Godiva Sales Info Iss 19 03-2009

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This CD provides information on all the products available from GODIVA LTD.,
designed and manufactured at Warwick, England.
Please note: Godiva Ltd. was formerly known as Hale Products Europe and
changed name on the 2nd January 2009. Any references to Hale Products Europe
should be taken as referring to Godiva Ltd.

There is also the necessary information required to trade with Godiva – bank
account details, letter of credit details etc…

To access the information it is recommended that the

“bookmark” facility be used to gain an overview of the contents.
Any page can be printed out as necessary.
Godiva Ltd. policy is one of continuous development. We therefore reserve the
right to amend specifications without notice or obligation.
ISSUE 19. 03-2009.
HALE PRODUCTS is the world's leading provider of specialist equipment for the emergency
services market. With extensive manufacturing facilities in the United States and Europe, and
representative offices and distributors throughout the world, HALE produces truck mounted
and portable fire pumps, ventilation systems and the Class 1 range of electronic
instrumentation. HALE is the home of the internationally recognised GODIVA brand of fire
pumps, which are to be found in service in more than 100 countries. HALE is an
independent manufacturer with decades of experience in fine-tuning products at the heart
of the life-saving business.

The HALE and GODIVA range of products offers
the widest range anywhere of midship and rear-
mounted pumps, both single and multi-pressure.
Offering 2,000 l/min to 12,000 l/min and beyond,
these pumps are the result of many years of
ground breaking design expertise. The latest
designs offer performance characteristics to the
most demanding new European standards, whilst
benefiting the operator in terms of reduced
servicing requirements and enhanced features.

The all-new GODIVA Prima pump, for example,

incorporates a range of innovations that will
benefit firefighters everywhere.
Godiva Prima vehicle mounted pump

In an extensive survey of firefighting requirements, the company identified fundamental

issues to be addressed, in particular compliance with international standards, serviceability,
weight, size, design flexibility and whole life costs. The GODIVA Prima range addresses all of
these and more in a radical new design which is proving a popular replacement for the
previous World Series Range.

But vehicle pumps are only part of the story. The range of portable- and skid-mounted pumps
feature petrol and diesel engined models. From an ultra-lightweight portable offering 275
l/min (weighing only 27kg) to a diesel-powered skid-mounted pump offering 6,500 l/min,
there is a product to suit every requirement. A range of rugged, high-performance trailer
pumps, featuring both petrol and diesel engines, completes the line-up.

Foam Systems
Firefighters across the world are looking for technology that offers both faster knockdown
and reduced application of water. The superior firefighting power of compressed air foam
systems (CAFS) is increasingly recognised. Hale has been a leading developer of CAFS
technology for many years, and can now supply a range of integrated engineering solutions
designed to complement the equipment inventory of any service from OEM installation to
retrofittable, self-contained systems -
FoamLogix – efficient and economical foam proportioning equipment, used in the CAFS
MiniCAFS – the leading retrofittable CAFS answer.

HPE Profile(3)
PtoMiniCAFS – a version of the MiniCAFS driven by the vehicle pto and installed by the
vehicle OEM.
Prima pump with Integrated SmartCAFS – a CAFS system integrated with a Godiva Prima
vehicle mounted pump. Smart switch technology allows discrete control of wet/dry foam
composition and the convenience of pre-programmed positions.
Integrated systems – CAFS 90 (950 l/min water flow max) and CAFS 200 (1900 l/min water
flow max) powerful systems for OEM installation in vehicles.

Godiva Prima plus SmartCAFS

Ventilation Systems
The HALE TYPHOON® range of positive pressure ventilation fans offers water-turbine and
petrol-powered products that firefighters are increasingly relying upon in smoke-logged
scenarios. Lightweight and efficient, all models comply with the most rigorous international

The HALE family of products is just a call away. For further details, go to our websites at
www.haleeurope.com or call us on +44 (0)1926 623600.


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

[email protected]

HPE Profile(3)
Godiva Ltd - Key contacts

Senior Management

Mark Noel Andy Roe Simon Tudor Darren Brice

Operations Director Director of Sales Director of Engineering Financial Controller
Tel: +44 (0)1926 623602 Tel: +44 (0)1926 623612 Tel: +44 (0)1926 623657 Tel: +44 (0)1926 623622
Mobile: 07764 300334 Mobile: 07730 955112 Mobile: 07730 955107 [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Steve Marsh Daniel van Rensburg Stuart Higgins Martin Orman

UK Sales Executive UK Sales Executive and Overseas Sales Overseas Sales
Tel: +44 (0)1926 623613 Benelux countries Executive Executive
Mobile: 07730 955108 Tel: +44 (0)1926 623611 Tel: +44 (0)1926 623692 Tel: +44 (0)1926 623600
[email protected] Mobile: 07894 613726 Mobile: 07764 300337 Mobile: 07595 118418
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]

Customer Service

Liam Noonan Craig Reeves Sheila Donnelly Adam Foster Dirk Zuechner
Customer Service Shipping Spares Sales Internal Sales German Sales Desk
Manager Administrator Administrator Representative Tel: +44 (0)1926 623637
Tel: +44 (0)1926 623632 Tel: +44 (0)1926 623634 Tel: +44 (0)1926 623636 Tel: +44 (0)1926 623635 [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Godiva Ltd
Charles Street, Warwick, CV34 5LR, England Tel: +44 (0)1926 623600 Fax: +44 (0)1926 623666
[email protected] www.godiva.co.uk
Terms and Conditions of Sale
1.1 In these Conditions:
“Hale Europe” refers to GODIVA LIMITED and HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE LIMITED or any of its subsidiaries or any other limited company whether privately or publicly owned or any firm, person, partnership or other organisation to
whom Hale Europe may have assigned or delegated its rights hereunder or any of them whether expressly or by implication;
“the Customer” includes any company, corporation whether privately or publicly owned, firm, person, partnership, government department, branch or division of Her Majesty’s Services to whom the quotation is addressed, or with which
Hale Europe enters into a contract for the supply to the Customer of goods or services;
“the Conditions” means the standard terms and conditions of sale set out in this document and including any special terms and conditions agreed in writing between Hale Europe and the Customer;
“the Goods” means all goods and, where the context so permits, includes services which are supplied to the Customer by Hale Europe under any contract between them.
1.2 Any reference in these Conditions to any provision of a statute or statutory instrument shall be construed as a reference to that provision as amended, re-enacted or extended at the relevant time.
1.3 The headings in these Conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.
1.4 All quotations issued by Hale Europe are accepted upon and subject to these Conditions and any qualification thereto contained in any written or printed document of the Customer relating to the Goods offered in the quotation shall be
totally void unless expressly accepted in writing by a director or the secretary of Hale Europe.
2.1 The Customer shall, upon placing an order for the Goods specified in the quotation, be deemed to have accepted in full the Conditions to the exclusion of any conflicting terms or conditions put forward (whether with his order or
otherwise) by the Customer, and be under obligation strictly to comply therewith.
2.2 A quotation by Hale Europe does not constitute an offer and Hale Europe reserves the right to withdraw or revise any quotation at any time prior to Hale Europe’s acceptance of the Customer’s order.
2.3 Hale Europe’s employees or agents are not authorised to make any representations concerning the Goods unless confirmed by Hale Europe in writing. In entering into the contract, the Customer acknowledges that it does not rely on,
and waives any claim for breach of, any such representation which is not so confirmed and Hale Europe shall not be liable for any advice given by its employees or agents to the Customer or its employees or agents as to the storage,
application or use of the Goods unless such advice is confirmed in writing by Hale Europe.
2.4 No order which has been accepted by Hale Europe may be cancelled by the Customer except with the agreement in writing of Hale Europe and on terms that the Customer shall indemnify Hale Europe in full against all losses (including
loss of profit), costs (including the cost of all labour and materials used), damages, charges and expenses incurred by Hale Europe as a result of cancellation.
3.1 Whilst Hale Europe will use its best endeavours to maintain the price or prices in the quotation, it does not undertake to absorb increases in the cost of raw materials, bought out materials, labour or any of them that have been brought
about subsequent to and affect the subject matter of the quotation through reasons beyond the control of Hale Europe. In such instances Hale Europe reserves the right to deliver a fresh quotation to the Customer who shall be at liberty
to accept or reject such quotation within fourteen days of receipt thereof such acceptance or rejection to be made in writing by the Customer provided that rejection shall not prejudice the existing rights of Hale Europe against the
Customer in any way.
3.2 The price is exclusive of Value Added Tax and all other taxes and duties (apart from corporation taxes referable to income or capital gains of Hale Europe), which shall be payable by the Customer.
3.3 All freight charges are subject to variations beyond Hale Europe’s control and the right is therefore reserved to make such adjustments to any such charges specified in the quotation or specified in Hale Europe’s price lists to conform
with circumstances obtaining at the date of dispatch from Hale Europe’s works as may be deemed in Hale Europe’s absolute discretion to be necessary.
3.4 Unless otherwise agreed, all prices are strictly nett, and invoices issued by Hale Europe must be paid in full within thirty days of the date thereon, notwithstanding that delivery may not have taken place and the property in the Goods has
not passed to the Customer. The Customer shall not be entitled to make any deduction from such payment or exercise any right of set-off or contribution howsoever arising. The time of payment of the price shall be of the essence of
the contract.
3.5 In the event of any invoice remaining unpaid beyond this time, then, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to Hale Europe, Hale Europe shall have the right to charge interest thereon at the current Bank Rate, plus 4%.
3.6 Hale Europe shall have an absolute discretion to refuse or limit the amount of credit given to the Customer or to limit or withhold deliveries without assigning any reason therefore notwithstanding anything to the contrary expressly or
impliedly contained in the Conditions.
4.1 Any time of delivery given in the quotation shall be deemed to date from the receipt by Hale Europe of an official order from the Customer together with all drawings, specifications or other information necessary to enable Hale Europe to
execute the order. All such times are estimates only, and whilst Hale Europe undertakes to use its best endeavours to maintain the quoted delivery, it shall in no way be liable for failure to despatch within such time unless a separate
written guarantee signed by a director or secretary of Hale Europe shall have been expressly given to the Customer.
4.2 The time of delivery shall in any case be extended to a date reasonable in all the circumstances should failure to deliver be caused by the Customer’s instructions or lack thereof, or by any act of force majeure as defined in Clause 12.1
of these Conditions.
4.3 Unless otherwise agreed in writing the Goods are dispatched ex-works at the Customer’s expense.
4.4 Each part delivery or installment of the Goods despatched or services rendered shall be deemed to be sold under a separate contract and no default by Hale Europe in respect of any part delivery or installment shall entitle the Customer
to treat the contract as repudiated as regards any balance or installment still remaining to be delivered.
5.1 The Customer shall be responsible for complying with any legislation or regulations governing the importation of the Goods into the country of destination and for the payment of any duties thereon.
5.2 The Customer shall be responsible for complying with any legislation governing the exportation of the Goods and, in particular, the Customer shall:
5.2.1 not export outside the UK any Goods covered by the Export of Goods (Control) order 1994 (as amended) or the Export Administration Act 1979 (as amended) of the USA without obtaining all necessary licenses
thereunder and shall not resell such Goods within the UK to a Purchaser knowing (or being given reasonable grounds to suspect by the purchaser) that the purchaser intends to export such Goods without first
obtaining either such licenses or a copy of such licenses obtained by the purchaser.
5.2.2 impose on persons purchasing such Goods obligations corresponding to those set out above; and
5.2.3 keep all records relating to any such transaction for at least 4 years.
Hale Europe will make any pump under construction available for witness test during final stage of manufacture. This test will be limited to confirming the rated performance and, unless otherwise agreed to at a time reasonably notified
by Hale Europe and will, in the absence of the Customer, be deemed to have taken place in the presence of the Customer. Further tests can be carried out to the requirements of the Customer by prior arrangement and at previously
agreed additional cost. Test certificates covering rated performance are available for all pumps manufactured by Hale Europe if called for by the Customer.
7.1 Goods manufactured by Hale Europe are guaranteed for twelve months from the date of commissioning the Goods against any defects in material and workmanship. The date of commissioning will be deemed to be not more than nine
months from the date of despatch from Hale Europe’s premises. This guarantee is strictly limited to the replacement of any defective parts. If circumstances do not allow the defective parts to be refitted at Hale Europe's premises, this
guarantee is limited to the supply of the necessary replacement which will be forwarded free of cost provided the defect parts are sent carriage paid for inspection to Hale Europe. In no case does Hale Europe bear expenses of any sort
incurred outside Hale Europe’s premises. All warranty or repair work must be undertaken by Hale Europe, or its agent and any other work undertaken in relation to the Goods will render this guarantee void.
7.2 Notwithstanding Clause 7.1, Hale Europe shall be under no liability in respect of any defect in the Goods:
7.2.1 arising from or attributable to any drawing, design or specification supplied by the Customer;
7.2.2 arising from fair wear and tear, neglect, failure to follow Hale Europe’s instructions, misuse or improper alteration or repair of the Goods;
7.2.3 if the total price for the Goods has not been paid by the due date for payment; or
7.2.4 If the Customer fails to notify any claim in respect of any of the Goods which is based on a branch of the warranty in Clause 7.1 within 28 days after the discovery of the breach.
7.3 Subject to the foregoing, all conditions, warranties and representations expressed or implied by statute, common law or otherwise in relation to the Goods (apart from terms implied as to title under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 or terms
implied under the Consumer Protection Act 1987) are hereby excluded and Hale Europe shall be under no liability to the Customer for any loss (including loss of profits), damage or injury direct or indirect resulting from defective
material, faulty workmanship or otherwise howsoever arising and whether or not caused by the negligence of Hale Europe, its employees or agents save that Hale Europe accepts liability for death or personal injury caused by the
negligence of Hale Europe.
8.1 Notwithstanding delivery and the passing of risk in the Goods, the property, legal or beneficial, in the Goods shall only pass to the Customer when Hale Europe has received full payment for all sums then owed by the Customer to Hale
Europe under any and all contracts between then.
8.2 Goods in respect of which the property has remained with Hale Europe shall be kept identifiable as those of Hale Europe, and the Customer shall at this own expense keep the Goods insured and, also at its own expense, shall
immediately return such Goods to Hale Europe, or permit Hale Europe to enter into Customer’s premises to collect such goods should Hale Europe so request.
8.3 The risk of loss and damage to the Goods shall pass to the Customer immediately upon delivery.
9.1 Hale Europe will indemnify the Customer against any claim for infringement of Letters Patent, Registered Design, Trade Mark or Copyright (published at the date of the contract) by the use or sale of any article or material supplied by
Hale Europe to the Customer and against all costs and damages which the Customer may incur in any action for such infringement or for which the Customer may become liable in any such action. Provided always that this indemnity
shall not apply to any infringement which is due to Hale Europe’s having followed a design or instruction furnished or given by the Customer or the use of such article or material in a manner or for a purpose or in a foreign country not
specified by or disclosed to Hale Europe, or to any infringement which is due to the use of such article or material in association or combination with any other article or material not supplied by Hale Europe. And provided also that this
indemnity is conditional on the Customer’s giving to Hale Europe the earliest possible notice in writing of any claim being made or action threatened or brought against the Customer and on the Customer’s permitting Hale Europe at
Hale Europe's own expense to conduct any litigation that may ensue and all negotiations for a settlement of the claim. The Customer, on its part, warrants that any design or instruction furnished or given by the Customer shall not be
such as will cause us to infringe any Letters Patent, Registered Design, Trade Mark or Copyright in the execution of the Customer’s order.
9.2 All drawings, specifications or technical data of any description relating to Hale Europe's products or any of them remain the copyright of Hale Europe and must neither be used for any purpose other than for which they are supplied, nor
reproduced nor copied, nor used for the purpose of manufacture without the consent in writing of Hale Europe.
Hale Europe shall be entitled without prejudice to its other rights either to terminate wholly or in part any or every contract currently in existence between itself and the Customer or to suspend any further deliveries under any or every
such contract without any liability to the Customer in any of the following events:
10.1 If any debt is due and payable to Hale Europe by the Customer.
10.2 If the Customer has failed to take delivery of any goods under any contract between it and Hale Europe otherwise than in accordance with the Customer’s contractual rights.
10.3 If the Customer becomes insolvent, or, being a body corporate, passes a resolution for voluntary winding up except where solely for the purpose of reconstruction or has suffered an order of the Court for its winding up to be made or has
had a receiver appointed or being an individual or partnership has suspended payment wholly or in part of his or their debts, or has proposed or entered into any composition or arrangement with his or their creditors or has had a
Receiving Order in Bankruptcy made against him or them, or has ceased, or threatens to cease, to carry on business.
10.4 In any case Hale Europe’s rights shall not be prejudiced or restricted in any way by any indulgence or forbearance extended to the Customer in respect of any breach of agreement hereinbefore specified, whether in this clause
contained or otherwise, and no waiver by Hale Europe in respect of any such breach shall operate as a waiver in respect of any subsequent breach.
11.1 Hale Europe shall not be liable to the Customer for any loss or damage which may be suffered by the Customer as a direct or indirect result of the supply of any Goods by Hale Europe being prevented, hindered,
delayed or rendered uneconomic by reason of circumstances or events beyond Hale Europe’s reasonable control including (but not limited to) Act of God, operation of laws or regulations of any government (including
but not limited to the Export of Goods (Control) Order 1994 (as amended) or the Export Administration Act 1979 (as amended) of the USA) war, riot, strike, lock-out, trade dispute or labour disturbance, accident, break-
down of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm, tempest, difficulty or increased expense in obtaining workmen, materials or transport or other circumstances affecting the supply of any goods or of raw materials therefore
by Hale Europe’s normal source of supply or the manufacture of the Goods by Hale Europe’s normal means or the delivery of the goods by Hale Europe’s normal route or means of delivery.
11.2 If due to such circumstances or events Hale Europe has insufficient stocks to meet all its commitments Hale Europe may apportion available stocks between its customers at its sole discretion.
12.1 Any matters of dispute arising between Hale Europe and the Customer shall be settled by reference to the laws of England and the Customer and Hale Europe shall each be deemed to accept the non-exclusive
jurisdiction of the English courts.
12.2 Each party agrees and undertakes that it will keep confidential and will not use for its own purposes nor without the prior written consent of the other party disclose to any third party all information of a confidential
nature (including trade secrets and information of commercial value) which may become known to such party from the other unless such information is public knowledge (other than by breach of this Condition) or is
required to be disclosed by a court of competent jurisdiction.
12.3 If any provision or part of a provision of these Conditions shall be, or be found by any court of competent jurisdiction to be, invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other provisions
or parts of such provisions of these Conditions, all of which shall remain in full force and effect.
12.4 Any notice hereunder shall be deemed to have been duly given if sent by prepaid first class registered post or telex to the party concerned at its registered office or principal place of business or such other address as
may have been notified pursuant to this provision to the party giving the notice. Notices sent by first class registered post shall be deemed to have being given seven days after despatch and notices sent by telex shall
be deemed to have been given on the day of despatch.


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles Street
CV34 5LR
T: 44+ (0)1926 623600
F: 44+ (0)1926 623666
[email protected]
The Customer Service Department has been established to provide an efficient
and timely service to all HALE distributors and customers throughout the world.

As part of the U.S. based HALE PRODUCTS Group, we are able to offer an
extensive range of pumps. In certain circumstances we are able to arrange
direct shipment of American products from our USA plants. Instructions for
raising Letters of Credit under such circumstances are detailed in the following

For your information, we list below certain details which you may require in your
dealings with us:

1) Our bank details for payments in £ STERLING:

Barclays Bank Plc

P.O. Box 544
54 Lombard Street
London EC3V 9EX

Bank Code: 20-00-00

Our Account No: 40745693
Swift Code: BARCGB 22

2) Our bank details for payments in US$:

Address as above
Bank Code: 20-00-00
Our Account No: 79707755
Swift Code: GB88BARC

3) Our bank details for payments in EUROs

Address as above
Bank Code: 20-00-00
Our Account No: 85344188
Swift Code: GB85BARC

4) Our VAT No: GB 200 4622 27


UK Fire Brigades £15.00
Export Orders £100.00

Please note that HALE operates a strict credit control policy and if any invoices
become overdue for payment or your credit limit is reached, further deliveries
will be automatically suspended; therefore, please ensure that your account is
settled promptly.

Should you have any queries relating to invoicing, please contact us



For payment by Letter of Credit, please follow carefully the instructions provided.
Please note, we do not accept Letters of Credit for shipments valued at less
than £10,000. Payments below this figure should be made by telegraphic
transfer direct to our bank account prior to shipment.


Please note that all shipments are based on the current edition of INCOTERMS.

Our terms of sale are "ex Works", unless otherwise agreed.

Please advise us of your freight forwarder's full U.K. address and remember to
advise us if you make any changes to such arrangements.

If you wish us to arrange carriage and/or insurance on your behalf, please

advise us before placing orders so that the necessary arrangements can be
made and the costs included in our quotation/invoice.

Unless specifically agreed otherwise, the following procedure should be followed to open
a letter of credit:-

a) Type of credit: – Irrevocable and Confirmed by a UK bank, and payable at

Sight at the counters of a UK bank on presentation of correct documents.

b) L/C should be subject to English law.

c) Documents – you should clearly state in your order the exact documents
you will require to permit the UK Bank to make payment.

d) L/C should be valid for shipment for at least a further 28 days after due date of
despatch to allow us to arrange shipment and documentation. Validity for
negotiation of documents to be 21 days after date of Bill of Lading or Air
Waybill (depending on mode of shipment).

e) Please ensure that the correct delivery terms (as stipulated in our quotation)
are shown on the L/C e.g. CIP, CPT, Ex-Works etc.

f) Please note that if the agreed delivery terms are “Ex-Works”, we are only
obliged to provide a commercial invoice. All other documentation requirements
(including legalisation) should be arranged by you at your cost.

g) Please ensure that the L/C is raised in the name of Hale Products Europe
Ltd, Charles Street, Warwick, CV34 5LR, England.

h) Please ensure that the goods ordered are described accurately, and in
accordance with our offer to you. Please keep description to a brief summary.

i) Please keep documentary requirements to a minimum. Separate Weight Lists

and Packing Lists are not normally provided but relevant details will be
included on our invoice.

j) Please note that all negotiable documents must be submitted via the Advising
Bank in the UK. Under no circumstances will any negotiable documents be
forwarded to you direct.

k) Please ensure that L/C allows for transhipment. This will allow us to despatch
more quickly. If chosen method of despatch is consolidated Air Freight, L/C
must allow for transhipment and House Air Waybills.

l) For shipments direct from our sister companies in the USA, please ensure L/C
calls for shipment from any U.S. port/airport.

Please note that all charges in relation to the L/C are to your account and that your order
cannot be processed until we receive your L/C.

Should you need to return goods to us for any reason, please assist us by observing the following

1) Please contact HALE Customer Service Department by

telephone or fax. Please always advise the following


2) HALE will issue you with a unique "Returned Goods" authorisation number - THE "RGA"

3) Please return the goods prepaid by the most economical means (or as otherwise agreed
by HALE Customer Service)

4) Please address the goods to the CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT

5) Please mark the outside of the parcel with the "RGA" NUMBER

6) Please enclose with the goods an advice note giving the details requested in (1) above




quality products backed up by the
Make sure that your initial investment is put to work as
productively as possible.

Let us train your technical staff in the best techniques for

service and repair of HALE Products. Courses are
available to suit every possible requirement, from
standard one-day courses at Warwick, to bespoke
courses delivered at the Customer's premises.

Every course is designed to improve your staff safety,

efficiency and flexibility.

Contact us for full details of how we can help you.

practical training
specialist courses

Course Duration Location Course

World Series 1 day Brigade TBA
Pump Workshop
Training the 1 day Brigade TBA
Trainers Training

The above course is one of a number that we offer for

delivery at Warwick (UK) or at a location anywhere in
the world to suit the customer's requirements.

We also tailor courses to suit specific customer  HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE

requirements. Please contact us as shown for further A Unit of IDEX Corporation
details. Charles St
CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
Training Eng(2) [email protected]
keeping leading products out in
Godiva and Hale products are in service throughout the
world. They are designed to offer many years of trouble-
free operation.

Hale Products Europe offers a wide range of facilities to

support the emergency services. We maintain extensive
spares stocks, provide comprehensive maintenance and
spares manuals, and offer service contracts to ensure
that our products offer the reliability and longevity that
you expect.
service &
product refurbishment
Properly maintained firefighting equipment is imperative. Ensure the reliability and
performance of your GODIVA fire pump with a SERVICE AGREEMENT

Recommended Manuals Service Training Parts

Spares Agreement
Listings to cover all Comprehensive A HALE service Courses at Spare Parts are
products, technical agreement is your Warwick and on readily available for
applications and publications are best course of the Customer's current products. We
expected field available covering action. Our factory premises. even guarantee
conditions Operating (where trained service GODIVA parts
throughout the world applicable), Parts engineers will call at availability for ten
and Workshop your premises on a years after the
Manuals for Hale, regular basis. They product was last
Godiva and Hurst will check, adjust manufactured!
products. and replace worn
parts as necessary.

N.B. We will also be happy to rebuild or refurbish existing product where this is
viable. Refurbishment extends the life of your equipment, offering an excellent,
cost-effective means of maintaining fire cover on a restricted budget.

Data Sheets
Godiva Data Sheets
1. Vehicle Mounted Pumps

Prima Multi-pressure pump

WT Multi-pressure pump
WS Multi-pressure pump
World Series Modular Units
Integrated Gearbox
Flow and Pressure Rulators / Double Relief Valve
Water Ring Primer
FoamMaster RTP System

2. Portable Pumps – Petrol Engine

Powerflow 275 (formerly GP250)

Powerflow 8/5 Compact
Powerflow 10/10
Powerflow 2300

3. Portable Pumps – Diesel Engine

Powerflow 500

4. Trailer Mounted Pumps

GT Trailer Range – an overview

5. Skid Mounted Pumps

GD Skid Mounted Pump Range

Direct Mounted World Series Pump

6. Foam Equipment

Foam and CAFS Products – an overview

World Series Pump Integrated CAFS (WTAC)
MCP50 – pto-driven MiniCAFS
CAFS90 / 200
FoamMaster V Series
FoamMaster E Series
Q and A on Foam in Class A Fires
Class A Foam – Technical Information

7. Positive Pressure Ventilation Fans

Petrol Driven PPV Fan

Water Turbine Driven PPV Fan
Data Sheets
Vehicle Mounted Pumps

Prima Multi-pressure pump

WT Multi-pressure pump
WS Single-pressure pump
World Series Modular Units

Integrated Gearbox
Flow and Pressure Regulators and
Double Relief Valve
Water Ring Primer
FoamMaster RTP System
Versatile, powerful performance

Integrated Collecting Head

Round the pump foam

induction system

Mounting platform

Prima TM

the multi-pressure fire pump for rear or midship mounting

Features Benefits
• Most compact pump in its class - More room for additional equipment
• Modular discharge manifold design - Increases installation flexibility
• Mounting platform fitted as standard - Faster/easier installation
• Optimal design for ease of maintenance - Reduced whole life costs
• Light alloy and gunmetal options - To suit pumped water type
• Enhanced material selection - Improved corrosion resistance
• Full compliance with EN1028:1 - Meets with European and International standards
• Auto/manual priming options - Operational flexibility
• New design of suction tube - Improved installation flexibility

Prima Prima V2 05-2008.doc

Versatile, powerful performance

The Godiva Prima is designed for midship or rear vehicle mounting. It is a two stage centrifugal design,
featuring both low and high pressure impellers on one stainless steel shaft to provide simultaneous multi-
pressure operation. The pump is supplied with a ready-to-use mounting platform for ease of installation. The
platform incorporates all necessary pump drainage connections and lifting points for forklift use.
The modular low pressure delivery manifold allows for flexibility of installation configurations. In addition the
high pressure discharge allows various configurations.
Enhanced material selection ensures long life and reliability. The pump is designed for easy maintenance and
reduced whole life costs.

Performance Data – P2A or P2B 2010 3010 4010 6010

Priming Performance Range To 7.5m To 7.5m To 7.5m To 7.5m
Priming Speed (recommended) 2500 rpm 2500 rpm 2500 rpm 2500 rpm
Maximum Suction Pressure 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar
Maximum Recommended Speed 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm
Minimum idle speed 900 rpm 900 rpm 900 rpm 900 rpm
For other applications please contact Hale Products Europe
Maximum Outlet Pressure – Low 17 bar 17 bar 17 bar 17 bar
Pressure (EN compliance)
Maximum Outlet Pressure – High 54.5 bar 54.5 bar 54.5 bar 54.5 bar
Pressure (EN compliance)
Maximum Flow – Low Pressure 3400 l/min 4200 l/min 6200 l/min 7750 l/min
Maximum Flow – High Pressure 770 l/min 770 l/min 770 l/min 770 l/min
Weight (based on aluminium model) 105 kg 117 kg 145.5 kg 145.5 kg
Approx. Weights, will vary according to
specification and gunmetal spec
Typical Dimensions (L x W x H) mm 748 x 580 x 782 806 x 764 x 817 806 x 764 x 817 806 x 764 x 817
EN1028 Priming Times from 7.5m 22 sec 32 sec 32 sec TBA
Thermal Relief Valve Activation 42ºC or 74ºC 42ºC or 74ºC 42ºC or 74ºC 42ºC or 74ºC
Basis of Data: 2010 with Piston Primer, 2 UK Delivery Valves, 4” RT suction. 3010/4010/6010 with Piston Primer, 4 UK Delivery Valves, 5 ½” RT
Suction. Mounted on standard platform.

EN1028:1 Rated performance

P2_2010 P2_3010 P2_4010 P2_6010
2000 L/min 3000 L/min 4000 L/min 6000 L/min
At 10 bar At 10 bar At 10 bar At 10 bar
3m lift 3m lift 3m lift 3m lift
High pressure rating 250 L/min at 40 bar

P2_2010 Performance curve

• Reverse rotation
• Round the pump low pressure foam system
and high pressure foam system • Suction and delivery connection options
• Water ring primer • Pneumatically operated hi-lo pressure selector valve
• Control panel • Gearbox, choice of ratios and position available

Hale Products Europe policy is one of HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE, a Unit of IDEX Corporation
continuous development. We therefore Charles St, Warwick CV34 5LR. United Kingdom.
reserve the right to amend specifications Tel: +44 (0)1926 623600 Fax: +44 (0)1926 623666
without notice or obligation. Web: www.haleeurope.com Email: [email protected]
Godiva Prima P2A (aluminium)

Midship or rear mounted multi-pressure fire pumps.

Performance range 2000-7750LPM at up to 45BAR

When preparing the specifications for your new fire apparatus, assure that the use of a
GODIVA pump by incorporating these pump specifications as written. No competitive
pump can match GODIVA construction or performance!


1. The pump shall be of a size and design to mount on the chassis of a commercial or
custom truck, and have the low-pressure capacity of _____ LPM at 10 BARS at a lift of
3 meters. The high-pressure capacity shall be 400 LPM at 40 BARS.

2. The entire pump shall be manufactured and dynamometer tested at the pump
manufacturer's factory.

3. The pump shall be driven by the truck chassis engine through a PTO. The engine and
PTO shall provide sufficient horsepower and RPM to enable the pump to meet and
exceed the specified performance.

4. The entire pump, both suction and discharge passages shall be hydrostatically
tested. The pump shall be fully tested at the pump manufacturer's factory and be free
from hydraulic pulsation and vibration.

5. The high-pressure pump body, impeller and cover plate shall be of BS approved
stainless steel. The low-pressure volute shall be high strength corrosion resistant
aluminium alloy, all other castings, shall be of BS approved aluminium alloy. Pumps
utilizing castings made of other materials are not acceptable.

6. The pump body shall be vertically split, for easy removal of impellers, wear rings,
sealing gland assembly and pump bearing housing rear oil seal, from the pump without
disturbing the mounting of the pump in the chassis. It must also be possible to remove
all these items without disturbing the volute, manifolds and associated pipe work.

7. The pump shall have no more than two impellers and be capable of simultaneous
multi-pressure operation. Both impellers shall be mounted on a single pump shaft, multi-
shaft designs are not acceptable.

8. The pump low-pressure impeller shall be made of BS approved aluminum alloy and
hard anodized to resist wear and be a mixed flow design, accurately machined and
statically balanced. The impeller shall be of sufficient size and design to provide ample
reserve capacity.

9. The high-pressure impeller shall be of a regenerative type design accurately

machined. Designs with multiple high-pressure impellers are not acceptable.

10. The low-pressure impeller clearance rings shall be of Polymer plastic and easily

11. Both impellers shall be keyed to the pump shaft and locked in place by a suitable
locking system.

12. The pump shaft is to be rigidly supported by rolling element bearings for minimum
deflection and end float. Shaft end float shall be controlled by the bearings and shall not
be adjustable. The shaft shall be made from BS approved stainless steel. An out board
pump shaft stabilizer bearing is acceptable for larger pumps e.g. 6000 l/min model.
13. The water seal shall be a self-adjusting mechanical type, incorporating a stationary
spring-loaded hard carbon ring running against a rotating silicon carbide seat. The seal
shall be pre-loaded during pump assembly and shall require no maintenance or
adjustments during its life. The spring must be located on the dry side of the seal.
Packing glands or grease seals are not acceptable.

14. The pump shall have an internal pressure relief system to ensure the high pressure
cannot exceed 55 bar over normal operating speed ranges.

15. The pump shall include a thermal relief system to ensure that pump water
temperature cannot exceed 48ºC. A high temperature version, that ensures the pump
water cannot exceed 80ºC, shall also be available.

16. Upon shut down the high pressure stage shall automatically drain into the low
pressure stage from where the whole unit can be drained via a single point.

17. A filter shall be installed before the high-pressure stage that shall be easily
accessible for cleaning from the suction tube end of the unit.

18. The valve handle controlling the high-pressure stage shall be easily accessible from
the suction tube end of the unit.

19. When high pressure is not required low-pressure water must be automatically
available at the high-pressure discharge outlets.

20. If piston primers are fitted these must be internally actuated and must automatically
re-engage when pressure is lost. Manual operation is possible.

21. The pump shall be fitted with an electronic tachometer sensor.


a) The bearing housing as well as the pump shall be constructed at the pump
manufacturer's factory.

b) Pump bearing housing shall be of sufficient size to withstand the torque of the
engine during fire fighting operations.

c) The bearings and shaft shall be oil lubricated. To ensure that the pump can be
operated at any angle up to 20º in any direction a suitable mechanical oil
distribution system shall be provided.

d) The pump shaft shall be sealed with oil seals to keep road dirt and water out of
the bearing housing.
Godiva Prima P2B (Bronze)

Midship or rear mounted multi-pressure fire pumps.

Performance range 2000-7750LPM at up to 45BAR

When preparing the specifications for your new fire apparatus, assure the use of a
GODIVA pump by incorporating these pump specifications as written. No competitive
pump can match GODIVA construction or performance!


1. The pump shall be of a size and design to mount on the chassis of a commercial or
custom truck, and have the low pressure capacity of ____ LPM at 10 BARS at a lift of 3
metres. The high pressure capacity shall be 400 LPM at 40 BARS.

2. The entire pump shall be manufactured and dynamometer tested at the pump
manufacturer's factory.

3. The pump shall be driven by the truck chassis engine through a PTO. The engine and
PTO shall provide sufficient horse-power and RPM to enable the pump to meet and
exceed the specified performance.

4. The entire pump, both suction and discharge passages, shall be hydrostatically
tested. The pump shall be fully tested at the pump manufacturer's factory and be free
from hydraulic pulsation and vibration.

5. The high pressure pump body, impeller and cover plate shall be of BS approved
stainless steel and be impervious to sea water. The low pressure volute, and all other
castings, shall be of BS approved gunmetal (bronze). Pumps utilising castings made of
other materials are not acceptable.

6. The pump body shall be vertically split, for easy removal of impellers, wear rings,
sealing gland assembly and pump bearing housing rear oil seal, from the pump without
disturbing the mounting of the pump in the chassis. It must also be possible to remove
all these items without disturbing the volute, manifolds and associated pipe work.

7. The pump shall have no more than two impellers and be capable of simultaneous
multi-pressure operation. Both impellers shall be mounted on a single pump shaft, multi-
shaft designs are not acceptable.

8. The pump low pressure impeller shall be made of BS approved gunmetal (bronze) to
resist wear and be a mixed flow design, accurately machined and statically balanced.
The impeller shall be of sufficient size and design to provide ample reserve capacity.

9. The high pressure impeller shall be of a regenerative type design accurately

machined. Designs with multiple high pressure impellers are not acceptable.

10. The low pressure impeller clearance rings shall be of Polymer plastic and easily

11. Both impellers shall be keyed to the pump shaft and locked in place by a suitable
locking system.

12. The pump shaft is to be rigidly supported by rolling element bearings for minimum
deflection and end float. Shaft end float shall be controlled by the bearings and shall not
be adjustable. The shaft shall be made from BS approved stainless steel. An out board
pump shaft stabiliser bearing is acceptable for larger pumps e.g. 6000 l/min model.
13. The water seal shall be a self-adjusting mechanical type, incorporating a stationary
spring-loaded hard carbon ring running against a rotating silicon carbide seat. The seal
shall be pre-loaded during pump assembly and shall require no maintenance or
adjustments during its life. The spring must be located on the dry side of the seal.
Packing glands or grease seals are not acceptable.

14. The pump shall have an internal pressure relief system to ensure the high pressure
cannot exceed 55 bar over normal operating speed ranges.

15. The pump shall include a thermal relief system to ensure that pump water
temperature cannot exceed 48ºC. A high temperature version, that ensures the pump
water cannot exceed 80ºC, shall also be available.

16. Upon shut down the high pressure pump shall automatically drain into the low
pressure stage from where the whole unit can be drained via a single point.

17. A filter shall be installed before the high pressure stage which shall be easily
accessible for cleaning from the suction tube end of the unit.

18. The valve handle controlling the high pressure stage shall be easily accessible from
the suction tube end of the unit.

19. When high pressure is not required low pressure water must be automatically
available at the high pressure discharge outlets.

20. If piston primers are fitted these must be internally actuated and must automatically
re-engage when pressure is lost. Manual operation is possible.

21. The pump shall be fitted with an electronic tachometer sensor.


a) The bearing housing as well as the pump, shall be constructed at the pump
manufacturer's factory.

b) Pump bearing housing shall be of sufficient size to withstand the torque of the
engine during fire fighting operations.

c) The bearings and shaft shall be oil lubricated. To ensure that the pump can be
operated at any angle up to 20º in any direction a suitable mechanical oil
distribution system shall be provided.

d) The pump shaft shall be sealed with oil seals to keep road dirt and water out of
the bearing housing.
Versatile, powerful performance

Integrated Collecting Head

Four possible connection

points on suction tube

Mounting platform

Prima TM

the single-pressure fire pump for rear or midship mounting

Features Benefits
• Most compact pump in its class - More room for additional equipment
• Modular discharge manifold design - Increases installation flexibility
• Mounting platform fitted as standard - Faster/easier installation
• Optimal design for ease of maintenance - Reduced whole life costs
• Light alloy and gunmetal options - To suit pumped water type
• Enhanced material selection - Improved corrosion resistance
• Full compliance with EN1028:1 - Meets with European and International standards
• Auto/manual priming options - Operational flexibility
• New design of suction tube - Improved installation flexibility

Prima PrimaP1 V1 09-2008.doc

Versatile, powerful performance

The Godiva Prima is a single stage centrifugal pump designed for midship or rear vehicle mounting. The pump
is supplied with a ready-to-use mounting platform for ease of installation. The platform incorporates all
necessary pump drainage connections and lifting points for forklift use.
The modular low pressure delivery manifold allows for flexibility of installation configurations. The suction tube
provides three possible tank-to-pump connection points and an integrated collecting head option further
enhances the installation flexibility.
Enhanced material selection ensures long life and reliability. The pump is designed for easy maintenance and
reduced whole life costs.

Performance Data – P1A or P1B 2010 3010 4010 6010

Priming Performance Range To 7.5m To 7.5m To 7.5m To 7.5m
Priming Speed (recommended) 2500 rpm 2500 rpm 2500 rpm 2500 rpm
Maximum Suction Pressure 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar
Maximum Recommended Speed 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm
Minimum idle speed 900 rpm 900 rpm 900 rpm 900 rpm
For other applications please contact Hale Products Europe
Maximum Outlet Pressure – Low 17 bar 17 bar 17 bar 17 bar
Pressure (EN compliance)
Maximum Flow – Low Pressure 3400 l/min 4200 l/min 6200 l/min 7750 l/min
Weight (based on aluminium model) 85 kg 92.5 kg 125.5 kg 125.5 kg
Approx. Weights, will vary according to
specification and gunmetal spec
Typical Dimensions (L x W x H) mm 714 x 580 x 626 772 x 764 x 661 772 x 764 x 661 772 x 764 x 661
EN1028 Priming Times from 7.5m 22 sec 32 sec 32 sec TBA
Thermal Relief Valve Activation 42ºC or 74ºC 42ºC or 74ºC 42ºC or 74ºC 42ºC or 74ºC
(optional feature)
Basis of Data: 2010 with Piston Primer, 2 UK Delivery Valves, 4” RT suction. 3010/4010/6010 with Piston Primer, 4 UK Delivery Valves, 5 ½” RT
Suction. Mounted on standard platform.

EN1028:1 Rated performance

P1_2010 P1_3010 P1_4010 P1_6010
2000 L/min 3000 L/min 4000 L/min 6000 L/min
At 10 bar At 10 bar At 10 bar At 10 bar
3m lift 3m lift 3m lift 3m lift

P1_2010 Performance curve

• Round the pump low pressure foam system • Reverse rotation
and high pressure foam system • Suction and delivery connection options
• Water ring primer • Gearbox, choice of ratios and position available
• Control panel
Hale Products Europe policy is one of HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE, a Unit of IDEX Corporation
continuous development. We therefore Charles St, Warwick CV34 5LR. United Kingdom.
reserve the right to amend specifications Tel: +44 (0)1926 623600 Fax: +44 (0)1926 623666
without notice or obligation. Web: www.haleeurope.com Email: [email protected]
A breakthrough in pump
The new Godiva World Series range has
been designed as a result of detailed
surveys of your operational requirements. It
represents a major step forward in
firefighting technology, providing enhanced
performance, improved installation features
and reduced weight. Rigorously tested
under extreme conditions, the World Series
range delivers exceptional output - first time,
every time.

World Series
multi-pressure vehicle mounted pumps
Key features
• Full compliance with anticipated CEN
• New design for both low and high pressure
• Significantly reduced scheduled
• Self-flushing filtration system
• Compact design envelope
• Reduced weight
• Meets requirements of international
standards New design features give simple
• Light alloy and gunmetal options access to internal components and
• High performance piston primer as standard filter system
• Innovative new mechanical seal design
• Automatic thermal relief valve system as
• New modular discharge manifold system
• Low pressure availability through hose reels
• Suction Pressure Relief valve as standard
• Wide variety of discharge options, including
side and monitor discharge
• Reverse rotation option
• Control panel options
• Wide range of other options
• Mid mount capability with minimal pipework

Wte (2)
Performance Data WT2010 WT3010 WT4010 WT6010
Priming Performance Range To 8m (26’) To 8m (26’) To 8m (26’) To 8m (26’)
Priming Speed Range 2500rpm 2500rpm 2500rpm 2500rpm
Maximum Suction Pressure 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar
Maximum Recommended Speed 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm
Maximum Outlet Pressure – Low Pressure 16.5 bar 16.5 bar 16.5 bar 16.5 bar
Maximum Outlet Pressure – High Pressure 55 bar 55 bar 55 bar 55 bar
Maximum Flow – Low Pressure 3400 l/min 4200 l/min 6200 l/min 7750 l/min
Maximum Flow – High Pressure 750 l/min 750 l/min 750 l/min 750 l/min
Weight 105 kg 112.5 kg 145.5 kg 145.5 kg (Approx)
Typical Dimensions (L x H x W) 772 x 620 x 508mm 780 x 620 x 714mm 780 x 655 x 714mm 780 x 655 x 714mm
Priming Times to 7.5m 22 sec 32 sec 32 sec TBA
Thermal Relief Valve Activation 42ºC or 74ºC 42ºC or 74ºC 42ºC or 74ºC 42ºC or 74ºC
Direction of Pump Rotation To Customer Specification
Basis of Data: 2010 with Piston Primer, 2 UK Valves, 4” suction. 3010/4010 with Piston Primer, 4 UK Valves, 5 ½” Suction

World Series
multi-pressure vehicle mounted pumps

Rated performance
WT2010 WT3010 WT4010 WT6010
2000 L/min 3000 L/min 4000 L/min 6000 L/min
At 10 bar At 10 bar At 10 bar At 10 bar
3m lift 3m lift 3m lift 3m lift

• Water Ring primer
• World Series Control Panel
• Reverse rotation
• Range of couplings and delivery valves
• Pneumatically activated crossover valve
• Gearbox (see separate sheet for ratios)
Typical high pressure performance of Godiva World Series multi-pressure
vehicle mounted pump range at 3m lift
Hale Products Europe policy is one of
continuous idevelopment. We therefore reserve
the right to amend specifications without notice
or obligation.


Typical low pressure A Unit of IDEX Corporation
performance of Charles St
WT30/10 at 3m lift Warwick
CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

[email protected]

Wte (2)
WTA SERIES (aluminium)

Midship or rear mounted multi-pressure fire pumps.

Performance range 2000-7750LPM at up to 45BAR

When preparing the specifications for your new fire apparatus, assure that the use of a
GODIVA pump by incorporating these pump specifications as written. No competitive
pump can match GODIVA construction or performance!


1. The pump shall be of a size and design to mount on the chassis of a commercial or
custom truck, and have the low-pressure capacity of ____ LPM at 10 BARS at a lift of 3
meters. The high-pressure capacity shall be 400 LPM at 40 BARS.

2. The entire pump shall be manufactured and dynamometer tested at the pump
manufacturer's factory.

3. The pump shall be driven by the truck chassis engine through a PTO. The engine and
PTO shall provide sufficient horsepower and RPM to enable the pump to meet and
exceed the specified performance.

4. The entire pump, both suction and discharge passages shall be hydrostatically
tested. The pump shall be fully tested at the pump manufacturer's factory and be free
from hydraulic pulsation and vibration.

5. The high-pressure pump body shall be of aluminium alloy BS1490 LM25TF and be
hard anodized with PTFE impregnation to resist corrosion and erosion. The low-
pressure volute shall be of aluminum alloy BS1490 LM25TF. Pumps utilizing castings
made of other materials are not acceptable.

6. The pump body shall be vertically split, for easy removal of impellers, wear rings and
sealing gland assembly, from the pump without disturbing the mounting of the pump in
the chassis. It must also be possible to remove all these items without disturbing the
volute, manifolds and associated pipe work.

7. The pump shall have no more than two impellers and be capable of simultaneous
multi-pressure operation. Both impellers shall be mounted on a single pump shaft, multi-
shaft designs are not acceptable.

8. The pump low-pressure impeller shall be made of aluminum alloy hard anodized to
resist wear and be a mixed flow design, accurately machined and statically balanced.
The impeller shall be of sufficient size and design to provide ample reserve capacity.

