halt., Pt"ince EA~oltld s,t:ri.k:e ba'!i.'!k... He W@Ul,(l ha:'v,e no' more 'of his b:roth'er ,t S dominancel over

'his • He wou let .make, n i to bir,other pa.yf 01." his s i n.s • ,. ~til'u.",o,ugh ~

v·en.iale une.xpe.c ted '.".' ~ 't:be he,a s't;, ~









R.,eturn..!ing ,to the ,l9l.rieul'turaJ. Cefitellr in RRIbU .. !I?rince EA s,ough:t out the beast:5 in th,e Gard@i'H where they fe,Ci., Findingseveral, 'of them a,loctil~, ,he ,apP,.roac'he:a,the;rn. Car·eful :pl,;;i.Qn.ll'1,g and P,I'@CiS'B breed,inq s;c.hedu.le::; perrmit'ted only ce'rta,hl beas:h to, mat,e" ,an.d o:n 1, U !1',N~e'r the st: ri,e t,es 'I:: :$l;iperv isiQn .,HQ be,a :Sit could mate 'without the approval o:f th.~ Lord of t.lle 'iIIord,t.h~ re.~ults Icouldbe di,sast'er'o'1l5,.

'.. Bllllt Prin~e EA." in th~ G'ard,en, i:ntr,o(luc:'ed to,e beasts; to a,

simple pl~as~re, .... th,e pl~:C!:,!5\!r'e 'of :spont,a:neou5, uill5111p'eI'v1~e,d, s,e~. R.eact,i.ngr fr,om basic instincts:, the beasts took, t,OI Lora, E'A 1';5 inJs'tr'lllt::tion quickly ,.Playful at first, then ENH'"nes t :1~ theil!;' e,njQyment, the he,asts· fro',U"cked hi. the "~'ard'en ..

'The P~i:nce wa!'tcbed at.$ the be,asts reve.l,'ed in the pleasure o,f ii:.ntimacy. In a. s;ho'rt Ufe·f:i\U~:d wi. ttl agQn:iies and JLabor .. the br-ie,fino!Ilent.s of' pleasure were, a gO.rhi@'odi. A,nd with. thi.s n.ew kncwie,dge, th€i beas:t ,olD,uld be as ,h j[. 5, .M:~u;tel["5~, cI!.oQsi:n,g a rn'Oment I! s pleas1i.ilte",'ithout s,cb'eduling .. witnout ,a.'ppro' ~ Th@ .heas:ts; lQo,kedback at the lP~incel, li:Ie bad g'lven them a H.ttle, taste: of tru,~ happiness. The,ir Cr'~ator'l a Genesis Scientist whose mark w~:s two' 1ntertw'ined :stt'<;I!ndis o.f iIlNA" like s~rpe!1t~ ma'tiQg ~ had 'EmdioW',ed. tbem w.i'th the knowledge o,f !koQwil!lg i _



"In. time, the ,ola\ndes'tilie ~ behavio:t I ·0'£ the. beasts btiea:me .ktlJQW'n. to theirM:as,'t:ers~ LOire P'rinc:e flULII., in,f'Oirmed oft-he ~east 11;i:i ,diist"@g:ard. of '~$tablished Comm.ands of CCI'li'llduct, beC'am€f! :fult'ious ~ An immediate co:rnmandiw'as i.55tn;!,Q ;to roun,d I!lP ,all of the: offen~inq cr'~,atures;", <:Ii.n.y an,d all r.e'n:eg'a,de crea,tures w~lt",@: to be sE!,,.l:y punis~,ed aVQ,d .inst.anHy th.l:1own 'Qut ,of the Lif'e Center.,€: EN~,L:IL wo,uld tolerate no disobed1.enceJ

Princ,e ,EN-LI,[, knl@i'!ii1' thia.'t somehow hi;!';: br,o,ti1:ler t~ad been 'tb,s caus:e of the beas'tm~ horre'o(!Qusly crimina,} behavior. Only a [email protected] ,seien'l::l,!!;I't; eo,uld affect 'the [l:)e~s;t'i 5 te'mpera:melill'tl!' ,only Princ@ EA could have had a,eces,g to th.e c.'t' Etr,J-t.IL was be.i1il9 undermined by hi~ In,''lcd:he<r l' he knew it! lIu't EN-LI']l. 'W'a.5 :not to bet~'ifled. witb. .. , 1"0 p'revent:, further tliians'9r·es,slorJI.,,0I n.ew set 'of s'i!:xi'ct C-omrn!!iD'd~ for ,ADUA ib,ea:s:t,$ still within tbe Lif'e: C'@nte'r and in, the fi.eld op.ei~atiCin:5i WQiS: !.s51!11ed.,

'Thus 'were is-su@dthe 'Commands of 't.he Lord of 'tih'e 'W'D!rd::

All beasts; irliItJj~,e Ag:ricult.ural Cente~r ,mtll,St g-1'v1e! c'QmpJl~t'€1: and 'tota.l obedience ,to LQrd EN~LI:t ,olnly!. L!}ya,U:y 'to Prince n. 'CIt' ,ilny o,the,r Lo'rd erea,tor Ult-.D)' was :=:il't.~,istl." f·Q.~'ld,ddenJ

All beasts i:n the .Agricul;turaJ:.. i(.1'en:t.e,:r JIIll:llst 'give complete and tot-alL obed1enoet.o' ,Lo!l."d BR-L:EL! All t.ra.C!es of Pr'.i.n'c'e M, and ,any otber Lord, Cre~tO:lf flt-D)l 'wi,ll be re:m.oveo. lm.y beast ca:t"~y.lllig a.n,y :re~mb~an:ces 0:£' Pri.Iu:::e D, 'will ,be p~ni,sbea J,

All, beas,ts. 1n ·tne Ag:ricul1::u1:'a.l Cen'tier IIDG't,. give lcampl.ete and tiQul obed1ence to to'~ _'-L[L,I ,lAy Dei2l's't Ui~t,e:E'i.n9 ev,i.l slo'unds ,01:' .ng.ryao:unds about. Lo.rd! BR""LJ:L w11.lbe punt ~h~d,.

All. :beasts:- :b~ the ,Ag'r,iC!i!l:llltu:ral cen;ter gust '9'iv'EI 'CQmpl'e:te ,a.nd 'to't,a.l obedlenC'iI! to LaEd. BN-~tL. Every beast must a,ttend anobed.ien,cE!' .ilL'esson ,eVlery a:evEinth pe.~lod!







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All beasts in the Agri,c::ullturaJ .. Denter must complete a:ildtot~l obedie.n.ce to Lord . .EN-,IoIlo! !h'e pairing t.oge.'t,her o·f beas,t.s f,o,rma'ting must be approved. by Lo'rd. EN~L:IL,! NQ btl2~:s;t rn,I!!!Y ,m,ate e, of the pah::in!g' ,appt'Qved by tbe L'ord,.

Sue,h. wE!;reth.e' Commands of the Lord of the Wc)];d,~

.P,rinc@ !Elif~I.:I,L would n'oit be chalienged!, He w<Cl!uld ke,e:pan Iro,n, ",and ov,e:r ER:lDU~ :Leli;: the .bea.s.ts, di.e in. the wl1d.e:.rn€;ss!

,.. L,st P:rif.N:l!e ,EA c'are fe,r 'them! 'Th.ey are "MUS I I 'Imo'nst'er~ 'land deserve no as;si$t~ulced,ke,t thE! .!t'eneg,ade, be-as!:' be:n,c'efolbth .b€! called ',ADA-MUS"! Le:t th.e females suffer in! No, llo'nqe.!" wiUthe b; chambe,J;:5 be, available t'ottJiem!

If tih,e beasts 'o,f the. Ga.rden remain fait.hful~ t:h:,Eliysha.ll be allilowed '1:.0 remai:n.. Tihe:y shaUl be e,alleld A..DiAP'lL

And so the beast was divided into t~o groupsl the faithful and th·e Ui.n.faitbful, t.he ADAtUJS and the ADAPlL

. Prince !'A was pleased" ho,weve,r. For ;i..nthe, '. <'l!

,c-ha:nce to ·continue the e:x:periment to ere,ate , lif~ !j,Hlll, exiilited.. His de,sir,e' tofabr1cate a Hfe f'orm tha'l:.was intelli'9@ot, yet, i.Qdepend:ent, of the ! Syste,m." 'that P'rin.ce· EA~· an.d P'rin.c'e .BN~,L,IL,had 'g'rIQWn. up i:n. W~!:i;sti.n. po.ssibl,e~ 'the ileasl:.W'ou.ld have .i ,chanc'@; at, free:diornan,d: inde,peniC'lience; s,omethtng tbat he .. a the PJrinc,e of ASA'~RRR~ had not ha,d~

. Th,e, .bea$,t ha.d. bee'na 't@st,ament to, the Genesis sk111s of PrinG@ BA,. ,a. Lord It-D'. Eng.inee,r.:i,og the comb.toation of bl!rut'E!! streng-th with S,OnHi!! :meaSUl!:',e ,of In'i:@iligenoe been ted.i(:I'u.s;. bu.t tHe' Prince w!'i(nt,sd more, for th~ e;,r'ea'tUJ;,e. .D,e,velQP,ing 'th.e beast"s ability to speak ha.d. be-en ,i!!, p,riority fot' La,rd EA" it ,al,low€id c\omfi1,uQi·ca,ti,o.~ with the K~D;' ,S . arnd pro'iliid,ed, a :mea.n!li Q:f !O!, p'J;og,.re,$s, ~ Tno,ugh the beaql!,t '·s vocabul,a.ry was qu,ite

:m.i n.ima 1, - j_ t 'w',a,s uncle:lt' s t an.,dabl ,e • ..

~' Locating: pCH;kets' of the ,re;:liiilcted be'<i5ts in :l:ihe wil.ds" .EA. and his ,s.isterNI:N-nUR-SAG began ·to, 'teach the'rn tih!<@ skill.s o,i !HJ..I'vlv,al O[8c'eSS,Q,ry i~the c1!::Y,e;.l elillvh::o~men't,.. From the first fire, to t.h@ ma..king of sim,pJILe elotM"nq, from ma!Ung :l!c;::ra,ecn,es '@ncave walls '1':;,0, tbe re.a'~i.nq of ,sy.Pitbols, the ·w,astake.n a.longl' tbe path to a h:19h.e:t' int,eJ!lige:nce by both lLo~.ds Q.f the SC:iene,es. Tbe ,experililuii::nta.l ,I :p.roto't.ype I o·f Princess N·I~-liilJ.R-SI:G, ha.d gon.e tll'n"o~qn ,5eve~al staqles ,of d~ve!opme'l'Dit" but .i. t. liiiJ.!i'!:d p'r()v·,en t.o, be, un iqll!e: h! it: s,a!b! 1 l.t ie!> ' •

. Int.,i:me~ S!,eve:ralof the "be.!!:u;ts I~xhib.ited 'the exce:p'tlonal &bill t.y Qf 1,ear;,Ji .. i,ng ,and (:!O'm.munica.tin.g' its .k~o:wl.ed9'e:to othe,r be:a:st's:~ Pri.noeEA, ,aind his siste~ 1:;)ega:n tc:r f"OOU5 fllQ.S,t of' the: ,!;I.'tte:o'U.ofi olOthem.~ 'tEi:«iiichin9' 'them 60 that tn-eiY beg1.n 'til) ~p'rea.'d t.nlE! knowleClgel to oth~rs:~ These ·t~a~hers I .. tau'ghtby ,E-D :hi:mself',,~'oame knQ¥IJI as 't.hel ~S'D"" '!Th!ey wbo,k.newt• 'The

'. ',:&\,-SO", thetea~her& spre'ad the: II·TilI.e Way of EA.~ ,0;

; 'll A~.a.,t~~ II Te. a.~her .. Of." .. R1,ght,;-.s I. would bear' ·,the :name' n:sv '(,J,e.5us II, a viu~J_at~'o,.[iI; of BA-SU.



As the beast.s 1n the wild p:rogressed t.hrough tb'e eff,QJ:,ts of ltiriJ1!ce E1I...Lo~d PJI:'i.n.c,e, EtJ'-·!E.II. ;bec'<limefu.rtber~.rngere'dwi tim! ehe 'c1"'eatur~,s. rhou,gh man.y o,fth~ ADAPA :beast,s $,t.ill s,erve;d loyaUy @lnd .fa! th.,£,gU:y in the. DE!!)'U ,c:,ompclInd." s;t.i Ul t,he torti. Q·fthe Wo,rd .felt h,atr,ed and d.i.str'ust for th@ creat1!u:e:.,

T.he ARFlagship, tbe .ASA·-RRB Sbi.p 'of:ltate, wa.s ex.p!4\ict·ed to· @.iI:'r.ive in .ERrDU· aeon, K:ROlWi09 tha.t. ftlile,iv~ DeaU!ship eaused an enQrmous, pull", thePrinc'e declded t,Q .stee.rthe COUlrSEl of the loB: into a p,ath he CO'UlA:! uU.lize~ :l3y cb,aR9in9 tb'e pathav'e~ the icy po,l@s t t.!he g'l".av·lt,atio!' !p'ull wCNJld b,~, str'c'lIl9 ,eno1il'g:h t.o, caus·e gla'cdl.'El1"',s t,C! f@llJ~r.l'to 'o·ce·an~ T'his in turn wQ,l)}ld cause n~ed'ed ~n'li'ironm@ntal c·n,anges. If a resul.t,a:ll.tfloQding destroyed th.,e ba,a~st:si' then 5,0 b@ it W 'The P r i iliJJce of the \\1'10 rd c:ou.ld j ns t i fyth@;sac::r:i f i~e ,of t he 'bl§:~~; t.s in exchange for the 'warming ,of the planet., the .in.crea.sing of

• 'tbe· amount of I!:lsable ocean waters, and the ~fid ,of ,an ice, ,Bqe qripping the uppe.r and l'ow~:r hemisperes. All of that wa.s of $igrlllflcantly greater import t~an the fate of the beast.

When Lord K-DI Ell. di,scQveredi 'tiilie p1.~f!~ of hf.s b:t"Qtt:ier, he ;iJiad:e: 1.mrnlJ9diat~ p.rot.:es.t.. ButtJlIe Lord of the ¥iiord 'would. 9' lve no heed. Aud to make: matt.a:rs ""'O!C~;~,,Pr',eEN-LI!I!.. forbade at shl91e AD'MiiUS :be; .spared, on}y 'th.e loyal mAPA WQuld be given she! tel:' .frorrn 'the flood wali::e:rrs. Tlie, renegade :beasts would be, !:Hl.cxif·i·cecl if n'ec@·ssa.t:y. 't.ih@y :had] broken theCo:mma~ds. 1\:[11<1, the Lo:rd of 'th'e 'W'el·ra cautl,g,:n'ned 'the Prine~.; '9ii'ving! wajlfn1:n,g t.o the be~st wa~ a1d,inq ,an ene:my of the" a beinouscl'ime!

P'rh'lc'e EA wa.S t:rappedl TO work with rejected. c.reatur'@s, tha.t was: one thing, t:,o give Ro,yal a,1d was amothet. W1 th not li'itu::b c'bolce in ith-e matte.r, PrinGle :U 'g:a,ve h.i;s so.le~n oathtQ rema!· floods., 'TnQQ9h t'elucltant too .accept: his br-o·t.her i sWord" .Pri.nce ES-L,IL co,nt]i.n.~ed his 'plans,f,or tlll.e c:'eremoni,aiL arrival of t,be u:.~

BU.tthe Genesl!l!, ,P'rin'ce ,could. not allow bis beast to die:., 1:0 :i!j,e'c·1t:et .. Lord Ell. made, plan::; ..• , T.aki'ng ~I<!.vf;!,ral of 'tbe beasts to' the: unde'rqrouIl<!d C'gv~rns of t.he I BiN-"l' I h.ybr1di.s, a~d o,ther beasts t,o', h,l', PrinC1El 1m\ed t.h,e surviva.l of ,at. ieas,t some of tfi@ :t:u:;!,as;ts~ Ai:! a. final m~.;ir.s,uref LOl!;'d. eA, had a s;pe'cial cargo ship con;st:ructed tba't wc)u.l,d, :;3,,,,11 far oU.t intoitlle, oc!eal"Jl,. away .fll::'Q:m the ~e9'.ton.s most 11 lI::e1.J' ·ito s;u:ffer., W,Hh. these j!;·EH;::Tet p,l.a,n.:~., Pr1:n.e,e;£Alicep:t ADMUS alive and his e,xpe,r i n:ta,e t ~

- Whei~t.he mJ.'ght.,Y B,re.t.urn,edi" tbe flQo(lts, beclan asBN~'EiIL, h;ad expeet.€i:d 'Uu:;:m, to';; He felt .reli,e'Yed, thE! be,a,;!lit 'wa,ul!d :no~ be a:1"\oundto d:1s1tu~b h,im amy more~'

Whe'A the floods :sub,s·lded " andLQ'J:,d EN .. LJ:L, di S'covE!:J:'ed 'the dec~:1t Q,f mis bJ:.'-otber.t his rage was uw.oont~o,llaibl,e. The tw,o. PriD~es cQ:nfrQn;ted eac:h. ot!ber Int:be ERZIJOI ,[Palace", BiilCh had betrale4 'the·, Lo:lid :EN, .. ·LIL bad! att.<empted &0' de,s;t;ror the, PlIQ'tot:ypeS of Pr1n,Qe. _'s:bea,st i:R its early stages, Lord BA. bad t:t"l,ed t,o undo, 111·5 biEotber· s: admini:g:tr·gitio:n bytamperiAg w:Uh th€! beast, t s ibt"eed!ng.. :n ... LIL had t.ri,edto - ,d,es·:tl:'oy the beast with a fl,ood, EA ha.d ib1;Qlil:.en, ,a. p.rom,b;.Q 'r,I,Q'1:: 'be warn :hi,s creation, the beast~


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G!ljjlnet: 1"c n'I.anipul~.'tio:n hacl 9ivoan the be,ast the .ahU ity :fo,r m.l 1'1 i fI'I~ 1 COitriitiJ\,1I0 i cat i on and und,e:r:s tanili ng. Th.!!:"ol],ghel:'\1,gir!'@ere,d enhanc'E!me:rl't # tfieADAPAS, who I';"emained in the ~~rdenw~remade

~ j[ 9f.l,! U ,ca:nt.l 11' :IE, t:!iOl:':llqer i n ana ly ti e t proc,e'S;51.~9. TiIl'';:Y

blO!c,arneh.:ig111y ,:int:el1igent~, capable of s,rnIal1-s,cale decido:ns., but ~ema i ne Q! Q;oc i 1 e a:nd,s@l:Cvil,@!., Th.rQughfh.e u s,~ a f ADA:t',A~ andHEN-,!' servants, Prince: EN,..'Ll][. <lind, the M:iiNOO'AK! 'We,rel able to make, , tic pr'og.t",es So .i fit b!eER.IDU op,era,t 10011.

Each Pit:i:ncehad comm.tttad a c:r,irt'Hll ~giain5t the Brrnp1~1S:~ an act of dellb~rate ~,@bo't~ge ·of the a:!1Isi'CJrl@d duti'@~ C),f a Roya.l .Prin,e:'El; ,of th~l 1'h:rone., iN' would e7eI:~chleve tbe Tnro!'ll¢ i.E tha'ir: kind 'of behavicrr (:on.Hnue,d.~ Blj]tP~inCE ~J!. had never :be]:ii..e'i,N~d the Thr-one ·of A5A-RFm WQ!!).l,(i @vle.r.iO>e hIs, the Right:s of Suc'ce:s:;d,o:n a:!:Osured him oft.hat~ ,p~iru::e :!ElN-LI:t.. h!C)weve:~,1 wa~ tbe Hei!: Ap'p.l;j!t'ent~ Hec,ould st~ndto 1,ose everytb,1,ng!

Pit i nce EN- JII.IL" t,o.rd. of t,n e ~orld.. h.adino ctlo;i ce • He mad!e

S! decis:1on. Tberemust be ,<I trl .. ~:e. :~e'il,eJ; a'gai:n w·,ould he Ol!." <l.t1y Clfl@: of :h Ls JI,!Oim i n.i;st r'at,ion i nt,~r f ere 'W i th liia r'd EA is <diu it. Y I th~ deve,llopm.e.n.t 'of I:R:I!lH]I and all ofi t.s 11.fe forms., :Lord RlII, h~d liIIO alt~rnat::,ive but:. to lCeturnthe promise. He and a.Uo!: the K- [) !:5 IWO'U lel never i nt,lill)!: ferewltnI..o:rdl EH~:LIL ,ag'a i t!! ~

As a .i'i:Iign of hisglood. intenti'ol:'ls" Pr,~nce .Jm.~l.,n. 9avte his: brother 1;lgricndtulrCi.l ,i:~plementsfor the beast,f 'tool~ :for him ~ot,hatthe be~A"t could le;;u:r:l how to grow 1115 own, foo,c:'),. The Gen~~i5 Pri!1L(':'e was :su:t"p..rised, but grate .. f'll .. lfor the gift from his :bro'the:r. In exchanliJ,e~, prince D, prom.B~d t.o, ~~hanc@; th.e 5~Uh~lld ,a.bil.i t.ies of ce.rt~.'in special hybrid.s us~!j by l;a,rd

EN-LJlIL in tbe:adlilli~1stlt'·~ti()rn ,of' ERlll!lJl. -

'Thus" f,or a timer 'tl~,e pea.ceon ER1HlU came to 'be. Beast:!ll were allowed to beCO'Ilil€ ediu,c.;ited and civi!Li:ed~ th~ E.mpi.t"ec·f ERIDUunder EtFlliIL, ,and p][

Th@ AD1I.MUS be,as'ts, however t uiOc1ontrolled in t.h,eirs@xua I activi'ty 'grew in number,. G,eIt@t,ic manipu,lat1,0!'I'l wcml,d be more difficult in pr,ochJl,cin9;:ip~cif,i,'e traits i~,them. Any 9,on,€!'tic "1!:nh~nGe~ent would, be sgbj,~c't '1::0 random iblt'eedin,91 the: d,esi1"ed results :pr,c:bably wa,'ter,ed down. ,A.t best, onl,some e,f the beasts w,ould - 'the d.esir@d a'ttr1butes" most ofthel'll would lose the hoped far traits e~tir~ly.

But th;l;'oug,h. pe,rsomli,l CQ!i.e,a.ct a.n,d hi sBJI.-i!HJI, L~;H;.;!, E1l..gave: the ADAMU::! be·ast what the AD'APA wo,ldd ne,'IIer get~. g chance to

0; apprEciate: beauty~ Te,a.chln91 the beast how toenj,oy and feel the 'wonders ·Q·f a,rt and mus,ie" the Prince incu,lled a s,ens,e of self and an .i!.warenes'!S of thewQJrld around him. ll:nt.ain.'t,ed by a,ny inf 1 yences of the A,s'A,-1WR 'Sy;ste,m" t th,e ADAMo.S ,d,ev,eloped ,"",sense of !belonging' ,to ,a f,am.ily~ and a ;sQ:n'se ·of .snaping and choosin'iiJ his awn destiny.

'Th€ Prince was p,l,eased~ Th,€;ll System would not tak'B bold., ~ot with the beast. It had a chanCQt Q~ SQ he hoped. !n an ~ffort ~o insure the beast would never a,@~~ be desirable to t,1':ie syst,em .L'QJfd! EA c'onti:nllled t.e enhanc'etbe SIfi;lxual drjJ[ ve of the c~~atu~e. If placed in a situation of choic@i lab~~s in tlilJe: s·ervice of the ,system 'or p1L1r~ltJ.i,t: of sex 'Ill, a 1 ple;,as,g,;re.·the be~st w'ould always choose aex , 'l'hi$ would] make the beast an 'I.mde,sirable in t.he ,eyes o:f h.isBr,other BR-,L,IT ••

'Tw,o disti.:nct beasts, tlle ADAPA, and 'tbeADAMU,S, w@r,e part. ,of ERIDU. Lord Princ€ EA, a Mast:er 'Geuesis Sc'ie,PG85. .. was 'Lord ~EL) of theBea;st~! U:L-EA ,or LEO]., Prince &N-LIL, .Lo,rdl of t.he CommaBd" 'was I Lord of Obe,die.nt SerV~nt,5 ' ",

As lIiI'ord. of P'.r in.ce Ell I S be,a $t sp:r'ead te'fI.eighlJor.Ji .. nq stars and galaxies" aDl,other gre,up 'Of ' :1orclis, 'e!1xbe!!nd'ed a gif'l:: to LQ~d EA..!Kn.own.a. :3, the " IIJi::IliU', 'they were; de:5cen,d'ea, f'r,om 01, b i rd.- UJ,e iii, fi. ce~ tor' • The Gem ~ $.:J,. ~.LQ:r;d ~ Pi:"B sent ed EA,,,.,,.,ii, th tbe s:tngle s,trand o·f' DNA filament that pr'o,vid,e;d, "passion' ~ With thi~s;onesin9'le element, the lnvis:.ible lIIotivating fcu:cce· that 9'ave <'I, being ,[email protected]€i f,eel:l.ngs was p.a,ssed. onto, the beasts lot 'the Prince. .And with thi,s ,9.1:ft., the AfiIl.M:tn;; beast WOiilJld have even mOIre passion ,rn,Ore fe,eling r than eV.en th,e tH::!1 n'gsi 'of the ASA ... ,RR Empll"e th.,em:5elves~ TaJ<.en :f,romt1l1H@icells of 'the AKHU.i' 'the offel:'iflg b@came·known as "The Gift of the',o

Thus'"t-he paU);!;; 'of the: tw'o beasts, the .ADIPAs of' .'-1.1'1. .. and, the ADAHUS of D'-ISI or EN-Kl,C:Qnt.1nuedto,,e,~ O,f the same: I"oot~ I\' l,n i t 1ally fOiE:"f.h,esamepurp.J,se, the two, were now 'Q!!l dif:flerent paths,., .

W.1·t'h, 'time" Pr.::l.n,c,ea ,a;:(lQ Prlli!~e £N,-LIL, ""tElre able bil' !fIl!ak,e both. 'gr,o'up~ work 't'ogi'ert:her ,. The .ADAPA ,beasts ~Qmp'leted t'h"e,;l.r l.abo:rs ,ai,S obedient .servan.t:i!ii" th.e ADAImS :bea&t:i$, complet~d 'the labo:r;:s ifli ,eXlcha:nge for :f'ood' and. s·appl,ie!!:;:., ,As :Jm:IDU el~'Pa:ndeld. .from ,on,@! co:mpou:nd l:n'bo :many,,· t:h.e 'Ylse of both: be,asts became ,8 Qomm,QIJ:pla'C!'$ @'~~'Ut"ellice: I ERIDlIi1Wii1iJ:i, a ,",,'Orl d of 1 ~~bot" 1nq bea s'ts ~








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The World ,of ERIDU .had b@,come the :new c,i3)p'it.ol of tho€; far away ::wlalf s:yst,em" a 5ys:tem ne.arly d,e:s,t.roye;o by t::he Wa.r with Lo,t"o AR- Z IJ' ,liu),CJh i sre,be 15 ,. .U. =:I re:5 to"ra:U en had 5 t;,;ren:g th.ened the .11.010 of Kin'9'AN~liI on tb,e :N1nth ,P<;lssagew,ay" als,5u,rin9' 'tn,at his place w.i'th the UI-.AN QUe,l'ms ",""a,s seeure , ERZDU, Cap,i'I:;ol C.i. ty';. ERIDlJ, Cap! tol WO'I'ld; and ERIDU r tl:l,e solar S.ystE!fm~ had be come a 'I:~:;!;" i v i rlI~' , p,re d,u C It ~:ve, e;ys tern •




But tb,e way of tbe ASA-RRRalw,a.ys involv1ed. int'e,rna,l 'war., Off-s:pring of bo-th Pr:tnce E'A and Prince EN-I.!!. made eons t.ant, 'warw;i"th 'e,ach oth.e:r. JealQ,u,5Y~' e:llvy and sheer wa,liI,t ofpoW'Eil'iL :moti'vatad members ,of 'the R,'o:l{al. fa!lll.liel> tiC) atta,ck each other and, Sieize ho1di:ni1s~ An.d so long as th,e i.tself was in, no w~y impe,riled by-the Royalw'aJl's:" th.ey w,eT'I3! [email protected]~ It 'wa::;; good tor the young t.,o ,best th,e:,ir war ~i'h~ttl,e .aqainst e,ac;h other, f1{Qmt:he:I,H,~ t.h,i.ngs the way oftbe ASA~R'RR. was boltn.

And ••• .aanee ,Princ,@B1\. had given, the beast 'the· Ql.bility to ]. aa.r n ~nd, retai n th.e know'ledge, Dlia.ny beg'IUI t.,c use :the bea·s!:. in the aomi:nis,trat.ion o.f 'tbe'.1 .. r ,smaLIL .k.inq(,k'lins I ~si:n9 a ,be:ast to,,) contra,l other b~ast:~. To the horror of the ,Pr:lnce., many be'Gists pledgedfieltyto the.:ilrto.rds in e,:x:ch.ang@ f'QII;" an. unen.ding source of :food ,and sbel te.l!:". 'Fhe one, fear 'of PrinCE! EA ha.a be'e,n 'tha't th'e beast might .ret!!llr,n to thE! 5yst,em if' its 5 urv,i va ,1. W,tlS thr€!at.en,ed~ and no:w ·t'b,e; f,ea!' had be'en ,r'e,al.1z,ed,. But f~:;;:"ee!w1.11 h;;;l" been part of t.he e~per.1ment e,f 'the. be,a.sts" i.f Pr:il:nc-e M in,t,erfe,r'ed~ h@ w()uJld defe!at his Ci'W.rI: p'lnrpo~es: .in.

cr@aU:ng 'th.@ beast,. And ,9,0 the bea.s,t, le, .. n:~n,ed. w<n,~ -

TIl,a 'wars of the .R,oyals w,ere merely plan.eta.ry

ene'ss, '9'il!mes wit,h pj["e<:::e$ compris(l.d o,t se,]Cv.;lifltts, and beas·h,., Re~al'l,:imat..iQn, .. a techn"h::!,ue: fQ,t" b:r;in.ging '" dead D@j,n9 b ac:k It 0 Ii fe" a.nd ,m.,ed H:::a 1 t r &nspl a n t.s ,r 'wer~ alway,s,bl'e' to 'the .Royals in 'case ,o,f an inj' u.ry orr: :fa,ta.l.i ty'. Butc::ri.pplin.g in.j 'Ury" wounds

I ana d,eath, th,al:: wasfa,I" th.e .lQW'lysol,d:i"ei-:,5 ,0:0 th~ .f 1,eld 1 that WilII.S 5aved 'for the be.ast.

But 'the beast pE,cve,d itself, ,a.g, a:nd! again .• Loyal 'U'I!cJi intelligent", the .be.a~t n.adib@comevital paE"tic.:tpallt:;:;; in, the ~u,liInlng of' BRI'DU daily e'1l!'en'i;,5. 'l',h,e ASA,-R.RR qeLne'tie back·'srCHIJind of 'the be'aBe h~d ;i!! profound in.f.lillllenc·e in. .i tsabili't:y. to learn and to· adaplt to th,s I System,' .'

'.\",h:r,pugh the quid.1nlg E!:ff'orts 'of P,rince, n~ '~

'the Roy,als ·2(Q.d the ~:I, ,inttme tbe bei!1!Jst was permltt,ed to :lIIii.nls:ter~Q t't5 own,rs, t:OI r\ll:l its owns,mall kin9QOm '!l'r t.err.i t.ory .. '.' ~ as 1IoJi.l.9' a,s, .i't(:oo:t1 r.u\!,ed to pledge ,i t 5 lI.o:yal t.y a!l1:<I f'idiel1tyto OQe of 'th,e R'~Y8,1 LOrds. ,. ~,an.d uU::imate:ly, to 'the ,Empi:re ,of ASA~kRR!.

And ISO' ADANA beeam,e p'aJ:'t ,of: DlafJ' .. , F'1"ama role ,~tE:1Ictly as i!Ii. ;fj,lave beast 0'( 1.bQJi to'a ~JLe as: a ,eol\l,t.rJLbut1:ng member of,y {w:L·th.m under,stand!n'9 o:f faith.ful:ne:ss:to a Lord! abCl\\re ~, th.e ADU!A h,adlrls,en bc is. place above cr,eail;::ur:es o,f':t1!:i'e WQ~lLd., se(!ond 'einly' t,OI his, Lol"d a1:ij~'ve ..







