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Consumer Protection



Dear Friend:
In today’s complex marketplace we, as consumers, often run into problems.
The questions are: What do you do about them? What are your legal rights as a
consumer? Who do you turn to for help? Where do you find needed information?
How do you protect yourself against fraud?
This book was created to answer those and other consumer questions. It
also lists federal, state, county, and local agencies and consumer and business
organizations that offer services, advice, and assistance for consumers. These
agencies and organizations can provide you with valuable information and also
assist you with any consumer-related problem you may have. Please feel free to
contact them.
Being a knowledgeable consumer is your first line of defense against fraud.
Read this book and be an informed consumer!
Table of Contents
Consumer Rights/Protection
How to Complain ............................................................... 3
You Can Protect Yourself.................................................... 4
Taking Legal Action ........................................................... 5
Michigan Consumer Protection Act.................................... 9
Checking Account/Deposit Information............................ 12
Your Rights as a Utility Customer in Michigan .................. 14
Health Insurance Reform.................................................... 15

Home Improvement Programs

Home Improvement Loans ................................................ 18
Home Equity Loans ............................................................ 22
Mortgage Redlining ............................................................ 24

Automobile Insurance/Repair
Guide to No-Fault Insurance in Michigan.......................... 26
Auto Repair Rights and the Auto Lemon Law.................... 32
Buying a Car........................................................................ 36

Consumer Credit Loan

Credit Repair Companies.................................................... 42
Consumer Credit .................................................................. 44

Consumer Sales
Mail Order Shopping .......................................................... 47
Unwanted Phone Solicitations ............................................ 49
Contracts and Warranties .................................................... 50
Cyber-Safety ........................................................................ 52
Agency Directory ................................................................ 53

Prepared by the Michigan Legislature

This information is provided free to Michigan citizens and is not for reproduction
for resale or profit. This information was accurate at the time of printing.

(Rev. 7/2008) 1

W ith the growing consumer movement in

Michigan, there has been an increase in the
number of requests from citizens for informa-
tion about consumer rights under Michigan
law. This “Consumer Protection Resource
Guide” describes some common frauds, how
to avoid them, and what to do if you think
someone has deceived you. A directory of
agencies at the local, state, and national
levels is provided at the end of this publication
for convenient reference. An alert and knowl-
edgeable consumer is the best protection
against fraud and deception. Keep this
booklet handy. Refer to it when you or your
friends need help. If you have any further
questions concerning this information or
other consumer issues, please contact:

The Attorney General

6th Floor, G. Mennen Williams Building
525 West Ottawa Street
Lansing, MI 48913
(517) 373-1140

How to Complain
It is your right to complain to a business when Your Address
you have a consumer problem; it’s also your City, State, Zip Code
responsibility. Complaining is never easy but many Date
businesses appreciate hearing from customers on how
Complaint Department
they can improve their services. After all, if you’re not
Name of Company or Organization
happy with their products or services, chances are that Address
other customers have encountered the same problem. City, State, Zip Code
Here’s an action plan to use for resolving a service
complaint. Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing about . . . (describe the product,
including serial and model number, services, issue,
1. Write down exactly what happened: I believe the product to be defective because
• what created the problem; . . . (describe problem briefly and accurately
• who you have talked with already; including dates, where purchased, etc.).
• when the problem occurred; Enclosed please find . . . (send photocopies of
• where the problem happened. bills, contracts, canceled checks, etc.).
2. Decide what compensation you expect for the I would like to . . . (describe what you want
problem. done - refund, exchange, repair, investigation, or
• You could request a refund, exchange, credit, or explanation, etc.).
just an apology. I thought you would like to know of my
dissatisfaction and . . . (state previous efforts and
3. Gather all relevant receipts and documents: identify consumer protection agency to whom you are
• include all records of phone calls and other sending a copy of this letter).
conversations; I look forward to your reply explaining the
• record the date and time of every contact made; action you are taking on my problem.
• photocopy any contracts, warranties, receipts, Sincerely,
and canceled checks. Your Name


OF THE BUSINESS If your contact with the local business is not
successful, you may have to contact a regional or
• Contact the manager as soon as possible after national office to get results. Use the same steps when
the problem arises. A delay may jeopardize your contacting these offices and include documentation of
ability to enforce your rights. your contacts with the local business. If the business is
• Telephoning is often not as effective as a not part of a larger chain, you should contact a local
personal visit or a letter. Whatever method you consumer protection agency.
choose, remember to document the contact. You may also want to contact a local consumer
• If you are nervous about talking to the manager, protection agency if you feel you are waiting too long
bring a friend. Your friend may help you feel for the business to react. If your area doesn’t have a
more comfortable and can also serve as a local agency, contact:
witness to the discussion. The Attorney General
• If visiting the store is inconvenient, write a letter 6th Floor, G. Mennen Williams Building
and keep a copy for yourself. The following is a 525 West Ottawa Street
“sample complaint letter” to assist you in writing Lansing, MI 48913
to the store owner or manager. Telephone (517) 373-1140 ❖

You Can Protect Yourself
Michigan’s Attorney General estimates that DO
Michigan citizens are bilked out of millions of dollars
each year through: 1. Read and understand all papers before you
sign them.
• Inferior products;
2. Buy only from reputable businesspersons.
• Overpricing;
3. Avoid using credit if you can.
• Exorbitantly high interest rates;
4. Be skeptical of many advertising claims.
• Unneeded products or services.
5. Take the time to investigate.
These are only a few of the many areas to watch
in your business dealings. 6. Consult with others.
7. Ask for and check references.
1. An offer of something for nothing.
2. Salespersons who “run down” another’s
product. 1. Pay until you’re sure.
3. Pressure to sign immediately. 2. Sign anything until you’ve “slept on it.”
4. Offer of kickbacks for referring sales 3. Buy without comparing prices from other
prospects or for signing other people to the sources. ❖
5. A businessperson who doesn’t tell his or her
business address.

Taking Legal Action
If you feel an individual or a business has treated ordered to pay according to the percentage of fault.
you unfairly and you believe they owe you money or For example, if you had $500 damage to your car
satisfaction, there is something you can do about it. which was not paid under your auto insurance, and
Acting on your own behalf, without the expense of an the other driver was 80 percent at fault, you could
attorney, you can sue in small claims court for be awarded $400 ($500 x 80% = $400). All “mini-tort”
damages up to $3,000. The following information cases must be started in the small claims court,
outlines the procedures you will need to know. but like other small claims cases, you can be moved
to a higher court upon request. (More information
about “mini-tort” is available from the Office of
WHAT IS SMALL CLAIMS COURT? Financial and Insurance Services, toll-free at
The small claims court was established in 1968 as 1-877-999-6442.)
a division of the district court system. Its purpose is to
provide a court to be used by people without the aid DO I NEED A LAWYER?
of attorneys to settle only monetary disputes of $3,000
or less, or to acquire some type of fair settlement and You do not need to know anything about the
to resolve disputes quickly and inexpensively. law to bring a suit in small claims court. Since lawyers
aren’t allowed to argue cases for clients, you don’t
need a lawyer. You simply state your case in your
WHAT ACTIONS MAY BE BROUGHT own words. After both sides have been heard, the
TO SMALL CLAIMS COURT? judge decides who is right.

Let’s say you contract with a home improvement

firm to do work on your home and the work doesn’t CAN I APPEAL THE CASE?
meet the standards promised by the salesperson or the If you win the case, the defendant must comply
contract. You can take the firm to small claims court to with the judge’s ruling. It’s important to remember
recover the amount you overpaid. that the judge’s decision is final in small claims court.
Perhaps you’ve moved from a house or It cannot be appealed to a higher court. You have the
apartment you rented and the landlord won’t return right to use this court. It’s not complicated or
your security deposit. You can sue the landlord in expensive. Here’s how to go about it.
small claims court to get your security deposit back.
You can also sue an individual or business which HOW TO START YOUR LAWSUIT
has caused damage to your property or possessions. File a claim
For instance, you may sue an automobile repair
The first step is to file a claim against the
service for unsatisfactory work or a dry cleaner for
person or business you want to sue. This is done
damaging your clothing.
in person at a district court office. The claim can be
You can also sue in small claims court if your car filed in the county where the defendant lives, the
is damaged in a collision and you are not fully county where the business is located, or in the county
reimbursed or covered by insurance. where the transaction took place. Start by calling the
district court in the county where the person or
business is located and ask if that office is the proper
HOW MUCH CAN I SUE place to file your claim. If not, they will advise you of
FOR CAR DAMAGE? the proper course of action. The district court number
is listed in the telephone book under the county office
Under the “mini-tort” provision of the No-Fault listings.
Auto Insurance Law, you may sue to recover up to
$500 in damages if the other driver is 50 percent or Fees for filing
more at fault. You cannot sue if you were more than During your initial telephone conversation with
50 percent at fault in the accident. If you are awarded the district court, be sure to ask exactly how much the
damages by the judge, the other driver will be filing fee is and if there will be additional fees. The

Taking Legal Action
cost of filing a small claim is minimal, but the total defendant” with a summons. Both you and the
cost will vary depending on other fees, such as the defendant will be notified of the date of appearance
cost of service upon the defendant, writs of execution, which has been set by the court. The hearing is
attachment, or garnishment. Be prepared to bring the usually at least 30 days from the time you first filed
correct amount with you to pay all fees in cash when your suit. You should use this time to organize your
you file your claim. presentation and evidence.


You must appear in person at the district court The person or business you are suing has the
office to file your claim. Tell the clerk that you want to right to ask that the case be heard in a higher court,
file a small claim and you will be given a simple form which is generally the district court. You will be
to fill out. You will need to know the exact name and notified if the defendant makes such a request. In the
address of the person or business you are suing, how higher court, both you and the defendant have the
much money you are suing for, and why you are right to be represented by an attorney. Whoever loses
suing. If you win the case, you are entitled to be the case may be asked to pay for costs.
reimbursed for the costs of filing your suit. Be sure to
request the award of costs in your claim.
When you file your claim you should bring
along any evidence you may have to back it up It is also possible that the defendant will offer to
such as a bill of sale, receipt, lease, accident report, pay out of court once a notice of your pending lawsuit
photographs, repair bills or estimates, promissory is received. If you reach such an agreement, make sure
note, or contract. that the terms of payment are put in writing and signed
by both you and the defendant. Then file a copy of the
agreement with the court. Once accepted by the court,
TAKE PRECAUTIONS the agreement becomes an official judgment of the
court and is enforceable by law.
Before you invest your time and money in filing
a claim for monetary damages, you should have some
idea if the individual or business you are suing has PREPARING FOR THE HEARING
enough money to settle your claim. If you know for a
After you file your case, you should carefully
fact that the person or business you want to sue
organize your presentation and evidence. It’s a good
would not be able to pay you if you won, there’s not
idea to outline the major points you wish to make as
much point in filing the claim.
you will want to present all the important facts clearly.
Be sure that you give the correct, exact, and
Evidence can include such items as: bills of sale,
complete name and address of the defendant.
receipts, leases, accident reports, photographs, repair
If you are suing a business, you should know its
bills or estimates, promissory notes, or contracts.
legal name. This is very important. Unless you have
Evidence may also be statements made by witnesses.
the correct person or business and address, you
If you do not have access to some of the evidence,
may not be able to collect any money you are
you may ask the court to issue a subpoena to produce
awarded. Remember that businesses sometimes
the evidence. Additionally, if it is necessary to ensure
operate under an assumed name. You can call the
a witness attends the hearing, a subpoena may be
county clerk’s office in the county where the business
requested for that purpose. These subpoena requests
is located for assistance in finding the legal name of
should be made early in the 30-day period.
the business.
The court will notify both you and the defendant
of the date you both must appear in court. If it is
BEFORE THE HEARING impossible for you to attend the hearing, be sure to let
the court clerk know as soon as possible. The court
The court will notify the defendant that may set an alternative hearing date. It is strictly up to
you have filed a claim. This is called “serving the the court.

Taking Legal Action


The hearing will take place at the court where If the judge decides in your favor, that means the
you filed your claim, unless another location is defendant must pay you the amount ordered by the
specified by the court. Be there on time. Be sure to judge plus a small amount in court costs. If the
bring all your evidence with you and make sure any defendant refuses to abide by the order of the court,
witnesses are there on time. there are various options open to you.
If one party is absent Writ of garnishment
If it’s impossible for you to attend the hearing, First of all, ask the court how it can assist you in
be sure to let the court clerk know as soon as possible collecting money. For a small fee, the court may be
so that an alternative hearing date can be set. If you able to issue a “writ of garnishment.” This would
fail to attend the hearing without having notified the mean that your payments would be taken out of the
court, your claim will be dismissed. defendant’s wages or bank account. However, the
If the defendant does not show up for the court must have enough information to do so. It’s a
hearing, the court will usually grant you a “default” good idea to try to learn the defendant’s Social
judgment. This means that the judge decides in your Security number, bank, place of employment, and
favor even though the other side of the case has not employment badge number at the time of the initial
been presented. hearing just in case this situation arises. You do this by
If both parties show up, the hearing will asking the person these questions when they take the
proceed. The court clerk will call your case when it’s stand to testify.
time for the hearing and you and the defendant will Discovery subpoena
appear before the judge. The judge will ask you to If you and the court are unable to obtain
state your claim. this information, you might consider bringing
the defendant back into court to do this. You would
Stating your claim have to request that the court issue a “discovery
Take your time and in your own words tell subpoena,” which will require the defendant to
what happened, why you think the defendant owes appear in court to disclose information necessary
you money, or what you would like done. Remember, for a writ of garnishment. At this time, it will be
this is NOT the time or place to vent your anger or possible to find out the defendant’s bank account for
frustration. Keep your testimony to the facts of the attachment.
case. Show the judge the papers or evidence you
brought and introduce any witnesses you may Writ of execution
have. The witnesses will be allowed to tell the If the court is unable to carry out a
judge what they know about the case in their own garnishment, it might choose to issue a “writ of
words. execution.” In this case the court would seize some
After you have finished, the defendant will have property of the defendant and sell it in order to pay
an opportunity to tell the other side of the case. Listen your judgment.
carefully. It is up to you to make sure all the facts of Once the defendant has complied with
the case are presented to the judge fairly and the judge’s decision, you will be finished with
completely. If you think the defendant is leaving your lawsuit in the Small Claims Division of
something out or changing the facts, tell the judge. District Court.
The judge will want to hear all the facts before
making a decision. POINTS TO REMEMBER
The final decision • Do not be afraid to go to small claims court. It is
Remember, the judge’s decision is final, your court. If you feel you have a claim against an
and cannot be appealed, except if the case was heard individual or a business which you cannot settle
before a district court magistrate. Then, an appeal otherwise, take them to court. It is your right.
can be made within seven days after the entry of a • You do not need a lawyer to file and carry through
decision. Neither you nor the defendant can take the a small claim in the small claims division of district
case to a higher court once the judge has made a court. Lawyers are not permitted to practice in
decision in the small claims division. these courts.

Taking Legal Action
• If you win your case, the defendant is legally • You can also sue in small claims court for
bound to pay you. automobile collision damage caused by another
• Decisions in the small claims division of district driver, provided the damage is not covered by
court cannot be appealed unless a decision is your insurance. However, you cannot recover
made by a district court magistrate rather than a more than $500. More information about these
district court judge. An appeal must be made “mini-tort” lawsuits is available from the Insurance
within seven days after the entry of a district Bureau. ❖
court magistrate’s decision.

Michigan Consumer
Protection Act
The Consumer Protection Act (1976 PA 331) in Example: A business falsely claims it can
Michigan gives consumers, prosecutors, and the undersell competitors because the competition
Attorney General a more effective way to fight can’t buy in as large a volume from wholesalers.
deceptive practices. This act prohibits many unfair 7. Advertising or representing goods or services with
and deceptive trade practices and gives prosecutors intent not to dispose of those goods or services as
more power to enforce the law. It also encourages advertised or represented.
consumers to sue businesses which they suspect are
Example: A department store advertises a low-
deceiving customers. If they win, consumers can
priced sewing machine with the intent to switch
receive damages or $250, whichever is greater, and consumers to a higher-priced model.
reasonable attorneys’ fees.
8. Advertising goods or services with intent not to
The following gives the prohibited practices supply reasonably expectable public demand,
listed in the Consumer Protection Act and an example unless the advertisement discloses a limitation of
of the type of situation which may apply. quantity in immediate conjunction with the
1. Causing a probability of confusion or advertised goods or services.
misunderstanding as to the source, sponsorship, Example: A store advertises a sale on freezers
approval, or certification of goods or services. without disclosing it has only three in stock.
Example: A mail order company uses a 9. Making false or misleading statements of fact
governmental-sounding name to imply government concerning the reason for, existence of, or
sanction. amounts of price reductions.
2. Using deceptive representations or deceptive Example: A store advertises merchandise at
designations of geographic origin in connection 20 percent off the “regular” price but has never
with goods or services. sold the merchandise at the “regular” price.
Example: A company labels wine, made in the 10. Representing that a part, replacement, or repair
United States with U.S.-grown grapes, with the service is needed when it is not.
words “French wine.” Example: An appliance repair person falsely
3. Representing that goods or services have claims several parts are defective and need to be
sponsorship, approval, characteristics, ingredients, replaced.
uses, benefits, or quantities which they do not 11. Telling someone goods and services were
have; or that a person has sponsorship, approval, requested, when they were not.
status, affiliation, or connection which he/she Example: A record club sends a record album and
does not have. bill falsely claiming the member had ordered it.
Example: A business falsely claims to have the 12. Misrepresenting that because of some defect in a
endorsement of the Chamber of Commerce or consumer’s home the health, safety, or lives of
Better Business Bureau. the consumer or his/her family are in danger if
4. Representing that goods are new if they are the product or services are not purchased, when
deteriorated, altered, reconditioned, used, or in fact the defect does not exist or the product or
secondhand. services would not remove the danger.
Example: A tire dealer sells retreaded tires as new. Example: A home repairperson claims a furnace
is dangerous and should be replaced immediately
5. Representing that goods or services are of a when it’s neither dangerous nor in need of
particular standard, quality, or grade, or that goods replacement.
are of a particular style or model, if they are of
another. 13. Causing a probability of confusion or of
misunderstanding with respect to the authority of
Example: An appliance store sells a 1994 model a salesperson, representative, or agent to
television as a 1996 model. negotiate the final terms of a transaction.
6. Disparaging the goods, services, business, or Example: A car salesperson makes an offer to sell
reputation of another by false or misleading a car at a certain price but does not have the final
representation of fact. authority to negotiate the price.

