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SUBEJECTIVE Imbalanced Short-term: 1. Determine client’s 1. To assess the usual

food that eats before he was At the end
“wala akong ganang Nutrition less than nutritional history,
After 30 minutes hospitalized of the
kumain” as verbalized by body requirement including his
the client related to lack of of nursing Pre-hospitalization diet. nursing
appetite, interventions the father of 2. Psychological factors towards eating interventions,
OBJECTIVE Feeling of the 2. Determine the client’s may affect person’s appetite and also to the
vomiting client will be able attitude towards eating. know his eating habits.
Patient is massaging his and stomach pain client and his
stomach. a. Verbalize 3. Educate the client and his father are
understanding on the father 3. To provide ample information that able to
Food left uneaten on the regarding the
importance of the client may not be aware of, hence understand the
bed side table importance of eating
proper diet. leading to the kind of eating habits and importance
healthy foods.
diet he is following.
of proper
b. Enumerate diet. He is
4. Plan with the client and
foods to be included in 4. Involving the client to his plan of also able
his father his
his diet. care gives the client the feeling of to select
desired meals.
independence. It also personalizes the
the meals
Long-term: plan of care
5. Suggest ways that may he wants
After 1 day of 5. A pleasant environment gives
nursing assist the client in eating to eat,
the client a relaxed feeling and will not
interventions, the a. Ensure pleasant which are
spoil his appetite. And proper
client will be able environment. good
positioning reduces the risk of
to: b. Facilitate proper
aspiration and heartburn.
sources of
a. demonstrate positioning the
changes in nutrients
his diet as 6. Instruct the client to 6. Junk foods and soft drinks have needed to help
manifested avoid junk foods and soft empty calories that
him recover.
by proper provide no nutritional
help to the client.
food selection
7. Encourage the client to 7. To provide nourishment to the clients
maintain the intake of weakened body
the healthy foods
needed by her body

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