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The! WOi.t"S o<f the Roy~,l$1 ~a9'e.d o;j"l:,fai thfu,l ADiAMAS se.rvi.fl.g! en the. batt.l .. ~ fields E,orthelTii. ERIIlU .iKirlgdio.m:;;: r·oS€l and feU on th~ backs arid ·tIlM;! blood of the .ADDmS. CtdLld:r·en of [,QlIrQ. EN-lLl:L and L,ard E·AconstanI!17{ cbaJ.le:ng@d. Eha,~h Qt.her Qve.lC th,e :r i·qh t.s of diO:NIa in and powe:r .•

.ll.VHjj 50 b$gant:ti:e ~1ra th.a.t. wouJLd .se,e the l~ar o·f the G:rea.t

'r.i;lI';,@-.olVer I am - attempt by tord pt'inc~ MA:RD.UJlK~ son of l.Cl.rd EA., ~inq of the Beas~~. An aCGo~plisbed Master in the ~kills of the DAK wa.TrioJi:s~, Prince MA1Ult:JKwanteG to bec·ome: Kip,:! oftll,e system of ERIDU. Ch~11e..,gln9· otherRoya.lf,e!miJ.y me~b@:rs fO,lr the Tlu':one,iru;;:;tud:lLng hi~ uncle, p~in:ce EN-LILt and ,ev·~n h.i.$ f tordEA,HARIDUK would lJ~e·war; wad.s ,o:r::i.nt4!; igue. ~~d ,even the da,adlly art ,afbe:tr;a~ralt;o try t.Q'5:eiz:e t:h~ 'i'lli:iro,ne.

tI i s fa. th e r t EA. ,had be.e n - depi' i vedo f t.he thI'Qne of :ERIDfJ 1] nd ASA- RRR ••• h.'e • MAROUK "wol;i;l d not i5'll f f@)b'tne s,ame f.aJ t.e,

B~t ;!( mi,di:s't ofhi5 r:l1s:e to, pO'iii'le,rr P'r;i!nee H.i\:RDU'K Wd.S 'W,ro.ngf~llL y aeeu S e,~ of the as $.~ s i fi,a t:.10.~fh:l!. SQ'IoJ~. b rQtbe~ r Lord Pri.l::IiceDUlMUZ;ZI. [email protected] to be: inlpri~Qn¢d,HARDmJHc:nos.e to fi9.~t ag.Si.ins:t;iI1i saCCgser5 l taking refu'g'e in a fClil,t .. trei$.s.. A hasty cou:ncil~'il!!:s called, the de,r::::isionmad.e to ~nd 'the war oy .!!N'Nil.l.ingi HARD[[IK In.tolilis stone structure. Tir.<li.ppeQ \0'.:1 thin, Prince :MARDUK w"u:;, doomed to deatn .•

But fo,rtunewaswith hi.ffi,·. Sevet"al ·of his :fo11owers W'8re .~tHe: 'to tunn~lllp f~orn beneath, the s.·truct~1"@r thereby gi v.ill'liI MARf,lUKan oppo:r;tunl1:y t,o ,e,scap@. Wit~ a b01!Jnt.y '0]1 his: h,e.adr Prio'ce .MARDU'K :fle,d .intothebeoi:liv,~I:'IJ~ ...

And to r a ".ih.i Le ,. peac@ om i :11. -I;@,I1nI~ to ERIDU ••• bl:!l!t as ,is the way ,of the .AsA~:RRR :!Empir·er it:" ;WlOuldn.ot la~t l,ol'lg;.

,I I





High abcve wi thin the staJ['s of ·th,e ARI-AN Empire I .HJU~lnJK would .Un:d an .ally, an a.ges~o.ld e:ne:rny ·of ,AN-U A!'!liIi)It~'e Q'!ll!een~

~ of tbeS.sS-TTiI':!l;:o~e.I<QQwn a.s I :S:SA.~'':.rA.'I~. ~ 'll.nd@rgrIOtUld one:s II, the., ''-'J~t'~ part !!Of a reptiH.anreiC@l .g.roup who i~babl ted huge .eaverriiS !I,\IiUlin th.e 'WQl;'lds C),fth,e DX-H,. CO!'l,5t.antlythr'e,§!t~ ,' tbe 'Q1!J@@:n:s in. power, they ullceasingly ~e,arched f'o.r new ·w·ays to Uinderm l!t~leof't;h.e C!UEN:!;ns ~

De;;;spis,ed and Q!~e,aded., 'tbe SS:A~TA :r@,b~ls: ,gave a:ud!.eH!~~ t.Q 'the PEifi!ile..P:romt~in~ til:;em gregt.wea.lttli!lnd - pow,e:r, .andfu.lILl ~a~rt:.ieipatiQ~1.n. his Empi.:re 1.IiI ,e)l:chaill'ge f·or tbe::i,rs'llpport, a ·dalllo.t.1:og tmmlU ,e.lILicitedthe.l:c ~u~I1'Qrt: ~

Ea'ge::r;'theSSA~~A s~::Lzed the OiPl;IQlt'tu~ity tlO 9uppo:rt t!!mI e:lrfQt:'t '1!!iga~n!;l tt:beASA":IlRR.. BywE!ake,n 10.91 the-[)H Empire ~SQ' too, t:he :S'89:-"1" QIil!eenswQruldl :be wea1t€l:!lie.d!~ Pe~ha.p!s; iQ~oU:gh :5·00 own r,ebellio,fIj 1.111. ,UI~Mtw:au.ld :S·~ic;:ceeQ... :Send!n:g' ii!. COmm!\!ln.1que thro·uqho,ut.tbe UE-M1 Empi::r1Ei; to the:i:r,. the SSA~TA:r;:a.1~ed h:llIqe. l1!umibe:rs of Wa!!:'rio'~5., e.actlia deldi(:,a;tledaIlld 'W! .U.~ng en.emj" ·~'f - the SS:S:~''1'" Que,ens ~




I .r


.By sec:re.tly ~1!:IppOrt.furiLg, MiARIilIUK" ;suC·C:~$.!S in 1th~ t~k@-ove!r

o.ftne ERIDU colonies 'W'Clul.dg:iv,e th,e .SSA~TA rebels .a! tr'emendous :5;t:~gtil91@,hold on trH! Niinth.P.assageW',ay. The ;S,S;S-T Queens w'Oul d 1:1 ave to, nego ti at e '!/I'i t.h t,i1.em. Snoll.ld ttl e r,ebe,] 1 ion not. :5;I.1H';;C'€l;lilld.,the d~eath of HARDUKwould sat:t,sfy bot,ht.h,e ,SI.RIANS" and the Qu,een., Thiej[aHu~~ G,f ~.G1i;vllil 'wa~ £·ar awa.y £)r,'QIt'I th'e SSS~T Em~ir€\ w.oyld be t:,oler&ted bylth,e 'Q<ll~~n .•

On.ce again th,e !S,pect:re CJ!if a War loomed on tnehQr iZQn of t h 'iii, ERI DU so ][·ar· sys te.IT! .•

B,ut the success of ~n()t.her:t'Bbelliom itiL ERUl'lll w~:!'ii .r~mQt'~ .<lit bes,t., The 'Great :AN'-U~ad gOlle 'to 'g~e,i;lt ]Lr@f!,gt.h5 tOI a5S~!n,'e hii,mselftnat amotl1lel!:' War of R@vQl~tiQIl '(';QulOJnot (H:;:CUl".

TO, s YO ce,ed ~the re 'wQI.d dna/veto be ye t , .... IiIiOt be:arg 1"OU P 'w'ila !Would have tOI .give active support to'e .HUDUK" h.a.d Ct. firm icotholdwit.lilii'l1 tb,e,BR:U>u solarsyst,eltl, itself and wa.:;;;pu."'t of t.he jLlilt,e9r~1 EN-LIL Forces of COI.Q!11I;;uld,,,

De·ep w.:].tn.lli..ntl!J;~ .liIli.nimgoperations, tbe H·.n="T hybrid:!;; had p,roven t.hl;!i1iI~elve~ ~s J!,oyal :s;,e,rvan't.s. LO:I1'Sl :befO',l;7'E;l the AiD-MlJiS: had done sa, the HEN~T byb%ld had Eisen to a po~ltion as aa~ of t~E!, Rloyall tami ]1'8;5 of ERIDU mO$t faithful administ.ratoi):'.$. And r GiI:I.. tholll'Sh m~ n.)' of the RoY,illIlOi if ~ s p:ri ng f ami 1:1. ,es 1:1 ad used the ,A'D'ld1U$ bea~;t aa ,aJc!l;t'linistrators over ot;,ne.r be,ast,s, :Pri:n.ce EN-LII. h.!:l:.d cNon.ti.nuedto use only!:b~HEU-'T.r c\c,ns~Qe:r;ln9t~!e,m to be le,s!!; CJ·fa thr,ea't. arnd much m:o~eobdient. .Ke,ymid-lev@l ~d!I'!'Uon position.s were assigned st!:ictly tiC! the HEH~''iI' hyb.rld.s and never t'o an ADAl'UI, beas't~

Un 1 j_ k~t heA~AMllS beast., I"o.r.a P .rine€: EA. h~d~ot.~ It: ered , had Ii 0 tmarll p'l!lla t.e.dthie HEN-'l' t: 0' ah i 9.h~i!t .if!!ite 11 i gen.ce ,t~I;IS making .i t :l'!iIia.re5eJtvil~ amo less ofa c.hoice :maker. Butrnol'tE! orucIal to. the plann,eo Wi:1I!.!:' of Da.:lrknessby'Pr1nc'e ,KARBillIK, the, HEN~T'~a5c:["e,atedfrO:In the ceU.ll,li.,ar :rrHlI.t:erlG1 .. l:;;ar liz,a.rds t .1 t was therefore a re~,Ule! 11.5 di$ta'ntl;"e];a't~Qn~ of 'tbeSS~-'T1l. r elb·~ 1 S !!' t,tle yo C'O u 1 [I he: a.pproCichEda:nd po,s s i lOl ype r.s: uadeet.

With tbe:behind th~· SG'enes 'of theS,SA=TA,.,it!he ,Pri:nceand an, ~rmy ot Ma5teriS of'D!!!oeit bega,;n t.beiroarnpaign to seducee tbeElEN-T .~et'vant5 Q·f :Lo:rid e'4~LIlT. •• , P'romi,slng the HEN-'T that. tbey w01,1!,dbeeome his adimin::llst:rator'SI if the- t·ake-·Q'V€l,~W'a~ ~ !':iiUCC@ss·" HABJ)UKand 't.hce SSA-TAii!H~ed ,eve.l"ytrick to swin.g the lIEH-T o,v'er to tm'~ l'@b@ls;ide. l!UWmJ.1: ,even Q,ffered. s.h.a:£'!es in the wE:,alth ,and, riches of 't.he ,Emp,1re. a,n.dl :fu,t.u,riete~l;'1,tory for theit" ,';;;on1trol .• , 'Their pl.ac1e! l!I.nt.he Emp,:tJ"e Q.f MIlmml:. WQl;lil,d be SEl:ooIldto mOtU;!: bU.t th.e:- P~tn"~ him;~'Ellt~.

And! 5Q' t:he S'Bc~et itaike-over bega.!:li ~ U's.1lii1i1j 6E6' .. "l' ,hybr.::bdsli

~r'e~.~ed and. Q)eve.loped, by t,lli'e UI .. U ,SSS:~!r' fOll:thleir iQ!w:n g,s'e" the vengeful .l!lUJHJl!:sect'etly!!'!an,uE!ivt:!lt'ied .bJ1sa:gen.1ts ,d,ee;p iiil,~Q the .miTII:E!s,tbe: ~(l!m.1"'1:str8,tiY'e c::ff1.ceis, ant1.the ,Comm8lld Fot'ces of BN: ... !LIL h.imself.



As the ,iIllilN'~~' hybrid~ had~Olved ~p .!1[.fi1 t,l1.e rallOl;;.s of Pr:irJIce ,m -r.J~~!ii ~dmJn~ $' tJ;~t i,o[l , tbey ha,d bec'o!"[]:!!§:kn!oWIlI as i T(li:'lE'F:'~'T I, 'Those of 'the TCImJET' ~ The Ii U'ord ~ •• ~ t.he ~ WO:l;'d! be1n9 EN-LIE •• I ~

, Ref@r~ed t,o as the 'i S.BE'F-I! en' ~ SHIT I by '.the ad:rnlinl:stra'tio,n n:ilelmbers of EN, .. LIiL,t th~y .lb,e coltmetru 5 t: ed se:r'va nt s ,of bQtilLord Prince, BN-,,Ln:. himself ~:r:tdth~. RGyal faml.Ue:s,. ''Fhejh.'' loyalty 'iila~ rM~ve:t' in doubt .. no one suspected 't,ne be'l:.ra.yal.


Slowly and quietly I' the conspir,!l!Ic}, b@g~JlI. .'F'h€, pHllt was, 5t~p'le" .s~:A,-TA. i.i.~a.:rdS" t;c,aineG: :r.o,r slIlbte·r;f'1Il·'9@ ~wo1!,l.lG! !nf U,_, t~~ietb!e:!:''''nks: oftbe' [[!~N-T WQt'):;e:,t",~,.".he.y' 'wou.ld .spread the cw~'rd and rec.rlll.l tthe1 r d,1, stanteoll $ .iil.n.$to t: h,e .rebe,lll, 1 :ion ~ In ~Ilort time, tbe SHErr were abl,eto per$~aCi~1 tll,efJ:EN ... T liza.rcls t,Q e'nter the [alas· of 'I;be r,e,[b,e1.s .'lrbeHEH-"l[" 'WhQ j oinedwi ttl: the plot. .be,eame .. kll,C!WU as !$UE,[,_I:~I t !It,he Sec.ret O~,es. i.

F~dlol,Oling: th·e i:ni.Hal in:fHtr~'ti'Qn of 'the rSi.nks ,ef mm,-'1[' ill the underground oper.ations, the mO'!Jled th~ very ilill1re,lt coltt@lof eI!JJ'I~,i31dministration. of Lo:rd Pr inc@ EN-IE.::[L~ T~e' Command PQrce~." including the Cammumicatio;n,a.ndi :LQ'gi5'tlc d~p~ltt!:!f!.egt.s .. were a.I50ta:ll:"9i,et'ed... C""J;"~,:f' arn('.l de,libe.rat,ely t.he~cnsp1racy gained a footbold in, ev'ery d,epa,rtme;.nt. Q.f :Lo:!:',d Prince ENI·-L.IL,1 S o;l:(.Iministration.

1IIn. tbu@ .. p~ i flee ,rtiUtIIlUK ·and tll@ ~ idden, SHET-, I werlE:: rleady ,. wo:r;d wa~ qi,vento, :begin the attal!ik '. rllvadiQ9' ID!:Ili)U wit.hhls W!!1!;!!; I ,KARDUK a't ta.eked viciolJi,dy and unmerci fully ~ ElUli>ll DAR and, ,B:iEi:H f orc:,e.s '\\iie,rI9sur"!.:11!:- i ,SEl'OI ,m REN~T w,o:t' Rer s~ in CO'll!!,tURicati,oIl .rooms ,di!1l1l!;opted me.~sa9a.$ of the ifiVSi~;iof1l.'ven.tin:g ~ !tee t:mvea e fel1~ live !;!cti o~ ~

Nbe:rl f'.i.n<.\llynot,U·~ed.r tbe ~ W'l!irr:ii.Q~~' !"'e!i>I?Qnded. Jlfl,War !1lhi:ps that bad be,en s;abotaged, thus r'e:n,dering them i!illPQt@~.t~ M,a nyo sh.i ps det'C)'l:u:1ed., o,r 91 iven.w'.ro:n go coo.I:"d i nate s .• ERIIJID co:t:nl'lllu'1l1ca.tiofi$ 5y:st:€imSWlent $il~lfit. Wf=,I.II. wa.511.:n.d,eme.. The SHET-l, and t.u rn - eoa tHEN -''1' hyblr.Hl~" bad dOfle weJJI, ..

BRImv, 'the island,f the ASA,-RlUl: .Empi ~,~ I wa;~ :llIoW'

'.' the s;,eized Emp·ire of l.o.rdPrinoeMA'ru)UK,son of P:Lince EN-ET a:n:digrandso:n to King' AN~Iij. MAR-DEB had: been victo:r,:tous", tb@ 'iWa:rof 'T'a.I'l:~-ove:b'~. b.acked by thel .:t; rebelbs, hat). be,en ~ulcce5i5fUi 1 beyor.l!d expe,ctat,ions ~ '!h,e s te~lthaf:!:~::; ~t!'teJ' ~ th,e hi dd.E'n. devi,oYs me $;5 I .hGii.d ~,reve:nt,ed ,d i J:'eet: eon f:t'lo:rt~atiIQn ~







P;ii;'inc1e ENI-LIL ,and !hi;8fol!.l~·wet'~ fl'$d ba~k to thoe dl.::Lstant worlds ·Qf ,A:SA.~RRB.~p,rl:n.cJe .EA. took .!I!:an"y Q.fh1s f'Ql1(lwer5 a.nCll

~ '~ .. ' . IS. :b.'_ .•. ea.~ .. t. s .. · tQ _. :h .. :.i .. s .. _ :s;,t. a.E'. :I;i!. YS .. t. c.em.I' ~BAIL .. ~ .. ' .. ~EA.'-' ~l1!US ~ (Plea1ades.~

.11 .1 PlaQe (l,! iBA.illo f.LQlid,~ EA .DA. (Tbe':')' ~

The Royal. ,off''"'sp;rlnq ·ofooth of Lo['ds EA ,and BU .. LIE. 'weI'e .als'o, (,orced ,to flee~, As ,lllMWd landet1l on :thew,orld.ofBRIDU' hisp.l.a,c(!: O~ t:h,e 'Th~Qn.ewa5 mnc:h.a llen,g'ed~, T-o, in i5iuretha t no chiallen9'El1mi.ght::. ,occur i~ tb.e .f!l.i!.'tg~e, the PI:,'1r.ieEi: 1mmed:ta~elli.J ():J."d~~·ed !!I. s,e~.~'Ch fQ~ anyremalfltingRQyal. t1Jelr:s.,Th.@1~ @ho::lloe wauU3J, be ea.i!!iy Itotalsub(J'u.gat.1.o,", or de,a'th~ Tbe e''i8 :BR.IDU Emp,!,re would bow to KARIl'lHt, he would ~~iIil.tQ that.

r I'


I -~

once s,eated" ,KARDUK b@gan his final campa.1'g'n. ~ •. to ,ehange or des,troy a:ny rB'cQrdis which attribu,t,ed a.ny h.erOI1.c: ,or kingly achievement$, to' anyone other than. himsel.f., StO["'~j m,orluments, obe:.lisks: ~nde:~;Uf:ii.ces were a.l.t;,er:ed by's r tablets, of clay o:r wood were bur:neo Or des,tlt'oye,d., No r'eco.1"'ds, of ,0:1,[11 other Monarch would. r@,m,aln.,MAlRJIJUlK bad bec10me the beginning • and the end clf all thirJJ'gs,~. ,he h,ad ,tlppoint,ed h . .ims,el.f :Lo,rd. God. and 'Cr>ea'tor a.f t.h,~u:n,i ve r,se ~

He.fic,e,f'orth, he was the ! Sun G',ad :RRA.",.,

And ae t.he rec:01:'Iij,!;,! of ERIDU wer,e ~ Ti:u~ ,Ruler,ship of RRA MARDUK wasto,tal and r'etroC1li'ctive.

Only Q'rl,~'change remain,ed to be made., Re:cord,:,;i W'€l:re 9'iven a.n ew f ac@ ,. but maIDO,!!: i eswer. e l,ef t ., U s:tn9lt.he rni fiG - a It er i. ng .. [email protected]!les of his SSI.,-il'A. r€!!pt .. Hian miQi,ofiS:, the new Kiug R.RA r cl'I"d,e:red t:h,~: 5ystematic a U;erOilition of the mimds cd' the. be:Jllngs.

Q f ER:n:® • - -

1'0 a cco(J'llpl i !Sill. the mo n.urne r::!'ta l ,taos:k, the SS,,lI.-''f]'1!. canve 1: te;d elx1:st,ii'Ulg ~tt"' 'with chambers fo:!:' ! gze-pt'o9:t'~l,Ifirni:n9" .' One by oneo'r Ln groups, th'fl! e'olQnist5 and the beasts" ADAMA. ,and IlD~PA!I" 'were ,!;u"Qm,i sed w'BaH::h ~p.ropert;y" :power iI' sex'!iJal f,a,vQII".s .. a.ny enticement wbic;;h ""Quld draw the 'v,i.'ctirns i,llto tbe tun.nels

leadin9 into, ·ti'H: bri'ghtly lit I .:iCe-programming ~ rooms '. Once A

i:n.sid,l'il .• memo.ries were ,erasedioralt,er'ed. "Scr@en" :memories, ill'L~·9'es d,eslg:n,ed to hJi!di'€l1"@collecti,on of the. event were ofte:n i:rnpla:nt'ed. Th@ Sun, God 1tliIA, w1Q.lJ,ld. be t:be' ooeand ~nly 'God Cili :r,ecor<il, th~ QtJieand 'Go,d of memory"

(':oJl.oni5ts 01" beasts who, re:fusecl V'olunt,a.r·y treatment w'ere :se.iz@;OIand f,orcibly taken i.nt.oth,e me.l1i1ory alteration cfu·ambe~ ,fO:ii:: iilI.cijlus'tme.nt. 801m@ .E'A-S[I' ;fled int.o' tbewilOierness ,or bigb '. mOiiJ:fihdn.s r 'ther,e bQ engr~v'e i'n stolne:, clul!C::S to the :'i!e;crl!il't ,odE tn.e ~ Take-over I. the Sun (:;od :RRA and 'the SHE'!'. ~ '. BE,FOU:: ·I:;'hei.r ,captul",e ,and r,e-programm1ng. 8'O'iiIlll!!how the trlUth would ,co:m.,e to U.gM~ a'ghai!!l. The ·cl ues, ]i[IT';I'~v'@r"wQuld r,emain h ldd.en "u:nti 1 Un.CoV,B1[',eQ iiind rec'og,niz.ed or de-c''eEed .. (The !Pace on. Ma.r,5,'i I,: and the "Domed Cities '0'£ the MOOIilJ'1 are: t:WOI e:x,amp,les .• )' ..

In t.ime ~ the SHE'F'-I complet,ed, 'tbeir tas,)l:. - 'l'h~ popu.lace: ofERlDUi hifld ten il .• A!1i the,yw'ent their s;,epara,te :W'i'JI,ys: t how,ev(l:l'!i' they eac:b had ill vague' un.e;a.siness. sometJdn.g was not. there :a:nym.o~e,., s,Q:meth.ingw,ae; mi,,~s,in,9'., ,And cUll;'.1c'~~ly, thQlugD tbey se:emed not tiCl iIla"e c,cmmcn baokglrogrtd,s" ·e'·ac.h. ~~m.embe!!;ed, leach recal.l,ed" ai, b.ri'grht Hight: at the end OfB tl:lnnel ~ And.,. each one knew th.a't t:hey wei',@! ~u,ppo\sed bOI gato 'the light. a.nd e'Qter t:he .1.i''iJh't ' ..... fQlrthfe:rethei:E' u,l'timat::e rew,a;r.Q re5ifd:ed '.'

As i.iI1S1u·,anoe, the SSA~"lA t;:OQ:k. Q'JlQ ~~e: p~efca'U'tt'Q!n~

!PO 1::nsurethe I P,assion ~ i:!ilst111edl:n 'the Beast., t:he ,Gift Q.f the :~e'i!ltherr Idid. ROt. ,give i~pe:tus, tOlrebellion"ttle rebel 11zB:EiQi5: con5't~ct:ed buqetawe:rs,-wbl,c:h wOIuld! t~~:5:mit ,Ii c:1Qlild ... of eJ.ectr,o,R-i,Cf 5ignB,1:a, d,es1g11,edtok'e-ep tbe Beast i.rII, ,a, £'0911 a doe'.!le :sb!fte., $!he el,ect,rc(ll(Qlc lIJ:aniklet. also served as oS cover p!DeYient!, ,outs:t des,llgnal s f'rom, :reiai!f:h.:L ng'tbe has t~NQ Q~.e ~ not EA" fl,ot, mI ... r.J:".L, :001" ~he ,ARI-AN CI~eens WQ1l1db~ pe~i ttEiid. 1:,0' con.ta.ct tbe Beast ..















[ [ [ I

5H~T- CI:"oc:odi.h!

(DE!l?1eted by .a tab'l~t" ih,.andl, liz,a.rd and cr'oeod11e)

SUET - Guardianjl ', ,{Depicted by a 1i z,,a,l'd. a.ll'lida. ha.n~:H SUET ~'eant "'1'0 wo'r;k in a quar:ry' S.HET1' mea.nt 1''1'0 dig 'lOr (!,x;ca.vate'l H'ie'picted by a liz,a.rd" bIPo hia,nds and ,arm with whip)

SH!ET,-'ill"I :rn:e!,a:nt ":Dj,'9ge1" I' 'Qr "E,)Cca.vato:r I

I{.D,epicted by it U.,za.rd" a hand,· an @rm wit.h a whip) SST! - Pit" hol~, e~~avatlop

(D~plcted by a liz~~d and a half-circle) SUT.r - He who Ls h:tdd@,fI,

('Thi,s Ii te.rally :m:sant 'I som.eon~ bela.".,. 9'round") SH'TA, SH:Tl!!-,T - TO .be hidden or secl:et

SUET - 1',0 tak~:" s'eiz,e" :sna tch r ,carry or dra'9 a.w,a.y,

to dr,ag out., to, tra.Rsport h """""\ '

,( De:pi cted by a. 1i ~ard a;nd a. hand~, l!tS't :ebti ,~,' U~ :1,54; ·!l!84., oil', ,no,

S'RETSfli,ET - T,o ,cn,erthrow P.610.'- ,r. 9:J.~-.&1.-,

.... ,~

(Depicted by 11.~ard a.nd h;lndi ,['epe:a.ted I,

SHTI - ~To take away, to s~ize~ rD~picbed by a li~ard and a hand. S":Tl - 'f.it1eQf an off!,cial (Depicte:d b.V a. liza.rd •. ahand.~dnd

Ite '!ak~ '1.0 ~~!' to snrttb;, ~Q! 'CI!I'liJ!' Cif iirlg I' .. ay, '(0 'Widl;cIr,,~. lu tl1!iJSpmi to ,dng O!Jt, llO ·IJlsembowlil ... !Iw;s .... , 110 NI,~ h) 4'c1.'l~

lllJE~igbt figure}' -

T,e control ,the .Beast, t.he Jlou$,e.sof O;bedience of Prine€!! EN~·LIL, W:her\et.h~ Beast v 1si.t~d ev@t"y, sE!''I,:!',enth da,y for 'c:bE:a,lil.encoe. le'ssons, wer!e '!lake]], ova!' by the SSA-'1'A. :Ooelti'ines 'wb i en ","'ou ,ld! s uppc':t' tt.h:e Em[,l'i re beci!.m~ dogma", Tbet'e~ch..i.nq s,

'.' the' W'ays (I,f EA, b~,c,ame evil and the wo~ds of ~ ,C!i,em.Qn., EAt ~

life-'g'ivln,g' K,-D ,((i-B) bec'am:1El tD'A~EA :a.A~EL!' (Cre,at,o!r £A, LQrd

Fa.ther!) the Ii Bvil On,Iii!'., th'e "Dia.bolic One I' ~ •

But t'be SH~ ... l: wCluld ,]l,e,av@ nothing ito cha.nce. Should an i.nlll,Q.c,eat.clay tablet s'Uit'fa,e,e 'with a .story of O1l!mc!.efllt be;.i,iIl.g:s;" hial.f -rna,n, ancf half-be:filst i st,a~ bein,g5tha't. flew ;in the skies, ~ o'.r a. t'@,bel1i,c'lls God. 'on Mount ,1J'IY!fiplls, ... "thes;eiwe,re: the fables ,and m:ytbs ofa:n iDlag1n,a.t.ive. p~ll11{ti'v"e man~,@: 'were t,ale~ o,f f ant'Cli:!~ry'" nQ,th 11191 more. The I r. a.t:: iLonal, II Man II' 't.h!e I W01!;k!:fI.9'I' M,1\!,nt~·bQuld! :l'.Io't concern. h.imself· with ithe things ,o'f !~b,:i..,l,d:!:"eih

The ,den1,alL of the worl'd hef'o~e: .Lord lmA was, ,c'OZiiipl,ef~e.,

,SBE"l'I_!: U.=ards who, bad taken. an ac't,i:ve part: :1:nthe t-ake'QVEiII' and :re'-p:~Q9'r',M!'tm,1n.qwe~e el,evated Ito; th'E! si:a'ttl.s of OV'E!:1;:'~' ,LQ~dscU'HtI 1.!.dmin,ist:~"at.or·.s 'of' ex:1st.iDigl'sy.stems and. 1..abQ!re~iS ,.,

" The ,era ,e,f ·th'E!' ,SIRXMl Lg'r,d's: and tta'st:e:rs was: '9'on·E! .. Pr1jl,ce

:U'-LIII, theLo:t'ld of' tbe Holrd; w'as '{JOD'e,,, The • GoldeR.- era o,f

growt::b ,a:nd ,d:ev,elopa:,ent W4JS, gQne.~ -

BR.IlIlU" a prim! t.lve Bolar' system 6e,v.el.cpe(l, 1.IDtio ,aBtr'on.g~

hc:l,d by i!!Ii 1(1n9' of th.e S;tar S1riuB~ BRI:D(Ji~ it 'vi,rtual.1,]" 'i:le,$tr!oye:d i,n ,g Wa.:I:" o:f :Rebellion lea by' War LQ1rd. 3U~:ZIJ (Zeus:) 8l:na re-cQnst.ructedi by 'Gene:s1:5, sciellt,ists;, DI:OO,t:be, fi.~st


S,I;!'@Dlu.!ntand eli ty of the re-bol"n p'lan,et; BIUDU, th,e place ,of (:OQqU.~:!>ts and w'a,rs " 't:he plac@ of ,subj tlgat"i,on and k,1ngl'ship from the st,ar,s;, w@:;:;ilow' ERIDU, a 'wQ,r14 with ,a r'f!I,-I(:IQ'D.stcY'cbea history" a fa.blt.'icated ..

RRA w,;a,:s: thlQ Sun Gccl., but 'the reli'tiles w,eit:e in char'gi,e.,

,As the ASA~mm had done before thfMl; the SHET-.I [b,egan to .i:nCreas,e the prQc;1uctiona,nd ,effic:hmcy of the Ope~ii'.i.UQn. In ,addition, hO'lll,ev@r"tbe:y ,en:t:[email protected]! into the d.evelopment (il:Qd the product :ion (l,t a new commod,l t.Yr a drug ca 1 led, ! S-MA 'I" On.ce ,a,

,II! a, d~ n.lgl U,!;; eel oilll y by 1\1 rigs j t he SfiET~:1 be'ga:n to lIla);; ea nd. $,9,11 the drug t,Q ~ll Ute gal~xy b.eing:;;,. Prof i t.5, soared and La'rd :RRA f,ast became one' 'cf the we,alth.:l!es,t; K:tngs i,n ,"",lIthe: Ninth sector. 'W i 't:tD .h i s anita::; !H,!d, .r i ches , :R:IRA bu i 1 t ,an. rei ,and an .;army secondt(l none , I'Iis alliance' with tib.e ,SS:A-'TA had g:iven ,Lordi l.mA the ~lhere;wi,thal to' ke'ep the .AN~U a,nd. other' Wal!:':rior,s; Conquerors at .bay. Lor,Qj G'odl RW\woul,dj live f'Q~,ev'er!