Consumer Protection Act
14. Causing a probability of confusion or of accordance with the terms of an agreement,
misunderstanding as to the legal rights, advertisement, representation, or provision of
obligations, or remedies of a party to a law, to promptly restore to the person or persons
transaction. entitled thereto any deposit, down payment, or
Example: A salesperson implies a contract other payment, or in the case of property traded
can be easily canceled when there are severe in but not available, the greater of the agreed
restrictions on the cancellation. value or the fair market value of the property, or
to cancel without a specified time or an otherwise
15. Causing a probability of confusion or reasonable time an acquired security interest.
misunderstanding as to the terms or conditions
Example: A door-to-door salesperson refuses to
of credit if credit is extended in a transaction.
return a deposit even though the consumer has
Example: A business claims a consumer will not canceled the contract within three business days
have to make the first installment payment on as provided by Michigan’s Door-to-Door Sales
purchase for 60 days but sends a bill requiring Law.
immediate payment a week after the sale.
22. Arranging for the consumer to sign something
16. Disclaiming or limiting an implied warranty, when the merchant knows or has reason to
unless a disclaimer is clearly and conspicuously know that the statement is not true.
disclosed. Example: A moving company requires a
Example: A manufacturer refuses to repair a consumer to sign a statement confirming that all
recently purchased lawn mower which won’t goods have arrived undamaged when the mover
cut grass and was not sold “as is.” knows it isn’t true.
17. Representing or implying that goods and/or 23. Representing that a consumer will receive a
services will be provided promptly, when the rebate, discount, or other benefit when the
merchant knows or has reason to know it will benefit is contingent on an event to occur after
not be so provided. the transaction.
Example: A furniture manager claims new Example: A salesperson convinces a consumer to
furniture will be delivered within two weeks purchase a vacuum cleaner by promising cash for
but knows it will take longer to get it from the each person the consumer gets to buy one in the
manufacturer. future.
18. Representing that a consumer will receive goods 24. Taking advantage of the consumer’s inability to
or services “free,” “without charge,” or using protect his/her interests by reason of disability,
similar phrases without clearly disclosing the illiteracy, or inability to understand an agreement.
conditions, terms, or prerequisites to the use or Example: A business requires a person who only
retention of the goods or services advertised. understands Spanish to sign a contract written in
Example: A gas station advertises a free English.
car wash with fill-up without clearly disclosing 25. Gross discrepancies between the oral
that a minimum purchase is required. representations of the seller and the written
19. Failing to reveal a material fact, the omission of agreement covering the same transaction or
which tends to mislead or deceive the consumer, failure of the other party to the transaction to
and which fact could not reasonably be known provide the promised benefits.
by the consumer. Example: A travel agent claims meals and
Example: A builder makes surface repairs to an entertainment are included in a tour package
old home to hide substantial defects and code when the agent knows they are not.
violations. 26. Charging the consumer a price grossly in excess
20. Entering into a consumer transaction in which of the price at which similar property or services
the consumer waives or seems to waive a right, are sold.
benefit, or immunity provided by law, unless the Example: A gas station charges a consumer,
waiver is clearly stated and the consumer has whose car has run out of gas, $20 per gallon
specifically consented to it. when there are no other gas stations for 50 miles.
Example: A business refuses to give a refund on 27. Using coercion and duress to take advantage of a
a defective product claiming “all sales are final” customer.
although the product was not sold “as is.” Example: An agent for a home repair contractor
21. Failing, in a consumer transaction which is convinces a consumer whose house is on fire to
rescinded, canceled, or otherwise terminated in sign a contract for repairs.

Consumer Protection Act
28. Making a representation of fact or statement of There are penalties for violating the act. For
fact material to the transaction such that a person continued and deliberate violation of a prohibited
reasonably believes the represented or suggested practice, a business may be fined up to $25,000.
state of affairs to be other than it actually is. A person who violates a court order on purpose
Example: An insurance agent implies an may receive a fine up to $5,000. The act assesses a
insurance policy is really a savings program by civil penalty up to $5,000 for a person who ignores
using the word “contract” instead of “policy,” or avoids a subpoena or who hides important
“deposit” instead of “premium.” information.
29. Failing to reveal facts which are material to the Under the act, consumers have several ways to
transaction in light of representations of fact fight deceptive practices. They can:
made in a positive manner. • ask a court to order a business to stop using an
Example: A car dealer claims a used car has been illegal practice;
repaired so that it runs perfectly but knows its • file a lawsuit to recover attorneys’ fees as well as
headlights don’t work. actual damages or $250, whichever is greater;
30. Representing the product or package as recycled, • file a class action lawsuit.
recyclable, degradable, or is of a certain recycled
content. Several types of businesses are exempt from the
Consumer Protection Act’s provisions. Insurance
Example: A manufacturer claims that they have
companies, banks, savings banks, credit unions, and
developed a product made of 100 percent
public utilities cannot be prosecuted for violating the
recycled material, when in fact, the product is
Consumer Protection Act. In addition, a 1999 decision
made of only 50 percent recycled material.
of the Michigan Supreme Court (Smith v Globe Life
31. Representing a product as degradable, Insurance Co., 460 Mich 446 (1999)) further limited
biodegradable, or photodegradable unless it can the application of the Consumer Protection Act. The
be substantiated that the product will decompose relevant portion of the Court’s decision turned upon
within a reasonably short period of time. its interpretation of a provision in the act that
Example: A manufacturer claims that a product is excluded transactions or conduct that are “specifically
biodegradable, when it knows that the product authorized” under other laws. The Court held that the
will take thousands of years to decompose. exclusion should not be read to exclude situations
where “the specific misconduct alleged by the
plaintiffs is ‘specifically authorized.’ ” Instead the Court
SUMMARY held that the exclusion applied more broadly – where
The Consumer Protection Act gives strong “the general transaction is specifically authorized by
enforcement powers to county prosecutors and the law, regardless of whether the specific misconduct
Attorney General. If an enforcement agency believes a alleged is prohibited.”
business has violated the act or is about to, it can:
While the Consumer Protection Act is available if
• request a court order to stop the business from you need it, remember, it’s aimed at dishonest
using the practice. The business has ten days to operators who are a small portion of the business
stop the practice before court action begins; community. Chances are, when you have a complaint
• request that the court require the business to against a business, it is the result of a mistake or a
appear before the enforcement agency for misunderstanding, rather than an intentional effort to
questioning or for a review of its records; mislead or deceive.
• accept an assurance of discontinuance (this means Before you decide to take legal action or contact
the business does not admit guilt but agrees to stop an enforcement agency, try to solve the complaint
using the questionable practice); yourself. Ask to see the store manager or write a letter
to the company’s president. Calmly present your side
• file a class action lawsuit on behalf of consumers; of the problem and have a solution in mind. If that
• negotiate a settlement between a consumer and a fails, then take your problem to the county prosecutor
business. or the Attorney General. ❖

Checking Account/
Deposit Information
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW You should receive access within
two business days for:
• any funds in excess of $100 from “local” checks
For some time, banks, credit unions, and savings drawn and deposited in different financial
and loans had the option of holding their customers’ institutions within the same Federal Reserve region;
deposited checks for as long as eight to ten days in
• funds in excess of $100 deposited from a “local”
order for the checks to clear.
bank, credit union, or savings and loan using an
Federal Reserve Board regulations ATM.
(Regulation CC), effective since 1990, require
banks, credit unions and savings and loans to make You should receive access within
deposited checks available within a specific amount five business days for:
of time, as determined by the type of check. • all money from checks drawn from “nonlocal”
financial institutions including those deposited
You should receive next business day access for: using an ATM.
• electronic funds transfers;
• U.S. Department of Treasury checks; WHERE TO COMPLAIN
• state and local government checks; If you have a complaint against a bank, credit
• cashier’s checks; union, or savings and loan, you may contact the
• all deposits using an automatic teller machine following offices:
(ATM) that are cash, Treasury checks, or checks • State Chartered Banks, Credit Unions, or
drawn from the same ATM bank; Savings and Loans:
• up to $100 from “local” checks within the same Department of Labor and Economic Growth
Federal Reserve check-processing region (in the Office of Financial and Insurance Services
Lower Peninsula this means you have deposited Consumer Services Division
any check issued with the beginning routing P.O. Box 30220
numbers 0720, 0724, 2720, 2724, found in the code Lansing, MI 48909
at the bottom of the check. This means that the Phone: (517) 373-0220
check was drawn from a Michigan bank located Toll-Free: (877) 999-6442
south of the Mackinac Bridge).
• Federally Chartered Banks:
• in the Upper Peninsula, a “local” check is any Comptroller of the Currency
check with the beginning code numbers 0910, 1301 McKinney Street, Suite 3710
0911, 2910, or 2911. These “local” checks may be Houston, TX 77010
drawn from banks, credit unions, and savings and Toll-Free: (800) 613-6743
loans within the Minneapolis Federal Reserve
region. A check deposited in Petoskey that was • Federally Chartered Credit Unions:
written from a bank in St. Ignace is not a local National Credit Union Administration
check under Federal Reserve guidelines. Region 1/Albany
9 Washington Square
• up to $100 from checks drawn from “nonlocal”
Washington Avenue Extension
financial institutions.
Albany, NY 12205
A note about ATMs: Phone: (518) 862-7400
Deposits made at an ATM that is not operated • Federally Chartered Savings and Loans:
by your bank can be delayed. Office of Thrift Supervision
Also, your bank may have cut-off times in P.O. Box 105217
place for when an ATM deposit will be available Atlanta, GA 30348-5217
the next day. Toll-Free: (800) 842-6929 ❖

Checking Account/Deposit Information

IDENTITY THEFT protected to prevent further unauthorized activity,

and use unique passwords (not your mother’s
Identity theft is the wrongful use of someone’s
maiden name or Social Security number) on any
personal information—such as name, Social Security
new accounts you open.
number, or credit card number—without permission
by another person to commit fraudulent or criminal • Immediately call the FTC’s ID Theft Clearinghouse
acts. ID thieves take out phony loans or ring up bogus toll-free at 1-877-ID-THEFT (1-877-438-4338) or use
charges in another person’s name. Some consumers the FTC’s ID Theft Complaint Form. Counselors will
have even experienced criminal convictions in their take your complaint and advise you on the basis of
names from the criminal acts of ID thieves. your situation what additional steps you should
consider. Complaints to the FTC are entered on the
In order to protect yourself from ID thieves, nation’s only central identity theft database, which
don’t disclose your Social Security number, your date is accessible to law enforcement agencies around
of birth, your mother’s maiden name, your driver’s the nation.
license or state ID number, your e-mail address, • If a company insists on pursuing a debt that is
account numbers, credit card numbers, or other obviously the result of identity theft, the Michigan
personal information unless you know who you’re Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division
giving it to and for what purpose. may be able to help you resolve the problem.
Also make sure you review your credit card, (Contact information for the Consumer Protection
bank, and mortgage statements for unauthorized Division is listed below for filing a complaint.)
charges or fraudulent use. In addition, scrutinize your
local, long distance, cellular, and other utility bills CONTACT THE THREE MAJOR CREDIT BUREAUS:
each month. Report any unauthorized uses in writing.
What to do if you are a victim of ID theft.
Review the Federal Trade Commission’s To order your report, call 800-685-1111
comprehensive publication “TAKE CHARGE: To report fraud, call 800-525-6285
Fighting Back Against Identity Theft,” available at TDD 800-255-0056 and write: P.O. Box 740256, Atlanta, GA 30374
This excellent source of national information is Experian
suggested reading for all consumers concerned
about ID theft. Additional publications and articles To order your report, call 888-397-3742
on a variety of topics related to ID theft are To report fraud, call 888-397-3742
available at the FTC’s web site (ID Theft Home Page) TDD 800-972-0322 and write:
at P.O. Box 2002, Allen, TX 75013
ID theft victims should: TransUnion
• Immediately contact the fraud departments of each
of the three major credit bureaus to report the theft. To order your report, call 800-888-4213
Ask for a “fraud alert” to be placed on your file and To report fraud, call 800-680-7289
request that no new credit be granted without your TDD 877-553-7803
express, personal approval. Ask how long your Fax 714-447-6034
account will be flagged. Record the expiration date E-Mail [email protected] or write:
of the fraud alert, and call back as this date Fraud Victim Assistance Department
approaches if you wish the alert to remain on your P.O. Box 6790, Fullerton, CA 92834
file. (Contact information for the three major credit
bureaus is provided on this page.) CONTACT THE ATTORNEY GENERAL’S
• Immediately contact the security or fraud
departments of credit card issuer, bank, utility Office of the Attorney General
company, or any other company that maintains Consumer Protection Division
accounts that were opened or accessed P.O. Box 30213
fraudulently, and consider closing affected Lansing, MI 48909
accounts. Ask for your account to be password Complaint Line: (517) 373-1140 ❖

Your Rights as a Utility
Customer in Michigan
If you are a customer of any utility company fails to pay the bill. In this situation you, as
regulated by the Michigan Public Service Commission renter, can prevent the shutoff if you:
(PSC), you have certain customer rights. If you are – agree to put the service in your name. If you
not sure whether or not your utility company is do, the utility company cannot charge you any
regulated, call the Public Service Commission, of the past bill; or
toll-free, at 1-800-292-9555 (TDD 1-800-443-8926
for the hearing-impaired). – participate in the Winter Protection Plan. Call
the PSC to apply, your income level must be
within their acceptable guidelines to qualify.
GENERAL RIGHTS If you have complaints about your utility
1. You have 21 days to pay your bill. company or your bill, you should contact the utility
2. You are entitled to prompt, courteous service. company.
3. You will be given an opportunity to pay your bill in If you have specific questions regarding your
installments if you have a financial emergency. rights as a utility customer, or problems settling
complaints with your utility company, contact the
4. The utility company will set up a hearing process Public Service Commission at 1-800-292-9555
to deal with complaints. (TDD 1-800-443-8926). ❖
5. The utility will continue your service if you have a
proven medical emergency.
6. The utility will follow strict procedure before your
service is shut off.
7. The utility may add a 2 percent charge for a
late payment unless you are participating in the
Winter Protection Plan.

1. Your utility service may be shut off if you:
• do not attempt to pay any amount past due and
have not entered into a settlement agreement;
• do not keep up with your settlement agreement;
• tamper with service or utility equipment;
• refuse to let the service person read your meter
or inspect or repair utility equipment;
• use a false name to get service.
2. The utility company must send you written notice
ten days before shutting off your service.
3. Your utility service shall not be shut off if you:
• do not pay for merchandise or appliances
purchased from the utility;
• rent your residence and your utilities are
included in your rent, BUT your landlord

Health Insurance Reform
INTRODUCTION longer than 63 days), whether through private
insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, state, risk pools,
It is estimated that at any given time,
or other programs or plans. Differently stated,
approximately 43 million people (source:
preexisting condition exclusions may last no more
U.S. Department of Labor) nationwide are
than 12 months as long as continuous coverage is
without health insurance coverage. Discriminatory
maintained, regardless of how often the covered
insurance market practices have been held primarily
person changes jobs or insurance plans. This
responsible for the coverage problems presently
provision effectively addresses the “job lock”
facing health care consumers. Individuals who
dilemma by allowing people to switch jobs without
have medical conditions often have difficulty
triggering a new exclusion of treatment. It applies
obtaining affordable coverage due to unreasonable
not only to standard group health plans but to self-
preexisting medical condition exclusions. Lack of
insured (ERISA) plans as well.
portability creates a similar dilemma for those who
either change jobs or lose their jobs and lose their • Families with employment-based health insurance
insurance coverage in the process. can change jobs without triggering new exclusions
in coverage of children with preexisting conditions,
The Health Insurance Portability and provided that 12 months of continuous coverage
Accountability Act (HIPAA), commonly known as has been maintained.
the Kennedy-Kassebaum bill (named after primary
• Pregnancy cannot be excluded as a preexisting
sponsors Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Massachusetts)
condition. In addition, group health insurers cannot
and former Senator Nancy Kassebaum Baker) will
apply preexisting condition exclusions to newborn
make it easier for individuals to renew or acquire
babies or adopted children who are covered within
health insurance policies by limiting the denial of
30 days of birth, adoption, or placement for
coverage based on preexisting medical conditions and
adoption, and who are continuously covered
applying new portability rules to employment-based
health plans. Effective July 1, 1997, the bill assists an
estimated one in four Americans who are caught in • Children born with serious medical problems are
“job lock”—hesitant to switch jobs or start their own not subject to preexisting condition exclusions, as
businesses because of preexisting conditions that long as they are covered by a group plan within
would prevent them from obtaining new insurance 30 days of birth and have continuous coverage
coverage. HIPAA includes changes that: thereafter.
• limit exclusions for preexisting conditions; • While insurers cannot flatly exclude coverage based
on preexisting medical conditions, they may charge
• prohibit discrimination against employees and
more for groups including many individuals with
dependents based on their health status;
preexisting conditions.
• guarantee renewability and availability of health
coverage to certain employers and individuals; and
• protect many workers who lose health coverage by
providing better access to individual health • Insurers covering small employers (i.e., two to
insurance coverage. 50 employees) cannot deny coverage to any such
employer and its employees, regardless of
potentially costly health problems. Insurers may,
PREEXISTING CONDITION however, charge more for groups with higher
EXCLUSION health costs.
• Insurers cannot deny coverage or impose • The bill assures the availability of individual
preexisting condition exclusions for more than policies for those who lose group coverage,
12 months for any condition diagnosed or treated whether through job termination, a change in
in the preceding six months. employment to a job not offering health insurance,
• The 12-month exclusion period is a lifetime limit; or other factors. This alternative coverage applies to
no new preexisting condition exclusions may be dependents as well. Qualifications for guaranteed
imposed on any individual who maintains conversion from group to individual coverage
continuous coverage (i.e., a gap in coverage of no include 18 months of continuous prior coverage

