8° Unidad Didáctica 1

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Sector English Profesor Pablo Ponce Santibáñez

Unidad Temática Have you ever studied so hard? Nivel 8th grade Tiempo 90 minutes each lesson (3)

-To comprehend adapted/authentic written texts identifying Aprendizajes -To read and comprehend reading texts such as magazine article.
general and specific information. Esperados
-To comprehend adapted/authentic audio texts in connection to -To listen and comprehend audio texts such as opinions.
the semantic, identifying general and specific information.
Objetivos -To produce oral dialogues and written texts guided by the -To Identify past participles of regular/irregular verbs.
Transversales teacher, using the vocabulary according to the level.
-To learn the use and structure of Present Perfect.
-To develop the reflexive and methodic thought, and the sense
of criticism and self-criticism. -To learn adverbs.

-Past Simple vs Present Perfect

Contenidos del aprendizaje

Conceptuales Procedimentales Actitudinales
-Students recognize general and specific information in -Students reflect about their experience they have had
- Reading texts. audio/written texts. since they started school.
- Past participles of regular/irregular verbs. -Students do handouts.
- Use and structure of Present Perfect. -Students watch Power Point Presentations with
- Adverbs. (never, ever, just, already, yet.) (since/for) structures, examples and exercises.
- Past Simple vs Present Perfect

Actividades Genéricas Recursos Evaluación

- Students work in groups. -Text book. -Evaluated Handouts
- Students do handouts (crosswords and fill in the gaps) about Past Participles. -Handouts -Test.
-Students watch cartoon videos to learn about the modal verbs. -Data
-Students show Power Point presentation with the Modal Verbs Can and Should. They -Notebook.
learn their use, different functions and structure.
-Students watch examples related to their own reality and do handouts.

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