0.1:: .solFJi,@ hoped, •.• ~

ath e Gre a t, Lord God RRA I"U led wi th ani !ron hand. the wa ys ·cf the A,S:'\-RAA sti 11 in h h veins. 'lh.e S.HE'I"-I minisJtered to th,@ ~ule, of E'RIDU"eff1,G::i, and cloldll{.1B1IJtLord: RRA. d:td n()t trust the SBET-I. If they wO'll.ld .betray tih,eir own QIlIi'eent tbey wo,uld! not, h'$:idta.te to liE!:tray LO:£'d RRA .•

The S:lIiET-l Welt"e ,co:ld-blooded .reptUles, 1!;Ifl:5ympathetie tOI ,any r,ace,. An,d, ev,e,n 'thQugh he! 'was G,od .. ,RRA wa:o, an Qu'ts.::lder,. Th@ir relat:iLcm,snip" al1ianc€t was busin,es:s; and no !i!100("E! fOlr tlJl.em. ,RU k:f:1I@iW they could :not be truHs' ~

And 50 LOlr'd RRA movled to pla.ce his m.ast trust,ed pri.est;s, and his clli1lild:!:"fiil,n" in c()Il,trol of the Empire~ 'Knolw.n to, a.lllL as 'I M~KA" I' ~:ruI!A, th,e [.ordFat:her Ii I' b'$ igi;t~!Jcted :his c:h1l1Ld,ren in 'the mana'gement Q.f the we,al'l:.h of t.iu! .Empi:re~ As, they were aS5igl'llE!d th,e1r PQsll!. tions",tney became kn,owrD as IRA'-Kli.-H, I, I a child o"f RA I' • O:.a't'er times would :~HiekJlo-M converi!::,ed 'to KAM~ 'the nam'et for a shiahl,. Thi§;, w,o'ul.d 9IiV'il\l:t.h.e chi 1 dra.fl. 01.£ M a new iI,ame, I ru!i,~.K1Ut I'. ~ thos e of U i s Sh ie l.d! I )

'To keep' oo'ntrr·Qi ·of 'the crucial Re~.a:nima'tion C'@lnte.r:,L()rld RRA. had selected, ,an eli'te gl1rOllpo1f pri'ests: 'tQPll;";ot.@ct enid be l'e,spoos1ble fQ~'th.e ch.a;mtler~,.. Th,e:, WQuld, a.lso sell!:ve as LOlrd, Admin15tt:gtors Q,f the affairs of ,t:he~lT!pilre. ,Recogn,1z~d. ~.:5 tbe ' RA-KA~PER-A-A ~,. orth.e, ~ RA-nPbaroahs ", they 13erved as lQ'l"a 1. ~.i n,iQn S t'OI 1tbe Lord :RRA ..

'Burt, :tbe Lord 'QQdNU!" was :not ,omn.1potent. tUi.s PQ'W'e'lC, hi~ Emp'.1;r;e" WI!i:Ei depe'ndtent on.tih,e, ,SBE'I'-l;;RlelC";'~ni.zi:l:iI9' t'JU:,''Qne was 'VuI,n@rable" LOl"d GOO RItA r,eoonsidiereD: 't'h,e PQs,sibil.i 1::1' lo,f a r,e~'ulliil(u.l wit:h 'the, Empire, of' ASI. .. :JmR., IUs wealth. an,dpower s'IIIJIr'.;ll:y' gaYle :him ha.~galn.ih9 iPowe~" he felt ~ :LOrd l(loCiRRA 'was· in need of ,~n.o'ther alliance: t,Q' :p~Qtect h1,mself .. ,

I't,WCi!.s, how,ever" :tOQ' la,te.

Be f o:£'e be ,cou,l,., do anrth i Dig', iii! the darl!::iIl,e s:sof n.lght, a 'coup took plac;::e.. N'ovio,le;n.ce" no battle t the SUET-X .simply t




a.n.dq:u i e t!:f , t,ook. eve ry thiiJJ.9 over. As the sum rose over the palace,. the SHE'l'""I .in contro,!. All ,eUt:e!ilarrio:r g,uard forces oftl:ili@ LQ:r;d R'RA were imp.ri~,onedQ't' elhnjinat€dl.. 'rbeE"e rema.:tned <only t.hetil!.!5k: 'o.:! c.<!Iptul:ing G'ed .mu.. hirn.$elf.

But fa,te, was with thee St!.n. Ki.n;g.. Loyall follQ'Ii<1ers o:ftllEl:

King enter·ed h;t:s. Royal qlilarter~ to, reuse him tn.)1I!Il nissleep. Tl:l' his good fOirt~ne, an 'es;c'ap@ plan had been. (Jj,evi,s·ed to, take h:1l.m ~way f~om ttle IIJra.SiP ~f his pu.r;;;;;lN~1I"5·~ With th€!J):"€ipti.han 9~9,rd~ <i!t l:ti.s heels .. LOlCd RU. narrl(l!~Jl.yes.caped.

As he;g:,<lze·d o.o''''rl! friCliQ ~t.arsh:1 p .high a.bove ~ he loaked down oln what w.]!,~,onC'e his m~gnificent ,, but. n,ol,'!,!' it was <;lone. '!he Ki nqd:om oflUUi. was no mQr·e:.

With the depart~:u,e o,f Lord. RN!.~ t~e 'ef'a o.f th~ :Emlp.i:,;:~ ,of SbE'ian Rulership over :ER:I:DOwa.s over. ERIDU, a~olal!:' ~yst.em thQd~ h,!l!d. sUiff@]"€dthr1olllgh del!1asta'til'Jl9 ,ana.·truct:lve \\'!ars~ had fa.llen to th~ SSA=TA lr'~pt.ileswi thou. t, ba t tie.'1:he llUldcelr

• ji,ll"'c!'und b~.liltJ.'3',s had 6ue,eessfu.nyundone tll@Emp:l1.res alt.he ,sl1ln GodilmJl.", the Prln"~e E11i-I.:IL, the G:re~t!KingM-t[ ~nd ~V~Q t.he ARt-AN sss-~· 'C~uee'n.s .•

)1 r

The S.s:A,-''irA bec:~me Lords of tl u ~S-l'm market.f aprofitabl€l Uli(.:Ji.t t"adile" and M:astelt's o<fthe Ninth :Pa!Osag~W'a.y, thce StOl!:l!.'";$i if.!eces5ary fOor tr,a.v,el ,to an.d f:roEl!! 'ilthe Ce,ntra.l S:t.a,!!:'sand th.eM! ~ANEmpi re ~Inon,e 'c,)1'11l.::I.,e:k t bold move Itbe SSI.~1'A madJe t:n.emselves on~ of thenlo!!:lt pow~~ful and ric=he5t )!C'·a,(:es; in the :tlIinth SectollE'.. Control of the .so,l~r sysb;~rn would not be left t.o c:;:bance"tJ!l<:!inipl! ·Q·f the liHinds a,f all thee:'nts, inc! \ild:i:!'ii9 the controli of ·the m.:tnds air: the Off-s~~r1ng ,~f RRA" his: trusted. Pr1es'ts CI!.nClal1iL .rn€::rnber,s of ltltAl s:co'urt" ·wa.s dQne .:imlllle.a:tately and (::()!mpletely ..~'h~.tLo~d RRA had sta;.rt:ed •. ~ •. th@i S,SiA.-'F'Awpuldfin:i,s:h. E,t"O!Jsult"e ofmemo.rlesa.:nc1 the conli:,rer,l!, of m:!i.nd~ would be expa.naJ.edi to .inelud,e h:lis Qwn family .and ,court. Henc:efo'rl:::.h",thelRA~:S: SHIELD, ancltheBAKA PHAROAH1S 'wQlllild ib~ th.e fa.i t.h.ful r i.f un.witt.iHg"j' i$e;;t'varlit.$ oflthe Reptiles .•

Ii!I Tm6 .AIJeAMA bea.sts:coluti.nue,d, tiC labo.t" :folt' t:heirn,e'w Lore.s f urlawa~\Iil: 0 f thecha nge's,una war;e, the yweres.l aves cO L.:i., f e meant '\\,li~:rkin9: dail.yfor t:be .M.<1l,$·'t,.@r's.. If-the be;13:stfe.irfOlrm.ed. well, th~ f.ytgr~, m'~gnt b@:I.~g put iQIutto !j)astrur·e •. Som@where:, .in th~ dim recesses of its mind,; the beast I"'eca.l1edmemolri@::i

of a past .l:i.:f'e. .

·"Th.E:,lre:' .is J[lQI"El: tba:n wha.t we a:re: b@:!fI.g t'Ol(,1li. ~ ~ 'I 'the bea,st wo~ld sa"ytJo .i ts·elf ~

The beast was .r.ign t ~ ~ .'

NJ.A;S:iHAatej;:'oowbi(;h meant ,! to· he st:rJQlf'lig, be g~eat M' - wa~ depieteid .im E!:iflrlyHal~oqll'p.~:s, by an. a.r.l!'liwl th. a Iw~ip~ :I~ ... 1~~I~:~_,~~a~ was,chang;ed ~IQ _~ _ ~ lizard. ~ glypb. llIQ'QR bas ' .bee;n offelred,. .

l1~S'ICH-'T, abe:E'.mme.anin.g • F J!,t;st:'Hla Grea.te5;t iN.inre'll ~·God.SI was depict,ed, ,in. ellr;ly qlJPhs: by an axe~ '['!he

~!' :la.ter e,ras:, . 'ttle; ax!esymbols be;~.une, c~ooodUes ~ I No E!xplanatiL.on ba.s E!VlI:JIlI: been ()Ift'e~,ed.

I ,I
















J 1


P,or the lastf'o'u:r tJ::i!ousa:n.d y,~a:rs" Man hasi be@_R dec,eivedi. 'f'he ,SHET,-I ~re still here.. !~atiV-¢Amerlcans wh.o knQw of,1t'I c~,ll 'them i CMET-,U'" 'LlIl,zard ,Men, I, ~ :K,ij.,dCi'8r! in 'the' dark~ ne$~, they emerge' f:rom theli.r la_h.-iS to t-orment ~ml 1lli,Sie: .hum1!il.r.liS for t;,heir own 'pu.r-pos'as.

Tb,~ S:HE'il'-,Iare ,k:n@WiI1 t,oOlay as ••• tn'llI ~ 'GREYS '! ..

C.reated from the geneti<;:' materials of tnt';!' ass be'i_ng-s and 'the, ASA-RU bein'g's themselves:" tl1~ .s~~I are hybrid li~ar(is who ~"etain many of the charac"t,eri:stics o.;f th,eir proge-nitor$.,

As t,ne ,ASA-rutR ]3,eioq5 l{ EA~,fIii' ... LIE.iI' ,AN-'UI~ ,etc,.), bald .laZ-'9'e cranial lobes, (Larger :brai:n ,cap\~cit,y) 50 do,the GREYS~ But, brge black eY'E!:-s ,are more r,emin.iscE':,nt (J,t -the ss:s tenaen,cy 'to ,E!l'l!ormous ,eyes,It ~,artic1illarly' if they 'tend to, innabi,t c,;a,Ve:,rDS" Ii,llnder;iJt",ounCi chambers." where liqhtwould be mini,mal.

Tile SfIET"-I al~Q ,ret:.ain,ea. th.e: g@nera,lILly :shorter h.e.iqht of theh: s,rna.U. lizard an.c'e,st:!:'y ,a:n,d tbJe small,Ei:r Irailo'ess ,of tbe .body. Comparison of limbs tOI ~lQall lizards !i\I,;U, 1 show ,aVE!I'Y' st~ong similarity.

,A,s dE'SC€l!nd,a:n.ts of tbe 88:5 reptH.,@s,. 'the 8:HE'l'-lIh,ave a.l,s'C! :[email protected]!ea, tn~ :ski.n c;:'olor <:I!Q:O! the: :s.!drw te'xt!:.i!1"e c,f ~j.:!,p,til.e!3. A mo,ttled 9~'I!Y 'to pale be.i'9,e; in $'kin colQIJ: f the 9H£T-I s:xin is (NiJld and I' c.lammy II 't,o ,tn@ 'toucb. '~bo'1:.II9.h the l~l'lA~RRH :beings bad nQ~tl."'i,l, and e,ar :fl·a:res:,. the S:IE'lIl"-Itend ito have not much more tha,n hol'~s f,o·r both n.ostrils, an,d ear s h'eminiscent of a :snake.)1 Tbeir "tua(:!ds'l ,ar-e rept.11lia.:n" Clawed andw,ebbel'J.

Various :report,s rev@al tn,a.t th,e ,c¥~rJ!i,urn. of the mtElrS bas

clefi'lltt'e cr-ystallL11oe hone ri,oge sepaI" t-be nemi.sphell:e's of Ut,e bra.i:Q ~ Thi~ is a. d.irect ,r,esul"!: of the Ii e,nhancem!ent,jli,!'

P:riru:;:@1 D. made on theSUE'I',I. 'C1::'ystallln.'@ bane if! Itb.,e ~

perm its, 'girea t'e~r,e,oe:p,t1'vi t_~,. of c<;In'trol is i g-na_l:s.

A sec'o'nda.ry r-epor't' reve,als: th,a:t. 'the G'R:fis i!Ht",e PQs~:elsse:d ,of • a tWQ hea:r;t sy'ste:m, .it,s ,si9-ni,ficaneE 'tOI ibe,ed .la't'~r," 'l'hel'e, is vl:.!:'tu:a,llynQ, '9'astlto .. [email protected] tr,ac.t: ,it-ba,iS, ,iSh~l!llnk. to, .near .nothingness becala'se 0'( pers1sten:t. :use: of g:laQdulars .. , Beprod'l,1ict.ive Ql:':gi!ll'lilS ,!;!i~e 9'en,e:r~l,l:y Dot p,EElSent., ,rep:roduet,ion

1s fio,t a fl1l:lloiti,01iil Qt the GREY ex_istenoe.. .

F'Or thDusa:nQS, ;c,f yearSi", 'the GRZrS have been the pr.ima~, t.ho'll!lghlllo-t t1':u,;! 'Qrtly-, .gents ,b;e,hlnd t:tllP1i! pheno:mena known to us as 'f abd~(ftioI1l:s " • !Utili. zing tlb-e ,m.lnd! a,ltfl~ !fig 'tedh1l1ql! .o-f 'thei~SS:A.~·!'Aancestol's,t 'the GBDS ,C!ont:lnu!ett;l! er~U!le :meDl,o,~,le:5 i: .ana. alt.a_:rf mi.nd;s; as ,iI 'lIIask.' f,O'I:' ib!diing' the expe!riei\Qe ~I.'om a I v'.ii:;!~lm,., Ab-d.1lI!!:t'eesv1:r-tuEi<-lLly alway,s 1')epo:r~ memo\l"y lQ,s:ses, ,an. alt!ered state: of mind '9',eneral.l.Yll!ilncha:nged, unl,@,s;s a:rm ,external ;memory I! j 09' II • or bypno:s iSEletr ieval ,occurs.



Nitlrnl€!t:'QIJIS p:sy,ehoJ;ogi,sts ir:'@ipO.:rt implanted rn'9:!rl'orie:s, !'i.pp,ar,enUyin,teno@d t.oscre,en. the. aJCitlHll.ll evef'!rt, buried ~i thi,:nthe p:sy,eh,e. of th.e abdiuctionvictim. Oft,en the itilemories cha.:nge a f:e~r o,f iarge-eY1ed. GREYS in'to :fe,ar Cl,f lEilr'ge,-,ey~d ,owls, c.e'er." and other anlmal~~

Though aH:el"a.tiofil, O.t thel'llina;s of ,~d.ibuc'tion v,ict.ims c,anJ1 and] sometimes d'oes, enha:n,ee mentaJi. abJl,l i ti@'s (i _ e. ~ psyc:hi(: I dai :tvoyafice",!audience. etc ~ ) the purpose of the abdue:,t.ion is not be,n,e:volen.'t" lnrt r·ather,., to er,2i!:.e linappr,crpria!t@~ memorIes or to' ·pr@p·a~e the ·subj,·ec"ts for ,ot,her purpos,es.

Th€il Uii1!vrelCs.a,l r@p~J!,;t5 rof mi~d mani.pula.tion~, c~mphd~'ean.d U!1s,toppable: .body I shut-down! r filE!!fliory .implant,!lIlt.1o,n and ;memo,ry 'el"'<I,5,u'r.e:s cOIflf;i,rm tJ:li~,t 'I:h,e a:f:lc.iel'i:t:me"t.h(ld:s, o,f tn@ 9,SA-T:A lI!i,ave not; [email protected],al but. in f'act., are t€IJchnigll.e,s us,@:d by :GRBYS, today. Lilik.e;w:iblS,e" the SHET ... I. lizards <:I.:re !MOlT myt.hical :be,in9s born of tbe' irnaqiinlation of Eli clvilJi:zat,i'on thc:msanrd.s of years; <logo, thmy ,are r'eaL llI.nd they reside along's :ideu~ I watching o\n:'!l; ua, - pi e'%" if o,rm i r1i9 abch:u::,t iO'n s a nd era s i fiI,9 Ol:ll r rn!1@1mor i e.;5; 1 iJ::,e a vid@O' tape bJank ••• as it serves their purposes.

.. '

We are theirs •••

.• • • i·Q,r IlH;) 10" •


( ·48

I ,I



I. I







Having read the materials ill ,thes'e PoOlipe.)bS,t the Re,iuj,e,[' 15 c:erta.inly asking h.ims,elf or herself: II 'what the autnoili' haiil pro~ose.d in the ~e .Papers 1:s; 't.L':"IJ,e ,. then'l wb,er',e a l::"e '!H~'l now?

Where are the SSS-T reptiles?

Whe:rear,e 'th,e AS.A~RRR, being::s .EA" EN-LIE. or AN-U? Are th@ SS:S-''l'A r,ebel r,eptiles still ,in cont~o17

III re tbe! war::;i aver ERIDtI( Ea: rth ) oYler? Ar,et h,e:y 9'i;;N:'i:e '?' The ,UU;W!El'E' ;Ii,s, a. simrp,l..,@ ••• no,.

OVer 'the last: .t.'WlO thc'Ils,a,nd :j!',e.ert:3, ,several attemp't~, have :be~iI'I! mad@to t;ry to, u.n.derm,$ne! tbe s,t.~,a.n.9le~bold ofith~ re·b@:l reptili<i.Ul S:Sl\-'l',A., One Cl,f the most £'ecent. att,ermpt& W~:li!, by' ~n ,~rm o,f t,beSSS .ElIIlp.; itselt. By penett',~id~.inq 't..he eJL'ec,tro!!li,C! ibla.nif::,ei!ta:n"d contacting a VUlrN2!:ra.blehu:mafi ibein:g named ,,lph Hitler ~ who freely a,dmitted 'toV'isitaU.ons, by the '(nO, Ones:· a world wIde I 1dl:YAN I fl'ipVe'llllen.t, i5,pea.r-tieaded by' a.n, eli tie 'ss, " corps,; D'earl.y s.ultN::::edea in QV'ii;u;-t:hrCl,wing the entirety 'o,f our

• d.oci.le ,I worl,d~

If, a~ the a;tlJthor suggests; the ARI-AiN cOlilit.inuE! ilil 'their' ,et'fo,rts to, take! !i,olar lij·YSt'8Di1, neWIniOve:mle!nt.s, ,(ier1v'ea directly h"om t.I:l.'e SSB should :manif,es,t, th,emsel.ves,. They ",111 appear in, the' f'Q;tm Q.f"UYIN! ,S'u:pr,ema.'cy 9]J[Q~:ps, such as Skinheads f Wh .1:t,eBroiti: hi erhood s , NIi!·c,-N.a.z 1s ., e·t.c! •

:R.ept.iles as .i lFJ,ero,ic·, - or II friendly! if! beingsj fi.g:llt.1ng 'on Mal'!! I s behaJllf; will ap,pear in all ClIispeH:::'I!:Si of 'media.. Fi'9u.res Hilke: Ba:rl::h~'", T\ee.n -.a,g·ed Mutant. Tu:r't 1 e:G aDO (ltiti:u:;!!r S upe r -h,erQ@:';!; 'w'ill beoome our children" s ile,roes and role models. Re[plti1 e::ii, pa.:r't:1cul,a.l!;ly in the form Qf' dino,saurswi.ll a!pp@~r e,v,erywher@i Of! 'O'U~ tiny WlOI,' 10. ~

The, SIRI.ANS~ theoo::.19i.n€l.1 c:re,a1i:,ors of the Teli'gi,Qns us,ed t<i 'cO:nt:l"ol Han" hi"v'e-,aLs'o a,ttempt~d 'take;~o,'Velrs ~ Re~eno'es o,f rel:i,go.iou!5 f·ervcr have gri,pipedi 'the 'globel.1:n. p!!'st era~", the :Inq1,ll,g,i:t:io:n; 't:heP'apaJi.' .,.a:rs~, th'e lIili.uuerOUs '~ Me5a;iah.s I ,and tlbe, 'Hil",acl.e S:1gllt1ug:s· - ,filiave. all be,en. effolrtstQI ~'~~Qg; .Ma:n llac'k into the folds 0::1': tbe ,~ ... :RlUl i:nfl"fice,~ :

'I:f t:heiY' 'boo, are 'try1·l\'91' to t,ake overbr-tih &stbe .A'~t:hQr su'gIg',e:s t:s ,then a,rebu~'n to fund .• l~m,ti!i,l!.ism shQuldalsio DC'Cl!!lli~, 'fb,ouqhthEiI Q1fth,ean:,el as 'p.rotectoE's 'of Nanking, beg'a;~l w,l:t'h P.t:inee m ... :u, "':m,-J:I-BLS.' , II:LoMS Qf ,.,-'U' (Ba),,-la't'e'r PQwe~s of 'th.e Ch;t!lrdh liIeJ!lO'ved tbe ,l!IIl'IIge,lL :tl~e ,from P,!',illce .. a:nd ~s.s19ined. to it's (lW)l ,do:a.aln~ TO es,!li .it.aelf' AS 'tille! only Salv!!!Jti,on, ,of M.a:n. '. ~ f'~ tUIi'Ei, 'th.e Cburc:n (UA-:BRR 5l"S,t:em,)", in the f Qrm ,a:nd lroa'ge o,f ,angel.s: will appe'ar eV'E!1"'phere 1.

• lis a signal. tOo SIRIAN followers: 't.haJ: th~ .Aft Stars.hlp lJ"as, thil,pa~te.d fo~ th.i:;; so,l.i;u: sy:stenl; ima9E!s of ~normO'U$· pl.: ,n.etaJ;'Y Stars:hii;;,:; and C'1"'@lwscO!mpris@o ·of h@roic saviours of Ma,ni'i:.:tnd, and. the Ear't:h.. wl11 be 'i!!lverywh.ere. There . .at',!!; ~ good 'I heav~ly bad i €.:. beadlld. QitH; way.

.. 1''0 cQ1Jlntel!." the., Q~ II qOQd. ~ hea,v€ully' bodies", 'the; SSA,=

'FA r;eptUes, a,re filling l::h'e ,airwaves with 1ma,g@1S 'of ,i :f.alling as,t,e,ro,ids !, c'rashing Icomets., bo,th int,'ended t.o. ca.u~,e ceneezn in t:be \<!IlOrld populace, qi'v.1:n:g ju.:stll:f'j,cat.iQ:n tor. ai.mihg an.'ti,~s,t.,e:I:o,id, lDissl,!!.s styw,ard :fol: "def"ens,ive II iP'lu:pos,es.

Becaus'e t:be elect.r;o:n1c bla.nket placed Qv,er Man ,and, Ea.rth Is: :50 perva~ive and int,ens'e .. ot.her tran:smitted 51911;::1.1.5" f1rom the ARj[~M and ASA~RRR for'c:e,s: ~ i;i.'r'e pr(i[!Jve'o.'t,ed. or gai."ble,d ~ In. , an att€ffipt t"C) cQ'!tlilTitllnicate ~2en, ,especi,a.lly those who ~re , abJLe to reme,mbe~'or Gleci:pbet· the "e Iuas i ", 'Visual .~:ignah;: are be.:inq $,ent '. Th-ey'ar@ called I' Crop Cir(:l,es I, ~

Cr'Q,p circl@s - intend'@1cl f'or .t;b,e sirian und,eJCground forces be!\'!!I" ~ st.Jt'U:ingr·es,embl,ance t.owa~di$.n'l,ci'e:nt Eg'vptiam. qlyphs,~ Crop c.1~cles 1nt:endie.d f'o'!:' the .fOr'CNi!S of La,rd RA. 'oft@o nave ill footba;ll .s:'hap'ed,:1gn «tbe t:fIiU)ul:hl' of RAj" or. a cilbcle· with i3! do't i:n, the (:'enter (the '! S'un God R1i.~') '" Clrcl'es rerni:nis,e,ent o,f tbe Celtic C'ross and. oUh~r I' Cross " ;i!:'Q:r:lIIS! a.reiri,tende.d for S·irian guerr11Tas , lett~:rn:g":th'em knlow the.y are no,t fO'1'90tt,@n~

Cr.op ci.~c;:les inte.noed for' the ARI-AN forces ,often ha.v,e a 5n,l3Jke~Uk,e fo,rn,. :I:ns@,ct or bug-like ct'@:atures aJ~~ a.ll!,so pa.rt of the, communic,at1'CI.1iIi attemp.t.,

,< lIl,a:t.hema .. t.i'cal format,ion.S U1.ande:ll;lrotl 1':r.i;.,an.gles,; etc)~r'e

,I ,~i'9n'1.d~. fr~ .. PJ:'~!'!,(;:e .E.~~. '1:0 ,the .: Be'.ast I,'to "n!:!'fi.91 en ", Hili! is [l'ot

t'Q,.rgi'!~.'tt.1n!g .11.:1.5; .ren,egade E.:xpe.r1ment • _

Somec%'o,P (!1.,rc<ies are 'gIa!ff1 tti '. placed by II pa..sse.J"s-by ~ 1'.IJ'a~tin9 tiO @pl<iil!Y on tbe s.idewaUiO'l. Oth-e.t'!ii< ae11tt:u:.!rately ,altered crop 'c.irc:les" di;st'Q,~te,d by gur ,own9i,overnroe,nts or an cyl:berecd: , to pre vent "too, m,lle h 1 nf orm~ t 1. (l,n 'i i rom bei ri 9 re 1 e,aJ.:5,e,d to' 'the pu bl.i 1;:.

" The wo,rld of Man 1~, being bomb,a;raed :1;1]1" 5i,gnals of the ,o,n

~goi n 9 war. 'I HemQ;t"y j ogs ~ in th e f Qrm 0 f movi_'e:s: I tJ,ooks " mag"" ! ,azinle a:dsj!' co:mi.c books" ,adv~rtisemeots and commer'ical,$ are a I ,dl~.i . .1y occ~r'renc:e" Y'isUJ,le, 1 f' o~ly Man will lOOk.,. ;;u!'u:l listen ..

Will it be d, to. Mankind2' ~"e~ •

'But the iFarm, ~ must 'n,Qit, be distuL"'bed., N,~' o'ne 'W',gn'ts t.he

'Fal'm,'1 dlest1'Qy~d,., ,And, :sJ:n,ee1ts:attendl:ng Bela:sts (HoIiulk.1nd) may s'tampede in the upccrm1:n,g: sQli.,ar system 'wars ,(u~d tbQ~ may ca;II!I,Sle des't;rl'lc't,;i,onto 'thieFa:rm,tttu~: Bea,st i:U'i.lst be 'cant'rolled ..

Imp'l,ant1ng a mind crQnt:E'ol a.evice r.,1',o,uld :be a.esira,ble,.b~t u~:fo'l;'tun~i"t:ely Is highly 1mpract:i.c'a.!" If a control device i'll, t.heb~;;Ii;L:n :t:~ - iIlo-'t f'eas,lble, 'theft an ex:t,ernal dervi.cle pl,IJj'cedi in. the imtned1a.te 'p,roxiat1t,l" of the oral'A, :1.s a viable ,B,lt(!:r:n.ati've Bu'thow c,an, the Bea,st be: 'fit'ted far: c!!f~d be 'eKp'e~'ted t-o car~y tbe devioe ~ . ~ vQlllnt.~r,ilLy? 'The ae~st ,m.ust be d.e,ce.iv,edl.,







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~.'he ht.un:an brain functions 'onelectrc!'I:1lic .f.req·l!le:llci.e.~ that,' I.t alICe matched Dyan 1 y. one devi'~e Clothe: J;'El t~i 1 m~rket tod.i3iJ ~ a" . J~d~'V'ice ,eall¢o Oil! cellula)!;' pbone ~ ae,eompl i !. I,

9' ,Hew per.sonal ,electrclr:d.c dev,:icEls, a.lnotber. form of cont.rol y:rrit S r \It ll.lta 1 so i ne, in: l"J.u,rrnbe.r ,and va:lr i ety' • Ca S,S'Eli t t eo S.I CD wi th h,eadph.ones ~ virtuQil jCle:a.11t:y liI.e.ad9'ear., b.raim wave .aQalyzer,5,~ lap top Cloilli'lpu:te.rsl p,~~~ol!la.i pal9,ers'l beeper5i~ and a h03t of neW' d~viCt~$wi U. ke,ep Mati ibloil:ri!keted'l with t~,€! [iumbin.g and c'on t:rol H, ugel e ct ron i e bla.n~et.,

'11 Dr.U:g5:, :i.,m the form of m,edic!nes, meod ch~nqer51' diet and weight cO[l.t1:'ol" pa . .in .. reliev'Eirs, .~.m€i~P aidsi3i~.d sleep' preven't·~lI;:s,wi 1.1 al$ol ib i1l: ~ 5'@0 to cornt £<;illM!l:n • Recr'i1l:a t ;t,o:n,a 1 drug:;!, ,inc·l.ud i, ~.'9 e i tt:e s ~, g 1 cQheland r;! a~(:Qt 1.<::s , a.~¢:ye tanot,he;;; lP~lrt. of the ccnt:r'o,l program.s de,siqnedlto k'eElp Mar:!diocile •.

'T.o avo:li(!any cltane,e -that :Man will be ~oHV'a.teat,C! 'take a i5,t,i!:InQ a9ait:'J:~t any of. the batt:Ho'CJ g.tcnp':5, ana, fight for ~i;rli1~ :::self, behavior- modi ficati,on .... i, m 1 re,quir€: :th,a'l:;, no IfilIUtiii!lifJ be:i.l:iJ:g be ·a,U!.oW'led st~t!:.:!:s: oliliS • Hero I' • ''Jlh,erefore, only p~opl~ wbo .i1Ir~ e,;o:amp,l e $ ,of ! approp,r 1 a te ~ behaiv :t,or ,w.i.l.l rece i.ver@co,gn.:i:;tt.ion. and ,a, wa rd 5 • Viet irnl s I' mart Y rs ,tortn:red ];1.0. 'Il'!' •. • .s, pe.oipll .. e who, die, in service of thf!:J_I: coU.n.t:ry •.•• iilLiIL exarnph::IS: of hi.UI!'lMll.ns who donotE i ght. back b1iJt eDa,u.:r,e '9 r. eiillt :su f .f'ei:t'.iIl.9 • ' •• ,th.~ $ €l w.;ll. U !b B the new "R,eroes I rtbe ue,w :rol,e models. Any human coming tOQ c 10 s@ to .M,ero 5, ta t:U:$ "w.ho bella 'ii.i"~5i I:iJ:depe nd:ent: 1 y ~ 'W iJ.l be the tar9'et of 5.1'1lea.r ca:rm:pa:iLgns. a.DID. worse"ail If:ui:,en,de,d 'to libritl'!'ii'

t;,ne:ro, dOWrJi I' • - - .

P:QP~·l.~·tiQIlQQ!::I-I;;:&'~'l :rnust .::in(;!r,e~se ininten~itfii'!nOl ;!in. th~

[email protected] of prog.rams. Olii..lyt:be "rl'ght i' men .a.:I'I,d ',,",ornenwii lllLI:;j'e

allcnor,@:d tCilcontinue w.:li.thln, the s:ystern ,of the'rn II.