Health Insurance Reform
under a group plan; exhaustion of full COBRA FEDERAL INCOME TAX
coverage, if available; ineligibility for coverage
through other programs such as Medicare or
Medicaid; and have not experienced a gap in • The federal law also increases the deductibility of
coverage exceeding 63 days. premiums for the self-employed. This provision
gradually raises the percentage of health insurance
premiums the self-employed are able to deduct
NONDISCRIMINATION AND from their federal income taxes from the current
GUARANTEED RENEWABILITY 30 percent to 80 percent over a ten-year period.
• HIPAA also allows for the deductibility of long-term
• Group plans and employers cannot deny an
care expenses for federal income tax purposes.
individual coverage on the basis of health status,
“Qualified” long-term care expenses—both home
medical condition, claims experience, medical
health care and nursing home costs—may be
history, genetic information, disability, or status as a
treated like other medical expenses.
victim of domestic abuse.
• Premiums for long-term health care insurance may
• Insurers must offer guaranteed renewability of
be deducted for federal income tax purposes, in
group and individual policies, except in cases of
accordance with certain specified limits.
fraud, nonpayment of premiums, noncompliance
with material plan provisions, or other specified
• Group health plans and employers cannot deny CRIMINALIZE TRANSFERS
coverage to families with children who have health OF ASSETS
problems; similarly, companies cannot refuse to • Also, individuals who “knowingly and willingly”
renew a family’s health insurance policy in the transfer assets to qualify for Medicaid will be
event that a child develops a medical condition. subject to fines of up to $10,000 and a jail sentence
of up to one year.
• The legislation encourages the development of a
The Michigan Legislature enacted a package,
system allowing for the electronic transfer of a
often referred to as the “Patient Bill of Rights,” to
substantial amount of confidential medical
address complaints lodged by both patients and
information about Medicare and Medicaid
health care providers regarding the current state of
beneficiaries and the privately insured.
the health insurance marketplace and the efficiency
of so-called managed care plans. This legislation
MEDICAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS offers health consumers protection by imposing
various requirements on the health insurance industry.
• Beginning in 1997, the Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act allowed for the creation of
up to 750,000 tax-exempt Medical Savings Accounts
(MSA). An MSA is a noncomprehensive, EXPLANATION OF POLICY
combination type of health coverage consisting of a • Insurance companies, Health Maintenance
tax-advantaged savings plan from which funds are Organizations (HMOs), and Blue Cross-Blue Shield
drawn to pay for routine medical expenses and a will be required to provide a written form in plain
catastrophic health plan with a very high English to customers upon enrollment describing
deductible. the terms and conditions of the certificate, contract,
• These accounts will be limited to the uninsured, the or policy in question.
self-employed, and workers in small businesses • Prudent purchaser organizations (PPOs) and HMOs
with fewer than 50 employees. The compromise will be responsible for providing to subscribers,
MSA provision also places limits on the size of the upon request, a clear, complete, and accurate
tax break; it also taxes (with penalties) most description of certain specified aspects of their
nonmedical withdrawals. plans.

Health Insurance Reform

GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES • For smaller group policies and individual policies,

the exclusion of limitation may apply to a condition
Commercial health insurance companies will be for which medical advice, diagnosis, care, or
required to establish internal, formal grievance
treatment was recommended or received within
procedures for approval by the Insurance Bureau.
six months before enrollment and may not extend
They also must establish an expedited grievance
for more than 12 months after the effective date of
procedure. It would apply in cases where time frames
the coverage.
for a normal grievance would severely jeopardize the
life or health of the subscriber. Blue Cross-Blue Shield • Blue Cross-Blue Shield and HMOs cannot exclude
of Michigan and HMOs, both of which are already or limit coverage for a preexisting condition for an
required to have grievance procedures, will also be individual covered under a group contract or
required to establish an expedited grievance certificate. For an individual covered under a
procedure. HMOs are required to make decisions nongroup contract or certificate, BCBSM may
within 35 calendar days of receipt of a written exclude or limit coverage for a condition only if the
grievance. Determinations of expedited grievances exclusion or limitation is related to a condition for
must be made within 72 hours. which medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment
was recommended or received within six months
If the insured or enrollee is dissatisfied with the
prior to enrollment. The limitation or exclusion in
result of the grievance procedure, he or she has
this case may last no longer than six months after
ten days from the date of the determination to ask for
the effective date of the certificate.
an independent external review under the Patient’s
Right to Independent Review Act.
The request for the external review is made to
the Insurance Commissioner who must make a • PPOs establishing panels and HMOs contracting
preliminary review of the request and decide whether with affiliated providers or offering prudent
or not to accept the request for external review. purchaser contracts will now be required to
If the request appears to involve “issues of medical develop and institute procedures designed to notify
necessity or clinical review criteria,” the commissioner providers of a particular covered health care service
must have the case reviewed by an Independent located in the geographic area served by the
Review Organization (IRO). If the request appears to organization of the formation of the provider panel.
involve only “contractual provisions of the health The procedures must include an initial 60-day
benefit plan,” the commissioner may conduct the provider application period during which providers
external review or assign the review to an IRO. may apply for membership on the panel, as well as
an additional 60-day application period at least
The IRO must make its recommendation no later
every four years.
than 14 days after the assignment of the request. The
commissioner is required to review the completed • Notice of the application periods must be published
recommendation to ensure that it is not contrary to in a newspaper with general circulation in the
the terms of coverage. If the person seeking the area served by the organization at least 30 days
review is still dissatisfied with the result, he or she prior to the application period and must be given
may seek judicial review in circuit court within to providers upon request.
60 days from the date of the decision.
The Patient Bill of Rights legislation also • The bills specify that, except as provided, BCBSM,
addresses the preexisting condition issue: commercial insurers, and HMOs will be required to
• For a group policy covering more than review or continue in force a group certificate at
50 individuals, commercial health insurers may limit the option of the sponsor of the plan. Guaranteed
or exclude coverage for a preexisting condition for renewal, however, will not be required in cases of
which medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment fraud, intentional misrepresentation of material fact,
was recommended or received within six months lack of payment, the discontinuance of a particular
prior to enrollment. However, this limitation may type of coverage by the corporation, or the
extend for no longer than six months after the movement by the individual or group out of the
effective date of the policy or certificate. service area. ❖

Home Improvement Loans
FEDERAL permanent home improvement, such as:

• making repairs to bring the building up to code;
ASSISTANCE • installing insulation, storm windows, or new
The U.S. Department of • replacing your furnace;
Housing and Urban • upgrading the plumbing or wiring.
Development (HUD) makes Title I loans available If your home is newer, you can:
through participating lenders. The loans are for • make energy-saving improvements;
routine maintenance to correct health or safety • repair serious hazards to health and safety;
hazards, or to make improvements that will help • make your home more accessible to a
conserve energy. handicapped member of your household.


The maximum loan amount for a single family ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS?
home is $25,000 with a maximum term of 20 years for Interest rates for these loans vary from 1 percent
the loan. to 9 percent, depending on the total annual adjusted
income for the household. To calculate the household
HOW DO I QUALIFY FOR A LOAN? adjusted income, start with the total annual gross
1. You must own your property, or have a lease at income for all household members and subtract $750
least six months longer than the loan term. for each person living in the household.
2. You must have a good credit history. Annual Adjusted Income Rate Interest
3. Your house must have been completed and Less than $10,000 1%
occupied for 90 days prior to the day you apply for $10,000–11,999 2%
the loan. 12,000–13,999 3%
4. You must have the ability to repay the loan in 14,000–15,999 4%
monthly payments. 16,000–17,999 5%
18,000–19,999 6%
20,000–23,999 7%
24,000–27,999 8%
HUD does not loan money; it guarantees the
28,000–35,999 9%
loans of private lenders. However, few private lenders
36,000–43,575 10%
offer this program. Contact banks, savings and loan
associations, credit unions, and finance companies in
your area to see if they are approved by the U.S. WHAT ARE THE OTHER
Department of Housing and Urban Development as
Title I lenders. Programs are offered by the Michigan
State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA): the 1. You must own the property free and clear or
Home Improvement Program (HIP) and the subject to a mortgage or land contract.
Community Home Improvement Program (CHIP). 2. You, as owner, must live in the house that will be
improved or in one of the units if the property is
two to four units.
WHAT KIND OF IMPROVEMENTS 3. You must be a reasonable credit risk and be able
ARE FINANCED? to repay the loan.
If your home is at least 20 years old, you may 4. The work must be completed within six months
qualify for a loan for almost any type of basic, from the date of the loan.

Home Improvement Loans


MSHDA does not make loans directly to The Area Agency on Aging will hire
consumers. An applicant should contact a professionals to come out to your home to do
participating lending institution for a Home the required work. All materials and tools will be
Improvement Program loan; or a community provided, but any donation you can make is
agency for a Community Home Improvement loan. appreciated.
The participating lender or community agency will
tell you what you will need to do to complete the
application. HOW DO I APPLY?
The lender and/or community agency will Not all Area Agencies on Aging can provide this
determine whether you meet the guidelines of the help. Contact the nearest Area Agency on Aging to
MSHDA home improvement program. The lender will find out if this program is offered in your area and if
notify you after determining if your loan has been you are eligible.
approved or denied. You must be certain of the
improvements to be made and their cost before you
receive the loan. HOME REPAIRS
If your home needs repairs, your local Area
Agency on Aging may be able to help by:
METHOD OF PAYMENT • installing insulation;
MSHDA will buy the loan from the lender, and • repairing and painting siding;
you will repay MSHDA directly, according to the
• caulking and weather-stripping;
terms of the loan. For additional information or a list
of participating lenders and communities, contact: • repairing and replacing your heating system.

Home Improvement Section

Michigan State Housing Development Authority HOW DO I QUALIFY?
P.O. Box 30044 Anyone 60 or older may apply. The Area
Lansing, MI 48909 Agency on Aging will decide if you are eligible.
(517) 373-8017

HOUSEHOLD HELP The Area Agency on Aging will hire a
FOR SENIOR CITIZENS: contractor to come out to your home to do the
HOUSEHOLD MAINTENANCE required work. All materials and tools will be
provided, but any donation you can make is
If your home needs maintenance work,
your local Area Agency on Aging may be able to
help by:
• caulking and weather-stripping windows and HOW DO I APPLY?
doors; Not all Area Agency on Aging offices can
• installing screens and storm windows; provide this help. Contact the nearest office to find
• installing shades and curtain rods; out if this program is offered in your area and if you
• replacing fuses, electrical plugs, frayed cords, are eligible.
door locks, window catches, etc.;
• cleaning attics and basements to remove fire and MICHIGAN HOME ENERGY
health hazards.
You may receive a home energy analysis
HOW DO I QUALIFY? through a participating utility company which may
Anyone 60 or older may apply. The Area provide a number of energy-saving improvement
Agency on Aging will decide if you are eligible. ideas for your home. An energy auditor will walk

Home Improvement Loans
through your home, conduct a heat-loss calculation, METHOD OF PAYMENT
and provide you with the following:
Payment of utility/fuel bills will be made
• a list of suggested changes that would save energy; directly to a utility company/fuel supplier. Other
• estimated savings (in energy costs) you will realize emergency assistance may be provided directly to
for each suggested change; you by your CAA.
• cost estimates for do-it-yourself or contractor-
installed measures; HOW DO I APPLY?
• a list of participating lending institutions that will Contact the local Community Action Agency
make loans available; and Center in your area, or call the Department of Human
• a list of contractors who are licensed to make Services hotline for more information: 1-800-292-5650.
energy conservation improvements in your area. A listing of local CAA centers is at the back of this
In addition, the utility will also provide
information on interest-free loans for certain
conservation measures and/or provide free ceiling How to Heat Your Home With Less Fuel
insulation for low-income persons. (and help conserve energy in Michigan)

HOW DO I QUALIFY? 21 ways to conserve fuel (and money)

Any customer of a participating utility is at your house this winter
eligible. If you are a customer of more than one
participating utility, you may receive an energy
analysis from either utility.

Energy analyses will be conducted for a small
fee, which may be paid to your utility company as
part of your regular monthly bill. Financing for any
improvements should be arranged through private
lending institutions.

If you would like an energy analysis, call your
local utility company customer service office. The
phone number is on the utility bill.

If you need help paying your utility/fuel bills
(natural gas, fuel oil, electricity, LP gas, etc.) you may
be eligible for assistance through the Department of
Human Services, FEMA, or Community Action
Agencies (CAA).
Short-term emergency assistance may also be
available such as emergency fuel delivery, warm
clothing and blankets, and temporary services to
prevent hardship and danger to health.
NOTE: Income guidelines are set by the various
agencies on a program-by-program basis.

Home Improvement Loans

THINGS YOU CAN DO 14. Add insulation in ceiling and walls.

THAT DON’T COST MONEY: 15. Add storm windows and storm doors to your
1. Turn down your thermostat 2 degrees every home.
other day until you find the lowest temperature
16. Caulk cracks around window and door frames, or
at which you can be comfortable. You may be
any other small openings to the outside.
surprised to find that it is below 70 degrees.
2. Turn down your thermostat when you go to 17. Add a humidifier. Extra humidity brings a
sleep. Turn it down during the day if everyone feeling of warmth at a lower temperature.
is away all day.
18. Add weather stripping around doors and
3. Close doors and turn off heat to the unused windows.
areas of your home.
19. Insulate heating pipes or ducts where they run
4. Close the drapes and pull the shades at night. through unheated attics or crawl spaces.
5. Change furnace air filter at least once a month
20. Modernize old heating system by replacement
to maintain efficiency.
with newer, more efficient equipment.
6. “Balance” the system by regulating the heat
directed to each room. This will eliminate 21. Add a clock-thermostat to adjust your heat
wasted heat in “hot” areas of your home. automatically.
7. Open shades and drapes on sunny days.
8. Do not hold open outside doors for
9. Clear all obstructions away from registers and
grilles, such as drapes, rugs, and chairs, which
would restrict air movement. AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS:
10. Close fireplace damper when not in use. 1. Turn down the temperature in lobbies and other
public places.
11. Turn down your thermostat when away for the
weekend or on vacation, but make sure the 2. Schedule evening meetings into a single heated
temperature will not cause pipes to freeze! zone of larger buildings.
12. Wear heavier clothing at home. 3. Operate ventilation to the outside on a timed
schedule instead of continuously.
THINGS YOU CAN DO 4. Open blinds and drapes on sunny days.
5. Install automatic door closers.
FOR THEMSELVES LATER: 6. Control heat by zones, and turn down heat to
unused areas.
13. Have heating equipment checked, cleaned,
and adjusted for top efficiency, by a qualified 7. Use partitions to isolate areas open to the outside
serviceperson. (shipping area with open doors, etc.). ❖

Home Equity Loans
WHAT IS A HOME EQUITY LOAN? 2. “Worst-Case” Monthly Payment—A borrower
should ask for a “worst-case” scenario of the
A home equity loan is a type of second mortgage
monthly payments during the life of the loan.
that usually establishes a preapproved line of credit
There are some lenders who require a single lump
that can be drawn on when needed, sometimes by
sum or balloon payment for the final payment
merely writing a check on the account.
which may force the borrower to refinance.
Traditional second mortgages involve borrowing
3. Service Charges and Other Fees—Borrowers
a set loan amount at the start of the contract. This
should ask the lender about monthly service
amount is paid back in monthly payments of principal
charges or transaction fees, and compare these
and interest.
amounts with different lenders. Also ask for
The manner in which some home equity loans estimates of all loan origination fees and closing
are paid varies from lender to lender. In some cases costs since these can be very expensive.
the monthly payments on a home equity loan might
4. Fixed or Capped Interest Rate—If no satisfactory
include a percentage of the principal, plus interest. In
lender can be found, a borrower would be wise to
other cases, borrowers make interest-only payments
consider taking out a second mortgage with a fixed
and a balloon payment of the entire principal is due at
or capped rate. The fixed rate on a second
the end of the loan.
mortgage may be higher than the initial home
equity loan interest rate, but the borrower will be
WHAT ARE “VARIABLE RATES” protected against unforeseen rate increases and
OR “TEASER RATES”? balloon payments that might otherwise put the
While other mortgages may have fixed or borrower’s home at risk.
maximum interest rates, home equity loans are often
offered with rates that may increase or decrease WHAT MUST BE INCLUDED
without limit, up to a ceiling of 25 percent. These are
called “variable rate” interest loans and may be tied to IN THE CONTRACT?
some economic indicator which fluctuates at the The home equity loan contract must clearly spell
discretion of the federal government. Only the federal out all the terms of the loan such as the exact amount
government can change these indicators. to be financed, the finance charge, the annual
Over a period of years, the fluctuation can be percentage rate (APR), the total number of payments,
significant. As a result, the “teaser rates” may seem the payment schedule, and the total cost of the loan.
low at the time the loan is made, but before long the
rate could double. For example, at the beginning of WHAT ARE THE TAX DEDUCTIONS
2001 the rate was at 9.5 percent, by the beginning of FOR A HOME EQUITY LOAN?
2004 it had dropped to 4 percent, but by the end of
2005 it had increased to 7 percent. The amount of the interest payments on a home
equity loan which may be deducted from a tax return
Variable rate loans are for experienced depends, in part, on the amount of the mortgage
borrowers and should only be used after consultation secured through your home, the date on which the
with someone well versed in financial matters. Home loan was made, and the use you are making of the
equity loans which are offered by Michigan lenders funds obtained through your home equity loan. Check
with an initial low interest rate can go up as high as with a tax advisor about potential deductions from
25 percent during the life of the loan. your specific loan terms.
WHAT TERMS SHOULD I LOOK FOR Planning your payments
WHEN SHOPPING FOR A LOAN? • Consider developing a spending plan for the entire
1. Low Maximum “Cap”—Shop for a lender that offers period of the loan.
a low maximum “cap” or limit on the interest rate • If the lender requires the monthly payment to
that can be charged. Some lenders may offer less include only the interest on the loan, ask to have
favorable terms to noncustomers or customers who the monthly payment schedule set up to include
do not maintain preferred accounts. principal payments as well.

Home Equity Loans
• Make sure there is no penalty for prepaying. With is not given, the borrowers can cancel the contract
prepayment you will reduce the balance owed at for up to three years.
the end of the loan, thereby reducing the risk of • At closing, the lender must inform the borrowers of
foreclosure on your home. their right to rescind, explain how to exercise the
• Establish a contingency plan for paying off the loan right, and provide a form to be used for this
more rapidly in case interest rates rise substantially. purpose.


