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Materiality & Risk

Question 1: M&B p.91 #3-32

3-32 a.

1. Audit risk is the risk that the auditor may unknowingly fail to appropriately modify
the auditor's opinion on financial statements that are materially misstated.

2. Inherent risk is the susceptibility of an assertion to material misstatement,

assuming no related internal controls. Control risk is the risk that material
misstatements that could occur will not be prevented or detected by the internal
controls. Detection risk the risk that the auditor will not detect a material
misstatement that exists in the financial statements.

3. Inherent risk and control risk differ from detection risk in that they exist
independently of the audit of financial statements, whereas detection risk relates
to the auditor's procedures and can be changed at the auditor's discretion.
Detection risk has an inverse relationship to inherent and control risk.


1. Materiality is the magnitude of an omission or misstatement of accounting

information that, in the light of surrounding circumstances, makes it probable that
the judgment of a reasonable person relying on the information would have been
changed or influenced by the omission or misstatement. This concept recognizes
that some matters, either individually or in the aggregate, are important for the
fair presentation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles, while other matters are not.

2. Materiality is affected by the nature and amount of an item in relation to the

nature and amount of items in the financial statements under examination, and
the auditor's judgment as influenced by the auditor's perception of the needs of a
reasonable person who will rely on the financial statements.

3. The auditor's judgment about materiality for planning purposes may be different
from materiality for evaluation purposes because the auditor, when planning an
audit, cannot anticipate all of the circumstances that may ultimately influence
judgment about materiality in evaluating the audit findings at the completion of
the audit. If significantly lower materiality levels become appropriate in
evaluating the audit findings, the auditor should reevaluate the sufficiency of the
audit procedures already performed.
Materiality & Risk

Question 2

Your firm has recently been appointed as external auditor to EWheels. EWheels is a
private company that operates an internet auction service for the sale of used
motor vehicles. You are planning the audit of the financial statements. The company has
been in existence for four years and has grown rapidly. It was founded by three individuals
who are a former car auctioneer, an internet specialist with an interest in cars, and an
accountant. The company now has three offices and some 100 employees. The on-line car
auction market is very competitive. The company is the biggest provider of the service in
the south of the country, but the directors have ambitious plans which include an
aggressive marketing campaign, the take-over of a number of target competitors and
additional office space and staff, all of which will require considerable additional finance.

The company is financed partly by private capital brought in by the three founders, and
partly by bank loans. The three founders were all directors, but the accountant resigned six
months ago and has commenced a legal action against the company for a considerable
amount of money, claiming that he has effectively been excluded from management by the
other two directors. The company.s balance sheet shows net liabilities. The company has
not yet made a profit although preliminary figures indicate that it has reached break-even
point in the current year. Your firm has discovered that the previous auditors were not re-
appointed because they refused to issue an unmodified audit opinion on the previous year.s
financial statements, and instead made reference to the going concern status of the
company in their audit report. Your firm has made it clear to the directors that it may be
necessary to make reference to the going concern status of the company again in the
current year, but they have indicated that they would prefer an unmodified report if at all
possible. You are also aware that loan facilities for this type of company are becoming more
scarce, as there are too many companies seeking such finance.

The director who resigned six months ago was responsible for the day to day accounting
function and for the preparation of the financial and management accounts. The company
has been unsuccessful in recruiting a permanent replacement and has used a number of
temporary accountants. Your initial investigations have highlighted a number of weaknesses
in the operation of the accounting and internal control systems.

(a) Explain your understanding of audit risk. (4 marks)
(b) Describe the risks associated with the audit of EWheels. (7 marks)
(c) List the enquiries you will make and the procedures you will perform in deciding whether
to make reference to the going concern status of Ewheels in your audit report on the
financial statements. (5 marks)
(d) Describe the different ways in which your audit report might refer to the going concern
status of the company.
(4 marks)
(20 marks)
Materiality & Risk


(a) Audit risk

(i) audit risk is the product of inherent risk, control risk and detection risk. Audit risk is
often .set. by the audit firm at a certain level (say 3% to 5%), and the nature and extent of
testing in a particular audit are determined by an assessment of the other elements of risk.
(ii) inherent risk is the risk that material errors will occur both at the entity level, and at the
level of individual transactions and balances. Certain account balances and certain entities
are more inherently risky than others. For example, inventory is more inherently risky than
cash, volatile businesses are more inherently risky than stable businesses.
(iii) control risk is the risk that internal controls will not prevent or detect material errors,
both at the entity level, and at the level of individual transactions and balances.
(iv) detection risk is the risk that auditors will fail to detect material errors (due to human
error or sampling risk, for example).

(b) Risks associated with the audit

(i) in the case of EWheels, the level of inherent risk, control risk and detection risk all appear
to be higher than normal.
(ii) EWheels is in a volatile sector of the economy. It has grown rapidly and is planning
further expansion which will require additional resources. There is a real risk of .over-
trading., i.e. that the business will exhaust its cash resources too soon as a result of rapid
growth. In such circumstances, there is a risk that creditors will go unpaid and that the
business will be forced into liquidation. This is risky for both the directors and for the
(iii) in a highly competitive sector, there is a possibility that the company itself will be
vulnerable to take-over, particularly if it is in a weak financial position which it appears to be
with net liabilities. The dispute between the ex-director and the current director means that
the current directors do not have overall control of the company. It is particularly important
in take-over situations for auditors to be cautious in the audit opinion they give.
(iv) the overall control environment at EWheels is weak. There has been no proper control of
the accounting function for six months and errors are appearing as a result. This may mean
that the accounting records are unreliable and the financial statements may be materially
(v) the attitude of the directors (which is relevant to the overall control environment) is
suspect, they have indicated that they would prefer an unmodified opinion in circumstances
which may warrant a modified opinion. They also appear to be overly ambitious in their
expansion plans.
(vi) EWheels is suffering from financial pressures; it wishes to expand but additional
resources are needed and they are becoming scarcer, loan finance may become more
expensive. The ex-director is claiming a substantial amount of money from the company. It
may be preferable for the company to seek further equity finance or to delay the expansion
(vii) the audit is also risky for the firm because this is the first year of audit (and mistakes
are therefore more likely to be made) and because there is pressure to issue an unmodified
opinion. It will be important for the firm to ensure that adequate time and resources are
allocated to what is likely to be a difficult audit. Any pressure by the directors to complete
the audit quickly should be resisted.

(c) Reference to going concern status

(i) it will be necessary to review the overall financing position of the company in detail. This
will involve examining budgets and cash flow forecasts, and performance against budgets
and cash flow forecasts. If this information is not available for whatever reason, it will
probably be necessary for the directors to produce it.
Materiality & Risk

(ii) the relationship between the company and its bankers should be investigated
thoroughly, because if the relationship is poor, additional finance is unlikely to be
(iii) it is likely that financial information will sent to the bank on a regular basis and this
should be inspected. It will be necessary to inspect correspondence with the bank and
possibly for the auditors to make their own enquiries of the bank, although banks do not
normally provide much information to auditors in this context.
(iv) enquiries should be made of directors about that availability of additional equity and
other finance which will be necessary for the planned expansion. All statements in this
respect should be corroborated and supported by documentation.
(v) enquiries should be made of the company.s lawyers as to the nature and likely outcome
of the dispute with the exdirector.
It will be necessary to make either a provision or disclosure in the financial statements
unless it is very unlikely that any amount will be payable to him.

(d) Audit reports

(i) the audit report would probably be modified by means of the inclusion of an ‘emphasis of
matter’ paragraph, highlighting the problem. This would only be possible however, if the
matter were adequately disclosed in the financial statements.
(ii) if the matter were not adequately disclosed in the financial statements, it might be
necessary to issue an ‘except for’ opinion, disagreeing with the lack of disclosure in the
financial statements.
(iii) an ‘adverse’ opinion stating that the financial statements do not fairly present the
position at all because of the lack of disclosure might be necessary if the auditors
considered the matter to be fundamental to the view given by the financial statements as a
(iv) in extreme circumstances, where it was clear that the company was not a going
concern, and the financial statements were still prepared on a going concern basis, it would
probably be necessary to issue an ‘adverse’ opinion.
Audit Evidence, Audit Procedures & Working Paper Documentation

Question 1: M&B p.127 #4-36

4-36 a. The bank confirmation would be considered more reliable than the observation of
segregation of duties because an independent external party provided the
information. Observation is not as reliable because the individuals performing the
functions may not act properly when no one is observing them.

b. The auditor's recalculation of depreciation is more reliable than the examination of

the raw material requisitions because the auditor has direct personal knowledge of
the outcome.

c. The bank statement would be considered more reliable than shipping documents
because the bank statement was prepared by an entity that is external to the

d. The physical examination of the common stock certificates would generally be

considered more reliable than a physical examination of inventory components for
a personal computer because the stock certificates are prepared by an entity
external to the client. Additionally, the auditor may not be able to easily determine
the quality or value of the computer components.

