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1) Explain the nature of International Business?

Globalization–Its Components (Pg 2)

2) Explain the stages of Internationalization? Pros &


3) Explain the Comparative Cost Theory of International

Business. What are its assumptions and outcomes? (Pg

4)Explain the Opportunity Cost Theory of International


5) What are the assumptions, merits and derivatives of

Hecklscher-Ohlin Theory? (Pg 168)

6) What is Business Environment? Explain the different

factors of International Business Environment? (Pg 25)

7) What is Social & Cultural Environment? Analyze the

impact of Social & Cultural factors on global business?
(Pg 30)

8) Explain Cross-Cultural Communication process and

negotiation with a suitable example?(Pg 183)
9) What is Economic Environment? Explain different
kinds of economic systems & their influences on
International Business? (Pg 27)

10) How do you classify the countries as low income,

middle income & rich income countries? Do you think
that the economic status of the country influence the
global business?

11) What are the advantages & disadvantages of

different modes of entry? (Pg 12)

12) What is Exporting? How do the firms enter

international markets through exporting strategy? (Pg

13) What is International Licensing? What are the

advantages & disadvantages of International Licensing?
(Pg 13,15)

14) What is International Franchising? Explain the

basic issues involved in Franchising & Franchising
Agreements? (Pg 15,16)

15) What is Foreign Direct Investment? What are the

advantages & disadvantages of FDI? Also explain
different strategies of FDI? (Pg 39)

16) What is Joint Venture? Why do the firms Joint

Venture to go globally? (Pg 18)
17) What are the conflicting situations in the
Alliances? How do you manage them?

18) What is Dumping? What are the impacts of

Dumping by China & East Asian countries on Indian

19) “Some argue that WTO is the third pillar of Global

Business. But many argue that WTO is the Wrong Trade
Organization.” Critically comment?

20) What is Multinational Corporation? How is it

different from a global company, an international
company & a transnational company? (Pg 81)

21) Why do developing countries allow MNC’s to

operate in their countries? Why do some countries
impose control over MNC’s? (Pg 98,99)

22) What are the peculiarities of Global Strategic

Management? What is International SWOT analysis?
How do you use it in formulating global strategies?

23) What is Foreign Exchange? How do you determine

the Exchange Rates?

24) Discuss the origin, objective & functions of

International Monetary Fund (IMF)? (Dhondse)
25) What is SDR? Explain its role in maintaining
International Liquidity? (Dhondse)

26) Explain the origin, objectives & functions of

International Bank for Reconstruction & Development
(IBRD)? (Dhondse)

27) GATT, GATS, TRIPS, etc?

28) Economic Integration levels – EU, NAFTA, SAFTA,

BRIC, etc?

29) International Business Strategy & Organization

Structure/ HR? (Pg 190)

30) PEST Analysis’s/ Business Environment (Pol, Eco,

Soc, Cul, Tech, Legal)? (Pg 25)

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