MORTGAGE CONTRACT? Borrowers can rescind by sending a simple
• Under the Federal Truth in Lending Act, cancellation notice to the creditor. The creditor
homeowners entering into a home equity loan must immediately void the lien (the right to take or
contract have three business days after receiving sell the property) on the debtors’ home and cancel
certain disclosures to rescind the contract. all interest charges, fees, and other expenses. ❖
• In very limited cases, if the disclosures are not
properly made, or if notice of the right to rescind

Mortgage Redlining
Michigan’s “Anti-Redlining” statutes prohibit OR HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN?
lenders of mortgage and home improvement loans You should compare the policies of the
from discriminating in their lending practices. The act institutions that make loans in your area. If you
contains a list of reasons the lender is prohibited from provide your name and address, the lender is
considering with your loan application. You may file supposed to send you a pamphlet which describes
a complaint or a lawsuit if you think a lender is the terms and conditions of its mortgage and home
breaking the law. improvement loans. When you decide where you
would like to apply for a loan, go to the lender’s
office and explain what you want to do. The law
says a lender must let you fill out a loan application.
WHO DOES THE LAW APPLY TO? (The only exception is a credit union where you are
The law applies to banks, savings and loan not a member or eligible to become a member.)
associations, credit unions, and mortgage companies A lender must consider your credit record and
which make or buy mortgage loans subject to the act. the market value of the home, as well as any active
The Michigan State Housing Development Authority community organizations or programs in the
is also subject to the act. neighborhood which might offset the effects of
physical decline.
A lender may not turn down your loan
WHAT KINDS OF LOANS application or vary the interest rate or the length of
ARE COVERED BY THE LAW? the loan or the required down payment percentage or
the application and appraisal procedures for any of
Home improvement loans and mortgage loans the following reasons:
on buildings for four or fewer families are covered
under the law. These include single-family homes, 1. The race or ethnic background of people in the
duplexes, triplexes, and quadruplexes. The law neighborhood.
does not include construction loans. 2. The age of the house or of nearby buildings (but
the lender may consider their physical condition).
3. The area where the building is located.
WHAT DOES A MORTGAGE LENDER 4. The physical condition of structures more than
750 feet from the building.
1. A lender must post a notice of your rights under
the act in a prominent place in each loan office.
2. The lender must have pamphlets explaining WHAT SHOULD I DO IF MY
what you need to do to get a mortgage or home APPLICATION IS TURNED DOWN OR
improvement loan. The law says the pamphlet THE LOAN TERMS ARE CHANGED?
has to be placed where you can pick up a copy If a lender turns down your loan application,
without asking a loan officer. you must be told the reasons why in writing. You
3. The lender has to apply the same loan policies have a right to a similar notice if the lender changes
to all neighborhoods in a metropolitan area. the terms of the loan you requested and you do not
In a rural area, the same policies would apply to accept the new terms of the loan. If you think the
all neighborhoods in a county. reasons given were improper or the application was
4. Most lenders must complete a report on their handled unfairly, you may do several things.
mortgage and home improvement loans each 1. You may ask for copies of the forms, reports, and
year. The lender must let you look at the report letters the lender used to reach the decision on
if you ask. your loan. If you paid an appraisal fee or the

Mortgage Redlining
appraisal was the reason your loan was denied, complaint more than two years after the violation
you may ask for a copy of the appraisal report. took place. The OFIS must begin an investigation
The lender must provide these copies (except a within 15 days after it receives your complaint.
credit report). If you ask for the documents within You must be notified of the progress of the case
one month after your loan is turned down, the within 30 days, and the investigation must be
lender has two business days to put the materials finished within 60 days, unless a hearing is held.
in the mail. If you wait more than one month, the If there is a hearing, a final report must be made
lender must send the materials within ten business within 90 days. A lender who violates the law
days. If you find incorrect information in the may be fined as much as $10,000.00.
documents, you should get in touch with your 4. You also have the choice to file an action in circuit
lender. Some misunderstandings can be settled at court for damages or to seek an injunction for a
this point. violation of the law. You will not be entitled to
2. If you still are not satisfied, you may want the loan damages unless your written loan application has
reviewed by your local mortgage review board. been denied or the terms were varied by the
Ask the lender if there is one in your area. This lender.
action could help you to get your loan through the
same lender or another institution in the area. If you have questions about this law, you should
3. The law also says that you may file a complaint
with the Office of Financial and Insurance Services Department of Labor and Economic Growth
(OFIS), Michigan Department of Labor and Office of Financial and Insurance Services
Economic Growth, if you feel a lender has not 611 W. Ottawa
complied with the anti-redlining law. The lender P.O. Box 30220
has complaint forms. You may not file a complaint Lansing, MI 48909
about a violation of the act that happened before Phone: (517) 373-0220
the law took effect. Also, you may not file a Toll-Free: (877) 999-6442 ❖

Guide to No-Fault
Insurance in Michigan
INSURANCE YOU MUST HAVE enforcement official, you are guilty of a civil infraction
and the court may order your license suspended for
TO DRIVE—NO-FAULT INSURANCE 30 days or until you are able to provide such proof.
No-fault insurance is required by law in
Michigan. Every owner of a car must buy certain basic
coverages in order to get license plates. Also, it is AUTO INSURANCE ELIGIBILITY
against the law to drive or let your car be driven The law states that you are eligible for auto
without no-fault insurance. insurance if you have a car registered in Michigan or
If you have an automobile accident, no-fault have a valid (not suspended or revoked) Michigan
insurance pays for your medical costs and the damage driver’s license. You must also have a fairly good
you do to other people’s property. It does not matter driving record. There are a few reasons a company
who caused the accident. may refuse to insure you. Your agent or company will
Your basic no-fault insurance does NOT pay for explain these reasons to you. Being eligible for auto
repairs to your car. Neither does another driver’s no- insurance means you can shop around for the best
fault policy pay for damage done to your car unless buy for your money. Keep in mind that the cheapest
your car was properly parked when it was hit. Except insurance is not necessarily the best. Other factors
for that one situation, you must buy collision and such as the reputation of the agent, coverages, and
comprehensive insurance if you want insurance that quality of claims service are important considerations.
will pay for damage to your car. (Collision and Those who are not eligible under the law may
comprehensive insurance are not required by law.) also buy auto insurance. It will probably cost more,
This section will explain more fully what your however, so it’s still important to shop around.
required no-fault policy covers. It will also tell you
about some of the extra insurance that you can buy if NO-FAULT PAYS FOR THREE THINGS:
you want to. Finally, it will give you some tips on how 1. If You Are Hurt in an Accident:
to buy insurance. Personal Injury Protection
This booklet gives only a summary of no-fault In this case, no-fault pays:
insurance. Some of the details have been left out. For
more information, read your policy, talk to your • All reasonable and necessary medical and
agent, or call the Office of Financial and Insurance rehabilitation costs.
Services toll-free at (877) 999-6442. • 85 percent of the money that you would have
earned, up to a certain maximum amount per
month, for no more than three years, based on
WHAT THE LAW REQUIRES the last month worked. For accidents occurring
It is a law in Michigan that every car has to be on and after October 1, 1998, the maximum is
insured. Nobody can legally drive without the $3,688.
required coverages described in this chapter. • Up to $20 a day if you have to hire someone
It is a misdemeanor not to carry no-fault else for services you would normally do for
coverage. If you are convicted of driving without it, yourself.
you may also be fined from $200 to $500, and be If you are killed in a car accident, no-fault pays
required to buy a six-month prepaid, noncancellable survivor’s benefits, which is income which you would
policy, or be put in jail for up to one year, or both. have provided to your family. These benefits are
In addition, if you are unable to produce proof limited to a maximum amount per month for no more
of insurance when requested to do so by a law than three years.

No-Fault Insurance in Michigan
Your policy will pay these benefits no matter RESIDUAL LIABILITY—
where in the United States or Canada the accident
takes place. However, your policy will not pay
benefits if you are the owner or registrant of an The Property Protection part of your policy
uninsured motor vehicle that was involved in the pays only for damage done in Michigan. If your
accident. Therefore, it is important that you have vehicle does damage to property in another state,
insurance coverage on all vehicles that you may own. you will be subject to the laws of that state. In most
other states you can be sued in court and made to
If you are a family person, no-fault also covers
pay damages.
relatives in your household who do not have their
own no-fault policy. Personal Injury Protection If you are sued for damage your vehicle has
benefits can be paid by your policy even if family done in another state, no-fault will pay:
members are passengers in another person’s car or • Damages awarded by the court up to $10,000 per
pedestrians when they are hurt. accident (or more, if you purchased higher limits
on your policy).
2. If You Damage Someone Else’s Property: • The costs of defending you against court suits.
Property Protection You should also be aware that you can also be
No-fault will pay up to $1 million for damages sued for up to $500 in damages to another person’s
your car does in Michigan to: car which are not covered by his or her insurance.
This part of the law is known as “mini-tort” and is
• Other people’s tangible property such as
discussed in detail later in this section. Your residual
buildings, trees, road signs, etc.
liability insurance does not automatically protect you
• Other people’s vehicles, but ONLY IF THE against this type of lawsuit.


Residual Liability Insurance BODILY INJURY
Before the Michigan no-fault law was passed, a In Michigan you can be sued in court for
person who caused an accident could be sued injuries that you cause to other people only under
in court by the person who was hurt or whose certain conditions. According to the no-fault law,
property was damaged. Since the no-fault law you can be sued for noneconomic damages for
was passed, there are fewer lawsuits. That is causing an accident where someone is killed, suffers
because if an accident occurs: permanent serious disfigurement, or suffers serious
• Each driver’s medical expenses are paid by his impairment of a body function.
or her own insurance company under Personal If you injure someone in another state, you
Injury Protection, no matter who caused the are under the laws of that state and in many
accident, and instances you can be sued in court and made to
• The damage a car does to other people’s pay damages.
tangible property is paid under Property In these situations where you can be sued,
Protection. your no-fault policy will pay:
Under no-fault there are still a few situations • Damages awarded by the court up to $20,000 per
when you can be sued. They are described later in person and $40,000 per accident (or more, if you
this section. If you are sued in court and lose the purchase higher limits on your policy) for injuries
court case, your Residual Liability Insurance will you cause to another person.
pay up to certain amounts.
• The costs of defending you against court suits.

Residual Liability Insurance has two parts:

• Property damage.
• Bodily injury.

No-Fault Insurance in Michigan

NO-FAULT DOES NOT PAY FOR: insurance company. If you are seriously injured in an
accident (killed or suffer a continuous impairment of
• Repairs to your vehicle after an accident, no matter
body function or serious disfigurement) and the other
whose fault it was.
driver cannot pay pain and suffering damages owed
• Repairs to another person’s vehicle after an to you, your Uninsured Motorist Coverage pays the
accident, no matter whose fault it was, unless the damages to you. Uninsured Motorist Coverage
vehicle was properly parked. compensates you for pain and suffering only and
• Costs for replacement of your vehicle if it is stolen. excess wage loss, if any, beyond the amounts paid
• “Mini-tort” protection. under the required no-fault coverages. If you are
killed, the compensation is paid to your survivors.

WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU DRIVE 2. Residual Liability Insurance—Increased Limits

WITHOUT NO-FAULT INSURANCE You may be sued because of an accident, as was
AND HAVE AN ACCIDENT discussed in the section on Residual Liability
Insurance. If this happens, your no-fault policy will
If you own a car and you drive it without no-
pay up to the amounts shown in the Residual Liability
fault insurance and you are in an accident:
section: up to $20,000 for each person and $40,000 for
• You can be sued for all you are worth. each accident in which people are hurt or killed and
• You will also have to pay a lawyer and court costs. up to $10,000 for property damage. However, courts
• If you are hurt in an accident involving a vehicle sometimes decide that you must pay more than these
you own but is not insured, you would not be paid amounts. If this happens, you would be responsible
for any medical expenses, major wage loss, or loss for paying the amount not covered by your insurance
of services, or any other no-fault benefits. policy. To protect themselves, many people buy extra
liability insurance. For example, some people buy
• AND if you are convicted of driving your car, liability insurance which would pay up to $50,000 for
allowing someone else to drive your car, or if you each person and $100,000 for each accident in which
drive another person’s car which you know does people are hurt or killed and up to $25,000 for
not have no-fault coverage, you may be required to property damage. Others buy liability insurance
pay a fine of $200-$500 and be required to buy a which would pay up to $100,000 for each person and
six-month prepaid, noncancellable policy, or be put $300,000 for each accident in which people are hurt
in jail for up to one year, or both. or killed and up to $50,000 for property damage.
Play it safe, and don’t drive without it. Be sure to Other combinations of coverage are available. It may
keep a certificate of insurance in your car which not cost a lot of extra money to buy these extra
shows you do have no-fault coverage. It is a civil amounts.
infraction if you do not have proof of insurance when
driving, and the court may order your license 3. Insurance for Damage to Your Car—
suspended for 30 days or until you are able to Collision and Comprehensive Coverage
produce such proof. You will also need proof of
If your properly parked car is hit by another car,
coverage to get license plates for your car.
the other driver’s insurance will pay for repairs. But
otherwise, the only kinds of automobile insurance that
YOUR CHOICE: EXTRA INSURANCE will pay for repairs to your car if it is damaged in an
accident in Michigan are COLLISION and
There are several types of auto insurance that You should be aware that collision and
you can choose to buy, in addition to the required no- comprehensive insurance are not included in a no-
fault insurance. Three of the most common types of fault policy. You must tell your agent you want them.
extra insurance are described in this booklet. Your agent will offer you certain types of collision
coverage, and will explain each type to you. If your
1. Uninsured Motorist Insurance car is financed, the company that loans you the
Uninsured Motorist Coverage is an optional money may say that you must buy collision and
coverage that may be available to you from your comprehensive insurance.

No-Fault Insurance in Michigan
When you buy car insurance, the law requires WHAT IT DOES
that you be offered at least two types of collision
insurance: Your insurance rate depends on many things.
You may wish to make certain the rating information
• Limited Collision Without a Deductible. required to be provided to you by your insurance
If you are 50 percent or less at fault in an company is accurate.
accident, this type of collision insurance will
pay to repair your car. If you are more than • Your Driving Record and Insurance History—
50 percent at fault, you will receive no Under Michigan law an insurance company
benefits. must accept an applicant at regular rates unless
he/she fails to meet specific eligibility
• Broad Form Collision.
requirements. Some factors affecting eligibility
This type of collision insurance will pay to are traffic and drunk driving convictions, as well
repair your car regardless of fault. However, as substantially-at-fault (more than 50 percent)
if you are more than 50 percent at fault, you accidents. The more tickets and accidents you
must pay a deductible. If you are 50 percent have, the higher your rates may be. Nondriving
or less at fault, you pay nothing. matters such as cancellation for nonpayment
In addition to the above two types, many of your auto premium may also affect your
companies offer other choices in collision insurance. eligibility.
These include:
• Your Age, or Length of Driving Experience—
• Limited Collision With a Deductible. While companies are no longer allowed to rate a
If you are 50 percent or less at fault, this type driver on sex or marital status, age or length of
will pay to repair your car, except you must driving experience still affects the cost of auto
pay a deductible. If you are more than insurance. Young drivers will pay more than those
50 percent at fault, you will receive no considered to be adults. Different companies set
benefits. different ages at which they are considered
• Regular Collision. adults—a 23-year-old may be an adult with one
Regular collision will pay regardless of fault, company and be a youthful driver with another
except you must always pay a deductible. company.
When you buy your insurance, the company • Where You Live—How much a company
or agent must give you a clear written charges is based upon the area in which you live.
explanation of the types of collision insurance The insurance companies have found that more
available to you. accidents are likely to occur in some parts of the
state than others, and it costs more to settle claims
B. Comprehensive Insurance
in some places.
Comprehensive insurance pays if your car is
accidentally damaged other than in a collision, such as • Income—Because no-fault insurance pays for
loss caused by theft, falling objects, fire, flood, and wages lost due to an automobile accident, some
vandalism. Many companies require a deductible on companies charge less if a person’s income is
this type of insurance. The higher the deductible, the below a certain amount.
lower the cost of your policy. • Vehicle Use—Different people use their cars
C. Limited Property Damage Liability Insurance for different purposes. Some people drive to
(Mini-tort) work, and others drive only for pleasure. The
less you drive, the less you may be charged for
Under Michigan law, if you are more than
50 percent at fault in an accident, you can be sued for
up to $500 in damages to another person’s car which • Vehicle Make/Model—Expensive cars cost
is not covered by insurance. Most companies offer more to repair or replace, and so collision and
coverage for this liability. Some have included this in comprehensive insurance cost more. Also, some
policies with NO extra charge, while others charge a companies have an extra charge for sports cars or
small premium for the coverage. high-performance models.

