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Problem 104

A hollow steel tube with an inside diameter of 100 mm must carry a tensile load of 400 kN.
Determine the outside diameter of the tube if the stress is limited to 120 MN/m2.

Solution 104

P= A
P= A
A=41 D2−41 (1002)
A=41 (D2−10000)
400000=120[41 (D2−10000)]
400000=30 D2−300000
D2=30 400000+300000
D=119 35mm  answer
Strength of Materials 4th Edition by Pytel and Singer
Problem 105 page 12

Weight of bar = 800 kg
Maximum allowable stress for bronze = 90 MPa
Maximum allowable stress for steel = 120 MPa
Required: Smallest area of bronze and steel cables
Solution 105

By symmetry:
For bronze cable:
Pbr= brAbr
Abr=43 6mm2  answer
For steel cable:
Pst= stAst
Ast=32 7mm2  answer
Problem 106 page 12

Diameter of cable = 0.6 inch
Weight of bar = 6000 lb
Required: Stress in the cable
Solution 106


5T+10 3 34T =5(6000) 

T=2957 13lb
T= A
2957 13= 41 (0 62)  
=10458 72psi  answer
Problem 107 page 12

Axial load P = 3000 lb
Cross-sectional area of the rod = 0.5 in2
Required: Stress in steel, aluminum, and bronze sections
Solution 107

For steel:
st(0 5)=12
st=24ksi  answer
For aluminum:
al(0 5)=12
al=24ksi  answer
For bronze:
br(0 5)=9
br=18ksi  answer
Problem 108 page 12
Maximum allowable stress for steel = 140 MPa
Maximum allowable stress for aluminum = 90 MPa
Maximum allowable stress for bronze = 100 MPa
Required: Maximum safe value of axial load P
Solution 108

For bronze:
For aluminum:
For Steel:
For safe P, use P=10000N=10kN  answer

Problem 109 page 13

Maximum allowable stress of the wire = 30 ksi
Cross-sectional area of wire AB = 0.4 in2
Cross-sectional area of wire AC = 0.5 in2
Required: Largest weight W
Solution 109

For wire AB: By sine law (from the force polygon):

TABsin40 =Wsin80
TAB=0 6527W
ABAAB=0 6527W
30(0 4)=0 6527W
W=18 4kips

For wire AC:

TACsin60 =Wsin80
TAC=0 8794W
0 8794W=30(0 5)
W=17 1kips

Safe load W=17 1kips  answer

Problem 110 page 13

Size of steel bearing plate = 12-inches square
Size of concrete footing = 12-inches square
Size of wooden post = 8-inches diameter
Maximum allowable stress for wood = 1800 psi
Maximum allowable stress for concrete = 650 psi
Required: Maximum safe value of load P
Solution 110
For wood:
P w= wA w
Pw=1800[41 (82)]
Pw=90477 9lb
From FBD of Wood:

P=Pw=90477 9lb
For concrete:
Pc= cAc
From FBD of Concrete:

Safe load P=90478lb  answer

Problem 111 page 14

Cross-sectional area of each member = 1.8 in2
Required: Stresses in members CE, DE, and DF
Solution 111
From the FBD of the truss:
At joint F:

At joint D: (by symmetry)

At joint E:
Stress = Force/Area
CE=1 81632=9 26ksi(Tension)  answer
DE=401 8=22 22ksi (Tension)  answer
DF=1 83331=18 52ksi (Compression)  answer

Problem 112 page 14

Maximum allowable stress in tension = 20 ksi
Maximum allowable stress in compression = 14 ksi
Required: Cross-sectional areas of members AG, BC, and CE



780 ft kip=780 ft kip (OK!)

For member AG (At joint A):

3 13AB=65 
AB=78 12k

AG+20=2 13AB 
AG=20 33kTension

AG= tensionAAG
20 33=20AAG
AAG=1 17in2  answer

For member BC (At section through MN):


6(2 13BC)=12(20) 
BC=72 11k Compression

BC= compressionABC
72 11=14ABC
ABC=5 15in2  answer

For member CE (At joint D):

2 13CD=20 
CD=36 06k
DE=3 13CD=3 13(36 06)=30k 

At joint E:

3 13EF=30 
EF=36 06k

CE=2 13EF=2 13(36 06)=20k  Compression

CF= compressionACE
ACE=1 43in2  answer

Problem 113 page 15

Cross sectional area of each member = 1600 mm 2.
Required: Stresses in members BC, BD, and CF
Solution 113
For member BD: (See FBD 01)
BD=75kN Tension
75(1000)= BD(1600)
BD=46 875MPa (Tension)  answer
For member CF: (See FBD 01)
4(1 2CF)=4(90)+7(60) 
CF=275 77kN Compression
275 77(1000)= CF(1600)
CF=172 357MPa (Compression)  answer
For member BC: (See FBD 02)

BC=105kN Compression
105(1000)= BC(1600)
BC=65 625MPa (Compression)  answer

Problem 114 page 15

Maximum allowable stress in each cable = 100 MPa
Area of cable AB = 250 mm2
Area of cable at C = 300 mm2
Required: Mass of the heaviest bar that can be supported
Solution 114

TABcos30 =RDsin50
RD=1 1305TAB
TABsin30 +TAB+TC+RDcos50 =W
TABsin30 +TAB+TC+(1 1305TAB)cos50 =W
2 2267TAB+TC=W
TC=W−2 2267TAB
6(TABsin30 )+4TAB+2TC=3W
7TAB+2(W−2 2267TAB)=3W
2 5466TAB=W
TAB=0 3927W
TC=W−2 2267TAB
TC=W−2 2267(0 3927W)
TC=0 1256W
Based on cable AB:
0 3927W=100(250)
W=63661 83N
Based on cable at C:
0 1256W=100(300)
W=238853 50N
Safe weight W=63669 92N
63669 92=m(9 81)
m=6 49Mg  answer


Problem 115 page 16

Required diameter of hole = 20 mm
Thickness of plate = 25 mm
Shear strength of plate = 350 MN/m2
Required: Force required to punch a 20-mm-diameter hole
Solution 115

