Experiment 1: Errors, Uncertainties, and Measurements Laboratory Report

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Experiment 1: Errors, Uncertainties, and Measurements

Laboratory Report

Robin Ang, Pamela de Leon, Manette Dejelo, Margaret Liwanag

Department of Sports Science

College of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Santo Tomas
España Street, Manila Philippines

Abstract the dispersion of the values attributed to a

measured quantity (Webster). The
All measurements of quantities that uncertainty shows the incomplete
can assume a continuous range of values knowledge of the quantity. All
consist of two parts: the reported value measurements are subjected to uncertainty,
itself and the uncertainty of the and a measured value is only complete if it
measurement. is associated by a statement of the
uncertainty given. The measuring system
Measurements are subject to error may provide measured values that are not
which leads to the uncertainty of the result. far from the true value.
Error does not only mean just outright
mistakes. Gross errors sometimes happen There are two types of measurement
and usually yield results that are sufficiently error, systematic and random. A systematic
unexpected. error is a component of error that remains
constant or depends in a specific manner on
Accuracy is the goal we aim for in some other quantity. Readings will
scientific measurements. consistently be either too high or too low,
thus, repeated trials will not reduce
systematic error. On the other hand, a
1. Introduction random error is associated with the fact
that when a measurement is repeated, it will
The purpose of measurement is to provide a different value. It is random since
provide information about a quantity. No the next measured value cannot be predicted
measurement is exact. When a quantity is from the previous values. The effect of
measured, the result depends on the random error can be reduced through
measuring system, the measurement repeated experimental trials, since there is
procedure, the skill of the person, and the an equal probability of them being high or
environment. low each time a reading is taken.

