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Presented by
B.Veera Bhadra Rao
Sravana Karthik ch
Sai Reddy

 The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and

Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI)
empowers Banks / Financial Institutions to recover their non-
performing assets without the intervention of the Court.

 The provisions of this Act are applicable only for NPA loans with
outstanding above Rs. 1.00 lac. NPA loan accounts where the
amount is less than 20% of the principal and interest are not
eligible to be dealt with under this Act.
Provisions of the SARFAESI Act

 The Act has made provisions for registration and regulation of securitisation
companies or reconstruction companies by the RBI, facilitate securitisation of
financial assets of banks, empower SCs/ARCs to raise funds by issuing
security receipts to qualified institutional buyers (QIBs), empowering banks
and FIs to take possession of securities given for financial assistance and sell
or lease the same to take over management in the event of default.
The Act empowers the Bank:

To issue demand notice to the defaulting borrower and guarantor, calling upon them to
discharge their dues in full within 60 days from the date of the notice.
To give notice to any person who has acquired any of the secured assets from the
borrower to surrender the same to the Bank.
•To ask any debtor of the borrower to pay any sum due or becoming due to the borrower.

If the borrower fails to comply with the notice, the Bank may take recourse to one or
more of the following measures:
•Take possession of the security
•Sale or lease or assign the right over the security
•Manage the same or appoint any person to manage the same

 ARCs are companies incorporated under the provisions of Companies Act,

• Their main purpose is reconstruction of assets – mix both the good and bad
assets in such a manner as to make them saleable.
• They act as an agent for the bank/FI for the purpose of recovering their dues
from the borrowers.
 Financial Asset means debt or receivables and includes –
• a claim to any debt or receivables or part thereof, whether secured or unsecured or
• any debt or receivables secured by, mortgage of, or charge on immovable
• a mortgage, charge, hypothecation or pledge of movable property or
• any right or interest in the security, whether in full or part underlying such debt or
 Non-Performing Assets [Section 2(1)(o)] means –
an asset or account of a borrower which has been classified by a bank or
financial institution as sub-standard, doubtful or loss asset .

 Interest or principal (or instalment) is overdue for a period of 180 days or

more from the date of acquisition or the due date as per contract between the
borrower and the originator, whichever is later;

 Interest or principal (or instalment) is overdue on expiry of the planning

The Act provides three alternative methods for
recovery of NPAs

 Securitisation
 Asset Reconstruction
 Enforcement of Security without the intervention of the Court

o Issue of security by raising of receipts or funds by SCs/ARCs.

o A securitisation company or reconstruction company may raise funds from

the QIBs by forming schemes for acquiring financial assets.

o The SC/ARC shall keep and maintain separate and distinct accounts in respect
of each such scheme for every financial asset acquired, out of investments
made by a QIB and ensure that realisations of such financial asset is held and
applied towards redemption of investments and payment of returns assured on
such investments under the relevant scheme.
Asset Reconstruction

The SCs/ARCs for the purpose of asset reconstruction should provide for any
or more of the following measures:

 The proper management of the business of the borrower, by change in, or take
over of, the management of the business of the borrower.
 The sale or lease of a part or whole of the business of the borrower.
 Rescheduling of payment of debts payable by the borrower.
 Settlement of dues payable by the borrower
 Taking possession of secured assets in accordance with the provisions of this
 A creditor can enforce his interest in a security under the provisions of Section
13 on default in repayment of installments -
a) without intervention of the court and
b) non-compliance with the notice of 60 days after the declaration of the loan
as a non-performing asset.
Risks in Securitisation:

The various risks involved in securitisation are given below:

Credit Risk:
The risk of non-payment of principal and/or interest to investors.

Sovereign Risk:
In case of cross-border securitisation transactions where the assets and investors belong
to different countries, there is a risk to the investor in the form of non-payment or
imposition of additional taxes on the income repatriation.

Collateral deterioration Risk:

Sometimes the collateral against which credit is sanctioned to the obligor may undergo
a severe deterioration.

Financial Guarantor Risk:

Sometime external credit protection in the form of insurance or guarantee is
provided by an external agency. Guarantor failure can adversely impact the
stability of cash flows to the investors.
Servicer Performance Risk:
The servicer performs important tasks of collecting principal and interest,
maintains statistics of payment, disseminating the same to investors and other
administrative tasks. The failure of the servicer in carrying out its function can
seriously affect payments to the investors.

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