The resisting area is the shaded area along the perimeter and the shear force V is
equal to the punching force P.
V= A
P=350[ (20)(25)]
P=549778 7N
P=549 8kN  answer

Problem 116 page 16

Shear strength of plate = 40 ksi
Allowable compressive stress of punch = 50 ksi
The figure below:


a. Maximum thickness of plate to punch a 2.5 inches diameter hole

b. Diameter of smallest hole if the plate is 0.25 inch thick

Solution 116

a. Maximum thickness of plate:

Based on puncher strength:
P= A
P=50[41 (2 52)]
P=78 125 kips  Equivalent shear force of the plate

Based on shear strength of plate:

V= A V=P
78 125 =40[ (2 5t)]
t=0 781inch  answer

b. Diameter of smallest hole:

Based on compression of puncher:
P= A
P=50(41 d2)
P=12 5 d2  Equivalent shear force for plate

Based on shearing of plate:

V= A V=P
12 5 d2=40[ d(0 25)]
d=0 8in  answer

Problem 117 page 17

Force P = 400 kN
Shear strength of the bolt = 300 MPa
The figure below:

Required: Diameter of the smallest bolt

Solution 117
The bolt is subject to double shear.
V= A
400(1000)=300[2(41 d2)]
d=29 13mm  answer

Problem 118 page 17

Diameter of pulley = 200 mm
Diameter of shaft = 60 mm
Length of key = 70 mm
Applied torque to the shaft = 2.5 kN·m
Allowable shearing stress in the key = 60 MPa
Required: Width b of the key
Solution 118
T=0 03F
2 2=0 03F
F=73 33kN
V= A

V=F=73 33kN
73 33(1000)=60(70b)
b=17 46mm  answer

Problem 119 page 17

Diameter of pin at B = 20 mm
Required: Shearing stress of the pin at B
Solution 119
From the FBD:
0 25RBV=0 25(40sin35 )+0 2(40cos35 )
RBV=49 156kN
RBH=32 766kN
RB= 32 7662+49 1562 
RB=59 076kN  shear force of pin at B
VB= BA  double shear
59 076(1000)= B 2 41 (202)  
B=94 02MPa  answer

Problem 120 page 17

Unit weight of each member = 200 lb/ft
Maximum shearing stress for pin at A = 5 000 psi
Required: The smallest diameter pin that can be used at A

Solution 120
For member AB:

Length, LAB= 42+42=5 66ft 

Weight, WAB=5 66(200)=1132lb

RBH+RBV=566  Equation (1)

For member BC:


Length, LBC= 32+62=6 71ft 

Weight, WBC=6 71(200)=WBC=1342lb

6RBH−3RBV=1 5(1342)
2RBH−RBV=671  Equation (2)

Add equations (1) and (2)

RBH RBH 3RBH + âˆ’ + RBV RBV RBV = = = 566 671 1237  Equation (1) 
Equation (2)  
RBH=412 33lb

From equation (1):

412 33+RBV=566
RBV=153 67lb

From the FBD of member AB

RAH=RBH=412 33lb

RAV+153 67=1132
RAV=978 33lb

RA= 412 332+978 332 
RA=1061 67lb  shear force of pin at A
V= A
1061 67=5000(41 d2)
d=0 520in  answer

Problem 121 page 18

Allowable shearing stress in the pin at B = 4000 psi
Allowable axial stress in the control rod at C = 5000 psi
Diameter of the pin = 0.25 inch
Diameter of control rod = 0.5 inch
Pin at B is at single shear
Required: The maximum force P that can be applied by the operator
Solution 121

6P=2Tsin10°  Equation (1)
From Equation (1), T=3Psin10°

BH= 3Psin10° cos10° 

From Equation (1), Tsin10°=3P
R2B=305 47P2
RB=17 48P
P=RB17 48  Equation (2)
Based on tension of rod (equation 1):
P=31[5000 41 (0 5)2]sin10°
P=56 83lb
Based on shear of rivet (equation 2):
P=17 484000[41 (0 25)2]
P=11 23lb
Safe load P=11 23lb  answer

Problem 122 page 18

Width of wood = w
Thickness of wood = t
Angle of Inclination of glued joint = 
Cross sectional area = A

Required: Show that shearing stress on glued joint  =Psin2 2A 


Solution 122

Shear area, Ashear=t(wcsc )
Shear area, Ashear=twcsc
Shear area, Ashear=Acsc
Shear force, V=Pcos

V= Ashear
Pcos = (Acsc )
=APsin cos
=2AP(2sin cos )
=Psin2 2A  (ok!)

Strength of Materials 4th Edition by Pytel and Singer Problem 123 page 18

Given: Cross-section of wood = 50 mm by 100 mm Maximum allowable compressive
stress in wood = 20 MN/m2 Maximum allowable shear stress parallel to the grain in
wood = 5 MN/m2Inclination of the grain from the horizontal = 20 degree Required: The

axial force P that can be safely applied to the block Solution 123   

Based on maximum compressive stress: Normal force: N=Pcos20  Normal
area: AN=50(100sec20 )AN=5320 89mm2 N= AN Pcos20 =20(5320
89) P=113247N P=133 25kNBased on maximum shearing stress: Shear
force: V=Psin20  Shear area: AV=ANAV=5320 89mm2 V= AV Psin20 =5(5320
89) P=77786N P=77 79kN For safe compressive force, use P=77 79kN  answer

Problem 125

In Fig. 1-12, assume that a 20-mm-diameter rivet joins the plates that are each 110 mm
wide. The allowable stresses are 120 MPa for bearing in the plate material and 60 MPa
for shearing of rivet. Determine (a) the minimum thickness of each plate; and (b) the
largest average tensile stress in the plates.
Solution 125

Part (a): 
From shearing of rivet:
P= Arivets
P=60[41 (202)]
P=6000 textN

From bearing of plate material:

P= bAb
6000 =120(20t)
t=7 85mm  answer

Part (b): Largest average tensile stress in the plate:

P= A
6000 = [7 85(110−20)]
=26 67MPa  answer

Problem 126 page 21

Diameter of each rivet = 3/4 inch
Maximum allowable shear stress of rivet = 14 ksi
Maximum allowable bearing stress of plate = 18 ksi
The figure below:

Required: The maximum safe value of P that can be applied

Solution 126
Based on shearing of rivets:
P= A
P=14[4(41 )(43)2]
P=24 74kips
Based on bearing of plates:
P= bAb
P=47 25kips
Safe load P=24 74kips  answer

Problem 127 page 21

Load P = 14 kips
Maximum shearing stress = 12 ksi
Maximum bearing stress = 20 ksi
The figure below:

Required: Minimum bolt diameter and minimum thickness of each yoke

Solution 127

For shearing of rivets (double shear)

P= A
14=12[2(41 d2)]
d=0 8618in  diameter of bolt answer
For bearing of yoke:
P= bAb
14=20[2(0 8618t)]
t=0 4061in  thickness of yoke answer

Problem 128 page 21

Shape of beam = W18 × 86
Shape of girder = W24 × 117
Shape of angles = 4 × 3-½ × 3/8
Diameter of rivets = 7/8 inch
Allowable shear stress = 15 ksi
Allowable bearing stress = 32 ksi
Required: Allowable load on the connection

Solution 128
Relevant data from the table (Appendix B of textbook): Properties of Wide-Flange
Sections (W shapes): U.S. Customary Units
Web thickness
W18 × 86 0.480 in
W24 × 117 0.550 in
Shearing strength of rivets:
There are 8 single-shear rivets in the girder and 4 double-shear (equivalent to 8 single-
shear) in the beam, thus, the shear strength of rivets in girder and beam are equal.
V= A=15[41 (87)2(8)]
V=72 16kips
Bearing strength on the girder:
The thickness of girder W24 × 117 is 0.550 inch while that of the angle clip L4 321
83 is 83 or 0.375 inch, thus, the critical in bearing is the clip.
P= bAb=32[87(0 375)(8)]
Bearing strength on the beam:
The thickness of beam W18 × 86 is 0.480 inch while that of the clip angle is 2 × 0.375 =
0.75 inch (clip angles are on both sides of the beam), thus, the critical in bearing is the
P= bAb=32[87(0 480)(4)]
P=53 76kips
The allowable load on the connection is P=53 76kips  answer

Problem 129 page 21

Diameter of bolt = 7/8 inch
Diameter at the root of the thread (bolt) = 0.731 inch
Inside diameter of washer = 9/8 inch
Tensile stress in the nut = 18 ksi
Bearing stress = 800 psi
Shearing stress in the head of the bolt
Shearing stress in threads of the bolt
Outside diameter of the washer
Solution 129

Tensile force on the bolt:

P= A=18[41 (87)2]
P=10 82kips
Shearing stress in the head of the bolt:
=AP=10 82 (87)(21)
=7 872ksi  answer
Shearing stress in the threads:
=AP=10 82 (0 731)(85)
=7 538ksi  answer
Outside diameter of washer:
P= bAb
10 82(1000)=800 41 [d2−(89)2]  
d=4 3inch  answer

Problem 130 page 22

Allowable shear stress = 70 MPa
Allowable bearing stress = 140 MPa
Diameter of rivets = 19 mm
The truss below:

Number of rivets to fasten member BC to the gusset plate
Number of rivets to fasten member BE to the gusset plate
Largest average tensile or compressive stress in members BC and BE
Solution 130
At Joint C:
BC=96kN (Tension)
Consider the section through member BD, BE, and CE:

BE=80kN (Compression)
For Member BC:
Based on shearing of rivets:
BC= A Where A = area of 1 rivet × number of rivets, n
96000=70[41 (192)n]
n=4 8 say 5 rivets
Based on bearing of member:
BC= bAb
Where Ab = diameter of rivet × thickness of BC × number of rivets, n
n=6 02 say 7 rivets
use 7 rivets for member BC answer
For member BE:
Based on shearing of rivets:
Where A = area of 1 rivet × number of rivets, n
80000=70[41 (192)n]
n=4 03 say 5 rivets
Based on bearing of member:
BE= bAb
Where Ab = diameter of rivet × thickness of BE × number of rivets, n
n=2 3 say 3 rivets
use 5 rivets for member BE answer
Relevant data from the table (Appendix B of textbook): Properties of Equal Angle
Sections: SI Units
Designation Area
L75 × 75 × 6 864 mm2
L75 × 75 × 13 1780 mm2

Tensile stress of member BC (L75 × 75 × 6):

=128Mpa  answer
Compressive stress of member BE (L75 × 75 × 13):
=44 94Mpa  answer

Problem 131
Repeat Problem 130 if the rivet diameter is 22 mm and all other data remain

Solution 131
For member BC:
P=96kN (Tension)

Based on shearing of rivets:

P= A
96000=70[41 (222)n]
n=3 6 say 4 rivets

Based on bearing of member:

P= bAb
n=5 2 say 6 rivets

Use 6 rivets for member BC answer


Tensile stress:
=131 15MPa  answer

For member BE:

P=80kN (Compression)

Based on shearing of rivets:

P= A
80000=70[41 (222)n]
n=3 01 say 4 rivets

Based on bearing of member:

P= bAb
n=1 998 say 2 rivets

use 4 rivets for member BE answer

Compressive stress:
=44 94MPa  answer

A tank or pipe carrying a fluid or gas under a pressure is subjected to tensile forces,
which resist bursting, developed across longitudinal and transverse sections.
TANGENTIAL STRESS (Circumferential Stress)
Consider the tank shown being subjected to an internal pressure p. The length of the
tank is Land the wall thickness is t. Isolating the right half of the tank:

The forces acting are the total pressures caused by the internal pressure p and the total
tension in the walls T.
T= tAwall= ttL
pDL=2( ttL)

If there exist an external pressure po and an internal pressure pi, the formula may be

expressed as:

Consider the free body diagram in the transverse section of the tank:
The total force acting at the rear of the tank F must equal to the total longitudinal stress
on the wall PT= LAwall. Since t is so small compared to D, the area of the wall is close
to  Dt
F=pA=p4 D2
PT= L Dt
L Dt=p4 D2