No-Fault Insurance in Michigan

WHAT YOU CAN DO “coordinate” your other health insurance or

sickness-accident benefits with your no-fault
TO LOWER YOUR INSURANCE RATES policy. To coordinate your sickness or accident
1. Keep Your Driving Record Clean benefits with no-fault means that, if you have an
automobile accident, your no-fault policy pays you
Don’t get tickets or cause accidents. Tickets or
only for that part of your lost wages and medical
substantially-at-fault accidents on your driving
expenses not paid by your employer or your
record can drive your insurance cost way up.
sickness-accident insurance policy. Because your
Remember, your insurance company will probably
auto insurer pays less in claims, your insurance
get a copy of your motor vehicle record from the
cost is lower.
Secretary of State when you apply for a policy and
sometimes when you renew your policy. 5. Shop Around
2. Decide Whether You Really Need Call several agents to check out prices. You may
Collision Insurance save money that way.
If you have an older car, or one in very poor If you are a good driver, each agent is required by
shape, you may not want to pay the price for law to quote you the lowest rate available to you
collision coverage. Call a bank or finance company from the companies he or she represents.
to find out the price you would get for your car on Different agents represent different companies.
a straight sale. Take this price and subtract what That makes it important to call several agents to
you would have to pay (the deductible) if you had get the best price possible.
a loss. Then subtract the cost of the insurance for Also, if you can only get insurance from a high-
one year. The amount you come up with is the risk company which charges high rates, check
most you would actually net if your car were what the rate would be from the Michigan
totaled. Automobile Insurance Placement Facility
Here’s an example: (assigned risk pool). The facility must accept all
• Value of your car $1,000 applicants, and its rates may be less than some
• The deductible you must pay $100 of the high-risk companies.
• The most you can collect from the insurance
company for a collision loss $900
• But remember, you already paid for your WHAT YOU CAN DO
collision coverage for 1 year $200
In this example, the most you would net for a
collision loss is $700; then you would have to decide
whether it is worth paying the $200 premium when If you have a question or problem about your
you could net $700 at the most. insurance, contact your insurance agent or company
representative, or write the Consumer Services
3. Consider Choosing a Deductible or
Division at the Office of Financial and Insurance
a Higher Deductible on Your Collision
or Comprehensive Coverage
If you do need insurance protection on your car, Michigan Department of Labor and
you can buy collision coverage with a deductible Economic Growth
of $100, $250, or sometimes more. You can buy Office of Financial and Insurance Services
comprehensive coverage without a deductible or Consumer Services Division
with a deductible of $50, $100, or $250, or more. P.O. Box 30220
The higher the deductible, the less the insurance Lansing, MI 48909
coverage will cost. Phone: (517) 373-0220
Toll-Free: (877) 999-6442
4. Coordinate Any Health or Accident Benefits
With Your Auto Policy
The no-fault law requires insurance companies to
offer a discount on their no-fault insurance if you

No-Fault Insurance in Michigan

If your car is damaged
in an accident and you You are MORE THAN 50 percent You are 50 percent OR LESS
have this kind of at fault (you hit a tree, at fault (you are rear-ended,
collision insurance a person, another car, etc.) sideswiped, etc.)

Limited Collision You receive no collision benefits. Your insurance pays.

Your insurance pays, except
the deductible that you have

Standard Collision Your insurance pays, except Your insurance pays, except
the deductible that you have the deductible that you have
chosen. chosen.

Broad Form Collision Your insurance pays, except Your insurance pays.
the deductible that you have

* The law requires insurance companies to offer a limited form of collision coverage which does not require payment of a
deductible. However, companies can also offer limited collision coverage with a deductible which would result in lower premium
payments. ❖

Auto Repair Rights and
the Auto Lemon Law
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW • Leave a telephone number where you can be
• If a repair shop gives you a hassle or won’t
The Motor Vehicle and Service Repair Act
return you car immediately when you refuse
(1974 PA 300) requires that most facilities performing
their recommended service, call the Bureau of
auto repair work be registered with the Michigan
Regulatory Services, Michigan Department of
Department of State. Each repair facility is now
required by law:
• To give an itemized written estimate of cost
before repairs valued at $20 or more are WHEN YOU HAVE A COMPLAINT
performed (or, upon request, for repairs under The first step: Talk with the manager
When you have a problem, talk to the owner
• To inform you so that you know about and
or business manager about it right away. It is
approve (or refuse) any work done beyond the
always best to resolve a complaint directly with
the business involved. When you bring a problem
• To give you a detailed invoice describing all to the manager’s attention, you may be able to
repairs done. work out a settlement. Keep these five points in
• To have all repairs done by a Michigan-certified mind when you talk to the business owner or
mechanic. manager:
• To return all of the old parts which were replaced 1. Be courteous and calm.
in the repair job. 2. Explain the problem accurately. Provide dates,
estimated or billed amounts, and as many other
AUTO REPAIR TIPS facts as you can.
These tips may help you avoid problems or 3. State what you think is a fair settlement or
unnecessary expense when your car needs repairs. correction.
• Don’t try to diagnose your vehicle’s problem 4. State whether you are willing to negotiate; in
unless you are qualified. many disputes neither side is 100 percent correct.
• When looking for a reputable repair shop, 5. If you cannot get a satisfactory settlement, contact
ask your friends or co-workers for the Bureau of Regulatory Services.
• Shop around before agreeing to expensive AUTOMOTIVE REGULATION
You may wish to tell the business that you will
• BEFORE you leave a vehicle for repairs, get a
file a complaint with the state.
written estimate for repairing the car, including
teardown and reassembly.
The second step: Contact the State
• If a garage tries to pressure you into repairs that
Contact the State if you believe your legal
you feel are not necessary, insist on a written
rights have been denied; you were charged for
reason why the repair is needed.
repairs that were not done; or you were told that
• Ask the repair shop if it guarantees its work you needed repairs which you later found out
(labor, parts, or both). If so, all terms of the were not needed (even if you didn’t have the repairs
guarantee must be in writing. done) you should contact the Bureau of Regulatory
• If you are asked to sign a document, take a copy Services. If you have already talked to the owner or
of it at the time of signing. Never sign a blank manager and have not reached a satisfactory
document. settlement, the bureau may be able to assist you.

Auto Repair Rights and the Lemon Law
The Bureau of Regulatory Services was • Gross discrepancies between the oral
established to license and regulate motor vehicle representations of the seller and a written
repair shops and auto exhaust testing stations; to agreement covering the same transaction.
inform consumers of their automotive repair rights; • Taking advantage of the consumer’s inability to
and to investigate complaints. reasonably protect his or her interests by reason of
Michigan Department of State disability, illiteracy, or inability to understand the
Bureau of Regulatory Services language of an agreement (if the other party knows
P.O. Box 30046 of the consumer’s inability).
Lansing, MI 48909-7546 • Failing to reveal a material fact, the omission of
Toll-Free: 1-800-292-4204 which tends to mislead or deceive the consumer,
Explain the problem as completely as possible. and which fact could not reasonably be known by
It is important to keep copies of written estimates, the consumer.
bills or invoices, warranties, and any other related • Representing that goods are new if they are
documents to substantiate your claim. If your deteriorated, altered, reconditioned, used, or
complaint is within their authority, the Bureau secondhand.
of Regulatory Services will investigate. They will
contact you by phone, if possible. Please be
patient. It may take several weeks to get to your OTHER SOURCES FOR ANSWERS
Be aware that there are some areas in which
the bureau has no power to investigate or mediate. Auto design and equipment
If they are unable to assist with your complaint, National Highway Traffic
you will be informed. Another state agency that Safety Administration
may be able to assist you is the Attorney General’s Washington, D.C. 20590
Consumer Protection Division. If you believe your Auto Safety Toll-Free: 1-800-424-9393
rights have been violated and you have tried
unsuccessfully to resolve your differences directly Driver license
with the merchant, the Consumer Protection Contact your local Secretary of State branch
Division might intervene on your behalf: registration office (listed under Michigan State
Office of the Attorney General Government in your telephone book).
Consumer Protection Division
P.O. Box 30213 Auto insurance coverage problems
Lansing, MI 48909 Office of Financial and Insurance Services
(517) 373-1140 Consumer Services Division
As noted here, the consumer protection unit P.O. Box 30220
of the county prosecutor’s office is empowered to Lansing, MI 48909
take action. The Michigan Consumer Protection Phone: (517) 373-0220
Act prohibits various unfair and deceptive trade Toll-Free: (877) 999-6442
practices and gives local prosecutors the power
to enforce the law. Under the act, the following New car warranties,
unfair practices are prohibited: questions on warranty coverage
• Representation that a part, replacement, or repair If your dealer cannot help, contact the
service is needed when in fact, it is not. manufacturer’s regional claims office.
(See owner’s manual or ask dealer.)
• Entering into a consumer transaction in which Better Business Bureaus are also equipped
the consumer waives or purports to waive a right to handle some warranty complaints.
or benefit provided by law, unless the waiver is
clearly stated and the consumer has specifically
consented to it.

Auto Repair Rights and the Lemon Law


Since the automobile is one of the largest A COMPLAINT UNDER THE RULES
investments made by most consumers, it is not OF THE LEMON LAW?
surprising that automobile problems constitute
• The manufacturer, not the dealership, is legally
the largest single category of consumer complaints
responsible for repairing the vehicle while
and are the most difficult to resolve. Because an
it’s under warranty, so you must write the
automobile involves such a large sum of money,
manufacturer’s customer service office about
and generally a long period of debt, it is very
the problem.
important that consumers get their money’s worth
when buying an automobile. • In your letter include a list of the defects and an
explanation of what has been done to attempt to
This information is designed to help you be
fix them.
aware of your rights as an auto buyer and to cite
the legal remedies available if the auto does not • A meeting with the zone representative at the
meet your expectations for an automobile “free of dealership would then be arranged to discuss
defects.” the problem and examine the car.
Michigan’s “Auto Lemon Law” (1986 PA 87) • Keep copies of all correspondence with the
provides legal remedies to any consumer who manufacturer and the dealer. Include all work
purchases a car for personal, family, or household orders, claim checks, and receipts with the dates
use and whose vehicle is determined to have a the work was performed and the mileage at the
substantial defect that impairs its use or value or time of repair.
prevents the vehicle from conforming to the • The lemon law requires you to notify the
manufacturer’s express warranty. manufacturer in writing, by return receipt mail,
under these conditions:
WHAT VEHICLES ARE COVERED? 1. after at least the third repair of the same major
• The law applies to all new passenger vehicles, defect;
pick-up trucks, and vans. It does not apply to 2. after the car has been out of service for repairs
motor homes, buses, trucks, motorcycles, or for at least 25 days during the warranty period;
vehicles designed to travel on fewer than four OR
3. within one year from the date of delivery,
• “New motor vehicle” means a motor vehicle that whichever is earlier.
is purchased or leased in this state or purchased
or leased by a resident of this state and is
covered by a manufacturer’s express warranty
at the time of purchase or lease. WHAT MUST THE MANUFACTURER
WHEN DOES • The manufacturer should notify you within a
THE AUTO LEMON LAW APPLY? reasonable amount of time of a convenient
repair facility where you should take the
• The dealer or manufacturer has tried four or more
times to repair the same defect or condition and it
continues to exist and substantially impairs the use • The manufacturer then has five days after the
or value of the vehicle. vehicle is brought to the repair facility to repair
the defect.
• The first repair must have been performed by the
dealer within one year after delivery or before the
manufacturer’s warranty expires, whichever is
• The law also applies if the vehicle has been in for I GET A NEW CAR OR A REFUND?
repairs for a total of 30 or more days during the • If the situation remains unresolved after taking
manufacturer’s warranty period, or within one year the above steps, you can request a comparable
from the date of delivery, whichever is earlier. model as a replacement for the defective vehicle

Auto Repair Rights and the Lemon Law
or you can request a refund of the full purchase CAUTION: THE LEMON LAW
price. If a refund is chosen, the manufacturer may
deduct up to $.10 per mile for the use of the car
before its first repair, as long as the deduction does • The Auto Lemon Law does not protect you from
not exceed 10 percent of the purchase price. Also having the car repossessed if payments are
deductible by the manufacturer from the refund is withheld.
the cost of any appraised damage to the vehicle not • The Auto Lemon Law applies ONLY to cases
attributable to normal use or the defect or brought to court. The arbitration process provides
conditions at issue. you with alternatives other than the replacement or
• If the manufacturer participates in an arbitration refund of the purchase price.
program which meets federal standards, you must • Arbitration often offers you advantages over filing
try to arbitrate the dispute. The manufacturer will formal court charges under the Auto Lemon Law.
tell you whether or not it participates in an Arbitration is low in cost; quick; offers you the
arbitration program. Some manufacturers have option to repair, not just receive a replacement or
developed other avenues to conform with the law. refund; and is more informal than court procedures.
• If you are not satisfied with the decision reached in If you are dissatisfied with the arbitration ruling,
arbitration, you may wish to consult an attorney for you can pursue the matter under the Auto Lemon
possible court action. Court costs and attorneys fees Law. However, under arbitration, the manufacturer
may be awarded. must abide with the final decision. ❖

Buying a Car
When buying a car, it’s natural to look for an FINANCING
attractive, durable vehicle. You should also consider
financing, warranty, and the other factors that add
up to a “good buy” on a car. If you finance a new or used vehicle, shop
around for the best interest rate. Financing may be
This chapter describes what’s involved when
available from the dealership, your bank or credit
buying from a Michigan automobile dealer including
union, or other lending institutions. Consider not
the purchase, financing, insurance, titling, and
only the payment amount, but how many months
registration of a car.
it will take to repay the loan, before making your
Michigan’s Department of State wants you to decision.
know your rights when buying a new or used car.
The department’s Bureau of Regulatory Services was
established by law in 1974 to license and regulate THE LEASING ALTERNATIVE
automobile dealers and repair shops, to inform Leasing a vehicle has become a popular
consumers of their rights, and to investigate related alternative for people who may not have a large
complaints. down payment or do not wish to own a car.
The monthly lease payment may be
SELECTING A VEHICLE comparable to a car loan payment, but be aware
that most leases do not result in ownership.
When you select a new vehicle, read its warranty
thoroughly. If you choose a used car, read the
warranty and consider having the car checked by an BEFORE YOU SIGN
independent mechanic before you buy.
If you wish to check the dealer’s complaint
record, write the Bureau of Regulatory Services. Make sure you receive a copy of the purchase
agreement from the dealer before you pay for
anything. Look it over carefully and make sure
WARRANTY you understand everything before signing it.
Get a clear understanding and a written copy of Get all promises and other terms in writing.
the dealer’s warranty for your chosen vehicle. Don’t Don’t rely on verbal representations. Purchase
assume that it has a warranty. In fact, most used agreements should contain the following information:
vehicles are not warranted for any period of time. • The same purchase price quoted by the
Federal rules require dealers to display a salesperson.
“Buyer’s Guide” sticker indicating warranty coverage • All extra options and accessories you want to
in the driver side window of each used car. If the buy;
vehicle is warranted, the sticker must state the • The dealer’s policy on refunding deposits.
terms. Never sign a blank purchase agreement.
New cars normally carry warranty coverage When you are satisfied that the document is
from the manufacturer. Extended service contracts understandable and contains the items above,
on new or used cars may be sold separately. sign it.
When reading a warranty, ask these questions: Your signature may be binding and may
• How long is the warranty valid? authorize the dealer to keep your deposit if you
change your mind. Always read a purchase
• What is and is not covered?
agreement completely and take a copy of it (and
• What costs will you pay if there is a problem? any other document) when you sign it.
• How will you get service?
Never accept a verbal warranty. Any vehicle Other costs
sold “As Is” carries no warranty. You must pay for Be aware that for any vehicle more is involved
any repairs needed on a nonwarranted vehicle. than the price on the window sticker.

Buying a Car
The dealer is required to charge you 6 percent BUYING A USED CAR
Michigan sales tax on a new car or 6 percent use tax
on a previously owned vehicle. The dealer is also To buy . . . or not to buy?
required to apply for the vehicle’s title and make Before you start looking at used cars, look at
arrangements for license plates, if appropriate. your budget first. Evaluate how much you can afford
Any dealer-installed accessories or services to spend not just on the car, but on such other
you have ordered, such as rustproofing or paint essentials as:
protectant, may also be added to the price. • credit and finance charges;
• gasoline;
COMPLETING THE SALE • regular maintenance;
Before accepting delivery of the vehicle, • insurance;
check to make sure all promised equipment has • registration, license fees, and sales and use taxes.
been included. Test drive the vehicle to be sure it is
1. Credit and Finance Charges: If you plan to buy
working properly. The dealer is required by law to
a used car on credit, shop around for the best
give you a copy of every document you sign at the
interest rate BEFORE you decide upon a car.
time of signing.
Interest rates and finance charges vary widely
Make sure you have the following: among car dealers, banks, credit unions, and other
• Copy of RD-108, Application for Title; lending institutions. Remember to also note the
• Copy of written warranty on vehicle or any length of the payback period. Although a longer
services purchased (such as rustproofing or payback period may mean lower monthly
extended service contract); payments, the longer the payback time, the more
interest you’ll end up paying.
• If a used car, a copy of the “Buyer’s Guide”
window sticker; 2. Gasoline: If you plan to buy a car built before
• A new license plate and registration, or your 1975, it will probably run on leaded gasoline. The
old plate and a temporary or permanent Environmental Protection Agency has ordered the
registration, or a 15-day temporary registration reduction of the amount of lead in leaded gasoline.
affixed to the rear window; As a result, some of these cars may develop engine
• Copy of the finance contract.
Most newer cars operate only on unleaded fuel.
If you are purchasing a used vehicle, the Certain larger-engine and high-performance cars
dealer must show you the previous owner’s title. operate best on premium unleaded gasoline,
If the front of the title shows the word “rebuilt,” which costs more.
the vehicle was previously issued a salvage title.
The dealer must disclose the odometer mileage A third fuel that is used by some cars and trucks is
reading in writing. diesel fuel.
After processing, you should receive a second Although diesel engines are often more fuel
copy of your Application for Title and Statement of efficient than gasoline-powered models, a few
Vehicle Sale (RD-108) in the mail within 20 days of older diesel models have developed serious engine
the sale. You should receive an original title in about problems.
30 days. Do not store the title in your vehicle. 3. Regular Maintenance: How long do you intend
to keep the car and how often do you plan to use
it? If you plan to use the car only occasionally, a
AFTER THE SALE used car with a higher-than-normal odometer
Maintain your vehicle regularly according to the reading may be a good buy.
owner’s manual to prolong the life of your car. Study the recommendation and repair records
If repairs are needed, read the chapters reported in independent consumer magazines and
“Auto Repair Rights” and “Consumer’s Guide to other publications before making out your
Automatic Transmission Repairs” to learn your rights maintenance budget for routine oil changes,
and what to expect from a competent repair shop. engine tune-ups, and other similar items.