Measurement uncertainty is a non-

negative parameter characterizing
Accuracy refers to how closely the are significant. Lastly, zeroes used solely for
measured value of a quantity corresponds to spacing the decimal point are not significant.
its true value. Precision expresses the
degree of reproducibility, or arrangement In propagation of errors, when
between repeated measurements. measuring some quantities, it is evident that
somehow it is recorded with uncertainties.
In this experiment, the group should In calculating the uncertainty, it must
be able to achieve the following objectives: propagate to the uncertainty of the value.
(1) to study errors and how they propagate Assume we measure two values A and B,
in simple experiment, (2) to determine the using some apparatus. We know these
average deviation of a set of experimental values are uncertain. By physical reasoning,
values, (3) to determine the mean of a set of testing, repeated measurements, or
experimental values as well as set of average manufacturer’s specifications, we estimate
deviation of the mean, (4) to familiarize the the magnitude of their uncertainties. u{A} is
students with the vernier caliper, micrometer the absolute error in A, and u{B} is the
caliper, and foot rule, (5) to compare the absolute error in B. The relative errors are
accuracy of these measuring devices, (6) and u{A}/A and u{B}/B.
to determine the density of an object given
its mass and dimensions. Least count of any precision
instrument is defined as the least distance
travelled by it. For a micrometer it is
2. Theory measured in the following manner. Least
count (L.C) of a screw gauge = Pitch/
Significant figures are very essential Number of circular scale division. Pitch and
in Science. Each recorded measurement has Number of circular scale divisions are the
a certain number of significant digits. two factors determining the least count of
Calculations done on these measurements Micrometer.
must follow the rules for significant digits.
The significance of a digit has to do with The Vernier principle is the
whether it represents a true measurement or measurement of a continuous variable,
not. Any digit that is actually measured or example a length, results in a decimal
estimated will be considered significant. fraction.   Some digits are read off the
Placeholders, or digits that have not been labeling of the scale, but the last fractional
measured are not considered significant. digit must be estimated. The main scale
There are rules in determining the divides the unit interval in ten equal parts,
significance of a digit. First, digits from 1-9 the vernier scale uses a division into nine
are always significant. Second, zeroes parts or a multiple thereof. Both scales
between two other significant digits are together will give us a tenfold increase in
always significant. Also, one or more resolution.
additional zeroes to the right of both the
decimal place and another significant digit
An ordinary vernier caliper has correct reading, simply add this found digit
jaws you can place around an object, and on to your previous reading.
the other side jaws made to fit inside an
object. These secondary jaws are for
measuring the inside diameter of an object. 3. Methodology
Also, a stiff bar extends from the caliper as
you open it that can be used to measure In measuring the diameter of the
depth. Preparation to take the measurement, sphere provided, the group was given three
loosen the locking screw and move the measuring devices. The Vernier caliper was
slider to check if the vernier scale works used as an extremely precise measuring
properly. Before measuring, do make sure instrument. Also, the Micrometer caliper
the caliper reads 0 when fully closed. If the was used to measure thickness very
reading is not 0, adjust the caliper’s jaws accurately, and the Foot rule was used as a
until you get a 0 reading. If you can’t adjust rigid measure one foot in length.
the caliper, you will have to remember to To determine the average deviation
add to subtract the correct offset from your and mean of a set of experimental values as
final reading. Clean the measuring surfaces well as the diameter of the sphere, the group
of vernier caliper and the object, then you was given the three measuring tools to study
can take the measurement. the measurement and its errors. First, the
group determined the least count of the
Close the jaws lightly on the item vernier caliper, micrometer caliper and the
which you want to measure. If you are foot rule then we made ten measurements
measuring something round, be sure the axis for the diameter of the sphere using the foot
of the part is perpendicular to the caliper. rule. After completing the ten
Namely, make sure you are measuring the measurements, the group then calculated the
full diameter. An ordinary caliper has jaws mean diameter of the sphere by adding all
you can place around an object, and on the the independent measurements and divided
other side jaws made to fit inside an object. it to 10. Next, the group calculated the
These secondary jaws are for measuring the deviation (d) of each measurement of
inside diameter of an object. Also, a stiff bar diameter from the mean diameter. After
extends from the caliper as you open it that getting the deviation of each measurement,
can be used to measure depth. the group calculated for the average
In reading the measured value, read deviation (a.d.). The average deviation is the
the centimeter mark on the fixed scale to the sum of the deviations (d) divided by the
left of the 0-mark on the vernier scale. Then number (n) of observations.
find the millimeter mark on the fixed scale Σd
that is just to the left of the 0-mark on the a . d .=
vernier scale. Look along the ten marks on
the vernier scale and the millimeter marks After getting the average deviation
on the adjacent fixed scale, until you find (a.d.) the group then computed for the
the two that most nearly line up. To get the
average deviation of the mean diameter
(A.D.) having the equation: Table 1. Diameter of Sphere using the Foot Rule

Trial Foot Rule

a .d .
A . D.= 1 1.800 cm 0.050 cm
2 1.700 cm 0.050 cm

Having the results for the average 3 1.800 cm 0.750 cm

4 1.900 cm 0.150 cm
deviation of the mean diameter, the group
5 1.850 cm 0.100 cm
computed for the % error making A.D. as
6 1.700 cm 0.050 cm
the error and the mean diameter as the 7 1.750 cm 0.000 cm
standard value. 8 1.750 cm 0.000 cm
9 1.600 cm 0.150 cm
|accepted value−experimental value| x 100 10 1.650 cm 0.100 cm
% error=
accepted value Mean Diam. 1.750 cm
a.d. 0.140 cm
Next step is that the group computed A.D. 0.044 cm
for the volume of the sphere; r is the mean Vol. 3.207 cm3
radius. Mass 27.93 g
Exp. Val. 8.709 g/cm3
4 Acc. Val. 7.860 g/cm3
V = πr 3
3 % Error 10.802 %