O.l.s ap;pea,r ances .<lnd abC! IiC ,t i o,n s ,. pOi I' it j cu.la1rl yo of wome n and the Y'Q1Jngesd:: c:b:1!Lcur,e:fi will;::lL·@~$'e:., I '.['h.i.Iii.f.Iing out II 'UJrlId€:::;:ira.b.le PO~!!llaJ:,1on~ will inc.;(,e~s~.. Newm:i{$te~ious .;i!irbQ.!tfie diseases \\01111 be a.eV'elcped~ P,r·eseDt.~day medical tre,atm'1lel!!'Its will!. bea th.1ngoJf tbe p~st., m1n:ima,Hy ,eff,ective if at all. C'rhef:lEH'lI'A ~break,~.ollJit, ", 'the HBNT·-1' 1 izat'(]s7 A ,eo.:t.nciaence? jl

Obesity will 1.ncncea.:s,e, passi vlt.y 'w111 be,ectm.e desirable ... and.sexua 1 d:y:sflU'lC t.i'o.n 'wi 11 i t!cr@g;S@ i o!m'lleis • An iQ~lIr'ea.sil ,btl. electt'en.l,e transmi.:ssioflsw.ill ,cause mast :f'emaJl,e lI1!@nstr~al cycles to ,shorten from 28 daY'S teo, n,ear .25 day period:s:~

''fb maintain ICQnt.:rolo:f Mankind,N,1l.;Sll :nHls:t be,at,ed~ lo,ra.t leas't s'everely !t'e~'tl."ict'ed in. it~; sOQPe~ Han: ,mUi:rt ~tay :C'slt:.rand@!d ,oiJ' EarUru.. ~be s,earch for' .:lLnltelli'9,ent life m!;llst not be continued" ! t :mu,st be aiba]ldOD:ed,. A. falsie, claim Q'~ d,i5CQVE!:lfyma.y be ~ade, b~t the! end ,r;'(!:sults mJu:s·t re~'i'lff:.i.rm the fut;,:t1.11ty (lof sUJQ:h a soe:!;u:·~h.

ft!,s sta:ge is ,:s,eit;,. ~h.'e. War .is ,e:nqaqed~ BlUDD is the p.r . .lze.,Ma:l1l is thesilE!:rvaRt ..

• SO' .l.onga,s H:anse:eits: :salv,at:1on 'Io:~t 'thet'eli, he:pa.vesthe \ ~,wayfiCir l3,eings vying t.g, became 0.:1.& 'ov'E!trlol'ds.




r I [


UFO·1s. , •• e,ith~,~ tb,ey ,fijx:is,t, or th~y do not.

U th.@y GO :not 'ex.i5t; 'then ,tBlestor'Y yeu ha:vejust .read" the 't"a,le of 'Gods and wer'ld:s, r'etiell:io'ns and I take .. overs,', 1s but th.eranting5 and ravings: eta ,demented :;;,t.oJ:.'y-teller.

If t.hey doe:x:1:st ~ 'then why 1S; 'our gove:rtnment SO 've.he:ment in its d~nial c'! tbeir I~:x:is:tence?

Their'e are mo',re pho'tos a.nd videe tl",s o,f UPO is than ,af ·9, n,a'tural phenomen.a :s'Cie:ntist;:s cal.l "baill li,ghtning" ,. tet t,he Ilball 11.ghtnifi9' enig:mais .listed il'JJ encyc:lope<'U~s ana, texts accepted. ill all 5'c.i'ence cl,a:sses ,in QUW pu.blic schcH,ls.

'l'liIel('e are mo're fir§:t-ban,dwi'tnes:s@s to UFO"s"al.l r,elia-' hIe andpl'ofes,5::i..c!1!al" thamth@r'lEl ,a:re to the 'ball l.igh't,n::i.,ng I pheno!rnena ~ Government records $.l1ow that many inve'5,t,iga t~ons c,f' UFO IS have' been conduct.ed. by v·a;!:io.u5· .a,g~]1cie,s~, Eliiven wo! Ie d~nylng publicly that the, ~xist •

.I:f they exi~t, 'w:hy haven ~ t they r~S,poli1ded to. our ~,.iI9n,als fo·r e,o:ntac't? Why' h.a:ven ~t we • b.::a·rd ,! fro'm th'em·?Wh.y are ne rad,io .si9inals .re'ceiv@d? Could there be, .a~ the Auithol:" sug'ges, t.s ,j' <:Ii Be 1 e,c t1"'O,11; :t,e: b J!.,anilte it, p,~ev~ n tJ.n,g them f'r'om ,rea.ching liU:;, i' O~ ~U::le we be.in91 shunned?

Arew'ekep,t .in tJle da.rk toavo·id a world wide pan!i.c:? If

~ '!they are: bene''I,II'QIBli:lt", there we,ul,d b-¢ [1'0 panj.(:'., ' WQu.\(lJ be r,ejl,oicin:'g in" 'the str1eets .. 'elat1olr.l in le'Very' 11.:fe., Ma.n. a.nd an Extra""te'rre'stlr la.1 bein9 to.gethet", what 91r·a.n:de)!; event. ~ould, th.ere: b~?

~I And i:f the'y are ,benevoJl,ent, loin,}, d.'ea.! wi t.h th.e world

governm@'Q'l:5? 1II01ll,ld they not be :m01!;e ,effective It,h.e

p.urpos'e ,olf the1r lI,'l.reSti'l:tilce t,o eve!rY p~lrs'on on this ,Ear'th?

Are theiY pre,v:ent,ed by ~omefQ;~m of 1nter-'9a.l.a.ctio la.:w' to

1- inte:d'ere, in 'CI'Ut' l:t'f·,e-fo.t'mts ,devel"opmeDt? 1:£ there is such

a. law, who ,are the ',eharmeled' en.tities th(!t w'o'rld i~ fl.ooded I ~:U!:h't' If tru,lyll:.bey 'liilhann;el,e:Ol, 1f!i; they are be,n,eY'I ol~nt,.~ 't.~'efl _t-h;e ,:&;nte~9'.al,iilct~,c la'w h~s: been~, ana: we a~e ift'~EI to, be 'CiQnti'cted e/Q, mas,s,ea,adi in full ":lew ,olfilUL peop;le

of ,o'u.~ plan,e1: .• ,

Se'ttl:n.9' a,side chl1l:fin.ellngf,or· a ,moment, .1f the1"e, JL.s: a. law ofnon, ... lnter'fe,rencEi:, are I},Q't, al;u$l!J!c'tiOtiis. a, v1ol.a.tic,:n of t:bat \l'ei:ry slime n-1ElI? If ,,,bducrtions ,21:1:',. benevQ,lent, ·wh.;, ,are world l'es1d~n,t:a: ROt. adv.i.sed of tbe1;r woncleroUli!l, benefi,t.:'ai? 'would WEi: nat rush t.o, be ., t.:f'eat:ed· ,.58:bdil([ctees ,are?

Sett.lng aside abd'o.c:tlon5" if' t:he~1C 1.5111: lawpreveniting a ben,eY'o1l.,e.l1;t bt,ra'-,t,eli':I;'-estr~al CCif.iita,(lt" would fl!O"t- the 'ptca,),'OO:':5! of' m1111o!llIs ,of )luman, beings ac~king foi- Id1vi.iIl'e interventlo:n II be eno1ig-1I. ,to' persua.d.,ethem to make: ,contact:' Or are th.f!:Y nevI; w1111:n.q to 01t9s15t;,e we have 'D!oltf1,11et), I@,ut "J:i'9'llt I forms 0)1; followetl .apPl.ropriatecha'DJlels?






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.' lfth.e,},' are truly benevolent" c'oRc'e;rned wJi,th. tbewelf',j,u:e of ,Nankin.d I the r:l'o:n-,j,nt,er;fe,rence c,JL,a;u,sefails to ,ex,plain. \!lhy t:h~y :hav,~ ;n,Q't ma,ile CO'f!rt,i)'c't wltb us. In ;!tac'!:" no, 'l"ationa,l! a r9'i;iIilIen t fo'rnOrl- con,talC'l:; p"resl@:n,ts 1 t se If.

Is the Author ar'9'uingthat UFO;::, and,ET.s are ~al'e'V'lolellt1' ,NO.

The,y aI'€! 5e.lf'~serV'ingl'~B€ll'ilevo'lell':N:e O~ rna,le"llolence is in, tli'Jie e,ye of th"e· b€!ho,lde'l"~ If Man s,Ei,r'vesth,em well~, he shall be rew,al"de:d. 'That i,s benev,olence. If Man chOO::leSi O,'Oi,t to be of 8€!:l"v,ice" .he wl,lU oe,c(Ym,e. ,el!:p'enda.b.l'e. ls that malevolenc,e?

Or indiff~Ie:n.c,e? -

IS th~ttbe loto! ,M.a,n,ta se'rve God, s,er'v,e cou~try" and. s'erve E:xl:ra~tl[!r:reg,tltial:s?

We leave the Re~der with one last pie~e of the story of Bek, " T,1, ,.

Man. has one other opt.Lon , He has tbe: ri.qh't to ,C'l~im the w'oJrld Qf ERI.D:U for 1'11$ own~ Tho~9.h bo:rn of 'B~a.:;Its, an,d bred too serve; ~~a", 'w-as created by PrinQ~'EA" a GiGnesis scientis,t, a Creato.r of Life, who, bad .become an9ryat the Empi.:re altha ASA-RRR" a.s wellastbliiEiiflpire cKf t:n@ AR:r-,AN~,e' .El's; re'Yen'ge was ~imp'le" i:n:ste~d ot 'U,i5,ing ge;ne't,lc ltI.aterialsof an,ANNUN . .ut:I worker spec1hed by Prin,c'e .EN-L,IL, P:rh.'ce EA I!l~e,~ f!"r:s OWN ,BLOOD. lElI {j,ther 'W'ords, Man, t,ne a,peheast:" was c'reat'edwi; t.h 'tbe' blood o,t the :Royal Heru,sa o:t AN-U .in his, Y,e,:lins.. ,Ma.:n 'w,asthe son of H~ ... U:~ BA~ ~ ,.,and ,a,s suoh, is entitled to c La . .imtbe'rhr1one. of ERI:D'U.

T:bis i5 the ,r:;t'ory that :must be $up'presse,d. 'I' 15 th,e · must remain h.1dde,n~ flan cann,o,t claim th,!! Throne" .If he d,oe:!":, not 'knc:n.'l there 1s a Th:r,ane. Ma." ca.nnot w;t"'eJs,t the '1'ht"onea.wa.y' f.ltom Extra-ter:rt;~~,t:r.iaills,,, if Man denies :E"r" s' even ,existl

.. .s,o 10,ng a.s Man acc'ept;s O'verl'oE'd;s ,an'cJj God;s" he a.ceepts, an ,e:xisten,c@ of se,rvit'ude. When, Man f, remem,bers,l:haf n,is, Itilngdo'fb has oe,en taken aw'a:y, w'he,PMian finally loots ,to himself as his own ov;url,o;rd or God" th'en a:nd only eh'e;n will Ha.n Ii:le fr·e,e of ET"s, ,BElid God~ ..


'The: A1!l!tho,ra9:k,s the Reader to inves,jt.i,'g:at.@ to.!:' hi,IDs·elf CIt"

her;sel;f, the inforroa.t.:;L,o;n 'p,;res:ente,t\B: in tbe5e papers,. A~cept ROQ.e: ,o:f ,1 t.~ ehB 11·'@'ri.91€: ,a 1.1-of ,1 t ~OOeiae for your;s,e.lf ~ f 'the. NQ~ds lo,f kk·~' 'U1E: tne., y~u ~:I;'e,you,r O.wn G'od", you cU~'e the Na.:!,i,t;,er ofyou.r [le,s't.iny •• ,.,if' YClIIi!IC!Cl!:n- rem,embe!rth~' 'Pr'll'th..,

Furs nIiJ,e y,ou,r P,as,;si,Qif!: ~ ' ...

~, ... it, .i,s :your li:e,y, your IG.ift of th..e: Pea.t:neit;.

I I' ('


I l

'we a~el DOE, alone.

The ,l1istronOlllers are wro1ng. The s:c,ientists 8r'1ewro,ug ~ 'They' ,~~e ber,e, blilt we CaD!!!!O;;, s:ee ~h@m bec,ause 't-b@y h.i,d,e.,

'TIley :hl,de ... ~i:n 'p,laio sight,.

We lare their servants'l 'we ar,e 't:heir s.ll.aYle:s ( 'w,e tbei:r' property ~ ., .• ,W,E!: are theil'S.


The Hi,dd~n Hlst,ory of Flan,et Earth ' •• ' • con t jl,flIu e·dj

DI·I!)UIJ8..~'i1x:' 9a1a,xy r is ''t.h!e: borne o,f btll :i!.,on~ (l,f B,ein'gs, St,ar ;r'Q,ces ,asvalC j,eO! a,s the ~d!;arstbelm,s€;lvei5, but 'e.ach race .bo,rlfll o'f 'the same evolutionary :formll.l,a~ :r:Il:,~m ,t.:he find: s~a:rk of ,Lif,e to the ltiji,;rth. g,jf a sj.,nqle 'cell; from the, 9;plitting o.f the ,cell, t,o 'the ,f.ormation 'of sirnple-eelled a:moeba.s and th~n t:c complex 'W'Gj,ter creaitil!l,r-e,s; f,rom UI,e' fi:rrst large fish

I be:i!.ngs; t,o the @rnerqe,n,ce of la,nd CJ;'e:ature:5, each rac'e of Star n PeopIe,s h .. u.: E!l:>sE!otiaJ!.ly fo,lloWledt'he siilI.mepa,'th. •• ,. fromsim:pl,e e,ellular s't;,ru,etUI"'@ to' com,pi,ex: I: oumanoid I ,,:'iH.IDch 1.5, the Il:lo;r',m II at our '9a,1,axy,. .Humanoid is tBmi,e ,r1l!:le,. N'OTlthe @xc€:ption.

Star Rac:€!:s, a"re a.escend@dio,f Reptiles" Ins'elcb;,I' Birds and cther fO~1\'I5 'of life M,ankind c'o'U,H'IJ n.ot beg)!'n 't.o imagi,f[!B.. 'Two ra,ces of Star Beinq~ m.QD.opollze the h.i stc,ry of ou.r g.alaJxy •• _ a.n.,a OUl' Ear't:h _

In the Nirl'th S~,ctor I 'Cine oft.he ol.ale;:5tStolx Ra.,ce~· .l!.!:i the, rept1.!1an MlII:-,M;!., ,DQ,,deo, fl!t"OP1l<l1n.os,au,ri'iiI!~ ,~:nc,es:tors" the ~I'-Mf Queens; bava create,(] the sing:le..;mQst pcw@rflcl!l q.!ilact.ic Empire. in thi:s s,ec'i::ore,f ERl.II».NUS. PQ5sessied of W~rr.iors of unma.tche-d .f'@L"o(:ity ,a.nd bz:"av@ry I( refeE'reJa as the M-K o~ M-(H I the ARI'~,AN :Empi.rew,Hs, une·qualedift power aQIl ~i ze.

Mil,liQn,5, 'of ye:a:rsG,t c:ountl,en battles had :ho,ned 'the '~a:r SCI'ences oftb@AIu~AH' Empir,e: t,c :neaE" p@rf:e:ct.lo:n.. New meth.,-

cdclo·gies, bad b~;u~n. de,v'elop@IQ,. IC'Q.n·ClIuered popula:tious, ·w, a,~

ass,et ra th.e.r thana ii,ability ~ R·e:~~15,tanc,ewa.~ e,l.iminateg by simply lC'e~p\rog.ra,mm,iI.:n9' the m,i:nd~ Qf 'Ule I,t'lliffiou.l t ,o:nes t • An able-bodied ~n:emy ,e,f t.he !'j;tate he,eame an Qbedi@mlt ~Ier'\!'ant. Of the 'Fhrcme. wi tbtlut a, simple operat,io]1 .•

The hold 0·£ t.t~leABI"'AN' CI'n tbe N1:llliilt,h Se'c:to~ 'vas tot~lj and mOist definitely 'uny1e.ldi.n,g.. Until "tb'E! tj;me of a,1Il unex,pec::ted evo,lY'Eitml!e:nt. o,1f ye,t ,,:n,ot.her Stars;;stem.

This B,eoanai Star Raoe Wa,S, one, d!eso@nd~d·of d,og-C'lbeat:ures 'tio wolves,. ''r::hey we,re knOW,1iI as: JQNI:S, liollf Be,i,ng5 ,of the Sta~ sy.lji,tlemSIUOS I:·tbe Dog Stal;").. ~n,el~ Emip,ire was Plot .!1I,S 'old! nor as, ElYlolved as t:be ~-M K;i,:J!I.gdom, but- the ,fe:t'V'Ol:', tbe fie:r'Cenes·sof .;L1tsWBrrlo1i6 U;:non, as the D-K, '(lo1." Wi..K),.was v1clQUiS ,and bar'ba:t.'ie" :su,fflc,iently so' as to co:ru::ern. e:ven 'the '!nost Idiisc:tp!l1.l1Ied olf .I.R:!-AJI ... It\l'G. CU'tt:.iJl,gt:bE'Diiligli!!. <Ill, lefi,emY~6 arndes urnd then stopping t.o devour the fl~sh 0;( t.h!e fa.l..lien" t.:h,$ ,D ... I{ 501fd1ers prov',gJ,t;!Jd, theiE IU;ng'i!!i wi t:h (l1i;'Jlriliquest



u!pon conqueaz , As their Bmp1re gre·w" thel{ANUS Kings began

to' concer-n the, }WI-AN Quee,ns,.

A ~ Bt~l!' Lane II knQ'wn as the PlESU:-IlETEN HUnt,h, p~$sageway)

was a vital $uper-starway linking the inner central Stars ~o the outerrmol'llt ed.ges ofl:.h,e, ,g<il.lGi.x.'Y. ay Icont;r,olliJll'9'l:.hh S:t$ll;' Lane~, the. M.I=,IN Que€!itiS ma,:a:ntairjlo!e:apawer oY,er th,e.:iL' :Ellflpir,e" coUected l'~venues r o!!l;nd in.f1ue!nc'iEldl:h.e politi'cal a .. f.fairs of 'It:he Central Stars,. The expansion Cl,f the Siri,an Ki[lg~ beg,an t,o e:ncro,acn en th'lfil PUB! METENi" a iP{)~$ ibility the Queen::. were not wi l.linq ,to permi e ,

The Qu~en.~ appr,oaehed the Kings with an ,offer :fer ana,ll,ia:nce., If the RANUS: Ki,ngswQluld. a,gr@@ 't,o pledg,e th,eir to the ARlr-AN Qolleen,5,the Que1ens would a.l.lolW th.~mt.o m,aint,a in con.trol of 'the outer !portion of the St.arway r :!'Ilg.kip'9:

PI"Of:it andl wielding PQweJr over- ~~,ssage"",aytraf£ic~ Shou][d ,1'31 rej'ect,iQn oftlla All,iance ofie'l:' be the :result, the 'Queens, of YI-,AH 'IIo1o'u1,o have: .no ,ehoice but ~!o obli'teral:.e the g,;i:r:i!IlS t~a.r 'orces ••• and the 5ir~u$ star 5,s~em itself.

Tbe Sir Ian King5 recognized the power granted them in an ,alli,afloc,~ wi'th the ARI-AN 'Qu,een:!>1 and. .quickly accepted. Thys, the All jo;l,l'lc,e ,of :Rept! li~.;,,~. Qu)a~~,!i _ ''ll_ndl~p~~i:sh lq .. nJ3'~wa 5 born. M,=K Warriors and n-K. W,arriors would fight side !by sid,@ •• ,. the

'. star :sy,ste'ms· 'of ARE-AN (Orion} ;3,nd SIRrU:S w'e:r'e allied.

And for a tlmel,p-eac:ereignf;j!d i.n th.e Nint.b g,ec·tor.



The! new' stat" $yst.e'mwas: born, very nearly on t]h,e Star-way" i't:5 pos :itt,ion ve~ycllearly a, place frOi!1ilwhich the Si.r. ian .l{;i,[lg c'Oo.lLd. f'l,u:tbJ,e:r st~!]:9't:h,en. liI,is hold ern th.e flasi5a~'ewOll!l and make hh pos.:JLtJl.on mo're 15'!1il!li;U:lie in. the ~tf<llir.s rof' theg,a,.la .. xy. New

.~ world!>, oiii'lre, ~lsQ s,c)u%:',ees ,of u.iii:ta:pped pre:cious w@,t,als and aries a.swell ,a.s 'vital eleme'ntal co.rnpounds •.

Th@ 'sirian King quickly cl~imed the new s'ta,r begali t'o ex'ploH:. lts ;t"e:SOlll:'5E!S.. Tin@, :st,a,r sy~·teim a crucia 1 ,ou.tpQst tOI !both t:he Siria:ns and o'riOii:S '. wEi!,a,lth,for bo,th Em:pi.res,contin:l1€'o. ,to ,g;r.@w.

Btll':!:' a.coup in tlh'i9i Sl.riafl Royal COilliirt fo,reea tbe King whol had, bee,n, respcm.s:1ble forthredevel,opment of the: new sto1'll);:, and its worlds to f lee for h isli f,e ~ ~es ide nt,s of' the new sola:!" syst,em eag'erly g;r1eetl€l! bemefactor" iiI'ra.nting hiim haven. And ,in !rd,:~co,lony 0Illt:p¢st, the King continued 'iI:!1.7) ,[email protected] thE! 'worl,ds a,nd mOQn,s' lo·f SAUl.,

Stl"U::ing 'up a~ agreement w1.t:h the. Ori.on, 'Queens I ,the King' ,agEsedi. to 'pay t:r1:b'\1te it-Ol bo,tb 1It:he ARI,-Ali ,;Jnd UNtJiS 't:hroD.,e,!1j,t .tin e~~h~:Qge foE' hi:!;! :s,a:f.s'ty.. 'Though. the new S,i.rian. K.1:ng. AN " w~nted the deatb of 'the c:I:'e.pos,ed Ki.nq,,' be W,aJS f,Q,rce,d b) obey" ·to accept tbe ,agr'ee.meint.f,olE'cell :UPQ~l- ,h;i;m byt:he Q'U'Q'ens ~

And aq,adn., (o.r ,i!I sih.o'rt, time,. 1.~P$i!!·C;;:Q: t"eig'n,ed~



~y$te'm and BAD b,ecame Pow@~ and



'Tbe: wa]' '0'£ CanqQe~o:r:5, d,emandscQns:tan't v'ig11anlce ~ Pawer 1.5: l'u:),t li@~eatbed .• ~ .. ,it :1s, taken ... , ~IQ!l;" lost. ISu<:b 15 the, war 'o,f bort,h, Orion, ,gnd S:±.r:i,a.n .. gm;pri Ees, '.' '':rhier Il:ln,g or Q:qJ.'e'enwho1s c:'a.ugh,t, t ;d'eepi ng II 'will mas t 1 :ike!:r :rem1&in u;sleeiP' ~.,. f or:ei''I,iI'el' ..









l>~i.llion:5 ·c·£ ya~~s la.ter, Kin'9 A~ w'oll .. b:l dispa.tch hi~ ~on" a Gen.esis::,a;:ientist to ~@~tl'l1ild t~e de;!Ot~o,y,edwQl!:'lQ$.. Much D€:¢rled reSQUlbc'e;,5and,the .~t.ra't'egic va,lue staib sys te:rnwa:5 fa rt10 e importa n.tto a 11010.1' f tto :rema.ll. n d'01!C:rn~n t .'

ThroUo9!ri t~e.effo)['ts ,of tb~ 'yaung .:Prince, OJlJJ~ p.llJ..anet fila.s Ibr,c.n:u,llbt back toO lli i f e • 'rile young G€ii n,es is Crea tQ:r b:rQugh t the ,atmosphe:!!':",e bac:k: t,o JLi:f'e" t,lriIe SA;l@j~ on,c:e W.01i'~ life aTld IHlOv'em'en t •. p'.la.:[l,t, s "I:: !:"o@'@:!;i,and!lowers a [email protected],edo:n.slllfri,ace!5~ crea:tlllre:s 'We~e ,hybJd.dlzecL •• life ,on,c,e again~,alk@d on. the\'o1orld 9iv1e'n up for d'ea.di.. !ERIDUro,$!~trom the a.she:sl

WQiIr]!;;@~.~ ana tech nio:;:Jian,$ cam€lW i ,to the:i I:' f·"MlI! i ,[ i €: S , e i ti~:s flourisbed, th'~ r,ecC!velfY o'pe,rat:iQP$ for prec.:tcu5 lJII@t,als~ Ol's a:ll,del ement:5 beg@,Qto It,hriv~. S,et tl@'~5 ca:rnIJefJ;QIt1i many- pa.rts ofth,e NinthS,ector t'g beC!OID@ res.idents ,of the ne'W' \ll\o:r1l!.d.,

'The yQ~n9Pri.nC'e~Oli'ltlnued t.o fab:ric,ate. n.e'w c.:r;;ea:'ttl!17Ie;,S; to. 1.nhabit the pla.Ii!€rl::. I' Cine. ~ ~,anape-be:a:5t, by!;io;r;.:i,d. It,,~ o[il:e.and Qnly PU!irp05,e 'W,i:U' to se:~vle the [,Qirds, and ,Mast@lI'i:'~,,,,to s,l,o;Ijve .in, th:e f;i,.e.;I,l,,~.$~nd mines fen:" a.heav1enly ne@d.!l..nqplree:i(lU5 met:a].:5a:n.d ,ele!!lH!!ilnt:~J' such w'o'j),stbe ta.te, of tile .Biea:5t~

Sit"lan J:1ngs, l?~ince:s ,and P!I:'ifllce5:5e'5 e~me to goV'el"W! Qver' til'.l'I! fWlf!W WQt" Id:!ll ~ ,Jea,l,ouiS.:l:y, c;:r,eed,!:!Indi t'he way of - C()'ngueroirs came '~Q :bep.a:rrt e,f life: gn ERlmU~ 'The J;oun.gPE'inc;:e CrE!N!:I.'OO!I:.F t:~e GenesiSSCiti:nt.lst who :had l'eb~ilt the:~c'r.ld,~ W,;;l,;S removed a:sLo~dI 'QiDomi n.ion ,.,T,be £mpll:e ,the :5'l:u:.:taifDJi 11'9'o'f the very .sy,st.,em. 1..1;;; self ~ 'WI!i!1li~.olU:nt~ ''thec~e,ationQ.f 1.1 te , ex:per'i~ .me-nt,sexplori~q the po'tentia,ls 'of ~ n,ew c;:reatJtt~efwou,ld! .blilive tQ be iSleta,sUit! ~

And! 50 the Y'O:u;n:9' Princ'ewa:srep,.l,a.ce.d" by h.i s ,~ brcit:iler

a:s t:heLard of Dominion,. Afid:il:Qtoo, 'the: SQ,g,!}' (I" the Be~Gt t th:eEn11'gl:d::e:rwment < 'tt!l,e E:ns,la:ve:mentQt Man,. e,Q.nt1:l1iJue.s., ....

Thed~at:h of the d@I)Q$,e,d.Ki .. ng in titH~1 01ll'tpost. wo.rlds gave tbe SiJr1an!Kllin.greason tOirejoic:e.l' h,i~ lGn.gti.~@ ba.t@d .r.i.'v'al we.:!> 9,one. El'utth@', g'l!:.andson- o:l;'the now~silel"lt: ~n a~'g:r Y ym) nq PI" i nee. a.scend~~H;!to powe r •••. a nd 'W i til In: i m c,~rrn,~, t.he 'Gr'ea.tReb~llion i •

Lor,a :ZU, J;::n.owfl. a.s ZIlI-Zlli ,[ l::UZ) I threw 01llt the Si:rllii3l~ King and! the D~KW.arriQr5. Tihel.oy.",lty 0'£ 'the BAD, peoples and an unCGiDny k:n.a.lck 'for b~ttle, 'permi it't.ed the .Lordi KiI'lg Z'llZ tOW±1l a9~instthe tarawaysta:!:,,!l> of Siriu:s.T.he!,GoJlden Ag.e i of an

~. ,.uu;lient Godz:urZ Oil Mount JlL-AMBU-Z, (OlYllilpu~ )Wia5 at band:.

Bllt t.1r:ne WClt! ld work :a,'ga.ifil:5t;,ttle youn'g l{ifDg. Th~ forces,

o f both till e O:r i on ,~ndS 1 r i ~ [!! E!'ie:swQul dj oi n aga. i r! ~ t hi iii • The: 5;oJLaI' ~Jf~tem~D! would :5;ti!,ffeJ; the, full fo~c'~ ,of the Wat'= Shi.p~i andtheirwei!!l.ponry. Every t:r-Gil::e, of 't.he rebel UQ1lll5,a,nd tl,psta:!;'t: Lora J<in~ ZUI w01ll1d b~el.iminated • Entire w;o,rlds and their peQplre:s were destr'oyed#, moons $!!lldtnei:!:' small cQ.lon.i.!es 'were be cernoU:shed" T'l'le wr;a,th 'of the Kiin:g! AN was merciless ~nd 'to'tal, thiElre, 'would b~ no re!fl.a i 111 5 .•.•• ana no prisoner5~

!T..I1.e Go·l d'!ll !I'! Erta. of ZOZwas ove!b .•

Prince E'A f OU ndthe Beast in the Ga rd en. a t the: ctilnt,e~ Q f the Biol-A:9t'!,u:a.l ,c:omplex. The cI:'@aturewould be thetK'@Y thatwo,uld llnd'o EN-Ll:L,"S domin.ion on ERIDU., The I,east CQuld ,ma.te only unde:rthe s,tri'ct.e~,t ,of conditi'oilS t a,:fia only with a. :sp.ec1fic,allys,el,ec'ted pa.r·t:ner., 'The ,genetic' br,eednq prog:(',.ufi'S had. to be ca.reful1y c'o:R'tr'ollea,. The Empi,re Q,[email protected] on work f,orces cornpos€u:J of sub$€lrvi€lnt and. abedi,ent la:bor,e~5.

The @;!'l.gry .l?rinc'e 'dlecide:d to ~h,(ilIke tb'Ei! v~r':J found.aUo.n !IIIII. of t~he ,n.ew ie'ole.n:}!, outpost,. H,e '~ouJLdI reyealto 't:h,e; :;;,E!!::'re'l: ,of 'the God.s .... ,ma.ting] could be e:n.g,aq~(l in ,i!'! t ii!i.ny' time, and f,or the sh.eer p"le'i!n51In:eof' it,. Wlt:li Le the s;lav'e:s, must place l<:!i.bor be'fo~'elall els'~, the Lords pl,EI.ceCii plea.sli,u;,e.s· above ~.:U. ,s,ervants t.oil,ed e!1lgi~:s,slyso that .!Mas;1i:eI:'S could: rle,v,el in the iint:oxicat1ngl'pleas,ur@5 of erotica. 'l'h~ Beas;ts were given th,e kn,ow'ledge - of "knowing!' e'il,c:h othe:rat wi lllL '.

Th.e Pl"inc'$ tau'gh't the cr,eaJture .hO'w to hav,fj ,a c'l,andestine ren,dev'Q!.1~, hew t.Q hld,e from over-s·ee,rs"and w~'e.:r~ to 5'earc,h jf'o::r. hi,dd,en, places to, enjoy their .newly ,ae'qu.ired knowl@cl<ige •. And the Beast enjoyed hlmself ••• and ~Djo,ed himself.

But: the :Oe, would be discQv,ered., His tr,;u:1I,s'gr,ess.iio:n, a crime: ag' t:.h~ St,Site'" could n,c,t be biodio,en,. His nak'ecine,:s,iS, e,~5j,ly rtt;:'vehaleEl h;i_~ .ii;i'I;.~te of arousO!I.l,. The Guar,dia.n.5 no diffie'ulty in eatchin!g t~e 't~,ansgre::ss,ors.. Eve,n th.e: fe!males dIsplayed outward si'gns ~ tbo!J9h 00 more subt.le sc,a,le:.,

Tbe oftel:'lJdlng Be.asts were ejected from, the 'Ii,j:a,rd'ens" the,! beci\:I,me knO'Wll. as the .mA-HUS, the Imons, (;t'eature51" ..Loyal Bea:iiits they we:reknoW'n ,as ·theADAPAS" '!'wi:s;e ,ones· .• TheiS'ElI Bea:!!,.t wo'rk'ers were .allowed to :stay in tbe Ga.rdien,. ' •• but 'I:be Commands u:n.d·e,r wh,1ch th,ey WQlUld live increa5e,d in number and seye~t.t y ~ Pun! sh:rne Irc becam,e !Dore :bzo'uta 1 ..