9. The high-pressure impeller shall be hard fine grain bronze and be of a regenerative
type design accurately machined and statically balanced. Designs with multiple high-
pressure impellers are not acceptable.

10. The low-pressure impeller clearance rings shall be bronze, flash plated and easily

11. Both impellers shall be keyed to the pump shaft and locked in place by a suitable
locking system.

12. The pump shaft is to be rigidly supported by rolling element bearings for minimum
deflection and end float. Shaft end float shall be controlled by the bearings and shall not
be adjustable. The shaft shall be made from BS970 431S29. An out board pump shaft
stabilizer bearing is acceptable.
13. The water seal shall be a self-adjusting mechanical type, incorporating a stationary
spring-loaded hard carbon ring running against a rotating silicon carbide seat. The seal
shall be pre-loaded during pump assembly and shall require no maintenance or
adjustments during its life. The spring must be located on the dry side of the seal.
Packing glands or grease seals are not acceptable.

14. The pump shall have an internal pressure relief system to ensure the high pressure
cannot exceed 55 bar regardless of pump speed.

15. The pump shall include a thermal relief system to ensure that pump water
temperature cannot exceed 50ºC.

16. Upon shut down the high pressure pump shall automatically drain into the low
pressure stage from where the whole unit can be drained via a single point.

17. A filter shall be installed before the high-pressure stage that shall be easily
accessible for cleaning from the suction tube end of the unit.

18. The valve handle controlling the high-pressure stage shall be easily accessible from
the suction tube end of the unit.

19. When high pressure is not required low-pressure water must be automatically
available at the high-pressure discharge outlets.

20. If piston primers are fitted these must be internally actuated and must automatically
re-engage when pressure is lost. Manual operation is not acceptable.

21. The pump shall be fitted with an electronic tachometer sensor.


a) The bearing housing as well as the pump shall be constructed at the pump
manufacturer's factory.

b) Pump bearing housing shall be of sufficient size to withstand the torque of the
engine during fire fighting operations.

c) The bearings and shaft shall be oil lubricated. To ensure that the pump can be
operated at any angle up to 20º in any direction a suitable mechanical oil
distribution system shall be provided.

d) The pump shaft shall be sealed with oil seals to keep road dirt and water out of
the bearing housing.
WTB SERIES (gunmetal)

Midship or rear mounted multi-pressure fire pumps.

Performance range 2000-7750LPM at up to 45BAR

When preparing the specifications for your new fire apparatus, assure the use of a
GODIVA pump by incorporating these pump specifications as written. No competitive
pump can match GODIVA construction or performance!


1. The pump shall be of a size and design to mount on the chassis of a commercial or
custom truck, and have the low pressure capacity of ____ LPM at 10 BARS at a lift of 3
metres. The high pressure capacity shall be 400 LPM at 40 BARS.

2. The entire pump shall be manufactured and dynamometer tested at the pump
manufacturer's factory.

3. The pump shall be driven by the truck chassis engine through a PTO. The engine and
PTO shall provide sufficient horse-power and RPM to enable the pump to meet and
exceed the specified performance.

4. The entire pump, both suction and discharge passages, shall be hydrostatically
tested. The pump shall be fully tested at the pump manufacturer's factory and be free
from hydraulic pulsation and vibration.

5. The high pressure pump body shall be of gunmetal (bronze) BS1400 LG2C and be
impervious to sea water. The low pressure pump shall be of gunmetal (bronze) BS1400
LG2C. Pumps utilising castings made of other materials are not acceptable.

6. The pump body shall be vertically split, for easy removal of impellers, wear rings and
sealing gland assembly, from the pump without disturbing the mounting of the pump in
the chassis. It must also be possible to remove all these items without disturbing the
volute, manifolds and associated pipe work.

7. The pump shall have no more than two impellers and be capable of simultaneous
multi-pressure operation. Both impellers shall be mounted on a single pump shaft, multi-
shaft designs are not acceptable.

8. The pump low pressure impeller shall be made of gunmetal (bronze) BS1400LG2C
to resist wear and be a mixed flow design, accurately machined and statically balanced.
The impeller shall be of sufficient size and design to provide ample reserve capacity.

9. The high pressure impeller shall be hard fine grain bronze and be of a regenerative
type design accurately machined and statically balanced. Designs with multiple high
pressure impellers are not acceptable.

10. The low pressure impeller clearance rings shall be bronze, flash plated and easily

11. Both impellers shall be keyed to the pump shaft and locked in place by a suitable
locking system.

12. The pump shaft is to be rigidly supported by rolling element bearings for minimum
deflection and end float. Shaft end float shall be controlled by the bearings and shall not
be adjustable. The shaft shall be made from BS970 431S29. An out board pump shaft
stabiliser bearing is acceptable.
13. The water seal shall be a self-adjusting mechanical type, incorporating a stationary
spring-loaded hard carbon ring running against a rotating silicon carbide seat. The seal
shall be pre-loaded during pump assembly and shall require no maintenance or
adjustments during its life. The spring must be located on the dry side of the seal.
Packing glands or grease seals are not acceptable.

14. The pump shall have an internal pressure relief system to ensure the high pressure
cannot exceed 55 bar regardless of pump speed.

15. The pump shall include a thermal relief system to ensure that pump water
temperature cannot exceed 50ºC.

16. Upon shut down the high pressure pump shall automatically drain into the low
pressure stage from where the whole unit can be drained via a single point.

17. A filter shall be installed before the high pressure stage which shall be easily
accessible for cleaning from the suction tube end of the unit.

18. The valve handle controlling the high pressure stage shall be easily accessible from
the suction tube end of the unit.

19. When high pressure is not required low pressure water must be automatically
available at the high pressure discharge outlets.

20. If piston primers are fitted these must be internally actuated and must automatically
re-engage when pressure is lost. Manual operation is not acceptable.

21. The pump shall be fitted with an electronic tachometer sensor.


a) The bearing housing as well as the pump, shall be constructed at the pump
manufacturer's factory.

b) Pump bearing housing shall be of sufficient size to withstand the torque of the
engine during fire fighting operations.

c) The bearings and shaft shall be oil lubricated. To ensure that the pump can be
operated at any angle up to 20º in any direction a suitable mechanical oil
distribution system shall be provided.

d) The pump shaft shall be sealed with oil seals to keep road dirt and water out of
the bearing housing.
World Series
Triple Range Pump
Triple Range Pump
The Godiva World Series pump with triple pressure
range capacity is designed to provide the user with
three different levels of pressure discharge.
The pump will simultaneously supply –
1. Low pressure (LP) outlet through hand lines
2. High pressure (HP) hose reel
3. Aerial monitor

The pump can also vary the hand line discharge

pressure (item 1) between 6-10 bar while
maintaining the monitor and hose reel output.

The design is a modification of the field-proven

World Series WT pump. It combines the existing
WT low pressure centrifugal impeller and high
pressure re-generative impeller with a modified
discharge manifold to provide the three different
outlet pressures.
World Series Triple Range pump

World Series
Triple Range Pump
Typical performance –
Flow rate Pressure
Hand line discharge 1500 L/min 6.5 bar

Triple range Aerial monitor 2400 L/min 14.0 bar

High Pressure (up to) 400 L/min 40 bar*

Hand lines and /or 3000 L/min 10.0 bar

Normal ground monitor
performance HP hose reel 200 L/min 42.5 bar*

Based on operating at 3.0m suction lift through 5.5” nominal suction hose fitted with suction strainer
* Pressures and flows may be reduced by using an additional HP relief valve

 HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE +44 (0)1926 623600 Hale Products Europe policy is one of continuous
development. We therefore reserve the right to
A Unit of IDEX Corporation ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666 amend specifications without notice or obligation.
Charles St  www.haleeurope.com
Warwick [email protected]
CV34 5LR England

Triple Range WS(1)05-05

Triple Pressure Range Pump
plus Integrated CAFS

FoamLogix display -
shows foam % selected, foam
and water useage

World Series triple pressure range pressure pump

with CAFS control panel

Selection of wet or dry CAFS

by discrete control

World Series Triple Pressure Range Pump with Integrated CAFS

• World Series pump – CEN rated, field-proven, rear or mid-mounted vehicle pump
• Compressed Air Foam System (CAFS) – a more efficient way to fight fires with improved
knockdown times, reduced water and environmental damage and far less water usage.
• Integrated CAFS for easy and cost efficient Installation by OEM
• Triple pressure range pump discharge – low pressure through handlines, high pressure
through hose reels and medium pressure for aerial monitor
• User friendly operation from one control panel - foam at the push of a button
• Switches for selecting wet or dry CAFS – allows discrete performance and pre-programmed
• CAFS 50 – with FoamLogix 2.1A Class A foam proportioner ideal for small / medium
• CAFS 50 – with FoamLogix 3.3 capable of Class A and Class B foam supply
(manual or pneumatic foam tank selector available)
• Solid state electronics control system protects operator
• Water only discharge available during foam attack
• When used with HALE approved Class A foam concentrates – no time consuming flushing

WTAC4010T- (1)08-07.doc
Triple Pressure Range Pump
plus Integrated CAFS
CAF mixing and control
• Mixing manifold with integrated check valves
• Patented HALE X-mixers create uniform bubble

Foam Induction System

• Flow sensor constantly monitors water discharge
for correct foam injection ratio
• FoamLogix computer determines correct
injection rate for accurate, reliable foam

Hale FoamLogix 2.1A Pump – Class A Foam

• Maximum flow rate 8 l/min
• Electric driven rotary plunger pump
• Relief valve protects pump from over pressurization
Hale FoamLogix 3.3 Pump – Class A and B Foam
• Maximum flow rate 12.5 l/min (3.3)
• Electric driven rotary gear pump
• Mounted separately from pump/compressor/manifold

Compressor – CAFS 50
• Rotary twin screw compressor with integral air
receiver/separator and lubrication system -
nominal output: 50scfm at 7 bar
• Cooling: compact oil to water heat exchanger
• System operational range 4 to 10 bar

World Series Triple Pressure Range Pump with Integrated CAFS

Typical performance of Triple Pressure Range pump –
Flow rate Pressure
Hand line discharge 1500 L/min 6.5 bar

Triple range Aerial monitor 2400 L/min 14.0 bar

High Pressure (up to) 400 L/min 40 bar*

Hand lines and /or ground 3000 L/min 10.0 bar

Normal monitor
performance HP hose reel 200 L/min 42.5 bar*

Based on operating at 3.0m suction lift through 5.5” nominal suction hose fitted with suction strainer
* Pressures and flows may be reduced by using an additional HP relief valve

Hale Products Europe policy is one of HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE A Unit of IDEX Corporation
continuous development. We therefore Charles St, Warwick CV34 5LR. United Kingdom.
reserve the right to amend specifications Tel: +44 (0)1926 623600 Fax: +44 (0)1926 623666
without notice or obligation. Web: www.haleeurope.com Email: [email protected]
WTAC4010T- (1)08-07.doc
World Series pump with integral
gearbox direct mounted to diesel
The Godiva GX range of pumps feature a
World Series WT or WS pump driven by a
diesel engine via an integral gearbox
With a direct mount configuration the
installation is more compact and shaft
alignment problems are totally eliminated. In
mobile pumping applications, totally
independent pump and roll performances are
available with this configuration. The complete
installation can be supplied with mounting feet
to facilitate vehicle installation.
Diesel engine Bell Housing World Series
Incorporating Pump
GX Range gearbox

World Series Pump with diesel engine

Typical configuration – GXA4010DD multipressure pump Typical vehicle installation of GX unit in

direct mounted to Detroit Diesel engine progress

features and benefits

• Fine tuned relationship between pump and • Integrated design offers dedicated speed step-up as one unit
engine speed • Heavy duty helical gears for quiet operation and extended life
• Powered by Detroit Diesel engine • Gearbox oil cooling for high ambient temperatures
Other specifications available on request • Optional accelerating 90º pump suction bend
• Compact size • Optional electro-magnetic clutch (selected specifications)
• Rugged cast iron bell housing design
• Automatic shaft alignment with flexible
coupling drive  HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE
• Low pressure WS and multi-pressure WT A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
options available
• Gearbox Ratios available - 1.80:1, 1.59:1, CV34 5LR
1.40:1, 1.24:1 England Hale Products Europe policy is one of
continuous development. We therefore
reserve the right to amend specifications
+44 (0)1926 623600 without notice or obligation.
¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
 [email protected] GX Range(1)07-05
A breakthrough in pump
The new Godiva World Series range has
been designed as a result of detailed
surveys of your operational requirements. It
represents a major step forward in
firefighting technology, providing enhanced
performance, improved installation features
and reduced weight. Rigorously tested
under extreme conditions, the World Series
range delivers exceptional output - first time,
every time.

World Series
single pressure vehicle mounted pumps

Key features
• Full compliance with anticipated CEN
• Significantly reduced scheduled
• Compact design envelope
• Reduced weight
• Meets requirements of international
• Light alloy and gunmetal options
• High performance piston primer as
standard New design features give simple
• Innovative new mechanical seal design access to internal components
• New modular discharge manifold system
• Wide variety of discharge options, including
side and monitor discharge
• Reverse rotation option
• Wide range of other options
• Mid mount capability with minimal pipework

Performance Data WS2010 WS3010 WS4010 WS6010
Priming Performance Range To 8m (26’) To 8m (26’) To 8m (26’) To 8m (26’)
Priming Speed Range 2500rpm 2500rpm 2500rpm 2500rpm
Maximum Suction Pressure 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar
Maximum Recommended Speed 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm
Maximum Outlet Pressure 16.5 bar 16.5 bar 16.5 bar 16.5 bar
Maximum Flow 3400 l/min 4200 l/min 6200 l/min 7750 l/min
Weight (approx.) 85 kg 92.5 kg 125.5 kg 125.5 kg (Approx)
Typical Dimensions (L x H x W) 720 x 620 x 508mm 728 x 620 x 714mm 728 x 655 x 788mm 728 x 655 x 788mm
Priming Times to 7.5m 22 sec 32 sec 32 sec TBA
Thermal Relief Valve Activation (Optional) 42ºC or 74ºC 42ºC or 74ºC 42ºC or 74ºC 42ºC or 74ºC
Direction of Pump Rotation To Customer Specification
Basis of Data: 2010 with Piston Primer, 2 UK Valves, 4” suction. 3010/4010 with Piston Primer, 4 UK Valves, 5 ½” Suction

World Series
single pressure vehicle mounted pumps

Rated performance
WS2010 WS3010 WS4010 WS6010
2000 L/min 3000 L/min 4000 L/min 6000 L/min
At 10 bar At 10 bar At 10 bar At 10 bar
3m lift 3m lift 3m lift 3m lift

• Water Ring primer
WS 2010 • Reverse rotation
• Range of couplings and delivery valves
• Automatic Thermal Relief Valve
• Gearbox (see separate sheet for ratios)

Hale Products Europe policy is one of

continuous idevelopment. We therefore reserve
the right to amend specifications without notice
or obligation.


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
WS 3010 Charles St
CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

[email protected]
WSA SERIES (aluminium)

Midship or rear mounted single stage fire pumps.

Performance range 2000-7750LPM at up to 10BAR

When preparing the specifications for your new fire apparatus, assure the use of a
GODIVA pump by incorporating these pump specifications as written. No competitive
pump can match GODIVA construction or performance!


1. The pump shall be of a size and design to mount on the chassis of a commercial or
custom truck, and have the low pressure capacity of ____ LPM at 10 BARS at a lift of 3

2. The entire pump shall be manufactured and dynamometer tested at the pump
manufacturer's factory.

3. The pump shall be driven by the truck chassis engine through a PTO. The engine and
PTO shall provide sufficient horse-power and RPM to enable the pump to meet and
exceed the specified performance.

4. The entire pump, both suction and discharge passages, shall be hydrostatically
tested. The pump shall be fully tested at the pump manufacturer's factory and be free
from hydraulic pulsation and vibration.

5. The low pressure volute shall be of aluminium alloy BS1490 LM25TF. Pumps
utilising castings made of other materials are not acceptable.

6. The pump body shall be vertically split, for easy removal of the impeller wear rings
and sealing gland assembly, from the pump without disturbing the mounting of the pump
in the chassis. It must also be possible to remove all these items without disturbing the
volute, manifolds and associated pipe work.

7. The pump low pressure impeller shall be made of aluminium alloy hard anodised to
resist wear and be a mixed flow design, accurately machined and statically balanced.
The impeller shall be of sufficient size and design to provide ample reserve capacity.

8. The low pressure impeller clearance rings shall be bronze, flash plated and easily

9. The impellers shall be keyed to the pump shaft and locked in place by a suitable
locking system.

10. The pump shaft is to be rigidly supported by rolling element bearings for minimum
deflection and end float. Shaft end float shall be controlled by the bearings and shall not
be adjustable. The shaft shall be made from BS970 431S29.

11. The water seal shall be a self-adjusting mechanical type, incorporating a stationary
spring-loaded hard carbon ring running against a rotating silicon carbide seat. The seal
shall be pre-loaded during pump assembly and shall require no maintenance or
adjustments during its life. The spring must be located on the dry side of the seal.
Packing glands or grease seals are not acceptable.

12. The pump shall include a thermal relief system to ensure that pump water
temperature cannot exceed 50ºC.

13. If piston primers are fitted these must be internally actuated and must automatically
re-engage when pressure is lost. Manual operation is not acceptable.
WSA continued.

14. If a Water Ring Primer is fitted this must be driven by a pulley wheel in direct
contact with the pump drive shaft and must automatically re-engage when pressure is
lost. Manual operation is not acceptable.

15. The pump shall be fitted with an electronic tachometer sensor.


a) The bearing housing as well as the pump, shall be constructed at the pump
manufacturer's factory.

b) Pump bearing housing shall be of sufficient size to withstand the torque of the
engine during fire fighting operations.

c) The bearings and shaft shall be oil lubricated. To ensure that the pump can be
operated at any angle up to 20º in any direction a suitable mechanical oil
distribution system shall be provided.

d) The pump shaft shall be sealed with oil seals to keep road dirt and water out of
the bearing housing.
WSB SERIES (gunmetal)

Midship or rear mounted singlestage fire pumps.

Performance range 2000-7750LPM at up to 45BAR

When preparing the specifications for your new fire apparatus, assure the use of a
GODIVA pump by incorporating these pump specifications as written. No competitive
pump can match GODIVA construction or performance!


1. The pump shall be of a size and design to mount on the chassis of a commercial or
custom truck, and have the low pressure capacity of ____ LPM at 10 BARS at a lift of 3

2. The entire pump shall be manufactured and dynamometer tested at the pump
manufacturer's factory.

3. The pump shall be driven by the truck chassis engine through a PTO. The engine and
PTO shall provide sufficient horse-power and RPM to enable the pump to meet and
exceed the specified performance.

4. The entire pump, both suction and discharge passages, shall be hydrostatically
tested. The pump shall be fully tested at the pump manufacturer's factory and be free
from hydraulic pulsation and vibration.

5. The low pressure pump shall be of gunmetal (bronze) BS1400 LG2C. Pumps utilising
castings made of other materials are not acceptable.

6. The pump body shall be vertically split, for easy removal of the impeller, wear rings
and sealing gland assembly, from the pump without disturbing the mounting of the pump
in the chassis. It must also be possible to remove all these items without disturbing the
volute, manifolds and associated pipe work.

7. The pump low pressure impeller shall be made of gunmetal (bronze) BS1400LG2C
to resist wear and be a mixed flow design, accurately machined and statically balanced.
The impeller shall be of sufficient size and design to provide ample reserve capacity.

8. The low pressure impeller clearance rings shall be bronze, flash plated and easily

9. The impeller shall be keyed to the pump shaft and locked in place by a suitable
locking system.

10. The pump shaft is to be rigidly supported by rolling element bearings for minimum
deflection and end float. Shaft end float shall be controlled by the bearings and shall not
be adjustable. The shaft shall be made from BS970 431S29.

11. The water seal shall be a self-adjusting mechanical type, incorporating a stationary
spring-loaded hard carbon ring running against a rotating silicon carbide seat. The seal
shall be pre-loaded during pump assembly and shall require no maintenance or
adjustments during its life. The spring must be located on the dry side of the seal.
Packing glands or grease seals are not acceptable.

12. The pump shall include a thermal relief system to ensure that pump water
temperature cannot exceed 50ºC.
WSB continued.

13. If a Water Ring Primer is fitted this must be driven by a pulley wheel in direct
contact with the pump drive shaft and must automatically re-engage when pressure is
lost. Manual operation is not acceptable.

14. If piston primers are fitted these must be internally actuated and must automatically
re-engage when pressure is lost. Manual operation is not acceptable.

15. The pump shall be fitted with an electronic tachometer sensor.


a) The bearing housing as well as the pump, shall be constructed at the pump
manufacturer's factory.

b) Pump bearing housing shall be of sufficient size to withstand the torque of the
engine during fire fighting operations.

c) The bearings and shaft shall be oil lubricated. To ensure that the pump can be
operated at any angle up to 20º in any direction a suitable mechanical oil
distribution system shall be provided.

d) The pump shaft shall be sealed with oil seals to keep road dirt and water out of
the bearing housing.
Improving the best -
World Series pump in Stainless Steel
The World Series pump is now available in stainless
steel. This material provides life long corrosion
resistance and reduces off the run time and
maintenance costs to even lower levels. The pump
will tolerate use in all types of water, avoiding the
wear problems associated with other materials.
All stainless steel pumps are supplied with an
extended warranty on any parts at fault due to
mechanical breakdown.

The Godiva World Series range has been designed

as a result of detailed surveys of your operational
requirements. It represents a major step forward in
firefighting technology, providing enhanced
performance and improved installation features.
Rigorously tested under extreme conditions, the
World Series range delivers exceptional output - first
time, every time.

World Series
Stainless Steel
single pressure vehicle mounted pumps

Standard features of WS pumps -

• Full compliance with anticipated CEN
• Significantly reduced scheduled
• Compact design envelope
• Meets requirements of international
• High performance piston primer as
• Innovative new mechanical seal design
Available with the Hale Torrent SVS stainless
• New modular discharge manifold system steel delivery valve. All Torrent valve bodies
• Wide variety of discharge options, including and valve balls are made of 316 stainless
side and monitor discharge steel, providing more resistance to pits and
• Reverse rotation option scratches from debris in the water supply.
• Wide range of other options Incorporates a patented self-locking
• Mid mount capability with minimal pipework mechanism and slow close control.

WS St Steel (1).doc
Performance Data WS2010 WS3010 WS4010 WS6010
Priming Performance Range To 8m (26’) To 8m (26’) To 8m (26’) To 8m (26’)
Priming Speed Range 2500rpm 2500rpm 2500rpm 2500rpm
Maximum Suction Pressure 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar
Maximum Recommended Speed 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm
Maximum Outlet Pressure 16.5 bar 16.5 bar 16.5 bar 16.5 bar
Maximum Flow 3400 l/min 4200 l/min 6200 l/min 7750 l/min
Typical Dimensions (L x H x W) 720 x 620 x 508mm 728 x 620 x 714mm 728 x 655 x 788mm 728 x 655 x 788mm
Priming Times to 7.5m 22 sec 32 sec 32 sec TBA
Thermal Relief Valve Activation (Optional) 42ºC or 74ºC 42ºC or 74ºC 42ºC or 74ºC 42ºC or 74ºC
Direction of Pump Rotation To Customer Specification
Basis of Data: 2010 with Piston Primer, 2 UK Valves, 4” suction. 3010/4010 with Piston Primer, 4 UK Valves, 5 ½” Suction

World Series
Stainless Steel
single pressure vehicle mounted pumps

Rated performance
WS2010 WS3010 WS4010 WS6010
2000 L/min 3000 L/min 4000 L/min 6000 L/min
At 10 bar At 10 bar At 10 bar At 10 bar
3m lift 3m lift 3m lift 3m lift

WS 2010 • Water Ring primer
• Reverse rotation
• Range of couplings and delivery valves
• Automatic Thermal Relief Valve
• Gearbox (see separate sheet for ratios)

3010/4010 performance curves are available on request

Hale Products Europe policy is one of
continuous development. We therefore reserve
the right to amend specifications without notice
or obligation.


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

WS 6010
WS St Steel (1).doc
[email protected]
Improving pump technology
The Godiva World Series range represents a major step
forward in firefighting technology, providing enhanced
performance, improved installation features and reduced

Hale Products Europe are now providing a number of

modular additions to the World Series pump to increase
the range and performance available to the frontline
firefighter -
Gearbox – to increase installation options and reduce
engine wear and emissions
Control Panel – to optimise control of pump and
interface with vehicle management system
Integrated CAFS – driven directly from the pump to
provide the firefighting power of compressed air foam.

World Series Pump

Modular additions to improve performance

Key features of the World Series Pump

World Series
Pump in action
• Full compliance with anticipated CEN
• New design for both low and high pressure
• Significantly reduced scheduled
• Compact design envelope
• Reduced weight
• Meets requirements of international
• Light alloy and gunmetal options
• High performance piston primer as standard
• Innovative new mechanical seal design
• Automatic thermal relief valve system as
• New modular discharge manifold system
• Low pressure availability through hose reels
• Suction Pressure Relief valve as standard
• Wide variety of discharge options, including
side and monitor discharge
• Reverse rotation option
• Wide range of other options
• Mid mount capability with minimal pipework
Modular options (for details pto) –
• Gearbox
• Control panel
• Integrated CAFS
W Series Modularity 1(2)08-04

Modular Option – Gearbox Ratios

• Reduce engine wear 2.37:1
• Reduce fuel consumption 2.16:1
• Reduce vehicle noise 1.97:1
• Reduce exhaust emissions 1.80:1
• Rugged cast iron design 1.59:1
1.40:1 Direction of view
• Improved vehicle drive line configurations In diagram below
1.24:1 Note: Gearbox adds only 169mm to
possible overall length of pump assembly
• Heavy duty gears provide quiet operation
and extended life Installation Options, viewed from suction end of pump
• Large range of ratios C Drive C Pump C Pump C Drive
• Oil cooling for high ambient temperatures
• Allows fitting of PTO driven CAFS module

Position 1 (Left) Position 3 (right)

Position 2 (down)
World Series Pump
Modular additions to improve performance

Modular Option – Control Panel Modular Option – Integrated CAFS

Designed in partnership with Class 1 Inc., USA, the Utilise the firefighting power of compressed air foam direct
World Series Control Panel uses state-of-the-art from the World Series pump. Features include -
electronics to improve operational efficiency and • “FoamLogix” flow based foam proportioning system –
safety, reduce training and maintenance requirements. automatically adjusts to deliver consistent foam flow
• Interfaces World Series Pump with all vehicles • Foam injection rates from 0.1% to 9.9%
• Regulated pressure irrespective of hose reel or • Foam proportioning controlled by simple push button
nozzle configurations display
• Fastest possible ‘water to fire’ with auto-defaults • Variable air ratio control selects wet or dry foam
• Reduces risk of vehicle engine damage • CAFS – a more efficient way to fight fires with
• Easy to read, colour coded status information improved knock down times and reduced water usage
• Failsafe features
• Euro3/CAN compatible
• Highest quality automotive electronics – long life,
no mechanical wear, no maintenance
• Incorporate foam / CAFS system management


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

+44 (0)1926 623666
¬ www.haleeurope.com
 [email protected]
Hale Products Europe policy is one of
continuous development. We therefore W Series Modularity 2(2)08-04
reserve the right to amend specifications
without notice or obligation.
Gearing up to improve the best

The GODIVA World Series Integrated

Gearbox offers a wide range of
installation options in a purpose-built,
integrated unit.

Reduced engine speed and a wider

range of installation options bring clear
benefits to the firefighter, whilst also
offering extended engine life and
reducing emission characteristics.
Direction of view
Note: Gearbox adds only 169mm to
in Diagram below
overall length of pump assembly
World Series
integrated gearbox
C Drive C Pump Installation Options C Pump C Drive
viewed from suction end of pump

C Pump 2.16:1
C Drive
Left Option Right Option

Approximate extra weight to add

Down Option to pump is 41Kg
features and benefits
• Reduced engine wear • Integrated design offers dedicated speed step-up as one unit
• Reduced fuel consumption • Heavy duty helical gears for quiet operation and extended life
• Reduced vehicle noise • Large variety of ratios
• Reduced exhaust emissions
• Oil cooling for high ambient temperatures
• Rugged cast iron design
• Fine tuned relationship between pump and  HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE
engine speed requirements A Unit of IDEX Corporation
• Improved vehicle drive line configurations Charles St
possible (due to enhanced installation Warwick
options) CV34 5LR
England Hale Products Europe policy is one of
continuous development. We therefore
+44 (0)1926 623600 reserve the right to amend specifications
without notice or obligation.
¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
 [email protected]

GearBox English(2)
Single pressure fire pump
for the smaller fire vehicle
The Godiva GL2900 pump is
designed specifically for the smaller
fire appliance. Available in light alloy
or gunmetal the pump has a rated
performance of 2200 litre/min at 7 bar
from a 3m suction lift. It is capable of a
maximum flow of 2900 litres/min and a
maximum pressure of 12 bar. Priming
is by means of an automatic water
ring primer mounted at the rear of the
The pump can be supplied with or
without the standard suction and
delivery connections of 100mm
(4inch) RT suction tube and 2 x 65mm
(2.5inch) instantaneous connection
screw down delivery valves. Other
types of suction connection and
delivery valves are available on
Front view Left side view
(when viewed from suction tube end)

Single pressure fire pump

Key features
• Compact design envelope
• Automatic water ring primer fitted
• Self-adjusting mechanical seal on pump shaft
• Pump casing in aluminium or gunmetal
• Impeller in aluminium or gunmetal
• Stainless steel main shaft
• Bearing housing in cast iron
• Range of suction and discharge options

Rear view
Top view
(from drive flange)
GL2900 Eng(1)
Single pressure fire pump

Performance Data GL2900

Rated performance 2200 litre/min Hale Products Europe policy is one of
continuous development. We therefore reserve
At 7 bar the right to amend specifications without notice
3m lift or obligation.
Maximum Flow 2900 litre/min
Maximum Pressure 12 bar
Typical Dimensions (L x W x H mm) 313 x 348 x 505
less suction tube and delivery valves  HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE
Typical Dimensions (L x W x H mm) 482 x 348 x 607 A Unit of IDEX Corporation
4 inch suction tube and 2 x delivery valves Charles St
Direction of Pump Rotation Clockwise Warwick
(viewed on drive CV34 5LR
flange) England

+44 (0)1926 623600

• Water Ring primer with manual control ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
• Range of suction couplings and delivery valves
[email protected]

GL2900 Eng(1)
Godiva flow and pressure
regulators are designed to
produce a closely controlled
discharge flow and pressure
output over a wide variation
of input conditions.

When used to regulate crash

or foam tender side lines, the
regulator maintains almost
constant pressure and flow in
the line, irrespective of
variations in monitor
operating pressures.

flow and pressure

features technical data
• available in light alloy or • Outlet pressures ranging from 2.75 to 10.2
gunmetal construction bar*
• double relief valve required • Inlet pressures ranging from 9.6 to 16.5 bar*
to ensure that sideline • Tolerance settings (high and low) from +/-
pressure does not rise to that 0.35 to +/-0.8 bar*
of main pump when branch is • Nominal flow rates from 280 l/min to 455
closed (see overleaf) l/min*
• no running maintenance • Closed line pressure maximum of (low
necessary setting) 4.1 to 9.9 bar, (high setting) 6.0 to 11.0
• inlet and outlet flanges bar*
available un-drilled, when • Weight (light alloy) 8.25kg
required, for ease of Weight (gunmetal) 21.0kg

*depending upon model selected

2sided rege(1).doc
For crash or foam tender work, where two regulators are normally used to
regulate two side lines from the vehicle, a Godiva double relief valve is the
answer. Comprising two halves housed together in one body, it enables
relieved fluid from both sides of the vehicle to be returned back to the suction
side of the main pump through one pipe.

double relief
suitable for use with either high or low output
Godiva flow and pressure regulators

available in light alloy or gunmetal

simple to install by connecting pipework to 2

x 3/4" bsp inlets and 1 x 1" bsp common

requires no running maintenance


Charles Street
Warwick CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

Hale Products Europe policy is one of continuous
¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
development. We therefore reserve the right to
amend specifications without notice or obligation.
 [email protected]
2sided rege(1).doc


A vaned impeller with hollow centre rotates in an elliptical housing. Inside the
hollow centre is a stationary boss which is a projection from the housing end
cover. This boss has four ports in its periphery, which communicates with the
primer suction and delivery connections.

When the impeller rotates, the liquid in the housing is compelled by centrifugal
force to move outwards and follow the contour of the housing, thus forming a
hollow elliptical vortex. This liquid “ring” rotates in the housing with the impeller and
as it rotates from the minor diameter of the ellipse towards the major diameter it
moves radially outwards between the impeller vanes. After it passes the major
diameter and rotates towards the minor diameter it moves radially inwards. As the
liquid moves radially outward between the vanes air is drawn into the impeller
through ports in the center which communicate with the ‘suction’ ports in the
central stationary boss and so with the pump suction line. As the liquid moves
inward this air is forced through the impeller ports into the “discharge” ports in the
central boss.

Since the impeller is located centrally in the elliptical housing there are two
pumping actions in each revolution.



hard pipe required to pump suction eye

priming valve

primer tank
outlet (inlet on
other side of housing)

water ring


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
CV34 5LR
Hale Products Europe policy is one of continuous
development. We therefore reserve the right to
amend specifications without notice or obligation. +44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

[email protected]

RTP – round the pump
foam system
RTP Foam System
All current Hale Products Europe World
Series, GM, GV, Diesel 5300 and 6500 L/min
ranges of pumps can be fitted with a
World Series pump with RTP system
“Round–the-pump” Foam System (RTP)
capable of inducing up to 120 litres per
minute of foam compound into the pump. The
system is compact and self-contained and is
mounted on the pump suction tube and
volute. The system is suitable for all
commercially-available Protein, Fluoroprotein
and Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF)
The induction rate is controlled by an
infinitely variable control knob with calibrated
incremental markings from 0 to 120 litres per
To minimise any potential corrosion Foam flow Driving water
problems, the foam system is available in regulation control control valve
materials compatible with that of the main
pump. For light alloy pumps, the pipework
and inductor are produced from aluminium Connection for
alloy – the inductor itself is hard-anodised foam supply
and for bronze pumps, gunmetal components
are available throughout.

“Round-the-pump” foam system

The RTP system is suitable for use when The system is very simple to operate. By
the pump is operating from a vehicle tank, opening the driving water valve and selecting
free-standing tank, open water or a the required foam flow on the inductor foam
pressure fed source. flow-regulation knob, the correct volume of
Foam compound can be supplied to the foam is introduced into the water stream
inductor from two main sources – a free- entering the pump at the suction eye. The
standing tank or a vehicle-mounted tank. system operates satisfactorily with main pump
pressure between 5 – 15 bar.
For pressurized suction operation please
contact Hale Products Europe for further
information and advice.

 HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE +44 (0)1926 623600 Hale Products Europe policy is one of continuous
A Unit of IDEX Corporation ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666 development. We therefore reserve the right to
amend specifications without notice or obligation.
Charles St  www.haleeurope.com
Warwick [email protected]
CV34 5LR England

Foam Master RTP
The Foam Master RTP Foam Proportioning
System provides a water / foam solution at 1%
Foam concentrate in,
guaranteed foam percentages – controlled by ball 3%
independent of the water flow rate. valves
Designed to work with the World Series 3%
range of vehicle mounted pumps, the Foam Foam
Master RTP will provide Class A foam at Master
1% or Class B foam at 3% or 6% content in RTP
water flows and will maintain these
percentages as the water flow varies. The
system is suitable for all commercially manifold
available protein fluorocarbon and aqueous
film forming compounds. Foam

The system is based on the field-proven

round–the-pump foam system (RTP).
Water is diverted from the pump body back Water
to the suction tube, this action induces a
constant percentage of foam concentrate water/foam
into the water flow. The system maintains tube
the correct foam percentage independent of
the water flow rate. The resulting water / RTP system to
foam solution is discharged through the World Series Pump induce water /
normal delivery manifold. foam mixture

Foam Master RTP

RTP proportional foam system
The Foam Master RTP system is designed to
operate with water flow rates of 200 to 3000
litres per minute. The system can be supplied
from an internal foam tank or an external foam

The required foam content – 1% Class A or 3%

or 6% Class B - is selected by opening a ball
valve in the foam concentrate supply line. The
6% Class B level is achieved by opening the
two 3% foam concentrate valves.

The Foam Master RTP system parameters are

+/-20% between 200 to 400 litres per minute
water flow rate and +/-10% for flows greater
than 400 litres per minute and up to 3000 litres
per minute water flow rate.
A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St +44 (0)1926 623600 Hale Products Europe policy is one of continuous
Warwick ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666 development. We therefore reserve the right to
CV34 5LR England  www.haleeurope.com amend specifications without notice or obligation.
[email protected]
Foam Master RTP(4).doc 05/2008
World Series Pump –
Anti-Vibration Mounting Cradle

The World Series pump can now be

supplied with a custom-built anti-vibration
mounting cradle. The cradle helps to
isolate vibration and reduce noise during
operation. The cradle is fitted with fork
lifting holes for easy installation and
removal during maintenance.

The mounting cradle will fit all World

Series WT (multi-pressure) and WS
(single pressure) pumps.
There is a special version for World
Series pumps with Integrated CAFS
(WTAC/WSAC models) Cradle to chassis fixing points

All models are constructed of mild steel

with four rubber anti-vibration mountings
at each corner. At the front of the cradle
there is a connection point for draining the
bearing housing oil. For the WTAC/WSAC
models there are additional drainage
points for compressor oil, gearbox oil,
gearbox coolant and CAFS manifold.

Lifting point
World Series Drainage connections

Anti-vibration Mounting Cradle

Materials Mild steel plate, four rubber anti-vibration mounting

Dimensions 695 wide x 365 deep x 155 high mm (overall size)
Detailed drawing with mounting locations is also available

Model Part Number -

60516 range For specific models, e.g. pump with gearbox or CAFS please quote
pump specification


A Unit of IDEX Corporation +44 (0)1926 623600 Hale Products Europe policy is one of continuous
Charles St ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666 development. We therefore reserve the right to
Warwick amend specifications without notice or obligation.
CV34 5LR England
[email protected]
Anti Vib Mount (1) 06-03.doc
Shower Adaptor
Designed to fit to the low pressure
discharge of a Godiva WT vehicle mounted
pump, this equipment will allow a controlled
amount of warm water to be discharged for
emergency shower units.
The outlet adaptor is fitted to the discharge
connection of one of the delivery valves.
With all other valves closed, and high
pressure engaged, the pump is run at a
pressure of approximately 10 Bar. This will Temperature
produce approximately 40l/min of water at display on
30° - 40°C. A temperature indicator on the adaptor
outlet adaptor allows the pump operator to
control the temperature as required.
Within the outlet adaptor is a thermal relief
valve (TRV) that will prevent excessively
hot water being delivered to the shower
heads. TRV discharge is led safely away to
the tank fill line to prevent water being
discharged to the floor.
The unit is also supplied with a cleaning Thermal relief Discharge for
brush attachment and a storage case valve shower unit

for supplying de-contamination units

Adaptor connected
to low pressure

Discharge to HP
hose reel line.
Typically 40l/min
at 30°- 40°C

Hydrant hose
connection -
Tank fill valve on vehicle Incorporates Backflow Cleaning brush attachment,
(typical location) Non-return valve supplied with 2.5m hose

 HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE Case size – 357 wide x 300 high x 124 deep mm.
A Unit of IDEX Corporation Total weight unit - 5.3 Kg
Charles St
+44 (0)1926 623600
¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
Warwick Hale Products Europe policy is one of continuous
CV34 5LR England  www.haleeurope.com development. We therefore reserve the right to
[email protected] amend specifications without notice or obligation.
DeCon Shower Adaptor (3)03-06
Thermal Relief Valve (TRV)
The TRV is designed to protect the pump and operators
in circumstances when the pump is running and the
discharge outlets have been closed.
In this situation, energy absorbed by the pump is
converted into heat causing the pump water to heat up.
When the pump water reaches a temperature of 42°C
the standard TRV will start to open and will begin to
discharge water at about 48°C. The discharge of hot
water from the pump will allow cold water to enter, via
the suction tube, thereby stabilising the overall
temperature of the pump water. When the pump has
cooled, the TRV will automatically close.

A further version of the TRV available is rated at 74°C,

and will discharge water at about 80°C. The higher
temperature TRV may be necessary when the pump is
to be used in very high ambient temperature countries.
Here the static pump itself may be at a temperature
higher than 48°C, which may result in the TRV being
permanently open, causing priming problems.
The hot water can be returned to the appliance tank or
discharged to the ground. The latter option is preferable
if foam is used in the system and avoids contaminating
the tank with foam. Thermal Relief Valve in discharge
manifold of World Series Pump
Every World Series WT pump is fitted with a TRV, (cutaway version)
which is located on top of the central manifold above
the volute discharge point. On World Series single
pressure pumps (WS) the TRV is an option.

World Series Pump

Thermal Relief Valve

features and benefits  HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE

A Unit of IDEX Corporation
• Protects pump from overheating. Charles St
• Minimises operator attention Warwick
• Two temperature versions available - CV34 5LR
42ºC and 74ºC England

+44 (0)1926 623600

Note: maximum operating pressure is 22 Bar ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
 [email protected]
Hale Products Europe policy is one of
continuous development. We therefore
reserve the right to amend specifications
without notice or obligation.

Thermal R valve(1)08-03
Data Sheets
Portable Pumps – Petrol Engine

Powerflow 275
Powerflow 8/5 Compact
Powerflow 10/10
Powerflow 10/10DIN Standard
A fully self contained
unit providing 275 l/min
at 4.5 bar
The Godiva PowerFlow 275 is an
extremely lightweight portable fire
pump designed for continuous
operation at maximum rated
output. It is designed to operate
under full pressure immediately
after starting from a cold

PowerFlow 275
portable fire pump

key features
• Suction inlet provided with a 50 mm (2”)
BSW suction hose connection
• Delivery valves can be provided with a
choice of couplings
• Briggs and Stratton Vanguard engine, 6 HP,
overhead valve, air cooled
• Single stage centrifugal pump directly
coupled to engine
• Pump impeller is fitted with self adjusting
carbon seals on both suction and shaft sides Hand priming up to 7.32m lift
• One screwdown diaphragm valve
• Corrosion resistant aluminium
• Strong stainless steel carrying frame shaped Lightweight aluminium
to provide ease of carrying pump end construction
• Recoil starter
• Manual throttle and choke controls
• Run/stop switch
• Positive displacement hand primer capable
of lifting water from a depth of 7.32 metres
• Exhaust system arranged to discharge as far
as possible from the operation position
• Tank capacity allows rated output for a
period of approx. 100 min.

GP275 Eng(1)
Performance Data
Maximum Outlet Pressure 6.6 bar
Maximum Flow 380 litres/min
Weight (dry) 28.6 kg
Typical Dimensions (L x W x H) 648 x 400 x 464 mm
Oil Capacity 0.70 litres
Fuel Capacity 4.0 litres (100 min running)
Basis of Data: GP275 light alloy pump with 2" suction; 1 x 2½" delivery valves

PowerFlow 275
portable fire pump

Rated Performance
Typical at 3.0 metre lift
• 300 L/min at 4.3 bar (66 gpm at 60 psi)
6 • 200 L/min at 5.5 bar (44 gpm at 77 psi)
• 100 L/min at 6.0 bar (22 gpm at 84 psi)
Total Head (bar)

Customer options
• Range of different delivery valve
3 couplings


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
Flow Rate (litres/min)
CV34 5LR
Typical performance of Godiva GP275 portable Great Britain
pump at 3 metre lift
+44 (0)1926 623600

Hale Products Europe policy is one of continuous development. We therefore +44 (0)1926 623666
reserve the right to amend specifications without notice or obligation.
[email protected]
GP275 Eng(1)

1 General

The Godiva lightweight portable fire pump is a self-contained petrol

engine-driven unit, having a rated performance of 275 litres per minute
at 4.5 bars. The complete unit is designed for continuous operation at
the maximum rated output and is capable of running under-load
immediately after starting from a cold condition, and can easily be
carried and operated by one man.

2 Engine – Briggs and Stratton Vanguard

The petrol engine is of the spark-ignition type - 4 stroke, single cylinder,

rated at 6 HP, and is capable of continuous working when the base of
the unit is inclined at an angle of 15° to the horizontal, measured in any
direction relative to the axis of the crank shaft. Starting is by recoil

The engine is air-cooled with electronic ignition and the cooling system
permits continuous running without over-heating.

3. Fuel & Exhaust Systems

The fuel tank has a capacity of 4 litres which is adequate to allow rated
output for a period of approximately 100 minutes.

It is provided with a filling orifice placed in an accessible position,

suitable for easy refilling and for checking the contents. The exhuast
system is arranged to discharge as far as possible from the operation
position and is sited within the frame of the unit.
4. Pump

The pump is of the single-stage centrifugal type and is directly coupled

to the engine. The impeller is fitted with self adjusting carbon seals on
both suction and shaft sides. A drain tap is provided at the bottom of
the pump casing. A suction strainer is provided as standard.

As standard, the pump is made from corrosion resistant aluminium

alloy, with a gunmetal pump end available as an optional extra, for sea
water duties.

Rated performance at 3m suction lift

300 L/M at 4.3 bars (66 gpm at 60 psi)

200 L/M at 5.5 bars (44 gpm at 77 psi)

100 L/M at 6.0 bars (22 gpm at 87 psi)

The suction inlet is provided with a 50mm (2”) BSW suction hose
connection. The delivery valves can be provided with a choice of
couplings including 1” inst., 1½” inst., 2½” inst, 1” BSP, 1½” BSP.
Other connections available to special order.

5. Primer

The pump is fitted with a positive displacement hand primer capable of

lifting water from a depth of 7.32 metres (24 ft).

6. Starting

The unit is supplied with a recoil starter and a variable speed control.

7. Carrying Frame

The unit is provided with a strong, stainless steel carrying frame

shaped to provide case for carrying by one or two men.

8. Weight

Every consideration is given to keeping the unit as light as possible and

to this end, light alloy materials are used wherever practicable.
Reliability and robustness are not sacrificed to achieve reductions in

9. Unit Finish

The unit is finished with a stainless steel frame and red-painted pump
end. Other colours available to special order.
10. Instruction Book

An operating Instruction Manual for the guidance of the user, including

both operating and normal maintenance procedure, is supplied with the
unit. This includes an itemised and illustrated spare parts list for the
pump end, giving reference numbers to all wearing parts. A Workshop
Manual for the Briggs and Stratton engine
is also available as a separate item.

11. Dimensions & Weight

Length 648mm Width 400mm High 464mm

Weight (Dry) 29 kg

12. Accessories

The following special accessories may be provided at the request of

the purchaser:

2” dia suction hose and couplings (12’ or 6’ length)

Suction strainer complete with coupling

Delivery hose and couplings

13. Test Certificate

Certificate of performance can be supplied if requested.