If there exist an external pressure po and an internal pressure pi, the formula may be

expressed as:

It can be observed that the tangential stress is twice that of the longitudinal stress.
t=2 L


If a spherical tank of diameter D and thickness t contains gas under a pressure of p,

the stress at the wall can be expressed as:

Problem 133 page 28

Diameter of cylindrical pressure vessel = 400 mm
Wall thickness = 20 mm
Internal pressure = 4.5 MN/m2
Allowable stress = 120 MN/m2
Longitudinal stress
Tangential stress
Maximum amount of internal pressure that can be applied
Expected fracture if failure occurs
Solution 133

Part (a)
Tangential stress (longitudinal section):

pDL=2( ttL)
t=2tpD=2(20)4 5(400)
t=45MPa  answer

Longitudinal Stress (transverse section):

41 D2p= l( Dt)
l=4tpD=4(20)4 5(400)
l=22 5MPa  answer
Part (b)
From (a),  t=2tpD and  l=4tpD thus,  t=2 l, this shows that tangential stress is the
p=12MPa  answer
The bursting force will cause a stress on the longitudinal section that is twice to that of
the transverse section. Thus, fracture is expected as shown.

Problem 134 page 28

Diameter of spherical tank = 4 ft
Wall thickness = 5/16 inch
Maximum stress = 8000 psi
Required: Allowable internal pressure
Solution 134

Total internal pressure:

P=p(41 D2)
Resisting wall:
A=p(41 D2)
( Dt)=p(41 D2)
8000=4(516)p(4 12)
p=208 33psi  answer

Problem 135

Calculate the minimum wall thickness for a cylindrical vessel that is to carry a gas at a
pressure of 1400 psi. The diameter of the vessel is 2 ft, and the stress is limited to 12
Solution 135

The critical stress is the tangential stress

12000=2t1400(2 12)
t=1 4in  answer

Problem 136 page 28

Thickness of steel plating = 20 mm
Diameter of pressure vessel = 450 mm
Length of pressure vessel = 2.0 m
Maximum longitudinal stress = 140 MPa
Maximum circumferential stress = 60 MPa
Required: The maximum internal pressure that can be applied
Solution 136

Based on circumferential stress (tangential):

p(DL)=2( tLt)
p=5 33MPa
Based on longitudinal stress:

p(41 D2)= l( D)
p=24 89MPa
Use p=5 33MPa  answer

Problem 137 page 28

Diameter of the water tank = 22 ft
Thickness of steel plate = 1/2 inch
Maximum circumferential stress = 6000 psi
Specific weight of water = 62.4 lb/ft3
Required: The maximum height to which the tank may be filled with water.
Solution 137
Assuming pressure distribution to be uniform:
p= h=62 4h 
F=pA=62 4h(Dh)
F=62 4(22)h2
F=1372 8h2
T= tAt=864000(th)
T=864000(21 112)h
1372 8h2=2(36000h)
h=52 45ft  answer
Given a free surface of water, the actual pressure distribution on the vessel is not
uniform. It varies linearly from 0 at the free surface to γh at the bottom (see figure
below). Using this actual pressure distribution, the total hydrostatic pressure is reduced
by 50%. This reduction of force will take our design into critical situation; giving us a
maximum height of 200% more than the h above.

Based on actual pressure distribution:

Total hydrostatic force, F:
F = volume of pressure diagram
F=21( h2)D=21(62 4h2)(22)
F=686 4h2
t(ht)=31(686 4h2)
h=3 tt686 4=686 43(864000)(21 112)
h=157 34ft

Problem 138 page 38

Strength of longitudinal joint = 33 kips/ft
Strength of girth joint = 16 kips/ft
Internal pressure = 150 psi
Required: Maximum diameter of the cylinder tank
Solution 138

For longitudinal joint (tangential stress):

Consider 1 ft length
pD=2 tt
D=3 06ft=36 67in.
For girth joint (longitudinal stress):

p(41 D2)= l( Dt)
D=2 96ft=35 56in.
Use the smaller diameter, D=35 56in. answer

Problem 139 page 28

Allowable stress = 20 ksi
Weight of steel = 490 lb/ft3
Mean radius of the ring = 10 inches
The limiting peripheral velocity.
The number of revolution per minute for stress to reach 30 ksi.
Solution 139

Centrifugal Force, CF:

CF=M 2x
M=gW g V=q RA
=v R 
x =2R  

CF=q RA vR 2 2R  
CF=g2 Av2
2 A=g2 Av2
=g v2
From the given data:
2880000=32 2490v2
v=435 04ft/sec  answer
When  =30ksi, and R=10in
=g v2
30000(122)=32 2490v2
v=532 81ft/sec
=v R=10 12532 81
=639 37rad/sec
=sec639 37rad 1rev2 rad 1min60sec
=6 105 54rpm   answer
Problem 140 page 28

Stress in rotating steel ring = 150 MPa
Mean radius of the ring = 220 mm
Density of steel = 7.85 Mg/m3
Required: Angular velocity of the steel ring
Solution 140

CF=M 2x
M= V= A R 
CF= A R 2(2R ) 
CF=2 AR2 2 
2 A=2 AR2 2 
= R2 2 
From the given (Note: 1 N = 1 kg·m/sec2):
=150000000kg m/sec2 m2
=150000000kg/m sec2
=7 85Mg/m3=7850kg/m3 
R=220mm=0 22m
150000000=7850(0 22)2 2
=628 33rad/sec  answer

Problem 141 page 28

Wall thickness = 1/8 inch
Internal pressure = 125 psi
The figure below:

Required: Maximum longitudinal and circumferential stress

Solution 141

Longitudinal Stress:

F=pA=125[1 5(2)+41 (1 5)2](122)

F=85808 62lbs
l[2(2 12)(81)+ (1 5 12)(81)]=85808 62
l=6566 02psi
l=6 57ksi  answer

Circumferential Stress:
F=pA=125[(2 12)L+2(0 75 12)L]
2[ t(81)L]=5250L
t=21ksi  answer