The sphere was weighed using the Table 2. Diameter of Sphere using a Vernier Caliper
electronic gram balance and the density of
Trial Vernier Caliper
the sphere was calculated using the values 1 1.900 cm 0.000 cm
we obtained in computing the volume of the 2 1.900 cm 0.000 cm
sphere and its mean radius. Our mean radius 3 1.900 cm 0.000 cm
is 0.875 cm. 4 1.900 cm 0.000 cm
5 1.900 cm 0.000 cm
mean diameter 6 1.900 cm 0.000 cm
mean radius=
2 7 1.900 cm 0.000 cm
8 1.900 cm 0.000 cm
9 1.900 cm 0.000 cm
10 1.900 cm 0.000 cm
4. Results and Discussion Mean Diam. 1.900 cm
a.d. 0.000 cm
Tables 1, 2, and 3 show the diameter A.D. 0.000 cm
of a sphere in centimeters, using a foot rule, Vol. 3.780 cm3
Mass 27.93 g
vernier caliper, and a micrometer caliper. Exp. Val. 7.389 g/cm3
Ten trials were made in order to get the Acc. Val. 7.860 g/cm3
% Error 5.992 %
precise measurements of the sphere using Table 3. Diameter of Sphere using a Micrometer
the different instruments.
Trial Micrometer Caliper
1 1.841 cm 0.028 cm Table 4 shows the width of the
2 1.925 cm 0.056 cm thumb of the four group members in inches
3 1.815 cm 0.054 cm using a foot rule.
4 1.805 cm 0.064 cm
5 1.800 cm 0.069 cm
Table 4. Width of thumb (in)
6 1.905 cm 0.036 cm
7 1.901 cm 0.032 cm Member 1 2 3 4
8 1.900 cm 0.031 cm Width of
13/16 in 11/16 in 11/16 in 12/16 in
9 1.900 cm 0.031 cm thumb (in)
10 1.902 cm 0.033 cm
Mean Diam. 1.869 cm Member 1 has the widest thumb in
a.d. 0.043 cm the group, followed by member 4, and then
A.D. 0.014 cm members 2 and 3.
Vol. 3.654 cm3
Mass 27.93 g
Exp. Val. 7.644 g/cm3 5. Conclusion
Acc. Val. 7.860 g/cm3
% Error 2.748 %
Random error is always present in
measurement and it refers to the statistical
The instruments used gave precise
fluctuations in the measured data due to the
measurements, but not exact measurements.
precision limitations of the measurement
Precision evokes how close the
device while systematic errors are caused by
measurements are to each other. Accuracy
the imperfect calibration of measurement
shows how close the measurements are to
instruments or imperfect methods of
the true value.
observation, or interference of the
environment with the measurement process,
The instrument with the least percent
and always affect the results of an
error is the micrometer caliper. It has the
experiment in a predictable direction.
most precise and accurate values in
comparison with the accepted value. The
Using the foot rule, vernier caliper
micrometer caliper happens to measure
and micrometer caliper, respectively, the
0.001 cm. The vernier caliper and the foot
researchers got an average deviation of
rule were precise measurements. The vernier
0.140cm, 0.000cm and 0.043cm.
caliper measures 0.005 cm.
After 10 trials of measuring the
The probable sources of % error may
metal sphere using the foot rule, vernier
be the uncalibrated instruments used or the
caliper and micrometer caliper, the
consistent misreading of an instrument, the
researchers got the mean of 1.750cm,
measurement procedure, the environment, or
1.900cm and 1.869cm respectively; and the
the person himself.
average of the mean were 0.44cm, 0.000cm
and .014cm respectively.
From comparing the results of the errors you encountered in this
experimental measurements done with the experiment?
sample metal sphere using the foot rule,
vernier caliper and micrometer caliper, it An error is a deviation from accuracy or
can be concluded that the micrometer gives correctness and from standard or accepted
the least % error for density having only value. Measurement errors may be classified
as either random or systematic, depending
2.748% error.
on how the measurement was obtained.
Random error is always present in
The density of the sample metal measurements. It is the statistical
sphere given was 8.709g/m3 using the foot fluctuations in the measured data due to the
rule and 7.389g/m3 using the vernier caliper precision limitations of the measurement
while using the micrometer caliper it was device. Systematic errors are caused by
7.644g/cm3. imperfect calibration of measurement
instruments or imperfect methods of
observation, or interference of the
environment with the measurement process,
6. Applications
and always affect the results of an
1) Which among the three measuring experiment in a predictable direction.
devices give you the least % error? Is
the accuracy of a measurement One does not always get the same result in
affected by the least count of the making a series of measurements. This one
measuring device? is unavoidable because there will always be
some uncertainty in the measurements and
Among the three measuring devices used, there is no perfect measurement. This is an
the micrometer caliper gave the least percent example of random error the group
error. Upon calculation it only showed encountered in the experiment. Another
error encountered is the inadequate
2.748% error compared the foot rule that calibration of the vernier caliper and
gave 10.802% and the vernier caliper giving micrometer caliper which resulted to a
5.992%. All measuring equipments have a systematic error.
least count which is the smallest quantity
that can be measured accurately using that
instrument. The least count indicates the
degree of accuracy of measurement that can
be achieved by the measuring instrument.
Thus, the least count of an instrument is
indirectly proportional to the accuracy of the