Question 2: M&B p.127 #4-37

a. Type b. Reliability

1. Internal 1. High if internal control is excellent, moderate to

low otherwise.

2. Internal 2. High if internal control is excellent, moderate to

low otherwise.

3. 3. High because it comes from an external party.


4. 4. High to moderate because the document has

been circulated to a party outside the entity.
Audit Evidence, Audit Procedures & Working Paper Documentation


5. 5. High because it comes from an external party.


6. Internal 6. High if internal control is excellent, moderate to

low otherwise.

7. Internal 7. High if internal control is excellent, moderate to

low otherwise.

8. Internal 8. High if internal control is excellent, moderate to

low otherwise.

9. 9. High to moderate because the document has

been circulated to a party outside the entity.

10. 10. High because it comes from an external party.

Audit Planning

Question 1: M&B p.159 #5-38

5-38 a. Analytical procedures are used for three broad purposes:

• To assist the auditor in planning the nature,
timing, and extent of other auditing procedures.
• As a substantive test to obtain evidential
matter about particular assertions related to account balances or classes of
• As an overall review of the financial
information in the final review stage of the audit.

b. An auditor's expectations (types of analytical procedures) are developed from the

following sources of information:
• Financial information for comparable prior
periods, giving consideration to known changes.
• Anticipated results (e.g., budgets, forecasts,
and extrapolations).
• Relationships among elements of financial
information within the period.
• Information regarding the industry in which
the client operates.
• Relationships of financial information to
relevant nonfinancial information.

c. The factors that influence an auditor's consideration of the reliability of data for
purposes of achieving audit objectives are whether the
• Independence of the source of the evidence.
• The effectiveness of internal controls.
• The auditor’s direct personal knowledge.

Question 2

Nepco is a European company that manufactures high quality computer components and
assembles computer parts. It has existed for some years and is part of a vertical supply
chain for a well-known brand of computer hardware. Profits are coming under increasing
pressure from manufacturers in the Far East and Asia with lower labour costs, and from
rising raw material costs. Nepco is listed on a stock exchange. There is pressure from
institutional investors for better returns in the form of dividends and the main institutional
investors are considering selling a proportion of their shares in the company. The directors
of Nepco are considering whether to move into new market areas.

Nepco has good accounting and internal control systems. Inventory is material to the
accounts, and there is a good set of permanent inventory records. No year-end inventory
count is conducted. Operational compliance issues are important to Nepco. Many countries
have inflexible quality standards and some projects are being held up because of difficulties
in obtaining approval from regulators for new components.

All staff and directors of Nepco are remunerated (at least in part) on a performance-related
basis, some with share options. Staff are generally highly qualified and wellpaid.
Audit Planning

This is your first year as auditors. Your firm has very little experience in this industry.
External audit costs are tightly controlled and your firm has agreed to a budget that will
allow very little flexibility.

(a) Describe the risks relating to Nepco under the headings of inherent risk, control risk and
detection risk. (12 marks)
(b) In the light of the risks identified in (a) above, list the matters to which you will pay
particular attention during the audit of Nepco and explain the work you will perform in
relation to them. (8 marks)
(20 marks)
Audit Planning


(a) Risks
ISA 400 .Accounting and Internal Control Systems. states that audit risk is the product of
inherent risk, control risk and detection risk.
(i) Inherent risks include:
(1) The competition from Asian and Far Eastern companies, and rising raw material prices.
This means that there is pressure on profits and the ability to reward employees and pay
dividends to institutional shareholders which increases the pressure to manipulate the
financial statements to show good returns.
(2) The potentially volatile market (computer components) in which new technology can
render hardware obsolete in a very short time. This means that there is an ongoing risk to
the business as a whole (a potential going concern risk) . the company must be adaptable.
(3) The risk that regulators may reject a product which has taken many months or years to
(4) The pressures for returns from institutional investors which means that there may be a
temptation to manipulate the financial statements.
(5) The possible sale of shares, increasing the pressure for returns in order to get the best
possible price, which increases the pressure to manipulate the financial statements.
(6) The inherent risks in diversification into unknown areas (the supply of other customers) .
but these are not current risks.
(ii) Control risks: there are apparently very few except for the performance-related
payment, including share options, which provides an incentive to produce .acceptable.
(iii) Detection risk: this is the firm.s first year as auditors and there are tight controls on
audit costs, which may lead to inadequate audit evidence unless the audit is properly
directed, supervised and reviewed. This is compounded by the firm.s lack of experience in
this area. It is important that those with experience are employed on this audit, at least in a
review capacity.

(b) Matters to which attention should be paid and work to be performed

(i) The good accounting records and internal control combined with the need to keep audit
costs down means that a compliance approach, rather than a substantive approach will be
necessary wherever possible.
(ii) Audit work will need to be directed towards inventory (despite the fact that it is well
controlled) because it is material to the accounts. There is no year-end inventory count, and
inventory is relatively easy to manipulate. It is likely that there will be a substantial amount
of work-in-progress and its valuation will need to be reviewed carefully. It may be possible
to rely on any interim or cyclical inventory counting.
(iii) The projects on which compliance problems have arisen should be examined carefully
as the costs may be significant and there may be a temptation to understate them.
(iv) Overall profits and any unadjusted errors should be examined carefully because of the
inherent risks noted above and the performance-related pay.
(v) The company.s going concern status should be reviewed by examining its financial
status, financial support and likely future developments in high risk areas.
Internal controls

Question: M&B p.198 #6-34


6-34 a. For purposes of an audit of financial statements, an entity's internal control system
consists of the following components:
• The control environment
• Risk assessment
• Control activities
• Information and communication
• Monitoring

b. In planning an audit, the auditor should obtain an understanding of each of the

components of internal control sufficient to plan the audit by performing
procedures to understand the design of controls relevant to the preparation of
financial statements and whether they have been placed in operation.

c. An auditor may assess control risk at the maximum level for some or all assertions
because the auditor believes controls are unlikely to pertain to an assertion, or are
unlikely to be effective, or because evaluating their effectiveness would be

d. To support assessing control risk at less than the maximum level, an auditor must
determine whether the controls are suitably designed to prevent or detect material
misstatements in specific financial statement assertions and obtain evidence that
the controls are operating effectively.

e. When seeking a further reduction in the assessed level of control risk, an auditor
should consider whether additional evidential matter sufficient to support a further
reduction is likely to be available and whether it would be efficient to perform tests
of controls to obtain that evidential matter.

f. An auditor should document the understanding of the internal control components

obtained to plan the audit. The auditor should also document the basis of the
auditor's conclusion about the assessed level of control risk. If control risk is
assessed at the maximum level, the auditor should document that conclusion but
is not required to document the basis of that conclusion. However, if the assessed
level of control risk is below the maximum level, the auditor should document the
basis of the conclusion that the effectiveness of the design and operation of
internal controls supports that assessed level.
Internal controls

Question 2:

There are many reasons for maintaining internal control systems. These include the need to
ensure that:
(i) transactions are properly authorised
(ii) transactions are promptly and accurately recorded
(iii) access to assets and records is properly authorised
(iv) recorded assets represent actual assets.
In the absence of internal controls, errors, omissions and misappropriation of assets are
likely and external and internal auditors pay particular attention to both the design and
operation of internal control systems.
Receivables is an area in which most organisations expect internal controls to be operating

(a) In the context of receivables, list and describe the types of error, omission and
misappropriation of assets that can occur in practice where internal controls are weak or
non-existent. (4 marks)
(b) Explain why even a good system of internal control will not necessarily prevent or detect
errors, omissions and the misappropriation of assets in a receivables system, and explain
why a good system of internal control is important to auditors. (4 marks)
(c) List the main internal controls that you would expect to be in operation in the
receivables system at a small manufacturing company with a computerised accounting
system. (9 marks)
(d) Explain why external auditors seek to rely on the proper operation of internal controls
wherever possible. (3 marks)
(20 marks)
(a) Error, omission and misappropriation
(i) where internal controls are weak, the errors that occur may include the issue of invoices
and credit notes for the wrong amounts, the issue of invoices and credit notes to the wrong
customers, the incorrect recording of invoices, credit notes, cash and contras in the ledgers
and daybooks, and the incorrect setting of credit limits.
(ii) where internal controls are weak, invoices, credit notes cash and contras may simply go
(iii) the effect of this will be that receivables may be under or over-stated in the records and
that the company will not receive that money that is due to it, or that goodwill with
customers is damaged.
(iv) the assets that may be misappropriated include cash and inventory. If records are poor,
it will be easy to hide the misappropriation of cash that is received from customers. It will
also be possible for inventory to be misappropriated and hidden by the issue of false or
incorrect invoices, credit notes or contras.