Problem 142 page 29

Steam pressure = 3.5 Mpa
Outside diameter of the pipe = 450 mm
Wall thickness of the pipe = 10 mm
Diameter of the bolt = 40 mm
Allowable stress of the bolt = 80 MPa
Initial stress of the bolt = 50 MPa
Number of bolts
Circumferential stress developed in the pipe
Solution 29

F= A
F=3 5[41 (4302)]
F=508270 42N
( boltA)n=508270 42N
(80−55)[41 (402)]n=508270 42
n=16 19 say 17 bolts   answer
Circumferential stress (consider 1-m strip):

F=pA=3 5[430(1000)]
2[ t(1000)(10)]=1505000
t=75 25MPa  answer


It is necessary to tighten the bolts initially to press the gasket to the flange, to avoid
leakage of steam. If the pressure will cause 110 MPa of stress to each bolt causing it to
fail, leakage will occur. If this is sudden, the cap may blow.


Also known as unit deformation, strain is the ratio of the change in length caused by the
applied force, to the original length.

= L
where   is the deformation and L is the original length, thus   is dimensionless.
Suppose that a metal specimen be placed in tension-compression-testing machine. As the axial
load is gradually increased in increments, the total elongation over the gauge length is
measured at each increment of the load and this is continued until failure of the specimen takes
place. Knowing the original cross-sectional area and length of the specimen, the normal
stress  and the strain   can be obtained. The graph of these quantities with the stress   along
the y-axis and the strain   along the x-axis is called the stress-strain diagram. The stress-strain
diagram differs in form for various materials. The diagram shown below is that for a medium-
carbon structural steel. Metallic engineering materials are classified as
either ductile or brittlematerials. A ductile material is one having relatively large tensile strains
up to the point of rupture like structural steel and aluminum, whereas brittle materials has a
relatively small strain up to the point of rupture like cast iron and concrete. An arbitrary strain of
0.05 mm/mm is frequently taken as the dividing line between these two classes.

Stress-strain diagram of a medium-carbon structural steel

Proportional Limit (Hooke's Law)

From the origin O to the point called proportional limit, the stress-
strain curve is a straight line. This linear relation between elongation
and the axial force causing was first noticed by Sir Robert
Hooke in 1678 and is called Hooke's Law that within the
proportional limit, the stress is directly proportional to strain or

 or  =k
The constant of proportionality k is called the Modulus of Elasticity E or Young's
Modulus and is equal to the slope of the stress-strain diagram from O to P. Then

Elastic Limit
The elastic limit is the limit beyond which the material will no longer go back to its original shape
when the load is removed, or it is the maximum stress that may e developed such that there is
no permanent or residual deformation when the load is entirely removed.

Elastic Limit
The elastic limit is the limit beyond which the material will no longer go back to its original shape
when the load is removed, or it is the maximum stress that may e developed such that there is
no permanent or residual deformation when the load is entirely removed.

Elastic and Plastic Ranges

The region in stress-strain diagram from O to P is called the elastic range. The region from P to
R is called the plastic range.

Yield Point
Yield point is the point at which the material will have an appreciable elongation or yielding
without any increase in load.

Ultimate Strength
The maximum ordinate in the stress-strain diagram is the ultimate strength or tensile strength.

Rapture Strength
Rapture strength is the strength of the material at rupture. This is also known as the breaking

Modulus of Resilience
Modulus of resilience is the work done on a unit volume of material as the force is gradually
increased from O to P, in N·m/m3. This may be calculated as the area under the stress-strain
curve from the origin O to up to the elastic limit E (the shaded area in the figure). The resilience
of the material is its ability to absorb energy without creating a permanent distortion.

Modulus of Toughness
Modulus of toughness is the work done on a unit volume of material as the force is gradually
increased from O to R, in N·m/m3. This may be calculated as the area under the entire stress-
strain curve (from O to R). The toughness of a material is its ability to absorb energy without
causing it to break.

Working Stress, Allowable Stress, and Factor of Safety

Working stress is defined as the actual stress of a material under a given loading. The
maximum safe stress that a material can carry is termed as the allowable stress. The allowable
stress should be limited to values not exceeding the proportional limit. However, since
proportional limit is difficult to determine accurately, the allowable tress is taken as either the
yield point or ultimate strength divided by a factor of safety. The ratio of this strength (ultimate or
yield strength) to allowable strength is called the factor of safety.

Axial Deformation
In the linear portion of the stress-strain diagram, the tress is proportional to strain and is
given by

since  =P A  and  = L , then AP=E L

To use this formula, the load must be axial, the bar must have a uniform cross-sectional
area, and the stress must not exceed the proportional limit.
If however, the cross-sectional area is not uniform, the axial deformation can be
determined by considering a differential length and applying integration.

=EP 0LLdx 
where A=ty and y and t, if variable, must be expressed in terms of x.
For a rod of unit mass    suspended vertically from one end, the total elongation due to
its own weight is
=2E gL2=2AEMgL

where    is in kg/m3, L is the length of the rod in mm, M is the total mass of the rod in
kg, A is the cross-sectional area of the rod in mm2, and g=9 81m/s2.

