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 Committee was set up by SEBI under chairmanship of
N.R.Narayana Murthy. Report was submitted in February
2003,signifying regulator’s anxiety to expenditiously promote
corporate governance in Indian companies.
 The Committee’s term of reference were :

1. To review the performance of corporate governance.

2. To determine the role of companies in responding to rumour and

other price sensitive information circulating in the market.

The committee report expresses in total concurrence with the

recommendation contained in Naresh Chandra Committee report
on following counts:
1. Disclosure of contingent liabilities.
2. Certification by CEO and CFO.
3. Definition of independent directors.
4. Independence of audit committees.

o Company came out with two sets of recommendations ie.,

Mandatory recommendations and Non-mandatory
o Mandatory focus on strengthening the responsibilities of audit
committee, improving the quality of financial disclosure and
proceeds from initial public offering, requiring corporate
executives board to assess and disclose business risk in annual
reports of companies.
Mandatory Recommendations
Audit committee: is the bedrock of quality governance. Committee
suggested that the audit committee of publicly listed company's
should be required to review the following information:
1. Financial statement and draft audit report

2. Management discussion and analysis of financial conditions and

result of operation
3. Report relating to compliance with laws and risk management

4. Management letters of internal control weakness issued by

statutory internal auditors.
5. Record of related parties transaction.

Narayana murthy committee has not taken view on rotation of

 Related Party transaction: Statement of transaction with related
 Proceeds from intial public offerings: Companies raosing money
through intial public offering should disclose to audit committee.
The use an application of funds under majority heads on quarterly
 Risk management : The committee as deemed it necessary for the
boards of committee to be fully aware of the risk involved in the
 Code of conduct: The committee has recommended that it should
be obligatory for board of a company to laid down the code of
conduct for all management.
 Nominee director: The committee recommended doing way with
nominee director. If a corporation wishes to appoint a director on
the board. Search appointment should be made by the shareholder.

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