(b) Inherent weaknesses

(i) no internal control system is perfect and all internal control systems are subject to
inherent weaknesses. This means that auditors can never rely on the proper operation of
the internal control systems alone. Even if their tests show that the system appears to be
working perfectly, it will be necessary to perform some substantive testing.
(ii) inherent weakness include human error. People operate the control systems and people
make mistakes.
(iii) other inherent weaknesses include the abuse of authority. For example, false invoices
may be issued towards the yearend to improve the sales figure and false credit notes to
Internal controls

cancel them out may be issued just after the year-end. This is sometimes known as
(iv) fraudulent collusion can happen both within the company and outside the company.
Those who have the right to authorise the issue of credit notes may authorise false credit
notes for customers who are their friends. Those who have access to cash and the
receivables records may collude to misappropriate cash, and make entries in the accounting
records to hide the misappropriation. This is sometimes known as .teeming and lading..

(c) Main internal controls

(i) segregation of duties between those who control the accounting records, those who
receive the cash, those who authorise the issue of invoices and credit notes and those who
issue the goods to customers.
(ii) two people should be involved wherever cash or inventories are being handled in order
to prevent both the misappropriation of assets and to prevent false accusations of
(iii) the maintenance of a separate receivables ledgers showing the individual balances
owing from customers. This ledger should be reconciled at least monthly to the total figure
in the nominal ledger.
(iv) the issue of statements to customers at the end of each month (from the ledger)
showing how much is owed by the customer.
(v) arithmetical and accounting controls over the issue of invoices and credit notes, some of
which may be computerised, in order to ensure that they are calculated correctly in
accordance with authorised prices.
(vi) the use of batch and hash totals, document counts and sequence checks in the input of
transactions into the computer system to ensure completeness and accuracy.
(vii) the appointment of a credit controller who limits the credit available to customers,
together with restricted access to those sections of the system that contain credit limits.
(viii) the use of exception reporting to highlight overdue accounts and accounts where the
credit limits have been exceeded, together with a system for investigating and dealing with
such accounts.
(ix) the regular review by the financial controller of amounts receivable and the
independent authorisation of the write-off of bad debts.

(d) Proper operation of internal controls

(i) auditors seek to rely on the proper operation of internal controls wherever possible
because where internal controls are operating properly, reliance on internal controls is the
most efficient method of auditing.
(ii) if the auditor.s tests show that internal controls are operating properly, the volume of
substantive testing on transactions and balances can be reduced.
(iii) it is always possible (in theory) to perform an audit on the basis of substantive testing
alone, but given the volume of transactions (in all but the smallest of businesses) such an
approach would be prohibitively expensive for the audited entity.
The Effect of IT on the Audit Function

Question 1: M&B p.231 #7-36


7-36 a. 4
b. 5
c. 2
d. 3
e. 1

Question 2: M&B p.232 #7-38


7-38 a. Based upon the information given, the computer may be used by Hastings to do
the following:
• Test extensions and footings of computerized sales records that
serve as a basis for the preparation of the invoices and sales journal.
• Verify the mathematical accuracy of postings from the sales
journal to appropriate ledger accounts.
• Determine that all sales invoices and other related documents
have been accounted for (e.g., by accounting for the integrity of the numerical
• Select sales transactions for review (based upon predetermined
criteria) through a review of the sales journal or the accounts receivable
subsidiary ledger.
• Print a workpaper that lists each item selected, with relevant data
inserted in applicable columns.
• Select all debits posted to the sales account and all postings to
the sales account from a source other than the sales journal.
• Analytically review recorded sales by use of predetermined
criteria (percentage relationships, gross margin, trends, and so forth, on a
periodic or annual basis).
• Compare duplicate data maintained in separate files for
correctness. For example, the computer may be used to compare the client's
records of quantities sold with the client's records of quantities shipped.
• Examine records for quality (completeness, consistency, and so
forth). The quality of visible records is readily apparent to the auditor. Sloppy
record keeping, lack of completeness, and so on, are observed by the auditor in
the normal course of the audit. If machine-readable records are evaluated
manually, a complete printout is needed to examine their quality. Hastings may
choose to use the computer to examine these records for quality.

b. In addition to the procedures outlined above, Hastings should do the following:

• Trace data from sales invoices to invoice copies.
• Trace data from sales invoices to the sales journal.
• Compare dates of recorded sales transactions with dates on
shipping records.
• Determine that all shipping documents have been accounted for
(e.g., by accounting for the integrity of the numerical sequence).
The Effect of IT on the Audit Function

• Examine documents for appropriate approval (e.g., grant of credit,

shipment of goods, and determination of price and billing).
• Determine the extent and nature of business transacted with
major customers (for indications of previously undisclosed relationships--related
parties--and for determination of the applicability of disclosure requirements
required by generally accepted accounting principles).
• Verify the sales cutoff at the beginning and end of the period to
determine whether the recorded sales represent revenues of the period.
• Test pricing by comparing invoices to daily price list.
Audit Sampling

Question 1: M&B p.267 #8-34

8-34 The computed upper deviation rate and the auditor's decision for each
control procedure are:

Control Procedure
1 2 3 4

Number of deviations 0 5 4 3
Sample size 156 181 94 98
Sample deviation rate 0.0 2.8 4.3 3.1
Computed upper deviation rate 2.0 6.9 8.7 7.3
Support Does Does Supports
Auditor's decision s not not
support support

Question 2: M&B p.268 #8-37

8-37 Austen's conclusion on each item would be as follows:

1. The sample deviation rate is 2.5 percent (1 ÷ 40). Since the sample
deviation rate is less than the expected population deviation rate of
3 percent, the control can be relied upon.
2. The sample deviation rate is 5.0 percent (1 ÷ 20). Since the sample
deviation rate exceeds the expected population deviation rate of 4
percent, the control cannot be relied upon.

Question 3: M&B p.268 #8-38

8-38 Isaac’s conclusion on each item would be as follows:

1. The sample deviation rate is 2.0 percent (1 ÷ 50). Since the sample
deviation rate is less than the expected population deviation rate of
3 percent, the control can be relied upon.
2. The sample deviation rate is 4.0 percent (2 ÷ 50). Since the sample
deviation rate exceeds the expected population deviation rate of 3
percent, the control cannot be relied upon.
Audit Sampling

Question 4

Wong and Kasim were conducting the audit of Syarikat ABC Berhad for the
year ended 31 December 2004. Jerry, the senior in charge of the audit, plans
to use monetary unit sampling (MUS) to audit ABC’s inventory account. The
balance at 31 December 2004 was RM9,000,000.

Sampling tables:
Estimate Tolerable exception rate (%)
populati 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20
n rate
0.00 149 99 74 59 49 42 36 32 29 19 14
0.25 236 157 117 93 78 66 58 51 46 30 22
0.50 * 157 117 93 78 66 58 51 46 30 22
0.75 * 208 117 93 78 66 58 51 46 30 22
1.00 * * 156 93 78 66 58 51 46 30 22
1.25 * * 156 124 78 66 58 51 46 30 22
1.50 * * 192 124 103 66 58 51 46 30 22
1.75 * * 227 153 103 88 77 51 46 30 22
2.00 * * * 181 127 88 77 68 46 30 22
2.25 * * * 208 127 88 77 68 61 30 22
2.50 * * * * 150 109 77 68 61 30 22
2.75 * * * * 173 109 95 68 61 30 22
3.00 * * * * 195 129 95 84 61 30 22
3.25 * * * * * 148 112 84 61 30 22
3.50 * * * * * 167 112 84 76 40 22
3.75 * * * * * 185 129 100 76 40 22
4.00 * * * * * * 146 100 89 40 22
5.00 * * * * * * * 158 116 40 30
6.00 * * * * * * * * 179 50 30
7.00 * * * * * * * * * 68 37
* sample is too large to be cost-effective


a. Based on the following information, compute the required MUS sample

size, based on the sampling tables given above:
Tolerable misstatement = RM360,000
Expected misstatement = RM90,000
Risk of incorrect acceptance = 5%
(2 marks)
Audit Sampling

Risk of incorrect acceptance = 5%, tolerable misstatement = 2

4% ($360,000 ÷ $9,000,000), and expected misstatement =
1% ($90,000 ÷ $9,000,000), sample size is equal to 156. The
sampling interval is $57,692 ($9,000,000 ÷ 156).

b. Sheila, an audit assistant, used the sample items selected in part (a)
and performed the audit procedures listed in the inventory audit
programme. She notes the following misstatements:

Misstateme Book Audit value

nt number value RM
1 10,000 7,500
2 9,000 6,000
3 60,000 0
4 800 640

Using this information, calculate the upper limit on misstatement

(ULM). What conclusion should Sheila make concerning the inventory?
(12 marks)

Overstatement Errors

Error Book Audit Tainting Factor

Numbe Value Value
1 10,000 7,500 .25
2 9,000 6,000 .33
3 60,000 0 Not applicable, since
the book value exceeds
the sampling interval
4 800 640 .20
Calculation of ULM

Taintin Samplin Projecte Increment Projected

g g d al Mis-
Factor Interval Misstat Change statement
e-ment plus
Audit Sampling

.33 57,692 19,038 1.75 33,317
.25 57,692 14,423 1.55 22,356
.20 57,692 11,538 1.46 16,846

Total 72,519
Known misstatement from error 2 60,000
Basic Precision (3.0 x 57,692) 173,076
ULM 305,595
Since the ULM ($305,595) is less than the tolerable misstatement 2
($360,000), Van Pelt can accept the inventory account as being fairly
stated since there is only a 5 percent risk that the account contains a
misstatement greater than $360,000.

c. Assuming that, in addition to the four (4) misstatements identified in

part (b), Sheila had identified the following two (2) understatements:

Misstateme Book Audit value

nt number value RM
5 6,000 6,500
6 750 800

Calculate the net upper limit on misstatement.

(4 marks)

Understatement Errors
Error Book Audit Tainting
Number Value Value Factor
5 6,000 6,500 .083
6 750 800 .067

Adjustment for Understatement Errors 2

Tainting Sampling Projected
Audit Sampling

Factor Interval
.083 57,692 4,788
.067 57,692 3,865
Adjustment to ULM 8,653

d. Discuss the possible courses of action the auditor can take when he or
she has concluded that the population is misstated by more than a
tolerable misstatement.
(7 marks)

Take no action until tests of other audit areas are completed. 2

If offsetting misstatements are found in other parts of the
audit, the auditor may conclude that the population is
Perform expanded audit tests in specific areas. 2
Increase the sample size. As sample size increases, sampling 2
error is reduced if the rate of misstatements in the expanded
sample, their dollar amount, and their direction are similar to
those in the original sample. This may result in the population
being acceptable.
Adjust the account balance. In some circumstances, if the 2
client corrects the misstatements discovered by the auditor,
the book value of the account may become acceptable.
Request the client to correct the entire population. 2
Refuse to give an unqualified opinion. If none of the prior 2
courses of action result in an acceptable population, the
auditor will have to issue either a qualified or an adverse
(2 marks per point, max 7 marks)
Revenue Cycle

Question 1: M&B p.344 #10-41

10-41The working paper contains the following deficiencies:

• The working paper was not initialed and dated by the audit assistant.
• Negative confirmations not returned cannot be considered to be
accounts "confirmed without exception."
• The two positive confirmations that were sent but were unanswered are
not accounted for.
• There is no documentation of alternate procedures, possible scope
limitation, or other working paper reference for the six accounts selected for
confirmation that the client asked the auditor not to confirm.
• The dollar amount and percentage of the six accounts selected for
confirmation that the client asked the auditor not to confirm is omitted from the
"Dollars" columns for the "Total selected for testing."
• The "Dollars-Percent" for "Confirmation Requests-Negatives" is
incorrectly calculated at 10 percent.
• There is no indication of follow-up or cross-referencing of the account
confirmed-related-party transaction.
• The tick mark "‡" is used but is not explained in the tick mark legend.
• There is no explanation for proposed disposition of the ten differences
aggregating $12,000.
• The overall conclusion reached is not appropriate.
• There is no notation that a projection from the sample to the population
was made.
• There is no reference to second requests.
• Cross-referencing is incomplete, such as the eighteen "Differences reported and
resolved, no adjustment" and "Confirmation Requests" to the confirmation control

Question 2: M&B p.347 #10-46

10-46The computer can be used in the following way to aid the auditor in examining
accounts receivable in a highly computerized system:

• Testing extensions and footings: The computer can be used to perform simple
summations and other computations to test the correctness of extensions and
footings. The auditor may choose to perform tests on all records instead of just on
samples, since the speed and low cost per computation of the computer enable
this at only a small amount of extra time and expense.

• Selecting and printing confirmation requests: The computer can select and
print out confirmation requests on the basis of quantifiable selection criteria. The
program can be written to select the accounts according to any set of criteria
desired and using any sample plan.

• Examining records for quality (completeness, consistency, valid conditions,

etc.): If machine-readable records are evaluated manually, a complete printout is
needed to examine their quality. The auditor may choose to use the computer to
examine these records for quality. If the computer is to be used for the
Revenue Cycle

examination, a program can be written to examine the records for completeness,

consistency among different items, valid conditions, reasonable amounts, and so
forth. For instance, customer file records might be examined to determine those
for which no credit limit is specified, those for which account balances exceed the
credit limit, and those for which credit limits exceed a stipulated amount.

• Summarizing data and performing analyses useful to the auditor : The auditor
frequently needs to have the client's data analyzed and/or summarized. Such
procedures as aging accounts receivable or listing all credit balances in accounts
receivable can be accomplished with a computer program.

• Selecting and printing audit samples: The computer can be programmed to

select audit samples by use of random numbers or by systematic selection
techniques. The sample selection procedure may be programmed to use multiple
criteria, such as the selection of a random sample of items under a certain dollar
amount plus the selection of all items over a certain dollar amount. Other
considerations can be included, such as unusual transactions, dormant accounts,
and so forth.

• Comparing duplicate data (maintained in separate files) for correctness and

consistency: Where there are two or more separate records having identical data
fields, the computer can be used to test for consistency (e.g., to compare
catalogue prices with invoice prices).

• Comparing confirmation information with company records: For example, the

computer can be used to compare payment dates indicated on customer
confirmations with client cash receipts records.

• The computer may be programmed to print a workpaper listing of each

account selected, with relevant data inserted in applicable columns.

The computer may be programmed to compare the customer's account balance with the
customer's history of purchases or to determine whether credit limits have been exceeded.
Revenue Cycle

Question 3

Syarikat Hanif Sdn Bhd processes its sales and cash receipts transactions in the manner
described below:


Customers purchase products directly from sales clerks who prepare a three-part sales
invoice which are not pre-numbered. The top two (2) copies of the sales invoice are given to
the cashier. The third copy of the sales invoice is retained by the sales clerks. Where the
sale is for cash, the payment is also given to the cashier by the sales clerks.

When the sale is for credit, it is approved by the cashier by reference to the approved credit
list. Exceptions to the credit list are cleared by the cashier at his discretion.

After receiving payments and approving the credit sales, the cashier validates the second
copy of the invoice and gives it to the customer. At the end of each day, the cashier
summarizes the sales and cash receipts and forwards the cash (including cheques) and the
top copy of the sales invoices to the accounts receivable clerk. The accounts receivable
clerk balances the cash received with cash sales invoices and prepares a daily sales
summary. The credit sales invoices are posted to the accounts receivable ledger, and then
all invoices are forwarded to the inventory clerk for posting to the inventory control card.
After posting, the inventory clerk posts the daily sales summary to the cash receipts book
and the sales journal, and files the sales summaries by date.

The cash from cash sales is combined with cash received on account (see below), for daily
deposit to the bank.

Cash received on account:

Cash received on account is initially received by a mail clerk in the sales department. A
remittance advice either accompanies each receipt or the mail clerk prepares one. The
cheques and remittance advices are forwarded to the sales department supervisor who
reviews each cheque and then forwards all items to the accounting department supervisor.

The accounting department supervisor, who also functions as the credit manager reviews all
cheques for payment of past due balances and then forwards all items to the accounts
receivable clerk who arranges the remittance advices in alphabetical order. The remittance
advices are posted directly to the accounts receivable ledger cards. The cheques are
stamped and totalled. The total is posted to the cash receipts book. The remittance advices
are filed chronologically.

After receiving the cash from the previous day’s cash sales, the accounts receivable clerk
prepares the daily deposit slip in triplicate. The third copy of the deposit slip is filed by date
and the first and second copies accompany the bank deposit.


i. Define an internal control system.