Buying a Car
4. Insurance: No-fault car insurance is required by 3. Private sellers usually offer lower prices than
the State of Michigan in order to operate a car on dealers and are more willing to bargain. You
Michigan roads. This insurance pays only for should note, however, that many will accept only
damage your car does to others’ property and cars. cash.
It does not pay for damage to your car or your
4. Curbstoners locally advertise cars for sale as if
medical expenses. For your car’s damages, you
they were ordinary citizens. In fact, they are full-
must buy collision insurance which will pay for
time sellers with no permanent address. They are
repairs above a certain amount, called a
unlicensed and unregulated. These individuals
usually handle a number of cars at once and are
YOU MUST PURCHASE NO-FAULT INSURANCE. often one step ahead of the law. If you buy from
IF YOU DRIVE WITHOUT NO-FAULT COVERAGE a curbstoner and then encounter problems with
YOU MAY BE FINED OR LOSE YOUR LICENSE. the car, you may be unable to find this person
5. Tires: Replacing old or worn tires can be again in order to resolve your complaint. DON’T
expensive. For used cars, the condition of the BUY FROM CURBSTONERS!
tires can give you a good idea of how well the
car has been maintained. Visible tire damage WARRANTIES AND
may indicate damage to the suspension system as
well. Tire sizes and type (radial or regular bias)
should match and be evenly worn. 1. The warranty is one of the first things you should
ask about when buying a used car. If there is a
6. Registration, License Fees, and Sales and warranty, ask which parts are covered, and which
Use Taxes: To transfer a license plate from aren’t. Although dealers aren’t required to provide
another car at the time of the purchase of a a warranty on all used cars, the Federal Trade
privately sold car, bring your registration to a Commission (FTC) does require that a sticker be
branch office of the Secretary of State. If new placed on the car’s window listing the length of
license plates are needed, the model year may any warranty and which parts are covered. If
affect the cost of the plates. In Michigan, you’re not satisfied with the warranty, ask for
beginning with 1984 models, the fees are based more coverage.
on the car’s value. The cost of plates for cars made
before 1984 is based on the car’s weight. Your Dealers are sometimes willing to give more
local Secretary of State’s branch office can give coverage in order to make a sale. Remember,
you more information. You will also have to pay always get all promises in writing before you
6 percent of the car’s price as either sales tax or sign any purchase agreement.
use tax. You pay this amount in sales tax if you Be wary of any “50/50” or similar restricted
bought the car from a dealer or in use tax to the warranties that require you to pay part of the
Secretary of State’s branch office if you purchased costs of repairs.
the car from an individual who is not a member of Unscrupulous dealers will inflate the costs of
your immediate family. repairs so that they won’t lose any money on the
warranty. Some cars are sold “as is,” meaning there
is no warranty or guarantee and no seller
WHERE TO BUY A USED CAR responsibility or liability if something goes wrong.
1. New car dealers usually have many late-model If the car falls apart right after you buy it, the seller
cars, service facilities, and established reputations. may have no responsibility to repair it. ASK FOR
You may pay more for these “benefits.” New car A WARRANTY WHENEVER POSSIBLE.
dealers must be licensed by the State of Michigan.
2. A service contract is an additional charge paid by
2. Independent used car dealers offer competitive the consumer to cover the costs of repairs. It is
prices and are willing to accept trade-ins. Some of often for a specific period of time and covers only
their used car models may be older and thus less specific types of repairs. Depending upon the year
expensive. You should ask if the dealer has service and condition of the car, you may decide not to
facilities available. Used car dealers must also be buy this sometimes costly service. Before you buy
licensed by the State of Michigan. a service contract find out:

Buying a Car
• How long does the contract last? items appear to have been recently replaced or
• What exactly is covered? show hard wear.
• Where can you get service (will other dealers 7. Look for scratches on the odometer or numbers
honor the contract)? that don’t line up on the gauge. An odometer with
misaligned digits, or a loose fit, may have been
• What happens to your contract if the dealer
tampered with.
goes out of business?
• Can you renew or transfer the contract?
• Do you have to buy the service contract at the
Winter is often a good time to buy a used car
same time that you buy the car?
because new car dealers often have plenty of trade-
Remember to get all promises in writing! Have ins. Many used car dealers find that the cold months
those promises signed by the manager of the of the year bring a slow-down in business due to bad
dealership as the salesperson may not be weather. NEVER buy a used car at night or in the rain.
authorized. Darkness and rain can hide many critical problems in
a car.
You can get a good idea of what a used car is
Each car has a gauge called an odometer that worth by using the National Auto Dealers Association
counts how many miles a car has been driven. (NADA) Official Used Car Guide (usually called the
Michigan and federal laws prohibit the rolling-back “Blue Book”). Your bank or credit union may quote
of this odometer to make a car more “salesworthy.” you a “Blue Book” price over the telephone. This
To protect yourself from problems: book is also available at your local library. If the price
asked by the seller is a lot more or a lot less than the
1. Ask to see the car’s odometer statement. It should “Blue Book” value, ask why.
be close to the car’s current mileage. Look for ink
blots, erasure marks, and typeovers. If these are Get all verbal promises and statements in writing
on the statement, the odometer reading has been from the seller. If something goes wrong after the
changed. deal, a written document carries more legal weight
than verbal promises.
2. Check the title for the previous owner’s name and
address. Accept no excuses if the seller doesn’t One last note about credit. If you’ve decided to
have it. Be suspicious if the title is not the original, finance the car on credit, remember credit life or
has been transferred from out-of-state, marked disability insurance are not required.
“duplicate,” or is for a former leased car. These cars If you should have problems with the process of
are more likely to have had their actual mileage buying a used car, contact the appropriate state
changed. agency listed below.
3. Contact the previous owner if you can to verify
the mileage. If the dealer cannot provide you GENERAL INFORMATION
with a title so you can obtain the former owner’s Office of the Attorney General
name and address, shop elsewhere. Consumer Protection Division
4. NEVER purchase a car before the seller gives you P.O. Box 30213
a completed odometer statement. If the dealer Lansing, MI 48909
won’t give you this information, don’t buy. Complaint Line: (517) 373-1140
5. Cars that are titled as “salvage,” “rebuilt,” ODOMETER TAMPERING, REPAIRS,
“municipal,” “taxi,” “police,” or “driver’s ed” DEALER INFORMATION, AND WARRANTIES
are generally worthless. Department of State
6. Check the car’s oil change stickers, service Bureau of Regulatory Services
records, or warranty books that may reflect P.O. Box 30046
mileage. Be suspicious if the car shows low Lansing, MI 48909
mileage and if the tires, brake pedal, and other Toll-Free: (800) 292-4204

Buying a Car
LICENSE TRANSFER, FEES, AND TITLE ____ Make sure the doors, windows, trunk, and hood
Your branch of Secretary of State’s Office close tightly and lock easily. If they don’t fit
correctly, the car may have a bent frame.
INSURANCE ____ Push down on each corner of the car. If it
Department of Labor and Economic Growth bounces up and down easily, the car may need
Office of Financial and Insurance Services new shock absorbers.
P.O. Box 30220 ____ Check the keys to make sure they fit easily in
Lansing, MI 48909 the locks for the doors, gas tank, trunk, and
(517) 373-0220 glove compartment.
Toll-Free: (877) 999-6442
____ See if the radio antenna is missing or bent.
RECORDS OF PROBLEMS AND RECALLS ____ Look for signs of leaks such as upholstery stains
U.S. Department of Transportation and interior rust. If possible, run the car through
National Highway Traffic Safety a car wash to check for water leaks.
Administration ____ Check the front end. A sagging front end may
400 7th Street, SW indicate suspension problems.
Washington, D.C. 20590
Toll-Free: (800) 424-9393 ____ Check beneath the car for oil, transmission,
brake, or engine coolant leaks.
What to look for: the interior
Secretary of State
Business Licensing Division Ask to see any service records the previous
Licensing Section owner may have kept. Look in the glove compartment
208 North Capitol Avenue for old receipts that may give you an indication of
Lansing, MI 48918-1200 how well the car was maintained.
(517) 636-6400 ____ Check the odometer and ask the dealer to see
the odometer statement from the previous
Take along this checklist when you shop for a ____ See if all the panel instruments work, including
used car. Take your time and shop carefully. Don’t high and low beam headlights, heater, horn,
be intimidated by high pressure salespeople or a windshield wipers, clock, radio, air
private seller who wants to make a quick sale. conditioning, and blinkers.
REMEMBER: Before signing any papers, test ____ Check for upholstery that’s in good condition
drive the car and have it inspected by an and matches the age of the car.
independent, qualified mechanic.
What to look for: under the hood
What to look for: the exterior
The services of a good, reputable mechanic are
General appearance can give you a good idea well worth the costs (usually up to $60) for an
of how well the former owner took care of the car. independent inspection. Ask the mechanic to:
Look for dents, rust, repainted sections, and missing
chrome and molding. Flaking paint and rust around ____ look for metallic sludge in the radiator fluid
the lower edge of the body could mean inside rusting (this may mean patched-up radiator leaks);
as well. Different paint shades may mean the car has ____ check for burnt or rotting wires;
been in an accident.
____ check the condition of the air filter
____ Check the condition of all tires, including the (a damaged or missing air filter may mean
spare. If the tires are not evenly worn, the car potential engine problems);
may be out of alignment or there may be
____ look for worn or cracked radiator, power
suspension problems.
steering, and air conditioning hoses
____ Make sure the car has a workable jack. (hoses should be pliable and free of cracks);

Buying a Car
____ inspect the battery for signs of corrosion ____ Does the transmission pick up and shift
(a near-dead battery may have loose or cracked smoothly when you accelerate? It shouldn’t
terminals); groan or howl and the selector lever should
move easily.
____ evaluate, in general, the car’s cooling, electrical,
suspension, and exhaust systems, as well as the ____ Do the wheels drift to one direction when you
brakes, transmission, and engine. drive in a straight line? If so, an alignment could
be needed.
What to look for: during the test drive ____ Do the brakes squeal or pull when you
A reputable seller will allow you to test drive the brake quickly? They could need new linings.
car so take time and drive on a variety of road The brake pedal should remain well above
surfaces and in different traffic conditions. the floor and feel solid, not spongy. ❖
____ Does the engine start quickly and run smoothly?
If it idles too fast or gives off blue smoke, it
could have major problems.
____ Does the car click, grind, or rattle on any kind of
surface? Listen with the windows both up and

Credit Repair Companies
Credit Services Organizations (CSO), also Credit Services Organizations must be licensed
called “Credit Repair Companies,” are businesses and must post the license where it can be seen.
that offer to improve people’s credit or help people Before any contract is signed, CSOs must give
find credit. Their clients generally are people who people a written notice that describes their right to
have poor credit records (bankruptcy, late paying look over their credit bureau files, their right to
bills) or no credit record at all. CSOs may refer receive copies of these files, their right to dispute
people to someone else for a loan or credit card. what is in the files, and about how much it will cost
They may make inquiries to a credit bureau to them to get copies of these files. This notice must
question the accuracy of credit reports. The purpose also describe what services will be done and how
of these services is to make it easier for people to much they will cost.
get credit. Contracts between CSOs and their customers
must be in writing and must contain all of the
WHAT THEY CAN DO following:
• Refer their customers to someone else to get • Details of the customer’s right to cancel the
credit. contract.
• Make inquiries to credit bureaus about their • Total charges for the services.
customers’ credit records and question the • Terms and conditions of payment.
accuracy of information in their credit files
• A detailed description of the services to be done,
(people can also do this for themselves).
any guarantees or promises of refunds, and the
• Give advice and assistance to their customers date by which services will be done.
about getting credit or about their credit histories.
• The CSO’s main business address, and the name
• Charge a fee for their service. and address of its agent on whom legal documents
can be served.
WHAT THEY CANNOT DO • The name and address of the company that issued
Michigan law states that Credit Services the bond which protects the CSO’s customers.
Organizations cannot do any of these things: • An attachment, in duplicate, entitled “Notice of
• Do business without a license. Cancellation.”
• Do business in the same location with any other • CSOs must give their customers a copy of the
business. contract and anything else they sign at the time
• Charge money to refer their customers to retailers that they sign it.
for the same credit terms the public can get. • A CSO must cancel the customer’s contract and
• Require customers to buy or rent merchandise from refund any payment if the customer mails a written
anyone as a condition of receiving credit services. notice of cancellation to the company within
five days of signing the contract.
• Mislead or defraud the public about their services
and charges.
• Make false statements about customers’ credit or WHAT YOU SHOULD DO
tell customers to do so. • Think over your credit problem. Remember that
• Require customers to give up their legal rights. people who rush into a decision without thinking
“Credit Repair Companies” have no magic often regret it.
formulas. If you have earned a bad credit history, no • If more credit isn’t the answer to your credit
one can fix it overnight. Companies that promise problem—and it usually isn’t—get budget
otherwise are simply not telling the truth. counseling or help with money management.

Credit Repair Companies
• Be wary of promises that sound “too good to be PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS
true.” They probably aren’t true.
A CSO that violates state law is guilty of a
• Be sure that a Credit Services Organization is misdemeanor, punishable by up to 90 days in jail
licensed before you do business with it. and/or a $1,000 fine.
Call the Office of Financial and Insurance
Services at (517) 373-0220 to check on a company’s
Violators are subject to various actions by the
Attorney General. Buyers can recover actual damages,
WHAT THEY ARE NOT reasonable attorney fees, and court costs. Courts may
CSOs are not debt management companies. also award punitive damages. ❖
Debt management companies work with people
who are having trouble paying their bills (debtors).
These companies plan and manage the finances of
debtors. They arrange new payment agreements
with those to whom the money is owed (creditors),
collect money from the debtors, and make payments
to their creditors. The purpose of these services is
to help debtors get their bills under control and
develop money management skills. CSOs and
debt management companies have very different

Consumer Credit
CHANGES IN CONSUMER CREDIT At the end of the month, all of these unpaid
daily balances are added together and divided by
The two most significant laws affecting charge
the number of days in the present billing cycle. The
accounts and credit cards in this state are the federal
resulting figure is your average daily balance. It is this
Truth in Lending Act, 15 USC 1601, and the
figure to which is applied the monthly finance rate
Michigan Retail Installment Sales Act (1966 PA 224,
which can be quite a bit higher than other interest
MCL §§ 445.851 to 445.873). The federal law deals
rates in order to determine your finance charge for
primarily with the credit cost information that the
the month.
seller must tell you when credit is extended, while
the Michigan law, among other things, establishes Here is an example of a charge account
the maximum monthly finance rate and prohibits under the average daily balance system, assuming
certain charge account contract provisions. that the retailer charges for current purchases. For
compactness, we will be using a billing cycle period
Among other things, the Retail Installment
of one week instead of a month—the final figure will
Sales Act prohibits a system known as the “previous
be the average daily balance for the week.
balance” method. Under this system, the finance
charge is calculated on the amount outstanding at Previous
the beginning of the billing cycle. The result is that Day’s Ending
the consumer is given no credit at all for payments Unpaid Unpaid
made during the month.This failure to reduce the Balance Payment Purchase Balance
monthly finance charge by taking into account recent June 1 $100.00 — — $100.00
payments has been declared to be unlawful in the June 2 100.00 — — 100.00
state of Michigan. June 3 100.00 $50.00 — 50.00
Michigan retailers now use a variety of June 4 50.00 — — 50.00
alternative accounting systems, the most common June 5 50.00 — — 50.00
being the “unpaid balance” method, under which June 6 50.00 — $25.00 75.00
the finance charge is calculated on the amount June 7 75.00 — — 75.00
remaining unpaid at the end of the billing cycle. Total $500.00 = $71.43 Average Daily Balance
Another method, known as the “average daily 7 Days
balance,” is coming into increasing use and has been
the subject of intense interest on the part of many In this particular account, note that the average
consumers. Some retailers have held this system to daily balance system would result in a lower finance
be a fairer representation of the amounts owed to charge than under either the previous method or the
the lender during the month than either the previous variety of the unpaid balance method that includes
balance or unpaid balance systems. current purchases. In our example, the previous
balance system would apply the monthly finance
charge rate to the $100.00 beginning balance; the
How is the average daily balance calculated? unpaid balance system would compute the finance
The average daily balance is precisely what it charge upon the $75.00 ending balance; but under
says—it is an average of the amounts you have the average daily balance, the finance rate is applied
owed to the seller on a day-to-day basis. Let’s only to the amount of $71.43.
examine what happens on any given day under
this system. How to minimize your finance charges
The seller starts with the balance outstanding under the average daily balance
on the previous day, subtracts any payments If the seller in question is one who includes
received today, and, the retailer charges for current current purchases in assessing the finance charge
purchases, adds the value of any purchases you and if you cannot pay off the entire balance this
have recently made. The result will give your month, it will be to your advantage to keep in mind
unpaid balance for today. one simple rule. Pay early and buy late. In other
The seller goes through the same process for words, make your monthly payment early in the
each day in the billing cycle. billing cycle (as soon as possible after you receive

Consumer Credit
the monthly statement). You should also make new Overextension of credit
purchases toward the end of the billing cycle; in this All of us are familiar with the conveniences
way the seller will have fewer days for which you of charge account buying. Some people, however,
can be assessed a finance charge upon the current have also discovered the pitfalls involved with
purchases. Of course, if the seller does not charge an overextension of credit. Many have found
for current purchases, you need not be concerned themselves burdened with excessive debt and are
with the timing of these purchases. You may faced with seemingly endless monthly payments
determine the closing date of your billing cycle by on several different accounts. It would be beneficial
examining your monthly statement. The closing date to ask yourself how far your credit is already
is often indicated by the phrase “Your payment is extended. Credit experts say that not more than
due by . . (date) . . ” 15 percent of your monthly after-tax income should
be tied up in payments on charge accounts or
Unsolicited credit cards installment purchases of household appliances.
In the late 1960s, many problems of fraud and
loss were created by the indiscriminate mass mailing Credit reporting agencies
of some 40 million unsolicited bank credit cards. If you have ever applied for credit or bought
Partly in response to this, the federal Truth in Lending a product on a time installment plan, your name is
Act was amended to provide that credit cards from probably listed with one or more credit-reporting
whatever source may now be issued only if the agencies. These agencies provide information to
customer makes a written application for that card. retail and wholesale merchants regarding the
This prohibition does not apply to a renewal card sent bill-paying ability of credit-using consumers.
to replace an accepted credit card that has expired. The information is usually compiled into a
consumer report which deals primarily with a
If you should lose a credit card consumer’s creditworthiness, character, general
reputation, and style of living. This report is used
Upon the discovery of the loss or theft of any
to establish a consumer’s eligibility for credit,
credit card, it is important that you immediately notify
insurance, or various types of employment.
the credit card issuer. Also, if you have reason to
believe that your card or card numbers are being Since these files hold a tremendous amount
used fraudulently, it may be to your advantage to of personal information, it is essential that the
telephone the issuer. data be accurate and kept up to date. In order to
protect consumers, the federal Fair Credit Reporting
Many companies will immediately place your
Act requires consumer reporting agencies to supply
card number on a “hot list,” and, if the card has not
only factual information to a creditor. However,
yet been used by the unauthorized person, release
the responsibility of maintaining accuracy lies
you from liability for the fraudulent purchases.
with both the agency and, ultimately, with the
Whether or not you make a telephone call to the
company, it is advisable to send a written notification
of the loss as soon as possible. You are not liable for
any fraudulent purchases made after the credit card Examining your credit file
issuer has received oral or written notice of the loss If you have been denied credit within the last
or theft of the card. 30 days because of a credit report, you have the
In any event, federal law limits your liability right to examine your file—without charge—at the
for unauthorized credit card purchases made prior to reporting agency. After examining the file, you may
notification of the issuer to $50.00. This is, however, dispute any information you believe is incorrect.
$50.00 for each account so your loss can be The reporting agency must reinvestigate and then
substantial if you should lose several cards at one remove the information from the file if it is inaccurate
time. It is therefore strongly advisable that you keep or cannot be verified.
a list of all your credit cards, together with their If the reinvestigation does not resolve the
account numbers and name, address, and telephone problem, you should file a brief statement with the
of the issuer, and you should periodically check your agency outlining your position. The agency must
cards to make certain they are all accounted for. include your statement in any new report. If any