Stiffness, k
Stiffness is the ratio of the steady force acting on an elastic body to the resulting
displacement. It has the unit of N/mm.
k= P

Stress-strain Diagram
Strength of Materials 4th Edition by Pytel and Singer Problem 203 page 39

Material: 14-mm-diameter mild steel rod
Gage length = 50 mm

Test Result:

Load (N) Elongation (mm) Elongation (mm)

0 0 46 200 1.25

6 310 0.010 52 400 2.50

12 600 0.020 58 500 4.50

18 800 0.030 68 000 7.50

25 100 0.040 59 000 12.5

31 300 0.050 67 800 15.5

37 900 0.060 65 000 20.0

40 100 0.163 65 500 Fracture

41 600 0.433
Required: Stress-strain diagram, Proportional limit, modulus of elasticity, yield point, ultimate
strength, and rupture strength

Solution 203

Area, A=41 (14)2=49 mm2; Length, L=50mm

Strain = Elongation/Length; Stress = Load/Area

Elongation (mm) Strain (mm/mm) Stress (MPa)

0 0 0 0

6 310 0.010 0.0002 40.99

12 600 0.020 0.0004 81.85

18 800 0.030 0.0006 122.13

25 100 0.040 0.0008 163.05

31 300 0.050 0.001 203.33

37 900 0.060 0.0012 246.20

40 100 0.163 0.0033 260.49

41 600 0.433 0.0087 270.24

46 200 1.250 0.025 300.12

52 400 2.500 0.05 340.40

58 500 4.500 0.09 380.02

68 000 7.500 0.15 441.74

59 000 12.500 0.25 383.27

67 800 15.500 0.31 440.44

65 000 20.000 0.4 422.25

61 500 Failure   399.51


From stress-strain diagram:

a. Proportional Limit = 246.20 MPa

b. Modulus of Elasticity
E = slope of stress-strain diagram within proportional limit
E=0 0012246 20=205166 67MPa
E=205 2GPa
c. Yield Point = 270.24 MPa
d. Ultimate Strength = 441.74 MPa
e. Rupture Strength = 399.51 MPa

Solution to Problem 204 Stress-strain Diagram

Problem 204 page 39
Material: Aluminum alloy
Initial diameter = 0.505 inch
Gage length = 2.0 inches
The result of the test tabulated below:
Load (lb) Elongation (in.) Elongation (in.)
0 0 14 000 0.020
2 310 0.00220 14 400 0.025
4 640 0.00440 14 500 0.060
6 950 0.00660 14 600 0.080
9 290 0.00880 14 800 0.100
11 600 0.0110 14 600 0.120
12 600 0.0150 13 600 Fracture
Plot of stress-strain diagram
(a) Proportional Limit
(b) Modulus of Elasticity
(c) Yield Point
(d) Yield strength at 0.2% offset
(e) Ultimate Strength and
(f) Rupture Strength
Solution 204

Area, A=41 (0 505)2=0 0638 in2; Length, L=2in

Strain = Elongation/Length; Stress = Load/Area
Load Strain
Elongation (in.) Stress (psi)
(lb) (in/in)
0 0 0 0
2 310 0.0022 0.0011 11 532.92
4 640 0.0044 0.0022 23 165.70
6 950 0.0066 0.0033 34 698.62
9 290 0.0088 0.0044 46 381.32
11 600 0.011 0.0055 57 914.24
12 600 0.015 0.0075 62 906.85
14 000 0.02 0.01 69 896.49
14 400 0.025 0.0125 71 893.54
14 500 0.06 0.03 72 392.80
14 600 0.08 0.04 72 892.06
14 800 0.1 0.05 73 890.58
14 600 0.12 0.06 72 892.06
13 600 Fracture   67 899.45
From stress-strain diagram:

a. Proportional Limit = 57,914.24 psi

b. Modulus of Elasticity:
E=0 005557914 24=10 529 861 82psi
E = 10,529.86 ksi
c. Yield Point = 69,896.49 psi
d. Yield Strength at 0.2% Offset:
Strain of Elastic Limit = ε at PL + 0.002
Strain of Elastic Limit = 0.0055 + 0.002
Strain of Elastic Limit = 0.0075 in/in

The offset line will pass through Q(See figure):

Slope of 0.2% offset = E = 10,529,861.82 psi

Test for location:
slope = rise / run
10 529 861 82=run6989 64+4992 61
run = 0.00113793 < 0.0025, therefore, the required point is just before YP.
Slope of EL to YP
1 1=0 00256989 64
1 1=2795856
1  12795856
For the required point:
E= 14992 61+ 1
10529861 82= 127958564992 61+ 1
3 7662 1=4992 61+ 1
1=1804 84psi

Yield Strength at 0.2% Offset

= EL+ σ1
= 62906.85 + 1804.84
= 64,711.69 psi

e. Ultimate Strength = 73,890.58 psi

f. Rupture Strength = 67,899.45 psi

Axial Deformation
Problem 205 page 39

Length of bar = L
Cross-sectional area = A
Unit mass = ρ
The bar is suspended vertically from one end
Show that the total elongation δ = ρgL2 / 2E.
If total mass is M, show that δ = MgL/2AE
Solution 205

From the figure:
δ = dδ
P = Wy = (ρAy)g
L = dy
d =AE( Ay)gdy

=E g 0Lydy=E g 2y2 0L 

= g2E[L2−02]
= gL2 2E  ok!
Given the total mass M
=M V=M AL 
=2E gL2=2EMAL gL2
=2AEMgL ok!

Another Solution:

P = W = (ρAL)g
L = L/2
=AE[( AL)g](L 2)
= gL2 2E  ok!

For you to feel the situation, position yourself in pull-up exercise with your hands on the
bar and your body hang freely above the ground. Notice that your arms suffer all your
weight and your lower body fells no stress (center of weight is approximately just below
the chest). If your body is the bar, the elongation will occur at the upper half of it.

Problem 206 page 39

Cross-sectional area = 300 mm2
Length = 150 m
tensile load at the lower end = 20 kN
Unit mass of steel = 7850 kg/m3
E = 200 × 103 MN/m2
Required: Total elongation of the rod
Solution 206

Elongation due to its own weight:

P = W = 7850(1/1000)3(9.81)[300(150)(1000)]
P = 3465.3825 N
L = 75(1000) = 75 000 mm
A = 300 mm2
E = 200 000 MPa
1=300(200000)3465 3825(75000)
1 = 4.33 mm
Elongation due to applied load:
P = 20 kN = 20 000 N
L = 150 m = 150 000 mm
A = 300 mm2
E = 200 000 MPa
2 = 50 mm
Total elongation:
= 1+ 2
=4 33+50=54 33mm  answer

Problem 207 page 39

Length of steel wire = 30 ft
Load = 500 lb
Maximum allowable stress = 20 ksi
Maximum allowable elongation = 0.20 inch
E = 29 × 106 psi
Required: Diameter of the wire