(3 marks)
All the policies and procedures (internal controls) adopted by 1
the management of an entity
Revenue Cycle

to assist in achieving management’s objectives of ensuring 1

the efficient conduct of the business
including adherence to management policies, safeguarding 1
of assets, prevention and determination of fraud and error,
accuracy and completeness of the accounting records and
timely preparation of reliable financial information.

ii. Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the existing internal control system
over cash receipts and sales.
(15 marks)

(a) Cash receipts 3

There is no proper segregation of duties.
Although cash is received by mail clerk and cashier, this
segregation is mitigated by transferring all documents
and cash and checks to the accounts receivable clerk.
Thus, the clerk not only does all record keeping, but
also handles all cash and prepares bank deposits,
without any compensating controls other than bank
(b) Sales
There is no proper authorization. 3
Although control over sales to unauthorized customers
is good as far as not allowing sales clerks to make the
decision, cashier handles exceptions at his discretion.
Sales invoices are not pre-numbered.
Although preprinted sales invoices are used, they are
not pre-numbered thus making it difficult to determine
whether there are missing sales invoices. Missing
invoices would have an effect on the accuracy of the
value of sales. 3

There is no reconciliation of sales invoices to 3

recorded sales.
The sales clerk does not reconcile sales invoices to
recorded sales.

No segregation of duties.
Since accounts receivable clerks posts all details and
totals to the records, there is no independent
reconciliation function regarding sales. The situation is
better for cash receipts, but still not satisfactory as far
as details in accounts receivable ledger are concerned.

iii. List three (3) recommendations to management as to how you can improve the
weaknesses of the two internal control systems in (ii) above.
(7 marks)
Revenue Cycle

1 Require exceptions to the credit list to be approved by 2.5

. the accounts receivable supervisor.
2 Use pre-numbered sales invoices. 2.5
3 Process the pre-numbered sales invoices as follows: 2.5
. a. Copy 1- validated and returned to customer with
goods by cashier.
The validation would be done by the cashier.

b. Copy 2- would be routed directly to the accounts

receivable clerk
by sales clerk at end of day.

c. Copy 3- retained in sales clerk’s book

This step would provide good segregation of duties

over recording sales in that the cashier would no
longer handle all copies of the sales invoices. The
totals on cash register tapes, required by the
validation procedure, would provide control over total
sales. Postings of details of a separate copy and
reconciliation of invoices by the accounts receivable
clerk would provide additional control.
4 Send monthly statements to all credit customers. This 2.5
. would provide a basis for correcting posting errors for
both sales and cash receipts.
5 Have accounts receivable supervisor review 2.5
. reconciliations of accounts receivable ledger to general
ledger at month end.
6 Consider having cashier audit sales invoices for accuracy. 2.5
. Whether this control is necessary will depend on the
extent of expected errors. A scan and initializing could
also be implemented.
7 Have mail clerk stamp and prelist cash receipts, transmit 2.5
. prelisting and remittance advices to supervisor as now
done, and transmit receipts to cashier for preparation of
bank deposit. This greatly improves control over cash
(2.5 marks per point, max 7 marks)

Total: 25 marks
Purchase Cycle

Question 1

(a) Internal control systems are designed, amongst other things, to prevent error and

Describe the errors and misappropriations that may occur if purchases and capital
expenditure are not properly controlled. (5 marks)

(b) Cosmo is a high-quality, private motor manufacturing company. It has recently joined a
consortium for the purchase of parts. Cosmo’s purchases and capital expenditure systems
are not integrated.

Purchases and capital expenditure

There are complex internal rules relating to what constitutes a purchase, and what
constitutes capital expenditure and the budgets for both are tightly controlled. Problems
associated with the internal rules result in a significant number of manual adjustments to
the management accounts which take up an excessive amount of management time. The
system for authorising capital expenditure is not well controlled which results in some
capital items being acquired without proper consideration, at the monthly meetings of the
capital expenditure committee.

Purchase orders
Purchase orders are generated automatically by the computerised inventory system when
inventory levels fall below a given level in the context of scheduled production. This system
does not work well because the system uses outdated purchasing and production patterns
and many manual adjustments are required. The orders are reviewed by the production
controller and her junior managers and changes are made informally by junior clerical staff
in the production controller.s department.

Some of the purchases are input into the buying consortium system which shows the
optimum supplier for any combination of cost, delivery time and specification. This system
has only been in operation for a few months. The system takes up a substantial amount of
disk space on the company.s computers and is suspected of causing problems in other
systems. It is difficult to use and so far, only two of the production controller.s junior
managers are able to use it. As a result, the parts ordered through the system are
sometimes of the incorrect specification or are delivered late. The remaining purchases are
ordered directly from manufacturers, as before, through a reasonably well-controlled buying

Set out, in a form suitable for inclusion in a report to management, the weaknesses,
potential consequences and your recommendations relating to the purchases and capital
expenditure systems of Cosmo. (15 marks)
(20 marks)
Inventory Cycle

Question 1: M&B p.431 #13-32

13-32The audit tests, including analytical procedures, that Dunne should apply are as
• Trace entries to perpetual inventory records from receiving reports and shipping
• Trace entries from perpetual inventory records to receiving reports and shipping
• Compare records of monthly physical counts with perpetual inventory records.
• Ascertain whether perpetual inventory records have been adjusted based upon
physical counts.
• Test the arithmetic accuracy of perpetual inventory records.
• Reconcile beginning inventory quantities with ending inventory quantities.
• Ascertain the consistency of the methods of determining cost and market value.
• Compare unit costs on inventory listings with paid vouchers (purchase orders and
vendor's invoices).
• Compare financial information with information for comparable prior periods
(e.g., inventory turnover, gross profit percentage, dollar and unit sales, and so
• Compare financial information with anticipated results based upon budgets,
forecasts, trends analysis, long-term agreements, commitments, and so forth.
• Study the relationships of elements of financial information that would be
expected to conform to a predictable pattern based upon the entity's experience
(e.g., by performing a comparison of statistical data from sales departments with
accounting records or relationships between changes in sales and changes in
accounts receivable balances).
• Compare the financial information with similar information regarding the industry
in which the entity operates (e.g., in government publications, trade association
• Study the relationships of the financial information to relevant nonfinancial
information (e.g., by relating insurance coverage to inventory amounts, comparing
inventory quantities with the capacity of storage facilities, and so forth).
• Apply other appropriate audit procedures which may be deemed necessary in the

Question 2

Your firm is the external auditor of Chingford Potteries, and you recently attended the year-
end inventory count at the company.s warehouse. The company manufactures high quality
tableware (plates, cups and saucers etc.) and it maintains an integrated computerised
system that shows the inventory held at any given point in time. At the yearend inventory
count, the various categories of inventory (but not the quantities) are printed off the system
and the quantities of inventory actually counted are inserted manually by the counters, for
later comparison with the computerised quantity. This system has proved successful in
recent years but unfortunately, your notes show a number of weaknesses in the current
year-end inventory count.

The count instructions were received by both you and the counters the day before the count
was due to take place. Many areas in which the count took place were untidy and inventory
was sometimes difficult to find, because it was not in the allocated area. The same
categories of inventory were sometimes found in several different areas and some inventory
Inventory Cycle

was incorrectly labelled. The count was conducted in a hurry in order to close the
warehouse before a public holiday and there were insufficient counters to conduct the count
properly in the time available. The issue and receipt of inventory sheets (on which the
quantities were recorded by counters) was not properly controlled. It was difficult to
reconcile the inventory quantities recorded at the count to the computerised records and
some significant
differences remain outstanding.


(a) Explain why the inventory valuation and the year-end inventory count are important to
the audit of financial statements and describe the alternatives to a year-end count as a
basis for the year-end valuation. (4 marks)
(b) Draft for inclusion in a report to the management on Chingford Potteries:
(i) the weaknesses you found
(ii) the potential consequences
(iii) your recommendations for remedying the weaknesses in the current year count, and
recommendations for future years. (6 marks)
(c) describe the basis for valuing inventories as required by FRS 102 Inventories, and list the
types of inventories which may be worth less than cost at Chingford Potteries. (5 marks)
(d) Describe the work that you would perform to establish which inventories are worth less
than cost at Chingford Potteries. (5 marks)
(20 marks)

(a) Inventory valuation

(i) inventory valuation is important to the audit of financial statements because inventory is
often material to the financial statements. If inventory is overvalued, profits will be
overstated and if inventory is undervalued, profits will be understated. The manipulation of
inventory valuation is a common method of manipulating profits.
(ii) the year-end inventory count is often used as a basis for inventory valuation, particularly
were there are few other controls over inventory. Where this is the case it is important that
the count is performed correctly at the year-end, and that the auditor attends the count.
(iii) if it is not convenient to perform the inventory count at the year-end, it may be possible
to perform the count shortly before or after the year-end and to .roll-forward. or .roll-back.
the count to arrive at the year-end figure, taking account of movements in inventory in the
intervening period.
(iv) where inventory is well controlled, and records are kept such that they accurately
represent the inventory figure at any given point in time, it may be possible to rely on the
records, provided that the auditor has performed tests during the period that confirm that
the inventory records are accurate.

