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Type C 10-kV

Resonating Inductor

T HE M4000 I N S U L A T I O N A N A L Y Z E R AND

Doble Engineering Company 85 Walnut St. Watertown, MA USA 02472-4037 Tel +1 617.926.4900 Fax +1 617.926.0528
Simplified Schematic Diagram of Type M4000 Insulation Analyzer
and Type C Resonating Inductor

The Doble Type C Resonating Inductor (i.e. somewhat lower, depending upon the insulation
Resonator) is an iron-core reactor with an adjustable losses.
air gap, capable of resonating capacitance of The simplified schematic diagram above illustrates
approximately 0.05 to 1.0 microfarads at 10 kV the use of a Resonating Inductor in conjunction with
60Hz (0.07 to 1.4 microfarads at 10kV 50 Hz). It is Doble type M4000 Analyzer. Note that the
designed to extend the charging current range of the Resonator electrically shunts the test specimen and
Doble Type M4000 Analyzer at voltages to 12 kV, measuring circuit; however, the measuring circuit is
while minimizing the input current requirement. It arranged to measure only the specimen test parame-
permits testing relatively long cable lengths, large ters. The current taken by the Resonator is returned
rotating machines, and other high capacitance spec- to its source without affecting these measurements.
imens. The ultimate range of the Resonator depends
not only on the capacitance and total losses of the The Resonator is contained in a metal housing
specimen being energized. The maximum resonat- measuring 24 x 17 x 15 inches and weighing
ing range of 1µF is attainable on low-loss specimens approximately 185 pounds. It is equipped with a
such as paper insulated cables and capacitors. tuning control and counter, cor-clamping arrange-
However, the maximum range for other insulation ment, calibration chart (charging current vs. count-
systems such as rotating-machine insulation may be er-dial setting) and high-voltage cable receptacles.

For more information, contact: Doble Engineering Company

85 Walnut Street
Watertown, MA 02472-9107 USA
T. 617.926.4900
F. 617.926.0528
MRKT-SL-303 rev A

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