- Single discharge model with 180º
swivel discharge valve

EN Standard, CE marked pump - Twin discharge model

PowerFlow 8/5 Compact Portable Fire Pump

Single and Twin discharge models

Features Benefits
• Compact and lightweight - At last a featherweight pump – 62Kg dry weight *
• Flow rate 1400 litres @ 3bar - Powerful performance for pump size
• Single or twin discharge models - To suit different operational requirements
• New Briggs & Stratton 18HP engine - Cooler, cleaner running - extends engine life
• Low noise emission - Quieter pump assists fire fighting operations
• Large capacity fuel tank - Pump will run at rated output for 1½ hours
• Stainless steel wraparound frame - Protects pump and aids handling
• Exhaust gas ejector priming - Faster, more efficient priming
• Electric starting - Easier, more reliable
• 180° Swivel discharge valve - Assists hose layout (single discharge model only)

- Assists night time pump operation
Lighting mast *see over for full details

PowerFlow 8/5 Compact Portable Fire Pump GP8-5-20plus(V4)02-07

The latest version of the PowerFlow 8/5 Compact is now the highest performing yet most compact portable pump in its class. It
now includes the latest version of the Briggs and Stratton 18HP Vanguard engine - a cooler, cleaner more efficient engine. It is also
one of the quietest pumps available. Designed to provide 800l/min at 5 bar and over 1400l/min at 3 bar, every detail and feature of
the PowerFlow 8/5 has been carefully designed and built with evaluation and tests carried out with the help of our customers and
professional fire personnel to provide a lifetime of dependable operation. This data sheet refers to the single discharge model
available from May 2005, specifications GP8/5/20, GP8/5/21 and higher. Also the twin discharge model GP8/5T/01 available from
early 2006.
Performance Data
Single Discharge Model Twin Discharge Model
Exhaust gas priming only
Maximum Outlet Pressure 8.2 bar
Maximum Flow 1400 litres/min at 3 bar
Weight with Manual Start, dry. 62 Kg (approximate) 63.5 Kg (approximate)
(Exhaust gas and hand priming versions) Exhaust gas priming only

Weight with Manual Start, wet. 70 Kg (approximate) 71.5 Kg (approximate)

(Exhaust gas and hand priming versions) Exhaust gas priming only

Weight with Electric Start, dry. 70 Kg (approximate) 73 Kg (approximate)

(Exhaust gas and hand priming versions) Exhaust gas priming only

Weight with Electric Start, wet 78 Kg (approximate) 81 Kg (approximate)

(Exhaust gas and hand priming versions) Exhaust gas priming only

Typical Dimensions (L x W x H) 555 x 490 x 584 mm 555 x 500 x 584 mm

Priming Times to 3 m <30 sec (exhaust gas ejector priming)
Maximum priming lift Exhaust priming model – 6m. Hand priming model – 7.5m
Oil Capacity 1.7 litres
Fuel Capacity 8.5 litres (1½ hours running) unleaded fuel
Dangerous goods identification category Class 9 UN3166
Basis of Data: Godiva Powerflow 8/5 light alloy pump with 4" suction; 1 x 2½" delivery valve, and 2 x 2½" delivery valve.

PowerFlow 8/5 Compact Portable Fire Pump

Single and Twin discharge models

• Priming - exhaust gas ejection or

hand priming versions (single
discharge only)
• Electric Starting as standard (hand
start as back-up included) Manual
start only version also available
• Engine - horizontal shaft, air-cooled
• Light alloy pump body and volute
• Wrap around stainless steel frame
• Bracket for extending lighting mast
• Combined electrical socket for battery
charging and lighting mast

Hale Products Europe policy is one of HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE A Unit of IDEX Corporation
continuous development. We therefore Charles St Warwick CV34 5LR. United Kingdom
reserve the right to amend specifications Tel: +44 (0)1926 623600 Fax: +44 (0)1926 623666
without notice or obligation. Web: www.haleeurope.com Email: [email protected]

Ultra Lightweight and Compact
Welded Stainless Steel Frame with Fold Down Handles
Exhaust Gas Ejector or hand Priming System

Briggs and Stratton Vanguard Petrol 18BHP Engine
Electric and Manual Start as Standard
Battery and Alternator as Standard
12 Volt input and outlet plug
Integral Fuel Tank allowing for 1.5 Hours running

Aluminium Impeller
Self – Adjusting Mechanical Seal Assembly
Rotating Delivery Valve with Drain Valve
Pump Casing in Light Alloy
Compound Gauge for Pressure / Vacuum


Pump Performance Rated at 800 l/m @ 5 Bar at 3m Lift

Maximum Outlet Pressure 8.2 Bar
Maximum Flow 1400 l/m @ 3 Bar
Priming Time to 3m 27 seconds
Weight Dry (aluminium) 58 - 69 kg (depending on spec)
Length 555mm
Width 490mm
Height 584mm
Suction Inlet 100mm ( 4” ) BRT
Delivery Outlet 65mm ( 2.5”) BS336

Ultra Lightweight and Compact
Welded Stainless Steel Frame with Fold Down Handles
Exhaust Gas Ejector Priming System

Briggs and Stratton Vanguard Petrol 18BHP Engine
Electric and Manual Start as Standard
Battery and Alternator as Standard
12 Volt input and outlet plug
Integral Fuel Tank allowing for 1.5 Hours running

Aluminium Impeller
Self – Adjusting Mechanical Seal Assembly
Pump Casing in Light Alloy
Compound Gauge for Pressure / Vacuum


Pump Performance Rated at 800 l/m @ 5 Bar at 3m Lift

Maximum Outlet Pressure 8.2 Bar
Maximum Flow 1400 l/m @ 3 Bar
Priming Time to 3m 27 seconds
Weight Dry (aluminium) 59 - 68 kg (depending on spec)
Length 555mm
Width 500mm
Height 584mm
Suction Inlet 100mm ( 4” ) BRT
Delivery Outlet 2 x 65mm ( 2.5”) BS336
A compact and powerful
The Godiva PowerFlow 10/10 is a
fully self contained unit providing
continuous performance of
1000l/min at 10 bar at 3m lift. For
this performance it is the smallest
and most compact pump of its
type in the world. This unit spent
an extensive period of evaluation
and has the seal of approval of a
wide range of professional fire-

PowerFlow 10/10
portable fire pump

key features
• Wrap round protective stainless steel frame
and all aluminium pump
• Comprehensive instrumentation
• Closed circuit cooling system with heat
• 3 cylinder vertical shaft 4 stroke Honda
engine with electronic ignition system
• Electronic engine overspeed protection
• Protection system (automatic slow down
initiated by high water temperature or low oil
pressure and indication of the problem area
by warning light) For the Godiva PowerFlow 10/10
• No external belts various options can be supplied such
• Rotationally moulded 14 litre fuel tank to give as a wheel barrow attachment,
1 hr running at duty extending handles and a telescopic
• Remote fuel tank connection facility floodlight.
• Exhaust gas ejection priming system
• 2 DIN type screw down valves with pressure
release facility
• Integral wheels for manoeuvring on solid
• Battery charging socket
• Optional lighting mast, selection of suction,
discharge couplings and extending handles
• Suction wrench storage within the frame 2sided gp10e(1)
Performance Data
Maximum Recommended Speed 6000 rpm
Maximum Outlet Pressure 16 bar
Maximum Flow 2100 litres/min
Weight 97 kg (dry), 115kg (wet)
Typical Dimensions (L x W x H) 675 x 496 x 606 mm
Priming Times to 7.2 m 24 sec
Coolant Capacity 6 litres
Oil Capacity 2.2 litres
Fuel Capacity 14 litres (1 hour running)
Basis of Data: GP10/10 light alloy pump with 4" suction; 2 x 2½" delivery valves

PowerFlow 10/10
portable fire pump

• Compound gauge: -1.0 to 16 bar
• Pressure gauge: 25 bar
• Gauge illumination
• High water temperature warning light
• Low oil pressure warning light
• Choke control
• On/off switch
• Start button
• Hours counter
• Throttle

Hale Products Europe policy is one of

continuous development. We therefore reserve
the right to amend specifications without notice
Typical performance of Godiva PowerFlow or obligation.
10/10 portable pump at 3 metre lift.
= EN1028-1
A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Options Charles St
• Telescopic 55w floodlight Warwick
• Separate fuel tank with quick release CV34 5LR
• Extending handles +44 (0)1926 623600
• Wheelbarrow attachment +44 (0)1926 623666
gp10e2(2) [email protected]


The Godiva GP10/10 portable pump is a self-contained petrol engined unit

designed for continuous operation at the maximum rated output and is
capable of running at maximum performance immediately after starting from
cold. The GP10/10 fully conforms to British Home Office Specification
JCDD30/1 for portable pumps and latest CEN standards.

1. Rated Performance

See pump curve

2. Pump

The water pump is a Godiva single stage centrifugal pump that is directly
mounted to the engine.

The pump body with impeller and volute is made from light alloy. The pump
shaft is manufactured in stainless steel.

A long life self-adjusting mechanical seal is fitted, which consists of, a carbon
ring running on a silicon carbide face.

An easily accessible drain plug is fitted in the pump volute to facilitate

complete drainage of the pump casing.

Fitted as standard the unit has the following connections;

1 off – 100mm (4”) British Standard round thread suction tube.

2 off – 65mm (2½”) British Standard instantaneous couplings with screw down

Alternative couplings or BSP threads to allow local couplings to be fitted, can

be supplied.

The valves face to each side but can be re-orientated to be almost parallel
forward facing.

3. Priming System

Priming is effected by means of the well-known Godiva exhaust gas ejector

primer, which is operated by a pull handle.

The pump will prime from a depth of 7.32M (24”) in 24 seconds through four
lengths of 4” suction hose.



a) General

i) 3 cylinder vertical, 4 stroke water cooled petrol engine.

ii) Engine capacity 808cc.
iii) Engine develops 37.3 KW (50 BHP)
iv) The pump can be operated at an angle of 15º to the horizontal
in all directions.
v) There are no bolts, belts or pulleys to adjust or replace.

b) Cooling

The closed circuit cooling system utilises a heat exchanger of sufficient

capacity to maintain correct engine operating temperature even when
operating in high ambient temperatures. As the system is closed circuit, anti-
freeze can be used to prevent freezing in cold climates.

Note: Starting from normal running temperature the cooling system capacity
will allow at least six priming attempts without the engine overheating.

c) Fuel

The rotationally moulded nylon fuel tank has a capacity of 14.0 litres which is
adequate to allow pumping at full rating for 1 hour and is fitted with a
combined filler cap and fuel level gauge.

An optional 25 litre fuel tank is available with extended hose for remote use.

d) Electrical System

An ignition switch, plus full electric starting by push button is fitted, and a rope
wrap on flywheel under a hinged cover is provided for emergencies.

A fully enclosed waterproof alternator is fitted which produces sufficient

current to operate the ignition system when hand starting.

The emergency handstart is capable of starting the engine even if the battery
has been removed.

A compact low maintenance battery is fitted.

e) The maintenance free electronic ignition system contains an engine

speed limiter which prevents the engine overspeeding and an
electronic control which will slow the pump speed if high water
temperature or low oil pressure is sensed and then automatically
increase speed when the problem passes, but will not cause the pump
to stop.

f) the pump unit is fitted with a 3 pin plug, which can be used either to
power auxiliary equipment, e.g., floodlights, or can be used for
charging the battery from an external charger.

g) Exhaust

A stainless steel exhaust silencer is arranged to discharge at the opposite end

of the pump from the operating position and is fitted with a heat shield to
reduce the possibility of operator injury.

5. Controls and Instruments

The pump is fitted with the following items that are conveniently grouped on
the control panel;

a) On/off ignition switch

b) Start button
c) Ignition indication lamp
d) Cold-start choke control
e) Pump compound suction pressure gauge
f) Delivery pressure gauge situated on pump volute
g) Hours counter
h) Electrical auxiliary socket

6. Carrying Frame

The unit is mounted in a strong tubular stainless carrying frame with

adjustable lifting handles. The handles are lockable in various positions and
are fitted with rubber grips. Extending handles can also be fitted as an option.

Provision is made for the rapid attachment of a single wheel arrangement to

facilitate the movement of the pump over long distances.

Mounting point and storage positions are provided for locating a floodlight –
see optional equipment.

7. Testing

Godiva ensures that quality and performance is always guaranteed and

Quality Control carry out 100% testing of all production units. Test certificates
of rated performance are available upon request with order. Full witness
testing can be arranged at additional cost.

Godiva are certified to Quality Standard BS EN ISO 9001.

8. Dimensions

Size: length 675mm, Width 496mm, Height 606mm

The unit is designed to be as light as possible but reliability, robustness and

safety are not sacrificed to meet this requirement.

9. Paint Finish

The pump is painted red with an aluminium engine and black trim, all mounted
in a polished stainless steel frame.

10. Literature etc.

An operating manual is supplied with the unit, which details both operating
and normal maintenance procedures.

An itemised and illustrated spare parts list and a workshop manual are
available if required.

A tool kit is supplied free of charge for all export orders.

11. Optional Equipment

The following additional items and services are available on request at extra

Detachable single wheel assembly

Detachable floodlight
Full witness testing of the pump
Test certificates
Battery charger
Couplings to suit your requirements
Additional 25 litre fuel tank with quick release connector on an extended hose
Full range of ancillary equipment
i.e. Delivery and Suction Hose
Branches etc.
Extending handles (must be ordered with the unit)
Thermal relief valve
Two small wheels for local manoeuvring on hard surfaces


The Godiva GP10/10 portable pump is a self-contained petrol engined unit

designed for continuous operation at the maximum rated output and is
capable of running at maximum performance immediately after starting from
cold. The GP10/10 fully conforms to British Home Office Specification
JCDD30/1 for portable pumps and latest CEN standards.

1. Rated Performance

See pump curve

2. Pump

The water pump is a Godiva single stage centrifugal pump that is directly
mounted to the engine.

The pump body is made of gunmetal with bronze impeller and volute. The
pump shaft is manufactured in stainless steel.

The delivery valve bodies are made of gunmetal.

A long life self-adjusting mechanical seal is fitted, which consists of, a carbon
ring running on a silicon carbide face.

An easily accessible drain plug is fitted in the pump volute to facilitate

complete drainage of the pump casing.

Fitted as standard the unit has the following connections;

1 off – 100mm (4”) British Standard round thread suction tube.

2 off – 65mm (2½”) British Standard instantaneous couplings with screw down

Alternative couplings or BSP threads to allow local couplings to be fitted, can

be supplied.

The valves face to each side but can be re-orientated to be almost parallel
forward facing.

3. Priming System

Priming is effected by means of the well-known Godiva exhaust gas ejector

primer, which is operated by a pull handle.

The pump will prime from a depth of 7.32M (24”) in 24 seconds through four
lengths of 4” suction hose.



a) General

i) 3 cylinder vertical, 4 stroke water cooled petrol engine.

ii) Engine capacity 808cc.
iii) Engine develops 37.3 KW (50 BHP)
iv) The pump can be operated at an angle of 15º to the horizontal
in all directions.
v) There are no bolts, belts or pulleys to adjust or replace.

b) Cooling

The closed circuit cooling system utilises a heat exchanger of sufficient

capacity to maintain correct engine operating temperature even when
operating in high ambient temperatures. As the system is closed circuit, anti-
freeze can be used to prevent freezing in cold climates.

Note: Starting from normal running temperature the cooling system capacity
will allow at least six priming attempts without the engine overheating.

c) Fuel

The rotationally moulded nylon fuel tank has a capacity of 14.0 litres which is
adequate to allow pumping at full rating for 1 hour and is fitted with a
combined filler cap and fuel level gauge.

An optional 25 litre fuel tank is available with extended hose for remote use.

d) Electrical System

An ignition switch, plus full electric starting by push button is fitted, and a rope
wrap on flywheel under a hinged cover is provided for emergencies.

A fully enclosed waterproof alternator is fitted which produces sufficient

current to operate the ignition system when hand starting.

The emergency handstart is capable of starting the engine even if the battery
has been removed.

A compact low maintenance battery is fitted.

e) The maintenance free electronic ignition system contains an engine

speed limiter which prevents the engine overspeeding and an
electronic control which will slow the pump speed if high water
temperature or low oil pressure is sensed and then automatically
increase speed when the problem passes, but will not cause the pump
to stop.

f) the pump unit is fitted with a 3 pin plug, which can be used either to
power auxiliary equipment, e.g., floodlights, or can be used for
charging the battery from an external charger.

g) Exhaust

A stainless steel exhaust silencer is arranged to discharge at the opposite end

of the pump from the operating position and is fitted with a heat shield to
reduce the possibility of operator injury.

5. Controls and Instruments

The pump is fitted with the following items that are conveniently grouped on
the control panel;

a) On/off ignition switch

b) Start button
c) Ignition indication lamp
d) Cold-start choke control
e) Pump compound suction pressure gauge
f) Delivery pressure gauge situated on pump volute
g) Hours counter
h) Electrical auxiliary socket

6. Carrying Frame

The unit is mounted in a strong tubular stainless carrying frame with

adjustable lifting handles. The handles are lockable in various positions and
are fitted with rubber grips. Extending handles can also be fitted as an option.

Provision is made for the rapid attachment of a single wheel arrangement to

facilitate the movement of the pump over long distances.

Mounting point and storage positions are provided for locating a floodlight –
see optional equipment.

7. Testing

Godiva ensures that quality and performance is always guaranteed and

Quality Control carry out 100% testing of all production units. Test certificates
of rated performance are available upon request with order. Full witness
testing can be arranged at additional cost.

Godiva are certified to Quality Standard BS EN ISO 9001.

8. Dimensions

Size: length 675mm, Width 496mm, Height 606mm

The unit is designed to be as light as possible but reliability, robustness and

safety are not sacrificed to meet this requirement.

9. Paint Finish

The pump is painted red with an aluminium engine and black trim, all mounted
in a polished stainless steel frame.

10. Literature etc.

An operating manual is supplied with the unit, which details both operating
and normal maintenance procedures.

An itemised and illustrated spare parts list and a workshop manual are
available if required.

A tool kit is supplied free of charge for all export orders.

11. Optional Equipment

The following additional items and services are available on request at extra

Detachable single wheel assembly

Detachable floodlight
Full witness testing of the pump
Test certificates
Battery charger
Couplings to suit your requirements
Additional 25 litre fuel tank with quick release connector on an extended hose
Full range of ancillary equipment
i.e. Delivery and Suction Hose
Branches etc.
Extending handles (must be ordered with the unit)
Thermal relief valve
Two small wheels for local manoeuvring on hard surfaces
Powerflow GP10/10 Portable Pump

Powerflow GP10/10 Portable Pump

Data on Sound Levels in dBa
Recorded in various angular directions at 1m and 4m distances
Duty point and full throttle readings taken with identical
pump restriction conditions


mm Z 318.0 316.0 WEARING RINGS FIBRE
Kg P3 25.5 29.5 HEAD ALUM.
P4 22.5 27.5 BLOCK ALUM.

GP10/10 Portable Fire Pump – General Information

A fully self contained unit
providing 2300 l/min at 7.0 bar
The Godiva GP2300 self contained
petrol engine driven fire pump is
designed for continuous operation at a
maximum rated output. It is capable of
running under full load immediately after
starting from cold.
Pump performance has been optimised
by use of an electronic control unit and
fuel injection system.
Engine cooling is maintained by a high
capacity closed circuit heat exchanger
Trolley is an system and full pump instrumentation
optional extra provides ease of operation.

PowerFlow 2300
transportable fire pump
key features
• Single stage centrifugal pump directly
mounted to the engine and driven through a
flexible coupling
• Reduced weight compared to previous
• Suction inlet provided to customer
• Range of delivery valve connections
supplied to customer requirements
• Tubular stainless steel frame designed to
protect the assembly and facilitate
• Exhaust gas ejector primer manually Control panel and delivery valves
operated by a lever
• Ford 4 cylinder, water cooled ZSG414 Petrol
engine Easy access to fuel tank for re-filling
• Electrical system includes solid state
electronic ignition
• High capacity closed circuit heat exchanger
cooling system
• Stainless Steel exhaust silencer is arranged
to discharge at the opposite end of the pump
from the operation position
• Comprehensive control and instrument panel
• Light alloy and gunmetal options
• Optional trolley for easy manoeuvring

GP2300 Mk2 (2)11-06

Performance Data
Engine 1.4L Ford ZSG414
Maximum Power 63 kW @ 4950rpm
Maximum Outlet Pressure 15.5 bar
Maximum Flow 2800 litres/min @ 2 bar
Weight (dry) 173 kg
Trolley weight 41 kg
Typical Dimensions (L x W x H) 936 x 612 x 646 mm
Priming Times to 7.5 m 25 sec using 4” hose
Fuel Capacity 24 litres (1 hour running)
Basis of Data: GP2300 light alloy pump with 4" suction, 2 x 2 ½ ” delivery valves

PowerFlow 2300
transportable fire pump

Controls &
• On/Off ignition switch
• Start button
• Battery charge warning light
• Throttle control
• Pump priming lever
• Pump suction compound pressure
• Pump discharge pressure gauge
• Engine oil pressure warning light
• Engine water temperature warning light
• Fuel contents gauge
• Hours run meter

Typical performance of GP2300 Mk2 Series Pump


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
• Aluminium or Gunmetal pump end Charles St
• Detachable floodlight Warwick
• Trolley (see front photograph) CV34 5LR
Great Britain
• Low maintenance gel battery
+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

Hale Products Europe policy is one of [email protected]
continuous development. We therefore reserve
the right to amend specifications without notice
or obligation.

GP2300 Mk2 (2)11-06



The GP2300 Mark 2 is a self-contained portable fire pump driven by a close

coupled 1.4 litre Ford ZSG414 petrol engine.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty, and every
consideration has been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported in a wraparound frame for

protection and ease of handling. Fold-out handles are positioned at each corner.
The fuel tank is hinged to allow access to the engine.


The typical output of this unit is 2300 l/min @ 7 bars total head when operating
from a 3m static suction lift.
Full details are shown on curve DS607.


The pump is driven by a close-coupled 1.4 litre Ford petrol engine.

Features – fuel injection, 4 overhead valves, speed limiter, lightweight aluminium
for main materials.

The engine is supplied complete with:

alternator with built in charge regulator

closed circuit heat exchanger cooling system
starter motor
12v battery
oil filter and cooler
fuel filter
air cleaner
exhaust silencer

A fuel tank of 24 litres capacity, giving 1 hours running, is supplied


A comprehensive control and instrument panel is fitted in a convenient position

close to the pump, and includes the following:

Pump pressure gauge

Pump suction compound gauge
Engine water temperature warning light
Engine oil pressure warning light
Fuel contents gauge & hour meter
Ignition switch
Ignition indicator light
Throttle control
Engine and pump operating instruction plate


Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva aluminium

pump which is suitable for general use except for prolonged use with sea water
or brackish water. In the event of sea water being pumped, the unit should be
flushed out with fresh water immediately after use.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal

incorporating a carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The
mechanical seal is pre-loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during
its life. Priming is through exhaust gas ejector method.


100mm (4”) Round thread suction tube with blank cap


2 x 65mm (2 ½” ) IC continental style screw down delivery outlets


Priming is provided by a manually operated exhaust gas primer. Lift of 7.5m in

25 seconds is achieved with 100mm suction hose.


Gunmetal pump end

Detachable floodlight


934mm long
580mm wide
645mm high
Weight (dry) 173kg
Data Sheets
Portable Pumps – Diesel Engine

Powerflow GN500
A fully self contained unit
providing continuous
performance of 500l/min at 3.0
bar, at 3.5m suction lift
The Godiva GN500 is a self -contained,
diesel engined fire pump, designed for
continuous operation at a maximum rated
output. It offers maximum flows in excess
of 600l/min, and is designed to meet the
needs of today's Navy firefighters
worldwide. It is a NATO registered stock
item, in use with NATO fleets.

PowerFlow 500
portable diesel fire pump

key features

• Single stage centrifugal pump will all-bronze pump-

end, directly mounted to the engine crankshaft
• Suction inlet provided to customer specification
• Range of delivery valve connections supplied to
customer requirements
• Wrap around stainless steel frame designed to Comprehensive control panel
protect the assembly and facilitate transportation
• Retractable lifting handles, rubber anti vibration
• Integral manoeuvring wheels
• Exhaust gas ejector primer giving lifts above 6.1m
• 4 stroke, single cylinder Lister Petter AD1 Diesel
• Maintenance-free self-adjusting twin mechanical seal
• Air cooled engine, fan assisted
• Exhaust silencer with 2" UNC threaded outlet
• Comprehensive instrumentation
• Nato stock number 4320-99-781-2773
• Reliable crank handle starting system
• Single gunmetal screw-down delivery valve

Performance Data
Maximum Recommended Speed 3600rpm
Maximum Outlet Pressure 6 bar
Maximum Flow 650 litres/min
Weight (dry) 113 kg
Weight (wet) 119 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 750 x 540 x 584 mm
Fuel Capacity 5.1 litres (2 hours running at duty)
Basis of Data: Pump fitted with 3" hose tail inlet, 2.5" inst. outlet

PowerFlow 500
portable diesel fire pump

Controls & Instrumentation

• Vacuum gauge: 0 to -1bar
• Pressure gauge: 0 to10bar
• Speed control
• Crank handle starting system
• Single gunmetal screw down
delivery valve

Hale Products Europe policy is one of

continuous development. We therefore reserve
the right to amend specifications without notice
or obligation.


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
• Range of suction and discharge couplings/sizes Charles St
• Stainless Steel flexible exhaust hose, threaded for Warwick
connection to silencer CV34 5LRvv
• Protective canvas cover
+44 (0)1926 623600

+44 (0)1926 623666

[email protected]
PowerFlow 500
The Godiva PowerFlow 500 is a self -contained, diesel engined fire pump, designed
for continuous operation at a maximum rated output. It offers maximum flows in excess
of 600l/min, and is designed to meet the needs of today's Navy firefighters worldwide.
It is a registered stock item (Nato stock number 4320-99-781-2773), in use with NATO
fleets. The pump is currently used by UK, French, Portuguese and US Navies. The
robust design and tried and tested componentry offer the prospect of particularly low
whole life costs.

The pump is to a single stage centrifugal design with an all-gunmetal pump-end,

directly mounted to the engine crankshaft. The suction inlet is provided to customer
specification, as are the required delivery valve connections.

The installation features a wrap-around stainless steel frame designed to protect the
assembly and facilitate transportation. The frame incorporates retractable lifting
handles, rubber anti vibration mountings and integral manoeuvring wheels.

The exhaust gas ejector primer offers suction lift in excess of 6.1m. The engine is a 4
stroke, single cylinder Lister Petter AD1 Diesel, air-cooled and fan assisted. An
exhaust silencer with 2" UNC threaded outlet is fitted and the assembly fetures a
maintenance-free self-adjusting twin mechanical seal.

Comprehensive instrumentation includes a vacuum gauge (0 to -1bar) and pressure

gauge (0 to10bar). Additional controls include speed control, reliable crank handle
starting system and single gunmetal screw-down delivery valve. Options include a
range of suction and discharge couplings/sizes, a Stainless Steel flexible exhaust
hose, threaded for connection to silencer and a protective canvas cover.

The Godiva PowerFlow 500 offers a rated continuous performance of 500l/min at 3.0
bar, at 3.5m suction lift.

Performance Data
Maximum Recommended Speed 3600rpm
Maximum Outlet Pressure 6 bar
Maximum Flow 650 litres/min
Weight (dry) 113 kg
Weight (wet) 119 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 750 x 540 x 584 mm
Fuel Capacity 5.1 litres (2 hours running at duty)
Basis of Data: Pump fitted with 3" hose tail inlet, 2.5" inst. outlet
Data Sheets
Trailer Mounted Pumps

GT Trailer Range – an overview

Includes GT2700, GT3600, GT5300, GT6500

Power and flexibility

The Godiva range of diesel engine powered

pumps are designed for the most demanding
situations. Available in trailer or skid mounted
versions these units combine enhanced delivery
and operational flexibility with ease of use and
maintenance. Complying with international
standards and road regulations Godiva pumps
can be found in the most arduous of conditions.
The output flows range from 3,200 l/min to 7,000
l/min and with a range of suction and discharge
connections available the Godiva diesel powered
pump is the solution for all high flow

GT3600 – Maximum flow 4100 l/min, powered by

Cummins 3.9L 4 cylinder turbo charged engine

Diesel Powered Pumps

Trailer and skid mounted pumping units

key features
• Pump end available in aluminium or
• Comprehensive instrumentation on all
• Self-adjusting mechanical seal
• Closed circuit radiator cooling system
• Automatic water ring pump priming system
• Power supply from tried and tested Cummins
• Designed for operation in all climates

Trailer units –
• Self-contained pumping unit
• Trailer design conforms to EC road
• Suction and delivery hose stowage fitted
• Fully cowled unit GD6500 – Skid mounted unit. Maximum flow 7000
• Optional lighting mast l/min, powered by Cummins 5.9L 6 cylinder, turbo
charged engine
Skid mounted units –
• Pump and engine mounted on a rigid base
• Large capacity fuel tank fitted into base

Diesel Units 06-08(2)

Specification Data
Trailer - GT GT2700 GT3600 GT5300 GT6500
Bedplate - GD GD2700 GD3600 GD5300 GD5410 GD6500
Priming Performance To 8m (26') To 8m (26') To 8m (26') To 8m (26') To 8m (26')
Maximum Outlet 14bar 13bar 13bar 13bar 17.5bar
Maximum Flow 3200l/min 4100l/min 5700l/min 5300l/min 7000l/min
Godiva Performance DS371 DS424 DS531 DS363/3 DS372
Trailer - 3450mm x 3450mm x 3450mm x N/A 3450mm x
Dimensions 1850mm x 1850mm x 1850mm x 1850mm x
(l x w x h) 1610mm 1610mm 1610mm 1610mm
Dry Weight 950kg/ 950kg/ 1100kg/ N/A 1100kg/
(Light Alloy/Bronze) 1140kg 1140kg 1240kg 1240kg
Bedplate - 1650mm x 1650mm x 1905 x 1905 x 1763 x
Dimensions 614mm x 614mm x 610 x 610 x 610 x
(l x w x h) 1250mm 1250mm 1378 1378 1378
Dry Weight 655kg/ 655kg/ 820kg/ 820kg/ 830kg/
(Light Alloy/Bronze) 845kg 845kg 960kg 960kg 970kg
Wide range of suction and discharge connections available for each model

Diesel Powered Pumps

Trailer and skid mounted pumping units


16 • Suction gauge
• Pressure gauge
• High water temperature
warning light
• Oil pressure gauge

12 • Coolant level gauge

• Cold start switch
10 • Start button
• Tachometer
• Hours counter
• Fuel gauge
1.5M • Battery gauge
6 GT6500CU

1.5M 1.5M A Unit of IDEX Corporation
GD3600CU GD5410CU Charles St
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 Warwick
+44 (0)1926 623600
Typical performance of current Diesel Engine Pumping Sets ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

[email protected]
Hale Products Europe policy is one of
Diesel Units 06-08(2)
continuous development. We therefore reserve
the right to amend specifications without notice
or obligation.


The GTA2700CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel engine
and mounted on a two wheeled trailer to full UK road specification.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty and every consideration has
been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut down
noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 1800 L/min @ 7 bars total head when operating from a
5m static suction lift.


The pump is driven by a close coupled to a Cummins 4B-3.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

radiator/heat exchanger
starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark will be supplied.

Fuel tank capacity for 4 hours running as standard.



A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted in a

convenient position close to the pump and includes the following:-

Pump Pressure Gauge } Illuminated by

Pump Suction Compound Gauge } panel light

Engine Water Temperature Gauge }

Engine Oil Pressure Gauge }
Battery Condition Meter } Engine Gauges
Fuel Contents Gauge } internally lit
Tachometer }
Hours Counter }

Battery Charge Warning Light

Low Oil Pressure Warning Light
High Water Temperature
"Primer On" Indication Light

Panel Light Switch

Checking Switch for Warning Lights, Fuel Gauge and Battery
Condition Meter when unit is not running.

Throttle Control
Stop Control
Starter Button
Cold Start Aid

Engine and Pump Operating Instruction Plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65.


Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCA2700 Series
light alloy pump which is suitable for extended operation with fresh water and
occasional use with polluted or sea water (subject to being thoroughly flushed out after
every usage).

The main shaft is stainless steel, the renewable casing wear rings are of gunmetal and
the shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal incorporating a
carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The mechanical seal is pre-
loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during its life.



4” Round Thread suction inlet.


2 x 2½” Instantaneous screwdown delivery valves.


Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through an
electro-magnetic clutch giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5 litres
capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a depth of 8m.


A one piece hinged cowling, supported in the open position on two gas struts is
provided, allowing full access to pump and engine for maintenance. If necessary the
complete pump and engine unit can be removed from the trailer without disturbing the

The cowling is manufactured from high quality steel, polyester coated for maximum
corrosion protection, and is designed to ensure that the unit can be run continuously
without overheating.


The trailer chassis is a welded steel fabrication, polyester coated for maximum
corrosion resistance. Built into the trailer is provision for up to four storage boxes for
delivery hoses, though two of these can be replaced by spare wheels if required. A
detailed list of the available options is given later.

The trailer is fitted with a fixed height draw bar (approx. 525mm)

A 40mm dia towing eye is provided AS STANDARD.

Alternative towing eyes are available.

Draw bars are detachable to allow for a compact shipping package.


Facility is provided on the trailer to carry 4 x 2.5m lengths of up to 135mm suction hose.
extra storage boxes are provided for carrying strainers, nozzles, tools, etc.

Trailer is fitted with lifting eyes to allow the whole unit to be lifted with the aid of a lifting

The trailer is fitted with fully independent rubber torsion suspension units and 7.50 x 16
x 8 PR Land Rover size wheels and tyres are supplied as standard. This arrangement
allows for high ground clearance making the unit very suitable for use over rough

The towing unit is hydraulically damped with fully compensated brake cables to each
wheel. The handbrake operates on both wheels for maximum stability, plus a jockey
wheel on the draw bar.


Light Alloy Pump End (Cost reduction)

Round The Pump Foam System 0-120 L/min
Spare Wheel (s)
Cover for Spare Wheel (s)
Jack and Wheel Brace
Floodlight and Mast 2x55w bulbs ) up to a
Mast with Rotating Beacon ) total of 4 masts
Suction and Discharge Hoses, Nozzles, etc
Unit without cowling
Electromagnetic clutch between engine and pump
Up to 4 electrical sockets for connecting lighting masts or battery charging.



The GTB2700CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel engine
and mounted on a two wheeled trailer to full UK road specification.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty and every consideration has
been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut down
noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 1800 L/min @ 7 bars total head when operating from a
5m static suction lift.


The pump is driven by a close coupled to a Cummins 4B-3.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

radiator/heat exchanger
starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark will be supplied.

Fuel tank capacity for 4 hours running as standard.



A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted in a

convenient position close to the pump and includes the following:-

Pump Pressure Gauge } Illuminated by

Pump Suction Compound Gauge } panel light

Engine Water Temperature Gauge }

Engine Oil Pressure Gauge }
Battery Condition Meter } Engine Gauges
Fuel Contents Gauge } internally lit
Tachometer }
Hours Counter }

Battery Charge Warning Light

Low Oil Pressure Warning Light
High Water Temperature
"Primer On" Indication Light

Panel Light Switch

Checking Switch for Warning Lights, Fuel Gauge and Battery
Condition Meter when unit is not running.

Throttle Control
Stop Control
Starter Button
Cold Start Aid

Engine and Pump Operating Instruction Plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65.


Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCB2700 Series
gunmetal pump which is suitable for extended operation with fresh, polluted or sea

The main shaft is stainless steel, the renewable casing wear rings are of gunmetal and
the shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal incorporating a
carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The mechanical seal is pre-
loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during its life.



4” Round Thread suction inlet.


2 x 2½” Instantaneous screwdown delivery valves.


Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through an
electro-magnetic clutch giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5 litres
capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a depth of 8m.


A one piece hinged cowling, supported in the open position on two gas struts is
provided, allowing full access to pump and engine for maintenance. If necessary the
complete pump and engine unit can be removed from the trailer without disturbing the

The cowling is manufactured from high quality steel, polyester coated for maximum
corrosion protection, and is designed to ensure that the unit can be run continuously
without overheating.


The trailer chassis is a welded steel fabrication, polyester coated for maximum
corrosion resistance. Built into the trailer is provision for up to four storage boxes for
delivery hoses, though two of these can be replaced by spare wheels if required. A
detailed list of the available options is given later.

The trailer is fitted with a fixed height draw bar (approx. 525mm)

A 40mm dia towing eye is provided AS STANDARD.

Alternative towing eyes are available.

Draw bars are detachable to allow for a compact shipping package.


Facility is provided on the trailer to carry 4 x 2.5m lengths of up to 135mm suction hose.
extra storage boxes are provided for carrying strainers, nozzles, tools, etc.

Trailer is fitted with lifting eyes to allow the whole unit to be lifted with the aid of a lifting

The trailer is fitted with fully independent rubber torsion suspension units and 7.50 x 16
x 8 PR Land Rover size wheels and tyres are supplied as standard. This arrangement
allows for high ground clearance making the unit very suitable for use over rough

The towing unit is hydraulically damped with fully compensated brake cables to each
wheel. The handbrake operates on both wheels for maximum stability, plus a jockey
wheel on the draw bar.


Light Alloy Pump End (Cost reduction)

Round The Pump Foam System 0-120 L/min
Spare Wheel (s)
Cover for Spare Wheel (s)
Jack and Wheel Brace
Floodlight and Mast 2x55w bulbs ) up to a
Mast with Rotating Beacon ) total of 4 masts
Suction and Discharge Hoses, Nozzles, etc
Unit without cowling
Electromagnetic clutch between engine and pump
Up to 4 electrical sockets for connecting lighting masts or battery charging.



The GTA3600CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel
engine and mounted on a two wheeled trailer to full road specification.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty, and every
consideration has been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut

down noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 3400/min @ 7.5 bars total head when operating
from a 3 m static suction lift.


The pump is driven by a close coupled Cummins 4BT 3.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark arrestor will be supplied.

Fuel tank capacity for 4 hours running is standard.


A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted

in a convenient position close to the pump, and includes the following:

Pump pressure gauge ) illuminated by

Pump suction compound gauge ) panel light

Engine water temperature gauge )

Engine oil pressure gauge ) engine gauges
Battery condition meter ) internally light
Fuel contents gauge )
Tachometer )
Hours counter )

Battery charge warning light

Low oil pressure warning light
High water temperature
"Primer On" indication light

Panel light switch

Checking switch for warning lights, fuel gauge and battery condition meter when
unit is not running

Throttle control
Stop control
Starter button
Cold start aid

Engine and pump operating instruction plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65.


Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCA3600

series aluminium pump which is suitable for general use except for prolonged
use with sea water or brackish water. In the event of sea water being pumped,
the unit should be flushed out with fresh water immediately after use.

The main shaft and renewable casing wear rings are of stainless steel and the
shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal

incorporating a carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The
mechanical seal is pre-loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during
its life.


5½” RT suction inlet


4 x 2½” screwdown delivery outlets

Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through
an electro-magnetic clutch, giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5
litres capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a
depth of 8m.


A one piece hinged cowling, supported in the open position on two gas struts is
provided, allowing full access to pump and engine for maintenance. If
necessary, the complete pump and engine unit can be removed from the trailer
without disturbing the cowling.

The cowling is manufactured from high quality steel, nylon coated for maximum
corrosion protection, and is designed to ensure that the unit can be run
continuously without overheating.


The trailer chassis is a welded steel fabrication, nylon coated for maximum
corrosion resistance. Built into the trailer is provision for up to four storage boxes
for delivery hoses, though two of these can be replaced by spare wheels if
required. A detailed list of available options is given later.

The trailer is fitted with a fixed height draw bar (approx. 525 mm) as standard.

A 40 mm dia towing eye is provided as standard.

Alternative towing eyes are available.

Draw bars are detachable to allow for a compact shipping package.

Facility is provided on the trailer to carry 4 x 2.5m lengths of up to 135 mm

suction hose. Two extra storage boxes are provided for carrying strainers,
nozzles, tools etc.

Trailer is fitted with lifting eyes to allow the whole unit to be lifted with the aid of a
lifting frame.

The trailer is fitted with fully independent rubber torsion suspension units, and
7.50 x 16 x 8 PR Land Rover size wheels and tyres are supplied as standard.
This arrangement allows for high ground clearance, making the unit very suitable
for use over rough terrain.

The towing unit is hydraulically damped with fully compensated brake cables to
each wheel. The handbrake operates on all four wheels for maximum stability,
plus a jockey wheel on the draw bar.

Wide choice of engines

Gunmetal for light alloy pump end
Round the pump Foam System 0-120l/min
Spare wheel(s)
Cover for spare wheel(s)
Jack and wheel brace
Floodlight and mast 2 x 55w bulbs ) up to a
Mast with rotating beacon ) total of 4 masts
Lifting frame
Suction and discharge hoses, nozzles etc.
Unit without cowling
Electro-magnetic clutch between engine and pump
Up to 4 electrical sockets for connecting lighting masts or battery charging



The GTB3600CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel
engine and mounted on a two wheeled trailer to full road specification.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty, and every
consideration has been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut

down noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 2700l/min @ 10 bars total head when operating
from a 4.5m suction lift.


The pump is driven by a close coupled Cummins 4BT 3.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

alternator with built in charge regulator

starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark arrestor will be supplied.

A fuel tank of 450 litres capacity, giving 8 hours running, is supplied - larger
tanks available at extra cost.


A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted

in a convenient position close to the pump, and includes the following:

Pump pressure gauge ) illuminated by

Pump suction compound gauge ) panel light

Engine water temperature gauge )

Engine oil pressure gauge ) engine gauges
Battery condition meter ) internally light
Fuel contents gauge )
Tachometer )
Hours counter )

Battery charge warning light

Low oil pressure warning light
High water temperature
"Primer On" indication light

Panel light switch

Checking switch for warning lights, and battery condition meter when unit is not

Throttle control
Stop control
Starter button
Cold start aid
Engine and pump operating instruction plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65.


Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCB3600

series gunmetal pump which is suitable for extended operation with fresh,
polluted or sea water.

The main shaft and renewable casing wear rings are of stainless steel and the
shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal

incorporating a carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The
mechanical seal is pre-loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during
its life.


5½” RT suction inlet


4 x 2½” instantaneous delivery outlets

Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through
an electro-magnetic clutch, giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5
litres capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a
depth of 8m.


A one piece hinged cowling, supported in the open position on two gas struts is
provided, allowing full access to pump and engine for maintenance. If
necessary, the complete pump and engine unit can be removed from the trailer
without disturbing the cowling.

The cowling is manufactured from high quality steel, polyester coated for
maximum corrosion protection, and is designed to ensure that the unit can be
run continuously without overheating.


The trailer chassis is a welded steel fabrication, polyester coated for maximum
corrosion resistance incorporating a 450 litre fuel tank suitable for 8 hours
running. Built into the trailer is storage facility for 16 lengths of 100' delivery
hose. Facility for carrying a spare wheel is provided.

The trailer is fitted with an adjustable height from 400 to 1100mm above ground

Facility is provided on the trailer to carry 6 x 3m x 5.5" lengths of suction hose.

Two extra storage boxes are provided for carrying strainers, nozzles, tools etc.

A 40mm dia towing eye is provided.

OPTION AA A 76mm dia towing is provided

OPTION BB A 50mm ball valve is provided

Other alternative towing eyes are available.

Draw bars are detachable to allow for a compact shipping package.

Trailer is fitted with lifting eyes to allow the whole unit to be lifted with the aid of a
lifting frame.

The trailer is fitted with fully independent rubber torsion suspension units, and
7.50 x 16 x 8 PR Land Rover size wheels and tyres are supplied as standard.
This arrangement allows for high ground clearance, making the unit very suitable
for use over rough terrain.
The towing unit is hydraulically damped with fully compensated brake cables to
each wheel. The handbrake operates on all four wheels for maximum stability,
plus a jockey wheel on the draw bar.


Wide choice of engines

Gunmetal for light alloy pump end
Spare wheel(s)
Cover for spare wheel(s)
Jack and wheel brace
Floodlight and mast 2 x 55w bulbs ) up to a
Mast with rotating beacon ) total of 4 masts
Lifting frame
Suction and discharge hoses, nozzles etc.
Unit without cowling
Electro-magnetic clutch between engine and pump
Up to 4 electrical sockets for connecting lighting masts or battery charging



The GTA5300CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel
engine and mounted on a two wheeled trailer to full road specification.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty, and every
consideration has been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut

down noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 3500 l/min @ 10 bars total head when operating
from a 4.5 m static suction lift.


The pump is driven by a close coupled Cummins 6BTA 5.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

alternator with built in charge regulator

starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark arrestor will be supplied.

A fuel tank of 450 litres capacity, giving 4 hours running, is supplied.


A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted

in a convenient position close to the pump, and includes the following:

Pump pressure gauge ) illuminated by

Pump suction compound gauge ) panel light

Engine water temperature gauge )

Engine oil pressure gauge ) engine gauges
Battery condition meter ) internally light
Fuel contents gauge )
Tachometer )
Hours counter )

Battery charge warning light

Low oil pressure warning light
High water temperature
"Primer On" indication light

Panel light switch

Checking switch for warning lights, and battery condition meter when unit is not

Throttle control
Stop control
Starter button
Cold start aid
Engine and pump operating instruction plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65.


Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCA5300

series aluminium pump which is suitable for general use except for prolonged
use with sea water or brackish water. In the event of sea water being pumped,
the unit should be flushed out with fresh water immediately after use.

The main shaft and renewable casing wear rings are of stainless steel and the
shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal

incorporating a carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The
mechanical seal is pre-loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during
its life.


5½” BSP suction inlet


4 x 2½” BSP delivery outlets

Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through
an electro-magnetic clutch, giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5
litres capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a
depth of 8m.


A one piece hinged cowling, supported in the open position on two gas struts is
provided, allowing full access to pump and engine for maintenance. If
necessary, the complete pump and engine unit can be removed from the trailer
without disturbing the cowling.

The cowling is manufactured from high quality steel, polyester coated for
maximum corrosion protection, and is designed to ensure that the unit can be
run continuously without overheating.


The trailer chassis is a welded steel fabrication, polyester coated for maximum
corrosion resistance incorporating a 450 litre fuel tank suitable for 8 hours
running. Built into the trailer is storage facility for 16 lengths of 100' delivery
hose. Facility for carrying a spare wheel is provided.

The trailer is fitted with an adjustable height from 400 to 1100mm above ground

Facility is provided on the trailer to carry 6 x 3m x 5.5" lengths of suction hose.

Two extra storage boxes are provided for carrying strainers, nozzles, tools etc.

A 40mm dia towing eye is provided.

OPTION AA A 76mm dia towing is provided

OPTION BB A 50mm ball valve is provided

Other alternative towing eyes are available.

Draw bars are detachable to allow for a compact shipping package.