• ' f'x-inee:R1\ be¢Cl!me the ,embodiment of Bvil it,seilf~ 1my ,a:nd: ,allLl works ,e,f th~ Prin'c:e '~',ereilabelled ~ an .. tl~Sta,'I:,e ~ "t:hu;s, the wor:ks Qf t:he w(n':s'l:::, crirmimal., ·DAt-D ..!: 'CJ:lea't·or ... EA); D.-EL, (.Fa:th.EiI'r-I.Ol"d~ Qnce t.neli,oOrd !,,'a;t'hel"Cl"e,atoli D bad De,came ~bEl lIA-R-BI..-EJl. (Dlablo-tie:vl1.): "the lEvU. One 1 ~

Ft::i1" sever·a,l. tliiotis:and, y,"s" thl,E! t:un:l.oi,l:eon;tJl.f;i;~.{!di~ LCir(i, "dn,ceEAwo,uldi p'ay a p,rice f'61f' hi.1s c1"1:me, but: bel was,f1rst sant.Q,tbe .1:10.9' birnse:J.f.. The D,ffendin91 Beasts h~d been seRt iub) exi.le, ce:rtai:n idearth awa1t,ea them. Princ:!e Dc 'Would not bel all.Qwed. 'tbe powe:t: be Ollll!l;:e had" hi~ honors 1St, ea. 'On,ee '. plioo,d P~!nc.e" he 'was al.l'Q'wed tic) :I'Ulain in. 't'he COl 'onie,s b'l:It W(l,uJ!.d. n.eve~ ,~qal'nbe a :fQ~Qe: D,f Inflwenoe.

'Thou'gh. p!Owerl,ess, the P~ll!1ce oon,t.inulsd: his 'WQ,t:k wl.'tb the

1"Elljl'eJc't'ed Beast,., In these w~et~h'edc:J;:e,a,bn: .. \es, h,e ealllJ,lt1l :::!i,e,ea,

., ......... __ ~


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poss:ibiU ty f life, !Jnfett;:ere~ by ,01 syste!'nl,. L,i fe pUI" t.'lls path of ~t!1l chi,oi.ce, life livin9 for- 'the sake o,f life~

Instrllcted: to create s;pecial s·c'hoo,li5; 'tote:ClIch the loyal m1niC1!1S D.f P,rinc,~ EN-LIL Ln 'the sec,!b~b; of the SCi@:nces; the beatenP~oinC'e £1. began to build tbe 'I B1!"o,ti'lel"ho'od" r ti:1o,s,e who wO'1), l d becom,@; 'th e adro i n i s tr a to rs ,.Hl,d PI" i e s It,s 0 f I.e.I'd BR,-I.I!..

Tile symbo,l 'of the Sci,enc·es, and. Knowledge its,elf ,W~S an

• e:a5ilyrecognlzed s@:['p~n.'t. (a tribute' ,tOo the-rept.lUan ,ARI-AIN

QueeniS a.nd the Empire i.ts,elf ~.. Thus l"i t:iat,@s 'of these

schools b@·c~me, kno'W'n as 'the' ISroth'eribood of the: snake ",

Bu.'!:. the schools, .. gav@,-princli :n-.--an- idea,. ----T~e Bea~t;. !;;It,ould be 91 ven th'e opportun.1 ty to learn t.he sec.ret=:> a~ well!

Secretly' the Prin,ce;i:leld meetings wlth Ute, Beasts :in t!h,e hil1:5 :1 d,e I ea."" u ~ 'I '. Tib e. e ~\i'e is be ca.·IIM~ k mown as t h'e' I' TefiE -L,~l'JS I' ~ 'l'he ,1.,1iord-Plaee-of ~ I Plac€ 0:£ th,€! lol'ocd or Te,acnilil'9s!) .• ' Over the many years of s@e~ingly endless travail, the ~'che-l-us·

" ~ C.he=,:!:'-,ush /S.tieil"osb !Church}> 'gave hope to the Be,a.sf:: • ,Stories of the lost para.Qi::;·ewer.e often spoken of I bil.1:: the nH~l!1oZ'ies weres,odist.ap't t.I:iL@l had be,come, ''i,i''a,gu~ at b~,st.

Sc~oolin9 Q,f the Beast began wH;h si:mpl@ les,Sl)ns in SU~~ vlval~ cooking with fire and hu~tin9, creating $helter, making si.mpl@ t1!;:a:ps and aVOiding Ul,e ,d!~.n9t;1]ts of th,e 'w:Hds. 'The Bea.,st learned and be9anto pass nis skills ,on to trdLs 'Young.

'To, the, ,51ilt"'prise of tbe Prin.e'e.,. sOrnleB@,a::9t:;s were able t,o learn qui,ekly and ,eag' sou.ght mO:I"e l!mo,wJledqe~ In excited anticlpatie'n.. the Princ;:e - began. to illl,5t.;r:'I1Ct the .Beast. in the: :11.i ddJen ,~i!t' ,t:;,i I:Mi~ ha d beg un to teach hi EN -,LIL ' s ,l'!yst,€.l;r'"Y scho,ol~. A.nd thecl"!l?iatllr,e lea.rl"l.e:d!

'The c< .IlM~:etif!9s remain@c. ;5,ecret.~ith,e Be,a.,~ts who .shc:we,d promise ast.e.u::hers ibec<fIm,e known. a.s i EA.-SU' (I'B,1!i-W15E.l Ones, i) or 'iC:nUdren G,t: E~/C:n,Hd~en ·ofth:@ Serpept I ., ('Fhe symbol (j,f prince' EA~, a G,ens:d,s SCi~fitlst r 'Was a p'a:ir. ,of steI'pe:nts,,~ot

: the si!!ll9J,e serpent ,oftheBrotherilood.PripceiE1\; blm.s,elf. l waseall@d "The L,ord S~rpen·t ijj o~ j''iE''h,e S'~1i':p,e:n,t II., He was t:.bu,s; ;1::0 become tn@ S,erpent. Sl@ducer in Ed,en.) -

Th@ E1l.:-S,[) their m1~s1ons·,to te'ach otner erea.'t.'Q~@;:s wha.t tb'ey b,ad l,ea~p.ed f,ro:l!oitb'e 8e;rp,e:n't. As UU;!:y mad€! 'e.neir way' 1nto, wilderness" P.rlnc@ EA stood p'.r,ou,~ny"t,hey" bad learned and had. be.colI!I,e Te.a'Cne.l:'5 in th.@i:r Qwn ~i'9ht,. ',h.e EIl-SD could help l@,ad the way to a lLfeo,{ h'-,ee w.ill~

S,ut PE',irlil~e' D-L,IL lea:r:ne" ofth,e hidden s,chooh a.nd i'mm'~ e,'y impl.ern.ented, h,is own. plla:n,s ~ D1,spa.t(:lhl:n_9 lQya,lBeast h'ybl"1a~ ~:t;eateaby .hi.s awn: Ge,ne:si;s 5'ci,e:nt1s't:;" P,rlnc,~ D~LJ:L 1f1fl1tl"atedl the C'8ve scho~,l5;o lMa,5qjUiifl)' as U~,SU!!' ~-LIL l,oya,li:!;.ts cr., 'Q'w:n II'che.iros.h II, ~Q'nfusing the Be,a:s.ts,

lan,dcrela.,t1ngdJ.s:s'ension~ _ . TheF'XJ.,R.c:e. of til €i.'. W'o. rd was_pll,ea.s:ed w,lth bios mln~Qn,s,r they ha,d oonfus>E!:d, the (:j['Ie,at.u.res ~ Wi tb 'th'e l:fa,l,:sie BIl ... SU wol"d:s, the Beasts ClQ"ula ,n,g, :ODiE' ioommIl.JD,icat.e with eac'n (I,tber" •• 1t was, nomo" t'hanba.bble~.

'Tbef~l:s!e _ .. SfD am,n,ed, 'the true ~SU wept ..


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The tak@:-,OVElE lh,ad been success,ful. Lord FJ;"in,ce MAR-ID'UK" first scm of th~ );eviled c.rea,tor 'God EA" had become tbe I!One aDa Only~., ,.S,lilIn G:cd RAil. The ,SQ:!E,TI 1,i~~rd,s had re-programm@Q all :rem~imli:n9i subjects on, :ER:IDlI'. !:he :!rebel SSA ... 'fA 'Queens 'of !the ARI-AJl' urlideJ;,g,:t"Oililnd worlds b,~d 91 'lien, supportf'kAR-DT}K 'w:u.h the ul!lJdersta~dipg t.lla t, SlIE'l'i Ul!Hlrd::l, 'W'Qil.1,ld becQrne istrators of the new :Empi,re. Tn-ey had done tlielr jobw,ell" MAR-,DWI<: wo,uJl.d 'k.e'ep thern a.rouli,d. _ • fo'ra. while.,

With their memories gone, the Beast~ were lo,yaJ!. and very ea,ger servants., Ol:he:r Si.r.ia,n fam, memb~~5 <'.1..1,5'0 gave fa,ith and alleg.ianc,et,a n,r they' too had iQ,s,tth~ir And ,s'c Hi;' was that 'the E,liIp,i::l:"~ ~Dt,ered .a glorious p,ha.5·e, ev'er'yon,e a ~,.p'i !!red tot he s~ine 'goa I • + • to [:u:"a i sean(l, serve the Su,o God.

~ ThE! .Mys'l:ery Behc,cls ,bJecam~ - tbe .so'u!r'c@ a,f p,rie.~t.s, who bad bl:l,t c'ne t;ho'U.g:ht, to prai:s,e th.e :iL,a,X'd RI" fE:'Q"liii: ""hom <11,11 'I;.hl!.'" al.! be,ing;s,. all w1s,aom h,ad. come,. The. secrets Qf th,e ga.l.a:x,)!' I an.d the fJ.nivers~.. came,±:hr'cu'gh. 'Il:h'emc,uth of RA~

,A.i:'id sO too, the 'I'ehel.rash I became t,iillrqets of the Lord RA ,and the SHE'l'I~ Wbere, 'OrJilce the tea,chlngswece 't,ho~s'e 'of ,Lord PJeince:lE:A" now theY' \II'ere of !IRA~L!l:G-U1S.i ('JRA-i.~wsJW'CI!r,d~.-of".~

,r 'Fl.a ee o:f the Wo,rds 0 f ItA I. ~: RA~ le.:9._-: ~ slR~l l'g.i,on ) ,;. Her'!! too I' purpose of the pr1e:str.oodan!di ibr'C),the'lthaod was, to perpetnat.€! the co,nfusion~:nd k'ee,p tbe trutb ,aw,ilY from bo,th Beasts ~nd 8, i r1an:L,ords a H.~@.

WbeE"e 'O"I<I;e aLI ll:ea 5 ,t sa,nd: S 1,r i an ec t.s were f ore'ed to pra.,:!Ii.,se the Si.r.,;t~I1ILo'rd5, a,D!d u.ltimate.ll!:r qi.vE!. gr@at~r honor to thel ARI-AN 'QueenstifLo:rd .RA,., wltb t;,lil,e a:pp,ra,vala,f the SSA,-TA rebel Queeiils ~ be'ga,nto' systema.ti,e,ally' :I"emQv,e ,all "traces of a

I Moth@r Go~des" 5 pres'ene'e., HienC!efQ,rt,h!, 'the OiIri~:tP. Q't~nt. ... ()f.i~ _wa,s a. male ..... tih,e ,Sun God M ht:rnsel:f ~ Males 'would domil!lJat::e 'everY' a.s;pecd: of life" l't va.s t.ime fQJ: female::;: ,to r,elinquish their eJC:aJ!:ted p,lac1e of ,pow,er_


I I -I



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• Th,e SHETI lJ1zards" wi,th th:eiJ: CQ,\tsinHEH'fA l:h:ards,were ,or. i'ii,in,ally re~ogn.i zled f'Cl'r thebe 'IIulcaMyabi 11 tj.e s with S tiQne ,cut U. ng- ega! pmeFlit • [lisi 1],g thelt:' sound (:;ot,te:rs and :head: beams, 'with incredible acc~liacy~ tbe 11~,in:ds,wi'th iQbot-like preci,'S,.Jl.OO 'C!ould 'prod~ce sibo':!le struetur'es t'ha,tneed'edi no mOI.;'·t!1!lt' or b:t'nd.ln9' age,n.t 't,o, k'eep t:hemtQ9'e't; These creatUl:'leS", SJfB-lII 00'!i<l ~,. l.i z:ard 111:):"1,(1.5,, c:ru(!l,al :to tlIie m1D,ill,str8J,tl'@I~, 'D,f :Lo:r;;d Sun G€id RA'I s·" were the Q~1g1:nal I s,tcme"'ma,so.f),s; ~ '.'


[Roll:ie ... T.I1e Bgypt.l,a:u glyph foE' bSIQD is • UlliN_V'I., 'IB!tmI t is the roo't "Q~d meaning I J.,::I:za:rd! I '. 'BUN-Ill' is l:U:'e:r,all.y I (One who .1.&" ,of' tn,€!: Li za,rd!s 'I D


'The SU.n 'God hadbe,(:ome I'Tih,e and Only Goa-,King'l '.

But "The Ki.n,g ~ was ,eo,ncEllbrl,ed with the li'':;aJras. T.h,ey had b!i!icome t,oo, powerful ~ No ,a,.spe,ct of th,et .Empiir'e was untouched by thei~ hand, .no' positio'til o.f· a.O:min.istration wa~ devoid of a S,HE'l':I.I:HEN.TA pt'esen't;::e. With care an.d s,ecl"@;C'Y, the Sun. God ItA I;l.I:t.em,pted to shift the wealth and po,we.]!." .a,wayfrCl'[ll the, 11,zard

~o,nt!:.Q11.,e~5,. ' •• .bue to. no' <lv,aU. ItW'·i\iIS t.'oo la.te.,

Th,@. 5HE:'l'J:/HiElINTAand SAi"A rebels SI;!j.zed the8rnpire ••• 'Wi th no batt,l.'es~ with iDlO Wleaponfire .••. '. t,hey sim:pl'y shut ev,erything 'off.. Tn'a S,,",m God CQluld not comml! with aJllyonej>theSull God c,onllid :n,o,t, ,issue ,or'd,ers~ 'the Sun G,od 'could. 'I1Iot lbule,.

'1"h~·S~n. God was und.on,e.

With little l!;·e't;::CNJlr:;:;e. t:be Once, ,anO! o.nly King fled in his sta:l;~hip baek to t:t~e heav~'i'ts.

T,he SHET'! liz,ards changed no,thing,. TlIl'll: EIln.pirecontinue,d fiJ.'llil.ctioning ,as H. :had! be'f'ore.. ~hougli! the :sub;ject.:5 of ERIDIl bad been progt',,e,dt;.o fo:rg,et t.h.eir· his:tory" the Q f' Qn,e; Omn ipot:ent GCJ,dj ''"'au I dnot be'a 1 te,EElili. lIi. t s~1t"ve dI qu i t,e 'well the needs of th,e liz,!i!rds. They ass.l],med the ;l'\ol,~ of the .Lord of th@ word .EN-LiL" tn-ey took oy'e~ the r,C)le o.:f th'!2 .Lord of Creati,on Prince EAand they set Upl all in.stitutio,ns w,hich would gQVeE'fl Man, lifeanc his destiny .•

The S'U:n GC)d was qone" the Llzard Kings w@r'e in ,charge.

,'" Mystery schoo,ls were clo:sed b:~'" 'l"hU;lG.-mos.e ,r remai.ninq ope.n. only ,to a; select few~ Only theg'tone~mason ,o,ff-sp:rtin.g coul.Ci par'l:.icipate... In ,eve.ry c'orn'er of the re,al:ll1l!t the r<!a.s,onswou.lll.d eootro,l the secret,s and hidden k:n,O/w'ledg$o:f tb,elilnJ:ver;5e.

S!r.ian descendants o'f t.he 'origi,nal rt.tBIRU Lo~ds beloame a t.arqet for the New .E'mp.ire. The~;!;'" w'~aU:h and. 'pow1er'., inherent birt:h-,rights, .b~gi:llbo be str.ipp·ed aW'a:~,. They a,re viewed as IPQtentiaJLthre.ats ·t,othe State. 'Th@ 6-IBIRUI UB.I.RuJBEB:REWi)

! a!!:"e t:reat,ed a.s u.ndesirables a,nd are ensla.vtiil:d by th'€! E.m:p.i,r@!ls , New Order« The stage: for !Exodus is set:: •

. Moses, an l::e,R;oUieh;r'ew) (:h11d, is ,set ,adrif't. in a :rive.r ~ ,A." att~ndl,antto the P:rince,ss.,. d.allg'ht@:rolill: th:e P.h,a,r1oah:i" finds ell,s c'hild .flQatin,q in t.he reeds. Sbe~e5c'U,'e-shim an.d t.akes. to th.,e Princ'ess.. The Ro,yal ma.,iA9Ie:n takes h.:1:m to her ,and !!;',aises him as her awn., G:rlorwn ,~:~d a: yCUifit ma:I1.~, Micse~ bas an OPIP'Ol"tu.nityt-ol ~t1,l,dy .intb(!, • Hystslry Schoo,ls·.. ile l'@aJ;'lls tbEil_ ~a:ys of ,the RasOJ:'ls;brut is t,a.ugbt. to believe .in One ~d.

:In. time Mos.e:s ,ais'coY'er:s:fiistrue :lCaen"lt.y.. t'h,at he .15 bet.ra:yed, h.e 5'trlL~e5Qut at ,a. 9~ard WOo ba:5' thltleat;iil:n.ed an. :IBRO' slave .• , 1"he: g-uat''' dl'es, Moses beoomes a cast-out.

In the ge5~rt m;Q1,l'n.t.a.i·RB,be encolUl'i!~ersil!i.small 5,h1p~ it:s br.ig'ht:. liqht:s. are !blinding., - 'Thoe crew .is comPQI!;i~a of' S.h·ian.s wb,o Geiek: :re:vengel on tl'Iie IJi.:zal"ds., The: CQIDItla,iDder. :s:peak,s to a;11 awe,-s truck M(:u5,eS.. He: proll:i:se:5. Rosles th'l:! Ioord 'of the W'Qr(i i:s 'Wl11 ill,g' to support h1m~ if he mo-ves, atgain,s:t. tbeP'h:aroahi ~ 'T,he Conuna:nde.r and ,cr·e'l;!! SEu2ik ee free the: tra.ppe,a IBJlilJl descendants flf'om tbe,ir opp.ressors.

M!ose~ re:tu:rns to the, 'falace", 5callted ,but lConV',1,llced th1li't: ,ill, pow,erfulL GOlD ,113 .behind :hilill. The crew of 't.b~ s.i~b,n ~.lti,p and a ,5~rna.l1 back-~p s,qlJladron dies,cend on tbe Palace and its, a,rmed. g'U,ard~,. '1':ney~reate Oil ~!;H='lt'tes '(!If di5'tra,eti(H1S while l!lio'se~ 1s Ig~tberi,:n9 tbe U!RIll peopl,e b;)'gether.

" Deat,h, rjilJins down frQ~ th~ :sk,Y' on t:,h@Ph~rolah l:so peQple ~s the TBRO' fl'ee wi t.hM'05;e,s,in the lead ,.T'be .s:ir~an :;;h.i.p;s mo,v€,: gUic,kly'and aec:isivel,Y,. They VOIW to, give ttleir des,c@udants ~ c'h@in,ce to 'E!S ea pe • As the Ph.a rQ,ah I s armi es :;1 VEl C h. 21 is e't the Sir,ian sh.iprs a.ttack with d:estr\H:;:t1v,@ laser l.ighi::s. with~me final effort, the Star-shiLl's ,pa,rt the w~ters ,of the sea wbic,h blocks, the Ex'odliJ.$". .'N'henthie j['BRU have .p'<!issed,l, the. wa,t,e:r~ o"f 'Ithe ,sea are allow,ed to c,!!I,scade bac:k '0:11 the pursuers.

Tih,e sto,r'y ,of 't'he part,ing of 'the w,~'t'ers i~s tr,ue, t.he :I,BRU I escape because 'of extra~te,rrestri.a,l a,s~istan.e@. The Si,r;i(ans , leaY1e", tll:l.e.i.r t:GI~k ~u;g.QmlPl ished" TI'i@ Ii zardsilll~,e uoco'l.':Icerned with the effort~ they are still in cont~ol.

MoOs'as contin.I.H~:S to' tie conta,cl;'edi by th,e Sir ian commander 0, "Ell is told about. the Lora .of th,e 'Wo,rd and thl~ ,evil b@ing;s ,in. conh'ol 'of 'the Erupire., MOS,;@J:5 i.nstructs til€: ,I,BRUto cast t,ne bron:z~ 5;:1;;atueQf a s'e,rpent, the galactic symbol ot Knowledg@ ,~u'!d ~h,domr it is call,ed ! NtA-iJtU:SH-'F!AN I. It is a sign to the, Sirians:King a,md the Odon Qut!,e'n,sl:hat the IS,RU remain loya,l to the trueE.o:rd Q,f the 'Wot"CI.

'" The: IBRU!Pat.ri.lil!l"ch is !j,ulftlmc,n,ed ,to the m.oum.taintoP,r there "1:11;;1 I:' Qnc'e aq<1l,in 'the Oommands i5s1l:led"':~,y' ~P:rd.:n:e'e EN-'L:IL,., MO'l;!e.s, is q1v@'fi two flat crystals, 'ea,ch w;[th a libra:I'yo·f 'the histo,ry' 'of Ea'('t.h. Noses br1ng's;the crY5,tals d!own ,and. or(i.,eE's his, f.Qll,orwers to cre,at,e a '9 H,d,ee 00::< to house the crystals •

; '/Wihen placed in, the "1iRK!' ,r the 'two ,cJ:ysta.l Ii .become C'IIctiveand 'j' b.ecome .''''.'. comm'U;fiic,a.tJ..",,;n d,evice.~ TW'Q-. han~le,rs co,m,e t,oo, clos€ , and! 'touch tnl@: Ark w:hen it is 'I powering 'up II. The.y short cir-

cui ~ the bro:xafid d.EH5'l:,;r,o), 'the 'crystals.

'il' Th,e Commander carln,¢t a'ffo,r'd addit:i,Q:!1,I;I,l 'c:rY',5t,a:l~. ~oses,

fe~,11ng: res'pon.sibl,e, punl.sbes him.self f' v' not :to pr;oce,ea intQI the Promise,d. L!a!nd '1'ihent.h,e nmlD' arrive. His £0110\<;1le,r5. believe. GOD has pun1shed ,M,Qse~ forhi:s If:;,il11n9 of theguiiJrd.

Th,e ,Ex'odushas ,cau~ed the New Empire 'to 31earch ,out. - ~h.i.p.s fr.:;:iim, S.iriu:s OJ[' 01iri.on~ The Comman.d,er- and his 5q~H;i.d:rc,n .a~le in, j eapo,rd,Y' ,!il:nd fo!:C'edto .l'E!io)ve., til i ttlOyt calOOlun.ica ti,on a.nd s,uPP'Q·:rt·'f Ho:ses, andt'h@ :I,BBU ""a,nd'er th.ltolaqh. the de;:s'ert 1,andi:5" 'tryln'g 'to ,ava,l,a detect10',nii.;nd s'eekinl9' s,bieltoeJ[' .•

11\ p'i1rc'bed a~tdl, la:nd, 1"sf,Qundwihe:r@ the tribeos, (Jec'ide ,to s,sttl,e,. ~h,e liz,ards he,liev@: 'tllie IBR!1JI a,re (lot wo~t::h piur:suit, 'thay l.e,a:Y'e tbe:m 001 ,di'E: :i,nt'he de,se:rt. The' DRO de,s:eendan.ts" tired a.iI1d llunlgry,. ,(:,a.rve QIlI,t 111, fl,j,oe'ilet whe1"le they 'wi.ll h!l:ng en.,



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iPA g!"o"Q,p Qf nJ:-Alt .6 Walt:r1oirs, who aban,d'one,d th.e Q1!J.eens ,in power ,in tbe, Orion Sta:rs 'to' jc,i:lfilI. 'the ~Urj,aillf'ot'qes, ,lle~v>e the' !Netw' Empi~e tlO' 6);!:'m ,iii ,colony of' their 'CiWfi i'n. 'th'e 'lr'Ilow:at,aJLn





region.s, of wha.'I::. isno1w l~dj.a., TiJuJ1Jl:g:h One'!! loyalls,ts ~ t.he,y @ire :knQwfi as 'Ute '.ARYANS'! ,.Llght-;sti:n.n'edand poss,e.s;:l,ed of Ii 'Wal::r'ior'" s blood, the.y IIiIOve south tQwards the pl,a,t'eaus, ..

We 11 s ehee 1 ed i:n Sir :ian s ecre:'t5 " ,t'h~y ,e:s t anIl 5 h. I My 5 'te,["y schg,ols I of 'I:.he ,1. r own • Promi;!:Iin-g nQt to cha.llen'9,e 'Of' u:nder~ mine th,e :I':lie'w ,Emp,l,re" they ,agre'e! to shareth,e,j.r knowledge artd seC1"'e,bl' wi tit tbe Has,on in.itiates of the Egyptla,n, ·Emp'ire',.

In :\\iec;ret,tl·u~dr loY,atlty['em~ine'd 'w'ith the ,S,i,rians~ Tb'e ! ~:h'ia~ __ S'~alt . ~e~ng:sar,~ -kno~,n _ as, AS~:",U{' ~.iriY5'-'T.h.o'seo,f!)_

Th'eARYAN :r'el~qJ!,'o.n p;ral.~~$ the Heavenly [email protected]'s ,ea_lle'itl MUM. :f'a,U::hful 't.o, the: 'w~ys of the Sir1ans it the:!i '@$,tablish wh,at bas : come bl known. as the I'cast,@" sy:stem,. ,8 'w,ay inw.hich power i:~ loent, in th,e EUqh Priesthood ~nd the ~im.ji,te. 'T.h.e: warr.i,o:r

class"'T1elds,~owers,eclOnd 'onl,y :to the elH::e. Th,@ ,ll,dm,ji,nisil::l"" .:1It,o:rs foHnw" with the be,a..stiyundesit"ables at the bottom ,of th,e h,eir~l'"~lt:y. Obea:ienc@i is stt"€ss,e:C)" fa!t:hf'ul executi.onof 'one I 51 du t ie·s 'wi 11 berewa.r'de:d i.n tb,e f'u. t u rei 1, i VE!$ .' A Sl§;arcn :fc,1," s,p1l"i t'tta.l ,~nll'9ht.enll1ient 1~ di~,coura'ged, onl'Y servicEI to the, 'Gods, is the way to ,h.e,avert,.

-,-II! lI:~p.Uca 'of ~Sir ~',~L.iw~y~ t Hin!Qui,sln i:s born._

l'ho,uqn COn:fused ;a:nd misd1recbQd~th,eMlYAN :t"ei,igiofi uses, 'the symbol of the combined .Empires of Si:rius ,and. Orion as an emblem of its, O:W·I1. W'b~ll the U:I .. Queens and fdiJe Conquero'l:" Kings 0:;[ Si.riu,sjoi:n.eIQj in aU1ance" th.e:r adopted the 5ig'O of

I a :5w.irl.1·Rg 5i't.,a.r '9'a.~ l,axy. ,a;stheir roark. The f'our-a_r'meld gal.:u.y m~rkwas called. ".sSS'-UAK:-U' I (' '! .SSS.-flA'g .. ,of II:: SwasU,ka) .•

The: Ih:illIil::d admlnistrato.I:s watched! ""'~th wary eyes bu:1: Idlid, not:tnte:t'fere ""dtll 'tt..eAR'lfAHS 'ef'fo,rt to 'Els't,abl1sh the'l'Iseive;s

1nERI.D'U. Ac .. d1tiQnalrelig'iol!s in ER:I:OO'dJild not concar n 'the reptiles" c'OJilfusion wo·rked to their advanta9,e., C~t off fl:"orn '. hea "lien 1 Y' ~ 8:upipor t. , :",0, ERI:OU f ac't ion w,11:5 a th,re at-,

The!r :r.:ard.sw,er,e ,1.1'1, ,c'octrol .. DAlt WarrioI'~ who had!:)'Rc,e st,oed pro'll:dly be5i.d~ an all.-powerful SUfi God R.A were :known as the jIRA-IH~ (RA-a.t,the :side of 1)1,. Po:werful and. c'our,ageo'u.s"tlle1r me'!itQr'ies .r~mo'v',ed., th@:y lE!liave Eqypt to 5,~t'tle, in land!> on the north.el'n. sh.Ol!."!iEI o,f ·wha,t ,1iS nowtne :M.<edi, te t"r,a.nean,. Called DAKAN,g (heav,enly-OAK)

lor DRAKMS,th'e,)( became k,j'i;Q,wn as ftR.USCANS.

t,h.e land. that w iJL Ibeca,:U eO. Italy;;

'lI:"her D-:IN, be:g:1.n. t,o ib~1,la tbei:E; 'own :Emplre. Di;sta:n.'t, !Q:ng Lo,st. mem.or1e-s of'tw:o brother,s (P';!:.1:nce D an.d P'l"'inee P-LI:L,} ," both ~a1:5Iedin t,'be :[!:!riusways a:nd t,'he ,eo.-four.u:lier.s 'of mn:rnr,;r i,n 'tbJB ~ind,s Qf tho€! P. .. :rM. 'The dim ~IIiI.o:rles 'Qfthese

'-priru::,e;s . .is __ tbe .t: .•. ,oU'nd. Idt.i.~on of theRA-~ Uw.m.·iJ.':n) ta:l'e,of Helin. us, ,iomulus:,. Th:'E! l.'eqel'll.dary ee .. foun,ders Qf Rome" Remus and R,Ol1biji .. _l.U5ilE"e said ,to bave :been s,uck.le:d, ,;;1:.1114 raised :by a ,She-wQ,lf, •. '~h!B BA-IM l'e~dw.;fi' bu,i.ld a r!Stron9rEmp.t:re a:nd bergin U1' 'w~r

with the Egypti.ans,~ The: lizardsi are un:eancefi'.p,ed., Tbey :h.a,V1e cwD'trol!. ,8Jod deMit p:rerve,l]Jt Bomam. e~nsi.'on... They mam.1pllollLate 'thel lead,eril:;'hlp of tb .. e :RA ... IHglOvermPen.t thl'ouqh. mind ciO,n't~IO,l. Coenfu:s.ion wc:rks, w'ell .f'OIr' 'tbep<u.rpcs,e.s olft:tiie -:U'zard:s.,

R.o:m:e is firmly es:t.ablLlsheda:s an Emp:1r,e ..




!O The SS'S-IH C:ESS:mma at'e: schooled in 'the Arya.n. (ARI ... MU 'Myst@:ri,es:! • They kee,pto themselves in the d,es@rt laD.'os 01£ th,e ancient M,iddl'e ga5t.~ The! In1t!iL.a.tes belieY,e one of the1t' own can as;c,en:dto ~h,e 'th;'!;(;Ule 'ofEa.~·th. But tbe 1l.mJ,lnt.edOfl,e

II mU$~ I?e ~.e::;;'~~nde. d of the ;Lord = o,~ 't.h,@ WlOl:.d (S~:.:ia:nl., a~d :t;' be J'ol,ned a de~,ce'ndan,t o,f the' ~~olther 'God.dess (Ot',lQ,n). T'ne SSS-IK inn~t' circ'le b@:9lil.~$ its s,@iiu;'ch .fora possible ,can"t:1date ~ ·The. fubi.!!.H! King ,rnustbe an Ini'tiat,e I s'chool'eg ;ill:'!!

the !.r1:Y,$terles i ,. ~ .,and one, of tbemg.

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I ,
II- ;0 Aseco,nc g:it'QUP' of, ,!;!chool@d in "~'lys;t.eI".i'~:s· .,

J 'o~f t .. he Si.ri~ilS •.. :!!;>.ecr~tl'Y. '~Ugt! tbe,!!selvE!!s wit:~~ AS'/!IR <: s.h::! us JI 'F'h,ey are the N-l\5:AR-I:M: (.Of , ~ o!' PaZ;Jl.r·enes .'l'h$ ,N-,AZA'R.-IIM l!/nd lfiRU Initiates v,/ with each o'ther fot" power.

A baby is born .iIlUu~am(:ien,t !Udd!l@Ea:.;t" he i:sborn of t.he Sir::i.ian 1 iJ'l:e through. the HQuse of D'avid.. O!l"lon Ini,tj;at~s f ee.J! he; a l.oflgwi th ,5.E:'v,era: 1 '@ t.h,~.:t$ I iii: re :polten 'I: i a 1 c<!i.nt.:li..da tes ,forl::he :IUng'ship of Earth... 'Fbe Or'.ion. MAG:I ~M-G,) come to pa,y 'their re:spec't.s and to plant. 'the .sleea of bis!?l future. •

. A.s a. young's ter ".Josh ua 1 i V"f! s;a illo,r'mal 1.1 f e '" ~u t.u:pon 1:1.1::;;, (:om.inq of ~.9re, he i.s 5,en'tt,o the Ea.5t,ern "M.y:~t'ery i schc.ol~" t.ber'e to ~~ceiv,e: hit.s .schcoling~ JQs:i:l!,:l;;t learns w!ITII,at, th,e K.i.r:iq .must know' and!w'hat he m'llS'!:, do.. He is t~u,ght tha.t h.e ii.~also the 'Son of GOD"', tb@ Om;! a,nd Only 'GOD. He is bein'9i 'gi.:t",oomea fot"the P:r 1 e·!\j;t lrIDoad eli nd, a pas:1 t 1011:1. 'of power •.