Solution 207
Based on maximum allowable stress:
20000=50041 d2
d=0 1784in

Based on maximum allowable deformation:

0 20=500(30 12)41 d2(29 106)
d=0 1988in

Use the bigger diameter, d = 0.1988 inch

Problem 208 page 40

Thickness of steel tire = 100 mm
Width of steel tire = 80 mm
Inside diameter of steel tire = 1500.0 mm
Diameter of steel wheel = 1500.5 mm
Coefficient of static friction = 0.30
E = 200 GPa
Required: Torque to twist the tire relative to the wheel
Solution 208

δ = π (1500.5 - 1500) = 0.5π mm
L = 1500π mm
A = 10(80) = 800 mm2
E = 200 000 MPa
0 5 =T(1500 )800(200000)
T=53333 33N

p(1500)(80)=2(53333 33)
p=0 8889MPa  internal pressure
Total normal force, N:
N = p × contact area between tire and wheel
N = 0.8889 × π(1500.5)(80)
N = 335 214.92 N
Friction resistance, f:
f = μN = 0.30(335 214.92)
f = 100 564.48 N = 100.56 kN
Torque = f × ½(diameter of wheel)
Torque = 100.56 × 0.75025
Torque = 75.44 kN · m

Problem 209 page 40

Cross-section area = 0.5 in2
E = 10 × 106 psi
The figure below:
Required: Total change in length
Solution 209

P1 = 6000 lb tension

P2 = 1000 lb compression
P3 = 4000 lb tension
= 1− 2+ 3
=6000(3 12)0 5(10 106)−1000(5 12)0 5(10 106)+4000(4 12)0 5(10 106)
=0 0696in (lengthening)  answer

Problem 210

Solve Prob. 209 if the points of application of the 6000-lb and the 4000-lb forces are
Solution 210
P1 = 4000 lb compression
P2 = 11000 lb compression
P3 = 6000 lb compression
=− 1− 2− 3
=−0 5(10 106)4000(3 12)−0 5(10 106)11000(5 12)−0 5(10 106)6000(4 12
=−0 19248in=0 19248in (shortening)  answer

Problem 211 page 40

Maximum overall deformation = 3.0 mm
Maximum allowable stress for steel = 140 MPa
Maximum allowable stress for bronze = 120 MPa
Maximum allowable stress for aluminum = 80 MPa
Est = 200 GPa
Eal = 70 GPa
Ebr = 83 GPa
The figure below:

Required: The largest value of P

Solution 211

Based on allowable stresses:

Pst= stAst
P=67 2kN
Pbr= brAbr
Pal= alAal
P=12800N=12 8kN
Based on allowable deformation:
(steel and aluminum lengthens, bronze shortens)
= st− br+ al
3= 196000−111375+326560 P 
P=84610 99N=84 61kN
Use the smallest value of P, P = 12.8 kN

Problem 212 page 40

Maximum stress in steel rod = 30 ksi
Maximum vertical movement at C = 0.10 inch
The figure below:

Required: The largest load P that can be applied at C

Solution 212

Based on maximum stress of steel rod:

P=0 4Pst
P=0 4 atAst
P=0 4[30(0 50)]
Based on movement at C:
2 st=50 1
st=0 04in
AEPstL=0 04
Pst(4 12)0 50(29 106)=0 04
Pst=12083 33lb
P=0 4Pst
P=0 4(12083 33)
P=4833 33lb=4 83kips
Use the smaller value, P = 4.83 kips

Problem 213 page 41

Rigid bar is horizontal before P = 50 kN is applied
The figure below:

Required: Vertical movement of P
Solution 213

Free body diagram:

For aluminum:
6Pal=2 5(50)
Pal=20 83kN
al=500(70000)20 83(3)10002
al=1 78mm
For steel:
6Pst=3 5(50)
Pst=29 17kN
st=300(200000)29 17(4)10002
st=1 94mm

Movement diagram:
y3 5=61 94−1 78
y=0 09mm
B=vertical movement of P
B=1 78+y=1 78+0 09
B=1 87mm  answer

Problem 214 page 41

Maximum vertical movement of P = 5 mm
The figure below:

Required: The maximum force P that can be applied neglecting the weight of all
Solution 41

Member AB:
By ratio and proportion:
6 B=3 al

B=2 al=2 PLAE al 

B=2 Pal(2000)500(70000)  
B=14375Pst  movement of B

Member CD:

Movement of D:

D= st+ B= PLAE st+14375Pst 

By ratio and proportion:
3 P=6 D
P=21 D=21(1142000Pst)
P=76363 64N=76 4kN  answer

Problem 215 page 41

The figure below:

Required: Ratio of the areas of the rods

Solution 215

st= al

PLAE st= PLAE al 

31W(6 12)Ast(29 106)=32W(4 12)Aal(10 106)
AstAal=31W(6 12)(10 106)32W(4 12)(29 106)
AstAal=3 867  answer

Problem 216 page 42

Vertical load P = 6000 lb
Cross-sectional area of each rod = 0.60 in2
E = 10 × 106 psi
α = 30°
θ = 30°
The figure below:

Required: Elongation of each rod and the horizontal and vertical displacements of point
Solution 216

PABcos30 =PBCcos30
PABsin30 +PBCsin30 =6000
PAB(0 5)+PAB(0 5)=6000
PAB=6000lb tension
PBC=6000lb compression
AB=0 6(10 106)6000(10 12)=0 12inch lengthening  answer
BC=6000(6 12)0 6(10 106)=0 072inch shortening  answer
DB= AB=0 12inch
BE= BE=0 072inch
B=BB = displacement of B
B = final position of B after elongation

Triangle BDB':
cos = B0 12
B=0 12cos
Triangle BEB':
cos(120 − )= B0 072
B=0 072cos(120 − )
B= B
0 12cos =0 072cos(120 − )
cos cos120 cos +sin120 sin =0 6
−0 5+sin120 tan =0 6 
tan =1 1sin120
=51 79  
=90−(30 + )=90 −(30 +51 79 ) 
=8 21  
B=0 12cos51 79
B=0 194inch
Triangle BFB':
h=B F= Bsin =0 194sin8 21
h=0 0277inch
h=0 0023ft  horizontal displacement of B
v=BF= Bcos =0 194cos8 21
v=0 192inch
v=0 016ft  vertical displacement of B