Consumer Credit
information in your file is either disputed or Even if you have not been denied credit within
inaccurate, you may request the corrected file the last 30 days, you have the right to receive one free
be furnished to anyone who has, within the last credit report per year. You are legally entitled to
six months, requested a report for any other reason. review your credit file more often than once a year;
In other words, you have the opportunity to “clear however, the consumer reporting agency may charge
your record” of misinformation given to others. you a reasonable fee for the information. ❖

Mail Order Shopping
Mail order shopping is mail order firm must ship an item within 30 days
a major source of consumer from the time it receives the order or within the
complaints nationally. time stated in the advertisement (“allow six to
Catalogs from around the eight weeks for delivery”).
country appear in mail • If the company doesn’t send the item in that time,
boxes throughout the year it must give the consumer the opportunity to cancel
offering all kinds of the order without charge.
merchandise. Consumers
who plan to shop by mail
should watch out for
fraudulent mail order companies.
• If the company notifies you of a shipping delay
BEFORE YOU ORDER of 30 days or less and you don’t respond to the
• Read the catalog or the advertisement carefully. notice, it is assumed you agree to the delay.
• Make sure important facts about the product are • If the shipping delay will be more than 30 days,
included in the advertisement. Don’t rely on just the the consumer must give expressed written consent
picture—check for specific information about to the delay.
weight, dimensions, and colors. • If the revised shipping date is missed, the
• Find a description of company history. consumer has a continuing right
• Look for a guarantee or warranty and the specified to cancel.
time it should take to receive the product. • If the consumer receives
• You may want to check with the Consumer unsatisfactory merchandise as
Protection Division of the Attorney General’s Office part of a C.O.D. order, the
to see if there are any complaints registered against consumer may stop
the firm. Contact the Consumer Protection Division, payment on the check.
P.O. Box 30213, Lansing, MI 48909; (517) 373-1140. All C.O.D. orders may
be paid by check.
• Be wary of mail order firms which give only a post IF I CANCEL,
office box number instead of a street address.
• When ordering a gift to be sent to the address of a
friend or relative, check on delivery. If, after a A REFUND?
reasonable amount of time, the person receiving • A refund must arrive within seven business days
the gift doesn’t acknowledge receipt, contact the of cancellation.
company. • The company must adjust the consumer’s account
• Always photocopy the order blank and the check within one billing cycle if the purchase was made
or money order and record the name and address by credit.
of the firm, as well as the order number of the item.
• Never send cash through the mail. These rules do not apply to the following
WHEN CAN I EXPECT TO RECEIVE • magazine and serial shipments, except for the
initial delivery;
• C.O.D. orders;
• According to Federal Trade Commission rules, a

Mail Order Shopping
• merchandise ordered by phone; • Contact the merchant, your credit card
• mail order seeds and plants; company, or the regional postal inspector
whose name and address can
• “negative option” plans such as book clubs where be obtained from the local
a lack of consumer action results in automatic post office and the Attorney
delivery of the product; General’s Consumer
• mail order photo finishing; and Protection Division.
• credit orders where the account is not billed • Notify the Federal
until the item is shipped. Trade Commission, Regional
Office, 1111 Superior Avenue,
IF A PROBLEM OCCURS Suite 200, Cleveland, OH 44114.
They cannot mediate a complaint but they should

Unwanted Phone
Tired of salespeople who call at list to member companies. Include all variations of
dinner time? Of unsolicited pitches for your name that have appeared on mailing lists. Send
everything from storm windows to this information to Telephone Preference Service,
coupon books? Take heart. Thanks to Direct Marketing Association, P.O. Box 9008,
state law and federal rules, you CAN Farmingdale, NY 11735. This step won’t eliminate all
limit these calls. unwanted calls because companies are not bound to
First, you need to know what’s legal and what’s use the list, but it should help.
not. Phone solicitors, even those who use prerecorded The National Do Not Call Registry is managed by
messages, must: the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). It is enforced by
• Call you only between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. the FTC, the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC), and state law enforcement officials.
• Call you only if they have “established business
relationships” with you, although the definition of The National Do Not Call Registry allows you to
such a relationship is so broad it would be difficult register your home or mobile phone number for free
to prove that one didn’t exist. over the Internet if you have an e-mail address at or, if you do not have an
• Identify themselves and give you addresses or
e-mail address, you can register toll-free by phone
phone numbers at which they can be reached.
• Put you on their “do-not-call” list, if you ask them to.
If your number has been on the National Do Not
Call Registry for at least 31 days (starting January 1,
WHAT’S THE BEST WAY TO DEAL 2005) and you receive a call from a telemarketer that
WITH AN UNSOLICITED CALL? you believe is covered by the National Do Not Call
Registry, you can file a complaint at the registry’s
Follow these steps if you do not want to be
website or by calling the registry’s toll-free number at
called again:
1-888-382-1222 (for TTY, call 1-866-290-4236). To file
1. Tell the caller to put you on the “do-not-call” list. a complaint, you must know either the name or
Most computer messages are voice responsive, so telephone number of the company that called you and
you can do this even with a prerecorded message. the date the company called you. The registration is
2. If an address is given as identification by the caller, effective for five years.
send a letter to that address, stating you wish to not
be called again. Send copies to the Michigan IMPORTANT NUMBERS
Attorney General’s office and the Better Business Michigan Public Service Commission
Bureau. (800) 292-9555 Toll-Free
3. If calls from the same organization continue, or if
Michigan Attorney General’s Office
any call violates the provisions listed above, file a
Consumer Protection Division
complaint with the Michigan Attorney General’s
P.O. Box 30213, Lansing, MI 48909
office or the Federal Communications Commission.
(517) 373-1140
Simply write a letter that includes the name,
address, and phone number of the organization Information Complaints and
placing the calls, the date you asked to be placed Public Inquiries Branch
on their “do-not-call” list, and the dates and times Common Carrier Bureau
you received the calls. You can also sue the Federal Communications Commission
organization to recover actual damages or $250, Mail Stop 1600A2, Washington, D.C. 20554
whichever is greater, and reasonable attorney fees.
Better Business Bureau
Finally, you can try to fend off unwanted calls by 30555 Southfield Rd., Suite 200
putting your name on the nationwide “do-not-call” list Southfield, MI 48076
of the Direct Marketing Association, which sends the (248) 644-9100 ❖

Contracts and Warranties
READ AND UNDERSTAND ANY AND Make sure all the blanks are filled in. NEVER
sign a contract with blank spaces. If the blank does
EVERY PAPER BEFORE YOU SIGN IT not apply, draw a line in it. BE SURE TO GET A
You will be legally bound by the terms of COPY OF THE CONTRACT WHEN YOU SIGN.
a written contract, not by the glowing words of
the salesperson. Never sign a contract where the
blank spaces are not filled in. Keep a copy of the
agreement. If, after reading, you still do not CREDIT CONTRACT PROBLEMS
understand all provisions of the agreement, consult Credit can cost a lot more money than needed.
an attorney. Always read your credit contracts and follow these
guidelines for avoiding credit contract problems.
Questions to ask yourself: 1. Never sign any credit contract with empty blanks.
Unused blanks must be filled with 0, *, — or X.
1. Is the guarantee specific?
2. Never sign a substitute contract if a salesperson
2. Are all blank spaces filled in?
calls you back and tells you the first contract
3. Are all charges itemized? was lost, damaged, or filled out wrong. If this
4. Do you have a copy of the contract? happens, call your attorney or legal aid before
5. Are all promises in writing? you sign another contract. This is called a
“roll back.”
3. Never sign a stack of papers put before you
Be sure the contract includes these things
without reading each one. One of them may
in writing:
be a credit contract. Also, you may be asked to
• exactly what you are buying; sign a sales ticket or invoice that is really a credit
• the exact price of the item; contract.
• any extra charges (such as for installation or 4. Sign a contract only when you are sure that you
shipping); can meet the payments.
• the down payment or the trade-in allowance;
• the total amount due; PRODUCT WARRANTIES
• the interest rate or service charges expressed Read any warranty or guarantee closely. If the
IN DOLLARS; product or service has no warranty or guarantee, or
a very limited one, perhaps you should shop further.
• the interest rate or service charge expressed
Note what is covered by the warranty or guarantee
IN PERCENTAGE (ask for the “annual percentage
and remember that a warranty is only as good as the
reputation of the person or company that stands
• the number, amount, and due dates of the behind it. Read the small print. “As is” means no
payments; warranty.
• ALL PROMISES made by the salesperson;
• the seller’s promises for repairs, service, or What are my warranty rights?
replacement; and
Most reputable products and all new cars are
• the date(s) of delivery of the goods or services. sold with written warranties. Under federal law (the
Ask what happens if you miss a payment. Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act) these warranties must
Will there be late charges? Will the entire balance be labeled as either “full” or “limited” warranties.
be demanded? Will the seller automatically repossess Violations should be reported to:
the item? What are your rights if the company Federal Trade Commission
breaches its obligations? Regional Office
Ask what happens if you pay ahead. Is there 1111 Superior Avenue
an added charge? Will the interest already paid be Suite 200
refunded? Completely? Is this in writing? Cleveland, OH 44199

Contracts and Warranties
Full warranties Implied warranties
The federal Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act Implied warranties are rights covered by state
specifies what must be provided by a “full” warranty: law and come automatically with every sale—even
• A defective product will be fixed (or replaced) though they are not written. For the state of Michigan
without charge. This includes removal and (unless an implied warranty is excluded or modified),
installation. a common implied warranty is the “warranty of
merchantability.” This means that the seller promises
• A product will be fixed within a reasonable time
that the product an individual buys is fit for the
after a consumer complaint.
reasonably foreseeable uses of the product.
• A consumer will not have to do anything
Another implied warranty is the “warranty of
unreasonable to obtain warranty service.
fitness for a particular purpose.” If an individual buys
• The warranty is good for anyone who owns the a product relying on the seller’s advice that it can be
product during the warranty period. used for a special purpose, then this advice may
• If the product can’t be fixed (or hasn’t been after a create a warranty.
reasonable number of attempts), a consumer has
the choice of obtaining a new product or a full
Extended warranties
The Uniform Commercial Code, 1962 PA 174,
IMPORTANT: A full warranty may cover only one
provides for the automatic extension of a warranty
component or system of an automobile.
period when goods and products are in for repair.
For a warranty extension, the product must be in for
Limited warranties repair for more than ten days or 10 percent of the
Unfortunately, most automobile warranties are number of days provided in the warranty. The
“limited.” Thus, while consumer rights are protected, calculation of these days by which a warranty period
one must rely on the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act shall be extended begins with the date the consumer
and the Uniform Commercial Code. “Limited” notified the merchant, in writing, that the product
warranties may provide the following: had failed. Consumers should keep all claim checks,
receipts, and work orders in case there is a need to
• It may cover only parts; not labor.
prove that the auto was in for repair. ❖
• The warranty may allow only a prorated refund or
• It may cover only the first purchaser.
• The warranty may allow a charge for handling.

Shopping online can be a practical, economical PAY BY CREDIT CARD
and easy way to buy what you need. It’s important,
• Credit cards are the safest and fastest way to pay for
though, to protect your money and your personal
online purchases.
information from thieves that lurk online. These
simple Cyber-Safety steps can help. • Using one credit card for all online purchases may
make it easier to track the source of any security
breach and limit the number of credit card
INVESTIGATE THE SELLER companies you have to contact if fraudulent
• Be sure the Web site provides the seller’s charges show up.
information, including name, mailing address (not • Credit card companies usually don’t hold customers
just a P.O. Box) and a telephone number. responsible for fraudulent charges.
• Confirm what you are purchasing based on the
description and photographs.
• Understand all the costs, including price, shipping
• Always print and retain a copy of your order,
and taxes, as well as delivery time and the return
including your confirmation number and payment
• Keep a written record of shipping and handling
CHECK THE SITE’S SECURITY charges as well as the cost of the item(s).
AND PRIVACY POLICY • Make sure to keep a copy of all documentation
• Do business only with companies that use secure regarding the transaction, such as packing slips,
server technology, which works with your Web receipts and e-mails.
browser to scramble your personal information as
it travels over the Internet. IF A PROBLEM OCCURS
• On a secure site, the “http” in the address bar will • Contact the seller and try to settle the problem.
change to “https” or “shttp” on the page where you If that doesn’t work, contact your credit card
are asked to type in payment information. Another company and request a “charge back.”
indicator of a secure site is an image of a closed
lock at the bottom of your screen. • File a complaint with the Attorney General’s
Consumer Protection Division. Write to
• Understand the seller’s policy on using your P.O. Box 30213, Lansing, MI 48909;
personal information, and exercise your right to call (877) 765-8388; or visit
“opt out” if you don’t want your information
passed on to others. • Notify the Federal Trade Commission,
Regional Office, 1111 Superior Avenue, Suite 200,
Cleveland, OH 44114. They cannot mediate a
CHOOSE A PASSWORD CAREFULLY complaint, but they should be made aware of any
• Use a different password than that of your e-mail illegal practices. ❖
account or any other secure login.
• Make sure your password is an unpredictable
combination of numbers, symbols and letters.
• Never use part of your Social Security number in a
• Don’t give your password to anyone, even if they
claim to be contacting you on behalf of the seller.

Agency Directory
Where to Go for Help
AGENCIES SERVING Department of Education
John A. Hannah Building, 4th Floor
THE STATE OF MICHIGAN 608 W. Allegan Street
Office of Services to the Aging P.O. Box 30008
Ottawa Building, 3rd Floor Lansing, MI 48909 ..............................(517) 373-3324
611 W. Ottawa Street
P.O. Box 30026 Department of Environmental Quality
Lansing, MI 48909 ..............................(517) 373-8230 P.O. Box 30473
Lansing, MI 48909 ..............................(517) 373-7917
Department of Agriculture
Ottawa Building, 4th Floor Department of Human Services
611 W. Ottawa Street P.O. Box 30037
P.O. Box 30017 Lansing, MI 48909 ..............................(517) 373-2035
Lansing, MI 48909 ..............................1-800-292-3939
Department of the Attorney General Department of Labor and Economic Growth
G. Mennen Williams Building, 7th Floor 2501 Woodlake Circle
525 W. Ottawa Street P.O. Box 30255
P.O. Box 30212 Lansing, MI 48909 ..............................(517) 373-1820
Lansing, MI 48913 ..............................(517) 373-1110
Bureau of Lottery
Department of Civil Rights 101 E. Hillsdale
201 N. Washington P.O. Box 30023
Lansing, MI 48913 ..............................(517) 335-3164 Lansing, MI 48909 ..............................(517) 335-5600
Lansing Executive Office
Capitol Tower Building, Suite 800 Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
Lansing, MI 48933 ..............................(517) 335-3165 2500 S. Washington Avenue
Lansing, MI 48913-5101......................(517) 483-5500
Department of Civil Service
Capitol Commons Center
Department of Natural Resources
400 South Pine
P.O. Box 30028
P.O. Box 30002
Lansing, MI 48909 ..............................(517) 373-2329
Lansing, MI 48909 ..............................(517) 373-3030
Department of Community Health Department of State
Lewis Cass Building 7064 Crowner
320 S. Walnut Lansing, MI 48918 ..............................(517) 322-1460
Lansing, MI 48913 ..............................(517) 373-3740
Department of Corrections Secretary of State Office
P.O. Box 30003 Treasury Building, 1st Floor
Lansing, MI 48909 ..............................(517) 335-1426 430 W. Allegan Street
Lansing, MI 48918-9900......................(517) 373-2510
Michigan Economic Development Corporation
Victor Office Center, 4th Floor Department of State Police
300 N. Washington Square 714 S. Harrison Road
Lansing, MI 48913 ..............................(517) 373-9808 East Lansing, MI 48823 ......................(517) 332-2521

Supreme Court Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Office
G. Mennen Williams Building, 2nd Floor Department of Housing and Urban Development
525 W. Ottawa Street 5100 HUD Building
P.O. Box 30052 451 7th Street, S.W.
Lansing, MI 48909 ..............................(517) 373-0120 Washington, DC 20410 ......................(202) 708-1112
(Businesses, civil rights, construction
Department of Transportation and building, housing)
425 W. Ottawa Street
P.O. Box 30050
Federal Communications Commission
Lansing, MI 48913 ..............................(517) 373-2090
445 12th Street S.W.
Department of Treasury Washington, DC 20544 ......................1-888-CALL-FCC
430 W. Allegan Street 1-888-225-5322
Lansing, MI 48922 ..............................(517) 373-3200 (Radio, telegraph, telephone, television)

FEDERAL AGENCIES Federal Trade Commission

(Regional Office)
Bureau of Consumer Protection 1111 Superior Avenue, Suite 200
Federal Trade Commission (general listing) Cleveland, OH 44114 ........................(216) 263-3410
Consumer Response Center
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Food and Drug Administration
Washington, DC 20580 ......................1-877-382-4357 (Detroit District Office)
Publications ........................................(202) 326-2222 300 River Place, Suite 5900
TTY ....................................................(202) 326-2507 Detroit, MI 48207................................(313) 393-8100
(Clothes merchandising, door-to-door sales, National Office ................................1-888-INFO-FDA
interest, unfair trade practices)