Trailer is fitted with lifting eyes to allow the whole unit to be lifted with the aid of a
lifting frame.

The trailer is fitted with fully independent rubber torsion suspension units, and
7.50 x 16 x 8 PR Land Rover size wheels and tyres are supplied as standard.
This arrangement allows for high ground clearance, making the unit very suitable
for use over rough terrain.
The towing unit is hydraulically damped with fully compensated brake cables to
each wheel. The handbrake operates on all four wheels for maximum stability,
plus a jockey wheel on the draw bar.


Wide choice of engines

Gunmetal for light alloy pump end
Spare wheel(s)
Cover for spare wheel(s)
Jack and wheel brace
Floodlight and mast 2 x 55w bulbs ) up to a
Mast with rotating beacon ) total of 4 masts
Lifting frame
Suction and discharge hoses, nozzles etc.
Unit without cowling
Electro-magnetic clutch between engine and pump
Up to 4 electrical sockets for connecting lighting masts or battery charging



The GTB5300CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel
engine and mounted on a two wheeled trailer to full road specification.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty, and every
consideration has been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut

down noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 5500 l/min @ 13 bars total head when operating
from a 1.5m static suction lift.


The pump is driven by a close coupled Cummins 6BTA 5.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

alternator with built in charge regulator

starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark arrestor will be supplied.

A fuel tank giving 4 hours running, is supplied


A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted

in a convenient position close to the pump, and includes the following:

Pump pressure gauge ) illuminated by

Pump suction compound gauge ) panel light

Engine water temperature gauge )

Engine oil pressure gauge ) engine gauges
Battery condition meter ) internally light
Fuel contents gauge )
Tachometer )
Hours counter )

Battery charge warning light

Low oil pressure warning light
High water temperature
"Primer On" indication light

Panel light switch

Checking switch for warning lights, and battery condition meter when unit is not

Throttle control
Stop control
Starter button
Cold start aid
Engine and pump operating instruction plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65.


Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCB6500

series gunmetal pump, which is suitable for prolonged use with sea water or
brackish water.

The main shaft and renewable casing wear rings are of stainless steel and the
shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal

incorporating a carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The
mechanical seal is pre-loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during
its life.


5½” BSP suction inlet


4 x 2½” BSP delivery outlets


Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through
an electro-magnetic clutch, giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5
litres capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a
depth of 8m.


A one piece hinged cowling, supported in the open position on two gas struts is
provided, allowing full access to pump and engine for maintenance. If
necessary, the complete pump and engine unit can be removed from the trailer
without disturbing the cowling.

The cowling is manufactured from high quality steel, polyester coated for
maximum corrosion protection, and is designed to ensure that the unit can be
run continuously without overheating.


The trailer chassis is a welded steel fabrication, polyester coated for maximum
corrosion resistance incorporating a fuel tank suitable for 4 hours running. Built
into the trailer is storage facility for 6 lengths of 100' delivery hose. Facility for
carrying a spare wheel is provided.

Facility is provided on the trailer to carry 4 x 2.5m x 5.5" lengths of suction hose.
Two extra storage boxes are provided for carrying strainers, nozzles, tools etc.

A 40mm dia towing eye is provided.

OPTION AA A 76mm dia towing is provided

OPTION BB A 50mm ball valve is provided

Other alternative towing eyes are available.

Draw bars are detachable to allow for a compact shipping package.

Trailer is fitted with lifting eyes to allow the whole unit to be lifted with the aid of a
lifting frame.

The trailer is fitted with fully independent rubber torsion suspension units, and
7.50 x 16 x 8 PR Land Rover size wheels and tyres are supplied as standard.
This arrangement allows for high ground clearance, making the unit very suitable
for use over rough terrain.

The towing unit is hydraulically damped with fully compensated brake cables to
each wheel. The handbrake operates on all four wheels for maximum stability,
plus a jockey wheel on the draw bar.

Wide choice of engines

Gunmetal for light alloy pump end
Spare wheel(s)
Cover for spare wheel(s)
Jack and wheel brace
Floodlight and mast 2 x 55w bulbs ) up to a
Mast with rotating beacon ) total of 4 masts
Lifting frame
Suction and discharge hoses, nozzles etc.
Unit without cowling
Up to 4 electrical sockets for connecting lighting masts or battery charging



The GTA6500CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel
engine and mounted on a two wheeled trailer to full road specification.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty, and every
consideration has been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut

down noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 5000 l/min @ 10 bars total head when operating
from a 3m static suction lift.


The pump is driven by a close coupled Cummins 6BTA 5.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

alternator with built in charge regulator

starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark arrestor will be supplied.

A fuel tank of 450 litres capacity, giving 8 hours running, is supplied - larger
tanks available at extra cost.


A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted

in a convenient position close to the pump, and includes the following:

Pump pressure gauge ) illuminated by

Pump suction compound gauge ) panel light

Engine water temperature gauge )

Engine oil pressure gauge ) engine gauges
Battery condition meter ) internally light
Fuel contents gauge )
Tachometer )
Hours counter )

Battery charge warning light

Low oil pressure warning light
High water temperature
"Primer On" indication light

Panel light switch

Checking switch for warning lights, and battery condition meter when unit is not

Throttle control
Stop control
Starter button
Cold start aid
Engine and pump operating instruction plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65.


Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCA6500

series aluminium pump which is suitable for general use except for prolonged
use with sea water or brackish water. In the event of sea water being pumped,
the unit should be flushed out with fresh water immediately after use.

The main shaft and renewable casing wear rings are of stainless steel and the
shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal

incorporating a carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The
mechanical seal is pre-loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during
its life.


5½” RT suction inlet


4 x 2½” screw down delivery valves with Instantaneous couplings

Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through
an electro-magnetic clutch, giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5
litres capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a
depth of 8m.


A one piece hinged cowling, supported in the open position on two gas struts is
provided, allowing full access to pump and engine for maintenance. If
necessary, the complete pump and engine unit can be removed from the trailer
without disturbing the cowling.

The cowling is manufactured from high quality steel, polyester coated for
maximum corrosion protection, and is designed to ensure that the unit can be
run continuously without overheating.


The trailer chassis is a welded steel fabrication, polyester coated for maximum
corrosion resistance incorporating a 450 litre fuel tank suitable for 8 hours
running. Built into the trailer is storage facility for 4 lengths of 100' delivery hose.
Facility for carrying a spare wheel is provided.

The trailer is fitted with a fixed height draw bar (approx 525mm) as standard.

Facility is provided on the trailer to carry 4 x 2.5m lengths of up to 5.5" diameter

suction hose. Two extra storage boxes are provided for carrying strainers,
nozzles, tools etc.

A 40mm dia towing eye is provided.

Alternative towing eyes can be provided on request

Draw bars are detachable to allow for a compact shipping package.

The trailer is fitted with lifting eyes to allow the whole unit to be lifted with the aid
of a lifting frame.

The towing unit is hydraulically damped with fully compensated brake cables to
each wheel. The handbrake operates on all four wheels for maximum stability,
plus a jockey wheel on the draw bar.


Wide choice of engines
Gunmetal for light alloy pump end
Spare wheel(s)
Cover for spare wheel(s)
Jack and wheel brace
Floodlight and mast 2 x 55w bulbs ) up to a
Mast with rotating beacon ) total of 4 masts
Lifting frame
Suction and discharge hoses, nozzles etc.
Unit without cowling
Electro-magnetic clutch between engine and pump
Up to 4 electrical sockets for connecting lighting masts or battery charging


The GTB6500CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel
engine and mounted on a two wheeled trailer to full road specification.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty, and every
consideration has been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut

down noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 5000 l/min @ 10 bars total head when operating
from a 3m static suction lift.


The pump is driven by a close coupled Cummins 6BTA 5.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

alternator with built in charge regulator

starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark arrestor will be supplied.

A fuel tank of 450 litres capacity, giving 8 hours running, is supplied - larger
tanks available at extra cost.


A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted

in a convenient position close to the pump, and includes the following:

Pump pressure gauge ) illuminated by

Pump suction compound gauge ) panel light

Engine water temperature gauge )

Engine oil pressure gauge ) engine gauges
Battery condition meter ) internally light
Fuel contents gauge )
Tachometer )
Hours counter )

Battery charge warning light

Low oil pressure warning light
High water temperature
"Primer On" indication light

Panel light switch

Checking switch for warning lights, fuel gauge and battery condition meter when
unit is not running

Throttle control
Stop control
Starter button
Cold start aid
Engine and pump operating instruction plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65.


Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCB6500

series gunmetal pump which is suitable for extended operation with fresh,
polluted or sea water.

The main shaft and renewable casing wear rings are of stainless steel and the
shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.
Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal
incorporating a carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The
mechanical seal is pre-loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during
its life.


5.5” RT suction inlet


4 x 2.5” screw down delivery valves with instantaneous couplings


Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through
an electro-magnetic clutch, giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5
litres capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a
depth of 8m.


A one piece hinged cowling, supported in the open position on two gas struts is
provided, allowing full access to pump and engine for maintenance. If
necessary, the complete pump and engine unit can be removed from the trailer
without disturbing the cowling.

The cowling is manufactured from high quality steel, polyester coated for
maximum corrosion protection, and is designed to ensure that the unit can be
run continuously without overheating.


The trailer chassis is a welded steel fabrication, polyester coated for maximum
corrosion resistance. Built into the trailer is storage facility for up to four lengths
of delivery hoses, though two of these can be replaced by spare wheels if
required. A detailed list of the available options is given later.
The trailer is fitted with a fixed height draw bar (approx. 525mm) as standard.

Facility is provided on the trailer to carry 6 x 3m x 5.5" lengths of suction hose.

Two extra storage boxes are provided for carrying strainers, nozzles, tools etc.

A 40mm dia towing eye is provided.

Alternative towing eyes are available on request.

Other alternative towing eyes are available.

Draw bars are detachable to allow for a compact shipping package.

The trailer is fitted with lifting eyes to allow the whole unit to be lifted with the aid
of a lifting frame.

The trailer is fitted with fully independent rubber torsion suspension units, and
7.50 x 16 x 8 PR Land Rover size wheels and tyres are supplied as standard.
This arrangement allows for high ground clearance, making the unit very suitable
for use over rough terrain.

The towing unit is hydraulically damped with fully compensated brake cables to
each wheel. The handbrake operates on all four wheels for maximum stability,
plus a jockey wheel on the draw bar.


Wide choice of engines

Gunmetal for light alloy pump end
Spare wheel(s)
Cover for spare wheel(s)
Jack and wheel brace
Floodlight and mast 2 x 55w bulbs ) up to a
Mast with rotating beacon ) total of 4 masts
Lifting frame
Suction and discharge hoses, nozzles etc.
Unit without cowling
Electro-magnetic clutch between engine and pump
Up to 4 electrical sockets for connecting lighting masts or battery charging
A compact and powerful
The Godiva GT 10/10 is a fully
self contained unit providing
continuous performance of
1000l/min at 10 bar at 3m lift. For
this performance it is the smallest
and most compact pump of its
type in the world. This unit spent
an extensive period of evaluation
and has the seal of approval of a
wide range of professional fire-
fighters. It is mounted on a trailer
that conforms to EC Road

GT 10/10
trailer mounted fire pump

key features
• all aluminium pump
• Comprehensive instrumentation
• Closed circuit cooling system with heat
• 3 cylinder vertical shaft 4 stroke Honda
engine with electronic ignition system
• Electronic engine overspeed protection
• Protection system (automatic slow down
initiated by high water temperature or low oil
pressure and indication of the problem area
by warning light)
• No external belts
• Rotationally moulded 14 litre fuel tank to give
1 hr running at duty
• Remote fuel tank connection facility
• Exhaust gas ejection priming system
• 2 DIN type screw down valves with pressure
release facility
• Mounted on a trailer that conforms to EC
Road Regulations
• Battery charging socket
• Optional lighting mast, selection of suction,
discharge couplings and extending handles
• Suction wrench storage within the frame

Performance Data
Maximum Recommended Speed 6000 rpm
Maximum Outlet Pressure 16 bar
Maximum Flow 2100 litres/min
Weight (dry) 95 kg
Typical Dimensions (L x W x H) 2900 x 1520 x 1010 mm
Priming Times to 7.2 m 24 sec
Coolant Capacity 6 litres
Oil Capacity 2.2 litres
Fuel Capacity 14 litres (1 hour running)
Basis of Data: GT10/10 light alloy pump with 4" suction; 1 x 2½" delivery valves

trailer mounted fire pump

• Compound gauge: -1.0 to 16 bar
• Pressure gauge: 25 bar
• Gauge illumination
• High water temperature warning light
• Low oil pressure warning light
• Choke control
• On/off switch
• Start button
• Hours counter
• Throttle

Hale Products Europe policy is one of

continuous development. We therefore reserve
the right to amend specifications without notice
or obligation.
Typical performance of Godiva GT10/10
portable pump at 3 metre lift.
 A Unit of IDEX Corporation
= EN1028-1
Charles St
Options CV34 5LR
• Telescopic 55w floodlight
• Separate fuel tank with quick release +44 (0)1926 623600
¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

[email protected]
A fully self contained unit providing
2300 l/min at 7.0 bar
The Godiva GT2300 self contained petrol
engine driven fire pump is designed for
continuous operation at a maximum rated
output. It is capable of running under full load
immediately after starting from cold. Pump
performance has been optimised by use of
an electronic control unit and fuel injection
system. Engine cooling is maintained by a
high capacity closed circuit heat exchanger
system and full pump instrumentation
provides ease of operation.
The pump is mounted on a trailer that
conforms to EC Road Regulations including
two braking systems and storage space for
suction hoses and ancillary items

Trailer mounted fire pump
key features
 Single stage centrifugal pump directly mounted to
the engine and driven through a flexible coupling
 Reduced weight compared to previous model
 Range of delivery valve and suction connections
supplied to customer requirements
 Tubular stainless steel frame designed to protect
the assembly
 Pump can be easily demounted from trailer
 Exhaust gas ejector primer manually operated by
a lever
 Ford 4 cylinder, water cooled ZSG414 Petrol Control panel and delivery valves
 Electrical system includes solid state electronic Note: pump demounted from trailer
ignition in these photographs
 High capacity closed circuit heat exchanger Easy access to fuel tank for re-filling
cooling system
 Stainless Steel exhaust silencer is arranged to
discharge at the opposite end of the pump from
the operation position
 Comprehensive control and instrument panel
 Light alloy and gunmetal pump end options
 Trailer conforms to EC road regulations
 Trailer fitted with manual hand brake and
automatic over-run system
 Storage space for four lengths of 2.5m suction
hose and ancillary items

GT2300 11-06(3).doc
Pump Performance Data
Maximum Power 63 kW @ 4950rpm
Maximum Outlet Pressure 15.5 bar
Maximum Flow 2800 litres/min @ 2 bar
Weight – Trailer and pump 650 kg (based on aluminium pump, dry)
Weight – Pump only 173 kg (based on aluminium pump, dry)
Trailer dimensions (L x W x H) 2950 x 1520 x 1050 mm (with pump mounted)
Pump dimensions (L x W x H) 936 x 612 x 646 mm
Priming Times to 7.5 m 25 sec using 4” hose
Fuel Capacity 24 litres (1 hour running)
Basis of Data: GT2300 light alloy pump with 4" suction, 2 x 2 ½ ” delivery valves

Trailer mounted fire pump

Controls &
 On/Off ignition switch
 Start button
 Battery charge warning light
 Throttle control
 Pump priming lever
 Pump suction compound pressure
 Pump discharge pressure gauge
 Engine oil pressure warning light
 Engine water temperature warning light
 Battery condition meter
 Fuel contents gauge
 Hours run meter

Typical performance of GT2300 Mk2 pump


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Options Charles St
 Aluminium or Gunmetal pump end CV34 5LR
 Detachable floodlight England
 Low maintenance gel battery
 +44 (0)1926 623600

 +44 (0)1926 623666

Hale Products Europe policy is one of
continuous development. We therefore reserve  www.haleeurope.com
the right to amend specifications without notice [email protected]
or obligation.

GT2300 11-06(3).doc
Data Sheets
Skid Mounted Pumps

GD Skid Mounted Range – an overview

Includes GD2700, GD3600, GD5300, GD5410
GD6500, GD10000

Direct Mounted World Series Pump

Power and flexibility

The Godiva range of diesel engine powered

pumps are designed for the most demanding
situations. Available in trailer or skid mounted
versions these units combine enhanced delivery
and operational flexibility with ease of use and
maintenance. Complying with international
standards and road regulations Godiva pumps
can be found in the most arduous of conditions.
The output flows range from 3,200 l/min to 7,000
l/min and with a range of suction and discharge
connections available the Godiva diesel powered
pump is the solution for all high flow

GT3600 – Maximum flow 4100 l/min, powered by

Cummins 3.9L 4 cylinder turbo charged engine

Diesel Powered Pumps

Trailer and skid mounted pumping units

key features
• Pump end available in aluminium or
• Comprehensive instrumentation on all
• Self-adjusting mechanical seal
• Closed circuit radiator cooling system
• Automatic water ring pump priming system
• Power supply from tried and tested Cummins
• Designed for operation in all climates

Trailer units –
• Self-contained pumping unit
• Trailer design conforms to EC road
• Suction and delivery hose stowage fitted
• Fully cowled unit GD6500 – Skid mounted unit. Maximum flow 7000
• Optional lighting mast l/min, powered by Cummins 5.9L 6 cylinder, turbo
charged engine
Skid mounted units –
• Pump and engine mounted on a rigid base
• Large capacity fuel tank fitted into base

Diesel Units 06-08(2)

Specification Data
Trailer - GT GT2700 GT3600 GT5300 GT6500
Bedplate - GD GD2700 GD3600 GD5300 GD5410 GD6500
Priming Performance To 8m (26') To 8m (26') To 8m (26') To 8m (26') To 8m (26')
Maximum Outlet 14bar 13bar 13bar 13bar 17.5bar
Maximum Flow 3200l/min 4100l/min 5700l/min 5300l/min 7000l/min
Godiva Performance DS371 DS424 DS531 DS363/3 DS372
Trailer - 3450mm x 3450mm x 3450mm x N/A 3450mm x
Dimensions 1850mm x 1850mm x 1850mm x 1850mm x
(l x w x h) 1610mm 1610mm 1610mm 1610mm
Dry Weight 950kg/ 950kg/ 1100kg/ N/A 1100kg/
(Light Alloy/Bronze) 1140kg 1140kg 1240kg 1240kg
Bedplate - 1650mm x 1650mm x 1905 x 1905 x 1763 x
Dimensions 614mm x 614mm x 610 x 610 x 610 x
(l x w x h) 1250mm 1250mm 1378 1378 1378
Dry Weight 655kg/ 655kg/ 820kg/ 820kg/ 830kg/
(Light Alloy/Bronze) 845kg 845kg 960kg 960kg 970kg
Wide range of suction and discharge connections available for each model

Diesel Powered Pumps

Trailer and skid mounted pumping units


16 • Suction gauge
• Pressure gauge
• High water temperature
warning light
• Oil pressure gauge

12 • Coolant level gauge

• Cold start switch
10 • Start button
• Tachometer
• Hours counter
• Fuel gauge
1.5M • Battery gauge
6 GT6500CU

1.5M 1.5M A Unit of IDEX Corporation
GD3600CU GD5410CU Charles St
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 Warwick
+44 (0)1926 623600
Typical performance of current Diesel Engine Pumping Sets ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

[email protected]
Hale Products Europe policy is one of
Diesel Units 06-08(2)
continuous development. We therefore reserve
the right to amend specifications without notice
or obligation.


The GDA2700CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel
engine and mounted on a heavy duty baseplate for fixed installation.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty, and every
consideration has been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut

down noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 2400 l/min @ 7 bars total head when operating
from 3m static suction lift.


The pump is driven by a close coupled Cummins 4B-3.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

alternator with built in charge regulator

starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark arrestor is supplied.

Fuel tank capacity for 4 hours running as standard.



A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted

in a convenient position close to the pump and includes the following:

Pump pressure gauge ) illuminated by

Pump suction compound gauge ) panel light

Engine water temperature gauge )

Engine oil pressure gauge )
Battery condition meter ) engine gauges
Fuel contents gauge ) internally lit
Tachometer )
Hours counter )

Battery charge warning light

Low oil pressure warning light
High water temperature
"Primer On" indication light

Panel light switch

Checking switch for warning lights, fuel gauge and battery condition meter when
unit is not running.

Throttle control
Stop control
Starter button
Cold start aid

Engine and pump operating instruction plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65



Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCA2700

series aluminium pump which is suitable for general use except for prolonged
use with sea water or brackish water. In the event of sea water being pumped,
the unit should be flushed out with fresh water immediately after use.

The main shaft is stainless steel, the renewable casing wear rings are of
gunmetal and the shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal

incorporating a carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The
mechanical seal is pre-loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during
its life.


4” round thread suction inlet


2 x 2.5” instantaneous screwdown delivery outlets


Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through
an electromagnetic clutch, giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5
litres capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a
depth of 8m.


The complete unit is mounted on a substantial baseplate, which is provided with

slots for fork truck lifting.

Eight mounting holes are drilled in the base to allow permanent fixing.

The fuel tank and battery are accommodated in the baseplate.



The GDB2700CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel
engine and mounted on a heavy duty baseplate for fixed installation.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty, and every
consideration has been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut

down noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 2400 l/min @ 7 bar total head when operating
from 3m static suction lift.


The pump is driven by a close coupled Cummins 4BT 3.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

alternator with built in charge regulator

starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark arrestor is supplied.

Fuel tank capacity for 4 hours running as standard.



A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted

in a convenient position close to the pump and includes the following:

Pump pressure gauge ) illuminated by

Pump suction compound gauge ) panel light

Engine water temperature gauge )

Engine oil pressure gauge )
Battery condition meter ) engine gauges
Fuel contents gauge ) internally lit
Tachometer )
Hours counter )

Battery charge warning light

Low oil pressure warning light
High water temperature
"Primer On" indication light

Panel light switch

Checking switch for warning lights, fuel gauge and battery condition meter when
unit is not running.

Throttle control
Stop control
Starter button
Cold start aid

Engine and pump operating instruction plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65



Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCB

series gunmetal pump which is suitable for extended operation with fresh,
polluted or sea water.

The main shaft is stainless steel, the renewable casing wear rings are of
gunmetal and the shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal

incorporating a carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The
mechanical seal is pre-loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during
its life.


4” round thread suction inlet


2 x 2.5” instantaneous screwdown delivery outlets


Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through
an electromagnetic clutch, giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5
litres capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a
depth of 8m.


The complete unit is mounted on a substantial baseplate, which is provided with

slots for fork truck lifting.

Eight mounting holes are drilled in the base to allow permanent fixing.

The fuel tank and battery are accommodated in the baseplate.



The GDA3600CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel
engine and mounted on a heavy duty baseplate for fixed installation.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty, and every
consideration has been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut

down noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 3400 l/min @ 7 bar total head when operating
from 3 m static suction lift.


The pump is driven by a close coupled to a 4BT-3.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

alternator with built in charge regulator

starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark arrestor is supplied.

Fuel tank capacity for 4 hours running as standard.



A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted

in a convenient position close to the pump and includes the following:

Pump pressure gauge ) illuminated by

Pump suction compound gauge ) panel light

Engine water temperature gauge )

Engine oil pressure gauge )
Battery condition meter ) engine gauges
Fuel contents gauge ) internally lit
Tachometer )
Hours counter )

Battery charge warning light

Low oil pressure warning light
High water temperature
"Primer On" indication light

Panel light switch

Checking switch for warning lights, fuel gauge and battery condition meter when
unit is not running.

Throttle control
Stop control
Starter button
Cold start aid

Engine and pump operating instruction plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65



Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCA3600

series aluminium pump which is suitable for general use except for prolonged
use with sea water or brackish water. In the event of sea water being pumped,
the unit should be flushed out with fresh water immediately after use.

The main shaft is stainless steel, the renewable casing wear rings are of
gunmetal and the shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal

incorporating a carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The
mechanical seal is pre-loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during
its life.


5½” RT suction inlet.


4 x 2½” UK screwdown delivery outlet with BS connectors.


Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through
an electromagnetic clutch, giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5
litres capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a
depth of 8m.


The complete unit is mounted on a substantial baseplate, which is provided with

slots for fork truck lifting.

Eight mounting holes are drilled in the base to allow permanent fixing.

The fuel tank and battery are accommodated in the baseplate.



The GDB3600CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel
engine and mounted on a heavy duty baseplate for fixed installation.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty, and every
consideration has been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut

down noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 3400 l/min @ 7 bar total head when operating
from 3m static suction lift.


The pump is driven by a close coupled to a 4BT-3.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

alternator with built in charge regulator

starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark arrestor is supplied

Fuel tank capacity for 4 hours running as standard.



A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted

in a convenient position close to the pump and includes the following:

Pump pressure gauge ) illuminated by

Pump suction compound gauge ) panel light

Engine water temperature gauge )

Engine oil pressure gauge )
Battery condition meter ) engine gauges
Fuel contents gauge ) internally lit
Tachometer )
Hours counter )

Battery charge warning light

Low oil pressure warning light
High water temperature
"Primer On" indication light

Panel light switch

Checking switch for warning lights, fuel gauge and battery condition meter when
unit is not running.

Throttle control
Stop control
Starter button
Cold start aid

Engine and pump operating instruction plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65



Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCB3600

series gunmetal pump which is suitable for prolonged use with sea water or
brackish water.

The main shaft is stainless steel, the renewable casing wear rings are of
gunmetal and the shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal

incorporating a carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The
mechanical seal is pre-loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during
its life.


5½” BS round thread suction inlet.


4 x 2½” BS Instantaneous screwdown delivery outlet.


Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through
an electromagnetic clutch, giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5
litres capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a
depth of 8m.


The complete unit is mounted on a substantial baseplate, which is provided with

slots for fork truck lifting.

Eight mounting holes are drilled in the base to allow permanent fixing.

The fuel tank and battery are accommodated in the baseplate.



The GDA5300CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel
engine and mounted on a heavy duty baseplate for fixed installation.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty, and every
consideration has been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut

down noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 5000 l/min @ 7 bar total head when operating
from 3m static suction lift.


The pump is driven by a close coupled Cummins 6BTA 5.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

alternator with built in charge regulator

starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark arrestor is supplied.

Fuel tank capacity for 4 hours running as standard.



A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted

in a convenient position close to the pump and includes the following:

Pump pressure gauge ) illuminated by

Pump suction compound gauge ) panel light

Engine water temperature gauge )

Engine oil pressure gauge )
Battery condition meter ) engine gauges
Fuel contents gauge ) internally lit
Tachometer )
Hours counter )

Battery charge warning light

Low oil pressure warning light
High water temperature
"Primer On" indication light

Panel light switch

Checking switch for warning lights, fuel gauge and battery condition meter when
unit is not running.

Throttle control
Stop control
Starter button
Cold start aid

Engine and pump operating instruction plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65



Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCA5300

series light alloy pump which is suitable for extended operation with fresh water
and occasional use with polluted or sea water (subject to being thoroughly
flushed with fresh water after every usage).

The main shaft is stainless steel, the renewable casing wear rings are of
gunmetal and the shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal

incorporating a carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The
mechanical seal is pre-loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during
its life.


5.5” round thread suction inlet


4 x 2.5” instantaneous screwdown delivery valves


Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through
an electromagnetic clutch, giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5
litres capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a
depth of 8m.


The complete unit is mounted on a substantial baseplate, which is provided with

slots for fork truck lifting.

Eight mounting holes are drilled in the base to allow permanent fixing.

The fuel tank and battery are accommodated in the baseplate.



The GDB5300CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel
engine and mounted on a heavy duty baseplate for fixed installation.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty, and every
consideration has been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut

down noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 5000 l/min @ 7 bar total head when operating
from 3m static suction lift.


The pump is driven by a close coupled Cummins 6BTA 5.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

alternator with built in charge regulator

starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark arrestor is supplied.

Fuel tank capacity for 4 hours running as standard.



A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted

in a convenient position close to the pump and includes the following:

Pump pressure gauge ) illuminated by

Pump suction compound gauge ) panel light

Engine water temperature gauge )

Engine oil pressure gauge )
Battery condition meter ) engine gauges
Fuel contents gauge ) internally lit
Tachometer )
Hours counter )

Battery charge warning light

Low oil pressure warning light
High water temperature
"Primer On" indication light

Panel light switch

Checking switch for warning lights, fuel gauge and battery condition meter when
unit is not running.

Throttle control
Stop control
Starter button
Cold start aid

Engine and pump operating instruction plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65



Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCB5300

series gunmetal pump which is suitable for extended operation with fresh,
polluted or sea water.

The main shaft is stainless steel, the renewable casing wear rings are of
gunmetal and the shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal

incorporating a carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The
mechanical seal is pre-loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during
its life.


5.5” round thread suction inlet


4 x 2.5” instantaneous screwdown delivery valves


Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through
an electromagnetic clutch, giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5
litres capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a
depth of 8m.


The complete unit is mounted on a substantial baseplate, which is provided with

slots for fork truck lifting.

Eight mounting holes are drilled in the base to allow permanent fixing.

The fuel tank and battery are accommodated in the baseplate.



The GDA5410CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel
engine and mounted on a heavy duty baseplate for fixed installation.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty, and every
consideration has been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut

down noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 4000 l/min @ 8 bars total head when operating
from 3m static suction lift.


The pump is driven by a close coupled Cummins 4BT-3.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

alternator with built in charge regulator

starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark arrestor is supplied.

Fuel tank capacity for 4 hours running as standard.



A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted

in a convenient position close to the pump and includes the following:

Pump pressure gauge ) illuminated by

Pump suction compound gauge ) panel light

Engine water temperature gauge )

Engine oil pressure gauge )
Battery condition meter ) engine gauges
Fuel contents gauge ) internally lit
Tachometer )
Hours counter )

Battery charge warning light

Low oil pressure warning light
High water temperature
"Primer On" indication light

Panel light switch

Checking switch for warning lights, fuel gauge and battery condition meter when
unit is not running.

Throttle control
Stop control
Starter button
Cold start aid

Engine and pump operating instruction plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65



Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCA5410

series light alloy pump which is suitable for extended operation with fresh,
polluted or sea water, provided thoroughly flushed with clean sweet water after

The main shaft is stainless steel, the renewable casing wear rings are of
gunmetal and the shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal

incorporating a carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The
mechanical seal is pre-loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during
its life.


6” flanged suction inlet


4” flanged delivery outlet


Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through
an electromagnetic clutch, giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5
litres capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a
depth of 8m.


The complete unit is mounted on a substantial baseplate, which is provided with

slots for fork truck lifting.

Eight mounting holes are drilled in the base to allow permanent fixing.

The fuel tank and battery are accommodated in the baseplate.



The GDB5410CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel
engine and mounted on a heavy duty baseplate for fixed installation.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty, and every
consideration has been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut

down noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 4000 l/min @ 8 bars total head when operating
from 3m static suction lift.


The pump is driven by a close coupled Cummins 4BT-3.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

alternator with built in charge regulator

starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark arrestor is supplied.

Fuel tank capacity for 4 hours running as standard.



A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted

in a convenient position close to the pump and includes the following:

Pump pressure gauge ) illuminated by

Pump suction compound gauge ) panel light

Engine water temperature gauge )

Engine oil pressure gauge )
Battery condition meter ) engine gauges
Fuel contents gauge ) internally lit
Tachometer )
Hours counter )

Battery charge warning light

Low oil pressure warning light
High water temperature
"Primer On" indication light

Panel light switch

Checking switch for warning lights, fuel gauge and battery condition meter when
unit is not running.

Throttle control
Stop control
Starter button
Cold start aid

Engine and pump operating instruction plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65



Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCB5410

series gunmetal pump which is suitable for extended operation with fresh,
polluted or sea water.

The main shaft is stainless steel, the renewable casing wear rings are of
gunmetal and the shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal

incorporating a carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The
mechanical seal is pre-loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during
its life.


6” flanged suction inlet


4” flanged delivery outlet


Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through
an electromagnetic clutch, giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5
litres capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a
depth of 8m.


The complete unit is mounted on a substantial baseplate, which is provided with

slots for fork truck lifting.

Eight mounting holes are drilled in the base to allow permanent fixing.

The fuel tank and battery are accommodated in the baseplate.



The GDA6500CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel
engine and mounted on a heavy duty baseplate for fixed installation.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty, and every
consideration has been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut

down noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 5500 l/min @ 10 bars total head when operating
from 1.5m static suction lift. – see curve DS 372


The pump is driven by a close coupled Cummins 6BTA 5.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

alternator with built in charge regulator

starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark arrestor is supplied.

Fuel tank capacity for 4 hours running as standard.



A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted

in a convenient position close to the pump and includes the following:

Pump pressure gauge ) illuminated by

Pump suction compound gauge ) panel light

Engine water temperature gauge )

Engine oil pressure gauge )
Battery condition meter ) engine gauges
Fuel contents gauge ) internally lit
Tachometer )
Hours counter )

Battery charge warning light

Low oil pressure warning light
High water temperature
"Primer On" indication light

Panel light switch

Checking switch for warning lights, fuel gauge and battery condition meter when
unit is not running.

Throttle control
Stop control
Starter button
Cold start aid

Engine and pump operating instruction plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65



Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCA6500

series aluminium pump which is suitable for general use except for prolonged
use with sea water or brackish water. In the event of sea water being pumped,
the unit should be flushed out with fresh water immediately after use.

The main shaft is stainless steel, the renewable casing wear rings are of
gunmetal and the shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal

incorporating a carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The
mechanical seal is pre-loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during
its life.


8” flanged suction inlet


5” flanged discharge


Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through
an electromagnetic clutch, giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5
litres capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a
depth of 8m.


The complete unit is mounted on a substantial baseplate, which is provided with

slots for fork truck lifting.

Eight mounting holes are drilled in the base to allow permanent fixing.

The fuel tank and battery are accommodated in the baseplate.



The GDB6500CU is a self contained fire pump driven by a close coupled diesel
engine and mounted on a heavy duty baseplate for fixed installation.

The complete unit is designed for extended fire pump duty, and every
consideration has been given to ease of operation and servicing.

The pump and engine combination is supported on anti-vibration mounts to cut

down noise and vibration.


The typical output of this unit is 5000 l/min @ 10 bars total head when operating
from 3m static suction lift.


The pump is driven by a close coupled Cummins 6BTA 5.9 diesel engine.

The engine is supplied complete with:

alternator with built in charge regulator

starter motor
12v battery
oil filter
fuel filter
oil cooler
cooling fan (pusher type)
air cleaner

A combined exhaust silencer/spark arrestor is supplied.

Fuel tank capacity for 4 hours running as standard.



A comprehensive illuminated weatherproof control and instrument panel is fitted

in a convenient position close to the pump and includes the following:

Pump pressure gauge ) illuminated by

Pump suction compound gauge ) panel light

Engine water temperature gauge )

Engine oil pressure gauge )
Battery condition meter ) engine gauges
Fuel contents gauge ) internally lit
Tachometer )
Hours counter )

Battery charge warning light

Low oil pressure warning light
High water temperature
"Primer On" indication light

Panel light switch

Checking switch for warning lights, fuel gauge and battery condition meter when
unit is not running.

Throttle control
Stop control
Starter button
Cold start aid

Engine and pump operating instruction plate

The unit wiring is contained in nylon conduit and protected to IP65



Close coupled to the engine through a flexible coupling is a Godiva GCB6500

series gunmetal pump which is suitable for extended operation with fresh,
polluted or sea water.

The main shaft is stainless steel, the renewable casing wear rings are of
gunmetal and the shaft is supported by two sealed ball bearings.

Shaft sealing is by the well known Godiva automatic mechanical seal

incorporating a carbon seal running on a stainless steel counterface. The
mechanical seal is pre-loaded and requires no maintenance or attention during
its life.


8” flanged suction inlet


5” flanged discharge


Priming is provided by the well proven Godiva water ring primer driven through
an electromagnetic clutch, giving fully automatic operation. A header tank of 4.5
litres capacity is mounted above the primer. Primer is capable of priming to a
depth of 8m.


The complete unit is mounted on a substantial baseplate, which is provided with

slots for fork truck lifting.

Eight mounting holes are drilled in the base to allow permanent fixing.

The fuel tank and battery are accommodated in the baseplate.

June 1998
World Series pump with integral
gearbox direct mounted to
diesel engine
The complete range of GODIVA World
Series pumps is now available with a
bell housing and an integrated gearbox
for direct mounting to a diesel engine.

With a direct mount configuration the

installation is more compact and shaft
alignment problems are totally
eliminated. In mobile pumping
applications, totally independent pump
and roll performances are available with
this configuration. SAE2 Bell Housing WTAE4010 Pump
Incorporating gearbox

World Series
Direct Mounted World Series Pumps

Typical configuration – WTAE4010

multipressure pump direct mounted to
Diesel engine


features and benefits
• Rugged cast iron bell housing design • Integrated design offers dedicated speed step-up as one unit
• Fine tuned relationship between pump and • Heavy duty helical gears for quiet operation and extended life
engine speed requirements • Gearbox oil cooling for high ambient temperatures
• Compact size • Optional accelerating 90º pump suction bend
• Automatic shaft alignment with flexible
coupling drive
• Low pressure WS and multi-pressure WT  HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE
options available A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
CV34 5LR Hale Products Europe policy is one of
England continuous development. We therefore
reserve the right to amend specifications
without notice or obligation.
+44 (0)1926 623600
¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
www.haleeurope.com DirectMountWT-WS(1)
 [email protected]
Data Sheets
Foam Equipment

Foam and CAFS products an overview

World Series Pump Integrated CAFS (WTAC)
MCP50 – pto-driven MiniCAFS
FoamMaster V Series
FoamMaster E Series
Q and A on Foam in Class A Fires
Class A Foam – Technical Information
Foam and CAFS Products
Hale Products Europe are a leading supplier of foam The projection
proportioning and compressed air foam products to the power of
fire fighting industry. A range of products are available to Compressed
suit different requirement levels – from the simple Air Foam
“Round-the-pump” inductor system to the accurate
control of the FoamLogix electronic foam proportioning
system and the various configurations of the
Compressed Air Foam System (CAFS).

The superior firefighting power of Compressed Air Foam

systems is increasingly recognised. Hale has been
developing the technology for many years, and can now
supply an integrated CAFS solution in three different
configurations – MiniCAFS, a self-contained retro-
fittable unit for any vehicle – Integrated CAFS, a PTO
driven module linked directly to the Godiva World Series
pump - and MCP50 or CAFS90/CAFS200, engineered
CAFS packages with great installation flexibility.

Whatever the foam requirement - Hale has an

engineering solution.

Foam Systems Hale CAFS – 5bar Foam – 5bar

for all applications

Foam Proportioning and CAFS Products Summary
Application Benefits
Foam Proportioning systems -
RTP - Round the Pump system World Series vehicle mounted pump Induction of up to 120 litres per
with AFFF metering option minute of foam into pump suction
FoamMaster RTP World series vehicle mounted pump Provides a water/foam solution at
guaranteed foam percentages –
independent of water flow rate
V-Series FoamMaster Economical foam proportioning unit Versatile installation options, flow
for slip-on pumps and single line ranges 38l/min to 946l/min
Class A applications Foam ranges from .1% to 1.0%
E-Series FoamMaster Flow based foam proportioning Flow sensor monitors injection pump
system for vehicle pumps to provide consistent foam
concentrate under varying flow and
FoamLogix Electronic foam proportioning system Computer controlled foam injection,
providing dependable and accurate Push button operation,
foam injection Foam ratio range 0.1% to 9.9%
Mini-CAFS (MC50) A self-contained unit, typically Ideal for small vehicles, provides
installed in vehicle side compartment. firefighting foam of exceptional
PTO-driven MiniCAFS (MCP50) Using the same components as Mini- CAFS technology fully integrated into
CAFS but installed in various vehicle appliance
Integrated (PTO-driven) CAFS for A modular addition to the field-proven Compact installation, powerful CAF
World Series Pump World Series vehicle pump provision

CAFS 90 Suitable for a wide range of vehicle Flexible installation, selection from 2
CAFS 200 installations different foams possible
Foam-CAFS Products1(2)08-04.doc
Foam and CAFS Products
RTP – round-the-pump foam system, available with the World
Series pump, is capable of inducing up to 120 l/min of foam
compound into the pump suction tube. Suitable for all
commercially available Protein Fluorocarbon and Aqueous Film-
Forming (AFFF) compounds. A variable control knob alters the
induction rate with incremental markings from 0 to 120l/min.
A separate AFFF metering system is also available providing a
total of six combinations of water/foam – 80l/min water with 1%,
3%, 6% foam and 125l/min water with 1%, 3%, 6% foam. RTP unit

FoamMaster V Series – an efficient, economical foam

proportioning unit made especially for slip-on units and single line
Class A applications.
FoamMaster E Series Models 3.3 and 5.0 - flow based foam
concentrate proportioning systems that use a Hale flowsensor to
measure water flow without creating restrictions or pressure drop.
FoamLogix 2.1 and 3.0/5.0 - a true electronic discharge side
proportioning system in a cost effective, compact package. It has FoamLogix
full digital control with a Class1 flowsensor.

MiniCAFS – a self-contained compressed air foam system

comprising drive motor, foam mixing system and regulator,
assembled within a rigid frame which will fit into the space
required for an 8kVA generator. Foam mix rates for Class A fires
as low as 0.1% - 1.0%, resulting in more efficient application of
water and personnel, faster knock down times, reduced water
and environmental damage. Water is supplied either by vehicle
pump or portable pump, without any requirement for modification.
PTO-driven MiniCAFS Uses the same components as Mini-
CAFS but installed in various vehicle locations according to MiniCAFS in use
manufacturers requirements. Water is supplied from main pump. with a UK Fire

Foam Systems
for all applications

Integrated CAFS (World Series Pump) – a compact package

attached to the rear of the World Series pump. Driven from the
pump PTO, the unit comprises a compressor, Hale FoamLogix
foam proportioning unit and Hale X-Mixer system. A solid-state
electronic control provides a safety system and full operator
control is provided at the pump instrument panel.

Integrated CAFS
CAFS90 and CAFS200 – integrated engineering kits designed to in action
provide all the advantages of CAFS without the disadvantages of
complex installation and operation. Both models will automatically
track pump pressure to 10bar maximum and provide foam
proportioning in the range 0.1% to 9.9%. Water flow rate at 10bar
– 950l/min (CAFS90), 1900l/min (CAFS200).