Problem 217

Solve Prob. 216 if rod AB is of steel, with E = 29 × 106 psi. Assume α = 45° and θ = 30°;
all other data remain unchanged.
Solution 217

By Sine Law
PABsin60 =6000sin75
PAB=5379 45lb (Tension)
PBCsin45 =6000sin75
PBC=4392 30lb (Compression)
AB=0 6(29 106)5379 45(10 12)==0 0371inch (lengthening)
BC=0 6(10 106)4392 30(6 12)=0 0527inch (shortening)
DB= AB=0 0371inch
BE= BE=0 0527inch
B=BB = displacement of B
B  = final position of B after deformation
Triangle BDB':
cos = B0 0371
B=cos 0 0371
Triangle BEB':
cos(105 − )= B0 0527
B=0 0527cos(105 − )
B= B
cos 0 0371=0 0527cos(105 − )
cos cos105 cos +sin105 sin =1 4205
−0 2588+0 9659tan =1 4205 
tan =0 96591 4205+0 2588
tan =1 7386 
=60 1  
B=0 0371cos60 1
B=0 0744inch
=(45 + )−90  
=(45 +60 1 )−90  
=15 1  
Triangle BFB':
h=FB = Bsin =0 0744sin15 1
h=0 0194inch
h=0 00162ft  horizontal displacement of B
v=BF= Bcos =0 0744cos15 1
v=0 07183inch
v=0 00598ft  vertical displacement of B
Problem 218

A uniform slender rod of length L and cross sectional area A is rotating in a horizontal
plane about a vertical axis through one end. If the unit mass of the rod is ρ, and it is
rotating at a constant angular velocity of ω rad/sec, show that the total elongation of the
rod is ρω2 L3/3E.
Solution 218


from the frigure:

d =AEdPx
dP = centrifugal force of differential mass
dP = dM ω2 x = (ρA dx)ω2 x
dP = ρAω2 x dx
d =AE( A 2xdx)x

=E 2 0Lx2dx=E 2 3x3 0L 

=E 2[L3−03]
= 2L3 3E  ok!

Problem 219

A round bar of length L, which tapers uniformly from a diameter D at one end to a
smaller diameter d at the other, is suspended vertically from the large end. If w is the
weight per unit volume, find the elongation of ω the rod caused by its own weight. Use
this result to determine the elongation of a cone suspended from its base.
Solution 219

For the differential strip shown:
δ = dδ
P = weight carried by the strip = weight of segment y
L = dy
A = area of the strip
For weight of segment y (Frustum of a cone):
From section along the axis:


Volume for frustum of cone

V=31 h(R2+r2+Rr)
Vy=31 h[41(x+d)2+41d2+21(x+d)(21d)]
Vy=112 y[(x+d)2+d2+(x+d)d]

P=112 w[(x+d)2+d2+(x+d)d]y
P=112 w[x2+2xd+d2+d2+xd+d2]y
P=112 w[x2+3xd+3d2]y
P=12 w L2(D−d)2y2+L3d(D−d)y+3d3 y 

Area of the strip:

A=41 (x+d)2=4 LD−dy+d 2 



d =4 LD−dy+d 2E12 w L2(D−d)2y2+L3d(D−d)y+3d3 ydy 

d =4w12E         L2(D−d)2y2+L2d(D−d)y+d2L2(D−d)2y2+L3d(D−d)y+3d2      
d =w3E         L2(D−d)2y2+2Ld(D−d)y+L2d2L2(D−d)2y2+3Ld(D−d)y+3L2d2  

d =w3E (D−d)2y2+2Ld(D−d)y+L2d2(D−d)2y2+3Ld(D−d)y+3L2d2 ydy 


Let: a=D−d and b=Ld

d =w3E a2y2+2aby+b2a2y2+3aby+3b2 ydy 

d =w3E a2y2+3aby+3b2(ay)2+2(ay)b+b2 aa ydy 

d =w3aE (ay+b)2a3y3+3(a2y2)b+3(ay)b2 dy 

d =w3aE (ay+b)2[(ay)3+3(ay)2b+3(ay)b2+b3]−b3 dy 


The quantity (ay)3+3(ay)2b+3(ay)b2+b3 is the expansion of (ay+b)3

d =w3aE (ay+b)2(ay+b)3−b3 dy 

d =w3aE (ay+b)2(ay+b)3−b3(ay+b)2 dy 

d =w3aE[(ay+b)−b3(ay+b)−2]dy

=w3aE 0L[(ay+b)−b3(ay+b)−2]dy 

=w3aE 2a(ay+b)2−−ab3(ay+b)−1 0L 

=w3a2E 2(ay+b)2+b3ay+b 0L 

=w3a2E 21(aL+b)2+b3aL+b − 21b2+bb3  

=w3a2E 21(aL+b)2+b3aL+b−23b2  

=w3a2E 2(aL+b)(aL+b)3+2b3−3b2(aL+b)  

=w6a2E aL+b(aL)3+3(aL)2b+3(aL)b2+b3+2b3−3ab2L−3b3  

=w6a2E aL+ba3L3+3a2bL2  

Note that we let a=D−d and b=Ld

=w6(D−d)2E (D−d)L+Ld(D−d)3L3+3(D−d)2(Ld)L2  

=w6(D−d)2E LD−Ld+Ld(D−d)L3[(D−d)2+3d(D−d)]  

=wL36(D−d)E LD(D−d)2+3d(D−d)  

=wL36(D−d)E LDD2−2Dd+d2+3Dd−3d2  

=wL36(D−d)E LDD2+Dd−2d2  
=wL36(D−d)E LDD(D+d)−2d2  

=wL36(D−d)E LDD(D+d) −wL36(D−d)E LD2d2  

=6E(D−d)wL2(D+d)−wL2d23ED(D−d)  answer

For a cone: D=D and d=0
=6EwL2  answer

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