(b) Report to management

(i) Weakness
The inventory count was poorly planned. Count instructions were received late, the areas to
be counted were untidy, it was difficult to find certain inventories as they were not in their
proper places and certain inventories were incorrectly labelled. There was insufficient time
to conduct the count properly.
Potential consequence
There is a possibility that certain inventories were not counted at all, and that others may
have been counted twice.
Inventory Cycle

There is also a possibility that certain inventories may be incorrectly classified. This may
ultimately mean that inventory is materially misstated both in the financial statements, and
in the internal inventory records.
The accuracy of the inventory quantities and valuation in the current year may be
confirmed by means of analytical procedures which focus on unusual movements in
inventory quantities, or in gross margins, for example. The company should also consider
the possibility of recounting certain areas of inventory where significant errors or omissions
are suspected, and performing a .roll-back. to the year-end. In future years, it is important
to ensure that the count is better planned; that instructions are received on time, that
inventories are properly labelled, that they are in their proper places before the count starts
and that there are sufficient resources in terms of both time and manpower to conduct the
(ii) Weakness
The issue and receipt of inventory sheets was not properly controlled and there are
significant differences outstanding between the computerised records and the quantities
actually recorded.
Potential consequence
If inventory sheets are missing, it is possible that certain areas of inventory were not
counted at all, resulting in the under-valuation of inventories. The fact that there are
significant differences outstanding reinforce this view.
The inventory sheets that were issued should be reconciled to a schedule of inventory
sheets that should have been issued. If certain sheets have been duplicated or omitted, and
the amounts involved are potentially material, it will be necessary to re-perform a count in
those areas, as noted above. Analytical procedures should also be performed to confirm the
accuracy of quantities, as suggested above. In future years, it is essential that all inventory
sheets are properly recorded before they are issued (by means of pre-numbering, for
example), and are properly accounted for when they have been completed.

(c) FRS 102

(i) FRS 102 requires that inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value.
The cost of purchased goods includes import duties, transport and handling costs and other
directly attributable costs. Trade discounts and rebates are deducted from cost.
(ii) for work-in-progress and finished goods, cost includes the direct cost of production,
including direct labour costs and production overheads based on a normal level of activity.
(iii) net realisable value is the estimated selling price net of the costs necessary to make the
(iv) for work-in progress and raw materials, all costs of completing the inventory are also
deducted from selling price.
(v) the types of inventory that may be worth less than cost include imperfectly
manufactured pottery (.seconds.), damaged pottery, old and slow-moving pottery and
pottery which is intended to be sold below cost.

(d) Less than cost

(i) it is the responsibility of management to identify and account for inventory that is worth
less than cost. It will therefore be necessary to enquire of management as to how they
account for and identify such inventories, and what assumptions they make about the
relationship between the age, condition and value of inventories.
Inventory Cycle

(ii) it will be useful to inspect sales, marketing and other reports, and to review the extent to
which inventories which are worth less than cost have been reduced to net realisable value
in prior years. Analytical procedures may be performed
to evaluate the appropriateness of the write-down in the current year.
(iii) an analysis of the computerised records should enable the identification of goods that
are old or slow-moving. The records may also show seconds and damaged goods. The
system may automatically produce such information for management purposes, or the
information may be specifically extracted at the year-end. Computer assisted audit
techniques may be used for these purposes.
(iv) what is old or slow-moving will be determined by the business; in this case it is high
quality pottery and as such inventories may be held for a considerable period of time before
they are considered to be slow-moving.
(v) at the inventory count, a note should have been made of any items that appeared to be
old, slow-moving or damaged and the count records should be inspected to see if they do
show such goods.
Property, Plant & Equipment

Question 1: M&B page 450 #14-32


14-32A program for accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense accounts should
include the following:
• Review internal controls over the computation and determination of depreciation
• Review company manuals or other management directives that set forth
depreciation policies to determine whether the methods are carefully designed
and intended to allocate costs of plant, and equipment equitably over their useful
• Determine the propriety of estimated salvage values for fixed assets.
• Consider the propriety of useful lives for the client's assets.
• Inquire whether extra working shifts or other conditions of accelerated production
are present which might warrant adjustment of normal depreciation rates.
• Discuss with executives the possible need for recognition of extraordinary
obsolescence resulting from inventions, design changes, or economic
• Obtain or prepare a summary analysis of depreciation allowances for the major
property classifications as shown by the general ledger control accounts, listing
beginning balances, provisions for depreciation during the tear, retirements, and
ending balances.
• Compare beginning balances with the adjusted amounts in last year's working
• Determine that the totals of accumulated depreciation recorded in the plant and
equipment subsidiary records agree with the applicable general ledger control
• Compare depreciation rates and methods used in the current year with those
employed in prior years and investigate any variances.
• Review computations of depreciation provisions for a representative number of
units and trace them to individual records in the property ledger.
• Compare credits to accumulated depreciation accounts for the year's depreciation
provisions with debit entries to unrelated depreciation expense accounts.
• Verify deductions from accumulated depreciation for assets retired by tracing
deductions to the working papers, analyzing retirements of assets during the year,
and testing the accuracy of accumulated depreciation to the date of retirement
• Examine intercompany, interdivision, and interplant transfers.
• Compare the percentage relationships between accumulated depreciation and
related property accounts with those prevailing in prior years and discuss
significant variations from the normal depreciation program with appropriate
members of management.
• Review appropriateness of proposed disclosure of depreciation methods, annual
expense, and accumulated provisions.
• Summarize conclusions as to whether all material elements of accumulated
depreciation and depreciation expense have met the financial statement

Question 2
Property, Plant & Equipment

Your firm is the auditor of Springfield Nurseries, a company operating three large garden
centres which sell plants, shrubs and trees, garden furniture and gardening equipment
(such as lawnmowers and sprinklers) to the general public. You are involved in the audit of
the company’s non-current assets. The main categories of non-current assets are as follows:
(i) land and buildings (all of which are owned outright by the company, none of which are
(ii) computers (on which an integrated inventory control and sales system is operated)
(iii) a number of large and small motor vehicles, mostly used for the delivery of inventory to
(iv) equipment for packaging and pricing products.

The company holds records of these assets on a computerised non-current asset register.
The depreciation rates used are as follows:
(i) buildings 5% each year on cost
(ii) computers and motor vehicles 20% each year on the reducing balance basis
(iii) equipment 15% each year on cost
You are concerned that these depreciation rates may be inappropriate.

(a) Explain the main risks associated with financial statement assertions relating to non-
current assets.
(3 marks)

(b) List the sources of evidence available to you in verifying the ownership and cost of:
(i) the land and buildings
(ii) the computers and motor vehicles. (9 marks)

(c) List the procedures you would perform to check the appropriateness of the depreciation
rates on each of the three categories of non-current asset. (5 marks)
(d) Describe the action you would take if you disagreed with any of the depreciation rates
used and explain the potential effect of the disagreement on your audit report. (3 marks)
(20 marks)


(a) Main risks

(i) all assets in practice are liable to be overstated rather than understated; where assets
are overstated it is likely that profits are overstated.
(ii) there is a risk that the non-current assets do not exist, or that they are overvalued either
because they are impaired in some way or have been under-depreciated.
(iii) there is also a risk that non-current assets are overstated because of the inclusion of
items (such as small tools) that should be expensed through the profit and loss account
rather than capitalised in the balance sheet.
(iv) as with all financial statement assertions, there is a risk that the values are misstated
because of errors in the accounting and internal control systems.

(b) Ownership and cost

(i) land and buildings
. ownership will be evidenced by purchase documents or other .documents of title.
. the ownership of land will normally be shown in some sort of central land register
maintained by a government or other department
Property, Plant & Equipment

. ownership may also be evidenced indirectly by the payment of insurance premiums and
other costs associated with the ownership of land and buildings
. the cost of land and buildings may be shown in the purchase documentation, and also in
documentation relating to the taxes that are payable when land and buildings are
. payments should be traced through the cash records.
(ii) computers and motor vehicles
. both ownership and cost of computers and motor vehicles will be shown in the purchase
documentation and in the cash records
. motor vehicles also normally have associated documentation that show the tax payable
and the history of ownership
. it is common to mark both computers and vehicles with security codes designed to prevent
and detect theft, these codes may be invisible to the eye, but visible by using special lights;
the knowledge of and a proper record of these codes provide some evidence of ownership
. computers and motor vehicles may be held on leases, in which case the leasing
documentation should be inspected
. the physical existence and use by company of the computers, motor vehicles (and land
and buildings) also provide some evidence of ownership.