A Unit of IDEX Corporation +44 (0)1926 623600
Charles St ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
Warwick CAFS producing a
CV34 5LR England
 www.haleeurope.com dry foam
[email protected]
Hale Products Europe policy is one of continuous
development. We therefore reserve the right to
Foam-CAFS Products2(2)08-04.doc amend specifications without notice or obligation.
SmartCAFS 50 system -
World Series multi-pressure pump with
SmartCAFS and FoamLogix control panel

FoamLogix display -
shows foam % selected, foam
and water useage

Smart Switch – selection of

wet or dry CAFS by discrete
control or pre-programmed

World Series Pump with Integrated SmartCAFS System

• CAFS – a more efficient way to fight fires with improved knockdown times, reduced water and
environmental damage and far less water usage.
• Integrated Compressed Air Foam System for easy and cost efficient Installation by OEM
• Designed for use with all World Series models, WS single or WT multi-pressure.
• User friendly operation from one control panel - foam at the push of a button
• Smart switches for selecting wet or dry CAFS – allows discrete performance and pre-
programmed positions
• SmartCAFS 50 – with FoamLogix 2.1A Class A foam proportioner ideal for small / medium
• SmartCAFS 200 – with FoamLogix 3.3 or 5.0 foam proportioner - sufficient performance for
larger incidents, 1900 l/min of solution allows attacks on warehouse fires etc. . .
• Water only discharge available during foam attack
• When used with HALE approved Class A foam concentrates – no time consuming flushing
• FoamLogix 3.3 or 5.0 capable of Class A and Class B foam supply
(manual or pneumatic foam tank selector available)

WTAC-SmartCAFS (1)08-06.doc
CAF mixing and control
• Stainless steel mixing manifold with integrated check
• Patented HALE X-mixers create uniform bubble

Foam Induction System

• Flow sensor constantly monitors water discharge for
correct foam injection ratio
• FoamLogix computer determines correct injection rate
for accurate, reliable foam proportioning

Hale FoamLogix 2.1A Pump – Class A Foam

• Maximum flow rate 8 l/min
• Electric driven rotary plunger pump
• Relief valve protects pump from over pressurization
Hale FoamLogix 3.3 or 5.0 Pump – Class A and B Foam
• Maximum flow rate 12.5 l/min (3.3), 19 l/min (5.0)
• Electric driven rotary gear pump
• Mounted separately from pump/compressor/manifold

Compressor – SmartCAFS 50 Compressor – SmartCAFS 200

• Rotary twin screw compressor with integral air • Screw type compressor with oil cooling via
receiver/separator and lubrication system - heat exchanger fitted with temp sensor
nominal output: 50scfm at 7 bar
• Output – 200scfm at 10 bar
• Cooling: compact oil to water heat exchanger • Separator tank and oil cooler accommodated
• System operational range 4 to 10 bar by OEM in vehicle design

Foam Characteristics
All Hale Products Europe CAF systems are designed to be used with a Class A (and Class B for
FoamLogix 3.3 and 5.0) Hale approved fire fighting foam concentrate. Class A foam reduces the surface
tension of water to increase the penetrating power into burning Class A materials. Main benefits are –
• Economical – 0.1% to 1.0% proportioning rate depending on method of application
• Outstanding environmental characteristics
• Reduced storage space – one litre to make up to 1000 litres of foam solution
• Excellent foamability

Hale Products Europe policy is one of HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE A Unit of IDEX Corporation
continuous development. We therefore Charles St, Warwick CV34 5LR. United Kingdom.
reserve the right to amend specifications Tel: +44 (0)1926 623600 Fax: +44 (0)1926 623666
without notice or obligation. Web: www.haleeurope.com Email: [email protected]
WTAC-SmartCAFS (2)12-06.doc
Powerful, Integrated Compressed Air Foam

FoamLogix display
showing foam %

Smart Switch
Basic configuration showing World Series Single Pressure pump, control – selection
gearbox and compressor
EN Standard, CE marked pump of wet or dry CAFS

World Series Pump with Integrated SmartCAFS 200 System

FPN 10-2000 per EN1028 with integrated DLS 4800 per DIN V 14430

• Integrated System for easy and cost efficient Installation by OEM

• Compact design almost all components in pump compartment – no space lost in side
• User friendly operation from one control panel - foam at the push of a button
• Sufficient performance for larger incidents, 1900 l/min of solution allows attacks on
warehouse fires etc. . .
• New compressor layout allows integration of DLS 4800 System per DIN V 14430 into
most standard fire trucks
• Compressor to be disengaged via E-Mag clutch when CAFS is not required, e.g. for
water relay operations.
• Typical delivery arrangement – 2 x 3” discharges, optional 1st attack or deck gun
• Water only discharge available during foam attack
• When used with HALE approved Class A foam concentrates – no time consuming
flushing necessary
SmartCAFS Powerful, Integrated Compressed Air Foam

System comprises:
• Single stage fire pump with automatic piston primers, nominal
performance 2000 l/min at 10bars from 3m lift, TRV,
maintenance free mechanical shaft seal. See separate data
sheet for further details.
• Gear box for compressor drive, with pulleys and belts to
• HALE FoamLogix 5.0 pressure side foam system, DZA 16 per
DIN V 14430, as single or dual tank version. Display of water and
foam usage, see separate data sheet for further details.
• Screw type compressor with separator tank, nominal FoamLogix Foam Pump
performance 6000 l/min at 10 bars
• Compressor oil cooling via heat exchanger, with temperature
• Stainless steel manifold with integrated check valves, all foam
types per DIN V 14430 selectable.
• Patented HALE X-Mixers for most uniform bubble structure
• Automatic pressure tracking 4-10 bars
• Class 1 Smart Switch controller for reliable foam consistency,
incorporates position indicator.
Stainless steel manifold
• Communication among components via CAN Bus SAE J 1939

World Series Pump with Integrated SmartCAFS 200 System

FPN 10-2000 per EN1028 with integrated DLS 4800 per DIN V 14430

• Fire Pump as described but with completely
integrated high pressure stage FPH 40-250 per
DIN EN 1028
• Fire pump per DIN EN 1028 as
FPN 10-3000 or FPN 10-4000
• Additional foam solution only (less air)
• Foam System in dual tank version with manual
selector (MDTII) or pneumatic selector (ADT)
• DZA 242 instead of DZA 16
• System configured as DLS 2400 per DIN V
14430. Compressor output approx. 3000 l/min,
max. solution flow approx. 1000 l/min.
• Additional Smart Switch mixing chamber for first-
attack connection. Foam consistency to be
Typical SmartCAFS installation in fire selected independent from other discharges3
truck pump bay
1 = To be agreed with OEM. 2 = Available late 2006
3 = To be agreed with Hale and OEM

Hale Products Europe policy is one of HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE A Unit of IDEX Corporation
continuous development. We therefore Charles St, Warwick CV34 5LR. United Kingdom.
reserve the right to amend specifications Tel: +44 (0)1926 623600 Fax: +44 (0)1926 623666
without notice or obligation. Web: www.haleeurope.com Email: [email protected]
Prima SmartCAFS

FoamLogix display -
shows foam % selected, foam
and water useage

Smart Switch – selection of

wet or dry CAFS by discrete
control or pre-programmed
Prima SmartCAFS 50 system - positions
Prima multi-pressure pump with SmartCAFS and FoamLogix control panel

Prima Pump with Integrated SmartCAFS System

• CAFS – a more efficient way to fight fires with improved knockdown times, reduced water and
environmental damage and far less water usage.
• Integrated Compressed Air Foam System for easy and cost efficient Installation by OEM
• Designed for use with all Prima Series models, P1 single pressure, P2 multi-pressure
(P3 triple pressure version to follow)
• User friendly operation from one control panel - foam at the push of a button
• Smart switches for selecting wet or dry CAFS – allows discrete performance and pre-
programmed positions
• SmartCAFS 50 – with FoamLogix 2.1A Class A foam proportioner ideal for small / medium
• SmartCAFS 200 – with FoamLogix 3.3, 5.0 or 6.5 foam proportioner - sufficient performance
for larger incidents, 1900 l/min of solution allows attacks on warehouse fires etc. . .
• Water only discharge available during foam attack
• When used with HALE approved Class A foam concentrates – no time consuming flushing
• FoamLogix 3.3, 5.0 or 6.5 capable of Class A and Class B foam supply
(manual or pneumatic foam tank selector available)
Prima SmartCAFS (1)08-08.doc
CAF mixing and control
• Stainless steel mixing manifold with integrated check
• Patented HALE X-mixers create uniform bubble

Foam Induction System

• Flow sensor constantly monitors water discharge for
correct foam injection ratio
• FoamLogix computer determines correct injection rate
for accurate, reliable foam proportioning

Hale FoamLogix 2.1A Pump – Class A Foam

• Maximum flow rate 8 l/min
• Electric driven rotary plunger pump
• Relief valve protects pump from over pressurization
• Mounted separately from pump/compressor/manifold

Hale FoamLogix 3.3, 5.0 or 6.5 Pump – Class A and B Foam

• Maximum flow rate 12.5 l/min (3.3), 19 l/min (5.0),
24l/min (6.5)
• Electric driven rotary gear pump
• Mounted separately from pump/compressor/manifold

Compressor – SmartCAFS 50 Compressor – SmartCAFS 200

• Rotary twin screw compressor with integral air • Rotary twin screw compressor with oil cooling
receiver/separator and lubrication system - via heat exchanger fitted with temp sensor
nominal output: 50scfm at 7 bar • Output – 200scfm at 7 bar
• Cooling: compact oil to water heat exchanger • Separator tank and oil cooler accommodated
• System operational range 4 to 10 bar by OEM in vehicle design

• Safety interlocks fitted as standard

• Lay flat and hose reel connections are pre-installed

Hale Products Europe policy is one of HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE A Unit of IDEX Corporation
continuous development. We therefore Charles St, Warwick CV34 5LR. United Kingdom.
reserve the right to amend specifications Tel: +44 (0)1926 623600 Fax: +44 (0)1926 623666
without notice or obligation. Web: www.haleeurope.com Email: [email protected]
Prima SmartCAFS (1)08-08.doc
The Mini-CAFS 2.1A foam system comprises
drive motor, compressor, foam proportioning
system and regulator, assembled within a rigid
frame which will fit into the space required for a
DIN 8kVA generator. The control panel and
measurement/mixture unit make for a truly
adaptable and flexible piece of front-line fire
fighting equipment, which will fit within existing
standard space and installation specifications.

Water is supplied either by vehicle pump or

portable pump, without any requirement for

Foam is supplied from the vehicle foam tank

(Class A foam).

Operation is simple and equipment is rapidly


Mini-CAFS 2.1A
Foam System
key features
• The CAFS answer for smaller Fire Vehicles, offering reliable and efficient foam production
through multiple lines
• Independent unit capable of operating from any vehicle fire pump
• Massively reduced water damage
• Increasingly efficient application of water, personnel and equipment
• Provides fire fighting foam of exceptional quality for Class A and B fires (when using Class A
• Knock down times greatly enhanced, improving fire fighting efficiency by a factor of five
• Reduced environmental damage
• FoamLogix control unit with LED display and push-button control of foam percentage
• FoamLogix will display data on foam and water consumption.
• Simple to use – no special training required
• Fixed 2 x 1½” hoses simultaneously
• Equipment settings enable air to liquid proportions of 3:1 to 20:1 (DIN 14 430)
• Dimensions (unit footprint) the same as a DIN 8kVA generator when the control panel and
measurement/mixture unit are demounted
• Screw compressor 40% more efficient than equivalent piston compressors and pulsation free
• Safety interlocks to ensure absolute security of operation for interior fire fighting
• Latest Briggs and Stratton 18HP Vanguard engine - provides a cooler, cleaner more efficient
MiniCAFS 2.1A Eng1(5)04-05
technical data
• Briggs and Stratton 18hp Vanguard engine with
electric start and integral fuel tank, offering 1
hour approx operation.
• Includes supplementary manual start.
• Water cooled screw compressor offering
50scfm of air at 7 bar
• FoamLogix 2.1A proportioning system offering
proportions from 0.1% to 9.9%. Foam pump can
deliver up to 8 l/min of Class A foam.
• 12V 50amp charging system
• Same footprint as DIN 8 kVA generator
(excluding the control panel and
measurement/mixture unit).
• Basic unit dimensions including control panel
and measurement/mixture unit – length 959mm,
width 512mm, height 750mm (Approximate).
• System operating pressure 4 to 10 bar
• Weight c. 223 to 230kg depending on

MiniCAFS 2.1A
Foam System

Hale Products Europe policy is one of

continuous development. We therefore reserve
the right to amend specifications without notice
or obligation.

MiniCAFS - Making Water wetter


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
CV34 5LR
+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

[email protected]

MiniCAFS 2.1A Eng2(5)04-05

Improving pump performance
The Godiva World Series range represents a major step
forward in firefighting technology, providing enhanced
performance, improved installation features and reduced
The World Series pump is now available with
Integrated CAFS – a unit driven directly from the pump
pto to provide the firefighting power of a compressed air
foam system (CAFS). The CAFS unit is a compact
package attached to the rear of the World Series pump.
The system comprises a compressor, FoamLogix 2.1A or
3.3 electronic proportioning unit and Hale X-Mixer
The FoamLogix control unit features a super bright LED
display for push-button control of foam percentage and
data on foam and water consumption.
Note: FoamLogix 2.1A is used with Class A foam only. Note: instrumentation shown will vary
FoamLogix 3.3 is Class A and B foam capable. according to specification required.

World Series Pump

with Integrated CAFS
World Series Pump with CAFS module

• CAFS - state-of-the-art technology fully

integrated into World Series pump
World Series Pump • CAFS – a more efficient way to fight fires
producing CAF with improved knock down times
• CAFS - reduced water damage
• CAFS – reduced environmental damage
• CAFS – reduced water usage
• CAFS – less stress on the fire fighter
World Series Pump • Accurate control of foam proportioning with
producing dry foam FoamLogix 2.1A or 3.3 unit across 0.1% to
9.9% range
(2.1A = Class A foam, 3.3 for Class A and B)

• Air ratio control valve position indicator

• Solid-state electronic control system protects
• Comprehensive instrumentation panel
• High visibility Class1 Intelli-tank displays for
foam and water tank levels
• Joystick type control for pump speed,
includes pre-set idle option
• Anti-vibration mounting cradle for ease of
installation, includes easy pump drain

WTAC FmLogix 1(3)02-06

World Series Pump Control Panel

World Series Pump with CAFS

Key components of the system -

 Rotary twin screw compressor with integral air
receiver/separator and lubrication system
 Nominal output: 50scfm at 7.0 bar
 Cooling: compact oil to water heat exchanger
 System operational range 4 to 10 bar

Hale FoamLogix 2.1A Pump – Class A Foam

 Maximum flow rate 8 l/min
 Electric driven rotary plunger pump
 Relief valve protects pump from over pressurization
Hale FoamLogix 3.3 Pump – Class A and B Foam (not shown)
 Maximum flow rate 12.5 l/min
 Electric driven rotary gear pump
 Mounted separately from pump/compressor/manifold assembly

CAF mixing and control

 Mixing system: Patented Hale X-Mixer system
 Air ratio control: variable wet or dry foam consistency
Foam Induction System
 Flow sensor constantly monitors water discharge for
World Series Pump with gearbox correct foam injection ratio
 FoamLogix computer determines correct injection rate
for accurate, reliable foam proportioning

World Series Pump

Integrated CAFS - Modular addition


Foam Characteristics A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
All Hale Products Europe CAF systems are designed to
be used with a Class A (and Class B for FoamLogix 3.3) CV34 5LR
Hale approved fire fighting foam concentrate. Class A England
foam reduces the surface tension of water to increase
the penetrating power into burning Class A materials.  +44 (0)1926 623600
Main benefits are –  +44 (0)1926 623666
 Economical – 0.1% to 1.0% proportioning rate 
[email protected]
depending on method of application
 Outstanding environmental characteristics
 Reduced storage space – one gallon to make 50-500 Hale Products Europe policy is one of
continuous development. We therefore
gallons of foam solution reserve the right to amend specifications
 Excellent foamability without notice or obligation.

WTAC FmLogix 2(4)11-06.doc

Improving firefighting with the latest
CAFS technology

The ptoMini-CAFS is a Compressed Air Foam System

comprising of three major components – air
compressor, FoamLogix 2.1A (foam pump and
proportioning) and manifold (foam mixing and control
The components are installed in locations according
to the vehicle manufacturers requirements. The
system will make compressed air foam when supplied
with water from the main pump at pressures between
4.0 and 7.0 Bar.

Water is supplied from the pump discharge and fed,

via two non-return valves, into a manifold assembly
where a metered amount of foam (Class A only) is
injected into the water flow. This foam/water solution is
then fed to an air control valve, where a variable
amount of wet or dry foam is selected (air ratio control
section of manifold). Compressed air is injected and PTO-driven MiniCAFS producing CAF
the resulting foam/water/air solution is thoroughly
mixed (X-mixers) before being fed to a discharge

PTO-Driven Mini-CAFS
Compressed Air Foam System for Vehicle Installation

Key benefits of the Pto driven Mini-CAFS


• CAFS – a more efficient way to fight fires

with improved knock down times
• CAFS - reduced water damage
• CAFS – reduced environmental damage
• CAFS – reduced water usage
• State-of-the-art technology fully integrated
into appliance
• Foam proportioning ratio 0.1% -9.9%
• Variable Air ratio control selects wet or dry
• Solid-state electronic control system protects
PTO-driven Mini-CAFS – main components,
foam pump, air compressor, mixing manifold and
control panel MCP50 1(4)01-07.doc
MCP50 – pto-driven Mini-CAFS system diagram

Pto-driven Mini-CAFS Fo am Logix Co ntrol Unit

Key components of the system -
Co oling
Compressor wa ter in Lo w Foam Foam
• Rotary twin screw from
pu mp Com presso r
Sig nal Concentrate
compressor with integral Supply Tank
air receiver/separator and Foam
Pu mp
lubrication system Co oling Flow meter Sig nal
Foam Inlet
S ys te m
• Nominal output: 50scfm
signa l

Wa ter inlet
at 7.0 bar Fo am
pu mp
• Cooling: compact oil to
water heat exchanger Co oling Foam Ou tle t
wa ter ou t
• Belt driven from suitable to pum p
Flow meter

engine power take-off Hose

point or pump drive-shaft Manifold
Assem bly
A ir supp ly to Ma nifold
FoamLogix 2.1A Foam Induction System Ha le X-m ix er
s yste m
• Foam injection rate is computer controlled
for accurate, reliable foam proportioning
• Proportioning ratio: 0.1% - 9.9% via
control unit C AFS D is cha rge

CAF mixing Manifold

• Mixing system: Patented Hale X-Mixer Hale FoamLogix Pump
system • Maximum flow rate 8.0 l/min (Class A foam only)
• Air ratio control: variable wet or dry foam • Electric driven rotary plunger pump
consistency • Relief valve protects pump from over pressurisation

PTO-Driven Mini-CAFS
Compressed Air Foam System for Vehicle Installation

Foam Characteristics  HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE

All Hale Products Europe CAF systems are designed to A Unit of IDEX Corporation
be used with a Class A (and Class B for FoamLogix 3.3 Charles St
and 5.0) Hale approved fire fighting foam concentrate. Warwick
Class A foam reduces the surface tension of water to CV34 5LR
increase the penetrating power into burning Class A England
materials. Main benefits are –
+44 (0)1926 623600
• Economical – 0.1% to 1.0% proportioning rate ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
depending on method of application www.haleeurope.com
• Outstanding environmental characteristics  [email protected]
• Reduced storage space – one gallon to make 50-500
gallons of foam solution Hale Products Europe policy is one of
continuous development. We therefore
• Excellent foamability reserve the right to amend specifications
without notice or obligation.

MCP50 2(4)01-07.doc
Water Hale FoamMaster

Integrated CAFS systems from the leader

The superior firefighting power of Compressed Hale

Air Foam systems is increasingly recognised. CAFSPro

Hale has been developing the technology for Fire Pump

many years, and can now supply a new
integrated engineering solution. The CAFS90
and CAFS200 kits are an integrated, engineered Hale
package designed to give all of the advantages Air Ratio Hale HVC®
Control Air
of CAFS without the disadvantages of complex wet Compressor
installation and operation.
The systems allow for a choice between manual
or automatic dual tank valves, for selection of
foam concentrate from two separate tanks – one dry
generally for Class A foam and one for Class B.
Foam output

Each kit contains the following components:
• Hale HVC® 90 or 200 compressor • Hale modular “X” mixers
• Hale FoamMaster 5.0 proportioner • Hale duplex pressure gauge
• Hale CAFSPro safety interlock system • Hale discharge check valves
• Hale flowmeter • Hale integral check valve/injector fitting
• Hale CAFSMaster pressure control • Hale discharge manifold
• Hale Air Ratio Controls • Hale compressed air check valves
• Hale foam strainer • Hale in-line valves
• Air compressor temperature gauge
• Complete operation and maintenance
Oil Cooler

Foam Pump

Rear mount
fire pump

Separator Tank
CAFS90-200 1(2)01-06.doc

Performance Characteristics
Operating pressure Automatically tracks pump Automatically tracks pump
pressure to 10bar max pressure to 10bar max
Foam proportioning range 0.1% to 9.9% 0.1% to 9.9%
Max. Foam flow rate 19l/min 19l/min
Water flow rate @ 10bar* 950l/min 1900l/min
Air flow rate @ 7bar* 2550l/min 5600l/min
*water pressure


HALE CAFS – 5bar


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
Foam – 5bar CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
[email protected]

Hale Products Europe policy is one

of continuous development. We
therefore reserve the right to amend
specifications without notice or

CAFS90-200 2(2)01-06.doc
FoamLogix 2.1A
Foam Proportioning System

FoamLogix 2.1-A is a true • Reliable and accurate Class 1 Flow
electronic discharge side Sensor. Measures water flow and
proportioning unit in a cost FoamLogix injects the corresponding
effective, compact package. proper amount of Class A foam
It has full function digital concentrate.
control with a Class 1 • Operator Pre-Set — Digital control
flowsensor. means the operator presses one (1)
button for precise foam delivery
Features and Benefits every time. Departments can set the
system up to run the percentage of
• Computer controlled, accurate
foam they require.
Class A foam proportioning at a value
• System integration — Available fully
integrated onto a new Hale pump or in
• Push button proportioning.
kits to fit other pump brands. Wide
• Arrow buttons allow changing foam
range of flow sensor options from pipe
percentage from 0.1% to 1.0%.
saddle clamps to stainless steel weld-
on fittings are available
Hale Products Inc. = Fire Suppression Group = A Unit of IDEX Corporation = 700 Spring Mill Avenue
Conshohocken, PA 19428 = Phone: (610) 825-6300 = Fax: (610) 825-6440 = www.haleproducts.com
Class 1 = Fire Suppression Group = A Unit of IDEX Corporation = 607 NW 27th Avenue
Ocala, FL 34475 = Phone: (352) 629-5020 = Fax: (352) 629-2902 = www.class1.com
Bulletin #981 3/03= Copyright 2003 Hale Products Inc.
Note: Hale Products Inc. cannot assume responsibility for product failure resulting from
improper maintenance or operation. Hale is responsible only to the limits stated in the product
warranty. Product specifications contained in this material are subject to change without notice.
Electronic Foam Proportioning Systems
The Hale FoamLogix provides an optimum liquid fire with Class B foam, the Hale FoamLogix
solution for your foam proportioning needs. Hale is up to the task.
provides rugged hardware to furnish high
dependability and foam injection accuracy. FEATURES
Flow based proportioning — The Hale
The Hale FoamLogix Series is a flow based foam FoamLogix System directly measures water and
concentrate proportioning system that uses a field- foam concentrate flow and automatically adjusts to
proven flowsensor assembly to measure actual deliver a consistent foam concentrate injection rate
water flow from the fire pump discharge without based on that flow. Operation is unaffected by
causing the restriction or pressure drop associated various GPM nozzles, hose lengths, intake or
with other systems. The digital input of the discharge pressures.
flowsensor is constantly monitored along with the
actual output of the positive displacement rotary Handles Class A and Class B type fire
gear foam concentrate pump. The two values are hazards — The Hale FoamLogix proportions both
constantly compared and updated by the computer Class A and most high viscosity normal
control with the desired foam concentrate rate hydrocarbon and polar solvent Class B foam
automatically injected into the discharge. agents for maximum flexibility and effectiveness. A
list of compatible foam concentrates that have
With all of Hale FoamLogix innovations and been tested by Hale is available on the Hale
features, the system is incredibly easy to operate. Product's website. An optional integral Air
The Hale FoamLogix is activated by the simple Operated Dual Tank Valve (ADT) provides
push of a button. Foam concentration rate is automatic selection of foam concentrate type via a
maintained by computer control. toggle switch located on the pump operator's
panel. Concentrate injection rate is automatically
Whether you are fighting a wildland or structure changed to match the foam concentrate tank
fire with Class A foam, or fighting a flammable selected.

Accurate, variable concentrate Discharge side injection — When installed with

injection rates — Precise foam proper check valves, foam concentrate will not
concentrate injection rates from 0.1% contaminate the fire pump and water tank.
to 10.0% are easily operator
selectable with the panel mounted
control unit. This lets the operator
adjust foam consistency under
changing conditions.

Push button automatic foam proportioning — Standard nozzle, aspirating nozzle, and CAFS —
Foam proportioning is fully automatic and Fully compatible and recommended with these
water flow compensating. foam generating systems.
Exclusive Built-In Features Closed loop feedback
Exclusive system monitoring Continuous self-checking closed loop feedback
A simple push of a button on the control unit ensures accurate foam concentrate injection
turns the Hale FoamLogix System on to start foam under the most demanding operating conditions.
concentrate injection. The control unit's display Signals from the water flow sensor and the foam
lets the pump operator monitor current water flow flow sensor are constantly compared by the
rate, concentrate percentage injection rate, total control unit. Foam concentrate injection pump
water flowed, and total amount of foam speed is varied providing consistent foam
concentrate used depending on the mode concentrate injection under varying flow and
selected. A bar graph of individual LED’s indicates pressure conditions.
the system capacity when running.
Advanced microprocessor
Continuous operation Allows calibration in any unit of measure — U.S.
The system flashes a warning to inform the Gallons, Imperial Gallons, Liters, etc. CAN
operator when the selected foam tank is running connection for diagnostic tools and upgrades
low. This allows time to refill the tank while also provided.
operating with no loss of foam injection.
Capacity warning
Patented When system capacity is not met — or exceeded
The most innovative technology available brought — the bar graph indicates this condition.
together in a unique system.

Model 3.3 System Capacity

System Specifications Foam Concentration Water Flow
Foam Pump........................................Rotary Gear 0.1%............................. 3300 GPM (12491 LPM)
Foam Output...........................3.3 GPM (12.5 LPM) 0.2%............................... 1650 GPM (6245 LPM)
System Operating Pressure...150 PSIG (10 Bar) 0.3%............................... 1100 GPM (4164 LPM)
Max Operating Pressure.........400 PSIG (28 BAR) 0.5%................................. 660 GPM (2498 LPM)
Max Operating Temperature.............160oF (71oC) 1%.................................... 330 GPM (1249 LPM)
Pump Motor................. 3/4 HP (.5 Kw) 12 Volt DC 3%...................................... 110 GPM (416 LPM)
Operating AMP Draw..............................20 AMPS 6%........................................ 55 GPM (208 LPM)
Max AMP Draw.......................................60 AMPS

Model 5.0 System Capacity

System Specifications Foam Concentration Water Flow
Foam Pump........................................Rotary Gear 0.1%............................. 5000 GPM (18927 LPM)
Foam Output...........................5.0 GPM (19 LPM) 0.2%............................... 2500 GPM (9463 LPM)
System Operating Pressure...150 PSIG (10 Bar) 0.3%............................... 1667 GPM (6310 LPM)
Max Operating Pressure.........250 PSIG (17 BAR) 0.5%.................................1000 GPM (3785 LPM)
Max Operating Temperature.............160oF (71oC) 1%.................................... 500 GPM (1893 LPM)
Pump Motor................. 3/4 HP (.5 Kw) 12 Volt DC 3%...................................... 167 GPM (632 LPM)
Operating AMP Draw..............................20 AMPS 6%........................................ 83 GPM (314 LPM)
Max AMP Draw.......................................60 AMPS
Hale Products Inc. Hale Products Europe Class 1
Fire Suppression Group Fire Suppression Group Fire Suppression Group
A Unit of IDEX Corp. A Unit of IDEX Corp A Unit of IDEX Corp.
700 Spring Mill Avenue Charles Street 607 NW 27th Avenue
Conshohocken, PA 19428 Warwick, CV34 5LR England Ocala FL 34475
TEL: 610/825-6300 TEL: (44) 01926 623600 TEL: 352-629-5020
FAX: 610/825-9615 FAX: (44) 01926 623666 FAX: 352-629-2902
www.haleproducts.com www.haleeurope.com www.class1.com

Note: Hale Products Inc. cannot assume responsibility for product failure resulting from improper MADE IN THE USA
maintenance or operation. Hale is responsible only to the limits stated in the product warranty.
Product specifications contained in this material are subject to change without notice. Printed in
U.S.A. Bulletin 955 Rev 1 7/2002 ©2002, Hale Products Inc. MADE IN THE USA
Questions and Answers on Foam in
Class A Fires
The use of foam in Class A Fires represents a major step forward in fire fighting
operations. This document aims to address reservations and possible gaps in
information relating to the use of the medium.

Training in the sphere of fire-fighting with foam has been strictly regulated in many
areas, and this made many fire brigades over-cautious. Consequently some fire
brigades have never or only relatively recently used foam, and fire-fighting was not as
efficient as it could have been. It is therefore important to incorporate the correct use
of foam, along with the various judgements and considerations more positively into
training in order to quell the reservations that many fire-fighters may have as regards
Class A Foam, and to ensure that the advantages of this method are fully

This document provides answers to some of the frequently asked questions on this
subject. The answers are drawn from experience gained at home and abroad and
have been approved by specialists on the user side and with leading manufacturers
of foam.

Why should foam be used in Class A fires?

We have known for decades that the efficacy of water as an extinguishing agent is
greatly improved by the addition of wetting agents and the reduction of surface
tension. In practice however, the procedure has mostly foundered on inadequate
mixing technology, which failed to measure out the essential, but very small
quantities to be added precisely and which could not cope with variable flow rates.
The trade press has already published a number of relevant articles on this, as well
as comprehensive results of research. Positive experiences of application, and
significant savings in compensation paid out by insurance companies support the

Do Class A fires need special foams?

Special foams for class A fires (so-called Class A Foam) have properties which are
specially designed for this class of fire, and consequently produce the best
extinguishing results. In some circumstances they may be more easily biodegradable
and cheaper than AFFF foams. There are foams, which are licensed and applicable
for Class A and B fires. The manufacturers of foams are happy to provide further
information on this.

What is special about Class A Foam?

• Highly biodegradable.
• By reducing surface tension, penetration of the burning object, improved wetting
and extreme safety from re-combustion are achieved.
• Foam can be manufactured which is highly adhesive.
• It is mostly easier to obtain than, for instance an AFFF product, especially an
AFFF-ARC product.

Why should foams be used at the highest possible concentration?
A concentrated foam used at a low mix rate is simply more efficient. The storage
space available and the weight restrictions of a fire engine can be used to their best
advantage. Today, technology offers metering systems, which allow these foams to
be added to the current flow volume at precise rates on the fire engine itself.

What are the costs of the foam?

Low mix rates make for low consumption, which keeps the cost within bearable limits.
It must not be forgotten that the water used in fire-fighting is free to the fire brigade,
but has to be borne by the municipality to which the fire brigade belongs. The lower
the consumption of water the lower the cost of the water used to put out a fire. In
addition, insurance companies are in many instances ready to pay the cost of special
extinguishing agents (foams) used.

Example of a large room fire:

• Water consumption 300 litres
• Foam consumption 1.5 litres at 0.5% mix rate
• Foam costs £2.50 at an assumed current cost of £1.67/litre.

What environmental damage is caused by the foam?

Environmental damage caused by properly used foam can be justified and is often
discussed, or categorically assumed, without looking at the facts. In these
discussions it is often forgotten that destructive fire basically causes vast
environmental damage. Dangerous pyrolysis products are given off, water is
contaminated, drinking water is used (wasted) and these cause much greater
damage to the environment. The quicker and more efficiently a fire can be put out,
the better for the environment.

What are foams actually made of?

This is given in the safety data sheets, which every manufacturer prepares for his
products. Essentially, foams may consist of:
• Water as vehicle.
• Surfactants for foam generation and reducing surface tension. Manufacturers do
try to use substances for this, which are easily biodegradable. These are the basis
of all cleaning agents (washing-up detergent, shampoo etc.), used in daily life.
• If necessary, glycol to guarantee frost resistance. Glycol is also biodegradable.
• Fluorine surfactants, in certain Class B foams. Fluorine surfactants are less easily
biodegradable. The objective and location for using these foams may necessitate
or facilitate the use of fluorine. Class A Foam does not contain fluorine.

The water pollution classification (WGK) may be an aid in assessing the

environmental impact of foams or a solution of them. However, it must be borne in
mind that foam in solution (water mixed with foam) is not to be classified the same as
the concentrate. The lower the concentration, the lower the risk of harm to the
environment. Most solutions will fall into WGK 1, whilst WGK 0 can only be achieved
by pure water. But here it must also be remembered that water draining away from a
fire is contaminated with pyrolysis products, and can no longer be classified as WGK
0. WGK can only be used as an aid for the Fire Service, because it was originally

designed for classifying substances in storage, and in many cases therefore refers to
undiluted products.

What special care needs to be taken when using foam?

• Formation only on paved surfaces with an outflow to a waste-water purification
plant. Observe any local regulations.
• Use and formation to be agreed with the relevant waste-water purification plant.
• Hoses and equipment may only be rinsed on paved surfaces with an outflow to a
waste-water purification plant.
• Take care when handling the undiluted product. Observe the precautions
indicated in the safety data sheet.
• If at all possible only transfer the product from one container to another on a
paved surface. Clear up spilt product with bonding agents (disposal with
household waste). Again, observe any local regulations.
• Do not allow the product to get into waterways.

What happens to the foam after use?

• Here it must first of all be pointed out that when used properly, no foam and water
mixture should drain away from the burning object. The majority of an
extinguishing agent, optimally applied, will evaporate or remain as part of the fire
waste. Optimal application of extinguishing agents in practice must be included in
fire brigade training.
• Even when not absolutely optimally applied, water consumption and the quantity
of contaminated extinguishing water which drains away is markedly reduced. Less
extinguishing water polluted with pyrolysis products is created to harm the
environment or to be treated in a waste-water purification plant.
• In a built-up area, extinguishing water mainly drains into a waste-water purification
plant. It is important to clarify, in co-operation with the operator of the competent
waste-water purification plant which forms and uses have to be reported. Various
operators have explained that quantities below 100 litres are not relevant at all
and therefore do not need to be reported. It is advisable to provide the competent
chemist with a safety data sheet for the foam used, so that he can decide. The
chemist employed at a waste-water purification plant can assess which
extinguishing water intake can be processed by the biological set-up at his plant,
and what quantities he is limited to. Investigations of samples of extinguishing
water samples have shown that pyrolysis products have so great an impact that it
was impossible to observe an additional impact due to the foam.
• A high percentage of the foam remains in the fire waste, which is then taken away
for appropriate disposal. Disposal is not affected by the use of foam.
• Away from paved surfaces (forest and heath fires) Class A foam should be used
where possible and the concentration kept as low as possible (e.g. 0.3%). Here it
is worth bearing in mind that Class A foam was originally developed for adding to
water for fighting forest fires (dropped from planes). Class A foams are as a rule
(see manufacturer’s data) biologically degraded within 21 days. Foam or
contaminated extinguishing water should not be drained straight into waterways
(hazard to fish stocks). As it is still widely believed that the use of foam is basically
harmful, it is important to explain, to the appropriate authorities (e.g. forest
administration, environmental office) that the use of foam may enhance the
environmental outcome.

What happens when Class A foam is degraded?
The product is attacked by bacteria and turned into water and CO².

Is the foam harmful to man or animals?

Basically, foams licensed for use in Germany do not contain any toxic or extremely
health-hazardous substances. Documents on which a licence is granted include an
expert’s report on waste water and fire hygiene. As already mentioned, safety
precautions apply for handling undiluted product. On the other hand, the solution
used in fire-fighting is absolutely safe, when properly applied.

Does Class A Foam harm plants?

As stated above, Class A Foam was developed for fighting forest fires. Trials have
demonstrated that the solution causes no permanent damage to plants. If applied in
huge quantities, needles or leaves may become brown due to the degreasing effect.
However, plants recover quickly. The damage caused by fire is definitely worse.

Does Class A Foam harm groundwater?

For this to occur, large enough quantities of the product must get into groundwater
before the biological degradation process is complete. Small quantities of
extinguishing water due to the addition of foam means more extinguishing agent is
evaporated and less harmful substance washed into groundwater. The depth of
groundwater may also play a role in this, as does the fact that pyrolysis products may
get into groundwater as a result of copious use of water. In New Zealand water
samples were taken from 3 metres deep, after forest fires had been fought with Class
A Foam, and no damage could be established. Once again: tested and licensed
foams do not contain any toxic or extremely health-hazardous substances.

Does foam damage buildings?

It must be pointed out that basically buildings are primarily damaged by fire. The
better the fire is fought, the less damage occurs.

Example of surfactant use in a town of 10,000 inhabitants

Surfactant consumption per head of Surfactant consumption by fire brigade
365 days in year 50 uses for fire in year with assumed water
consumption of 500 litres for each occasion
150 ml per person, daily Mix rate 0.5%
Approx. 55 litres per person per year 7.5 litres per occasion
550,000 litres in total 375.00 litres total

The calculation shows that the amount of surfactants used in daily life is many times
that used by the Fire Brigade. The waste-water purification plants should be able to
process the surfactant consumption of the Fire Brigade easily. Here again it should
be emphasised that the environment benefits from more efficient fire-fighting with


400000 Population
Fire brigade
Biodegradability of a typical Class A foam

Graph of the biological degradation process, measured by the Gelsenkirchen Institute

of Hygiene



50 %




0 5 Days 15 Days 21 Days 28 Days

More questions?
Find out about our next Class A Foam and CAFS Seminar or write to us.

Ulrich Schumann, U.S. Product Service

IFSTA Manual “Principles of Foam-Firefighting”
Class A Foam “Best Practice for Structure Fire-Fighters” Practical manual by Dominic Colletti
Comparative fire-fighting trials in collaboration with Ingolstadt FB and Wuppertal University
Calculation by H. de Vries, Wuppertal University
DIN 14 272
Documents supplied by Sthamer, Hamburg
Documents supplied by Total-Walter, Ladenburg
Monsanto Information “Class A Foam, Environmental Issues”
National Foam Inc. “Instructor Information” on MTBE
Own calculations


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
CV34 5LR
+44 (0)1926 623600
¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

[email protected]

The following foam concentrates are approved for use in Hale Foam Proportioning Systems.

The Class A Foam concentrates are approved for use in all Hale Foam Proportioning Systems (Hale
FoamLogix® ™ 5.0, 3.3, 2.1A and Hale V-Series)


US Forestry Service Approved Ansul Silvex Class A Foam Concentrate
- Reference * & ** Kidde Fire Fighting/
Angus Fire Forexpan S (0.1%-1.0%)
Kidde Fire Fighting/ Hi Combat Class A
Angus Fire (1st Defense Class A Cold Water Foam)
Kidde Fire Fighting/
National Foam Knock-Down
Monsanto PhosCheck WD881
Chemonics Fire-Trol Fire Foam 103
Chemonics Fire-Trol Fire Foam 104
3M Light Water FT-1150
Chemguard First Class – Class A Foam P/N 5100-307
* For use in Foamlogix® model 5.0, 3.3, and 2.1A and Hale V-Series
** USFS approved foams have been tested for corrosion and biodegradability toxicity by the US Forrest Service in
addition to the Hale testing described on the following page.
Non U.S. Forestry Service Approved ChemGuard Class A Plus
- Reference * Unifoam Co. Ltd. UniA 1%
3M Light Water SFFF
Kidde Fire Fighting/
National Foam Responder
Kidde Fire Fighting/
Angus Fire FirePower Class A
Fire-Brake Bush Fire Fighting Foam
3M – Australia P/N 0295337

The Class B foam, specialty foam, and firefighting water additive concentrates are approved for use in FoamLogix® 5.0
and 3.3 foam proportioning systems only.
AFFF- Alcohol Resistant Concentrates 3% Alcohol Type AFFF Concentrate
3M (P/N 98-0211-6573-7)
3x3 Low Viscosity Alcohol Resistant
Ansul Concentrate
ChemGuard AR 3%-6% Part # CAR36P
ChemGuard AR-AFFF, 3%x3%, Part # C333
ChemGuard Ultraguard 1%-3% Part # C133
ChemGuard 3%-6% AR-AFFF Product # C361
ChemGaurd 3%-6% AR-AFFF Product # C363

Kidde Fire Fighting/

National Foam Universal Gold 3% AR-AFFF
Bulletin #650, Rev 31, 1-17-07

Kidde Fire Fighting/ Universal Gold 1% - 3% AR-AFFF

National Foam
1-3% Alcohol Resistant AFFF (P/N US-
US Foam AR13)
3-6% Alcohol Resistant AFFF (P/N US-
US Foam FCAR36)
Ansul T’storm ATC AR-AFFF 1% or 3%
AFFF Kidde Fire Fighting/
National Foam 1% Aero-Water


Protein Kidde Fire Fighting/
National Foam Terra Foam 3% CF
Chemonics Durra Foam 3%


Hazard Control Tech. F-500 (1%, 3%, 6%)
SPL Control LLC Pyrosolv (FF Agent – 6% Solution) P/N-
720328 (MSDS#)
Pyrocool Technologies, FEF 0.4%
Fire Blocade Fire Extinguishing Agent, 0.4 - 6.0%
No. 3000-1003
FireAde 2000 Fire Fighting Emulsifier 0.25-6%
P/N FA2000-5
FIRE CAP Fire Cap 0.25%-6%
Fire Suppression Products, Inc

The above foam concentrates have been tested by Hale Products in a Hale FoamLogix® system to
ensure compatibility with Hale FoamLogix® models 5.0 and 3.3 Foam Proportioning Systems.
These Chemicals were ran for several hundred hours over several months under nominal conditions
to make sure they do not harm the Foam System. This list is solely intended to assist the end user in
selection of foam concentrate(s) compatible with a Hale FoamLogix® Model 5.0 and 3.3 and is not a
determination of the fire fighting effectiveness of one product over another. Always consult with
NFPA standards, U.L. Listings, Federal, State, and local regulations, and requirements pertaining to
application and environmental regulations before selecting a foam concentrate. Some of the foam
chemicals listed may require special hardware considerations. (Refer to FoamLogix® user manual
for additional information). Many Fire Fighting Foam Chemical Manufacturers have specific
instructions on handling and use of their products including, but not limited to, shelf life, tank life,
temperature limits, and intervals between use. Always follow Manufacturers instructions for use.

This Bulletin applies to Hale Foamlogix® foam pumps built after April 17, 1997. For Hale
FoamMaster foam pumps built prior April 17, 1997 refer to Bulletin 650, Rev 2.

Bulletin #650, Rev 31, 1-17-07


If a particular foam concentrate you wish to use does not appear on this list, please contact your Hale
representative for information concerning compatibility with Hale FoamLogix® Model 5.0 or 3.3
Foam Proportioning System. As further testing is completed, Hale Products Inc. updates this list and
expands capabilities and features to keep the Hale FoamLogix® the best system available for all the
fires you fight.

Bulletin #650, Rev 31, 1-17-07

Fire Suppression Division
A Unit of IDEX Corporation
700 Spring Mill Avenue Conshohocken PA 19428
610-825-6300 Fax: 610-825-6440
www.haleproducts.com Revised 5/1/02


When planning to use a Hale Foam system, always carefully review the end-user’s application and usage criteria
and match the foam system appropriately. Make sure the pressure and flow capabilities required by the pump
installation and end user can be met by the foam system specified. As an example, the 2.5V Series Foam System
has pressure and flow restrictions that may make it an unacceptable choice for multiple attack lines on a UL rated

When specing a Hale Foam Proportioning System, please keep in mind the system capabilities. The attached chart
will help in determining the correct Hale Foam Proportioning System for your needs.

Misapplication of Hale Foam system products may void Hale Product’s warranties.

(1) All Foam System pumps should be “gravity fed” from a foam concentrate reservoir on the apparatus.
(2) Always check Hale’s Foam concentrate compatibility chart (Bulletin #650). The compatibility chart designates
which Class A and B foam concentrates will work with the Hale FoamLogix Electronic 3.3 and 5.0 systems.
The chart can be found at the Hale web site at: www.haleproducts.com/products/foam/
(3) For the Hale FoamLogix 3.3/5.0, maximum foam solution is dependant upon flow meter size and check valves,
flow meters range in size from 1-1/2 inch to 4-inch NPT.
(4) Use the Class A section of the Hale Foam concentrate compatibility chart to check for Class A foam
concentrates compatible with the Hale V series.
Foam System Foam Maximum Minimum Maximum Flow Maximum Foam Solution Flow Rate Maximum Foam Solution Flow
Concentrate Operating Water Flow Water Flow Meter (Class A) Rate (Class B)
Pump Flow Discharge Rate Thru Rate Thru the Size .1% .3% .5% 1.0% 1% 3% 6%
Rate Pressure the Device Device
V Series 1.0 1 GPM 250 PSI 10 GPM 250 GPM ____ 250 250 200 100 ____ ___ ____
V Series 2.5 2.5 GPM 150 PSI 10 GPM 250 GPM ____ 250 250 250 250 ____ ____ ____
V Series 3.0 3.0 GPM 12 Volt=250 PSI 10 GPM 250 GPM _____ 250 250 250 250 ____ ____ ____
FoamLogix 3.3 GPM 400 PSI 10 GPM 350 GPM 1-1/2 350 350 350 330 330 110 55
20 GPM 550 GPM 2 550 550 550 330 330 110 55
30 GPM 800 GPM 2-1/2 800 800 660 330 330 110 55
50 GPM 1250 GPM 3 1250 1100 660 330 330 110 55
75 GPM 1800 GPM 4 1800 1100 660 330 330 110 55
FoamLogix 5.0 GPM 250 PSI 10 GPM 350 GPM 1-1/2 350 350 350 350 350 167 83
20 GPM 550 GPM 2 550 550 550 500 500 167 83
30 GPM 800 GPM 2-1/2 800 800 800 500 500 167 83
50 GPM 1250 GPM 3 1250 1250 1000 500 500 167 83
75 GPM 1800 GPM 4 1800 1668 1000 500 500 167 83
Foam-Master Foam Maximum Operating Minimum Maximum Flow Meter Maximum Foam Solution Flow Rate Maximum Foam Solution Flow
System Concentrate Discharge Pressure Water Flow Water Flow Size (Class A) Rate (Class B)
Pump Flow Rate Thru Rate Thru the (MM) .1% .3% .5% 1.0% 1% 3% 6%
Rate the Device Device (LPM) (LPM) (LPM) (LPM) (LPM) (LPM) (LPM) (LPM)
V Series 1.0 3.79 LPM 17.2 BAR 37.85 946.2 ____ 946.2 946.2 757.00 378.5 ____ ___ ____

V Series 2.5 9.46 LPM 10.3 BAR 37.85 946.2 ____ 946.2 946.2 946.2 946.2 ____ ____ ____

V Series 3.0 11.36 LPM 12 Volt=17.2 BAR 37.85 946.2 ____ 946.2 946.2 946.2 946.2 ____ ____ ____
24 Volt-22.8 BAR
FoamLogix 12.49 LPM 27.6 BAR 37.85 1324.7 38.1 1324. 1324.7 1324.7 1249 1249 416.3 208.2
3.3 7
75.7 2081.7 50.8 2081. 2081.7 2081.7 1249 1249 416.3 208.2
113.5 3028 63.5 3028 3028 2498.1 1249 1249 416.3 208.2

189.2 4731.2 76.2 4731. 4163.5 2498.1 1249 1249 416.3 208.2
283.8 6813 101.6 6813 4163.5 2498.1 1249 1249 416.3 208.2

FoamLogix 18.92 LPM 17.2 BAR 37.85 1324.7 38 1324. 1324.7 1324.7 1324.7 1324.7 632.1 314.1
5.0 7
75.7 2081.7 50 2081. 2081.7 2081.7 1892.5 1892.5 632.1 314.1
113.5 3028 63.5 3028 3028 3028 1892.5 1892.5 632.1 314.1

189.2 4731.2 76 4731. 4731.2 3785 1892.5 1892.5 632.1 314.1

283.8 6813 101.6 6813 6309.6 3785 1892.5 1892.5 632.1 314.1
Data Sheets
Positive Pressure Ventilation Fans

Petrol Driven PPV Fan

Water Turbine Driven PPV Fan
The clear leader
The Typhoon® petrol range from Hale is in
use throughout the world. Highly visible on
the fireground and dependable in
operation, the Typhoon® is a lightweight
and cost-effective piece of high quality
equipment that can save vital seconds,
where speed of rescue is crucial to
improving the chances of survival.

Key features -
• Quick tilting mechanism
• Electro polished stainless steel frame
• Retractable handle and pneumatic
tyres for easy manoeuvrability
• Strong thermoplastic shroud


Petrol driven ppv fans

18H5 21H5 24H5 27T10
Air volume 10,803m3/h 14,511m3/h 18,246m3/h 26,857m3/h
Air volume 22,686m3/h 31,924m3/h 34,667m3/h 51,028m3/h
Diameter, fan 18inch (457mm) 21inch (533mm) 24inch (610mm) 27inch (686mm)
blades 10 x Glass reinforced 10 x Glass reinforced 10 x Glass reinforced 9 x Glass reinforced
polymide (PAG) polymide (PAG) polymide (PAG) polymide (PAG)
Motor Honda 5.5hp, Honda 5.5hp, Honda 5.5hp, Tecumseh 10hp
Air cooled, Air cooled, Air cooled, Air cooled,
4-stroke, recoil start 4-stroke, recoil start 4-stroke, recoil start 4-stroke, recoil start
Dimensions (h x 610mm x 560mm x 650mm x 625mm x 790mm x 705mm x 830mm x 790mm x
w x d) 530mm 530mm 530mm 530mm
Weight 38kg 41kg 43kg 53Kg

Hard-wearing vinyl cover


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
Warwick CV34 5LR

Hale Products Europe policy is one of +44 (0)1926 623600

continuous idevelopment. We ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
therefore reserve the right to amend
specifications without notice or
Typhoon Petrol eng(2)
[email protected]
The safe option
The object of a PPV fan is to provide effective
ventilation that will remove heat, smoke and toxic
gases away from fire fighting personnel during
The Typhoon® water turbine range from Hale is in
use throughout the world. Highly effective on the
fireground and dependable in operation, the
Typhoon® is a lightweight and cost-effective piece
of high quality equipment that can save vital
seconds, where speed of rescue is crucial to
improving the chances of survival.
TheTyphoon® Water Turbine range offers a safe
solution where flammable gases or liquids are
Key features –
• Lightweight aluminium frame
• Strong thermoplastic shroud
• Comprehensive tilt control
• Anti-static characteristics -
ATEX approval certification
EXII 2GD cIIC T6(80°C)
• Misting nozzle(s)
• Drain valve In a typical PPV application the fan is placed about 1.2m to
• Range of inlet/outlet connections available - 2.4m away from the external doorway (typically 0.9m wide
ISO 2.5inch BSP, NST 2.5inch by 2.0m high) of a burning structure. Immediately air
Instantaneous type, Storz type pressure builds inside the structure. A ventilation opening,
rear door or window, allows the static air inside to escape,
and the smoke and gases generated by the fire are
Typhoon® replaced by cooler, fresher air.