'l'he IIMY$te.ry'school,s: cOfltinl!:!e to pe,r.petu,ate' the myth of One GOD" that. ~ewa:~,d co:m.,es upon Id@ath,.- • Salvation I is based rulpc'n s,ervic'e to the Chn:rc:h ~ sacrlfl'ce (;Itf ,sel:f and unw.av,eri,ng faith.. The .foun.dation ()f the lizard Emp,lr,e Ls bas'ed! upOQ. a.n un:guest.iQning O~Bd1en,ce arnd lack of rQ,hal1 e.nqe. tQOOD, :for' in falcct,. ,It be liza.~~.s, ,!ilay~ ,assumed the p,l,aoe a'nd 9u.i .. se QfOOD.

Josbua be,CQmes an Ini·t1ate but. fin,ds hJLmself ,quest-toning tha~ 'which !h,e :b~u~ been' t,a~qht to i3 not qu.i te right a.~d a feelin,9' tbi1!lt there 1,s mo're 'th~:n. w:hat. be 15 be,i,n'9 told, :haunts hilll!. '{a que, :memo~:1e:~, rae.a thr() h'lLs mind, f"ee:lln,gs, 't.hQI!I.qh.t:~, 0'£ bla:spliemry ,and sac,rl1egri,oiils ·t,.QptC5. fl·ood his 'very ~il1g,.,He s.eeks- tb.e,' solace ot the de,se:re"p'a~ba,p,s therEilthe ul1!easiness will abaf:e,~ He feEdLs h.e must, ,e'.i,egIlSe bi.s soul.

iill 'T,h,e Qe;s,ert 1,s .lo!!lel·y ,~t,ni9bt.. 3Qsb:ua Is ne"o~:s". When the g:~do,wy fi.qu~e a.PPJ.')Nrdied! :him, 11,e, 'Was ready to .M tU'!Ifa:milJ.,aJ;' reco~l t:ian soothed blscon~el'B,s,t, the :st,ran9'e~ in Ir :nig;ht. was an ~ ... ~D" _ one oft-be fewremain1n'91 t'e:acheE"5, of i secrets Qf PrUlC€I EA.,



.111::;; t.h.e 'I',e~ch,elr $at dowfl :n~:ict t,o hlm" ,JQShlUi could aenae his l;1few'as about to (:h~n9'e,. 'Fo,rthe' next .ho!ilirs.ji the dar'k. 5't;ran'ger beg,an to s,pe.ak of thfl 'My:s,'tBrli:es I " ;J~'s·bu,a 'was ,5'om'e~ wha·t ;relieved, he ·too wa,5 an In.itlate,.,

But as the hour~ passed by, the st~anger added pleC8$ to the pu:~:z:le th,iiI't J05, bad n,ot heard bat"ore~ Joshua .felt an U1':'g'@nt hun'9'er to be,s!:!:, mo,re~ The strangercontinoe.d. ,As ehe hou::n~ 'tu);;'ne:cli into daysl' tn.e day:sturne.d 1";1;.0 '\o1l~e"':!;ii.

When th~ ti.rn'e' caro€l:l 'l['eac:he:r- sbo'od up_ J'osbua was in a state of exhila.rat,.:iQfl afiid ,a:n.UcllpatiCJ,n. A!Ild as, gnic:kly as he hag appeared!! t;h,e $,I:::.ranger s.Uently wa,lk@d ,away. J,Qsi::l'ua" h.i.sworl.d turned U!bHLi'd!~ dowo,sat down and wept., The wca;,ds· o f th'~: 5 t.ranS@ilr we:r,e tt"ue: ; fI'e k a::Nil:w't.h,;a't, .,h,.;i crled b.eca IJ,;s'e: a wo,rld tha.'t was Il:!, ,asle'ep 'to the 't~utb, was bef,ore him.

,Jio.:dlua had be'!i!1il bl,ess@J,cl and cursed., Knio'W.l~dge, unus ed is ~nowledge wasted. Jo~hua had been plac@d in a situat~cn not of ,hii!ij c:l1o'OS.1,nfl. '. ,. at ,l,east n<ot .in thiswo:l"'l"d., He wQuld have to mov@, baveto, act., •• or: be gu U ty Cl,tth,e: crim,e of it''n and aiding! th'ecPPl:'e;$:sors of I~~an'dfid.

1irlle EA-S[I wo,uld c;,ome to t;,im a.gain~, J'05nua kllecw t:hat, bu t any 11U;:;:1;: 1 0]1$; 'i:a,ken would have to com@ from ,J.O~h.lIi,1li him.:s,el f" .A t.iiJru~ woul.d c'om@ when h.@w:ould ha\"eto .;ii.ct I for now he-would have to make' plCiliniS. :It. 'Would take yeat".~, he ·t~ol:lght. hut it would Wlo'l."'th the w€l.i't~ was t a. .. f'ter all, a !'Chosen One I was ,h'e: :not? He bad iW'hy't.ti.@'Il.ame had been selected, .n,ollll' ,h,e ·kn@w.. He was .IESU ••• .be was· ElhSJU te,o .•

l:.ESU had heard thatth@~e was, I Ano.i.llted On'El: I n.ot ! far away in the ,d'e:s.@:r-t( IBSU '!:;Q,uld'th,1~~' '. It w,a_:5 not

l' a gr'Bat 5,~rprha;! when .h~ "i5CQveredthat. the ',o'~,heL" ,one" . ,:"as also o,f the same' bloodilJl.l'1lE! a.s he W~l!;'m It' wa!!l; 'w'l,th some: d.Jl.~" lmay" h,c'w,e,vert that ~'H3: fo,lu.ld 'out Ul@ 'Q,ther '()fle" wa~ e,lder to 'IE~U .. 'thusre'Qui:ri,ng IESU to !i;,1:;.ep, asHle ..

• But fa't.ewaa with. lESt[~, :forth.c;'llgh J'QIirI:n t~he Ba:p't,ist took pri'ority beca.U!iH~i ,;of :hi,s ,age,. John~$ reputat1,oln would br.109' a quick endt,o h.ise:xi!ll,t,e.noe. On 'he'a~1n9 'of the behead1'n'g ·of his ,co'blsi:n Jobn." Hl:SU ,~o,.ntinlJJ,ed to pl.a:1iiI his, futur'e,. It, had beEU) fort tU.n:a tE!, Jo:ttn had baptized him.. ot:b:e,:!';'s wOll,l,,;] f1n,d it :muc:h eas,ie;r to ,ac(::e:pt hi,:s rQ,l.e a,s ~ Man of th,e 'c.l.Q't:h.,

.. To :become ,~ Rab.b;!', - h.'e 'Wou.ld h.aV'E! 't'Q' bema:rrled, t.h;a't was the Tra,d.tti'o!naud Law., But tOI (lI,ll£'UL1 the p·~ophecles", 't'h,Qse :requ,i"re:men:ts f,or 'the t ,li:nolnt,eil, Of1i!,$' die;manded 'th,at be be ·wed. 't,o, - a de,s;oend.ant of the Mo,{,;.h,(;n; IGoddess ne:E',lSlelf. To that ena" IESUf()u:nliJ, a:ndtQQ:k to, hfssldE! ~ Ha:ty .HJa:!gda.l.ene.. .

They were wed and shE! bor.e ,ch..U,dE'en.,~

res,,, had be,eQmefull ... £'ledg',e!i3l, Rabbi,. with all .pp'J;'opJr,iat,e l'ights ana ns:pon~i'bi,,., Hie. was, botbi, ,an,;L,at,e. al'!!d. ,an honol"@d Rlilibi. Th'fl earl.y rleqttJ;~emenbs of t:he pil!'O,pheci.eshad

belen fulfilled.. - .

It wa,s n:CiW t:tme to begin 't.lhe. :fint!i/,l ;st,ages ~


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IEBO' knew he would! need puhli·c supp·ort... Caiaph.a.·5, Headpriest of t.he T~mpl@ .• and even Pon"i;.iu;s Pila'be, would f.ind it diffi·cul t to atl!:ac:k .eI :rnan who had tbe p'~'opla';s s)rmpa thy. It WQyld be ·eve n 'wars e if bewa.s a he 1 y .roan.

llElSU mO!il,ed ·thr,ollJgh 'the c·c.u.:m·l':.ry.side I ,a.cting as ·eo·ycsel,or r b'ea,l'e:t' a:n.d people 11:51. advoca.t.e. The maSS'!il:§i lov~d him .a.nd his. 'ge,[jtle waY's~:But itil,r b~. aU,<!i;cke,OJI:h.e RO.!illii:!:n 9uar;d ,anO: s. t r i PP'@Icl. th@,m '0 f the,jL r lOl'e.apofi S • As t i·DtH!i pa s s.ed " ]) €Ii q a tbe.l"~d ,a. small group of followers. Though don<li.t.1ons wer'~ earning ill tiC support bis cause the funasr.:!'el'e 1:;,005.m.a11 to ~UPPQ~t an 1ncr,e,as!n9 band. It WQi$, w.ith some tr·epidJation. !that he m.oV'ea tQa t tack th.~,t'!I,~ t.a.bIes 1 n th.e, ma:.;ke tp,la.ce 6 Th·e plan wa::; :simple,. IESU himself would create the di·~t:t'action# his, f.oll·(~l!'wlers would take t.he mOine], from the .money-lendel:t's. -

IESD :s!'trod,e purposefully into tbe 1Ii.~r;.k~· ~ Everyone felt tbat "tb,~ IJiQrTh,ey-cnang'e;r!:i were pra,cticing liC:@::liis·e·CJ! thievery,o but !"lith. the 'sanction Qftne Temp.le ~ the ,l'!Ion~.y.-,change.r:s could do as th,ey wi.shed. Assl!.lred tl'iia't th,e public!W!lolJ.ld give him SUPpOlrt~. [,ESIU b·egan t,o"tllrn th,@ t.ables o.f moOn.ey.. ~<5: the pe:QP~e eh~¢i"ed .hi.1iII on , his fol11owers gr~bb~d up the co.lin that theyeouldl,. th.,@[) scat te["e;Cl Ji n. a.ll ,Oli re:ctiOf!5 ~nEH'lI Rioman. guards I!I.p·pe:arerl. As IESU' had @.;;lp~cted, the publlic3uppa·rt,€id hisactionw1th great, .favor." The Temple Sanhedrin, however, s·aw hdm as an Qutlaw that. n,eeaed to be d.hposed of.

The plan bad been flawles.s, but th,eactuBll ,~);et::iIllIti,on had resulted. in oiiIirJi ·I:m.expect.@d O'lItcQlDle. 'The eldest 50'11 of- IESO" in his excitement, had not noOticed the 9uards~ aErival. The re.sult 'w,as he: had he,en nrsu wa.S ·w'Q.r.ried.f tt.H~ Head Priest cou~d put his san to death. His plans were most a ISs'urad 1 :." d,'@!·1r'olJl.s • h.e h a.~. be,e Ii':! re,a.dy 'till '91 i v@ up li:Ii s 1.1.f,e, if :!'li@·c,@ssax·y .. but to llos,@ hh ~:O'D would be t.OO' much. IE60!'s death \lr,'l'ould net, prevEmt b,ls sCHl~1<:!J1m.iD9 th,e 'throne" but th.e • dea,th of bi:s; elde:st son wouJ.d meilin the thronE!: wOlil.ld be lc);!st" gon.e forever,. to· everyo!n.e in his; family'.

A:nd s,o', lEBO' planned to fre~ Ill.!> son; The Sanhedrin long been searching .for hi~>i IE5U would give th.em tbe chance to find him.. !He called~ for hi~ .most t~u:!:rted dis'cip.le JudQ.;!!i,. and hiild€l him go to Caiaphas., r.lig:h P'ries,lt 'Qftbe Temple, and pr,[email protected] to .betrayIESU.

Reluctantl" Judas did ~Q~ playing his role to his b~.t~ ''l,em~p'l.e ,guar'd ar:rested IESIIJ~, taki.lil9 h.:iIi.m to' .POf.l'ti:U5 pi.l,a.te :f·ore.xecution.,.. But'e 'w'isheQi nQ. pa.rt of tb~ ~11't:ic:s ,of the .J'·ews:~ He ba,d. been bial~q h.!.s time u.ntil he C'~lllld 1"fIl.tu.rn tORome~ Any' t.rllOub.lI.e .in his Qut-:post wOluld :refleict .b'adly· oln Pillate,. a:nd so be rej e'cted a.ny pa.l"t '~If the ~ .S.ul!h,edrin I s· pl'Q,t

to killL IESD.. -

Caiapha~ would not be: defli·~d,... n:e de$cend~d on R·arod a:nd demanded. ·tbe -,Ii,eatih of 't:heupst~rt~ Du·t: Herod did DOt 'want iii! p~Qbllem w1t:h th.,e Roll'i~ns.. Ji:f P'il,i!t:e wouldh.iive l'l!Qt.h.lng 'b) do w1·ththe ,,he ·toowould :not .bow t'ot'~e demands ,of a: boi s t;·e:rou:s ,sa:nh,e(lr i n,

'Turn~d awa.y a9a . .in, Caip'has I:etu.rj'i.;S 't,O P11,a:teA

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,He threatens a ,revolt ,oftheent:JLrete~ri1to'ry should th,@ e~ecuti,onof IE'SU .1;s de.nied h1roaqOlll.1:n:..BU't::pila.t@ b~1f.Ei:",e.5 he caR outwit Caiaphas. Ee fabr~cates an o~f~r of clemency .becaus~ ,of a vagl,l!,~ h.o·lidaY~H'~ ofiersto free'any pri~,one!", anyone ti:1U:i mob ·choo,s·es.. He ·a:S.sumes t:hey will Ch005E! IESU, a

, r abtl·l e l<i fig. I ESU 'i S fa 1 ]Lower 5 iromedla:t.@ly ea U f·ot'" DRRABl!I.S

, ~urpr~Si.n9 P~h.'i· tie.... 8ARRABA.':S; i.s t.he f.ir5t .born S'IJ!'!. of I.ES[J •. (BlI.R-RAB,B.I, - Son-o·f Ut@ Rabbi')

Caiaph,as. i mob a l se t.C,lke:5. up the chant. ,for .B1!.RUSAS·. 'l"l1e death g·f-l:E5U i.5th'eir goal.. The pri$one.l" is fr,~.edJ# IESU's

SQfI 1.5 safe.. eli·t. t.he :mob .is n.·ot. satisfied" they oar-,e paid to call fo,r the execution of lEBU. R.eluctaotly.. Pi late ag.ree.s to wnip .IES:U t.O appease the t:.hi:r:·sty erie's folt' blood ...

PUat,e' whip's IESU. .his; .fo.u.lo~e;~!:i'!iiee,p. "F'.h~ is i·gh.t of his bl,acN:3: feeds; the' f:r;@nzy.. The riots pro!l'llis:,ed by Cai~phas are aDQiJ·t; to explode be.t, Pilabl. He begs IESU to recant hi;$ to'si::llp of the Je·ws.. lESU 'will not., TIt:I~ Qr.ig'in,al pJlan had been to· have jLE:S,u banged 'on t!hecr'o5.s f'Q:( c'riumes\to the Roman :state.. Here5Y wQlll.ld suffic·e if ·the was the same.

• W·h.ile studying .int.he far e.ast,. IESll had learn€ld e,f many medicinal herbs ..~u th thf? help o:f Jo::septi. ,of Arin'lathea., IBSU hiSld .iii plan to be,at rCie:ath on the CrQ:55. ~ lj .. t·l:.le k.:nOIlill':n herb, ",ben, inqeste:a" !!<!QlI,:JlQi cause d:tifikeL'l:.o lapse into a faint. s;i:rnilar to, death,. This wCl,uld be t.he s·e·ct'€:·t ·that wQuld a.lllc)'w him to. become r,e.surre,c·ted as 'CiI,r.lly a God C'o~l'd.,

:EESU Ls tak'en to the hillside and cru.cif.;iied. Joserph has

Ib.rlb~d.: the 9.uardS. T~adition.all'# th~ criminal ha~ his leg~ brot·en :SiC! 'I:ln at he C01iJ Id IHJ t:. S UJ'ppcn."t hi S '!if€d g-h t .. Th i s .i 5 not dot!@tQ IESU.

Onagiv@n ClllH'I, 'one ,of th'e: brib,e;d gua.rds pl.acei5 a SPQn'9€i: inb:! t.h.e prepa~ed coneoce :tc,n. The ~pon'geh put on t.hce ,end Q:f his l.a.n.ce ana. is 'exteoded to ZEBU to, drin:k:... ''Ji'hQ;s,en,earby belie'vE!l U, to be wat,e.t", but it .:st.1"a.n'gely ,oi viJl@qar •. ·

lESU ~d~inks greedHy'. Within moment.s .. lhl:;; head falls. fh:!, is uneenaeaeus , ·eve.ryone .believes h.lm ·de,u3.. A ,guard who bas nC.I't be€r.I br.ibe,d test .. s to se.e .:U' Ifl'$U;is by thru5t!:ng hislanc~ in. hi.s· side. As th.e spear pei.:r·c,es the side 0'£ I1:SUI, blood flows, freely.. His ~till beatl.ngheart causes, an out"'pour.1nq Qf blood,. IESIJ is still ,alive.. 'To th~ horror ,@,~ JO,!:H;fph and th€! d1s,c.1ples, h€!: bas beensta:bhe:d ...

'Ii Quicldy I,pb ·comes for'W'al",d ·to claiim 'thE!: body :fro:m ·t.he gWla::rds ,c'ladimJing :IIl'SU is dead.~ But. HebirE!w tradi.t10n. farD8Jde any,onet,Q, to'Q.cha ,dead body ,eV:9n loved one:&;.. ;]osep.h know's, :IESD Is alive, no ·tradition cu:: is, v.l,olat..eej. .I1lut IUD' 15 w~::llu1ided, . .it is vital · Uiey m01VEl b,ll.rn t.Q iCiJ. c~ve,ey oan t::rea.th1:m in secre:t ..

'T,hey' mOve the :bodJ.if tiC ·a cave ina Gardeo'th,at belon.grs ·tD ,Jo'S'l1!:ph • A b::nil.,del!:' 1.&. roo·vsd. to, CQver ·t·hie e:ntraftc1e, ,a h.ld1dlen ,doctor waits to tend to, :I_D.. .He i;s alive but th,e wOlur;u;i has 6'e~1'(iI~;sly injure·t'!I. h1:m.~ .HePlU,s·t be moved, t'Q ~ sa:f·e:r lOC!latlon where he elan. heal.



: ... ;~-

'Under tn'e co,'v,er '0:11' dat'kne:S5,; ,IES;U is moved,. The caVe !s f a,unci em.pty t:ll.e. J'!!E,xt mOilt'fl i ]l,g ,I:ESU. is 'gon,e. 'The I,eg-e.nd ,o,f ,a :resurrected, Son oliGo-d. is a~out. to, be bOll:iil.

Canvine·eel th.eRabbi is $.~f,e", J'ase'pih D10,VEN5 'to plI:'o'tect the f,am!,ly o:f J::ESU. preparat,iotls, had al:r€lad,y :been m.a,Q€!l ,to wh1s,k MaJrY and th.e elniLld,r~n ,aw'a.y in a hir,ed :tll~l!a,t:., As t,h@1 boat a~d it~ ,cargol de:parts" :rESt!' i,$ to.),d they are on t~heir way,. They will be 8afe~

• ,Josepb m~ke5i, hh, 'way too, the, :/l,QuIrJle:rn sh:ores Q,f whatW'111 becQme knQw'R ,a'sF~an.ce. follow@'I'5 'come 'r!iI'i'l:.h tiTh,e :fa:mily~t.he J;ews, establish a collony. I'I:St.'- bad wan,t'ed to. ·claim th.!:! 'throne (lfE'alt'th :f'or;:' M.ankind .... and it,s ,,dr@n., Hie had intended,t;o d1scard tlil.e. II ;syste1l!'i.·, to wake:n Mankina t.'Q 'thei l.i~ards .• , 'Time bad 'wQm:k,eg ag,ai.n:st him., IEBU dledin the far east" 'w1.fe aniJI. cnildire'l'nJ were w~11 r th.e' blo,ed of :n:sUJ survjLved.

The lizards W€ ~ti 11 uncQne'@rn,elil# t.heIOID!!:!ipobent 'GOD!I eeneept, i:s l,Ulchalleng·ed. The maniPIU,laU.on. of mind,s and tn.e, re~.pro9'rali'l.I:tiin9 continued. Nlcthing had chan,gE.d ..




250 A,.D.

f'o,:U.OWiers of :IES!UJ are. ,d~cla,r.!!d ,o,f tile T;empl.e ·and thelhl1ib.rew f,alth. The Hebr'eW frIm) perse;cut,e th;€i; CI:u;istia.Jls (N:3R) ,. ROI1l!~ is ,pe:r',edthe Ch.ristian.s are. en!em.ies of tbe s'l!::,o1!ite a,s well. Fol.low-'ers of lESO a.r'e: .hu:nt~d dow-n ~

''Phe d i:5 eli.. pIe f'ii U ~. r n,at well a.::::c:e:pted, byo,t:he j::' eli i s e 1 1'1'05 i' ~~s;es hi's (;o,rnnetion~ in Rome to s'PQre. hlm:s'el.:f.. H€i, s,Il.Jrvive.s a IpUirglo th.a.t '~tb~r5' do :n,ct. He m,a.nip,ulates the: 'te,c}c:hin9~' ,and i,wo,rd.:s: 'o,f lEBU for his Cil'Wf!! poli tic~l pU.rpQ$'es. His w:r,i, t1rng:s I,atllc] ..l:n'terpretatiOf!l:S fD'~lIil the ,fou~dati.'Q:n, of th,e e,a.:r,ly ch.urcb.

'i'hre,~ hund~E!!d ye.,al'oS later; Con'sf:ant:1n@1 belie:vJes! tbattbe Hebrew' prophee;!,es of a,h, M~S"d,ah are not :f~lf,iJ,le'd by I:BSU'~ Even the Je:ws, d101 notal~oe:p'thim ,as 'thiQDeliver,er~ In hi~ elf'as:, he, cons;tantine, is :1Jl\lcn 'close~ ·t,o belo; th@ true Messia.h. 'tkan I:esU ever was., his l!Ix:m1es, ll.e. Elad s,e,l~ed a.llthe la-nds 'of inflllJe:ooe and ~r. Only 'i;:$e 'powere:lLUi,!.lt~d him" 'the tbrQ:fi'e, 'of Ea,rtb... ,H~tul'ni5 b!ll 'Chri:s,tia~1ty,jlif:l.,Qiping th!\1tt the: ,ch,gll;,cn w1,ll decla~,e hi;mt:he tE"ae: S:av:1'o;r Mes:siall~

He eon-vene:s the COunci,l. ,ofrttcea ~ :I'ts t,as:k i.s toga:th.eE' ' .. t(lget:be:Jt" all ,the. s'bo!:!l:'les Glf ·the ·p.l'ophes.i.ed. n:eb~e.w' [1'Re.s,s,lab.' .. Co1t5tant!:iDe: belLieves the ,co\l11e:etio'l'!i will 5,U,PPQlrt biG cop;tentl.olnthat be should ,lie the X:1:tIi.gQf Eartlh !l' the Ob~c:h beCIDme:s ,extremelypower.f'u] wi.t.b :hise,l'!/doXBeimen''t, t.b,e, 'decla~atiiQiJ:iI tha:the is the He:ssian is, :not ,fo~theom1ng .• , Elev!}'ti:ng



'Constantine t:o the;$ (l,t' 't.h,e San o,f' ,God '!liQuld fo-r,ce :relinq,t,l,bbment of newlyacqu.i,red PQwet'.j' ,5,om:etihJin!g.tne Chu~(:n is not. re.ady to do~ IESIlJ Ls (ie,ad."the ChuL"'c:1:I. i~ his ,agent.

'Th@ Church is unaw' (j,€l5c'endallts ,of IES[Ii ~re,alfuv,e,.

'!; MOBAMMED (M.-:K-.M'T') is vi,si.'t,ed as b@, ~l'ee:p::;., ,111 ne.aven,ly

be.i:n'9' ent:'et"s hi.s 'djrearo,s and :rev,eals<l pla.n. fo,;ra. ne\<\1' f;13li t.h. An Ori,on iM,-K faction bas fi'IISI.nag-ed ·to sr.u~,iillki~bo, ERIDU., The,ir 'ta.rq,et is a man. who could poten.'tlally s·eiz@ the ''!'fu;.''one. The rieligli,rm o.f "lsl,am'i is bo:rn. it: me,ai,ns "sl!ir:ren.d,@r~,. I:!ilam is" it tot~lS1il1l':rend'@r te, GOlD is man.dat,ory,., Mohammed Qr!"9a[IJi~A:i'S the Moslert'l.s, int,o' a mH.i't,OII.t"y powe.t. 'They moVe in'to ,a:nd c(;l~que:r the, Holy Lands ,_


1000 A.:O ..

, '

'T:he :me~~a.9!'e oj' the maverick rssu is twl,st·ed. Christian,Hy under CQnstantin.8 be,comes a po,li tic,al power,. 5UPlPo!t"·tin.g thevl€li~'y 'system,s "thatIESllIhad t,riedto ·I.m,do •.

Off-,s'p:r!:n.g (If IE'sUreturn to tbe .ElQl.y ·Land. It is 'their i:ntElnt t,o de,c.1llare, their -d',""scendancy a,nd ,elpi:m theplac'e that ,istr:llll.y Und:rs;. The Ch.::dstiaD Ch~.n:¢h .1!!l, horr.ifi@d," .sh:ould th.eo,ff:'s' 'pt",c,,,,e, tb~ir lin@,age" ,all th.e power and r.icbes 'lOfthe Church would have, to be r~.Unqui.;:,hed '"

•. 'They launch a hunt fOlt tbe ,SAN'(;d ~ REA!. ("Blood-Royal.')" theR.oyal BJi.,QQd of 1:l!;;S:U. CrlU.sC'l:diers n'!i5~i,nt'et'p'ret the 'wlOrdsl, they'Vetbey s,ea.reh fOol" t:h'el SAN I 'GltAAL,jO a .Holy cont,aine~ oft-h'e blood, Oof Chr ist ~ Tille fi.rst 'Crusade 1s ~fiI- a t,iI:;.empt to hunt dawn tne Cbur'ch I 5 'g'·reates't;t.nrea. t, 'IEs:tr! is children.,. It,

I~Si c.lahl:ed th~·t the Ct"t1.sad'e::01 ~~e lauric;::bed be ,seiz,@: back ! Land'ait,aken aw'ay' by ,ther Moslems.,

'" 'The Kn.i _j:"emp~ are 9' a; to'ge th:er to pEo'te,~t 'tb,~

f.ami.ry of cc. ~ Tbey di.stii!l'9Uish themse.lves and ga.1n 'wealth.

;and. poweE', all 'Ii;,ne While keeping' 'th~lr secret.. When forc'ed to k1s5 the CJ;'tu:if'i:x in later ', tbel refUge., l'h.-ey :spit 'o.~ 'ther ~QiSr!;!: ,and 'tlr'ample i't mn.dier-foot.,., or.bey knew 'ttil:e ChUElcb w,as based ,on f.alseb,oQd.. 'TIle cbildren 'of I:BSU arel alJLve,,' tnle Chur·ch. is NOT ,tbe t.t'lt15:', Q,f ,G'Od .. ,

.' ~hE! 'IUSASSiIHS:'1 ('·',SEUS-EN1: lo.d.oin.,~Lords; o,f" are ,8 se:~ret :i!I.ocietr t:hat. iU,se:d ,dr~g$ to 1:ru:1:uce hl"lpnot.l:e 5,tates.. M!Ln1p,u~ l;a:tJ .. on o·f t:h.e mind istb.e corDers tone ('.I,t 't'helr ,c::ult.. 1,;.~13, .by a 'Mattl, w11l0 bu beeR, ~i!ltaQ'ited. b:y ,g;p, Orion PlIpt:lll,a:n iSoldte'[!;', ·th!e ,UauSIN c~lt, proV'e:5, 1b~ :be a ~wer'f"u,lf()lI;'ce in the Wars,

'l,ag'~lnst .t·be Cru.s.:~ .. ,(Jers .. __ AD _(l'Jt~Qn-cfact!;,i(ii11l. :llib,l.dJEM!lI .CI~ ERI.i)'Ur 1~. t~·i~·9 to :pm:tecft ·thee~b11dreB 'i)f IESIlJ. Tbe bl.ood of 'Quee:n~

• ru.n,!; in til,eil" vein,s ~ . .


',~. =. '

The Jiz.ard Empire isstillunconc'e:rn,ed. Wars andpolit.:!i ea lco:rll f'u5"ionworks to tJl.Ei!: i r 0" The (limn i po'te nt; One GOD' cO'Dce'pt, :remains u:nehaU.eAged ,their hold on.lthe world ,is ;9,tre,ngl'.. :!'lIO, one, knows tlley play the r.ole QfGOD'.

Germanic. Power 1:5; een't~al.:Ii..2ed, iWi Hesse. (Ss:sa ,. one, C),( the :rne'l:i·t powerful St~t~5 in Germafiy~ c~a;rl,ema.1gne ,estabHshes ~41 5,~cEelt ~¢,cletj' e'al1~d '~o:sier~ei~fi5:. They ar'l3l an QJ:cler .Ofi 'th,e ; Jl!bot.h~r.bood of the ,snake I ~,!!'id later liJecome known ,!;itS tihel "Orde'l:' of th~ Illum:lin,ati I, the !Elllli'9h:tenEld One~'. .

Th~: Chlllrch is CCil::lfVific-eiJ 'tbe 'th,r'eat cf th,@ (JIesc@ndan'it;s of EESU has be'e'n. elill'llina:ted ~ Pope Inn.o,cent IV' ce.:l,t.ral.i :ze,s the power of th@! pa.pacy Ln tp€!, c:ap,itai cit.}.' of ROlli.e~

Numerous, penetrat.i-cms ,o,f ERIUI) by Sir'ian a.nd Orion crews W\orrie~ tn.e l.1:za,rds., S,ev'eral· S~lc:ret So,ci@tie,s· bave :formled ll.Ilode:r tbe inf.lue,ncle of the'se ere'.".,'!;;., The l.l:~a.r·dl5, begin hunts for: the " undi~r.9'round ~ crews. 'though the One God institu.'ti.on is still. stron'g', too man,Y new iIEn11g,nt.@o;ea Ones~ bec]'in to be',erft. The lizards camnolt: 'tat,@, i;iJ Icha~ce t.hat 'the I ''['r;ut'h II

.OJ leaks out , The Hunt and InquJ.5itiol[l ar,esimlultalUlO1Li.s., Sky and ea. r it hare, s;co'urg,@:d .• ,

Ba.ttles in Ithe .sikie$, allre ~een over Bu:t',oiPe~ Des,troiyed in ith.e ski.Els" s,:t:di,ps break ap~.Jrt~ CneHl'licals, a.nd alien bacilteJl:'ia. ':rain dOWn from til,s :sky. 'Tbe pia.Que breaksouit. La~ge ! n'lJ mbe r ~ '0 f UFO 5,1 ghU '11.9 51'lf .1 a t~ 1:::' oU.tbr'e,ak.s of P 1 ag'u@ iirn aU are~$ olf ,Europe an.d. lUllia.

The 1 i or;al"d. fo)!;' hlilrildr,ed:iS ,of Y@<I!I:S" battl,e:s

• ~,~sult .in the dle~truetion ,oft.he Ori,on and Sir-l,an. c:~ews ha}."e tried to 'w'Oi!i:'k belli n.o, the seene.s t'o bre,ak the l,i:;;:,a.rd. N'e:wl' Empire. F~ll-,out f;r;om war infects, the t:nll~a!l popUlation,s w'1th a,lack Pla:gue. Ove:!;'~ 00 million, die in. the ~'U)O ,e,all:'s; of .U~ard :retali~t.ion~ Hht·ory ean:!'H)t. ex:plain. the .sporadic and sti:.rang,e: sud!den, , and d1s,a.ppea.r,ances 'O:f the, Pla:g',,",'e.,


Title Chris:ltlan C'burich. bJLame·s .J'ew:s ,I IB,It'lll] f'~J: th.e o~t ... · bre,aks crf U:i!li~ B.lae~ Pla;glU,I;!,., 1':he-y are expelled f:[,lom Europe. Whe,n Oinee,t,i:ie :Reb1rew' Ie ::rSIU per'sl@:curted. itn,s Christians '(6'SlU" n.ow tbs eh.ri~tlan,s (H'SR) pe!'s~cliliit·ed.tliille .H,ebr,e'W C IBR),.