(c) Depreciation rates

(i) the depreciation rates on the buildings may be too high (buildings are commonly
depreciated over 50 years). The depreciation rates on the computers, motor vehicles and
equipment might be too low (computer equipment is often over depreciated over three
years and motor vehicles over four years, on a straight line basis).
(ii) enquire of management as to the reasons for the depreciation rates (and why they are
different to the rates suggested above, bearing in mind the fact that there may be special
considerations to be taken into account), any recent changes in rates, and the reason for
the choice of the straight line/reducing balance methods.
(iii) review the actual life of all of the assets by inspecting assets that are fully depreciated
to see if they are still in use; if they are, the depreciation rate may be too high. Where
assets that are not yet fully depreciated are no longer in use, the depreciation rates may be
too low.
(iv) review the profit or loss on disposals of assets; profits may indicate that depreciation
rates are too high, losses may indicate that rates are too low.
(v) inspect a sample of new assets, assets that have been depreciated to half their original
value and assets that have been written off, and review the physical condition of the assets.

(d) Disagreement with rates

(i) assess whether the total error in the depreciation is material to the financial statements;
if it is not, it will have no direct effect on the audit report, although the error should be
added to the summary of unadjusted differences (and if these are material, an adjustment
to the financial statements may be necessary).
(ii) if the amounts involved are material to the financial statements, it will be necessary to
request management to make an adjustment to the financial statements. If management
agrees, it will be possible to issue an unmodified audit opinion.
If management refuses, it will be necessary to issue an ‘except for’ modified opinion
(explaining the disagreement), or even an ‘adverse’ opinion (stating that the financial
statements do not present fairly the position) if the amounts involved affect the view given
by the financial statements as a whole. Modified audit opinions relating to disagreements
over depreciation policies are relatively rare (often because the amounts involved are
immaterial), adverse opinions are very rare.
Property, Plant & Equipment

(iii) if there is a serious disagreement, it may be necessary to review other areas in which
management estimates form the basis of the accounting treatment.
Long-term liabilities, shareholders’ equity & Income Statement items

Question 1: M&B page 467 #15-26

15-26a. The procedures that Maslovskaya should employ in examining the loans are as
• Obtain an understanding of the business purpose of the loans made by the president.
• Confirm the loans, including terms, by direct communication.
• Recompute (or verifying) interest expense and interest payable.
• Recompute the long-term and short-term portions of the debt.
• Review minutes of meetings of the board of directors for proper authorization.
• Verify payments made during the year and transactions after year-end.
• Read the financial statements, including footnotes and loan agreements, and evaluating
the adequacy of disclosure and compliance with restrictions.
• Consider any tax implications for the interest on the loan from the company’s president.
• Obtain a management representation letter.

b. Broadwall's financial statements should disclose the following information

concerning the loans from its president:
• The nature of the related-party relationship.
• The dollar amounts of the loans.
• Amounts due the president and, if not otherwise apparent, the terms and manner of

Question 2: M&B page 467 #15-27

15-27The substantive audit procedures that Lee should apply in examining the common
stock and treasury stock accounts of Wu, Inc., are as follows:
• Review the corporate charter to verify details of the common stock such as authorized
shares, par value, etc.
• Obtain or prepare an analysis of changes in common-stock and treasury-stock accounts.
• Compare opening balances with prior year's working papers.
• Foot the total shares outstanding in the stockholders' ledger and stock certificate book.
• Determine authorization for common-stock issuances and treasury-stock transactions by
inspecting the minutes of the board of directors' meetings.
• Verify capital-stock issuances by examining supporting documentation and tracing
entries into the records.
• Verify treasury-stock transactions by examining supporting documentation and tracing
entries into the records.
• Examine all certificates canceled during the year.
• Inspect all treasury-stock certificates owned by the client.
• Reconcile the details of the individual certificates in the stock certificate book with the
individual shareholders' accounts in the stockholders' ledger.
• Compare the totals in the stockholders' ledger and the stock certificate book to the
balance sheet presentation.
• Recompute the weighted average number of shares outstanding.
• Compare the financial statement presentation and disclosure with generally accepted
accounting principles.
Long-term liabilities, shareholders’ equity & Income Statement items

• Determine the existence of and proper accounting for common-stock and treasury-stock
transactions occurring since year-end.
• Obtain written representations concerning common and treasury stock in the client
representation letter
Long-term liabilities, shareholders’ equity & Income Statement items

Question 3

Moonlight Sdn Bhd, another client company having only ordinary share capital, issued new
shares during the year under audit. Large transfers of shares also took place during the
year. Interim and final dividends were also distributed during the year.

Develop substantive audit procedures to audit the share capital account, assuming that
control risk is high.
(11 marks)

Verify that the authorized share capital agrees with statutory documentation (MOA). Any 2
change must be made through authorized resolutions. File a copy of certificate from any
central registry (where appropriate) on the permanent file.
Verify that the issued share capital as stated in the accounts agrees with the total in the 2
share register.
For the issue during the year, check the minutes, the memorandum and articles and the 2
receipt of the proceeds.
Verify transfers of shares by reference to: 2
- correspondence
- completed and stamped transfer forms
- cancelled share certificates
- minutes of directors meetings.
If shares have been issued at a premium verify that the premiums have it has been credited 2
to share premium account.
Check the balances on shareholders’ accounts in the register of members and the total lists 2
with the amount of issued share capital in the nominal ledger.
Verify authority for dividend payments in the minutes and check calculation with total share 2
capital issued.
Check dividend payments with documentary evidence for example copies of dividend 2
Verify taxation on dividends. 2
Reconcile movements on share capital and reserves to the supporting board resolutions. 2
Check the register of director’ holding. 2
Compare the financial statements presentation and disclosure with generally accepted 2
accounting principles.
Obtain written representations concerning share capital in the client representation letter. 2
Cash & Investments

Question 1: M&B p.492 #16-34

16-34 a. 4, 9
b. 1, 7, 8, 9, 10
c. 2, 7, 8, 9, 10
d. 5
e. 5, 9
f. 3

Question 2

You work at an audit firm called AAB. AAB is the external auditor of Villawood Computers, a
private company. Accounting records are maintained on a computer using special software.
You have worked on the audit for three (3) years and this year you are the leader of the
audit team. Your assistant is a new accounting graduate with no practical experience.

Because of the small size of the company there is limited opportunity for segregation of
duties. You decide, as in previous years, that the appropriate audit strategy is to obtain
evidence through the performance of substantive procedures. You also plan to perform the
audit around the computer as the software is known to be reliable and details of all
transactions and balances can be readily printed out.

On arriving at the company’s premises in February 2005 to perform the final audit on the 31
December 2004 financial statements, you obtain a copy of the year end bank reconciliation
prepared by the bookkeeper and checked by the managing director. This is reproduced

Villawood Computers
Bank Reconciliation as at 31 December 2004

Balance per bank statement as at 31 18,375·91
December 2004

Add: Deposits outstanding:

30 December 1,887·00
31 December 1,973·00 3,860·00

Less: Outstanding cheques:

2696 25·00
2724 289·40
2725 569·00
2728 724·25
2729 1,900·00
2730 398·00
2731 53·50
2732 1,776·00
2733 255·65 5,990·80
Cheque returned ‘not sufficient funds’ 30
Cash & Investments

December 348·00
Bank charges December 90·00
Balance per books as at 31 December 2004 16,683·11

You have already obtained the bank confirmation and lists of cash (and cheque) receipts
and payments printed out from the computer. These lists have been added and the totals
agreed with ledger postings. You decide the first task to set for your assistant is the
verification of the bank reconciliation.

a. i. list the audit procedures to be followed by your assistant in verifying the bank
reconciliation. The procedures should be described in enough detail to be
followed by an inexperienced staff member.
(7 marks)

ii. explain the purpose of each procedure in terms of audit objectives.

(7 marks)

b. discuss the reliability of bank statements as audit evidence. What steps can be taken
to increase their reliability?
(3 marks)

c. i. distinguish between ‘auditing around the computer’ and ‘auditing through

the computer’.
(4 marks)

ii. explain the circumstances when the auditor should not rely on auditing around
the computer.
(4 marks)

Total: 25 marks


(a) (i) Audit procedures and (ii) their purpose 1 mark x

Procedure Purpose 7=7
1. Agree the balance per bank with the bank To agree the correctness of (total)
statement and with the bank confirmation. the amount.
1 mark x
2. Agree the balance per books with the trial To agree the correctness of 7=7
balance and draft financial statements. the amount recorded in the (total)

3. Add the bank reconciliation. To agree the correctness of

the amount arrived at.