Water Turbine driven ppv fans

21W10 30W22
Air volume 23,789m3/h 50,976m3/h
Air volume 36,159m3/h 77,484m3/h
Diameter, fan 21inch (533mm) 30inch (762mm)
Fan blades 8 x anti-static, glass reinforced, polymide 12 x anti-static, glass reinforced, polymide
blades blades
Drive 10hp water turbine 22hp water turbine
Dimensions 640mm x 625mm x 440mm 910mm x 890mm x 550mm
(h x w x d)
Weight 16kg 40kg
Additional model One man handling Grab handle and wheels for manoeuvrability
features Misting feature with on/off control Fan speed control
Misting feature with on/off control


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Hard wearing vinyl cover Charles St
Warwick CV34 5LR
Hale Products Europe policy is one of
continuous development. We +44 (0)1926 623600
therefore reserve the right to amend ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
specifications without notice or
Typhoon WT eng(4)  www.haleeurope.com
[email protected]
Datenblätter in deutscher Sprache –

Das Unternehmen

Fahrzeug- Einbaupumpen –
WT - Normal – Hochdruck Löschfahrzeugpumpen
WS - Normaldruck – Fahrzeugeinbaupumpen
Integrierte Getriebe
GV – Normaldruck – Fahrzeugeinbaupumpen
Foam Master RTP – Pumpen Vormischsystem
World Serie Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen Temperatur Schutzventil
World Series Anti-Vibrations Montagerahmen
World Serie Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen für Motoranbau

Tragkraftspritzen -
Powerflow 8/5 Tragkraftspritze
Powerflow 10/10 Tragkraftspritze
Powerflow 10/10DIN Tragkraftspritze

Pumpenaggregate und Anhänger –

Diesel Pumpenaggregate

Druckluftschaum -
World Series Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen mit integrierter DLS (CAFS) Anlage
MiniCAFS Druckluftschaumsystem
CAFS50 – zur Integration in Löschfahrzeuge
CAFS 90/200
FoamLogix 2.1A Druckzumischlage DZA 8

Überdruckbelüftung – Drucklüfter
Drucklüfter, durch eine Wasserturbine angetrieben
Drucklüfter, mit Benzinmotorantreib
HALE PRODUCTS ist der weltweit führende Hersteller an Feuerwehr- und
Rettungssystemen mit Produktionsstätten in USA und Europa. Ein weltweit verbreitetes Netz
an Niederlassungen und Vertretungen sichert die Kundenbetreuung. HALE ist ein
unabhängiger Pumpenhersteller, der selbst keine Löschfahrzeuge verkauft, sondern sich
auf die Entwicklung und Produktion der dazu notwendigen Löschtechnik spezialisiert hat.
HALE produziert Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen als Tragkraftspritze und zum Fahrzeugeinbau.
Die GODIVA Pumpenserie ist in Löschfahrzeugen der verschiedensten Aufbauhersteller in
über 100 Ländern der Erde im Einsatz. Das Lieferprogramm wird vervollständigt durch Class
1 Regel- und Steuerungstechnik, Schaumzumisch- und Druckluftschaumsysteme sowie
Überdruck- Belüftungssysteme.

Die HALE – GODIVA Pumpenpalette deckt nahezu jede erdenkliche Leistungsforderung von
1000 l/min bis 12000 l/min und darüber ab. Eine Vielzahl der Pumpen stehen als ND oder
kombinierte ND – HD Ausführung zur Verfügung. Die Montage kann als Heckeinbaupumpe
oder nach dem „Midship“ Prinzip erfolgen. International gängige Normen, wie DIN EN und
NFPA werden erfüllt. Die Pumpen sind für sicheren Betrieb bei einfachster Bedienung und
minimalem Wartungsaufwand konzipiert.

Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen der GODIVA

WORLD SERIE verfügen über Vorteile, die
die Brandbekämpfung einfacher, sicherer
und effizienter machen können. Mit dieser
Pumpenserie ist es gelungen, den ohnehin
hohen Standard welchen die
Vorgängerserien GV und GM bereits gesetzt
hatten nochmals zu verbessern. Durch
langjährige Erfahrung und intensive
Weiterentwicklung ist es gelungen Leistung
und Effizienz zu erhöhen und die
Unterhaltskosten zu senken. HALE –
GODIVA Fahrzeugeinbaupumpen lassen
keine Wünsche offen und sichern
langjährigen Betrieb, auch unter den
härtesten Einsatzbedingungen. World Serie ND- HD Pumpe

Aber nicht nur Fahrzeugeinbaupumpen, sondern auch Tragkraftspritzen und

Pumpenaggregate gehören zum Produktionsprogramm. Egal ob Antrieb über Benzin- oder
Dieselmotor, ob „Ultra- Leichtgewicht“ mit 250 l/min und 27 kg Gewicht oder Aggregat mit
über 10000 l/min Nennleistung, im HALE Pumpenprogramm lässt sich immer eine Lösung
für individuelle Kundenwünsche finden.

Überdruck- Belüftungssysteme
Die HALE TYPHOON® Serie an Überdruck- Belüftungssystemen ist heute aus dem
Einsatzalltag nicht mehr wegzudenken, wobei HALE über langjährige Erfahrung und die
größte Auswahl auf diesem Gebiet verfügt. Insbesondere die einzigartigen Geräte mit
Antrieb durch Wasserturbine sind auch für den Gefahrguteinsatz geeignet.

HPE Profile(1)D
HALE ist einer der Pioniere in der Entwicklung von Class A Schaumzumischsystemen (DZA)
und CAFS Anlagen (DLS) und Inhaber zahlreicher Patente in diesem Zusammenhang.
HALE Anlagen haben Standards gesetzt, wenn es gilt die Brandbekämpfung sicherer und
effizienterer zu gestalten. Die Systeme werden von allen führenden Aufbauherstellern
weltweit verbaut. Durch Weiterentwicklung ist es in den letzten Jahren gelungen die Systeme
noch tiefer in die Löschtechnik zu integrieren und so die Bedienung und Montage zu
vereinfachen. Die Installationskosten können gesenkt werden.
Als Systeme stehen derzeit zur Verfügung:
• DZA 8 und DZA 16 nach DIN V 14430 als HALE Foam Logix Systeme
• DLS 1200, DLS 2400 und DLS 4800 nach DIN V 14430 als Mini-CAFS
Nachrüsteinheit, CAFS 50 und CAFSPRO Einbausysteme oder integrierte Systemen
in Verbindung mit einer FP 10-2000 oder 10-3000 nach DIN EN 1028

Regel- und Steuertechnik

Ein umfangreiches Programm an Regel- und Steuerungstechnik findet man in der Class 1
Produktpalette. Dieses umfasst auch CAN- Bus Systeme für Einsatzfahrzeuge mit
konventioneller- oder Bildschirmbedienung.

Die Fa. LUKAS Hydraulik in Erlangen (Deutschland) gehört ebenfalls zur IDEX
Unternehmensgruppe und betreut weltweit die Produkte Hurst Jaws of Life, LUKAS
Rettungsgeräte und VETTER Pneumatik.
Tel: +49 (0)91 316980

Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie uns unter

www.haleeurope.com oder rufen Sie an: 049 (0) 700 4253 3876


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

[email protected]

Mini-CAFS DLS 1200


HPE Profile(1)D
Fahrzueg – Einbaupumpen

WT - Normal – Hochdruck
WS - Normaldruck – Fahrzeugeinbaupumpen
Integrierte Getriebe
GV – Normaldruck – Fahrzeugeinbaupumpen
Foam Master RTP – Pumpen Vormischsystem
World Serie Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen
Temperatur Schutzventil
World Series Anti-Vibrations Montagerahmen
World Serie Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen für
Ein Durchbruch in der
Die Pumpen der neuen Godiva World
Series sind das Ergebnis eingehender
Untersuchungen der Anforderungen
unserer Kunden. Diese neuen Pumpen
stellen einen entscheidenden
Fortschritt bei der Brandbekämpfung
dar. Sie bieten eine bessere Leistung,
sind einfacher zu installieren und
besitzen ein geringeres Gewicht. Die
Pumpen der World Series wurden unter
härtesten Einsatzbedingungen geprüft
und bieten während ihrer gesamten
Lebensdauer überragende Leistung.

World Series

Normal- /Hochdruck Löschfahrzeugpumpen

• Entsprechen allen erwarteten CEN-Normen
• Neuartige Konstruktion für Nieder- und
• Erheblich geringerer Wartungsaufwand
• Kompaktes Design
• Vermindertes Gewicht
• Entspricht internationalen Normen
• Wahlweise Ausführung in Leichtmetallegierung oder
• Standardmäßig mit leistungsstarkem Ansaugkolben
• Mechanische Dichtung mit innovativem, neuartigem Neuartige Bauweise gewährt einfachen
Design Zugang zu innenliegenden Komponenten
• Standardmäßig mit automatischem und zum Filtersystem
• Neuartiges, modulares Fördersystem
• Niederdruck an Schlauchanschlüssen erhältlich
• Große Auswahl an Löschwasserabgabeoptionen,
darunter seitlich und Monitor
• Wahlweise mit entgegengesetzter Laufrichtung
• Verschiedene Bedienkonsolen
• Viele weitere Optionen
• Seitliche Installation ohne kompliziertes

Leistungskenngrößen WT2010 WT3010 WT4010 WT6010
Ansaughub bis 8 m bis 8 m bis 8 m bis 8 m
Ansaugdrehzahlbereich 2500 U/min 2500 U/min 2500 U/min 2500 U/min
Max. Ansaugdruck 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar
Max. empf. Drehzahl 3600 U/min 3600 U/min 3600 U/min 3600 U/min
Max. Anschlußdruck (Niederdruck) 16,5 bar 16,5 bar 16,5 bar 16,5 bar
Max. Anschlußdruck (Hochdruck) 55 bar 55 bar 55 bar 55 bar
Max. Förderleistung (Niederdruck) 3400 l/min 4200 l/min 6200 l/min 7750 l/min
Max. Förderleistung (Hochdruck) 750 l/min 750 l/min 750 l/min 750 l/min
Gewicht 105 kg 112,5 kg 145,5 kg 145,5 kg
Typische Abmessungen (L x H x B) 772 x 620 x 508 mm 780 x 620 x 714 mm 780 x 655 x 714 mm 780 x 655 x 714 mm
Ansaugzeit auf 7,5 m 22 Sek. 32 Sek. 32 Sek. -
Auslösung des 42ºC 42ºC 42ºC 42ºC
Pumpenlaufrichtung Nach Wunsch des Kunden
Angaben beruhen auf: 2010 mit Ansaugkolben, 2 UK Ventilen, 4 Zoll Ansaugleitung. 3010/4010 mit Ansaugkolben, 4 UK Ventilen, 5½ Zoll Ansaugleitung.

World Series

Normal- /Hochdruck Löschfahrzeugpumpen

WT2010 WT3010 WT4010 WT6010
2000 l/min 3000 l/min 4000 l/min 6000 l/min
bei 10 bar bei 10 bar bei 10 bar bei 10 bar
3 m Hub 3 m Hub 3 m Hub 3 m Hub

• Ansaugwasserring
• World Series Bedienkonsole
• Entgegengesetzte Laufrichtung
• Verschiedene Kupplungen und Ventile
Typische Leistungswerte der Godiva World Series Mehrdruckpumpen für
Löschfahrzeuge bei 3 m Hub und Hochdruckbetrieb
• Druckluftbetätigtes Umschaltventil

Hale Products Europe Pumpen unterliegen

ständiger Weiterentwicklung. Wir behalten uns
daher das Recht auf technische Änderungen vor
Leistungswerte der
WT30/10 bei 3 m Hub
Niederdruckbetrieb A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles Street
Warwick CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

wtg2(2)uk [email protected]
Ein Durchbruch in der
Die neue Godiva-Weltserie wurde anhand
von sorgfältigen Analysen Ihrer
Betriebsanforderungen konzipiert. Sie stellt
mit erweiterter Leitungsfähigkeit,
verbesserten Installationseigenschaften und
geringerem Gewicht einen wesentlichen
Fortschritt in der Brandbekämpfungstechnik
dar. Nach strengen Testreihen unter
extremen Bedingungen liefert die Weltserie
heute eine außergewöhnliche Leistung -
zuverlässig von der ersten Stunde an.

World Series
Normaldruck - Fahrzeugeinbaupumpen

• Erfüllt bereits jetzt künftige EN-Normen
• Stark reduzierter Wartungsplan
• Kompakte Bauweise
• Geringeres Gewicht
• Erfüllt die Anforderungen internationaler
• Ausführungen in Leichtmetallegierung und
• Hochleistungskolben-
Entlüftungseinrichtung, serienmäßig
• Innovative neue Dichtungskonstruktion Neue Bauweise erleichtert den
• Neues modulares Druckausgangs- Zugriff auf die innenliegenden
verteilersystem Bauteile
• Vielzahl an Druckausgangsverteilern,
einschließlich Seiten- und Monitorabgang
• Wahlweise Drehrichtungsumkehr
• Große Auswahl an weiteren Optionen
• Mittige Installation mit minimalen Leitungen

Leistungsdaten WS2010 WS3010 WS4010 WS6010
Ansaugleistung bis 8 m (26’) bis 8 m (26’) To 8m (26’) To 8m (26’)
Ansaugdrehzahl 2600 U/min 2600 U/min 2600 U/min 2600 U/min
Maximaler Ansaugdruck 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar
Empfohlene Höchstdrehzahl 3600 U/min 3600 U/min 3600 U/min 3600 U/min
Maximaler Ausgangsdruck 16,5 bar 16,5 bar 16,5 bar 16,5 bar
Maximaler Durchfluß 3400 l/min 4200 l/min 6200 l/min 7750 l/min
Gewicht (ca.) 85 kg 92,5 kg 125.5 kg 125.5 kg (Approx)
Abmessungen (L x H x B) 720 x 620 x 508mm 728 x 620 x 714mm 728 x 655 x 788mm 728 x 655 x 788mm
Ansaugzeit bis 7,5 m 22 s 32 s 32 s 32 s
Ansprechen des 42ºC, 74ºC 42ºC, 74ºC 42ºC, 74ºC 42ºC, 74ºC
Thermosicherheitsventils Optionen Optionen Optionen Optionen
Drehrichtung der Pumpe an Kunden Specification
Datengrundlage: 2010 mit Kolbenentlüftungseinrichtung, 2 UK-Ventile, 4” Sauganschluß. 3010/4010 mit Kolbenentlüftungsvorrichtung, 4 UK-Ventile, 5 ½”

World Series
Normaldruck - Fahrzeugeinbaupumpen

WS2010 WS3010 WS4010 WS6010
2000 3000 L/min 4000 L/min 6000 L/min
bei 10 bar bei 10 bar bei 10 bar bei 10 bar
3mFörder 3m Förder- 3m Förder- 3m Förder-
-höhe höhe höhe höhe

• Wasserring-Entlüftungseinrichtung
WS 2010 • Drehrichtungsumkehr
• Diverse Kupplungen und Druckventile
• Automatisches Thermosicherheitsventil

Die Politik der Hale Products Europe ist auf

ständige Weiterentwicklung ausgerichtet. Daher
behalten wir uns vor, die Technik ohne
Ankündigung oder Verpflichtung zu ändern.


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
WS 3010 Warwick
CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

[email protected]

Optimale Pumpentechnik
Die Godiva World- Series Feuerlöschkreiselpumpe ist ein
Produkt des weltweit größten Herstellers an
Optimierte Leistung bei reduziertem Gewicht, vereinfachte
Installation und Instandhaltung sind nur einige Vorteile
dieser Entwicklung
Durch modulare Optionen lassen sich zusätzliche Vorteile
Getriebe – ermöglicht Anpassungen an vorgegebne
Nebenantriebe, erweitert das Anwendungsspektrum und
vereinfacht den Einbau
Bedienfeld – spart Installationsaufwand und ermöglicht die
einfache und sichere Bedienung
Integriertes CAFS – betriebsbereites Modul incl.
Kompressor und Antrieb, Installation mit minimalem
Die saug- und druckseitige Ausstattung erfolgt
nach Kundenwunsch

World Serie
Zusätzliche Möglichkeiten
Feuerlöschkreiselpumpe durch Modulbauweise
• Vollständige Übereinstimmung mit derzeit
gültigen Normen, wie DIN EN 1028 und
sonstigen international bekannten Normen
• Als ND oder kombinierte ND – HD Ausführung
• HD und ND Laufrad auf einer Welle für
kompakte Bauform und minimales Gewicht
• Umschaltung von ND auf HD Betrieb ohne
• Auch im ND Betrieb stets Wasser an der
Schnellangriffshaspel verfügbar
• Minimaler Wartungsaufwand
• In Aluminium- Bronze oder Edelstahl erhältlich
• Beide Drehrichtungen verfügbar
• Auch für „Midship“ Montage
• Automatische Doppelkolben
Entlüftungseinrichtung mit Membran-
• Wartungsfreie Gleitring- Wellenabdichtung
• Automatisches Temperatur- Schutzventil
• Druckbegrenzungsventil für Saugeingang
• Druckausgangsverteiler im Baukastensystem
stets erweiterungsfähig, mit
• Vielzahl weiterer Optionen
• Getriebe
• Bedienfeld
• Integriertes CAFS
W Series Modularity 1(2)08-04D

Option – Getriebemodul Übersetzungen

• Verbesserte Anpassung an vorhandene 2.37:1
Nebenantriebe 2.16:1
• Betrieb des Antriebsmotors im optimalen 1.97:1
Drehzahlbereich 1.80:1
• Reduziert Geräuschentwicklung, 1.59:1
Kraftstoffverbrauch und Motorverschleiß 1.40:1 Blickrichtung für
1.24:1 Hinweis: Einbaumaß verlängert sich gegenüber der Darstellungen
• Ermöglicht optimierte Auslegung des Grundausführung um 169 mm durch Getriebeanbau unten
• Hochfestes Graugussgehäuse und Einbaumöglichkeiten vom Saugeingang her gesehen
Zahnradauslegung sichern lange Lebensdauer Antrieb Pumpe Pumpe Antrieb
bei großer Laufruhe
• Große Auswahl an Übersetzungsverhältnissen
• Getriebeölkühlung für den Einsatz bei hohen
Umgebungstemperaturen möglich
• Ermöglicht die einfache Integration von CAFS
(DLS) Systemen

Position 1 (links) Position 3 (rechts)

World Serie Position 2 (unten)

Feuerlöschkreiselpumpe Zusätzliche Möglichkeiten

durch Modulbauweise
Option – Bedienfeld- Modul Option – Integriertes CAFS Modul
Durch den Einsatz von Class 1 Komponenten steht Zur Nutzung des derzeit effizientesten Löschverfahrens auf
eine nahezu unbegrenzte Zahl an Optionen zur einfachste, kostengünstigste Weise durch vollständige
Verfügung, welche die einfache und sichere Bedienung Integration in die Pumpenanlage
der World- Serie Feuerlöschkreiselpumpe in allen • Als DLS 1200, DLS 2400 oder DLS 4800 gem. DIN V
Löschfahrzeugen ermöglicht. Schnellstmöglicher 14430
Löscheinsatz mit minimalem Aufwand für den • Mit elektronisch gesteuerter Foam- Logix Zumischanlage,
Maschinisten durch: höchste Präzision bei großem Arbeitsbereich
• Vorgewählte, automatische Bedienabläufe • Optimale Anpassung an die Einsatzerfordernisse durch
• Pumpendruckregelung, für Euro 3 Motoren großen Verstellbereich, 1:3 Nassschaum für maximale
• Leicht ablesbare Instrumente, mit farblicher Kühlwirkung und sichere Flashoverbekämpfung, 1:20
Kennzeichnung Trockenschaum mit maximaler Haftwirkung.
• Niveausteuerung für Löschwasser- und Zwischenstellungen (z.B. 1:7) wählbar
• Integration der Bedienung DZA und DLS
• Optionale CAN- Bus Steuerung mit konventioneller
oder Bildschirmbedienung


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

+44 (0)1926 623666
¬ www.haleeurope.com
 [email protected]
HALE Produkte unterliegen der ständigen
Weiterentwicklung. Technische Änderungen W Series Modularity 2(2)08-04D
Das völlig neuartige und integrierte
Getriebe eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten
zum Einbau der Godiva World Series
Fahrzeugeinbaupumpen. Individuelle
Anpassungsmöglichkeiten an
Antriebsmotore, Nebenantriebe und
Einbauverhältnisse im
Löschfahrzeug machen die
Hauptvorteile des integrierten Godiva
Getriebes aus. Ferner können sich
verringerte Motordrehzahlen mit
verringerter Emmisions- und
Geräuschfreisetzung ergeben. Das integrierte Getriebe Direction of view
verlängert die Baulänge der in Diagram below
Pumpe um nur 169 mm
World Series
integrierte Getriebe
C Drive C Pump Installation Options C Pump C Drive
viewed from suction end of pump

C Pump
C Drive 1.59:1
Left Option Right Option 1.40:1
links rechts 1.24:1

Down Option

Eigenschaften und Vorteile

• Montage als komplette Einheit mit der Pumpe
• Große Auswahl an • Robustes Gehäuse aus Grauguß
Übersetzungsverhältnissen • Reichlich dimensionierte Zahnräder mit
• Optimierte Anpassung an Motor und Schrägverzahnung sorgen für ruhigen Lauf bei
Nebenantrieb, schont Motor und reduziert langer Lebensdauer
Kraftstoffverbrauch und Emmisionen bei • Ölkühler für den Einsatz bei hohen
verringerter Geräuschentwicklung. Umgebungstemperaturen
• Auswahl an Positionen für den
Antriebsflansch ermöglicht eine  A Unit of IDEX Corporation
optimierte Auslegung der Gelenkwellen.
Charles Street
Warwick CV34 5LR
ENGLAND Unsere Produkte unterliegen ständiger
Weiterentwicklung. Wir behalten uns
daher das Recht auf technische
+44 (0)1926 623600
Änderungen vor

¬ +44 (0)1926 623689 boxg(2)

 [email protected]
Normaldruckpumpe vom

Die Godiva GV Pumpenreihe mit

Normaldruck ist das Ergebnis sorgfältiger
Analysen Ihrer Betriebsanforderungen. Sie
ist rund um den Globus im Einsatz, wobei
sie mit ihren hervorragenden
Leistungskennlinien internationale Auflagen
erfüllt. Das Leistungsspektrum der Reihe
reicht bis zu Fördermengen von 10.000
l/min und einem Ausgangsdruck von 22 bar.
Nach strengen Testreihen unter extremen
Bedingungen liefert die GV-Reihe heute
eine außergewöhnliche Leistung -
zuverlässig von der ersten Stunde an.

Normaldruck - Fahrzeugeinbaupumpen
‰ Ausführung in Leichtmetallegierung oder
Bronzelegierung erhältlich
‰ Einzellaufrad auf einer Pumpenwelle
direkt an den Antriebsflansch gekoppelt
‰ Wartungsfreie selbstnachstellende
‰ Pumpenwelle aus rostfreiem Stahl
‰ Vollautomatische Wasserring-
Entlüftungseinrichtung, serienmäßig
‰ Wahlweise Kolbenentlüftungseinrichtung
‰ Praktisch wartungsfreies
Pumpenlagergehäuse mit
nichtmechanischem Ölumlaufsystem
‰ Große Auswahl an optionalen
‰ Große Auswahl an optionalen
‰ Große Auswahl an optionalen
‰ Optionale werksseitig installierte
Schaumsysteme Diese Pumpe wurde folgende Prüfnummer

FP24/8 – PVR 367/3/95

FP16/8 – PVR 366/2/95
FP 8/8 – PVR 365/1/95 3
Leistungsdaten GV2700 GV3600 GV5300 GV5410 GV6500 GV10000
Ansaugleistung Bis 8m Bis 8m (26’) Bis 8m (26’) Bis 8m (26’) Bis 8m (26’) Bis 8m (26’)
Ansaugdrehzahl 100 – 100 – 100 – 100 – 100 – 100 –
2600U/min 2600U/min 2600U/min 2600U/min 2600U/min 2400U/min
Maximaler Ansaugdruck 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar
Empfohlene 3600 U/min 3600 U/min 3600 U/min 3600U/min 3200U/min 3000 U/min
Maximaler 22 bar 22 bar 22 bar 22 bar 22 bar 24 bar
Maximaler Durchfluß 3300 l/min 4100 l/min 5700 l/min 5800 l/min 7500 l/min 10000 l/min
Drehrichtung der Pumpe Im Uhrzeigersinn bei Sicht auf Antriebsflansch

Normaldruck - Fahrzeugeinbaupumpen

Die Politik der Hale Products Europe ist auf

ständige Weiterentwicklung ausgerichtet. Daher
behalten wir uns vor, die Technik ohne
Ankündigung oder Verpflichtung zu ändern.


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
• Kolbenentlüftungseinrichtung CV34 5LR
• Diverse Kupplungen und Druckventile England
• Druckentlastungsventil
• Integrierte Schaumsysteme +44 (0)1926 623600
¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
[email protected]

Foam Master RTP
Das HALE Foam- Master RTP
Schaumzumischsystem wird vollständig in 3%
Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen der World- Serie Kugelhähne zur
Regelung 3%
integriert. Es erzeugt Wasser- Schaummittel-
Schaummittelgemisch mit einer konstanten Foam
Zumischrate von 3% oder 6%, automatisch Master
an den jeweiligen Volumenstrom RTP
angepasst. Das System kann mit allen
gängigen Schaummitteln auf synthetischer-
oder Proteinbasis, einschließlich AFFF Druckausgangs-
verwendet werden.
Das System basiert auf dem bewährten
Prinzip des Pumpenvormischers, wobei
Treibwasser der Druckseite entnommen
und durch einen Venturi- Zumischer geleitet Wasser
wird. Das so erzeugte Wasser-
Schaummittelgemisch wird zum Saug- Wasser-
eingang Schaummittel-
Saugeingang geleitet und kann an allen gemisch
Druckausgängen entnommen werden. Ein
spezielles HALE Regelsystem hält die
Zumischrate auch bei wechselnden World Series Pumpe Pumpen-
Volumenströmen konstant. vormischsystem

Foam Master RTP

Pumpen- Vormischsystem

Der Arbeitsbereich deckt Volumenströme von

200 l/min bis 3000 l/min bei Zumischraten von
3% oder 6% ab. Die Auswahl der Zumischrate
geschieht durch Kugelhahnventile, für 3% ist
ein Kugelhahn, für 6% sind 2 Kugelhähne zu

Die Genauigkeit der Zumischung beträgt +/-

20% bei Volumenströmen (Wasser) zwischen
200 l/min und 400 l/min und +/- 10% bei
Volumenströmen von 400 l/min bis 3000 l/min.


A Unit of IDEX Corporation +44 (0)1926 623600 HALE Produkte werden ständig weiterentwickelt.
Charles St ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666 Technische Änderungen vorbehalten.
CV34 5LR England
[email protected]
Foam Master RTP(3)D
Temperatur- Schutzventil (TRV)
Das HALE TRV schützt die Pumpe automatisch vor
Übertemperatur und stellt so einen sicheren,
reibungslosen Einsatzablauf bei reduzierter
Personalbelastung dar. Immer wieder gibt es
Einsatzsituationen, in denen ein bestimmter
Betriebsdruck konstant beibehalten werden muss, eine
Wasserabgabe aber kaum oder gar nicht erfolgt. Dies
ist z.B. bei Einspeisen in Steigleitungen der Fall.
Insbesondere bei Personalmangel wird die daraus
folgende Pumpenüberhitzung vom Maschinisten nicht
oder zu spät bemerkt. Wird in einem solchen Fall das
Wasser in der Pumpe auf über 42°C erwärmt, so öffnet
das TRV automatisch und lässt Wasser ausströmen.
Jetzt kann kaltes Wasser vom Saugeingang
nachströmen und einer Beschädigung der Pumpe ist
automatisch vorgebeugt. Je nach Auslegung beim
Einbau kann das abströmende Wasser ins Freie oder in
den Löschwassertank geleitet werden. Das TRV
schließt wieder automatisch, sobald die
Wassertemperatur gesunken ist. Optional ist z.B. für
den Einsatz bei hohen Außentemperaturen auch eine
Version mit 74°C Auslösetemperatur erhältlich.

Die Ausrüstung mit dem TRV ist Standard bei allen Einbaubeispiel TRV am
Godiva World- Serie Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen in der Schnittmodell
ND – HD Version (WT- Ausführung). Bei ND Pumpen
(WS- Ausführung) kann das TRV als Option bestellt

World Serie
Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen Schutzventil
A Unit of IDEX Corporation
• Verhindert Pumpenüberhitzung Charles St
• Entlastet den Maschinisten Warwick
• Zwei Ausführungen verfügbar CV34 5LR
42ºC und 74ºC Öffnungstemperatur England

+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
 [email protected]
HALE Produkte werden ständig
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten.

Thermal R valve(1)08-03D
World Series Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen –
Anti-Vibrations Montagerahmen
Alle World- Series Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen
nach DIN EN 1028 sind ab sofort mit einem
Montagerahmen lieferbar, mit dem die
komplette Pumpenanlage in kürzester Zeit in
das Löschfahrzeug eingebaut werden kann.
Schwingungsdämpfer verhindern die
Übertragung von Vibrationen und senken den
ohnehin schon niedrigen Geräuschpegel
nochmals ab. Eine Aufnahmevorrichtung
ermöglicht das einfache und sichere
Anheben, z.B. per Gabelstapler.

Die Montagerahmen sind für

Normaldruckpumpen und kombinierte
Hochdruck- Normaldruckpumpen ebenso
verfügbar, wie eine Version mit vollständig
Befestigung am Fahrgestell
integrierter Druckluftschaumanlage nach DIN
V 14430.

Die robuste Stahlkonstruktion mit 4

Dämpfungselementen verfügt außerdem über
Ablassventile für schnellen und sauberen
Service. Je nach Ausführung der
Pumpenanlage können Ablassventile für
Getriebeöl, Kompressoröl, Schmieröl
Lagergehäuse und Teile der CAFS Anlage an
zentraler, gut zugänglicher Stelle angeordnet
Aufnahme Hebezeug

World Serie Ablassventile

Anti-Vibrations Montagerahmen

Material Stahlplatte, korrosionsschutzbehandelt

Abmessungen mm 695 breit x 365 tief x 155 hoch (aussen)
Montagezeichnung verfügbar

60515/02 WT/WS Pumpe Grundmodell
60515 WTAC/WSAC Pumpe mit Getriebe links oder rechts angeordnet
60515/01 WTAC/WSAC Pumpe mit Getriebe nach unten angeordnet


A Unit of IDEX Corporation +44 (0)1926 623600 HALE Produkte werden ständig weiterentwickelt.
Charles St ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666 Technische Änderungen vorbehalten.
CV34 5LR England
[email protected]
Anti Vib Mount (1) 06-03D.doc
World Serie Feuerlöschkreiselpumpe
zum direkten Motoranbau
Die gesamte Godiva World- Serie Pumpenreihe
ist auch mit Motor- Anbaugehäuse und
integriertem Getriebe für den direkten Anbau an
Dieselmotore erhältlich. Hierdurch sind
Pumpensysteme zum stationären Aufbau, für
Anhänger oder Wechselladercontainer einfach,
platzsparend und kostengünstig darstellbar. Ein
Motor- Pumpensystem ermöglicht die
uneingeschränkte „Pump&Roll“ Funktion z.B.
bei Flughafenlöschfahrzeugen.

Die äußerst kompakte Bauweise eliminiert

sämtliche Ausrichtungsprobleme und benötigt Getriebe mit SAE#2 WTAE4010
keine gesonderte Lagerung. Motoranschlußbild Pumpe

World Serie
Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen für Motoranbau

Montagebeispiel – WTAE4010
kombinierte ND – HD Pumpe direkt an
Dieselmotor angebaut



Eigenschaften und Vorteile • Integriertes Getriebe zur Drehzahlanpassung, hochwertige

• Kompakte Bauart Zahnräder mit Schrägverzahnung für leisen Lauf
• Anschluß- und Getriebegehäuse aus • Keine Wellen und Kupplungen notwendig
hochfestem Grauguß • Getriebeölkühlung für Einsatz bei hohen
• Vielfältige Anpassungsmöglichkeiten Umgebungstemperaturen möglich
Pumpe – Motor • Spezieller Saugeingang mit 90° Umlenkung erhältlich
• Antriebsscheibe auf Motor-
Schwungrad mit Elastomer-
Dämpungselement sorgt für ruhigen A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Lauf bei langer Lebensdauer Charles St
• Mit ND und kombinierten HD- HD Warwick
Pumpen CV34 5LR HALE Produkte werden ständig
England weiterentwickelt.
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten.
+44 (0)1926 623600
¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
 [email protected]

Powerflow 8/5 Tragkraftsprite

Powerflow 8/5 Twin Tragkraftsprite
Powerflow 10/10 Tragkraftsprite
Powerflow 10/10DIN Tragkraftsprite
Powerflow 2300 Tragkraftsprite
Eine Tragkraftspritze mit
unvergleichlicher Leistung und
komfortabler Bedienung
Die neueste Version der PowerFlow 8/5 Compact ist die
leistungsstärkste und gleichzeitig kompakteste und
leiseste TS ihrer Klasse. Die Godiva
GP 8/5 PowerFlow ist eine leichte TS mit einer Leistung
von 800 l/min bei 5 bar und übertrifft hiermit die
Normanforderung von 600 l/min bei 5 bar deutlich.
Aufgrund der kompakten Abmessungen und des
geringen Gewichts eignet sie sich speziell für kleine
Löschfahrzeuge, wie z.B. das KLF. Der stabile
Rohrrahmen mit ergonomisch angebrachten Griffen
ermöglicht den sicheren und leichten Transport im

PowerFlow 8/5 Compact

Tragkraftspritze nach DIN EN 14466

• Elektrischer Anlasser, serienmäßig, Auspuff-
Starten ohne Schlüssel möglich, Gasstahler
zusätzlicher Handstart
• Gasstrahler - Entlüftungseinrichtung,
• Nennleistung 800 l/min bei 5 bar, max.
Fördermenge bis zu 1.400 Liter bei 3 bar
• Integrierter Kraftstofftank für ca. 1,5 h
Betrieb DIN Abgas-
• Drehbares Druckausgangsventil für anschluss
schnelle und einfache Schlauchverlegung
• Eingangsdruckmanometer
• Motor von Briggs & Stratton VanguardTM,
zuverlässiger, moderner, luftgekühlter 18
PS V2 Verbrennungsmotor, leise aber
dennoch leistungsstark, jetzt in nochmals
verbesserter Ausführung, Motorölkühlung
über Förderwasser
• Leichte und kompakte Ausführung, speziell Zuverlässiger Viertaktmotor mit
für kleine Löschfahrzeuge oder den serienmäßigem Elektrostart
mobilen Einsatz
• Pumpenkörper und Leitapparat aus
• Geschweißter Rahmen aus rostfreiem
• Lichtmast und Batterieladeeinrichtung

GP8-5-20Plus German(1)08-06




PowerFlow 8/5 Compact

Tragkraftspritze nach DIN EN 14466

Technische Daten
• Gasstrahler-
Entlüftungseinrichtung oder
• Elektrostarter serienmäßig,
zusätzlicher Handstart,
ausschließlich Handstart
ebenfalls erhältlich.
• Motor - waagerechte
Kurbelwelle, luftgekühlt
• Pumpenkörper und
Leitgehäuse aus
Leichtmetalllegierung, Laufrad
aus Siliziumbronze
• Rahmen aus rostfreiem Stahl,
Halterung zum Einstecken
des Lichtmasts


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
CV34 5LR
Info Rufnummer zum Ortstarif: +44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

Hale Products Europe policy is one of continuous development.
[email protected]
We therefore reserve the right to amend specifications without
notice or obligation. GP8-5-20Plus German(1)08-06
Hohe Leistung bei kompaktem

Mit der Powerflow 8/5 Twin wurde die HALE TS-

Baureihe um ein weiteres, leistungsstarkes Model
ergänzt. Dieses, in seiner Klasse unübertroffene,
Model verfügt über 2 Druckausgänge und die
neueste, optimierte Version des Briggs&Stratton
Vanguard 18 PS Antriebsmotors.

Kundenwünsche sind in die Weiterentwicklung der

erfolgreichen TS eingeflossen. Mit einer
Nennleistung von 800 l/min bei 5 bar werden die
Anforderungen der DIN 14466 an eine TS 5-600
deutlich übertroffen.

Saug- und Druckanschlüsse werden nach

Kundenwunsch ausgeführt.

PowerFlow 8/5 Twin


• 2 Druckausgänge für flexibleren Einsatz
• Auspuffejektor- Entlüftungseinrichtung
• Elektrostart serienmäßig mit zus. Handstart
(auf Wunsch Entfall Elektrostart)
• Kompakte Abmessungen, geringes Gewicht
• Edelstahl- Rohrrahmen mit Handgriffen für
leichten Transport und sichere Lagerung
• Anschluss für DIN Abgasschlauch
• Max. Förderleistung 1400 l/min bei 3 bar
• Integrierter Kraftstofftank zum Betrieb über
ca. 1,5 h bei Nennleistung
• Eingangs- und Ausgangsdruckmanometer
• Briggs&Stratton Vanguard Motor mit 18 PS,
abgasoptimiert, mit verstärkter
Lichtmaschine und verbesserter Kühlung
• Flexible Beleuchtung für Bedienfeld und
• Auswechselbare Spaltwasserringe
• Motorstart jederzeit, ohne Schlüssel
• Betriebstundenzähler
Anschluss für DIN
Optionen Abgasschlauch
• Lichtmast

Technische Daten
Max. Förderdruck 8.2 bar
Max. Fördermenge 1400 l/min bei 3 bar
Gewicht betriebsbereit mit Elektrostart Ca. 81 kg
Gewicht ohne Elektrostart, trocken Ca. 63.5 kg

Abmessungen (L x W x H) 555 x 500 x 584 mm

Ansaugzeit aus 3 m <30 Sekunden (mit Gasstrahler)
Öl- Füllmenge 1.7 Liter
Kraftstoff- Füllmenge 8.5 Liter Normalbenzin bleifrei

PowerFlow 8/5 Twin


Technische Merkmale
• Auspuffejektor-
• Luftkühlung
• Elektro- und Handstart
• Edelstahl- Rundrohrrahmen
• Pumpengehäuse Alu- Legierung,
Spaltwasserringe und Laufrad
aus Bronze
• Halterung für Lichtmast
• Anschluss für Batterieladung
• Saug- und Druckanschlüsse
nach Kundenwunsch


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Ihre Kontaktadresse in Deutschland: Charles St
www.hale-cafs.com Warwick
CV34 5LR
0700 42 53 36 26 zum Ortstarif +44 (0)1926 623600
Wir nennen Ihnen gerne einen Vertriebs- und Servicepartner in Ihrer Nähe.
¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

Hale Products Europe behält sich das Recht auf  www.haleeurope.com

technische Änderungen im Rahmen der [email protected]
Produktverbesserung ohne vorherige
Ankündigung vor.
Ein kompaktes und
kraftvolles Gerät
Die Godiva PowerFlow 10/10 ist
eine völlig unabhängige Pumpe
mit einer Dauerleistung von 1000
l/min bei 10 bar und 3 m
Ansaughöhe. Für diese Leistung
ist sie die kleinste und
kompakteste Pumpe weltweit.
Dieses Gerät ist ausgiebig
erprobt worden und verfügt über
das Gütesiegel zahlreicher
professioneller Feuerwehren.

PowerFlow 10/10

x Stabiler Schutzrahmen aus rostfreiem Stahl
und Aluminiumpumpe
x Umfangreiche Instrumente
x Geschlossener Kühlkreislauf mit
x Honda Dreizylinder-Viertaktmotor mit
senkrechter Welle und elektronischer
x Elektronischer Drehzahlbegrenzer
x Schutzsystem (automatische
Drehzahldrosselung bei überhöhter
Wassertemperatur oder niedrigem Öldruck Für die Godiva PowerFlow 10/10 sind diverse
und Anzeige der Störung durch Optionen wie Schubkarrenbefestigungsvorrichtungen,
Warnleuchten) ausklappbare Trage-griffe und ein Teleskopmast mit
x Keine externen Keilriemen Flutlichtscheinwerfer lieferbar.
x Kraftstofftank mit 14 Litern ermöglicht 1
Stunde Dauerbetrieb
x Anschlußmöglichkeit für externe
x Abgasentlüftungseinrichtung
x 2 DIN-Niederschraubventile mit
x Eingebaute Räder für den Einsatz auf festem
x Batterieladesteckdose
x Optionaler Lichtmast, diverse Saug-,
Ausgangskupplungen sowie ausklappbare
x Kupplungsschlüsselablage im Rahmen gp10g1(1)
Empfohlene Höchstdrehzahl 6000 U/min
Maximaler Ausgangsdruck 16 bar
Maximaler Durchfluß 2100 l/min
Gewicht (trocken) 95 kg
Abmessungen (L x B x H) 675 x 496 x 606 mm
Ansaugzeit bis 7,2 m 24 s
Kühlmittel 6l
Öl 2,2 l
Kraftstoffkapazität 14 l (1 Betriebsstunde)
Datengrundlage: GP10/10 Pumpe aus Leichtmetallegierung mit 4" Sauganschluß; 1 x 2½" Druckventilen

PowerFlow 10/10

x Eingangsdruckmanometer: -1.0 to 16 bar
x Druckmanometer: 25 bar
x Anzeigebeleuchtung
x Warnleuchte bei überhöhter
x Warnleuchte bei niedrigem Öldruck
x Starterklappen-(Choke)-Regler
x Ein/Aus-Schalter
x Starterknopf
x Betriebsstundenzähler
x Drosselklappen
Normale Leistung der tragbaren Pumpe Godiva
PowerFlow10/10 bei 3 Metern Förderhöhe.
Optionen A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St.
x Teleskopmast mit 55 W Scheinwerfer Warwick CV34 5LR
x Separater Kraftstofftank mit Großbritannien
x Ausklappbare Tragegriffe +44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

[email protected]
Ein kompaktes und
kraftvolles Gerät
Die Godiva GP 10/10 ist
eine völlig unabhängige
Pumpe mit einer
Dauerleistung von 1.000
l/min bei 10 bar und 3 m
Ansaughöhe. Das Gerät
entspricht in jeder
Hinsicht den deutschen
TS 8/8 Anforderungen
und hat die DIN PVR-
Nummer 372/4/96.

PowerFlow 10/10DIN
Umfangreiche Instrumente und Bedienelemente, darunter: Eingangsdruckmanometer, Ausgangsdruck-
manometer, Betriebsstundenzähler, Kraftanzeige, Warnleuchten für Öldruckverlust und Motorüberhitzung,
Drosselklappen, Starterklappen, Start- und Stopknöpfe. Höhenverstellbarer Lichtmast.

Kühler mit geschlossenem Kühlkreislauf und elektrischem Ventilator.

HONDA Dreizylinder-Viertakt-Benzinmotor mit elektronischer Drehzahlbegrenzung.

Automatische elektronische Drehzahlbegrenzung während des Ansaugvorganges und bei manuellem Betrieb der
elektrischen Kupplung ausgeschaltet.

Automatisches Motorschutzsystem. Bei überhöhter Temperatur oder zu geringem Öldruck ist die Drehzahl auf
2.800 U/min begrenzt. Nachdem das Problem behoben ist, stellt sich die gewünschte Drehzahl wieder ein.

Keine Kontrolle von Keilriemen erforderlich.

Kraftstoffvorrat ausreichend für 2 Betriebsstunden bei einer Nennleistung von 800 l/min bei 8 bar.

Automatische Doppelkolben-Entlüftungseinrichtung.

Zwei Druckausgänge mit Niederschraubventilen nach DIN.

Aufklappbare Doppelschichtschutzabdeckung zum Schutz und für einfachen Zugang sowie DIN-gerechter

Empfohlene Höchstdrehzahl 5900 U/min
Maximaler Ausgangsdruck 15 bar
Maximaler Durchfluß 2200 l/min
Gewicht nach DIN-Anforderungen 149 kg
Abmessungen (L x B x H) 950 x 660 x 890 mm
Entlüftungsgeschwindigkeit 3000 U/min
Kraftstoffkapazität 2 Betriebsstunden
Grunddaten: GP10/10/DIN Pumpe aus Leichmetallegierung

PowerFlow 10/10DIN
portable fire pump
MOTOR Honda Dreizylinder-Viertaktmotor mit senkrechter Kurbelwelle, Hubraum 808 ccm.
Elektronische Zündanlage. Drei Vergaser. Der Motor läuft mit bleifreiem Benzin, 86 ROZ und
ist für 37 kW bei 5900 U/min ausgelegt.
PUMPE Aluminiumausführung mit selbstnachstellender Wellendichtung. Einstufenlaufrad auf der
Welle aus rostfreiem Stahl. Horizontaler Sauganschluß und 2 Niederschraubventile nach DIN
mit Druckentlastungsvorrichtung. Die Ventile können nach Bedarf ausgerichtet werden.
Zahlreiche Kupplungsoptionen für unterschiedliche Anforderungen erhältlich.
KUPPLUNG Eine manuell geschaltete elektrische Kupplung zwischen Pumpe und Motor erlaubt den
Motorbetrieb ohne Pumpeneinsatz.
KÜHLSYSTEM Kühler mit geschlossenem Kühlkreislauf und elektrischem Hilfsventilator.
ENTLÜFTUNG Automatische Doppelkolben-Entlüftungseinrichtung mit automatischen Entlüftungsventilen.
START Das Gerät ist mit einem 12 V Elektrostarter und einem Seilzugstarter für Handbetrieb
ELEKTRIK 22 Amp. Drehstromgenerator. 12 Volt Elektrostarter. 12 Volt/30 Ah Bleibatterie, wartungsfrei.
Lichtmast mit Schalter. Ladesteckdose.
RAHMEN Rahmen nach DIN mit vier verstellbaren Traggriffen.


14 3.0 lt-min
7.5 lt-min
Total head (Bar)

A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
6 CV34 5LR

4 +44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
[email protected]
0 200 400 600 670 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1780 1780 1800 1900 2000
Flowrate (Lt/Min)

Unsere Produkte unterliegen ständiger

Weiterentwicklung. Wir behalten uns daher das Recht
auf technische Änderungen vor
PowerFlow 2300 – Tragkraftspritze
Leistungsfähige, äußerst kompakte Ausführung für
Anwendungen, die hohe Förderleistungen
notwendig machen. Die Nennleistung beträgt 2300
l/min bei 7 bar. Bei 10 bar Betriebsdruck können
nahezu 2000 l/min Förderleistung erreicht werden.

Die Power- Flow 2300 basiert auf bewährter

Godiva Pumpentechnik mit modernem Ford
Antriebsmotor, ausgelegt für Dauerbetrieb bei
maximaler Leistung.

