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Antivirus Server Policy for Aptech HO* & CH*

1.0 Overview
This policy is an internal IT policy which defines anti-virus policy on
every computer including how often a virus scan is done, how often
updates are done, what programs will be used to detect, prevent, and
remove malware programs. It may also specify how files can enter the
trusted network and how these files will be checked for hostile or
unwanted content. For example it may specify that files sent to the
enterprise from outside the trusted network be scanned for viruses by
a specific program.

2.0 Purpose
This policy is designed to protect the organizational resources against
intrusion by viruses and other malware.

3.0 Anti-Virus Policy

The organization will use a single anti-virus product for anti-virus
protection and that product is Mcafee Virus Scan 8.7.x. The following
minimum requirements shall remain in force.

1. The Antivirus should be managed by corresponding EPO

Server i.e. HO – EPO at HO, CH – CH at CH.
2. At HO & CH all PC’s must have installed the Mcafee 8.7 or
at least 95 % PC’s should have Mcafee Virus Scan installed. Must
be installed 100 % on servers.
3. The anti-virus product shall be operated in real time on all
servers and client computers. The product shall be configured for
real time protection.
4. At least 90 % of users PC must be updated to latest virus
definition (or at least to last day definition).
5. The EPO Servers shall be configured to update

a) Virus Definition at least once per day.

b) Patches for Virus Scan at least once per day.
c) EPO Server Software updates to be checked at least once in a
week or whenever the updates are available.

6. Anti-virus scans shall be done a minimum of once per week

on all workstations and servers.

No one should be able to stop anti-virus definition updates and anti-virus

scans except for domain administrators.
*HO-Head Office, CH –Champion House.

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