2) What do you mean by error? What

are the types of errors? What are the
3) Sketch a) vernier caliper that reads without this data. Which results will
5.08cm b) a micrometer caliper that you prefer?
reads 2.55mm.  The group consisting of 5 students
4) A student weigh himself using a obtaining the results : 14.34g, 14.32g,
bathroom scale calibrated in 14.33g,14.30g and 14.23g
kilograms. He reported his weight in
pounds. What are the percentage Mean: (14.34g + 14.32g + 14.33g + 14.30g
errors in his reported weight if he uses + 14.23g)/5
this conversion: 1kg – 2.2 pounds ? = 14.314 g
The standard kilogram is equal to
2.2046 pounds. Average Deviation (ad):
14.34g - 0.026 cm
Suppose the student weighed 65 kg. With 14.33g - 0.016 cm
his reported weight using the conversion 1 14.32g - 0.006 cm
kg=2.2 lbs, he weighed 143 lbs. But with the 14.30g - 0.014 cm
standard kilogram equal to 2.2046 pounds, 14.23g - 0.034 cm
his weight would be 143.2990000 lbs.
Hence, in calculation of percentage error =(0.026cm + 0.016cm + 0.006cm + 0.014
given the formula, cm + 0.034 cm)/5

% error=|accepted value-experimental value|x100 =0.019 cm

Accepted value
Average Deviation of the Mean (A.D.):
% error=|143.2990000 lbs -143 lbs |x100
a .d .
143.2990000 lbs A . D.=
% error= 0.2086546 0.19
Hence, the 0.209% is the percent error.
=0.004 cm

5) In an experiment on determination of  Ommitting 14.23

mass of a sample, your group
consisting of 5 students obtained the Mean: (14.34g + 14.32g + 14.33g + 14.30g)/4
following results: 14.34g, 14.32g, = 14.323 g
14.33g,14.30g and 14.23g. Find the
mean, a.d. and A.D. Suppose that your Average Deviation (ad):
group is required to make only four 14.34g - 0.017 cm
determinations for the mass of the 14.33g - 0.007 cm
sample. If you are the leader of the 14.32g - 0.023 cm
group, which data will you omit? 14.30g - 0.043 cm
Recalculate the mean, a.d. and A.D.
0.017 cm+0.007 cm+0.023 cm+0.043 cm
=0.023 cm
Average Deviation of the Mean (A.D. :

a .d .
A . D.=

=0.023 cm

=0.016 cm

*The preferred result is the second one it has

more precise values.

7. References

[1] Dealing with error and

uncertainty in measured values.
Retrieved on November 25, 2010

[2] Melissinos and Napolitano. 2003.

Experiments in modern physics.
Academic Press, USA: Elsevier

[3] Tsokos. Physics for the IB

DIPLOMA. Cambridge: University

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