Mit Hilfe von optimal ausgelegter Steuerelektronik

für Zündung und Kraftstoffeinspritzung konnte die
Leistungscharakteristik optimal auf den
Feuerwehreinsatz ausgerichtet werden.

Übersichtliche Instrumentierung und einfache

Bedienung erlauben es auch hektische
Transportwagen, Einsatzsituationen zu meistern.
Die Motorkühlung erfolgt durch Wärmetauscher
und ist elektronisch überwacht.

PowerFlow 2300

ƒ Einstufige Feuerlöschkreiselpumpe, direkt am

Motor montiert; Antrieb über
ƒ Optimales, unübertroffenes Verhältnis von
Gewicht zu Leistung
ƒ Druck- und saugseitige Anschlüsse nach
ƒ Edelstahl- Rohrahmen als Schutz- und
Trageeinrichtung sowie zur Befestigung im
ƒ Auspuffejektor- Entlüftungseinrichtung, einfach
per Handhebel bedienbar Bedienfeld mit Druckausgangsventilen
ƒ Flüssigkeitsgekühlter Ford 4-Zylinder-Ottomotor Kupplungen werden nach Kundenwunsch
ZSG414. montiert.
ƒ Elektronische Zündung.
ƒ Leistungsstarker Wärmetauscher,
Primärkreisfüllung permanent mit
ƒ Auspuffschalldämpfer aus Edelstahl. Auslass
auf der vom Bediener abgewandten Seite
Vollständiges Bedienfeld.
ƒ Pumpe aus seewasserbeständiger Alu-
Legierung oder Bronze (Option) für
Dauerbetrieb mit Seewasser
ƒ Transportwagen (Option) zur leichten
Handhabung durch eine Person (z.B. auf
Der Kraftstofftank kann zum Füllen
Wechsellader) herausgeschwenkt werden.

GP2300 Mk2 (1)

Performance Data
Engine 1.4L Ford ZSG414
Motorleistung 63 kW bei 4950 U/min
Max. Förderdruck 15,5 bar
Max. Fördermenge 2700 l/min bei 2 bar
Gewicht (Trocken) 173 kg
Gewicht Transportwagen 41 kg
Abmessungen (L x T x H) 936 x 612 x 646 mm
Typische Ansaugzeit aus 7,5 m 25 Sekunden
Kraftstoffvorrat 24 Liter für min. 1 h Betriebszeit
Basis of Data: GP2300 light alloy pump with 4" suction, 2 x 2 ½ ” delivery valves

PowerFlow 2300

ƒ Kippschalter Ein/Aus
ƒ Starterknopf
ƒ Warnlicht für Batterieladung, Motoröl
und Kühlwasser
ƒ Gashebel
ƒ Entlüftungshebel
ƒ Eingangsdruckmanometer
ƒ Ausgangsdruckmanometer
ƒ Treibstoffanzeige
ƒ Betriebsstundenanzeige

Ihre Kontaktadresse in Deutschland:
0700 42 53 36 26 zum Ortstarif

Wir nennen Ihnen gern einen Vertriebs-

Optionen und Servicepartner in Ihrer Nähe
ƒ Aluminium oder Bronzeguß
ƒ Abnehmbarer Arbeitsscheinwerfer
A Unit of IDEX Corporation
ƒ Transportwagen (s. Fotografie umseitig) Charles St
ƒ Pflegearme Gel-Batterie. Warwick
CV34 5LR
Great Britain

HALE Products behält sich das Recht auf technische +44 (0)1926 623600
Änderungen im Zuge der Produktverbesserung ohne
vorherige Ankündigung vor ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

[email protected]

GP2300 Mk2 (1)


Pumpenaggregate und Anhänger –

Diesel Pumpenaggregate
Hohe Pumpenleistung flexibel,
überall verfügbar
Godiva Pumpenaggregate können für die
unterschiedlichsten Einsatzanforderungen
konzipiert werden. Ob stationäre Montage,
Anhänger, Wechselladercontainer oder
uneingeschränkte „Pump&Roll“ Funktion in einem
Löschfahrzeug, aus dem reichhaltigen Programm
ist immer eine Lösung darstellbar.
Das Leistungsspektrum erstreckt sich von 3200
l/min bis 10000 l/min Nennleistung. Godiva
Aggregate können für die unterschiedlichsten
Normen und Verkehrsvorschriften ausgelegt
werden. Die saug- und druckseitige Ausstattung
erfolgt nach Kundenwunsch. Die Auslegung
GT3600 – Max. Leistung 4100 l/min mit Antrieb
gestattet den Dauerbetrieb unter härtesten
durch Cummins 3.9L 4 Zylinder Turbo- Dieselmotor

Diesel Pumpenaggregate
Für die unterschiedlichsten Einsatzanforderungen

• Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen nach DIN EN 1028
• Pumpengehäuse verfügbar in Aluminium, Bronze
oder Edelstahl
• Wartungsfreie Gleitring- Wellenabdichtung
• Vollständiges Bedienfeld
• Automatisches Entlüftungssystem
• Erprobte Industrie- Dieselmotore, z.B. Cummins oder
Volvo incl. Kühlsystem für Dauerlauf
• Konzipiert für den Einsatz unter allen

Anhänger –
GT10000 – Max. Leistung 10000 l/min, Antrieb durch
• Eigenständige, einsatzbereite Einheit Volvo 6 Zylinder Turbo Motor mit Ladeluftkühlung
• Fahrgestelle gem. EG- Verkehrsvorschriften
• Lagerungen für Saug- und Druckschläuche
• Schutzabdeckung
• Optionaler Lichtmast

Grundrahmen –
• Motor und Pumpe auf stabilem Grundrahmen
• Großer Kraftstofftank im Grundrahmen integriert

GD6500 – Stationäraggregat Max. Leistung 7000 l/min,

Antrieb durch Cummins 5.9L 6 Zylinder Turbo Dieselmotor
Diesel Units 08-04(1)D
Technische Daten
Anhänger - GT GT2700 GT3600 GT5300 GT6500 GT10000
Grundrahmen - GD GD2700 GD3600 GD5300 GD5410 GD6500 GD10000
Ansaughöhe bis 8m (26') bis 8m (26') bis 8m (26') bis 8m (26') bis 8m (26') bis 8m (26')
Max. Betriebsdruck 14bar 13bar 13bar 13bar 17.5bar 18bar
Max. Förderleistung 3200l/min 4100l/min 5700l/min 5300l/min 7000l/min 9500l/min
Godiva Leistungskurve DS371 DS424 DS531 DS363/3 DS372 DS408-2
Anhänger - 3450mm x 3450mm x 3450mm x N/A 3450mm x 4500mm x
Abmessungen 1850mm x 1850mm x 1850mm x 1850mm x 2240mm x
(L x B x H) 1610mm 1610mm 1610mm 1610mm 1900mm
Leergewicht 950kg/ 950kg/ 1100kg/ N/A 1100kg/ 2665kg (Bronze,
(Aluminium/Bronze) 1140kg 1140kg 1240kg 1240kg ohne Zubehör)
Grundrahmen - 1650mm x 1650mm x 1905 x 1905 x 1763 x N/A
Abmessungen 614mm x 614mm x 610 x 610 x 610 x
(L x B x H) 1250mm 1250mm 1378 1378 1378
Leergewicht 655kg/ 655kg/ 820kg/ 820kg/ 830kg/ N/A
(Aluminium/Bronze) 845kg 845kg 960kg 960kg 970kg

Auswahl an kundenspezifischen Optionen für Saugeingang und Druckausgang

Diesel Pumpenaggregate
Für die unterschiedlichsten Einsatzanforderungen

• Manometer Eingangsdruck
• Manometer Ausgangsdruck
• Warnleuchte
14 Motortemperatur
• Öldruckmesser
• Kühlmittelanzeige

• Kaltstartknopf
• Startschalter
• Drehzahlmesser
• Betriebsstundenzähler
• Kraftstoffanzeige
1. 5M
G T65 00CU
• Batterieanzeige
6 1. 5M
G D27 00C U

1. 5M
1. 5M A Unit of IDEX Corporation
1. 5M G T10 000 V
G D36 00C U G D54 10C U Charles St
0 10 00 20 00 30 00 40 00 50 00 60 00 70 00 80 00 90 00 10 00 0 Warwick
+44 (0)1926 623600
Typische Leistungskurven div. Aggregate, bitte detaillierte Kurve für
das gewünschte Aggregat anfragen
¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

HALE Produkte werden ständig weiterentwickelt. [email protected]
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten.

Diesel Units 08-04(1)D


Druckluftschaum -

World Series Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen mit

integrierter DLS (CAFS) Anlage
MiniCAFS Druckluftschaumsystem
CAFS50 – zur Integration in Löschfahrzeuge
CAFS 90/200
FoamLogix 2.1A Druckzumischlage DZA 8
Pumpentechnik für die Zukunft
Die Godiva World Series Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen nach
DIN EN 1028 ermöglichen den Löscheinsatz nach
neuesten Gesichtspunkten. Verbesserte Leistung,
vereinfachte Installation und reduziertes Gewicht sind nur
einige Gesichtspunkte, die für die World Series sprechen.
World Series Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen sind jetzt mit
vollständig integrierter Druckluftschaumanlage gemäß
DIN V 14 430 verfügbar. Alle benötigten Komponenten wie
Druckluftkompressor und Schaumzumischanlage (DZA
nach DIN V 14 430) sind in die Pumpenanlage integriert
und mit minimalem Aufwand zu installieren. Klar
erkennbare LED Anzeigen und einfachste
Druckknopfbedienung ermöglichen die Bedienung durch
jeden Feuerwehrmann (SB). Patentierte
Sicherheitsschaltungen sorgen für problemlosen Betrieb in
allen Einsatzsituationen. Ausreichende Leistungsreserven Hinweis: Saug- und Druckkupplungen werden
nach Kundenwunsch ausgeführt, die
ermöglichen es auch größere Schadensereignisse zu Instrumentierung kann, je nach Spezifikation,
beherrschen. variieren

World Series Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen

mit integrierter DLS (CAFS) Anlage


• Modernste Löschtechnik vollständig in

Das Bild zeigt die Abgabe
von Nassschaum mit die Pumpenanlage integriert
maximaler Kühlwirkung • Effizienz der Löschwasseranwendung
deutlich gesteigert, Gefahr von
Löschwasserschäden drastisch reduziert
• Schnelle Brandunterdrückung mit
positiver Umweltbilanz
• Einsparpotential bezüglich der
Schadenssummen bei konsequenter

Vollständiges, zentrales Bedienfeld u.a. mit

• Anzeige von Wasser- und

• Nass- Trocken Verstellung mit
• Deutlich sichtbaren LED Tankanzeigen
• Verstellmöglichkeit der Zumischrate per
• Kompressorzuschaltung
• Drehzahlverstellung
Das Bild zeigt die Abgabe von
Trockenschaum mit optimaler

WTAC FmLogix 1(1)08-04 Deutsch

World Series Pumpe Bedienteil

• World Series Feuerlöschkreiselpumpe FPN 10-2000

nach DIN EN 1028
• Druckzumischanlage DZA 8 nach DIN V 14 430
• Druckluftschaumanlage DLS 1200 nach DIN V 14 430

• Schraubenkompressor mit integriertem Separatortank
und Schmiersystem
• Nennleistung 1400 l/min bei 7 bar
• Kompakte Wärmetauscherkühlung
• Arbeitsbereich 4 – 10 bar

Foam Logix 2.1A Pumpe

• max. Förderleistung 8 l/min
• Elektrisch angetriebene Kolben- Schaummittelpumpe
• Prüfmöglichkeit ohne Schaumerzeugung und

Luftzumischung und Kontrolle

• Mischstrecke mit patentierten HALE X- Mixern
• HALE ARC Ventil für Nass- Trockenverstellung, typische
Einstellmöglichkeiten 1:3, 1:7, 1:20
• HALE Durchflussmesser überwacht permanent den
World Series Feuerlöschkreiselpumpe mit integriertem jeweiligen Volumenstrom zu den Schaum- Druckausgängen
Verteilergetriebe und Elektromagnetkupplung
• Drehzahl der Schaummittelpumpe wird in Abhängigkeit vom
Volumenstrom und der gewünschten Zumischrate gesteuert
• Exakte Dosierung mit patentiertem Soll- Ist- Wert Vergleich

World Series Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen

mit integrierter DLS (CAFS) Anlage


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
 [email protected]
Foam Logix 2.1A

Unsere Produkte unterliegen ständiger

Weiterentwicklung. Wir behalten uns daher
das Recht auf technische Änderungen vor WTAC FmLogix 2(1)08-04.doc Deutsch
Mini CAFS 2.1A ist ein
Druckluftschaumsystem DZA 1200 nach DIN
V 14430 als komplette, selbständige Einheit,
die lediglich mit Löschwasser und
Schaummittel zu versorgen ist. In einem
stabilen Rahmen mit ähnlichen
Abmessungen wie ein DIN 8 kVA Generator
sind Antriebsmotor, Kompressor,
Schaumzumischung (DZA 8), Mischstrecke
und die notwendigen Regel- und
Sicherheitseinrichtungen untergebracht.

Die Einheit eignet sich hervorragend zur

Nachrüstung und für Fahrzeuge bei denen
ein geeigneter Nebenantrieb nicht zur
Verfügung steht.

Die Wasserversorgung kann von jeder

beliebigen Feuerlöschkreiselpumpe erfolgen.
Mini-CAFS 2.1A
Druckluftschaumsystem DLS 1200
• Kompakte, leistungsfähige und betriebsbereite Einheit für minimalen
• Vom Fahrzeug unabhängige Funktion bei Wasserversorgung über
Fahrzeugeinbaupumpe oder TS. „Pump&Roll“ möglich.
• Schaumzusammensetzung stufenlos verstellbar von 1:3 (nass) über 1:7 bis 1:20
(trocken). Somit Anpassung an alle Einsatzverhältnisse möglich. Verstellung über
Kippschalter, LCD Positionsanzeige.
• Hohe Kühlleistung durch max. mögliche Förderleistung von ca. 460 l/min (WS-
Gemisch) und Verhältnis 1:3, dadurch sicherer Einsatz bei Flashover möglich
• Inbetriebnahme automatisch immer in der Stellung (nass) aus
Sicherheitsgründen für den Innenangriff
• Auswahlmöglichkeiten bei den Strahlrohren. Einsatz von 1 – 2 Rohren möglich.
• Sicherheitseinrichtungen gegen Lufteinspeisung bei Wasser- und/oder
• Dauerbetrieb möglich
• Optimierter Briggs&Stratton 18 PS Viertaktmotor
• Schaumzumischsystem HALE Foam- Logix 2.1A (DZA 8) mit Durchflussanzeige
und Abfragemöglichkeit für Wasser- und Schaummittelverbrauch. Zumischrate
per Knopfdruck zu verstellen.
MiniCAFS 2.1A Eng1(5)04-05
Technische Daten
• Briggs&Stratton 18 PS Antriebsmotor, im
Feuerwehreinsatz bewährt. Integrierter
Kraftstofftank für ca. 1 h Laufzeit.
Lichtmaschinenleistung 12 Volt, 50 Amp.
• Elektrostart mit zusätzlichem Handstart
• Schraubenkompressor Nennleistung
1400 l/min bei 7 bar. Kühlung über
Wasser- Wärmetauscher.
• Foam-Logix 2.1A
Schaumzumischsystem Nennleistung
800 l/min bei 1% Zumischrate.
Verstellmöglichkeit von 0,1% - 9,99%
• Abmessungen (B x T) 959 x 512 mm,
incl. Mischstrecke ca. 750 mm hoch,
Gewicht 223 – 230 kg (je nach
Ausstattung). Befestigung, wie 8 kVA
• Komplettes Bedienfeld in der Frontseite
MiniCAFS 2.1A
Druckluftschaumsystem DLS 1200

Hale Products Europe behält sich das Recht auf

technische Änderungen im Rahmen der
Produktverbesserung vor.

CAFS macht Löschwasser effizienter

HALE CAFS ist mit nachgewiesenen 86%  HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE
löschwirksam angewendetem Wasser das derzeit A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
effizienteste Löschverfahren Warwick
CV34 5LR
+44 (0)1926 623600
Informationen in deutscher Sprache unter:
www.hale-cafs.com ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
Info Rufnummer zum Ortstarif:
0700 425 33626  www.haleeurope.com
[email protected]

MiniCAFS 2.1A Eng2(5)04-05

Löschtechnik für die Zukunft
Das neue HALE CAFS 50 System enthält die Komponenten
Kompressor, Zumischsystem und Mischeinrichtungen zum
Bau einer Druckluftschaumanlage (CAFS) gemäß
DIN V 14 430. Der Antrieb erfolgt durch den Nebenantrieb
des Löschfahrzeugs, das Antriebskonzept kann so
abgestimmt werden, dass die Verwendung mit den meisten
gängigen Feuerlöschkreiselpumpen möglich ist.

Die Komponenten können vom Aufbauhersteller vollständig

in das Konzept des Löschfahrzeugs integriert werden.

Einfachste Druckknopfbedienung ermöglichen die

Bedienung durch jeden Feuerwehrmann (SB). Patentierte
Sicherheitsschaltungen sorgen für problemlosen Betrieb in
allen Einsatzsituationen. Ausreichende Leistungsreserven
ermöglichen es auch größere Schadensereignisse zu
Erzeugung von Druckluftschaum Nass mit
Der Betriebsdruck kann zwischen 4 und 7 bar variiert maximaler Kühlwirkung

zur Integration in Löschfahrzeuge


• Modernste Löschtechnik vollständig in das

Löschfahrzeug integriert

• Effizienz der Löschwasseranwendung

deutlich gesteigert, Gefahr von
Löschwasserschäden drastisch reduziert

• Schnelle Brandunterdrückung mit positiver


• Einsparpotential bezüglich der

Schadenssummen bei konsequenter

Foam Logix 2.1 A Druckzumischanlage DZA 8 nach DIN V 14 430

MCP50 1(2)08-04.doc Deutsch

• Druckzumischanlage DZA 8
nach DIN V 14 430
• Druckluftschaumanlage DLS 1200
nach DIN V 14 430

• Schraubenkompressor mit
integriertem Separatortank und CAFS 50 System Schema
• Nennleistung 1400 l/min bei 7 bar
• Kompakte Wärmetauscherkühlung

Foam Logix Schaumzumischsystem

• Elektrisch angetriebene Kolben-
Schaummittelpumpe, max.
Förderleistung 8 l/min
• Prüfmöglichkeit ohne
Schaumerzeugung und
• HALE Durchflussmesser überwacht
permanent den jeweiligen
Volumenstrom zu den Schaum-
• Drehzahl der Schaummittelpumpe
wird in Abhängigkeit vom
Volumenstrom und der gewünschten
Zumischrate gesteuert
• Exakte Dosierung mit patentiertem
Soll- Ist- Wert Vergleich

zur Integration in Löschfahrzeuge


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
• Mischstrecke mit patentierten HALE X- Mixern Charles St
• HALE ARC Ventil für Nass- Trockenverstellung, Warwick
typische Einstellmöglichkeiten 1:3, 1:7, 1:20 CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

+44 (0)1926 623666
¬ www.haleeurope.com
Unsere Produkte unterliegen ständiger  [email protected]
Weiterentwicklung. Wir behalten uns daher
das Recht auf technische Änderungen vor

MCP50 2(2)08-04.doc
Vollständig integriertes System, vom weltweit
führenden Hersteller

Die hervorragenden Eigenschaften von

Druckluftschaum (CAFS) werden in zunehmenden
Maße von den Feuerwehren erkannt.

HALE verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung mit

solchen Systemen und bietet mit den CAFS90 und
CAFS200 Systemen Lösungen, die von allen
führenden Aufbauherstellern individuell angepaßt
und vollständig in Löschfahrzeuge integriert

Die Bedienung ist einfach und stellt keine

zusätzliche Belastung für den Maschinisten dar.
Regel- und Steuerungsvorgänge erfolgen
automatisch. Sicherheitseinrichtungen für einen
gefahrlosen Innenangriff sind vorhanden. Vereinfachte Darstellung eines HALE CAFS-
Master¥ Systems mit HALE HVC-Kompressor,
ARC-Ventil, CAFS-Pro Regeltechnik und Foam-
foam Master Zumischanlage

Ein typischer Einbausatz besteht aus

folgenden Komponenten:
x Hale HVC® 90 or 200 Kompressor x Hale X-Mixer (patentiert)
x Hale FoamMaster 5.0 Zumischsystem x Hale Duplex- Manometer
x Hale CAFSPro Steuerungstechnik x Hale Rückschlagventile, für
x Hale Durchflußmesser Schaummittel, Wasser und Luft
x Hale CAFSMaster Druckregelung x Hale Schaummitteleinspritzdüse
x Hale ARC- Mischventil x Hale Verteiler (4fach)
x Hale Schaummittelfilter x Temperaturüberwachung Kompressoröl
x Schaummittel- Umschalt und Spülventil
x Bedienungs- und Wartungsanleitung


Betriebsdruck Regelt sich automatisch auf Regelt sich automatisch auf
den jeweiligen Pumpendruck den jeweiligen Pumpendruck
ein. Max. CAFS Betriebsdruck ein. Max. CAFS Betriebsdruck
10 bar. 10 bar.
Schaummittelzumischrate 0.1% to 9.9% 0.1% to 9.9%
Max. Fördermenge 19l/min 19l/min
(bei Verwendung FoamMaster 5.0)
Max. Förderleistung 950l/min 1900l/min
Wasser- Schaummittel
Gemisch bei 10 bar
Nennleistung des 2500l/min 5400l/min
Kompressors bei 10 bar

HALE CAFS – 5bar


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St.
Warwick CV34 5LR
Foam – 5bar
+44 (0) 1926 623600
¬ +44 (0) 1926 623666
[email protected]

Unsere Produkte unterliegen ständiger

Weiterentwicklung. Wir behalten uns daher das Recht
auf technische Änderungen vor

Foam Logix 2.1A
Druckzumischanlage DZA 8

Foam Logix 2.1A ist ein vollständig elektronisch geregeltes Schaumzumischsystem in kompakter
Bauart, zu einem Preis, der auch die Ausrüstung kleinerer Löschfahrzeuge ermöglicht. Das
Funktionsprinzip beruht auf der Volumenstrommessung des geförderten Löschwassers.

Die Vorteile: x Bedienung per Knopfdruck komplett vom

Pumpenstand aus, kein „Herumrennen“
x CAN- BUS Technologie um das Löschfahrzeug.
x Zumischung proportional zum x Kundenspezifische Grundeinstellungen
Volumenstrom über einen großen voreingestellt, an der Einsatzstelle
Arbeitsbereich, egal ob D- Strahlrohr genügt ein Knopfdruck zur
oder Verteiler mit mehreren Schaumerzeugung. Zumischrate per
Strahlrohren, die Zumischung wird Knopfdruck zu verstellen. Anzeige des
immer automatisch angepasst. aktuellen Volumenstroms, Abfrage von
x Zumischung Druckseitig, keine Gesamtverbrauch an Wasser und
Kontamination der FP mit Schaummittel.
Schaummitteln. x Messung des tatsächlichen
x Kein „Warten auf Schaum“ Schaum vom Schaummittelverbrauchs mit Feedback
ersten Löschmittelstoß an. in die Regeltechnik reduziert
x Besonders geeignet zur Dosierung von Ungenauigkeiten in der Dosierung und
Hochkonzentraten (Class A Foam) die spart Schaummittel.
eine max. Zumischrate von 1% x Komplett in Pumpenanlage zu
erfordern. Es ergeben sich erhebliche integrieren.
logistische Vorteile gegenüber 3% x Kein Verlust an Geräteraum.
Schaummitteln. x Prüfung ohne Schaumerzeugung und
x Keine Einschränkungen bezüglich Schaummittelverbrauch möglich.
Förderlänge oder Förderhöhe. x Umfangreiches Installationszubehör
x Keine Einschränkungen der ermöglicht schnellen Einbau und
Wasserförderung. Nachrüstungen.
x Vollständige Integration in das
Foam Logix 2.1A
Druckzumischanlage DZA 8

Arbeitsbereich Foam Logix 2.1A

Foam Logix 2.1A

4 3%

50 400 800

Der Wasserdurchfluss zu den Schaum- Druckausgängen wird gemessen. Aufgrund der
Volumenstrommessung und der gewünschten Zumischrate wird die Drehzahl der Schaummittelpumpe
gesteuert. Ein patentierter Sensor misst die tatsächliche Schaummittelförderung und passt die Förderung
entsprechend an. Volumenstrom in l/min, die Zumischrate und der Total- Verbrauch an Wasser- und
Schaummittel werden an einem Display angezeigt. Dieses Display zeigt ebenfalls die Systemauslastung
an. Der Wasserdurchfluss wird nicht durch strömungstechnische Komponenten eingeschränkt. Ein
serienmäßiges Prüfventil ermöglicht die regelmäßige Funktionskontrolle ohne Schaumerzeugung und

Schaummittel und Zubehör:

Montagefertige Mess- Mischstrecke aus Edelstahl mit integrierten Rückschlagventilen für „Victaulic“
Schnellanschlüsse lieferbar. Sprechen Sie HALE wegen einer Liste geprüfter Schaummittel und
Montagezubehör an.

Technische Daten:
x Entspricht DZA 8 gem. DIN V 14430
x Eingangsspannung wahlweise 12 Volt oder 24 Volt
x Max. Leistungsaufnahme 15 Amp. 24 Volt Version, 30 Amp. 12 Volt Version
x Durchflussmesser verfügbar von 1,5“ bis 3“
x Min. Durchfluss ca. 38 l/min, max. Durchfluss 4700 l/min (optimaler Messbereich durch Wahl des
Durchflussmessers bestimmt).
x Max. Fördermenge der Schaummittelpumpe 8 l/min A Unit of IDEX Corporation
x Max. Förderdruck der Schaummittelpumpe 17 bar Charles St.
x Verstellbereich der Zumischrate 0,1 – 9,99 % Warwick CV34 5LR
x Ausschließlich zur Verwendung zugelassener Class A Schaummittel Großbritannien
+44 (0)1926 623600
Unsere Produkte unterliegen ständiger
Weiterentwicklung. Wir behalten uns daher das Recht ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
auf technische Änderungen vor
[email protected]
Überdruckbelüftung – Drucklüfter
Drucklüfter, durch eine Wasserturbine

Drucklüfter, mit Benzinmotorantreib

Ein echter Drucklüfter, die sichere Option
Die Wasserturbinen-Serie Typhoon® von Hale
stehen weltweit im Einsatz. Der Typhoon® ist
beim Löscheinsatz extrem wirksam und
zuverlässig. Er ist ein Ausrüstungsgegenstand
von hoher Qualität, geringem Gewicht und
niedrigen Kosten, der wichtige Sekunden
gewinnt, wenn es bei der Rettung auf
Geschwindigkeit und Leistung ankommt.
Die Wasserturbinen-Serie Typhoon® bietet
Ihnen im Umfeld entflammbarer Gase oder
Flüssigkeiten durch die eingebauten
Wasserzerstäuberdüsen eine sichere Lösung
Hauptmerkmale –
• Aluminiumrahmen in Leichtbauweise
• Widerstandsfähige thermoplastische
• Umfassende Kippsteuerung
• Ex-Schutz Anforderungen
(ATEX EXII 2GD iIIC T6 (80°C))
• Einzelaufhängung der glasfaserverstärkten
• Verschiedene Einlass-/Auslassanschlüsse
erhältlich - ISO 2,5 Zoll BSP, NST 2,5 Zoll
Instantaneous-Typ, Storz-Typ Die nächste Generation
Drucklüfter, durch eine Wasserturbine angetrieben
Technische Daten
21W10 30W22
Luftmenge 23.789m3/h 50.976m3/h
Luftmenge 36.159m3/h 77.484m3/h
Fandurchmesser 21 Zoll (533mm) 30 Zoll (762mm)
Fanblätter 8 antistatische Blätter aus 12 antistatische Blätter aus
glasfaserverstärktem Polyamid glasfaserverstärktem Polyamid
Antrieb 10 PS Wasserturbine 22 PS Wasserturbine
Abmessungen 640mm x 625mm x 440mm 910mm x 890mm x 550mm
(H x B x T)
Gewicht 16kg 40kg
Zusätzliche Einmannbetrieb, Traggriff und Räder für erhöhte
Modelleigenscha Wasserzerstäuber mit Ein-/Aus-Steuerung Manövrierfähigkeit,
ften Steuerung der Fangeschwindigkeit,
Wasserzerstäuber mit Ein-/Aus-Steuerung
Optionen A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Widerstandsfähige Abdeckung aus Vinyl Charles St
Warwick CV34 5LR

Hale Products Europe policy is one of +44 (0)1926 623600

continuous development. We ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
therefore reserve the right to amend
specifications without notice or
Typhoon WT German(3).doc  www.haleeurope.com
[email protected]
Ein echter Drucklüfter, klar in Führung
Die Benzinmotoren-Serie Typhoon® von
Hale stehen weltweit im Einsatz. Der
Typhoon® ist beim Löscheinsatz extrem
wirksam und zuverlässig. Er ist ein
Ausrüstungsgegenstand von hoher
Qualität, geringem Gewicht und niedrigen
Kosten, der wichtige Sekunden gewinnt,
wenn es bei der Rettung auf
Geschwindigkeit und Leistung ankommt.
Hauptmerkmale -
x Schnellkipp-Mechanismus
x Elektrolytisch polierter Rahmen aus
rostfreiem Stahl
x Einziehbarer Griff und Luftbereifung
für gute Manövrierbarkeit
x Widerstandsfähige thermoplastische
x Einzelaufhängung der 18H5
glasfaserverstärkten Propellerblätter

Die nächste Generation


Drucklüfter mit Benzinmotorantrieb

Technische Daten
18H5 21H5 24H5 27T10
Luftmenge (AMCA210) 10,803m3/h 14,511m3/h 18,246m3/h 26,857m3/h
Luftmenge (AMCA240) 22,686m3/h 31,924m3/h 34,667m3/h 51,028m3/h
Propellerdurchmesser 18 Zoll (457mm) 21 Zoll (533mm) 24 Zoll (610mm) 27 Zoll (686mm)
Propellerblätter 10 Blätter aus 10 Blätter aus 10 Blätter aus 9 Blätter aus
glasfaserverstärktem glasfaserverstärktem glasfaserverstärktem glasfaserverstärktem
Polyamid (PAG) Polyamid (PAG) Polyamid (PAG) Polyamid (PAG)
Motor Honda 5,5 PS, Honda 5,5 PS, Honda 5,5 PS, Tecumseh 10 PS
luftgekühlt, luftgekühlt, luftgekühlt, luftgekühlt,
Viertakt, Viertakt, Viertakt, Viertakt,
Seilzugstarter Seilzugstarter Seilzugstarter Seilzugstarter
Abmessungen 610mm x 560mm x 650mm x 625mm x 790mm x 705mm x 830mm x 790mm x
(H x B x T) 530mm 530mm 530mm 530mm
Gewicht ca. 38kg 41kg 43kg 53 kg

Widerstandsfähige Abdeckung aus Vinyl

Die Politik der Hale Products Europe  HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE

ist auf ständige Weiterentwicklung Ihr Händler : A Unit of IDEX Corporation
ausgerichtet. Daher behalten wir uns Charles St.
vor, die Technik ohne Ankündigung Warwick CV34 5LR
oder Verpflichtung zu ändern.

+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

Typ Petrol German(2).doc

[email protected]
Data Sheets in French Language –
Vehicle mounted pumps –
World Series Modularity options

Portable pumps -

Trailer mounted pumps –

GT Range

Compressed Air Foam -

CAFS 90/200
E Series Foam proportioning system
Polyvalence et puissance

Tête de collecte intégrée

Quatre points de
raccordement possibles sur
le tube d’aspiration

Plateforme de

Prima TM

La pompe anti-incendie à pression unique pour montage à l’arrière ou au milieu du véhicule

Caractéristiques Avantages
• La pompe la plus compacte de sa catégorie - Plus d'espace pour un équipement supplémentaire
• Conception à collecteur de distribution modulaire - Améliore la flexibilité de l'installation
• Plateforme de montage adaptée en standard - Installation plus rapide/plus facile
• Conception optimale pour une maintenance facile - Coûts réduits pendant toute la durée de vie
• Un alliage léger et des options de bronze industriel - Pour s'adapter au type d'eau pompée
• Sélection améliorée des matériaux - Résistance améliorée à la corrosion
• Conformité totale à la norme EN1028:1 - Conforme aux normes européennes et internationales
• Options d'amorçage automatique/manuel - Flexibilité opérationnelle
• Nouvelle conception du tube d'aspiration - Flexibilité d'installation améliorée

Prima PrimaP1(1) French 09-2008 .doc

Polyvalence et puissance
La Godiva Prima est une pompe centrifuge à phase unique conçue pour le montage au centre ou à l’arrière du
véhicule. La pompe est livrée avec une plateforme de montage facile à utiliser et à installer. La plateforme intègre tous
les raccordements d'évacuation nécessaires de le pompe et les points de levage pour l'utilisation d'un chariot élévateur.

Le collecteur modulaire de distribution à basse pression permet une grande flexibilité au niveau des configurations
d’installation. Le tube d’aspiration offre trois points de raccordement possibles entre la cuve et la pompe et une option
de tête de collecteur intégrée renforce encore cette flexibilité d’installation
La sélection améliorée du matériau assure une longue durée de vie et une grande fiabilité. La pompe est conçue pour
une maintenance facile et des coûts réduits pendant toute la durée de vie.
Données de performance – P1A ou 2010 3010 4010 6010
Plage de performances d'amorçage Jusqu'à 7,5 m Jusqu'à 7,5 m Jusqu'à 7,5 m Jusqu'à 7,5 m
Vitesse d'amorçage (recommandée) 2500 trs/min 2500 trs/min 2500 trs/min 2500 trs/min
Pression d'aspiration maximale 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar
Vitesse maximale recommandée 3600 trs/min 3600 trs/min 3600 trs/min 3600 trs/min
Vitesse minimale en veille 900 trs/min 900 trs/min 900 trs/min 900 trs/min
Pour les autres applications, contacter Hale Products Europe
Pression maximale de sortie – Basse 17 bar 17 bar 17 bar 17 bar
pression (conformité EN)
Flux maximal – Basse pression 3400 l/min 4 200 l/min 6 200 l/min 7 750 l/min
Poids (basé sur un modèle en 85 kg 92,5 kg 125,5 kg 125,5 kg
Poids approximatifs, varient en
fonction des spécifications et du métal
Dimensions typiques (L x l x H) mm 714 x 580 x 626 772 x 764 x 661 772 x 764 x 661 772 x 764 x 661
Temps d'amorçage EN1028 à partir de 22 s 32 s 32 s À déterminer
7,5 m
Activation de la soupape de décharge 42 ºC ou 74 ºC 42 ºC ou 74 ºC 42 ºC ou 74 ºC 42 ºC ou 74 ºC
thermique (optional)
Base des données : 2010 avec amorceur à piston, 2 vannes de distribution UK, aspiration RT 4 pouces. 3010/4010/6010 avec
amorceur à piston, 4 vannes de distribution UK, aspiration RT 5,5 pouces. Monté sur une plateforme standard.

Performances classées EN1028:1

P1_2010 P1_3010 P1_4010 P1_6010
2000 L/min 3000 L/min 4000 L/min 6000 L/min
A 10 bar A 10 bar A 10 bar A 10 bar
Levage de Levage de 3 Levage de 3 Levage de 3
3m m m m

P1_2010 Courbe de performances

Options :
• Système de mousse basse pression autour • Rotation inverse
de la pompe et système de mousse haute • Options de branchement d'aspiration et de
pression distribution
• Amorceur à anneau d'eau • Boîte de vitesses, choix de ratios et position
• Panneau de commandes disponible

La politique de Hale Products Europe HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE, une Unité d'IDEX Corporation
met l'accent sur le développement permanent. Charles St, Warwick CV34 5LR. Royaume-Uni.
Nous nous réservons donc le droit de modifier Tél. : +44 (0)1926 623600 Fax : +44 (0)1926 623666
les spécifications sans préavis ni obligation. Site Web : www.haleeurope.com E-mail : [email protected]
Polyvalence et puissance

Tête de collecte intégrée

Système d'induction de
mousse autour de la pompe

Plateforme de

Prima TM

Pompe anti-incendie à pressions multiples pour montage à l'arrière ou au milieu du navire

Caractéristiques Avantages
• La pompe la plus compacte de sa catégorie - Plus d'espace pour un équipement supplémentaire
• Conception à collecteur de distribution modulaire - Améliore la flexibilité de l'installation
• Plateforme de montage adaptée en standard - Installation plus rapide/plus facile
• Conception optimale pour une maintenance facile - Coûts réduits pendant toute la durée de vie
• Un alliage léger et des options de bronze industriel - Pour s'adapter au type d'eau pompée
• Sélection améliorée des matériaux - Résistance améliorée à la corrosion
• Conformité totale à la norme EN1028:1 - Conforme aux normes européennes et internationales
• Options d'amorçage automatique/manuel - Flexibilité opérationnelle
• Nouvelle conception du tube d'aspiration - Flexibilité d'installation améliorée

Prima PrimaP2(1) French 09-2008 .doc

Polyvalence et puissance
Le Godiva Prima est conçu pour un montage au centre ou à l'arrière du véhicule. Il s'agit d'un modèle centrifuge à deux
vitesses, offrant des turbines basse et haute pression sur un arbre en acier inoxydable afin de fournir un fonctionnement
simultané à plusieurs pressions. La pompe est livrée avec une plateforme de montage facile à utiliser et à installer. La
plateforme intègre tous les raccordements d'évacuation nécessaires de le pompe et les points de levage pour l'utilisation
d'un chariot élévateur.
Le collecteur modulaire de distribution à basse pression offre une grande flexibilité au niveau des configurations
d'installation. En outre, la distribution à haute pression permet différentes configurations.
La sélection améliorée du matériau assure une longue durée de vie et une grande fiabilité. La pompe est conçue pour une
maintenance facile et des coûts réduits pendant toute la durée de vie.
Données de performance – P2A ou 2010 3010 4010 6010
Plage de performances d'amorçage Jusqu'à 7,5 m Jusqu'à 7,5 m Jusqu'à 7,5 m Jusqu'à 7,5 m
Vitesse d'amorçage (recommandée) 2500 trs/min 2500 trs/min 2500 trs/min 2500 trs/min
Pression d'aspiration maximale 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar
Vitesse maximale recommandée 3600 trs/min 3600 trs/min 3600 trs/min 3600 trs/min
Vitesse minimale en veille 900 trs/min 900 trs/min 900 trs/min 900 trs/min
Pour les autres applications, contacter Hale Products Europe
Pression maximale de sortie – Basse 17 bar 17 bar 17 bar 17 bar
pression (conformité EN)
Pression maximale de sortie – Haute 54,5 bar 54,5 bar 54,5 bar 54,5 bar
pression (conformité EN)
Flux maximal – Basse pression 3400 l/min 4 200 l/min 6 200 l/min 7 750 l/min
Flux maximal – Haute pression 770 l/min 770 l/min 770 l/min 770 l/min
Poids (basé sur un modèle en 105 kg 117 kg 145,5 kg 145,5 kg
Poids approximatifs, varient en
fonction des spécifications et du métal
Dimensions typiques (L x l x H) mm 748 x 580 x 782 806 x 764 x 817 806 x 764 x 817 806 x 764 x 817
Temps d'amorçage EN1028 à partir de 22 s 32 s 32 s À déterminer
7,5 m
Activation de la soupape de décharge 42 ºC ou 74 ºC 42 ºC ou 74 ºC 42 ºC ou 74 ºC 42 ºC ou 74 ºC
Base des données : 2010 avec amorceur à piston, 2 vannes de distribution UK, aspiration RT 4 pouces. 3010/4010/6010 avec
amorceur à piston, 4 vannes de distribution UK, aspiration RT 5,5 pouces. Monté sur une plateforme standard.

Performances classées EN1028:1

P2_2010 P2_3010 P2_4010 P2_6010
2000 L/min 3000 L/min 4000 L/min 6000 L/min
A 10 bar A 10 bar A 10 bar A 10 bar
Levage de Levage de Levage de Levage de
3m 3m 3m 3m
Classement haute pression de 250 L/min à 40 bar

P2_2010 Courbe de performances • Rotation inverse

Options :
• Options de branchement d'aspiration et de
• Système de mousse basse pression autour distribution
de la pompe et système de mousse haute
• Vanne de sélection de haute/basse pression à
fonctionnement pneumatique
• Amorceur à anneau d'eau
• Boîte de vitesses, choix de ratios et position
• Panneau de commandes disponible

La politique de Hale Products Europe HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE, une Unité d'IDEX Corporation
met l'accent sur le développement permanent. Charles St, Warwick CV34 5LR. Royaume-Uni.
Nous nous réservons donc le droit de modifier Tél. : +44 (0)1926 623600 Fax : +44 (0)1926 623666
les spécifications sans préavis ni obligation. Site Web : www.haleeurope.com E-mail : [email protected]
Des progrès révolutionnaires
dans la technologie des pompes
C'est pour répondre à vos attentes exprimées
dans des sondages détaillés qu'a été conçue
la nouvelle gamme World Series de Godiva.
Concrétisant une performance encore
supérieure, des caractéristiques d'installation
améliorées et un poids allégé, elle représente
des progrès considérables dans la
technologie de la lutte contre incendie.
Soumise à des tests rigoureux dans des
conditions extrêmes, la gamme World Series
vous fait bénéficier d'un rendement
exceptionnel - dès la première fois, et à
chaque fois.

World Series

Pompes montées sur véhicule

Principales Caractéristiques
• Conformité totale aux normes CEN anticipées
• Nouvelle conception convenant aux étages à haute et
à basse pression
• Programme d'entretien considérablement réduit
• Enveloppe aux dimensions étudiées
• Poids allégé
• Conforme aux conditions des normes internationales
• En option: alliage léger ou bronze
• Amorçage à piston de haute performance en
• Nouveau modèle innovateur d'étanchéité mécanique
• Système de détente thermique automatique en Les caractéristiques de ce nouveau modèle
standard permettent d'accéder facilement aux
• Nouveau système de collecteur de décharge composants internes et au système de filtres
• Disponibilité de basse pression dans les dévidoirs de
• Grand choix de décharges, y compris décharge
latérale et par lance-canon
• Rotation inversée en option
• Choix de panneaux de commande en option
• Grande gamme d'options supplémentaires
• Capacité de montage intermédiaire avec minimum de

Caractéristiques de WT2010 WT3010 WT4010 WT6010
Plage de portée d'amorçage Jusqu'à 8m Jusqu'à 8m Jusqu'à 8m Jusqu'à 8m
Plage de vitesses recommandée 2500rpm 2500rpm 2500rpm 2500rpm
Pression d'aspiration maximale 12 bars 12 bars 12 bars 12 bars
Vitesse maximale recommandée 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm
Pression de sortie maxi - basse 16,5 bars 16,5 bars 16,5 bars 16,5 bars
Pression de sortie maxi - haite 55 bars 55 bars 55 bars 55 bars
Débit maximum - basse pression 3400 l/min 4200 l/min 6200 l/min 7750 l/min
Débit maximum - haute pression 750 l/min 750 l/min 750 l/min 750 l/min
Poids 105 kg 112.5 kg 145.5 kg 145.5 kg Approx
Dimensions types (Long. x Haut. x 772 x 620 x 780 x 620 x 780 x 655 x 780 x 655 x
Larg.) 508mm 714mm 714mm 714mm Approx
Durée d'amorçage jusqu'à 7.5m 22 s 32 s 32 s -
Déclenchement du détendeur 42ºC ou 74˚C 42ºC ou 74˚C 42ºC ou 74˚C 42ºC ou 74˚C
Sens de rotation de la pompe Selon specifications du client
Base des caractéristiques: 2010 avec amorçage à piston, 2 robinets de refoulement, aspiration de 10cm. 3010/4010 avec amorçage à piston, 4 robinets de refoulement,
aspiration de 14 cm

World Series
Pompes montées sur véhicule
Performance nominale
WT2010 WT3010 WT4010 WT6010
2000 l/min 3000 l/min 4000 l/min 6000 l/min
A 10 bars A 10 bars A 10 bars A 10 bars
Hauteur Hauteur Hauteur Hauteur
d'aspiration de d'aspiration de d'aspiration de d'aspiration de
3m 3m 3m 3m

• Amorçage à anneau d'eau
• Panneau de commande World Series
• Sens de rotation inversé
• Gamme d'accouplements et de robinets de
Performance à haute pression type de la gamme de pompes montées sur refoulement
véhicule à multi - pression World Series de Godiva, à une hauteur • Robinet á trois voies à déclenchement
d'aspiration de 3m automatique


Performance à  A Unit of IDEX Corporation
basse pression Charles St
type de WT3010 Warwick
à une hauteur CV34 5LR
d'aspiration de Grande Bretagne
+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

Hale Products Europe applique une politique de perfection en
permanence. Par conséquent, nous nous réservons le droit de modifier  www.haleeurope.com
les caractéristiques techniques sans préavis ni obligation [email protected]
Des progrès révolutionnaires dans
la technologie des pompes
C'est pour répondre à vos attentes exprimées
dans des sondages détaillés qu'a été conçue la
nouvelle gamme World Series de Godiva.
Concrétisant une performance encore
supérieure, des caractéristiques d'installation
améliorées et un poids allégé, elle représente
des progrès considérables dans la technologie
de la lutte contre incendie. Soumise à des
essais rigoureux dans des conditions extrêmes,
la gamme World Series vous fait bénéficier d'un
rendement exceptionnel - dès la première fois,
et à chaque fois.