* 1500 A~D,"

Til,!! Me.d11,ei fam.ill' 1~ q:iv·en t,he ,pow·er tOI(lQl1ect due,s; a;ndi feesf,olI: the, Chut"c-h ;Oif Ronleutule::r;' :P1ppe J'Qh:n XXIII.. T:heiy an t~st beco:minl9the m05't p'l'omin'en;t "~nkersin Europe.

~_ =----w- .,[1
!r "
[ , .
I • · ~ ._

rJ; , -

I;" ... (,l .

'~ ~: Tbe ei31n.k of ,Amst~l!:'Q~m is formect. It i~ the f.i(:$t: ~hank'i {" ~hailt:, in~titlltes the ,8C'.1,enoe of ,Mooney, iss1!J.,lng note:!:l i;I.'9a.inst

ai$se'ts h"eilc!, of't,ent:i.lmI,es mare [totes thana.ssetli,i!',al.u,e~

The ! ~::a,ori,cnJs .Re'vo.ll;ltion 'puts WUU.a,m Ill: of Orange ... of t~e Ge:.rman HOUSE of O~,ange-W~~:;;;atl,On the '!IJi:rone of .England ~ wilt llJi iil:m .l[' I,lE ill eo ~ .!F~ee;ma,s,on,. TheGe 4!." HoiJ:;;; eifl!arnuf;:liCb.nre s a ""'aEaJ~rainst England, 'th.e:n, rents ~i~@d sQldi@rs to .England to .fight in 'l:.hel1ll~ Tmi:s:is repeated the

tre,a,.su.ry . is loot@o. -

Thle~~~k 'of Enq!lLandl is f'o~m~G 'U.l'J!i~eJ;' a plan ~T!§.01I.t.~c:;I ~r a Scotsm~nt 'iilil];i~rn!!I?ate.rson", a Ma~lNO'!'!. The B.a!4k Qf F"ranee is fm:l'l'lled.u.:ndcer the 'plan cr:eated!by <ll![Nltber sootsman., ,John La.w. He! too a s OJ ,Mia~'Qn •.

'l'b€; lizarCi~ inteinld ttl so.UdU',e:i.l.'" hold on. the wealth of the Si:rianand Orion c:rews that sl'!!'eakin cannot be allawed.:I::,o 1'\O$,5U::I11" underm:1.nEl :t:il::leir power base. Bank:lll"llg'

.rnU.S t be ce.n:t r a 11 :il"ed ,. - -

:Ra9~ta. _, frustrated Eu::t'"'C'peans:flee t:C'the New 'Wo:t"lLdin ,a del:tl)erat·-':" - leave behind tbelsy'stem·1 th.a.t perse,eutes them a:nai €!:m.pti@:sth.e,i,r' coff·er:!li: •.

'The li~a.rd.s; se,e' an QPpm::tmnji tyto @xp.loit n@w l~!'1!di1i.

In.~1 69'4, :~N;u;:.;i,.cC1!t'lJ;c:!L~n le~,(lerserea.ili:e a colony ,in!~· 'Va.n.ia ,in the New World.

In " 730, ,Danie.l Coxe i:9 appoin.ted Gr,and M.aste.r of J[.oO!g,es in Ne:w Y,ark,l ['flew Je:lIrs€lyand P'@'nQ~y.lV"aHi.a ~

In 1 iJ,3" HElI:'l!:ry P:r±ce be:c'ome5, Gr;u1d~as,teref'th,e B'os'tc'n .L;Od'9~ in Mas tts .•.

I D. 11 II S:2 ~ !Geo:r"e~a.~h.i rng'tOI'!. is i nit: i ated :i :1'1.'1:;0 Pr~@'rm.a~ o!'l!ry at the ag~ c~ 20.

Fr,eemas on;5 :1 n tbe .R.e!yo,l u:t i on,ary Wa r i nc 1 ud,e :

GeQ~ie~a5h1ngtoin,tBenj am1:n .Fl::a.liIkUn ,( .is.,i.nCie 1131 JI, Alell;iafi:d.e~ Ha:!I'Ii It:on,, lck Henry" He1r.!I"j{ .KnoX" J~ijiesMaQi soti and Grand Ma,ste:rs;: P~U!l lRre!ver,e"James Cli.l1Iiton ,and Ji'c·lrn.H;,:ulIc'c,ok ~ (Bot:h, Geo!rge iilash.1.n,9tQnand ge:r.!.jl am1n F~anklin werellil!"j,O' Maste~s:.) Of 11 -4, , 'O.g off iloe:l"'S .in t';h'~ Conti fI:€lntal!11!nII.y,ne;!i.I!l'" 1y .21 OliO were Free.'fl1c;};s;ons '"

ll!~ran.vclnS te'uben., a G:erli'l!larl,sold:ier'w~!O all sci pii ned.a.nd t;rail~ed Wasnin!gton 'stroop,iS :i.s a .F.reema5o.n.~ u: MarqY1~ de' La f';aYlBt:t,e ,as:iklll'!Iild mil :1t,a:~Y!JIa n 'wh.Qsail~dtQ Aro~!rlcato aid the re:volut:.1lomaE':1;e.s ,i.&aFFeemaSiGn~ .F.Eed:r,i1ck Oir pruss.ia., an aE:'aent s:u:p(pQ~'te:i' g,ft,he oolon:li.,:!;it.s, W~r;I ~ Free:ma:l[OO!lh

TbeBQs,ton Tea Pa::r;o'ty Is; led b,Y' !IleMEI'1"S ·Qf t:h!9 St .... lm.d~ew KaS,(linic Lodge on 6 De,~eimbet' '~ 113 ..

The l'ia,501ll:5 ha:v,e ,a. firm hold. on, thileNew WOil"lld~


''fhe do,ll1:u: b jL 11 is de s i gnedby William ,Ba~to:n,. ''J;''h~ "All Seeing Eye I is .;I F,reiema~o'.~ sYl'IlIbol.. l:t. pe.!:petuailtes ' !lIlY,ttl of the Omn i pot.E!Qt God ~ 'I ~(Jvus D.RDO ,s.EOOlLQRUM" .i is w1r it.:ten in t.he ba.!1!1.!g!lr a.tthe oottOIm r .i trl'i~an,5 II Beg'i.nIling o<:f a New OrCi,eI: 'of A:ges I! (The New World order) ,0 It 1.s, a"E!ctreference: to, th~ New Ernrpire. of the lizards. An innJ~·cellt lOQking [P!f]'llid. )[@present:sthe tdhr,tiil place ,@f tbe Ma,;~ord.,c 91lllLlds. it is the ~ symbo~. of t,beor;ii,.'gj.n1;l.1stone-c:utters .'F:t'!,e @~gle!i)n tbe ba~k ,of the bi]l 1I'.IQJ5 originally- a ~ phoeni..x ~ ,0Ii. c,re§l!.turewflic:h ha.s ri~€lI'11. from t.h@ ,<'I.51'1,e,5.. !ttoo, ref~~:5 to' Ule :1i:'1se ... ~ ,of a New Empi~e frOifli! th,~. bu:n:lIin!gawa:l' of the 'Qld. The I ph@~nh:.~

is notrepla.ced. 1l:Intil~' t!41 .'

'Tbe Bank of tb,e 'Unit·eel chartellC€!d hy A.l~'xander

Ham H ton '9'1. he 1 :!li;a Plt,~ema son. I fl! ~ 86:3 ~ the 13,ank wi 11 beco!'ll@ !the Federal Rce5'Ei:.ll:veBank.

Presid'ent~ who h~V'e :been 'o~ , Fr-~ema50nS . .i:l'u;::11l'ldie:

Georg'e. Nasbi:ngto'llJi, J,~me5; A Mi3Jdis!i:l"!'1 r Jiames MQnroe ~ Andrew J ac.k 5 c.n , oJ ;:tifii€l:5: PIO lik: ~ .] am€;::$ !31;1I;:ha n a f! , Andr'ew . .:roll,n s:Qn ~' Wm. :McK i n ]L,e11' $ J~me s.Ga r.f i ~ld I i;)l'leddy ,! R.~os~;,ve re If iHQw.a,~ d'lI'a.f t Wa~r~iI!l ]larding~ .FrSl.:nkli!'l!RoG1s'ev€:JLt" H'at";r;y a,. 'FJi"uma.I:1, ,and

Ger~ld FlQI.l"'a. JT., Edg.arHi;l·over wa~ a Iso a .Fr,e,e'!1llason.

1aOQ A.D.



King G'~orge ! of EnglLan.dwas ali:anncrver {a ) wno did no,t $,peak. engli:~h ~ :i:le bel1.'ev,ed his ~'hl'qnewas out,;a tempora.ry pOEdtion. until, .~e 'coula:!;~t'l1lr~ntQ a sea.·t of pOIf,!J'Elr ~.n (;~rmany. Wb:Ue be, sato'~ 'the~hr·olne of Enql,amdjtIDis mind and foell.s cCHiilti Du~d t,o [b·e;Of:l! G~rma n :b<U!!iil1l,e s si;lf fa ,:l."rs. P,rcm 1700 unltil 1 '9'011 #' a 1J:'Qyal ofth~ House of lli1l:nnove:itC sat 911 the t.h.rone of .En.glarnd. e'i,i!'~l!:':f year ..'lhe .Ho'USIO!! of Wind~o:lt' of: Queen EUz: abe II; b i ~ d!illJ s,cen.di,e:dfr;Dm the Hou:s e of Hannover.

,~ lit is the p'r;ac;;'Uce ,of tlile Secret Sc;cieti@ffii, gui~:l~d by a[1l UflS,E!;GJI'"l. lizard ba.ndi, to creat~ wars and prD!V1,de both si,ch~s am for hire. an,dlora.1Ii ars,enal. ~a:r i$ profi,t, .•




In~! 8,3,1)". th!~ iLe,a9il;]~o,f the .Just ~ .is .anot.ber' Qn~ c·f tbe Secret .S(l¢!~e,t:ie:5 begun bey a Mason ~ it is th~ :t.1rs:t_ ,s:o,cl,et:y th.atKa:rl .!lUli'r'~ j,o,ins:., - He is: ,dilt"ected ~J'Hl ,guided tQw,a:rd;:;;, tbe con,cept of a a.nE!! world 'G.rdle:t'r aeupbemi.;:;;m, :for' a,tG,t,a.lit,ii' ~u.l,e b,yt!hie l.iza.~ds.. While he ,is a lIJIembe~ oflt:h.e L.~!ag:~!Ji!~~ he

w,ritesthe, Com:m,uf!i~t ,Manife~b::;_ ~

Th,e, II Leag'ue o,:ftheJi'lls,t 'be~omes the ~ OolllXiluni:s tLea,glu,e II., Comm.u:nism declares that e,~ulJlf,t:ha.t :nO'Ciline, owns a::rwythln.91 ~ t.hat eve~'rQne5ba~e5 equaJl.y f,EO:~ at ooIDmlur!!lty pool of !g'Q('hi.sibut, 't:hat -the ,f,i,rs:ts:t~p ~bo this ideal stat.@! must be ~ pa,l!t:tc~l aJictatiOl~.s,h.i!p,.. (,This - is:j'~~t.l.fic!a"tiof.l :f,c:r a total control b~the lizard :!Empire .. ),

,t The RounOi Table, a ~,e(:lret society pil!itterned, ~f't~rFr.;elemaSonry iI' w,as e,stabl1.5,bed by If~c'!,l Il:h!od!es, a diamond, ~~d 9101d




[ [



mi n i ncgrmag'!lo;!, t e .• OU~,od.e,s 5 eno 1 aJt:' shi ps iJI.:I::'·e named :f Q~ him)H j;:i; altrlli~tic ia.ea.sf,ara5sisti!l!9 t.herna5:5es!a~$chaJJi.g~d by hl.s ~E.rnuie3 en t:l'I'i~ .RQuod. To;tble 'to become 'methods by wh,i'cn m,a.rSses c(l,nbe ~~!',t,ed. The Round ''I''ahle becomes a central ~rin9f,o!t powe.r· full or<] an i :;!;a.1:.i 00 S such ~ 5: the Ca zne g:t eUt~ i t.ed Ki nqdom 'l','l e.t'ous J". P • MJo,rgan. aa SQ~la.t, i on ~,V' i r'tual1:y !!I.URQcke:feller or9ani~a,t,ion!:l ,ei!;;C:. llil.the Ulii:'ti.'t.ed St~·t,e,s, a newlyfQ:t'med ~ OOYHci :!lorn Forei91l RelatJi,on,s ~ b~,come:s: tb~ W'OI:k:i!'i!9 front for th.E:: Round'ill'able.

80Y s ton ,st,ewa.rt Chamber 1<1 i I:l wri t'e·s theE'QuliI.d·a t III o!the

~ineteenthc<§ntu.irYr e.. W'oil'k suqgestingthat _iG~rii'iaJilY ~ ea:s;,il'Y

t.hebe.:st na'tJ,·on. suJi.ted to, h:dng ~bC;)~t: mami:f,est::ation of a New (l!~r,d'el!:" .;i,. Q .J1iu:rop e , Ernpe:r'or' WilL lh e 1m pta i.serQf Germ~.:n.y en.doI"s e:'!! t.he work~ hi:s ·effo~t~to establish II 1! SU!' be'9in..

'The manipulation of th,e Sllllcret sO¢.~·etie~ GQntirH:~!e~bya',I'I uns€:,erii.!Cl h,and.A~ ,a::;,.~ fram tb~ EI.:lLaek HanOi Soei~ty 'of central!. E'g::r9F@, mtJ.rae't's A.usl::rian Arc'hd!uk'e Ferdinand.. Th~ iuc;:iden't s,pa:rks the beqini!ling a,;f·Wot'ld. '~ar .lit.

J~coh Sell iff~. an Arner.ic,g.n citi~e~ li, the PQwerful GerID~"n. ROUSE:: 5 and tb~ .Rtlt~sch..ild fam:i .. ly"ffnanc€:i!> 'the effort k:~o"..n g~UI!e !lol!;;'hevik!Relvo~ ution.LeWli~i5 given. start O~ the w~rld stale. It is 1917.

After the R~VDlutlon. the Secret Police io Rus~la are in v.i.:E:"tualt.o ta 1 pol iii: i eta 1 con tt"o.i.I tla t,er .be·GiQ:trnE:: s the KGB.

The f'iv@ Y·E::arp.:I.~n i:s .in5t.i tuted in RllSsia~ L<;iI.bor· e,amps provide chli;la"p labo,r fo;tthe' MJas.t€l"s" ~L~"d a.n.d p]!!:'op,el::'ty 1:51 !colle.cti vi ~.@d '!. Thirty-five to ;forty :mi.llion peoi[J,.l,edie if.!

tI1!!E:; 1 abe.t' .f r(Hilll !in 7 - 19' 5, 01 • .

- . -- - I

• I


'The repU,lian Que,ensof O)';1o:n hadbec'!iJme impa:ti,ent. 'Th.e SSS-'T Counc1,ll, is ordere:d ,to dii;lipatch an eli tel teaJ!'I: of P'syc:h'irlat"t'io'rs, to BRIDUI;.Q ,attempt a,take-ov'eE". 'l'h.@ii~ task is: not easy ~ They muS't l,oe,a:te ,iB, - human being! wi tin Ipower:ful (:lOnnec." 'tio~sthat can b@ mlt:ld-ilIManipu,.la,t.ed into, a, t,ake-·C)vEili' att.e'J:!lp'l; aga,ln,st the: ,re:bel 1,1zardiEmp~,:!;e. The, O~iQF.i te~m arr.iv,e;s" it ut,iLi,zes hidden c,.lV'ern,5 oaee uisedby tbeir ,ances:tors .as its: basI@' of o:p€!!Cation,s.. The ,se,arch f@X' the righ.t ca,l1Itldate :rnllst begin i~mediat,ely.


In his ,early twen.tie,i$, Jj:jlQlph ~U't1er 'was a devastat,illlg'ly

pooit' young ma:1:'fiJ ~ H,e u se,5 dl':'I.'l,'9S to ,achieve • h.i9ihe(' leve 1 s 0 f

eOl'lscio'Usn@ss ~ • Eltne!i!t P're,t'zscne, a mY,Sit!C ibookstore ,~cwnerr is: descr, Ii tc,ad-loo;king!. UI,e .is a 11z,a:rd! hybrid' ~ He int.rodu.oes Hit,I'eL" to mystiC;Lsm ,and H,err v'o,il List I ene !;It' !i;;u;'L ~,s ![ilOSt voca.l '!;Ii a.dJvQcate:s+ He als,o be11'E!'ves an Ar'yanrace .e,f' super-b@i~.9'S l:':e:s i des: bidd,en de'ep lnthe b(1we:ls of Ea.r'th. It ,is t.hey who ,guide Ma,n.,

Adolph Hitler enlists in. World. liar 1, and earn:s 'tbe 'Ir'QA Cro5s.-Pi"r.r;;,'t; Cl,;a,s~ ~ as a Q'crpora.,L He is injur,ed by mu:staI'd tJas ""n.dli~ ltospi ta,Uz,ed.. While.t.h.ere" he is: tr@;~.t:@,(:l. fo'J!: the symptoms of psYc'hop,ath.ic hy':s,teria. His doct01::"~ Nm. F'OJ!;'s,t;,E!'r" 1ils,es: indiuo@d visio,ns to relieve Hitle,l"~ ~ blind:ne55,. Hi'tler

'f .:i.5re~e:a5e,d !=ured, of "by,st.e:r1,c:al blindnes~'1 by't ~5 ,con.vincEd - that be is the Mess,ian.. He also b.el!eves: that t~e Ary'an:s of .- Ge.rmaoy .:!I:t'IE! dest,i'ne,d to become th~ MastEl'r Rac,e ,of Ma.n!ic.:t.nd.

Hitl'er b8gl'ins ,espi,olnagiiat dru.t!'Ei:S in ,Mun.icn,. :H@e'Cl:li:!lS his po,s,i t ion in the ' :p.(i,Jli tical' d@pa:rtment Q.f the ArmyD:i st1!."ict Oommand,., He, Clssassina.tes G,e,rma:n 'off:iLc:j!"ai5' wlh,Q' ;5:U,E,rend:e:re'd, d:U)iifl!,q H~n .. .ld iINIaJ:' I" ,an. a.e:the,'et'st:o' 'be ,iIt bat,rayal ,of the Gentan people .. , T-h,e- le,litel j'i'iiiembe;l;s o,f the Army D1a:tr:1ct CoDml_8;n,d, are' membel':S of 't:h.e l'I'bul,e .Soo1'e.ty' .. a qrolllP 'tha.t 1,5 supported! b,. t,'h.e Ge:m~ Bifgh CommeulC1i., C''!h,€l" 'lba.le soeie~y' 1,5: r'eoogl1.b;,ed as ,aJ Society c'! A,SsOls:s1:n,s; ~ )

I,n: 1':9'20" .Hltle~ d'ee:l,ar'es 'the ,fQ.~,mr!1:~!on c,f 'the inf,pou:i!i. :Ha,zl .'arhy a,t iii ,ral,ly ,1n ,Munich. Rudolp.h. H,ess is appol~t.ed Mi'nis,ter rof Propoga:n,dla .. , Be:1,IU':1C:h :fU.mnl!Jl:E!!~ 19, apPQitll,t.ed! -'Dd Oit the Gestapo .. , ,Utlerand hi:s: h.enchmen, feel- tha.t somehow' ~be seerot pol.i.ce... 'the' IIOGt.pawe:rfu.1 ~'mI 'of the Tblr<l I{QJ.>CiIl wO'lll,d,ibest be cal.1E!id tbi1l 'I s:s~,.

'The Aryan I BS:' .~ •• the Psyeh.~'Peam, s:mil@s '.


.I.~ e II S is Ii s aJ. s,ect""El;'t ,:lj 0 c:.~"e t "i 'compr 1, ,sed. Q f membet's 't:I:'ia t mu5 t be in.ii tlated. It:: is call,ed the il SCfluh,l:ita ff@JL ~ .' Only pure Arya.n soldiers aJ.r'e per!rni'I:. t~Hdlto j oln.. - at U e'r Ls p::rIl)'C: I aJi rn,@dthe' Ge rrnan Me 55 i a h 'of p'r,c ph ec:y .by St~waI't Chamber laitl,the ailiUn€: ma.n wh,g i ['I,n uenceo the Kaiser to begin :his GI,ryan 5u.p're:ma.cygoals years ear'lieI'~

r, G. F"u:ben ii' a qili.:amt German cne:lililical C'omlP,iiul,Y" ,ente:l':fii in. to iii .business reloill; tio'n:;sf.ii,p with tile • 55', pnlv1d::1ng the 9<1.,$ and Gh.e.rnj_c~ .. h for the ext$i"minati'Q~ ,camps begun by H.imrt11Elr.

, A,l..SIO wQrk.jlfT!g wi t:.h I ~ G:~ F' rbem as· bl!l!Sirless, partners w:Uth the Thi:r:dl .Reich I~ aft·er war 'was cle,cl,an~:dI W }I wer,s: ITT and G'e;ne:r,al Electr i.e. Both ,I1'Talld GE oDntin.u.e t,o' proivia,e 'ele,ct.ldc:.:IUIt.y" commutrlicat:ilonsystems and neces,s,af"Y materi,aJl:s. bo th.e Ge·Jrma.n ;5'ta'te:.. ro~d MQiI:;o'J." c1omp,u"I,i'e!s j.n Ger['J)atil( con'ti:nue 't.o prod'u,c-e V"enicll.,es ror Aao.llph.Eliitler,.

o~ 'the: I ."G .' F,arD en Soard of Pi rector s a :r,~ ~ l'~a x a nd P,;;lI~ 1 Wa,rburq r b,oth lil.ead5 ofb~oks .in GIl'i't:'many andin$trument~J; in the of tIle: F,ederal. ll:ese:r've: ~,Q)"}!: in the U.,S,. ;H.A* H.etz, ID,irectoir of t.h~ Ma.nhatt~:i1 Rank ('a; Warbut"g Bank la'ter to be,co.Ift.!:! 'the Ch.ase Ma·nhat't,e:niBank.-aRoc.kef'.elJLer linkJ; the D,irecto;e of th.eF·e:deral .R.'eae.:l:v,e .il~;rlik I~f New Yo.rk. and of th@1 Nati,ona.l City Bank .• C •.. E .. M,itc'h'e:ll;: and ,Monta9'u'eN.ig~man.,the

Dir~,ct,or e,f 'the :Bank ,o.f .E'llg1a!:1ld ~t5elf! -

~ Prin.ce Bernhard, Citiother ~@!mber ,of the House of Oi!i:aog1e, is a mefmber ,of the' ":s.S I an'CIi an ,em.ploye,e (l,f UIII! I. G,. Farben 'Ciompa,flY~, Aft'erth.e wa.r he be~o'fil'e:5; Chl:tJLrftl,alfio:f 't;lte:lBoal"d crt;' Sbell 011 ~ ''F'hePrincew111. later .farm the "~i.lderbergers', a.wd 'ch.a,irs the meetin.q~ 'll,n.til 1 '910.

'!rh~ {II!' i (:1[1 P's,ych =·!',e.ill;llIl b·a;$ pill t 'tog'eth~'r a :rn.,oveme n It f o:r:med of some of th'e mos e po'w'e!rilll.1 peQP..le. and. ept;,it1es on E'ar'tn .• The Th.ird Re,i'ch appears hea,died f'ol[' successful tat,e-OV01r o:f the ent.irE!!world., 'The .Psych-Te,am ha:v~ sl:lIcees8,fun.y wo,rri@d 'e:he 1 i -z a rds .'

Hi tl,er r1elies beavi Iy on. the '~e'cret ones' to guide hi:m in his movem!e,n.t;s. ''l'h·ti;y hav·e p.l"Qte:ct:.ed h.1m lroI.QI."\e 'than once~ rescD,:in''3i him f:r~m e,ert:ain aeat .• '. But,. dU!~inq th.e O(JII.u':'se ,o,f thewa,r ~ .H 1 t1 e:r cens 'tan t 1 yU5Ei 51, ,coc.aine", morpib hl.e , 5 tJ"ych~ln!l1i, ,p~lnk111e;[l:'s:ands;e,dat:i.ve5. As the war pt;'og:~e,s,s,es, be irt,c,reases hi:s 'd~lJg use' t,o, ~,el,i'e've t.b.:s'tress~ T.oough be is, s;t!!.l IijIUli,di.ed. by 't~€1 t,Sec:ret. Ones: ~ I' 'the ,drqs :mak·e. him think he: ca:n ,goee!pt 'Ci,E:" J.'IeJ,ect tbeiradv1.ce as he'plea:se,Sl~

'T,he P.:s:y,eh .. 'Team ,15 worrled·e:r~tilLl de,~t.roy tbe;i.r war plans :to~ ,~ take-,c,ve~ '.'

• IUllt:.l-e!J!:'" 'Gberi:Rg, H'ess, and IU.lIIIIIller ,CIIl'Ie all :mem'be~:s 01£ a Se'er-e,t; Silii'cd.ety.,PD'R 8I!!d his S~eQelSSQr, HarryS. 1J'.iE"'UmanaJ;"eJ , both Freemasons. Ja.panese ml1:l t,ary' le:aders are .members 0'£

f:the iI,l,ac,t :Dragon S'oi~l'e.t,y.. 'WQI"'1d 'Wa;r l: I pits :memb ers of 'the worrldl's ifliQst power'ful :secret sOicietie:s: .against eilch otJu~r,.l 22




[ ~
[ ; ~
[ T'b@ cOr:lf1denC'~ c,f the l1il:zaf'd5i.s shake'll. ''r'be take-ov!~)!;' a.t't'~mpt is dQ!!)gero~~ly clo5e.t,Gl ~·l!l.c'Q€':ss,. Il: b~~!li(;:c;nlle,~'cle·al!:' 'they must 1,1$:~t~':I'!dr .mo5t. powerfu·JI.~~PQn!;;:Q~Hd t;hethr~~t.,

'i'he War is '90iI'l!g badly .fOT Ellrop'e~ Though. the Amer1ca:n leal!:ler:s,h i p h~~ q ili.v:e'n. suppo.rt I it i5 filOit enough,. 1E t i~v~ry clea,:r t,h~ people ofth.e ';,ed. :St!lt.e~ dO~Qt. wafl!ttQent,e~ 'tJ:I!i:''!w,at"~ It:, .15 n,e,c'essary 1:0 find a !t'ea~,olnthat wilJll creail!e ~, :strong! des.ire In. t,he ~,e,ople to' jQi~ th@ war.

1'bePres.ident 'i1!Ind milItary adivisQ,rs a,:r'e awa:re of an at 1;;·l;I,c:I.:, pi a~ned on.P€!l>iiiI.r I Har.borby the Ji.apanes e. ,. ill,stead .of wCllI:'rd.ngtbe Il~w~.~ i~~ !'Ni.V'·al f\'o,r(:'!1i$~' tb¢y d~g:~.d~ tl~""'.!ilt.~-hQlg the i n fo,I':miIl~.t iOin. .1\.:0 attac'li:;oni?earl nat'bolrcol!J ldju s t i.f ya aeclarat i.on of' .... '~n,..tbatwo'la.ld be :5Jt.rofJ!g'ly suppo:r't,ed .by the AIDer ic;:an plIJbHc.

Ea;rl.y morh.::Il.:1l9 Dec'e:mher if 1!l'41!" thel Jo1iI!Fane~~: , n,a:~al ba,:!;,e <Ii.t Pearl lEJia.riJc)];. The Pl!;e~ideJ'it and bisa:G!vilscliJ:s tDi:ilO!erestlmate: th,e:' stl'~'!1'gt.h of the Jap!:I.nes,e fo·,rc,es" the bas,e is, v1rt~,al1y desFt!l:roYied., 'F'lle d!evasta.tlon le:aves 'iI::.~.,e Wle,5tern coa:5:ti:;, aft-be U,ni't,ed Sta;t,es, ne,ar.ty d~lI0~n5@le5'3,. Hoth.,ing (l:~fi st,o,p th~ ,J''!;iie U: t:.he'ych.oo,$,e bo !nQl!leQnt;o CO)l .. 1t':@i.!;':I'1!.:!0).",

1'h:e !j,z:a'f"ds are able to bx'eak!Oiug.h:th~ Ori,e:nP,s,ych .. ''l'ealJ:rn Ii sd,e fe!1!s,es ..'lr!beya re, abl e t:oFEinetr at,€: ifit(ll tbe mi r:I.(] of Ac1im~:ral Ya;rn:a.motoa:n:d i.:nstruct to ttl!!:n ~r01!J£Jid.,

Admilt"al "iamalltQt,o' ine~!plic~.b,ly ~urfls h,is: fleet arourli.d: .• Hi:sa.dvt:soJl:$ try tal tOI ciOntin:~,e his: ,attack a::rI!Q move:;l~:i~e:the! H'1!twai1~iUll,c!il'1!ds. He ::refU,SE:5 to dQ ~,o, ,no onle undet"st.a:nd a, :8e is sa,ld to be act;,in.q (:.Qnt'1;D!.~i¢,{l ai!1d v~I;y dazed.. He is, :said to have ut::'te:redt!h,@ fo.ll,owin9~ ~.~

I!~ '. ~ .~ I am at ra i d we ha,v,e ,i;liWi1lJ.kii!'I'!!E!.da ~ 1,e1eping '9 i a,nt ~ ill

ijlnk:nQw:ll.nqly ,be h~,seor.rect:ly as,s,e55ed, the :5it!(lat:1!Q;n,a.5 f~ existed.. 'T:he l,iza:rd Em:pire na.d.neveJ;' .~E!.u,.ev·e,d it W'Quld be t:m:eatlened~ Its hc!l!d bad.heen~Qtal anti QOOllplet.e, ~. -wa.l'" e,f tate-elver wa,s QOr.!.slldered.Jl.:nconG!eJl...,.abl@ ~ 'The Emp::!l.:re!!Ila.dI" in fact" hl)dbeen a.wake:ned, f,rolt1l .its i5.lumibe:r5~,

'Tile t.r.gedY!Q:f the 't.Da,of 1:n.faD'!.y,!Ii pelJ'f!~a.ded the: people of' t:he Dln1t.ed Sta;tea t.('.I ,jIQ'~. th'El: val". The!, feel. betr,B:yed,., t'her eage:rl.y&eeik It''eveng:e ..The .l,argest and. riChest cQ~n.t:ry

in the w,ot'l.d ±'sIll'Qb.i,lll!,,1.l;ed fQ·r wa;r.. .

'!I!'he President sanctions the, star'l: of tw'o ,s'eeret weapon proj,ec'ts:.. Th~ first one withs,o,lidi ,t',esults wi,ll be choaen for fuilll development a.nd c:omplet.iQf] ..•

The "Manhatten Pro1j,ect· I led by R:obe,rt QPpen.h,e.imer, W;;t~ be!9'un. in 'earnes,t in t~.s .Alamos, New Mex.i-,co~ :lt~ :purposs is tQ dev"elop a,'mb" fo,); ,lIlIse!i'i,t; ,the ,Japanese, ,the Italian$ and the Na2is.

Th~ '.Phi 1 a.d.€!Jl.pbia Experim.Bnt"" 1 ed.ln:iLt:,lally by Nl"c'ob. ~ 'I'~sla .. be.qins· to research a 'i.hyper-d!:meru.,j.onal '! gi,enerator" ,iii. device w:hi .. ch will permit warshi:p~ 't.o, tr,avel thr:o'llJ;1ih space ~nd tim!;!. Th,e co'velr' st,o'.I"Y· claims that the p1"o'j1ect s'eeks 1tIO ,d,!!v'elop "radar invisibilil!y" for rJav~l ships .•

The Orion P'syct!-'t:eam 1.5: bein:s underil:iiined hY' H'iUer h.imsed f , Drugs cloud hi.~ ,j ud'gme:nt, he h.a.s begun to make 'wr'Orli91 d.ecisio!1s, :b@U,evln,g' :he is lnfaUibl@:. Th,e: Orion 'l'ea,m mU5t ma.te a cbo,jl'ee., ,elimina,t'e Hitiera,nd repMa,ciil! him, Olt' att.e:mpt, to ,cl,ose d.Qwn. one ,of' t:he' 5eeret weapon pl!;"ojlects in U.S .• o!l1.e o,ft:he P:IiQ j eot~ i.s: ,di,an,g'erOi;] s, t,t eeu .. lI. d c:a U.5'e ehaes and ,die$:tr(l.ctionthat wQuldexte'od far - beycM'rId. the limits ,of the solar syst'em ..