Consumer Product Safety Commission National Highway Traffic

4330 East West Highway Safety Administration
Bethesda, MD 20814..........................1-800-638-2772 Department of Transportation
(Household products) Office of Defect Investigation
400 7th Street, S.W.
Department of Agriculture Washington, DC 20590-0001
Midwest Region Auto Safety Hotline Toll-Free ............1-800-424-9393
1919 South Highland Avenue
Lombard, IL 60148 Office of Informal Inquiries
Meat and Poultry Hotline ..................1-800-535-4555 and Complaints
Web Site Federal Maritime Commission
800 N. Capitol Street, N.W.
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Washington, DC 20573 ......................(202) 523-5807
810 Vermont Avenue, N.W.
(Travel, cruises, ships)
Washington, DC 20420 ......................1-800-827-1000
Veterans benefits, education ............1-888-442-4551
Web Site Office of Intergovernmental
and Consumer Affairs (I-25)
Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Department of Transportation
USEPA Region 5 C-75, Room 4107
77 W. Jackson Boulevard Washington, DC 20590 ......................(202) 366-2220
Chicago, IL 60604 ..............................(312) 353-2000 E-Mail [email protected]
or 1-800-621-8431 (Airline service complaints)

Securities and Exchange Commission Client Assistance Program
Merri Jo Gillette, Regional Director (Department of Labor
175 W. Jackson Boulevard, Suite 900 and Economic Growth) ..............1-800-292-5896
Chicago, IL 60604 ..............................(312) 353-7390
E-Mail [email protected] Complaint Hot Line
(Stocks, bonds, public information) (Department of Labor
and Economic Growth) ..............1-800-882-6006
Social Security Administration
Complaint Intake and Jurisdiction
No National Office
(Civil Rights) ................................1-800-482-3604
(Check your local business pages under
“U.S. Government”) Disability Determination Service
Detroit ..........................................1-800-383-7155
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Kalamazoo ..................................1-800-829-7763
624 9th Street N.W. Lansing ........................................1-800-366-3404
Washington, DC 20425 ......................1-800-552-6843 Traverse City ................................1-800-632-1097
(Civil rights, racial discrimination)
Employee Service Program (Civil Service)
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Detroit ..........................................1-800-872-5563
Office of Information & Public Affairs Lansing ........................................1-800-521-1377
Washington, DC 20207 ......................1-800-638-2772
(Product safety, toys) Health Promotion Clearinghouse
U.S. Postal Inspector
P.O. Box 330119 Help Eliminate Auto Theft ............1-800-242-4328
Detroit, MI 48232-6119 ......................(313) 226-8184 Help Eliminate Marijuana Plants
Home Heating Assistance ............1-800-292-5650
TOLL-FREE HOT LINES Home Purchase Hot Line ..............1-800-327-9158
Michigan Toll-Free Hot Lines ....(1-800+Number) Library for the Blind and
Agriculture Department Information Physically Handicapped ........1-800-992-9012
....................................................1-800-292-3939 Fax................................................1-800-726-7323
Medicaid Client Assistance ..........1-800-642-3195
AIDS Hot Line ..................................1-800-872-2437
TDD ............................................1-800-332-0849 Medicaid Provider Assistance ......1-800-292-2550

Arson Control Tip Line ................1-800-442-7766 MET Toll-Free Hot Line..................1-800-638-4543

Auto Regulation Michigan Commission on Disability Concerns

Consumer Complaints ................1-800-292-4204 Voice or TDD ..............................1-877-499-6232

Blind, Services for Michigan Employment Security Agency

Lower Peninsula ..........................1-800-292-4200 (MESA) Unemployment Insurance
Upper Peninsula ..........................1-800-323-2535 Fraud Hot Line ............................1-800-822-1122

Bureau of History ..........................1-800-366-3703 Michigan Employment Security Commission

(MESC) Customer Service Office
Children’s Special Health Care Employers ....................................1-800-638-3994
Services ......................................1-800-359-3722 Claimants ....................................1-800-638-3995

Michigan Film Office ....................1-800-477-3456 Report All Poaching (RAP) ..........1-800-292-7800

Michigan Guaranty Agency ..........1-800-642-5626 Runaway Assistance Program......1-800-292-4517

Michigan Litter Enforcement ......1-800-448-7274 Sexual Harassment

(Corrections) ............................1-800-326-4537
Michigan Rehabilitation Service
Insurance Counsel ..................1-800-605-6722 Shelter Hot Line ..............................1-800-274-3583

Michigan School for the Deaf State Income Tax Information

and Blind....................................1-800-622-6730 General ........................................1-800-827-4000
Tax Forms ....................................1-800-367-6263
(Health and Safety Division) ......1-800-866-4674 State Police Number
(Emergencies Only) ....................1-800-525-5555
Motor Fuel Quality Complaint
Hot Line......................................1-800-632-3835 Tele-Court ........................................(517) 373-8857

Municipal Employees Retirement Toxic and Health Hot Line............1-800-648-6942

Information ..............................1-800-767-6377 Transportation Department ........1-800-654-8787
MUSTFA (Michigan Underground Storage Travel Bureau ..................................1-800-644-3255
Tank Financial Assistance)
Environmental Assistance Center Tuition Incentive Program ..........1-888-4-GRANTS
Hot Line......................................1-800-662-9278 1-888-447-2687
Office of Financial and Insurance Underground Storage Tank, Information
Services ......................................1-877-999-6442 Reporting Network ..................(517) 335-4035
Parent Help Line ............................1-800-942-4357 Waste Reduction Clearinghouse ..1-800-662-9278
Partners for Better Government Welfare Fraud Hot Line ................1-800-222-8558
(Civil Service)............................1-800-788-1766
Fax: ..............................................1-800-649-3777 WIC Fraud/Abuse Hot Line ..........1-800-225-5942

Patient Abuse and Health Care Fraud WIC Help Line ................................1-800-942-1636
Hot Line......................................1-800-242-2873

Patient Rights (Mental Health) ....1-800-854-9090

Pollution Alert/
DNR Emergency Service ........1-800-292-4706 TOLL-FREE HOT LINES
Project Find (Education) ..............1-800-252-0052 Auto Safety ......................................1-800-424-9393

Public Safety Organization Information Cancer Hot Line ..............................1-800-422-6237

(Attorney General) ..................1-800-769-4515
Conservation and Renewable Energy
Public Service Commission Inquiry and Referral Service..1-877-337-3463
Customer Complaints ..................1-800-292-9555
Consumer Product Safety
Radon Gas Hot Line ......................1-800-723-6642 Commission Hot Line..............1-800-638-2772

Federal Aviation Administration Baraga-Houghton-Keweenaw Community
Safety Hot Line..........................1-800-255-1111 Action Agency, Inc.
926 Dodge Street
Federal Deposit Insurance Houghton, MI 49931 ..........................(906) 482-5528
Corporation ..............................1-877-275-3342 Fax ................................................(906) 482-5512
Counties covered: Baraga/Houghton/Keweenaw
Federal Toll-Free Number
Information ..............................1-800-555-1212 Better Business Bureau
30555 Southfield Road, Suite 200
Flood Insurance Hot Line ............1-800-638-6620
Southfield, MI 48076 ........................ (248) 644-9100
Housing Discrimination................1-800-669-9777 1-800-955-5100
(GM, Nissan, Honda, VW, Audi, Acura, Saturn,
Information Clearinghouse lsuzu, Infiniti, Sterling, Austin Rover)
Hot Line
(Health and Human Services) ....1-800-336-4797 Capital Area Community Services, Inc.
101 East Willow Street
Internal Revenue Service Lansing, MI 48906 ..............................(517) 482-6281
Refund..........................................1-800-829-4477 Fax ................................................(517) 482-7747
General ........................................1-800-829-1040 Counties covered: Clinton/Eaton/Ingham/
Meat and Poultry Hot Line............1-800-535-4555
Chippewa/Luce/Mackinac Community Action
Medicare Hot Line ..........................1-800-633-4237 Human Resource Authority, Inc.
1-800-MEDICARE 524 Ashmun
P.O. Box 70
Oil and Chemical Spills
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783 ..................(906) 632-3363
Hot Line......................................1-800-424-8802
Fax ................................................(906) 632-4255
Stamps by Phone ............................1-800-782-6724 Counties covered: Chippewa/Luce/Mackinac

Chrysler Corporation
Customer Satisfaction Arbitration Board
P.O. Box 1165
OTHER CONSUMER Rochester, MI 48038-1165
ACTION NUMBERS (Chrysler/Plymouth/Dodge/AMC/Jeep/Eagle/Renault)
Allegan County Resource Development Chrysler National Owner Relations
Committee, Inc. Department ..............................1-800-992-1997
323 Water Street
Allegan, MI 49010 ..............................(269) 673-5472 Community Action Agency (CAA) Centers
Fax ................................................(269) 673-3795 Statewide CAP Association
County covered: Allegan 516 S. Creyts Road, Suite A
Lansing, MI 48917 ..............................(517) 321-7500
Attorney Grievance Commission
243 W. Congress Community Action Agency of Jackson,
Marquette Building, Suite 256 Lenawee, and Hillsdale
Detroit, MI 48226................................(313) 961-6585 1214 Greenwood
P.O. Box 1107
AUTOCAP Jackson, MI 49204 ..............................(517) 784-4800
1500 Kendale Boulevard Fax ................................................(517) 784-5188
East Lansing, MI 48823 ......................1-800-292-1923 Counties covered: Jackson/Hillsdale/Lenawee

Community Action Agency of General Motors Customer Assistance
South Central Michigan Chevrolet and Geo ......................1-800-222-1020
175 Main Street Pontiac ........................................1-800-762-2737
P.O. Box 1026 Oldsmobile ................................1-800-442-OLDS
Battle Creek, MI 49016 ......................(269) 965-7766 Buick ............................................1-800-521-7300
Fax ................................................(269) 965-1152 Cadillac ........................................1-800-458-8006
Counties covered: Calhoun /Barry/ Branch/ GMC Truck............................1-800-GMC-TRUCK
St. Joseph Saturn ..........................................1-800-553-6000

Debt Solutions Genesee County Community Action Agency

38505 Country Club Drive 631 Beach
Farmington Hills, MI 48331................(248) 553 5400 Flint, MI 48502....................................(810) 232-2185
Toll-free........................................1-800-550-1961 Fax ................................................(810) 768-4667
County covered: Genesee
Detroit Consumer Affairs
Gogebic-Ontonagon County Community
65 Cadillac Square, Suite 300
Action Agency
Detroit, MI 48226................................(313) 224-6995
320 E. Aurora Street
Dickinson-Iron Community Service Agency Ironwood, MI 49938 ..........................(906) 932-4200
800 Crystal Lake Boulevard, Suite 104 Fax .............................................. (906) 932-0271
Iron Mountain, MI 49801 ..................(906) 774-2256 Counties covered: Gogebic/Ontonagon
Fax ................................................(906) 774-2257 Hazardous Waste Superfund ........1-800-424-9346
Counties covered: Dickinson/Iron
Human Development Commission
Economic Opportunity Committee of 429 Montague
St. Clair County, Inc. Caro, MI 48723 ..................................(989) 673-4121
108 McMorran Boulevard Fax ................................................(989) 673-2031
Port Huron, MI 48060 ........................(810) 982-7233 Counties covered: Tuscola/Huron/Sanilac/Lapeer
Fax ................................................(810) 982-8541
Internal Revenue Service
County covered: St. Clair
Customer Service National Office
EIGHTCAP, Inc. 1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
904 Oak Drive, Turk Lake Washington, DC 20224 ......................1-800-829-1040
Greenville, MI 48838 ..........................(616) 754-9315 Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan, Inc.
Fax ................................................(616) 754-9310 2956 Ashmua Road
Counties covered: Isabella/Ionia/Gratiot/Montcalm Sault St. Marie, MI 49783....................(906) 632-6896
Fax ................................................(906) 632-1810
Fair Housing Center of Metro Detroit TF ................................................1-800-562-4957
1249 Washington Boulevard, Room 1312 Counties covered: Seven Indian reservations located
Detroit, MI 48226................................(313) 963-1274 in Baraga/Chippewa/Gogebic/Isabella/Leelanau/
Federal Aviation Administration
800 Independence Avenue, S.W. Kalamazoo County Human Services
Washington, DC 20591 ......................1-800-322-7873 Department
M.S.U. Extension Office
Ford Consumer Appeals Board 201 West Kalamazoo Avenue, Room 302
P.O. Box 5120 Kalamazoo, MI 49007 ........................(269) 384-8041
Southfield, MI 48086-5120 ................1-800-392-3673 Fax .............................................. (269) 384-8006
(Ford/Lincoln-Mercury) County covered: Kalamazoo

Lawyer Referral Service Michigan Long-Term Care
State Bar of Michigan Ombudsman Program
306 Townsend Citizens for Better Care
Lansing, MI 48933 ..............................1-800-968-0738 416 N. Homer, Suite 101
Lansing, MI 48912 ..............................1-800-292-7852
Legal Hot Line for Older Michiganians 1-866-485-9393
115 W. Allegan, Suite 720
Lansing, MI 48933 ..............................1-800-347-5297 Mid-Michigan Community Action Agency
Development, Inc.
Local CAA Offices 1141 N. McEwan
Alger-Marquette Community Action Board Clare, MI 48617 ..................................(989) 386-3805
112 W. Washington Street Fax ................................................(989) 386-3277
Marquette, MI 49855 ..........................(906) 228-6522 Counties covered: Osceola/Clare/Mecosta/
Fax ................................................(906) 228-6527 Gladwin/Bay/Midland
County covered: Alger/Marquette
MI Resource Center........................1-800-626-4636
Macomb County Community
Services Agency Monroe County Opportunity Program
VerKuilen Building 502 W. Elm Avenue
21885 Dunham Road, Suite 10 Monroe, MI 48162 ..............................(734) 241-2775
Clinton Township, MI 48036..............(586) 469-5222 Fax ................................................(734) 457-0630
Fax ................................................(586) 469-5530 County covered: Monroe
County covered: Macomb
Muskegon-Oceana Community Action
Major Appliance Consumer Against Poverty, Inc.
Action Panel (MACAP) ............1-800-621-0477 1706 Clinton, Suite 003
Muskegon, MI 49442 ..........................(231) 725-9499
Medicare Hot Line ..........................1-800-633-4227 Fax ................................................(231) 722-1959
Counties covered: Muskegon/Oceana
Community Action Agency and Northeast Michigan Community
Human Resources Authority Service Agency
507 First Avenue North 2375 Gordon Road
Escanaba, MI 49829............................(906) 786-7080 Alpena, MI 49707 ..............................(989) 356-3474
Fax ................................................(906) 786-9423 Toll-Free ......................................(800) 210-2273
Counties covered: Menominee/Delta/Schoolcraft Fax ................................................(989) 354-5909
Counties covered: Presque Isle/Montmorency/
Michigan Action Works Program Alpena/Alcona/Cheboygan/Oscoda/Ogemaw/
144 East Fulton Street Iosco/Arenac/Otsego/Crawford
Grand Rapids, MI 49503 ....................(616) 336-4100
Fax ................................................(616) 336-4118 Northwest Michigan
County covered: Kent Human Services Agency
3963 Three Mile Road
Michigan Legal Services Traverse City, MI 49686 ....................1-800-632-7334
Michigan Building, Suite 900 Counties covered: Leelanau/Antrim/Benzie/
220 Bagley Avenue Grand Traverse/Kalkaska/Missaukee/Roscommon/
Detroit, MI 48226................................(313) 964-4130 Charlevoix/Emmet/Wexford

Oakland-Livingston Human Service Agency U.S. Coast Guard
196 Cesar Chavez Avenue, 2nd Floor 2100 2nd Street, S.W.
P.O. Box 430598 Washington, DC 20593-0001
Pontiac, MI 48343-0598 ......................(248) 209-2600 Office of Public Affairs ......................(202) 372-4620
Fax ................................................(248) 209-2645
Counties covered: Oakland/Livingston U.S. Department of Labor
211 W. Fort, Suite 1310
Ottawa County Human Service Agency Detroit, MI 48226................................(313) 226-7450
12251 James Street
U.S. Housing and Urban Development
Holland, MI 49424 ............1-800-764-4111, Ext. 5697
77 W. Jackson, Room 2101
or ..................................................(616) 393-5697
Chicago, IL 60604-3057 ......................(312) 353-7776
Fax ................................................(616) 393-5612
Recording ....................................1-800-669-9777
County covered: Ottawa
TTY ..............................................(312) 353-7143

Saginaw County Community Action U.S. Small Business Administration

Committee, Inc. 515 McNamara Building
2824 Perkins Street 477 Michigan Avenue
Saginaw, MI 48601 ............................(989) 753-7741 Detroit, MI 48226................................(313) 226-6075
Fax ................................................(989) 753-2439
County covered: Saginaw Washtenaw County Community
Services Agency
Social Security Administration ....1-800-772-1213 555 Towner
TDD ............................................1-800-325-0778 P.O. Box 915
Ypsilanti, MI 48197 ............................(734) 544-3000
Student Financial Services Bureau County covered: Washtenaw
P.O. Box 30047
Lansing, MI 48909-7547 ....................1-800-642-5626, Wayne Metropolitan Community
Ext. 37054 Actions Agency
E-Mail [email protected] 3715 W. Jefferson Avenue
Ecorse, MI 48229 ................................(313) 843-2550
Fax ................................................(313) 841-7540
SW MI Community Action Agency County covered: Wayne
185 E. Main, Suite 200
P.O. Box 187
Benton Harbor, MI 49022 ..................(269) 925-9077 If you have questions concerning the information in
Toll-Free ......................................1-800-334-7670 this booklet or other consumer issues, please
County covered: Berrien contact:
21980 E. M-60 The Attorney General
Cassopolis, MI 49031..........................(269) 445-3831 6th Floor, G. Mennen Williams Building
Toll-Free ......................................1-877-474-6259 525 West Ottawa Street
County covered: Cass Lansing, MI 48913
Telephone: (517) 373-1140
155 N. Paw Paw Street
P.O. Box 538
Lawrence, MI 49064 ..........................(269) 674-7175
Toll-Free ......................................1-800-968-3905
County covered: Van Buren

— Notes —
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— Notes —
The information in this publication is available,
upon request, in an alternative, accessible format.

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