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Choose the correct form for each word.

1. What is the comparative of "lively"? 7. What is the superlative of

1. livelyer "unpleasant"?
2. more livelyer 1. unpleasant
3. livelier 2. most unpleasant
4. more livelier 3. more unpleasant
2. What is the comparative of "heat"? 4. unpleasantest
1. heater 8. What is the comparative of
2. heatter "destructive"?
3. heatier 1. destructiver
4. hetter 2. more destructive
5. none of these 3. destructivier
3. What is the superlative of "small"? 4. more destructiver
1. smallier 9. What is the superlative of "deep"?
2. smaller 1. deeper
3. smalliest 2. deepper
4. smallest 3. deepest
4. What is the superlative of "soft"? 4. deeppest
1. softest 10. What is the comparative of "hot"?
2. softiest 1. hoter
3. softtest 2. hotter
4. most soft 3. hotest
5. What is the superlative of "ugly"? 4. hottest
1. uglier
2. uggliest
3. uglyest
4. ugliest
6. What is the comparative of "sad"?
1. sader
2. sadder
3. sadier
4. saddier

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