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Wednesday, 27th October 2010


Quiz Comparatives (Short adjectives)

Name: _________________________________________ Grade: ______________

NOTE: when the adjective ends in a
vowel between two consonants, we
duplicate the last consonant before
adding er.

I.- Write the comparative form of the following adjectives and give example in a sentence
of each of them. (10p.)

Adjective Comparative Examples.

Big Bigger than My car is bigger than yours.
Thin My mother my father.
Smart I am my bestfriend.
Large My house than yours.
Old I am than my little brother.
Young My baby sister me.

II.- Complete the following sentences with the comparative form of the adjective in ().

1.- Mariana, my little sister is __younger than__ (young) me.

2.- My best friend Juan is _______________ (smart) his little brother.

3.- My mother is ___________________ (thin) my father.

4.- The United States of America is ___________________ (big) Russia.

5.- The Everest is _____________________ (high) all the other mountains.

6.- My dog Dingo is ___________________ (old) my cat.

III.- Look at the picture and complete the following sentences using ONE of the adjectives
in ( ). (4p.)

1.- Bob Esponja is __shorter__(tall / short) Calamardo.

2.- Patricio Estrella is __________________(fat / thin) Calamardo.

3.- Calamardo is ___________________ (thin / fat) Arenita.

4.- Arenita is ___________________ (tall / short) Bob Esponja.

5.- Patricio Estrella is __________________ (tall / short) Bob Esponja.

6.- Arenita is __________________ (short / tall) Calamardo.

Teacher: Paula Alejandra López Lebuy

Wednesday, 27th October 2010

IV.- Read the following text and mark the correct answer. (5p.)

Hello everyone, my name is Bart. I am the first child of the

Simpsons’ family. My parent’s Marge and Homer are a very
famous couple in many countries. My mother Marge looks
taller than my father because of her hair and my father doesn’t
have any hair at all.

I have two sisters and two pets. My sister Lisa is very smart and
my little sister Maggie is the beautiful baby to my left.

My dog Bones is taller than our cat.

Good luck!!!!

Bart Simpson.

Mark the correct answer according to the text and the picture.

1. - My mother Marge is ________________ than my father Homer.

a) Tall
b) More tall
c) Taller
d) More taller

2. - Lisa is _________________ than the rest of us.

a) Smarter
b) More Smart
c) Smart
d) More Smartter

3.- I am (Bart) ________________ than my sister Lisa.

a) Tall
b) Taller
c) More tall
d) More taller

4. - Our cat is ________________ than our dog Bones.

a) Small
b) Bigger
c) Smaller
d) More smaller

5. - I am (Bart) ________________ than Lisa and Maggie.

a) Old
b) Younger
c) Older
d) More old

Good Luck Everyone!!!

Teacher: Paula Alejandra López Lebuy

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