. Hitlh:!\t' is too' far qo'ne;· tiThe at'te,rnI,ptie!d.ta.k.e~crve.t' is los:!;; becaus,e o.! h.i,s, d::rug-Iils,e. '!'he .Pll!ych-''F'eam 1J111!.:I5,t; leav'e; but it is d'eclded 't'oter:rninateth.e p,rojeet which ,is dange.l"ou.5 .•

,. The Mafla approaehes the United Sta,teS g'Q1ve:rn:m,e.nt,· they 'c,ffer a.ssi:6tanc'e .i.n ,:!1i,i,ei,l,y ,and in, excha:n:ge fOil" ,Lu.cky L;1lI,ci,a.nQ'~s releCll~e~ The barg.ain. is ~," Luoia.n.Q Ls 'i]i'l,ll'en .bisf're·ec1,om. 'The Mafia slo,w,s down mtW@Iri'H:1t O'.f sU,ppli@:5 on thll!: doeks iiI'! Italy" Mli!!lSi:~N:)lini is dlli!:la.y,ed~ Patton ~s mo,ve on Sicily is aiai2d Dythe Mafia. 'They p:rovidel fu.el and: 'Ur'e~1 ,at.tacli;; behind the lin,es and :pass ,O'n v.H::al informa.Uon.

Th.,e United States and the Maf.i,a, are allies,.

R'einhart 'G@bl,en" be'ad o,:f as Int~lll'genc.'e i:'lipprQacbe,!'> tn'e ihea,d of the 0.S5 '(Office Secr,et ,S,em:vices.j, Alle:fi DilJUes.. He :has'es:tabli shed,an.ent:irel ~pY' :netwol:"li;; i.ft Rus,sia. If tn,i!les wi.ll off,ei;' l\i:5 '(1e,s't:;,apo ,amnest·y" Gehle:n and h,is en'tir,@! qroup 'will w()r.;k for tbe Amer'ii.cans:a9i~j .. n5t. th.eRu:~si,a:n.s ~ Everyoine d.istrusts the SQVJAli:t Uni,O'D., 'G:ehle:n"'s offe:r is a.cce:ptea~

Tbe Un1 t6d. ,S'tai'i::.e.s ,and tbe Gesta'pc ,al'~ allies ~ -


Th:e ,OSS, laun:c:::hes, ~opeir'at.ionP'ape:rC'l:i.p,m.. G'e5:tapo i!i:gents'ts are 'taken 'Out of 'Genna;ny.~, .;'V.l,8 the Vat.:ican! T,h'E! 'Unl'teid sbates and 't:.b'EI va,t1e~:n. a~'e ,all,ies".,

In. 191t:5"tbe: OSS: (.la.t.e1('t;o become :the CIA) "thefillf!:fi!!l" I' S,S 'f Ges'lba.po ana the, V:aJl~1(i!c;Ul a~e ,i!i 11. allies ..

The P,sych~Tea:m ei1l:.n dOl no, JQQre.. 'T,h,ey ,depart"'

On ,April 3,,0', 19',45 .H:1"tl,er oOlnmtt:G 5·,e '"

The take'-Qve:r a:t:.t;,empt is ,OViE!:E" ..

• _ ••• ~ • ...,.- ~.-!"""'!!I -~~~I"1I _ •• ~

T;tte, 1,iz;!l!!r(J,~, b.a,v,,~t"etained clil:n,trQl of the Empir,e., Their: 'u,tiH,:zartion oft!l'.!,e United S'l::,a,t,e~ military for,ees a.nd 'w1ealtih, has ~tu:;:c,eeded.. B;uttne take",o'l!@,r attempt by t!l1e O~ion, Iteam had. come Ele~ilQu:sly clc,se :!t!O undoi:l'lIg'tbe E:rnp,ire',.

'Th.e sei:z:uJE"u 'lO,t ElUDU N'ew ,Empi,l"B l1za/,rds had been t,cl'ta,Uy ille'9a,l~ Full ,r,i'9hts o:f d"evel,opm@f1t :had been ,awa,r~ oed. to the :Sir'ian Kings whe:!li the sola,rsyst€m was born,.,

B,ut, BRIDO had beensei zed ;f~om the ,SJhd,ans by MAR~DUI<. A.nd tbe 11;z,a:rds h,ad s'eized ,it: f:r'om MAR-DUK~

,.Galactic:' .law 5:t!1i,t;,edl:hat 'the dcevel(lpm!entof any race ,of pe'O"pl es cO'ul,d nJiO'1:: be inte'riered 'With in any way" u:n..l .. e5s the be,:tng'5 tJiN~ms,elvie:s [email protected] invite oth'e,Ji;' bei~'1.'gis to£01,1Y' participate in tlh'~ir buS,,iness, Q!r e:vollvement.

Ti1!e - residents c,f ,ERIPQ werle ,o·fSi17ian blood.

T~e sei.:;i:,'U.r,-e ,of tihe :;',01811" syste:m by 'tn.!!, 01710,n lizards w,as an illeqal ,a·et~ ''l'hU5"tQ :rernain l:n ElRI.DU, to a le,galand proper pr'esE!'tlIoe in tne,sY'5fi:em lCe,;;etd an.i~'Vi taltion by the maj'o'f' portiolil of tb~ pcp~:lace ,(llf -Ea.rlt.h~ Without the ,a'Ppro'priate :inv,U:,a't.ion t the G~lL,a'c:ti¢C:ou!:,·t could fi.:n(lJtb@ lizard Empl,r'e . .illegally' present .if! the' solar systf.i!'UiiI and! dji:5pa,t~1l1 a Guard.1an F·orea 't,e 'fQt'(:i:bly t.€:o.rrnin,aitetheilr p:re5e.n(;e~ If ,!;tn, i nv ita t.ion.frcm the !n~ jor POP'll.! aee , G,r 1'I:srepres, i V,I;! , was, @xtend.ed" the 11z;·a;tQis CO\:l,l(1 .stay.. Even tfi.e ,s:irian Ki.n.g' w:o'uld have 't::o re, anYf#xI@V"ious; d@v@lopm@,l.1!t rigbt:s, ~

A 'P.r,eaty l:nvlti.flJg 'the li'z;a:r,ds to stay wa~ nle,ee:$Sal:"Y,.

~, A new re-pr()g,:ramffli.n.g ef:for,t be.gins,. ,It w:J,11 b@ crucial. tihl·a t, the n.umber~s, (If h.liliwans I ir!-,th,e~:kn.ow I be :a!:"ed~c:ed tOil1'ea::r zerc·. ''J:':berem!a!5t be n,o tra.ce:able ev,:lLdsu(;:a of .mfIJn1pulat.1on." tamperin.g: or .inf.h~en.(:lnq O.f til:l.ehuma.n. ra.ce tor t:he - ~' tb,at is, 'pl.aru:i!!@:(j, t,O si1cceed ..

Tlmie st,age .is' ~e't ...... it be,9i:~:uj].,.

On Feblt'uat'y 2,0 I 1954, .1P1r'e.s.!den.t Dw!'ght ,Da,vidE£se,nhO' was in Palm s:plr! .~:e is fH~'h.edw,led to, hold, a. pns,:scon:f-, E!:renc.e but !cancels: i t ,~t the la.s;t, :m!:n'<i'OO ..His p,res5, ~e!Cr',e'tary advises the :mE!idU.,a. t:hatlhie bas a.woth a..cbe and. caD n'o,t appear.. In t;e.a11ty, hewaswh.h:ked ,~way to Muroc;Air F(i'l"ce

Base (l,atw bi.Q-Q. a,s,lW,m;ews) ~ .

(),Q the nnwa'y,G! olf t.b.e ,i)ir baJ~e" along his, mfU.tary ~d,vi8ors Md. ~ :Sielect: few' ,c.iv111,an.s" the PresIdent w:at~h.ed, as a ,detail 0,( 'Sie,velial!. ext~a .. .'t.e:r~E:!fI::tiral sM:p.!S, ,a:pp~'Ca.ebed:,., 'For 't'he next feW' m.o:m~Dt:6", Ul.oa s~.ucer-U.:li:.e ,d,i.:~:t.B 'perf'Qrmed, ,tt

r r



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:3,er i E!$ of rn!~ !:1!'iJ¢veJcS 'I;:.ha t bQth~t. u:rmed and sUirplr i ,sed ,@a,en cd 'the o'Iil'""loo)i;;~rs '. 'liIi t,h,aHnal demlonst:rati,o,n of inV'i:~d!b&.H.t,y a:n,d] '1:0: pla.ce~ski pplng' I, ~th@ $b.ips sudde:llly (:'.;imetQ1;I bOl, 1 L

l\st he Pre is id'ent ~:;; c'ont i nlg~iQCy conti llU edtQ w~.tch., f rQ!I!l. :n,owbelr'!I;! ,a doo:!:' QP¢n~('I. ;in the cl,o,sest dis,1{ and an i:nl:.in1i:l"datin9 figure rncve,d :iolt'ward ~

.. 'l'tl!e grey B''lq .is ~.~<I.rly s::l.xfeet tall,. B.ies bead is <lIJ,n odaity, it is very 1,<lJrge and posse~~~I~t:!IofO lat.'9Ei: eyes that dQliIIif.!9;t~ hlsf.<'l(l'e., 8i~ ii;c,!:j,e .is: .lIlar9~~ his l[iJjout.h, ears and ch,ii.,[1!,.

lis he Ittoves forward" he :re,a"ch@$ into a ::iIinl,aU!. box en his che~;t: ~ .He remov:es 5,o:methingfromth:e box iOli~('I. with a si'P11ple 9'e5ture~ beg.1.I:i1s tOI ,cQmmuniQ·ate w,l.thl:h,e PrEs:idi@ot' S p'art,~

!heE.ein.g identifies himself a.$ J!l;m:.Ltan from ancth'tir planet. KRL:E.aClivises UN~ Presitlent that his pe'op!€l hav~ be,,chi:n.g E~rth tor qui te some time. ''rhoughtb~ilr. race ca.nO.Qt comprehend QU~ animal i.::;:t:ic b~!b,aviQ'Jr ,.t.hey a.rle,

n,onet.b.~,lf1!$~.~ impress,en ,'dith h.uma.n beings,. -

:!KRLt., ,eKiilLai~~ to the Pr·esiOent tha.t they .aJr:19 imp.['e:$!!M:l:d" ~.S :It,o unded " will th rt; h~ ~e:n,e t i,e: IIDiiak.e .. 1J;I.p of h!!u!'Ians. HumanSi;l.£e and surprisingly adap' !!:lI ad.d.i ti.Qn., they a.r'~ .~.~ e.x'i:;.;t',ao,t:ditlLa.ry species Q:~p~.b'l¢ of living and b!, .. in~' in an a.tifiols:p~~~e compos,ed priirma.!!;'11~ of n.i,trogl@n, apois,Q[)ol1S '9'a,s~

''JrnI.L h~~ been instruct,eo by his pe.orpleto ,corne toiartn and ,ex.ami.:n.e h1!.lm~nbl(!:.llifl:g 5: " re.t Ul!:.IQ.i JIg 5 ampl.'El:s o.f gen>e tlil,,~ c,ellular :![n - ~:z:ch.anqe., he i~ 9Juthoiri.~ed to offer f l.y.ill,ng Q.!!,.~.~.t:,echn o,l!09'Y a,nd d.l .~.i.n t e9i r.a.t i.on 1 ig'b tWi@aporl)rY' t.O t:h.@ 1,eade::!!:'ship ·of Earth. :It i5;th,eir hop~ to1dienti.fy a.rJi.Q .1so1a.t,e:;;; ceJLlular mat,eri,a15 whi'OD iUlil,a.y help thei.r own J:'ace be'Ciome st.:ro:nge~,. :lRLL cO:lltinue:Sii f ex:pl,~:Rf!lj,n:9 ·that th¢y carn.e:frIQm a dying liiI'Q·.~ld. and hope. to ifi;t.eg1r'~t.e both ·o,u:" genet.icll1Jate.ri~.1$anG.tliii,e1rs tocreat,e a ra.ce which 'will ,<I, l.lo:W'them tOe!n.eilLt'B ..

T.lle, Presid,ent is horrified,. It 1a .inconcei'll,abl@ to 'bim tbat he clOuld p€irmi t r. ... :unan. b-~jll,Q.q:s to :bedi~isecbed ••• for ,;;UiLl' ,~e'i!ls,o(n:! ,EI:e irnl_medi~ toelyrefu5·.es th~ 'offer ~

'The 'taJllaU,en :respo'rnds.. He ,assul;e~th.eIPi!:'i8,!!!.ident t.bat no bam will <;!o.rL'ile to ,any lt~ma[l be1:J:liq lexamined~ All individw,a, 1 s se.l,ectedwi 11 1Jl ndergo ele~t:rQni,c ~ n@r'ye,~d i ;5,C10inneo t 'I. 'l'.heywlLt feel, :nopa1ti1. .In, a:d.ditiQf;!" they will t.beir Q'!e!'llQ;!'ii>esg:is(;Qn~,e!;tE,d:, thU$ anyt;r,aUima to t.h.el.:r

.. pSJche~ Asf~I:'thE'l:r iPireea'UtiQ!~, t:hey willibe i:mpl,ant.'Bd wi't.h.

1 'I! screen .' meanC.II"i.E!'S: I'i' . a. - 'tet:'D. Inigu. e .WDi1I,1dh. . wI 1IL 1 ;rna ~k any meIDQ~.i~·5 . of the ill1llc:tdent" et'le;jjl!ting'the~ll~:ll::1Qln that ~n:y !l'IiIlemory that mi.gWil.t. re,s;lu·;t~!.';:e .is ]lIii!st a ,atreiam~

]~dl v,id!'1i.!i~dl,s:1lelec·te,a fo,.r iL,aHW1 11 betC!!ken aln Iy under 'th.e mOist discX'eet,!n.S:" the ma,jo:r papu.lal~e 'will not. .be aWaJlCiE!: of I!: he ,abd~ct:iofiS.. Tko,stl'l who .a~e: I"emovedi w:U 1 bere:t;urned: ·to thesiaime lo!;ati!l!lDthey we<l'e bkienft"om .. 'their \01'i 1 1, h.av;e no me:mory !!Of th.e e:ven'!i;" ,only missing' 'tiLme.

- ---------

~s=t ~Ji .,,[$:C, - ~'* PI •• - ~.:\

'The P,r@sident 15 still uiIl,c:on"llinced. ,Ex,amin .. a'l;iono,f any J:M,unan being; Wi.thOll't t.hei:r (;jj.PII?'.rov,al ,o-r knowledg~, i5'eems to be a vi o]i.ati,on. ofthe:iE" p'ri v~C'Y' and t'Ji.9h.ts ~ lie ag'ai,n rei'I;l!!;!,e!s, ~ HI S ,mi 1 itar:y;f!!lrs argue in faiV'O'l:' ,of the Tre,aty ~ ,O;eoat@ and fQ1I;c-e,d quiet a:rr'!;l'UllllIents oontinue., Finally!!,oR@ 'General , a fjClintt,bat: d,~cirde,s the ,i,s::s:ue .' If t,heal1e,n' 5, of'fer 1,5 refrus~d. ~ .' how 'would Mankiiild prevent. the ,abdud:ions from. ,ocC'uring anyw<;lry'?

The Presl.'dentc:a.n. see no alternative.

He asks f~r Q1n1e aJdd.i tional ,c:onside~,a tioln Ito !be pa.rt of the Ciigreeme::Il·t.:. a g:rc;up' of h.uma,n, medical ad,V'i8ors 'woi 11 take pa.rt in every' ,,ation.. T:hey 'will ebserve a,llclinlca.l [p.r,oce!au:r~;s a.nldl wi.llbe 'qi yen unrestI' H::ted access tQ Gi.ny a.nrd all as,pecits iQ·f the abtl!u:ctioD pr'o~'e$i,5,., They will r-epQrt an", viola. tion,s t-o, both humansClfid ,al ien,,$ .A:n:llsl! viola.tioDs, will terminate the Treaty~

The alie'n aqre,es ~

c;. The paot. irs kn,o'W:n C!rS th,e Tri-lateral. ''lreaty~ It ba~ an I:ln'pa.ra.l.le,lecil impa,ct Oill, tbe affairs' ,oft-he 'glc,be~ Qn. bebalf of Barth". t.h,e P't',€tslden,t of the U'ni t,e,dStat,e:s, undenia.bly the mo:::;t. PQwerful man in 'world a.ffairs" has ,ex:teudiea an l''tioil1, fOir liz;a,rd,s" n,owkno·wlJ.I as th~ '! GREYS! ,eo· partic.!,te in our wo!r'ld I'S d.E!:vE),l,opl11llellt.,

T.he lizard Empire i~ legally 'present on Eat"t.h.! None of ".: the prit1lcipal:l:!, in- w'Orlrd ,g'o:v~JrDfI'Ie:nt ha,y-,e m~m,Qr.i.e5 Q,f ea~lie.r arrangeme'nts. .A handfll.d. be,come, part '0'£ the nl,ddeo SHm1: o,r ;~ .SRMU 90ivernme.nt (the: II sbadow '90vernme.nt"}i ~


The Presidemt re,qu,ests th.e, fO.rmation of' an alien supe'r- 11 .1.s!o.ry board.. some ,rep·o,r ts .1 i at its na:me as ,MJ - '1 2, ,o,thers o;i5,siqn it: a, dif'f'e:~~li:it na;mle~ It:s<: is til) mGn~ .. tor' ,all the abductions an,d report tJa1i;;:k t,e, the President:.

TtoIo 'undiEu::'gr·O'und ba's,es are pl,ann,ed... 'T,b@ fir,st wi l, I, be a. largE! fQJ(;!11t.y' for' Uni.t.edl Sta.t'El.s military' 't,o use b:i! d'€il:velop and be,com,e familiaE w1'tn UFO teehnoiQqyand 'W',eaponrY',.Tbis base .is b,uilt b,e,l"ow a. gunnery range Jl.ortb CI,f' La:s, 'V:e·g,as~ ,l.t i5:vi\lI.r1.ousl.y ca.::!I.l'eid, Area. 511 andm:ea!ll!land ,. The s e cQ'nO: base is llull.t ut,iI1:dn'9i the ca:v~rns under 'the Four Cor'ners, area, nea.r a ;s.m~H, t(ll~ ita 11 edDul,ce ~ :i: 1: is to be. us·ed b,y a.liens for the examina.1:.ioli!! of 1!:heiJ:;' buman abduction s,ubjl,ects,.,

HULmans and G:reY5 'w,or:k, band in :hand.











The. d~ug QPe.ra,tle'tl:a: ,~~eextr.e'lllelJ" luc'1':a:tive" burt Dlac'k Ops :muil:eds mo't"Elmone,y" ,an,a, the: 'sha,Qow - g'Cl1ve:rrullen't I s1mp,ly' is gr'eeCi.y ,~nd wants mQlre, mon~y OJ "2he I GQld'e,n Tr1iuilgle I oct the :f,u'-east l:s, 'ta:rqet,edl.. 'The: i'rell~hbave, race,nely lQs't a,~:Eili,gh c:ostw~J;.. Wi tbQQt their pres'ence"plane:8, ~D beflo~, into t'he f.1'ii!'Ji.ds o(f C'~dlia and Vi'E!:t, 'Ha~, 'd:~ut9 8~,9g1,ing hegi.ns. ,i TilliE! :s,uc'ces,s of 'the, dlt:'ug ,tr,ade ;I,ncr1ea:$,e:3 ,r - 'greater numbers of air £;:s;[.s 'il::100 dlfficu,U:, 'til) b1d,e, ,a, eQver .1~ needed~,





Mon@y 15 need,ad to finan,ee the dev'e:,JLQp,ment Q~ th,e new'ly acquired, weaponry a,nd U:FO' 'te,enIlClI1Qgy" t.ib,e so-called t 1Ua,c:k I, Pl"oj ect,s '. ThE I shadolw government' ifi' the P:r'e~id@fit. Cl.fl!Q, those wJ:ios'e mif,il'Cis h,av@, been $,a.nit:.i:z:ed 0, 'Th'@:i argue-that 'tll.@i public mu~st .not: be 't;,r:!ld of'the a.B,en conl;a,'ct, the p:<!Ini!1 th,at would e1'l:Sll:E!: would be ,disastel~us .. pa~t;:tC:Ullarly if tb.ey 'w,ere t.o f.ind 'Out thoe ,a,liens wer,e I,mcontroll~.blle,. :Funds, :for t.lte 1 ~l ~Cl!:: O'p.s ~ .l'fi U.S t notC-Orne f rorntaxa:t i on t' they' mU!!it c:cmi.fl: frif[ll'j und,@'tiElctable sOQ.];ce5 ... ~il!lindlthe amounts neede·ClWlould be va$t in q~antlty.

The I' 5h~dow 'giovernme.nit' itta:5, no (!I.e sire tQ' 5:ee the "Black 'O:p$11 succ'ee('J .. but H. has "'0 q'ualms, .in making a proUt., Tille "sbadow gO"lleJ!.'[email protected]' prln, :;>ugqesttu.r:n.i:nq eo an I, a.11y II of' ti:u~!!d States in World W,ar 11." •• th,€! .Mafia. Th'01l9lh a m:i'nor pr'G,tes:t 1,5 made Ij:ly S,Qlitlle b,iqh ,o,fficia,]ls,.l:bel Maf.1a is "', onceaqa.i,n. tbe partn'e~ ,6;f IUn.cle S,am.,';F'he mobs,tel: lords .1! quickbJ' sQ99'elSt ,a.n, ar,rangement, •• ~.i.nille'gal d~liJigiS.

• The, £'irst phag,eo:f the [email protected] cO'llcen,trates, on. e:xisti 1.19" f of [p©pp,y .1 liIi. Turkey ~ 'T'he Maf ;i,,;aw:U.l 'b~ Ire:speiRS i - blf3,fQ~ br1ng1;n,9' the ,cbttl!95t,O thew,aters oiiltsldetbe: Qo,a,stline:s Qfthe Unj.'tea, 5,tates.. Th.e CIA w.1.11 bring 'th,!! illeg,a.! dru,9's into the ,r:o.untr'y •.

The Mafia fin,Ci5 a- young 6::teek shipp.iiH9" magna,t;.ewbo w,U,~. bring tn'eir contrablln.d in hi~ ~hip5 to AnJerican :$e,a.s.. This, y,oung' man be~o,m~s ~ 'tycoon. He i~ A~i!?b::)'U.e, Ornassis ~

The ClAunt, the talents of an l:d:sh bootleg-g'er"" a man-who ha.s Mafia co n'n'e:c t.iQn:5 ana, is, ,a):.perie:n'c~d in Rlt:lvin'g "booty i from :s,mlall boats, at. :sea ,to ~,f,r1endly" l.Q!!lgshcu:emein ontbe: d,ocks.. Pram, there they ~~¢ transpoI'·ted on t!l:U(fk~ to ,a, 11 ma.j or c i 't!es. Th i s ma.n is ,Jo,g,eph P '. K.eJ1n,edv ~

The bEl'9':'i.nto .flow" !i:l'uge amQunt:5 of mona,]" ls s,p.l.i't up .bet'ween tn:eMafia. aud.tbe CI,A~ Blact.Ops is flJn,ded.,t.h~ 'shadow' 'g'QV'e~nmEm:t, I ~,Qld:5, t:her~1ns.. Go:veinmen;i: off.1':::i,als, " now cQooe,cted, ,tQ' 'the Mgf'la, !i;an be blL,ack-mal1ed and ,ea.sily (:OInt.rol.led ••• 0'1' e11mina'i!:!ed ...

The GU] f o,i Tontin is c\cliJ:rtl'iv~d 'I;.Q :pJr;'()V'id.e a .. reason :for wal:'~ Wa:t' deman.ds ai.,r flfgh.ts into the d,fu,$treS5ed a.r,ea ..•

,I) .D!r~gs ir·om t;beF. a.rE'a.s t ( Cambod i ~ -v jj ,et: Nam) ,tiI)!;'e broQi9h.t ill by Air lMfl¢r~~~h o;l! CIAf~@;l]t., 'fh~ V';i~t ~~mW'aj[ i~ ,~d·r."g9 smuc; i':m:o!l'lt~ Bod:y ba9~s .n:',e pa.cked, lI'I'ith drugs, soldiers a.:r'le: hooked SOl that a will be exist for the paylo,ads .. Namp'ro'll'ides the prodll!lJct. and t,beu:!;N~:rS.,

BIa,ek 'I)p~ :flln.d i n.g .;1,. !:1lCl!.':e:@' ~e's ,th.e "s.hadow gQveI:'nmelil t! i:;; not sa'tisfJll~d., they wanlt i'!i!o~~ p,rofH: _ Tbe !offi¢i~l giCrve]ftiment cOlltin~es:t::.c 9,et in deep@rand ,de@[email protected].

SQ]!:!th ~meric.a ~5.;;1" bOl!lnty (J,t. .c),rug:;; ~ The previous iP,h:as,e w-hich. u.sed :;l~1;a!991e~!;; j;.~ p~tl,:ntGo!;lj~~a9o;l!iH.~ 'i'r.I¢ (lI:'1;]9 1<;ll!;:G!~ o1fCien,tr,a:I~nd South A:mellCica. !blri~9' th@dlrealt'g'oes to a small oil cQimpany in tlfl,e Gulf oft<:lex!co. O'i.l pla.t.forms 'wn:lich ha,aJ beBQ, ::; mominal amonn.'ts or c1rud!e 0.11 .111J. ba.rrel.511l.ea.]['Iy dOl; I:IIllJimber 'Qf'ba~r:els they $end init¢ ·the l[li .. s; crlld.~ oil occupies CNr:lly balf gf the b~.r~els, dl!':u'3Is ~i,"e sto~ed in t h.eotll@:l:S ., T.ile rn05 t !liUC cess f u: 1 ,opera.t.1 (J,n e:en tjer~5 a,t;1ound a. young lOll corcp.olI.ny c,a.ll,e:d Zapat.a {l,U... It.s yCtl.JJ:I.g CBO ma.kes a n,i3ITi1ef·C)·r h::i.msEllf., Tbe 'operat.fon .is so .~lj.'cc:e55fu.t t.he yOUlil.g rn<i!~be,comes, intim<;l;l;;iElJ tn.€! ClJ!!.. He:iis p!::1;!5@nt, in. n.;!,j,lal!> on H'Qvemb~r22 .. 1'£11;63. He advisE!sthie FB,I ",pire.·vioustothE fateful d~y, ,of a i &loss,:l.ble proble,m!1 .in the per:501:il.a, ,o·f ,Lee HaEVey Osw,ailld, who ma.y be: pot.€iriLtia.l th~~Oil.t to JFK. 'Th@ CIA HilI':; bec'Ome:s .$0 :1!tJ;Qog-that i~ tiline .he, is appo,!l"nt,e;d to the Direet:o::r,shJ.p.. 'ill''he yo'ung: CEO is named GeQrgeBush. ~ ,(Georgie Bush.h ,gIc·tu<.'!Jllya, se.c'rlnd clousin toth.e QUEllen 0,1 :Eng:land.)

"Blaek Op.5!· ana: ! Illrug Ops! have be(;:O'ffiI~ one and the siame •• '. the Mafia' a~O: t.he ,C:[A a~e in9ii~t.i!lg:l;d!>h.j!bll,e., + ,. the, 1[!I'n,ii,f;;ed S·tat,e!s GoV'~rnlrn,en.t and th.e ! Sh,ai!!:1ow GOV1e:Ullme:n't ~ e'nmes:h.ed ~ Tn.@y ~,.~'e ttl e pe rpet:r'a to,r S 0 f cri m>e:s again.s t hUllha.n,i t,y .... ~

w'e arelthe vlctims.. .-

~ [
[ ..

Pat:ria.:ilrcb ,j'til'!!i.e:phP., Ke'i'i.nedyprcl'poses a de!al to 'the C'IAMaft,a, PQwe:r;s:~ :If' theyasBist in the el'@Jct.iolii of hi:s ,eld' :;;;0,[1,1::0 tbe Office ,of the P,res;.1d,ency" h"l,s, ;raQ:~ in r,etll~n 'w'ill! obey the dictates 'Qf his t\a thelli OJ I!1 ,e.ffec:t;., ,t.he:,Pre,sldency ,of the UnJited ,State$ w:i.ll be under the ,control of the l'ia.f1a ,and erA ..... ,cO\rIlpletely.,

'The I :sha.dow·goV'ernmenit' smll es.

J,oseph Ken,R@'dy's ,el,;l'h:l:st SQ~ is ·k::ll.lll,,'eg 1.1:1 at ~mJsterlous I accident.. J05.eph ,a:5' the CIA~Maf fa that son, John F1t;.;z;,gerald" will abide bl)!' the s.cE!:fia:rio, that,,]i'Clseph bas P'l'oposed ~ ,J,oJU"II is un,awa:t@: of oJ. s fath@r' ,5 ~ dreg 1 ! " he i,~ an. int,elJ.1g,ent Y(Hll:ng !Dan. but has an ,In.ces::sant, eye fOilf women..

Th@:- election. is ri.g9l'ed r JFR. is U!'1;l new Pre,siden.t.

John £0.110""',:5 his :f.,t'ther·s will, DutthePat,riar,ch ,falls j"ll '" Sudde,nl:y John and hts ~I"ounqer DlI."'ot:he!' Bobby" find 'the .. pat.h befoJ;Ei: them is open ·t.@,their Qwn d.i::rection,. Pos:se:5s~d of consci,ences, th.ey ,be.gin bJlpu,rsue thei~ own.CQ,ul::se.

Awaret,(;j some degree o,ft:tle~,:r fat:t.e,r ~~, con~:Hi!!cti()l'lI:s~. the full scope o·f the a,rr,anglemeril'l:: with th@ CIA-·Ka:fi,a was beyond t.'heireornprehenslon.T~ey dlis,colv@rt:h@ ~ Black Ops II a.nd the! dru,glt.ra.ff1ck,.:ing. '. ~,and the (:I,A=,Mafia H,iIlk~ T'he two, feel ,a:n O'verwbelmin,g s,enS,B ,of be.t:raY,!iiI.l tc th~y are pa.i':'t of t.ih.e system of :hdust1<;:E: 'they have tak@flJ a '''''O'w ·to fight against '.' p't"' ''!'@ disbandJ the C:lI:A and the drug' t!':, A committed Bobby goe:$ after t.h~ Mafl,a." Bc,th '9rQ~'ps fe~.l the agrre,emen't is bl-Q]l;;,en,. The 'l'e,x:a5 ,oil !con~'ortiUim h,a.;:!;> its 'Very f'Qmtdatlcm th,:r\e~t,ened., ''f'b4;l: mili tary :itself f,eels, t.h.e,i::r war ,ef'f'oEt in~he Eiay of Pigs h~s, been b€lil::ray,@;d., 'Tbe bli.1\~' YOiung meR bave ,effec't1'v'elythrea.t@,ne,Cl theifio:stpow~r;tl!ll o:rganiz.a-

U.ons in the world.. '

,an November :22nd .. 19163, at noon 1n Dallas,,7Iexa,SJ,,;: John

Fitz'gerald KenDedy' lsas:sasslna'te,(3.. ,_' _

On JUne 5'th,~ 1I9lj.8,in Los Angeles, C'a_,l1 f,orn.;L,a , while o.n a. P,r,e,sia.entl.aleamp·, RQbe!rt Eell!D,eIa:~1.5 assQ,s,1na.'ted ..

!'be: ''WO:J:'ld 'c'r.i,ed . ., nat :bec~u!(I,e most, ,;J,9reed 'w:il,t:h 'th,em, burt beH;:!a~Se ev,eTyone s'omehow kn.ew ..... we los:t· ·one, of OU:!';" Qwn ..

, I

Wi =: p_

.. - 'I~~ •

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