World Series
Pompes montées sur Véhicule – basse pression

Principales Caractéristiques
• Conformité totale aux normes CEN anticipées
• Programme d'entretien considérablement réduit
• Enveloppe aux dimensions étudiées
• Poids allégé
• Conforme aux conditions des normes
• En option: alliage léger ou bronze
• Amorçage à piston de haute performance en
• Nouveau modèle innovateur d'étanchéité Les caractéristiques de ce nouveau modèle
mécanique permettent d'accéder facilement aux
• Nouveau système de collecteur de décharge composants internes et au système de filtres
• Grand choix de décharges, y compris décharge
latérale et par lance-canon
• Rotation inversée en option
• Grande gamme d'options supplémentaires
• Capacité de montage intermédiaire avec
minimum de tuyauteries

Caractéristiques de WS2010 WS3010 WS4010 WS6010
Plage de portée d'amorçage Jusqu'à 8m Jusqu'à 8m Jusqu'à 8m Jusqu'à 8m
Plage de vitesses recommandée 2600rpm 2600rpm 2600rpm 2600rpm
Pression d'aspiration maximale 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar
Vitesse maximale recommandée 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm
Pression de sortie maxi - basse pression 16.5 bar 16.5 bar 16.5 bar 16.5 bar
Débit maximum - basse pression 3400 l/min 4200 l/min >6200 l/min >7750 l/min
Poids 85 kg 92.5 kg 125.5 kg 125.5 kg Approx
Dimensions types (Long. X Haut. X Larg.) 720 x 620 x 508mm 728 x 620 x 714mm 728 x 655 x 788mm 728 x 655 x 788mm
Durée d'amorçage jusqu'à 7.5m 22 sec 32 sec 32 sec -
Déclenchement du détendeur thermique 42ºC or 74˚C 42ºC or 74˚C 42ºC or 74˚C 42ºC or 74˚C
Sens de rotation de la pompe Selon specifications du client
Base des caractéristiques: 2010 avec amorçage à piston, 2 robinets de refoulement, aspiration de 10cm. 3010/4010 avec amorçage à piston, 4 robinets de refoulement,
aspiration de 14 cm

World Series
Pompes montées sur véhicule –basse pression

Performance nominale
WS2010 WS3010 WS4010 WS6010
2000 l/min 3000 l/min 4000 l/min 6000 l/min
A 10 bar A 10 bar A 10 bar A 10 bar
Hauteur Hauteur Hauteur Hauteur
d'aspiration d'aspiration de d'aspiration d'aspiration
de 3 m 3m de 3 m de 3 m

• Amorçage à anneau d'eau
• Sens de rotation inversé
• Gamme d'accouplements et de robinets de
WS2010 performance WS3010 performance refoulement
• Système de détente thermique


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

[email protected]
Hale Products Europe applique une politique de perfection en
permanence. Par conséquent, nous nous réservons le droit de
modifier les caractéristiques techniques sans préavis ni obligation
Améliorer la technologie des pompes
La gamme Godiva World Series représente une avancée
majeure dans les technologies de lutte contre l’incendie,
offrant des performances accrues, des caractéristiques
d’installation améliorées et un poids réduit.

Hale Products Europe fournit maintenant un certain nombre

d’ajouts modulaires à la pompe World Series pour accroître
la portée et les performances disponibles pour le pompier
du front -
Réducteur – pour augmenter les options d’installation et
réduire l’usure et les émissions du moteur
Tableau de commande – pour optimiser le contrôle de la
pompe et l’interface avec le système de gestion du véhicule
CAFS intégré (prise de force) – entraîné directement par
la pompe pour fournir à lutte contre l’incendie la puissance
de la mousse à air comprimé.

Pompe World Series

Des ajouts modulaires pour améliorer les performances
Caractéristiques clés de la pompe World Series
• Conformité totale aux normes CEN annoncées
Pompe World • Nouvelle conception pour les deux étages basse et
Series en action haute pression
• Maintenance périodique significativement réduite
• Enveloppe au design compact
• Poids réduit
• Répond aux exigences des normes internationales
• Options alliage léger et bronze à canon
• Amorçage de piston hautes performances de série
• Nouveau concept innovant de garniture mécanique
• Système de clapet de décharge thermique
automatique de série
• Nouveau système de collecteur de refoulement
• Disponibilité de basse pression à travers les
dévidoirs de tuyaux
• Clapet de décharge de surpression d’aspiration de
• Grande variété d’options de refoulement, dont
refoulement latéral et sous moniteur
• Option de rotation inversée
• Large éventail d’autres options
• Possibilité de montage médian avec tuyauterie
Options modulaires (pour les détails PdF) –
• Réducteur
• Tableau de commande
• CAFS intégré (système mousse à air comprimé)

W Series Modularity 1(1)


Option modulaire – Réducteur 2,37:1
• Réduit l’usure du moteur 2,16:1
• Réduit la consommation de carburant 1,97:1
• Réduit le bruit du moteur 1,80:1
• Réduit les émissions d’échappement 1,59:1
• Conception robuste en fonte d’acier 1,40:1
• Configurations améliorées de la ligne 1,24:1 Note : Le réducteur augmente de seulement 169mm
d’entraînement du véhicule possibles la longueur hors tout de l’ensemble pompe.
• Les engrenages haute résistance assurent
un fonctionnement silencieux et une Options d’installation, vues côté aspiration de la pompe
longévité étendue C MoteurC Pompe C PompeC Moteur
• Grand choix de rapports
• Refroidissement d’huile pour les
températures ambiantes élevées
• Permet le montage d’un module CAFS
entraîné par prise de force

Option gauche Option droite

Option basse
Pompe World Series
Des ajouts modulaires pour améliorer les performances
Option modulaire – Tableau de Option modulaire – CAFS intégré
commande Utiliser la puissance de la mousse à air comprimé pour la lutte
Conçu en partenariat avec Class 1 Inc., Etats-Unis, le contre l’incendie, directement à partir de la pompe World
Tableau de Commande World Series utilise une électronique Series
de pointe pour améliorer l’efficacité opérationnelle et la • Rapport de dosage de mousse 0,1% à 1,0% via la
sécurité, et réduire les besoins de formation et de commande montée sur le tableau
maintenance. • Le contrôle de rapport d’air sélectionne la mousse humide
• Interface la pompe World Series avec tous les véhicules ou sèche
• Pression régulée quelles que soient les configurations de • Le système de commande électronique à circuits intégrés
dévidoirs de tuyaux ou de buses protège l’opérateur
• L’amenée de l’eau au feu la plus rapide possible avec
réglage par défaut automatique
• Réduit les risques d’endommagement du moteur du
• Informations de statut faciles à lire, codées par couleurs
• Caractéristiques de sécurité intégrée
• Compatible Euro3/CAN
• Electronique automobile de la plus haute qualité –
longévité, pas d’usure mécanique, pas de maintenance
• Incorpore la gestion du système mousse / CAFS


Une unité de IDEX Corporation
Charles St
CV34 5LR
La politique de Hale Products Europe est
+44 (0)1926 623600
celle du développement continu. Nous nous
réservons donc le droit de modifier les
¬ +44 (0)1926 623666 spécifications sans préavis ni obligation.
 [email protected] W Series Modularity 2(1)
Unité puissante de
dimensions réduites
La Godiva GP 10/10 est une unité
entièrement autonome assurant en
continu un débit de 1000 l/min à 10
bars, avec hauteur d'aspiration à 3
m. Pour cette performance, c'est la
plus petite pompe aux dimensions
les plus étudiées de ce type au
monde. Cette unité a été soumise à
des évaluations poussées pendant
un temps considérable avant de
recevoir le sceau d'agrément de
nombreux sapeurs-pompiers

PowerFlow 10/10
motopompe portable
Principales caractéristiques
• Enveloppe de protection en acier inoxydable et pompe entièrement
en aluminium
• Combiné instruments complet
• Système de refroidissement en circuit fermé avec échangeur
• Moteur Honda vertical à 3 cylindres, 4 temps avec système
d'allumage électronique
• Protection électronique contre l'emballement du moteur
• Système de protection (ralentissement automatique déclenché
par une température élevée de l'eau ou faible pression de l'huile,
avec indication de la zone problématique par voyant) Il existe diverses options pour la
• Aucune courroie externe Godiva 10/10. Ex. : attelage de
• Réservoir de carburant de 14 litres moulé par rotation, autonomie brouette, poignées de
de 1 heure en service nominal prolongement et un projecteur
• Possibilité de raccord d'un réservoir de carburant à distance télescopique.
• Système d'amorçage à éjection des gaz d'échappement
• 2 robinets à visser de type DIN avec dispositif de détente de
• Roues incorporées pour faciliter les manœuvres sur les sols durs
• Douille de charge de batterie
• En option : montant d'éclairage, grand choix de raccords
d'aspiration et de décharge, et poignées de prolongement
• Rangement des clés pour tuyaux d'aspiration dans le bâti

Caractéristiques de performance
Vitesse maximale recommandée 6000 tr/min
Pression de sortie maximale 16 bars
Débit maximum 2100 l/min
Poids (à sec) 95 kg
Dimensions types (L x L x H) 675 x 496 x 606 mm
Durées d'amorçage jusqu'à 7,2 m 24 s
Contenance du réservoir du 6 litres
Liquide de refroidissement
Contenance du réservoir d'huile 2,2 litres
Contenance du réservoir de carburant 14 litres (1 heure d'autonomie)
Base des chiffres indiqués : Pompe GP10/10 en alliage léger avec aspiration de 10 cm : 1 robinet de décharge de 6,35 cm

PowerFlow 10/10
motopompe portable


• Manomètre composé : de – 1,0 à 16 bars

Hauteur d'aspiration totale (bars)

• Manomètre : 25 bars
• Eclairage de manomètre
• Voyant de température d'eau élevée
• Voyant de faible pression d'huile
• Commande du starter
• Bouton Marche/Arrêt
• Bouton de démarrage
• Totalisateur d'heures
• Papillon

Débit (l/min)
Performance type de la pompe portable Godiva A Unit of IDEX Corporation
GP10/10 à une hauteur d'aspiration de 3 mètres. Charles St
Options CV34 5LR
• Projecteur télescopique de 55 W Grange Bretagne
• Réservoir de carburant séparé avec
raccord à dégagement rapide +44 (0)1926 623600

• Poignées de prolongement ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

Hale Products Europe applique une politique de
perfectionnement en permanence. Par conséquent, [email protected]
nous nous réservons le droit de modifier les
caractéristiques techniques sans préavis ni obligation.
Solutions du Leader
pour les incendies,
montées sur remorque
La gamme Godiva GT offre unités
pleinement équipées avec une
performance continue qui arrive
jusqu'à 7000l/min. Montées sur remorques
qui sont conformes aux normes de la CE,
elles peuvent être trouvées en service
dans le monde entier


GT gamme de pompes
montées sur remorque

Caractéristiques Clé
• Toute la pompe en aluminium
• Seuil mécanique autorèglable
• Instrumentation complète
• Système de refrigeration, circuit fermé
• Gamme de moteurs testés des
principaux fournisseurs internationaux
• Amorceur Anneau d'eau Automatique
• Ample gamme de connexions des GTB5300
aspiraux et de refoulement
• Montées sur remorque conforme
aux Normes Routières de la CE
• Mât d'éclairage optionnel
• Espace pour aspiraux
• Espace pour tuyaux de refoulement
• Jauges pression de l'huile, température de l'eau GT2700 GT3600
• Complètement capotée
• Résiste toutes les conditions atmosphériques

GT5300 GT6500

2 sided gt27+e(1)
Performance Data GT2700 GT3600 GT5300 GT6500
Hauteur d'aspiration À 8m (26') À 8m (26') À 8m (26') À 8m (26')

Pression de Sortie 14bar 13bar 13bar 17.5bar

Maximum Débit 3200l/min 4100l/min 5700l/min 7000l/min
Curve de Performance DS371 DS424 DS531 DS372

Diménsions (L x l x H) 3450mm x 3450mm x 3450mm x 3450mm x

1850mm x 1850mm x 1850mm x 1850mm x
1610mm 1610mm 1610mm 1610mm
Poids Vide (Alliage 950kg/1140kg 950kg/1140kg 1100kg/1240kg 1100kg/1240kg
(Léger / Bronze)

Gamme de pompes
GT montées sur remorque

Hauter d'aspiration Pompes GT • Jauge d'aspiration
• Jauge de Pression
• Jauge éclairage
• Avertisseur eau (Haute Température)
• Jauge pression de l'huile
• Jauge Niveau de Réfroidissant
• Bouton Démarrage / Froid
• Bouton Démarrage
• Tachymètre
• Compte-Heures
• Jauge de Combustible
• Jauge Batterie

Hale Products Europe policy is one of

continuous development. We therefore reserve
the right to amend specifications without notice
or obligation.


Options A Unit of IDEX Corporation
• Ample gamme de raccords d'aspiration Charles St
et de refoulement Warwick
• Filtres et tuyaux d'aspiration CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

2 sided gt27+e(1) ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

 [email protected]
Unité compacte et
La Godiva GT 10/10 est une unité
entièrement autonome fournissant
une performance continue de 1000
l/min. à 10 bars à hauteur d’aspiration
de 3 m. Pour cette performance, c’est
la pompe la plus petite et la moins
encombrante de ce type du monde.
Elle a été soumise à des tests
rigoureux et a reçu l’approbation de
nombreux professionnels de la lutte
contre l’incendie. Elle est montée sur
une remorque conforme aux normes
routières de la CE.

GT 10/10
pompe remorque

principales caractéristiques
• Pompe tout aluminium
• Appareillage complet
• Refroidissement à circuit fermé avec échangeur de chaleur
• Moteur Honda 4 temps 3 cylindres à arbre vertical avec
allumage électronique
• Protection électronique contre l’emballement du moteur
• Système de protection (ralentissement automatique
déclenché par une température d’eau excessive ou une
pression d’huile insuffisante et indication de la zone du
problème par un voyant)
• Pas de courroies externes
• Réservoir de gazole 14 litres moulé par rotation donnant 1
h d’autonomie en service
• Raccord de connexion d’un réservoir de gazole distant
• Système d’amorçage d’éjection des gaz d’échappement
• Soupapes à vis type 2 DIN à mécanisme de surpression
• Montée sur remorque conforme aux normes routières CE
• Prise de charge de la batterie
• En option: mât d’éclairage, sélection de raccords
d’aspiration et de décharge et manches extensibles
• Rangement de la clé d’aspiration dans le cadre

Caractéristiques de
Vitesse maximale recommandée 6000 tr/min.
Pression de sortie maximale 16 bars
Débit maximum 2100 litres/min.
Poids (sec) 95 kg
Dimensions types (Long x larg x Haut) 2900 x 1520 x 1010 mm
Durée d’amorçage jusqu’à 7,2 m 24 s
Réservoir de refroidisseur 6 litres
Réservoir d’huile 2,2 litres
Réservoir de gazole 14 litres (1 h de service)
Base des caractéristiques: pompe GT10/10 alliage léger à aspiration de 10 cm ; 1 robinet de refoulement de 6 cm

pompe remorque

• Manovacuomètre: -1,0 à 16 bars
• Manomètre: 25 bars
• Eclairage des jauges
• Témoin d’alerte surchauffe eau
• Témoin d’alerte basse pression d’huile
• Etrangleur
• Bouton marche/arrêt
• Bouton de démarreur
• Horomètre
• Commande de papillon

Performance type d’une pompe remorque Godiva

A Unit of IDEX Corporation
GT10/10 à hauteur d’aspiration de 3 mètres. Charles St
CV34 5LR
Options +44 (0)1926 623600
• Mât d’éclairage télescopique de 55 W
• Réservoir de gazole séparé avec raccord ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
[email protected]
Hale Products Europe applique une politique de
perfection en permanence. Par conséquent, nous
nous réservons le droit de modifier les
caractéristiques techniques sans préavis ni obligation gt10f2(1)
Pompe entièrement autonome fournissant 2400 l/min. à 7,0

La Godiva GT2300 est une pompe à incendie à moteur à essence,

entièrement autonome, conçue pour un service continu à débit
maximum. Elle est capable de fonctionner à pleine charge dès le
démarrage à froid. Elle est montée sur une remorque conforme aux
normes routières de la CE et entièrement protégée par un capot.

groupe motopompe sur remorque

• Pompe centrifuge monoétage montée

directement sur le moteur et commandée au
moyen d’un raccord flexible

key features
Aspiration selon spécification client
• Gamme de raccords de soupape de
refoulement fournis selon spécification client
• Chassis en acier inoxydable tubulaire conçu
pour protéger l’ensemble
• Amorçage d’éjecteur de gaz d’échappement
actionné par levier
• Moteur Ford à essence, 4 cylindres, 4
temps, refroidi à l’eau
• Batterie de faible encombrement et faible
entretien intégrée au circuit électrique, qui
comprend l’allumage électronique
transistorisé Gamme d’options de
• Système de refroidissement à échangeur de soupapes de refoulement
chaleur, circuit fermé, haute capacité
• Silencieux d’échappement en acier Panneau très complet
inoxydable disposé pour décharger à
l’extrémité opposée de la position
d’opération de la pompe
• Montée sur une remorque conforme aux
normes routières de la CE
• Panneau de commande et d’instruments très
• Options alliage léger et bronze à canon
• Large gamme d’autres options

Caractéristiques de
Puissance maximale 55 kW @ 4500 tr/min.
Pression de sortie maximale 15,5 bars
Débit maximum 2900 litres/min.
Poids (sec) 202 kg
Dimensions types (Long x larg x Haut) 3240 x 1690 x 1122 mm
Durée d’amorçage jusqu’à 7,5 m 25 sec. avec tuyau de 10 cm
Réservoir de carburant 22,6 litres (1 heure de service)
Base des caractéristiques: pompe GT2300 alliage léger à aspiration de 10 cm ; 2 robinets de refoulement de 6 cm

groupe motopompe sur remorque

Commandes &
• Bouton marche/arrêt
• Bouton de démarreur
• Témoin d’allumage
• Etrangleur
• Commande de papillon
• Levier d’amorçage de pompe
• Manovacuomètre d’aspiration
• Manomètre de refoulement
• Jauge de pression d’huile moteur
• Jauge de température d’eau moteur

Performance type
d’une pompe GT2300  HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE
A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
Options Warwick
CV34 5LR
• Extrémité de pompe en bronze à canon Great Britain
• Projecteur détachable
• Horomètre +44 (0)1926 623600
• Compteur d’état de la batterie
• Chargeur de batterie ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

Hale Products Europe applique une politique de perfection en
permanence. Par conséquent, nous nous réservons le droit de modifier www.haleeurope.com
les caractéristiques techniques sans préavis ni obligation [email protected]
Pompe à Incendie Grande
La Godiva GTB10000V est une pompe à
incendie autonome commandée par un
moteur diesel à fixation attenante, montée sur
une remorque lourde à 4 roues.

pompe incendie autonome
♦ Une pompe en bronze à canon Godiva Série
GCB10000 est en accouplement serré avec le
moteur, au moyen d’un raccord souple; elle
convient au service prolongé avec de l’eau
douce, polluée ou salée.
♦ L’arbre principal en acier inoxydable comporte
des bagues d’usure du carter remplaçables; il
est soutenu par deux roulements à bille scellés.
♦ L’étanchéité de l’arbre est assurée au moyen
d’un joint mécanique automatique Godiva
comprenant une gorge d’étanchéité au carbone
sur une surface d’appui en acier inoxydable. Le
joint mécanique est précontraint et n’exige Moteur
aucun entretien ni aucune vérification pendant ♦ Moteur diesel suralimenté six cylindres à
toute sa durée de vie. refroidissement intermédiaire Volvo TWP
♦ Rendement type de 8000 l/min. à 10 bars à la 710P à fixation attenante
hauteur d’aspiration de 3 m. ♦ Alternateur à régulateur de charge intégré
♦ Débit maximum supérieur à 10000 l/min. et ♦ Démarreur
pression maximum supérieure à 16 bars. ♦ Radiateur (à hélice propulsive)
♦ Refoulement – 8 soupapes à vis de 2,5” ♦ Batterie 24 V
orientées vers l’arrière. ♦ Filtre à huile
♦ Aspiration – deux raccords de 5,5” à filet rond à ♦ Silencieux d’échappement/pare-étincelles
bouchon. combiné avec couvercle à charnière
♦ Autres raccords disponibles selon les besoins. ♦ Réservoir de gazole grande capacité : 8
heures d’autonomie de série
♦ Filtre à gazole
♦ Refroidisseur d’huile
♦ Epurateur

♦ La pompe est montée sur une remorque lourde
à freins, avec 4 roues et capot.
♦ Le capot est muni de charnières et de béquilles
à gaz pour faciliter l’accès à la pompe et au
♦ Porte d’accès au remplissage de réservoir à
volet de refroidissement.
♦ Deux projecteurs pour éclairer la zone de travail
♦ Rangement pour 6 longueurs de tuyaux
d’aspiration de 3m, deux crépines et paniers,
outils, buses etc.
♦ Dimensions: L 4500 mm x l 2240 mm x h 1900
mm (sauf phare). Amorçage
♦ Poids approx.: 2665 kg (sec), 3470 kg avec ♦ Dispositif d’amorçage à base d’eau Godiva, commandé par
tous les accessoires, roue de secours et un embrayage électromagnétique garantissant un
gazole. fonctionnement entièrement automatique. Une nourrice
d’une contenance de 4,5 litres est montée au-dessus du

GT10000 dispositif d’amorçage. Ce dispositif est capable d’effectuer

un amorçage à une profondeur de 8m.

Instruments trailer mounted fire pump

♦ Le panneau de commandes résistant aux intempéries est éclairé et
situé à proximité de la pompe. Il comprend les éléments suivants:

- manomètre de pompe*
- vacuomètre d’aspiration de pompe*
- sonde de température d’eau du moteur†
- manomètre à huile
- compteur d’état de charge de batterie†
- jauge de contenance de gazole†
Elévation totale (bars)
Total Head (bar)

- compte-tours†
- horomètre†
- témoin d’alerte de charge de batterie
- témoin d’alerte basse pression huile
(avec alarme sonore)
- témoin d’alerte surchauffe eau
(avec alarme sonore)
- témoin d’indication ‘Amorçage activé’
- interrupteur d’éclairage de panneau
- contacteur de contrôle des témoins d’alerte, de la jauge du DébitDischarge Flow l/min
de décharge l/min.
carburant et du compteur d’état de batterie lorsque l’unité
ne fonctionne pas.
- commande de papillon HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE
- commande d’arrêt A Unit of IDEX Corporation
- bouton de démarreur Charles St
- dispositif d’aide au démarrage à froid Warwick
- plaque de mode d’emploi du moteur et de la pompe CV34 5LR
Great Britain
♦ Le câblage électrique est contenu dans un conduit en nylon et protégé
conformément à la norme IP65 +44 (0)1926 623600
* éclaire par l’éclairage du panneau ¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
† jauges de moteur à éclairage interne
Hale Products Europe applique une politique de perfection en [email protected]
permanence. Par conséquent, nous nous réservons le droit
de modifier les caractéristiques techniques sans préavis ni gt10kf2(1)
Eau TM
Hale FoamMaster

Systèmes CAFS intégrés proposés par le leader

sur le marché

La puissance supérieure des systèmes CAFS Hale

(mousse à air comprimée) s'impose de plus en plus. CAFSPro

Travaillant depuis de nombreuses années au Pompe à

développement de cette technologie, Hale est incendie Compresseur
d’air Hale
aujourd'hui en mesure de proposer une nouvelle HVC®
solution technique intégrée. Les kits CAFS90 et Commande Mousse
CAFS200 constituent un ensemble technique intégré, de taux Hale

conçu pour apporter tous les avantages offerts par les mouillé
CAFS en évitant les inconvénients d'une installation et
d'un fonctionnement complexes.
Avec ces systèmes, l'opérateur peut choisir des
robinets de réservoir doubles manuels ou sec
automatiques, donnant accès à un concentré Débit de
moussant provenant de deux réservoirs CAFS
séparés : l'un généralement pour les feux Classe A et
l'autre pour les feux Classe B.

Chaque kit contient les composants mousse
suivants :
• Compresseur Hale HVC® 90 ou 200 • Mixeurs modulaires "X" Hale
• Doseur Hale FoamMaster 5.0 • Manomètre duplex Hale
• Système de verrouillage de sécurité Hale • Clapets de retenue de décharge Hale
CAFSPro • Clapet de retenue/Injecteur incorporés Hale
• Débitmètre Hale • Collecteur de décharge Hale
• Détendeur de pression Hale • Clapets de retenue d'air comprimé Hale
CAFSMaster • Clapets en ligne Hale
• Commandes de taux Hale • Jauge de température du compresseur d'air
• Crépine à mousse Hale • Manuels complets d'utilisation et de
Oil Cooler

Foam Pump

Rear mount
fire pump

Separator Tank cafsintf1(1)


Caractéristiques de performance
Pression de fonctionnement Rétablit automatiquement la Rétablit automatiquement la
pression de la pompe à 10 pression de la pompe à 10
bars maxi bars maxi
Plage de dosage de mousse 0,1% à 9,9% 0,1% à 9,9%
Débit maxi de mousse 19 l/min 19 l/min
Débit d'eau à 10 bars* 950 l/min 1.900 l/min
Débit d'air à 10 bars* 2.500 l/min 5.400 l/min
*pression d'eau


HALE CAFS – 5bar

Mousse – 5bar


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

[email protected]

Hale Products Europe applique une politique de perfection en permanence. Par conséquent, nous
nous réservons le droit de modifier les caractéristiques techniques sans préavis ni obligation
Le FoamMaster de Hale est un système de
dosage de concentré moussant proportionnel au
débit. Incorporant un capteur de débit de
conception Hale qui a fait ses preuves sur le
terrain, il peut mesurer le débit réel de l'eau
refoulée par une pompe à incendie, sans causer
de pertes de pression ni les restrictions
généralement associées aux autres systèmes.
Le système contrôle constamment le signal
numérique transmis par le capteur et le débit de
sortie provenant de la pompe volumétrique à
concentré moussant. Ces deux chiffres sont
comparés et actualisés par l'ordinateur afin
d'injecter automatiquement le taux de concentré
moussant voulu dans le tuyau de décharge.

Incorporant toutes les innovations et toutes les

fonctions du FoamMaster de Hale, ce système
est extraordinairement facile à utiliser. Le
FoamMaster de Hale se déclenche par simple
poussée d'un bouton. Le taux de concentration
de la mousse est maintenu par l'ordinateur.

Pour lutter contre un incendie de forêt ou de

bâtiment avec de la mousse Classe A, ou contre
un incendie de liquide inflammable avec de la
mousse Classe B, le FoamMaster de Hale est

Caractéristiques mousse
Doseur de mousse automatique par bouton- Pour maîtriser les incendies Classe A et Classe B
poussoir Le système FoamMaster de Hale est capable de doser
Doté d'un dispositif de compensation en fonction les agents moussants Classe A et la plupart des agents
du débit de l'eau, ce doseur de mousse est moussants Classe B normaux pour hydrocarbures et
entièrement automatique solvants polaires haute viscosité afin d'optimiser la
souplesse et l'efficacité de la production de mousse. Il
Doseur en fonction du débit existe en option un robinet pour réservoir scindé en deux
Le système Hale FoamMaster mesure à commande pneumatique qui sélectionne
directement le débit de l'eau et du concentré automatiquement le type de concentré moussant au
moussant, et le règle automatiquement afin de moyen d'un interrupteur à bascule situé sur le panneau
refouler un taux constant d'injection de de commande de la pompe. Le taux d'injection du
concentré moussant, basé sur ce débit. Son concentré varie automatiquement pour s'adapter au
fonctionnement est indifférent aux divers types réservoir de concentré moussant sélectionné
de lances à débit variable, longueurs de tuyau,
pressions d'admission ou pressions de décharge Taux précis et variable d'injection de concentré
Injection côté décharge L'unité de commande située sur un panneau permet de
Le système étant doté des clapets de retenue sélectionner facilement et avec précision les taux
appropriés, le concentré moussant ne d'injection du concentré moussant (de 0,1% à 10%).
contaminera pas la pompe à incendie ni le L'opérateur peut alors régler la stabilité de la mousse
réservoir d'eau pour l'adapter à l'évolution de la situation
Lance standard, lance d'aspiration et
systèmes de mousse à air comprimée
Entièrement compatible et recommandé pour
ces systèmes générateurs de mousse


Caractéristiques du système Capacité du système
Pompe à mousse A engrenages Concentration de mousse Débit d'eau
Débit de mousse 12 l/min (3.3USG/min) 0,1% 12.491 l/min (3300 USG/min)
Pression de fonctionnement syst. 10 bars (150psi) 0,2% 6.245 l/min (1650 USG/min)
Pression maxi de fonctionnement 28 bars (400 psi) 0,3% 4.164 l/min (1100 USG/min)
Temp. maxi de fonctionnement 71°C (160°F) 0,5% 2.498 l/min (660 USG/min)
Moteur de pompe 12 V c.c. 3/4 ch (0,5 kW) 1% 1.249 l/min (330 USG/min)
Consommation électrique 20 A 3% 416 l/min (110 USG/min)
Consommation élect. maxi 60 A 6% 208 l/min (22 USG/min)

Caractéristiques du système Capacité du système
Pompe à mousse A engrenages Concentration de mousse Débit d'eau
Débit de mousse 19 l/min (5.0USG/min) 0,1% 12.491 l/min (3300 USG/min)
Pression de fonctionnement syst. 9 bars (125 psi) 0,2% 6.245 l/min (1650 USG/min)
Pression maxi de fonctionnement 17 bars (250 psi) 0,3% 4.164 l/min (1100 USG/min)
Temp. maxi de fonctionnement 71°C (160°F) 0,5% 2.498 l/min (660 USG/min)
Moteur de pompe 12 V c.c. 3/4 ch (0,5 kW) 1% 1.249 l/min (330 USG/min)
Consommation électrique 20 A 3% 416 l/min (110 USG/min)
Consommation élect. max 60 A 6% 208 l/min (22 USG/min)

Fonctions exclusives incorporées Rétroaction à boucle fermée

Grâce à la rétroaction en boucle fermée assurant un
Contrôle de système exclusif contrôle automatique continuel, le système donne une
Il suffit d'appuyer sur le bouton situé sur l'unité de injection de concentré moussant très précise dans les
commande du système FoamMaster de Hale pour conditions d'utilisation les plus sévères. L'unité de
déclencher l'injection du concentré moussant. commande contrôle constamment les signaux émis par
L'opérateur de la pompe peut consulter à tout le capteur du débit d'eau et par le capteur du débit de
moment l'affichage de l'unité de commande pour mousse. La vitesse de la pompe à injection de
connaître le débit d'eau actuel, le taux d'injection concentré moussant varie afin de donner une injection
par rapport au pourcentage de concentré homogène de concentré moussant dans des conditions
moussant, le débit d'eau total et la quantité de variables de débit et de pression
concentré moussant utilisée, selon le mode
sélectionné. Un graphe à barres correspondant Microprocesseur de pointe
aux diodes électroluminescentes particulières Il permet d'étalonner le système dans n'importe quelle
indique la capacité du système en cours de unité de mesure : gallons américains, gallons
fonctionnement. britanniques, litres, etc.

Fonctionnement continu Alerte capacité

Si le niveau du concentré moussant sélectionné Si la capacité du système est insuffisante ou excessive,
baisse, le système clignote pour avertir le graphe à barres clignote pour signaler cette situation
l'opérateur. Celui-ci a alors le temps de remplir le
réservoir pendant le fonctionnement sans
interrompre l'injection de mousse  HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE
A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
Brevet CV34 5LR
Les technologies les plus innovantes sur le Hale Products Europe applique une +44 (0)1926 623600
marché réunies en un seul système politique de perfection en permanence.
Par conséquent, nous nous réservons le
droit de modifier les caractéristiques
¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

techniques sans préavis ni obligation

[email protected]

Veelzijdige, krachtige prestaties

Geïntegreerde hydrant

Voormenger voor het

schuim inductie systeem

Montage platform

Prima TM

Dé multi-druk brandweerpomp voor midden en achteropbouw

Eigenschappen Voordelen
• De meest compacte pomp in zijn klasse - Meer ruimte voor extra materiaal
• Geoptimaliseerd uitlaat spruitstuk - Verhoogt de flexibiliteit van de installatie
• Frame montage is standaard - Snellere en makkelijkere installatie
• Optimaal ontwerp voor gebruiksvriendelijk - Lagere kosten over de gehele levensduur
• Leverbaar in aluminium en brons uitvoering - Keuze uit diverse materialen
• Verbeterde materialen - Verbeterde weerstand tegen corrosie
• Volledig volgens de EN 1028:1 norm - Komt overeen met Europese en Internationale normen
• Automatische en handmatige instructies - Operationele flexibiliteit
• Nieuw ontwerp van de aanzuig buis - Verbeterde installatie flexibiliteit

Prima Prima V1 05-2008 Dutch.doc

Veelzijdige, krachtige prestaties

De Godiva Prima is ontworpen voor midden en achter opbouw. Het is een centrifugaal ontwerp in twee
stadia, dat zowel lage als hoge drukdrijvende kracht op één roestvrij stalen as opwekt om gelijktijdige
multidrukverrichtingen te verstrekken. De pomp is voorzien van een direct klare montage platform voor
makkelijke installatie. Het platform heeft alle nodige pomp drainage aansluitingen en hefpunten voor het
gebruik van een heftruck.
Het manifold van de lage druklevering staat flexibiliteit van de installatie instellingen toe. Daarnaast staat de
hoge drukregeling diverse instellingen toe.
Verbeterd materiaal verzekert een lang leven en betrouwbaarheid. De pomp is ontworpen voor makkelijk
onderhoud en lagere kosten over de gehele levensduur.
Prestatie gegevens- P2A of P2B 2010 3010 4010 6010
Max zuighoogte Tot 7,5 m Tot 7,5 m Tot 7,5 m Tot 7,5 m
Max zuigkracht 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar
Max aanbevoelen rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm
Voor andere toepassingen neemt u contact op met Godiva
Max lage druk (volgens EN normen) 17 bar 17 bar 17 bar 17 bar
Max hoge druk (volgens EN normen) 54.5 bar 54.5 bar 54.5 bar 54.5 bar
Max opbrengst lage druk 3400 l/min 4200 l/min 6200 l/min 7750 l/min
Max opbrengst hoge druk 770 l/min 770 l/min 770 l/min 770 l/min
Leeg gewicht (gebaseerd op het 105 kg 117 kg 145,5 kg 145,5 kg
aluminium model)
Afmetingen mm 748x580x782 806x764x817 806x764x817 806x764x817
EN 1028 ontluchttijd van 7,5 m. 22 sec. 32 sec. 32 sec. TBA
Thermostatische beveiliging 42°C of 74°C 42°C of 74°C 42°C of 74°C 42°C of 74°C
Data zijn verkregen met Engels uitgevoerde pompen, gemonteerd op een standaard platform

Dé multi-druk brandweerpomp voor midden en achteropbouw

EN1028:1 Geschatte prestaties

P2_2010 P2_3010 P2_4010 P2_6010
2000 l/min 3000 l/min 4000 l/min 6000 l/min
Bij 10 bar Bij 10 bar Bij 10 bar Bij 10 bar
3m 3m 3m 3m
zuighoogte zuighoogte zuighoogte zuighoogte
Hoge druk schatting 250 l/min bij 40 bar

P2_2010 Prestatie curve

• voormenger bij het lage en hoge druk • Omgekeerde omwenteling
schuimsysteem • Verbindings en leverings opties
• Waterring ontluchtingspomp • Pneumatische bediening hoge/lage druk klep
• Controle paneel • Versnellingsbak, diverse overbrengingen mogelijk

Hale Products Europe policy is one of HALE PRODUCTS EUROPE, a Unit of IDEX Corporation
continuous development. We therefore Charles St, Warwick CV34 5LR. United Kingdom.
reserve the right to amend specifications Tel: +44 (0)1926 623600 Fax: +44 (0)1926 623666
without notice or obligation. Web: www.haleeurope.com Email: [email protected]
Data Sheets in Spanish –
Vehicle mounted pumps –

Compressed Air Foam -

CAFS 90/200
Un descubrimiento en la
tecnología de bombeo
La nueva gama de bombas Godiva
World Series ha sido diseñada como
resultado de estudios detallados de sus
requisitos operacionales. Representa un
importante paso hacia adelante en la
tecnología de la lucha contraincendios,
proporcionando un rendimiento
reforzado, unas características de
instalación mejoradas y un peso
reducido. Rigurosamente probada en
condiciones extremas, la gama Godiva
World Series proporciona un rendimiento
excepcional – la primera vez y todas las
demás veces.
World Series
bombas para vehículos de multipresión

Características principales
•Conformidad completa a la normativa anticipada CEN
•Nuevo diseño tanto para las etapas de baja como de alta presión
•Programa de mantenimiento eficaz
•Sistema de filtración de autolavado
•Volumen de diseño compacto
•Peso reducido
•Se conforma a los requerimientos de la normativa internacional
•Opciones de aleación ligera o de bronce industrial
•Bomba de purga de pistón de alto rendimiento, como norma
Las características del nuevo
•Nuevo e innovativo diseño de sellado mecánico
diseño proporcionan un fácil
•Sistema térmico automático de válvula de alivio, como norma acceso a los componentes internos
•Nuevo sistema modular del colector de descarga y al sistema de filtración.
•Disponibilidad de baja presión a través del carretel de mangueras
•Amplia variedad de opciones de descarga, incluyendo la descarga lateral
y posterior
•Opción de rotación inversa
•Opciones de paneles de control
•Amplia gama con otras posibles opciones
•Capacidad de montaje en medio del chasis
Datos de rendimiento WT2010 WT3010 WT4010 WT6010
Banda de rendimiento de cebado Hasta 8 m (26’) Hasta 8 m (26’) Hasta 8 m (26’) Hasta 8 m (26’)
Velocidad de cebado recomendada 2500 rpm 2500 rpm 2500 rpm 2500 rpm
Presión de entrada en aspiración 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar
Velocidad máxima recomendada 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm
Presión de salida máxima – Baja presión 16,5 barias 16,5 barias 16,5 barias 16,5 barias
Presión de salida máxima – Alta presión 55 bar 55 bar 55 bar 55 bar
Caudal máximo - Baja presión 3400 l/min 4200 l/min 6200 l/min 7750 l/min
Caudal máximo - Alta presión 750 l/min 750 l/min 750 l/min 750 l/min
Peso 105 Kg. 112,5 Kg. 145,5 Kg. 145,5 Kg.
Dimensiones típicas (L x H x A) 772 x 620 x 508 780 x 620 x 714 780 x 655 x 714 780 x 655 x 714 mm
mm mm mm Approx
Tiempos de cebado a 7,5 m 22 seg. 32 seg. 32 seg. -
Activación térmica de la válvula de alivio 42º C, 74º C 42º C, 74º C 42º C, 74º C 42º C, 74º C
Dirección de la bomba de rotación Según las especificaciones del cliente
Base de los datos: 2010 con bomba de purga de pistón, 2 válvulas UK y succión de 4’’. 3010/4010 con bomba de purga de pistón, 4 válvulas UK y
succión de 5½’’.

World Series
bombas para vehículo de multipresión
Altura de caída total (barias)

Rendimiento nominal
WT2010 WT3010 WT4010 WT6010
2000 l/min 3000 l/min 4000 l/min 6000 l/min
A 10 barias A 10 barias A 10 barias A 10 barias
Altura de Altura de Altura de Altura de
aspiración: 3 m aspiración: 3 m aspiración: 3 m aspiración: 3 m

• Bomba de purga del anillo de agua
• Panel de control World Series
Índice de caudal (l/min) • Rotación inversa
• Gama de conexiones y válvulas de descarga
Rendimiento típico de alta presión de la gama de bombas para • Válvula de cambio alta/baja neumáticamente
vehículos de multipresión Godiva World Series, a una altura de activada
aspiración de 3 m.
Hale Products Europe sigue una política de
continuas mejoras. Por lo tanto, nos reservamos
el derecho de modificar las especificaciones sin
previo aviso u obligación.

Rendimiento típico
de baja presión de
la bomba WT30/10
a una altura de
A Unit of IDEX Corporation
aspiración de 3 m. Charles St
CV34 5LR
Altura de caída
total (barias)

+44 (0)1926 623600

Índice de
caudal (l/min)
¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
 [email protected]
Un avance en la tecnología de
La nueva gama Godiva World Series ha
sido diseñada como resultado de estudios
detallados de sus requisitos operativos.
Representa un gran paso adelante en la
tecnología contra incendios, dando un
rendimiento mejor, una instalación más
sencilla y un peso reducido. Rigurosamente
probados en condiciones extremas, la gama
World Series ofrece resultados
excepcionales – la primera vez y cada vez.

World Series
Bombas de baja presión

Principales características
• Total cumplimiento de los estándares CEN
• Calendario de mantenimiento
significativamente reducido
• Diseño envolvente compacto
• Peso reducido
• Cumple los requisitos de los estándares
• Opcional: aleación ligera y bronce
• Cebado por pistón de alto rendimiento de
serie El nuevo diseño da un acceso
• Diseño innovador del nuevo sello mecánico sencillo a los componentes internos
• Sistema nuevo del colector de impulsión
• Amplia variedad de opciones de impulsión,
incluyendo descarga lateral y por monitor
• Opción de rotación contraria
• Amplia gama de otras opciones
• Gran capacidad del colector con mínimas

Perfil de rendimiento WS2010 WS3010 WS4010 WS6010
Gama de rendimiento de Cebado Hasta 8m (26’) Hasta 8m (26’) Hasta 8m (26’) Hasta 8m (26’)
Velocidad de Cebado recomendada 2600rpm 2600rpm 2600rpm 2600rpm
Presión máxima de aspiración 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar
Velocidad máxima recomendada 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm
Presión máxima de salida 16.5 bar 16.5 bar 16.5 bar 16.5 bar
Caudal máximo 3400 l/min 4200 l/min 6200 l/min 6200 l/min
Peso (aproximado) 85 kg 92.5 kg 125.5 kg 125.5 kg
Dimensiones (L x A x P) 788 x 662 x 788 x 662 x 880 x 728 x 880 x 728 x
500mm 788mm 788mm 788mm Approx
Tiempo de Cebado a 7.5m 22 seg 32 seg 32 seg 32 seg
Activación de la Válvula de 42ºC, 74ºC 42ºC, 74ºC 42ºC, 74ºC 42ºC, 74ºC
aliviación térmica (opciones)
Dirección de Rotación de la bomba Según Especificaciones Consumidor
Fuente: 2010 con cebado por Pistón, 2 válvulas UK, aspiración 4”. 3010/4010 con cebado por Pistón, 4 válvulas UK, aspiración 5 ½”

World Series
Bombas de baja presión

WS2010 WS3010 WS4010 WS6010
2000 3000 4000 L/min 6000 L/min
L/min L/min
A 10 bar A 10 bar A 10 bar A 10 bar
Aspirac. Aspirac. Aspirac. Aspirac. 3m
3m 3m 3

• Cebado por anillo de agua
• Rotación contraria
• Amplia gama de conexiones y válvulas de
• Válvula de aliviación térmica automática

Rendimiento WS2010 Rendimiento WS3010 Hale Products Europe sigue una política de
continuas mejoras. Por lo tanto, nos reservamos
el derecho de modificar las especificaciones sin
previo aviso u obligación.


A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666

[email protected]
Baja Presión de los

La gama de bombas Godiva GV de baja

presión ha sido diseñada como resultado de
estudios detallados de sus requerimientos
operativos. Estando en servicio en todo el
mundo, provee de características de
rendimiento excelentes que cumplen todas
las normativas internacionales. La gama
ofrece caudales de hasta 10,000 l/min y
presiones de impulsión de 22 bar.
Rigurosamente probados en condiciones
extremas, la gama GV ofrece resultados
excepcionales – la primera vez y cada vez.

Bombas de baja presión

Principales características
‰ Disponible en aleación ligera o bronce
‰ Impulsor único en un eje sencillo
directamente acoplado a la brida de
conexión de la bomba
‰ Sello mecánico auto-ajustante sin
‰ Eje en acero inoxidable
‰ Cebado por anillo de agua automático de
‰ Opcional: cebado por pistón
‰ Alojamiento de soporte casi sin
mantenimiento con sistema de
circulación de aceite no mecánico
‰ Amplia selección de configuraciones
para el tubo de aspiración
‰ Amplia selección de posibilidades del
‰ Amplia gama de conexiones y válvulas
de impulsión
‰ Opcional: sistemas de espuma

Perfil de GV2700 GV3600 GV5300 GV5410 GV6500 GV10000
Gama de Actuación Hasta 8m Hasta 8m Hasta 8m Hasta 8m Hasta 8m Hasta 8m (26’)
de Cebado (26’) (26’) (26’) (26’) (26’)
Gama de velocidad 2600rpm 2600rpm 2600rpm 2600rpm 2600rpm 2400rpm
de Cebado
Presión Máxima de 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar 12 bar
Velocidad máxima 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600rpm 3200rpm 3000 rpm
Presión máxima de 22 bar 22 bar 22 bar 22 bar 22 bar 24 bar
Caudal máximo 3300 l/min 4100 l/min 5700 l/min 5800 l/min 7500 l/min 10000 l/min
Dirección de En sentido de las agujas del reloj, visto desde el lado del plato de conexión
Rotación de la

Bombas de baja presión

Rendimiento nominal
WS2010 WS3010 WS4010
2000 L/min 3000 L/min 4000 L/min
At 10 bar At 10 bar At 10 bar
Altura de Altura de Altura de
aspiración: aspiración: aspiración:
3m 3m 3m

• Cebado por Pistón
• Amplia gama de conexiones y válvulas de
• Válvula de liberación de presión
Rendimiento WS2010 Rendimiento WS3010
• Sistemas de espuma integrados


 A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

+44 (0)1926 623666
 [email protected]

Hale Products Europe sigue una política de continuas mejoras. Por lo tanto, nos reservamos el
derecho de modificar las especificaciones sin previo aviso u obligación.
Agua FoamMaster

Sistemas integrados CAFS del líder.

La superior potencia contra incendios de los CAFSPro


Sistemas de Aire Comprimido y Espuma se está Hale

reconociendo cada vez más. Hale ha estado Bomba de

desarrollando esta tecnología durante muchos incendios

años y puede ahora suministrar una nueva Control de

solución técnica integrada. Los kits CAFS90 y de aire Hale
CAFS200 son un paquete mecánico integrado, Compresor
de aire
diseñado para ofrecer todas las ventajas del húmedo Hale HVC®
sistema CAFS sin las desventajas de una
instalación y operación complejas.
Los sistemas permiten la elección entre válvulas
manuales o automáticas para depósito doble, seco
así como la selección de concentrados de
espuma de dos depósitos separados – uno Salida de espuma
generalmente para la espuma de la Clase A y el
otro para la de la Clase B.

Cada kit contiene los siguientes
de espuma
• Compresor Hale HVC® 90 ó 200 • Válvula de retención/ Acople del inyector
• Dosificador FoamMaster 5.0 Hale integrados Hale
• Sistema de circuito de seguridad Hale • Colector de descarga Hale
CAFSPro • Válvulas de retención de aire
• Caudalímetro Hale comprimido Hale
• Control de presión CAFSMaster Hale • Válvulas en línea Hale
• Controles de proporción de aire Hale • Manómetro de temperatura del
• Depurador de espuma Hale compresor de aire
• Mezcladores “X” modulares Hale • Manuales completos de operación y
• Manómetro de presión doble Hale mantenimiento.
• Válvulas de retención de descarga Hale
Oil Cooler

Foam Pump

Rear mount
fire pump

Separator Tank cafsints1(1)


Características de rendimiento
Presión operativa Regula automáticamente la Regula automáticamente la
presión de la bomba a 10 bar presión de la bomba a 10 bar
máximo. máximo.
Rango de dosificación de 0,1% a 9,9% 0,1% a 9,9%
Índice de flujo máximo de 19 l/min. 19 l/min.
Índice de flujo de agua @ 10 950 l/min. 1900 l/min.
Índice de flujo de aire @ 10 2500 l/min. 5400 l/min.
*presión de agua


de espuma
HALE CAFS – 5bar

A Unit of IDEX Corporation
Charles St
Foam – 5bar CV34 5LR

+44 (0)1926 623600

¬ +44 (0)1926 623666
[email protected]

Hale Products Europe sigue una

política de continuas mejoras. Por lo
tanto, nos reservamos el derecho de
modificar las especificaciones sin
previo aviso u obligación.


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