4. From the December bank statement trace

Cash & Investments

to the list of receipts in December or to the

November bank reconciliation and:
To verify that all outstanding
a. trace outstanding deposits on the November deposits are recorded and at
bank reconciliation (if any) and the December the correct amount.
list of receipts not appearing on the December
bank statement to the December bank
reconciliation; To verify that all deposits
recorded as outstanding are
b. ensure that there are no other outstanding in agreement with the
b. deposits on the December bank books.

5. From the December bank statement trace

to the list of payments in December or to the To verify that all outstanding
November bank reconciliation and: cheques are recorded at the
correct amount.
a. carry forward outstanding cheques on the
November bank reconciliation and the
December in the reconciliation and list of
payments not appearing on the December To verify that all cheques
bank statement to the December bank recorded as outstanding are
reconciliation; in agreement with the
b. ensure that there are no other outstanding
b. cheques or other payments on the
b. bank reconciliation. To verify the existence and
correctness as to amount of
6. Obtain the January 2005 bank statement amounts listed as
and: outstanding on the
December bank
a. trace outstanding deposits and cheques from reconciliation.
the 31 December bank reconciliation to the
bank statement;

b. list outstanding items appearing on the

December bank reconciliation not traced to a
subsequent bank statement for follow up
before the end of the audit. b
To verify the existence and
correctness of the amount of
the returned cheque.
7. For returned cheques recorded on the bank
statement To verify that the returned
a. agree the amount with the original entry item has been correctly
recording the receipt; credited to cash and debited
to debtors.

b. examine reversing entry for correctness.

Cash & Investments

To ensure that cash at bank

per the books is correctly
adjusted by the amount of
all such items.
8. For all other items such as bank charges,
credit transfers and direct debits recorded on To ensure that there are no
the bank statement trace to the entry in the fictitious items that might be
company’s books. concealing an error or
9. Enquire into other items appearing on the
bank reconciliation as appropriate.
10. List, for partner’s attention, outstanding
items (in 6b) not cleared through the bank by
the completion of the audit.

(b) Reliability of bank statements as audit evidence.

Bank statements are moderately reliable as they are provided by a 1
third party from a source known to maintain reliable records. The limitation
is that they are obtained from the entity being audited. There is a possibility
of the bank statement being altered or that it could even be a forgery. 1
The auditor should be particularly suspicious if the entity provides a fax or
photocopy for the auditor’s use and not the original. Where necessary their
reliability can be improved by asking the audit entity to request their bank
to send a copy statement directly to the auditor or, better still, for the 1
auditor to collect a copy directly from the bank.
(c) (i) Auditing around and through the computer.

Auditing around the computer is where the auditor traces transactions

recorded on documents to the point of entry into the computer and picks up 2
those transactions as part of the output and continues from that point to the
entry in the ledger. (Or vouches transactions from the records to the output
from the computer and picks them up at the point of entry to the computer
back to the source documents.) Any processing performed by the computer is
verified by reference to input or output documents.

Auditing through the computer is where the audit verifies the processing of
the transaction by the computer using computer assisted audit techniques 2
(ii) Inappropriateness of auditing around the computer 1 mark x
Auditing around the computer is inappropriate where: 4=4
1. Auditing around the computer is impractical. (total)
– Source documents are not available in hard copy form
– It is not possible to follow the audit trail from input to output or vice versa
because there is no hard copy of the output
– the output summarises input data in such a way that reconciliation is
impractical such as where sales and cash receipts data are input into the
system but the output is in the form of unpaid invoices listed by customer.
– Control risk assessment is based on computerised application controls which
cannot be verified by comparison of input with output, such as credit approval
of sales orders evidenced electronically by the credit manager’s password.

2. Auditing around the computer is inefficient.

Cash & Investments

– Substantive procedures around the computer are practicable but

computerised application controls, which can only be verified by the use of
CAATs could reduce control risk and the level of substantive procedures
significantly. For example invoice pricing could be verified against the hard
copy of the price list but it would be much easier to verify the reliability of
pricing information held by the computer.
– Substantive procedures could be performed more efficiently through the use
of CAATs. For example, we can verify completeness by testing the numerical
continuity of input documents, but the use of audit software enables us to
program the computer to perform this test.

Question 3

The scrutiny of the Investment Accounts of a client company reveals that the company
holds shares in Mega Bhd, a listed company, and two (2) private companies Garuda Sdn Bhd
and Daulat Sdn Bhd. Shares in Mega Bhd are actively traded on the Bursa Malaysia Stock
Exchange and are used as collateral for a bank loan. Shares in Garuda Sdn Bhd and Daulat
Sdn Bhd are free of any encumbrances.


Explain how you would verify the ownership, existence and valuation of investments in
Mega Bhd.
(6 marks)

Describe the audit procedures to be undertaken in auditing the investments in Garuda Sdn
Bhd and Daulat Sdn Bhd.
(8 marks)

Existence: Bank to confirm directly to the auditor that the bank is holding the 2
shares as collateral against the bank loan.
Ownership: Bank to confirm that the shares are registered under Jaya Bhd’s 2
Valuation: As the shares in Mega Bhd are actively traded on the Kuala Lumpur 2
Stock Exchange its value on the balance sheet date can be determine by
examining any investment journal or local newspaper.

Inspect shares on hand in the presence of the custodian. 2

Examine supporting evidence for transactions between balance sheet date and 2
the inspection date.
Obtain confirmation from the issuers or trustees of investments in private 2
Determine that sales and purchases were properly approved by the board of 2
directors or its designee.
Determine that gains and losses on dispositions have been properly computed, 2
if any.
Trace payments for purchases to accounting records and supporting documents, 2
and proceeds from sales to entries in the cash receipts journal and purchases if
Cash & Investments

any made during the year.

Impairment test of carrying value. 2
Completing The Audit

Question 1: M&B p.520 #17-29

17-29a. The two types of subsequent events that require Namiki’s consideration and
evaluation are:
• Events that provide additional evidence concerning conditions that existed at
the balance sheet date and affect the estimates inherent in the process of
preparing financial statements. This type of subsequent event requires that the
financial statements be adjusted for any changes in estimates resulting from
the use of such additional evidence.
• Events that provide evidence concerning conditions that did not exist at the
balance sheet date but arose subsequent to that date. Such events result in
financial statement disclosure.

b. The auditing procedures Namiki should consider performing to gather evidence

concerning subsequent events include the following:
• Compare the latest available interim statements with the financial statements
being audited.
• Ascertain whether the interim statements were prepared on the same basis as
the audited financial statements.
• Inquire whether any contingent liabilities or commitments existed at the
balance sheet date or the date of inquiry.
• Inquire whether there was any significant change in the capital stock, long-term
debt, or working capital to the date of inquiry.
• Inquire about the current status of items in the audited financial statements
that were accounted for on the basis of tentative, preliminary, or inconclusive
• Read or inquire about the minutes of meetings of stockholders or the board of
• Inquire of the client's legal counsel concerning litigation, claims, and
• Obtain a management representation letter, dated as of the date of Namiki's
audit report, as to whether any subsequent events would require adjustment or
• Make such additional inquiries or perform such additional procedures Namiki
considers necessary and appropriate.

Question 2

You are in charge of the audit of Growfast Computers Bhd, a public-listed company, for the
financial year ending 31 December 2004. A review for subsequent events after the balance
sheet date is necessary prior to completion of the audit and signing of the audit report.

a. Explain the importance of a review for subsequent events after the balance sheet
(4 marks)

Auditors’ responsibility/liability extends to the date on which 2

they sign the audit report. As this date falls after the year end,
Completing The Audit

it follows that in order to discharge their responsibilities and

avoid any liability, the auditors must extend their audit work to
cover the post balance sheet events.
Reviewing the post balance sheet period enables the auditor 2
to ascertain whether management has dealt correctly with any
events, both favorable and unfavorable, which occurred after
the year end and which need to be reflected in the financial
statements, if those financial statements are to show true and
fair view. (i.e. adjusting and non adjusting events).

b. Describe the audit procedures necessary to obtain evidence in regard to subsequent

(8 marks)

Review procedures management has established to ensure 2

that subsequent events are identified.
Reading minutes of the meetings of the shareholders, the 2
board of directors and audit and executive committees held
after period end and inquiring about matters discussed at the
meetings for which minutes are not available.
Reading the entity’s latest available interim financial 2
statements and, as considered necessary and appropriate,
budgets, cash flow forecasts and other related management
Inquiring, or extending previous oral or written inquiries, of the 2
entity’s lawyers concerning litigation and claims.
Inquiring of management as to whether any subsequent 2
events have occurred which might affect the financial
statements. Examples include;
- Whether new capital commitments, borrowings or
guarantees have been entered into
- Whether the issue of new shares or debentures or
an agreement to merge or discontinue operations
has been made or is planned.
(2 marks per point, max 8 marks)

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